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1 ".I Chosen to Fill Post Left Va cant by Death of Karl W. Corby. Maj. Gist Blair was elected presi dent of the Emergency Hospital Board of Directors for the unexpired term of office left vacant by the death of Karl W. Corby, two weeks ago. Of a prominent Washington and Maryland family, associated with this city 'since 1830, Maj. Blair is the brother of the late Woodbury Blair, ! president of the board from 1913 to 1933. It was under the latter's guid ance that the hospital reached its present prominence and fine reputa tion. From a small Institution, located *t. Fourteenth street and Ohio avenue, j the hospital grew under Woodbury Blair to occupy half a city block and ' has treated approximately 40,000 per sons during the last year. At yesterday's special meeting also a committee was appointed to frame a resolution in honor of the late Mr. Corby which will be engraved and sent to Mrs. Corby. Charles Colfax Long, Charles Henry Butler, Dr. A. B. Moore and Dr. William Earl Clark serve with Maj. Blair on the rommittee. Maj. Blair is the son of the late Montgomery Blair. Postmaster General under Lincoln, and the grandson of Francis Preston Blair, who came here in 1830 as editor of the Washington Globe, published during the adminis trations of Jackson and Van Buren The entire family has been prominent in the fields of politics and public service. Maj. Blair was born in 1860. He was educated at Emerson Institute. Princeton University and George Washington University Law Sehoo’., After prartiring law here and in Mis souri for many years he became major Judge-advocate during the war, and was one of the 24 men under Provost Marshal Crowder, whose task it was to raise an army of 4 000.000 men tinder the selective service act. Dur ing the past seven years Mai. Blair has been historian-general and a mem ber of the general staff of the Military Order of the World War. Hospital Head MAJ. GIST BLAIR. Evidence Effective. DENVER OP).—While Sam Cocas was being triad in Police Court on a charge of selling whisky without a li cense. Judge E. N. Shepherd pointed to a bottle of evidence and a~ked: “What's that, a bottle of whisky?” Cocas took a big drink. "Yes,” he said. The fine was $30. Special TREAT for 4 o'clock Kibblers CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S date & nut Bread Ready to slice and serve. Always fresh. F.xtra Good u ith Sweet Rutter Cream Cheese or any sandwich filling Now selling at a greatly reduced price ASK YOUR GROCER NEXT DISTRICT DAY IN HOUSE SHIFTED With Monday as Washington's Birthday Anniversary, D. C. Bills Go Over to Tuesday. “District day” in the House—the day on which District legislation is supposed to have the right of way— is scheduled next Tuesday instead of Monday, the regular day. The change was made at the re quest of Majority Leader Rayburn, who pointed out that Monday is George Washington’s birthday anni versary, and many members would not be in Washington, even though the House may be in session. “District days" arc scheduled regu larly for the second and fourth Mon- , days of each month. A bill designed to modernize and humanize Juvenile Court procedure has a preferred status on the House calendar and will be the first measure j considered when the District calendar I is called up. General debate on this bill was started on the last ‘'District day." -—.. • BYRD LISTS CANDIDATES FOR MILITARY SCHOOLS Three Alexandrians Among Pros pective U. S. Cadets and Midshipmen. Br the Associated Press. Senator Harry Flood Byrd certified today his designations of three prin cipals and nine alternates as candi dates for admission to the Naval Academy and of one principal and two alternates to the Military Acaderpy. The designations were made on the basis of a competitive examination. Naval Academy principals named were Samuel Heeller, Norfolk; James Maury Werth, Alexandria, and John Norton of Norfolk. The Military Acad emy principal was James H. Dicnelt of Alexandria. Alternates to Heller were George A. Brandy, Norfolk, first; Harold L. Leahy, Norfolk, second, and George Hagerman. Richmond, third. Alter nates to Werth were Thomas Preston Cocke. Williamsburg, first; W. E. Carl ton, Alexandria, second, and Waldron M. McLellen, Portsmouth, third. Alternates to Norton were E. J. Milli gan, 3d, Cape Charles, first; J. T. Nichols, jr., Norfolk, second; and Hunter Reinburg. Front Royal, third. John Tatum of Norfolk was desig nated first alternate to Dienelt, and S. D. Kelsey of Newport News second alternate. —-• ' ..— Colonial Dinner. BALLSTON Va., February 18 (Special).—Girls in Colonial costume will act as waitresses at an old-time Colonial dinner at the Mount Olivet Methodist Protestant Church from 5 to 7:30 p.m. The dinner is being sponsored by the Ladies’ Auxiliaries of the church, with Mrs. William C Herrold chairman and Mrs. E. R. Foilin vice chairman. -— Eetired Broker Dies. MIAMI. Fla.. February 18 (A3).— Percy Stephen Balk will, retired Cleve land read estate broker, died in a ho tel last night. He came here last j November. A Washington’s Birthday Treat 'aiiijbL ICE CREAM Maraschino Cherries. Ripe Pineapple, deliciously blended SPECIAL WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY ICE CREAM hi fancy forms. Order 4* hours in advance from your Southern Dairies dealer or telephone Southern Dairies. U.S. Senator Gerald E Nye says: "I enjoy the comfort a light smoke gives my throat” "I have smoked Luckies off and on ever since my first term in the Senate 11 years ago, and I hare always en joyed their taste and the feeling of comfort and safety a light smoke gives my throat. I have done a great deal of public speaking, on the floor of the Senate, over the radio and at conferences. Necessarily this results in a strain on the voice. So naturally, in smoking, I have to think of my throat —and I have found that a light smoke is suitable to my throat . HON. GERALD P. NYE U. S. SENATOR FROM NORTH DAKOTA In a recent independent survey, an overwhelm ing majority of lawyers, doctors, lecturers, scien tists, etc., who said they smoked cigarettes, ex pressed their personal preference for a light smoke. Senator Nye’s statement verifies the wisdom of this preference and so do leading artists of radio, stage, screen and opera, whose voices are their fortunes, and who choose Luckies, a light smoke. You, too, can have the throat protection of Luckies — a light smoke, free of certain harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process "It’s Toasted”. Luckies are gentle on your throat. THE FINEST TOBACCOS "THE CREAM OF THE CROP” A Light Smoke "It’s Toasted”—Your Throat Protection AGAINST IRRITATION—AGAINST COUGH ^_ ___ Coprrlcbt 1997, The Aaierlemn Tnh»e<» rorat»ny POLICE DRAG STREAM FOR MOTHER AND BABY Disappearance of Pair Believed Linked to Fatal Shooting > of Man. By the Associated Press. PHM.ADELPHIA, February 17 Police dragged the Delaware River today In an unsuccessful search for Mrs. Louise Adair and her old son. whose disappearance they linked with the shooting of Charles Smart. Smart's body was found yesterday on a pier on the southeast water front. Shots fired into his head had killed him. Near the body detectives found a JEWELRY REPAIRED Brine it to a firm you can trust. Moderate prices. Skilled work manship. Easy credit terms CASTELBERG’S 1004 F Si. N.W. hat and purse belonging to Mrs. Adair. Her husband. James, identi fied them. He said his wife and young son left home the night before and had not returned. Adair said his wife knew Smart. He was not held. THE DERWOOD MILL DERWOOD, MD. Subject to market changes we quote the following low prices on our high quality feeds. Terms, Cash at the Mill Laying MASH 20% ___ Large Scratch _ ‘With milling wheat) Derwood Dog Food_ Md. Family Flour_ $2-55 $•>.50 LmA §3.5° 45c (In 12-lb. sachz) Located Between Rockville and Gaithersburg Phone—Gaithersburg 19-F-13 TRY THIS BRAND-NEW TASTE FOR AF^RNOOH TEA I iVP \ ;.PP; \Y -‘pi \ vnJ 'tV >•* /v J •—U: *■’ GOOD-WILL STORES "POLICY" Selling Quality bands! At Lowest Market Prices! Prompt and Cheerful Service! Keeping Stores Clean and Inviting! Maintaining "Honest Values" whereby our customers will con tinue their appreciated patronage. Visit Our Enlarged and Modernized GOOD-WILL STORE 3400 ISth ST. N.E. MUNDY Cr McMULLAN (Proprietors1 See the Latest In Food Store Equipment Displaying A p pc fixing Food Seeds! ATTEND THE GRAND STORE OPENING THURSDAY, FEB. 25th AT 3 P.M. Food Demonstrations! Samples and Prizes! Suggestions for Your Lenten Meals Imported Kippered SNACKS 3 4 07.. cans 14c Imported Kippered HERRING 2 i or. cans 1 9c Packed in Tomato Sauce CALIFORNIA SARDINES 2 15 07.. oval cans 19c CRAB MEAT- 29c Columbia River SALMON v»‘- 10c 7e“- 17c Imported Small SARDINES 3 rails 25c MABRO PURE MAYONNAISE ft* 14c ft* 24c 32 oz. Jar. 3»e Mabro Pure Sandwich Spread 2 LT 21c IT 35c Mahrn Pure Salad V | n. 1 DRESSING ..... Z jars I >C Mabro Pure Strawberry 2 lb. jp PRESERVES ... jar 3jC Mahrn Pure p-oz. 1 CV_ MUSTARD Z jars I >C Mabro Stuffed No 4 <4 Jars 15. OLIVES ... size Z Z3C Mabro Queen No. 4 •> Jars 11. OLIVES _ size Z Z I C Save On These Well Known Soaps! IVORY 2 mrd. 1 Q_ SOAP___ 3 bars • eC PAG WHITE A bars 1 *T_ NAPHTHA SOAP_“ I /C CAMAY A bars 1 I, SOAP_ X IIC 2 boxes 15e All Fresh Dependable Quality. Offered at Genuine Savings. Sea Food Lenten Suggestions and "Wes'- ngton's Birthday" Party Near Make Up Your Shopping List From These Numerous Spec.ah. ~hev : Represent "Honest Values" From You- Hcme-Ovned Individual Re ; toil Grocer—Guaranteed Satisfaci cn When Buying Here. All Nationally Known CARNATION, PET, EORDEN'S FANCY NEW YORK STATE SAUER Co-operating With California Fruit G.owers' Assoc a^ion P®? A S? CALIFORNIA ^ 29 OZ. ^ «* - - K quality ^ CAN'S ^ ^ -g _2 1 5 pi. cans 21 c __________ c tom SSL 2Z£f25c sirailii Week-Sir H Meet Specials:. CHOICE TENDER Pork Loin ROAST_ lb. 25c End Cut PORK CHOPS lb. 25e Center Cut PORK CHOPS lb. 31c Fresh Perk PUDDING lb. ISc Sliced BACON _lo. 35c Smoked HAMS lb. 2Sc Hin$an's Reliable Pure (V -■ > Perk Scuseje lb. pkj. 25c "Philadelphia Sfylc" SC3APPLE lb. 15c Cooked HOMINY qt. box 12c Sgvc on Choice rr;*sH FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT ■ Each j.... C • Larger Sixes—4 for 25e LETTUCE .. hd. 12c CELERY_ 2 stalks 19c New Green CABBAGE lb. 3c CARROTS 2 bunches 15c \anrv Hall SWEET POTATOES -.4 lbs. 19c ONIONS_3 lbs. 10c KALE _3 lbs. 10c SPINACH _2 lbs. 15c Florida Juicy CHANGES do*. 29c Cooking APPLES 3 lbs. 19c Wincoop APPLES 4 lbs. 25c Save More on These Everyday Needs! LIBBY’S 211oz. TOMATO JUICE ^ cans AWt 3—20 oz. cans—25c Morton's Plo'n cr ^ rounrl 1 Iodized SALT “ botes I Gold Medol "Kitchen Tested" S lb 2 1 U ib.£ J FLOUR bap D I C bap^3C FLA™ 7 p: ps. PIE CRUST A3C WHEATIES 2 pkBS* 23C Washington's Birthday RECIPE IN EACH BOX SOFTASILK 27c THE SUPER CAKE FLOUR Sour Pitted *} in oz. 3 Cr CHERRIES at* c»ns » ✓ V Fancy ? °7' "? 1 GRAPEFRUIT.. rans Am I V. Fonev Grapefruit j? 20 oz. _ JUICE V cans Fancy Grapefruit 5 20 oz- ^ CT JUICE -* cans (Natural Flavor) Foncy Orange and Grapefruit 12 oz. 1 Qa JUICE A- cans I VC Gives That Satisfying Taste! MA6RO "FRESH” lb. «% j COFFEE pkg. Z3C SoZri with nur Monev-Bcck Gunrarttrr VELVET IK ij Q. COFFEE pkg. I VC A at in nal Tea II eek! —Feb. 14th to Feb. 20th— McCormick's Banquet ORANGE PEKOE ’•,b- 21c ran 4b» ■ W HERE ARE THE WINNERS IN OUR RECENT 10 WEEKS "OFFER OF GOOD WILL" 7-DAY ROUND TRIP TO HAVANA WON BY: C. W. SPICER, 337 Eighth St. N.E. CROSLEY CONSOLES AND TABLE MODEL RADIOS -Won By Mrs. Erie Peter* 1101 Euclid St. N.W., No. 301. Mr*. Marv A Slye 1616 W St. S.E. Mr*. Mirv \V. Griffith 631 Milwaukee PI. S.E. Llovd C McClellan 309 Circle Ave.. Takoma Park Mrs. G. E. Finnotti 1228 U St. S.E Mrs. David Feunre 1719 I nshur St. N W. Mrs. Edith F. Guthr»e 5018 42nd S*. N W. Ml** Do'nthv Ohm 1612 W St. S E. Mrs. Mabel Hendix 1H>1 Pa. Ave. S.E. Mrs !,|l|isn J«ire 1017 Park Ed. N.W. Mrs H M l.nwrv .11! > tfth St N E. Ja^e M"ir 1.1! I Totomar Ave. S.E. Mr«. i,. fl. Pirharrtson ItiOl Fort PI. N.E. Mrs. i M. Neale 1121 Emerson St. N.W. Mrs. Posie Santilli ’117 Euclid St. N.W. For Your Nearest Good Will Store Call Mazo Bros. Co., Natl. 0066-0057