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Capital Earnings at $4,073 Against $11,796 Loss in January, 1936. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Bad weather in January played an unusually vital part in cutting net earnings" of the Capital Transit Co. to $4,073.73 for the month, when both company officials and stockholders ( had hoped for a better showing. Net Income, however, disclosed a gain of $15,870.48 over January. 1936, when the company went into the red by $11,796.75. There were five Sundays in January this year, against only four in the same month a year ago. Traffic drops 50 per cent or more on Sundays, so an extra holiday of this kind makes quite a dent in Capital Transit’s total in come. It will also be recalled that rain fell , on something like 20 days during January this year. This fact had lit tle to do with regular dally traffic, but had a great deal to do with extra riders, who go abroad in good weather. While the company had heavy snow bills in January a year ago. which were not recorded this year, the rec ords show’ that riding greatly in creases during storms, as so many automobiles are snowbound. Their owners take to the street cars and busses. The presidential inauguration also proved disappointing in traffic re turns. There was a lot of riding, but thousands and thousands of Wash ingtonians remained at home w’ho I would have ventured out on a warm,' fc clear day and poured their money into r the fare boxes on the Capital Transit lines. The first month since the change from the $1 passes to the $1.25 passes had no striking results. Fewer weekly passes were sold by the company, but naturally token sales showed an in crease. One largely offset the other as far as the January report reveals. Operating Revenues Higher. Capital Transit's operating revenues in January totaled $895,484.77, as compared with 5834,017.23 in Janu ary a year ago, an increase this year ^ cf $61,469.54 or 7.4 per cent. Operating expenses required $681, 677.47, an advance of $19,381.77 or 2 9 per cent. Taxes called for $66. 284.34. an increase of $14,222.24 or ' more than 27 per cent. Depreciation totaled $90,673.35, against $81,268.74 a year ago, and upturn of $9,404 61 or 11.6 per cent. These three expense items combined amounted to $838,635.16. in compari son with $795,626.54, an increase of $43,008.62, or 5.4 per cent, leaving a net income from operations of S56, 849.61, against $38.390 69 in January, 1936. a gain of $18,458.92, or 48.1 per cent. Non-operating income was 11 per cent lower than last year. Gross was up 41 per cent to $61 009 47. The usual deductions from gross for in terest payments, etc., were higher, $56,935.74 vs. $54,876.56. Revenue passengers carried on cars and busses totaled 13.620.455. the number a year ago being 13.382,849, making an in crease this year of 237.606, or 1.8 per cent, the report states. January Gas Net Income Off. Net Income of the Washington Gas Light Co. in January totaled $126,040, In comparison with $155,244 in Jan uary. 1936, a drop of $29,204, the monthly report filed with the Public Utilities Commission today revealed. The figures include those of the Georgetown Gas Light Co. before the merger took place. ■ Net operating revenues for January cf $729,925 compared with $789,384 a year ago. a decrease of $59,459. the decline being caused by much warmer weather this year than last. A year ego it was bitter cold in January and patrons used a great deal of gas to Bupply extra heat. While there was a slump in operating income, the com pany reduced operating expenses by j $29,659. The company reports gas sales of | 1,050 million cubic feet for January, [ 1937, compared with 1,142 million cubic feet last year. This decline in volume clearly shows the effect of the 13 de gree higher average temperature this January over last year. At the end of the month, the company had 144.902 meters in service in the District of Columbia, a gain of 7,417 over January last year. The annual report of the State Mu tual Life Insurance Co. of Worcester, Mass., just received here, shows a gain of more than 13 per cent in new paid business for the year 1936. The Jk total amount of insurance in force T of $573,466,992 represented a gain in this account for the first year in sev eral. A substantial gain in assets of the company increased the total assets to $169,151,604. The surplus of the company stood at $10,251,165. The Wilner & Wilner agency of this city also showed gains in business dur ing the year with 28 per cent in creased new production. The local >gency stood in third place of all the other agencies of the company in its •-persistency rate" of 93.36 per cent. Bank Women Note Anniversary. Celebration of the tenth anniver » *ary of the Bank Women’s Club of Washington this week was a most j happy event. Miss Lois A. White was first pres ident of the club, and was followed In office by Miss Mary Jane Winfree. Mrs. Mable Royce Lantz, Mrs. Judith Fishburn Buck, Miss Alice Whitton and Mrs. Constance Fogle Jones. Be sides Mrs. Jones of Riggs National Bank, other present officers of the organization are: Vice -president, Mrs. Etheline Parker of Security Sav ings & Commercial Bank; recording secretary. Miss Helen Healy, National Saving & Trust Co.; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Myrtle Lewis, Liberty National Bank; treasurer. Miss Mar garet Berckman, National Metropoli tan Bank: historian, Miss Anne Crawford, McLaehlen Banking Corp. Charter members included Mrs. Grace Bromley Bailey, Miss Harriet k Barrett, Miss Frances Berry, Mrs. * Judith Fishburn Buck, Miss S. Wini fred Burwell, Miss Mary Craven, Miss Eleanor Dankmyer. Miss Loretta Ennis. Mrs. Ellen Crawford Hatmaker, Miss Evelyn Hawkins, Miss Catherine Krieg, Mrs. Mabel Royce Lantz, Miss Clara McGrath, Miss S. Louise Mit chell, Miss Lillian Mitchell. Mrs. Helena Reed, Miss Rose Royce. Mrs. Laila Sloat, Miss Lois A. White, Mrs. Esther Lau Wilier, Miss Mary Jane Winfree, Miss Mildred Woodcock and Mrs. Fwrence Wilier Wright. Frgdeneksburg, Va„ awarded to Alexander Brown & Sons and Mason Hagan, Inc., $160,000 water and school bonds on a bid of 100.13 for 21/*s. The bonds, dated March 1, 1937, and due March 1, 1938-49, are being re offered at prices to yield 1 per cent to 2.20 per cent, according to ma turity. i TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE; By Private Wire Direct to The 8t»r. Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 80>* 68** Acme Steel (4)-.._ * 774 77 77-4 194 15 Adams Expr <a55c)— 8 184 184 184— H 44 84 Advance Rumely._„ 6 84 84 84 804 784 Air Reduction (tl)_ 7 74 784 784 -4 64 4 Air-Way Eleo Appli— » 44 44 44 154 144 Alaska Juneau<760c) 8 154 1® 1® 54 84 Alleghany Corp_ 11 6 44 6 + 4 69** 484 Allegpf ww *30_ « 664 56 664 + 4 624 414 Alleg Corp pr pf_ 8 494 48 494 + 4 414 364 Allegheny Steel b40c. 60 40 4 89 40 + 14 384 284 Allied Mills (b50c) . 2 28*4 284 284 -4 194 164 Allied Stores (b20c)_ 111 l»4 i»4 i»4 + 4 844 81 Allied Stores pf (5).. 5 84 834 834 834 174 Allis-Chalmers tlH- 10 734 724 784 +14 894 804 Alpha Port Cam’t (1) 1 354 864 364 + 4 84 44 Amal Leather - - 5 7 64 64 1014 83 Am Agr Ch(Del)(a4) 4 89 86 4 89 +8 414 854 Am Bank Note (tl).. 4 35 344 344 -1 804 69 Am Brake Shoe (t2)_ 2 754 75 75 -4 121 1054 Am Can (74) ... 10 107 106 106 -14 71 56 Am Car & Foundry.— 4 66 654 66 +4 874 72 Am Chain & Cable bl. 1 84 84 84 +4 1054100. Am Chicle (74)_ 1 102 102 102 +14 23 184 Am Colortyp* _ 8 21 204 204 - 4 294 264 Am Cornel A1 (a50c). 8 28 274 274 -4 834 294 Am Crystal Sug (b2). 2 82 82 82 134 84 Am Encaustic — 10 11 104 1°4 13** 74 Am & Foreign Pwr.— 26 124 124 124 — 4 584 49 Am & For Pwr $6 pf.. 1 584 624 684 384 204 Am & For Pwr 2d pf.. 1 844 344 844 - 4 21 18 Am Hawatian(l)_ 2 20 19*4 20 +1 94 64 Am Hide & Leather.. 6 74 74 74 -4 474 314 Am Hide & Lpf (3).. 8 42 41 41 +4 52 47 Am Home Pr (72.40). 3 504 504 504 +4 44 24 Am Ice -- 6 84 84 84 16Jt 13H Am Internatl (a40c)- 7 IMi 1&4 l&H “ H 584 43 Am Locomotive . 6 68*1 634 584 — H 264 22** Am Mach&Fdry (tl). 30 27 4 264 264 134 114 Am Maeh&Met (60c). 2 124 >24 >24 + 4 674 60'* Am Metal 15 66** 66 664 + 4 164 114 Am Power & Light— 15 184 184 134 — 4 724 644 AmPwr&Ltpf (5)- 2 S44 fi44 644 + 4 874 774 AmPwr&Ltpf (6)— 2 76 76 76 +1 294 244 Am Radiator (760c)_. 29 264 264 264 - 4 170 164 Ani Radiator pf (7).. 20s 162 162 162 38»* 334 Am Roll Mill 471.20). 61 364 36 364 + 4 36 32 Am Safty Razor (72). 1 34 34 34 29 234 Am Seating (a2H ) -. 2 274 274 274 + 4 45 41 Am Shipbuilding (2). 20s 42 414 414 -4 994 89 Am Smelt & Ref (3).. 26 964 9®H 96 +4 54 34 AmS&RrtsMar31. 112 54 6 54 + 4 734 59.4 Amer Steel F (b50c). 9 66 65 65 —4 115 1114 Am Steel Fdy pi (7)_. 60* 1114 111 1H4 264 25 Am Stores (2) 2 26 26 26 -1* 1434 140 ' Am Sugar pf (7) _ 1 140 140 lio -l 187 1754 AmTel&Teleg (9).. 11 1774 1764 1774+1.4 99 934 Am Tobacco (5) — 1 »4 94 94 99?g 954 Am Tobacco B (5) .. 2 954 95 95 -4 294 254 Am Water Wks <80c) 9 25** 254 254 — 4 144 9*g Am Woolen 4 124 124 124 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl).. 2 744 744 744 + 4 1** 14 Am Writ Paper (d).. 10 14 14 14 9>* 6*4 Am Writ Pap pf (d). 24 7 4 7 4 74 20 6*8 Am Zinc & Lead 103 17 16** 164 - 4 79** 44*8 Am Zinc & L pr pf 3 664 ««4 654-14 664 524 Anaconda Copperftl) 90 64** 63 4 63'* - 4 104 64 A P W Paper .. 1 8 8 8 - 4 13*s 7 Armour < 111) (bl5c)180 134 13 134 + 4 126 96 Armour (111) pf (7 > . 1 102 102 102 -1 99 81** Armour (111 )pr pf<6). 1 99 99 99 694 594 Armstrong Cork (2). 1 684 fi84 68’» + 4 164 14 Arnold Const b62 4c 7 164 1® 164 + 4 224 19.4 Assoc Dry Goods ... 49 234 224 234 + 4 574 504 Assoc Invest (72) _. 1 644 544 544 + 4 774 694 Atch To* S Fe ia2).. >4 764 754 764 + 4 104 101 Atch T&S Fe pf (5). 1 102 102 102 +4 61*4 444 All Coast Line (al) 6 474 474 474 - h 35% 30% Atlantic RefininR(tl) 11 34% 34 34 18% IS*, Atlas Corporation 80c 7 18 18 18 52*, 51% Atlas Corp'n pf (5) 2 51% 61% 51% — % 85% 72% Atlas Powder (b75c). 1 81 81 81 +1% 18% 15*! Atlas Tack < 1) -■ 1 15% 15% 15% 4- % 9% 7% Austin Nichols _ 18% 8% 8% + % 9% 6*4 Aviation Coro (Del) 21 8% 8 8% + % 11% 8 Baldwin Loco (d) 7 8% 8% 8% - *» s% 7% Baldwin Locoasd(d) 7 7% 7% 7% — % 28% 20% Baltimore* Ohio 31 27% 27% 27% - % 42 33*, Baltimore & Ohio pf 1 39% 39% 39% - % 45 41 Bangor&Aroos (2%) 1 43% 43% 43%+ % 110% 105 Bancor&Aroos pf (5) 150, 110% 110 110% +1% 42% 35% Barber Co <a75c) 7 40% 40% 40% - % 32 25*4 Barker Brothers 4 27% 27*. 27% + % 42 38 Barker Bros pf (2%) 60, 40% 40% 40% — % 35% 26t, Barnsdall Oil (1) . 11 30!, 30% 30!, + ** 28*4 25 Beatrice Cream (tl). 2 26% 26*. 26%-% 15% 13 Beldins Hemln (1) _ 7 14% 14% 14% - % 30% 25 Bendix Avia (b25c) . 7 27% 27% 27% 23*4 21*4 Beneficial Lo <b4Sc). 6 21% 21% 21% 62*. 56 Best & Co (t2 %) 1 59% 59% 59% + % 95% 73 Bethlehem Stl (al%) 84 93 92% 93 +1% 20 18% Beth Stl 5% pf (1)... 1 18% 18% 18%-% 129% 125 Beth Stl pf (7) _ 1 127% 127% 127% 69% 64 Bigelow-San (b50c).. 1 65 65 65 + % 38 33% Black * Decker b50c. 4 35% 35 35 + % 28*, 22% Blaw Knox (a80c) . 8 26*, 26% 26%-% 94% 92 Blnmenthal pf ta21). 20, 92 92 92 - % 48% 33% Bocinp Airplane .. 22 48% 47% 47% — % 48% 41 Bohn Alum & Br (3). 6 47% 46% 46% 93 88 Bon Ami (A)(4) .. 30s 88% 88 88 -1 45% 42% Bon Ami (B) (b62 %c) 30« 45% 45% 45% 28 26% Borden Co (1.60c)... 9 26% 26% 26*.-% 83% 72>. Bnrg-Warner (4)_ 1 77% 77% 77% + % 10% 8*. Boston* Maine .. 2 9% 9% 9% 4% 3% Botany Mines A (d) 4 4 3% 4 + % 23% 16% Brldgep't Brass (60c) 25 21% 21% 21% + % 53% 48 BriRRS & Stratton (3) 1 49% 49% 49% - % 53 46 Bklvn-ManTr (4) . 7 47% 47% 47% + % 102% 99% Bklyn Man T pf (6).. 8 99% 99% 99% -1 8 6*, Bklyn & Queens . 3 7 7 7 52*. 46*. Bklyn Union Gas (3). 2 46 46 46 25% 20 Bucyrus-Erie _ 13 23% 23% 23% + % 14*, 12(4 Budd (EG) MfR .. 11 12% 12% 12% 98 75 Budd (EG) MfR pf— 1 80% 80*4 80%-% 13 9% Budd Wheel (a20c)_. 10 11 10% 10% 45% 34% Bullard Co (b25c)_ 1 40% 40% 40%-% 64% 51 Bulova Watch .. 11 64 63% 63% + % 35*, 31% Burr AddinR M (80c). 6 34% 34% 34% + % 11% 7% Bush Terminal (d)—. 2 9% 9 9% + % 39 27 Bush Term deb (d)._ 1 32 32 32 -% 17% 13% Butler Bros (bloc)—. 38 17»% 17% 17%+% 34*. 29% Butler Bros pf (1%). 6 34% 34% 34% + % 8% 5% Butte Cop &Z (a5c>- 25 8% 8% 8% - % 33 27% Byers (AM) 6 28% 28% 28% 31% 27 Byron Jackson (tl)- 1 29% 29% 29% 6% 2% Callahan Zinc-Lead.. 806 6% 4% 4% - % 20% 15% Calumet* Hecla (1). 23 18% 18% 18%-% 37% 32% Campbell Wv (tl)_ 3 35% 35 36 - % 32% 27% Canada Dry G Ale.... 13 29 28% 28% + % 61 60% Canada Southern (3). 60s 60 60 60 — % 17% 14% Canadian Pacific . . 28 17 16% 16% - % 106 103 Car Clin & O stpd (5) 10s 103 103 103 -% 8% 7 Carriers &Gen(a35c) 1 7% 7% 7% + % 176% 138 Case (J I) Co (4) . 2 161 160 161 + % 100 85% Caterpillar Trac(t2). 2 95% 95% 95%+% 36 26% Celanese Corp (al%) 70 36% 35 35% - % 47% 36% Celotex Corp — 5 46% 46% 46% + % 82% 78% Celotex Corp pf (5)._ 10s 82 82 82 39% 34 Centr ARUire (tl%). 1 34% 34% 34% + % 12% 8% Central Foundry Co.. 9 11% 10% 10%-% 107% 104 Cent 111 Lt pf (4%)— 10s 104 104 104 24% 17% Central Violeta Sur .. 1 18% 18% 18%+% 12 10% Century RM (blOc).. 13 12% 11% 12 + % 77% 67% Cerrode Pasco (4) .. 69 78% 77 78%+2 23% 16% Certain-teed Prod . 3 20% 20% 20% 82 67% Certain-teed P pf (6) 50s 78% 78% 78% +1 52% 35% Champ Pap* F (1) - 2 46% 46 46 89% 85 Chesapeake Corp (3). 1 88 88 88 -% 68% 63% Ches & Ohio (12.80) .. 8 66 65% 66 +% 4% 2% Chi & East 111 (d) .. 3 4 3% 4 + % 13% 6% Chi* East III pf (d). 3 11% 11% 11% + % 3% 2% Chi Grt West (d) .. 1 3% 3% 3% 17% 13% Chi Grt West pf (d) 7 16% 16 16 - % 32 30% Chi Mail Order(tl%) 2 30% 30% 30% 2*. 2 Chi Mtl St P&P (d) . 4 2% 2% 2% - % 7% 4% Chi MStP&Ppf (d). 10 6% 6% 6% - % 6% 3% Chi * N W(d) _ 11 5% 5% 5% 19% 11% Chi&N W pf (d)_ 2 18 17% 18 +% 33 23 Chi Pneumatic Tool.. 1 29% 29% 29% + % 3% 2% Chi R I & Pac (d) -. 7 3 2% 3 10% 6% Chi RT&P 7% pf (d)_. 3 9% 9 9 -% 27% 24 Chi Yellow Cab (2)—. 1 24% 24% 24% - % 22*4 19 Chickasha Cot Oil_ « 19% 19 19 -% 15% 12% Childs Co 4 14 13% 14 +% 64 46% Chile Copper (1) 60s 62% 62 62 -1 135% 110% Chrysler Corp (hi %) 17 125% 125% 125% - % 21% 18% City Ice & Fuel (2) 3 21 21 21 + % 92 85 City Ice* F pf (6%) 80s 90 90 90 10% 9 City Stores ... 28 10% 10% 10% + % 38*4 32% Clark Equip (tl.60) . 2 35 34% 34*4-% 113 107 Clev El Illu pf (4%). 110s 109 108% 109 -1 138 122% Coca-Cola (t2) * 4 141 140 141 +3 21% 19% ColRate P-P (t50c)._. 4 ?0% 20 20 - % 62% 66 Collins* Aik (t2>_ 6 68 57% 57% + % 61% 44% Colo Fuel* Iron_ 5 45% 45 45% + % 24% 21 Colo* Southern ... 120, 24 24 24 - % 20% 17 ColumbG* E (a40c) 40 17% 17% 17% + H 39% 34% Columb Pic vtc (tl)-. 1 86% 36% 36% + % 69% 58 Cornel Credit (t4) 17 61% 61% 61% + % 114 101% Cornel Credit pf (4%) 3 105% 104% 104% - % 80% 69% Cornel Invest T (t4). 2 71 71 71 21% 18% Cornel Solv (760c)— 27 18% 18% 18% + % 4*4 3*4 Comw & Southern- 71 8% 8% 3% 754 60** Comw & SOU pf (3) - 4 BO 59 594 —14 444 364 Congoleum-Nalrn (2 ) 4 424 424 *24 + 4 85 80 Consol Cigar pf (7) 10s 82 82 82 +4 494 414 Consol EdisN Y (t2) 1* «4 42 424 - 4 184 154 Consol Film pf (a2)_. 1 164 164 164 134 94 Consol Laundries_ 4 134 13 13-4 174 154 Consol Oil (80c)_ 62 154 154 154 + 4 1054 1054 Consol Oil pf (5)_ 1 1054 1054 1054 +14 104 74 Consol R R Cuba pf— 2 84 6 8-4 14 4 Consol Textile (d) . 422 14 14 14 + 4 324 204 Container Corp( 1.20 ) 3 294 294 294 874 29 Conti Baking (A)_ 5 344 344 344 + 4 54 3 Conti Baking (B)_ 35 44 *4 *4 -4 694 594 Cont’ICan (3) 24 604 594 60 -4 254 204 Conti Diamond P (2). 6 24 24 24 424 394 Conti Insur (tl.60)_ 5 414 414 414 + 4 34 24 Conti Motors — 16 84 84 34 454 414 Conti Oil of Del (tl)- 3 42 414 414 + 4 824 264 Cont’l Steel (baOc) - 2 314 304 314 + 4 77 634 Corn Ex Bk&Tr (3). «0. 78 724 73 +4 714 654 Corn Prod Ref Ct3) — 14 67 664 67 +4 84 6 Cotylnc.. 17 74 7 7 564 *6 Crane Co . -- 1 514 514 614 37 854 Cream of Wheat (t2) 2 86 36 36 284 214 Crosley Radio (al'4) 2 25 25 25 +4 1004 744 Crown C*k & Seal (2). 4 884 88 88 564 53 Crown C&S pf ww2 4 1 52 62 52 - % 122 109 Crown WPlst b2.914. 20i 1204 1204 1204 A Prev. 1037 Stock and Bales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 24% 17 «Crown Zellerback rto 19 21 20% 21 + % 75 61 Crucible Steel_ 4 73% 73% 78% 8 2% Cuba Co_ 2 2% 2% 2% 17% 12% Cuba R R pf_ 20s 12% 12% 12%-% 14% 11% Cuban-Am Sugar.._ 7 11% 11% 11% — % 42% 89% Cudahy Pkg (2%)_ 16 42% 42% 42% + % 109% 101% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 2 101% 101% 101% - % 7% 6% Curtiss Wright_ 181 7% 7 7 22% 19% Curtiss W (A)(aKOc) 3 20% 20% 20%-% 60 49 Cushman Sons pf ... 10s 62 62 62 +2 90% 82 Cutler-Hammer b50o 2 89% 89% 89% 109 106% Dayton P&L pf (4%) 20s 105% 105% 105% + % 128% 104% Deere & Co _ 4 121% 121 121 31% 29% Deere & Co pf (1.40). 4 80% 80% 30% + % 29 26% Deisel-Wem-G (tl)-. 2 26% 26 26 63% 42% Delaware & Hudson.. 10 49% 49 49 + % 22% 17% Dela Lack & West . 8 20% 20% 20% + % 76% 61 Devoe & Rey (A) ( + 3) 8 -71% 70% 70% — % 28% 24% Distil Corp Seas Ltd. 28 26% 26% 26% + % 94% 90 Distillers Corp pf(5). 1 93 93 93 + % 41% 89 Dixie Vortex A (2%). 20» 41% 40% 41% +1% 46% 87% Doehler Die Cast (2). 1 48% 43% 43% + % 61 46% Dome Mlnea (t2)_ 6 48% 48 48 11% 10% Dominion Stores_... 6 10% 10% 10% — % 77% 62% Douglass Aircraft__ 9 65% 65 65 — % 1% % Duluth SS&Atl_ 2 1 1 1 -% 8% 6% DunhlU Internatl_ 2 7 7 7 +% 180% 169 Du Pont deN (b75c). 1171 171 171 +% 135% 131% Du Pont deN deb (6) 1 133% 133% 183% + % 175% 167% Kastman Kodak („>.. 1 169% 169% 169% -1% 163 159 Eastman Kod pf (6).. 20s 161 161 161 +% 37% 32% Eaton Mfg <t2)_ 6 35% 35% 85% + % 14% 11% Eltlngton-Schild_ 16 14% 13% 14% + % 29 24% El Paso Nat G (1.60). 3 25% 25% 25% 45% 38% Elec Auto Lite (t2.40 7 43% 43% 43% + % 16 12 Elec Boat (a60c) 11 14% 14% 14%-% 7% 6% Elec&Mus Ind (al8c) 1 6% 6% 6% 26% 21% Elec Power & Light.. 23 23% 22% 22% - % 87 75% Elec Pw & Lt $6 pf... 2 78% 78 78 92% 79 Elec Pw & Lt $7 pf_ 4 82% 82% 82% -1% 44% 41% Elec Storage Bat (2). 1 42 42 42 + % 2 1% Elk Horn Coal td) . 8 1% 1% 1% 8 5% Elk Horn Coal pf (d). 1 6% 6% 6% — % 115% 110 Endlcott-John pf (5). 20s 110 110 110 9% 8% Equitable Office Bldg. 1 8% 8% 8% 31% £6% Erie UK 1st tif . 1 30 30 30 14% 12% Eureka Vac Cl (80c). 1 13% 13% 13% + % 83% 28% Evans Product (tl)— 6 32% 32% 32% - % 28 21% Fairbanks Co pf _ 40s 23% 23% 23% + % 71% 61% Falrb'ks-Morse (tl).. 1 63 63 63 -% 29% 25 Federal Lt & Trac— 3 25 25 25 103 97 Fed Lt&Trpf (6)_ 10s 99 99 99 -1 142 66% Fed Min & Smelter... 1 135 135 135 —5 11% 8% Federal Mot Tr (40c) 14 10% 10% 10% + % liy* Fed Screw Works_ 17 10H 10H 6 4% Fed Water S vc (A)_ 6 5% 5% 5% + % 42% 86% Fed'd Dept Str (2)... 4 40 39% 40 +1% I 107% 102% Fed'd DScu pf (4%) 2 105 105 105 +1 45% 42% Fidel Phoe F In tl.60. 4 41 43% 44 + % 38% 32% Firestone T&R (2) ... 6 37% 36% 37% + % 46% 41 Flintkote Co (1) 8 42% 42% 42% 9% 6% FoUansbee Bros (d).. 3 8% 8% 8% — % 54% 43 Foster-Wheeler _ 2 50 50 50 — % 32% 26% Freeport Sul Co (1).. 4 29% 29% 29% + % 48% 4U Fuller Co 2d pf _. 10s 41 41 41 5% 4% Gabriel Co (A) 22 6 6% « + % ! 106% 105 Gannett cv pf 16) _ 10s 106 106 106 +1 19% 15% Gar Wood Ind (a55c) 14 19 18% 18% + % 15% 12% Gen Am Inv (a75c) 8 14 13% 13% ! 86% 70% Gen Am Trans't ia3). 8 80% 80** 80% — % 19% 16% Gen Baking (tOoc)_ 3 17% 17% 17% — % 14 11 Gen Bronze _ 1 12% 12% 12% + % 31% 25% Gen Cable 11 30% 30% 30s« + % j 64% 52% Gen Electric (tl)_ 45 61% 6o% 61% + % : 44% 39% Gen Foods (2) 2 42% 42% 42%-% 3% 2% Gen Gas & Elec (A)- 9 2% 2% 2% l 65% 60% Gen Mills (3) ..... 1 62% 62% 62% + % ■ 124 118% Gen Mills pf<6) • .... 60s 122 122 122 -1 j 70% 60% Gen Motors tb25c)__ 47 66% 65% 66% +1 ! 122% 119% Gen Motors pf (5).._ 3 12u 120 120 15% 12% Gen Outdoors Adv- 18 14% 14 14% + % 80 69 Gen Print Ink (ai)_ 4 78 78 78 —l 5% 4% Gen Pub Service _ 2 4% 4% 4% 65% 56% Gen Ry Signal (1)_ 3 61% 60% 61% + % 5*4 4% Gen Realty & Ctrl_ 69 5% 5% 5% — % 48% 40% Gen Realty & IT pf 3 44% 44 44 70% 63 Gen Retractor <a3%) 2 63% b3% 63% — % 33% 29% Gen Theater E ta2) 1 3o 3o 3o -1 43% 37 Gen Time Inv (tl) 3 41 4<i 40 20% 15% Gillette Saf Kaz itl). 17 18% 18% 18% t7 20% Gimbel Bros .. 76 27% 26% 27% + % 88 83% Gimbel Bros pf (6).. 2 88 88 88 51% 43% Glidden Co (2) .. 2 48 47% 48 +% 58% 54% Glidden cv pf (2%)— 1 55% 55% 55% + % 6% 6% Gobel (Adolf) — 63 6% 6% 6% — % 8% 6% Goebel Brew (t20c) — 2o 7% 7% 7% 42-% 31 Goodrich (BF)tal) 27 40% 40 40** + % 87% 79% Goodrich (B F)pf(5) 1 86 86 86 - % 42% 27% Goody’r T&R tboOc) 53 39% 39 39% + % 127% 100 Goody'r T&R cu j.f(5) 3 118 117 118 +% 144 114% Goodyr T&R 2d pfl") 7 135% 133% 135% +1% 13% 11% Gotham Silk Hose_ 5 11% 11% 11% 4% 3 Graliarn-Faige _ 47 4% 4 4 15 6% Granby Cons (new)_ 8 12% 12% 12% — % 6% 4 Grand Union ctf* 4 4% 4 4 27% 21% Grand Un pf <b25c)__ 1 23% 23% 23% + % 47% 42 Grant (W T)(tl.40).. 5 46% 45 46% -rl% 49% 40% Grt Northern pf _ 18 47% 47 47% — % 24% 19 Grt North n Ore (1).. 44 24% 24% 24% + % 42% 35% Grt West Sug (t2.40) 1 37% 37% 37% + % 38% 34 Green (HL) (tl.60).. 6 35% 35 35% + % 16% 14% Greyhound (t80c)_ 8 15% 15% 15** 4% 3% Guantanamo Sugar . 2 3% 3% 3% — % 59 44% Guantanamo Sug pf.. 20s 42 40 42 —2% 56 51% Gulf Mobile & N pf . 1 54 54 54 36 32% Hack W pf (A)(l*i). 80s 35 35 35 20% 18% Hall (W F) Printing 18 19% 19 19 31 27% Hamilton Watch o25c 2 29 29 29 57 50% Harb-Walker ( + 2) 6 53% 63 53 17% 15 HatC'pof Am A b20c 3 15% 15% 15% + % 106% 103% Hat Corp pf w w (6 % ) 20s 106% 106% 106% 8 67* Hayes Body ... 12 6% 6% l% 157* 13% llecker l’rod (60c)_ 5 14% 14% 11% 39% 33% Hercules Motor (tl). 1 37% 37% 37% 135% 129% Hercules Pdr pf (6) 30s 131 131 131 111 107 Hershe.v Choc pf <t4) 1 108 108 108 — % 52% 47 Holland Fur (al %) .. 2 48 48 48 + % I 120% 110 Holland Fur pf (o) . 20s llo 110 110 25% 21 Hollander & Son (1). 3 24% 23% 21% + % 43% 32% Holly Sugar (+2)_ 1 33% 33% 33% + % 415 366 Homestake (tl2) ... 10s 389 389 389 j 27% 23% Houd-Her (BKtl%). 1 25% 25% 25% + % 73 65% Household Fin (4)_ 1 66% 66% 66% — % 17% 12% Houston Oil vtc- 12 15 14% 14% + % 89% 62% Howe Sound <t3)- 8 85% 84% 85% — % 5% 4 Hudson & Manhat- 15 5 5 23% 18% Hudson MotorCar- 8 20% 20% 20%-% 2% 2% Hupp Motors - 23 2% 2% 2% 30% 22% Illinois Central_ 15 28% 28% 28% + % 22% 12% Indian Refining (al)_ 2 16% 16% 16% 40% 36% Indust Rayon (tl.68) 50 39% 38% 38% + % 124 112% Inland Steel (4) — 4 122% 121 121 -1% 33% 22% Inspiration Copper 25 30% 29% 80 — % 13% 11% Interb Rap Tr vtc (d) 1 11% 11% 11%+% 6% 4% Intercontl Rubber_ 79 7% 6% 7 + ?* 22% 16% Interlake Iron _ 34 22% 21*4 22 + % 8% 6 Inti Agricultural- 10 8 7% 8 + % 59% 42 Inti Agricul pr pf — 1 54 54 54 189 176 Inti Bus Mach < +6> — 1 177% 177% 177% 111% 102% Inti Harvester (2%). 8 103 103 103 -% 167* 87* inti Hydro Elec (A). 23 15% 14% 14*4 18% 15% Inti Mining (a90c)._. 3 16% 16% 16% - ** 72% 62% Inti Nickel tboOc) .. 53 71 69?* 70?*-% 21% 16% Inti Paper & Pw (A). 4 19% 19% 19% + % 14% 10?* Inti Paper & Pw (B). 19 12% 12% 12?, 7% 5*4 Inti Paper & Pw (C). 25 7 6% 6% + >4 108% 90% Inti Paper & Pw pf_ 24 104% 103% 104% +1% 10 8 Inti Ry Cent Amer— 50s 8% 8% 8% | 28*4 26'$ Inti Salt (tils)- 1 27 27 27 ' 49*4 47H Inti Shoe 112)_ 1 48*$ 48*$ 48*$ + *$ 49H 31*4 Inti Sliver _ 2 45 45 45 +1 1554 11*4 Inti Tel & Tel — 70 13*4 131$ 131$-*$ 86*4 291$ Interstat Dpt St b2’i- 9 321$ 321$ 327$ + !$ 106 1031$ Inter Dept Strs pf(7) 80s 1031$ 103*4 1031$ + H 28*4 251$ Island Creek (2) . 3 27 26*4 26** - H J65 1341$ Johns-Manville (t3> 4 185 1345$ 135 —1 S)$ 4,$ Johns-Man rts Mar 11 63 4“» 41$ 41$ — )$ 46 42*4 Kalamazoo S (tl) - 2 43!$ 431$ 431$ 31*$ 2814 Kaufmann D S tl.60_. 8 31 31 31 +1 2314 19(4 Kelsev-H (A)(al!4>- 8 21 21 21-1$ 191$ 16*$ Kclsey-H (B)(all$)- 3 1754 17V$ 175$ - 54 651$ 56** Kennecott Cop(boOc) 48 631$ 62*$ 62*$ — J$ 20 17*4 KeystoneS&W( bl5c) 2_ 185$ 18*4 18** — 14 7*4 61$ Kinney (G R) Co 2 7 61$ 61$ - 5$ 70 471$ Kinney (G R> pf(al) 160s 665$ 641$ 661$ + 1*$ 29*4 2714 Kresge(SS)Co(b30c) 9 271$ 2714 275$ - 1$ 471$ 411$ Kress (S H) (1.60) - 5 441$ 43 44!$ +25$ 24>4 22 Kroger G& B (tl.60) 6 231$ 23 23!$-!$ 2754 22 Laclede Gas (St L)-- 20« 221$ 2214 225$ + 5$ 2374 181$ I.ambsrtCo (2)- 3 2254 225* 225* 161$ 15 Lane Bryant _ 1 161$ 161$ 161$ + 14 275$ 17 Lee Rub & Tire (50c) 2 25*4 2554 255$-!$ 611$ 38*4 Leh PortCmt (1%)~ 2 481$ 48 48 - 1$ 854 21$ Lehigh Valley Coal— 6 254 21$ 25$ 18)$ 1314 Lehigh Val Coal pf— 4 14 135* 14 — 14 2114 1714 Lehigh Valley R R— 10 201$ 205$ 201$ + 14 585$ 52 Lerner Stores (t2).— 1 5454 5454 5454 79 6714 Libbey-O-F-Gl (b75e) 11 72 71*4 72 - 54 15 954 Libby McN & L <al). 43 141$ 141$ 145$ + 5$ 285$ 255$ Life Saver (tl.60) _ 1 261$ 261$ 261$ — yt 114 10654 Ligg & Myers B < 14 ) _ 3 11054 110*4 11054 831$ 69 Lima Locomotive — 8 775$ 765$ 771$ +1 52 4354 Liquid Carb (2.60)- 2 491$ 49 49 - 14 795* 641$ Loew s Inc (t2)- 11 791$ 79 79*4 — 5$ 85$ 254 Loft Inc 42 354 31$ 31$ 7014 66 Lone Star Cmt b75c— 11 661$ 66 661$ + 5$ 1054 6!$ Long Bell Lum (A)— 38 9)$ 854 954 + 54 431$ 391$ Loose-Wiles (2) — 2 40 40 40 + 54 2854 2254 Lorillard (P)(tl.20). 6 26*4 26*4 261$ - 5$ 147*4 142 Lorillard (P)pf(7>— 100s 14654 146*4 14654 + 1$ 3754 2954 Ludlum Steel (tl)- 3 3554 351$ 355$ + 14 36 321$ McCall Corp (t2).- 1 33 33 83 - !$ 24*4 18!4 McCrory Stores - 11 2*1$ 215$ 2154 — !$ 425$ 38 McIntyre Porcu (2) — 4 405* 4054 4054 — 14 1454 125$ McKesson & Rob — 12 135* 135* 135* — 14 19 16H McLellan St (b75c)„ 12 18*$ 175$ 181$ + *4 585$ 42*$ Mack Trucks (tl)._ 87 60*4 571$ 60*4+3*4 665$ 50H Macy (R H)(t2)_ 49 57 5614 67 +114 6254 53 Magma Copper (2)- 8 601$ 601$ 601$ 75$ 6 Manatl Sugar (d)- 1 6*4 55* 65$ — 14 30 21 Manati Sugpf (d)_ 20» 22 211$ 22 165$ 14 Mandell Bros (bl)_ 2 14!$ 141$ 111$ + 14 654 45$ Maracaibo Oil Exp -. 1 6 6 6 +5$ 1414 101$ Marine Mjdl’d (t40c). 9 131$ 13 13*4 51 47 Marlin Rock (t2) 1 60 50 50 + 14 25!$ 185$ Marshall Field & Co.. 57 255$ 25!$ 25*$ + !$ 11!$ 9 Martin-Parry Corp 10 10!$ 95$ 10 - !$ 5$ 14 Martin-Par rts Mch 2 25 !4 14 14 74 60 Masonite Corp <tl)T 671$ 665$ 671$+1 4154 88 HJathieson Aik (154)- 1 381$ *81$ 381$+!$ _64 69H May Dept Str(tS)— 7 68 62 68 +1 4 A Prev. 1B37 Stock and Hale*— Net . High. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chga. 834 254 Mead Corp_ 1 804 804 304 + 4 164 114 MengelCo_ 1 144 144 144 294 164 Miami Copper_ 18 244 284 284 - 4 82** 297$ Mld-Cont Pet (al.15). 8 81 804 81 474 384 Mtdl’d Stl Prod (t2)„ 9 474 464 464 -4 111 102 Mlnn-Hon Ros (2)_ 1 1064 1064 10*4 -14 154 11 Minn Moline Power_ 7 134 184 134 -4 954 884 Minn Moline Pwr pf- 2 924 924 924 +4 84 *7$ Mo Kana ft Texas ... ,2 84 84 84 — 4 1834 244 Mo Kans & Tex pf A.. 9 314 814 814 - 4 5 3 Missouri Pacific (d)_. 7 44 44 44 114 7 Mo Pacific pf (d)_ 6 104 10 10 404 804 Mohawk Corp (tl.20 ) 6 384 38 38 101 93 Monsanto Chem (tl). 2 93 924 93 644 634 Montgom Ward (t2). 61 644 624 64 +14 34 14 Mother Lode(al24c) 278 8 4 8 84 -4 884 884 Motor Products (t2). 1 364 354 354 + 4 26 214 Motor Wheel (1.60) 2 247$ 244 24!$ - 4 864 81 Mullins Mfg BiaSOc). 3 324 324 324 +4 20*$ 17 Murray Corp (a50c)— 6 184 184 184 — 4 704 684 Myers(FE)&Bro (bl) 1 704 704 704 24*j 174 Nash Kelvinator (1). 17 23 22*4 28 +4 237$ 184 Natl Acme (a76c)_ 9 21*$ 214 214+4 184 134 Natl Aviation (al)._. 3 164 164 164 -4 824 804 Natl Biscuit (1.60).„ 82 327$ 324 324 + 4 83*$ 297$ Natl Bond & Inv 1.44 . 2 304 30 30 -4 38,7$ 29*$ Natl Cash Reg (al).. 7 874 874 374 +4 264 284 Nat’l Dairy Prod 1.20. 15 244 234 244 + 4 234 174 Natl Dept Stores ... 9 234 22*4 28 +4 104 74 Natl Dept Stores pf — 190a 9 84 84 81 274 Natl Distil Prod (t2). 60 314 31 31 +4 874 83»$ Natl Lead (t50c) ._ 15 367$ 354 36 -4 145$ 114 Natl Pwr A Lt (60c)_. 5 125-4 124 124 -4 1 5$ Natl Ry Mex 2d pf_ 14 4 5$ 4 907$ 70 Natl Steel (t24)_ 5 884 884 884 + 4 127$ 10 Natl Tea (60c)_ 2 104 104 1«4 134 115$ Natomas It80c)_ '1 124 124 124 414 34*$ Newp’t Indus <a60c). 8 374 377$ 374 + 4 984 784 N Y Air Brake (boOc) 8 904 894 894 -24 464 40 NY Central RR .. 70 454 45 454 + 4 614 41 N Y Chicago & St L 8 604 60 60 255$ 194 N Y Dock pf _110. 215$ 21 214 + 4 2 14 N Y Investors (d)_ 60 2 14 14 — 4 I 97$ 64 NY NH & H (d) 62 9 8 4 9 + 4 264 164 NY NH & H pf (d)__ 17 25 24 4 25 +4 65$ 5 N Y Ontario & West— 6 54 64 54 154 12 NY Shipbuilding .. 4 144 144 144 - H 35$ 2 Norfolk Southern(d). 7 87$ 3 3-4 175$ 135$ North Am Aviation . 15 164 154 154 347. 294 North Am Co <b30c)- 29 30 294 30 -4 *3 274 Northern Pacific „ 16 314 314 814 -4 54 34 Norw alk Tire & Rub. 8 45$ 44 4*$ + 41 194 174 Ohio Oil (a«0c) 83 184 184 184 264 184 Omnibus Corp vtc_ 18 25 24*$ 24*$ + *$ ! 175$ 13'* Oppenheim Collins_ 13 19}$ 18 185$ -r ’$ 457$ 3»4 Otis Elevator (aTic). 5 414 404 404 — 4 215$ 164 Otis Steel . 8 20 194 20 +4 904 75 Otis Steel cv pf (5 4) 1 87 87 87 - 5$ 15*$ 114 Pacific Coast .. 20. 134 134 134 - 4 367$ 254 Pacific Coast 1st pf — 170. 377$ 355$ 37 +2 277$ 214 Pacific Coast 2d ... 10$ 25 25 25 +14 32*» 294 Pac Finance (tl.80).. 1 30 30 30 38 324 Pac Gas & Elec (2)-_. 15 335$ 334' 335$ + 4 535$ 46 Pac Righting (3) 6 47 4 47‘$ 474 + 4 447$ 37*$ Pacific Mills (b50c) — 22 40t$ 387$ 40(4+17$ 152 147 Pac Tel & Teleg (»7). 10. 150 150 150 28 224 Fac West O ca65c) 1 267$ 264 267$ + 7$ 12*$ 104 Packard Motor(a45c) 30 114 114 114+7$ 47$ 25* Panhandle Pro & H _ 1 3 3 3 —4 88'* 60 Panhandle P & R pf_. 210. 68 634 68 + 44 28** 237$ Paramount Pictures. 202 26*$ 2fii* 26*$ -t- 4 2007$ 166 Param Pic 1st pf (6). 2 187 186 186 +2 26** 215$ rarani PIC 2d Pf a60c. 26 24'$ 247$ 247$ + 4 ^4 29»* Park & Tilford (2) . 1 295$ 295$ 29*$ -1’$ ’« 4 Park & Til rts Mch 15 4 *, •„ », 84 47$ Park Utah 225 7'-* 64 67$ - 4 294 244 Parker Rust P (tl 4) 2 26»* 26'* 26!* - 4 104 8** Pa the Film Corp 6 94 9 9 + 4 2o4 147$ Pa’tino Mines (t60c)_. 2 19 19 19 ■+• 4 7*$ 34 Peerless Motor _ 11 64 64 64 + *$ 64 58 Penick & Ford < +3)_ 1 594 594 59’, 4- 7$ 102** 97 renney (J C) (4)_ 6 99 98 99 +14 6*$ 4** Penn Coal & Coke ... 1 54 5!$ 54 124 15$ Penn Dixie cement 2 104 107, 104 — 4 764 64 Penn Dixie C pf (A).. 8 69 684 69 +1 29** 22 Penn G1 S'd ctfs aSoc 2 27 27 27 -+- 1$ 44'. 39*4 Penn ltaiiroad <a2).. 10 43*$ 434 434 — 4 16s* 44 Peoria & Eastern_ 4 154 15 15 — », 477$ 34 I’ere .Marquette — 8 46 46 46 +1 20s, 177* Petr Corp Am (a90c). 4 187$ 185$ 184 — 4 137, 117* Pfeiffer Brew (1.20) 20 127$ 124 124 — 4 69 62 Phelps Dodge (b35c) 14 567$ 55** 564 + '$ 74 5** Phila Rap Tr (d) 140. 64 64 64 14 12 Phila Rap Tr pf (d) 20. 12** 12*$ 12*$ + 4 3*4 27$ Phila & Read C & I 174 2 14 14 - 4 814 "4 Phillips Morris(b3*4) 8 814 8P$ 81"$ — *$ 674 497$ Phillips Petrol (2) — 11 53’, S3** 53’$ -e •$ 19*$ 16*$ Pierce Oil pf ... 3 174 174 174 + 4 4 87, Pierce Petroleum .. 12 8’$ 3** 3*$ 33*4 284 Pillsbury Flour 1.60 . 1 307$ 307$ 30’$ IB * * 15 Pittsburgh Coal . 1 154 154 154 -4 18s* 13*4 Pitts Screw <a52 4C) 9 17*$ 174 174 28 204 Fitts Term Coal pf ._ 20. 204 204 204 -1 . 8»$ 3*$ Pitts United Corp .. 3 77$ 75$ 7*. + 7$ 38s$ 314 Pittsburgh & W Va_. 120, 38 37 37 -4 274 244 Plymouth OR (tl)... 6 25 4 24*$ 25 33*4 25*$ Poor* Co (B) 14 29’$ 294 295$ + 4 114 84 PortoR Am Tob (A).. 1 94 94 94 + 4 154 10»$ Postal Tel & C pf id). 4 13 13 13-7$ 317$ 257$ Pressed Steel Car . 6 285$ 28*$ 287$ 654 554 Proctor & Gamb (t2). 8 627* 62 62 - 7$ 52** 474 Pub Svc N J (2.60)_ 2 477$ 475$ 477$ 1284119 Pub Svc N J pf (6)_ 1 120*. 120*$ 120*$ +1!$ 724 66’$ Pullman inc (14)... 3 677$ 677$ 677$ -1 244 194 Pure Oil . 38 19*$ 194 19s* 112**108 Pure Oil 8% pf 60s 1125$ 1127, 112** + ** 23*$ 184 Purity Bakeries(60c) 12 23 224 224 — 5$ 124 107$ Radio Corp 135 115$ 114 114 80 76*$ Radio Corp pf A(3 *$ ) 5 774 77** 77*$ + 4 9*$ 77$ Radio-Keith Or (d) . 14 8s* 8», 85*+ 4 37'* 344 Ravbestos M < 114) — 1 34'$ 34'* 34'$ — 4 13*$ 114 Real Silk Hosiery_ 8 11** 117* 117$ - 4 3$, 2’s Reis (Robt) . ... 3 37$ 37$ 3'$ + 7$ 224 18*. Reliable Strs (a50c). 8 20’$ 20s, 205$ + ** 28** 214 Rem-Rand (t60c> .. 11 27»* 27s, 27s, - 7$ 94’, 804 Rem-R pf ww (4 4)— 1 93 93 93 97$ 5 Reo Motor Car_ 69 8’$ 85$ 85$ 37 274 Republic steel _ 42 35 34’$ 35 +4 108 99 RepStlprpf A (6)._. 1 105 105 105 46*$ 334 Revere Copper _ 10 447$ 434 44 + *$ 30*$ 26*$ Reynolds Metal (tl). 6 277$ 27 27 -4 67 67 Reynolds Tob (3) — 1 65 65 65 -2 58 55 Reynolds Tob B (3)_. 12 56*$ 557$ 554 + 4 31 4 247$ Ritter Dental (tl)_ 1 264 264 264 - 7$ 130 117 RuberoidCoO i0)... 1 129 129 129 -$4 46 414 Safeway Store (t2)_ 4 435$ 437$ 43*$ 113 1104 Safeway Strs pf (7)- 10$ 111 111 111 67 4 435* St Joseph Ud <b50c)- 4 56 65 4 65*$ 44 3 St L-SanFran (d)_ 6 44 4*$ 44 + 4 117$ 67$ St L-San Fran pf (d). 6 10’$ 104 10’$ + 4 17?$ 11 St L Southw‘n (d)- 40$ 175$ 17*$ 175$ + 5$ 22 147$ Savage Arms (al)... 23 244 22 244 +25* 475$ 424 Schenley Distil (t3)_. 49 48'$ 477$ 485$ +14 98 94?$ Schenley Dis pf (55$). 1 974 974 974 + 7$ 3'$ 2 Schulte R Strs (dl... 8 3 24 24 23*s 17 Schulte R S pf (d)_ 5 22 4 22 22 - 5$ 45'$ 38 Scott Paper (1) . _ 110. 42 41 42 +14 24 14 Seaboard Air L (d)... 9 15$ 15$ i«$ 84 6 Seaboard A L pf (d).. 4 74 74 74 + 4 47'* 407$ Seaboard Oil (1)- 8 44 434 434 114 77$ Seagrave Corp _ 9 11 104 11 + 7$ 91?$ 81 Sears Roebuck (3)_ 25 904 89** 907$ + 4 34 28 Servel Inc (tl) ... 4 314 314 314-'$ 884 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20). 2 36»* 36** 36>* + 5$ 14 104 Sharpe & Dohme — 7 117$ 115$ 114 - 4 175$ 15*, Shattuck(F G)(60c). 11 164 16 164 + 4 34*« 267, Shell Un Oil (a25c> . 3 334 334 334 - 7* 1054 1027$ Shell UnOil pf (5 4). 1 103*, 1035$ 103*$ - 5$ 164 124 Silver King (60c)_ 25 167$ 155$ 154 557$ 444 Simmons Co (a3)_ 7 61*$ 514 515$ 47 42 SkellyOil_ 1 434 434 434 -4 Prev. 1937 Stock and Bale*— Net Hlth. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 1024 99 Skelly Oil pf (6)- 2 1014 1014 1014 + 4 138 864 Sloss-Sheffleld Stl— 690s 143 136 143 +7 544 47 Smith (AO) ..- 1 48 48 48 +4 404 274 Smlth&Coronacfsd) * 874 874 374 - 4 294 264 Snider Pack (bl s/5) — 6 28 4 28 28 - 4 194 1«4 Socony-V Oil (b25c). 153 184 184 184 + 4 64 44 So AmO&P (a30c)_. 122 64 54 6 424 84 South Port Sug (t2). 7 36 354 354 + 4 324 28 So Cal Edison (tl4)- 11 284 284 284 -4 544 424 Southern Pacific_ 68 554 54 4 55 + 4 384 24 Southern Railway— 24 324 324 324 + 4 694 474 Southern Ry pf — 4 564 564 564 — 4 77 684 Spalding (A G)lst pf 50s 76 76 76 -4 94 74 Sparks-Witbington.. 13 84 84 84 -4 81 23 Spear & Co (a50c)_ 11 80 29 4 294 284 204 Sperry Corp vtc (al). 7 214 214 214 834 284 Spicer Mfg (a3)_ 1 314 314 314 -4 284 224 Spiegel Inc (b25cl— 90 254 25 254 + 4 474 414 Square D (B)(al74>- 7 474 47 4 474 + 4 164 154 Stand Brands (t80c). 23 154 154 154 -4 124 104 Stand Com Tobacco.. 2 104 104 104 144 8*4 Stand Gss& El (d>_ 7 124 124 124 + 4 314 254 Stand G&E $4 pf (d). 7 28 274 27*4 + 4 65 65 Stand G&E 86 pf (d). 1 644 544 544 -4 724 60 Stand G&E *7 pf (d). 1 62 62 62 60 434 Stand OH of Cal (tl). 15 48 474 474 + 4 50 464 Stand Oil of Ind (tl). < 484 474 474 - H 754 674 Stand Oil of NJ (tl). 83 724 724 72 4 21 174 Stewart-Warner t50c. 7 194 19 194 334 284 Stone* Web (a25c).. 12 304 294 294 -4 20 134 StudebakerCorp _ 33 I84 I84 184 + 4 614 54 Superheater (t50c>_ 1 67 67 57 -4 74 44 Superior Oil _ 29 64 64 64 - 4 454 87 Superior Steel_ 2 424 414 414 + 4 204 13 Sweets Co of Am_ 2 174 17*4 17*4 + 4 28 254 Swift & Co ( + 1.20)_ 9 274 274 274 + 4 82*4 304 Swift lntl Ltd (2) .. 1 304 304 304 234 18*4 Sym’gton-G ww blOc. 1 19*4 19*4 194-4 84 74 Telautograph (60c) . 1 74 74 74 144 114 Tennessee Corp al5c. 27 144 134 144 — 4 694 504 Texas Corp (2) .. 33 524 51*4 52 24 2 Tex Corp rts Mch 19. 216 2 14 2 + 4 94 74 Texas Gulf Pr (aoc). 36 84 74 84+4 43 384 Texas Gulf Sul (t2)_ 3 414 <14 414 49 434 Texas & Pac R R ... 13 48 45 48 +3 164 134 Tex Pac C&O (bl0c)_ 12 154 144 15 154 114 Texas PLT (al0e)._ 2 184 184 134 + 4 48 374 Thatcher Mfg (tl)— 1 444 444 444 -4 134 114 The Fair _ 2 134 134 134 + 4 134 104 Thermoid Co ... ... lo 11 104 11 +4 144 12 Thompson J R <t5ftc) 1 134 13*8 134 + 4 104 64 Thompson Starrett 8 84 8 8—4 21*4 204 Tide Wat AsOil(60c) 9 20*4 20*4 204 -4 284 22 Timken Detroit (tl). 9 264 26 264 + 4 79 70 Timken Roller B (3). 2 724 724 724 -4 174 16 Transamerica (t40c) 13 164 164 164 + 4 224 184 Trans&West Air a25c 6 194 194 194-4 274 194 Transue & W (t60c). 1 214 214 214 ~H 104 9 Tri-Conti <a50c) 7 94 94 94 104 84 Truax-Tr Coal <b25c) 31 104 10 104 + 4! 244 214 Truscon Steel . 1 214 214 214 - 4 j 384 334 20th Cent F F (tl%). 16 35 344 35 +4 174 134 Twin City RT .. 2 14 14 14-4 94 85 Twin C R T pf (a!4). 60s 84 83 84 64 44 flen&Co 2 44 4*4 44 + 4 68 63 Union Bag & Pap (2). 4 66 654 654+1 111 1014 Union Carb&C (3.20). 8 1064 106 106 28'* 244 Union Oil Calif (1)... 16 264 254 254 136 1264 Union Pacific (6) .. 2 135 135 135 +8 994 974 Union Pacific pf (4).. 2 95 4 954 954 -4 314 26*5 Union Tank Car 1.60. 1 30 30 30 324 274 United Aircraft aOOc. 14 304 304 304 -4 244 204 United Air L (a20c) 8 21 204 204+4 304 284 United Biscuit (1.60) 1 29 29 29+4' 91 79 United Carbon (t2)__ 2 834 824 82*4+14 334 294 Unit-Carr Fast (t2)_ 1 324 324 324 84 6*4 United Corp <a20C)._ 46 64 64 64 + 4 464 43 United Corp pf (3)... 4 43 4 43‘* 434 + H j 154 144 United Drug fa75c)__ 9 144 144 144 — 4 9 74 United Elec Coal . 20 8*1 84 84 - 4 60?j 464 United Eng&Fv (t2)_ 4 59** 594 59’* - 4 854 804 United Fruit (*3) .. 4 82 82 82 - 4 17 14*i United Gas Imp (1).. 17 15 144 15 +4! 164 64 United Paperboard... 3 144 144 144 — 4 ! 204 154 U S Distributing pf._ 20s 174 174 174 + 4 224 17 U S & For'n See nr ... 3 21 21 21 - 4 344 294 US Freight (+1) 4 294 29 29 — 4 434 374 U S Indus Alcohol_ 7 404 394 494 + 4 9 64 US Leather vtc ... 4 84 8 84 174 13', US Leather (A) vtc.. 8 164 1«4 164 - 4 714 604 U S Pipe & Fdrv (3).. 1 66 66 66 + 4| 194 154 US Realty* Imp ... 29 164 164 164 -4 614 444 U S Rubber ... 11 564 564 564 - 4 118 924 U S Rubber 1st pf ... 2 112 1114 112 +4 934 834 U S Smelting <b2) 2 93 92 93 +4 754 71 U S Smelting pf (34) 1 71 71 71-4 1144 75 U S Steel 3R 1114 1104 1114 + 4 150 139*4 U S Steel pf (7) 1 146 146 146 +1 94 74 US Stl Yd (al2Hc)— 6 84 84 84 + 4 135 1294 U S Tobacco (t5) ... 1 1324 1324 1324 -24 84 64 United Stores (A) _ 41 74 74 74 108 100 Univ Pictures 1st pf. 10s 100 100 100 44 34 Util Pw & Lt (A)(d). 18 34 34 34 -4 24 14 Vadsco Sales Corp .. . 41 2*4 24 24 + 4 344 284 Vanadium Corp 11 314 314 314 — 4 444 394 Van Raalte (b624c). 6 434 434 434 + 4 46 4 424 Vick Chemical (+ 2>_ 3 434 434 <34 + 4 94 74 Va-Car Chemical .. 13 84 84 84 — 4 614 544 Va-Car Chem 6G> pf.. 3 55 65 65 12*4 94 Va Iron Coal & Coke. 20g 9 9 9 -1 37 27 Va Iron C & C pf _ 50s 274 264 264 —14 76 70 Vulcan Detin (a8)_ 10s 744 744 744 —14 64 34 Wabash (d) 1 44 4H 44 — 4 144 9 Wabash pf (A)(d)._. 2 134 134 134 + 4 49 374 Walgreen Co (2) . 3 474 <"4 47!> + 4 118 114 Walgreen Co pf (6 4) 100« 1144 1144 1144 17 114, Walworth Co 19 154 15 154 10*4 6*4 Ward Baking (B) . 52 104 104 104 18 14*4 Warner Bros Picture 45 154 154 154 — 4 124 84 Warren Bros (d) 27 10 94 94 — 4 354 24 War'n Bros cv pf (d). 2 284 284 284 454 354 Warren Fdv & p (tl) 3 454 454 454 + 4 38 4 35 Waukesha Motor (1). 2 364 S64 364 — 4 94 74 Webster Eisenlohr... 3 74 74 74 — 4 24 14 Weils Fargo _. 60s 24 24 24 514 46 Wesson O&S (t50c)._ 23 50 4 48 4 50 +14 1224119 West Fa Pwr pf (7).'. 20s 1214 1214 1214 + 4 104 84 Western Maryland... 2 94 94 94 + 4 224 174 Western Md 2d pf_ 1 194 194 19s, - 4 34 24 Western Pacific _ 9 34 34 34 10 74 Western Tacific pf .. 13 94 94 9** 834 714 West'n Un Tell b75c) 13 744 72*, 744 +14 564 484 Westingh'se A B (1). 6 534 52s, 524 - 4 1674 1<5 Westingh'se El (bl) 5 156', 154** 1564 +14, S04 26 Weston El Inst(a85c) 1 26s, 26s, 26s, 1 274 234 Westvaco Chlor (1).. 3 26*4 26 26 —4 53 38 Wheeling Steel _ 8 504 50 60 + 4 110 103 Wheeling Stl pf (bl). 1 110 110 110 384 234 White Motor 25 314 31 314 + H 64 54 White Sewing Mach.. 2 54 54 5*, 64 44 Wilcox Oil & Gas_ 4 54 54 54 — 4 12 8»* Wilson & Co (50c)_ 247 124 114 12H + 4 884 79s* Wilson & Co pf (6)... 2 89*4 894 89*4 + 4 654 544 Wool worth (2.40)_ 29 58 4 58 58 + 4 1 47 344 Worthington Pump.. 4 434 424 434 +14 99*4 81 Worth Pump pf (A). 140s 95 94 95 +1 76 714 Wrigley W jr ( + 3)... 1 714 714 714 374 204 Yellow Tr& Coach... 93 35 4 34!* 35*4 + 4 142 128 YellTr&Cpfbl**... 10s 139 139 13!)' -4 46s, 424 Young Spr & W < T3). 2 44 4 43 4 43 4 86** 754 Y’oungstown S & T ... 13 83** 83 834 + 4 404 33 Zenith Radio (b50c)-. 8 37 37 37 94 74 Zonite Products _ 4 7** 74 74 + 4 Approximate Sales of Slocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M.. 470.000 12:00 Noon 1.000,000 Dividend rates as Riven in the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or half-yearly dec larations . s Unit of trading less than 100 shares. * Annual rate— including extras. a Paid last year. b Paid this year ; d Companies reported in receivership or being reorganized' x tx dividend. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. February 26.—Dividends declared (prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Oorp.i: Extra. Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate. riod. record,able. 1 Abbott Laboratories 10c 3-16 3-31 Premier Gold M. . 1 c 3-12 4-16 Special. De Long Hk & Eye $1.50 — 3-1 3-8 Increased. Abbott Laboratories 40c Q 3-16 3-31 | Morris iPhilipi Ltd $3 3-10 3-25 Regular. ' Bell Tel of Penna H's'* | pf - $1.62‘a Q 3-20 4-15 Boston A Albany RR $2 2-27 3-31 Bnllo Mfg class A 50c Q 3-15 4-1 Cariboo Gold Q Min 2‘/2C Q 3-10 4-1 De Long Hk A Eye $1.25 Q 3-20 4-1 Diamond State IWWg* Q n_2n 4.15 Duplan Silk 87. Pf $2 G 3-10 4-1 “56" Petroleum Corp 3c 3-1 3-10 Me'ro Ed $7 pr pf $1.75 Q 2-26 4-1 do. $6 pr pf _$1.50 Q 2-26 4-1 do. $5 pr pf_$1.25 Q 2-26 4-1 do. $7 cum pf — $1.75 Q 2-26 4-1 do $6 cum pf „ $1.50 G 2-26 4-1 do. $5 cum of $1.25 Q 2-26 4-1 Micromatic Hone 5c Q 3-o 3-15 Nat Gyp 'iff 1st of.$l.«o Q 3-13 4-1 do 57- 2d Pf 25c G 3-13 4-1 N J Pw & Lt $6 pf $1.50 Q 2-26 4-1 do. S5 Pf $1.25 Q 2-26 4-1 Northwestern Utilities Ltd H7> pr pf $1.50 Q 2-23 3-1 Orange & Rockland Elec 6pf __Sl.oO G 3-25 4-1 do. 57. Df -$1.25 Q 3-25 4-1 Premier Gold Mng . 3c Q 3-12 4-15 Telephone Bond & Share 77. 1st pf — 49c.. 3-1 3-15 do. $3 1st Pf 21C 3-1 3-15 Eureka Vac Cleaner 20c Q 3-15 4-1 McKees Tin Plate $1 Q 3-11 4-1 Pathe Film $7 con pf $1.75 Q -t-24 4-1 Scovill Mfg 50c 3-15 4-1 Union Carb & Carbon 80c __ 3-9 4-1 -• SPIEGEL PLAN WINS APPROVAL OF HOLDERS By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. February 27.—Stock holders of Spiegel, Inc., have approved the company's recapitalization plan. The plan involves redemption of the present $4,053,600 of 6'* per cent cumulative preferred stock and public tale of 100.000 shares of a new cumula tive preferred Issue, or two-thirds of the authorized iasue. t Security Offerings Decline in Week, Demand Is Stable By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 27.—New se curity offerings declined this week, although investment demand remained relatively stable, banking circles said. A special compilation of issues by Poor’s Publishing Co., follows: Week Ended Previous Feb. 25. Week. Total _$18,917,000 $34,089,808 Municipal_ 5.307.000 13.403.000 Industrial 300.000 500 000 Railroad __ 11,540.000 8.795.000 Miscellaneous . 1.400.000 4.750.000 Stock . . _ 370,000 4.890.808 Utility_ 1.685.000 CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. February 27 (JP\—Poultry, live. 5 trucks: steacy to firm. Hens, over 5 Rounds. 17; 5 pounds and less. J8%. 1-eg orn hens. 15: colored Springs. 19; Plym outh and White Rock. 21: colored and White Rock Iryers. 22%: Plymouth Rock. 25; colored and WMte Rock broilers. 23; Plymouth Rock. 25; barebacks. 18: Leg horn chickens. 13: roosters. 13: Leghorn roosters. 12: turkeys, hens. 21: young toms. 19: old. 16: No. 2 turkeys. 15: ducks. 4% pounds up. white and colored. 20: small, white and colored. 17: geese 14: capons. 7 pounds up. 24; less than 7 pounds. 23. Butter. 8.826; steady. Creamery spe cials (93 score). 34%a34%: extras (92). 33%: extra firsts ■ 90-91 >. 33%a33%: first (88-89). 31%a32%: standards (90. centralized carlots). 33%. Eggs. 8.622: unsettled. Extra firsts, local. 21%: cars. 21%: fresh graded firsts, locals. 2114.' cars. 21%; current receipts. 20%. Potatoes. 65: on track 229: total U. S. | shipments. 717: old stock waek; demand , slow, supplies moderate: sacked, per hun dredweight. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. ]. 3.25a3.50; U. S. No. 2. 2.80: Colo rado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1. 3.10a.3.30; Wisconsin round whites. U. S. No. 1. 2.49: Minnesota Bliss Triumphs, partly graded. 2.80: Michigan Russet Rurals. U. S. No. 1. 2.45: new stock slightly stronger, supplies moderate, demand good; track sales, carlots. bushel erates. Florida Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. 2.10a2.15. i INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. February 27 i/P._New York Security Dealers' Association: Aetna C.s <2a) .. ^ W' | Aetna Ins (1.80)_ 52 54 Aetna Life (.Sfiai _ 55*. ;(5A, I Am Eouit il.ROi _ 4] i 4"i, Am Ins Newark Cja)_ 14Va iff * I Am Reins (3) _ 84 88 Am Reserve (la) _ 8!>4 3341 ! Am Surety (2*2)_ «2'2 84A4 Automobile (la> __ 34*4 .iR'J Balt Amer (,20a) _ _ 834 934 Carolina il.30> _ "8*2 30 City of N Y <1.20) °,Q)4 :inJ4 Conn Gen Lif (.80)_ 431, 44s Contin Cas <1.20)_ 3034 3234 Fid A Dep (1«> - 127*2 131 Firemens Nwk _ _ 13*4 1432 Frank Fire (la) __ 31 34 3834 Gen Reinsur (2) _ _ 44 40 Glen Falls (l.«0)_ 4« 4R Globe & Rep (.80)_ 23*4 253i Globe & Rut _ 73 78 Great Amer (la) _ 28*4 30>/4 Hanover ) 1.60) 38 40 Harmonia (1.30) _ 30 32 Hartford Fire (2)_ _ 7234 743i Home Fire See _ 0 7*» Home Ins (la)_ 38'i 40*. Homestead (1)_ 2034 22 *4 Lincoln Fire _ 4a« 5s. Mass Bond (374)_ 8R>2 71*y Natl Fire (2) _ B7V4 R9*4 Natl Liberty i.20a) _ 10 1114 N Hampshire (1.80)_ 48 47*5 V Y Fire (.80a) _ 24*4 27*4 Nor River <45g)_ 28*,4 20*4 I Phoenix (2a) 93 97 Prov Wash (la) _ 393i 4134 \ St Paul Fire (8)_518*2 218*2 Springfield (4'4a) _127'a 13074 Sun Life (3\g) 775 825 Tiavelers (18) 620 530 U S Fire (2) _ 67*4 S0*/4 Westchester (1.20a* 38 38 (a) Also extra or extras. (g) Declared or paid so far this year. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. February 27 (IP).—Butter. ! 7.838: barely steady. Prices unchanged. Cheese. 155.909: steady to firm and : unchanged Eggs. 24.931: steady. Mixed colors: Special packs. 23*2-24: average checks. l»'4-'j: refrigerators, firsts. 20-21: other mixed colors unchanged. Live poultry. By freight, steady to firm: prices unchanged By express, easy to 1 firm; turkeys. 16-28: otl#r express prices unchanged. -• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. February 27 OP!.—Crude rubber futures closed irregular. S lower to 6 higher: March. 21 85n. May. 21.93 98: July. 22.10: smoked ribbed spot. 21.85n. a—Nominal. Store and Packing Issues Gain Fractions to $1. Others Decline. Stock Averages 30 15 15 60 Ir.dust Rails. Util 8tk» \ Net change-Unc. + .3 -f.l +.1 Today close. 98.1 42.8 50.3 722. Previous day 98.1 42.5 50.2 72.1 Month ago. 97.9 39 4 52.1 71.8 Year ago_ 79.8 37.3 49 0 61.5 1937 high...100.8 43.2 54.0 73.8 1937 low... 94 1 37.8 50.2 69,1 1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53.7 72 8 1936 low... 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high...146 9 153.9 184 3 157.7 1927 low_ 51.6 95.3 61 8 61.8 (Compiled by tbe Associated Press.> BY. VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. February 27 —Special ties. including merchandising and packing stocks, propped today’s market with gains of fractions to a point or more. With news stimulus lacking for the list as a whole, however, many issues were unable to get ahead to any ap preciable extent and a number re treated in the final hour. It was one of the quietest Saturday sessions of the year with transfers totaling around 1,000,000 shares. While traders apparently were wary of broadening commitments on either side of the market, insistent selling was scarce A break in unofficial London copper quotations tripped up some of the red metal shades, but it was thought these were due for at least a mod erate technical reaction in view of th-'-ir lengthy upturn. The preponderance of shares selling under S10 was again the subject of discussion in commission houses. Well ahead during the greater part of the proceedings were Montgomery Ward. Sears-Roebuck, Gimbel, Macy. National Department Stores. Allied Stores, Associated Dry Goods, Bethle hem Steel, American Telephone, Wil son, Armour, Paramount, Industrial Rayon. Great Northern Iron Ore. Schenley, Western Union. Mack Truck, Yellow Truck. White Motors, Cerre de Pasco and Boeing. In a restricted groove were United States Steel. General Motors, Chrysler, Goodyear, Douglas Aircraft. Consoli dated Edison. General Electric, Loew s. Santa Fe. New York Central. Great Northern and Northern Pacific. DOLLAR GOES HIGHER ! IN LONDON DEALINGS BF the Associated Press. LONDON, February 27. — The United States dollar appreciated 3 16 j cent in the foreign exchange market, closing at $4 88 t to the pound. The overnight New York rate was 4 88 15 16. French francs ended at 105 16 to the pound, against 105.12 yesterday. j FIRST TRUST MONEY FOR REFINANCING LOANS AND CONSTRUCTION LOANS THREE-YEAR LOANS AND 15'2-YEAR f MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS PAYABLE $8 PER $1,000 No Commissions or Extras EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 816 14th St. Met. 3437 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 -,