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RAILROAD BONDS REGISTER* Industrials Also Improve, but Government Issues Are Mostly Lower. Bond Averages CO 10 10 10 Rails. Indust Util. F’gn Net change. —.1 Unc. Unc. —.3 Today close. *96.9 103.9 101.3 73.2 Previous day 97.0 103.9 101.3 73.5 Month ago. 97.8 104.2 102.1 73.7 Year ago... 93.3 103.8 101.8 71.5 1937 high— 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_.’ 97.0 103.8 101.3 73.0 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99.^ 67.6 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close ...111.1 Prev day. 111.0 Month ago 112.4 Year ago. 111.5 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 110.8 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 *New low. (Compiled by tne Associated Presa.> By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 27.—Rail and industrial liens claimed a ma jority of gains in a highly uneven bond market today. Trends were mixed in virtually every corporate group, with plus and minus signs about evenly divided. United States Governments, barring a couple Of Treasuries, worked a little lower. Fractionally higher prices were paid for Baltimore & Ohio 41-s, Chi cago & North Western 4-y*s, Illinois Central 4->is. New York Central 5s, Pure Oil 4,iS. Remington Rand 41,s) Union Pacific 3’-s and Youngstown Sheet & Tube S^s. In the downward drift were Alle ghany Corp. 5s, Armour & Co, 4‘2s, Chesapeake Corp. 5s, Rock Island general 4s. M-K-T 5s, Nickel Plate 412s, Penn Dixie Cement 6s and Studebaker 6s. In the foreign list Polish 8s regis tered a new low on the week's sharp decline, breaking 2 points shortly after the opening. DOMESTIC BOlins. High. Low. Close. Ala Power 4%s '67..- 88% 88% *8% Ala Power os 51 _lull!* 103% 103.% Ala Power os '.">*>_100% 100% loo% Ala Power 5s 08_ 04% 04 94 Alum Co 5s ’52 _195% 195% 195% Alum Co Ltd 5s 48_199% 190 1911 Am G&E 5s 2028_10fl% 100% 10ti% Am P & L Os 2010 ... 101% lol % loll. Am Raaiat 4%s '47_ 104 104 104 Am Roll Mill 5s '48... 103% 1034a 103% As El Ind 4%s '53_ 01% 01 01% As G & E 4%s 40_ 58 57% 58 As G & E 5s '50_ 00% 50% 51* ■ • As G & E 5s '08 __58% 58 58 As G&E 5%s inv ct 74 74 74 As T & T 5%s 55 A 99% 99% 9(0* Baldn Lo Hs 38 ww 192 192 192 Baldn Ltis '38 xw stp 179 178 178% Beil Tel <5 5s '55 A 113 113 113 Birm El 4%s '08_ 95 94% 94% Can Pac Os ’42 ..112% 112 112** Caro Pw & Lt 5s '50 . 194s, 194s, 194 » Cen I1PS 4%s ’07 F .. 192% 102% 102% Cent El P S 5s 08 G 193% 193% 103% Cent IPS 4%s '61 H loo1, loo', 109% Centra! Pw 5s '57 D 91% 91% 91% Cent St El 5s '48 _ 05% 05s, 05% Cent St El o%s '54_OO 05s, 00 Gen St P&L 5%s ’53_ 70 7n 70 Chi Pn T1 5* as '42 ... 103% 103 103 Chi Rys 5s '27 cod .. 73% 73 73 Cities Svc 5s '50 ._ 70 75s, 70 Cities S Gas 5%s ’42.. 101 101 lol Cities S Gas P (is 43 _. 103% 193% 103*, Cit S P&L 5%s *52_ 75 74% 75 Clt S P&L 5%s '49 ... 70 75% 75s, Comw Ed 4s '81 F .. 105% 105% 105% Comw Ed 3%s '05 H_. 104 104 194 Comw Sb 5%s ’48 A .. 103% 103% 103% Cont G&E 5s ’58 A_9.) 94% 95 Crucible Stl 5s '40 __ 102s, 111'.’5, 102% Detroit C G Os '47 A._ 105s, 105% 105s, Det Int Bg 0%s '52. 10% 10% 10% Det & In B 0%s '52 cd 10 9s, 10 Det Int Be 7s ’52 4% 3% 4', Det Int Bg 7 s 52 cd .. 3 3 3 East G & F 4s ’50 A ._ 90% 90% 90% E! Pw & Lt 5s 2030... 91% 91% 91% E! Pas gl os ’50 A - 104 104 104 Emp Dis El 5s '62 1021, 102% 102% Emp O&R 5%s 42_ 91 90% 90% Fed Wat 5%s '54 _ 90% 90% 90% El rest Cot M 5s '48_104% 194% 194% Firest Tire 5s 42 . 194% 104* 194% Florida P&L 5s '54 98 97’, 98 Gary E&G 5s '44 stp xw 99 99 99 Gatineau Pw 5s 56 193 192% 103 Gatineau Pw Os '41 99% 99% 99% Gen Pb U 6%s ’56 A 96 95s, 95s, Gen W W&E 5s '43 A 95% 95% 95% Georgia Power 5s '67 100% 100 loo'* Gobel Inc 4%s ’51 A *7 87 87 Grand Tr We 4s '50 102% 102% 192'* Hall (W FI Os '47 stp 191',* 101', 191', Hotel VV Ast 7s ’54 ww 41 41 41 111 Cent R R 6s ’37 109% Ion7, loo7, 111 P&L Os '53 A 105% 195s, 105% 111 P&L o%s 54 B 105% 195s, 105% 111 P&L As ’56 C 192% 102*4 192s* Indian El C Os '47 A 104% 194'* 194% Indian E C 5s ’5! C 90% 96 96 Indiana Ser 5s '50 75s, 75% 75% Indnap P&L 5s ’57 A _ 106 105% 105% Interc Pw 6s ’48 A 11s, 11s, J1s. Inti Pw Sec 7s ’57 E _ 814* si'* si% inti Pw Sec 7s *52 F __ 79 79 79 ntl Securities 5s '47.. 101% lm% im% Interst Pw 5s '57_ 69% 68s* 69% Interst Pw 6s ’52 _ 63'% 63% 63% Interst P S 5s ’56 D 92 92 92 Interst P S 4%s ’58 F 84% 84 84 Iowa-N L&P 5s 57 A 194 104 104 Iowa-N L&P 5s '61 B . 103% 103% 103% Jer C P&L 4%s ’61 C. 104% 104% 104"* Jer C P&L 5s '47 B 1031, 103s* 103% Kentucky Ut 5s ’61 _ 94% 94% 94% Kentucky Ut 5 %s ’55 F 101 101 101 Kentucky Ut 6%s ’48 D 197% 107% 107% Lehigh P S 6s 2026 A lin no no Libby McN & L 5s '42 105s* 105s* 105% Dme Star G 6s '42 . 193s, 103s, 103s, Dmg Is Lt 6s '45 ... 195% 105% 105% Manitoba P 5%s ’51_ino ion loo Mem P&L 5s ’48 A_ 103 102% 103 Mldlan V RR 5s '43... 96s* 96% 96% Mil G&E 4%s ’67_ 106 106 106 Minn P&L 4%s ’78_101% loi% ini% Miss Pow 5s '55_ 91 91 91 Miss P&L 5s ’57 97% 97% 97% £?un SS 6%s 37 ww cod 11 10'/* 11 Nat Pb S 5s '78 cod _ 4R 48 48 Nebr Pw 6s 2022 12234 l*>,,3/« i•»•»*£ Neisner Bros 6s '48 .110 110 110 Nevada Cal Ed 5s ’56 96 96 96 New E G&E 5s '47 82 81% 82 New E G&E 5s ’48... 80% 80s, 89s, New E G&-E 5s '50 So 79% 79% New E Pow 5s ’48 00 V2 00 V* OOy» v Sb P°y, 51 '54 101 * 4 1011/4 1 01 y4 X £&L 4Vis ’67 106'/* 106*8 106V, N Y 8 G&E 4%s ’SO lO.'J 19.'{ 193 k £S J5?. ,fi9 D 105 104% 104% No Ind PS 4%s ’70 E 103% 103% 103% 45 .sfpd lfl43« 1043» 1 "4% Northw P s 5s '57 A 191% 191% 101s* Ogden G Co 5s ’45 109 109 109 Ohio Pwr 5s ’52 B .. 105% 105% 105% Ok a G & E 5s ’50 A 102% 102% 102% Okla N G 4%s '51 A 99% 98% 99% Pac G & E 6s ’41 B _ 117% 117% 117% Pac P & L 5s ’55 89 88% 88s* Penn C P * L 5s ’70_105V, 195'- 105% Penn El 4s ’71 F ... 98% 98% 98% Penn O E 5%s '59 B 104% 104% 104', Peot) GL&C 4s ’81 B . 96% 96% 96% Peoo L&P 5s ’79 26% 25s, 26 Phila El P 5Vis '72_111% 111 % 111 % Pitts Steel 6s ’48 105 105 ins Portland G&C 5s '40 82 82 82 Potomac E 4 %s ’61 F 107% 107% 197% Potomac E 5s ’56 E 107 107 107 Pub S N I 4%s ’89 E 192% 102% 102% Pub S N I 4%s ’81 F 192% 102% 102% Pub S Okla 4s ’66 A _ 104% 104% 104% Pug S P&L 5%* ’49 A.. 92% 92% 33% Pug S P&L 4%s '50 D . 86 86 86 Quee G&E 5%s ’52 A_. 106 106 106 St L G&C 6s ’47 mat.. 16% 16% 16% San An P&S 5s ’58 B 106 106 106 Scrlpps 5%s ’43 . 102 192 102 Shw W&P 4 '-is ’67 A . 103% 103% 103% Shw W&P 4'is ’70 D . 103% 103% 103% Sou Cal Ed 3%s '60... 103% 103'% 103'% Sou Caro 5s ’57 ... 100 100 100 Souw As T 5s ’61 A . 100% 100% ino% Souw Pb Svc 6s '45 A 106 , 106 106 Std G&E 6s ’51 A ... 88'/* 88% 88% Std O&E 6s '66 B ... 86si 86% 86% Stand Inv 5%s ’39 .. lno% loo% inn% Stand Pw & Lt 6s ’57.. 85% 85% 85% Styra Lt Inc 5%s '54.. 108% 108% 108% Tenn E! Pw 5s '56_ 92 92 92 Texas Elec 5s ’60 _105V* 105% 105% Tex Pw & L 5s ’56 . 105% 105% 105% Twin CRT 5%s ’52 A 88% 88 88% Cnlt El N J 4s ’49 ... 113% 113% 113% ttpit Lt &- Pw 6s ’75 _ 87% 87% 87% JJnlt L&R D 5%s '62_93% 93% 03% Va Pub S 5%s ’46 A... 101% 101% 101% Wash Gas Lt 5s ’58 ... 106 1<4(l 106 Wash W&P 5s ’60 ... 105 105 105 West News U Rs '44... 74% 74% 74% West Pa 5s 2030 ... 105 105 105 West T Ut 5s '57 A 98V, 98 98V* We U G & E 5%s ’55 A 105', 105 105 Wls-Mln L&P 5s ’44 105% 105% 105% Wis P&L 4s ’56 A _ 99 99 09 Yadkin Riv P 5s ’41 .. 107 107 107 York Rwy Co 5s ’37 97V* 07% 97% _ _ , FOREIGN BONDS. Cauca Val 7s ’48 18 18 18 Cent Bank O ’52 A "R "6 °6 Chile M B 6s '31 mat.. 10% in 19'% Danish Con 5s '53 __ino ino loo Danish Con 5V,s ’55_ino ino inn Oer Con Mun Rs '47 . 23 23 23 Ger Con Mun 7s ’47... 24% 23% 23% Hanover City 7s ’39 _ 23 23 23 Hanover Pv 6%s '49 22% 22% 22% Nippon E P 6'is '53_ 86 RR 86 Pied El 6%s '60 A ... 74 74 74 Pomeran El 6s '53 23 23 93 Terni-Soc 6%s ’53 A 77'/, 77 77 ,**—With warrants. xw—Without warrants, n—New. st fstpl—Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity, t Companies reported In receiverahlB, BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. USGoVt Bonds_. 400.000 Korelcn Bonds_ 1.010.000 Domestic Bonds_ 6.410.000 TREASU RY. . High Low. Close. 217,8 1949-53_ 101.14 101.13 101.14 2*48 1948-51_ 104.4 104.3 104.4 2*4sl951-54_ 103.15 103.16 103.15 2 *4 8 195S- 59_ 103.16 103.16 108.16 2%sl95;.-60_ 104.30 104.30 104.30 3s 1946-48_ 107.8 107.8 107.6 SM>s 1946-49_ 108. 108. 108. 3 >4 8 1949-52_ 108. 108. 108. 314s 1941 _ 107.26 107.26 107.26 314 8 1944-46 _ 108.14 108.14 108.14 3*48 1941-43 Mar 107.30 107.30 107.30 344S 1943-47_ 108.31 108.31 108.31 43 1944-64_ 114.12 114.9 114.9 4 14 s-3 14 8 1943-45 108.15 108.11 108.11 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 284s 1942-47_ 104.1 104.1 .104.1 38 1947_ 105.6 105.4 105.4 3s 1949 _ 105.7 105.3 105.3 3648 1964_ 105.25 105.23 105.23 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2 *4 s 1942-44_ 102.18 102.16 102.16 2^48 1939-49_ 102.23 102.20 102.20 38 1952_ 104.23 104.21 104.21 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Antloaula 7s 45 B- 164 164 1*>4 Argentine 4 '.s '71_ 994 99 4 994 Argentine t 4s 62- 1014 1014 1014 Argentine 6s'57 A- 102 102 102 | Argentine 6s’58 B 1004 1004 1004 : Argentine 6s 59 June 101 1004 1"1 : Arprentine 6s‘59 Oct 102}-* 102V* lu2Mi Argentine 6s '60 May 1024 1024 1024 i Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 1024 1024 * 02.4 Argentine 6s '60 Oct-. 1024 1024 1024 Australia 44s'56- 101 101 101 Australia 6s '65_ 107 1064 1064 Australia 5s '57___ 107 1064 1064 AustrianVs ’57_1014 1014 1014 Bel«ium7s'55- 1164 11®4 H64 Berlin 6s 58- 234 234 23** Berlin 6 4*'50_ 25 25 25 Berlin Elec 6s '55 - 24 24 24 Berlin Elec 64s'59 __ 2-. 24 24 Berlin El Ry 6 4s '56.. 24 23H 24 Brazil 6 4s’26-'57_ i64 4oh 464 Brazil 64s’27-’57_ 454 46 4 454 Brazil 7s'52_ 464 444 454 Brazil Ss 41_ 6*4 62V* 62V* Brisbane 5s '57_ 1014 1014 1014 Brisbane 5s'58_100*4 100** 100*4 Budapest 6s '62 unmat coupon op _. 284 28V* 284 Buenos Aires 44«-3*»S '77 Pv_ 79'* 794 794 Buenos A 4 4s'76 Aug 794 794 794 Buenos Aires 4*s-4«*s '76 April.. 80 80 80 Bue A1 4 4s-4 S* s'75— 834 82 834 Buenos A C 6s'61 Pv.. 101 101 101 Canada 2 4s'45_ 100 100 100 Canada 6s'52-1114 1117* 1117-* Chile 6s’60 _ 23>, 23 23'4 Chile 6s '61 Jan_ 234 23 234 Chile 6s '61 Febr_ 234 23 23 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 23 23 23 Chile 6s 62_ 23 23 23 Chile 6s 63_ 23 224* 22** Chile 7s'42_ 25 244 25 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61- 194 19.4 194 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 ._ 194 194 194 Chile Altg Bk 64s'57. 19i. 194 191* Chile Mtg Bk 6$*s 61. 194 194 194 Chilean Mun L 7s 50.. 171* 174 174 Cologne 64s'50 —- 24V* 23 244 Colombia 6s 61 Jan- 367g 36 4 364 Colombia 6s 61 Oct—- 354 364 354 Col Mtg Bk 7s '46 _ 274 274 *74 Copenhagen 4 4s'53— 984 984 98** Copenhagen 5s'52- 100 100 100 Cordoba 7s 42 Prv- 974 974* 974 Costa Rica Is A'51—- 344 344 3*4 Cuba 54s 45 - 59 684 59 Denmark 44s '62_— 100 994 100 Denmark 6s 42_ 1064 lo5V* 1054 Dresden 7s'45- 26 26 26 Finland 6s 45_ 10t 4 1064 1064 Frankfort 64s'53- 24 2*4 24 GerCBk A 6s'38 - 44 44 41 tier Gov 54s'65 st 26 *54 26 Ger Gov 6 4s 65 un st 22 22 22 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ag 64s’58 _. 304 304 304 Ger Rep 7a’4 9 stpd_ 3*4 324 324 Ger Rep 7s 49 un st— 284 274 284 Italy 7s 51 »14 ‘.14 914 Ital P U Crd 7s’52_ 814 81 814 Japan 54*'65- 814 81 81 Japan 64s'54 ... 964 964 964 Jugos Mtg Bk 7a '57 unmat coupon — 38 38 38 Karstadt 6s'43 ct stp. 31 31 Si Kreug&Toll 6s'63 cts. 444 44H 46*4 Leipsig 7s'47- 25 28 25 Mex 4s 10-45 asst- 64 6** 64 Mex 4s l0-'45 asst sm *!* 6}* 61* Miag Mill M 7s '56_ 25 25 25 Milan 64s 52 - 784 784 784 Minas Gers6^s ’58 Sept coupon oft- 84 34 34 Norway ‘4s '65__101V* 101 101V* Norway 44*'56-i03S* 1034 ** 3v* Norway 5s ’63 _ 100 100 100 Norway 6s 43-107 4 107 107 4 Norway 6s 44 _ 107 107 107 Norw Hy El 54s'57— 100V* 100 100 Nuremberg 6s'52 - 224 224 *24 Oriental Dev 54s’58. 75 76 75 Oriental Dev 6s'63 — 80 80 80 Oslo 44*'55 _ 1004 1004 1004 Paris Orl Ry 64s'68.. 101 1004 101 Pernambuco 7b'47 Sept coupon off_-_ 304 30V* 304 Peru 6s'60_ 25 244 244 Peru 6s '61- 25 *44 244 Peru 7s'69_ 264 26V* 254 Poland 8s'60-- 46V* 46 46V* Prussia 6s’52- 24 24 24 Prussia 6 4s'61_ 23 23 23 Rhine WEI P6S’53— 26 26 26 Rhine W El P 6s'55_ 254 254 254 Rhine W El P 7s’50— 264 264 264 Rio de Jan 64a ‘51 Aug coupon off_ 32 314 314 Rio da Jan 8s '46 April coupon off_ 314 81 314 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’6* June coupon off _ 824 324 324 Rio Gr do Sul 7a '66 May coupon off _ 814 314 314 Rio Gr do Sul 8s *46 April coupon off- 344 *14 347* Rome 6 4a '62 _ 81 81 81 Sao Paulo C6 4 s ’67 May coupon off_ 80 80 30 Sao Paulo C 8s '53 coupon off _ 364 354 364 Sao Paulo St 6s '68 July coupon off_ 804 804 *04 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 97 964 97 Sao Paulo St 8s '36 July coupon off — 481* 434 484 Sao Paulo St 8s '50 July coupon oft 384 384 384 Saxon St Mtg 64s’46 25 25 25 Serbs 7s '62 unm c o 294 294 294 Siemens & H 6%s’51. 63 624 63 Silesia Elec 64s'46... 23 23 23 Silesia Prov 7s'58_ 46 46 46 Sydney 54s’65 _ 1044 1044 1044 Taiwan Elec 54a’71.. 75 75 75 Tokio E L Ltd 6s ’53 . 80 794 80 Un Stl Wks 6 4 s '61 A. 80 80 30 Uruguay 8s 46 . 68 4 68V* 68V* Vienna 6s '52 May c o. 98 98 98 Warsaw 7s'58 44V* 44 44 Westphal El Pw 6s’53 234 234 234 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4« "47 106)4 105X 10514 Alb Per W P WW. 69 69 69 Allen Corp 5s '44.. 100)4 100X 100X Aller Corp 6s 49- 94)4 94 94 Allen Corp 5s '60- 91)4 #1)4 91)4 Allen Corp 6s '50 stp— 68 67)4 67)4 Allied Stores 414s'50. 100)4 100X 100)4 Allied Stores 4%s ’51. 100X 100 too Am & For Pw 6s 2030 83)4 83)4 88X Am Ice ct 6s ’68 _ 93 93 93 Am I OCh 614s'49 109X I09X 109X Am Tel & Tel 314s ’«1. 100X 100X 100)4 Am Tel ft Tel 3 Its'66 100X 100 100)4 Am TAT 414s '39- 108X 108X 108X AmT&T614s 43-118X118 USX Am Wat Wits 6s '76... 108 108 108 Am Writ PapeT 6s'47. 95 93)4 94)4 Am Writ Pa 6s 47 efs 94X 92X 94X Anaconda deb 4Xs’50 106)4 106X 106X Annlo-Cbil Nit 7a *67 88 87X 88 Ann A 1st ex in 4s '95 73 78 73 Armour ft Co 4 Xs'39 103X 103M 103X Armour (Del list 4s’5R 99)4 99X 99)4 Armour ft Co Del 4s 67 99 98X 99 A T&S Fe 4s 05-'65 109X 109X 109X A T&S Feadj 4s'95 108 108 108 A T&S Fe adj 4S 95 at 107)4 10714 107X A T&S Fe *ren 4s '95 111)4 111X11)4 A T&S F RMt dv4S*65 106*4 106*4 106)4 Atlanta & Birm 4s’3 3 34)4 84X 84)4 Atla&Ch A L6s’44 116 115 115 Atl Coast L 1st ts ‘52. 103X 108 1S8X Atl Coast D Clt 4s '52.. 96X 96X 96X Atl C Lun4X8'64 .. 96 96 96 Atl Coast Line 6s '45.. 105)4 106)4 105)4 Atlantic & D 2d 4S'48. 61 61 61 Atl O * W I 6S '69- 80 80 80 B ft O 1st 48 48_ 106 106)4 106)4 High. Low. Close B & O 454s ‘60_ 79 78% 79 B&0 1st6s'48-U35J 113-4 11S54 Balto & O ref 6s '95 A. 93 825* 9254 BA0 6S96F. 91?4 9154 9154 B &0 ref 6s 2000 D_ 91 91 »1 B & O ref 6s '95 C_102?* 102 54 1 0 2 54 B&OSwn6s'60__ 1055, 1051* 1055* Bang & Aroos 4s'51_110 llo 110 Bell T of Pa 6s ’60 C__. 12654 1265* 12654 Beth Steel 3%*S-66- 97 9654 97 Beth Steel 4 54s’60- 104*4 1045* 1045* Ros & Me 4 54s ’61 J- S3?* 835* 83** Bos & Me 6s'55_ 9054 9054 90-* Bos & Me 6s *67- -- 88 88 88 Boston NY A L 4s '55- 3154 3114 3154 Bklyn Ed con 3-4S’66.. 102?, 102-4 10254 Bklvn Man T 454* '66. 102 102 102 Bklyn Un El 6s '50 _ 113?* 113?* 113?* Bklyn Un Gas 6s'57 B. 10854 10854 10854 Buff R&P con 454s '57. 915* 9154 9154 Buffalo R & P 5s '37-_- 101 10054 101 Bush Term Bldg 5s '60 6354 6354 8354 Camag 7s 42 ctfs — 81 S0?4 30*4 Can’dlan N R 4=*s'51- 111?* 111*4 111*4 Can'dlan N R 45*8 '56. 1115* 1I174 U1H Can’dian N 5s’6D July. 1145* 114?* 1145* Can'dlan P db 4s perp 965* 9654 9654 Can'dian Pac 45*s'60. 104?, 104-4 1045* Can'dlan Pac 5s '54 107?* 107*4 101?* Caro Cl & O 6s 52 A— 1095* 109 109 Cent of Oa con 5s '45_85 345* 345* Cent 111 E & G 5s ’51... 103*4 10354 1 03*4 Cent N England 4s'61. 725* 725* 725* Cent of N J gen 5s *87. 83 825* 83 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s '49.. 10954 109 54 1P9H Cent Pac 5s-60 _ 101**101**101*4 Cent Steel 8s ’41_ 12354 1235, 1235, Cert’d deb 5%s "48_ 96?* 96 955, Chesap C cv 6s 44- 130 130 130 Chesap Corp 5s '47 ... 1475* 1475* 1475* Ches & O 3 - jS 96 D_ 99 987* 985, dies & O 3 55S 96 E- — 99>* 995* 995* C & O gen 4 >..., ’92 — 121 121 121 C&OH&A2d 4s '89— 112%* 113*4 H2U Chi & Alt ret 3s 49 - 685* 675* 675* Chi B & Q gen 4s -58— 112 112 112 Chi B&Q 4%s'77-114 114 114 Chi & E 111 6s *51 - 425* 425* 425* Chi & E IU5s '61 ctfs.. 41 41 41 Chi & Erie 1st 5s’S2-_ 121 121 121 Chi Grt West 4s '59- 49>4 485* 495* Chi 1 & E gen 5s '66- 245* 245* 2454 C M St P 4s '89_ 635* 635* 635* OM&St P 6s '75_ 83*4 83'* 335* C.M&StP&P adj 5s2000 11?, 115* 115* Chl&NW 45*s 2037... 35 84s* 35 Chi & NW 4 5*8 2037 C- 34!* 345, 347i Chi &NW 4=5*8 49 - 2354 23 23:, Chi & NW gen 5s '87— 51?, 515* 61‘, Chi & NVV rf 5a 2037._ 35 35 35 C&NW Nr W 6 5i»‘36- 605* 6o5* 605* Chi R l&Prf 4s '34 ... 24-* 245, 241* Chi R l&P rl 4s'34ctf-. 21?, 21-, 215s Chi R l&p gen 4s 88._ 41 41 41 Chi R l&P 4 5*8 '62 -. 23 23 23 Clll U l&P 4!*S '62 Ctf. 215* 215* 215* Chi Rl&P4 5*s 60- 14 135* 13*4 Chi Un Sta 3 5,s'51 — 105-* 1055* 1055* Chi Un Sta 3:i*s 63 E. 1075* 1075, lo75* Chi & W in con 4s '52- 1055, lo4** 1055* Chi & W ind 4 5*8 62- 102 102 102 Cin Un Ter 5s 2020 B- 10» ios io» CCC&St E rf 4 5*s '77 E 96*, 96 96*, CCC&St L. ref 6s 41 C. 10*5, 1015* 1015, Clev El 111 3=5*8 63 109 109 109 j Clev Un Tel 4 5,8 '77 1045* 1045* 104!,] Clev Un Ter 65*s'7-’A. Ill 111 111 Colo Fuel & lr 6s '"0— 95 96 95 j Columbia G & E deb 5s'52 April - 103** 103** 103?* Columbia G & E 6s 50 May _103?* 103»» 103** Columbia G&E 5s '61 _. 1045, 104-» 1045, Cornel Credit 3 54s ol- 88 97?* 97** Com Inv Tr 3 5*s *51... lol*» 101?* 101** Conn R & E 45,s '51 —- 1065, 104** 101** Cons Ed NY 35*s 46 n 1055, 106-* loot* Cous Kd NY 3^8*56 n IU85b 103V4 103*4 Consol Oil 35*s'61- 1045* I01-* 104‘* Container 6s’46- 104',* 1U4-* 104-* Crane Co 35*s 51- 100?* 100?* 1005, Cuba RR 1st 6s'52- 59 595* 69** Cuba R R 6s'36 ctfs . 605* 605, 60V* Cuba Northn 5 5is 42. 685* 68 58 Del & Bud ref 4s '43 — 94 935* 94 Del & Hud 55*s'37 _.. 1005* 1005, 1005* Den & R G con 48'36— 85 35 35 Den & U G 4 5,8'36- 36 355* 3o?« Den & RGW 6s'55asst. 20 19** 20 Den & R G ref 5s'78 32 30** 32 Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs 105* 9** 10 Detroit Ed 4s '65 F 1095*j 1095, 1095* Det Edison 41,is'61 D 114 114 114 Det Edison 5s 52 - 1075* 107?* 107?* Duques Et 45*s '57 B_ 1065, 106?, 1065* E T V & Ga cn 5s'56— 116*4 115** 115** El P&S W ref5s '65_1105, 110?, 1105* Erie cons 4s'96__— 101 103 103 Erie gen 4s '96_ 89 885* 8*?* Erie ref 5s 67__ 865* 86 86 I Erie ref 6s'75_ 85?* 85?* 85?, | Falrbks Morse 4s’56.. 103?* 1#35* 103?* Fed Et & Trac 5s ’42_ 1035* 103-* 1035* Fed E&Tr 6s *42 st_1035* 103 103 Fed L&Tr 6s 54 B_ 105 104-* 101H FlaECRv 6a-74_ 1954 19 19 Fla E C Ry 5s'74 ctfs. 184, 185* 185* Francisco Sug 6s ’56— 80 80 80 Gen Am Inv 5s 52_101*. 101)^ 101*. Galv H&H 54is 38- 97*4 97*5 97)4 Gen Mot Acc 3s 46- 102*4 102*4 102*. Gen Mot Ass 3 *4 s'51.. 101*4 10l74 10l7.j GenStlCast5*is’49.. 93 93 83 Ga & Ala 5s’45 ... 42 42 42 Gen Puh Svc 5*is'39.. 103 103 103 Goodrich 4',48 56 _ 101 10o*i 1(>0»4 Goodrich 6s 45 — 105)4 ;u6'4 105‘j Goodyear T&R 5s'57. 104). 104 104 Great N Ry 4s 46 G._ 124 123W .24 Great N Ity 4s 46 H 109 108*. 109 Grt N H pen 4%s'77 E 105*4 104T* 105)41 Grt N R gen 5s '73 C. 114'. 114)4 Ut‘4 Grt N R 6*28 52 15 ... 118!4 117*4 US'. Green Kav 5s *62 B- 12*. 12*4 12*. Gulf M & N 5s '50 102*. 102*. 102*« Gulf States Util 4s '66 103*4 103H 103*4 Hoe (R) lstmte'44— 95M 95)4 *5H Hudson Coal 6s’62—». 49)4 46*4 46*4 Hud & Man Inc 5s'57.. 84 33'» 38*4 Hud & Man ref 6s ’57_. 83*4 83)4 83*4 111 Bell Tel 3%s'70— 107 137 107 111 Cent 3)4S'62 _ 86)4 86)4 86)4 111 Cent ref 43'55_ 92 92 92 111 Cent 4^8 66_ 78 78 78 ICC&StL N 04 Vis'63— 83*4 83*4 83*4 ICC&StL NO 5s 63_ 89*4 89*4 89*4 Inland Stl 3*4s '61_ 103*4 103H 103*4 Int R T 1st rf 5s '66 ... 95*. 95 95*4 1 R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs. 94H 94*4 94*4 Int R T 7s 32 _ 88 87)4 88 Interlake 5s '51_ 102*4 102*4 102*4 int Grt Nr 5s'56 C_ 36h 36)4 36)4 mt Grt Nr 6s'52 A_ 36*. 36*. 36*4 Int Grt Nr adj 6s'52 A. 14)4 14 14)j Int Hydro Elec 6s'44. 85)4 85 85 Int Pap ref 6s 55 ... 99H 99 99 Int Ry of C A 6s 41_ 102*4 102*4 102)4 Int T&T cv 4V..S'39_ 87*4 87*4 87*4 Int T&T 4)4s *52_ 72 71*4 72 Int T&T 5s 55 _ 78 77*4 77*4 Iowa Cent lst&rf4s’51 8*4 7 8)4 James F & C 4s'39 ... 97 S7 97 Jones&L. Stl 4 >4 s'61 A 103*4 103*4 103*4 KansCFS&M 48'36 . 63*4 63*4 63*4 KanCFS&M rf4s'36ct. 61*4 61)4 61*4 KansCSo 1st 3s 50- 90*4 90*4 90*4 Kans City So ref 5s '50 98 98 98 Kan C Term 1st 4s '60. 107 106*4 107 Keith 6s'46 _ 98*4 98*4 98*4 Ky Cent Ry 4s '87_ 109 109 109 Laclede Gas 5s'39_ 984* 984* 984* Laclede G 5 Vis '53 C— 65H 65Vi 6SV* Lake E&W 2d »S Ml_106V* 106* 106* Lautaro Nitr 6s ’54 - 41H 891* 41V* Lautaro Nit 6s'64 cfs. 405* 39 * 40V* Leh ValTerm 6s'41_ 108 108 108 Leh V Peon 4s 2003—. 695* 695* 6s4* Ligg & Myers 58 '51_122V* 1224* 1224* Ligg & Mvers 7s '44... 181 131 131 Long Isl ref 4s 49_104* 1044* 1044* La & Ark 5s’69 _ 99V* 99H 99V* L&Nash 34* s 2003_ 95V* 95V* 96V* L&N lst4s 2003_102V* 102V* 102V* L&N unit 4s '40_ 107 107 107 L& N 4Vis 2003 C_ 1064* 1054* 1064} McKess&Rob 6Vis’50_. 103V* 103V* 103V* Me C RR clt 4s ’45 A— 104 104 104 MeC RR gn 4%s’60A. 85V* 86V* 85V* Manhat Ry 4s'90 — 51V* 61 61 ManhatRy 4s'90ctfs. 47V* 47V* 47V* Marlon St Shov 6s ’47. 99V* 99 99V* Mead Co 6s’45 — - 107V» 107V* 107V* Met Ed 1st rf 4 Vis ’68. 1094* 1094* 1094* Mich Cent 4 V*s’79- 1054* 1054* 1054* Minn&SLrf 4S-49—. 9 74* 9 Minn & St L ctfs. 20V* 18V4 20V* Minn & St L 6s '62 A— «4* 6 6V* MStP&SSMcn 4S'38__ 82V* 82 82 MStP&SSM 6V4s‘78— 92V* 92V* 92V* Mo 111 6s'69- —_ 684* 684* 684* Mo K &T 1st 4s'90_914* 914* 914* Mo K & T 4s '62 B_ 76 76 75 Mo K & T 5s '62 A_ 87 87 87 MoK & T ad! 5s '67_ 76V* 76 76 Mo Pao 4s '75 _ 21V* 21W 21V* Mo Pac 5s’65 A_ 44V* 44V* 44V* Mo>ac5s'77F_ 45V* 45V* 45V* MO Paces’81 I- 45V* 45V* 45V* Mo Pac 5V*s '49 A_ 17V* 164* 16V* Mob & Ohio 4 % s’77_ 87V* 87V* 37V* Mob & Ohio 6s’38 —- 374* 87V* 87V* Monong Pub 8 4Vis’60 1064* 1054* 106** Monong Pub S 6s'65 108V* 108V* 108V* Montana Cent 3 44 s’66 97V* 974* 974* Mor&Esssx 8 Vi s 2000. 98 93 93 Morris&Essex fis'65 . 1015* 101V* 101V* • Natl Dairy 3 44e’61ww. 106V* 105V* 105V* Natl DlsPC4Vis’45 105 106 104 Nat Ry Max 4Vis’57 as 44* 444 444 Natl Steal 4a 16-toe 106*4 106v* High. Low. Close. Naugatuck 1st 4s'54.. 89*1 895; 895; New E T&T 4 Vis ‘61— 119*4 119*4 119*4 New E T&T 1st 58'52. 122 122 122 New Jer P&B 4Vis'60. 107 107 107 New Orl P S 6s '82 A_101*4 101 101*4 New Orl P S 5s *65 B . 100 ' 995; 99*4 New Orl Ter 1st 48*53 97*4 97*4 97*4 New OrlT&M 4 Vis *56- 65 55 65 New Orl T&M 6s *61 B 66*; 66*; 66*; New Orl T&M 5V*S*54 68 68 58 NOT&M 5Vis'54 Bcfs. 50 60 60 NY .Central 3 Vis ’46_ 103*4 103 103 NY Cent con 4s '98_1015; 101*4 101*; NY Cent rf 4VzS 2013.. 93*4 93*4 93*4 NY C rf 4V4s 2013 n_ 93*» 93*4 93*; NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 100*4 100 100*4 NY Cent cv 6s '44_112*i 112 112*4 NYC Mich C 3Vis’98._ 93*4 93*4 93*4 N Y Chi & StL 4s'46—. 104*4 104*4 104*4 NYC&St B4ViS'78_ 94 91*4 94 NYC&St B 6>,is'74 A- 104 103*4 103*4 NY Chi & St L 6s'38.. fOO 9974 99*4 NY Conn 1st 4Vis'53.. 107*4 107*, 107*4 NY Dock 5s'38 __ 66*i 66*4 66*/ NY Edison 3V4s'65 D. 102*4 102 102*4 NYEdisref 3*;s'66.. 102*4 102*4 102*i NY NH & H 3Vis'56_ 42 42 42 NY NH & 11 4s '55_ 44*4 44*4 44*4 NY NH & II 4s '57_ 86 35 35 NY NH & H 4%s’67_ 62*4 62*4 62*4 NY NH & H cv 6s '48_ 66 66 56 NY O&W cen 4s 55—_ 27*4 26 26 NY O&W ref 4s'92 .. 34*4 82*i 32*4 NYQueens con3*is'65. 105*4 105*4 105*4 NY Rys lnc 6s 65 ... 61*; 61*; 61*; NY Kys 6s 65 A stp .. 105*4 105*; 105'; NY S&W 1st rf 5s*37_. 81 79 79 NY Tel Ren 4Vis'33 .. 107*4 107*4 107*4 NY Trap Rock 6s'46.. 90 90 90 NY Tr Rk 6s *46 stp... 94 93 94 NYW&B4Vis'46_ 21*4 20*4 20*4 Nias Sh 5 Vis '50 _ 103*4 103*4 103*4 North Am Co 5s 61 __ 104'; 101*4 104H North Am Ed 5s '57 A. 109»; 103*; 103»; North Am Ed 6Vis’63. 104 104 104 Nor'n Ohio 1st 6s'45 . 80 80 80 Nor'n Pac Ken 3s 2047. 78 78 78 Nor’n Pac 4s *97 ... 107*4 107*4 107*4 Nor’n Pac 4 tis 2047_ 101 1034; 104 Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 D... 108*4 108 108 North Pac 6s 2047.._111*4 111*4 111*4 OKden L C 4s ’48_ 28*; 28*; 28*; Ohio Edison 4s’65_ 105*4 105*4 105*4 Ont Pwr Niac 5s'43_112*4 112*, 112*4 OreK Sh Bine 5s '46 — 116*4 116*4 116*4 OreR Sh B 5s'46 Ktd_118 118 118 Ores W RR 4s '61.106*4 106*4 106*4 Pac G & E 3%S ’61_ 104 103*4 103*4 pac G & E 4s '64 _ 106*4 106*4 105*4 Pac RR Mo 1st 4s ’38 _. 101*4 101*4 101*4 Pac T&T rf 3'/, S '66 B. 103 103 103 Pac T&T 2 V;s'66 C ... 103 102*4 102*4 Pan Am PC 6s'40 ctfs. 45 45 45 Paramount Pic 6s’55_. 101*4 101*; 101*4 Parmelee 6s '44- 76 76 76 Penn Co 4s'63 ..101*4 103*4 103*4 Penn DixieC6s'41._100*; 100»; 100*; Penn P&B 4Vis '81_ 106 105», 106 Penn RR3:*is '70C— 100*4 100*4 100*4 Per.n RR con 4s '48_113 113 113 Penn RR4V;s’81 D... 1»7*4 107*4 107*4 Penn R R 4*is'84 ... 106*. 306*, 106*, Penn RR con 4 Vi s *60. 120>, 12n». 120*. Penn RR Bn 4Vis'65 _ 110*4 not, HO7, Penn RR debits'70. 103** 103*4 103’* Penn UR Ken 5s’68 _ 115*j 115*, 116*4 People GB&C rf 5s'47. 114*4 114*4 114*; Peoria & E inc 4s '90.. 2S»; 25 25 Pere M irq 4 >is *S0 — 101*4 101 101*4 Pere Marq 1st 5s '56— 105*; 105*; 105>* Phila Co 5s 67 - 106*; 106 106 Phila Elec Co 4s'71 ._ ltu!"., 102s, 102*4 Phila & It O&l 5s '73 — 39*4 38*, 39*4 Phila & RC&l 6s 49.. 17 15'; 15'; Philippine Rv 4s'37 .. 25*4 24**, 25s, Pillsbury FI M Cs'43.. 106s, 106s, 106’; I'CC&St B 4 >~s'64 J— 118 118 118 PCC&St B 4 *, s '77 C-_ 106*4 106», 106*4 PCC&St B5S-75 B ... 117*4 117*4 117*4 Port Gen El 4*is 60.. 67 66', 67 Postal Tel &C 5s’53 . 39 38s, 39 Potomac El P 3 >;s'66 10* 101s. 103>; Pure 011 4 *49 '60 ww .. 118 117*, 118 Purity BakinK 5s '48.. 100*4 100*, 100*4 Reading Jer C 48'51- 102*; 101*4 102 Rem-Rand 4 Vi s 56ww 1111; 114>« 114; Republic Stl 4 Vis'50.. 157*4 156 156*; Republic Sll 5Vis '54 .. 114'; 114 114 Republic Stl 4Vts'56., 39*4 99*4 99*4 Republic Stl 4Vis'61-. 98*4 9*>. 98s, Richfield Oil 6s 44 .. 60 60 60 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs. 61?; 51?; 5l|; Rio G W col 4S 49 A _ 49s, 49s, 49‘; R 1 A&B 1st 4*sS'34_ 26 26 26 Rutland RR 4Vis'41.. 31*; 51*; 31*4 SaKuenay Pw4 V;s’66.. 103 103 103 St B IM&S R&G 4s'33_ 87*, 87 87 ’ St BlM&SR&S4s'33ct. 85*. 85*; 85»; St L.-S 1* 4s 50 A ctfs. 30V* 30Va 30V^ St L-S Fran 4Vis'78 .. 32 32 32 St B-S F 4 V,s'T8 cf 8l. 29 28*4 28*4 St B-S Fran 5s '60 B — 34 34 34 St B-S F 6s 50 B ctfs. 82 81?, 31*; St B S W 1st 43 '89 .. 96 96 96 St PKCSL«Vi» 41.. 25 25 25 St P M&M ext 5s '43 . 102s; 102?; 102** San A & A Pass 4s '43. 103 103 103 Seabd A L 4s '60 stp_ 33 32*. 32*4 Seabd A B ref 4s'59_ 20 19*, 20 Seabd A Ladj 5s'49... 11*4 lit, 11*4 Seabd A B 6s 43 A ... 22s, 22>* 22*4 Seutid A B 6s 45 ctfs . 21s, 21** 21*, Seabd A-Fl 6s’25 A ct. 13 12*, 13 Shell Un deb 3Vis '51 99*4 99'; 99*, Sltellv Oil 4S '51 101 ; 1001, 100'; South Bell T&T 5s'41 106'* 106»* *io6*. So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A 106 106 106 So Pac 3 s* s 46 _100s, 100*, lOu*, So E’ac col 4s 49_ 91*, 97*4 971, So Pac ref 4s '55_105; 105; 105; So Pac 4Vjs '68—_____ 95 947, 95 So Pac 4 t*s *69_ 95 94', 94** So Pac 4',S 81_ 84*4 94*-* 944 So Pac Orec 4V4s ’77— 99*, 99 99», So Ry Ren 4s’5f» A_ 82*4 82*4 b2*4 So Ry Ken 6s *56_103»* 1038; 101** So Ry 6Vis ’56 __106'; 106 106 So Ry M & O 4s '38_ 94*4 94*4 94*4 Spokane Int 5s ’55_ 39 39 39 Stand Oil N J 3s'61_ 99 98*4 98*4 Studebaker cv 6s'45_ 147 147 147 Swift & Co 3 ®*s '50_ 106 106 106 Tenn Cent 6s'47_105*; 105*; 105*; Tenn El Pw 6s '47 A_ 100 99»* 100 Texarkana 5Vis'50_ 107*; 107*; 107*; i'exas Corp 3 Vis'51_ 103*4 1034 103*4 Texas* Pac 5s 79 C_ 105*4 105*4 105*4 Third Av ref 4s 60 71*4 71*t 71*4 Third A ad in ex 5s’66. 40*4 39'* 39*; Truax T C 6>is 43_ 103*4 103 103*4 Un El B & P 5s '57_ 106 106 106 Un El B& P 5*As'54-_ 106 106 106 Union Pac 3Vi» 70_ 981; 98V* »8'; Un Pac 3 Vis'71 _ 98*, 98*, 98*, Un Pac 1st 4s'47_ 114 113*, 113*4 Un Pac 1st rf 4S 2008. 108 107*4 108 Un Pac 1st rf 5s 2008.. 112 112 112 United Biscuit 5s'50.. 107*4 107*4 i07t United Drug 5s '53_102 101*4 101*4 US Rubber 5s 47_106*; 106 10« Utah P&B 5s ’44_ 106 105*4 105*4 Util P&L 5s 59 ww... 62 61*; 62 Util P&B 5V,s *47_ 62V; 62*, 62*; Ver Sub 1st 7s'42 ctfs. 81*; 311* 31; Va B & P 1st ref 4s'55 108Vi 108V; 108); Va Ry 1st 3>V*s '66 A . 104*4 104*4 104*4 Va S W con 5s ’58 _100*; 10CV4 I00*j Va S W 1st 5s 2003_110 llu 110 Wabash 6s'76 B_ 41*4 41*4 41*4 Wabash 6Vis'75_ 42*; 42?; 42'; Walker H&S 4Vi«'45.ri07 107 107 Walworth 4s 55 8644 86*; 86*; Warner Bros cv 6s ’39 . 98 974; 98 Warner-Quin 6s'39... 63 61*; 63 Warren Br cv 6s 41... 71*4 71*4 71 H Wash Term 3Vis *45... 10944 1 0944 1 0944 West Penn P 3 Vis'66. 105*4 105'; 105*4 W Pa P 1st 5s 63 E 118 117*4 118 W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd__ 96*4 96*4 96*4 West'n Md 1st 4s '52.. 103*4 103*4 103*4 West'n Md 6Vis'77_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 West'n Pac 5s 46 A__ 40 40 40 West’n Un 4*is 50__107*; 107*; 107*; Westn Un cl tr 6s'38.. 10344 103*; 1034; Wheel Steel 4 Vis'66 _ 102 101*4 102 W Sp Stl con 7s "35 ct. 40 39*4 3944 Wilson & Co 4s 65_101*4 1014; 101*; Y'nKstnS&T 3Vis'51__ 134 133 133 Y’ngstn S&T 4a '61_ 102*4 102 102 U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney & Co.) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Offer, iif £pr. J-> ’37— 1013-32 1015-32 Sept. 15. 37— 102 1022-32 ~ 5»s Feb. l. '38 — 102 5-32 102 7-32 3s Mar. 15. '.38 . 102 23-32 102 25-32 2’gs June 15. '38 — 103 2-32 103 4-32 2*'2S Sept. 15. '38— 102 20-32 102 28-32 l'as Mar. 15. ’3D— 1015-32 1017-32 2Ves June 15, '3ft— 102 18-32 102 20-32 Ifes Dec. 15. '30 — 100 27-32 100 20-32 lfss Mar. 15. '40 _ 1010-32 10111-32 l‘/aS June 15. ’40.. 100 28-32 100 30-32 ltis Dec. 15. '40— 100 23-32 100 25-32 lJ4s Mar. 15. '41 100 23-32 100 25-32 l3«s June 15, '41.. 100 5-32 100 7-32 l'«s Dec. 15. '41— 80 30-32 100 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. B: the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on Feb ruary 25: Receipts. *15.088.324.70: ex penditures. *18.067.850.43: balance. SI.547.231,333.05: customs receipts for the month. $37,355,612.72. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1>. * expenditures. *4. 727.760.377.40. including $1,906,313, 132.14 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $2,034,473,517.40: gross debt. $34,601,635,422.40. an increase of *939 894.50 over the previous day; gold assets Sll.427.590.696.64. including $196,408,770.74 of Inactive sold. Few Metals and Utilities Resist—Others Ease Fractions to $2. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 27.—Week end selling brought losses of frac tions to around 2 points in a con siderable number of curb leaders today. A few metals and utilities bore the pressure without losing ground. Newmont. Serwin-Williams and Eureka Pipe sagged 1 to 2 soon after the opening. Fractional ground was yielded by Northern States Power “A." Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Gulf Oil and McWilliams Dredging. Lake Shore Mines picked up a point, and smaller gains appeared in Ameri can Gas & Electric and American Superpower. Chicago Flexible Shaft rose about 2. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 96;!i. Potomac Electric Power 6'. pfd.—10 at 1135. AFTER CALL. Riggs Bank common—3 at 355. Capital Transit Co.—10 at 15'2. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Btd. Ask r d. Anacostia A: Potomac 5k 7 7 79 Ana. Ac Potomac Guar. 5s llo’a C. A.’ P. Tel. of Va. 5s 3 04 Capital Traction R R. 5s 96 97 City & Suburban 5s *6 SH Georgetown Gas 1st os __ 129 Pot. Eloc. POW. 314-S _ 1(»3 lol*2 Wash. Gas 5s 195* 105% 107 Wash. Gas 5s I960 123*a Wash. R*y. A Elec. 4s 106% - MISCELLANEOUS Col Country Club 5%s lo5 _ W. M. Cold Sioraee 5s 101) _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Arner. Tel. A: Te! i9> 1 Capital Transit Co. hi5% 16 N A: W. Steamboat <r6> 119 Pet. Elec Pow *>', pf. *«> *112 114 Pot. El Po. 5*J r pf *5 50) •113** Wash. Gas L* Co <3.69* *6 Wash. Rv. A: E!. com. O'ttl) *725 Wash. Ry. A: Ei. Did. (.">* •llo 110% BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. See A Tr. Co (oS) _ 295 _ Bank of B* thesda <h75) 34 _ Capital <4) 125 - C m. A: Savings <a*>_ 2'»5 _ Libert v * 4 » 1 to - Lincoln (fo 25) 299 i Natl Saw A: Tru<t J49 Pr Gcorcc* Bt: A Tr. (.59) is 21 Rise- < eS» 350 Rices pfd <5* 1"1 Washincton *o» 133 Wash. Loan & Tr. (pSi 275 310 FIRE INSURANCE American <0> loo _ Corcoran * 5 > . . 1 • » _ _ Firemen’s <1.60» xb2* - National Union (.60) 16 - TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.30* 12 17% Real Estate (6) 3 60 MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp. (2.001 22 2(5 Lanston Monotvre '4* *95 Mergenthaier Linotype <G *5’ . 54% Peoples Dr. S. com. (♦19m 57 60 Peoples Dr S pfd. <6.59* •112% Real Est. MA’G. pf. «••.?()) 5% »_ % Security Storage *5) 129 125 Ter. Ref. & Wh Corp C«) 69 Wdwd. & Loth. com. (*1.50> 6* 79 Wdwd. A: Loth. pfd. i7j . _ 120 125 •ex dividend. *Plu* extras. —Books closed. , ; s—59c paid May 15. 19.26: 59c paid Aus. 15 .1 5oc paid Nov. l*t. 1936. a—4'f extra, e—'l'r extra. i—1 %% extra, h—75c extra. g—1' extra paid Dec 15 1936. ••—25c paid June 30. 1936. 45c Paid I>crmbfr 22 193** xb—50'o stock dividend. CHICAGO STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. February 27 UP>—Following | is the complete official list of transactions j in siocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today. Sales STOCKS Higi'*. Low. Close. .{00 Abbott Lab - 51% 54 54% Umi Adams Roy 0% 0% 0% 2?5o Adtauce Alum 1**% 0% lo% 2«m» Allied Prod 21 % 21% 21 * 50 Aihed Prcd A 20 26 20 l"Am Pub Svc pf 77% 77% 77% 45o Armour A Co 1.7% 1 % 1*7% Umi As>oc Ir. vest 55:2 5512 551 a 2«m Athev Truss Whl 14% 14% 14% 5o Autom Wash cv pf 4% 4% 4% 50 Bendix Av *’7% 2?34 2' 4 4oo B^rehofT Brew 17% 15% 15% 55*1 Bliss A Lmghlin 50% 50% 50% 5o Bori:-W arner 7 71» 77% ?J% loo Bruce *E. L. I 27% 2?l4 27% 2ooo Butler Bros 17% 17% 17% 40ii Butler Bros pf 54% 54% 54% ion Canal Cons: cv pf 5% 5% 5% 150 Cen 111 P S\c Pf 7.0% 7* 7N loo Cen 111 Sec 5 5 5 I5o*» Cen A S W Ut 4% 4% 4% oo C A S W *7 pi pf lo*% 1 ns % ]0S% 20 Chain Belt 60 60 60 5oo Chi C A C Rys % % % 2!*<M>Chi Corp 6 5‘s 6 *5o Chi Corp pf 46% 4«* 46 550 Chi Flex Shaft 75% 70*4 75% 150 Chi Rys part ctls % % % 1250 Cities Serv 4** 4 4% 50 Comwlth Edis 122% 122% 122*4 250 Con Bi.cuit 0% 0 **% 20 Consumers 6*7 pf 2o% lo% lo% 50 Consumers 7% pf 6 6 6 350 Cord Corp 4% 4% 4% loo Crane Co 51% 51*2 51% Jo Crane pf 321 % 121% 121% j 5*i Cunningham D St 24% 24% 2»% 5o Dayton Rubber * 24% 24*2 24%: loo Decker A Cohn lo% 10% 30% j J50 Dixie-Vortex 25% 25 25% j 500 E! Household lo% lo% lo% \ loo Elgin Nat Watch 5K% 5*% 5**4 2oo Gen Finance 4% 4% 4% 2oo Gen Household s% s% s% 5o Godchaux Sug A 5o% 50% 5«>% loo Goldblatt 4 1 4 1 41 Too Gt Lakes Dredee 24% 24 24 50 Hal’ Print 10 10 10 25o Heileman fG> Br H»% 10% ]o% 300 111 Brick 17% 17% 17% 50 Iron Fireman __ 24 24 24 150 Jarvis (W B’ 20% 26% 20% 50 Jeflerson Elec 40 40 40 2oo Katz Drug 15% 15% 15% 2150 Kellogg Switch 12% 11% 12% 150 Kellogg Sw- pf 12o 110% 320 200 Ken Rad T A' L 2* 2* 2* 5oo Kingsbury Brew 5 2% 5 550 La Salle Ext 2% 2% 2% 2oo Leath A' Co 0% 0 0 050 Lib McN A L _ 15 14% 15 250 Lincoln Pr 11% 11% 11% 450 Loudon Pack 5% 5% 5% 750 Marsh Field 25% 25% 25% lOOMcOraw Elec 43 43 43 Uio Merch & Mfrs A 07a 63« **7r 100 Mickelberry's Fd 37« 37» :i7« 2300 Mid West Corp 13*, 13** 13*. lOOMld West war 63, O3, 63, Too Midland Unit l3. 1'« 13, 30 Midland Unit of 1! 31 31 20 Midi Util T'T pi 03/» !l3« 03* So Miller & Hart pf T'« T'« 7', SO Modine 42s, 423« 423* in Monte Ward A 155 155 155 1 OO Nat Battery pf ill 31 31 10400 Nat Leath IV.t 1 l v» 350 Nat Rep Inv p5 O',a fl’i 9', 50 Nat Union Radio :! 3 3 350 Nob!i»-Sparks 54 53'/« 53V4 10 No West Ut pi TT 77 77 330 Nor'west Bancorp 1374 ill3. 124. 400 Pines Winter :: 3 3 ISO Pub Svc 7'* pf 117 llKl-ilmli TO Quaker Oats . 12014 120 120 ! 300 Raytheon vtc - 63, 63, 634 5(1 Raytheon vtc pf 234 2*« 23, loo Reliance M?k 32*a 3214 3244 lost LNat Stk Yds 82 82 82 50 Schwitzer Cumm 2TVs 27'/« 27',4 100 Sth Bend L Wks 25 25 25 20 So'west G&E Df 300 100 300 200 Std Dredg Pf .18 18 IS loo storkline Furn 14'4 14V« 14% 50 Sunstr'd M Tool 2514 25'. 25y« 300 Swift A- Co 28 27*4 28 150 Thompson (JR). i:isi 13'? 13*4 400 Utah Radio . . .. 27a 23i 234 500 Util & Ind._ 15« l5* 1*. 200 Wahl Co . . 374 37/. 31* 200 Woodall Indust 1414 14'. 1414 Total stock sales today. 60.000 shares. GOLD IMPORTS DROP AGAIN DURING WEEK By the Associated Press. The Commerce Department re ported the third consecutive weekly decline in gold imports. Imports for the week ended Feb1 ruary 19 totaled $27,505,332, com pared with $29,531,695 during the pre vious week and $32,633,988 for the week ended February 5. Silver imports for the week ended February 19 were set at $2,369,977, compared with $7,276,872 in the pre ceding #week, while silver exports to taled $183,422 and $53,911 for the re spective weeks. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. February 27 OPi.—SUver futures closed steady 2 to 8 lower. No ■ales. Closing bids: March. 44.60; May. 44.38: July. 44.25. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close. Acme W vtc (Z)_. 25s 52)4 52*4 52*4 Adams M 1st pf 7- 10s 111 111 111 Aero Supply (B).. 8 5)4 6 5*4 Air Investors Inc. 8 4)4 44 4'4 Air lnv Inc war .. 1 14 14 1)4 Air Invest cv pf.. 3 29)4 29 29)4 Alum'n Co of Am. 400s 162 161)4 162 Alum'n Ind (40c). 60s 13)4 13'4 13*4 Alum'n Ltd_ 60s 113 113 113 Am Airlines. Inc.. 7 30 29)4 30 Am Beverage 1 3)4 3H 34 Am Box B'd t80c. 8 18)4 18)4 18)4 Am Clt PAL (A) 3 25s 89*4 39*4 39), Am CltP&L B a'JOc 9 6)4 6 6 Am Cynam B t60c 20 32*4 32 32 Am Fork & H (tl) 1 22)4 22)4 22)4 Am G&E (1.40) .. 8 41 40*, 40)4 Am Gen C’p <a50c) 2 11)4 11)4 11)4 Am Gen pf (2)4).. 25s 40)4 40*4 40*4 Am L&T (tl.20). 1 22 22 22 Am MfgCo (a3).. 25, 39)4 39)4 394 Am Maracaibo .. 9 1*4 1*4 1»| Am Meter <a2)A). 1 48)4 48)4 48)4 Am Seal Kap a30c 1 9*4 9<4 9)4 Am Superpower_ 13 2)4 2'4 2'4 Anchor Post F_ 3 4*4 4*4 4*4 Angostura (+20c). 3 8)4 8)4 8J4 Apex Electric(al) 2 41 41 41 Arcturus Radio T. 70 1)4 1*4 1)4 Ark Nat Gas_ 1 10*4 10*4 10*4 Ark Nat Gas (A).. 1 11 11 11 Art llet W (80c)— 1 14)4 14’4 14 4 Ashland O&R t40c 7 8 7)4 7)4 Asso Gas & Elec_ 3 2)4 24 2*4 Asso G & E (A>._. 9 3)4 3)4 3*4 Asso Laundries__ 6 *4 *4 *4 Asso Laund vtc_ 1 % ‘4 *4 Atl Coast Fisher.. 4 124 12 12*4 Atlas Corp war_ 2 3)4 3*4 3)4 Austin Silver _ 4 2*» 2*4 2*4 Auto Products_ 3 8)4 8*4 8*4 Ax-Fisherf 3.20)A 100, 40 39)4 397, Babcox & Wll (4) 25s 145 145 145 Baldw Lbdrts(d) 60 3)4 3)4 8)4 Barium Stain Stl. 1 6*4 6*4 6)4 Bell Aircraft10 14)4 14*4 14)4 Bell Tell Pa pf 6*4 25s 124 124 121 jRellanca Aircraft 42 7)4 6*4 6)4 Berkey&Gay F Co 10 3'4 3', 3'4 Berk&OF pur war 2 1)4 1*4 1*4 Blue Ridge C alOo 2 3)4 3)4 3)4 Blumenthal S 2 35 34*4 35 Botany Cons (d)._ 7 °4 4 )4 Bower Roll B (2). 1 31'4 31*4 31’* Bowman-Biltmore 1 2)4 2*4 2*4 Bowmn-Bllt 1st pf 50, 26)4 26)4 26*4 Bowmn-Bilt 2d pf 1 6)4 6)4 8)4 Brazil TL&P 40c.. 8 29»i 29'4 29'* Bridgep't Mch al. 1 18)4 184 18*4 Brill Corp (A)_ 1 14*4 14*4 14*, Brown Co pf 250s 53 52 52', Brown F&W blaC 1 14*4 14*4 14>, Brown Forman 2 9*4 9)4 9)4 Bunker H&Slbl) 25s 120*4 120», 120*4 Cable* Wire!A). 1 1)4 1*4 1*4 I Can Indus Alco A. 13 7*4 6*4 674 j Can Marconi _ 1 22', 2', j l-arlb Syndicate.. 6 24 2'i 2'i l Carnecie Metals . 34 3*4 35 , 34 i Casco Trod rights 1 *4 14 14 Catltn (’nrp (alnc) 7 P*s 91^ Celluloid Corp 1 13*« 13*, 1)*, Celluloid Corp pf 25s 47 47 47 Cellul'd Cist pfa8 150, loo 97 loo Cent & S W I'Ml 3 4 74 4)4 4 74 Cent Ohio S b2Dc.. 1 19*4 19*4 19*4 Cent States Elec 3 1)4 1*4 l7. Cent St El cv pf . 25, 25 25 25 Cent St El 6% nf 150. 21)4 21H 2:4 Cen'rif Bine ttnp 2 5*, 5*, ft*, Clil Flex Shaft (4)300, 73 70', 73 Chief Consol_ 1 2'4 24 2' i Childs Co pf_50s 88 88 88 Cities Service _. 36 4'4 4'4 4>» Cities Service nf « 51T4 50*4 614 ' City Auto S(t60c) 2 13)4 13*4 13*4 Claude Neon Lts 33 274 2’, 27, Clev Tractor ... l 11)4 11*4 11*4' Colon Dev Ltd 8 8 7*. 7*4 Colts P F A b37Ue 1 67)4 57)4 5714 ' Colum G&E t>f 1 5 I 100, 80)4 79 80)4 I Columbia O&G 20c 88 94 9 9 Community W S 1 174 174 1*4 ; Comwlth & S war 3 *v *, *, Comwlth Edis t4 . 1 121*, 121', 121*4 j Cons Aircraft 5 25', 25 25 ! Consol Biscuit 60c 1 9*4 9*4 9)4 Consol Cooper 8 9)4 9'4 94 C GELt&P Bo 3.60 1 84 84 84 Cons Mln&Sm t2 50s 84*4 82*4 84)4 Consol Retail Sirs 19 9 9 Consol Steel Corp 2 14 13’, 14 Corroon & Reyn 1 7*4 7*4 7*4 Coaden Oil Me (d) .49 3*4 31, 314 Cosden(Me)pf(d) 83 3 9 367, 39 Creole Pe' <a50c> 5 334 33 3374 Crocker-Wh alOc. 6 17)4 17 17', Croft Brewing 17 ^ *4 «, Crown Cent Pa6c 5 24 2)4 2V4 Crown Drug blOc 5 4*v 44 4*4 ; Crown Drug pf 1 *4 75s 23 23 23 | Cusl Mex Mining 718 ?4 \ 44 Dayton Rubber... 1 24 24 24 i Dejav Stores t80c 1 15)4 15*4 15)4 Derby Oil & Ref 4 6', 64 fii, Det Pan Prod t2.'c 1 8*4 8*, 8*4 Pet Stl Prod b25c. 2 60 59)4 60 DomlnSiC 1B1 2 IP*,' 19*, 19*4 Dow Chem (2.40) 2 149 1481, 149 Dubelter Condens 10 4*, 4)4 4)4 1 Duval Tex S a.’Oc 1 8*, 8*4 8», Eagle Pitcher blOc 8 267, 26)4 2674 j East'n GA*b 4s- 8 7)4 7'4 7*4 Kstn GftF A, pf 3 200 , 51 SO*, 51 1 East G&F p Dt 4)4 50, 72 72 72 East'n States Pwr 2 4*4 4*4 4*, Eisler Elec (a5c) 1 3», 3', 3», Elec Bond & Share 53 25*4 25 25', ElecP&L2dpfA 30, 69', 69 69 Elec Shareholding 1 5*, 5», 5*4 Elec Sh pf ww (6) 500s. 95 94)4 94*, El Shov C 1st pf . SO, 20*, 20’, 20’4 Emp G&F 6 35 pf 25s 704 704 70)4 Emp G&F 7% pf 100, 76 75)4 76 Emp G&F 8 % d* 150s 79*4 794 79*4 Emp Pwr pt al.80. 60s 31 31 31 fl-msco Herrick T1 1 174 174 174 Eauitv Oorp<a25c) 20 24 24 24 Eureka PL (4) — 50s 454 454 454 Evans Wall Lead 136 34 24 3 Excello Air(b20c). 8 254 25 254 | Fairchild Av al5c. 2 71* 74 74 ; Fanny FC (t50c). 1 23?, 23s, 234 | Fldelio Brewery 7 1 1 1 Fire AslPhila. > +2 20s 81 81 81 First N S lstpf 7. 20s 114 114 114 Fisk Rubber 13 144 14 144 Fisk Rub pf (6) 100s 87 8«4 864 ! Ford (Can 1 A (1) 12 274 27>, 274 I Ford Ltd al81-10c 1 74 74 74! Ford M(Can)B(l) 25s 294 29*1 29*1 Fox (P) Brew 80c 1 94 94 94 Gen Alloys _ ._ 8 4*1 44 4*4 Sen Flrepr’f t40c. 2 21?* 214 214 Gen Invest Corp _ 3 14 1>* 14 Gen Pub S pf al5- 20s 9n 90 90 Gen Rayon Ltd A 2 24 2*1 27* Gen Tele C’p al.35 2 214 214 214 Gen Tire & Rub 4 27», 274 27*1 Gilb’t(AC)a62V4e 1 144 144 144 Glen Alden C (Til 5 134 13.4 134 Godchaux S A(bl)100s 51 51 51 Goldfield Consol 147 444 Gorham Mf vtc tl 5 254 254 254 Grand Natl Films 6 3*1 34 3*,* GrRap Var(t60c) 1 17 17 n Grt AAP T n v t6 60s 115 113 113 Greenfield T & D . 3 13 13 13 Groc Store Prod 6 64 6 6 Guardian Invest 1 *4 *4 ,4 Gulf Oil (Pa) b25c 3 67 564 56** Hall Lamp (80c) 2 64 6*4 64 Harvard Brewery 1 34’ 34 34 Hat Corp (b20c) . 1 13** 13** 134 Hearn Dep S bl.65 1 164 164 164 Hecla Min (b20c). 65 214 20»* 214 Hollinger (t65c) 3 15 144 144 Horn A Hardart t2 60s 404 404 404 Hudson BM&S <1) 10 884 374 374 Humble Oil (1%). 8 83?* 834 83?* Hvsrarie Fond 2 5!* 54 54 Hygrade Sylv (3).250s 51 604 51 111 P & L 6% pf 450s 694 694' 694 Imp Oil Ltd t60c 14 23 224 23 Ind n Ter 111 O(A) 1 34 84 84 Indiana PL <t40c) 2 124 124 127* lntl Cigar M ti 2 28 274 274 lntl Hy El S ev pf 2 88** 38** 38** lntl Petr (114) . 66 38 374 37** lntl Produets _ 4 6?* 64 64 lntl Safety Raz B- 1 14 14 14 lntl Utli (B) 1 24 24 24 lntl Vitamln(50c) 2 64 6s* 6»* Interst H M t2 % . 1 37?* 37*4 37?* Invest Royalty 6c 70 4 4 0* Irving Air Ch (1). 1 144 144 144 Ital Superpwr(A) ,1 14 14 14 Jacobs!FL)Co(l) 8 164 16 16 Jeanette Glss a60c 1 114 114 114 JonesA Laugh Stl 1 113 113 113 Kan City P S of A 1 34 34 34 Ken RTAL A a75c 2 284 274 274 Kingston Prod 40e 8 74 74 74 Kirby Petrol (20c) 2 64 64 64 Lakey Fy A ilach 16 84 74 84 Lake Sh M (T4)_ 12 594 584 59?* Lefcourt Realty.. 2 84 37* 34 Leh Coal AN 30c- 12 12 114 114 Leonard OH _ 11 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (1)-. l 177* 174 174 Lit Brothers- 2 6 54 6 Lockheed Aircraft 14 15 144 14?* Long Island Ltg 4 64 5?* 54 Long 1 L pf A(7) 40s 91 90 91 Lone Isl Lt of B 6 26s 764 764 764 Loudon Packing.. 4 54 64 64 La Land (40c)_ 1 124 124 124 8tock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low Close. Lucky T <tl2c)... 6 VA Vi Vi McCord Rad (B) 2 11H 11 11 McWilliams D Ct2 4 38 377* 374 Mangel Stores_ 1 9*4 94 94 Massey Harris_ 6 114 114 lit* Mead John <t3)... 25» 118 118 118 Mem Nat G(a50c) 1 64 67* «7* Merritt Chap & S 6 8** 84 84 Mesabl Iron _ 139 2 14 2 Mich Bumper C_ 5 3 2** 3 Mich Gas & OIL— 6 94 9*; 9** Mid Sta Pet (A).. 4 64 6»* 64 Mid Sta Pet (B) 1 14 14 14 Midvale Co (b75c) 75s 864 86 864 Mid-W Abras alOo 2 4'* 4>* 8'* MlnlngCo (Can) 5 44 4*4 44 Minn Mln&Mfftl) 100s 39'* 38.4 39'* Molybdenum Corp 4 94 9!4 94 Mont Ward A (7). 60s 155 155 155 Montr HLt&P 14. 4 32** 324 324 Mueller Brass »1 1 49'* 49'* 49'* Murray Mfg al.40. 3 27** 27 27** Nat Aut Fib b50c. 2 404 40 40 Nat Baking Co_ 1 10** 10»* 10** Nat Bella Hess 10 24 2»* 24 Nat Fuel Gas (1).. 1 17** 17»* 17** Nat Gyps A a24.. 3 744 744 744 Nat Leather . 66 1)* 14 14 Nat Mfg & Stores. 1 11 11 11 Nat Oil Prod tfiOc. 1 434 437* 434 Nat Rub Mch a20c 3 144 144 144 Nat Service 3 4 4 4 Nat Sugar N J (2) 2 26'* 26 26 Nat Union Radio.. 6 3'* 34 34 Nebel (Oscar)_ 1 14 14 14 Nehl Corp_ 5 43 42 424 N J Zinc (t2> 450» 87 86** 86»* Newmont Min b75i 1 129 129 129 N Y Tel pf (64 » 25s 118'* 118s* 118s* Niag Hud Pwr new 18 154 15 15 Niag H P( A > war 1 4 4 4 XlpJssinsr f5Ac) 2 3V£ 315 Noma Klee (h40c). 2 74 7', 7'* North Am K&P 1 54 54 54 N A Rayon A tl ’* 1 46'* 46', 46'; North'n Europ 011 14 4 \ 4 North States P A 2 364 364 36'* Northw Eng(al74. 2 324 32 32 Ohio P S pf A (7). log 111 in in Oldetyme Distil 31 5»* 44 5*< Pac P & L pfalOT* 10g 864 86t* 86'* Pac Tin spec (t2) 250g 46t* 45*, 45** Pan-Am Air (tl). 1 69'* 69', 69'; Pantepec Oil . 16 7 6*, 7 Pennroad (a25c)_. 20 44 4s, 47* PennP&L(6) 10s 108 los ms Penn P & L (7)... 30» HOT* nn*4 no** PhilaCofl).. ... 2 I64 164 164 Phillips Pks aSOc. 2 'is'* 15 15 Phoenix Recur 5 104 in>* 10',' Phoenix S of A(3) 1 39 39 39 pioneer Gold hlOe. 16 6 6 Pitrsbeh Forcing 1 24'* 24'* 244 Pitts Plate Gl(a6) 2 140 139'* 139'; Pleas Val! W(bSc) 2 2 2 2 Potrero Sugar 2 34 34 34 Powdrell&Al t60c 6 lit* 114 114 Pwr O’n(Can)a25a 75s 28 4 287* 284 Producers Corp 16 4 4 4 Propper-McC (d) 2 4 4 ", Prosperity B al 4 3 16** 16', ifi*; Pub Svo Ind of 409s 38 37 37*; Pub Svo (nd nr nt 210s 63 62 62»; Pub l’t Sec pr pf BOs 34 3', 3!, Pyrene Mfg aSOc 4 134 134 13', Quaker Oats (5) 30g 1194 1194 1194 Quaker Oats pf< 6) 10s 145 145 145 I Rainbow Lum (A) 2 14 1** 14 , Rainbow Lum *B> 21 7, 7, 4 Ravrn'd Cone (tl 1 1575g 434 39*. 43 I Ra vm'd Con pf ( 3 ) 45"s 5n 484 r,n Raytheon Mfg vtc 1 6', 6’, 61* I Red Rank _ 1 14 11 14 I Reiter-Foster _ 9 14 1*; 14' Revbarn Co a25c . 7 5', 5', 51, i Rice Stlx r>G b50c 1 104 107, in7, Rlchm'd Radiator 9 74 74 74 Root Petrolm( 1).. 7 10s, 104 104 Rossla Inti Corn4 *, *. *; Rustless Ir&Stl .. 7 1.6*, 15*% 15*, Rvan Cnnsnltd'd 2 54 64 54 Rverson & Haynes 17 7** 74 77* Raf Car H&LhlU 200g 124 120 123 1 St Anthonv Gold 8 •» ** St Reels Paper _. 11 94 9 9'* Segal Lock AH . 8 3", 34 3'* Seiberllng Rubber 1 64 67* 64 Selby Shoe '2)... 10js 284 284 28', Selected Indus . 8 3*, 34 3'* Sent Saf Control.. 4 4 *, 4 Seton Leath a50c. 1 10', 10'* 104 Seversky Aircraft 5 6 576 54 Shattuck Den Min 3 274 27 27 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Dow Close. Sherwin-Wlll <4> 350s 149 147 149 Shrev-El Dor PAL 1 H M H Simmons Hd 4P. 3 6*4 f<% 6*4 Singer Mfg (t6)__ 30s 343 340 843 Soss Mfg (a25c)_. 1 7H 74 7»< So Penn Olli tl 4) 1 46*4 46*4 46*4 SoCal Ed pt pf 14 10s 39', 39'4 39'4 So Cal Ed pf B 1 4 3 284 284 284 So Cal Ed pf C 14 1 274 274 274 Southn Union Gas 2 \% 4*4 4*4 Southwest P L(2) 100s 39 38=4 39 Spanlsh&Gen ret* 111 Vi \ Spen Chain St 60c 1 84 84 84 Square D pf A 2.20 100. 434 434 434 Stand Dr cv pf 450s I8I4 174 174 Stand Oil Ky (tl). 2 194 194 194 Stand O Neb a25c. 1 134 134 184 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 1 424 424 424 Stand Pwr&Lt 16 6 6 Stand SUALd (4c) 85 % 4 4 Stand Stl Sp a2 4. 2 84 34 34 Starrett Corp vtc Z 84 84 8*; Sterl Alum Pa 7oc. 5 124 124 12 , Sterl’g Brew a75c 3 74 7 74 Sterling, Inc(20c) 12 64 64 64 Stinnes(Hugo) d 3 64 5 5 Stroock & Co a2 4 2800s 32 314 32 Stutz Motor _ 26 24 2 2 Sullivan Machine. 2 274 274 274 Sunray Oil (alOc) 2 44 4*4 4*t Sunshine Min (3 ) 3 204 204 20*, Swiss-Am Elec pf100. H04 1104 1104 Taggart Corp _ 7 144 14*< 144 Tastyeast(Del)A. 5 2 14 2 Tavlor Dlst (30c). 16 54 5 54 Technicolor »50e. 4 19'4 194 19', Tech Hughes t40c 1 54 54 54 Tex P A L pf (7) 60.110 110 110 Thew Shovel a50c 175s 59», 59 694 Tob Prod Exp 15c 1 3*, 3*t 3', Toledo Edis pf (6) 20s 103 103 103 Tonopah Belmont 6 4 4 «v Tonopah M (a6c). 16 2 14 2 Tr-Lux DPS t20c. 13 5,4 5 fi Trl-Contl C war 8 24 24 24 Tuhlze Chatlllion 6 28,4 284 284 Twin-Coach al.40 16 244 23*, 244 Ulen & Co 7 4 % Pf 1 64 64 64 Unexcelled Mfg . 2 34 34 34 UnltGasCorp_ 49 13s, 134 13** Utd Gas war _ 3 34 34 34 Unjted G C pf bl% 1 119 119 119 Unit Lt A Pw (A) 18 84 84 84 Unit Lt & Pw pf . 4 624 62 624 UnitShipydsB 1 3*, 3*4 3*4 Unit Shoe Mt24 150* 92*, 91*, 92*4 U S Foil (B) (11 12 17=4 174 174 US&IS 1st pf bUi 1 92 92 92 U S Rub Reclaim 1 9*< 94 94 U S Stores 1st pf. 10s 12=, 121 a 124 Unit Stores vtc .. 2 l1, 1 ] Unit Verde Ex (1) 14 44 44 44 Unit Wall Paper . 3 5*4 54 s, Utah Apex 13 64 6 6 Utilities P& L (d) 4 14 1 1 Utility Equities 7 5 5 5 Utilities Indust’l. 1 14 14 14 Otilftv A Indus pf 4 54 44 44 Valspar vtc _ 7 * 94 94 54 Venezuela Mex 0. 2 8 8 8 Venezuela Petrol. 2 2*, 2*, 2*4 Walker Minin? fi 49* 4!4 4i4 Wayne Pump <50c 3K 441* **4 44>s W’eirt'n Oil of Del 1 io=, 104 104 W’entw'h Mf tl.29 6 284 ac>, 28=, W'TexUtpfa3% 20s 89*4 89*4 89s, W Va Coal A Coke 1 44 41, 44 W estn A E (a25c) 1 94 9', 91, W'estn Tab&Sti 2) 2 29 284 2R4 W’il-low Cafeteria 31 14 14 14 Wolverine Port C 1 74 7*, 74 Wright Hare t40c 12 7*, 74 Ygstn Stl Doord) 2 70 ;o 70 Vukon Gold(al3cl 16 3*s 3*4 34 Dividend rates In dollars Da^ed on last quarterly or semi-annual Daymen: ♦An nual rate—no: Including extra* XAc cumulated dividends a Paid last year b Paid th*s year d Companies reported a« being m bankruptcy or in receivership, or being rerrganized under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by such com panies OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 14 16 Eve St N.W Phone NA 2184 Property Management Automobile Insurance Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance Fire and With the strong companies we repre . sent we can take exceptionally good Automobile care of y°ur real estate and automo bile insurance. Insurance «Al your B. F. SAUL CO. REAI' ESTATE 925 15th St. N.W. McPht'toThuar, National 2100 NOTICE The By-laws of this Bank relative to interest rStes paid on Savings Accounts as appearing in pass books, have been changed to conform with a regula tion adopted by the Washington, D. C., Clearing House Association on February 6, 1937, effective from and after March 1, 1937. On accounts showing a balance between $50.00 and $2,500.00 interest will be paid at the rate of 2% per annum. On accounts showing a balance in excess of $2,500.00, 2% on $2,500.00 and 1% on the re- - mainder. No interest will be allowed for any calendar month in which the balance is below $50.00. The above rates are the maximum interest rates allowed in the Washington, D. C., Clearing House Association regulation, which regulation is binding on this bank and all other member banks. This notice is being given in compliance with rules and regulations governing our Savings Department. THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, D. C. 1