Newspaper Page Text
Rally Follows Treasury An nouncement of March Note Financing. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust Util. P'cn Net change..Unc. -KlUnc. +.1 Today noon. 97.3 103.9 101.5 73.8 Prev. day... 87.3 103.8 101 5 73.7 Month ago. 97.8 104.4 102.0 73.5 Year ago... 93.5 103.7 101.6 71.2 1937 high... 99 0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 97.3 103.8 101.5 73.0 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low_ 86 9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low_ 45 8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _110.9 Prev day. 111.0 Month ago 112.6 Year ago. 111.3 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 110.8 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by tne Associated Pres».> Bsr the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 25.—A brisk rally in United States Treasury obli gations today followed Secretary Mor genthau’s announcement the Govern ment would restrict its March 15 financing to refunding a maturing $500,000,000 note issue. Many bond men had looked for a moderate-sized offering to raise addi tional cash, aside from refinancing. The Treasury's plan to obtain $500. 000,000 wc.kly through increasec1 bill offerings wui greeted with relief in a market which has been very wobbly sin the Reserve Board boosted re serve requirements of member banks a second time. Top-grade corporate bonds were in vigorated by the upturn in the Gov ernment list and rallying power was stimulated after yesterday’s sharp sell-off. Second-grade rails also re covered. aided by favorable carloading figures from individual roads. INVESTING COMPANIES ^ NEW YORK. February 25 (£>).—New York Security Dealers’ Association. (Noon quotations.) Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2d Inc . 20.27 21.56 Am Business Shrs_ 1.3<» 1.43 Am Gen Eq Inc _ 1.15 1.28 Am Ins Stocks _ 5 125 Bancamer Blair _ 12.625 13.625 Bank Group Shrs _ 2.11 2.28 Bankers’ Nat Inv Corp 4.on 4.625 Basic Industry . .__ 5.45 Broad St Inv _ 36.53 30.09 Bullock Fund _ _ 23:6(1 25.25 Corporate Trust _ 3.ok Corporate Trust A A_ 2.03 _ Corp Tr A A mod _ 3.70 _ Com Tr Accum Ser . 2.03 _ Corp Tr Acc Mod__ 3.7* - Cumulative Tr Sh _ 6.75 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y "A" ... 2.88 _ Depos Ins Shrs “A” _ 3.82 - Drdos Ins Shrs “B”_ 3.62 - Diversified Tr C _ 5.30 Dividend Shrs _ 2.08 2.23 Equity Corn ?3 pf_41.5o 44.50 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 29.15 31.40 First Boston Corp- 44.375 45.7 5 Fixed Trust 8h A _ 14.00 Fixed Trust Sh B- 11.62 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.26 5.56 Fund Investors Inc- 25.81 27.26 Fund Tr 8hrs A_ 6.60 7.38 Fund Tr Shrs B- 6.04 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.40 8.04 Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.93 2.09 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.56 1.69 Group Sec Building - 2.33 2.5, Group Sec Chemical_ 1.68 1.82 3roup Sec Food - 1.05 1 15 Group Sec Invest Shrs_ 1.79 1.94 Group Sec Merchandise- 1.52 Group Sec Mining 1.92 2.08 Group Sec Petroleum- l.o2 1 go Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.83 1.98 Group Sec 8teel _ 2.15 2.32 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.18 1.29 Huron Holding -^ .88 1.28 Incorp Investors _2* .08 29.12 Insurance Group Shrs_ 1./9 1.9.s Investors Fd "C" Inc -16.7o 1 <-1 o Kevston Oust Fund B-3-76.7o Major Shrs Corp - 3..175 Maryland Fund _ 10o2 1150 Mass Invest Tr _30.63 31.86 Mutual Invest _ 17.01* 10.67 Nation Wide Sec _ 4.88 4.0* Nation Wide Voting _ 2.26 2.42 N. Y. Bk Tr Shrs 4.5(1 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 64.25 68.50 Nor Am Tr Shares _ - 2.88 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1055- 3.74 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1056 _ 3.67 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1058 _ 3.46 Plymouth Fund Inc _ .08 1.00 Quarterly Income Sh . 18 on 20.80 Selected Am Sh _ 4.30 Selected Am Sh Inc_16.08 1, .44 Selected Cumul Sh-11.Ut . - - Selected Income Sh_ 5 81 - Selected Indus cv of _- 77.75 78.,5 Spencer Trask Fund_ 23.14 73.86 Stand Am Tr Shrs- 4.45 4..0 Stand Util Inc - 1.13 1.22 Super of Am Tr A_ 4.42 - Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.04 - Super of Am Tr B- 4 62 - Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.04 - Super of Am Tr C_ 8 45 - Suner of Am Tr D - 8 45 Supervised Shrs 15.11 16.43 Trustee Stand Inv C_ 3.28 . . _ Trustee Stand Inv D- 3.21 Trusteed Am Bk “B"- 1.03 1.14 Trusteed Industry Shrs_ 1.61 l.<8 Wellington Fund _ 21.46 23.51 DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. February 25 —Dividends declared 'prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Corp): Passed. Pe- Stic, of Pay Rate. rlod. record, able. Hartford & Conn West ern R R 2% ltd _ _ _ Extra. Hew Jersey Zinc 60c 2-26 3-10 Regular. Am Bex Board 25c 3-20 4-1 Am Box Board pf 17%c Q 2-18 3-1 Electric Auto-Lite _ 60c 3-18 4-1 Haverty Furniture 10c 2-19 2-25 Holland Furnace $5 pf $1.25 t \Jf *C 4-1 Home Fire & Marine Insur 50c Q 3-5 3-15 Nat Breweries 50c Q 3-16 4-1 Nat Breweries 7*5* pf 44c Q 3-15 4-1 Van Norman Mach Tool _..40c 3-10 3-20 -1-. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK, February 25 OP).—New York Security Dealers Association: (Quotations as of 2 o’clock.) Bid Asked. Bk of Man_ 38 40 Bankers Tr 79 81 cen Han Bk A- Tr_143., 146 Chase Nat _ 60'a 62% Chem Bk & Tr_ 76 78 Commercial _ 230 23b Cont Bk & Tr •_ 20 21% Corn Ex Bk & Tr_ 71 % 72% Empire Tr _ 35% 36% First Nat iBos)___ 58% 60% First Natl _2540 2580 Guaranty Tr _ 378 383 Irvine Tr _ 18% 19% Manufacturers Tr -- 66 68 Manufacturers Tr pf_ 54,, 66 Natl City_ 57% o9% N Y Trust_152 155 Public . _ 64% 66% Title G & T_ 17% 18% i; ___ ' PARIS BANK CHANGES. PARIS. February 25 0P>.—The Bank of France statement for the week ended February if) (in millions of francs): fight balances abroad 14 • Bills purchased abroad 1,294 • Discounted commercial bills —France _ 7.604 +101 Temporary advances to . slate (prior to 6-18-361 12.272 •_ Temporary advances to state (since 6-18-36) 7.500 •_ Advances against securi ties _ 3.593 — 62 Circulation _ 85,380 —549 fttal credit to current accounts - 18.227 +458 10-day advances ac&inst government securities 881 — 46 Rate of discount. 4 Per cent. •Unchanged. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. February 25 '/Pi.—Foreign exchange steady; Great Britain in dollars, ethers in cents. Great Britain, demand. 4.89; cables. 4.89: 00-day bills. 4 88: France, demand. 4.65,/s: cables. 4.85l«: Italy, demand. 5.26'n: cables. 5.2ti'/a. De mands: Belgium. 10.85‘,2; Germany, free. 40.2.T/4; registered. 20.00; travel. 22.10; Holland. 54.78 Norway. 24.57: Sweden, 25.22: Denmark. 21.84; Finland. 2.17: Switzerland. 22.81: Spain, unauoted: Por tugal 4.48: Greece. .90; Poland. 18.98: Czechoslovakia 3.40; Yugoslavia. 2.34: Austria. 18.73n: Hungary. 19.80: Ru mania .75: Argentina. 32.80n; Brazil.'/an: Tokio. 28.52: Shanghai. 20.75: Hongkong. 30.50: Mexico City 27.80: Montreal in New York. 100.00: New York In Montreal. 100.00. j'ft—Noaun*]. * I BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY. Hlch. Low. 3:55. 24s 1949*68_101.1* 101.10 101.14 2 Si s 1945-47_ 108.12 106.12 106.12 24S 1948-51_ 104.6 108.80 104.6 24s 1961-64_ lt'8.1* 108.18 108.14 24s 1966 59_ 103.16 109.12 108.16 24s 1956-80__ 104.26 104.22 104.24 38 1946-48_ 107.9 107.6 107.8 3s 1961-55 __ 106.26 106.19 106.26 14s 1946-49_ 109.2 108.1 108.1 348 1949-62_ 108.3 108.2 108.2 3 4s 1941 _107.26 107.25 107.25 84s 1944-46. 108.10 108.10 108.10 84s 1941-43 Mar. 108. 108. 108. 34s 1946-56_ 118.1 112.28 118.1 48 1944-64_ 114.18 114.11 114.18 44S-34S 1943-46 108.10 108.9 108.10 44* 1947-62. 119.22 119.19 119.28 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 24s 1942-47_ 104.2 104.2 104.2 3s 1947.. 105.6 106.6 106.8 3a 1949 _ 105.7 105.5 106.7 3s 1949 ree_ 106. 105. 106. 34s 1964 _ 106.28 105.26 106.28 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 24* 1942-44. 102.18 102.18 102.18 24s 1939-49_ 102.24 102.19 102.28 3s 1952_ 104.29 104.23 104.29 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:55. Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s’53. 92 92 92 Antloqula 7s 46 A_ 1«H 16)4 16)4 Antioquia 7s '45 B._ 16)4 16)4 16)4 Antioquia 7s'45 C—— ,16 16 16 Antloqula 7s 45 D__ 16 16 16 Argentine 5 H® 62_101)4 lul)4 lulH Argentine 6s 57 A_102)4 I02H 102)4 Argentine 6s '58 B- 101 101 101 Argentine 6s'69 June. 101 100)4100)4 Argentine 6s'59 Oct . 102)* 101)4 193 Argentine 6s'60 May. 102)* 101)4 102 Argentina 6s '60 Sept. 102H 102)4 102)4 Argentine 6s'60 Oct_ 102)* 102 102 Argentine 6s'61 Febr. 102 101)4 102 Argentine 6s '61 Mayj 102)* 102 102)4 Australia 4s'66- 1001* 100)4 100*4 Australia 5s 57_ 106)4 106)4 106)4 Belgium 6s ’56_ 106)4 106)4 106)4 Belgium 7s 55-116 116 U6 Berlin Elec 6)is'51_ 24)4 24)4 24)4 Berlin Elec 6**s'59_ »3t* 28)* 28)4 Brisbane 6s 'SO _ 102 102 102 Brazil 6)48’26-'57_ 47)4 464 46)4 Brazil 6 )ii'27-'57_ 46** 46)* 46)4 Brazil 7s'52_ 46 46)4 46)4 Brazil 8s 4l.. 6**4 62)4 6214 Buenos A C 3s'84_ 62 62 62 Buenos Alrss 4)48-3 *48 '77 Pt_ 79)4 79)4 79)4 Buenos Aires 4)4s-4)4s,76 April.. 791* 79)4 79)4 Bus A1 4)48-4*48 '75— 81)4 61 81)4 Bulgaria 7)4s '68 May coupon oft_ 26)4 26)4 36)4 Canada 2H»'45_ 100 100 100 Canada 3 *4" '61_100)* 10u)4 100)4 Canada 4s'60_107V* 106)* 107)4 Canada 5s'62_111)4 111)4 111)4 Chile 6s'60 _ 22)4 22 22H Chile 6s '61 Jan_ *2 21)4 22 Chile 6s '61 Febr_ 22 21)4 22 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 22 21)* 22 Chile 6s'62_ 22 21)4 22 Chile 6s'63_ 22 211* 22 Chile 7s'42 _ 22)4 *2 2*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6s‘61_ 18)* 17)4 18)4 Chile Mtg Bk 6s '62 .. 18)4 17)* 18>* Chile Mtg Bk 6Hs'57. 18*4 17)4 181* Chile Mtg Bk 64*8’61. 18*4 17)* 18*» Chilean Mun L. 7s’40.. 16)4 16)* I6H Colombla6s 61 Jan_ 36)* 36)* 36)* Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 36 36 35 Copenhagen 6s'52__ 100 100 100 Cordoba 7s'42 Prv_ 97)4 97*4 97*4 Cuba 6**s 45 ... 67)4 67H 67** Czechoslovakia 8s'51. 104‘* 104)4 •04*4 Denmark 4)*s 62_ 100)4 100)4 I00>* Denmark 6s 42 _106 106 105 Dominic 1st 5)*s'40_ 81 81 81 Dominic 2d 6)4s'40 .. 81 81 81 Dominic 1st 5**8 42.. 81)4 *1)4 81)4 Finland 6s 45_ 106)* 106)* 106)* Ger Gov 5*4*'65 at 26 25** 2414 Qer Gov 5*4s 65 un St 22)4 22)* 22)* ! Gsr Rep 7s '49 stpd . 32)* 81)4 32)4 Grt C El Jap 6**s'60.. . 6 86 86 1 Greek Gov 6s'68 _ 34 83 38 Haiti 6s 52 _ 98 98 98 Hamburg St 6s’46_ 23)4 18*4 28)* 4rlsh Free State 5s '60 113)4 113)4 113)4 Italy 7s 61 92t* • m »2 Ital P U Crd 7s ’52_ 81)4 81 81 Japan 5*4s'65_ 82)4 81 81 Japan 6**s'54_ 96 96 96 Kreug&Toll 5s ‘59 cfg. 44)4 44)4 44)4 Medelln 6*4* 54 14)4 14 14)4 Mex 4s 10-’45 asst sm 6)4 6)4 6)4 Mex 4s'54 asst _ 7 6** 7 Milan 6HS '62 - 78)4 78*4 78)4 MinasGars 6**s '69 Sept coupon on_ 32)4 *2)4 32)4 Montevideo 7s’52__ 67)i 67)4 67)4 Nord Ry 6**s '50_ 106*4 106 106H Norway ‘ *4s'65_ 101)4 101)4 101*.* Norway 4'56_J03 103 ITS Norway 6s '63 _ 100 10fl 100 Norway 6s 43_ 106** 106** 106** Norway 6s 44.. 107)* 107 107)4 j Oriental Dev 6s '63 ... 79 79 79 Paris Orl Ry 5**s ’68. 100)* 100)* 100*4 Pertambuco 7s '47 Sept coupon off_ 305* 30 30 Peru 6s'60- 245* '2414 245* Peru 6s '61- 245* 245* 245* Peru 7s'69- 26 265* 265* Poland 6s '40- 545* 645* 64H i Poland 8s'60 ... 65 645* 55* Porto Alegre 7 5*s ’*6 July coupon off_ 30 SO 30 Porto Alesre 8s ’61 June coupon off_ 8254 *154 *154 Queensland 7a’41_118 113 113 Rhur Chemical 6s’48.. 235* 235* 285* Riode Jan 65**'61 Aug coupon off_ 825* >8 825* Rio de Jan 8s '46 April coupon off,... 38 86 88 Rio Gr do Sul 8s ’68 J une coupon off _ 825* 825* 82 Rio Gr do Sul 7s ’66 May coupon off _ 82 815* 815* Rio Gr do Sul 7s ’*7 June coupon off _ 315* 815* 815* Rio Gr do Sul 8s‘46 April coupon off_ 8454 84*4 8454 RomeS%s’62 _ 815* 8154 8154 Sao Paulo C65*s ’67 May coupon off_ 3054 805* 305* Sao Paulo St 7s'40_ 96*i 96»4 965* Sao Paulo C 8s ’62 coupon off ..... 365* 36** 365* Sao Paulo St 6s '68 July coupon off _ 3054 S05* 805* Serhs 7s -62 unm c o._. 805* 30 30 Serbs 8s'62 unm c o... 805* 8054 8054 Silesia Prov 7s'68 _ 48 48 48 Siemens* H 6H8’61.. 62 82 62 Sydney 65*s ’65 _ 1045* 1045* 1045* Taiwan Elec 65*s’71._ 765* 7554 755* Toklo E L Ltd 6s *68 805* 80 80 Un Stl Wks 65*S '61 A. 29 29 29 Uruguay 6s 60_ 685* 685* 685* Uruguay 6s’64_ 68 675* 675* Warsaw 7s’68_ 4 8 4 75* 4754 Tokohoma 6s 61_. . 825* 82 825* DOMESTIC IONDS. Ala Grt South’n 4a "43 108*4 108*4 108*4 Alb Per W P 6s”48 ww 69 69 69 AUeg Corp 6a '44 10014 10014 100*4 AUeg Corp 6s 49 . 95 94*4 95 Allee Corp Ea ’60 atp 67*4 66*4 67 Allied Stores 414S‘50 10014 too 10014 Allied Stores 414s‘51. 100*4 10014 100*4 Am & For Pw 6s 2030 63*4 63 83*4 Am Ice c* 6a‘53 93 793 93 Am l GCh 614 s 49_ 109*4 109 109*4 Am Inti 6 Ha ’49 106*4 106 106*4 Am Tel & Tal 314a‘61. 100*4 100*4 100*4 Am Tel & Tel 314a‘66 100*4 100 100*4 Am TAT 414s ‘39 ... 101*4108*4108*4 Am T A T 6%s 43... 112 112 112 Am T F 214B-6s‘38-’60 182*4 WOW. 180*4 Am Writ Paper 6t‘47. 91*4 90*4 90*4 Am Writ Pa 6a 47 cfs. 91K 91 91*4 Anaconda deb 414e‘60 106*4 105*4 106*4 Ann A 1st ez In 4s ‘95. 78*4 73*4 73*4 Ark A M BAT 6s ’64... 103*4 10SJ4 103*4 Armour A Co 414s ‘39 104 104 104 Armourtn#llist 4s‘55 99*4 99*4 99*4 Armour A Co Del 4s 5 7 98*4 98*4 98*4 Armstrong Ck 4s ‘60 106 106*4 106 A T&S Fe adj 4a ‘96 at 107*4 107*4 107*4 A TAS Fe gen 4a ‘95 111 110*4 l10*< Atlanta A Birm 4s‘33_ 36*4 84*4 84*4 Atl Coast L. clt 4s 62 97 96*4 9614 Atl Coast List 4a‘52. 103*4 103*4 163*4 Atl Coast Lina Es ‘46.. 106*4 106*4 105*4 Atl O A W IBs ‘59 81 81 81 Atl Refining deb 6s’37 101*4 101*« 101*4 B AO 1st 4s 48_ 106*4 106*4 106 B AO 4*4s 60 - 78*4 78 78*4 B & O 1st 5s '48 ... 113 112*4 112*4 B A O ref 6s 2000 D 92*4 91 81 Balto A O ref 5a '96 A. 92*4 92 82 B A O 6s 96 F _ 92 91 91 B & O ref 6a 95 C_ 102*4 102*4 102*4 B A O Swn 6a ‘60 _ 106 105*4 >06 Bell T of Pa 68 4* B- 117*4 117*4 117*4 Bell T of Pa 6s ’60 C.„ 126*4 126*4 126*4 Beth Steel 3 *4a ‘66 ... 97H 97*4 *7*4 Beth Steel 4*4a‘60_104*4 104*4 104*4 Bos A Me 4*»s ‘61 J_ 63*4 83*4 88*4 Bos ft Me 6a '66_ 90 90 |> High. tow. 2:B5. Bob A Ms 6»'67. 879* 87X 8794 Boston N Y A L 4s'61- 819( 819* SIX Bot Con M 8948 ‘34- S6X «« 86 BotCon M 694s’S4ct_. 86 8594 8194 Bklyn Ed con 194>*68.. 108 10294 103 Bklvn Man T 4 948-68- 10* 10144 10114 Bklyn Un Gas 6e '46... 118 118 118 Bklvn Un El 6s'60._11894 USX U3X Bklyn Un Gas 6s'60... 104X 104X 104X Brown Shoe 894 s'50 . 106X 105X 106X Buff RAP con 4 94s'57. 8194 81X 819* Bush Term 1st 48’62.. 87 87 87 Camag 7a 42 ctfs .. 82 82 82 Can dian N R 4 94s '51. 11194 11194 11194 Can dian N R 4 94s'66. 112X U2 112 Can'dlan N R 4 94s’67. 112 112 112 Can’dlan N 6s’69 July. 11544 11694 US94 Can’dlan N 6s’69 Oct.. 116 USX USX Can dian N db 6 94s’46 123X 128X 128X Can dian P db 4s perp 86X »8X 86X Can dian Pao 494s ‘48. 103X 10394 103X Can dian Pso 4 94s '6o 108X 108X 10SX Can’dlan Pao 6s’44 cfs U8X U8X U8X Can'dlan Pao 6s’64 .. 107X 107X 107M Car A Gen 6s ’60 ww__ 10694 106 106 Caro Cl A O 6s '62 A_ 108X 108X 10894 Cent Br UP 4S 48_ 869*. 86X 86X Cent of Ga con 6s'46— 84X 34X 84X Cent of Ga 6s '69 C_ 20X 2094 2% Cent Ga Chat 48'61_ 82X 89X 39X Cent 111 E A U 6s '61 10394 10394 1039* Central 111 Lt 394s’66. 10694 10594 10694 Cent N England 4s'61. 7 4 7894 74 Cent of NJ gn 6s'87rg. 76 76 76 Cent Pao 1st rf 4s '49.. 108 108X 10894 Cent Pao 6s '60 _1U2X 10244 102X Cert’d deb 6 94 s'48_ 96X 86X 96* Chesap C cv 6s '44_ 180 180 180 Chesap Corp 68 '47_ 14894 14894 148H ChesA0 3l*a 96 D_ 9994 99 93X Ches AO 394 s 96 E—. 99!* 99 99H CAOgen 4 94s‘92_121 121 121 040 con 6s '39_ 10894 108 10894 Chi A Alt ref 3S'49_ 68 u, 68 68 Chi B & Q gen 4a '58 .. 11294 U2 112 Chi B A G 111 dv 4s 49. 1104* 110 110 Cht A E 111 5s '61 _ 42X 42 42X Chi A E 1116s'51 ctfs-. 42X 4194 4IX Chi A Erie 1st 6s '82_ 120X 120** 120X Chi Grt West 48'69_ 49X 48X «8X Chll A L gen 6s 68— 2494 2494 2494 Chi lnd A L gen 6s '66. 24X 24X 2494 Chi Ind A So 4s '56_ 10394 103X 1039* C M St P 4s 89.. 639* bsh «»H CMAStP gn 4 948 ‘89 C. 67 67 67 CMASt P 6s 75_ 8SX 8294 32X CMAStPAPadJ 6s2000 129* 114* UX Ch ANW gen 2 94s '87.. 469* 469* 4694 Chi A NW gen 4s 87—. 49X 49X 499* Chi ANW 4 9*8 2037-.. 86 84X 3494 Chi ANW 4 94S 2037 C- 369* 849* 34’/* Chi ANW 4 9*8 49 — 23X 22X 22X Chi A NW gen 6s 87— 639* 639* 639* Chi A NW rf as 2037— 85** 36»* 364* CAN W Nr W 694*'36.. 60V* 6u 609* 1 Chi R l&Prf 4S 34 .. 24 234* 234* Chi R l&Prf 4s'34ctf- 215* 204* 204* Chi R l&P gen 4s'88 — 414* 404* 414* Chi R I&P 44i* '52 234* 23 234* Chi R l&P 4V*s '»2 Ctf. 214* 204* 214* Chi R l&P 44*5 60 ... 144* 134* 134* Chi T H&S 1st 55 60._ 385* 88 88 Chi T H&S Inc 6s'60._ 80 80 80 Chi & W In con 4s 52. 1044* 1044* 1044* Chi & W Ind 4 4*5 62.. 1024* 102 10*4* Chi Un Sta 4s 63_ 108 108 lip Childs & Co 6s’43- 915* 81 915* Cin G & E 344S'66_ 1024* 102 10244 Cln Un Ter li„ih std lost* 1064* 10*5* CCCASt L rf 44*s '77 & 864* 8«4» 964* Clev Clifts Ir 4 4*s'50. 108 108 108 Clev El 111 33*s 65 ... 1084* 1084* 1084* Clev Short L 4V*s 61.. 1135* 1184* 1135* Clev Un Tel 4 4*s 77 1U44* 1044* 1044* Clev Un Term 5s 73 B 1074* 107 107 Colo Fuel & Ir 6s 70._ 844* 8444 814* Columbia G&E deb 5s ‘52 April _ 104 104 104 Columbia G & E 5s 52 May _ 1045* 104 104 Columbia G&E 5s'61.. 1041, lu34* 1034* Colum Ry P&L 4s '65. 106 106 106 Cornel Credit 3 4»s'51. 99 98 98 Cons Ed NY 3 4*8 46 n 1065* 10644 1054* Cons Ed NY 34s* ’56 n 104 1034* 1034* Cons Gas NY 4 4*8'61. 1084* 1064* 1064* Consol 011 3 4;s '51 .. 1045* 1045* 1044* Consum Pwr 2 44s 66 .. 1015* 1014* 1015* C< nsum P un 3 4*s '65 . 1034* lo34* 1034* Cons Pwr 3 4*s'70 . 1035* 1034* 1035* Consum Pwr 3?*s'65_ 1074* 107 107 Cuba R R 6s ’36 ctfs ... 604* 604* 604* Cuba Norton 6 V*s 42. 68 685* 685* Del & Hud ref 4s'43 _. 935* 924* 934* Del & Hud 5 4*3'37 ... 1004* 1004* 1004* Den & R G con 48'31.. 844* 344* 345* Den & R G 44*8 '86_ 344* 341* 044* Den & RG W 6s 66... 22 214* 214* Den & RGW 6s'55ssst. 205* 204* 204* Den & R G ref 6s '78 . 285* 285* 285* Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs. 8 9 9 Det Edison 3 4*8 66 . 105 106 106 Det Edison 4 4*s‘61 D. 1134* 1184* 1134* Det Edison 5s'52_ 1075* 1075* 1075* Dul 8 S & At 6s‘37_ 685* 68V* 684* Duques Dt 4Vis’57 B.. 1065* 1065* 1065* Ed El 111 NY 5s'95_ 137 137 187 Erie cv 4s'53 A_ 915* 905* 901* Erie cons 4s'96_ 103 1 025* 103 Erie gen 4s 96_ 894* 89 88 Erie ref 6» 67_ 864* 86 864* Eri# ref 6s 75.. 864* 86 86 Fairbks Morse 4s '66.. 1035* 1*35* 1035* Fla E C Ry as '74 .. 184* 184* 18|* Fla EC Rv 5s'74 ctfs. 184* 18 184* Fond J&G 2s-4s '82 ct. 45* 45* 45* Gen Mot ACC 3s 46 .. 102»4 1021* 102*4 Gen Mot Aas 3 44 s'51.. 102 101*4 101*4, Oen Stl Cast 5*4s '43_»s*4 03(4 93*4 Ga & Ala 5s'45 _ 43 42*4 42*4 Goodrich 4 44 a ‘56_101*4 101 101 Goodrich 6s 45 . 106*4 106*4 106*4 Goodyear TAR 6s'57 . 104*4 104 104 Goth Silk H 6s'46 ww. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Great N Ry 4s 46 G .. 12«H 123*4 (24 Great N Ry 4s 46 H ... 108*4 108*4 108*4 Grt N R Ken 4%s'77 E. 106*4 105 106*4 Grt N R Ken 6s'73 C_114*4 114*4 114*4 Green Bay 6s *62 B_ 12*4 1**4 12*4 Gulf M&N6s’60_ 102*4 102*4 102*4 Gulf M A N 6*4* ’50... 106 106 106 Gulf Sta Stl 6 *4 s '42_ 92*4 99*4 99*4 Har Ry P C 1st 4s '54.. 97 96*4 97 Hoe (R) 1st mtf '44_ 96 96 96 Houston 011 6 *is'40._ 102*4 102*4 102*4 Hudson Coal 6s '62 . .. 49*4 49 49*4 Hudson Co G 1st 5s’49. 120 120 120 Hud A Man Inc 6s '67.. 33*4 33*4 33*4 Hud A Man ref 6s *57.. 83 82*4 82*4 111 Bell Tel 3 *4s '70_ 107*4 137*4 107*4 111 Cent 3*4a '52 _ 87*4 87 87 111 Cent col tr 4s’52_ 91*4 91*4 91*4 111 Cent col tr 4i'63_ 878 67*4 67*4 111 Cent ref 4s'65__ 92*4 92*4 92*4 111 Cent 4*4s 66 _ 77** 76*4 77*4 111 Cent St L 3s '61_ 92 92 92 111 Cent Spr 3 *4s '51... 100*4 100*4 100*4 ICC&StL N 04*4s’63__ 84 83*4 84 ICCAStL N O 6s 63... 90*4 89*4 90 Inland Stl 3*4 e 61_ 108*4 103*4 103*4 Int R T 1st rf Be '66 96*4 96 95 I R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs 94*4 94*4 94*4 Int RT 6s 32 - 49*4 49*4 49*4 Int R T 6s '32 ctfs_ 44 44 44 Int R T 7s '32 ctfs_ 85*4 85*4 85*4 Interlake 6s '61 - 102*4 102*4 102*4 Int Grt Nr 6s 56 B._„ 86 86*4 36 Int Grt Nr 6s'66 C_ 36 34*4 36*4 Int Grt Nr 6s'62 A_ 86*4 36*4 36*4 Int Grt NradJ 6s'52 A. 14*4 13*4 14*< Int Hydro Eleo 6s *44.. 86 88*4 84*4 Int Mer Marine 6s’41. .80 80 80 Int Pap 1st 6a '47A_101*4 101*4 101*4 Int Pap ref 6s ‘55 _ 99 99 99 Int TATct <<*• 39_ 87*4 87 87 Int TAT 4 He '62_ 72 71*4 72 Int TAT 6s 56 _ 78 77*4 78 Iowa Cent istArf4s'61 6*4 5*4 6*4 James FAC 4s’39 _ 97*4 97*4 97*4 JoneaAL. Stl 4 *4 s’6I A 108*410**4108*4 Kans C F SAM 4s '36 64*4 83*4 64 Kan CFSAM rf4s'36ct 60*4 <0 60*4 Kans C So 1st 3a 50 91 90*4 90*4 Kans City So ref 6s '60 97*4 97*4 97*4 Kan C Term 1st 4s '60. 106*4 106*4 106*4 Kans G &E4Hs '80— 102*4 10254 102*4 Keith 6s *46 . _ 98*4 98*4 98*4 KyAInd T 4%s'61 pl_. 109*4 109)4 109*4 Kinas County El & Pw pur mon 6s ’97__ 166 156J4 166 KlnjreCo El 48*49_ 107 107 107 Kreste Found 4s'46_ 108*4 108*4 108*4 Laclede G 664s'63 C— 6744 6744 #744 Laclede G 664s ‘60 D_8764 87 87 Laclede Gas 6s‘42 B._ 87 67 67 Lake S&M SO 344s‘97. 106 106 106 Lautaro Nltr 6s‘64 . 39 88 89 Lautaro Nit 6s ‘64 efs. 89 8844 89 Leb CAN 444a'64 A .. 102 102 102 LV NT 1st 4s ‘46 gtd._ 9144 9164 9144 LV NT 4 46s '40 (ftd-1026* 1026* 1026; Leh Val Har 6a 64_ 1056* 1066* 1066* Leh Val Term 5s '41_ 1076* 1074* 1076* Leh V Peon 4s2003 .. 6944 <9 6944 Leh V Peon 4V4s 2003 746* 7444 744* Leh V RR con 6s 2003 886* 886* 836* Lex & E Ry Ss '65_ 126 126 126 Llgg & Myers 7a'44... 181 131 131 Loews 3 44s 46 100 9964 9964 Lone Isl ref 4s'49 10644 106 106^ Long Isld rsf 4s'49 stp 10444 104 10444 Lorillsrd 6s '55_ 12044 12044 12044 Lorlllard 7s 44- 13044 18044 13044 La & Ark 6s‘69 _ 9944 99 9944 LA Nash 3%s 3003_ 95 9464 9464 LAN lst4s 2003_ 102 102 102 LAN unit 4s 40_ 10764 10744 10744 L&N 464s 2003 C_ 1066* 1066* 1066* LAN Ss 2003 B_ 10864 10844 10844 L A N So Mon ]t 4a ‘68. 9844 >9844 9844 - High. Low. 2:68. McKess&Rob 6Hs’S0. 1034 1034 >034 Me C RR gn 4%s’60A. 86 864 864 Jdanati Sug 7 4s'42 — 77 77 77 Man Slat 7 4s*42 ctfs. 784 74 764 Manhat Ry«s'90 . 624 62 62 Manhat Ry 4a ‘90 ctfa. 484 474 474 Marion St Shov 6s *47. 99 99 99 Mead Co 6a M6 _ 1074 1064 1074 Met Ed 1st rf 44a ’88. 1094 1094 1094 Mich Cent 34*'52_ 1084 1084 1084 Mil E R & S L rf 6a'71. 104 104 104 Mil No 1st 44s'ex‘39 . 994 99 994 Minn & S L< rf 4s '49 . 7 64 7 Minn & St L 6§'84 ctfs. 17 164 164 MStP&SSM on 4S '38.. 83 824 824 MStP&SSM cn 6« '88 . 264 264 264 MStP&SSM 5s‘38 Ktd. 87 87 87 MStP&SSM 54s'49 .. 28 4 F 284 284 MStP&SSM rf 6a'46A. 254 264 254 Mo 111 5s '69 . 604 «04 804 Mo K & T 1st 4s ‘90_ 1914 091 914 Mo K & T 4t *62 B_178 76 75 Mo K & T 44s '78_J784 78 |784 MoK &Tad) 6s'67_ 78 77 774 Mo Pao 4a *76_ 224 224 224 Mo Pac 6s ‘65 A_ 46 46 46 Mo Pac 6s'77 P_ 46 454 46 MO Pac 6s '80 H_ 46 46 46 Mo Pac 5s’811_ 46 464 454 Mo Pac 6H«'49 A. 174 164 17 Mob & Ohio 4V4*’77_ 874 »74 874 Mob & Ohio 6s‘38_ 884 874 874 Mohawk & M 4s ’91... 94 94 94 Monong PubS 44s'60 105 1044 1044 Montana Cent 3 84*'66 98 974 974 Mont Tram 44s'55 B. 864 8r4 864 Mor&Esss* 8 4 * 2000 98 93 98 Morrls&Essex 44* ‘65 944 944 944 Morrls&Essex 6s'56._ 1014 1014 1014 Nashv C*St L 48'78 _ 974 974 974 Natl Dairy 384s’61ww 106 106 106 Natl RM 1st 4s‘51 asst 44 44 44 Natl RM 4s’77 asst . 44 44 44 Nat Rv Mex 44s‘67 as 44 44 44 Natl Steel 4s '65 ... 106 1054 106^ New Eng RR 5s'45 ... 774 774 774 New E T&T 1st 6s'62. 1214 1214 1214 New OrlONR 6s '83 A. 97 97 97 New Orl P S 6s'62 A.. 101 101 101 New Orl P S 6s '65 B . 1004 994 100 NOT&M 6Hs’54 Bcfs. 504 604 *04 New Orl Ter 1st 4s'53. 98 97*4 98 New Orl T&M 64s'54. 6R4 684 684 NOT&M 54s'54A cfs_. 634 534 634 NY Central 34s 97... 1004 100*1 1004 NY Central 3 9*8 *48_1034 10.94 1034 NY Cent con 4s'98 _101*4 1014 1014 NY Cent rf 4 48 201 J„ 984 98 4 934 NYCrf 4Hs20i3 n... 93*1 93 4 934 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_100*1 IO04 t00'< NY Cent cv 6s'44_1134 110** Ul'l NYCLSh3 4s'9g __ 964 95 95>j N Y Chi & StL 4s'46._. 1034 10.34 1034 NYCftSt L 44s '78 ... 94 934 934 NY Cht & St L 6s '38._ 100 994 100 NY Dock 1st 4S'51_ 67 67 67 NY Dock 6s'38 .. 68 664 6* NY Edison 3 4*'65 D. 1024 1024 102*1 NY Edis ref 3 4s'66._ 102** 102*4 102*1 NY L & W 1st 4s '73_103'* 1034 1034 NY N'H & H 3 4s '64_ 434 4S4 434 NY N'H & H 34s '56_ 434 434 434 NY NH & H 4S '56 .... 44*1 4481 44*1 NY N'H *H 4s'57 _ 86 84** 344 NY N'H & H 44s'67 .. 68 624 63 NY N'H * H cl tr 6s'40. s#V2 694 *94 NY NH & H cv 6s '48.. 56*1 66** 66 NV O&W gen 4s 55_ 84 83 S3 NY O&W ref 4s 92_<89 87 87 NYRvsinc6s 65 _ 61»f 614 614 NY Rys 6s 65 A stp_1054 >054 1054 NY Steam 1st 6s 47_ 1074 1074 1074 NY Tel een 44s ’SO 108 108 108 NY’Trap Rock 6s 46.. 90 90 90 N Y W & B 4 4s '46 . 214 204 21 Nia* Falls P 34s'66. 1054 1054 106U Nias Sh 64s ‘60 .. 1034 1034 1034 Norf So 1st ref 6s ’61.. 294 294 394 Norf S 1st rf5s'61 cf«. 28 274 28 Norf ft W 1st 4t'9$ .. 1184 1184 1184 North Am Co 6s 61 . 1044 1044 1044 North Am Ed 5s ’57 A 104 1034 1034 North Am Ed 5s '69 C 105 105 106 North Am Ed 64s'6.3. 103 4 1034 1034 Nor n Pac sen 3s 2047. 78 78 78 Nor’n Pac 4s'97 _107U 1074 1074 Nor'n Pac 44s 2047... 1034 1034 1034 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 D._. 1084 1084 1084 North Pac 6s 2047-1114 1114 ni4 Opden L C 4s '48 - 28»; 284 284 Ohio Edison 4s’65_1044 1044 1044 Ore? RR ft N 4s’46- 113 1124 113 Ore* Sh Line 5s 46... 1174 1164 1164 Orec W RR 4s ’61- 1064 1064 10«4 ?ac^’* E4s 64 — 1074 >074 1074 Pac RR Mo 2d 5s’38 . 1024 1024 1024 Pac TftT rf 3 >* s ’66 B 103 1024 1024 Pac T&T .3 4s’66 C — 1034 1034 1034 Pan Am PC 6s'40 etfs. 66 554 56 Para Broadway 3s’65 . 744 * 74 74 Paramount Pic 6s'65.. 1014 1004 1014 Parmelee «s'44_ 76 76 76 Penn Co 4s '63 - 104 1034 104 Penn Dixie C 6s'41_101 1004 101 Penn O & D 44s ’77- 1054 1054 1054 Penn P&L, 44s 81-I05»i 1054 105U Penn RRS4s'70C 1004 100 100 Penn RR 44»'81 D... 107 1064 107 Penn RR «4s'84 - 1064 106*| 1064 Penn RR *n 44a 65 1114 m ill Penn P.R deb 44s'70. 103 102*4 103 Penn KR *en 5s'68 . 1164 1164 1164 People GLAC rf Es'47. 1144 1144 1144 People O L&C 6s'43 .. 1194 119U 1194 Peoria ft E 1st 4S'40.. 9*4 96 4 96 4 Peorta ft E Inc 4s'90.. 264 284 254 Pere Marq 1st 4s'56.. 984 98 98 Pere Marq 44s’80 ... lot 101 101 Pere Marq 1st 5s '56.. 1054 1054 1054 Phlla B&W 4s '43- 113 1124 1124 Phlla Co 6s 67 - 1064 1064 1064 Phlla Elec Co 4s ’71... 1024 102*4 1024 Phlla & R C&l 5s '71_44 414 44 Phlla & R CA1 6s '49_ 244 22S 23 Philippine Ry 4s '37... 254 254 254 pcc&st l 44s42 b._ no no no f *77 c-- ,084 >0*4 106H PCC&St L 6s'70 A-1184 1184 1184 PCC&St L 5s '75 B_118 118 118 Pltts&W Va 44s'69 B 92 92 92 Port Gen El 4 4s'60 .. 694 694 694 Postal Tel A C Es *53 . 39 384 884 Potomac El P 3*8'66. 1044 104 1044 Prov Term 1st 5s ’56.. 90 90 90 Pure 011 44s'60 ww__ 1194 118 118 Purity Bakin* 6s >48.. 1004 1004 1004 «-K-u«s41- 118 118 118 Readlnc Jer C 48 *51._. 10254 102 10254 Reading R 4Ha ‘97 A. 106*4 10654 106*4 Reading R 4 54s'97 B.. 106 106 106 Rem-Rand 4 54 s’56ww lis 114U us Republic Stl 454s 60.. 15854 15454 164U Republic Stl 45is ‘56.. 9a 98*4 237.4 Republic Stl 454s 61.. 98*4 9*54 98*4 Republic Stl 654*'64.. 11454 11314 11454 Revere Cop 4 5is 66 ... 10354 1035, 10354 Richfield 011 6s 44 _. 6154 5914 61 Richfield O 68*44 ctfs. 6254 62 5254 Rio G W col 48 49 A._ 60 4954 49rl 5 2654 2654 2654 Rutland Can 4a *49_ 2954 2954 2954 Saguenay Pw4 54 s*66 . 10354 103>4 10354 St Law & Ad 6s *96 ... 101 101 101 St L IM4S R&G 4s'33. 87Ji 8754 8754 St L P & NW 5s '48_ 45 46 45 St L-S Fran 4s '60A .. 8454 84 34*4 St L-S F 4S ’60 A ctfs. 82 3054 3154 St L-S Fran 4 54s *78 _ 8254 81*4 82 St L-S F 4 54a’78 cf at. 2954 285* 2854 St L-S F 6s'60 B ctfs. 82 82 82 St L S W 1st 4s'89_ 96 96 98 StLSW2d4s'89_ 7254 7254 7254 St LS W gn rf 6s'90.. 6154 61,14 jiu St L S W 1st ter 6s*62. 68*4 6854 6354 StPKCSL454. 41- 26*4 2654 25W St P M&M ext Es *43 .. 102*4 10254 10254 San A & A Pass 4s 43. 10254 10254 102*4 Schulco 6548*46 A stp. 42 42 42 Schulco 654s 46 B stp 42 42 42 ? ®*s’89~ ll7« 11754 ofiEnd A L 4s 50 _ 32^ 32U 001/ Seabd A L 4s *60 stp... 32)1 32 §£» Seabd A L ref 4s‘69 .. 2054 1944 191, Seabd A Lrf 48*69 cfs 19 1 854 1 854 Seabd A Ladj 6s'49... 1154 nu jii^ Seabd A L 6s'46 A__ 2254 215i 2254 Seabd A L 6s 46 ctfs.. 2154 2054 2154 Seabd A-Fl 6s*35 A ct 1854 12 1254 Seabd A-Fla 6s‘3S B ct 18 12 12S Sharon Stl cv 4 54s‘61. 11454 11454 11454 Shell Dn deb 354s '61.. 9954 9954 9954 Silesian Am 7s *41_ 7254 7254 7254 SkellyOU 4s '61. 10054 10054 10054 Socony Vac 354s*60... 10654 10654 10654 South Bell T&T 6s *41. 107 107 107 So Colo Pwr 6s *47 A 106 106 106 South Nat G 4548*61_ 10054 10054 10054 So Pac 344s 46- 10054 10054 10054 So Paced 4a‘49____ 9654 9654 96*4 So Pac ref 4a ‘66_ 1065* 10654 10654 So Pac 454s‘68- 9654 9654 9554 So Pac 454s *69- 96 96 96 So Pac 454 s 81- 96 9454 9454 So Pac Oreg 4 54s *77._ 9854 9854 9854 So Pac S P Ter 4s ‘60.. 10754 10754 10754 So Ry gen 40*56 A_ 84 83 88 So Ry 6s *94 - 11054 1 0954 U054 So Ry gen 6s *66- 10354 103 10354 So Ry 6 54s *66...- 106H 106 106 So Ry M & O 4s *38_ 9454 9454 9454 So Ry St Ldlv 4s’61._ 10154 10154 10154 S W Bell Tel 3 54s *64.. 10654 10654 10654 Soutnw*n G&E 4s'60_. 103 108 103 Spokane Int 6s *56_ 38 88 88 Stand Oil N J 3s '61_ 99 9854 99 Studebaker ct 6s*46._ 149 146h 14654 Tenn Cent 6s 47_ 10654 10654 105>4 Tenn El Pw 6s *47 A_ 9954 9954 9954 Term AsSt L 4S '63_ 108 108 108 Texarkana 654s *50_„ 107*4 10154 10754 x*exasCorp354s‘51_ 10854 103 10354 Tsxas&Pao6s*77 B._ 10W4 106)4 106)4 Small Rise Sends Total 13.4 Per Cent Ahead of Year Ago. B? the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 25 —Electric power production totaled 2,211,818, 000 kilowatt hours in the week ended February 20, a gain of .5 of 1 per cent over 2,199,860,000 kilowatt hours in the preceding week and 13.4 per cent above output of 1,950,278,000 kilowatt hours in the same week last year, the Edison Electric Institute reported today. Production in the latest week was slightly less than seasonally expected. All major geographic regions of the country showed substantial improve ment over a year ago. Percentage gains were New England, 15.4; Middle Atlantic, 1J.8; central industrial, 17.6; West central, 5.4; Southern States, 12.8; Rocky Mountain, 10.9; Pacific Coast, 10.5. The Associated Press index of electric power output, with 1929-30 taken as 100, declined for the same period to 118.3 from 118.5 in the pre ceding week. A year ago, the index, which is adjusted for seasonal and long-term trend, stood at 106.7. The range for recent years follows: 1936-7 1935 1934 1933 High . 119.8 105 5 97.4 91.9 Low. 1020 94 1 91.9 80.2 Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 38; 4-pound prints. 39 tubs. 37; 9o score. 1 pound prints 37: 4-pound prints. 36; tub, 38. Market strong MEATS—Choice beef. 18. calves. 18: veal. 19 lamb 17; pork loin. 23, fresh ham. 23; smoked hams 20: sliced bacon. 33 slao bacon, 28. compound, 14; lard, 154a 16. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. 84a9: light hogs. Oa94 medium 94aP4; heavies 8a9; roughs. 54a74; calves. 5a9 4. lambs, 5a 10. Prices Dald shippers, net f o b Washing ton. by the United States Bureau of Agri cultural Economics EGGS—Market weak: prices 4 to 4 cent lower on United States Government graded eggs, current receipts. 21a214; hennery whites 214a22: Government graded and dated white eggs met prices paid shippers f.o.b. Washington!: U 8 extras, large. 23. U. S extras mediums, 20'a U. S standards, large. 22*4. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady at un changed prices: fowl, colored, heavy. ]5a 18: Leghorns, llal.'i chickens. Rocks and crosses. 2<»a22. a 1-cent premium on some broilers and roasters: guineas, young 2 pounds and up. 40 each, under 2 pound*, 25a3o each; old guineas. 20*25 each; tur keys. young hens. I9a20: young toms, un der 19 pounds. 10al7; 20 pounds and over, 15. No. 2 12; old hens. 14; old tom*. 14. Fruits and Vegetable*. Sales in large lots by original receiver* ud to 8 am. today APPLES—Two Washington arrived; one broken and two unbroken cars on track Supplies liberal: demand light market steady Bushel baskets. U 8. No 1. Virginia Staymans 2-inch minimum. 1 35-1.40: 24-inch minimum, 1 60-1.65; 234-inch minimum. 1.05-1.75: utility and scalded. 1 on-1 50. as to condition: Yorks. 24-inch minimum 1.15-1.25. 24-inch. l-4'i-l 5o. 24-inch minimum 1.50-1.85; scalded and decayed all sizes 90-1.25: Black Twigs. 24-inch minimum. 1.25 1.35; 2 4-inch minimum. 1.40-1.50: 24 mch minimum 1.50-1.85; 3-inch mini mum. 1.Hu-1.75: Delicious. 24-inch mini mum. 1 «o-1.85 : 24-mch minimum 1.90 2.00: utility grade. 1.25-1.75. as to *ize: I Golden Delicious. 24-inch minimum l.tto 1.85; 24-lnch minimum. 1.85-2.00; 3 I inch minimum. 2.15-2.25: Wlnesaps. 24 i Inch minimum 1 80-1.85: 24-inch mini mum. 1.75-1.90: 24-mch minimum. 1.90 2 15: utility grade. 1.35-1.60. as to size; Ben Davis. 24-inch minimum 1.00-1.10; 124-inch minimum 1.25-1.35: utility grade. 85-1.00 as to size. Lowry*. 24 inch minimum. 1.25-1.35: 7 4-inch mini mum. 1.50-1.65: 24-inch minimum. 1.65 1.75: utility grade. 1.00-1.35. as to size: Paragons 24-inch minimum 1.35-1.40; 2 4-inch minimum. 1.50-1.60; 24-inch minimum. 1.60-1.65: 3-inch minimum. 1.75-1.85; various other varieties. 24 inch minimum 1 00-1.35: 24-inch mini mum. J 35-1.65. Boxes and cartons. Vir ginia West Virginia. Pennsylvania and Maryland combination extra fancy and fancy Delicious. 2.00-2.50: Staymans. 1 75-2.25: Golden Delicious. 1 85-2 35; Paragons. 1.60-7 00: C grade Delicious. 1 65-1.90; Staymans. 1 50-1 75 Golden Delicious. 1.65-1 65; Paragons. 1 40-1 75. CABBAGE—One Florlaa arrived; two broken and four unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate, demand licht. market steady Domestic round type Florida. 14-bushel hampers, truck receipts. 85a 1 .(••!; Texas half lettuce crates. 1.10a 1.15; New York 50-pound sacks, Danish type, mostly around 70. CARROTS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track Supplies moderate; | demand light; market steady. Texas, half lettuce crates. ! .35. CAULIFLOWER—Two California ar rived three broken and four unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate: de mand light; market dull. California, crates, 1.75. i CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. February 75 OPi <V. S De partment of Agriculturei.—Hogs. 13.000. including S.Onn direct: mostly 10al6 higher than Wednesday's average Sows strong to 10 higher: pigs steady: top. 10.15: bulk aood and choice 180-300 pounds. 9.95alo.l0: good sows largely 0.25*9.60. Cattle 6.000: calves. 1.000: fed steer* and yearlings steady to 25 higher: mostly loalo up: with good and choice kinds showing advance on shipper accounts: comparatively beef in run: weighty steer* and yearlings well-conditioned yearling* in broader demand: common and medium grades about steady on most killer and packing accounts Top 14.20. p»id for 1.500 »nd 1.400 pound averages. Several loads 1.350 to 1,550 pound steers. 13.00a 13.85. Common and medium grades. 7.75a 9 50. All she stork firm, scarce Cutter grade cows and low-price heifers active: bulls steady at 8.50 down and vealers steady to 25 higher with selected weighty shipper vealers showing advance in bring ing 9 75*10.00 but mostly 9.50 down. Sheep. 8.000. Including 500 direct: fat lambs' supply around 50 per cent from Colorado: few fed Western ewes, yearlings and two-year-old wethers: fat lambs open ing siow early Indications strong to 25 higher. Few loads choice handy weight*. 10 50 10.85‘bid on closely sorted kinds heid at 10.75 Fed yearling wethers. itoO; *°-year-o!ds. 8.50: fat sheep. 1 halo higher, handy weights fed Western ewes* 6.40. High Low. 2:58. Texas ft Pac 6s '79 C 106* 106 106 Tex ft Pac 1st 6s 2000. 121* 121* 121* Third Av ref 4 s 60 72 71* 71* Third A ad In ex 6s'66. 41* 40* 40* Tri-Conti Corp 6s’53.. 119 119 119 Un Oil Calif 6s '42 A— 119* 119* 119* Union Pac 3*s'70—. 98 * 98* M* Un Pac 3*s '71 - 98 98 98 Un Pao 1st 4s'47- 114 113*113* Un Pac 1st rf 4S 2008. 107* 107* 107* United Biscuit 5s'60.. 107* 107* 107* United Drug 6s'63 102* 102 102* U S Pipe&Fy 3*8*46- 166* 156* 166* U S Rubber 6s’47 . ... 106* 106* 106* Utah L&T6s'44 (A). 104* 104* 104* Utah P ft L 6s ’44- 105* 105* 106* Util P &L. 68'59 ww- 61* 61* 61* Util P ft L 6*s *47- 63 62* 62* Vanadium cv 5s 41 — 103* 103* 103* VerSug 1st 7s'42 ctfs. 32 31* 81* Va Eft P 1st ref 4«’55. 107* 107* 107* Va Ry 1st 3*# '66 A.. 104* 104* 104Jf Va S W con 6s '68_ 100 100 100 Wabash 4*s'78- 41 41 41 Wabash **s'78 ctfs- 88* 88* 88* Wabash 1st 6a '39- 108’* 10S 103 Wabash 6s '76 B- 42 41* 41* Wabash 6s'80 D- 42 41* 41* Wabash 6s '80 D Ctfs— 88* 88* 88* Wabash 6*s'76 - 42* 42* 42* Wabash 6*s'75 ctfs.. 89* 89* 39* Walworth 4s '66 . — 86* 86 86 Warner Bros cv 6S'39. 98* 98* 98* Warner-Quln 6s '39— 68* 62 63* Warren Brcv 6s '41— 72* 72* 72* Wash Term 4s '45-112* 112* 112* West Penn P 3 *■ '66. 106* 106* 105* WSb 1st 4S 2061 gtd— 97* 97* 97* West’n Md 1st 4s ‘52— 108* 102* 108 West’n Md 6*s'77 — 106 106 106 West'n Pao 6» 46 A .. 40 89* 89* West’n Pac 6s 46 A as 89 38* 88* West’n Un 4*s 60— 107* 107* 107* West’n Un 6s 61_ 106* 106* 106* West'n Un6a 60_ 106* 105* 106* Wheel Steel 4*s’66- 102* 101* 101* White Sew M 6s'40 — 104* 104* 104* W Sp Stl 1st 7s '35 Ct- 40* 40 40 W Sp Stl con 7s'36 ct 40* 39* 40 Wilkes B&E 1st 6s’42 51* 61* 61* Wilson & Co 48 66 102* 101* 101* WisCent lit gn 4s'49 81* SI* 81* Wls C 1st gn 4s '49 ct- 27* 27 81 WIsC S&D Trm4s'36 .. 24 24 24 WCS&D ter 4s '26 efs. 22* 32* 22* rngstnSftT3*a'61.. 184* 182* 182* Y’ngstn S&T 4a '61_ip2* 102* 102* Republic Steel Votes Dividend on Preference Shares By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, February 25.—The Republic Steel Corp. yesterday de clared a dividend of $1.50 a share cn its 0 per cent cumulative convertible prior preference stock, series A, pay able April 1, to stockholders of record March 12, and a dividend of $1.50 per share on the 6 per cent cumulative convertible preferred stock, payable April 1, to stockholders of record March 12. jf The corporation announced the elec tion of Alexander C. Brown, vice presi dent of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. of Cleveland, to the Board of Directors. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 97, $1,000 at 97. $1,000 at 97. Capital Transit Co.—10 at 15**, 10 at 15Vs, 10 at 15'a, 10 at 15V». Mergenthaler Linotype—10 at 54*/4, 10 at 541,4, 10 at 54>/4, 10 at 54*/4, 10 at 54*/4. AFTER CALL. Capital Transit Co.—10 at 15*2, 10 at 15*/2, 10 at 15**, 10 at 15*2, 10 at 15*/j. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid Asktd. Amer. Tel. Ai Tel. 4%s_ 108% Anacoetia Ac Pot. 5s _ 77 7# An*. Ac Pot. Guar. 5s_110% _ C. Ac P. Tel. ol Va. 5s_104 Csd. Traction R. R 5s_ fm 97 City Ac Suburban 5s _ 86 88 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_120 Pot Elec. Pow. 3%s_103 104 Wash. Gas 5s 1958 _10<i 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1960 _123% 125 Wash. Rwy. Ac Elec. 4s_106% _ MISCELLANEOUS. Ool. Country Club 6%*_ 105 _ W. M. Cold Storage 5s_ 100 __ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. Ac Tel. (9) . 176 . CaDltal Transit Co. __ bl5'a 15% N. At W Steamboat (g0) . 110 ! Pot. El. Pow. 6*V old "it-*112 114% | Pot. El. P. 5%% Bl. (5.50) .*113% _ Wash. Gas Lt Co. (3.601 86 _ I Wash. Ry. Ac El com (36) *725 Wash. Ry. Ac El Did. *5) *110 110% BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. Ac Tr Co. <e8)__ 285 _ Bank ol Bethesda (h.75)_ 34 _ CaDltal (4) 135 _ ( Com. A: Savings ia8)_ 2<>5 _ Liberty (4> . 140 _ ! Lincoln (16.25) 200 - ! Natl. Sav. A: Tr. 14u I Pr Georges Bk. A: Tr. (.50) 18 21 i Riggs ie8» . _ 345 Riggs Did (5) 101 i Washington (6) _ 133 Wash. I/tan Ac Tr. (e8) 275 310 FIRE INSURANCE j American 161 100 - I Ccrcoran (5 > loo - I Firemen's (1.60) Xb2H - National Union (.60) 16 - TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.30) . ]2 17V* I Real Estate I0> 160 - MISCELLANEOUS. ■ Carpel Corp (2.(Ml) 22 26 Lanston Monotype (t4) 95 Mergenthaler Linotype (5) *54 54% People^ Dr. S. com. (tl.OOl o. 59 ! Peoples Drug St pld (6.601*112% Real Est. M A-G. pi (••.70) 5 6% Security Storage (5) . 120 125 i Ter Rel. Ac Wh. Corp (3) 60 i Wdwd. Ac Loth. com. (t1.50> 68 Wdwd. A: Loth. nfd. (7) . 120 125 •Ex dividend b—Books closed. »—Plus extras. S50c paid May 15 1936: 50c paid Aug 15. 1936; 50c bald Nov. 16 1936. a—4r e extra i e—2 > extra, i j—l %(# extra. _ g—1% extra Paid Dec 15. 1936. h—75c extra. _ ••25c paid June 3C. 1936; 45c paid December 22. 1936 xb—50'i stock dividend. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK February 25 (*>).—Efts. 17.576 unsettled, mixed colors: Special parks. 23%-24: standards 23-23%; firsts. I 21%-22%: mediums. 20%-21%: dlrtiu. I No. 1. 20%-21%. Other mixed color* : unchanged. I Butter. 9 358. easier: creamery, higher than extra. 34%-35; extra (92 score/ 34: firsts (88-91 scores), 32V«-33%. Cen ! realized (90 score). 33'/*. Other butter prices unchanged Cheese. 265.711: steady and unchanged. Live poultry, by freight firm: chickens. Rocks 2o Fowls, colored. 20-21, Leg horn 16-17 Roosters. 13. Other freight prices unchanged. ■ ■ ■ - U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on Feb ruary 23: Receipts. $24,298,243.89: ex penditures. $35,909,180.96; balance $1. 551 462.242.25: customs receipts for the month $33,754,597.36. Receipts for the fiscal year (Since July 1). $2 675.746,000.67: expenditures. $4. 609.215.258 80, Including $1,891,952,809. , OO ol emergency expenditures; excess ol i expenditures. $2,023 469,258 13: gross oebi. $34.550.355.415 90. a decrease of $2,038,255 oo under the previous day: gold assets $11.417.481.877 03. Including $186,298.802 33 of Inactive gold. LONDON BANK REPORT. LONDON. February 25 MV—The Bank of England statement for the week ended February 24 (in thousands of pounds): Circulation_ 455.067 + 1.730 Bullion _ 314.333 + 161 Reserves _ 59,266 — 1.570 Public deposits_ 12.970 —11.423 Private deposits . __ 138,294 +11.086 Government securities 85,043 + 1.915 Other securities 25,187 — 661 The proportion of the bank’s reserve to liability is 39.10 per cent, compared with 40.10 last week. Rate of discount, 2 per cent. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK, February 25 i4*>.—Crude rubber futures opened strong. 11 to 36 higher. March 21.70a21.fU; May. 21 90a 22.00; July, 22.10a22.16. 1886 1937 Blit Ttir •( PtWHl Portable Typewriters STOCKETT FISNE CO > mODUCINO STATIONERS 0IPK ST MONEY!! for Mortgage Refinancing OUR modem, convenient plan assures you a low interest rate—a more con venient method of meeting payments on principal—a longer period in which to fin ish paying off the loan. If your mortgage is due to mature soon, come in and talk it over —no red tape or obligation. WEAVER BROS inc REALTORS Mart gaga Laan Cnrttfmdant MatnflHan Lift Insurant a Camfant WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 94S4 BOOST FORECAST IN STE PRICES Wage Increase and Solution of Federal Contract Problem Hinted. Bt the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 25—In creased price* for steel products, an other wage boost for the industry’s workers and settlement of the problem involved in bidding on Government steel orders was predicted or hinted at today by Iron Age in the weekly review of the steel Industry. “A price advance affecting nearly all steel products and probably rang ing from $2 to *6 a ton will be an nounced by a leading producer within a few days,’’ the trade Journal said. "This may be followed by another wage increase for steel mill labor, the amount depending upon the outcome of negotiations that will soon be in progress. There is also good authority for the prediction a solution of the controversy between Federal Govern ment authorities and the steel com panies over the Walsh-Healey Govern ment contracts act may be found shortly. "Price advances have been initiated by producers of wire products and pig iron. • • • other raw materials markets are strong and advancing. Leading factors in the scrap trade freely predict a $25 market. • • * “Meanwhile domestic steel business 1* to such volume that mills find backlogs at the end of February heavier than a month ago. • • • "Recent demand has been stimu lated by apprehension of possible mill shortages caused by a coal or steel strike, but at the same time there is heavy consumption and no excessive stocks are being built up. Opinion in the steel industry now leans to the view there will be no general steel strike this Spring. • * * "Steel production is being pushed to the fullest extent that existing facili ties, together with supplies of coke and pig iron, will permit. The average for the country is estimated at 83 per cent. "The $1 advance in pig iron brings the Iron Age pig iron composite price up to $21.25 a gross ton. The scrap composite has risen to $19.92, which is Just 33 cents a ton under the average pig iron price prior to this week’s ad vance.” CLEVELAND. Ohio, February 25 UP).—Daily Metal Trade today says: Indications are a general steel price advance will be effected no later than Friday of this week. With producers virtually sold out on first quarter material, the new schedule of prices, which will range all the way from *2 to *6 a ton, will become effective immediate^'. Wire makers today advanced prices $4 to $6 a ton on various items. At the same time pig iron prices have been marked up *1 a ton to go into effect at once. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, February 25 (^.—Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. announced an increase of <1 a ton in pig iron prices effective today. Prices advanced <1 a ton in November land 50 cents a ton January 1. The new price brings iron to the highest since April, 1925, when No. 2 foundry averaged $20.29 here. FEDERAL L*AND BANKS _ NEW YORK. February 26 on.—Federal Lend Bank bonds: 4l«s Nov. 1958-38_105H 106 4'«s May. 1957-37_loot, 101’. 4s May. 1958-38_103>, 10.3’. 4s Nov.. 1957-37_102‘I 102»! 4s July. 1940-44_110*, 111’. 3'4S May. 1955-45- 1038, Hi3’« 3s July. 1955-46 . _ 102s, 10"s. I 3a Jan . 1956-46__ 102*a HV’S, 3* May. 1950-46_102H 102*» Property Management EFFICIENT monogement is most sotisfoctory to both owner end tenant WE specialize in the man agement of oil types of in vestment properties and are now Managing Agents for some of Washington's most important buildings WE would welcome the op portunity of discussing your management problems with you. Randall H. Hagner & Co., lacarwriM Real Estate 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 360* EXTRA ANNOUNCED BX HAZEUTLAS Payment of $1.56 a Share Ordered in Addition to Usual Rate. Br the Associated Press NEW YORK, February 25.—Direc tors of Hazel Atlas Glass Co. today declared an extra dividend of $1.56 on the common stock, payable April 1 to stock of record March 12. The company had previously declared the regular quarterly dividend of »1.25 on the common, payable the same date. The company, producer of glass con tamers, has plants throughout the country. New Jersey Zinc. Directors of New Jersey Zinc Co. declared an extra dividend of 50 cents, payable March 10 to stock of record February 26. The company paid a quarterly of 50 cents on February 10 and an extra of 5u cents on July 10, 1936. The company has property in i New Jersey. Pennsylvania and Western States. Bloomingdale Bros. Bloomingdale Bros.. Inc., directors declared a dividend of 37 *2 cents on the common stock payable March 25 to stock of record March 15. On January 26. 1937, payment of 10 cents was made. In 1937 the company paid dividends of 10 cents each on March 27 and June 27 and 45 cents on September 28 and 35 cents on De cember 15. Hygrade Syivania. Hygrade Syivania Corp directors ordered the regular dividend of *1.62'_• a share on its $6.50 preferred stoc.: and a 75 cents disbursement on the common stock, both payable April 1, to stock of record March 10. In 1936, the company paid its regular $6.5u dividend on the preferred and divi dends of 50 cents a share on thb common on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. There was also en extra of (l on the common paid De cember 21, 1936. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (ReDC tad by Chas. D Barney Ac Co ' Bid Ofie: Amer Tel. A Tei. 5'as '43 111*. Ill*, Auburn Auto Co. 4*,s 3n 8'; , Call! Packing Corp 5s '40 1o4’2 105 Caro. Clinch A Ohio 5s 38 lo5>« 105‘x Chesa A Ohio Rwy 5s 39 10T’« 10* Edison Elec Ilium 4s '39 104 105*1 Oen Public Se vlce 02s '39 103'. Gr Rapids A Ind 4'2S 41 109',. Houston Oil o'.s 4" 1 ('■:*, 10.1 Int'' Merc'tile Marine Os '41 on', 803i Intern l Tel. A Tel 4',s '39 NX', 88', Laclede Gas Light 5s '39 99 99■* Lehigh Valley Coal ns 38 99*, loo', Lehigl. Val. Term. Ry 5s '41 In:3, 108', Lone Island Gen. 4s 38 Ki.'P, loi3, Louis. A Nash. R R 4s 4" 1"T 1071, Mich. Cent R R 4s 40 lu43, Ins'. Midland R R rf N J 5s '4" 50 NR Mil A North R R 4'2S '39 90 »N N.Y. C. & St.L. 97 n't's. '.IN 111', Ill's New York Dock 5s '38 05*, 07>{ N Y Susque. A West 5s '40 5" 5*’, New Yojk Tel Co 4'2s .39 107’, 108', North States Power 5s '41 102’, 103 Pac R R of Mo 4.; 38 101*2 101 Penn-Dixie Cement Os '41 loo*. 101 Pepna R R Co 4s 43 110 111', Rio Grande Western 4s '39 79 80 8outh Hell Tel. A Tel 5s 41 100*, 107 Ter R R As St.L 4'2s '39 107*. 108*1 Vanadium Corp 5s 41 104', 1053, Vertlentes Sugar Co 7s '41 31 .31 Wabash Rwy. Co 5s 39 1".".', inisj Warner Bros fls 39 98*, 99 Western N Y. A Pa 4s '43 11o>. 11 ’ Western Union Tel 5s '38 103*. 103*1 MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. February 15 W —SiKet futures opened steady, lft lower to 1 hither March. *4.-lab. May. 44.2Mb, July. 44 1Mb. b—Bid. _ FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rotes . . . 3-Yeor Con struction Loons . . . 5% SV2% BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE ~0 Loin Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Life Ina Oo. 141? K St N W NA 8300 FIRST TRUST MONEY FOR REFINANCING LOANS AND CONSTRUCTION LOANS THREE-YEAR LOANS AND 15’ 2-YEAR MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS PAYABLE $8 PER $1,000 5% No Commission! or Extras EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 816 14th St. Met. 3437 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT This firm has always emphasized the importance of careful and oeriodic examination of investment accounts, Those interested are cordially invited to make use of our Investment Research Department Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath 719 Fifteenth Street. Washington Members Kiw Yokk Stock Exchange Nb%* Yokk Cotton Exchange N. Y. Cukb Exchange (A»oc.) Nbw Yobk Pbobucb Exchange Chicago Boaid op Tiadb Chicago Mbecamtilb Ezchangb Commodity Ezchamgb. Imc. Kgehimotom Stock Ezchamob New York Baltimore Wilkei-Barre Philadelphia PROPERTY MA NAGEMENT Over Forty Years of Experience First Mortgage Investments RECOGNIZED as one of the standard invest ments—our FIRST MORTGAGES are included on the preferred list with both large and small in vestors. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. MORTGAGE LOANS A