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SELECT ‘CABINET Roosevelt Advisers Depicted in Film in Which He “Dou bles” Hitter. President. Roosevelt's cabinet of “strong, silent men with a passion for anonymity” was selected for him last night in a setting of popping corks and tempting foods as the White House correspondents indulged in their yearly pastime of an inaugura tion dinner and their daily pastime of meddling with the Nation's busi ness. The affair was held in the main ball room of the Mayflower Hotel with Mr. Roosevelt being the guest of honor. Inspired by a recent White House remark that the President would like to have a corps of “modest” assist ants. the correspondents put their best thought into preparation of a mov ing picture solution to the problem and came up with the following •'shrinking violets": J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, de picted among stacks of newspaper clippings about J. Edgar Hoover. Representative Ham Fish, described as “the other hermit of the Hudson Valley.” Dr Stanley “All - time" High, “wanted for fortune telling.” Rev. Charles E. Coughlin and for mer Gov. James M. Curley of Massa chusetts, both of whom have been prominently before the contemporary public eye. Movie Runs Rampant. Completely out of hand after this etroke of personnel genius, the corre spondents’ movie then portrayed their version of a one-man sit-down strike bv John L. Lewis, a series of travel ogues of President Roosevelt running for president "of the universe” and offering to double any proposition made by Hitler in a Berlin campaign speech, and finally a scene of their conception of a Roosevelt Supreme Court made up of squalling infants being told by back-stage voice to vote *'yes.” The picture was actually produced by Fox Movietone News under arrangement and direction of Truman H. Talley and Arthur de Titta. Stars of Radio Contribute. Supplementing this high (not all time) spot of entertainment, a flock of Columbia Broadcasting System stars contributed singing, dancing, sleight of-hand and what-not. Presented by Edward Klauber, first executive vice president of C. B. S., and managed by Bob Trout as master of ceremonies, this program included Lanny Ross. Patti Chapin. Dorothy Young. Senor Wences. A1 Pierce. Mark Warnow and 28 musicians, plus other arts. George O'Connor, local vocalist, *ang with George C. Wilson at the piano and the United States Navy Band, under Lieut. Charles Benter, furnished additional music. With a strict ban on oratory, the nearest approach to a speech was a brief welcome by John Russell Young, White House correspondent for The Star, who was presiding over the first part of the banquet. Walter Trohan of the Chicago Tribune, newly elected president of the association, took over the gavel during the evening. Committee chairmen were; Dinner, Thomas F. Edmunds; entertainment, George E. Durno; reception, John Russell Young; printing. Claude Mahoney; decorations, D. Harold Oliver and Philip Pearl. The guest list for the banquet fol lows; A Adams. Geo H Allen. Commis G. E. Akers. Merlon T. Allen. James A Albrigh' Robt. C. Ambrose. Ha-old Alexander. W. S Atchison. John C. Alfaro. Dr. Victor Atkins, Walter H. B Baker. Joe Brayman. Harold Baillie. Huah Brookover. Lyie Bargeron. Carlisle Broun. Heyv.„od Barkdull. Walter D. Brown. Constantine Barron. Carter Brown. Frank Bastedo. Capt. Paul Brown. Harry J. Batrhelder. H. D. Brown, Lou Battle. J. D. Brown. Russell Baughman J. F. Brown. Welter Beale. William L. Bruckart. William G. Beale W S Bucknell Howard Beatty. Frank Budee. *lex Bell. Ulrich Burke, John P. Benedict. Paul F. Bush. Fred S. Benter. Lieut. C. Butcher, Harr- C. Berkeley. K. H. Bryant. James W. Biffl. Leslie L. Burklnshaw. Neil Biondt. Count Buel. VVa'ker 8. Bledsoe. S. D. Byoir. Carl Boland. J. Patrick Byrd. Senator H. F. Bolton. Lieut. A J. Byrnes, James F. Brahaney. Thomas c Caldwell. Louis G. Codell. Martin Callahan, Vincent Cohen. Beniamin V. Calloway. W. B. Cole. W. Sterling Cameron. Stuart Cole. William K. Campbell. E. D. Collier. Rex Canham. E. D. Collins, W. J. Carrington. G. L. Colton. F B. Carroll, Stanley cooper. E J. Carroll. T. W. Corn, Herbert F. Case. Norman S. Cotton. Felix Catledge. Turner Cottrell, Jesse Caton. John Covert. J. R. Chamblin, Wal'er Craig. Gen. Malm Chapman Virgil Crane, James Cherne. Leo M. Crane. James W. Chinn. James Craven. Cmdr. T.A.M. Christian. Geo. B Crawford. K G. Clark. Kenneth W. Crooks. Harry Clark. Robert Crowe. Harry Cline. John H. Cutler. Leland W. Coblfntz, E. D. Cummlng, Lt. Col. C. D Dalrymple. Capt C. I. Doran. Dr. James M. Daly. John R Dougherty. Emmett Davidson. Robert H. Dougherty. R. E. Davis Chester C. Douthat. James W. Dawson. Donnald Dowd. Thomas P. De Titta, Arthur A. Dowdall. Joseph F. GENUINE AMERICAN RADIATOR Complete, installed in 6 Rooms £ *325 Over 3.000 satisfied installations . . . homeowners all over Washington and nearby vicinity look to us for hot-water heat and repairs. We are specialists in hot-water heating . . . you get better workmanship, better prices, and a completely satisfactory Job when you call us. This low price Includes boiler. 300-ft. radiation and 6 radiators , . , Installed. No Money Down! 36 Months to Pay! AMERICAN AUTO HEAT OIL BURNERS —completely installed, includ ing burner. 278-gal lon tank and all necessary equip ment . _ 36 Months to Pay. AIR CONDITIONING for Summer or Winter For stores or individual homes. Get our free esti mates now. Easy Terms Arranged. AMERICAN HEATING ENGINEERING COMPANY 1005 N. Y. Ave. NAtional 8421 Head While House News Corps The newspaper men shown here were installed last night as officers for the coming year of the White House Correspondents’ Association. Left to right, front, are: D. Harold Oliver, Associated Press, member of Executive Committee; Walter Trohan, Chicago Tribune, president; Robert E. Henderson, Central News, secretary-treasury; back. John C. O'Brien. New York Herald Tribune, member of Executive Committee; Earl Godwin, Washington Times, vice president; John O’Donnell, New York Daily News, member of Executive Committee. —A. P. Photo. Dr Zapp. Rudolph Doyle, James E. Dickson. C. B. Drury. Abner Diebler. David Duborg. P. C. Dirks, j. Thurman Duell. Harvey Digiacomo. James C. Duffleld. Eugene Dittmer. C. G. DufTey. F. Ryan Doherty. Wm. Dunham. Robert J. Donaldson. Harvey Durno. George E. Donaldson, W. J. Dutcher, Rodney E Early. Stephen T. Edwards. William Eastman. Jain^s B. Ehrensberger. Dr. D. Eccles, Marriner S. Emery, James A. Eddy. Arch Encle. Fume F, Edison. Charles Ervin, Maj. H. Edmiston. Andy Erwin. John D. Edmunds. Thomas F. Essary, J. Fred Ervin. Morris Evans. E. A. Erwin, John D. Evans. Edwin Evans. Silliman F Fagan. Lawrence J. Flynn, Joseph R. Fahy. Francis Flynn. Michael W. Fairchild. Lewis Friedheim. Eric G. Fay. Elton C. Folliard. Edward T. Fechner. Col. Robert Foos, Irvin D. Fitzgerald. F. Forrest. J B. Fitapatrick. John J. Fox. George Flynn. Alfred F. Fox. Joe Flynn. F. M. Francis, Warren B. j Flynn. Henry C. G i Gableman Edwin W. Graham. A. M. ! Garner. Vice Pres. Grey. Ben ; Garrabrandt. R. B. Gregg. Isaac Gary. Hampson Gridley. Charles O. Gascoyne. Paul Gridley. Richard , Gaston. Herbert C. Griesemer. Douglas Gay. Charles R. Grimes. William H. j Gillette. Gene Grayson. Adm. C. T. Gillingham. G. O. Gruber. Jacob 1 Gilman. William C. Guider. John ! Gimbel. Bernard Grunewald. Hudson Godwin. Etrl Guthrie, Mr. Godwin, Stuart i H j Haakinson. E. B. Henle. Raymond Z. ! Hall, Alvin W. Henning. Arthur S. Hall. Frank A. Hennessey. P. J. Hammond. George Herling. John Hanna. Phil S. Hess. Clarence I Hanson. Ely Heller. Lawrence I Harkness. Richard L. Higgins, Don Harris, George W. Higgins. Edward J. ! Harrison. Pat Hlppeleinser. R. H. Hartrich. Edwin E. Hitchen. Thomas C. Hartson. Nelson T. Hoflman, George F. i Hassett. William Hplgate. K. C. Hazard. John W. Holmes. George R. Heath. Louis J. Holmes. George S. i Heinl, Robert D. Hopkins. Harry L. Heiss, A E. Horner. Garnett D. : Heiss. Pail] V. B. Houston. Sid Heiler. Lawrence Huli. Cordell Henderson. Kobt. E. Hurlev Frank Henderson. W. G. Hutson, John B. Hendren. Comdr. P. J Jacob. Aloric Johnstone. G \V. Jacob Haney D. Jones. Caiter B Jacobs. Cap: R Jones. Coleman B. James. George P Jones. Jesse : Jamieson. Edward Judd. Maurice Johnston. Edward C. K Kannee. Henry King. John H. Kauffmanr. R. M. Kingsubry T B. Kauffmann S. H. Klauber. Edward Kelly. Charles Knapp. H F Kelly. Edward J Kneble. Fletcher Kerby. William F. Keohan. William F. Kerlih. Malcolm Koop. T. F. Kesten, Paul Kopecky. John W. i Keuhls. Henry Kramer. K. G. 1 Keyser. Charles P. Krieghbaum. H. K. Keyser. Charles F. Krock. Aithur I Kilgore. Bernard Krum. Tyreli Kintner. Robert Kuhn, Oliver O. L La Guardia. F. H. Lewis. Fulton Lamb. Ben Lewis. Sir Wilmott Lambert. John T. Lindley. Ernest K. Lamm. Lynne Lmkins. C. S. Lawrensor.. Harry Lincoln. G. Gould Leach. Edward T. Linz. Clarence L. Leach, Paul R. Litchfield. Robert O. Leach. Paul R . -'d. Lockett, Edward B. Lee. Cap'. Carnes B Loftus. Joseph A. Lee. Dick Lokey. Eugene Legeet'. E. S. Lodwick. Mr. Lehr Lew Long Dick Lehrbas. Lloed Loucks. Philip G. Lerch, Oliver B. Lyne J. G. Lyons, J. G. M McCabe. James E. Massing- William McCaffrey. F. J. Matthews. George C. McCaffrey. James P. Mattocks. William L. ; McCausland. F. M. May. Andrew J. McCordic. J. A. Means. R'ce W. ! McCormack. Buren Meehan. Mr. 1 McCov. David E Meiman. Benjamin McDermott. Michael Merriam. Carroll B. McDonald Carlisle Michelson. Charles McDonald, Ronald L. Milford. Morton McDowell. 8. J. Miller. Allen McGahan Paul J. Miller. Kirk McGill. Charles 8 Miller. Lee G. McGill, Herbert C. Milne, D. A. McGill. James H. Milne. James N. McGradv. Edward F. Mobley. Radford McKenna, Pat Moffett, H. L. McIntyre, Capt R. T. Moffew, L. W. McIntosh, Lt. Cm. H. Moley, Raymond McIntyre. M. H. Monroe. Meade McKelway, Ben Moore. Lt. Cmr. G. H. McKinney. Guy Moorman. Daniel McLaine. W. E Moran. Charles P. L. McLaughlin. Don Morgan, Clay McNeill. Warren Morgan, Cole McNutt. Paul V. Morris. George MacNeill. Kenneth Morris. Joe Alex Mahoney. Claude A. Morse. Frank P. Malsano. Carmine J. Morton. A. H. Mallery. Earl D. Mulligan. Ralph C. Mallon. Paul R. Murphy. William C. Malone. Robert W. Murray. K. Foster Markham. Edgar Muth, Russell Marshall. John Muto. Anthony Martin, Lorenzo Mylander. William X New. Harry S. Newberry, A. T. Nagle. Lawrence Newmyer. Arthur Nessiy. William Nicklln. Russell G. Nevius. A. M. Nimitz, Capt C. W. New. Harry 8. Nixon, Robert Newbold. Fleming 0 Oakes. Edwin O'Hara. Joyce 1 O'Brien. John C. O'Leary. Arthur J. O'Connell. ’ Ambrose Oliphant. Herman O'Connell, Dan E. Oliver. D. Harold O'Connor. Dr. C. E Oliver. George L. O'Connor. George H. Olson. 8ydney O'Connor. Kenneth O'Neal. Sam A. O'Donnell. John Osborne. Hunter 0 Dwyer, Msgr. D. F. Othman, F. C. P Page. Frank Pollio, R L. Pardoe. Edward S. Pope, Den Patrick, Duke M. Porter. Paul A. Pelley. J. J. Post. Robert P. Pearl. Philip Prall. Annina S. Perkins. Fred W. Preston. James B. Perry. Comdr. L. S. Prevost. Clifford A. Phelps. Thomas W. Price. Byron Plummer, Herbert Price, Harry Q Quayle. Dr. Edgar E. R Ragsdale. W. B. Robertson. N. W. Ralph. Henry D. Robertson, Walter Ratner. Victor M. Robinson, Sen. J. T. Raymond William T. Rockwell, William Ready. Msgr. M. J. Roddan, Edward Reece, Carroll Rodier. Jules Reed, Oscar A. Romney. George Reek. Edmund Romney. Kenneth Reeves. A. P. Roosevelt. Pres. F. D. Reid. Charles S. Roosevelt. F. i)„ )r. Reiners. J. R Roosevelt. Col. James Reimcke. Comdr.F.G. Roosevelt. John Reisling. John Roper. Daniel C. Rendell. Ricnard Roper. Richard F. Reynolds, John B Rosenbaum. Daniel Ricnardson. Maj. J.S. Rossi-Longhi, Marq s Richardson. S F Royal. John S. Richey. Lawrence Royster, Vermont C. Ring. A. D Russell. Frank M. Reilly. John Russell. Lieut. C. T. j Roberts. Osgood Ryan, Daniel S Sack. Leo R. Smith. Charles B. ; Sandifer. T N. Smith. H^l H. 1 Sawyer, Frank Smith. John Lewis Scholz. Dr Herbert Smith. Ralph B Sell. Dr. Kurt Smith. Robert P. Shay. James H. Sommers. Martin Shea. George Spatd. W W. Sheehan. Joseph Spector. Albert Schechter. A. A. Stafford, Lawrence Schein, George Stanley. Dr. Camp Scholz. Dr. Herbert starling. Col. Edw. Schutte. Oswald F. Stedman. Alfred D. Secrest. A. D. Stephenson. F M. Selvage. James B. Sterner. Charles J. Shawn. Fred Stewart. Harry Shepherd. J. Wayne Stokes, Thomas L. Sheridan. E. A. Storm. Frederick A. Sherrod. Robert Sullivan. Comdr. J. R. Shoop, Duke Sulzburger, C. L. Short. Joseph H. Surles. Lt. Col. A. D. Shuman. Joe 8t. Clair. Bert Simmons. Wm. Swinehart. Gerry Simpson. Howard E. Stykea, Judge E. O. Smith. Carleton T Taishofl. Sol Thorpe. Merle Talburt. Harold Thorup. Dscar Talley, Truman H. Timmons. B. N. Tarry. G L. Tolley. A B Taylor. Co! John T. Tolley, Harry Tavlor. Robt. Tribble, George E. Tewalt, Perry L. Trice. J. Mark Thach. Robert G. Trigs Ernest T. Thistlethwai'e. M. Trippe. Juan Thomas. Albert Trohan. Walter Thomas Walt Tucker. Rav T. Thompson. Henry G. Tumulty. James P. Thompson. Milo Tumulty. Joseph P. Thorgerson. Ed. Tunney, Gene Thornburgh. Robert Tupper, Richard V Vance. Johnstone Villmoare. Ed J.. Jr. Vanderhoof, J. P. Vladlck, V. L. W Wallace. Henry A. Wiehe. Theodor* Walsh. Burke Wiggins. J. R. Walsh. Gillaspie Wiley. Admr. H. A. Walker. H. Alex. Willard. A. D.. Jr. Waltman. Franklyn Williams. Gladstone Warfleld. C. Dorsey Williams. Robert E. Warner. Albert L. Wilson. George Warner. Jemes E. Wilson. Lyle C. Warren. Lindsay C. Wilson. M. L. Warrenfels Douglas Wilson. Richard Watson. Col. E. N. Wisner. Frank Watson. Robert Woodward. J. M. Watson. Robert Wood, Lewis Welch. H. Mason Wood. Russell C. I White. E. Dalton Woodring. Harry H. White. Paul Wright. Clarence M. Whitney, Courtney Wright. James L. Wngley. Tom Y Young. Donald A. Young. John Russell Z Zachanas. Raymond Zarhanas O. GEN. YOCUPICIO UPHELD — Mexican Governor Ruled Innocent of Workers’ Charges. MEXICO CITY. February 27 UP).— The Mexican government today up held Gen. Ramon Yocupicio, Gover nor of Sonora, against charges that he had discriminated against mem bers of the Confederation of Workers of Mexico. The charges, made by the confed eration’s Executive Committee, were accompanied by demands that if they were sustained by a government in vestigation Gen. Yocupicio and his en tire administration should be ousted. Mid-Season CLEARANCE SALE OF FIREPLACE APPOINTMENTS Imported Bellows Unique bross trimmed leather hand bellows. Fire Lighters Complete with torch ond cost brass $3*00 cover.... Wood Baskets Brass trimmed, $0.00 very special .. * up New Style Metal Lag Rollers -50 up 11-inch Fireplace Matches |C 1 ea. Colored Ny^ I Flame Powder $32.00 Solid Brass Complete Fireplace Ensemble Consists of 20-inch solid brass ondirons, with heavy, curved brass-covered shanks, 30-inch full solid brass framed screen, solid brass tongs, shovel ond poker with stand. SPEC I Al Door Knockers, Condi# Sticks, Sconces fOUnOED 1873 Inrarporateft 723 12th Street Northwest Phone MEt. 1134 WosHington's Finest Platers Sinej_lj73 Repeated Efforts to Contact Sender of Message Prove Fruitless. hi the Associated Press. BOSTON, February 27 —A myste rious SOS message tonight kept busy Coast Guardsmen worried. An amateur radio operator reported receiving a message, “Taking water fast. Fisher.” Neither Coast Guardsmen nor the i amateur met success in repeated ef forts to contact the sender again. Coast Guard vessels, meanwhile, aided three disabled ships along the New England Coast. The cutter Chelan towed the dis abled trawler Gossoon to Simms Ledge, off Boston, and turned her over to a towboat late today. The Chelan found the Gossoon near High land Light after a two-day search, attempting to make Boston under a short rig sail. She reported a dis abled propeller Thursday. The famed Gloucester schooner Ger trude L. Thebaud, veteran of the in ternational fishermen's races, requiring assistance for the first time, was in tow of the patrol boat Faunce. Coast Guard headquarters said they be lieved the Thebaud's auxiliary engine had broken down Another disabled Gloucester schoon er. the Babe Sears, was picked up a mile east of Barnegat Lightship by the patrol boat Icarus and was taken in tow' for New York. Real Fine U$ed Bargain« * Steinway Grand, fine CJEA used piano_ Knob# Grand, fine used $295 Studio Upright juft like $185 Eaey Terme of Payment F. A. NORTH CO. Rialto Theatre Building SUSPECT IS HELD Oklahoma Detectives Cap ture Man Linked to South Dakota Murder. By the Associated Press. OKLAHOMA CITY, February 27.— Detectives Emmitt Drane and D. F. Brown announced today the arrest here of William Nesbeth, sought in a New Year eve dpnamite slaying near Sioux Falls, S. Dak. They said Nesbeth was arrested on a fugitive warrant charging murder of Harold Baker in the Sioux Falls powder house explosion. Fred Searls, South Dakota Depart ment of Justice operative, said Baker supposedly was slain by three mem bers of a gang to prevent his squeal ing about a $38,000 jewel robbery at Sioux City, Iowa, last December. Nesbeth asserted he did not know the whereabouts of Lee Bradley, named by Searls as a second fugitive wanted In the Baker killing. A third man, Harry Reeves, was arrested several weeks ago near Sioux City and was sentenced to 40 years for the Sioux City Jewel robbery. A sensational story of Mrs. Helen Seiler, a friend of Baker, that she was another intended victim of the dynamiters sent officers on a Nation wide search for Nesbeth and Bradley, Searls said. Shot five times, r.he said she was left to die with Baker, but crawled from the powder house before the blast. She is held in South Dakota as a material witness. Searls said Nesbeth was traced here through a moned order. --• HEADS BUSINESS MEN M. C. Schwartz Elected President of Park View Group. M. C. Schwartz last week was elect ed president of the Park View Busi ness Men’s Association. Other officers included D. E. Nich ols, first vice president; Mrs. R. Lewis, second vice president; J. Zoltrow, treasurer, and J. M. Basso, secretary. The next meeting of the group will be held at 3638 Georgia avenue on 1 March 8. HEMINGWAY TO WRITE FROM SPANISH FRONT Matador Sidney Franklin Also Sails for Iberian Peninsula to Fight Bulls Again. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 27.—Ernest Hemingway, novelist and short story writer, sailed for Spain today, “to go back to making money the hard way” as a war correspondent. Also on the same boat, headed for the same place, went Sidney Franklin, Brooklyn matador, who also seems to earn money in Spain in a somewhat wearing manner—by fighting bulls. After seven operations he is still nurs ing wounds from the last bulls he fought. Once a newspaper man, always a newspaper man, Hemingway said, as he shrugged ofl reports that he might turn up driving a Loyalist ambulance.' When an American ambulance sailed i recently he Inspected the equipment. | “Oh, I gave them some money to buy an ambulance or something like that," he said. “That’s all.” Hemingway, a newspaper man for 12 years before his fiction writings clicked, has completed a new novel for publication in the Fall, but would not reveal the title. Husband Bough on Pets. CHICAGO <A>).—Mrs. Catharine Marach, 40. asking a divorce in Superior Court, aUeged her husband: U> Chocked her pet dog to death; (2) killed two canaries and (3) tor tured her by caressing a “plump'* woman In a taxicab beneath her window. . — '_ _ . ■ i 1 BUY A WILLYS-37 The Lowest Priced Full Sixe Economy Car Half the gae T wice the Smartnets to. 35 MILES SSL HOLLEMAN MOTOR COMPANY 1231 20th St. N.W. . Sloane ^711Twelfth St. The House with the Green Shutters "—from Sloane's" "—from Sloane's" A new rendition of o Hepple white Bedroom group, in genuine Honduras mahog any; with graceful, slender, four-poster twin beds— swirl veneer fronts and tops. Eight pieces. % $355 s "—from Sloane's" The Yorkshire Choir, a Com pany of Mastercraftsmen piece; long, low orms; deep seat; spring edge. Down filled seat and back cush ions; tailored in green striped, rough-texture fabric. $100 "—from Sloane's" Pie-crust, Tilt-top Table; with handsomely carved ped estal base; matched veneered top. $22 What an assurance of quality that gives. What a surety of authenticity in design it guarantees. What a feel ing of supreme confidence that the price is right when it comes "from Sloane's." It means you have to concern yourself ONLY with the exercise of your per sonal taste in selection. All the other factors contributing to enduring satis faction are comprehended by this phrase familiar to those who discrim inate. A "buy-word" with those to whom master craftsmanship holds its true importance. Quality in Furniture isn't any ONE thing—but the co-ordinated combina tion of inspired genius and skilled hands working with the finest raw materials the world produces. For instance, mahogany Furniture "from Sloane's" is GENUINE mahogany of the sweitenia family—Cuban, Hon duras, Amazon, etc. No substitute woods; no "short-cuts" in construction. That high grade doesn't have to be high priced is demonstrated in every suite, every occasional piece; every Oriental and domestic rug and carpet; every lamp, every exquisite bit of drapery. A slogan that has become a truism with the House of Sloane: Always high grade; never high-priced. Let your home be furnished "from Sloane's"—and enjoy living with fine things that reflect comfort, good taste and quiet harmony. Charge Accounts— Conrtes y Parking Capital Caragj