Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER. _ „ . . _ (U. 8 weather Bureau Forecast.) X* Ull ASSOCiated PreSS Snow or rain today; tomorrow fair, not Npws and WirpnVtntno much change in temperature; moderate an(J W irephOtOS north and northeast winds, increasing. oUIlQEy MOmillg Elld Temperatures—Highest, 40, at 4 p.m. yes- E VPFV A ftovnonn terctay; lowest, 30, at 12:01 a.m. today. very Aiteinoon. Full report on page A-13. — OP) Means Associated Pratt.___ __ ——-■ _ — v„ laer-Wn. 33.906. gaatSM&yg WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1937-116 PAGES. * , NEW DEAL BACKING FOR COMPROMISE COURT PROPOSAL PREDICTEDBY FOES Plan for Only Two More Justices Advanced at White House Parley, but President Is Silent. STRENGTH IN SENATE TO KILL PLAN SEEN Smathers, New Jersey Senator, Backs Roosevelt as Donahey Hints Opposition—Administra tion Leaders Cheered by “Pro Speech by Gov. La Follette. BY G. GOULD LINCOLN. Senate opponents of President Roosevelt’s plan to increase the mem bership of the Supreme Court, de claring their confidence that they will have votes enough to defeat the pro posal, said yesterday they expected to see eventually a compromise ad vanced by administration leaders. One such compromise proposal, sug gested by a strong administration Senator during a recent White House conference with a group of Senators, would provide for a flat increase of two members, giving the Supreme Court thereafter 11 justices, including the Chief Justice, instead of 9. The proposal did not include the Presi dent's plan to permit appointment of additional associate justices in case any member failed to resign or retire at 70 Vi years of age. The suggestion was not made by the President at the conference nor did he comment upon it. This “compromise” proposal failed to register successfully with those opposing the President's bill as it relates to the Supreme Court. They regard it as merely another way of “packing” the court. One of them admitted, however, that if such a compromise is put forward, several of the Senators now counted upon to vote against the President's plan might fall In line for the compro mise. Smathers Favors Plan. Two more Senators, one for and one against the President's Supreme Court plan, announced themselves definitely in public statements yes terday. William H. Smathers, Sena tor-elect from New Jersey, who has not yet come here to take his seat, declared himself in favor of the plan. Senator Donahey of Ohio indicated he would fight the measure. Both are j Democrats. The radio barrage to rouse senti ment for and against the President's court proposal continued over the week end. Gov. Philip La Follette of Wisconsin and Senator Pope of Idaho took to the air last night in support of the President. Senator Copeland of New York will deliver a radio ad-' dress tonight in opposition. It was Gov. La Follette to whom the administration turned for aid in combating the opposition of Western Insurgents in Congress to the court enlargement plan. More forthright than most of the advocates of what opponents have called the "court-packing” scheme, Oov. La Follette said: "Of course the President's proposal | will affect the decisions of the j Supreme Court. It is intended to do exactly that. The point of view of some of the Supreme Court justices and the decisions resulting from that j point of view is in crying need of . change. The spectacle of five men : blocking the progress of 130,000,000 people by twisting and distorting the plain terms of the Constitution to accord with outworn prejudices is a situation that needs correction, and this situation cannot be corrected by amending the Constitution. It must (See JUDICIARY7Page~A-11.) 30 Netv Yorkers Hurt in Blasts at 7 Theaters, Stench and Tear Gas Bombs Explode in Movie Houses By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 27 —Thirty or more persons were injured tonight when stench and tear gas bombs were exploded simultaneously in seven up-; per Broadway motion picture theaters.; None of the injured was seriously j hurt. Most of those treated were cut by glass or suffered inflammation of the eyes from the chemical contents of bombs. Practically all the bombs had been placed near the rear of the theaters on the main floor, and were believed by police to have been exploded by a time device. A watch was found in one of the theaters. All of the theaters, where the bombs Were exploded, were owned by the Bpringer and Oocalis chain, which op erates about 35 motion picture houses In the city. For a few minutes after the bombs exploded the audiences were in a near panic, but the theaters were quickly ] cleared by ushers while the fumes, were blown out. They all continued their shows after a short time. There were 1,100 persons in the Stoddard Theater, which was cleared for almost half an hour while the fumes were blown out. One patron of the theater, James Fleming, 26, received lacerations of the left leg and was taken to a hospital. Police said executives of the thea ters denied that they had had any labor trouble or that they knew any Reason for the explosions. ft Boy, 15, Slain, Says Father; Skeleton Found in Alexandria - _- —- • Coroner ^However, Rules Lad, Missing 7 Months, Killed at Play. By a Stall Correspondent of The Star. ALEXANDRIA. Va., February 27.— Spurred by protests of the father of 15-year-old Luther Cummins that his son was slain before the body was left in a Hume Springs swamp thicket, where the skeleton was discovered to day, local police tonight continued Investigation of the case after is suance of a coroner's accidental d£ath certificate. The skeleton of the youngster, miss ing from his home here for more than seven months, was found by the victim's 12-year-old brother 100 yards from .the Cummins residence shortly before noon. The bones were In a clump of white ash saplings 5 feet from a pathway. After visiting the scene of the trag edy, the dead youth’s father, Frank lin D. Cummins of Mount Vernon ave nue and Reed road, assistant foreman at the Capital Transit. Co. shops in Washington, said tonight: “I don’t care what anybody says. My son’s body could not have been there all this time without some of us lading it. I, personally, have searched every foot of that swamp and I know that I have been on the LUTHER CUMMINS. actual spot where the body was found. I believe my son was killed some where else and the body brought there.’’ Police tonight supported a theory that the youngster had been setting up a swing in the thicket, had fallen (See CUMMINS, Page A-47) RAIN STOPS DRIVE Heavy Losses Reported on Both Sides as Insurgents Retain Stronghold. BACKGROUND— Although the 27-power ban on volunteers to Spain thus far has accomplished its aim, the hope that it would expedite peace has been dimmed by intensified fighting on both sides. Yesterday's progress of government troops at Oviedo gave signs of a prolonged conflict, in surgents having strengthened their ground around Madrid in prepara tion for a mass Spring drive, and Madrillenos having improved their fortifications and made gains. Bj the Associated Press. Spanish belligerents clung grimly last (Saturday! night to besieged strongholds as the civil war raged in its eighth month. Oviedo, in Northern Spain, re mained in Insurgent hands but gov ernment reports said attacking militia men captured the provincial capital's prison and a slaughter house before rain stalled the offensive. An insurgent statement issued from the headquarters at Salamanca mean while declared the government’s sec ond big offensive against Oviedo had been resisted. Insurgent commanders within the beleaguered city asserted their foe had lost 12,000 men while their own losses were “minor.” Refugees • arriving in Bayonne, France, however, said casualties had been high on both sides. Madrid Bombing Renewed. Madrid, where the insurgents are the besiegers, was subjected to a mid afternoon artillery bombardment—the first of the central section of the ; capital in five weeks. At least one man was hit. The Madrid defense junta ordered j the evacuation of all persons over 45 I who had been detained for political or other offenses and freed. Four soldiers were executed follow ing their conviction by a people's court of taking the law into their own hands and committing diverse crimes in Alia. Caceres Province. In Valencia, temporary seat of the government, the municipal council fixed daily quotas for bread. In Salamanca, the insurgent gov ernment announced a ban on all films written, acted or directed by a proscribed list of Hollywood film per sons. No reason for the action was announced. ■ Spanish Actress Reported Safe. Police in Madrid said they were con vinced Rosita Diaz, Spanish motion picture actress, had neither been shot nor arrested. Reports from Lisbon Thursday said she was executed by insurgents for espionage. Yesterday, however, Rosita Moreno, Hollywood film actress, received a cablegram signed “Rosita” in answer to one she sent to Senora Diaz in Segovia, (See SPAIN, Page A-16J NEW COMET LOCATED Harvard Confirms Discovery of Observer in Poland. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., February 27 (4>).—Harvard Observatory reported it had located and photographed a "new comet,” discovered earlier today by a man named Wilks at Cracow, Poland. Observatory experts here located the comet a few hours after receiving a radiogram announcing Wilks' dis covery. The observatory said the comet was in the western sky and could be seen shortly after sunset. IMS DEMANDED Nazis Call for Sharing of Property Under Threat of Compulsion.' BACKGROUND— Four years of National Socialist rule in Germany has been marked by growing attempts to orient the church to Nazi purposes, but re sistance has come from Protestant groups as well as Catholic. Numer ous Protestant and Catholic clergy men have been imprisoned for forthright utterances against sub version of Christianity to the new religious philosophy, which has anti-Semitism as one of its chief tenets. Attempts to reconcile Christianity with the pagan mysticism of Nazism proved abortive, and grow ing tendency is noted to surround Der Fuehrer .with the aura of divinity as God's revelation to the German people. By the Associated Press. BERLIN, February 27.—The gov ernment tonight called on German churches to share part of their, lands with the landless and spoke of the "necessity of compulsory measures” if they failed to do so voluntarily. Hans Kerri, minister for church : (airs, appealed to the Evangelical churches and German bishops to co operate wholeheartedly in the gov ernment's task of finding land for small settlers. Synod Election Ap:l 4. The appeal came after the propa ganda ministry announced delegates to the general synod of the Protestant Church would be elected April 4 in conformance with Reichsfuehrer Hit ler's order putting control of Prct estant affairs back in the hands of church members. Kerri pointed out that Nazi Ger many expects its churches to carry their share of the land settlement load through voluntary designation of cer tain church lands for settlement pur poses—“thus avoiding the necessity of compulsory measures.” For the churches to act with the same enthusiasm with which the gov ernment has given land to settlers, Kerri said, .would be in keeping with their mission. A citizen’s “spiritual welfare” unquestionably would be fur thered if he were helped to find a home, he asserted. The importance of the appeal was indicated by the fact religious organ izations own approximately 2.470.000 acres of Germany’s agricultural and forest lands. Monasteries, onvents and Protestant churches are a. iong the principal owners. Nazi party headquarters a few months ago issued statistics showing that 27 per cent of all Qerman land is in the hands of the churches and (See GERMANY, Page A-l«.) BOY HIT-RUN VICTIM UNCONSCIOUS 5 DAYS Critically injured when struck by a hit-and-run automobile Tuesday, U-year-old George Widmyer, 3125 Mount Pleasant street, was still un conscious in Emergency Hospital last night. The boy was run down, apparently while on his way home from the Washington birthday ceremonies at the Monument, a short time before his mother, Mrs. Lulu Widmyer had asked police to search for him. The mishap occurred on Consti tution avenue near Twenty-seveath street. | Physicians said the boy has a fractured skuU and other injuries. Broker Surrenders to Answer Charge of Burning Mansion By tr.e Associated Frets. NEWBURGH, N. Y., February 27.— | Col. Frank B. Keech, a Wall Street : | broker, surrendered at the court house ! here late today to answer arson i charges in connection with the $200,- j ' 000 destruction, in 1932, of his Tuxedo I Park home. The wealthy broker, sought since Thursday, was arraigned Immediately, pleaded not guilty before Supreme Court Justice Graham Witschief and was released on $50,000 bail. The pleading was to indictments charging second and third degree ar son and conspiracy to defraud insur ance companies of $177,000. Tba fc dictments were returned Thursday. John E. Mack, Reech’s attorney, was allowed 15 days in which to make a motion to enter a demurrer to the in dictments. Mack announced prior to his client’s surrender that Keech had no knowledge of the origin of the fire. District Attorney Hirschberg an nounced Immediately after Keech bad entered his plea that the .case would be moved to County Court and that the date for the trial would prob ably be set within 15 days. Keech was indicted following the arrest in North Carolina of Charles F. Smith, formerly his chauffeur, who is held in jail here under an indict* meat charging aaoond-degr{t anon. ROSEMONT WINS SANTA ANITA DACE AFTER BITTER DUEL Richards Drives Du Pont Horse to Photo Finish With Seabiscuit. INDIAN BROOM IS THIRD, SPECIAL AGENT FOURTH 55.000 See Victor Overcome Four Length Handicap at Straight away. BY CHARLES M. EGAN. Staff Correspondent ol The Star. SANTA ANITA RACE TRACK, Ar cadia, Calif., February 27.—Harry Richards’ wizardry at driving a race horse home, when the folding money is at stake, paid tremendous dividends in the third running of the Santa Anita Handicap here this afternoon. As a consequence, the Du Ponts ought to make the veteran jockey an honorary member of the Liberty League, for it was William du Pont’s Rosemont that Richards was lading. He got him up just in time to win after a bitter stretch duel with Mrs. C. S. Howard's Sea Biscuit that lelt 55.000 spectators absolutely limp. The finish was so close that the winner’s number was not posted until after the camera eye photograph had been closely inspected. Rosemont had closed with a tremendous rush througn the stretch, but many of the thousands who had made him a 4-to-l favorite were fearful that his rush had been made in vain. Indian Broom Third. Back of the battling first two horses came Maj. A. C. Taylor’s Indian Broom and Special Agent, gamering third and fourth money for the Vancouver sportsman. Then the rest of the strag gling field of 18 horses, each of whose owners had planked 11.000 on the line this morning for a shot at the world s richest turf award. Rosemont and Richards covered the 1»4 miles in 2:02 4 5, splendid time considering the track's condition. The winner paid $9 80 straight. $6 to place and $4 to show. Sea Biscuit paid off at $8.40 to place and $6.80 to show, while those who backed the Taylor entry got $5.80 in show money. For his victory, Du Pont gets $90, 700. exclusive of his entry fee. Mrs. Howard wins $20,000 for Sea Biscuit s accomplishment, while Maj. Taylor picks up a total of $15,000, two-thirds of it for Indian Broom and the rest of it in fourth-place money. Besides all this gold. Dick Handlen, the popular trainer of Du Pont’s Pox catcher Farms, gets an additional $10,000 for training the winner. Rich ards. of course, gets 10 per cent of the rich purse, a matter of $9,070, and then picks up $1,750 more con tributed by the track to the winning jockey. Judging by the powerful fin ish Richards made, it is just possible that he was thinking about that dough as he wielded his baton on Rosemont s flanks. 5*50 to Second Jockey. Red Pollard, the less fortunate rider who came so close to winning with Sea Biscuit, gets another $750 from the track. All in all, quite a bit of money was being passed out this after <Continued on Page B-7, Column 1.) * Nazis Clash With Jews. BAKAU, Rumania. February 27 (£>).—Thirty persons were .injured se verely enough to require hospital treatment and 35 suffered minor in juries today when members of an anti-Semitic Nazi party sought to prevent Jews from voting in munici pal elections. I \1nrvlntifpM Rin P Conference Title Nedomatsky Wins From Farrar to Nose Out Duke’s Team, BY BUBTON HAWKINS. . Special Correspondent of The Star. COLLEGE PARK, Md., February 27. —The champagne of collegiate box ing was poured here tonight and Maryland wallowed in the bubbles aa its team captured the Southern Con ference tournament for the nrst time in the 11-year history of the event. • What proved to be joyous intoxica tion for Maryland sports followers, however, was bitter vinegar to Duke, whose co-favored team finished in the runner-up berth, three points behind the Terps, who totaled 19. South Carolina. Clemson and Citadel tied for third with eight point each, while North Carolina tailed the scoring clubs with five points. Ivan Nedomatsky, Maryland's mur derous 145-pounder, assured the 4.500 spectators a chance to exercise their lungs when he soundly whipped Danny Farrar of Duke and In so doing became the third man in conference history to win a championship three times. Archie Hahn and Bobby Ooldstein, both of Virginia, previously accom plished the feat. High Spot of Card. rPHE Nedomatsky-Farrar bout, eagerly x anticipated by the vast majority of collegiate boxing fans for more than a year, easily was the mo6t brilliant spot of the card. The rugged Nedomatsky executed his previously planned style of attack al most flawlessly and received dividends when he was awarded the decision over the game but weary Farrar. Ivan stung Danny with rights in the first round, offsetting the Blue Devil's con centrated attack to the body with one vicious right which rocked Farrar. Both were guilty of professional tactics early in the scrap, but ceased hitting in the clinches In the second (Continued an Page B-Vloiumn 8.) oj*y i An Extraordinary Session of the Supreme Court Will Be Held on the Evening of March 9. I House Bloc’s Movement Gains Momentum From Navy’s Steel Problem. BACKGROUND— Failure of the Navy Department to receive bids on steel orders is understood to be due to the com pany's antagonism to the Walsh Healey act. The act requires cer tain wage and hour standards be observed on all Government orders in excess of SI 0,000. Inability of the Navy to purchase sufficient metal has led to proposals f of Government manufacture. By the Associated Press. A movement to put the Government into the munitions business gathered momentum in the House yesterday as a result of the Navy's recent inability to buy steel. Leaders of a bloc recently organized to seek nationalisation of essential parts of the munitions industry de cided to use the steel situation as a springboard for their proposal. They called a meeting of the bloc for Tuesday to consider legislation authorizing the Government to buy or build a steel plant. Companies Fail to Bid. This step followed failure of steel companies to bid on a large part of recent Navy orders. Navy officials have declared that the failure to bid was due to a provision of the Walsh Healey act requiring holders of Gov ernment contracts to observe a 40 hour week. The United States Steel Corp. has indicated that in certain steel manufacturing operations a 40 hour week is not feasible. Representative Scott, Democrat, of California, who with Representative Maverick, Democrat, of Texas, heads the House bloc meeting Tuesday, as serted yesterday: “Why should the United States Gov ernment be at the mercy of a couple of steel companies? If it’s our policy to maintain a Navy purely for na tional defense and not to keep these steel and shipbuilding companies in business, then the Government could make its own steel and build its own ships." Hopes to Break Deadlock. Meanwhile, the Labor Department announced it hoped to break the steel deadlock by getting one concern to submit bids without demanding any cMmptions from the Walsh-Healey act. In this connection. Scott emphat ically opposed exemptions as a solu tion. "There are too many exemptions to the law now,” he said. He and some other members of the House Naval Affairs Committee fa vored an investigation to determine what effect operation of the Walsh Healey law has on national defense. In support of a nationalized mu nitions industry, Scott said the pro posed Government munitions plants and navy yards should not be per mitted to sell their products to any foreign nations. “Then if we did become involved in a war,” he contended, “we would not have to face an enemy armed with our own weapons.” Dies Trying to Rescue Dog. MASSENA, N. Y.. February 27 UP). —Peter Dumers, 65-year-old farmer and father of 10 children, drowned in the St. Regis River today while at tempting to rescue a shepherd dog. The dog had broken through the ice and Dumers fell through also •when he ran out to rescue it. Snow Forecast for Capital As Parking Ban Is Dropped A prediction of snow or rain for to day was viewed with little interest by police as they put away their "ticket books" in response to the decision of Police Court Judge Edward M. Curran that the “snow-removal" parking ban is “unreasonable and invalid.” Enforcement of the regulation was stopped yesterday and at least 1,500 warrants and parking tickets were ordered nolle pressed. Regardless of the depth of the ex pected snow, which will be accom panied by fairly low temperatures. Corporation Counsel Elwood H. Seal said no attempt will be made to carry out the ban. The official lorecaet eguod lor enow or rain today, with not mucn cnange In temperature, followed by clear skies tomorrow. The minimum this morn ing was expected to be about 28 de grees. Although Seal declared the question will be taken to the Court of Appeals, it appeared the parking ban was defi nitely off until March 15, officials pointing out they could scarcely ex pect a ruling by the higher court be fore that time, when the regulation expires. “One reason for declaring the first snow-removal regulation invalid," Judge Curran said, “was the fact that I- (Sea SNOW. Page A-14) Roosevelt Refuses to Commute Beard Associates’ Sentences Sides With U. S. Attorney Garnett on Advice of Attorney General Against Justice Cox on Matter. President Roosevelt has refused to commute the sentences of 12 associ ates of Sam Beard, "kingpin” of local gamblers—thereby ending a disagree ment that has existed between United States Attorney Leslie C. Garnett and Trial Justice Joseph W. Cox over the matter. T President, apparently acting on advice of Attorney General Homer Cummings, sided with Garnett in the unusual case. The application of the convicts for executive clemency bore the indorsement of Justice Cox and the emphatic disapproval of Garnett. Garnett, in opposing leniency, had declared that "if these men are turned out of prison, we might as well stop trying to enforce the gambling laws here.” Justice Cox was reported to have said he would have been more lenient in sentencing the group had he known the defendants had been trying to "re habilitate” themselves following their arrest in a sensational raid two years ago on Beard’s gambling headquarters In the Mather Building. Beard was not a party to the peti tion for clemency. He is serving a 2-to-6-year term in Atlanta Peniten tiary. The 12 employes of the gam bling "joint” are serving l-to-3-year terms in Lorton Reformatory. They were committed May 15. 1935. The President made no comment on the applications, beyond the brief de nial of clemency, it is understood. He acted after receiving from Cummings a detailed report on the case. The convicted men are Melville George Jacobs. George E. Hutchins, ! John J. Sartori, William G. Smith, William Carroll. Joseph A. O'Calla ghan, Fred H. Heck. Fred J. Meese, I (See BEARD, Page A-14.) R.E.A.HEADWARNS UTIUTYJKTERESTS Carmody Promises War to Finish—Efforts to Balk Program Charged. War to the finish with the Federal Government dictating the terms was the challenge laid down to the private utility interests last night by John Carmody, recently appointed admin istrator of the Rural Electrification Administration, in an address before the League for Industrial Democracy, in session at the Washington Hotel. “I’m getting sick of the weasel worded contracts offered by private companies to R. E. A„” Carmody told his listeners. “We’ve had to spend months trying to get words out or other words into those contracts. From now on well offer the contracts and let them spend their time trying to get something out or something into them." Speaking throughout in a tone of no compromise, Carmody declared that the $30,000,000 appropriation expected this year from Congress for the rural electrification program is only a "drqp in the bucket,” and that if it isn’t all spent wisely within the first six months of the next fiscal year “we ought to get out of business.” Says Program Obstructed. Private utility interests, he con-1 tinued, are obstructing the program whenever possible, one of the great est efforts in this direction being in their attempts to take the “cream” of the farm territory being developed by the R. E. A. By provision of the law the administration is forbidden to do any promotional work. Asked by a delegate after his ad dress if the amortization period of 20 years now set by the agency for re payment of loans for construction of public power systems might be ex tended. Carmody answered: “This act wasn’t passed for the power companies nor the city con sumers. If the rural beneficiaries are unable to amortize the loans in 20 years, then we’ll have to extend them. That's my opinion. The act allows (See R. E. A., Page A-14.) THIRD-TERM TALK — Quoted in Dispatch as Aim ing to Leave Nation Shipshape. BJ ttr Associater Press. NEW YORK. February 27 —Arthur Krock, in a copyrighted dispatch to the New York Times from Washing ton. tonight said President Roose velt has been saying to his friends this week: “When I retire to private life on January 20, 1940, I do not want to leave this country in the condition Buchanan left it to Lincoln. If I cannot, in the brief time given me to attack its deep and disturbing prob lems. solve those problems, I hope at least to have moved them well on the way to solution by my successor. It is absolutely essential that the solving process begin at once.” No Third Term Plan. Krock wrote that “this is his answer to those who have contended that the President has a third term in mind and would remake the Supreme Court majority for a period of submissive co-operation with the other Federal divisions that will ex ceed the precedental time for Chief Executives. “And it is his answer also to those who insist that nothing in the present condition of the country calls for new haste in the attack on problems, and nothing will be lost by awaiting the long process of a constitutional amendment. Doubtless he wall make these responses for himself before the argument about the Supreme Court is ended by triumph, defeat or compromise." Misconception of Aims. Krock said that in discussing with the President charges that the Presi dent intended to supplant the Federal system of checks and balances with one-man government, "the writer be came conscious of Mr. Rooeevelt's complete certainty that the accusations are all founded on misconceptions of his alms and their consequences, in a total lack of understanding of the crisis which confronts this country and calls for drastic remedies * * *• "In the President’s view—and dis cusslons with him makes it clearer— the Supreme Court issue is but a part of a larger problem; how to make democracy work in a world where democracy has In many lands, been subverted. He believes that within the American democratic machine are all the essential devices. He feels that they must be boldly grasped and employed to save democracy itself * * *■ What he has done and is doing are to him the definite solvents of democracy,” Temblor Frightens Italians. TERNI, Italy, February 27 (A*).—An earthquake shock lasting several sec onds today frightened crowds of workmen and residents of this mu nitions manufacturing center north of Rome. No damage was reported. Radio Programs, Page F-3. | Complete htin. Pal* A-t. LABOR DIMES LEAVE 30,10) IDLE THROUGHOUT U.S. Three Injured in Detroit as “Sit-Down” Strikers Rout Opponents. PICKETING IS PLANNED AT VARIOUS FACTORIES "Concrete Wall” Is Promised by Union Leader as Aircraft Plant Maps Reopening. BACKGROUND— Sit-down strike technique, first used effectively in France, was introduced to America on big scale for first time in December in strike of United Automobile Workers against General Motors. The com pany obtained court order to have strikers evicted, but never used it and peaceful evacuation finally was arranged as both sides agreed to bargain. Claims of gains by union leaders gave impetus to similar tactics against other industries until yes terday an estimated 30.000 were idle in controversies involving a half hundred plants. Bs the Associated Press. Embattled unionists came to grips with their adversaries yesterday at a pivotal point on the Nation's coast to-coast strike front. ‘•Sit-down” strikers, bombarded with heavy lead pellets, swarmed into the administration building of the Ferro Stamping Co. at Detroit and routed most of their 20 non-union foes. A woman and two men were injured. Gov. Frank Murphy offered the serv ices of State Labor Commissioner G. A. Krogstad in adjusting a score of labor disputes in progress there. A strike of 100 workers forced 1.000 into idleness at the Michigan Malleable Iron Co. Approximately 100 sales girls at the F. W. Woolworth 5 and 10 cent store and 15 drivers and sales men at the Canada Dry Ginger Ale Co. started “sit-down” strikes. Six hun dred went out at Thompson Products, Inc. Picket lines tightened in other cen ters. Altogether, about 30.000 were idle in controversies over wages and union recognition at 50 factories and foundries, mills and boat yards and utility and airplane plants in many sections of the Nation. Illinois Pickets Gather. Pickets gathered at the Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. in North Chicago, 111., where 61 squatters fled a tear gas attack Friday. Five union and Committee for Industrial Organization leaders were hunted on warrants charging conspiracy to obstruct a court order for the strikers’ eviction. Two others were arrested and released on bond. The Douglas Aircraft Corp.'s an nouncement that it would resume operations next week at Santa Monica, Calif., was challenged by William Busick, organizer for the United Auto mobile Workers' aircraft division. He declared a "concrete wall” of pickets would be thrown about the world's largest plane plant. The Northrop Corp., Douglas subsidiary, also planned to reopen. The disputes at the two companies affected 6.750 employes Picketing of the main plants of the Northern States Power Co. at Min neapolis continued as police guarded substations. Secretary of Labor Per kins sent Father Francis Haas to me diate the difficulty. Vandals Interrupt ed the flow of electricity of some 2.000 homes. Minnesota's attorney general studied the legality of State control of the facilities pending settlement of the strike. New Recruits Sought. Strike leaders strove to gain new recruits in an attempt to prevent thf scheduled resumption Monday of sub marine building at the Electric Boat Co. yards at Groton. Conn. Mayor Myron Lehman named a citizens' committee to seek to arbi trate the picket strike at the UlinoU Watch Case Co. at Elgin, 111. U. A. W. A. leaders sought to settla a strike that resulted in the closing of two General Motors branches em ploying 2,700 at Janesville, Wis. Labor chieftains and industrialistl alike eyed the Committee for Indus trial Organization's membership com paign among the New Jersey employes of the Ford Motor Co. and Federal (See STRIKE, Page A-6.) ■ - - NAZIS BAN FOREIGN SECURITIES TRADING Quotations Are Discontinued on Bourses—“Fair Prices” to Be Set by Banks. B» the Associated Press. BERLIN. February 27 —Nazi Ger many clamped a strict ban on trading in foregin securities today to complete restrictions initiated last October, gov. eming all German-owned foreign se* curities. Such securities must be sold to thl Reichsbank or to Devisen banks lq the future, at a “fair price,” to bg fixed by the Reichsbank, the govern* ment announced. Any other trading may be carried on only with special government per. mission. Quotations on foreign se. curities were immediately discontinued on German bourses. Informed American financial sourcef saw the German regulations as a ste| in the four-year plan to make thl Reich self-contained. These sources declared the imme diate and obvious result would be t< “encourage" Germans to sell their for eign securities and Invest their monej in German government bonds or in dustrial stocks. This, they said, woulg be the natural reaction of an invested who foresaw the possibiUty of mort stringent regulations later and th| possible requisition of foreign securi ties.