OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, February 18, 1937, Image 28

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1937-02-18/ed-1/seq-28/

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Thumbnail for B-8

Smart Spring fashions—just as the season starts—
household and personal needs, too—brought you
at substantial savings in /
Charles of the Ritz
> Cream,
Regularly $3.50
A very special offer of this ex
cellent cream.
Woodward & Lothrop Cleansing Tissue,
fnll-edged. 250 12xl5-mch sheets in a
package. 35c package. 3 pack- Cl
Woodward & Lothrop Cleansing Tissues,
300 sheets, size 9x12. 3 for 58c. 20C
Ha ir Brushes, fine quality, 6 cpen-back
styles to choose from. Pure Cl t^g
bristles .. _ ._ ^
Nail Brushes with pastel handles, ossorted
colors ond styles. Good grade CQC
bristles. Each . ... JO
Bath Brushes, long handled, detachable,
pastels or natural wood finishes. "7QJ.
Each_ . /0
Prophylactic Hair Brushes in an assortment
of twelve styles. Hard, soft QCC
bristles OJ
Prophylactic Hoir Brushes in dis- S*.20
continued sty les. Pure bristles
Prophylactic Hair Brushes m dis
continued Stranzit styles. Pure Cl Jg
bristles__ ._ _
Woodward & Lothrop Tooth Brushes in
four styles, assorted pastels. 3 for 1 Oc
50c. Eoch 10
Woodward & Lothrop Oatmeal Cleansing
Cream, a fine pore-cleansing cream,
. jor . _ .
ToaprpiES, Aisles 11 and IS, First Floor.
Imperial Vellum
Writing Pap er
2 boxes 55C
Anniversary Priced
Single or double sheets with 3-letter mon
ogram, name and address, or name and
motif. 50 sheets, 50 envelopes. Two er ec
weeks delivery. 2 boxes $1. Each
Fountain Pens for men and women, full
size, M-karat points. In lizard
green, lizard gray and black. <M 53
Special _
Flexible Desk Pads with felt backs, leather
panels and corners. Sizes 12x19, 45
16x21, 19x24. Assorted colors
Mexican Onyx Desk Sets, 12x19, leather
cornered desk pad, onyx base calendar,
fountain pen and base, paper {M.85
knife and rocker blotter. Set *
American Beauty Playing Cards, made by
makers of Congress Ploying Cards. /2QC
12 designs. 2 decks to box. Box
Stationery, Aisles 2, 4 and 6, First Floor.
Woodward & Lothrop
Cleansing Tissues
Priced'7 3 packa6€s ^1
Soft, lorge tissues in white or col
ors. Pockoge of 250 12x1 5-inch
Woodword b Lothrop Cleansing Tissues,
9x12-inch size, in packages of eo..
300. Special, 3 packages_ ./O'
Woodward b Lothrop Sanitary Napkins,
soft absorbent. Box of 50. Two QCC
boxes _
Woodthrop Sanitary Napkins, soft and
absorbent, pressed ends. 12 to box, l7^r
6 boxes _ * J
Kleinert's Dress Shields in washable silk.
Two shapes, sizes 2, 3, 4. 3 dl
pairs _
Woodward b Lothrop Dress Shields,
double-covered, nainsook. 2 shapes. *70,.
3 pairs _ /0C
Lastex Sanitary Betts, narrow, satin <1
tabs, sizes small, medium, large. 3 for
Elona Hoir Nets, single mesh cap and
fringe in six shades. Fine nets, CQ
2 dozen for_
Notions, Aislbs 21 and 22, First Floor.
Woodward fir Lothrop All-Wotar Soap, 12
cakes to o box. 6 lovely odors.
12 cakes UJ
Conti Castile Coop, about a four-pound
box, cut into 15 good size cakes, jl 28
Roger & Gallet Bath Soap, unwrapped,
five odors, packed si< cakes to SI ,35
Woodthrop Sanitary Napkins, soft ond
absorbent, 1 2 napkins to box. Spe- ‘7^
cial 6 boxes_ _
Woodthrop Sanitary Napkins, packed 50
nopkins to a box. Soft, disposable. Qef
2 boxes___
Revolving Poker Rocks, walnut or mo
hogony finishes, and cover, with
200 unbreakable chips in four <><,95
Remington Portable Typewriters with
standard, eosy-to-operate key board.
Model 5. Sturdy carrying <2Q.50
cose . . _
Keen-Edge Scissors, mode by Wiss, In
seven styles including barber shears. AQr
2 for $1.30. Each_ uo
Wardrobe Bags in heavy sateen. 60-inch
length, 36-inch slide fasten- dO J0
srs _
Shoe Bags, 16-pocket size to match the
above wardrobe bags. Choice five /%Qc
Knitting Bags in homespun and tapestry,
wood handles, rayon lined. Style ^5
assortment __ . _ __
Rain Capes with hood in ogua oil silk.
Natural, blue, green, red, black < 1.55
and brown _
ONE-DAY SPECIAL in the Bake Shop
Cherry Pie, 36c Regularly 45c
A favorite dessert, just tart enough to end the meal happily.
Bake Shot Counters, Tea Room Balcony, Seventh Floor,
and Adjoining Fountain Room, Down Stairs Stori.
' A
Misses’ Dresses, Special *1820
Above, right—one of the mony salutes to Spring in a group
that includes jacket frocks. Print and solid colors—silks and
synthetics—sizes 12 to 20.
One-Piece Dresses ond Jacket Frocks in Spring's smart colors, $1 2,55
including prints. Silks ond synthetics. Anniversary priced J
Redingotes, Bolero, Jacket end One-Piece Frock*—in silk or syn- $2 2 75
thetics. Many prints or print accents. Anniversary priced
Redingotes, Jacket and One-Piece Dresses—silks, synthetics, silk- M1.80
ond-wool combinations. Printed and plain colors. Special ■*'
Misses’ Dresses, Third Floor.
Misses’, Women’s, Shorter Women’s
Dinner Dresses and
Evening Gowns, special ^g-20
In a group that includes lace, chiffon, marquisette and pure
silk crepe.
Dinner and Evening Dresses in marquisette, lace, chiffon, net £1 2.55
and pure-dye silk crepe. Solid colors and prints. Special
Gowns of lace, chiffon, marquisette, pure-dye silk crepe in dork $'2 2.75
colors. White, pastels. Special_ __ . . .
Gowns of chiffon, marquisette, net and pure-dye silk crepe, $21.80
including prints. Speciol _ __ J
Evening Wraps for Misses and Women. Si 2-55
Specml _
Formal Room, Third Floor.
Two and Three Piece
Spring Suits, Special *21”
Boxy swaggers in Juiiliard tweeds in the two-piece styles.
Wardrobe suits in monotone tweeds or inspiring color combi
nations. (One style, at left, below). Misses' sires.
Two-piece Classics and softly tailored suits. Misses' sues. $10.85
Special_ _ __ _ -
Lees of Galashiels Coats of Horris tweeds, English tailored. $2 2.75
Misses' sizes. Special__ ~ 9
Fox-Trimmed Dress Coat. In gray or ton mixtures or novy "hair- C
cloth." Sizes 14 to 20. Special_ _
Shorter Women's Coats in Forstmann fabrics, trimmed with $2Q.75
Galyac. In black only; boxy cut. Special_ “jy
Sports and Dress Coats for misses, women and shorter women. $2175
Better fabrics, mony in bright colors. Special_
Coats and Suits, Third Floor.
Lack* coat
Spring Hats
Special $8
The Doft Turbans, chipper soilors, flattering brims you will want. In
straws or jersey. Headsizes 21 ’/2 to 23 '/2. Smart hots in Spring's
outstanding styles and colors. Straws and felt. Special _ ”
Felt* and other materials in new Spring hats. Many colors. $6
Special j__ _ - - - -
Inspiring Hots in better straws, felts and straw ond beiting. $10
Speeiol - -
From Famous Makers—Shantung-weave bokus. #14-57
Special _ . _ _
Double Chic for Women
Print Plus Jacket, 518'20
We sketch one engaging style at left, above—but one of a
stellar array of one and two piece frocks for women, shorter
and large women.
Pure-Silk Print Frocks, for Spring. One and two piece, in sizes 2.55
34 to 44, 1411 to 24' z, 4212 to 52'2. Anniversary priced
Prints—Linder a wool coot, in a jacket frock or used as applique. £T2.75
Sheers, too, in a group of frocks. Anniversary Priced J
Jacket Suits, Ensembles and One-Piece Frocks from our better S31.80
manufacturers, in women's and shorter women's sizes__ J
Women s Dresses, Third Floor.
Spring Classic—The Three-piece
Knit Suit, Special f18.2„
Ratine and boucle with frilly or tailored blouse. In beige,
Aloha blue, lilac, rose, aqua or black. Sizes 1 4 to 44.
Jane Wondl Knitted Dresses and Suits of ratine, boucle or 51 355
chenille. Two and three piece. Special. .. _ __
Sports Frocks in silks and synthetics, including prints. One $1 2,55
ond two piece styles; misses' sizes. Special .
Misses' Knit Dresses, including finger crepe boucles—in round $Q 75
boot neck and club collar styles. Special
Slip-on Sweaters in on excellent variety of styles, yarns and spring $2.40
colors. In sizes 34 to 40. Special
Knitted Dresses, three-piece, of boucelame. In five colors, in- $21.75
eluding gray. Sizes 16 to 42. Special
Pique and Linen Blouses in tailored or more feminine styles. White, 51-60
navy and pastels. Special_ . ----- --
Silk and Synthetic Blouses in prints or solid colors—bright, pastels, 52-40
navy, white. Sizes 32 to 46. Special
Blouses in synthetic sheers, prints, diagonal weaves and broad- 53.15
cloths, all smartly detailed. Special
Blouses in novelty synthetic weaves in St. James rose, Hollywood $4.75
green ond other chic colors. Speciol
Blouses in silks and synthetics, including the very smart Paisley $^.35
prints. In sizes 32 to 44 Special
Sports Skirts, in men's wear fabric, wool crepe, flannel and tweeds. 54-75
Included ore styles with gored pressed seams. Special
Skirts, in tweeds, Shetlond and basket weave; in swing, pleated 53-15
and gored styles. Sizes 34 to 44- ---
Sportswear, Third Fioor.
From Our Inexpensive Dress Section
Smart Frocks, Special ni1’
For misses—for women—and shorter women—in silks and
synthetics—in one-piece and jacket styles—in prints and
solid colors (or combinations of the two, os sketched at right,
Jacket, Redingote ond One-Piece Dresses for women, misses and 58*75
shorter women. Silks and synthetics, prints ond monotones
Dresses of pure-silk or synthetic crepe Romoine. Jacket Suits of $11.15
synthetic crepe. Special .- -
Misses' and Women's Dotted Swiss, Muslin, Chintz, Dimity and $2*40
Novelty Cotton Dresses Speciol
Misses' and Women's Dresses in linen and varied cottons. Prints $^.15
ond solid colors. Special
Misses’ and Women's Dresses in printed batiste, shaggy ond lrish 54.75
linens. Special - -
For Days Still Brisk
Lapin Coats, spccM '65
A group chiefly consisting of swaggers and tunics. In black,
brown or gray.
Silver Fox Scarfs, also two-skin scarfs in blended ond natural Baum mar
ten and blended American marten. (Hudson Bay Sable); ond *79-75
ten-skin Kolinsky. Special_ __ __
Fur Scarfs, including single-skin Red Fox, two-skin Blended or
Natural Stone Marten or Natural Baum Morten, and 10-skin Ko- £65
linsky. Special- --
Fur Scarfs, including 6, 8 ond 10 skin Kolinsky; two-skin Jop or *^f7,75
Blended Stone Marten; single-skin Block and Brown Fox. Special
Silver Fox Scarfs, luxurious accents for Spring suits. Specially *139.50
priced for Anniversary Selling ....
Fens. Thikb Floor.

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