Newspaper Page Text
CURB LIS! GOES 1 TO LOWER LEVELS Some Metal Issues Buck Decline of Fractions to $2 or More. BJ the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 23 —While a few issues bucked the trend, Curb market prices generally fell back frac tions to 2 or more points today. Principal declines were shown by Newmont Mining, Sherwin-Williams, Royal Typewriter, Humble Oil. Ameri can Gas & Electric. Electric Bond & * Share and Northern States Power. Aluminum of America advanced 7 points on a small turnover, and lesser gains were held by Bunker Hill & Sul livan, Quaker Oats. Pioneer Gold and International Petroleum. , CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Noon. Ala Power 5s '40 A ll>55« 105*i 10aH Alum Co Ltd 5s '48 100 }m!. Am G & E 5s 2028 _ loo3., 100*a 1 •>'< Am P A L Os 2010 102*4 lolJ4 102V« Am Radiat 4*as 47 1**4*. 104*. 104*4 Am Rol Mill 5s '48 llfflli 10.»*« 103 *4 Appalach E P 5s '.>0 10a 10a 105 Ark P A L as ’all 1<*33« l'! ' * 1 .i!4 As El Ind 4‘as '53 03 a 03*2 034a As O & E 4>aS 4<*- oHU 58*4 58*4 As G & E as 08 - 50* a 50 50 As T A T 5*as '55 A -- 00*2 00*4 OO'/j Bald Lo tis '38 xw _ 184 184 84 Bald L Os '38 xw stp— 183 183 183 Bell Te C as '55 A 113*2 113*2 113*2 Bell Te C as '57 B 110 110 Jig Caro Pw A Lt as ’50 - 1**5 l**-» 10a Cen I1PS 4*as ’07 F 1**3 10. 13 Central Pw 5s’57 D 02 02 02 Cent Pw A Lt as '50 00*2 00*/« 00 a Cent St El 5s '48 *is|> 08V2 *>8*<a Cen St P A L 5*as ’53 - 72*4 71 a 72 1 Chi Dl El 4 * as '70 A .. 10a*. 1 **•>'« 1'*' 4 Cities Svc 5s ’50 _ 7o3-s £ ^o Cities Svc ns ’H6 77 *7. Cities S Gas 512s ’42 101 *4 1011 a 101 4 Cities S Gas P 3s '43 103'a 103 a 103‘a Cit S PAL 5*as '52 - 70*7, 70 a .6 4 Cit S PAL a'/as '40 -70'a 7fl'a Comw Ed as '54 B __ 1103« llo3. 110% Com* Sb n'aS '48 A - 1**3 103 103 Commy P&L 5s 57— NG SJj l}« Conn LAP 7s '51 A 12S'a 128*4 1.8’a Cont G A E 5s '58 A 0a*4 Oa3* 534 Df* Cit Gas 5s ’5*> B H»a»a 1053* 10;’% Dot Int Be rt'as '52 103» 103a 10% Dixie G G * ’> * a s ;37 A loPa 1JI , 101Pa East GAP 4s 'alt A OP, 07’. 073. oi’: lt?>; o?=: Florid^PAL as '54 08% 08Ja OS*a Gary EAG 5s 14 sto xw 00% 00% 00% Gatineau Pw 5s 50 103*. 1**3 . 103« Gen Bronze Os '40 oh , 00*4 00*4 Gen W WAF 5s '43 A 00 a 00*4 »«'« Georgia. Pw 5s '07 100'a 10d'2 10J] 3 Glen Alden C’ 4s 05 So 80 SO . _ XT. n... 7 . ' i, .an 1 III 5, 1 III.So 1 IIIt3u V^tr iNO rw .»*» Pit/ *"” " *'"’_** * • " 'Hack Wat 5s '38 ins*, 109’, ins’. Hall iWPi ns •;? stp ini >< lnlinil*« Hotel 'V Ast 7s 54 « 7?1, • ; » , ■ ; * Hon Gull G fis '4:: A Inf. Ini'. K'4U Hysrade Fd fis ’4'» A 85 8,. 85 Idaho Pw Co 5; 47 m: In. 'j in. '2 111 Cent R R fis '.IT lnl ml 101 111 Pw A 4. 5' .s *5J B 1n.V_. in'1, in.,’. Hi Pr A I 5s '5fi C inn ion inn Tndian E C 5s *51 C !'7’-t 97*2 97 '2 Indiana Ser 5s oO . 7n‘« .fi3, ■*' 3 Indiana Ser 7>s 'fi.n A 7n'_. .fi j .0 2 Indnao PAL 5s '57 A l«fi*. 1 <_•*:’4 H'fi 4 Interst Pw os T>7 71* 71*2 ’I*2 Inter'"' pw fis '57 t.53. fi53, fin*. Interst P S 5s ’Sfi D 91*. 91*, 91*, Lehish P S fis 2n?fi A... 1 in'. ! 1<", 1 in', Libbv McNAL 5s 42— 104*4 104*4 104*. La Pw A Lt 5s '57_105».« 105*4 l'»o*4 rMiss Pw A L 5s '57-98 9.8 98 Mont-Da P 51..s II .inn inn inn Nat P A L 5s '.’(WO B _ 9*>4 9»3, 94*, Nevada Cal FI 5s '5fi 97 9fif, 97 New E O A E 5s '47— 8! '2 99*2, 89*4 New E C. A F 5s '5n__ 91 91 91 New E G A E 5s '50. _ 81 34 81 81 New E Pw 5s '48 _ ion*, inn'i. innv, NY P A Lt 4* s 'fi7__ 10.1*1, 10fi*, 10.1*4 N Y S FAG 4'-s 'SO_lo::’. J03’4 103’4 No Con U 5*:.-s '4* A— «S*b ,55!;* «-5!t* No Ind PS 5s ’*i0 c In.', ins*. In.,., SS Ind PS 4-..S 'TO B__ inn-4 in:!'. Inn;. Northw P S 5s '57 A Hi?'2 in'" , 107 . Pac G A E fis '41 R_. 117*, 117L, 117', Pac Invest 5s '4' A ._ 1 no*. ion*. 1 no*. Pac P A L 5s '55_ 90*, 90*, !I0», Penn r T AP 4' s '77_. m:t lot! 103 Penn O E fis '50 A in’.', 105'', ins1', Peop GLAC 4s ’Si B 97*, 97s, 97*, Potomac E 5s 'fit! F__ 105*1 105*, 105*4 Pw Co C 4'is '59 B-. 103*2 103'5 103*i Pub S No 111 5s 'fit; C . 1041, 104', 104'’, .Pub s n i 4'2S '79 n _ m.n 10:1 ion Pub SKI 4'is '81 F . 107* . 102*. 102*4 Pub S PAL 5'8s '49 A 94', 93’, 94', Pub S PA-L 4' s 'So D ss'i 98', 881, Q iee GA-E 5*5s 'S'3 A ior.14 105*4 105V, Srhul RE fis '35 xw mat n? 3? 3? Shw WAP 4'2S 'fi7 A 103*4 103*4 103*4 Shw WA-P 4'is *7.. D 104 104 104 Sou Cal E 3*4s 'fill B104 104 104 Son Ind Ry 4s '51 84*4 94*4 84*4 Std GA-E fis '51 A 98-2 87 88t2 Std GA-E fis Tfi B 87 87 97 Stand Inv 5'8s 39 lon'i 100*4 100*4 Stand PwALt fis '57 97'4 87 87*4 Texac Elec 5s 'tto 105' . 105*4 105*4 Tide Wat P 5s '79 A 1 0?'i 1n">-8 102*4 Twin C RT 5>is ’5° A 9m, »n*4 no", THen V- Co fis '44 ITT st 5H>4 or.", 55*4 tin PSP M 4' _,s '57 105*8 105*8 in,. Unit LtAPw its '75 Srt*i, 9fl*4 so". Unit LtAPw 0*8s '74 92 9? 92 Unit I.AR D 5*is '52 94 93'i 94 'Unit 1AR M fis '5? A 114 114 114 Utah PAL 4' s '44 101*4 10U4 101*4 Va Pub S 5'is ’4fi A 101*4101*4101*4 Va Pub So, 5s '50 B IOI 101 101 West Pa Tr 5s 'til 110 110 110 West T t" 5s -57 A 98*98'4 98'', W» UGAE 5*25 '55 A 104’, 104’, 104’, Wis PAL 4s ’5fi A 99', 991', 99"3 Yadkin Riv p 5s '41 infi'i lofi’, ltlfi’a FOREIGN BONDS. ' Chile M B fis '31 mat 15*4 15*4 15*4 Danish Con 5s '53 109*2 inn*'2 100'2 Isarco H'd B1 7s '52 77 7. • < . Its! Sti Pw fis 'fi.'i A fi/'i fi< 3 Pied El fi*2S 'fiO A 7fi*. ,fi*i .fi’4 Rio de Jan fi'is '59 30 39 30 \ Sante Fe ArB 4s st 45 ..L .J2 m'i Sauda F Ltd 5s '55 A 107*. in,3, in.3. Terni-Soc fi'is '53 A 80 ,9*4 ^9’, Unit Elec Sue 7s 'Sfi A .fi'2 .»>'-■ '''2 ww—With warrants xw—Without Warrants, n—New st tstpt—Stamped. SNeBotiability impaired by maturity. ’Companies reported in receivership. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. February 23 Wi.—New York Security Dealers' Association: (Noon quotations.) Bid Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_ 20.57 21.88 Am Business Shrs_ 1.32 1.45 Am Gen Eo Inc_ 1.16 1.29 Am Ins Stocks _ 5.125 6.00 Blair -12.75 13.75 Bank Group Shrs . _ 2.14 2.31 Bankers Nat Inv Corp 4.(10 4.625 Basic Industry _ 5.41* Broad St Inv _ 37.26 39.85 Bullock Fund _ 23.875 25.625 Corpcate Trust _ 3.13 _ Corporate Trust A A_ 2.97 - Corp Tr A A mod _ 3.H4 _ Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2.97 _ Corp Tr ACC Mod __ 3.84 - Cumulative Tr Sh __ 6.82 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y "A’'__ 2.90 _ 8epos Ins Shrs “A”_ 3.84 _ epos Ins Sfcrs “B”_ 3.H4 _ giversified Tr C _ 5.40 Ividend Shrs _ 2.11 2.26 Equity Corp $3 pf_ 41.50 44.50 Fidelity Fund Inc_ 29.59 31.87 First Boston Corp_ 45.625 47.00 Fixed Trust Sh A_14.10 - Fixed Trust ShB_11.71 Found Tr Sh A _ 5 35 5.65 Fund Investors Inc_ 26.21 27.66 Fund Tr Shrs A_ 6 68 7.38 4 Fund Tr Shrs B- 6.11 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.49 8.15 GrouD Sec Agriculture. _ 1.94 2.10 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.57 1.70 Group Sec Building_ 2.37 2.56 Group Sec Chemical- 1.71 1.85 Group Sec Food 1.06 1.16 Group Sec Invest 8hrs._ 1.85 2.00 Group Sec Merchandise.- 1.53 1.66 Group Sec Mining _ 1.92 2.08 Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.56 1.69 Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.84 1.99 Group Sec Steel _ 2.16 2.34 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.19 1.30 Huron Holding _ .88 1.28 Incoim Investors _27.45 Insurance Group Shrs_ 1.80 1.94 Investors Fd "C" Inc_17.00 17.35 Keyston Cust Fund B-3-. 24.22 26.65 Major Shrs Corn _ 3.375 Maryland Fund _10.68 11.67 Mass Invest Tr _ 30 48 32.00 Mutual Invest _18.30 20.00 Nation Wide Sec _ 4 96 5.06 Nation Wide Voting _ 2.31 2.47 N Y Bk Tr Shrs „ 4.625 North Am Bond Tr ctfa-- 64.25 68.50 Nor Am Tr Shares_ 2.92 __ Nor Am Tr Sh 1955_ 3.81 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ 3.74 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1958_ 3.53 _ Plymouth Fund Inc_ 1.00 1.11 Cuarterly Income Sh_ 19.33 21.18 Selected Am Sh _ 4.30 Selected Am Sh Inc_16.32 17.78 Selected Cumul Sh_11.14 _ Selected Income Sh_ 5.81 Selected Indus cv pf_ 27.25 28.75 Spencer Trask Fund_ 23.52 24.25 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4.50 4.75 Stand Util Inc _ 1.12 1.21 8uper of Am Tr A_ 4.49 _ Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.98 __ Super of Am Tr B_ 4 .69 _ Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.98 Super of Am Tr C_ 8.56 _ Super of Am Tr D_ 8.56 Supervised Shrs _15.35 16.68 Trustee Stand Inv C_ 3.32 Trustee Stand Inv D_ 3.26 __ Trusteed Am Bk B _ 1.04 1.15 Trusteed Industry Shrs - 1.62 1.89 Wellington Fund _ 21.69 23.78 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. February 23 OP—Federal land Bank bonds: (Noon quotations.) Bid. Asked. l’/«a Nov. 1958-38_105% 106 4%a May 1957-37_100% 101% Is May 1958-38_103% 103% Is Nov. 1967-37_102% 102% Is July 1946-44_110% 111% »%» May 1955-45_103% 103% 3a July 1955-45_102% 102% 3« Jan. 1956-46_102% 102% 3s May 1956-46_102% 102% * NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Acme W vto (2)~ 126s 64 62X 6JX Aero Supply <B)_ 6 5 4X 6 Ainsworth (al)™ 8 19X 19X 19X Air inv Ino war™ 6 IX IX IX Ala Pwr pf (6) , 10. 73X 78X 73X Alabam Pw pf (7) 40s 85 85 85 Allied Prod!A)1X 3 26X 26 *6X Alum’n Co of Am 1100sl69 166 168 Alum Am pf all X 60s 119X H»X 119X Alum'n Ind (40c) 60s 18 18 13 Alumn Ltd 800. 115 110X 11»X Aim Ltd c pf bl X- 6 122X 122X 122X Am Airlines. lno_. 3 27X 27X 27X Am Beverage _ 8 8X 3 3 Am Box B'd t80c~ 4 19 18X 18X Am Capital (B) .. 1 IX IX IX Am CP&L ww2X. 1 48X 43X 48X Am CltP&L B a30c 10 6X «X «X Am Cynam B t60c 12 83 82X 82X Am & For Pw ww 7 4X 4 4 Am Fork & H (tl) l 22X 22X 22X AmG&E (1.40).. 17 42X 41X 41X Am G&E pf (6).. 225s 111X H0X H0X Am Gen C'p <a50c' 9 11X HX »X Am Gen C pf (2) 250s 36X 34 X 35X Am Hard Rub(al) 100s 26X 26X 26X Am Laun’y M 80c- 14 37X 86 36 Am L&T (tl.20). 1 22X 22X 22X Am MfgCo (aS).. 25s 41 41 41 Am Maracaibo 54 IX IX Am Meter <a2X>- 3 50 49 49 Am Pot & Ch a2X 60s 38 38 38 Am Superpower 25 2X 2X 2X Am Thread pf 25c. 1 4X 4X 4H Anchor Post F .. 5 5 4X 4X Angostura (t20c). 1 7X 7X 7X Arcturus Radio T. 75 2X 2X 2X Ark Nat Gas _ 16 10X 9X 9X ArkNatGcupi— 1 »•« »'•» »"» Ark Nat Gas <A>„ 57 114 104 1«4 Art Met W (80c)-. 2 14*4 144 144 Ashland O&R t40c 9 84 7*4 74 Asso Gas & Elec_ 3 24 24 24 Asso G & E (A)_ 17 34 3*4 34 Asso G & E $5 pf-. 3 324 804 804 Atl Coast Fisher.. 27 13 114 12 Atl Coast La2 *4— 20s 50 50 50 Atlas Corp war 40 3*4 3 4 34 Atlas Plyw’d(14) 7 254 25 25 Austin Stiver — 6 24 2*4 2*4 Auto Products- 4 84 84 84 Auto Vot Mch 50c 2 84 84 84 Baticox & Wll (4). 25s 1494 1494 1494 Baldw L bd rts(d) 90 3*4 3 4 8*4 Barium Stain Stl 21 74 7 7 Barlow&Si A)1.20 100s 19 19 19 Bell Aircraft- 1 134 134 134 Bellanca Aircraft 2 64 6 64 Bell Tel of Can(6) 10s 1624 1624 1624 Benson &Hpfa2. 60s 19 19 19 Berkey&Gay F Co 35 34 3*4 3*4 Berk&GF pur war 26 24 14 Hi BllsaCo(EW) .. 7 23*4 23 23 Blue Rldee C alOc 20 34 34 3*» Blue Rldee c» pf 3 2 *74 *74 *74 Bohack (HC)_50s 104 1«4 1»4 Bohack HC 1st pf 20s 524 524 524 ! Borne-Scry al4-.200s 184 184 184 I Botany Cons (d).. 1 *4 4 4 j Bower Roll B (2). 1 324 824 324 ! Bowmn-Bilt 2d pf 1 64 64 64 ; Brazil TUP 40c.. 17 284 26*4 28 ! Brideep't Mch al- 4 184 18*4 18*4 i Brill Corp (A)_ 3 15*4 144 144 ' Brill Corp (B)- 4 6®j 6 6 | Brill Corp pf _ 50s 69 69 69 j Br-Atn O cou t80c 1 254 254 254 I Brit Celan Ltd res 3 24 24 24 j Brown Co pf 50* 58 574 674 Brown F&W bl5c. 2 15 1*4 144 Brown Forman_ 3 104 10 10 Buckeye P L (4).. 50s 514 514 514 | Buff N&E pf 1.60 1 25*| 254 25*4 | Buff Niae&E 1st 6 200s 104 102 104 | Bunker H&S(bl)250s 121 119 119 j Burco Inc (a50c) 1 4*« 4*4 44 ! Burma (a25 4-5c). 2 44 *4 *4 Cable El Prod vtc z 14 14 14 Calamha Sue tl.60 1 32 32 32 Can Cement Ltd . 1 15*4 194 194 Can Indus Alco A- 15 74 64 64 Can Marconi 5 24 24 24 Capital City P 60c « 224 224 224 Carlb Syndicate ... 2 24 24 24 Carnation Co (1)-. 1 34 34 34 Carnegie Metals.. 29 34 34 34 Carrier .. 7 454 424 424 Carter (JW) 80c- T 124 114 114 j Casco Prod b2941 324 324 324 Casco Prod rights 7 4 4 4 Catlln Corp <a4Uc» 31 94 94 94 Celanese 1st of(7) 50s 113 113 113 Celluloid Corp . - 3 134 13 13 Celluloid Corp pf. 25s 454 454 454 Cen Hud G&E 80c. 1 174 174' 174 Cent Ohio Sb25c_. 3 204 194 194 Cen P&L pf 3.064 50s 884' 884' 884 Cent & S W Util . 7 54 5 5 Cent States Elec.. 14 2 14 14 Cent St EI 0% pf. 25s 224 224 224 Cent St El 7% pf.. 75s 454 454 454 Centrlf Pipe t40o. 4 54 54 54 Charls Corpll 4). 2 154 154 154 Chesebroueh <t4> 50s 1154 1144 1144 Chi Flex Shaft *2 350s 64 4 63 644 Chi Rivet & M (2 ) 2 38 374 374 Chief Consol_ 35 24 14 2 Childs CO pf_75s 89 88 88 Cities Service_ 125 44 44 44 Cities Service of 6 544 524 524' Clt SvcP&L $6 pf 50s 73 724 724 Clt Svc P&L $7 pf 60s 764 76 76 City Auto S(t60c) 7 144 14 14 Claude Neon Lts.. 44 3 2 4 24 Clev Tractor_ 2 114 11.4 114 Club Aluminum_2 14 14 14 Colon Dev Ltd ... 22 84' 74 74 Colon Dev 6% pf .. 3 44 44 44 Colo Fuel*Ir war 8 214 20 20 Colts PF A (tl%) 4 65 62 62 Colum G&E pf (6) 150s 86 85 86 Columb O* G a20o 18 84 84 84 Co’wlth Dlst alOc. 1 24 24 24 Com'wlth & S war 48 4 % 4 Com'u’ty P&L 1st 25s 574 574 574 Community PS +1 60s 31 31 31 Community W S . 4 14 14 14 Compo S M stc tl- 1 164 164 164 Cons Aircraft 11 244 24 24 Consol Biscuit 60c »l 84 84 84 Consol Cooper 158 10 94 94 CGELt&P Bo 3.60 2 844 84 84 Cons Mln&Sm t2 125s 854 82 82 Consol Retail Str« 1 84 84 84 Cons Roval (20p) l 24 24 24 Consol Steel Corp. 115 154 134 144 Conti Oil (Mex) 3 14 14 14 Cont’l Roll & S Fy 7 244 244 244 Cooper Bessemer 2 324 304 804 Cooper Bess pr pf. 1 41 41 41 Gvpi'vi ___ v jv/4 i'<74 Cord Corp _ 6 6)4 6 5 Corronn & Reyn... 6 754 7J4 7*4 Cor'n&Rpf A (a4). 1 90 90 90 Coaden Oil Me (d) 4 3% S S CosdenfMe)pf<d) 4 3554 3 4 34 Court'lds a35 2-5c. 10 12)4 12)4 12)4 Cramp! W&Sons). 1 154 154 154 Creole Pet Ia50c)_ 9 35 34 34 Crocker-Wh alOc. 6 18 18!4 1654 Croft Brewing ..23 % 54 % Crown Cent P a6c 39 254 2)4 2)4 Crown C I(A)b50e 2 15 14)4 15 Crown Drug blOc. 11 4S4 4)4 4)4 Cuban Tob vtc ... 1 12)4 12)4 12)4 Cual Mex Mining. 117 H % Ji Darby Petr (50c)_ * 17)4 17)4 17)4 Davenport H (1)_. 1 15 15 15 Dayton Rubber_ 2 2454 2454 24)4 Dennison 7% pf_20s 71 71 71 Derby Oil A Ref.. 13 654 6)4 6)4 Det Gray Ir t20c_. 4 16)4 16 16 Det (Mich) Stove. 3 9 9 9 Det Pap Prod »25o 1 854 854 854 Det Stl Prod al%. 3 63 61 61 Domin S&C (B) 1 20 20 20 DubellerCondene. 12 5% 4)4 5 Duval Tex 8 «50c 11 9)4 7)4 9)4 Eagle Pitcher blOc 70 27)4 25)4 25)4 East'n G&F Asso 19 8)4 a% 8)4 East’n OAF of (81 250s 6154 60)4 6a)4 East Mall Iral.30 25s 25)4 25)4 25)4 East'n States Pwr 4 6)4 6 5 Easy WM(B)t50c 8 1154 1154 1154 Eisler Elec (a6e). 11 854 854 354 Elea Bond ft Share 250 26)4 26)4 2554 Elec B ft S pf (6 ) 6 8454 84)4 84)4 El Pwr Aa(A)a25o 2 8)4 8 8 Elec Shareholding 4 6)4 6 6 El Shov C 1st pf. 250s 2054 2054 2054 ,Emp G&F 6% pf 25s 70)4 70)4 70)4 Emp G&F 7% pf . 50s 76 7554 7554 Emsco Derrick tl 1 17)4 17)4 17)4 Equity Corp(«25c) 62 2)4 254 254 Burop’n El bd rta. 8 % % % Evans Wail Lead 246 8)4 8)4 8)4 Evans Wall L of 1000s 42)4 41 41 Bxcello Air(b20c). 20 2354 2654 26 Fairchild Av alBc. 2 8 7)4 8 FalstafC Brewing. 2 9)4 9)4 9% Fanny FC (tBOc). 2 24 2854 2854 Fansteel Metal.._ 6 17)4 17)4 17)4 Ferro Enam(sl).. 6 46 46)4 45)4 Fidello Brewsrv . 14 1)4 1 1 First NS latpf 1. 10s 11854 11854 11854 Flak Rubber .. 19 14)4 11854 1854 Flak Rub pf(*).. 26s 88)4 *7)4 *8)4 FlaPALpf. 200s 60 69)4 6954 Ford Ltd al*l-10o 4 754 7)4 7)4 Ford (Can) A (11 « 2754 27)4 27)4 Ford M(Can)Bd) 60s 30 28 80 Franklin Ray a60o v 2 12)4 12)4 12)4 Gen Alloys ... 17 4)4 4)4 4)4 Geh Flrepr*f t40o. 8 22 22 22 Gen Invest Corp.. 12 154 154 154 Gen Inv Corp pf.. ; 1 100 100 100 Gen Rayon Ltd A- . 1 2)4 2)4 2« 2:30 Stock and Sale*-— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Oleae. Gen Tele Cp al.85 7 22 a Gen Tire ft Rub... * *® *®K *®K GenT&Rpf A (6) 20. 106 104* 106 Georgia Pw pf (6) 75. 86* 85* 86* Gllbert(AC)pf 8* 100. 46 44* 44* Glen Alden C <tl> 15 18* 12* 18* Godohaux S A(bl) 60. 49* 48* 48* Godohaux SugCB) 2 87* 87 87 Boldfleld Consol— 6 * * * Gorham (A)_ 1 ®H ®* Cxor ham pf ww- 60s 87 87 87 Gorham Mf vtc tl 2 26* 45* 16* Grand Natl Films 18 3* 8* 8* Gr Rap Var(t60c) l l«H l«* 1«H Gray Tel PS (1).. 8 20* 20* 20* Grt A&PTnvtB 40. 113* 112* 113* Great Nor Tap tl-110* 42* 41* 41* Greenfield T A D... 6 13* 18* 18* Qroo Store Prod— 2 6* 6* 6* Guardian Invest 2 * * » Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 22 68* 66* 66* Hall Lamp <80c).. 8 6* 6* 6* Haloid Co (tl) ... 1 23* 23* 23* Hartf ordEl Lt 2 % 25. 64 * 64* 64* Hartman Tobacco 2 1* 1* 1* Harvard Brewery. S 3* 3* 8* HatCorp (b20c)— 1 13* 18* 18* Hazeltlne (b75c).. 1 17* 17* 17* Hecla Min (b20c). 141 20* 19* 19* Helena Rubenst’n. 1 1* **• ** Holllnger (t65c) 2 14* 14* “* Holophane (b50e). 1 28 28 28 Horn & Hardart t2 60. 40* 40* 40* Hudson BMAS <1) 60 42 88* 88* Humble 011 (1 *) - 25 86 83* 84 Hussm'n Lie (tl). 1 20* 20* 20* HuvlerXDelHd). 2 1* 1* 1* Hydro Elec Secur. 2 12* 12* 12* Hygrade Food 4 6* 5* 5* Hygrade Sylv(t2) 160* 61* 61 61 111 Pwr ft Lt 16 pf 600. 71* 70 70 Imp Oil Ltd t50e 26 22* 22* 22* ImpTobCan t35c. 7 14* 14* 14* Ind'n Ter 111 O(A) 1 3* 3* 3* Ind'n Ter 111 O(B) 1 3* 3* 8* Indiana PL <t40c) 16 13* 12 12 Ins Co of No A t2 300. 70* 70 70* Inti Clear M ti 2 27* 27* 27* Inti Hold&Inv Ltd 1 3* 3* 3* Inti Hv El S cv pf 2 36 34* 34* Int HE Sep A war 5 l* l* i* Inti Petr (71*1_ 69 37* 36* 36* inn rumucia- - ~ * ° * Inti Util <A)- 1 194 194 194 lntl Utli <B)_ 8 24 24 24 Inti Util war new. 10 •» 4 4 lntl Vitatnin(50c) 11 «4 « 6'« Interst P(Del)pf 20. 204 20 204 Invest Royalty 6c 3 4 4 4 Iron Fire vtc 1.20.250s 25 24'* 244 Irving Air Ch (1). 2 164 154 164 ltal Superpwr(A). 19 14 14 14 Jacobs(FL)Co(l) 12 17 184 1«4 Jeanette Glss a60e 3 124 H4 114 JerCen P&Lpf oVi 25s 85 85 85 JersCen F&L pf « 100s 92 »2 92 Jer Cent P&L pf 7 80. 100 97 97 Jonas & Naum ble 2 74 74 74 Jones&Laugh Stl- 3 120 1144 1164 KansCity P S vtc. 4 4 4 4 Kan City P S Df A. 1 84 84 84 Ken RT&L A a75c 14 284 274 274 IvingsCo Lt pf B 7 20s 824 82 82 Kingston Prod 40o 15 74 7 7 Klrbv Petr (200 2 7 4 6 4 64 Kirkland LG (6c) 43 1 % \ Klein (DEMtl) 1 21 21 21 Kreuger Brew tl- 14 194 184 184 Lake Sb M tt4 > —. 6 68 574 58 Lakey Fv & Mach. 14 74 74 74 Leh Coal &N 30c.. 11 124 H4 H4 Leonard Oil _ 41 2 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (1)— 2 184 184 184 Lit Brothers_ 9 54 5 6 Locke Stl Ch t80c. 5 174 17 17 Lockheed Aircraft 78 164 164 164 Lone Star Gas 80c 10 124 124 124 Long island Ltg 5 64 64 64 Long Isl Ll pf B 6 160. 774 764 764 Loudon Fk’n t50c. 4 54 64 64 La Iiand (40c)_ 20 13 12 124 Luckv T (tl2c) —. 4 14 14 14 Lynch Corp (t2)_. 1 61 61 61 McCord Rad (B)- 6 114 114 114 Me Williams D <t2 2 40 S»4 394 Majestic Ra&Tei- 8 5 44 44 Mangel Store* — l 84 84 84 Margay Oil a50o_. 2 284 2*4 284 Marlon Steam Sh-. 1 174 174 174 Maas Util Associa. 1 ' 34 34 84 Massey Harris ... 2 94 94 94 Mem Nat G(a50c). 2 64 64 64 Merc Stores (b3). 2 454 65 45 Mercantile St pf 7 25. 1054 1054 105 4 Merch&Mf Aa30c 2 64 «4 64 Merritt Chap * S 2 84 84 84 Merritt C * S pf A 60. 754 78 754 Mesabl Iron 725 14 14 14 Met Tex pt pf t314 30. 87 864 864 Mex-OhioOU_ 2 34 3 34 Mich Bumper C_ 3 34 3 3 Mich Gas* Oil - 17 114 104 104 Mich Stl TPb25c. 3 174 174 174 Mlcb Sugar.. .. 2 14 14 14 Mid Sta Pet (A)-_ 2 64 64 64 Mid Sta Pet (B)._ » 14 14 14 Mid-W Abras alOc S 44 4 4 Mining Co (Can) 62 44 44 44 Minn Min&Mf(tl) 50. 38 38 38 Mock Judson 60c.. 2 154 164 164 Molybdenum Corp 16 94 94 94 Monroe L S(A)32c 2 4 4 4 Mont Ward A (7). 120. 155 155 155 Moore Diet (t60c) 4 74 7 7 Mount Prod (60c). 6 74 74 74 Mueller Brass tl .. i 62 49 4 494 Murray Mfg al.40 . 2 27 264 27 Nat Aut Fib b60c- 1 404 604 604 Nat Baking Co_ 2 114 11 11 Nat Bella Hess .. 19 24 24 24 Nat Bd&Sh(a25c) 200. 564 64 54 Nat Contain aSOc. 2 134 13 134 Nat Fuel Gas (1)_. 12 18 174 174 Nat Gyps A a2 4— 2 744 734 784 Nat Investors 11 34 34 84 Nat Invest war_ 2444 Nat Leather_ 8 2 2 2 Nat Mfg & Stores. 2 11 104 104 Nat Oil Prod t60o. 1 42 42 42 Nat P& Et pf (6)- 50. 86 86 86 Nat Refining. 2 124 124 124 Nat Rub Klch a20c 2 144 144 144 Nat Service_ 27 4 % 4 Nat Sugar N J (2) 3 26 26 26 Nat Tea pf (55c)-100* 94 94 94 Nat Transit <75c). 3 114 11 114 Nat Union Radio.. 11 34 34 34 Nehl Corp..— 1 414 414 414 Nelson(H) <a46e> 2 164 164 164 NeptuneM(A)a60o 1 184 184 184 New Hav Cl (14) 4 294 26 26 N J Zlno < T2).1600» 864 83 83 New M&A Ed ale 1 34 34 34 Newmont Min b75< 10 1324 1804 1304 N Y & Hondur (t 1)100* 334 §34 334 N Y Merch (2.40). 1 15 15 15 N Y Shlpbldg_ 9 124 124 124 N Y Tel pf (64) 25* 1184 1184 1184 Niag Hud Pwr new 33 16 154 154 Niag H P( A > war 19 % 4 % Niag Hud 1st (5)- 160* 96 954 96 Niag Sh Md B a60c 2 154 15 15 Nipissing (50c) 8 3 3 3 Noma Elec (b40c). 2 8 74 74 North Am E&P.. 6 64 64 54 North AmL&P pf 150* 86 4 86 86 N A Rayon A tl 4 1 464 464 464 No Am Ray B tltt 2 46 454 454 North'n Europ 011 26 4 % 4 North Pipe La75o 1 84 84 84 North States PA 7 384 364 3«4 Northw Eng(al 4. 1 644 844 844 Novadel Ag (2) . 2 32 4 82 324 Ohio Brass B (tl)- 25* 534 &84 534 Okla Nat Gas Co.. 5 114 11 11 Okla Nat Gas pf— 60* 31 304 304 Oldetvme Distil .. 25 6 4 4 4 44 Overseas Sec 60c- 1 104 104 104 PacG&E 1st (14) 2 314 314 314 Pac Publlo Servlc# 8 74 7 7 Pao Tin spec 4 VS) 900* 47 45 46 Pan-Am Air (tl). 2 69 69 69 Pantepeo 011 60 74 7 7 Pender Or(B)a60c 2 11 11 11 Peninsular Tel tl. 100. 294 294 294 Pennroad (a26c)-. 84 44 44 44 Penn P & L (7) 10. 1104 1104 1104 PennaSalt (bl£) 58. 178 173 178 Phillips Pkg a60o. 8 144 144 144 Phoenix 8ecur. .. 20 94 94 94 Phoenix 8 pfA(J). 1 384 384 884 Pierce Oov (aSOe) 18 384 >14 814 Pines Wlntfrt(n). 18 3 3 Pioneer Gold blOc. 14 6 64 6 Pitney Bowl t40c) 4 84 84 84 PUtsbgh Forging. 8 264 244 244 Pitts A L E b2 4 - *00. 104 1014 1024 Pitts Plate Gl(af) 100. 189 189 139 Potrero Susar 2 84 84 84 PowdrellAAl tSOo 8 114 114 114 Pwr Cp(Can)a26s 60. 814 814 314 Premier Gold »12c 6 4 84 84 Producers Corp—. 17 4 4 4 Propper-McC (d). 14 4 4 Prosperity Bal 4 7 164 164 164 Pub Svc Ind pf... 110. 88 824 324 Pub Svc Ind pr pf 80. 61 61 61 Pub S NoIU n p(3)100. 89 89 89 Pub UtSec pr pf- 60. 84 84 84 Pug Sd PAL pf (6) 76. 844 84 84 Pug Sd PAL 16 pf 225. 614 50 50 Pyrene Mfg a90c.. 6 12 114 114 Quaker Oats (5).. 190. 120 120 120 Quebec Power (1) 200. 234 23 23 Rainbow Lum (A) 6 14 14 14 Rainbow Lum (B) 1 4 4 4 Raym'dCono (tl) 60. 814 804 *04 Raym’d Con pf (8) 86. 48 48 46 1936 Profit of $2,878,745 Compares With $199,176 Loss in 1935. Bj the Associated Press. CHICAGO, February 23.—Marshall Field A Co. and subsidiaries reported 1936 consolidated net profit of $2,878, 745, compared with $199,176 In 1935. This was the beet earning since 1930, equaling 67 cents a share on the com mon stock. Earnings of the retail division to taled $4,836,738, against $3,426,861. The manufacturing division returned a net of $28,850, against a loss of $1,496,519. The real estate division loss was $446,917, compared $318,141 In 1935. Total sales decreased $4,697,707 to $104,204,926, but James O. McKlnsey, chairman, said that if sales of discon tinued items and units were eliminated from both years, 1936 volume exceed ed 1935 by 17 er cent. Marshall Field directors voted a dividend of $23.50 a share on the 9,819 shares of prior preferred stock not exchanged under the recently ap proved recapitalization plan. This dividend pays all accumulations on the stock to March 31. Directors also voted $3 a share on the 286,271 shares of 6 per cent cumu lative preferred stock issued under the reorganization plan, representing the dividend on the stock for six months ending March 31. The dividends are payable March 31 to stockholders of record March 15. 2:30 Stock and Bale.— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Raytheon Mfg vtc 2 64 64 *4 Reed R B new t!0« 6 42 414 414 Relter-FoBter- » 14 14 14 Key barn Co &25c— 2 54 64 64 Reynolds Invest— » 24 24 24 Rice Stlx DG b50c. 1 114 114 l>4 Rlchm'd Radiator. • 7 «4 «H Roosevelt Field__ 1 *4 24 *4 Root Petrolm(l)_ 2 114 H H Root Pcv pf 1.20.. 1 164 1*4 1*4 Royal Typewriter. 2 103 100 100 Rustless Ir&Stl— 7 164 16 16 Ryan Consol id'd__ 2 64 44 *4 Ryerson A Haynea 6 7 64 64 Safety ChAL (74) 26« 125 125 125 St Lawrence Corp. 1 10 10 10 St Anthony Gold.. 16 % 4 4 St Regia Paper... 14 *4 *4 »4 Savoy Oil_ 1 84 2)4 34 Schiff(The)Co(7J) 1 8«4 »«4 384 Scvlll Mfl<3)_300« 644 64 644 Secur Corp Gen... 2 *H 44 44 Segal Lock A H... 12 24 >4 >4 Selberllng Rubber 1 64 *4 64 Selected indua 6 34 *4 *4 Sel Ind all cfs 64 160. 1004 1004 1004 Self P S(al9 2-6C) 2 24 24 24 Sent Saf Control .2 4 \ S Seversky Aircraft 16 64 6 64 Shattuck Den Min 42 284 264 274 Shawin WAP 80c 1 334' 334 334 Sberwln-Wlil (4) 150. 147)* 1474 1474 Sher-WUl of <5)n. 10. 110 110 110 Simmons Hd & P. 7 7 64 *4 Singer Mfg (76)— 10. 340 840 340 Sonotone C (alOc) 21 24 2 2 Soss Mfg (a25c) — 2 8 74 74 So Penn 011(714 > 1 464 *54 *54 So Cal Ed pfB 14 1 29 284 29 South’n Colo P A.. 1 84 8)* 84 South'n P L b20c— 2 6 54 54 Southn Union Gaa. 6 6 44 *4 Soutbl'd Roy aSS— 7 »4 »4 »4 SpanlshAGen ret* 14 4 4 4 Spen Chain St COc 2 9 84 84 Square Dpf A 1.20160. 424 42 42 Stahl Myer Inc— 1 44 44 *4 Stand Brewing— 14 4 4 Stand Dredging.. 2 5 *4 *4 Stand Dr cv pf — 300. 18 17t, 18 Stand Oil Ky (71). 6 194 194 194 Stand O Neb a25c. 1 134 134 134 Stand Oil Ohio 71- 10 424 *1 *1 Stand Pwr A Lt—. 28 64 * 6 Stand P&L <B)„ 3 64 64 64 Stand P & L of 200. 6* 624 6*4 Stand Prod (b25c) 2 234 28 28 Stand SUALd <40 23 4 4 H Stand Stl Sp a2 4- 1 334 334 334 Starrett Corp vtc. 6 94 9 9 Sterchl Bros alOc 4 114 ID* 114 Sterchl Bros 1st 3 150. 39 384 39 Sterchl Bros 2d al 60. 134 134 134 Sterl’g Brew a75c 8 7 64 7 Sterling, lnc(20c) 15 64 64 64 Stetson(JB)b50c.. 26s 25', 2&4 254 Stlnnes(Hugo) d. 2 44 4 *4 Stroock A Co aJ 4 600. 314 294 294 Stuta Motor-- 2 24 24 24 Sullivan Machine. 2 254 25 25 Sunray OU talOc) 6 44 44 *4 Sunr'y O cu pf 24 1 49), 49), 494 Sunshine Min (!) 34 214 204 21 Swiss*Am Elec pf 600. 1104 110 110 Taggart Corp— 9 154 1*4 1*4 Tampa El (2.24)— 1 884 884 384 TaatyeaatCDeDA. 1 14 14 14 Taylor Dlat <300. a 44 *4 *4 Technicolor a50c— 7 204 194 194 Tech Hughes 740o a 6 64 64 Texon Oil A L 60c 1 *4 *4 *4 Thew Shovel a50c 276. 59 674 674 Tllo Roof <7500— 2 164 154 154 Tlshman R & C .. 8 10 94 10 Tob Prod Exp 16c 13 4 34 84 Todd Shlpyd <72 ) 260. 65 544 »5 Tonopah Belmont. 2 4 4 4 l onopan 01 laoci- * j'-si iti Tr-Lux DPS t20o. 21 44 44 *H Trl-Contl C war — 18 24 24 24 Tublx* Chatllllon. « 30 284 284 rung-Sol Lamp n. 4 94 84 84 Tunt-Sol L pf 10c. 6 124 114 114 Twin-Coach al.40. 18 284 234 234 Ulan A Co 5 % pf— 2 64 64 64 DlenACo74%Pf 2 74 74 74 Un G of Can a35c_ 1 16 16 16 Unit Air war _ 2 27 244 244 Unit Chemical_ 2 124 124 124 United Corp war.. 6 14 14 14 Unit Gaa Corp .. 70' 134 124 124 Utd Gas war - 12 34 34 34 United GCpfbl* 6 119 119 119 Unit Lt A Pw iA>. 28 94 9 9 Unit Lt& Pw <B). 2 9 9 9 Unit Lt A Pw pf_ 8 654 «6 66 Unit Shlpyds B— 4 4 84 84 Unit Shos M t2Vi- 25s 93 98 98 US Foil (B) (1)„ 13 18 174 174 USA inti Secur 3 24 24 24 USAISlStpf bl4 1 92 92 92 U S Lines pf 2 24 24 24 U S Play Cards tl 100. 344 344 344 U S Radiator. 2 84 84 84 U S Radiator pf... 60. 674 674 674 U 8 Rub Racl&lm. • 2 94 94 94 U S Stores 1st pf.. 20. 12 12 12 Unit Stores Ttc.__ 3 14 14 14 Unit Verde Ex (1) 79 44 <4 44 Unit Wall Paper.. 17 54 54 64 Unly Prod (a2 4 ). 200. 34 34 84 Utah Apex 66 64 64 64 UtPALpf b87 4c- 60. 774 77 77 Utilities PAL (d) 4 14 14 14 Util P& LB (d)— 18 3 8 UtllP ALpf (d)-.100e 244 284 284 Utility Eaultles 16 6 6 Utility Eq pf b4 4. 25. 82 82 82 Utility A Indus pf. 9 64 i t Valspar vtc_ 4 94 94 94 Venezuela Mex O- 6 84 74 74 Venezuela Petrol. 6 24 24 24 Va Pub Svc pf (7). 10. 964 964 964 WalttAB’d A a60c 1 94 94 94 Walker Minin* .. 98 6 44 44 Wayne Pump (6O0 42 48 42 424 Wentw'h Mf tl.10. 1 274 274 274 W Va Coal A Coke 1 44 44 44 Weatn A E (a26c). 8 94 94 94 West Au Sup a t4 600. 89 884 884 West Groc (b30c)-100. 164 164 164 Weatn TabASt(2). 2 31 30 30 Will Oll-O-M a60o 1 104 104 104 WU-low Cafeteria. 2 14 14 14 Wll-iow Cafe pf_1 74 74 74 Wilson Jon a24.. 8 60 69 49 Wolverine Port C. 8 64 64 <4 Wolv Tube (t40c). • 17 1«4 184 Woodley Pet f 40o. 8 104 10 10 Wright Hart t40o 12 74 74 74 Yukon Gold(alSe) 140 84 84 84 Dividend rates a dollars based on last quarterly or seal-annual sermons, tAn nual rate—not lncludlni extras. (As cumulated dlvidtnds. a Paid lmat year, b Paid this rear d Companies reported as being in bankruptcy or la receivership, sr being reorganised under the hsnrrunlsT eet. or securities assumed by inch eoa MfcfllMo |b NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued from Eighteenth Page ) 2:15 p.ra. Prev. 1987 Stock and Bale*— Met Hi*h. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. bow. Cloie. ehge. ■MX »X UBProlrht (tl)-,.-- 4 SO MX »X - X 187 in U S Gypaum (tS)_ 1 120 126 126 -4 172 167 U S Gypaum pf (7)_90a 1W 1«S 169 20X 17 US Hoffman_ 11 1»M l#X 19X - X «1 MX US Hoffman pf (8%). 7 MX MX MX -IX 48X S7X U S Indus Alcohol- to 8»X 38X MX - X • ox US Leather vtc- 10 SX TX • +X 17X 18X U 8 Leather (A) vto.. 76 14X l&X l«X + X 71X 60X USPipeAFdry (l)_ 12 S7X 65X «6X -IX Bl»x lex U S Realty At Imp_ 47 17 15X 16X - X SIX 44X US Rubber_ 80 MX 66X 67 -IX 118 92X U S Rubber 1st pf_ 7 114X 10»X 100X -6X 9SX 8SX U 8 Smelting (b2)_ 20 98X 89 91 -2X 114X 76 US Steel_ ttl 118X 109X U«X +1H 160 1S9X US Steel pf (7)_ 11 146 144X 146 -2 OX 7X USStl Yd (al2Xc)__ • 9X 8 8 -X 8X 6X United Stores (A) — 14 7X 7 7 -X 84X SIX UtdStrpf (al4.81X). 8 M 82 82 - X 4X SX UtllPw&Lt (A)(d). 17 SX SX *X “ X 2X IX Vadsco Sales Corp... 8 2 IX IX - X 68X 48 Vadsco Sales Corp pf. 80s M 62 62 -IX S4X 28X Vanadium Corp_ 28 M 10X SOX -IX 44X S9X Van Raalte (b62%c). 8 42 41X 42 + * 48X 42X Vick Chemical <t2)— 2 4SX 48X 48X -IX 9X 7X Va-Car Chemical_ 88 8X 8X 8X 81X 64X Va-Car Chem 6% pf.. 1 56X MX MX -IX 116 118 VaEl A Pwrpf («)... 20. 114X U8X U3X - X 12X 9X Va Iron Coal & Coke. 160. 9X 9X »X 133 127X Virginia Ry pf (8)_ 1181 181 181 76 70 Vulcan Detin (a8)_10. 71 71 71 4X 8X Wabaah (d)- 47 6X 4X 4X - X 14H » Wabash pf (A) (d)-10 13X 12X 12X - X 12 4X Wabash pf (B)(d)_ 10. 12 12 12 19X 16 Waldorf Sys <tl.20)_. 2 18X 17X 17X - X 49 87X Walgreen Co (2)_ 18 47X 46X 47X + X US 114 Walgreen Co pf (6 X) 40. 114X U4X U4X 48X 46X Walker (H)(2)_ 8 46 46X 46X - X 17 UX Walworth Co_ 70 15X 16X 16X - X 60X 42 Ward Baking (A)- 1 46 46 46 +1X 9H 6X Ward Baking (B)- 28 8X 8X 8X - X 105 47X Ward Baking pf <a7). 2 96 94 94 -2X 18 14X Warner Bros Plcturo. 105 15X MX MX - X IX IX Warner-Quinlan (d). 2 IX IX IX - X 12X 6X Warren Bros (d)- 21 9X 8X 9X - X S5X 24 War’n Bros cv pf (d). 1 27X 27X 27X -IX 2:1ft p.m. Prev. 1037 Stock and Bales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. «* 85* Warren Fdy ft P <tl) 18 44* 42* 42*-* S8* 86 Waukesha Motor (1). 8 38 36* 36* -2* 9* 7* Webster Eiaenlohr_ 2 8* 8 8 - * 61* 46 Wesson OftS (t60c)-. 6 48 47* 47*-* 100* 96 West Pa Elec pf (6)„ 10a 99* 99* 99* +1* 109 104* West Pa Elec pf (7)-. 60s 107 107 107 116*118* West Pa Pwr pf <6)_ 10s 114 114 114 10* 8* Western Maryland_ 9 10* 9* 9* - * 22* 17* Western Md 2d pf_ 8 21* 21 21 - * 8* 2* Western Pacific.-,_ 6 8* 8* 8* - * 10 7* Western Paciflopf... 24 9* 8* 8*-* 88* 74 West’n Un Tel(b76c). 23 78* 71* 71* -2* 64* 48* Westlngh’ae AB (1). 21 £2* 61* 61* -1* 187* 146 Westingh’se El (bl).. 15 154 152 162 -2 170 161 westhselstpf (bl).. 10a 164 164 164 -5 87* 86* Weston Elec (A)(2).. 20a 87 87 87 + * 27 22* Waatvaco Chlor (1).. 18 27* 26 26* + * 84* 88 Westvaco 6%pf (1%) 1 33* 33* 38* - * 110 90 Wheel ft Lake Erie... 10i 101* 101* lot* -8* 63 88 Wheeling Steel _ 14 62* 60* 50* -1* 110 108 Wheel-Stl pf (a6)_ 6 110 110 110 +1 88* 28* White Motor_ 67 82* 80* 30* -1* 18* 15* White Rk MS (1.40). 2 18 17* 17*-* 6* 6* White Sewing Mach.. 3 6 5* 6* - * «* 4* Wilcox Oil ft Gas_ 7 5* 6* 5*-* 12 8* Wilson ft Co (60c)_ 148 11* 11* 11* 46* 64* Woolworth (2.40)_ 36 66 64* 64* -1* 47 34* Worthington Pump.. 1 42* 40* 40* -2* 99* 81 Worth Pump pf (A).. 20a 94* 93 98 -2* 91 77* Worth Pump pf (B).. 2 87* 87* *7* -2* 126*116 Wright Aero (al)_ 80s 121 120 121 +2 74 72 Wrigley W jr (t3)_ 2 72* 72* 72* 42* 49* Yale&Towne (t60c). 6 66* 66* 66* -1* 87* 20* Yellow Tr& Coach... 210 84* 82* 33* -1 142 128 Yell Trft C pf bl* ... 60s 140 139* 139*+1 46* 42* Young Spr& W (t3)_ 1 44* 44* 44*-* 86* 76* Youngstown S & T— 37 86* 83 83* —2* 40* 28 Zenith Radio (b50c)-. 34 88* 86* 36* -2 9* 7* Zonlte Products- 14 7* 7* 7* - * Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. X. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M._ 950.000 12:00 Noon._1.450.000 1:00 P.M_1.820.000 2:00 P.M_2,160,000 Dividend rates aa given in the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest auarterly or half-yearly declarations. s Unit of trading less than loo shires ♦ Annual rate—not Including extras i Accumulated dividends a Paid this year, b Paid last rear, d Companies reported In receivership or being reorganlied x Xx dividend. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Preas. CHICAGO, February 23—May wheat took a fresh drop of more than 2 cents a bushel today when the price fell to a level 8 cents below the sea son’s peak, established little more than a week ago. Other wheat futures on which de livery date Is deferred enough to per mit tendering of new 1937 domestic grain declined more than a cent. Traders attributed much of the weakness In May contracts to failure of foreign demand to show the im provement expected as a result of re cent price declines. Better Winter wheat crop prospects also influenced selling. Wheat closed l%-2% cents below Saturday’s finish; May, 1.30 W. July, 1.14-14%, and corn was % up to 1% off; May, 1.05%-^; July. 1.01. Oats lost %-2%; rye, %-2%, and lard, S to 5 points. WHEAT— Open High. Low Close. Msy -1.32% 1.33 1.30% 1.30%-% July -1.15% 1.15% 1 13% 1.14-14% Sep —1.12% 1.12% 1.11% 1.11%-% CORN— Mar. new __1.<>♦»** l.OTV* l.OSH-Vfc May, old 1.05 1.05 1.03 *'2 1.03*4 July, new .1.02% 1.02% l.ooS l.oi July, old_ . .98% Sep. ... .96% .96% .94% .94%-% OATS— Msy _.47% .48% .40% .40% July _.43% .43% .41% .42-42% Sep. 40% 41 .39% .39%-% SOY BEANS— Msy _1.55% 1.55% 1.53% 1.54 July _1.54% 1.55 1.52 1.52 RYE— Msy _1.09 1.09% 1 OH 1.08% July _1.00% 1.00% .98% .99% Sep .89% .90% .88% .88% BARLEY— Msy _ __ _ .82 LARD— Mir._17.30 12.30 12.15 12.15 Msy_ 12.45 12.52 12.40 12 42 July _ 12.75 12.77 12 62 12 07 Sep 13.00 13.00 12.87 12.90 BELLIES— Msy . 16.37 16.37 16 35 16 35 July 16.H5 ... 16.65 Chicago Cash Market. Wheat. No. 1 hard. 1.37-1.38: No. 1 mixed, 1.38%; com. No. 4 mixed, 1.06; No. 4 yellow, 1.06-08%; No. 4 white, 1.08%-09%: oats. No. 1 white. 51: No. 2 white, 51-52',2: No. 3 white, 48% 50%: No. 4 white, 48',2-50; soy beans, No. 3 yellow. 1.57; barley feed. 80-95, nominal; malting, 1.00-44, nominal; timothy seed, per hundredweight. 6.00 25; new, 5.75-6.00: clover seed, per hundredweight, 28.00-35.00. Baltimore Quotation*. BALTIMORE. February 23 '4*.—Wheat. No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic. 1.424: February. 1.42%. Winnipeg Price*. WINNIPEG. February 23 OP).—Orsln range today: Pre». High. Low. Close. Close Wheat— May _1.25% 1.23% 1.23% 1.25% July_1.21% 1.19% 1.19% 1.21% Octo. —1.11% 1.09 1.09% 1.11 May*T__54% 54% 54% 64% MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. February 23 UPi.—Call money, steady: 1 per cent all day: prime commercial Daper. % per cent: time loans, steady: flO-day. 6-month. 1V« Der cent offered: bankers' acceptances, unchanged: 30 day*. A-%: 60-90 days. %-A: 4 months. A-%: 5-6 months. %-%: redis count rate. New York Reserve Bank 1% Per cent,_ REAL ESTATE LOANS P1 . g~j RESIDENCE and SWoY/n SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 030* INSURANCE THE PROPER kind and amount of insurance is vital for FULL PROTECTION. OUR Insurance Department has the facilities for cover ing all types of risks, ex cept life. We would be glad to discuss with you your Insurance problems. Burglary—Windstorm—Fire Furs and Jewelry Tourists' Baggoge Liability (all types) Plate Glass—Automobile Workman's Compensation Randall H. Hagner & Co., Incorporated Real Estate—Loans—Insurance 1311 Conn. Are N.W. DE. 3600 FIRST TRUST MONEY FOR REFINANCING LOANS AND CONSTRUCTION LOANS THREE-YEAR LOANS AND 15V4-YEAR MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS PAYABLE $8 PER $1,000 5% No Commissions or Extras EQUITABLE . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 816 14th St. M«t. 3437 NEW YORK COTTON fcj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 23.—Cotton was firm today. There was more ac tive demand for March, owing to the prompt stopping of notices and Liver pool buying of the forward positions following sharp advances In foreign market over the United States holiday. May sold up from 12.46 to 12.51 and was ruling at 12.49 in midaftemoon, when prices were generally 7 to 15 points net higher. Futures closed steady. 4 to 13 higher. Histi. Low. Close. March _12.72 12.00 12.0H May _12.51 12.45 12.4H July -.12.38 12.31 12.31-32 October _11.95 11.88 11.90 December_ 11.90 11 85 11 85 January ... li.90 1185 11 85n Spot steady: middling. 13.08. n—Nominal. New Orlemna Price*. NEW ORLEANS February 1.1 MV—'The process of setting In line with foreign prices that advanced while domestic mar kets were doted Monday lifted the cotton market today from 4 to 8 points. The trade was a food buyer In all posi tions and March opened at 12.52 May at 12.44. July at 12.28 and October at 11.84. Speculative Interests did a little buying in later positions. Selling was mostly for hedging purposes More normal temperatures over most of the belt and little rainfall helped farmers get into the fields for plowing Cottonseed oil futures opened iteedy February. 10 14b March 10 17b: May. 10.25: July 10 25b September. 10.19b: October, 9.98b. b—Bid. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. February 23 OF).—Bar sliver steady and unchanged from Fri day, February 19, at 44 X. Brooklyn dc Queens Transit Corp. preferred share earnings, seven months ended January 11, were 61.36 against $2.24. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Ch»s. D Barney & Co.) Rate—Maturity. Bid Offer 3 Apr. 15. 37 „ 101 1-32 101 3-32 3V« Sept. 16. ’37-. 102 1-32 102 3-32 Z% Peb. 1 38 .. 102 5-32 102 7-32 3 Mar. 15. '38 .. 102 23-32 102 25-32 2% June 15. ’38.. 103 2-32 103 4-32 2 ti Sept. 15. '38 102 28-12 102 28-32 l'S Mar. 15. '39 . 1015-32 10X7-32 2Va June 15. '39 _ 102 18-32 102 20-32 Dec. In. 219 100 29-32 100 31-32 14b Mar. 15. '40 . 101 11-31 lnl 13-32 l‘,a June 15. '40 _ 100 30-32 101 1'A Dec. 15. '40,._ 10027-32 100 29-32 l'a Mar 15. ’41._ 100 27-32 100 29-32 1*. June 15, '41 _ 1009-32 100 11-32 IV* Dec. 15. '41.. 100 100 2-32 MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. February 23 <JP>.—Silver futures opened steady. 2 to 5 points high er. March. 44.5Jb; May. 44 25b, July. , 44.15b. b—Bid. _ y For Building, | Refinancing, i Purchasing Homes TERMS AS LOW AS (i 87.50 PER SI.000 PER MONTH SAFETT FOR SAVINGS 1 PRUDENTIAL I BUILDING ASSOCIATION % ii IMl G St. N.W. DL 0770 I Boom 506 | j First Mortgage Loans Interest 5V2% Small Construction Loans Considered Wm. T. Ballard erex Eye Street N.W. Money for Construction Loan and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONE? GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana Ate. N.W. Nat’l 0350 1886 ' 30th Year ' 1937 •f Proiress \RTISTS SUPPLIES STOCKETT FISKE CO PRODUCING STATIONERS 919 C »T- -Wl • W : r Specialists > for Business Records ; W and Equipment i 1 STEEL V! if SHELVING i 1 he I: j : kWalcotf-Taylor Co. Inc Jj : : A MILLS BLDG. ::::W MEtro.5846 . Property Management r)U can save yourself re sponsibilities and annoy ances in connection with the management of your apartment house and residence properties by simply putting them in charge of our Property Man agement Department. It has the facilities and the experience—and the fee is a nominal one. B. F SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat’l 2100 Mortgage Loans LARGER American Security . . . and BETTER EQUIPPED to serve you In 1889—a few score clients. Today an army of depositors 70,000 strong. In 1889—a few thousands in capital resources. Today—over 8 millions in capital funds—the largest of any Washington trust company. Then total resources of a few hundred thousand—today total resources of over 55 millions, the largest in our historyi And we are handling trust business of over 120 millions—by far the largest in the District. These gains ore due to the sound, progressive policies which have guided the bank throughout its forty seven years of service. Come in and talk with one of our officers about your financial problems. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY Largest Capital and Surplus of any Washington Trust Company Mam Offict: fifteenth street and Pennsylvania ave. CENTRAL BRANCH SOUTHWEST BRANCH yth and Massachusetts Ave., N. W. ^ Seventh and E Streets, S. W. NORTHEAST BRANCH NORTHWEST BRANCH Eight and H Streets, N. E. 1140 Fifteen Street, N. W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System