Newspaper Page Text
I Many Leaders Go Down Fractions to $4 a Share in Fresh Selling. By ihe Aisociated Press. NEW YORK, February 24.—Selling activities were again a major factor in today's Curb market, involving losses ranging from fractions to j around 4 points in many of the. leaders. Starting the final hour Newmont was down about 4. Aluminum Co. of America gave up more than 2'i ’ and Pittsburgh Plate Glass 1. Utilities showed a few minor gains and low priced metal issues were mixed. NET OF INTERNATIONAL VITAMIN INCREASES 6ceclal Dispatch to The Star NEW YORK, February 24.—Inter national Vitamin Corp. reports for the six months ended December 31, 1936, the first half of its year ending June 30, net income, after amortization, de preciation and provision for normal Federal and State inco.d-' ia:;es of $34,425.78, squivalent to 42 cents per share on 203,000 shares of capital stock outstanding. This compared with net income of $75,638.79 for the similar period last year, equal to 37 cents a share on 200.000 shares of common outstand ing at that time. CURB BONDS 1 DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Noon. Ala Power os '46 A 105% 105% 10o5a Am P t Us 2010 101% 101% 101% Appalach E P 5s 50 _ 104% 104% 104% Ark P A L 5s 50 . 105% 103 K'3% As G A E 4%s '40 5S% .58 58 As G k E ,')o .V . 0U‘/? mM. As G Sc E 5s *tW _ 5S*a 58‘a 58Va Bald Lo (is '56 xw 118% 178 178 Bald L Os '38 xw sip . 180 178 178 Bell Te C 3s '55 A 113 113 113 Bell Te C 5s '57 B _ 110 110 110 Birm El 4%s '68 . 05% 05% 95% Caro PwALt 5s '56 105 104% !u4% Cent I1PS 5s 56 E 103% 105% 103% Ceil I1PS 4%S '67 F 103 103 103 fen O LAP 5s '50 A 103% 103% 103% Central Pw 5s 57 D 92 92 92 Cent Pw & Lt 5s 56 Oil's 96% 96% Cent St. El 5s 48 _ 67% 67% 67% Cent St El 5%s '54 69 69 69 Cities Svc 6s '50 75% 75% 75% L Cit S P & L o'is '52 7.5% 77>% 75% ‘ C:l S P A L 5%s '49 76% 76% 76% Cornw Ed 4s '81 F 105% 105% 105% Comuty P & L os ’57 86 85% 86 Cons Os Ut tis '43 A 96% 96% 96% Cont G A E 5s '58 A 95% 95% 05% Crucible Stl 5s '40 . 103% 103 103 Detroit C G 6s '47 A 105% 105% 105% Det Cit Gs os '50 B - 105% 105% 105% Det Int Bg 6%s '52 10% KF, 10% Det A In B 6%s '52 cd 10% 111% 10% Det Int Bg 7s '52 3% 3% 3% Det Int Bg 7s *52 cd 3% 3% 3% East G A F 4s '56 A 82% 9j)% 92% El Pw A Lt ‘ 5s 2030 92% 92% 92% El Pas El os '50 A 104 104 104 Emp OAR 5%s '42 91% 91 91 Eric Light 5s '67 106% 106% 106% Feh Wat 5%S '54 '.(1% 91 91 Firest Cot M 5s '48 104% 104% 104% 1 Florida PAL 5s '54 98 97% 98 Gary EAG 5s 44 stD Xw 99% 99% 90% Gatineau Pw 5s '56 102% 102% 102% Gen W WAE 5s '43 A 96% 9(1 96 Georgia Pw- 5s '67 loo 99% 99% Glen Alden Cl 4s '65 86 85% 85% Hall <WF> 6s '47 stp 101 loo3, 10(1% Hyerade Fd 6s '49 A . 84% 84% 84% 111 Cent R R (Is '37 lol lol 101 111 Pw A L 6s '53 A 105% 105% 105% ill Pw A L 5s '56 C 102% 102% 102% Indian E C 5s '51 C 96% 96% 96% Indnap P A L 5s '57 A 106% 106% 106% Interst Pw 5s 57 70% 7 0 70% Interst Pw tis '52 64 64 64 Interst P S 5s '56 D 90% 90% 80% Jer C PAL 4%s '61 C 104% 104% 104% Kan GAE tis 2022 A 120% 120', 1"0% Kentucky t't 5s '61 iM!% 96% 96% Ken U 6%s '48 D 107 107 107 Lehigh P 3 Os 2026 A llo 11(1 110 Manitoba P 5%s '51 99% 99% 99% Mem PAL 5s '48 A ind1, 102% 102% Midlan VRR 5s '43 till', 96% 96% Miss Pow 5s '55 __ 92 92 92 Mont-Da P 5'is 44 100 100 100 Muns SS 6%s '37 ww 30 10 10 Nat PAL 5s 2030 B 93% 93% 93% Nat Pb S 5s '78 cod 48% 4X% 486, Nrbr Pw 4 %s S] A 108% 1II<1% 1(18% Nevad Cal E! 5s '50 97 97 97 New E GAE 5s '4S 80% 80% 80% New E Pw 5s 48 99% 99 99 New Or PS 6s '49 A 90% 90% 90% N Y P A Lt 4tis '67 106% 106% 106% K Y 8 FAG 4%s '80 in-3. 1(1"% to- ’, No Ind PS 4%? '70 E 103% 103% 103', Nnrw E! 6s '4 5 stpd 103% 103' • 1031', Ogden G Co 5s '45 108%. 108% 108% , Ohio Pwr 4%s '56 D 104% 104% 104% I Okla PAW 5« 48 A 96 96 96 Osweeo Falls 6s '41 102 102 102 Pac PAL 5s 55 _ 90 Stl3, 89% Penn El 4s '71 F 99% 99% 99% Penn O E 5%s '59 B 105 105 105 prim kVa A P 5s '40 108’, 108% ins’', 1. Peon GLt-C 4* '81 B . 97% 97% 97% Prop IAP 5s 79 26% 26% 2(1' . Phtla Pan T 6s '62 98% 98% 98% Portland GAC os '40 83 83 83 Potomac E 4%? *61 F l((73t 107’ 1073', Pommac E 5s '56 E 105’, 105’, 105’, Pub S N I 4'is '81 F 102% 102% 102% fug S P A L 5% '49 A 93% 93% 93% ugSPAL5s’50C 92% 92% 92% Safe H Wa 4%s '79 107% 107% 107% San An P A S 5s'58 B 106 106 106 Sou Cal Ed 3%s '60 104 104 104 Sou Cal Ed 3%s '60 B 103% 103% 103% Sou Ind Ry 4s '51 __ 84% 84% 84% ?td G A E 6s '66 B _ 85% 85% 85% enn El Pw 5s '56 93 93 93 Texas Elec 5s '60 _ 105% 105% 105% Tex Pw A- L 5s '56 105% 1051, 105% Twin CRT 5%S ’5" A 90 90 90 tllen A Co 6s '44 IHst 55% 55 55 Unit Lt A Pw 6? '75.. 86% 86% 86% Unit LAR D o'is '52—114 114 114 Va Pub Ser 6s '46_ 96 96 96 Va Pub 8 5%s '46 A_10i % 101 % 101 % Va Pub Ser 5s '50 B _ 101 101 101 Wash Gas Lt 5s '58 inii% m6% 106% Wash WAP 5s '60.. 1055, loss, 105% West News U 6s '44— 73% 73% 73% West Pa 5s 2030_ 10.5'i 105% 105% West Pa Tr 5s '60_ino% inn% ]nn% West T T’t 5s ’.57 A . 97% 07’, 97’, We UGAE 5'is '5.5 A . 105' ■ 195% 195% York Rwy Cn 5s '37 _ 98% 98 98 FOREIGN BONDS Cuban Tob 5s '44 _ 78’4 78*4 7 8’4 Cicr Con Mun 8s ’47. _ Cl1- 7P'2 Cl*/* Parana Braz 7s ’58_ CO* . C0*'2 °n*i Pied El 8*is *80 A — 75’4 75*4 7^*4 Terni Soc 8*is ’53 A-- TO TO 70 ww—With warrants xw—Without var iants. n—New. st <stp>—Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. ...• ■■■ ■ - • U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney & Co.) Rate Maturity. Bid. Offer. 3 April 15. ’37 _ 101 3-32 101 4-32 314 Srpt. 15. ‘37 - 102 1-32 102 3-32 25'* Feb. 1. ’.38 102 5-32 102 7-32 3 March 15 ’38 102 23-32 102 25-32 2’« June 15. ’38 103 2-32 103 4-32 2'.. Sept. 15 '38 102 20-32 102 28-32 I', March 15. '30 _ 101 5-32 101 7-32 2'« June 15. '30 102 17-32 102 10-32 , l", Dec. 15. '30 .100 28-32 100 30-32 ) 1' March 15 '40 . 101 10-32 101 12-32 !'• June 15. '40 . 100 30-32 101 1' . Dec 15 '40 100 20-32 100 28-32 )'• March 15. '41 100 20-3? 100 28-3? I1. June 15. '41 10(1 8-32 100 10-32 l'i Dec. 15. '41 100 100 2-32 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. February 24 '/Pi.— Live poultry—Fowl; Plymouth Rocks, fancy, 21a22: mixed colors, 19a20: White Leg horn!. farcy, 17al8- pullets, fancy Ply mouth Rocks, 23a24: Reds. 21a22: broilers, fancy Plymouth Rocks 22: Soring chick ens. fancy. 21a22: turkeys, fancy young hens. 23: fancy young toms. 17al9: ducks. Muscovy white 16. Dressed poultry—Fowls, fresh killed, in boxes. 16Via211/4. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. February 24 IP.—Eggs. 45 764; irregular. Mixed colors: Stand ards. 23y«a5fc; firsts. 22a22I/«; other mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 22.051: steady: creamery, extra <0*: score) 34V»; centralized (90 score), 83'i. Other prices unchanged. Cheese. H3S.480; steady and unchanged. Live poultry, by freight, steady: prices Unchanged. -• MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. February 24 (P.—Call money steady: 1 per cent all day; prime commercial paper. per cent: time loans steady: HO days-H months 1per cent offered: bankers' acceptances unchanged: rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank, l'.j per cent. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. February 24 </Pi.—Crude rubber futures opened steady. H to 15 higher. March 21.37a41: May. 21.53a55: July. 21.H5a68. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. February 24 IP.—Silver iutures opened steady. 4 to 17 lower: larch. 44.48b: May. 44.25b. July. 44.15b. -a NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. February 24 (if).—Bar silver steady and unchanged at 44%. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. 2:30 Stock and Sale*— Dividend Bate. Add 00. Hi*h. Low. Close. Acme W vto <*> - 75a 62* 62* 62* Aero Supply (B)-. 8 6 5 6 Agfa Ansco_ 2 17* 16 17* Ainsworth (all... 2 19* 19* 19* air Investors Ino 2 4V$ 4H 4H Ala Pwr pf (6 ) 40* 72* 72* 72* A la ham Pw of <1) 40s 84 84 84 Alliance Invest 6 5 4* 4* Alum’n Co of Am 95(>i 168 165 165* Alum n Ltd 100s 111 110 110 Am Airlines Inc 11 27* 27* 27* Am Beverage 13 3 8 ! Am Box B’d *80c 4 19 18* 19 Am Capital * B) 3 1* 1* 1* Am CltPAI. H a20c 1 6* 6* 6* | Am Cynam B t60c S3 32* 32 32* I Am K For Pw ww 2 4* 3* 4* Am G&E 11.401 77 41* 41 41 1 Am Men Cp 'a50c 5 11* It* 11* Am Gen pf (2*) 50s 41 41 41 AmGenCpfi2l 150s 35* 35 35 Am Hard Ruhlal )260s 24* 24 24 Am Laun’y M 80c 3 87* 37 37* Am L & T 4 71.20 ) 2 22* 22 * 22* AmL&Tpftl*). 2 28 28 28 Am MfgCo <a3).. 75s 41 39* 41 Am Maracaibo 59 1* 1* 1* Am Meter la2*)_ 3 48* 47* 47* Am Superpower 64 2* 2* 2* Am Superpw I at 6 1 94* 94* 94* Anchor Post F 4 5 5 6 Angostura (t20c) 4 7* 7* 7* Apex Electrician 2 40* 39* 40* Arcturus Radio T 13 2* 2* 2* Ark Nat Gas . 19 10* 9* 10* Ark Nat G cu pf 2 9* 9* 9* Ark N'at Gas t A i 95 11* 10* 11* Art Met W (80C). 2 14* 14* 14* Ashland O&K tAOc 15 7* 7* 7* Assn Gas A* Elec 1 2* 2* 2M AssoOAEiA) 13 3* 3* 3* Assn M A E *5 nf 1 30 30 30 Asso Laundries . 2 * * * All Coast Fisher 9 12s* 12 12* Atl Coast La"* 10s 50 50 50 Atlas Corp war 12 3* 3* 3* Atlas Ply w’d < 1 *; 5 25 24* 24* Austin Sliver 2 2* 2* 2* AUto Products 11 8* 8* 8* Auto Vot Mch 50c 3 8* 8* 8* Babcox A Wll (4) 150s 1495$ 147 147 Baldw L bd rts(d) 140 34 35* 35$ Barium Stain Stl 13 7 7 7 BarlowASi A 11.20 50. 184 185$ 185* Bell Aircraft. 2 134 134 134 I Bellanca Aircraft 2 6'$ 65* 6'* BerkeyAGay F Co 61 34 34 34 BerkAGF pur war 27 2 14 14 Bickfords Inc 1.20 1 15 15 15 Bliss Co lEWI . 3 23 224 23 i Blue Rldce C alOc 7 84 34 34 ! Blue Ridge cv pf 8 8 48 48 48 | Biumenthai S 2 37 4 36 36 Boh irk HP lsi Pf 20s 51 51 51 I Borne Scrym b*5c 300s 184 164 l®'* ca75ci 2 5 4 55$ 54 Bower Roll B (2 ) 4 32 314 3155 Bowman-Blltmore 2 25s 24 25$ Brazil TJ.AP 40c 25 294 284 294 Bridgep't Mch al 2 184 184 184 Brill CorD (A i — 3 144 14 144 ! Brill Porp(B) .. 2 65$ 5>« 64 Brillo Mfe (60c) 1 104 105, 104 Brit Celan Ltd res 3 25, 24 24 Brown Co pf 60s 58 674 58 Brown Forman 1 9J$ 9J, 95$ 1 Buckeye PL. (4) 200s 51 50 51 j Buff N&E pf 1 60 1 255$ 255$ 251$ ; Buff NtaK&Elst 5 ISOs 105 10* 105 I Bunker HA S(bl)225s 1174 1165$ 117 Burma (a25 4-5c) 2 44 *4 <5$ Cable El Prod vtc. 1 1*4 1*4 1*4 Cable & W1re(A)_. 1 1*4 1*4 1*4 'able & Wlre(B|_. 1 ,’y ,7» Can Cement Ltd_ 1 1874 18*, 18*4 i Can Marconi _ 7 2*4 27, 274 1 Carlb Syndicate . 5 27, 274 2*4 ! Carnation Co (1) 2 33*, 33 33 Carnegie Metals . 39 374 3*4 3*4 Caro L&P nf < 6 > 20a 92 92 92 Carrier Carr 6 43 42 4274 Carter (JW) 80c . 4 12'4 11*4 1274 Casco Prod b2\ .. 3 32!, 32 3274 Casco Prod rights 5 7, ss *4 Catltn Corn <at«c> 12 9?, 9 9'4 Celluloid Corp 1 13 13 13 On Mud G*E 80e 1 177, 17‘, 1774 Cent Ohio Sb25c-. 6 19 19 19 ; Cent A- S W t'tll 4 5 5 5 1 Cent Stales Elec 7 1*, 17* 174 Cent St El cv pf n 100a 2174 2174 2174 Cent St El 8% pt 100« 22 22 22 i Cent St El 7% pf 5t's 45 45 45 Centrlf Pipe MOc 11 5*4 5*4 5*4 l Chesebroueh <t4) 250a 113 112 113 Chi Elex Shaft t2 150« 65 64s, 64*4 Chi Rivet & M (2) 6 37 37 37 Chief Consol .. 20 2'4 2 2 Childs Co pf_125a 88 88 88 Cities Service ... 61 4*» 474 474 Cities Service pf 9 52 5174 52 City Auto S1T60C) 4 1474 13*, 13*4 | Claude Neon Lts 24 3 2*4 2*4 Clev E 11 lum(t2) 1 45 45 45 Cltnchfield Coal... 1 474 4*4 474 1 Club Aluminum 3 17, 174 174 Colon Dev Ltd 47 774 77, 77, Colon Dev 6% pf 1 4*4 474 474 ColnEuel&lr war 13 207-4 19*, 2074 Colts P F A (tl\4 ) 2 62 6174 «2 l Colum G&E pf(51 75a 85 85 85 Columb O& O a20c 14 8', 87. 8', ; Com with & S war 3 *» *« Community W S . 1 174 1*4 1*4 Compos M stc tl. 2 16*4 16 16 | Cons Aircraft 13 23*4 23 2374 i Consol Biscuit 60c 1 8*4 874 8*4 Consol Copper 45 974 9*4 9*4 Cons Mln&Sm t2 25a 83 83 83 Consol Retail Strs 1 874 8*4 8*4 Cons Roval (20c) 1 2*4 2*4 2*4 Consol Steel Corp 128 14s, 1374 14*4 Conti Oil (Mex) 2 1*4 17, 174 Cont’l Roll * S Fy 6 24 23*4 24 Cook P & Var t60c l 20 20 20 Cooper Bessemer. 3 32 31 32 Copper Range_ 3 16*4 15*4 16*4 Cord Corp ..... 5 5 4*4 4*4 Cosden Oil Me (d) 11 374 3 3 Cosdenf Meipf (d) 1 33»x 3374 8374 Cramp( W&Sons). 1 174 1*4 1*4 Creole Pe- (a5uc) 28 33*4 31*4 33*4 Crocker-Wh alOc 4 1774 1 674 17*4 Croft Brewing 39 % *4 % Crown Cent P a6c 34 27, 2*4 2*4 Crown C I(A)b50c 1 15 15 15 Crown Drug blOc 6 4*4 4*4 4*4 Crown Drug pf 1*4 60a 23'* 237, 28‘, Cuai Mex Mlnlne 128 *4 7, 7* Darby Petr <600 1 17*4 17*4 17*4 Dayton Rubber... 4 24 23*4 24 Dennison 7% pf . 10a 70 70 70 Derby Oil ft Kef 4 674 6)4 674 Det (Mich) Stove. 1 974 974 974 Det Pap prod r25o 2 874 874 8*4 Distill Ltd b27c_ 1 26*4 26*4 26*4 DomlnS&C <Bi 1 2074 20*4 20*4 Draper C (t2.40) 100a 83*4 82 82 Du belter Condens 2 4*4 4*4 4*4 Duval Tex S a50c 2 9 9 9 Eagle Pitcher blOc 14 264 264 264 East'n G&F Asso 9 84 84 84 East’ll G&F pf(6) 250a 60 594 60 East G&F p pf 4 4 25s 74 74 74 East Mall Iral.30 25a 25 25 25 EiFler Elec (a&c) 5 34 34 34 Elec Bond & Share 104 26 254 254 Elec B & S pf (5 1 2 78 774 774 Elec B & S of (61 2 844 844 844 El Pwr Assoc a25c 3 94 94 94 El Pwr Asi A)a26o 3 74 74 74 Elec P&L opt war 1 11 11 11 Elec P&L 2d pt A 60a 73 694 694 Elec Sh pf ww (6) 350a 944 944 944 El Shov C 1st pf 50s 204 20 204 EmoO&F6%Df 25s 704 704 704 EmpG&F64% pf 25g 724 724 724 Emp G&F 7 % pf 100a 76 • 754 76 Equity Corp(a25c) 32 24 24 24 Evana Wall Lead 104 34 34 34 Evans Wall I, pf 300s 40 39 40 Excello Air(b20c). 21 254 25 264 Falrcbild Av ml6c. 8 74 74 74 Fa 1 staff Brewing- 6 94 94 94 Fanny F C (t60c). 1 284 234 284 Fanateel Metal 9 17 164 164 FED Corporation 1444 Fedders Mf g a2 4 1 304 804 804 Ferro EnatmaS) 6 46 484 434 Fiat cts (a934c)_. 1 184 184 I84 Fldello Brewery.. 11 14 1 i Flak Rubber_ 12 134 134 134 Fla P&L pf- 60s 60 694 594 Ford Ltd a 181-10c 2 74 74 74 Ford (Can 1 A (1 > 11 274 274 274 Froedt G&M(20c). 2 124 124 124 Gen Alloys * 44 44 44 Gen Ptrepr’f t40c 6 214 214 214 Gen Invest Corn 8 14 14 14 GenPubSpfal6 20a 88 87 88 Gen TeleCp.l *5 18 214 214 214 Gen Tire A Rub 14 274 26 274 Gen TAR pf A (6) 60a 106 1054 106 Gilbert (AC>pf 8 4 20a 44 44 44 Glen Alden C (tl> 14 134 184 134 Godchaux 8 A(bl)800. 49 484 <9 Godchaux S pf (7) 20a 104 104 104 Goldfield Consol 3 4 4 4 Gorham Mf vtc tl 2 254 26 264 Grand Natl PIlms 86 34 84 84 Gr Rap VarftCOo) l 164 164 164 Grt AAPTdtH 160. 1184 1114 1184 Greenfield TAD 6 18 124 124 Groc Store Prod 8 64* 64 64 Gulf OU (Pa) b260 *2 674 66 674 Gulf StUtpf («)- !«• M 94 M Hall lamp UOo)— u- 4 64 . 64 64 2:30 Stock end Sales— Dividend Bate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Hartman Tobacco 4 144 144 144 Harvard Brewery. 1 *54 354 *54 HatCorp <b20c) — 6 1844 1244 1244 Haeeltine (b76c)— 8 1744 1744 1744 Hearn Dep S bl.65 6 17 1644 17 Hern DS pf *6 pf 3 1 50** 604* 604* Hecla Min (b20c)_ 75 194* 184* 194* Helena Rubenstn 12 144 1H Hi Heyden Ch <t2) 1 41 41 41 Hires (C E1AI2) 150. 3744 3644 3644 Holltnper (t65c) 4 15 1444 15 Holophane (baOc) 2 27 27 27 Hwison >:MftS ii 32 3944 8744 3944 Humble 011 (1',4)- 14 83** 82** 83 Huvler si l>el nd) 1 M Hvtfrade Food 17 5*4 5 544 Hvgrade Sylvi t2) 100s 5044 5044 5044 111 Pwr A Lt |6 pf 450. 70** 70 704* Imp Oil Ltd *50c 17 224* 224* 22*4 lnd'n Ter 111 OlA) 2 34* 344 3»* Ind n Ter 111 OtB) 1 3H 344 3*4 Indiana PL i *40c) 4 12*4 HH 12'* Ins Co of No A t2 150. 704* 7044 7044 Inti HoldAInv Ltd 6 84* 34* 34* Inti Metals Inc A. 100. 1544 1544 1554 Inti Petr (ti44).. 10 864* 8644 8644 Inti Produeta__ 6 644 6 6 Inti Utli <B) ... 10 24* 254 Inti Util war new. 2 54 54 54 Inti Vltamln(SOc) 4 644 «54 «54 Invest Royalty 6c. 8 44 44 14 Jacobs! FDCoil 1 20 1644 1544 1644 Jeanette Glss a60o 1 1154 1154 H54 JerCen P&Lpf 6 V4 25* 85 86 85 Jer Cent P&Lpf 7 lOi 9744 9744 9744 Jonas & Naum bl5 2 7 7 7 JonesALauab Stl. 2 114 11344 114 Kans City P 8 vtc 4 44 4 44 Ken RT&L A a75c 11 28*4 2744 284* Kingston Prod 40c 9 7 64* 644 Kirby Petrolm 30c 23 644 6 ®14 Kirkland LG«6c) 1 1 1 1 Konpers Df 16) 100s 111 111 111 Kreuaer Brew tl 1 1844 I8V4 1844 Kress'SH) pt 60c 1 115* 11/4 1154 ! LaKe Sh M <t4» 5 58% 57'* 58 4 l.akey Fv & Mach 2 7!* 7% 7% j Lefcourt pf(a75c) 1 16% 16% 16% Leh Coal &N 30c.. 10 12% 11% 12% Leonard Oil _ 67 1% 1% 1% Lion Oil Ref (D— 9 18% 17% 17% Lit Brothers _ 2 5% 5 5 Locke Stl Ch t80c. 2 17 17 17 Lockheed Aircraft 74 15% 14% 15% Lone Star Gas 80c 8 12% 12% 12% Long island Lt* 7 5% 5% 6% Long Isl Lt pf B 6 25» 76% 76% 76% Loudon Ptn t60c. 19 6% 5% 5% La I.and <40c)_ 17 12% 12% 12% Lucky T (tl2c)... 1 1% 1% 1% McCord Rad (B)- » U 10% 10% McWilliams D (t2 7 39% 38% 38% Majestic Ra&Tel- 8 4% 4% 4% Mangel Stores __ 3 9% 8% 8% MapesCons (2)— l 23 23 23 I Marlon Steam Sh 8 17% 17 17% Mass Util Associa 1 3% 3% 3% I Massey Harris 6 9% 9% 9% j Mead John (t3> 60s 114% 114% 114% ! Vetn Nat GtaSoc) 1 6% 6% 6% Merc Stores (b3)_ 1 44 44 44 , Met l it! ‘nai or* 11 9% 8% 9% Merritt C& S pf A 25s 72% 72% 72% Mesahl Iron 610 2% 1% 2% M ex-Ohio Oil — 2 3% 3% 3% Mich Bumper C_ 8 3 3 3 Mich Gas & 011 6 10% 10% 10% Mich Stl T P b25c. 1 16% 16% 16% Mich Sugar 1 1% 1% 1% Mid Sta Pet (A)— 1 6% 6% 6% MldStaPet(B) - 2 1% 1% 1% Mid-VV AbrasalOc 5 4% 4 4% Mid Oil cr pf *1% 100. 9 9 9 Mining Co (Can l 12 4% 4% 4% Minn Min&Mf(tl> 50. 38% 38 38% Mock Judson 60c. 2 15 15 15 Molybdenum Corp 10 9% 9% 9% Moody's pt pf (3) 25s 38% 38% 38% Mount Prod (60c) 13 7% 7% 7% Mueller Brass tl 2 49% 49% 49% Murray Mfg al.40 1 27% 27% 27% Nat A lit Fib b50c_ 2 40% 40 40% Nat Baking Co ... 1 11 11 11 Nat Bella Hess 27 2% 2% 2% I Nat Contain a50c_ 3 13 13 13 Nat Fuel Gas 111. 5 17% 17% 17% ; Nat Gyps A a2% .. 3 73% 73 73% Nat Investors _ 1 3% 3% 3% Nat invest war_ 2 % % % Nat Leather .62 1% 2 Nat Mfg & Stores 2 10% 10% 10% Nat P & Lt pf ( 6 ) 100s 86% 85% 86% Nat Rub Mch a20c 7 14% 14% 14% Nat Service ... 14 % % % Nat Service pf_ 2 4% 4% 4% Nat Sugar N J (2) 4 26 25% 25% Nat Tea pf (55c) 400. 9% 9% 9% Nat Transit (75c). 1 11% 11% 11% Nat Union Radio.. 8 3% 3% 8% Nestle-Le Mur_ 2 2% 2% 2% New Hav Cl (1 % ) 2 28 27% 27% N J Zinc (T2) 160. 84% 83% 84% New M&A Ld ale 7 3% 3% 3% Newmont Min b75i 6 130 125% 130 New Process (t3). 2 27% 27% 27% N Y Auction a25c. 1 4% 4% 4% N Y Steam ... 2 18% 18% 18% N Y Tel pf (6%) 25. 118% 118% 118% N Y Water Svc pf 20. 56 56 56 Niag Hud Pwr new 33 15% 15% 15% | Niag H Pi A t wei 22 % % % Niag Hud 1st (5) 75. 96 96 96 Niag Sh Md B a60c 3 15 15 15 Niles Bm Tud boOc 1 46 46 46 j Nipissing (Duo 31 3 2% 3 Noma Elec (b40c). 4 8 7% 8 Norm Am L 4k P 6 5% 6% 5% North AmL&P pf 260. 65 65 65 N A Rayon A tl% 1 46 46 46 No Am Ray B tl% 2 45% 45% 45% North n Europ Oil 64 % % % North States PA 6 37% 86% 36% Northw Eng(al%. 1 83% 83% 33% Novadel Agene (3 ) 2 82 32 32 Ohio P S pf A (7). 50. 111% 111% 111% Okla Nat Gas Co . 6 11 10% 11 Okla Nat G pf (6). 50. 106 105 105 Oldet.vnie Distil . 7 4% 4% 4% Overseas Sec 60c. 1 10% 10% 10% Pac G&E 1st (1)4) 4 81)4 31)4 81)4 Pacific Ltg pf <6) 25a 106)4 106*, 106*4 Pac Tin spec (t2) 200. 45)4 45)4 45)4 Pan-Am Air (tl) 3 69 68)4 69 F'anlepec 011 118 7)4 6)4 7 Pender Gr(B)a5Cc 2 11)4 11 11)4 Pennroad (az5c> 28 4)4 4)4 4)4 Penn G&E (All D 1 15)4 15)4 15)4 I’ennaSalt (bl)4 ) 25, 173 173 173 Pepperell Alfg t6 125, 132 130)4 130)4 Perfect Circle t2 50. 34*4 34*4 34)4 Phi la Co (1) - 2 17’4 17)4 17)4 Phillips Pkg a50c 6 15 14H 15 Phoenix Secur 16 9)4 9)4 9)4 Pierce Gov (a50c) 6 31)4 31 31 Pioneer Gold blOc. 18 6)4 6 6 Pitney Bowl t40c) 6 8)4 8)4 8)4 Plttsbgb Forging 9 25 24)4 25 Pitts Plate Gl(a6)100, 188 138 138 Plough Inc (1.20). 2 16)4 16)4 16)4 Potrero Sugar . 4 8)4 8)4 8)4 Powdreli&Al t60e 1 11)4 11)4 11)4 Pwr Cp(Can )a25e 50, 81 31 81 Producers Corp 16 J4 J4 % Prosperity Ball* 2 16)4 16)4 16)4 Prudent'l Inv a50c 6 12)4 12)4 12)4 PubSvclndot 110, 33)4 32 33)4 Pub Svc N 111 pf6 60, 117)4 117)4 117)4 PubSvOkla pl(6 ) 20. 102*4 102*4 102*4 Pub Ut Sec pr pf 100, 3 3 3 ^ug Sd P&L pf(6> 25, 83*4 83*4 83*4 Pug Sd P&L 16 Pf 325, 50*, 49)4 50 Pyrene Mfga90c. 22 13 11)4 12)4 Quaker Oats (5)_ 20, 120 120 120 wuaker oats of < 6 ) 20. 14% 145 145 Quebec Power «1) 100, 23 23 23 Ry & Lt Sec al.55 100, 23 21 22 Rainbow Lum (A 1 6 1)4 1)4 1)4 Rainbow Lum <B> 18 )4 )4 )4 Raym’d Cone (tl) 200, 33)4 31 33)4 Raym'd Con pf(3 ) 75, 46 46 46 Red Bank 1 14 14 14 Reed R B new t80< 6 42 42 42 Reiter-Foster 15 1)4 1H 1)4 Reybarn Co a25c_. 8 6)4 6)4 6)4 Reynolds Invest-. 9 2)4 2H 2H Rlchm’d Radiator- 7 7 6)4 6)4 Rustless tr&Stl 4 16 16)4 15)4 Ryerson & Haynes 9 6)4 6)4 6)4 St Lawrence C pf- 26. 2#H 2»« 29% St Regis Paper 85 9% 8J4 9 St Regis Paper pf 25* 115 116 116 Scblff (The) Co <t3) 1 8844 8844 8844 Scvill Mf«(S)_ 50. 6444 6444 6444 Segal Lock iH .. 8 844 854 844 Selberllng Rubber 1 844 «44 844 Selby Shoe <2) -- 10Js 28 28 28 Selected Indue 8 844 844 344 Sel Ind all cfs EH 60s 100 100 100 Sel Ind pr pf <6 44)2008 100 100 100 Sent Saf Control 2 % J4 % Seton Leath a60c 1 1044 1044 1044 Seversky Aircraft 4 644 6 6 Shattuck Pen Min 29 2754 264* 2744 Shawln W & P 80c 1 3344 3344 3844 Sherwtn-Will mi 800s 14744 147 14744 Sher-Wlll (Can) 60s 25 26 25 Simmons Hd&P- 2 .6J4 6J4 6J4 SonotnneC taiOC) 2 2 2 2 Soas Mfg (a25c)— 1 744 744 744 So Penn Oil m 44) 2 4644 4544 4644 SoCal Ed ptpf 144 80s 39 89 89 SoCal Ed pfB 144 2 2844 2844 2844 SoCal Ed pfC 144 1 27H 2744 2644 Southn Union Gae 1 444 444 444 Southl'd Roy a35 — 8 944 944 944 Spanish&Gen rcte 14 44 44 44 Square Dpf A 230100« a a 48 Stand Brewing-a XXX CELANESE EARNS NIBS PROFIT 1936 Net Compares With $4,057,227 Recorded in Previous Year. By tl e Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 24 —Celane* Corp. of America, with plant at Cum berland, Md„ reported 1936 net income of $4,406,993. equal after preferred dividend requirements to $2.25 a share on the common stock, against $4,057, 227, or $1.99 a share in previous year. Briggs A Stratton. Briggs & Stratton Corp. today re ported 1936 net profit of $972,843, equal to $3.24 a capital share, compared with $1,063,324 in 1935. Company produces automobile accessories. Plants are located in Milwaukee. American Steel Foundries. American Steel Foundries Co., with plants throughout the country, re ported for year ended December 31 net profit of $2,953,426, against $116, 691 In previous year. After the regular 7 per cent dividend on the preferred stock there was a balance for the common stock equal to $2.58 a share, against $2.11 a share of preferred stock In 1935. United Aircraft. United Aircraft Corp., producers of ! airplanes, motors and parts, with j operating divisions at East Hartford, Conn., reported 1936 consolidated net profit of $1,926,442, equal to 80 cents a share on the capital stock. This included $309,727 profit on sale of stock of Pan-American Airways Corp. For the previous year net Income was $435,000, or 21 cents a share. In 1935 approximately $1,000,000 was derived from sale of manufacturing rights and certain Investments. Consolidated Edison. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., reported consolidated net income for 1936 of $37,398,869, com pared with $33,633,251 in 1935. This equaled $2.33 a common share, com ! pared with $2 a share in 1935. Net : income was after provision for Fed eral surtax on undistributed profits. The company’s subsidiaries distribute electric power, gas and steam in the Metropolitan New York City area. Es timated construction expenditures for 1937 amount to nearly $60,000,000, largest for the system since 1931. Federal Water Service. Federal Water Service Corp. and subsidiaries (excluding operations of Southern Natural Gas Co.) reported preliminary 1936 net income of $1,034,040, after provision for surtax on undistributed profits. This, after preferred dividends, equaled 6 cents a class “A” share and compared with $491,495, or $3.09 on combined pre ferred shares, in 1935. Dividends and interest received from Southern Natu ral Gas Co. in 1936 totaled $444,645. Electric Auto-Lite. Electric Auto-Lite Co. and sub sidiaries, in a preliminary report for 1936, showed surplus available for common stock of $4,196,768 aften undistributed profits tax. This equaled $3.51 on 1.194,977 common shares and compared with $2,595,387, or $2.20 on 1,177,652 common shares, in 1935. * BOND ISSUE APPROVED. NEW YORK, February 24 UP-— Stockholders of Scott Paper Co. at a special meeting yesterday approved is suance of *4.000.000 in 3'/a Per cent convertible debenture bonds. ":30 8tock and 8*lei— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low Close. Stand Dredging 15 5 5 Stand Dr cv pf 100s 18 18 18 Stand Oil Ky (tl) 24 191* 191* 191* Stand O Neb a25c. 1 13H 131* 134* Stand Oil Ohio tl 14 42'* 40«t 42'* Stand Oil Oh pf 5 25s 105 105 105 Stand Pwr ft Lt 60 6'*. fit* 6>* Stand P & L <B) . 1 6 6 6 Stand P&L of 50» 60 60 60 Stand Prod (b25c) 2 23 221* 23 ! Sterl Alum Pa 75c 11 121* 121* 121* Stand SlI&Ld <40 68 46 4b ’* Stand Stl Sp a2 H- 2 33‘* 331* 334* Starrett Corn vtc 7 81* 84* 84* Sterl’g Brew a75c 5 7 7 7 Sterling, Inc(20c) 24 54* 54* 54* Stetson(JB)b50c. 125a 26 26 26 Stlnnes(Hugo) d 2 4 4 4 Stroock & Co a2 V4 850s 304* 29i* 291* S tut* Motor ... 2 21* 2>* 21* Sullivan Machine. 2 26 26 26 Sunray Oil (alOc) 20 41* 44* 41* Sunshine Min (2) 12 211* 204* 204* Superior Port C B 100s 201* 201* 201* Swan Finch 1 154* 154* 154* Swlss-Am Elec pf 60s 110 110 110 Taggart Corp ... 6 144* 144* 144* Tampa El (2.24).. 1 88H 381* 381* Tastveast(Del)A. 21 11* 1** 11* Tavlor Dlst (30c). 6 41* 4** 44* Technicolor a50e. 4 19?* 194* 194* Tech Hughes tsOe 6 51* 54* 57* TennEP 1st Df(7 I 25s 721* 721* 724* , Texon Oil ft L 60c 4 64* 64* 6»* ' Thew Shovel a50c 350s 594* 551* 594* ] Tllo Roof (t60c) .. 8 16 151* 151*; Tlshman R * C . 1 10 lo io Tob Prod Exo 15c. 1 14* 84* 3?* Tonopah Belmont 6 4* 1* 1* Tonopah M (a6c). 4 14* 14* 14* Tr-Lux DPS t20C- 14 41* 44* 41* Trl-Contl C war _ 6 21* 24* 21* Tubize Cbatilllon. 7 281* 274* 281* TublzeCh A (bl). 8 73 71)* '71)* Tung-Sol Lump n. 9 84* 8)* 8)* Tung-Sol L pf 8 Oo 8 111* 114* uj* Twin-Coach al.40 20 241* 281* 24 Ulen A Co 7 * * pf 2 7 6* 6*4 Unexcelled Mfg. 2 3* 3* 8* Unit Air war _ 1 25 25 26 Unit Chemical — 6 12* 11)4 12 United Corp war.. 2 1* 1* 114 UnitGaaCorp 58 12J4, 12* 12* Utd Gas war 6 3* 8* 8* United GC pf bl% 2 118 118 118 Unit Lt A Pw 1 A) 17 9* 8* 8* Unit Lt A Pw <B) 1 8* 8*4 8* Unit Lt A Pw pf . 1 64* 64* 64* Unit Shlpyds B 6 3* 3* 3* Unit Shoe M *2* 75a 92* 92* 92* Unit S Mch pf 1.50 20a 41 41 41 US Poll (B) til 7 17* 17* 17* US&ISlutpfbl* 1 91* 91* . 91*1 U S Lines pf ‘ 12* 2* 2* U 8 Radiator 2 8* 8* 8* U 8 Rub Reclaim. 5 9* 8* 9* U 8 Stores 1st pf.. 10a 12 12 12 Unit Stores vtc... 6 1* 1 1* Unit Verde Ex (1) 86 4* 4* 4* Unit Wall Paper.. 17 6* 6* 5* Utah Apex 20 6* 6* 6* Utilities PAL (d) 8 1* 1* 1* Util P ALB (d).. 10 • 8 S Util P A L pf (d)..200i 28* 18* 18* Utility Baultles 5 6 6 5 Utility Eq pf b4* 100a 86 84 86 Valspar vtc- 4 9 8* 8* Valspar pf vtc.... 60a 70* TO* 70* Venezuela Mex O. 2 7* 7* 7* Venezuela Petrol. 2 2* 2* 1* Va Pub Svc Df(7). 10a 96* 96* 96* Vogt Mfg (b20c)_. 1 16 16 16 Waco Aircraft ... 1 8*4 8*4 8*4 Walker Minin* 88 4*4 4*4 4*4 Wayne Pump (BOo 29 42*4 41*4 42*4 Wentw’h Mf tl.20 2 .27 27 27 Well't'n Oil of Del 8 10*4 10*4 10*4 W Va C<*l & Coke 9 4*4 4*4 ' 4*4 Wll-low Cafeteria 1 1*4 1*4 1*4 Wilson Jon a2*4 2 58>4 68 68 Willson Prod ttl) 2 16 16 16 Wolverine Port C. 6 6*4 6*4 6*4 Wolv Tube<t40c). 9 J7*4 16*4 16*4 Woodley Pat t«0c. 1 9*4 9*4 9*4 Wrlabt Bara t«0c 17 7*4 7*4 7*4 Ygstn 8tl Door(2) t 70 69*4 69*4 Yukon Goldlalle) *6 8*4 8*4 8*4 Dividend rates in dollar* Based on last quarterly or semi-annual payment, tAn nual rat*—not Including extra*. (Ac cumulated dividends, a Paid last year, b Paid this year d Companies reported aa being in bankruptcy or In receivership, or being reorganised under tbs bankruptcy ect^or accuntlap assumed by Mob aout- 1 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued Prom Eighteenth Page.) 8:15 D m. Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 27* 234 Wegtvaco Chlor (1).. * 264 26 264-4 58 38 Wheeling Steel _ 6 50 484 50 - 4 110 108 Wheel-Stl pf <a«)_ 6 110 110 110 384 284 Whit* Motor _ 81 814 *»4 81 +4 184 154 White Rk M S (1.40). 8 174 174 174 - 4 64 64 White Sewing Mach.. 8 64 64 64 64 <4 Wllcos Oil ft Oas__ 4 64 64 64 + 4 12 84 Wilson & Co (60c)_ 94 114 114 114 + 4 664 564 Woolworth (2.40)_ 18 654 654 554 + 4 47 344 Worthington Pump.. 3 414 404 414 +14 994 81 Worth Pump pf (A). 100s 95 94 94 +1 1264 116 Wright Aero (al).__ 80s 119 1184 1184 -24 2:1ft p.m. Prev. 1037 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chge. 374 204 Yellow Tr A Coach— 466 364 334 354+24 142 123 YellTrACpf bl14—. 110a 140 1334 1384 -1 464 424 Young 8pr& W (t3)_ 4 44 44 44 -4 864 764 Youngstown 8 A T_ 87 84 4 824 844 + 4 404 S3 Zenith Radio (bSOe). 7 874 864 374 +1 34 74 Zonite Products- 18 74 74 74 Approximate Salas of Stocks on the N. T. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M_ 510,000 12:00 Noon 1,000,000 1:00 P.M_1.280.000 2:00 P.M. _1.520.000 Dividend rates as given in the above table are the annual cash naymente based on the latest quarterly or half-yearly declarations s Unit of trading less than 100 shares * Annual rate—not including extras t Accumulated dividends a Paid this year b Paid last vear d Companies eeDorted Ui receivership or being reorganised » Er dividend 9,900-Barrel Gain Brings Another Peak for Third Successive Week. BT the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 24.—Output of crude oil has moved up to a new record peak for the third successive week, the American Petroleum Insti tute reported today. Daily average gross crude oil pro duction in the United States increased 9,900 barrels in the week ended Feb ruary 20, totaling 3.295.950 barrels. Daily average production east of Cali fornia increased 17,600 barrels to 2,709.250 barrels. Reports received from refining com panies owning 88.8 per cent of the estimated daily potential refining ca pacity, and which was operated at 78.4 per cent of potential, indicate that the industry as a whole ran to stills 3, 065.000 barrels of crude oil daily. The daily average for the previous week, based upon refineries representing 88 8 per cent of the total capacity, and which operated at 77.2 per cent of their capacity, was 3,020,000 barrels. Finished and unfinished gasoline stocks at refineries, terminals, in transit and in pipe lines totaled 74. 798.000 barrels as of the end of the week, compared with 73.585,000 barrels as of the end of the previous week. Cracked gasoline production by companies owning 94.7 per cent of the potential charging capacity of all cracking units indicates that the in dustry as a whole produced an average of 695,000 barrels daily for the week, compered with 695.000 barrels daily for the previous week. RESERVE BOARD ISSUES CONDITION STATEMENT Br the dated Preis. The Federal Reserve Board s condi tion statement of weekly reporting member banks in 101 leading cities gave the following summary of prin cipal assets and liabilities on February 17, together with changes for the week and with the same week last year in millions of dollars: Feb 17. Feb 10. Feb 19, 1937. 1931. 1930. Loans and Invest ments—total 22.589 4- 34 + 1.489 Loans to brokers and dealers In N. Y. City 974 + 05 Outside N Y. 227 —10 — 49 Loans on securities to others (except banks) _ . - 2.012 4- 10 4- 45 Acceptances and commercial pa per bought_ 400 4- 1 4- 49 Loans on real es tate ... ... 1.149 — 8 Loans to backs_ 70 4- 4 -r < Other loans 4.130 r 13 -r 849 U. S. Govt, direct obligations 9.107 —14 4- 381 Obligations fully guaranteed by C. S. Govt. __ 1.210 — 0 + 13 Other securities_ 3.304 -r 5o -r lls Reserve with P. R. banks 5.333 —18 + 601 Cash in vault 379 —18 4 20 Balances with do mestic banks 2.321 -r 90 — 13 Demand deposits— adjusted 15.H04 -t- 52 + 1.492 Time deposits a.ll93 — 3 9- 204 U. S. Govt, deposits 383 — 51 — 141 Interbank deposits. Domestic banks 0.038 + 85 -r 379 Foreign banks 414 4- 7 +• 17 Borrowings _ 3 9- 3 4- 1 CRUDE OIL ADVANCED TEN CENTS A BARREL By the Associated Press. OIL CITY, February 24.—Prices of Pennsylvania grade crude oil ad vanced 10 cents a barrel today. The South Penn Oil Co. announced these new prices: In National transit lines, Bradford field, $2.67; Southwest Pennsylvania lines, $2.42; Eureka pipe lines, $2.37, and Buckeye pipe lines, $2.22. The change affects fields in West ern Pennsylvania, Northern West Vir ginia, Eastern Ohio and Southwestern New York. -• WAGES TO BE RAISED. ALGONAC, Mich., February 24 </P). —The Chris-Craft Corp. announced two general wage increases, ap plying to more than 700 hourly rate employes. One 5 per cent increase will be effective March 1 and another 5 per cent will be added on April 1. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, February 24—An ad vance of more than a cent a bushel in wheat prices today, the first sub stantial upturn the market has had since Friday, was regarded by traders as a technical reaction after the re cent decline. Constructive developments encour aging buyers included reports of bet ter Southwestern flour demand and failure of fresh moisture to appear in the Winter wheat belt. Dust storms were reported In Spring wheat territory. Wheat closed *4-144 above yester day's finish. May, 1.31%al.31%; July, 1.14%al.l5; and com was %-l cent up, May, 1.06'ial.06%; July, 1.01a 1.02. Oats gained %-l%, rye %-Vs and lard 7 to 12 cents. WHEAT— Opm. High. Low. Close. May lull's 1.32 1.30% 1.31%-% July 1.13% 1.15% 1.13% 1 14%-.15 Sep. 1.11% 1.12% 1.11 1.12 CORN— May. new 1 05% 1,004. 1.05% 1.00%-% May. old l.fKiVa July, new l.ul 1.02 1.01 1.07%-0l July, old .99% Sep „ .95 .95% .94% .95%-% OAT3— May _ 45% 47% .45% .47%-% July -- .42 .43 .42 .43 Sep. 39% 40% .39% .40% SOY BEANS— May ..1.54 1.55 1.53% 1.55 July ...1.51 1.52% 1.61 1.52% RYE— May 107% 107% 1.07 1 07% July .99 .99% .99 .HH3. 8ep .88% .89% .88% .89% BARLEY— May _ _ _ .82 LARD— Mar. 12.10 12 27 12 10 12 27 May _ 1240 12.50 12.37 12.50 July 1260 12.75 12.00 12.75 Sep 12.85 13.00 12.85 12 97 DFT T TVfi May 10 30 16 30 16 27 16 °7 July .. 10.52 1(17? 10.50 10.50 Chicago Cash Market. Wheat—No. 2 mixed, 1.35; com. No. 4 mixed, 1.06'2-07%; No. 3 yellow. 1.08%-09%; No. 4 yellow, 1.06-08%; No. 3 white. 1.11; No. 4 white, 1.08 09%; oats. No. 1 white, 50%; No. 2 white, 49«a; No. 3 white, 48-49; No, 4 white, 47%; soy beans, No. 3 yellow, 1.54%; barley feed, 80-95. nominal; malting, 1.00-44, nominal; timothy seed, per hundredweight. 6.00125: new, 5.75-6.00; clover seed, per hundred weight, 28.00-35.00. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE February 24 OP.—Wheat. No 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, 1.43’a: February. 1 43’.. Winnipeg Prices. WINNIPEG February 23 (Pi—Grain range today Prev High. Low. Close. Close. WHEAT— May 1 24'i 1.23 1.24 1.23*i-4. July 1.20i.jjs I20i. 1.10’.-’. October l.lo l 08‘. l.oo’2 i.(•;>1»-'« OATS— May ..VI3. .54'4 .54’, ,54’a COMMERCIAL FAILURES RISE TO 203 LEVEL B» the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 24 —Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., reported business failures in the United States in the five-day week ended February 18 at 203, the greatest since the period end ed May 14. 1936, in which the total was 206 for a six-day week. The latest aggregate compares with 172 in the preceding week and 210 in the like period a year previous. The Lincoln's birthday holiday inter vened in the most recent period. N. &W. INCOME SHOWS DECLINE IN JANUARY By the A latec Press. ROANOKE, Va., February 24.—The ( net income of the Norfolk & Western | Railway Co. for January was $2,135. j 838.88, a drop of $978,462.56 from the $3,144,301.44 income reported for De cember. 1936. It was disclosed in a statement of revenues, expense and net income, released at the general office here today. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. Febiuary 24 (Pi (United States Department ol Agriculturei.—Hogs. 21,000, including direct: mostly lnalS lower; spots 25 lower than Tuesday's average, bulk good and choice 180-300 pound. 0.05 alO.(15: practical top. 10.05: one outstand ing load. 10.15: bulk good sows. 9.25ai).50: lew, 0.00 and 0.05. Cattle ll.oOO: calves. 1.500: fed steers and yearlings slow: steady with Tuesday s decline. Monday strong advance erased ruesday and cattle now back to or slightly under late last week. Moderate carry over Tuesday, most early sales today. 7.75a 10.25. with good choice and prime offerings promising to bring ll.ooal4.25: stockers slow, demand centering on fairly well bred light yearmgs turning all the way from ti.50a7.75. according to Quality and flesh condition. Heifers steady: prime kinds. 12.25 on kosher accounts: bulk short fed o.oo down to 0.50: bulls steady at O. 50 down: vealers 25 to 50 lower at 0.50 down to 7.50. Sheep 0.000. Including 2.000: prac tically no earlv trading on fat lambs: bet ter kinds held steady; bidding unevenly lower: sheep steady. This advertisement is nnder no circumstance* to be construed as an offering of this Common Stock for sale, or as an offer to bay, or as a solicitation of an offer to buy, any of such Common • Stock. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. The Prospectus does not constitute an offering of any shares by aay uderwriter in any state in which such underwriter is not qualified to act as a dealer or broker. NEW ISSUE s United Specialties Company (A Delaware Corporation) 120,000 Shares Common Stock (Par Valae SI per share) Price $16.00 per share Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained only from such of the undersigned as are registered dealers in securities in this State. RUSSELL MAGUIRE & CO. INCORPORATED One Wall Street New York, N. Y. JOHNSTON, LEMON & CO. D. H. McKNEW & CO., Inc. Southern Bldg. Washington, D. C. 719 15th St. N.W. Washington, D. C. February 94, 1997. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 24—Active Liverpool and trade buying caused cotton to rally further today, but in creased hedge selling liquidation and realizing appeared on the advances. May, which had sold up to 12.49 from 12.57, reacted to 12.54 by mid aftemoon, when the market generally was 1 to 8 points net higher. Futures closed steady. 2 to 12 higher. High Low. Close. March _ 12.78 12.70 12.78 May _12.88 12.4ft 12.58 July _12.43 12,36 12.42-43 October _11.95 11,88 11.92-93 11 sb n.80-90 January .. 11.89 11 87 11.89h Spot steady: middling. 13.18. n—Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed firm. March. 10.74: May. 10.86; j July. 10 92: S?ptember, 10 87; October, , | 10 80. Sales, 260 contracts, including I > 04 switches. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. February 24 OPi.—Cot- I ton added 2 to 3 more poults at the opening today in Its advance toward higher levels. Most of the impetus for the upturn waa derived from good foreign markets. Liver pool particularly moved ahead briskly, March opened at New Orleans at 12 02. May at 12 47. July at 12.33 and December at 1104. Most of the buying came from domestic trade sources. Opinion in trade circles appeared to be unanimous that there would be a good de mand for the staple over the next few months, or until the new crop begins to move. Early weather reports w»re for the most part favorable Cottonseed oil futures opened steady. March 10 22b Mav. 10 20b July. 10,37b: September. 10.32b: October, 10.15b. | b—-Bid DOLLAR GOES DOWN IN LONDON DEALINGS By th« Associated Tress. LONDON, February 24 —The United States dollar declined 3-16 cent in the foreign exchange market today. The closing rate was $4 89 3-16 to the pound, unchanged from the over night New York rate. French francs remained unchanged at 105.12 francs to the pound. PARIS, February 24 (A*).—Three per cent rentes, 73 francs 50 cen times; 41* per cent rentes. 75 10. Exchange on London. 105.13. The dollar was quoted at 21.49. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 97. Potomac Electric Power 3]4S—$1,000 at 104. Capital Transit Co.—10 at 15!2. Riggs Bank pfd—9 at 1011*. Woodward & Lothrop pfd.—10 at 125. AFTER CALL. Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 9634. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid Asked. Xmer. Tel A Tel. 4'2s ... 108!* Anacostia & Pot. 5s _ 77 79 Ant & Pot. Guar. 5* 110!* C. & P. Tel. of Va. 5s_ 104 CaD. Traction R. R. 5s_ 90 97 City & Suburban 5s _ 86 88 Georcetown Gas 1st 5s_126 Pot. Elec Pow. :i’/.s_lost. 104V4 Wash. Oas 5s 1958 _KMPs 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1060 . 121‘a 125 Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s 106'« - MISCELLANEOUS Ool. Country Club 5'*s 105 -1 W. M. Cold Storaae 5s 100 - STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer. Tel. & Tel (91 175, .... I Capital Transit Co. bl.i'a 15% N. At W Steamboat (g6) 110 Pot. El. Pow. <i'e old. Mi' *112, 114% Pot. El. P. 6'4% Pi. (5 50) •113)4 Wash Gas Lt. Co. (3.60 8fi% 88% Wash. By. As El com (36) *725 | Wash. Ry. At El. old. (5) *110 110% BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. At Tr CO. (e8)._ 285 - Bank ol Bethesda (h.75)- 34 - Capital (4) 135 - Oom. At Saving* (a8)- 205 - Liberty (4) . -140 - Lincoln (16.25) __- 200 - Natl. Sav Ac Tr. ---- - 145 — Pr Oeorges Bk. At Tr. (.60) 18 21 Riggs (e8) 345 360 Riggs pfd (5) -101 - — Washington (0> - 133 — ! Wash. Loan At Tr. (e8) 2.o 310 FIRE INSURANCE. American (6) - 100 - Corcoran (5) 10O - Firemen's (1.60) *b-8 - National Union (.60)... 18 - TITLE INSURANCE i Columbia (.30) 12 17% Real Estate (8) 160 - -- MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Coro (2.00) 22 27 Lanston Monotype (t4i 95 Mergenthaler Linotype (5) *04 « m Peoples Drug S. com. (tl.on) d, (>0 ; Peoples Drug S Did. (8.50) 114 Real Est. M.AtG, of. I**.70> j>% «% Security Storage (5) l-O l-5 Ter Rel. At Wh. Corp. (3) 60 Wdwd. At Loth com. (t 1.50) .0 ,8 Wdwd. & Loth. Ofd. (<> 1-^ •Ex dividend. 550c*paldXMay 15. 1936: 50c paW Aug. 15 1936; 60e oald Nov. 10. 1936. a—4(» extra, e—20> extra. VngwiM Dee. 16- 1930. • • 25c>Cpa^d^ajune 30. 1936; 45c Belli December 22 1936. . 3Lb—50% stock dividtnd. WESTERN RAIL CHIEFS HAIL FREIGHT GAINS BT the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Febj^iary 24 —Sharp freight loading gains'on the Santa Pe and Union Pacific Railway systems provided an Important footnote to ob servers of business today. Samuel T. Bledsoe, chairman and j ! president of the Atchison, Topeka Si Santa Fe Railway, said carloadings on the company’s lines for the first 19 days of the month indicated an aver age Increase of about 20 per cent. Testimony of Union Pacific’s gain was offered by Carl Gray, president of the road. He said thus far in Febru ary, operating revenues have been showing a sharper Increase over a year ago than in recent months. This he attributed to freight traffic. CHANGE IN FREIGHT MINIMUM IS ASKED Br the Associated Press. The Mlssouri-Hlinois Railroad Co. asked the Interstate Commerce Com mission today to modify an order fixing a minimum rate of 45 cents per 100 pounds on pick-up and delivery traffic between St. Louis and line points in Illinois. The application said Imposition of the minimum rate makes the carrier unable to meet motor highway com petition. American Crystal Orders $1.50 a Share—50 Cents Paid Previously. By the / Press. NEW YORK, February 24—A divi dend of $1.50 a share was announced on common stock of the American Crystal Sugar Co., with headquarters at Denver. It is payable March 15 to holders of record March 5. The company previously paid 50 cents a share, re suming dividends at that rate last October. Wesson Oil A Snowdrift. Wesson Oil <Ss Snowdrift Co., with general offices at New Orleans, de clared an extra dividend of 50 cents a share and the regular quarterly div idend of 12V£ cents on the common, payable April 1 to holders of record March 15. A similar extra was paid January 2. The company produces vegetable oils. syminfion-uouia. Symington-Gould Corp. announced an initial dividend of 10 cents on the capital stock, payable March 31 lo stock of record March 19. Company, formed in 1936 through merger of Gould Coupler and Symington Co. produced railway supplies, with plants at Rochester and Depew, N. Y. Bridgeport Brass. Bridgeport (Conn.) Brass Co., de clared-a quarterly dividend of 15 cents on common stock, payable March 31 to stock of record March 5. Previously the company paid 10 cents quarterly. Hygrade Svlvania. Hygrade Sylvania Corp., producer of lamps, with headquarters at Boston and plants at Salem, Mass.; Clifton, N. J„ and Emporium and St. Marys, Pa., declared a quarterly dividend of 75 cents on the common stock, pay able April 1 to stock of record March 10. A quarterly of 50 cents was paid January 2 last. Hercules Powder Co. Directors of Hercules Powder Co. de clared a dividend of $1.50 a share on the common stock, payable March 25 to holders of record March 12. The com pany paid varying dividends last year, including a year end disbursement of $2 and $1.25 quarterly In June and September. OPTION EXERCISED NEW YORK. February 24.—Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. notified tne New York Stock Exchange that the option granted F. Eberstadt & Co. for purchase of 23.000 shares of common stock, previously held In the treasury, had been exercised in full, and that the company no longer holds any common shares in the treasury. SANTA FE OPENS BIDS. NEW YORK. February 24 OP).— Bids were opened today by Atchisor. Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad on $13 - 800,000 of 2*4 per cent equipment trust ‘certificates, the first issue put out by the road since before the turn of the present century. Jewel Tea Co.—Sales. 4 weeks end ed January 30, were up 13.7 per cent. p An Investment Sought BUT RARELY FOUND ARE YOU SEEKING SAFETY of Principal GOOD RETURN ANNUITY for Old Age INFLATION Hedge WE HAVE just that type of in vestment. P A Business Property leased §' to a National concern, . | with a Triple "A" rating, 0 for a term of years in on established and growing p business center. This prop E erty has all of the above P requirements, and in addi p tion the income leaves, E after deducting all ex y penses, a substantial sur E plus with which to pay for / itself. For Full Particulars Consult R. MARBURY STAMP Cr CO. Southern Bldg. District 8157 "Buy Real Estate, It Is Safer" i'