Newspaper Page Text
Mixed to Moderately Higher Prices Shown—Master Electric Jumps. B? the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 18—Mixed to moderately higher price* showed In thf Curb market today as specialties worked upward. Master Electric and Automatic Prod ucts were two of the wider gainers late, in the session, while Colt's Patent Firearms. Sunshine Mining, Pepperell and Wayne Pump were other impres sive leaders on the up side. Aluminum Co. of America, Northern States Power "A” and American Cyanamid "B” fell off more than a point each. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC. Huh Low Noon. Ala Power 4%s '67_ 89% 89'* 89V* Ala Power 5s HH _ 93% 93% 93-« Am GAE 3s 2«28_. UK % 108% 108% ✓Am P A L Hs 2016 102 101% 102 Appalach E P 5s ’5H. . 105% 105% 105% Appal P 6s 2024 A 115 114% 115 Ark PAL 5s 56 103% 103% 103% As El Ind 4%s '53 _ _ 63% 63% 63% As GAE 4%s '49_ 58% 58% 58% As G A E 5s 51' __ 61% 61% 61% As T A T 5%s '55A. _ 91% 91% 91% Bald L.O 6* '38 xw __ 183 183 183 Bald L 6s 38 x% st 183 181 183 Bell Te C 5s 57 B..119 119 119 Bell Te C 5s ’60 C 121 121 121 Birming Gas 5s 59__ 84 83% 84 Brood R\ P 5s 54A - 98% 98% 98% Buff Ge Ei 5s 39 . _ 106% 108% 108% Buff Ge El 5s *5HA. 105% 105% 105% Can No Pw 5s '53 A 103 103 103 Csro PwALi 5s '56 105% 105 105% Cen 111 P S 4%s '67 F 102% 102% 102% Cent 111 P S 5s tib G H»3% 103% 103% Cent Pw A Lt 5s '56 . 97% 97 97 Cen St PAL 5%s *53 _ 7 2% 72% 7 2% Cities S\r 5s *5o 76% 7 6 7 6 Cities Svc 5s '66 76% 7 6% 7 6% Cities S Gas 5%s ’42 loo% lno% 100% Cities S Os P 6s J«>4 104 104 Cit S PA'L «%✓ 52 7 6 7 5% 70 > Cit 8 PAL 51. s 49 7 6 7 6 7 6 Crunw Ed 5s 54 B llo% 110% liu% Comw Ed -4s ’8 1 p lo.‘»% 105% 105% Cotiw Sh 5%s IS A lo-:3, nr:3* ln-JJ* Corn G A’ E 5s *58 A 95% 95 95 Dallas PAL fi* '49 A ItMU. Klli'. Detroit C G Hs '47 A M53. MS3. lnS". Der Int Bx H',’ 57 HI1, 1 o3a 1«’» Del Ain B H'jS .VI cd M III HI Dixie G G 4i',s '37 A Ml'. HU Ml', El Pw *• i.i 5« 97'. 92 92 V, Flm WLARR 5s 5H III III 111 Fed Wat 5*,a 54 nil'. 90', 90', Florida PAL As At »9>. MB'. 993, Gary EA-G 5s '44 xwop mb*. 993, BB3, Gatineau Pw 5* ’.>« Mil*, M3'« M3',. Gatineau P Hs 4 1 B BB BB 99 Gen Bronze Hs 4m MM'. BB'. BB'. Gen W WAE 5s 43 A-. 9H>, 9H3. BH’« Georgia Pw 5s ’07 lim3, MB3, 10O3, Georgia PAL 5a *78 . H7'i R7’, 87'a Glen Alden Cl 4s H5 . H4 R4 HI Hall IWF' 6s '47 ftp. . Ml 3. lol *4 lol 3, Hycrade Fd Hs '49 A HH Hti Mi 111 Pw A Lt Hs ’ft.'l A- _ MS 1115 M5 III Pu A L 5',s '54B M5‘, 1B5' « 1115', ' III Pw A L 5s ’»« C . _ Mil' , Io:t', M l'. Ill Pw A Lt 5'jS '57 99'a 99 99 Indian A M E 5s 57 1 HI3, 1 1113, 110*. Indiana Ser 5s *50 _ 7H', 78', 78', Intern Pw rts '4-R a _ 117 12 Inti Pw See Is '57 E Hu so so Inti Securities 5s _ lui’a 1«»1% l«»i% Inlerat Pw 5* '57. __ 7'.' 7? 7'! Inters! P S 5s ’.Vi D._ HI3, 91s, 91 Inwa-N LAP 5s '57 A M.'l3, Mil3, M33, J»r C PAL 4'zS HI C _ i 04' z 104 ', 104', Jer C PAL 5s '47 B M4 M33, M33, Kentucky U* 5s fil__ Bfi 9H 96 Kimberly C 5s 43 A M4 1B4 104 Lehigh P S Hs 7(126 A Mo1, Mo', MB'j Lex Util 5s '57 __ MS MS M5 Libby McNAL 5s 42 - M43, 1044, M41, La Pw A Lt 5s '57_MS MS MS . McCord Rad Hs 43 M33, M3‘4 M3'4 ' Manitoba P 5'zs '51 . 9B'. 99V, 99',4 Mem PAL 5s 4s A M3 103 M3 Midlan VRR 5s 43 98 95', 95*1 Mtd S Pw H',s 45 A 95', 97. 95', Minn PAL 5s 56. MS". 1U4'. MS*, Alls* Pow 5s '55 , . 9.3*4 0.33, 93*4 Miss Pw AL 5s '57 PR3. PR'., 9R34 Nevad C,1 11 5s '58 . OH3. OH3, 98*. New E CJt E 5s '47 __ HI7, Rl*« HI3, New E GAE 5s '4R .. Rl'j SI*, HP, New E GAF 5s 50__ S7 HP, HP, New E Pw 5s 4H BB3. BB'« 993. New E Pw 5>i» '54 MO7, loo7, loo7, NY P A Lt 4'5* 'n:__ MH MB MH N Y S FAG 41 :• s HO M3*, M.3'4 103s, No Ind P S 5s HH D MS', MS', MS', No Ind P S 4 1 -,s til E M2 M2 M2 Nor’hw P 6s '60 A HB' 2 RB*, H9'i N'orthw P 8 5s '57 A 102*, 107 107*, Ok.l» GAE 5s '50 A 10.7', M3', M3', Olcl, P * W 5s '4S A 97 07 07 Oswe»o Falll Hs 41 M2 M2 M2 Pac L A P 5s '42 1 15 3 15 1 15 Pac P A L 5s 55 90 90 90 Penn C L A P 4'aS '77 M3>, M33, 103*4 Penn C P A L 5s '79 104', M4*a HM'rj Penn EI 4« '71 F loo MU 1041 Penn P Stc Rs 47 c lo«', lo6'4 106'. Penn Wa A P 5s 40 ] OR3, 1(1R3. 108s, Phlla Rap T Hs '62 9R3, 9R3, 98A, Phil S G A E 4' ,s '57 105*2 105'-, 105'j Portland O A C 5s '40 S3', R.i', S31, Potomac E 4>2S '61 F 10712 107'a M7* ®eL. J ctfs T3.>% 135% J35% Pub S Okla 4s *66 a J02% 102% m*% Pug S PA:L 5%S 40 A Jfl% 04 04 Pug 8 PA*L 5s *o#» C 0234 »2% M*'% Pue 3 P&L4%* *fio D 89 8fi sfi Koch Cn P ’A3 A 88% 88% 88'j Schul RE 6s *35 xw mat 33% 32% 32% Shw W<VP 4%s ’67 A 103% 103% 1<i;*.% Sherid Wyo 6k '47 7o 70 to Con Cal Ed 3%s '60 103% 102% 103,% .Sou Cal E .V*,s 'HO B 103'2 M3', M3'2 Bou Caro 5s '57 Ml Ml Ml So Ct* O of C«I 4 '-a* 68 103*2 M3*4 103'4 Pouw As T 5s '61 A M2 Ml’. M2 Std GAE cv Hs .75 cod R9S, R9’« R9’4 S’d GAE 6s *51 A apt, SRRRi, S’d GAE 6' HR B RR RR RR Stand PwAL' Hs '57 RR', s;3, s:3. Super of II 4',s 'HR M4'/a 104', 104'2 Runer of 11 4',s '70 JOS M5 M5 Tern S3 Pw 5a '56 92*4 9"'4 p-’i, Texas Elec 5s 'Ro MS', 10.4'.-4 MS', Tide Wat P 5s '79 A M3 M3 M3 Toledo Edis 5* ’62 107% jo?% 107% Twin C RT 5',s 52 A R93, R9*, R93, Unit El N J 4s '49 116 ns 115 Unit Lt A Pw rt',s '74 _ 90 90 90 Unit LARD 5'z.a 52 9.'!s, 93s, 93’. Utah PAL 4Ws '44 Ml«' Ml ', in?'* Utah P A L 6s 2077 A Ml 101 JO] S'.®5!! S.®. 3,1 58 U>6 106 106 Wash W At P 5s HO M5*. MS*, loi3. West News u 6s '44 _ 76"" 741 76-! West T Ut 5s '57 A PR', PR PR WiaP A L 4s '56 A OP'., 99'i 99', York Rwy Co 5s 37 97", 97'4 *»7y, , FOREIGN BONDS. Borg M B 7« 47 M A N 76 25•*« CailCfi V?| 7s '4R |R*, 1R3 jpa Ger Con Mun 6^ 00 Guant A W 6b '38A 60 60 60 Ital Su Pw 6s *63 A 68 «-»4 fi*i. Pied El 6',s 60 A 75'4 76’, 75'a Rio de Jan fl'2s '59 30', 341', 341'A Russian 5s '71 mat.. i», m , «Z Stin Hug 4s '46 st 7ri . 47 * 41 Ternl-Sor 6'zS '53A 76’, 7R'a 76'4 ww—With warrants xw—Without war- , *'"j!?- 9—New. St 'Stpi.-Stamper! i INeffotiahility impaired by maturity ♦Companies reoorted in receivership.' DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORX. February 1*.—Dividends tfeiE*C»rpT*"d bT 'he 8,,nd*rd 8,» Ineresaed. Pa- 8tock of Pay _ _ „ Rale. riod. record able Lnn. star Cement 7.1c 3-11 3.30. rsrafBne Cos «1 3.10 3-07 ?ubberoid Co. 45r Q 3-15 3-31 sleott < James) Ine lie 3-15 4-1 Reduced Pioneer Gold Mine* 10e __ 3-1 3-31 Accumulated. Criic'ble St I 78. of *1.75 . 3-18 3-31 Bwan-Finch Oil »f *2.8214 3-2 3-18 Secular. A!I1*d Labors 15e 3-15 4-1 El Paso Nat Gaa 40e O 3-22 4-1 Goodrich iB F> -. ** 9l *1.25 Q *-2fl .1-31 ll*m« Cooper 6f>c 2-27 3-15 Parafflne Coe 4* _ r\ Of fl Q 4-8 4-15 Rayberlos-Manhat 37'jc Q 2-28 3-15 Br and Oil Ky 25c Q 2-27 3-18 Yellow Truck 41 Coach 7% cum pf *1.75 O 3-16 4-1 k U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury February 16: Receipts *10.919.831.69: axpendi »“«!*. *22.993.898.26; balance. $1,595 - 803.361,98. customs receipts for tht month. * Raceipis for the fiscal year 'since July IV 92.602.141.831.85; exoendiluras. *4. 662.168.431.17. ineludms *1.832.714. 752.95 of emercency expenditures; excess of expenditures. *1,960.028.699.32: xros* debt. *34.558.080.193,90, a decrease of *10.838.240 under the previous day: (old [ • sset«. *11.401.302.878.99 ineludin* I • of inactive sold. . PARIS BANK CHANGES. N PARIS. February 18 UP—The Bank of Prance statement for the week ended Feb ruary 12 Mn millions of franca): Gold reserve. 57,358. unchanged. Sight balances abroad. 14. unchanged. Bills pur chased abroad. 1.294. unchanged. Dis counted commercial bills. Prance. 7.503. decrease 190. Temporary advances to state • since June 18. lii.lHi. 7.5>iii. unchanged, changed. Temporary advances to state • prior tn June 18. 1936). 7.5(8). unchanged. Advances against securities. 3.655. de crease 129 circulation. 85.929. decrease 96; Total credit to current accounts. 17,769 increase 402. 39-day advances .against government securities. 927. de crease 158. Rate of dlacount. 4 per cent. NEW YORE BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. February IS UPi.—Bar silver steady and unchanged at 443a. • i. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to The I tat 5:30 Stock and Sal«»— Dividend Rate. Add oo. Hikh. Low Cloaa. Acma W vto (1)— 74* 48't *8'i 4SK Ainsworth (aJ) — 4 1*K lfK 19K Air investors Inc. 4 4K 4*4 4M Air Inv Inc war.. 1 IK IK IK Alt Pwr Dfl«) . 1004 74 74 74 Allen Indus <t1> 1 2tK 25K 2i*i Allied Prod (A UK l 2»K 2*K 2«K Alum'nCoof Am 2t'0» iS2 1*1 ISl Alum Am pf allK*"0* ‘19K 119 H»K Alum'll Ltd 200s USK H2K IIS Alum'n Ltd cu pf. 1 124V* 124K 124U Am Airlines. Inc.. 2 2* 28 28 Am Baveraae .. t 8K *K *K Am Box B'd tSOc.. 2 1* 174* 17K Am Capital <B> . 1 IK t'l >K Am Cap pr pf 5 V* lfOs 8*K *«K **K Am PltPAL B a20e 2 «K «'» «K Am Cvnam B tSOc 11 S*K 82K 32K Am * For Pw ww 1 4K 4K 4K Am Fork AH t tl) 1 22K 24V4 22K Am GAE n.40>._. 19 43 4»K 42t» Am GAE of (6) to. 111K 111 ill Am Gen C’p ta50e) 4 UK UK UK AmG*nCofi2) S0« *5 '.s ss Am Hard RubtalUSO. 27K 27 27 Am Laun'y M S0c. 19 85 i>4 *'» Am L A T (tl.20). S 22’* ’2K 22K AmLATpfllK). 1 *7K 27K 27K Am MfltCo (a3)_. 75. 42K 42 42H Am Maracaibo * 2 IK 2 Am Pneu Service 1 1** Hi IK Am Seal (Cap a30e 2 *K 9 9 Am Superpower . 19 2M JK t'l Am Superpwr pf 1 M’K tOK M>K | Am Superpw 1st * l 9f> 1 Am Thread pf 25c lo 44 *H Vi | Angostura ItlOc) 4 74 t'i 7'* I Anex Electrlctai) 3 «U4 «' 4l’« Arcturus Radio T 2» * *4 24 Ark Nat Gas . 11 104 104 10*» Ark Nat O cu pf - 26 104 in in Ark Nat Gas (A1-. 77 11 104 104 Art Met vv (ROcl 1 144 144 144 Ashland OAR t40c 27 S'* *4 *4 As El I a29 7-10e. I 18 . 1*4 1*4 Asso Gas A Elec_ 2 "M * 24 AssoOAE(A) .. 10 4 34 84 Asso O A E»5nf„ « 824 *14 32 Asso Laundries._ 1 4 4 4 Atl roast Fisher.. 2 124 12 12 All Coast Lal'4— 40* 63 63 53 Atlas Corn war 24 4 3*. 3*4 Atlas Plyw’d(Hi) * 264 264 254 Austin Silver I! 24 *4 24 Auto Products 23 9 74 *4 Auto Vot Mch 50c 7 *4 *4 *4 i Babeox A Wit (4) 175. 1464 146 1454 ! Bsldw L bd rts(d) 7" 34 34 S4 Barium Stain Si i 23 74 *4 74 'RarlowASt A II 20 60. 19 19 19 ! Bell Aircraft - 1 134 134 I'M 1 RelUnca Aircraft 2 *4 * «'i 1 Benson A H pf a? 60. 1R4 134 1*4 | BerkeyAUay F Co 43 »*. 34 34 ! RerkAGP pur war li 24 2 2 i Bickfords Inc 1.20 1 15'< '64 154 BIlssCo'EWl IS 244 24 2«4 Blue Rldee C alOe 3 4 34 *4 Blumentbal S ... * r8*t **4 **4 Bohafk(HC) -100. 104 104 104 Born.-Srrv .11 100. 174 17 174 i Bower Roll B (2). 4 334 8 4 325*; Brar.l’T1AP 40c 9 274 2*’. 27 Brill Corn »A>- 2*> >54 16*3 154 BrillCorotB)- 21 74 **. **4 Brill Corn pf *6ti« 714 •* *8 Frit Ce’an T.ld res 19 24 2** 2*4 Brown FAW bl»c 2 K. 144 16 Brown Forman * 104 B", 104 BufT NAK pf 1 30 1 -54 26!* 254 Bunker H A Slbl) IOC 117 M* 117 Burcocvpf <3) ^**4 3S1* | I Cable El Prod vtc. * 14 '4 •*» ; ; Cable A Wire! A)-. 4 1« 14 14 | ■'ableA tViretBI— 4 % \ I ! Can Indus Alco A- 2 64 *4 *4 I i Can Ind Alco (B >. 1 *4 64 *4 Can Marconi * °4 *4 24 Capital City P 60c 3 224* 224 2 4 , r-arlb Syndicate . 7 4 74 24 ! Carman A Co B 1 7 7 Carnat(on Co < 1)_. 2 34 334 334 | Carnegie Metals.. 45 ?4 *1* 84 Caro LAP Pf 16) — 30 . 904 »«4 904 Carrier Corn 13 .14 404 4!** Carter L1W1 *0c . 2 124 124 124 Casco Prod b2 4 334 33*. 334 Casco Prod rights 10 4 *4 4 Catlin Corn <a"'d 4 9 *4 37. Cellul'd Cist pf a* '*« »*4 »s4 9 4 Cen Hud GAF. *0* 6 13’* '«4 16*. Cent Ohio StCKc . * 2" 2" 20 Cent A S W Util . 7 64 (.4 64 Cent States Elec * 14 14 14 Cent St El 6% of 61'. 724 224 2-4 Ch1 Flex Sb»f* t? 460. *5'* 64 66'* Chi Rivet A M (2) 1 36*, S«4 86*4 Chief Consol_ ** 24 * *4 Childs Co pf_ 60. 39 39 39 Cities Servles_ 61 4*» 4 44 Cities Service nf 3 514 614 514 Clt Svc PAL J6 pf 175 . 72 4 714 724 Cltv Auto Sl»«0c) 3 14*4 144 144 '’laude Neon Lts 11 3 24 24 ' Clav’nA a70e. 2 SI* S4 *4 Clev Tractor .. « 1* H4 H4| Club Aluminum... 1 14 14 14 Colon Dev Ltd .. 66 *4 *4 *4 Colon Dev 6% pf.. * 4*. 44 44 Colo Fue'AIr wsr 2 224 224 Colts PF A (tU4) 17 *3 60 62»g Colum GA E pf <01 76. 374 *7 37 Coin mb OA G a‘.’0c 11 *4 *4 *4 Co’wlth DlstalOc. I *4 24 2'« Com with AS wsr **444 Community W S.. 1 i'« 14 14 Cons Aircraft 16 75!* 26 26 Consol Biscuit 60c 1 * *4 *4 Consol Copper 77 Id *4 *4 ! C GELtAP Bo 3.60 1 36 *6 *5 Cons MlnASm t2 76. 314 308* *14 Consol Retail Stre 8*99 Cons Roval (20c) 1 24 *4 24 Consol Steel Corp 66 12', 124 124 Cont'I Roll A S Ft 6 24)< 244 2*!* Cooper Bessemer. 2 *37,, 124 314 Copper Range_ 4 164 1*4 154 Cord porp _* 64 6 64 Corroon A Reyn 1 7 7 7 Coeden Oil Me <d) 20 >4 *4 »4 CosdenfMelpf (d) 2 16 164 36 Creole Pe' ca50c). 6 364 *64 154 Crocker-Wh alOc. 4 178* 174 174 Croft Brewing * 4 % 4 Crown Cent P a 6e *7 *4 24 2!* Crown O I(A)b50. 2 It 144 144 Crown Drug blOc 6 44 *4 *4 Crown Drug pf 164 16. tt 11 It Cuneo Press (2).. 1 604 504 604 Cusl Max Mining. 106 4 % 4 Darby Patr <60c>- T 1*4 18 18 Dayton Rubber_ 2 244 25 25 Dennison 1% pt.- 20* 71 71 71 Derby Oil A Kef.. 8 *4 *4 *4 DetGray IrTIOc.. t J74 164 17>f D*t Pap Prod tJ5e 19 9 9 Det Stl Prod al 4 . 8 634 *8 6.74 Distilled Liquors. 2 94 14 94 Draper C (13.40) 20. 84 84 84 Driver Harris 14 1 3*4 384 8«4 Dubelier Condena 10 44 <4 4’t Duke Power (3) . hit 75 74 75 Duval Tex S a50e 19 8 9 Eacle P I-dd bide . *6 264 2*4 *« East n GAF Asso 7 34 34 *4 East n OAF pf(«) 1*0. 684 63 63 East GAF p of 44 26, 76 76 76 East n States Pwr 4 6 6 6 Easy W M(B) + B0c .6 124 « 124 Kdixson Bros (3 >_ 2 694 09 694 Eisisr Elec label 9 . 4 24 >4 Elec Bond A Share 173 254 244 204 Elec BA S of (5). 1 73 73 78 Blec BAS of (61 8 844 844 844 EIPwr Aa(A)a26c 4 8 74 74 Elec Shareholding 16 8 6 El Shov C 1st pf 1406 204 20 2o Elgin Nat W a2 4 100. 284 8s4 884 Emo GAF 6% of 26. 71 704 71 Emp GAF 7% pf lo0. 764 7*4 764 EmpGAFt%p* 60a 10 to to Emp Pwr pt al.80 60. 81 81 11 Em sco Derrick tl 8 18 18 18 Equity Corp(a25c) 89 24 84 24 Europ’n El bd rte .1 II Evans Wall Lead 105 2 4 24 24 Evans Wall L pt 900. Ss it 36 Ex-C-O AAT tCOe 8 26 264 26 Fairchild Avaibc 13 84 74 g Falstaff Brewing- 6 104 10 104 Fanny FC (t60c). 4 234 284 234 Fansteel Haul 10 1*4 If 164 FED Corporation 6 4 4 4 Fedders MfgaZ’A * 814 *14 >14 Ferro EnamtaS) 12 8*4 46 464 Fldello Brawerv *0 1 1 1 Fir# AalPblla.ttJ 8o. *04 80 804 First N S lstpf 7. 10. 118 118 11* Flak Rubber zo MM MS Mv* Flak Rub of <81 60' M 87 88 Ford Ltd alll-iOc * 714 7H 7H Ford <Can) A <1> 18 87M 87 *7 Ford M(Can)B(l) *ta 8» *9 28 Franklin Ray alOe • It 12 121* Gen Alleya .. 11 41* 44* 44* Gen Flrepr'f 740e. 7 224* 22 22 Gan Invest Oorp . 18 IS IS !*» Gan Rayon Ltd A 8 2S 24* Gen Tele C'oal.2 6 8 22S 21S 224* Gan Tlra * Rub 8 284i *84* 28’* Gon TAR Pf A (8) tbi 106 106 106 Georgia Pw pf (81 76a 87 87 87 Gilb’t < AC )af 2 H c 6 18 16 18 Glen AldenC (tl) 7 124* 124* 121* Godchaux 8 A(bl)800« «i 464* 48 .Godehaux 8ua*Bl 7 *64* ** 864* Godchaux 8 pf (7). 10. 106 106 106 L 2:30 Stock and Salaa— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low Olaae. Goldfield Conaol.- 10 4 4 4 Gorham IA> 1 *4 *4 64 Gorham Mfytetl 2 *6 244 ** Grand Natl Films * *4 *4 *4 Gr Rap VarfHOe) * 114 l«4 1*4 Gray Tel P 8 (11 11 *04 1*4 20 Grt AAP T n v tl 40e 114 1124 1124 Greenfield TAD * 1*4 1*4 1*4 Guardian Invent 111 Gulf Oil (Pa) b25c 6 6*4 *»4 *»4 Hall Lamp (80ri 4 7 *4 » Harvard Brewery. I 34 *4 *4 Hat Corn fb20c)_. 2 144 14 14 Haxeltine (b76c) 3 I* 174 174 Hecla Min (b20c). *6 1*4 1*4 1*4 Helena Hubenst'n 2 14 14 14 HevdenChf+2) .. 2 414 41 41 Holllneer ftSSc) * 1«4 144 144 HoltfHl pt A blOr 1 114 "4 114 Horn & Hardart 12 76* 404 4f>4 404 Hndann RMSS <11 1* 38 **4 **4 Humble Oil f 1 U1 * *64’ **4 **4 Huylers 7% st(d) 10P» 1*4 2*4 234 Hvirrada Food * *4 *4 *4 Hvgrade Sylv(t2> 100. 49 4*4 4» III P ft L 6% Pf *0» 72 72 72 III Pwr* H *6 of 600. 734 714 724 I mo Oil Ltd t60c 19 22 214 2! Indiana PL «t40rl * 104 1P4 104 Indiana Sve *<%pf 2". S04 S04 *04 Ind Service 7% pf 20* 32 32 32 Indus Fin etc l 24 *4 *4 Ins Co of No A t2 160« 70 s 704 ’<>4 Inti Clear M n 1 2* 2* 2* Inti Hnldftlnv Ltd 1 34 34 84 Int HE Sep A war 1 14 14 '4 imlHv KISrv tif 1 37 4 374 r74 Inti Metals Inc A. 26. 1*4 164 1*4 Inti Petr Him... 7 HS4 3*4 164 Inti Products_ * *4 *4 *4 Inti Ptli (B> _ 6 24 24 24 Inti Util war new 6 4 4 4 Inti VitamlnfaOc) 12 * *4 * Interst P«nelipf 80. 1"4 194 19*.' Invest Ttovaltv fic 11 4 4 4 Iron Fire vie 1.20.100. 2* 24 2« Irvine Air Ch <11 1 164 164 164 ital Superpwr(A) * 14 14 >4 Jacobs! FLICof 1 1 *0 174 17 174 Jeanette Glsa afiOc 4 114 114 H4 •ler Cenl P&L of 7 10. 99 9» 99 Jonas & Naum blS 2 7>f 74 74 Jones*Laueb StI. 2 11*4 117 117 Kans City P 8 vtc . 7 4 4 4 Kan City PS of A 1 84 *4 *4 Ken RTftL A a75e 10 274 2*4 274 Klnsaton Prod 40e * 74 74 74 Kirby Pair f20c 1 1 *4 *4 *4 Kleinert Co( + 40c) 1 124 124 134 Konpara of fS) 16. Ill ill HI Kreueer Brew tl. * 1*4 1* 1*4 Lake Sh M (141 .. 4 6X 674 674 Lakey FT ft Macb 12* *4 74 74 Lefcourt Dealt v 1 *4 34 34 Lefcourt nf(a75c) 1 17 17 17 Leh Coal AN 20c .. 11 124 IU4 124 Leonard nil ._ 66 24 2 24 Lion Oil Ref (1).. i 1*4 1* 1*4 Lit Brothers ..16 6 6 Locke StI Ch 1*0c 3 174 174 174 Lockheed A1*cr»ft 41 144 I3’! 1* Star Gas *0e 2 IS 13 13 Lone island Lta 14 64 64 64 Lone Isl Lt of B S 76. 7*V» 76 7* Loudon Pk n t60c. 2 6*. 64 64 tat Land t40c* ... R H4 134 134 Lucky T (tl2c)... 1 14 14 14 McCord Rad fB) 1" 12 104 I0»« McWtlhama O <’2 4 414 40»* 40** Matestlc RaATal 27 54 4’* 64 Mantel Store* 1 9'.* 94 94 Manael Sto cr pf 20. 734 73 734 Master Klee (1) - 2 244 2«4 Maas Util Assoeia 1 34 84 34 Mstsev Harris 4 94 94 9*i Mun Nil OUjOct 1 *'i *4 **» Mercantile St pf 7 50a 1064 1054 1054 MerrhAilf A *30e 1 *4 *4 64 Merritt Chao A S 1 9*, 94 94 Me«at*l Iron *9 1'* 14 14 Met Tei pt pf t3t* 10a 37 17 37 Mich Bumper C .. 33 34 84 34 Mich Oaa A Oil_ 50 11 9 104 Mlrh Sutar „ 1 14 14 14 Mid Sta Pet <A)-_ 9 64 64 6** Mtd Sta Pet <B) -62 142 Mid-W Abrasa’Oc 4 44 4 44 Mid Oh cr p* al V* 100a 94 94 9’* Mid vale Co (biac) *0a 994 *9 39** Minina Co (Can 1 3 (4 44 41* Mock Judson 60c 14 16*4 164 164 Molvbdenum Coro 6 94 94 94 Moore Diet (t50c> * 74 7*6 74 Mount Prod <*0r>. 4 74 74 74 Mupller Rmta ♦! 7 49*4 4-* *9'* Murray Mfg al.40. 2 25 25 26 Nat Ant Fib baOc. 6 43 4 4 424 Nat Baking Co ... 1 11 11 n Nat Bells Hess 34 3 24 24 Nat RdASh<a25c) 60* 65 65 66 Nat Contain a50c. 1 134 is** 134 Nat Fuel Gas < 1 »_ a 1*4 t* is Nat Gypa A *24 .. 3 77 76 77 Nat investors _ 9 34 34 34 Nat Leather ..12 2 2 Nat Oil Prod t60c 2 464 46 46 Nat PA Lt Df (3) 150a 8*4 86 96 Nat Refining I 11 11 || Nat Rub Mch a20c 3 12** W4 144 Nat Service 11 4 4 4 Nat Rutrar N .1 (2) 6 264 764 ?64 Nat Transit (75c). « 114 114 11*9 Nat Onion Radio.. 6 84 34 34 Nehel (Oscar) 1 14 14 14 Velson(H) (a45e> 1 174 174 174 New Hav Cl <14) 1 28 274 274 NJZIna 1(1) 400a 80 80 90 New MAA Male 2 84 34 34 N Y A Hondur (tl )160a 384 88 3 4 NTPwALt of (7) )0. 1!4*» 1144 1144 N y Shlnbldg_ 1 12 12 12 N y Steam _ 1 184 184 134 N y Tel pf (64) 200a II84 1184 1184 N y Water Svc of 20a 594 >94 694 Niag Hud Pwr new 8 16’* 164 15*6 Mae HPiai war 2444 Nlag Hud 1st (6) 126a 964 95 96 Niag Sh Md B a60c 1 164 164 I64 Noma Klee ia4ti«) 2 84 8 8 Ntplsslng (60c)._ 2 24 2’* 2T* North Am LAP 2 5’* 64 54 North AmLAPnf 160» 68'* 67 67 No Am Pay B tl 4 1 464 464 464 North Am (Jt Sec * 8 44 44 4s* NoCen Tei Oal5o 8 64 64 6** North'n Ruropotl 40 4 4 4 No 3nd PS pf a5’4 10a 1024 1024 10*4 North Pipe L a76c 19 9 9 North States P A I 874 36 4 264 Nor Tex F.l t% of 1 44 44 44 Northw Kngia 1 4. 2 S64 354 354 Novadel A* < 2 > 2 324 32 32 Ohio Brass B < tl) 76. BOH BOH SOH Okla Nat Gas Co . 9 12’i u** 12’, Okla Nat Gas of.. lOo. 31', S1>, 81H Oidetyme Distil . 7 4*4 4*4 414 PaoGAE 1st (141 2 sl»4 31*, 31*, Pac Public SerTte* 1 7>, 714 714 Pae Tin spec t»2> 1260. 45*, 44'4 455, Pan-Am Air <tl>. 3 71H 7! 71 Pan tepee Oil 45 7’j 7)j 7*4 Param’t Motors 1 6*, 5», 6», Pender Gr( B laoOc 7 12), 12 12 Peninsular Tel tl I00« SO 29)4 29T, Pennroad la'.’Sc). II 5 4)4 4J4 Penna Salt (t4) . 12. 173 173 17* Pepperell Mfr tS 50. 1*4 132*4 134 Phillip* Pkg a50c 1 14 14 14 Phoenlt Secur 16 9)4 944 **, Pierce Go, (aode) * SOH 29H SOH Plon'r UM Ltd *0o 1* 53, 6)4 6*4 Pitney Bow(t40e) 1 **4 *34 »*, Plttsbgh Forging 7 25)4 2434 2434 Pitta tLEblk 70. 10234 101 102)4 Pitta Plata Gl<a6> 1 140 140 140 Plough Inc 11.20). 1 10*4 t«'i HH Potrero Sugar 4 3)4 334 »)4 PowdrellAAJ »*0e 4 1154 11 u PwrC’o(Can)a26e 100. 1134 *1)4 1114 Pratt & Lamb (a2. 1 40)4 4014 4014 Premier Gold tl2o 14 4 4 Producer* Corp .1 % % % Prosnerltv B al 34 # 1*34 1* 1«H Prudent’l Inr a»0c 1 1* 18 13 Pub Svc lnd pt *0. 33)4 32*4 235, Pub Svc lnd pr pt 70. S23, «2H *21% Pub Sv Okla dI<6> 40. 103 102)4 1 023, Pub Ut Sec pr pf 100. x), j), Bu* Sd PAL DffJ) 60. *5)4 *6 86V, PugSd PAL *8 pf 226* 6234 61)4 52’j Pyrene Mfg e30c„. 8 11)4 11 11)4 Quebac Power 11 > 50. 213, 233* 23*4 RwyAUtll Inv(A) 2 14 14 14 Rainbow Lum*B> 14 4 4 Raym’d Cone <t 11 200* 384 81 88 Raytn'd Con pf(3) l»i 4«4 46 464 Rad Bank 4 14 li>4 i»4 Read R B new t80i 8 404 404 404 Reiter-Foster -- 7 14 14 14 Reynolds Invest - • *4 24 24 Rlee Stlx DG bSOe 4 104 104 104 Rlchm'd Radiator 8 *4 64 64 Roch G&E pf D 8. 60a 1084 1084 10*4 Root Petrolrotl). 2 114 114 11H Roval Typewriter 1 10*4 1034 1034 Russeks FAv(tl) 1 81 81 81 Rustless ir&Sti H 1*4 164 I64 Ryan Consolld'd 4 64 *4 »4 Rverson A Haynes 11 74 64 7 St Lawrence Corp 1 10 10 le St Reals Paper • *4 *4 *4 St Regia Paper pi 100* 117 in 117 Savoy Oil _ 1 84 84 *4 Sc Till lift (I)_00* 0*4 0*4 0*4 Sexal Lock AH II 84 *4 *4 Selberllnc Rubber 4 C4 *4 «4 Select ad Indue 2 84 *4 *4 Sal lad all els 01A.800a 188 100 100 k NATIONAL OUT 1936 Net Hits $12,640,077 Against $9,986,020 for Previous Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 18—Na tional Biscuit Co.'s 1936 profits were $12,640,077, against $9,986,020 in 1935, the company disclosed today. After preferred stock dividends there was a balance equal to $1.73 a share of common stock, against $1.31 a share In preceding year. Baldwin Locomotive. Baldwin Locomotive Works and sub sidiaries, Philadelphia, in a report for 1936 showed consolidated net loss of $2,163,949, against consolidated net loss of $2,119,738 for 1935. Unfilled orders at the end of the year amounted to $30,531,416. against $6,689,081 at the beginning of the year. It was the largest backlog of locomotive orders since 1930. according to George H. Houston, president. Ray bestos-Manhattan. Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., manu facturer of asbestos and rubber prod ucts, in a preliminary report for 1936 placed net income at $1,691,496, equal to $2.66 a share on the capital stock. This compares with $1,374,423, or $2.16 a share, In 1935. Sunshine Mining. Pamphlet report of Sunshine Min ing Co. for the year ended December 31 shows net profit of $3,309,074. equal to $2 62 a share of capital stock, against $2,402,718, or $161 a share, in 1935. The company has sil ver, copper and lead properties in Idaho. Deisel-Wemmer-Gilbert. Deisel-Wemmer-Gilbert Corp:, cigar makers, reported for 1936 net p-oflt of $625,433, not including equity in undivided profits of a subsidiary, equal to $2 81 a share on the com mon stock. This compares with $425,513 of $1.76 a share, in 1935. Headquarters are in Detroit. Armstrong Cork Co. Net income of Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster. Pa . for 1936. after Inter est. depreciation and allowance lor Federal income tax and surtax on undistributed profits, was $5,277,534, j equal to $4 36 a share of outstanding ' common stock, against $3,434,912, or ! $2.84 a share, in 1933. Domestic sales in 1936 totaled $39.799 975, compared with $30,060,423 in 1935. 2:30 Block end delta— Dividend Rate. Add oil. Huh Daw. float. Set Ind pr pr i6V9)l0u. loo loo loo Sent Saf Control 3 1 % *m Seversky Aircraft » 6V» *14 6V, Shattuck Den Min 6 25 24V, 25 Shaw in WAP She 4 33'i 32*» 3Mi Sherwin-V4 ill t4i 100a 147** 147V, 147V, Sher-Wlll pftoln 40. lloWllu 114* Shrev-KI Dor PAD l \ ’» *» Simmons Hd A P-. 8 7V4 7 7 Singer AltK Did rets (a28 4-Sc).. 1 8*, 844 *'4 SonoioneC lelltc) 8 2V, 2 2 Soss A1 fg ta25c) . 5 8 8 8 So Penn Din tl I, ) 2 46V, 46V4 4SV4 So <'ai £d of B 1 V, 1 28V, 28C, 2»V4 So Cal Ed pf C 18, 1 27*, 27*, 27*, South n Colo P A.. 4 8 If* 7J, SouthnPD20c - 1 6** 6'* 6** Southn Union tlas 4 *V» 8V, , Southl d Roy a35 . 2 It) 10 10 Southwest PD42) 80s 38** 3944 38** Spantsh&Gen rct» 1 *, H Spen Cham St 30c 4 9 8f* 9 Square D pf A 3.20100. 41V4 41 41V, , Stahl Alter Inc— 1 4V, 3** 3f* Stand Brewing- 8 *4 *, ft i Stand Dredging... 2 6V, 6Va 54 i Stand Dr cv pf .. 80» 18V, 18V, 18V, Stand Inv cum pf 40» 58 58 6* Stand Oil Ky ttt). 2 19** 1»*» 194, ; Stand U Neb 825c. 4 I3V, 13 laVi Stand Oil Ohio Tl. 3 39V4 8*-, 39 Stand Par A Dt... *6 6fi tv, 3V4 Stand PA D <B>._ a *V4 « »Va Stand P&Dpf 160. 84 84 84 Stand Prod ia25c> 1 23 23 23 Stand SlIADd <40 62 V4 V4 V4 Stand Stl Sp a2’i. 2 14 14 34 Starrett Corn vtc. 4 94, 94, 94, Stein A & Co (tl). 1 20 20 20 Sierchi Bros ajue 9 1ZV4 12 12 Sterchl Bros 1st 3 60s *9 39 39 Sterl'g Brew a75c 1 6!4 6:, 8!, Sterling. Diet20c) 18 6*, 54* 8V» Stetson! JB)b5UC. 75, 25], 26V, 26!, Stinnes(Hugo) d 2 34* 34* 3*4 Stroock ACoa2V* 110O, 3if, 80*4 31V, Stuta Motor . . a 2V» 2V, I!4 Sullivan Machine. 8 26V, 2644 28 Sunray Oil lalVcl 123 4J, 4f* 47, Sunr'y Ocu pf !4t 1 49 49 49 Sunahine Min 13). 29 2044 2OV4 2i>», Swan Pinch .. 1 16 ]6 16 Swlsa-Am Elec pf iOa I08V4 I08V4 IO6V4 Taggart Corp t ... 9 165* 16k l*k TastyeastlDeOA. * 2k 2 3k Taylor Diet <30c). R 5 4k 4k Technicolor abut. 21 19k 19 19 Tech Hughes T4«c 7 « * * Texon till A L *0o R <k 7 7 Thew Shovel a60c *26» Rlk 6<>k 40k Tilo Roof tT60ci_. 2 Ifik l«k l«k Tob Prod Exp lie. 1 8k 8k 8k Todd Shipyd < t2). 60« 6<k 64 4 64k Toledo Edis pf (6) 20a 106 1 04k 104k Tonopah M la6c)_ 1 15* lk 1** Tr-Lux DPS T20C- 7 4k 4k 4k Trl-Contl C war... 2 lk 2k 2k Tublze Chatiillon. 17 3ik 31 31 Tublze Ch A tbl). 6 76 74 74 l ung-Soi Lamp n_ 6 8k #k 9k Twin-Coach al.40 2o 24k 28k 34 Ulen &Co7k% pi 1 7k 7k 7k tin U of Can a3ic. 2 16** l«k 16*4 Unit Air war _ 1 26 26 26 Unit Chemical .. 7 13k 13 13k United Corp war_ 3 lk lk lk Unit Uaa Corp .. 86 12k 12k 12k Utd Gas war_ 2 8k 3k 3k Unit Lt A Pw (A). 14 *k 9k 9H Unit Lt A Pw pt 8 66k 84k 63 Unit bit k 3 7 7 7 Unit Pro! Sh alUc 1 1!* lk lk UmtShipydsB . 4 8k 3k 3** Unit Shoe Mt2k 26» 92k 92k 92k looi 41k 41k tik U S Foil <Bl (1>— 12 18 17k 18 USA inti Secur.. 1 2k 2k 2k U S Lines Df ..IS 8 8 U 8 Play Cards tl. 160a 82 S2 82 U S Rub Reclaim. 2 9k 9k 9k U s Stores _ 6 k k h Unit 8toraa Tto... 1 lk lk lk Unit Verde Ex (1) 102 4k 4k 4k Unit Wall Paper.. 83 6k t>k 6k Unlr Pictures _. 1 17 16 n j Unit Prod task ) 660« S4k 3<k S6k ! Utah Apex 76 6k 6k 6k I UtPALpf a2.91k. 660* tok 78k 78k I Utilities PAL <d) 79 lk 1 1 Util P A-Lpf (d).. 60s 2»k 28k *8Ji Utility Eauitles l 6 6 6 Utilities Indust’l. 3 lk lk ik Utility A Indus pf. 2 6k 6k 6k vaisparvtc - & 9)4 9*4 9*4 Yalspar pfvtc_Ms 78 78 7* Vaonuila Mu O. C 9 8*4 9 Vanaauaia Patrol. 4 8 iVt Ki Warner Bak aJ.35. 1 81)4 81)4 81)4 Walt * Bund iBl. 1 1)4 l*» 1)4 Walker Minim 8 8)4 3)4 Wayne Knit Mills. 1 3)4 8)4 8*4 Wayne Pump (euo 44 40*4 39 8>H Weirt'n Oil of Del t 10*4 10)4 i0u Wentw’h Mf 71.30. IS 89 88)4 88*4 W Vn Coal* Coke 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 Westn A E (a25c). 1 9)4 9)4 9)4 Weat Au Sup A t4 30e 84 S« 84 Westn Tab*St(Z). 8 31 81 81 Wilson Jon a3H 1 M 84 u Wolverine Port C. 8 8)4 4)4 4)4 Wolv Tubs (t<0c). 8 17)4 17)4 17X Woodley Pet T40c 2 10)4 10)4 10*4 Wrlerht Hire t40o tl 7)4 T*4 7*4 Ygstn Stl Door(2) 4 73)4 7814 73)4 Yukon Gold!allc) 11 1)4 1)4 0)4 Dividend reus in dollars Based on last quarterly or teal-annuel payment, tie, nusl rate—not Uicludlns extras. {Ac cumulated dividends, a Paid last year, b Paid this year d Companies reported aa betas in bankruptcy or In receivership, or beins reersanlsed under the bankruptcy act or aecurltlee assumed by such eosc- 1 panics A NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued Prom Eighteenth Page.) 2:1(1 p.m. Prev.1917 Stock and Seles— Set Hleh Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. laiw. Close, ehge. 434 354 Warren Fdv*p <ti) s 424 42 42 -4 ** 8* Waukesha Motor (1). * 8«4 *«4 864 + 4 *4 T4 Webster Elserlohr.— 3 *4 *4 *4 4 4 24 14 Wells Fargo ... 80s 14 14 14 - 4 *14 46 ' Wesson O&S (tSOr).. 14 4* 47 474 +4 109 1044 West Ps Elec pf (7).. 20g 1034 10* 106 “4 -224119 West Pa Pwr pf (7).. 10. 1204 1204 1204 + 4 l'»4 *4 Western Maryland_ 80 104 • 104 + 4 214 174 Western Md 2d pf_ 11 214 204 214 + 4 84 24 Western Pacific _ 28 84 84 34 + 4 94 74 Western Pacific pf . 101 10 »4 »4 + 4 884 744 Wsst’n Un Tel(b75e). 28 774 7*4 7«4 - 4 *64 484 Westlngh’se A B < 1 >_ 14 644 *»4 *84 1674145 Westlngh'ae El (bl) .. 7 188 165 157 +2 304 26 West’n El lnat(a*:.e) 6 274 27 27 -4 374 364 Weston Elec (A)(2). 200. 374 *74 874 +4 264 234 Westvaco Chlor (1) . 4 26 254 254 + 4 344 S3 Westvaco 5%pf(14) 1 34 *4 *4+4 52 38 Wheeling Steel_ 4 484 484 4*4 + 4 334 234 White Motor _ M 824 *14 *14 - 4 1*4, 1*4 White Rk M 8 (1.40). 1 18 18 18 + 4 *4 *4 White Sewing Mach.. * 54 *4 *4 - 4 Mips. Prev. 10.37 stock end Sale,— Net ! Hl*h let*. Dividend Rite. Add OO. Rich Low. Cloee. ehee. : 4«>4 40 Whit* Sew Mach pf._ 1 40 40 40 •X <X Wilcox Oil ft Gas_ 4 »X *X 5*4 12 8*4 Wilson ft Co teOc)..« 89 1199 11 11*4 + 94. a* 7994 Wilson ft Co pf («)„. 1 MX MX M'4 + X *«4 »7H Woolworth (2.40)_ M m *714 57*4 47 84)9 Worthlna'.on Pump.. If. 48 42 42)9 — H *9*4 *1 Worth Pump pf (A).. 100« 94 95 95 91 77X Worth Pump pf (B).. 8 90 90 90 - )9' 126X11* Wright Aero (al) .. 20« 1X1 118X 11*X -4 62)9 49X Yale ft Towne (tIOc) 2 5* S7X 5* 3799 2**X Yellow Tr ft Coach... 200 35X 34)9 34X — X 142 128 Yell Tr ftC pf bl*4 ... 840, 140 139 139 - X 88*4 75X Youngstown S ft T _. 88 8S74 82*4 M'4 + *4 40X 33 Zenith Radio <b50c).. IS 39X 38*4 88*, -1 •X 7X Zonlte Products_ 11 8 8 * Approximate Salee of St4>cks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M._ 5SO.OOO 1:00 P.M _1,290,000 12:00 Noon__ SlfiO.UOO 2:00 P.M_1.570,000 Dividend rates as given In the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or half-yearly declarations. s Unit of trading less than 100 shares t Annual rate—not includins extras j Accumulated dividends a Paid this year, b Paid last vear d Companies reported In receivership or being reoraanized t E* dividend. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 18 —Cotton ruled steady In a quiet session today. ! Trade demand for nearby positions absorbed further liquidation and mod erate hedge selling. Prices In midafternoon ranged un changed to 3 points higher, with May at 12.41. Fluctuations were narrow, moving between 12.39 and 12.42. A Southern | crop stock firm estimated an Increase in acreage of between 10 and 15 per cent. Future* rlosed steady. 1 lower to a higher. Hieh. Low. Last March 12.80 12.5% 12.ft?-6S May .. 12.43 12.30 12.40 Julv 12.T! 12.2.% 12.20 October ..11.8.1 11.80 11 «<i December _ 11.78 11.7% 11.7%n January 11.78 J1 70 11.7 4n Soot steady; middling. 12.07. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures r closed easy. March. 10.79; May, 10.76; July. 1083-84; September. 10.76. Sales, 280 contracts, including 2 switches. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. February 18 --Cot ton was 1 to :t points higher at the start ! ot trading at New Orleans today. Offerings were principally hedae sell- ! ins. reportedly against sales of loan cot l ton it interior pointi. A lsrie spot house and the co-ops were active on the selling 1 Side Msrch opened un 3 poirti at I'M*. May sained ! point. lo J2.37. while July at 12.23 and January at 11.82 were un changed to a point higher. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. February lg—Late up turn* lifted prices of all Chicago wheat futures today to well above yesterday's finish. Persistent duststorm report* from Nebraska. Kansas and Oklahoma were a stimulating factor. There were also advices that one-half to two-thirds o< the Argentine whe«t gurplua hu been sold. At the close, wheat was S-l'i above yesterday s finish. May. 1.353. V July. 1.19'acorn. K lower to >. higher; May. 1 07T,-1 08: July, 1 04'*-'a; oats, 4,-4* off. and provi sions unchanged to 10 rents down. WHEAT— Open. High Low Clo»« May 1 147. 1 IV. 1 :(4'j 1 35*,-7. J.ilr 1 18'* 1 If". I IT7. I 1!".-'. September 1 IS l.ld 1 14*. 1.15T.-1A OOPh-— May. new 1 OS*. 1 (>*'j 1.1474* 1.077*-nM old 1 Oh : July, new 1 04 1 04*. 1 on*. 1 04’.-'. old 1.01 J oi», l.oi 1 01*. September .9* US'. UT'« .97'j-S i M.T _ SO', .SO'. .49** .49’.-60 July .44'. 44'. .44 441. September 11*. .41*. .41’w .414. SOY BEANS May 1.574. 1 67*. 1 57 IV ju'r 1.55*i RYE— Mar 1.1* 1.1! 1 10*i 1.11'.-4* Jul* 1.03*. 1.04H 1 03'. 1 <>4l. September #24« .93 -91*. .93 BARLEY— May *5 LARD— March 1!30 12.3S 12..1(1 12.30 May 12.57 12.«tl 12 52 12 57 July 12.82 12.77 1290 September 1.1.07 13.07 13 00 13.07 BELLIES - May 1H.3S 1 A. 35 July Id SS Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat—No. 2 mixed, 1 40: No. 3 mixed, 1 38’j. Corn—No. 4 mixed, 1 06a 1 08' jt No. 3 yellow, llOal.114,7 j No. 4 yellow, 1 06al09'j: No. 4 white, ll.10al.U4*. Oats—No. 2 mixed. 52; No. 1 white, 53a53' j. No. 2 white, 53. No. 3 white, 51a52l*. No rye. Barley, 80a 1.00. nominal; malting, | 1.00a 1.46, nominal. Timothy seed, 6 OOa6.25 rwt.: new. 5.75*6.00 cwrt. CAover seed, 28.00a35.00 cwt. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE. Febiuary 18 .f—Wheat. No. •» red Winter. larlleky, apot. domestic. 1.4614: February. 1.4614. Winnlnea Frieea. WINNIPEG. February J8 if.—Grain ! ranse today: WHEAT— Prev. High. Low Close close. Mar 1.27*4 1.26k. 1.27*. 1.27 .July 1.23 k. 1.22 l-2:i». 1.22k* Oc' 1.13'* 1.11*4 1.13 1.12 May 144 56‘a 46** INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. February 1* <f-—New York Security Dealers' Astociarion Bid Asked. 'Afina Cas '2a1 .. . . _ HI41* 1 <18 ',* I Aetna Ins < 16tl> _ - - A1 •’■! ' Aetna Life i .Kii* i . 34*4 36*4 1 Am Eaull it.lH.i 4n’* 43’* Am Ins Newark (t*). _ 14 ln'a Am Rems .3* - - 84 Am Reserve HiL . 31 -1.! ; Am Surety (2’*l- . - 63 * b.i 4 • Automobile >1*' - 33 4 3->|* (Balt Amer'.2n»i ...... J > Carolina ' 1 .-'10> - - -i'* City of N Y (1.201_ 2. 28'? Conn Gen Lif '.80)_ . 44 4.j*, Contin Cas ‘1.201. 30‘a 3-4 Fid * Dep <1.1 ... 12P’* 133 Firemen s Nwk .-- 1-?* I4.4 Frank Fire <la> _ 32’* 34 * Gen Rfinsur '21- - 4ft 4.’« Glen Falls '1.601 - 44*, 46*4 Globe A- Ren l.80> - 21 * 231a Globe * Rut - 72'* 76 Great Amer <la' - 2«V, 3 1*. Hanover (l.HOi - 3>J'» 38’4 Harmonia (1.301 _ - 2P 4 30*, Hartford Fir# (21. - 72 * .4 * Home Fir# S*c _ - «'4 «*» Home Ins (la’. ...- 3« 41 Homestead (I) ... 21\ 2.3', Lincoln Fir# -- ... - ♦*• _•*“# Mass Bond (3'*1 .-- «■ 70 Natl Fire (2) .- «4 6a N»tl Liberty <20#;- JJ ]' N Hamoahir* <1.601- 46 4614 N Y Fir# (.80a)- 24 2. Nor River 'Ugl- 281. 2P*a Phoenix (2a) - *2 ' ?A^ Prov Wash (HI-- 38 40 St Paul Fire • «».— 213 » 218 Springfield '4'*a)- - i;* x i-jl'i Sun Life (3*4g)- 775 825 Travelers Udi . »>I n 9 Fire (2) _ ®‘ I" Westchester 11.20#» . 36'., 38'4 a—Also extra or extras c—Declared or paid *0 far this year. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO February 18 (/Pi.—Poultry, live. 35 trucks, hens easier; balance steady: hens over 5 pounds. 17: 5 pounds and less. 17V4: Leghorn hens. 13: colored Sprints. 19: Plymouth and White Rocks. 31: colored broilers. 2.3: White Rocks 23; Plymouth Rocks. 25: bareback*. 18; I*« horn chickens. 13: roosters. 13: Leghorn roosters. 12: turkeys hens 30: young toms 18: old. 15: No. 3 turkeys. 15; ducks. 4>4 pounds up. white and colored. 2<l: small white and colored. 17*; geese. 16: capons. 7 pounds up. 22; less than 7 pounds. 21. Butter 7.285: firm: prices unchanged. Bess 8 636: steady: prices unchanred. "potatoes 78; on track. 315; total United States shipments. 815. Old stock, dull: slightly weaker tendency: supplies rather liberal: demand slow, limited mostly to best stock. Sacked, per hundredweight: Idaho Runet Burbanks U. B. No. 1. 3.40 s70: U. S. No. 2. 2.75a96: practically free from cuts and clipped ends. 3.16al7V4: Colorado Red McClures U. 8. No. 1. few sales 3.27V4a40; Wisconsin round whites U 8. No. 1. 2 35S56: mostly 2.36a45: Michigan Green Mountains U. S. No. 1. 2.60. New stock slightly weaker, supplies rather liberal, demand slow: track sales earlots. bushel crates Florida Bliss Tri umps. U. 8 No. 1 one ear. 1.85: less than earlots. 1.85aP5 a crate. Potato futures: Idaho Russets March. No. 1. 3.8(i Idaho Russets, arch, grade A. 3.61: Idaho Russet* April, grace A. 3.90. MONEY MARKET. NSW YORK. February 18 t(FI.—Call money steady; 1 per cent all day. Prime commercial paper. s,k per cent. Time loans steady: 8n days-6 months. It* per cent offered Rankers’ acceptances unchanged. Rediscount raw. New York Kssarva Bank. 114 per cent. s. Washington Exchange SALES. Washington Gas 5s, I960— g]»oo at 124. AFTER CALL. Potomac Electric Power S'a% pfd.— 5 at 114. Capital Transit Co—41 at 15}*, • at 15Va. * Capital Traction 5s— *500 at 96. Heal Estate Mortgage & Guaranty pfd —50 at 5'/4. Capital Traction 5s—*1.000 at 95. Washington Gas 5s, 1960—*1,(90 at 123'j. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY , _ , Bid. A'ked Anacoatla Si Pot. 5s 77 Anacoatla Si Pot Gusr. 5a. Jln>a 1171. C. & P Tel of Va 5s J04 Ceo. Traction R. R. 51 _ 95 96 City A. Suburban 5s _ HH Hu Georgetown On 1st sa 170 Pm. Elec Pow. :iv«i io:t'« Wash. Gas 5s 1958 ... 106 lnRS. Wa.-h Gaa 5s 1900 12.". 175 Wash. Rwy. St Elec. 4s 106V« _ „ MISCELLANEOUS Ool. Country Club S'.a JA5 W. M. Cola Storage 6s 100 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amar. Tel. A: Tel «9) l?“‘a Capital Transit Co. b 1 ftJa 16 SAW Steamboat <g6i ito Poi. Ei. Pow nr. pld. <si *1 to1. Pot. El. P0 S'/s'e Pf. 15 501*113', Wash Gas Lt Co l.I.Aili x» ss Wash. Ry. A- II com. 1.3A1 *17 1 Wash. Ry. A Elec pfd 1A1 *109*. Ill BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec A Tr Co. 'eS) 2x5 Bank of Bethesda <b.75> . .33 Capital 141 ... 135 _ Com A Savintl <i6> 205 Liberty *3) _ l«n _ Lincoln <f6 75i _ 500 _ j Natl Rat St Tr 145 Pr Georaea Bk A Tr. ( 50) 18 SI Rj*(a <8i 345 Riga* Dfd t5i . - .101 Washington <6) 13.1 Wash. Loan A Tr > * * 715 310 FIRE INSURANCE American ‘Si inn _ __ Corcoran <6> .... loo _ Firemen s < I 60> _ 4 5 . .. National Union < 60t 16 . TITLE INSURANCE Columbia *.3t>> 12 17Va Real Etlata 161 100 . . MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp (2.UIU 72 76 Lansion Monotype >4' *92 95 Marsenthaler Linotype *1' •53'a 54’a Peooles Drua 8 com mi 001 56 06 People* Drug S. pfd. 16 .V" 114 Real Em. M AG. Pfd •••TOl 5'. «'a Security Storate '5> 177 175 Ter Ref. A: Wh Corp i.3> do Wdwd A: Loth, com <*! 501 Tn 78 Wriwd. * Loth. pfd. (71 120 175 •Ex divideno *—Plus extras. 150c paid Ma.y 15 1936 50c pa.d An*. 15. 193H; 50c paid Nor. 16 19.36. a—4'. extra e—2'rextra f—IV. extra a—] extra paid Dec 15. 1936. h—76e extra ••35c paid June 30. 1936; 45c raid December 34. 1936 Advertising Total I p 2.9 Per Cent From 1936 Level i lr tht Assoclea PreM. NEW YORK, February 1* —News paper advertising in January gained 2 9 per cent over January, 1936. but declined 14.5 per cent under Decem ber. 1936. the jfdAonAlly corrected monthly Index of Printers’# Ink showed. The aharp January decline from December figures, it was explained, was due in part to labor troubles and floods in the Middle West. Farm paper advertising gained 4 8 per cent over January last year, the magazine reported, but declined 24.3 per rent from December. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. iReporled by Chav D Barney A Co > Bid. Offer Amer TAT B',i ’43 ill'. 111*. Auburn Auto 4*.s '38 S5 Calif Packing Sa '4i> 104% 105 Carol. Clinch! A Ohio 5s '38 105 106% Chesapeake A Ohio 5* '.'19 107% 107% Edison Elec Ilium 4.s '39 103 105% Gn Public Serv 5%g '::n 103 103*. Grand Rapids A Ind 4%« '41 109 lift', Houston Oil 5%s 40 102% 103% Internatl Mercant Ma fis '41 79 ftft', Imernatl TAT 4',s '.39 S9 59% Laciede Gas Light 5» 19 99% 99% Lehigh Valley Coal 8s *38 PP34 liiO'g Lehigh Valley Term 5s 41 1 OK ion Lon* Island Gen 4s in;jat 1044 Louisville h Nashville 4* '40 10«>, 1074 Michigan Central 4s '40 104*. 1057. Midland R R of N J 5* 40. 50 *88 Milwauk A Northern 44* HP P« PS N Y. Chi K StL d'r notes MH w*i4 ion New York Dock 5s ’38 «54 fi* N Y. Susaueh At West 5s 40 50 fi3 New York Tel 44* HP lohh in?*. Northern States Pow 5s 41 1027* 103 Pacific R R 01 Mo 4* ’38 lOO Penn-Dixie Cement fis *41 JW4 1004 Pennsylvania R R 4» 4H 1 Hi 11074 Rio Grande Western 4s ’30 7H4 M South Bell TAT 5s 41 108*. 108* Term R R Assn St L 44s ’39 in?3. 10P Vanadium Coro 6s ’41 ini% 103% Vertientes Sugar % '42 33% 34 Wabash Railway 5s '39 102% 10.3% Warner Bros fis '39 9S 9ft% Western N Y A Pa 4a'43 109% til*. Western Union 5s '3ft 103% 103% CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. February 18 i.?i (U. 8 De partment of Agriculture).—Hogs. £3.000. Including 0.500 direct; mostly 10-15; ao«t*. 35 lower than Wednesday's average; extreme-top J0.30 bulk, good and choice. 100-300 pounds. 10.15al0.35: comparable. 140-180 pounds, mostly 0 35*10.15: good sows. 0.35*0 05. Cgttle. 0.000: calves 1.300: most kill ing classes slow steady: killing quality. Dlain. a weakening influence; shipper de mand continues narrow, however, as dressed beef market lags: most steers. 7.75511.50: strictly good and choice offer ings 13.50 upward, with top. 14.40 on light steers: next highest prices. 14.35: very little hare of value to sell at 13.00 upward and quite a few common light kinds turning at 8.00 down to 7.50; heifers, scarce, common kinds active at 5.75*6.75: light, low cutter eowg very dull, some selling down to 3.0: atront-weleht cutters. 4.75: stocker and feeder trade narrow but supDly scant: vealera. 7.50a 8.50: only selects making 0.50. She«D. 11.000. including 300 direct: nraeticaliy no early tradlna on fat lamba: indications around steady, with oaekera bidding unevenly lower on first round: beat kinds held 10.60 and slightly above: fat sheep steady; handy-weight fed Western ewea. 6.00. -m . NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK February 18 «F>.—Butter. 13.380: firmer; creamery, higher than ex tra. 35-35%: extra <83 seerrl. 34%: firsts 188-01 scores> 33'4-34'.*: seconds (84-87 scores). 30Vj-3i: centralized <80 score). 34. Cheese. 108.737: firm and unchanged Egg*. 17.057; barely steady. Mixed col or* unchanged Live poultry steady. By freight,, turkeys 13-34: ducks. 15. Other freight prices un changed. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. February 18 <58.—Crude rubber futures opened steady. 6 to 16 higher. March. Cl.23b: May. 21.36; July. 21.40b. b—Bid. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. February 18 or -Silver futures opened steady unchanged to 5 higher March. 44.87b; May, 44.1Sb; July 44 05b. b—Bid. STOCK SPLIT-UP PLANNED. NEW YORK, PVbrUAry 18 OF).— Stockholders of Rudolph Wurlitier Co. will meet March 5 to consider a 10 tor-1 aplit-up of the common stock, it was Announced today. Exchange Reveals New Margin Rule Effective March 1 E» the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 18—The New York Stock Exchange announced its new rule for daily compilation of margin records by members would become effective on March 1. The records will be studied by the exchange's Business Conduct Commit tee to prevent so-called “free-riding" in margin dealings under the three day rules. The exchange announced Tuesday the adoption of plans to deal with evasions of margin regulations fol lowing extended conferences with the Federal Reserve Board, which initi ated the move for tightening the rules. -•--—— JOINS CARRIER CORP. NEW YORK. February 18 lyT'.— William H. Driscoll, former vice presi dent in charge of mechanical equip ment with the Thompson-Starrett Co , has been named vice president in charge of construction of the Carrier Corp., air-conditioning manufacturer, of Newark, N. J. REAL ESTATE LOANS ri / RESIDENCE and .l1/9,7y) SMALL BUSINESS I /U PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VEEMONT ATE DISTRICT MM OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Tables Chairs Steel Files Steel Cabinet* Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE HI# #T« SI N.W Phone NA tl84 1886 ^37 1937 •nth tf»p \/ •( PruiTHl SAFES STOGKETT* FISKE CO PRODbCINO STATIONERS 019 E *T- * N • W Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST UWLT GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana A»e. N.W. Nat’i 0350 Real Estate Loans Business Property ond Resi dence . . . Construction or Re financing Loons. • • • {Shannon & lIichS Mortises Lean Cerrrapsndrnts MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL I LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1 505 H St. N.W. NAtl. 2345 I.(IA\S Safety for Savings for BUILDING REFINANCING and PURCHASING Homes Terms as Low as *7"*° um PER MONTH PRUDENTIAL BUILDING ASS’K 1331 6 St. N W. Suite 304-5-6 Di. 6270 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SOME OF THE REASONS why both large and small investors look with favor upon FIRST MORTGAGES Are found in the fixed, liberal interest wdiich they earn; and the protection for principal which improved real estate gives. For over 40 years our First Mortgages have been popular and profitable investments. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE 925 Fifteenth Not. 2100 MORTGAGE LOANS INCOME To avoid material reduction in income due to pre* vailing low money rates, it is necessary that investor* pay particular attention to the status of the securities in their portfolios. t\Ve offer the facilities of our Investment Research Department to individuals and institutions desiring statistical and advisory assistance. Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath 719 Fifteenth Street* Washington Members Ni«r tobk Stock Eichawgb Kiv Year Cottow Exchangb K. Y. Ci ii Exchawoi(Amec.) New Yobi Pboblci Exchanob Chicago Boaed or Teadi Chicago Meecantile Exchange Commodity Exchange. Inc. Waihihgtoh Stock Eichahok Now York Baltimore Wilkea-Barra Philadelphia LONG TERM Cf ^ Mortgage Loans O /° Monthly Payments of *6-80 on each *1,000 borrowed, include interest and z pay off loan in 20 years. • Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. • Amount loaned—up to 60% of appraised value. • Valuable prepayment privb leges. Other plans of financing first mortgage loans available H. L. RUST COMPANY tOOl fifteenth St NAtionaJ 8100