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Electricity Sales, Retail Trade and Clearings Show Rapid Rise. ' BY EDWARD C. STONE. Leading business barometers indi cate that Washington is heading for another year of advancement that will surpass even the remarkable records of 1936. The Potomac Electric Power Co. reports that kilowatt-hour sales in January totaled 55.008,550, as corner pared with 52.964.846 in January, 1936, a gain of 2,043.708 kilowatt hours or 3.86 per cent. These sales compare with 47,724,426 kilowatt hours in 1935 and only 41,106.210 in 1934. Check transactions in the Capital In January mirrored very substantial business activity when they totaled $100,562,038. against $86,990,549 in January, 1936, only $69,566,923 in the same month in 1935 and $55,737,297 in 1934. The department store sales index in January stood at 100.0, while the same Index number in January, 1936, was 93.1, in 1935, 81.6; in 1934, 72.3, and In 1933. 65.7. In 1923, the year upon which index is based, the figure in January was 72.9. January telephone figures tell the $ame story of business advances, the number of phones in service being 215,738. against 203.210 at the end of January, 1936, a net gain of 1,429 telephones. Chesapeake & Potomac telephone calls averaged 839,424 in comparison with 861,785 average daily calls during January, 1936. » January receipts at the City Post Office reversed the general trend, the $577,503 figure being slightly under the 1936 mark, but above $536,949 postal receipts in 1935 and $488,062 in 1934. Insurance Firm's Best Year. The New England Mutual Life In surance Co., Earle W. Sapp, Washing ton agent, reported today that new Insurance paid for in 1936 totaled $144,800,000. the largest amount ever written by the company in one year. Insurance jn force at the close of 1936 also topped previous records with $1,393,448,000. an increase of $64, (D00.000. largest single increase since 1S29. The insurance in force is now 106 per cent of the total at the end of 1931, peak year of insurance in force fbr all American companies. Assets rose to $375,000,000, a gain of $32, 000,000 over 1935. The records of the company show that the popular desire for privately financed old-age incomes is growing. Retirement income forms increased 43 per cent over 1935 and 104 per cent over 1934. During the year securities were pur chased to the amount of $62,000,000, of which bonds were $59,000,000 and preferred and common stocks $3,000. 000. Total income from premiums, interest and all other sources received by the company was $80,000,000, ex ceeding all disbursements by $31, 000,000. In each of the past several years marked decreases have taken place in the amounts borrowed by policyhold ers, the demand for policy loans now having returned to normal. O'Connor Shows Bank Gains. Controller of the Currency J. P. T. O'Connor declared that the banks of the country are now in the soundest position in their history, in his address before Washington Chapter, Ameri can Institute of Banking. He stated for the first time since the December call, asking for the condition of all national banks, that both assets and deposits have now surpassed the pre vious high mark set In 1928. shortly before the Wall Street break that brought on the depression, or helped bring it along. Total assets on December 31, 1936, were $31,070,441,000 and exceeded by $481,285,000 the total assets reported by 7,635 banks as of December 31, 1928. The current figure also shows an increase of $1,367,602,000, or 4.60 per cent, since June 30, 1936. the date of the previous call, when there were 5.347 active banks, and an increase •f $2,845,740,000, or 10.8 per cent, over fpe amount reported by a,392 active Itenks as of December 31. 1935. The total deposits on December 31, 3936, aggregated $27,608,397,000. ex ceeding by $1,407,944,000. or 5.37 per cent, the amount reported as of June 30, 1936; and exceeding by $2,760, 664.000, or 11.11 per cent, the total reported as of December 31, 1935, the controller said, also presenting a del uge of other figures revealing recent striking banking progress. i High Tribute Paid Fleming. At the institute dinner Robert V. Fleming was accorded an ovation when praised by Second Vice Presi dent Philip A. Benson for the bril liant work he has done for the Ameri can Bankers’ Association and the Nation’s financial interests. Mr. Ben son referred to the former A. B. A. chief and president of Riggs National Bank as a "great citizen of this city and ft great American." It was an enviable tribute to the Washington banker. As a high official of the A. B. A., Mr. Benson was also given a very warm welcome. Thomas B. McAdams, Baltimore financier, was another former presi dent of the A. B. A. who was present. The 850 members and guests voted the banquet one of the best the chap ter ever had. Bank Women’s Club to Meet. The Bank Women's Club will cele brate its tenth anniversary with a reception and banquet at the Admiral Club, 1640 Rhode Island avenue, on Thursday at 7 o’clock. The charter members of the club will assist Mrs. Constance Fogle Jones, president of the club, in the receiving line. An interesting program of music and en tertainment has been planned. The past presidents of the club are each •cheduled to give a short talk. Bankers Plan Annual Meeting. Members of the Southeastern liroup Of the Investment Bankers’ Associa tion will hold their annual April meet ing at Southern Pines, N. C., if enough members are anxious to take the trip. Y. E. Booker was chairman last year and the conference was held at the Mayflower Hotel here. Mr. Booker was to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee in Balti more late today at which it was ex pected the meeting place would be settled. North Carolina investment dealers are clamoring for the con ference, although about 80 per cent ol the members are in the northern part of the district. If the conference is held in Southern Pines, it will be made a two-day week-end session. Heard in Financial District. James A. Councilor and Durand W Springer, both of Washington, have been appointed to the national com mittee arranging for the fifteenth an niversary of the American Institute oi Accountant* to be held in New York next October. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Btar. 2:16 p.m. Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Hate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 66 58 Abr & Strauss (b25c). 10s 58 58 68 -2 8054 6854 Acme Steel (4) ... 2 80 7854 7854 -154 1954 15 Adams Expr (a55c)— 16 1954 1854 1854 — 54 285» 2654 Adams Mlllls (al54). 1 255* 25 25 - 54 36 3254 Addressograph (1)_ 7 33 8254 3254 454 854 Advance Rumely — 7 854 8 54 354 — 54 8054 75 Air Reduction (tl)_ 5 7654 74 7454 - 54 654 4 Air-Way Elec Appli.. 9 45* 454 45* + 5* 1654 1454 Alaska Juneau<t60c) 19 1454 1454 1454 - 54 65* 8J4 Alleghany Corp- 61 554 454 454 — 54 6954 4354 Allegpf ww $30_ 88 59 5654 5754 + 54 69 4354 Alleg pf ww $40_ 6 6854 5654 68 585* 43 Alleghany pr xw__ 4 68)* 68 5854 +154 6254 4154 Alleg Corp prpf _ * 49 485* 48'*-154 4154 3654 Allegheny Steel b40c. 11 39 8754 3754 “154 242 225 . Allied Chemical (6).. 1 288 238 238 3354 2854 Allied Mills (b50c) .. 6 2954 29 29 - J4 1954 1654 Allied Stores (b20c)_ 10 1854 1854 1854 - 54 8454 81 Allied Stores pf (6).. 2 82*4 8254 8254 - *4 8354 7254 Allis-Chalmers tP/4.. 12 7354 7254 7254 - 54 395* 3054 Alpha Port Cem’t (1) 8 875* 365* 36 -15* 854 <5* Amal Leather . 8 754 6** 754 + 54 48*4 3454 Amal Leather pf (3). 1 43 4154 43 +154 114 101 Amerada Corp (2) __ 4 10954 108*4 109 + 54 10154 83 Am Agr Ch(Del) (a4). 2 90 88 88 -454 4154 36*4 Am Bank Note (+1) — 9 3654 3654 3654 -1 8054 69 Am Brake Shoe ( + 2) _ 2 7754 7654 7654 - 254 160 139 Am Brake Sh pf(5*4) 100s 155 162 152 -554 121 10554 Am Can (t4) 11 10754 106 10654 -1 174 164 Am Can pf (7) 4 164 164 164 71 56 Am Car & Foundry_ 1 6754 6454 6454 -3 10454 9354 Am Car & Fdry pf _ 1 9954 9954 995* -25* 875* 72 AmChain&CablefaO 7 8654 84 84 -2 23 13*4 Am Colortype - 7 2154 20*4 20*4 - 54 2954 265* AmComc) A1 (a50c). 3 2754 26*4 26*4 - 54 3354 2914 Am Crystal Sug (b50t 12 8154 3054 3154 +15* 99 9654 AmCrysS 1st pf (6). 40s 9854 9854 9 8 5* + 54 1354 854 Am Encaustic — » 1R* 115* 1154-54 13*4 7‘4 Am & Foreign Pwr _. 86 1854 1254 1254 - 54 6854 *9 Am & For Pwr $6 pf .. 2 56 54 64 -25* 68!* 6854 Am & For Pwr $7 pf.. 8 6754 66 66 -1 3854 2054 Am & For Pwr 2d pf_ 34 3654 35 35 -1'4 21 18 Am Hawaiian) 1) ._ 1 2054 195* 195* - 5* 954 65* Am Hide & Leather.. 16 85* 754 8 + 54 475* 3154 Am Hide & L pf (3)._ 1 43 42?i 43 +54 62 47 Am Home Pr (t2.40)_ 1 60 49*4 49*4 - 54 454 254 Am Ice _ It 454 354 3*4 “ 54 275* 1754 Am Ice pf (2)_ 9 25 2454 2454 -15* 165* 135* Am Internatl (a40c). 4 165* 1554 1554 — 5* 585* 43 Am I.oconmtive ... 8 54 52*4 52*4 —2*4 125 114 Am Locomo pf (a3)__ 4 119 118!* 1185* —15* zo^j zz?4 Amjiacnsrary in;. *ors ‘■■•71 Ti -r ti 134 114 Am Mach&Met (60c). 2 124 12 12-4 674 604 Am Metal ... 28 674 644 674 -34 164 114 Am Power & Light__ 35 134 13 134 - 4 724 644 Am Pwr & Lt pf (5)-. 3 65 64 65 -4 874 774 AmPwr&Ltpf (6).. 3 774 76 76 -14 294 244 Am Radiator (t60c).. 42 274 264 27 “4 384 334 Am Roll Mill (tl.20). 65 38 364 364 -14 36 32 Am Safty Razor (t2). 1 844 344 344 -4 29 234 Am Seating (a2%)-- 6 284 274 274 -14 45 41 Am Shipbuilding (2). 60s 43 43 43 984 89 Am;gmelt & Ref (3).. 71 994 97 974 -4 54 34 Am S & R rts Mar 31. 290 6 54 54 - 4 107 105 Am Sm & Ref pf t6)_. 1 1064 1064 1064 + 4 734 694 Amer Steel F (b50c). 13 66 644 644 -14 264 25 Am Stores (2)_ 8 264 26 26 - 4 564 61 Am Sugar (2) _ 4 51 504 504 -4 1434 140 Am Sugar pf (7)_ 1 141 141 141 254 234 Am Sumatra Tob(tl) 2 234 234 234 - 4 187 1764 Am Tel & Teleg (9)._ 20 1774 1754 1754 -14 99 934 Am Tobacco (6) _ 2 93 93 93 994 954 Am Tobacco B (5)- 6 95 944 944 - 4 1504147 Am Tobacco pf (6)... 1 147 146 146 -24 204 164 Am Tvpe Founders 41 184 174 174 - 4 294 254 Am Water Wks (80c) 30 264 264 254 - 4 107 102 Am Wat Wks 1st (6). 2 104 104 104 144 94 Am Woolen 8 134 124 124 — 4 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl)__ S 76 74 74 -24 1H 14 Am Writ Paper (d)._ 6 14 14 14 94 64 Am Writ Pap pf <d).. 1 74 74 74 -4 184 64 Am Zinc & Lead _ 240 20 184 184 172 100 Am Zin & Lead pf_ 2 185 185 185 +13 72 444 AmZinc&Lprpf .. 29 794 74 794 +74 644 624 Anaconda Copper< + l) 868 654 621+ 634 — 4 954 84 Anaconda Wire <t2). 3 97 95 95 -4 244 18 Anchor Cap (60c)_ 4 224 214 214 -14 374 304 Andes Copper - 1 354 35 35 — 4 46 41 Archer-Dan-M (72)— 6 44 4 724 724 -24 11041074 Armour (Del) pf (7). 2 110 110 110 +4 124 7 Armour (Ill)(bl5c)._ 407 124 114 124 + 4 126 96 Armour (111) pf (7)-. 1101 101 101 +1 97 814 Armour(Ill)pr pf (6). 7 97 964 964 — 4 694 594 Armstrong Cork (2). 7 684 68 68 — 4 164 17 Arnold Constr (b50c) 2 144 144 144 174 174 Artloom Corp - 5 144 17 17-4 224 194 Assoc Dry Goods- 7 214 204 2(>4 — 4 574 504 Assoc Invest (72)- 3 56 544 644 -24 106 106 Assoc Inv pf ww (5). 1 105 105 105 -1 774 694 AtchTo&SFe (a2)„ 20 754 734 74 -14 104 101 AtchT&SFepf (5). 4 1014 1004 101 514 44H Atl Coast Line (al) 7 494 48 48 -1 354 304 Atlantic Reflning(71) 25 344 334 334 - 4 184 164 Atlas Corporation 80c 5 184 18 18 624 514 Atlas Corp pf (3)- 5 52 614 52 184 154 Atlas Tack (1) .. - 1 154 154 154 854 724 Atlas Powder (b75c). 1 82 82 82 —3 364 30 Auburn Auto - 5 32 314 314 — 4 94 74 Austin Nichols 1 84 84 84 + 4 52 394 Austin Nichols pf A— 70s 79 484 484 -14 94 64 Aviation Corp (Del). 8 84 84 84 — 4 11% 8 Baldwin Loco (d) — 15 - n 120 86% Baldwin Loco pf (d) - 2 114% 113 113 -1 9% 7% Baldwin Loco asd(d) 9 8% 7% 7% — % 120 88% Baldwin L pf asd (d) 10 115 114% 115 +1 28% 20% Baltimore & Ohio — 50 28% 26% 26% —1% 42 33% Baltimore & Ohio pf- 15 42 39% 39% -2% 41 35% Barber Co (a75c)- 75 42% 40% 41 + % 32 25% Barker Brothers- 1 27% 27% 27% —1% 42 38 Barker Bros pf (2%) 120* 40 40 40 — % 35% 26% BarnsdallOil (1) .— 21 32 31% 31%-% 20% 17% Bayuk Cigars (t75c). 6 18% 18% 18% 28% 25 Beatrice Cream (tl)- 2 27 27 27 15% 13 Belding Hemin (l)-_. 6 14% 14% 14% 30% 25 Bendix Avia (b25c)— 7 28 27% 28 + % 23% 21% Beneficial Lo (b45c)- 8 21% 21% 21% - % 62% 56 Best & Co (t2%) - 3 67% 57 57 -1 95% 73 Bethlehem Stl (al%) 66 95% 92 92% -2% 20 18% Beth Stl 5% pf (l)-_- 3 19 18% 19 129% 125 Beth Stl pf (7>_- 1 128 128 128 -! 69% 64 Bigelow-San <b50c) — 2 66 65% 66 -1% 38 33% Black & Decker (25c) 2 34% 33% 33% -1% 28% 22% Blaw Knox <a80c).„ 11 26% 26% 26% 45% 33% Boeing Airplane 77 46% 43% 44% +1% 48% 41 Bohn Alum & Br (3). 7 47% 47 47 - % 45% 42% Bon Ami(B)(b62%c) 10« 44% 44% 44% + % 28 26% Borden Co (1.60c)- 6 26% 26% 26%+ % 83% 72% Borg-Warner (4)- 1 81 80 80 —2 10% 8% Boston & Maine - 2 10% 10 10 — % 4% 3% Botany Mines A (d)_. 1 3% 3% 3% — % 22% 16% jjrldgp’t Brass(t40c) 110 28% 22% 22% — % 59% 61% Briggs Mfg (t2) .. 9 55 54% 54% -1 53% 48 Briggs & Stratton(3) 1 60% 60% 50%-% 47 42% Bristol-Myers(t2.40) 2 45% 44 44 +2 63 46 Bklyn-Man Tr (4)- 2 48% 48% 48% + % 8 6% Bklyn & Queens- 6 7% 7% 7% 38% 34% Bklyn & Q pf (a3)- 2 34% 34% 34% -2 52% 46% Bklyn Union Gas (3). 2 47 46% 47 24% 20% Brunswick-Balke- 6 21% 21 21 — % 25% 20 Bucyrus-Erie -- 16 22% 22% 22% — % 117 110 Bucyrus-Erie pf (7). 70*117 116 117 +% 14% 12% Budd (EG) Mfg — 36 12% 12% 12% 98 85 Budd (E G) Mfg pf— 2 81% 81% 81% -3% 13 9% Budd Wheel (a20c)— 10 11% 11% 11%-% 45% 34% Bullard Co <b25c)--— 7 41% 40 40 -1 62% 51 Bulova Watch _ 2 60 59 59 -1 35% 31% Burr Adding M (80c). 18 34% 34 34 - % 11% 7% Bush Terminal (d)— 1* 9% 9% 9% - % 39 27 Bush Term deb (d) — 1 34 84 34 —1 46% 24% Bush T Bldgs pf (d)_ 10* 37 37 37 -1% 17% 13% Butler Bros (bl5c)—. 14 16% 16% 16% 34% 29% Butler Bros pf (1%)- 1° 34 33% 83% — % 8% 5% Butte Cop &Z (a5c)_. 80 8% 8% 8% - % 33 27% Byers (AM)... —- 2 29% 29 29 — % 31% 27 Byron Jackson (tl)— 6 30% 29% 29% — % 48% 42% Calif Packing (2)- 2 43 43 43 4 2% Callahan Zinc-Lead- 274 4% 4 4% + % 20% 15% Calumet & Hecla (1). 169 20 18% 18% -% 37% 32% Campbell Wy (tl)- 16 37% 35% 35% -1% 82% 27% Canada Dry G Ale- 3 28% 28 28 -1 17% 14% Canadian Pacific_ 44 17 16% 16% - % 61H 58 Cannon Mills (a4)- 1 57 57 57 2 18 15 Cap Admin (A)(al)— 6 16% 16% 16% + % 106 104 Car Clin & O stpd (5) 10* 103 103 103 -1% 8% 7 Carriers & Gen (a35c) 7 8 7% 7% — % 176% 138 Case (J I) CO (4) - 5 167 165 165 -1 129% 124% Case (J I) Co pf (7)— 20* 126 126 126 100 85% Caterpillar Trac(t2). 3 98 97 97 -1% 35% 26% CelaneseCorp <al%) 58 84% 38% 38% —1% 111% 106% Cel Corpprpf A (7).. 2 112% 112 112 +% 47% 36% Celotex Corp .— 3 46 44% 44% -1% 8244 78M Celotex corp pr »t>>— *us bjk, oa oa — 3954 34 Centr Aguire (tl44). 2 344* 34 34 125* 854 Central Foundry Co— 82 11 1044 1054 — 54 41»* 3744 Central RR Of NJ... 3 39 38 38 -2 2454 17^4 Central Violeta Sug-. 2 1754 1754 1744 1154 1 054 Century RM (blOc)- * 1054 1044 1044 - 54 7554 6744 Cerap de Pasco (4) — 87 7744 7444 7444 - 54 23*4 1644 Certain-teed Prod . 28 2044 1954 1944 -1 82 6744 Certain-teed P pf (6) 210s 77 76 7654 - 54 5254 3544 Champ Pap &F (l)-_ 4 4654 4454 4454 -1 111 109 Champ Paper pf (6)- 40s 111 111 111 895* 85 Chesapeake Corp (3). 14 8854 8654 8854 +2 6854 6344 Ches& Ohio (12.80)_ 83 6554 6454 65 - 54 454 254 Chi & East 111 (d) - 7 4*4 4 456 1346 6J4 Chi & East 111 pf (d). 7 1144 1154 1154 -54 354 254 Chi Grt West Cd) — 20 854 344 344 - 54 1744 1854 Chi Grt West pf (d)_ 20 1644 1654 1654 -144 82 8054 Chi Mail Order(tl%) 1 8044 3044 3044 - £ 254 2 Chi Mil St P&P (d)__ 16 254 25* 254 - 44 754 454 ChiMStP&Ppf (d). 21 «J4 654 «*4 - *6 654 3J4Chi*NW(d) _ 87 6 554 554 - 56 1954 1154 Chi&N W pf (d)_ 6 18 1654 17 - 54 33 28 Chi Pneumatic Tool- 4 305* 2954 2954 -1 7044 6144 Chi Pneu T pf (a3 54) 8 661* 66 66 -2 344 244 Chi RI & Pac <d) — 81 85* 8 8 - 44 8H 554 Chi R1&P6% pf <d)_ 6 754 744 744 - 44 1044 654 Chi RI&P7% pf (d)_ 4 944 9 9 2744 24 Chi Yellow Cab (2) 8.2644 25 26 +1 2244 20 Chickasha Cot Oilj_ 7 1954 1954 1954 - 54 1654 1244 Childs Co _ 7 1444 1344 1344 - 54 58 4644 Chile Copper (1)_180s 64 61 64 +6 13554 H054 Chrysler Corp <bl%) a 125 12754 12444 12654 -454 2154 1 854 City Ice & Fuel (2).. 7 21 2044 2044 - 54 92 86 City Ice & Fpf (654). «0» »0 89 8944 - 54 60 60 City Investing (2)- 10a 70 70 70 +10 105* 9 city Stores _ 1 *44 »44 »44 - 44 113 107 Clov El Illu pf (454). -60* 10*5< 10854 10854 4054 35 Clev Graph Br (2)— 2 8854 8754 8754 -1)4 2:15 p.m. Prev. 1637 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chse. 138 122* Coca-Cola (t2). 2 188 188 188 +8* 87* 67 Coca-Cola (A)(3)_ 1 67* 67* 57* 21* 19* Colgate P-P (t60c)__ 11 20* 19* 19* -1 62* 66 Colllns&Alkman (t!) 6 68 66* 66* -1* 118*110* Collins* Aik pf (7).. 80s 110* 110* 110* - * 61* 44* Colo Fuel & Iron_ 9 46* 45* 45* -1* 24* 21 Colo & Southern _ 60* 28* 28* 23* 20* 17* ColurnbO&K (a40c). *6 17* 17* 17* — * 89* 34* Columb Pio vtc <tl)-. 2 36* 36 36 — * 46* 42 ColuPiccvpf (2%).. 2 46 44* 44*-* 124*117* Col'blan Carb vtc(t4) 7 117 116* 116* - * 69* 61* Cornel Credit (t4) . 48 61* 68 58* -2* 114 10ft Cornel Credit pf (4*) 1 101* 101* 101*‘-8* SC* 72* Cornel Invest T <t4). 16 72* 70* 70* -2* 120 111 Cornel InvTpf (414). 1 109 109 109 -8* 21* 18* Cornel Solv (t60c).__ 29 18* 18* 18* - * 4* 8* Comw & Southern_46 8*" 3*“ 8* - * 75* 63 Comw & Sou pf (3)_ 6 64* 64 * 64*+* 19* 13* Conde Nast Publish . 1 16* 16* 16*-* 44* 36* Congoleum-Nairn (2) 45 44* 43* 43* - * 19* 17* Congress Cigar (a2). 1 18 18 18 22 18* Conn K & L pf_ 10s 20 20 20 18* 15* Consol Cigar __ __ 2 16 15* 16* - * 92 88* ConCprpf ww (6%) 60« 92 92 92 49* 43 Consol Edis NY (t2) 82 43* 42* 42*-* 108 105* Consol Ed N Y pf (6). 2 105* 106* 106* - * 6* 4* Consol Film 3 4* 4* 4* 18* 16* Consol Film pf <a2)_. 2 16* 16* 16*-* 13 9* Consol Liaundrlem_ 6 18* 12* 12* — * 17* 15* Consol Oil (80c)_ 60 16* 16 18 - * 1* * Consol Textile (d)_ 26 1 * 1 10 8* Cons Coal (Del) vtc- 6 8* 8* 8* 40* 34 Cons C (Del) pf vtc_80s 34 84 84 -1* 32* 20* Container Corp(1.20) 18 29* 28* 28* -I* 37* 29 Conti Baking (A)_ 5 83* 32* 82*-* 5* 3 Conti Baking (B)_ 7 4* 4* 4* 109* 102* Conti Baking pf (8)„ 1 108* 108* 108* 69* 59* Cont’l Can (3) 10 61* 61* 61*-* zay* 2<>54 Conti Diamond P (2). 6 24 Z3>4 2334 - n 42*4 39> j Conti Insur (tl.60)_. 3 4154 4154 4154-54 354 254 Conti Motors _ 44 354 854 354 45*4 4214 Conti Oil of Del (tl)- 15 4354 4254 43 -154 825a 26*4 Cont'l Steel (b30c) — 16 3154 8OJ4 8054 - 54 77 63*4 CornEx Bk&Tr (3). 170* 74 7254 73 -1 7154 «7 Corn Prod Ref (t3)_ 17 67 66 66 -154 17154 16654 Corn Prod R pf (7)_ 1 16554 16554 16654 -154 8*4 6 Coty Inc_ 10 754 7 754 6654 46 Crane Co ’_ 6 6254 60 60 -1 37 35*4 Cream of Wheat (t2). 2 3654 3654 3654 28*4 2154 Crosley Radio (al 54) 6 26 2554 2554 - 54 11)054 7454 Crown C’k& Seal (2). 11 8654 85 8554 -2 5654 5454 Crown C&S pf ww2 54 1 53 53 53 -154 4754 4354 Crown Ck pf xw(254) 1 4454 4454 4454 +154 122 109 Crow n WPlst b2.915i. 60* 118 118 118 2454 17 Crown Zellerback vto 42 2254 20)4 2054 - 54 75 51 Crucible Steel — 11 75 71 7154 -254 132 1205, Crucible Stl p£ bl 54.- 1 133 133 183 +1 3 254 Cuba Co _ 2 254 254 254 - 54 175a 12s-, Cuba R R pf _ 80a 1354 135* 135* 1454 1154 Cuban-Am Sugar_ 9 1154 115* 1154 — 54 127 110 Cuban-Am Sug pf__ 60a 120 120 120 4254 3954 Cudahy Pkg (2 54)_ 1 4 1 5* 4154 4154 - 54 205, 18 Curtis Publishing_ 4 19*4 1854 1854 - 54 109V4101', Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 1 10454 10454 10454 - 54 75a 65a Curtiss Wright — * 83 754 7 7 54 - 54 2254 1954 Curtiss W (A) (a50c) 87 2154 20,■4 2054 — 54 9054 82 Cutler-Hammer boOc 2 8954 89)4 89)4 —154 1854 1654 Da vega Stores (1) - 1 165* 165* 1654 - 54 24 2254 Davega St cv pf(l*4) 1 2254 2254 2254 128*4 1045a Deere & Co - — 7 12154 11954 120 -154 3154 2954 Deere & Co pf (1.40). 1 29*4 2954 29*4 + 54 29 2654 Deisel-Wem-G (tl)— 1 2654 2654 265a 5354 4254 Delaware & Hudson.. 10 6154 49 495, -254 225* 1754 Dela Lack & West _ 23 2154 20 20 -154 1054 754 Den & Rio G W pf(d). 2 1054 10 10 -5* 3654 31 Warn'd Match (boOc). 2 335* 3254 3254 -1 4054 385* Diamond M pf(tl54). 3 3954 3954 395* 285a 245a Distil Corp Seag Ltd- 2 2654 25 25 -154 9454 90 Distillers Corp pf (5). 2 9254 9154 9154 - 54 25 20*4 Dixie Vortex (154) - 1 24 2* 2* — 5* 4154 39 Dixie Vortex A (2 54). 60 a 40 40 40 —154 46*4 3754 Doehler Die Casting. 2 44 4254 4254 -Vi 51 46*, Dome Mines (t2)_ 9 49 4754 4754 - 54 llVj 10*i Dominion Stores__ 2 11 105* 105* 77*4 66‘-, Douglass Aircraft _ 65 67*4 62C, 62*4 -454 3954 33 Dresser Mfg <B)(al) 2 34 3354 3354 - 54 35a 2'4 Duluth S S & Atl pf— 2 354 3 3 — H 85* 7 Dunhill Internatl__ 2 7 7 7 1754 15*4 Duplan Silk (1) _ 1 16*4 16*4 1654 1805, 169 Du Pont de N (b75c).x 12 17154 16954 17054 -2 ievi nvj Eastern icon anus_ zu ia-i iav* ur» —14 374 32*i Eaton Mfg(t2) _ 2 35'* 344 844 + 4 144 114 Eitington-Schild ... 13 13 124 124 - 4 29 254 El Paso Nat G (1.60). 3 254 25 25 -4 45 4 38** Elec Auto Lite (tl*.40 13 424 42 42 -14 114 111 Elec Auto Ltpf (7)._ 510* 1114 1114 1114 154 12 Elec Boat <a60c) 190 16 134 144 -14 74 54 Elec&Mus Ind <al8c) 28 64 6 64 -4 264 214 Elec Power & Light.. 21 23)* 22 22 -14 87 754 Elec Pw & Lt $6 pf 2 80 78 78 -14 924 79 Elec Pw & Lt $7 pf... 4 844 *4 *4 -14 444 414 Elec Stor Bat (a24). 2 42 4 42 42 -4 2 14 Elk Horn Coal (d) 2 14 IV* 14 8 54 Elk Horn Coal pf (d). 2 54 54 54 + 4 60 654 Endicott-Johnson(3). 4 67 664 564 -14 784 704 KngPugSJipf b34- 1 764 764 764 94 8*/* Equit Off Bldg (blOc) 3 9 84 84 - 4 174 134 Erie K R 6 164 15)4 154 -14 314 264 Erie RR 1st pf_ 3 31 304 304 -14 26 22 Erie R R 2d pf _ 1 244 244 24* - 4 144 12*4 Eureka Vac Cl (80c). « 134 134 134 - V* 334 284 Evans Product (tl)- 17 324 31 81 -14 54 34 Fairbanks Co _ S50« 44 4 4 -4 28 214 Fairbanks Co pf_ 90* 244 244 244 — 4 714 61»i Fairb'ks-.Morse (tl)- « 61)* 614 614 - 4 2104 183 Fairbanks-M pf 16)_ 1 184 184 184 +1 70 56 Fajardo Sug Co (bl)_ 1 67 66 56 —1 29*t 254 Federal Lt & Trac ... 6 26 254 254 - 4 103 664 Fed Min & Smelter... * ID 105 113 +13 114 84 Federal Mot Tr (40c) 18 104 104 104 - 4 94 54 Fed Screw Works 36 94 94 94+4 6 44 Fed Water Svc (A) . 1 54 44 5 -4 10741024 Fed'd DScu pf (4 4) 1 1034 1034 1034 -1 454 424 Fidel Phoe F In tl.60. 2 434 424 434 -4 384 32*4 Firestone T&R (2) ... 9 374 364 364 - 4 1074 105 Firestone pf (A)(6).. 1 1064 1064 106V* 514 484 First Natl Strs(t2 4) 1 50 50 60 464 41 Flintkote Co (1) .. 17 434 424 424 -1 584 48 Florence Stov’e (a4 *4) 5 58 574 574 -4 94 64 Follansbee Bros (d). 10 84 84 84 -4 544 474 Food Machine (1) ... 1 514 61V* 514 122 1164 Food Mach pf (44)— 40* 119 119 119 +1 544 43 Foster-Wheeler- 6 494 *8 484 -14 184 134 Francisco Sugar _ 1 134 13*4 134 - 4 324 264 Freeport Sul Co (1).. 28 304 284 30 +4 54 44 Gabriel Co (A). 3 54 54 54 -4 33 26 Gamewell Co . ... 40* 304 30)* 304 + 4 194 154 Gar Wood Ind (a55c) 11 194 18)* 18V* - 4 154 124 Gen Am Inv (a75c) * 6 144 144 114 — 4 864 704 Gen Am Trans't (a3). 8 81 80 80 —14 194 164 Gen Baking (t60c)._. 11 174 164 1«4 - 4 14 11 Gen Bronze_ 12 134 124 124 - 4 31 254 Gen Cable _ 27 31 30 30 -4 614 54 Gen Cable (A) 6 62 604 604 - H 123 1144 Gen Cable pf <a7)_ 1 1224 121 121 -1 624 464 Gen Cigar (t4) _ 2 47 47 47 -2 152 146 Gen Cigar pf (7)_ 60* 143 143 143 -3 644 524 Gen Electric (tl)_ 98 60 684 594 -14 444 394 Gen Foods (2) 8 434 424 434 + 4 34 24 Gen Gas & Elec (A).. 82 3 24 24 - 4 644 58 GenG&E6% cvpf A. 30* 64 64 64 77 72 GenG&E8% pf (A) 10* 76 76 76 -1 654 604 Gen Mills (3) 3 62 614 62 +4 124 1184 Gen Mills pf (6)_ 60* 123 123 123 704 604 Gen Motors (b25c)._. 168 66 644 65 -14 122)4 11«4 Gen Motors pf (5).__ 2 120 120 120 -4 154 124 Gen Outdoors Adv .. 5 134 134 134 -4 604 53 Gen Outdoor Adv(A). 2 65 544 65 +2 80 69 Gen Print Ink (a5)._. 1 76 76 76 -2 64 44 Gen Pub Service- 11 54 <4 54 65)4 564 Gen Ry Signal (1)- 8 614 *04 604 -2 54 44 Gen Realty & Util- 142 64 5 6-4 484 42 Gen Realty &Upf — 2 414 404 404 -14 704 64 Gen Refractor (a3 4) 6 654 644 *44 88 754 Gen Steel Casting pf 300* 764 734 734 -2 334 294 Gen Theater E <a2) . 4 32 31 31 -14 204 154 Gillette Saf Raz (tl). 26 184 184 184 - 4 88 84)4 Gillette SR pf (5)—_ 2 884 864 864 -4 *6* 20* Gimbel Bros _ 26 25* 24* 25 -t- * 88 83* Gimbel Bros pf (6)— 2 87 86* 87 -1 61* 43* GliddenCo (2) ... 11 49 48* 48*-* 58* 54* Glidden cv pf (2*)— 1 66* 55* 66* + * 6* 5* Gobel (Adolf) — 85 6* 6* 6* 8* 6* Goebel Brew (t20c)„ 12 7* 7* 7* — * 115 111 Gold Stock Tel (6)-— 10. 114* 114* 114* - * 42* 31 Goodrich (B F) (al).. 49 41* 38* 89 -2* 87* 79* Goodrich (B F)pf(5) 3 87* 87 87 — * 42* 27* Goody’r T& R (b50c) 58 40* 38* 38* -1* 127*100 Goody’r T&R cu pf (5) 2 118* 115* 115* —4* 13* 11* Gotham Silk Hose — 8 11* 11* 11* — * 96 92* Goth Silk H pf (7)- 20i 93 93 93 - * 4* 3 Graham-Paige - «8 4* 4* 4* — * 16 6* Granby Cons (new)_ 93 13* 12* 12* + * 5* 4 Grand Union ctfs ... 7 4* 4 4* — * 27* 21* Grand Un pf (b25c)— 3 24* 23* 23* — * 48* 41* Granite City Stl (1)— 11 47* 46* 46*-* 47* 43* Grant (W T)(tl.40)_. 2 43* 48 43 -1* 49* 40* Grt Northern pf — 55 48* 46* 47* — 1H 22 19 Grt North’n Ore (1)-. 142 22* 21* 21* — H 42* 35* Grt West Sug (t2.40) 3 37 36* 86* — * 38* 34 Green (H L)(tl.60).. 7 36 84* 85 — * 84* 73 Greene Cananea (3).. 60« 90 86 90 +6* 16* 14* Greyhound (t80c) — 25 16* 15* 16* — * 4* 8* Guantanamo Sugar— 1 8* 8* 3* + * 15* 18 Gulf Mobile & N _ 4 16* 15* 16* + * 66 61* Gulf Mobile & N pf—. 1 53* 53* 63* - * 81* 66* Gulf States Steel — 3 78 77 77 -2* 20* 13* Hall (W F) Printing. 16 19* 18 18* -1* 106 101* Hanna (M A) pf (5)-. 10. 104* 103 103 —1 57 60* Harb-Walker (+2) . 2 54* 64* 64* + * 17* 16* Hat C’P of Am A b20c 1 16* 16 16 - * 8 6* Hayes Body — 19 8* 6* 6* “ * 105 101 Hazel Atlas G1 (+5)_ 1 103* 103* 108*+1* 15* 13* HeckerProd (60c).— 83 14* 14* 14*-* 39* 83* Hercules Motor (11 > — 2 88* 37* 37* —1* 185* 129* Hercules Pdr pf (6).. 10.131 131 131 -* 67* 64* Hershey Choc (t3)— 1 66 66 66 —1* 52* 48 Holland Fur (al *) — 2 60 49 49 -1* 120*112 Holland Fur pf (6)—. 10.115 114 114 -1 26* 21 Hollander & Son (1). 8 23* 28* 23*-* 43* 32* Holly Sugar <t2)- 4 33* 88 S3* 415 366 Homestake (tl2) .. 10. 895 890* 890* -7* 41 40 Houd-Hersh (A) (2 %) 1 41 41 41 27* 23* Houd-Her (B)(tl*). 4 26* 25* 26*- * 73 65* Household Fin (4)— 1 69 68 68 -1* 17* 12* Houston Oil vtc_ «* 15* 14* 14* -1 89* 62* Howe Sound <t3K- 42 88* 88* *5* -8* 6* 4 Hudson & Manhat- « 6* 6* 6* “ * ■15* 12* Hudson A Man pf-' 1 14 W* !** - M ■23* 18* Hudson Motor Car_ 49 21* 20* 20*-1* 2:15 p m. Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 24 24 Hupp Motor*. 16 24 24 24 - 4 804 224 Illinois Central_ 32 29 274 274 -2 404 884 Indust Rayon (tl.68) 32 374 364 364 -14 24 14 Indus Ray rts Mch 1. 73 14 14 14 - 4 144 1804 Inftersoll Rand (t2)_. 8 141 186 136 -3 124 1124 Inland Steel (4) — 5 1234 123 123 -4 324 224 Inspiration Copper ... 164 334 31 314 -4 6 54 Ins Sh Md ctfs(a20c) 1 54 54 54 184 114 Interb Rap Tr vtc (d) 3 124 114 114-4 64 44 Intercontl Rubber_ 2 54 54 64 — 4 22 1*4 Interlake Iron _ 163 224 204 21 - 4 84 5 Inti Agricultural_ 9 74 74 74 -4 694 42 Inti Agrlcul pr pf- 1 SI 54 64 —1 1114103 Irtl Harvester (2%). 10 101 10241024-14 162 166 Inti Harvester pf (7) 1 156 156 156 164 84 Inti Hydro Elec (A). 19 15 14 14-4 184 164 Inti Mining (a'jOc)— 62 18 164 164 -4 724 624 Inti Nickel (b50c) _ 165 724 694 70 -24 13541324 Inti Nick(Can)pf(7). 1 1344 1344 1344 - 4 214 164 Inti Paper &Pw (A). 5 184 1«4 1*4-2 144 114 Inti Paper & Pw (B). 8 124 11 H -1 74 64 Inti Paper & Pw <C). 19 64 6 6 —4 1084 904 Inti Paper & Pw pf._. 22 1004 96 964 -34 464 41 Inti Print Ink (t2»_ 4 4i>4 45 45 -1 10 8 Inti Ry Cent Amer_ 100* 84 *4 *4 — 4 I 84 64 Inti Ry Cent Am vtc. 100. 74 74 74 - 4 574 48 Inti Ry C Am pf (A). 30* 564 564 564 - 4 284 264 Inti Salt (tl4)_ 1 27 27 27 -4 494 474 Inti Shoe <t2)_ 3 48 474 474 494 314 Inti Silver _ 4 49 464 464 -14 no 90 inti Silver pf (a4)— 20g 1074 1064 1064 -24 164 114 Inti Tel & Tel .. 153 14 134 134 -4 364 294 Interstate DS(b24) 7 33 314 314 -4 106 1034 Inter Dept Strs pf (7) 60s 1084 1034 1034 - 4 264 194 IntertypeCorp (1)... 5 25 24 24 -14 284 254 Island Creek (2) — 4 27 27 27 +4 155 1364 Johns-Manville (t3). 11 138 136 136 -14 54 44 Johns-Man rts Mar 11 87 44 44 44 - ’» 126 1234 Johns-Manv pf (7)_ 20* 1244 124 124 -14 46 424 Kalamazoo S <tl)_ 1 444 444 444 234 20 Kans City Southern . 7 234 224 224 -1 444 42 Kans City So pf (al). 2 42 42 42 -14 314 284 Kaufmann D S+1.60.. 2 294 29 29 -4 274 25 Kayser J & Co (2) .. 2 254 254 254 + 4 234 194 Kelsey-H (A)(al%>- 3 214 204 204 “1 194 164 Kelsey-H (B)(al4) 11 184 174 18 “4 654 564 Kennecott Cop(b50c) 194 654 *24 634 —14 20 174 KeystoneS&W(bl5c). ft 184 174 174 - 4 46 40 Kimberlv Clark (1).. 1 394 394 394 -24 74 54 Kinney (G R) Co ._ 1 64 64 64 70 474 Kinney (G R) pf(al). 90s 634 «2 *2 -14 294 274 Kresge (SS )Co (b30c). 15 28 274 274 - 4 244 22 Kroger G&B (tl.60) 16 234 234 234 -4 274 23 Laclede Gas <St L) . 20. 234 23 23 -1 414 36 Laclede Gas St L pf.. 10s 354 354 354 - 4 234 184 Lambert Co (2) .7 234 224 224 — 4 274 17 Lee Rub & Tire (50c) 11 264 254 254 - 4 614 384 Leh Port Cmt (14)_ 6 48 464 464 -14 34 24 Lehigh Valley Coal.. 6 24 24 24 - 4 184 134 Lehigh Val Coal pf_ 4 144 134 134 -1 214 174 Lehigh Valley R R_ 28 204 194 194 -14 131 118 Lehman Corp (t3)_ 5 128 124 124 -3 214 18 Lehn & Fink (al 4)_ 3 194 194 194-4 584 52 Lerner Stores (t2) . 2 54 54 54 —1 79 674 Libbv-O-F G1 <b75c>- 11 764 75 75 -14 15 94 Libby McN&L <al). 18 144 134 134 - 4 284 264 Life Saver (tl.60)_ 1 264 264 264 -4 1134108 Ligg & Myers <t4) _. 1 1114 1114 1114 114 10«4 Ligg&Myers B (t4). 8 1114 1104 11»4 - 4 175 165 Ligg & Myers pf (7) 2 1634 1634 1634 -14 224 214 Lily Tulip Cup(tl%) 3 224 224 224 -4 834 59 Lima Locomotive ... 20 75 72 72 -4 52 434 Liquid Carb (2.60)... 3 494 484 484 -4 79 644 Loew s Inc (t2)_ 27 744 72 72 -2 34 24 Loft Inc — 57 34 24 3 704 56 Lone Star Cmt b75c.. 14 664 644 644 —14 104 64 Long Bell Lum (A)_ 24 84 84 84 — 4 434 394 Loose-Wiles (2) . 3 394 394 394 — 4 28s, 224 Lorillard (PHtl.20). 29 264 264 264 - 4 1474 142 Lorillard (P)pf(7) 250. 1464 1464 1464 4 4 284 234 Louisv G&E pf A 1% • * 244 24 24 -1 g* 944 884 Louisv & Nash(b2 4 ) 2 924 92 924 + 4 374 294 Ludlum Steel (Tl) .. 33 37), 354 354 -14 36 344 Mao Andrew&F (t2)_ 2 35 344 344 - 4 244 184 McCrory Stores _ 2 22 204 204 —14 44 404 McGraw Elec <t2) 2 434 434 434 - 4 424 38 Mclntvre I’orcu (2)_ 27 414 394 394 -14 924 824 McKeesport TP (14). 2 85 85 85 -2 144 12', McKesson & Rob 29 14V', 134 134 - 4 474 45 KcKess* Rob pf (3). 1 46‘* 46'* 464 - 4 19 164 McLellan St (b75c) - 14 174 17 17-4 1124 1074 McLellan Strs pf <6). 50, 1074 107 107 -4 684 424 Mack Trucks (tl)16 564 554 56 -4 56 604 Macv (R HX+2) — 6 54 524 53 -1 154 134 Madison Sq G (80c)-_ 1 14 14 14 62 53 Magma Copper (2)... 14 624 614 614 - 4 74 6 Manati Sugar (d)- 2 6 6 6 50 21 Manati Sug pf <d) — 20s 22 214 214 -1 164 134 Man El md gtd <d)_ 5 144 14 14-4 29s, 234 Manhat Shirt (1)_ 2 274 27 27 - V* 64 44 Maracaibo Oil Exp— 9 64 6 6—4 144 104 Marine Midl’d (t40c) 12 134 134 134 -4 24 2 Market St Ry _ 100s 24 24 24 6 44 Market St Ry 2d pf_. 40, 44 44 44 39 35 Market St Ry pr pf_ 10s 35 35 35 — 4 51 47 Marlin Rock (t2) -. 3 504 484 484 -24 23 184 Marshall Field & Co 26 23 224 224 -4 114 9 Martin-Tarry Corp 6 10V* 94 104 + 4 4 4 Martin-Par rts Meh 2 13 4 4 4 — 4 74 60 Masonite Corp (tl) . 2 70 694 694 414 384 Mathieson Aik (14). 5 39 38 38 -14 64 594 May Dept Str < + 3 >_ 8 62 604 604 -4 44 424 Maytag pf ww (3)- 3 434 424 43‘* + 4 334 254 Mead Corp 21 304 294 294 -14 864 794 Melville Shoe (t5)_ 2 804 794 794 -4 164 114 Mengel Co _1- 18 144 144 144 - 4 147 1064 Mengel Co pf _ 10s 138 138 138 -2 147 1174 Mengel Co pf ctfs_ 50s 138 138 138 —1 684 59 Mesta Machine bl 4 • 18 684 674 68 — 4 26 164 Miami Copper - 101 26V* 244 244 — H 324 294 Mid-Cont Pet (al.15) 15 314 31 314 - 4 464 384 Midl’d Stl Prod (+2). 27 464 434 434 -24 122 1174 Midl’d StlJstpf (8).. 30, 120 1184 120 +4 111 102 Minn-Hon Ros (2) . 1 1064 1064 1064 -24 122 1144 Minn-Hon R pf B (4) 20s 120 1194 1194 +24 15s, 11 Minn Moline Power . 13 134 124 124 -1 954 884 Minn Moline Put pf_. 2 924 924 924 ~4 24 14 M St P&S S Marie . 1 24 24 24 - 4 5 34 M St P&S S Marie pf. 5 44 44 44 -4 64 5 M St P&S S M Is line. 20s 54 54 54 -4 294 264 Mission Corp (a45c). 10 274 274 274 - 4 84 64 Mo Kans & Texas 12 8Vj 8 8—4 834 244 Mo Kans & Tex pf A- 69 33s, 31 314-24 5 3 Missouri Pacific (d).. 9 44 <4 <4 — 4 114 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) - 38 104 94 94 -4 404 304 Mohawk Corp (tl.20) 1 374 374 374 -4 101 934 Monsanto Chem (tl). 3 954 954 954 — 4 644 534 Montgom Ward <t2) 98 624 604 604 —14 2 14 Mother Lode(al24c) 652 24 2 24 + 4 384 34 Motor Products <t2) 10 35 334 334 —14 26 21H Motor Wheel (1.60) . 18 25 234 234 -14 364 324 Mullins Mfg B(a50c) 7 33 31 31 -34 98 93 Mullins Mfg pf (7)... 10, 93 93 93 364 g74 Munsingwear (t3) — 1 814 314 314 - 4 10841064 Murphy G C pf (5)- 20s 107 107 107 +4 764 70 Murphy GC (2.60)_ 1 75 75 75 +24 204 17 Murray Corp (aDOc).. 2’T 19 184 184 -4 67 584 Myers (FE)&Br (3). 3 684 «7 67 244 174 Nash Kelvinator (1). 51 234 224 224 — 4 434 38 Nashv Chat & St L—- 60s 424 <2 42 -1 234 184 Natl Acme (a75c)- 10 214 204 214 - 4 184 134 Natl Aviation (al)— 3 164 16 16 — 4 324 304 Natl Biscuit (1.60)- 69 324 314 314 -4 167 165 Natl Biscuit pf (7)— 1 163 163 163 -2 334 804 Natl Bd&In (al.ll).. 7 304 SO 30 -1 37 294 Natl Cash Reg (al) .. 57 38 364 364 — 4 264 234 Nat’l Dairy Prod 1.20. 48 244 234 234 -4 112 110 Nat Dairy P pf A (7) 20*110 110 110 1094 1074 Natl Dairy Ppf B (7) 40* 1084 1084 1084 + 4 234 174 Natl Dept Stores . 6 224 214 214 -14 104 74 Natl Dept Stores pf . 80s 84 84 84 — 4 294 274 Natl Distil Prod (t2 ) 34 29,/* 29 29 -4 374 834 Natl Lead (t50c) - 52 374 36 36 -4 150 144 Nalt Lead pf (B)(6). 20, 147 147 147 614 64 Natl Mal’ble&stl(a2) 12 584 564 564 -2 144 114 Natl Pwr&Lt (60c). 20 124 124 124 -4 90 70 Natl Steel (t2 4)- 52 904 884 884 -1 714 62 Natl Supply Co- 1 67 67 67 —14 124 104 Natl Tea (60c)_ 27 104 10 10 -4 13 114 Natomas <t80c)- 3 124 124 124 — 4 574 53 Neisner Bros (t2)- 3 644 544 544 — 4 604 544 Newberry(JJ)(t2.40) 2 614 604 614 +24 29 19 New Orl T&M (d) 40s 27 26 27 -1 414 344 Newp’t Indus (a60c) 14 374 364 364 —14 984 784 N Y Air Brake (b50c) 1 924 924 924 - 4 464 40 NY Central RR ... 203 46 44 444 -Hi 614 41 N Y Chicago & St L— 9 614 60 60 -2 100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf_ 14 99 974 974 -14 124 104 N Y Dock 310s 104 94 94 -1 254 21 N Y Dock pf - 730s 204 194 195, -14 z in « x investors taj- t in in in -r *1 944 544 NY NH & H <d)_ 73 844 8(4 844 - 4) 2844 1644 NY NH & H pf (d)>—_ 41 2444 2344 234* +14i 644 5 NY Ontario & West- 2 544 544 544 - 4) 1544 12 NY Shipbuilding- 24 14*4 14 144* - 4l 101 98 N Y Steam pf (6)_ 10s 99 99 99 -1 110 108H N Y Steam 1st (7)_-_ 10s 110 110 110 +4) 844 2 Norfolk Southern(d). 28 3 244 244 - 4) 1744 1344 North Am Aviation _ 54 16 1644 1544 - V 3444 2944 North Am Co (b30c)- 60 3044 30 3044 -14) 6744 5544 North Am Co pf (3)— 1 6544 5544 6544 + 4) 88 2744 Northern Pacific _ 123 3244 3044 30*4 — lji 644 344 Norwalk Tire & Rub. 2 444 <n 444 - 4) 40 29 Norwalk T & R pf_ 10s 2844 2844 2844 -84 1944 1 744 Ohio Oil (a60c) 43 1944 1844 1844 - V 6244 6344 Oliver Farm Equip— 2 5744 57 57 -2 2644 1844 Omnibus Corp vtc — 27 2444 2344 2344 -l 1644 1344 Oppenheim Collins — 3 16 1544 1544 “ Vi 4544 3544 Otis Elevator <a75c)_ 12 4144 41 41 -14i 2144 1644 Otis Steel 62 2144 1944 20 -14 90*4 75 Otis Steel cv pf (5%) 16 90H 89*4 8944 17144 160 Owens-Ill Glass (6)- 1 16944 16944 16944 - V 23 1944 Pac Am Fish (tl)- 8 2144 -20H 204* - V 1644 H44 Pacific Coast _ 230s 13 1244 1244 - Vi 3644 26V4 Pacific Coast 1st pf_. 10s 3144 3144 3144 -IV 2744 2144 Pacific Coast 2d _ 70s 2244 22 22 -2 _ 3244 80n Pac Finance (tl.80).. 2 31 30 30-4 fv 38 83 Pac Gas & Elec (2)— 9 8344 33 3344 -4 ' 5344 46 Pac Lighting (3) — 5 4744 47 47 — ^ 4444 88 Pacific Mills (b50c)— 2 39H 3944 3944 -4 152 147 Pac Tel & Teleg (a7). 100s 14944 148H 148H + 4 149 146 Pacific T&Tpf (6)__ 20s 148 1474 148 +2 28 2244 Pac West O (a65c) - 12 2644 2644 2644 - V 1244 1044 Packard Motor(a45c) 78 11J4 HV4 HV4 - 4 444 244 Panhandle Pro ft R—. 8 3 3 3 - V 88 76 Paraffine Co (bl)_ 4 8644 86 8644 +1 2844 2844 Paramount Pictures- 101 2544 2344 24 -14 soon 166 ParamPic lttpf (6). 5 176 168 168 -124 2644 21H Param Pic 2d pf a«0c 2 B B B -IV 44 44 Park ft Til rt* Mch 15 S 44 44 44 - 2:15 p.m. Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chge «H 44 Park Utah 871 74 *4 74 + 4 444 42 Parke Davis (al%) — 6 434 <24 42*4 — 4 294 244 Parker Rust P (tl 4) 6 274 27 27 -4 74 6 Parmelee Transport- 2 64 64 64 104 84 Paths Film Corp ... 1« 9 8*4 84 -4 184 144 Patino Mines (t60c). 264 204 194 194 +14 74 34 Peerless Motor — 88 64 64 64 - 4 64 694 Penick&Ford <t3)— 6 60 594 694 — Hi 1024 97 Penney (J C)(4) - 7 994 98 98 —14 64 44 Penn Coal & Coke- 5 6 44 44 124 74 Penn Dixie Cement— 31 10 94 94 -4 294 22 Penn GIS’d ctfs a50c. 4 274 27 27 444 894 Penn Railroad (a2) — 24 444 434 434 — 4 584 494 Peoples Drug <tl) ... 3 584 58 08-4 654 <84 Peoples Gas Chicago. 4 «2 60 60 -14 14 44 Peoria & Eastern_ 3 18 124 124 - 4 ! 474 84 Pere Marquette 2 47 454 454 -2jJ 87 824 Pere Marq pr pf(»20) 3 834 834 834 — 4 20H 174 Petr Corp Am (aOOc)., 12 194 19 194 -4 134 114 Pfeiffer Brew (1.20). 27 13 124 124 “ 4 684 52 Phelps Dodge (b35c) 40 59 564 564 -24 544 62 Phila Cc 6% pf <3> 1 524 524 524 1004 98*4 Phila Co pf (6) new. 1 984 984 9*4 - 4 74 6*4 Phila Rap Tr <d) „ 60s 6*4 64 64 14 12 Phila Rap Tr pf (d)_50s 124 124 124 34 24 Phtla&ReadC&I— 20 24 24 24 824 74 Phillip Morris (3 >_ 16 834 82 82 —Hi 574 494 Phillips Petrol <2) .. 66 634 524 524 -14 744 584 Phoenix Hos pf (3%) 20s 584 58.4 584 -4 194 164 Pierce Oil pf ... 3 184 18 18 - 4 4 34 Pierce Petroleum_ 182 4 34 34 — 4 I 184 Ik Pittsburgh Coal 8 154 I5 15 -4] 764 60 Pittsburgh Coal pf . 1 624 624 624 + 4! 184 134 Pitts Screw (aD2%c) 21 174 164 164 -4 33 244 Pittsburgh Steel Co-- 1 314 314 314 -14 112 103 Pittsburgh Steel pf— 100s 111'* 1094 1094 “14 84 34 Pitts United Corp ... 58 84 74 74 -4 384 314 Pittsburgh & W Va— 120s 374 364 364 ~ 4 3 24 Pittston Co - 2 24 24 24 -4 274 244 Plymouth Oil (tl)—. 25 25*4 24*4 244 -14 334 254 Poor & Co (B) — 8 304 2»4 294 “ 4 114 84 PortoR Am Tob (A).. 4 94 94 94 -4 34 24 Porto Rico Am TIB). 4 24 24 24 154 104 Postal Tel &Cpf id). 2 134 13 13 -4 314 254 Pressed Steel Car . 17 294 284 284 -14 31 254 Press Stl 1st pf (25c). 4 294 284 284 -14 654 554 Proctor & Ganib (t2). 19 63 4 62 63 +1 524 474 PubSvcN J (2.60)— 12 49 484 <84 -1 1124 1084 PubSvc N J pf (5)- 2 108 107 107 -14 1284 119*4 Pub Svc N J pf (6)—. 3,211 120 120 72H 664 Pullman inc (14)- 21 70 69 694 - 4 244 194 Pure Oil 91 20*i 194 20 - 4 107 99 Pure 011 6% pf_ 2 1064 1064 1064 + 4 1124 108 Pure 011 8% pf_ 100s 1114 H14 1114 224 184 Purity Bakerles(60c) 78 224 21 21H 184 17 Ouaker State R (80c) 1 174 174 174 -4 124 104 Radio Corp 152 124 H4 H4 ~ 4 80 764 Radio Corp pf A( 34) M 784 77 77 -14 94 74 Radio-Keith Or (d).. 21 9 84 84-4 194 144 RR Sec 111 Central— 10» 18’< 18,< 18,/* “ 874 344 Raybestos M (tl4>~ 5 354 35 35 454 414 Reading RR (2) ... 3 444 <34 <3*4 -lb ”134 114 Real Silk Hosiery_ 1 H4 H4 H4 34 24 Iieis(Robt) ... 2 24 24 24 224 184 Reliable Strs (a50c). 3 194 194 19**-’. 284 214 Rem-Rand (t60c)_ 28 284 274 274 - 4 94 5 Reo Motor Car_ 62 94 84 84 — 4 37 274 Republic Steel 210 364 35 354 -14 1194109 Republic Stl pf (al2) 2 1174 1174 1174 - 4 108 99 lien Stl nr nf A (6) 3 105’* 105)* 105*. - 7, 46?* 334 Revere Copper 10 464 444 44 * —24 135 1284 Revere C&B pf(a3 4 > 10* 133 133 133 +2 954 934 Revere C&B pf (5*4) 10* 94 94 94 j 304 264 Reynolds Metal (tl) 5 274 274 274 - 4 344 294 Reynolds Spring) tl) 7 314 31 31 — 4 I 58 554 Reynolds Tob B (3)-- 23 554 55 554 - 4 I 134 84 Rhine Westphalia_ 1 14 14 14 +24 j 314 244 Hitter Dental (tl)— 2 264 26 26 -4 844 12 Roan Anlel (al-12)_ 5 824 814 814 — 34 94 7H Rutland R R pf _ l «4 *4 84 - *i 46 414 Safeway Stores (t2). 11 «’-» <3'4 <34 -2 113 1094 Safeway Strs pf (6) 50s 1104 1104 1104 — 4 113 1114 Safeway Strs pf (7) 30* 112 112 112 — 4 55 434 St Joseph Lead (al). al 56 544 544 — 4 44 3 St L-San Fran (d) 15 44 44 <4 — 4 104 64 St L-San Fran pf (d) 58 1<*H 94 94 + 4 174 11 St L Southw’n (d) 30s 17 15 15 -14 314 284 St L Southw pf (d) 10s 35 35 35 +5 22 144 Savage Arms (al) . 19 21 2<> 204 — 4 474 424 Schenley Distil <t3) 18 47'* 454 454 -1 98 944 Schenley Dis pf (5 4 ) 2 974 97 97 —4 34 2 Schulte R Strs id) .. 8 24 24 24 -4 234 17 Schulte R S pf id).._ 4 214 20 20 -2 454 38 Scott Paper (1) —. 20s 41 41 41 24 14 Seaboard Air L (d) . 2o 14 14 14 84 6 Seaboard A L pf (d).. 9 V/% 64 64 — 4 474 <1 Seaboard Oil (1)_ 11 424 <1 <1 -l’« 114 74 Seagrave Corp - 7 94 9 94 + 4 914 81 Sears Roebuck (3)— 32 904 88 4 88 4 —24 34 28 Servel Inc (tl) - 11 314 31 31 —1 38 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20)_ 15 38 4 36 36 —14 1104102 Sharon Stl H pf (5).. 1 no 110 110 -r 4 14 104 Sharpe & Dohme 12 12 114 ll4 - 4 65 60 Sharp & Do pf (3 4)- 1 614 614 614 174 154 Shattuck(F G)(60c). 13 16H 164 164 -4 44 404 Sheafter Pen (bl 4 ) - 40s 394 394 394 -14 344 264 Shell Ur. Oil (a25ct 25 33 314 334 -14 1054102 Shell Un Oil pf (5 4) 3 103 1024 1024 154 124 Silver King (60c)- 69 16 15 154 - 4 554 «4 Simmons Co (a3)- 26 624 504 51^ -14 44 34 Simms l’etrol- 1 34 34 34 47 42 SkellyOil _ < <34 <34 43s* + 4 1024 99 SkellyOil pf (6)_ 2 102 1014 1014 - 4 ! 138 854 Sloss-Sheflield Stl -- 50s 134 134 134 +2 | 1154111 Sloss-Sheaf S pf (7). 20s 115 115 115 1 544 48 Smith (AO) 2 494 494 494 -1 I 404 274 Smith & Corona s (1). 2 384 38 38 ! 294 264 Snider Pack (bl4) _ 4 284 274 28 j 194 164 Socony-V Oil (b25c). ' 118 19 18*1 184 - 4 54 44 So Am G & P (a30c).. 39 54 5'* 54 42 4 34 South Port Sug it2). < 354 344 344 -14 | 324 29 So Cal Edison (tl4) 1« 294 29 29 524 <24 Southern Pacific ... 120 53 5o4 51 -14 J 354 24 Southern Railway- 50 334 31s* 324 -14 I 594 474 Southern Ry pf_ 25 584 56 4 561, -24 I 104 9 Spalding (AG) 2 10 10 10 j 77 684 Spalding (A G)lst pf 60» 76*‘ 7fil* 7S>1 ~ '♦ 94 74 Sparks-Withington.. 23 84 84 84 — 4 36 33 Spencer Kell (I.60) _ 2 33 33 33 234 204 Sperry Corp vtc (al). 32 224 22 22 —4 334 284 Spicer Mfg (a3) . l 31s, 314 314 - 4 50 484 Spicer Mfg pf A (3).. 60s 484 <84 <84 + 4 284 224 Spiegel Inc (b25c) . 16 254 2<4 25 - 4 47 414 SquareD (B)(al7s). 3 4fi4 45V* <54-14 164 154 Stand Brands (t80c). 51 154 154 154 - 4 1284 126 Stand Brands pf (7). 10s 126 126 126 124 104 Stand Com Tobacco . 2 11 104 1°4 — 4 144 84 Stand Gas & El (d) . 41 134 124 124 -1 \ 314 254 Stand G&E S4 pf (d). 12 284 274 274 -14 65 55 Stand G&E 46 pf (d). 1 55 55 55 -3 724 604 Stand G&E $7 pf (d). 1 63 63 63 -3 4 34 Stand Inv Corp . 1 34 84 34 — 4 50 43!* Stand Oil of Cal (tl) - 25 494 48 4 484 —14 50 464 Stand Oil of Ind (tl). 24 494 48s* 484 - 4 754 674 stand Oil of NJ (tl). 83 75 714 724 -24 75 704 Sterling Prod (t3.80) 1 714 714 714 + .4 21 174 Steward-War (t50c). 26 ) 94 19 194 174 154 Stokely Bros (b20c)— 1 16 16 16 — 4 334 28H Stone & Web (a25c).. 31 304 294 294 - 4 ] 20 134 Studebaker Corp_ 230 194 18 184 — 4 ! 774 73 Sun Oil (tl) _ 2 74 734 74 -1 | 125 119 Sun Oil pf (6) _ 10s 123 123 123 ; 614 54 Superheater (t50c)— 3 59 58 58 — 4 1 . m , . <. ■ 1 c o C 7 Cl/ _ 3. 7H 4*4 Superior Oil _ 62 6)4 6*4 *>?, — ft 45*4 37 Superior Steel _ 10 42** 40Vj 40)4 —1*4 39)4 32)4 Sutherland Pap tl.60. 2 35'* 35'* 35’* —1)4 20H 13 Sweets Co of Am _ 1 17)4 17)4 17)4 —1 28 25)4 Swift* Co (tl.20)_ 21 2774 27)4 27*« + >4 32*4 81)4 Swift Inti Ltd (2)-.- 3 31'» 31)4 31*4 - H 23*4 18*4 Symington-Gould ww 11 20'* 19*t 19)* — *4 17H 14)4 Symington-Gould xw 9 1574 15 15 — *4 15)4 13)4 Talcott (James) b30c 2 14*4 14 14 - H ! ’ 8*4 7)4 Telautograph (60c).. 8 7)4 7)4 7)4 — )* ! 14) 4 11)4 Tennessee Corp aloe. 113 14)4 13)4 13)4 — )4 69)4 50)4 Texas Corp (2) - 93 54)4 52)4 52)4-2'* 2)4 2 Tex Corp rts Mch 19. 510 2)4 2 2S» — *» 9) 4 7)4 Texas Gulf Pr (af.c). 18 8*4 8 8 - H 43 38)4 Texas Gulf Sul (t2).. 50 41)4 40)4 40)4 49 43)4 Texas & Pac R R - 1 44)4 44*4 44V4 -1*4 16*4 13H Tex PacC&O (blOc). 24 14)4 14)4 14)t - H 15) 4 11)4 TexasPLT (alOc).. 11 13H 12)* 12*4 -1 48 37)4 Thatcher Mf« (tl)-.- 8 48 46'4 46)4 -1 13)4 1D4 The Fair _ 1 12 12 12 - )4 93)4 89 The Fair pf (7)_ 20* 89 89 89 13)4 10)4 Thermoid Co_ 30 11*4 11 11 - H 8)4 6)4 Third Avenue_ 4 7)4 7)4 7*4 - )4 28)4 25 Thompson Pr (al*4). 2 2614 25)4 26)4 — H 10) 4 6)4 Thompson Starrett 43 7*4 7)4 7*4 — H 21*4 20V, Tide Wat AsOil(60c) 41 21)4 20 20)4 - H 108 105V, Tide Wat As O pf (6) 7 106'* 106'* 106'* 28)4 22 Timken Detroit (tl)- 19 27)4 26*4 26*4 - J4 | 79 70 Timken Roller B (3). 4 73)4 72)4 72)4 —1 17*4 16 Transamerica (t40c) 23 16)4 16)4 16)4 — H 22)4 18H Trans&West Air a25c 16 20)4 19)4 19)4 27) 4 19*4 Transue& W <t60c). 4 22)4 21)4 21)4 -1 10)4 9 Tri-Conti (a50c) 31 10 9)4 9)4 - H 109)4 108 Tri-Cont'l Corp pf (6) 1 109 109 109 + ‘-4 10H 8)4 Truax-Tr Coal <b25c) 10 9*4 9*4 9*4 - !4 24) 4 22 Truscon Steel - 1 21*4 21)4 21)4 1)4 38)4 34*4 20th Cent F F (tl%)- 17 35'4 34V* -1 47)4 42)* 20th Cent FF pf (1 %) 1 43^ 43^ 43H -1 17)4 18)4 Twin City R T - 3 14)4 14H 14)4 - )4 94 85 Twin C R T pf (al4). 20* 8T 87 87 +1 1 6)4 4)4 Ulen & Co 13 5X 4)4 5 - *4 ' 100)4 91)4 Und-Ell-Fisher (3) - 7 93 91 91 -2)4 68 63 Union Bag & Pap (2). 2 65)4 64 64 —2 111 101)4 Union Carb&C (3.20). 9 110)4 108 108 -2)4 28) 4 25)4 Union Oil Calif (1)—. 30 26)4 25)4 25'4 - )4 1 136 126)4 Union Pacific (6)- 20 135)4 129)4 129** -5 1 99*4 97)4 Union Pacific pf (4)1 99 99 99 +1)4 31H 26*4 Union Tank Car 1.60. S 80)4 29)4 29*4 — )4 1 32)4 27H United Aircraft a50c- 52 31 29)4 29)4 - *4 1 24)4 20*4 United Air L (a20c). 38 21)4 20)4 20)4 — )4 30)4 28'4 United Biscuit (1.60) 2 29 29 29 - % 117)4 114)4 United Biscuit pf (7). 40*115 115 115 33)4 29)4 Unit-Carr Fast (t2)_. 1 33 33 33 +1 i 8)4 6*4 United Corp (a20c)— 96 7 6)4 6)4 — )4 i 46)4 43*4 United Corp pf (3)._. 5 44*4 44*4 44*4 - H 15)4 14)4 United Drug (a75c)— 11 14)4 14)4 14)4 * 25) 4 18)4 United Dyewood (1). 1 21)4 21)4 21)4 — i » 7)4 United Elec Coal ... 26 8*4 8 8 60)4 46)4 United Eng&Fy (+2) _ 3 59 58 58 — 4 i. 85)4 «P)4 United Fruit (t3) .. 7 83)4 82)4 82)4 - H ; 17 14)4 United Gas Imp (1)_ 44 15)4 15*4 15)4 i 16)4 6)4 United Paperboard... 17 16 14)4 14)4 - )4 8)4 2)4 U S Distributing _ 1 2)4 2h 2)4 - H i 20)4 16)4 U S Distributing pf-. 80* 16 15)4 15)4—1 ; 21)4 17 U S & For’n Secur .. 5 22)4 21 21 — >4 (Continued on Nineteenth Page.) STOCKS SELL OFF ■ Nervousness Over Labor Outlook Is Important Market Influence. Stock Averages 30 15 15 60 Indust Rails Util. 8tka. Net change. —.5 —.3 —.3 —.4 Today, noon 99,0 42.9 50.7 72.8 Prev. day... 99 5 43.2 51.0 73.2 Month ago. 96.7 38.7 52.3 71.0 Year Ago... 78.8 37.5 48.5 60.9 1937 high...100.8 43.2 54.0 73.8 1937 low... 94.1 37.8 51.0 69.1 1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53 7 72.8 1936 low... 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low_ 17.5 8 7 23.9 16.9 1929 high-.-146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low.... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press i BY VICTOR Fl'BANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW. YORK, February 23—The stock market back-tracked today lor losses of 1 to around 5 points. Wall Street attributed falling ten dencies principally to fresh nervous ness over the labor outlook and the belief in some quarters that exciting speculation abroad in armaments ma terials was due to come a cropper. Fast dealings put the ticker tape behind frequently in the first hour. 1 The volume lessened later, but picked | up at the finish. Transfers approxi mated 2.950.000 shares. Yesterday’s sensational London up turn in the price of copper, tin, lead and zinc buoyed stocks in this line at the opening, many climbing fractions to 2 points. The sprint was short lived, however, as price trends were reversed in the British market. Handicapping buying forces wer*’ outbreaks of new strikes, including one at the Electric Boat plant, hold ing up construction of new sub* marines. There was also a “sit-down move started at the Douglas Aircraft works. In addition, delegates of th< 16 "non-operating” railway brother* hoods, representing 800.000. voted tc ask a wage raise of approximately 20 ^ per cent. On top of all this, commission hour observers thought the recent failur of many high-grade stocks to tak< part in the selective climb encouraged traders to shelve commitments and take a turn on the short side. Conspicuous shares on the losinr side were Douglas Aircraft, How\ Sound. United States Steel, Bethle hem, Republic. Crucible. General Mo tors. Chrysler, Yellow Truck, Electric Boat. Goodyear. Goodrich. Montgom-. ery Ward, Woolworth. American Tele phone. Western Union, North Ameri can. Public Service of New Jersey International Telephone. Santa Fe New York Central. Southern Pacific Union Pacific. Southern Railway Delaware & Hudson. Baltimore & Ohio. Crown Cork, American Loco motive. Du Pont. Standard Oil ol New Jersey. Texas Corp., Westing house. General Electric. Anaconaa Kennecott. International Nicke, United States Smelting and Inspira tion Copper. _^_ A INSURANCE STOCKS NEW' YORK. February 23 i Jp\.—Nw York Security Dealers Association. Bid. Asked Aetna Cas (2a> . 105 loo Aetna Ins <1.60)_ 521 a 544 Aetna Life <.8oa) _ 344 3«>j ; Am Equit <l.GO* _* 414 44-*. * Am Ins Newark «4). . 14 154 Ar; Rems <3> *4 88 Am Reserve < 1 a > _ 314 334 Am Surety (2*a) __ 63 65 Automobile t J a» _ 34 4 364 Bali Amer <.2"a> . _ ;» in Carolina <1.3o» 20 304 City of N Y (1.20) 204 374 Conn Gen Lif < *<))___ 444 454 Contin Cas i].2o> _ 31 33 Fid A Dep <lR* _ 1204 133 Firemens Newark _ 13 144 Frank Fire 'la* _ 324 34 4 Gen Reinsr <2* 44 4 464 Gl°n Falls il.flm 44 4« Globe A* Rep (.80) . 234 264 Globe A* Rut 73 754 ! Great Amer <la> ... 20*4 31V# Hanover <1 6m -37 4 394 Harmonia «1.30> -_ 304 324 Hartford Fbre *2) -- 724 74l4 Home Fire Sec .6 74 Home Ins <la> . _ . 384 40V; , Homestead <1) 214 23*4 ' Lincoln Fire - 44 54 Mass Bond <34 > -- 074 704 Natl Fire <2) _ 654 674 Netl Liberty C2«»a> 1«»4 114 N HamDShire <1.60) 454 47 N Y Fire «.80a> 24 4 274 North River <4r> 284 304 Phoenix (2a) _ 944 984 Prov Wash <la» _ 304 414 St Paul Fire «<;> _ 7134 218 SprinRfleld <44a) _ 128 131 Sun Life <34*> _ 710 700 Travelers «1G) _ 575 535 U S Fire <2> _ 574 50 4 Westchester «1.20a) 364 384 a—Also extra or extras. r—Declared or paid so far this yetr. I: """ ~ II Fidelity Fund, Inc. of Boston Prospectus on Request William W. Mackall, Jr Investment Securities 100? Woodward Bldf. Dlitrlct 8431 For investment of SAVINGS we recommend BOSTON TYPE Mutual TRUST FUNDS Full information will be furnished on request. A. S. Goi ldex & Co„ hi Woodward Bldg. NA. 2000 Gillet X Co iMt * INVESTMENT SECURITIES I Woodward Building National 2460 Direct Wiree to New York Baltimore Philadelphia Williamsport