Clearance 62
$1.95 to $5 Hats
—Felts, straws and ddl
fabrics_ ^5A
Kann's—Second Floor.
—130 Chrome-Plated 3-C'ompart
tnent Relish Dishes. Were “l
—20 Chrome and Glass 5-Com
partment Snark Servers.
Tray slightly bent. Were 7Q
—I Set 60 Pr. Silver-Plated Ta
bleware. Cotillion pattern. Serv
Mi !l. $24.95
—10 Boudoir R-Day Clocks, 6
Novelty Clocks, scarred.
Were $2.98 and $3.98.
As is _ ^
—2 Hamilton San- ooi qq
fa mo Banjo Clocks
—2 Silver-Plated Water Pitch
ers. scarred.. Were
Kann's—Third Floor.
—t Bicycles, boy's
and girl's, 26-in. CIO Q“
W'ere $24.95 .
—1 Table and Two "| jvav
Chairs. Were $2.59 set '51,uu
—1 Irish Mail Hand dj*zl QQ
Car. Was $9.95_ CPU.^O
—l Streamline Velocipede; 1
Shirley*Temple 25-In. no
Doll. Were $9.95. «3»0*^0
—1 Ball-Bearing Ve- ^*q qp
loripede. Was $14 95
—1 Tennis Table. <n»o QQ
$13.95 floor sample_ «PO. JO
—1 Combina t i o n
Blackboard Desk. £»| no
Was $3.95_
—3 Dutch Boy 25-In. on
Dolls. Were $1 00_
Kann’s—Fourth Floor,
•—4 Candlewick Crib ~
Spreads. Imperfect_ £>VC
*—a Prs. Rayon Taffeta Window
Drapes. Were $3.95 ® | ,|Q
»nd $4.95..
—150 Yds. 36-In. Un
bleached Muslin. Were l |
15c yd. ...
—1* Initialed Mo
hawk Sheets. 81x99. rtQ
Were $1.59. ~1,l“
—40 Penobscot Percale Pillow
cases, seconds $1 Warn
■utta supercale. 45x38\2.
—7 Bates Rayon Jac
quard Spreads. 72x dgi Qr
105. Were $2.95_
—13 Rayon Taffeta
Spreads, double bed. ® ■ | q
Were $1.79 .
1 Rayon Taffeta
Spreads, 90x108. Were
Kann's—Street Floor.
7S Misses' Street
W,r, $3.95 HA
end $5.95
—Printed and plain crepes
. . . mostly one or two of a
kind. 14 to 20 sleea in the
Kann’a—Second Floor.
Special Purchase
Linen Scarfs
Were 50c QAa
and 59c •»€JC
—45-ln. scarfs for dresser*
and buffets. Nice quality
linen with fancy Inserts—
some with colored edge*.
Kann'v—Street Floor.
Bates Cotton
Coverlette Spreads
—Double bed (lie In attrac
tive Colonial pattern* and
plain shades of rose, blue,
green or gold.
Kann'*—Street Floor.
Hard Candies
-ReM9c. |H
Friday. |b.
—Some filled, others hard.
A delicious assortment.
Kann's—Street Floor.
—Scrap Books — roomy on„
sires. Were 59c.
—200 Boxes Stationery, 24 single
sheets, 24 enve- Ofrk_OCt/»
lopes to box_^lOr^OC
—Duplicate Bridge •n.
Boards. Set of 4.
—Poker Racks for 100 Q
chips .
—Odd Lot Writing 1 p _;rA
Papers. As is. * rriCC
—25 Desk Pads, 11x19. were 29c;
125 Boxes Vellum, Gran
ite and White Papers, 1 Q_
were 25c ... 17t
Kann’s—Street Floor.
—Publishers’ Remainders orig
inal editions of non-fiction and
fiction. Reduced for
clearance. Each _
Kann's—Street Floor.
—Table Lot Girdles and Back
lace Corsets. Orig. $2 $1.00
—9 Conceal Lace Foundations,
6 Nemo Inner-Belt, 26 Lastex
Back, 6 Conceal Lace Corsets, 7
Talon Front Brocade Girdles/ 17
Side Hook ' Girdles. dg*} All
Orig. *3.50 to *6 50
—19 Rengo Belt Back Lace Cor
settes, 7 Semi-Stepin
Brocade Girdles. Orig. " A
*3 00 .
—Table Lot Side-Hook <n>s — *T
Girdles. Orig. *2.00. '
Kann's—Second Floor.
Art Goods
—D. M. C. Embroidery Cotton.
12 for 30c
—Odd Lot Knitting and
Crochet Cottons and | rv
Yams. Soiled .
—1 Green Shoe Cab
inet. Was $3.98. As ^ J
—14 Hand-Made Models, QO_
soiled. Were *1.98 to *3.98 '*CM'
—6 Hanks Heavy White -Q
Yams. Were *1.05 each
Kann's—Fourth Floor.
• Men’s $24.50 Overcoats—
Fleeces and hard-surfaced
fabrics. Raglans and set
in sleeves. Gray,
blue-gray, brown.
Regulars. shorts, 0*1 Q
longs . ^ I O
• Men’s $29.50 and $35
Suits—One and two trousers.
Single or double breasted,
also sports models. Patterned
grays, browns, blue-grays.
All sizes to 50 long
stout _
Kann's—Men's Store—Second Floor.
• Men's SI.29 Gloves—
Lined and unlined capes kins,
—some pigskins and suedes.
Slip-over and one-clasp
styles. Sizes 7V* to QQ
10 In group... Ow'C
• 67 Men’s Sample Hats—
Orig. *4 00.
Colors right for d* | *4 Q
Spring_ ^ I • / ae
• 50c Wear-Resist Hose,
also elastic top hose. Lisles,
rayons and mixtures -n smart
colors and patterns. 2 f?
Sizes 10 to 12_
8 for (1.00
• 55c and 69c Hand-Tai
lored Ties—Smart colors and
pattern*. Reduced _
from stock._
Odd Lots Men’s Furnishings
• 3 Tie Clips. Were $1.00 ...10c
• 58 Men’s $1.00 Hose_38c
• 31 Men’s Shirts, soiled, mussed; mostly 14 and 17.
Were $1.19 and $1.39 . . ..39c
• 2 Down Fabric Sport Shirts. W'ere $1.50_29c
• 3 Manhattan Sport Shirts. Were $1,95.....79c
• 58 Men’s Cotton Medium Weight Shirts and Drawers,
broken sizes. Were 79c___39e
• 21 Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sizes 48 to 52.
Were $1.15_ 59c
• 8 Men's Handkerchiefs_5c
• 1 Suede Jacket; damaged. Was $5.95_$1.59
• 1 Pr. Black Wool-Lined Gloves. Were $1.95_69c
• 59 Part-Wool and Cotton Shorts and Shirts.
Were 55c and 75c_ 36c
• 6.1- Short Sleeve Part-Wool Shirts. Were $1.00..._ 48c
• 10 Men’s $5.00 Long Sleeve Manhattan Polo Shirts_$2.15
• 6 Men’s $15.00 Goatskin Zipper Blouses....$7.65
• 196 Men’s 34c Gard ’O Socks__22c; 4 for 85c
• 28 Men’s $1.19 Flannelette Pajamas, broken sizes_89c
• 51 Men’s Fine Quality Mufflers. W’ere $2.45 and $3.00 ..$1,56
• 38 Men’s $1.65 and $1.95 Mufflers_ 99c
• 28 Men’s $1.95 Spats. $1.00
• 59 Men’s 50c Novelty Handkerchiefs_19c
• 15 All-W’ool One-Piece Swim Suits_98c
• 61 Men’s $2.00 to $2.95 W ashable Fabric Robes_$1.49
• 3 Athletic Union Suits. Were $1.00 and $1.50. 59c
• 13 All-Wool Button-Front and Sleeveless Sweaters.
Were $1.95_ $1.00
• 7 Wool Vests. Were $1.95.$1,00
• 6 White Sport Sweaters, soiled. Were $2.95.$1.88
• 5 White Sport Sweaters, soiled. Were $3.95 and $5.00 ..$2.35
• 3 Wool Shirts. Were $2.25 _ 94c
• 1 Collar-Attached Dress Shirt, soiled. 14^. Was $2.50..$1,25
Kann's—Men’s Store—Street Floor.
Boys' Dept.—2nd Floor
• Children’s Knitted
Gloves in bright color
combinations. Nice and
warm. Small, me
dium and large
sizes _ / i'C
• 144 Flannelette Pajamas.
Were 77c. One-piece in sizes
4 to 12. Two-piece, pp
sizes 6 to 14_ J
2 (or S1.00
• $1.00 Timms Knitted
Wool Caps—Come down over
chin and ears. Navy, ma
roon, tan, royal.
Small, medium, QQ
large_ OOC
• 30 Combination Suits,
were $1.69. Blouse, tie and
shorts or knick
ers. Sizes 5 £ |
toio. 4>l il7
Odd Lots Boys’ Wear
• 3 Fancy Corduroy Long Trousers, sizes 17, 18.
Were $3.95 and $2.95 . ...$1.79
• 1 Brown 2-Knicker Suit, size 15. Was $10.95_$4.98
• 1 Suit, knicker and longie, size 6. Was $12.95_$6.88
• 1 Two-Knicker Suit, size 7. Was $7.95 .r. $4.68
• 1 Oxford Grey 2-Trouser Prep Suit, size 17. Was $12.95 $9.98
• 2 Blue One-Piece Snow Suits, size 4. Were $5.95 $2.29
• 7 Junior Melton Zipper Jackets, sizes 5, 6. Were $2.45... 89e
• 1 Junior Melton Zipper Jacket, size 6. Was $3.45_$1.49
• 1 Blue Melton Zipper Jacket, size 18. Was $2.95_99c
• 18 Boys’ Berets. Were 59c_19c
• 20 Boys’ Berets. Were $1.00_29c
• 2 Boys’ Rain Hats, small sizes. Were 34c_10c
• 27 Juvenile Coat Sweaters, sizes 4 to 10. Were $1.95_79c
• 1 Tan Corduroy Knicker, size 20 stout. Was $3.95_99c
• 73 Boys’ High-Collar Shirts and Button-on Blouses,
broken sizes. Reduced .. .... 44c
• 23 Tan Stripe All-Wool Juvenile Sweaters, sizes 6, 8.
Were $1.39 . ...59c
• 12 Boys’ Ties, some soiled. Were 35c __ 8c
• 1 Blue Two-Piece Snow Suit, size 4. Was $5.95.$1.99
• 56 Boys’ Wool Knit Caps with visar. Were 59c_10c
• 1 Button-on Eton Blouse, size 5, soiled. Reduced to_19c
• 1 Knit Waist Suit, size 6. Was 59c .....19c
• 1 Blue Coverall, size 18. Was $1.19 .49c
Kann’s—Boys' Store—Second Floor.
No Mail, Phone or C. O. D. Orders on Remnants and Odd Lots. Store Hours—9:30 A.M. to 5:45 P.M.
379 Prs. $5, $6.50, $7.75
Novelty SHOES
• Merry Maid De Luxe gg gg Mg Mg
• Fashona UU
• Merry Maid mfLW
—Calf or kldskin ... Brown, black, navy blue. Oxfords,
ties, straps, pumps. More than forty styles. Sizes 4 to
9, AAA to C in the lot.
• 167 Prs. $2.99 to $5 Norelty Shoes......$1.99
• 73 Prs. $5 to $6 Arch Shoes_$3.99
• 51 Prs. $3.95 to $7.75 Suedes_$2.99
• 20 Prs. $3.95 to $5 Bucko Swagger Boots_$1.99
• 69 Prs. $2.49 Jr. Misses’ Bucko Oxfords, 3% to 8_$1.00
• 27 Prs. $4 to $4.50 Shirley Temple Low Shoes_$2.95
• 83 Prs. $2.95 to $4.56 Children’s and Jr. Miss' Shoes_$1.88
Kann's—Fourth Floor.
—300 Pc*. Costume Jewelry; 15
Men’s and Women’s Watch "l
Bracelets. Orig. 50c__
—50 Pcs. Costume
Jewelry. Orig. $1.95 d>l
and $2.95 _ ®1,UU
—25 Compacts. Orig.
59c ...a..........._...
—25 Hair Ornaments, ong. 50c
and $100; 25 Cigarette in
Lights, orig. 50c_ -L-7L
Kann's—Street Floor.
—Fancy Buttons. Various sizes
and colors. Were 89c to ‘>Qr
$3 dozen. Card-.
—Assortment of Fancy Belt
Slides, various colors, "l _
Were 39c to 59c. 1 * C
—5 Flat Braid Neck Cords.
Green, wine and brown. 'I7(,
—6 Chenille and Metal Waist
Cords. Rust and brown, o l
Were $1.75 . ^A
Kann's—Street Floor.
—116 Prs. Silk Hose, oo
Some as is_
—137 Prs. Discontinued
Hose. Blue Moon and OQ
other makes .
—143 Prs. Hose.
Were 79c to $1.35 2 prg. $1
—23 Pr. Brushed Wool Skating
Socks, bright shades, oq.
Were 59c ...
—47 Prs. Children's Hose, S,
‘a and % socks. Were | rt_
25c and 35c. AVn'
—148 Prs. Diecontinued Selma,
Kayser and Humming f.Q
Bird Hose -. U7t
Kann's—Street Floor.
—Odd Lot Black and Brown r
Suede Polish. Bottle.
—Odd Lot Shoo Cabinets. Pft.
Damaged ...
—Small Let Garment oq
Bags. Soiled.
were iuc eacn_
—Small Lot Notions; Baby
Pants, Crib Sheets, Zip- "1 f\_
pers, etc.... luc
Kann'i—street Floor,
Jr. Misses' Wear
wxv.oi# Ml fSU.............
—10 Street Dresses, jjo QO
soiled. Were $7.95...
Kann’s—Second Floor.
—Odd Lot Enamel and Alum
inuum Utensils. Now 1 p_* _
less than. * rnce
—2 Wooden Pantry Step Stools,
were $1.00, as is; $ Wisard pa.
Floor Mops, were $1_
—1 White Metal Wall Cabinet. 1
Metal Broom Closet, 1 White
Metal Cabinet Base, aq
orig $5.98, as is.
—1 White Metal WaU Cabinet,
was $3.98, as is; 1 Oil
Heater, shopworn, was <jg j Qg
—1 Combination Metal CloMt,
was $7.98, as is; I Porcelain Top
Kitchen Tables, were no
*4.98, as is.
—2 On-A-Door Metal Closets,
were $3.98, as is; 3
Bath Room Seales, gl a Q
were $2.95.
—12 Cast Iron Skillets
and 5 Fireproof Tea Pote. OQ,
Were 75c .
—5 Electric Hair oi on
Dryers. Were $1.98..
—8 White Metal WaU nr.
Clothes Dryers. Were $1.
—9 Galvanised Window Re
frigerators. As is. Were 29c
—100 Asbestos Hot Dish 1 n.
Mats. Were 25c. AW'
—SO Cedarine Cream Pal- l Q
ish, 12-os. Were 50c_
—1 Metal Combination Double
Cloeet. As is. -Was ®r np
$11 98.
—3 Combination Met
al Closet. As is. Were ft A QP
$8.98 . dP'P.yO
—1 Metal Utility
Closet. As is. Was Ol 7P
$3.98 . 8PJ-. 4D
—1 Circulating 3-Burner Cooker
$a2n5d _He*ter:..WM $12.50
—8 Cast-Iron Greaseless to.
Griddles.. Were 98c.
—< Bath Room Scales, ato AQ
Were $6.98 . ^PO.4*^
—19 Shower Bath Curtains, shop
worn, were $1.49 to $1.98; 17
Electric Vibrators, were ggc
—1 Gas Range. As en
is. Were $89.50... oPO^.OU
Ksnn’s—Third Floor.
—Women’s Plain White O_
and Novelty Hdkfa. ac
—Wemen’s Lace-Trimmed on.
Chiffons. Were 50c.
Kann’s—Street Root.
60 Sample & Soiled
H tre 12. SO It 110.9S
$1.69 to $8.95
—Some all wool, lower
priced blankets with 5%
Kann'i—Street Floor.
—2 Dinner Sets, 66- OQ QO
pc. Were $12.98. #0*00
—1 Chine I07-Pe.
** » $19.98
—1 Dinner Set, 66-pc. qq QO
Wes $12.98 ..
—It Glass 14-In. Cake pq
Plate*. Were *1.00.
—24 Decorated Earthen- OQ_
ware Teapots. Were 69c.
—2 Ivory 32-Pc. Cot- OO
tage SeU. Were *3.49
—16 Revolving Cereal 9Q
Set. Was *1.00..
—16 Range Sets, 2-pc. a q
Were 39c...
—6 Glass Two-Tone
^nch Seta Were 0(>
—1 Dinner Set, 58-pc. ®7 qo
Was *9.98. " * *”°
Kann's—Third Floor.
—Pleated Georgette Ruffling
Lengths, 4-ln. wide. Yel- o IP „
low, rust, green. Each__
—15 Snugglers. While pq
and blue.
—3 Emb. Wool Bolero and Sash
Sets. Red, blue, green, o i q -
Were *4 95 set.
Kann’s—Street Floor.
Remmants From the
February Fabric Sale
49c to *1.19 yd.
—1.600 yard* ... Printed Bemberg Sheers, Plain and Printed
Acetate Crepes, Satin Crepes, Washable Plat Crepes, Black
or White Crepes. Black Transparent Velvet.
• Eagle's Printed Spun Rayon Crepe.59c yd.
O Plain Ire-lin Spun Rayon Crepe_49c yd.
81.19 to 82.95 WOOLEN REMNANTS
2X2 SET. V ££ 59c to $ 1.59 yd.
spun*, tweeds, fleeces, mannish cloths
Remnants 19c to 29c WASH GOODS
—3,000 yds. in desirable lengths. Printed
Batistes, dimities, percales, ginghams, etc. 1
32 to 28 in. wide. 1
O Remnants Wash Vi to M off
O Remnants 29c to 49c Linings_19c yd.
Kann’s—Street Floor.
$1 SALE-Linens and Domestics
• 7-Pe. Lunch Sets, 51-in. eleth_1 sets, SI.OO
• SI.SO Linen Cloths, 5&x67._.....SI.OO
• Stevens Linen Dish Towels_g for SI.OO
• 50c Linen Huck Towels___3 for si.oo
• 20x40 Turkish Towels .. < for *1.00
• SI.39 Colored-border Linen Cloths, 57x77..SI.OO
• 25e Linen Toweling.. ...8 yds., si.oo
• Slx99 and 72x108 Red Label Pepperell Sheets... ea., SI.OO
• Crinkle Cotton Spreads . 2 for SI.OO
• S1.39 Mattress Coven, twin and full size*_*1.00
O *1.39 Cotton Crinkle Spreads _ *1.00
• 42x36 Red Label Pepperell Pillowcases_4 for *1.00
Kann's—Street Floor.
Beds, Etc.
—I Pull-up Chairs, were $4 95;
1$ Down Pillows, oq in
21x27, were $6 each.. vO.'PTJ
—<1X Dining Room oq qq
Chairs. Each. QO.'T?
—* Wood Spool Beds. OS /rn
Were $9.95..
—1 Chest of Drawers, walnut
flnish gumwood. Was d>/_ qq
$9.95 _ ii5U.77
—3 Metal Beds, 4/0. $>Q QQ
Were *11.95 _ 'f0*”
—1 Over stuffed
Club Chair. Was 99
—4 Solid Maple Beds, 4 6. were
$16.95, and 1 Dresser with mir
ror, walnut finish
gumwood, was 99
—6 Philippine Ma
hogany Beds, 4/6. oi/: Qr
were $21.95. V-I-O.VD
—3 Solid Maple
Cheet Desks. Were oio OQ
$24.95 _ $10.00
—1 Studio Couch. 0309 QQ
Was $39.95 .
—1 Studio Couch, oqi qq
Was $4995 _
—1 Studio Couch. &9fi QQ
Was $49.50 .
Xann’s—Third Floor.
—t Inlaid Top Tables, night,
shelf-end and lamp. OO QO
Were $4.95 .
—1 Mirror Top Walnut Cocktail
Table; 1 Walnut Nest of 2 Ta
bles; I Glass Top,
Modern End Table, no no
Were (14 95 _ 90.^0
—1 Inlaid Top Lamp 4M QO
Table. Was $7.95
—1 Modern End Table with
drawer and 1 Ladder-Back Chair,
were (12.45; 1 Gateleg Table,
w“ ‘"Vials”00*' $6.98
case, was (14.95- ^
—1 Modern Lamp QO
Table. Was (9.95—
—1 Maple Bed Boom fiO qq
Chair. Was (6.95—
—5 Pier Cabinets. ®-| orr
Were (2.49 .
Katins'—Fourth Floor.
—Porta Rican Gowns. OQc
Seduced to .
—Flannelette Gowns and Pa
jamas, Muslin Slips, Silk en„
Undies. Were 79c to (1__ *7
—Silk Slips, Petticoats, Panties,
Celanese Slips, Petticoats.
Were (1 to (1.95. * c
—26 Flannelette Gowns
and 2-Pc. Pajamas. Were QQ.,
(1.59 . 77V
—Rayon and Blanket Robes for
misses and women. Were 09.
(1.59 and (1.95
—Flannel Velvet Satin, Silk or
Acetate Robes. Were. 1 p.j..
(3.95 to (14.50.* rncc
Xann's—flecond Floor.
Winter Coats
and LESS
Original Prices!
• Women’s and Misses' Coats. Orig. 139.75. ftti
Now .._______... _
• Women's and Misses’ Coat. Orig. $59.75 and gg
$65. Now_......__
• Women’s Coats. Orig. $79. ,»0
Now _____.....___ ™
• Misses’ Coat*. Orig. $89 and $99. S44.50
Now ....
k ■ aso m a Because of the unusual nature of
1^ f 1 I rl this sale, we must emphasize the
1 ~ fact that all sales are final I
Kann's—Second Floor.
Wise Shoppers Chech Their
Needs From THIS PAGE
—*7 Afternoon Dress
er 14 to 44. Orlg. 0 9 QQ
*10.95 . QO.'W
—3* Afternoon Dress
—40 Afternoon Dresses.
14 to 48. Orig. *19.95 to tig IQ
*29 75 . ?1U
—1* Evening Dresses.
12 to 18. Orig. *13.95 qq
to *16.95. SPU.'PT/
—10 Dinner Dresses. 38
to 42. Orig. *25 and e 19
*2975 ..
—65 M i s s e s' and
Women’s Dr eases. 09 QQ
Orig. *5.95 .
—20 Misses’ Dresses, black, navy
and prints. Orig. 4^4^
Kann's—Second Floor.
Lamps (Shopworn)
—87 Shades for table and
floor lamps. Were 69c to l Q
(149 .
—1 Metal Reflector, oi QQ
Was *2 98 . 9
—15 Poitery Table del 9Q
Lamps. Were *198..
—3 Pottery Table Lamps, were
*149; 4 Boudoir Lamps, 70
—1 Chinese Figure on no
Lamp. Was *19 98..
—1 Copper Bridge 07 QQ
Lamp. Was *1098-.
—2 Copper Floor fill *J9
Lamps. Were *16.98
Kann's—Third Floor.
Floor Coverings
—200 Sq. Yds. Felt Base
Remnants. Were 39c to 00_
69c .
—8 Bath Sets. Were rn
*179 ..
—12 Sample Rugs, f.Q
24x42. Were *2.25... ^
—10 Wool Wilton
Ruts. 27x54. Were
—3 Wool and Fibre
Ruts. 9x12. Were gy qq
—1 Beauvais Rut, 6x9, soiled,
was (32. and 1 Special Axmin
SO?.™™ $18.49
—1 Marlbora Axminster R|Jf.
;231;5106- w“ $18.99
—1 Mottled Axmin- UfclQ oo
ster Rut. 7 6x9_
—2 Amerac Wilton
Ruts, 9x12 and 8.3x ooi nr
10 6. Were *39.95. V^“**^*>
—1 Mohawk Ax
minster Ruf. 8 3x 49/ O
106. Was *39.95..
—2 Agra American
Oriental Rut. 9x12. tfSQA Q"
Were *4995 .
—1 Wool Wilton
sR44^5 9X.12. Was $36.95
—1 American Ori
enUl Ruff. 8.3x10.6. ^
Was $54.95
3 Specials in HOMEFITTINGS
AND DRAPES. Lovely patterns _ *-«*•
BLINDS. Ivory finish, 14 widths; 23 to 84 A A ng
36 in, all 65-in. lonr.. 1 “*
• $1.98 KNITTED CURTAINS. pinch
pleated style of rayon net. 72 in. wide to JJ4J p|*a
Kann's—Third Floor.
—Curtain and Drapery
Remnant*. Were 15c to
29c yd. .
—Curtain and Drapery
Remnants. Were 39c to 1 z:
59c yd. AUt
—Remnants Drapery and Uphol
stery. Were 98c to $1.98
—Manufacturers' Uphol
stery Squares. Were 59c 9Q
to 98c each-__
—Table Lot Lace Curtains.
w.„ tttt U, n ii 88
—Table Lot Glased
Chints Drapes. Were oq
$1 95 pr....
—Table Lot Rayon Taf
feta Drapes. Were $1.59 7Q.
—Odd Pairs Damask Drapes.
Were $4.95 to $9.95 22
—J Lane Cedar Chests, ujl !T
Were $24.95 ea.
—45 Window Shades. 59c oq
to $1.25 seconds. Ba_
—75 Pairs Ponree Cur- qy
tains. Were $1.29 pr_ • * c
—Auto Seat Covers for coaches
and sedans. 1923
1935 models. Were d> l 70
$2.95 ea. ®A,/“
—*8 Studio Couch Covers, oi
Were $1.69 ea..
—7 Bolts Mexican Nets. o
Were 15c yd_
—Slip Covers for d»o Qff
chairs. Were $3.95 ea.
—Slip Covers for dto qp
sofas. Were $5.95 ea..
Kann's—Third Floor.
—35 Rayon Undies. nQ
Soiled. Were 39c.
—2* Girls’ Rayon Vests, l /v,
small sizes. Were 29c...
—20 Girls’ Tuckstitch Combina
tions, small sizes; 10 Children’s
Sleepinr Garments, small or
sizes. Were 59c and 79c
—25 Rayon Lace-Trim- rQ
med Gowns. Were 79c...
—35 Kayser’s Discontin
ued Slips, broken sizes. /:n.
Were 01.09 . °“c
—15 Union Snits, broken sizes.
L'Vi ,’'-50 75c and 87c
Kann's—Street Floor.
Men’* 21c and
27c Hoie
14c pr.
4 for 50c
—Smartly styled,
nice quality hose
in a variety of pat
tern* and color*.
Size* 10 to 12.
Stock up Friday
and save. ( Men*
Street Floor.
Waxed Paper
19c box
—100 feet of 12
inch waxed paper
in cutter box. A
heavy, nice quality.
The handy way to
keep waxed paper.
Tear off what you
need. On sale Sta
tionery Dept.
Street Floor.
Men'* 12V}C Linen
3 for 27c
—Pull me hand
kerchiefs of nice
quality Irish linen
with quarter inch
hems. The sort of
handkerchiefs men
like. Grand for
the school boy.
Hdkf. Dept.
Street Floor.
69c PriiciUa
49c pr.
—Sheer cusnion dot
marquisette cur
tains in ivory or
ecru. Priscilla style
52 inches wide to
the pair. 2 > 6 yards
Third Floor.
29c Tuckstitch
Vests and Pants
21c ca.
—Tearose cotton
garments in small,
medium and large
sizes. Built - up
shoulder vests.
Knee length, elastic
waistband wants.
Street Floor.
29c Adelaide
Crochet Cotton
19c skein
—800-yard skeins
of cream colored
cotton for knitting
or crocheting
spreads, scarfs,
chair and luncheon
Fourth Floor.
56.95 Rayon Faille
Wool-Filled Comforts
$4.99 ea.
—72x84-inrh com
forts with rayon
faille taffeta cov
ers In reversible
and plain colors.
Light in weight and
Street Floor.
6 Pyrex Custard
Cups and Rack
35c set
—Bake and serve
your custards in
these Pyrex cups.
They're oven-proof
—and the rack
makes them easy to
Third Floor.
11.69 Chintz
Boudoir Chair Covers
97c ea.
—Bright, colorful
covers with box
pi e a ted flounces
and contrasting
bindings. Nice as
sortment of pat
terns and colors.
Third Floor.
Crib Blankets
44c ea.
—Pink and blue
blankets in pretty
nursery designs;
the popular 36x50
inch size. Right
weight for baby.
(Infants’ Dept.)
Fourth Floor.
$1.95 I.ace
Table Cloths
$1.59 ea.
—Very attractive,
sturdy cloths at a
very special price
Friday. 72x90 size
in an all-over pat
tern and light ecru
Street Floor.
$1.49 Lady Pepperell
63x108 Sheeti
$1.09 ea.
—Nice quality, soft,
sturdy cotton
sheets for single
beds. Made of Lady
Pepperell aheeting.
Buy Friday and
Street Floor.
Ivory Flake*
3 for 63c
—Keep & supply of
these fine soap
flakes on hand for
washing dishes, fine
linens, silks, baby
clothes Buy Fri
day and save.
Street Floor.
39c Rayon
French Crepe
29c yd.
—A nice quality
rayon crepe in pas
tel and dark shades
for dresses, slips,
lingerie, etc. 39
in. wide. (Linings.)
Street Floor.
59c Colored
Dress Linen
44c yd.
—Beautiful French
finished linens In
pastel and dark
color*. All colors
fast. 36 inches
Street Floor.
50c Hair Nat*
33c doz.
—Wanda and Sonia
hair nets in cap
shape and all col
ors but white or
gray. Buy a sup
ply Friday and
j save
[ Street Floor.
55c Old English
No Rubbing Wax
39c pt.
—A very special
price for this excel
lent floor wax.
Pour it on. spread it
around and let it
dry. Simple as that.
_Third Floor.
$1.00 Butterscotch
Rayon Satin
79c yd.
—A good quality
rayon fabric in fif
teen light and dark
colors. Guaran
teed washable. 40
In. wide. ilSilks.)
j_Street Floor.
—12 Gold Bath Mat and
Lid Cover SeU. Were $1
—180 Cannon Wash Cloths, o
seconds 12VjC grade_
—10 Lace Cloth*, ©l rtq
70x90. Were *1.59_
—75 Japanese Crepe Lunch o
Napkins. Each..
—25 Yds. 69-In. Linen OQ.
Damask. Were $1.50 yd.
Kann's—Street Floor.
Clearance Mattresses
* <5
• It Inner-Sprint Mattresses. 60 QQ
• 10 Simmons Inner-Sprint Mattresses. $11 QQ
Were $16.50__-..
• 5 Heller Inner-Sprint Mattresses, striped tick- 61 | QQ
int. Were $24.50 _ ^
• 8 Simmons Hair and Felt and 9 Heller Inner- QlfS QQ
Sprint Mattresses. Were $29.50 each .
• 6 Heller Custom-Built Inner-Sprint Mattresses. $24.99
Wfrf $39.50 _"
Kann>—Third Floor.
Toilet Goods
—Odd Lot Soaps, some cakes
scarred, were 10c and 26c; ej„
Fibre Sponges, were 25c-~
—Chamois Cloths, were
29c and 49c; Moonglow -j r
Nail Polish _..
—Mirror Plaque Trays
and Odd Powder Jars, ea.
—Oatmeal Facial. Re- 29c
duced for clearance
Kann's—Street Floor.
Wosh Frocks
—97 Cotton Dresses. 29c
Were $1.00.—
—19 Maid’s Impt. White Or
gandy Apron Sets, 40
Were $2.95 . ^
—40 Uniforms and Printed
Hooverettea. Were $1.00
to $1.19. C
—78 Rayon or Cotton
Wash Dresses. Were ^ 59
—Odd Lot Smocks and
Rayon Dresses. Were 99c
$1.59 to $1.99..
Kann's—Second Floor.
—43 Prs. Wool Mixed and Fab
ric Pullons. Were $1.50
and $1.95_
—42 Prs. Capeskin Pullons, black
brown, gray. Sizes 6% to '7Qf
«'/a. Were $1.39.
—87 Prs. Children's and Misses’
Wool Gloves, navy, red, white,
tan, yellow. 2 to 7. Were 39c
59c ___
—19 Prs. 12 and 1« Button
BUck Glace Skin Gloves, 5% to
7, but not all si»s
In both lengths. Were $1.95
Kann*—Street, floor.
Sewing Machines
—1 New Home Trea- QQ
—1 Wheeler and Wil- gy QQ
son Treadle . .. ^
-i Frank,in Trea- 810.00
die - -
-1 Sinrer Treadle g^QQ
Ma'cMnT Tread'e §16-00
IT1'**"*" Treadle gj9 QQ
Machine ... ^
-1 Cabinet Elec- $3459
trie _ . -
-1 Portable Elec- $19#5Q
trie _ ^
Kann's—Fourth Floor.
—10 Oil Silk Rain- g><>
coats. Were *5 00 ...
—3 Silk 16-Rib Cm
brellas. Were *5.00.. ®i,OU
—10 Silk-Mixture 16
Rib Cmbrellas. Were gj
Kann's—Street Floor.
Just 60 Fibre Rugs-Reduced
Last Year's Patterns Si Si
Were $11.95—Choice P • PP P P
—9x12 and 8x10 ft rugs, made by the Waite Carpet Company.
Fifteen attractive stenciled patterns in blue, green, tan and
brown. A sturdy basket weave.
Kann's—Third Floor.
Demonstrated""** Easy Washers
• X Easy Washers 3 B.P. Orig. *69.50 ..*49.95
• 2 Easy Washers 4 D. Orig. *129.95 ..*89.95
• 1 Easy Washer 2 D. S. Orig. *159.95 .*89.95
• 2 Model 30 Easy Ironers. Orig. *59.95-*39.95
• Model 31 Easy Ironer. Orig. $69.95 -$49.95
Reconditioned Washers
• Model 5 F. Easy Washer. Orig. $69.50_ 529.56
• 1 Model R. Dryer Type Vacuum Cup_*59.95
• 1 Gainaday Washer _ _*12.95
• 1 Sandusky Washer. Orig. $19.95_*12.95
• 1 Electric Dish Washer. Orig. *49.95 ._.*15.00
Small Carrying Charge If Budgeted
On Sale Special Section—Kann’s—Fourth Floor.
Leather Goods
—100 Imitation Leather
Bars, some imperfect. rQ
Were $1.00 . J7L
—SO Leather Bags, shop
worn. Were $1.59.
—50 Imitation Leather Bags,
shopworn, as is; Odd Lot l q
Women’s Belts _ 17L
—35 Black and
Brown Leather Bags, oi in
Were $3.00.
. _. Kann’e—Street Floor,
Blankets, Etc.
—3 North Star Wool Blankets,
soiled. 72x84. Were
—4 Wool-Filled Celanese Com*
forts. 72x84. Soiled, ©z: nt
Were *9.95 _.
—6 Patchwork Quilts, ©l oq
72x84. Were *1.95... . ^
—5 Sateen W o o I*
Filled Comforts. 72x84. ©o 70
• Were *3.95.
Kami's—Street Floor,