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(Sarha of ZHjattk*. arms. CARRIE B. We wish to thank all relatives and triends for their kindness and for the beautiful floral tributes dur ing our bereavement. ^ pAMILy WEST. AEDELL A. The family of the late AUDELLA WEST wish to thank Rev. Pope Rev. Curry, the Eastern Star Club of the First Baptist Church of Brent wood. Md : also relatives and friends lor their thoughtful kindness at a time when it was deeply appreciated, lnatik* to Columbia Lodge of Elks. No. 86. Sralbfl. ANDREWS. HARRY R. On Sunday. Feb ruary 21. 1037. at his residency Georgetown rd.. Bethesda, Md.. HARRY r ANDREWS, beloved husband of Mary Ellen Andrews and beloved lather oi A. Paul. Walter J. and Mary Virginia An drews. Funeral services at the chapel of John R Wright. 1337 10th st. n.w., Tuesday. February 23. at _ p.m. in terment Rock Creek Cemetery. ASHBY. WILLIAM D. On Sunday. Feb ruary °1. 1037. at Garfield Hospital, WILLIAM D. ASHBY, aged 60 Vcars; beloved brother of Welby Lee As,ht£a?f Washington. E. Stuart Ashby of Har risonburg. Va.. and Mrs. Virginia Dar nell of Rectortown. Va. Funeral from the George W. Wise Co. funeral home. 2000 M st. n.w.. Wednesday. February •»4 at a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. BAILEY. MABEL G. On Sunday.Febru ary 21. 1037. at Fregdmen s Hospital. MABEL G. BAILEY. lSt mg daughter of James and the late s“rah B*tley She also leaves three brothers. jLieorKc Dewey! Ralph Washington and„,chaX1?a Thomas Bailey and a host oi otner relaUves and friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhinos funeral chapel, :tfd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of iu neral later. BARNES. VICTORIA DORA. On Sunday. February 21. 1037. at Montgomery County General Hospital O.nci Md.. VICTORIA DORA beloved wife of Nel son J. Barnes of Cabin John Md. Re mains resting at the funeral home Oi Wm Reuben Pumphrev. «00t> Wise oil sin ave.. Bethesda. Md. Notice of fu neral later. HARROWS. FRED L. On Saturday. Feb ruary 20 11*37. at Philadelphia Pa.. FRED L. BARROWS, agea 31 years, be loved husband of Pearl Wilson Barrows Services at the S H. Hinr,f Co. fum-ral home 20**1 14th st. n.w . Tuesday. Fep ruary 23. at 3:30 p in. interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BITTNER. EMM*. Oil Sunday, eepruary ”1 1 IKlT at the residence ot her daugh ter Mrs' Rosa Batch. East HyattsviUe. Md EMMA BITTNER, the beloved wife of the late Theodore Bittner, she is survived by two sons. Gustave fv Bit ner of Denver Colo, and John Bittne. of South Bend. Ind and a Mrs. Rose Batch. Remains resting at Gasch's funeral home. *»*» Maryland ave., HyattsviUe. Md Services at the above funeral home on Tuesday. February at p.m Relatives and friends invit ed. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. Bladensburc. Md. BOTELER. MORGAN JAMES. On Sunday. February ill. i!M7. at his home, \\hite Oak. Md. MORGAN JAMES, husband of Katie Violet Boteler 'nee Miller) Serv ices at Colesvilie M. E. Church on Wednesday. February 21 at 11 a:tn Interment church cemetery. BROOKS. ARTHUR. On Saturday. Feb iuary '3ft. I0:t7. at Gallinger Hospital. ARTHUR BROOKS devoted father of Russell and Arthur Brooks jr. He also leaves Tour brothers, two sisters, other relatives and friends Remains resting at th*’ John T Rhines funeral chapel, ;>rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. BROWN. CLARENCE BURKERT. On Fri day. February lh 1H37. at Alt' Hospital. CLARENCE BURKERT BROWN, beloved husband of Alina Bar bara Brown and father of W. Scott. Julia Kate and Charles Albert Brown. Funeral fiom the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. Mud Chapin S' n.w on Tuesday February 2.'$. a' 1(1:311 a m. Relatives aru friends invited Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery, with full military honors. BI RCH. JAMES T. Suddenly, on Monday. February 22 lfi.37. JAMES T BURCH, beloved husband of Magdalene Burch and fathr- of Bertha and Evantteline Burch. Remains resting at W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home, 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of funeral later. CAPI.IW. HI i h.'NMf. un nai'jr day. February HO. 1937. JENNIE BUCKNER CAPERS beloved mother of Childress Buckner Gwyn. in the einhty Binth year of her ace Services at her late home 1749 Park road n.w. on Tuesday. February 23. at H o'clock p m . followed bv interment in Ivy Hill Ceme tery Alexandria. Va. Relatives and friends invited to attend. CLAPP. MONROE. Departed this life sud denly Thursday. February is. 1937 at 3 D m MONROE CLAPP of 1322 W st. n.w.. the beloved husband of Annie V. ClaDP He also is survived by a de voted father Hpnry Monroe Clapp: fhrre sisters. Cecily Mary and Emma ClaPD; one brother Henry Clapn of Hampton. Va.: also other relatives and friends. Remains restinp at the Malvan A- S^hey funeral home. New Jersev eve. and R st. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. Februarv H3. at 2 pm., from St Luke's Eniscopal Church. Inth and Church sts. n.w . Rev. Josiah Elliott nfftriattmr. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemeterv. 22 COLEMAN. LILLIAN. On Sundav. Feb ruary 21. 1937. at lf.H9 v st. n.w. LILLIAN COLEMAN, mother of Edna Mae Major sister of Alice Thomas and Trieodore Arledee. Remains restinp at Frazier's funeral home :iS9 R I ave. n w Funeral Wednesday. Februarv 24. at 1 D.m.. from above funeral home. Rev E S. Howard ofhciatinc Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 23 COPENHAVER. J. JIM A. Entered into rest on Monday. Februarv 22. 1937. at the home of her dauchtr. Mrs Ed ward H. Cumpston at Rochester. N Y . Mrs. J. JULIA COPENHAVFR widow of Henry E Copenbaver. She leaves one dauchter. Mrs. Edward H Cumps ton of Rochester. N Y Services will be held at St. Paul’s Church. In Pock Creek Cemetery, or Tuesday February 23. at 3 d m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery CROOK. ALEXANDER CRAWFORD. On Sunday February HI. 1937. at his resi dence. 1423 Webster st. n.w ALEXAN DER CRAWFORD CROOK the beloved husband of Elizabeth C. Crook. Funeral services at the above residence on Tues day. Februarv H3. at 2 p.m. Interment Bethel Cemeterv Alexandria Va. Serv ices by the W. W. Chambers Co. DlEC.ELMA.VN. ADAM On Sunday. Feb ruary 21. 1937 ADAM, beloved husband of the late Katherine Diepelmann. Funeral from his late residence. 11 <»♦; C st. s e . on Wednesday. February 24, at 8:30 am Requiem mass at St. Mary s Church at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery 23 OlEOELMANN. ADAM. Wlndthorst Club and members of Holv Name Society of St. Mary's Parish, will meet at the resi dence of the late Mr ADAM DIEGEL MANN. linn C st. s.e.. on Tuesdav. February 23. 1937. at 8 p m . to say oravers for the dead ji/oErH ZEUUW1TZ. President. FRED DIEGELMANN President. C KRAF^T Secretary JOSEPH DIEGELMANN. Secretary. CREESE. JOHN W. Departed this life suddenly. February 21. 193,7. at Freed men's Hospital. JOHN W. GREEN of 1425 T st. n.w.. son of the late Rev. Plato and Evelynla Green He is sur vived by a devoted wife. Bessie Green; daughter Gladys Green two sisters Mrs. Mamie Lloyd and Mrs. Nellie Deane: four brothers Dr. William Green. Rev. Allen Green. Herman and Milton Green, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Mal van Ac Schev funeral home N. J ave and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. GREGORY. JOSEPH. On Saturday Feb ruary 20. 1037, JOSEPH GREGORY, loving husband of Barbara Gregory. He also leaves other relatives and many friends Funeral at 2 v m Tuesday. February 23 from the John T Rhinos funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye fts s.w. Interment Ro*°mont Cemetery. HAWKINS. ANNIE. mother of Rachel Hawkins Grandison F’uneral from Mount Zion Baptist Church 13th and C sts. n e.. Tuesday. February 23. 1937. at 1:30 D.m.. Rev. Y. Z Brown of ficiating Interment at Woodlawn Cem etery. Robinson Ac Joynes. funeral di rectors. • BFNRY. THOMAS RICHARD. Departed this life on Saturday. February 20. 1937. THOMAS RICHARD HENRY son of the late William and Sarah Henry, beloved husband of Marv Henry <nce Fisher>. lovine father of Elenora. Edna. Rapley Francis James and Marion Poesy Henry, beloved brother of Mrs. Ella Elcan, Mrs. Satiie Adams of New York City: brother of Ulyssess and Lem uel Henry; nephew of Mrs. Virginia Ricks. He also leaves eight grandchil dren and thiee great-grandchildren and other relatives, and friends. Remains resting at E. W. Bundy’s funeral par lors. R21 Florida avc. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 23 BIEL. EDWIN F. On Saturday. February 20. 1037. at his residence. 20 East Woodbine st.. Chevy Chase Md. EDWIN F HILL beloved husband of Marie N. Hill. Remains resting at the above residence until 12 noon Tuesday. Feb ruary 23. Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th at. n.w., on Tuesday February 23. at 2 D.m. Interment nrivate. _FUNERAL DIRECTORS.* Frank Geier’s Sons Co. li&Srg&g Ni5 NAtional 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Slither the successor to nor connected with e original W E. 8peare establishment. RAtlonalP* 280S 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium *th and Jasa Ave. N.g._LincolnB200 Chambers One ol the Largest Undertaker* in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 617 11th St S-E. Atlantic 6700 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons _ (A. L HATCOCK Manager) SSSnSff 2825 3034 M St. N.W. Bcatfa. HFTCHIN80N. CHARLES R.. SR. Bud denly. on Sunday. February 21. 1937, CHARLES R. HUTCHIN80N Sr be loved husband of Rose Mae Hutchinson <nee Garner) and father of the late Charles R.. Jr., and beloved son of Mrs Lena Hutchinson. Funeral fr0Tn_,t'1* late residence. 16*28 33rd st. n.w.. Wed nesday. February *34. at 2 p.m. R*l» tives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. -3 JONES. MARY RELLA. Suddenly, on Sat urday. February *20. 1937. at Emergency Hospital. MARY RELLA. wife of Benja min Jones. She also'leaves to mourn her departure four children, a father, Roger Proctor; mother. Bertha Proctor; sister. Helen Proctor, and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhlnes funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w., until 4 p.m. Tuesday, February 2.'J; thereafter at H N st. n.w. until 10 a.m. Wednesday. February 24: thence to Holy Redeemer Church. New York and New Jersey aves. n.w.. where mass will be said for repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. —3 KANE. EMMA FRANCES. On Sunday. February 21. 1937, at her residence. »45 Virginia ave. s.w.. EMMA FRANCES, aged 84 years, widow ol the late Wil liam L Kane. Remains resting in the chapel of P. A. Taltavull, 430 7th at. s.w. Funeral from above cbapel on Wednesday February 24. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Glenwood Cemetery. KIMBALL. LILLIAN B. On Sunday. Feb ruary 21. 1037. LILLIAN B. KIMBALL (nee Perkins), beloved wife of William H. Kimball. Funeral services at the W. W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 llth st. s.e.. on Tuesday. February 33. at 2 P.m. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. LIPPOLD. JOHN. On Saturday. Febru ary 20. 1037. JOHN beloved husband of Esther R. Liopold inee Steamburgh). father of John W. J. Lippold. Services at the S H. Hines Co funeral home, 2001 14th st n.w.. on Monday. Feb ruary 22. at 2:3U p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 22 LYNCH. WILLIAM MORRIS. On Sunday. February 21. 1037. al Round Hill. Va.. WILLIAM MORRIS LYNCH, devoted husband of Alma Schmidt Lynch. Fu neral Irom the Round Hill Episcopal Church, at Round Hill. Va.. Tuesday February •.’it. at 11 am. Interment liaiocton Cemetery. MAKELL. EDW ARD. Suddenly, on Thurs day. February IS. I!i:t7. EDWARD MAKELL son of the late John and Jane Makcll of 420 N st. n.w. He leaves three sisters, one brother and other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Funeral Tuesday. February 23. at 1 Mil from Henry S. Wash ington i Sens' funeral home. 407 N si. n.w. Interment in Harmony Cem etery. • MAAARS. JAMES L. On Monday. Febru ary 22. lit.'ll, at his residence. 1450 New ton st. n.w.. JAMES L.. beloved husband of Rosa H. Mavars. Funeral from Eck fngton Presbyterian Church North Cap itol and Que sts.. on Wednesday. February 24. at 2:30 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cem etery. Members of Liberty Bell Coun cil! Jr. Order United American Me chanics. please take notice. Arrange ments by P. A. Taltavull. McKENNEY. LEE L. On Saturday. Feb ruary 20. 1037 at 4 pm..* at Mount Alio Hospital LEE L. McKENNEY of 1530 Rhode Island ave. n.e He is sur vived by a wife Katherine G. Mc Kenney: a mother Ella .A. Bassford; two sisiers. Eunice V. Avery and Mrs. Joseph A High. Funeral Wednesday. February 24. at 10:30 a m . Irom W. W. Chambers' funeral parlors 14th and Chapin sts n.w. {Baltimore papers please copy.* 23 MOORE. MARIA. On Friaay February 10. 1037. at her residence. 300 T st. n.w.. MARIA MOORE, beloved wife of Benjamin F Moore. Funeral Tuesday. February 23 at 2 p.m.. from her late residence. Relatives and friends in vited. 22 MORAN, GEORGE H Suddenly, on Sat urday. February 20. 1037. at his resi dence. 1233 E st. s.e,. GEORGE H. MORAN beloved husband of Margaret J Moran met Shepherd) Funeral from Harry M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 11th st. se. on Tuesday. February 23 at 11 a m Relatives and friends in vited Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 22 MORAN GEORGE H. Members of Oak V-rtlliy, ilU. W . W . BUU other members of W. O W . are notified and requested to attend the funeral of late Sovereign GEORGE H MO RAN. a' Padgett's funeral home. 131 11th st. s.e Tues day. February 23 1937 at 1 o:4o a m. lntermei\t at Arlington Na tional Cemeter* W. J KERNS. Pinancial Secretary. 22 MORAN. GEORGE H. Comrades of Rich ard J. Harden Camp. No. 2. I United Snanish War Veterans, will assemble at Padcett’s fu neral home 131 llth st. s.e.. for the funeral of our late com rade GEORGE H. MORAN on Tuesday February 23. 1037 at i «•:*;> a m interment m Arlington Na tional Cemetery H. M. MANNING. Commander. H. L LESLIE. Adjutant. 22 MOTZER. JANE. On Sunday. February 21. 1JW7. at Georgetown University HosDital. Washington. D. C . JANE .MOTZER be.overi wife of the late War ren P Motzer. She is also survived by two daughters. Mrs. Cora Magruder of Arlington. Va.. and Mrs. Myrtle Lee of Scarsriale. N. Y Remains resting at the Ives' funeral home. 2M7 Wilson blvd Arlington. Va . where funeral services will be held Tuesday. February 23. at 11 am Interment Columbia Gard-ns Cemetery. 23 MURPHY. WILLIAM. On Saturday Feb ruary '20. 1037. at the Alexandria Va.. Hospital. WILLIAM MURPHY, beloved son of Mrs Emma Hamilton and the late Ollie Murphy. He also leaves one sister Mrs. Mar.v L. Robinson, and a devoted stepfather. T, G Hamilton, and a host of other relatives and friends. R"mains resting at the John T Rhines funeral home. 221 N. Pa'rick st. Alexan dria. Va.. where funeral services will be held at 1:30 o.m. Wednesday. Febru ary 24. Interment Douglas Cemetery. Alexandria. Va. 23 MYERS. WILLIAM CLARENCE. On Mon day. February 2C, lfi.'tT. at Garfield Hospital WILLIAM CLARENCE MYERS, late residence. SO! w. Madison ave . Hyattsville. Md.. beloved husband of Mayme Pritts Myers He is also sur vived by five children. Miles. Alfred. Evelyn. Constance and 'George Myers. Remains resting at Gaseh’s funeral home. 4ft Md. ave Hyattsville. Md. Private funeral services at above home on Wed nesday. February 24. at 2 p.m. Inter ment Washington Memorial Park Ceme tery. 23 NEWMAN. PUT. On Sunday February *M 1!*37 at Mount Alto Hospital. PAUL NEWMAN Remains restine at Frazier’s funeral borne 380 Phod*» Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 23 NIVENS. KATHLFEV A. Suddenly on Sunday Februar” 2’ 1037. at Fred erick. Md. KATHLEEN A NIVENS of | 5111 Cathedral ave. n.w beloved wife, of Guv C. Nivens. Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral home 2001 14th st. n.w.. Wednesday. February 24 at 11 am. 23 OCHSENREITER. WILLIAM F. On Sun day. FVbruarv 31. 1037. WILLIAM F OCHSENREITER beloved husband of Florence C. Ochsenreiter 'nee Kelly*. Funeral from his late residence. 420 Quincy st. n w. or. Wednesday. Feb ruarv 24 at 0 a.m. Requiem mass at St Gabriel’s Church at 0:30 a m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 23 PORTER IDA M. On Sunday February 21. 1037 at her residence. 8227*» Oeoreia ave. Silver Sprint*. Md TDA M. PORTER the beloved wife of Frank Porter. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co funeral home 1400 Cha nin st. r. w. Notice £ funeral later. PRIEST. MINNIE C. On Sunday. February 21. HOT at the Alexandria Hospital. MINNIE C widow of the late William M. Priest and mother of Mrs. Ruth M. Smith and Thomas W. Priest. She also leaves three grandchildren Ray mond Devers. William Smith and Eliza beth Smith Funeral from De Maine's funeral home 817 Kins st.. Alexandria. Va.. on Wednesday. February 24. at !' a.m : thence to St. Mary's Church, where mass will be said at th.'IO a.m. for repose of her soul. Interment Bethel Cemetery. Alexandria. Va. ROBIN. CMNTON. On Saturday. Feb ruary 2«. 10.T7. at Oteen N. C.. CLIN TON ROBIN of Washington. D. C.. be loved husband of Mary T Robin, father of Rose Mary and Patricia Ann Robin. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. February 2.T at K:.10 a.m.: thence to the Church of the Nativity, tinno Georgia ave n.w.. where mass will be offered at !• a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Kill Lf.AI . LOU'S T. On Friday. February 19. 1937. at his home. 15 St. Andrew’s lane. Silver Spring. Md., LOUIS T.. hus band of Margaret Huffman Rouleau. Body resting at Warner E. Pumnhrey’s funeral home. 8424 Georgia ave. Sliver Soring. Md. Services at Grace Episco pal Church Woodside. Md.. on Tues day. February 23. at. 10 a m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 22 RISKIN'. SARA. On Monday. February 22. 1937. at 1 am.. SARA RUSKIN. relict of Abram Ruskin. of Griflln. Oa.: beloved sister of Ida Hirsh. Louis Hirsh Mrs Cera Spicer, all of Washing ton. D. C Services Tuesday February 23 2 p n,. at Oeler’s funeral parlor. Interment Atlanta. Ga. Rl’SKIN. SARAH. Officers and members of Areme Chapter, No. 10. O. E. 8., please be notified of the funeral of SARAH RUSKIN on Tuesday. February 23. at 2 P.m.. at Frank Geier’s funeral home, inn 7th st. n.w. RUTH H. NEWCOMER, W. M. SAl'NDERs. DORA. On Sunday. February 21. 1937 at Stoddard Baptist Home, DORA SAUNDERS. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 23 SCHERER. THELMA. Suddenly, on Sun day February 21 1937. THELMA SCHERER beloved daughter of Mrs. Estelle Sousa and mother of one son. Remains resting at the W W Deal fu neral home. 816 H st. n.e. Funeral from Christ Church 7th and G sts. s.e.. on Wednesday. February 24 at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. 23 FUNERAL DESIGNS] GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1212 F St N.W NAtlonal 4276 GEO C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT DIOS Open Evenings _ ... _ . •od siadsjs Cor* 14th & Eye Seatlya. . SEBRING. FRANCIS A. On Monday. Feb ruary 22. 1937. at his residence. 6320 Colorado ave. n.w.. FRANCIS A. SE BRING. beloved husband of Carrie Htckenloober Sebrlna Funeral services from his residence on Wednesday. Feb ruary 24. at 2 P.m. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. _ 23 SOWEBBUTTS. ROBERT r. On Saturday, February 20. 1937. at his residence. 1856 Good Hope rd. s.e.. ROBERT P 80WERBUTTS. beloved husband of Anna L Sowerbutts (nee Rollins) and brother of Mrs. Laura G. Davidson and Richard C. Sowerbutts. Services at the above residence Tuesday. February 23 at 2:30 p m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Congressional Cemetery. 22 SWEENEY. EDWARD M. On Saturday. February 20. 1937. at his residence. 1451 South Carolina ave. s.e.. ED WARD M . beloved son of Mary A. and the late Edward E. Sweeney, brother of Ben E Agnes and Grace Sweeney. Funeral from R. A. M Padgett's fu neral home. 131 11th at. s.e.. on Wed nesday February 24 at 8:30 am. Reauiem mass at Holy Comforter Church. 14th and East CaDltol sts.. at 9 a.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Arlinaton National Cemetery. 22 TELLER. ANNIE E. On Saturday. Feb ruary 20. 1937, at her residence. 500 B st. n.e.. ANNIE E. TELLER, the beloved grandmother of Frederick L. Eislnaer. Funeral services at the W. W. Cham- j bers Co. Southeast funeral home 517 ■ llth at. g.«.. on Monday. February 22. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. Joseph s Catholic Church, where requiem mass will be offered at a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Loudon Parle ceme tery. Baltimore. Md. 22 VAN BUREN. ALINE DUCKETT. Departed this life on Sunday February 21 11*37. at her residence. 427 Warner st. n.w. AI.INE DUCKETT VAN BUREN daugh ter of the late Thomas and Sarah Duckett: loving and devoted wife of Samuel Van Buren: sister of Mrs Nellie Jones and the late Daniel Duckett, Sarah Smith and Priscilla Hamilton. Remains resting at Barber Bros.' funeral home. 48 K st. n.e until 4 p m. Wed nesday. February 24: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Thursday. Feb ruary 25. at 1 p.m.. from Third Bap tist Church. 5th and Q sts. n.w. Rev. G. O. Bullock officiating. Interment Harmony Oemeterv. 24 VENEY. JOSEPH. Departed this life Sun day. February 31. 1037, at the residence of his sister. Mrs Bettie Rich. 018 South Scott st.. Arlington. Va.. JOSEPH • VENEY He leaves to mourn their los3 four sisters and four brothers. Funeral Tuesdav, February 23 at 1 pm from St. John's Baptist Church, Arlington, Va. Relatives and friends invited. Iu terment in Richmond County, Va. WENK. WILLIAM RAYMOND On Fridar February 10. 1037. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. WILLIAM RAYMOND WENK. beloved son ol John W. Wenk and Mrs. Birdie Wenk (nee Richards* of 22 Sea- , ton place n w. Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday. February 23. at 12 o’clock noon. Services at the Doug las Memorial Methodist Church. 11th and H sts. n.e.. at 12:30 pm Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. WEST. WALTER WELLINGTON. On Sat urday. February 20, 1037 at 8:4o p.m.. WALTER WELLINGTON WEST of Cui p-pei. Va. Funeral Friday. February 2H. at 2 p.m.. Culoeper. Va. Inter ment Fairview Cemetery. Culpeper. Va. (Charlotte. N. C papers please copy.' 23 WHITE. JOSEPH BYRON. A special com munication of Washington Cen tennial Lodge. No. 14. F A. A M.. is called for Wednesday Feb ruary 24. 1037. at 1 o’ciock for the funeral of Brother JOSEPH BYRON WHITE WORSHIPFUL MASTER. 23 WILKINSON. LUCILLE WARFIELD On Sunday. February 21, 1037. at George Washington Hospital. LUCILLE WAR FIELD WTLKINSON. the beloved daugh ter of the late A George and Lou B Wilkinson and sister of Mrs. How ard L. Hodgkins and George L. Wil kinson Remains resting in the vault at Congressional Cemetery. Services postponed until the arrival of relatives from abroad. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co 23 WILSON. BEDFORD C. Departed this life on Sunday. February 21. 1037. j BEDFORD C. WILSON husband of Anna Wilson. He leaves to mourn their loss two sons John T. and J. Clyde Wilson; one daughter. Mrs. Coral C. Gaskins, and a host of other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Morrow's funeral home 1.326 V st. n.w. FMneral from the above-named funeral home Wednesday. February 24. at 2 P m. Interment Payne's Cemetery. 23 YOUNG. MARY DAWSON. Entered into life eternal Tuesday. February 16. 1337. at Coral Gables. Fla . MARY DAWSON YOUNG, dauehter of the late Thomas B. and Elizabeth Jewell Dawson be loved wife of Lieut. George Wright Young U. S. A. deceased. She is sur vived bv three daughters. Mrs. Charles Eames. Mrs Cletand Davis end Mrs. Joseph 8. Kennard. Eternal peace grant unto her. O Lord. Let light perpetual shine upon her. 22* Itt fUrmortam. I GRAY. ELIZA ELLEN. In sad but loving remembrance of our devoted wife and motWr. FLIZA ELLEN GRAY who de parted this life seven years ago today. ' February 22. 1930. Though the road be rough and stormy. Trackless as the foaming sea You have trod this wav before Ui And we will gladly follow you THE FAMILY. • GREEN. ELLA. In sad but loving remem brance of my dear mother. ELLA GREEN, who departed this life five years ago today. February 22. 1932. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother. ’Tis sweet to breathe thy name. In life I ioved you dearly In death I do the same. DEVOTED DAUGHTER. ANNIE NEL SON. • HARRIS. GRACE P. In memory of my devoted wife GRACE P. HARRIS who departed this life three years ago to day. February 22. 1934. Beloved in life. Remembered in death. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. J. GAR FIELD HARRIS. * HAWKINS. MARY ELIZABETH In loving memory of my dearly beloved grand mother. Mrs. MARY ELIZABETH HAW KINS who entered into eternal rest seven years ago today. February 22. 11)30. When age has come, it is not death to die! It is but rest, and peace, and calm re pose. Hard won and welcomed at the long day's end: A meeting with a gentle, trusted friend Who understands. (Permission of Esther Popel ' GLADYS TIONOR PETERSON. • , KING. EDITH MAY. In memory of our i drar little daughter and sister. EDITH ! MAY KING who left us fifteen years ago today. February 22. 1922. MOTHER. DADDY AND KENNETH, j LACEY. CATHERINE WRIGHT. In sad and loving remembrance of- our beloved daughter and sister. CATHERINE WRIGHT LACEY, who departed this life four years ago. February 22. 1933. 'Tis sweet to remember her who once was here Though absent to us she is lust as dear. The midnight stars shine oa the grave Of the one we loved but could not save. HER DEVOTED FATHER MOTHER SISTERS AND BROTHERS. LITHGOW. ALLEN H. In sad but loving remembrance ol our dear husband and father. ALLEN H. LITHGOW who de parted this life one year ago today. February 22 1939. _ HIS LOVING WIFE AND DAUGHTER. LOBSIGER. METTO. In loving remem branc of our dear mother. METTO LOB SIGER who died sixteen years ago to day. February 22. 1921. Loved in life, remembered in death. SON. JOHN: DAUGHTER ANNIE. • LYNARD. CONSTANTINE P. In sad but loving memory of our beloved husband and father COSTANTINE P. LYNARD. who passed away four years ago today. February 22. 1933. This day comes with sad regret For the one we loved and will never forget. _ HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. • PETTIT. JOSEPH M. In loving remem brance of JOSEPH M PETTIT, who passed away one year ago today. HIS WIFE AND FAMILY. • ROBINSON. ELEANOR. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear mother. ELEANOR ROBINSON who departed this life one year ago today. February 22. 1939. There are stars that go out in the dark . ness. But their silvery liaht shines on: There are roses whose frnerance still lingers . . . When the blossoms are faded and gone. There are hearts full of light and sweet ness. When no longer their life current But their sweetness lives on with the living . . Like the soul of the star and the rose. HEIR SON. EUGENE EARLY. • SCHAFER. CATHERINE. In sad but lov ing memory of my dean mother. CATH ERINE SCHAFER, who left us thirty years aao February 22. 1907. CHARLES SCHAFER AND FAMILY. • SILENCE. DOLORES. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear loving daugh ter and sister. DOLORES SILENCE who departed this life one year ago today. February 22. 19.m A precious one from earth has eon*! A voice we loved Is stilled A place is vacant In our home Which never can be fillet). We loved our precious sister And we miss her more each day. But God knew she was suffering. So from earth He took her away. HER DEVOTED MOTHER AND SIS TERS SILENCE. MARY DOLORES. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear sister MARY DOLORES SILENCE who passed away one year ago today. February 22. 19311 Time takes away the edge of grief. But memory turns back every leaf. HER SISTERS ERMA FERRIS AND EVELYN SILENCE. • TOI.SON. ROBERT M. In loving remem brance of my dear friend. ROBERT M. TOLSON. who departed this life one year aao today February 22. 193H. Deep In my heart lies a picture Of a loved friend laid to rest: In memory's frame I will keep It. h# • REICH WAR FORKS PLEDGED TO NAZIS Soldiers’ Party Allegiance Stressed by Minister to Quiet Situation. By the Associated Press. BERLIN, February 22 —Field Mar shal Werner von Blomberg, Nazi min ister of war, placed Germany's newly recreated war machine squarely be hind Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and the ideals of Nazidom today. The war minister, prominently dis playing the gold button of the Nazi party as he spoke at the state opera house yesterday on the memorial day to German World War dead, definitely committed, the army, navy and air force to unswerving allegiance to a Nazi Germany. “The Reich's armed force and the Nazi party are indissolubly bound to gether.” the marshal declared. “One cannot be a good soldier without be ing a good Nazi.” Blomberg's unusual emphasis upon this interrelation was believed to have been prompted by two circum stances: 1. Certain generals are known still to hold that their oath of allegiance j binds them to Hitler personally as commander in chief, but that the [ Nazi party can be a matter of in difference to a soldier. 2. Many Germans who have de- \ dined to accept Nazidom have clung j tenaciously to the hope that Ger many's most powerful body—her armed force—in taking into its hands all young men for universal military training, would rear them in a spirit opposed to Naziism. Before a brilliant gathering of party leaders, army generals and foreign diplomats, Blomberg stressed what he termed Germany's sacred heritage of a will for peace from the 2.000,000 Germans who died in the World War and pleaded: “Avert a recurrence of this catastrophe 1” _ THE WEATHER i District of Columbia — Fair and colder tonight; minimum temperature about 26 degrees; tomorrow partly cloudy; moderate west winds. Maryland and Virginia—Fair, colder in central and east portions tonight; tomorrow fair. West Virginia—Partly cloudy to ■ night and tomorrow; not much change in temperature. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah rivers clear today. Tide Tames. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, t ... . Today. Tomorrow High - 5:36am. 6:34 am. how - — 12:54 a m. High - — 6:02 p.m. 6:54 p.m. j how - — 12:22 pm. 1:16 pm. The Sub and Moon. I _ , . Rises. Sets. [Sun, today _ 6:51 5 52 Sun. tomorrow_ 6:5o 5:54 [Moon, today 3:25 pm. 4:56 am. Automobile lights must be turned on ione-haiI hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precinltatlon In Inches In the Capital icurrent month reading is until Saturday noon The total rainfall for I Feoruary will be published tomorrow): Month. 1937. Avge. Record. January _7.9,3 3.55 7.93 '37 February _ 2.21 3.27 6 94 '94 March__ 3.75 9.84 '91 April__ 3.27 9.13 '99 May __ 3.70 10.69 '99 June. ... 4.13 10.84 '00 July __ 4.:i 10.63 '96 August __ 4 01 14.41 '29 [ September __ 3.24 17.45 '34 ! October __ 2 94 9.57 '95 November__ 2.37 9.69 '99 December _ _ 3.32 7.56 01 Weather in Various Cities* Temp Rain SfatioiiS Bare H h.low fill. Weath’r Abilene. Tex. :o.O* Ho 40 Clear Albany. N Y. *-20.54 54 :»* 0.H6 Rain Atlanta. Oa._.*io.OK H*> :i'Z Clear Atlantic City *29.74 5*2 .*{* 0.4H Cloudy ! Baltimore. Md . *20.70 50 00 1.40 Clear Birmingham :*o.l2 50 :io Clear i Bismarck. N D. 00.04 *-10 __ Clear Boston. Mass. *20.70 44 4<» ft.*2* Rain Buffalo. N Y 12!* O" 5* 120 o 04 Cloudy Charleston. S C. 00.04 04 4*2 o.7l! Clear Chicago. 111. 4« 14 0.05 Clear Cincinnati, Ohio *21* ss ho *24 Clear Cleveland, Ohio 20 74 flit 24 0.42 Cloudy Columbia S C. :in.nn ns :ifi Clear Denver. Colo. _ 20 84 42 :{H Clear Detroit. Mtch. 20.64 54 2n 0.70 Snow El Paso. Tex. 30.00 58 24 Clear Galveston. Tex lift. 18 58 50 Clear Helena. Mont. 20.1*2 30 34 0.05 Snow Huron S Dak. 2n -2 Clear Indianapolis . 20.80 52 24 0.23 Clear Jacksonville 30.14 72 44 0.35 Clear Kansas city 20.02 34 20 Clear Los Angeles_.'!*> ■ ii 74 52 _ clear Louisville. Ky.. 20.04 58 20 Clear Miami Fla. 30 no 78 64 0 10 Cloudy Minneapolis "O.T" 12 -n Clear New Orleans 30.22 58 42 Clear New York. N Y. 20.62 50 38 0.82 Cloudy Oklahoma City 20.04 48 30 Clear i Omaha. Neor 20.04 .‘01 18 Cloudy Philadelphia 20.74 HO 30 0 44 Clear Phoenix. Ariz. 30.00 08 40 Clear Pittsburgh Pa. 20 78 56 24 O 16 Clear Portland. Me. 20.02 42 40 Rain Poitland. Ore*. 30.14 52 40 0,01 Rain Raleigh. N C 20.00 62 36 0 56 Clear Salt Lake City 30 16 .36 30 Cloudy San Antonio 30.14 62 42 __ Clear Sar Diego Cal. 30.02 68 50 Clear San Francisco 30.10 62 48 Clear St Louis. Mo 20.00 34 3ci ooi Cl^ar Seattle Wash. 30,04 48 46 0.60 Rain Spokane. Wash. 30,no 42 36 Rain Tampa Fla 30.12 72 52 0.85 Cloudy WASH. D. C.— 20.78 Sit 35 1.04 Clear FOREIGN. <7 am. Greenwich time, today > London England _ 42 Rain Paris. France _ SO Rain Vienna. Austria _ 3K Cloudy Berlin. Germany_ 34 cloudy Brest France SO Ram Zurich. Switzerland_ 41 Rain Stockholm. Sweden _ 75 Snow Gibraltar. Spain 57 Cloudy (Current observations.) St. Georyes Bermuda 02 Cloudv San Juan Puerto Rico 72 Cloudy 1 Havana. Cuba 74 Clear Colon. Canal Zone SO Cloudy In mpmnriam. TYDINGS. IDA J. AND JOHN E. In sad but loving remembrance of mv dear parents, mother IDA J TYDINGS. who died twenty-one years ago todav Feb ruary 22 HUH and father. JOHN E. TYDINGS. who died one year aeo. Feb ruary 28. 193(5 Gone, but never will be forgotten. THEIR DAUGHTER. EFFIE • WARDELL. LAURA E. A tribute of love to the memory of our beloved mother. LAURA E. WARDELL. who left us three years aeo toda^ February 22 1934. She brought us a lot of sunshine. She cheered us in darkest days: She made this earth seem like heaven Bv her many loving ways. Beautiful memories of one so dear We'll always cherish with love sincere. The day that comes with sad regret And one that we will never forget. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. • WHALEY. ORRA V. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother. ORRA V WHALEY, who passed away one year ago today. February 22. 193(5. HER HUSBAND AND DAUGHTERS. » FUNERAL IS HELD Funeral services for Mrs. Laura E. Schwering, 63, who died Thursday of a heart attack at her home, 602 B street northeast, were held Saturday afternoon in Lee’s funeral home, Fourth street and Massachusetts ave nue northeast. Burial wa- Mona cacy Cemetery, Beallsville, Md. Mrs. Schwering, for 30 years a resi dent of Washington, was the daugh ter of the late Levin V and Sarah C. Johnson of Montgomery County, Md. She is survived by a son, Robert L. Schwering, San Mateo, Calif; a daughter, Mrs. Elsie I. Franzman, Oakland, CJalir.; several brothers and sisters. TEACHER, IS DEAD Science Instructor Was Active in Many D. C. Organizations. Miss Lucille Warfield Wilkinson, 60, teacher of elementary sciences in the John Quincy Adams School, died yes terday after a long illness in George Washington University Hospital. , Miss Wilkinson, a native of this city, had been connected with the elementary science department of the District public schools for about 15 years. For the last few years she had been teaching at the Adams ^School, but had been on sick leave during the present school year. | She was the daughter of the late Dr. A. George Wilkinson and the late Mrs. Lou B. Wilkinson. Her father was an examiner at the Patent Office for many years. Miss Wilkinson re ceived her early education in public and private schools and later at tended George Washington Univer sity. Active in many organizations here, she belonged to the Audubon Society, the Wild Flower Preservation Society, the Our Flag Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the First Baptist Church and the Current Topics Club. Some years ago she wrote a history of the Baptist denomination here. She had spent considerable time In travel in Europe. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Howard L. Hodgkins, with whom she ! lived at 1821 Kalorama road, and a brother, George L. Wilkinson, a Chi- I cago patent lawyer, who resides In Evanston, 111. Funeral arrangements are being de layed. pending arrival here of the i brother, who is traveling in Europe. I HOUSE CUSTODIAN DIES AT AGE OF 70 William F. Ochsenreiter Was Jus tice Department Special Agent During War. William P. Ochsenreiter, 70. prop 1 erty custodian of the House of Repre ■ sentatives, died yesterday after a long | illness at his home, 429 Quincy street. Mr. Ochsenrei ter, a native of this city, had been employed at the House for about 18 years, a large part of the time as property ' custodian. He was a member of St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church and served on the board of di rectors of the Oriental Building ; Association. Mr> Gf During the war Mr. Oehsenreiter was a special agent of the Justice Department, stationed at Detroit. Surviving him are his widow. Mrs. Florence C. Oehsenreiter; two sons. Frank B. Oehsenreiter, this city, and Eugene C. Oehsenreiter. Asheville, N. C.. and four grandchildren. Funeral arrangements were to be announced later. Highway Is Rushed. Nearly 470 miles of the interna tional highway between Euenos Aires and Rasio, Bolivia, has been com pleted. FLOWERS ^^00P0N^IRCltJ^Na7000 0de,r Hill ‘Mmhuujtmu matBeautihJ (emetery DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY Chamben $ 2 any place ^ in the city COlumbio 0432 On* of the Larreet Undertaken in the World. ■■HMmmmmamammwHmHiMmBmM FACTS That Speak for Themselves! ! Positive proof that Joseph Gawler’a Sons superlative service is available to every one is shown by this tabu* lation of the price range of our last 1,000 adult funeral services. 4 Joseph Gawler’s Sons, Inc. Chapel Funeral Directors Since 1850 Cremations Alfred B. Gawler Walter A. Gawler William A. Gawler Joseph H. Gawler 1750-2-4-6-8 Penna. Ave. N.W._ NAtional 5512 A. C. CROOK DIES; WAS WARVETERAI4 Alexandria Confederate Sol dier Enlisted at 14—Was P. 0. Clerk Later. Alexander Crawford Crook, 88, who reputedly was the last surviving Con federate soldier from Alexandria, Va., died yesterday at his home, 1423 Web ster street. He had been ill about two months. Mr. Crook retired in 1930 as a clerk in the Post Office Department, after a service dating from 1877. Too young to light at the beginning of the Civil War, Mr. Crook joined Alexandria's Boys' Company, a group of youngsters who drilled with sticks, while looking forward to the day they would be able to serve as full-fledged soldiers. ** At 14 he ran away and joined the Confederate forces and served the re mainder of the war in the famous Virginia Cavalry under Gen. Johns S. Mosby. Mr. Crook's brother Bernard, it is related, was the one who burned a bridge to the west of Alexandria to hold back the advance of Union soldiers. Mr. Crook also is said to have had the distinction of being the oldest j surviving member of the old Friend I ship Fire Department of Alexandria. | In his declining years he made fre ! quent trips to his native city. His only survivor is his widow, Mrs. I Elizabeth C. Crook. Funeral services will be held at 2 OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Table* Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1116 Ere St N.W Phone NA 2181 Real Estate Loans 5% • 5 >/2% Business Porperty and Resi dence . . . Construction or Re financing Loans • • • (Shannon & lcjchS] Mortgage Loin Correspondents MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345 FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rotes . . . 3-Year Con struction Loans . . . 5% SV2% BOSS tr PHELPS MORTGAGE CO Loin Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Lite Ins Co. 141? K St N W NA 9300 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbio— Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— Homes Apartments i Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Ineoroorated MORTGAGE LOAN'CORRESPONDENT New fork Lila Insurance Co. 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 360* First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at 5% Monthly Payments if Preferred Our Real Estate Officers Invite You to Confer The WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Member FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPS p.m. tomorrow at his late home. Burial will be in Bethel Cemetery. Alexandria. 500 Plant Varieties Gathered. Specimen* of 500 plant varieties were collected in the Bastrop (Tex.) State Park by C. C. C. enrollees working un der supervision of Federal wild life technicians. INDEPENDENCE FUND DECLARATIONS OF TRUST Empire Trust Company, Trustee New York City A Living Trust Fund Prospectus on request. Slauson, White & Rowe, Inc. Washington Office 305-10 Peoples Life ln«. Bldff. Washington. D. C. Tel. Nat. 6631-6639 Maryland Office 430-11 Calvert Bide.. Baltimore. Md. Tel. Calvert 1433-1431 U. S. Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad and Industrial Bonds • • • V Listed and Unlisted Securities • • • Bank and Insurance Stocks Robert C. Jones & Co. Shoreham Bldg. MEtropolitan 2922 "Complete Investment Service" First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Term* Arr*n*rd »n Eaiy Monthly Payment! Mi»en tuiLOiHa t iom MfociATioN counC’l i/oc /WTICWAL IP&TrTTICmeTLt. BUILDING ASSOCIATION UNDER SUPERVISION V U S TREASURY 949 NINTH STREET, NT* \ Investors’ Opportunity 25% RETURN On investment in well-construct ed, modern corner apartment house, containing 23 units, all rented. In excellent white north west section. $30,000 cash re quired. Suite 610, 1010 Vermont Ave. Money (or Construction Loans i and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FTB8T DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE 1. BORGER 643 indiana Are. N.W. Nat’l 0350 WANTED Nationally known washer and ironer manufacturer seeks alert distributor for Washington terri tory. Immediate interview with fac tory official. Addrea Box 229-D, Sfar Office. P,en»y of money “{HIDING LOANf Jo*-interest b.SI IT'^’ you money and ° •av® mind- Ample funrtreace 01 *b'e for «ccep«.bll aVa" Joans. mort ASlc US today *8®* bealtoq, * 0,STt,cr 9488 *G LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication for baying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge fo> appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable o-operative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organised 1879__ Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A MS&IL MDM3 LOANS on improved or to be improved real estate— at low at including interest and curtail • • • No commis siont . . . No renewal fees. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one oi the leaders in the entire United States. PERPETUAL has over 55,000 bor rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL’S Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup plemented by special C.P.A. audits as well at, its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year, totaling over $12,000,000 for the year. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1 lth & E STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Largest In Washington—Assets Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUST1S EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman of Tie Board President Secretary