Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER «o ■ WMtner lurtui p»r«ci,:) The only evening paper Pair and slightly warmer tonight and ■ «..._i*._. _ °.,F J", tomorrow; lowest temperature tonight lh Washington With the about 26 degrees gentle winds, mostly Associated PreSS NeWS southwest and west. Temperatures—High- , ur;_, . 0 est. 38, at noon today; lowest. 18, at 7 a m. 3na WirephOtO berVICeS. today. Pull report on page B-6. SATYRDA VS IU2S7 SUNDAY'S fen oil M V I aa I A D Oft Clrcalitlia, circalAtlin. ClOSlDg New York markets, "age 4U_____ (Some returns not >et receive-!) 85th YEAR. No! 33,906. wc«8nhingto“ “uc* WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1937—THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES.**** <**> Maana AssociaMd Prssa. TWO CENTS. HIGH COURT RULES FOR NEW DEAL IN Decision, Split 5-to-4, Is First Since Demand for Judiciary Reform. DISPUTE GREW OUT OF RENTAL CONTRACT Effect of Agreement Held to Be Avoidance of Compliance With Devaluation Act. BY JOHN H. CLINE. In deciding its first case of na tional importance since President Roosevelt's demand for reorganization >f the judiciary, the Supreme Court today ruled for the New Deal in the io-called Massachusetts gold case. The justices were divided 5 to *', vith Van DeVanter, McReynolds, Sutherland and Butler dissenting. By his same division, the justices upheld he Government in the gold clause :ases decided in 1935. The present controversy grew out of i rental contract between the Holyoke Water Power Co. and the American Writing Paper Co. Although the Gov ■rnment was not an immediate party ■o the litigation, it awaited the out come with apprehension, since an idverse ruling would have seriously mpeded enforcement of the legisla tion devaluing the dollar. Avoidance of Law Charged. The contract called for payment of •ent In “a quantity of gold which shall be equal in amount to $1,500 of he gold coin of the United States of he standard of weight and fineness of he year 1894, or the equivalent of his commodity in United States cur rency.” It was contended that the effect of this agreement was to avoid complying vith the legislation devaluing the dol ar and prohibiting the payment of obligations in gold coin. Holding the agreement unenforce ible. Justice Cardozo. delivering the majority opinion, said: “The fact is of little moment that ■urrency is characterized as a com modity in the verbiage of the cove nant as long as it is currency. Weasel words will not avail to defeat the tri umph of Intention when once the words are read in the setting of the whole transaction. •‘So read, the end to be achieved is shown forth unmistakably as a pay ment, not a sale,” Hold Contract One of Sale. Attorneys arguing in support of the lease had contended the provision -railing for the payment of the rent in ounces of gold should be treated as iny other contract for the sale of a Mmmodity. Justice Cardozo pointed out that transactions for the sale or delivery jf gold for industrial purposes, such is art work, are not within the mean ,ng of the statute, but he held this transaction did not come within the txception. The Government had contended the ■ontract, if upheld, “would serve to lullify the effort of Congress to as sure for the country a single and uni orm system of money.” Hie dissenting justices did not write in opinion. Roper Order is Upheld. The court upheld an order by Sec retary Roper, directing three steam hip companies transporting freight letween Gulf ports and the Pacific Doast through the Panama Canal to ■ancel a contract rate system whereby .ome shippers obtained concessions. In an 8-to-l decision delivered by lustice Stone, the tribunal affirmed a uling by a three-judge Federal Dis rict Court in the District of Columbia lismissing the complaint against the >rder. Justice Sutherland dissented. The court also declared invalid California's 1935 "caravan act” requir ng a $15 fee for each motor vehicle iriven or towed into the State for •ale. In an unanimous decision delivered >y Justice Stone the tribunal affirmed i ruling by a three-judge Federal Dis rict Court in California holding the .tatute invalid. HOUSE PASSES BILL ON JUVENILE COURT Measure Designed to Modernize and Humanize Procedure of Tribunal. Without debate, the House today tassed a bill to modernize and hu nanize Juvenile Court procedure in he District. The measure was the only one of line local bUls on the House calendar hat Chairman Norton of the Dis riet Committee called up for con ideration. The remaining eight bills /ill be considered next Monday, the egulai District day. The Juvenile Court measure will low go to the Senate. Its chief eature would change procedure in uvenlle Court from a criminal to a hancery system. The bill also Is designed to give hlldren appearing before the court ireater protection. It provides for learings in private and will allow Jury rials only on demand of the parent •r guardian of the child or of the ourt. 15 SENTENCED TO DIE keeused of Aiding Spanish Insur gents—24 Jailed. BILBAO, Spain. March 1 C4>).—Fif een persona convicted of aiding Span sh insurgents were sentenced by a ovemment military court today to te shot to death. Twenty-four others were given long >rison terms and one suspect koquittod. In Aviation Shake-Up REX MARTIN. FRED D. FAGG, Jr. MAJ. CONE. MAJ. R. W. SCHROEDER AND EUGENE VIDAL. —Underwood & Underwood Photo. Will Receive 6 Executives on March 10 on Jobless Relief Problem. By the Associated Press President Roosevelt agreed today to receive the Governors of six industrial States March 10 to discuss proposals for an "efficient and sound” solution of the unemployment relief problem. The Governors of New York, Minne sota. Illinois, Massachusetts. Wiscon sin and Rhode Island asked for the meeting last night after a conference in New York City. Their telegram to the President protested against any cuts in Works Progress relief rolls, saying the cost of relief to employables could not be borne by local units of government. REQUEST MADE YESTERDAY. Governors Protest Reduction in W. P. A. Program. NEW YORK. March 1 f/P).—’The Gov ernors of six industrial States, pro testing the W. P A. reduction program and possible shifting of the relief burden to the States and local govern ment units, were waiting today for an answer from President Roosevelt to their request for a conference on unemployment problems. The executives, in a lengthy tele gram to Mr. Roosevelt after a discus sion of the relief situation yesterday, urged co-operation of the Federal and State Governments to "encourage in dustry to provide additional opportuni ties for private employment for those on W. P. A. and State relief rolls.” The conference here, arranged by Gov. Herbert H. Lehman of New York, was attended by Govs. Elmer Benson of Minnesota, Henry Horner of Illinois, Charles F. Hurley of Massachusetts, Philip F. La Follette of Wisconsin and Robert E. Quinn of Rhode Island. All Democrats But Two. All are Democrats except La Follette, who is a Progressive, and Benson, elected on a Farmer-Labor ticket. All (See GOVERNORS, Page A-3.) ROOSEVELT URGES Asks Congress to Enact System Financed by Excise Tax. By tht Associated Fress. President Roosevelt proposed to Congress today the enactment of a sugar quota system financed by an excise tax on raw sugar. Income from the tax. estimated at $100,000,000 annually, would make pos sible the resumption of benefit pay ments to sugar producers, which the President proposed. The tax. the President said in a special message, should be not less than three-fourths of 1 cent a pound on sugar, raw value. "I am definitely advised.’’ Mr. Roosevelt said, “that such a tax would not increase the average cost of sugar to consumers." Mr. Roosevelt recommended that in evolving a new control system, pro vision should be made for preventing child labor and establishing a mini mum wage standard. Jones-Costigan Art. The Jones-Costigan act, which ex pired last December but was continued in principle through this year, author ized the Secretary of Agriculture to allot the estimated annual sugar con sumption of the country among beet and cane domestic producers and such '‘off-shore" producers as those in Hawaii, the Philippines and similar insular possessions. The act originally become law as an amendment to the agricultural ad | justment act. Certain provisions, principally that imposing a processing tax, become inoperative when the A. A. A. was ruled unconstitutional and benefit payments to producers ceased. The President said the excise tax would yield “approximately one hundred million dollars per annum to the Treasury of the United States, which would make the total revenue rsee SUGAR, Paie A-2.) Mrs. Roosevelt Spikes Rumor She Will Run for Presidency All rumors to the contrary, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt definitely is not a candidate for the presidency in 1940, she announced today at her press con ference. Moreover, she believes that it would be "idiotic” to consider the idea of running any woman for the highest office of the land at this time—not, however, because there are not women capable of holding the position. There are not yet enough women in public life to command sufficient support either for election or for the accomplishment of anything worth while, Mrs. Roosevelt explained. Asked to suggest possible feminine candidates, she replied that she thought almost any one might name women who are capable of holding the office. A sort of "breakfast and luncheon reorganization plan” is underway at the White House now as a result of the President’s recent complaint that he is tired of having the same things for these two meals repeated over and over again, Mrs. Roosevelt also dis closed. Today, she said, the President had a choice of 20 possible luncheon menus. He selected stuffed crabs. Agreeing that any one who eats at the same place exclusively occa^gn ally becomes weary of the ehosQ, of, foods. Mrs. Roosevelt added that the President should have less diffi culty than most because more than one person does the cooking at the White House. Her husband is very fond of salt fish for breakfast, she explained, and the recent crisis which provoked the complaint arose from the fact that the same fish was offered several days running. The White House kitchen has six different kinds of fish to choose from, but apparently it was a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, for some one failed to check the menus. The President often breakfasts on orange Juice and milk, by choice, she continued. One State—Louisiana—which she has not visited since her White House residence, will receive the President’s wife during a projected lecture tour to begin at midnight Thursday and continue until March 26. Opening the series at New Orleans on Saturday, Mrs. Roosevelt will speak in Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee. Ala bama and Mississippi. Her subjects are the same she used on a similar trip last Spring: “The Responsibility of the Individual to His Community," ’’Peace," “Problems of Youth” and a “Day in the White House ” An inno vation of .the tour will be her appear ance before several college groups, she said. VIDAL POST GIVEN FRED D. FAGG. JR., WORLD WAR PILOT Air Bureau Shake-Up Re lieves Both Assistant Di* rectors of Duty. MAJ. SCHROEDER TAKES CONSOLIDATED OFFICE Retiring Director to Continue in Advisory Capacity for Present, Eoper Announces. BY JOSEPH S. EDGERTOV. Fred D. Fagg, jr., World War pilot, and founder of the Air Law Institute, today was named director of the Bureau of Air Commerce in a thorough shake-up resulting from the resigna tion of Eugene L. Vidal. Both assistant directors were relieved from office and their posts consoli dated under Maj. Rudolph W. Schroeder, chief of the Air Line In spection Service. Maj. Schroeder will have the title of assistant director. Change for Rex Martin. Rex Martin, assistant director in charge of navigation, has been as signed to a study of commercial avia tion in Latin America. Col. J. Carroll Cone, assistant di rector in charge of regulation, has been given a similar mission to Europe. Vidal's resignation which was con sistently rumored during congressional investigation cfl the bureau, was an nounced unexpectedly late yesterday afternoon. Vidal will continue in an advisory capacity for the present. Secretary Roper announced In making public the reorganization plan. The new director has been engaged for more than a year in codifying and revising the air commerce regu lations. working under direction and guidance of Secretary Roper. Although Fagg is not an acting piiot and has had no recent connect tion with active aviation affairs, he has a broad legal and economic back ground and is widely known in the aviation world. Secretary Roper ex plained. Native of Brooklyn. He is particularly well known in the i field of international aviation law. He is a native of Brooklyn. N Y.. and was educated in California schools and at Harvard and Northwestern Universi ties. During the World War he com pleted his aviation training in Cali fornia and Texas, and was one of a group of American officers assigned to a British night bombardment squad ron, with headquarters at Suflex, England. After his discharge. December, 1918, he resumed an interrupted law career, specializing in aviation work. As professor in Northwestern University founded the Air Law Institute, an international organization. Pagg has been a member of the Illinois Aeronautics Commission since it was organized in 1931; secretary of the National Association of State Avia tion Officials since 1932; a member of the American Section of the Inter national Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts, now meeting in Berne. Switzerland, and a member of the American Bar Association's Com mittee on Aeronautical Law. Maj. Schroeder had a distinguished career in the Army as an engineer and test pilot following the World War. before he resigned to ^nter civil aviation. He was associated with Hetyy Ford in the early development of the Ford aviation interests. .As an Army pilot, Schroeder established sev eral world altitude records. In con nection with experimental work at the Air Corps Development Center, at Wright Field, Ohio. Schroeder has been in charge of the enforcement of all air line regu lations, under which the domestic air transport industry has taken a posi tion of world leadership. He is re garded as one of the most capable (See VIDAL, Page A-27) Summary of Today’s Star Page. Page. Amusements, B-16 Radio -A-15 C "lies _B-ll Short Story . B-l* 11 orial ... A-l# Society .. A-3 Financial .. A-ZO Sports A-16-17-18 Lost Sc Found A-3 Woman’s Pg. B-10 Obituary_A-12 FOREIGN. Nineteen killed as storm hits Europe and North Africa. Page A-5 Edward believed to have set May 3 for wedding. Page A-l ,Fascist Grand Council called to in sider “necessities.” Page A-S NATIONAL. Dispute on courts plan sounds in the Senate. Page A-l Supreme Court upholds New Deal gold law. Page A-l Neutrality bill debate starts in the Senate. Page A-l Farm program may require $1,000, 000,000 a year. Page A-4 WASHINGTON AND VICINITY. Mrs. Roosevelt not a presidential can didate. she says. Page A-l Roosevelt agrees to receive six Gov ernors March 10. Page A-l Probe of police "extra jobs” is launched. Page A-l Vague clues followed in death of Alexandria boy. Page A-l President asks excise tax on raw sugar. Page A-l Fred D. Fagg. jr., named air commerce director. Page A-l Reorganization Mil takes D. C. con trol from Congress. Page B-l Bus driver tied to steering wheel, robbed of $127.50. Page B-l Sheriff denies report jail food poi soned Mrs. Trader. Page A-8 School groups demand “red rider” repeal. Page B-l Committee on D. C. ^organization sum wort Pttday. S Page B*l (GIMME ] MY SHIRS! 'The LEGALITY Of The \ SIT DOWN STRIKE IS YET to BE I y DETERMINED!/ Roosevelt ‘Victory Dinner’ Talk And ‘Fireside Chat’ Are Linked Address Thursday Night to Serve as Foundation for That Monday, Court Expected to Be Topic, BY J. Rl-SSELL YOUNG. | President Roosevelt’s address at the “victory dinner’’ at the Mayflower Hotel Thursday night will serve as a foundation for the "fireside chat ’ he will deliver from the White House next Monday night, it was announced today. The subjects which the President will discuss, it was explained, cannot be covered in a single speech. Both addresses will be car ried over Nation-wide radio hook ups and both will be 30 minutes in duration. Although the President has declined to say just what specific subjects he will discuss, he is expected to explain his ideas concerning the reorganization of the Federal judici ary. including the United States Su preme Court. Mr Roosevelt spent the greater part of yesterday writing the first of his two speeches, which he hopes to have in final corrected form by tomorrow or next day. In preparation for the two addresses the President has talked with many Senators and Representa tives. in addition to members of his cabinet and others high in the party councils and in administration circles. The President made as few engage ments today as possible, hoping to al low himself some time to resume the writing of the first of these two speeches. He resumed his conferences with congressional leaders, which he started soon after the announcement of his court reorganization plans by having a long chat during the fore noon with Representative Sumners, of i SeeROOSEVELT, Page-2?) Reported Fearful Marriage Might Dim Brother’s Coronation. Bt the Associated Press. LONDON, March 1—The Duke of Windsor was reported today to have set May 2 as the day for his wedding to Wallis Simpson, causing fear the royal romance would overshadow the coronation of his brother-successor Just 10 days later. Former King Edward VIII general ly was believed to have made it clear in week-end conferences that he in tended to marry the woman for whom he abdicated his throne as soon as her divorce from Ernest Simpson becomes absolute April 27. The lights in Edward's study at Enzelfeld Castle near Vienna were said to have burned until 6 a m. yes terday while he thrashed out the question with his favorite brother, the Duke of Kent, and Lord Brownlow, who accompanied Mrs. Simpson on her flight from England. It has been becoming daily more ap (See EDWARD, Page A-47) “Snow parking" cases dropped by D. C. officials. Page B-l EDITORIAL AND COMMENT. • Editorials. Page A-10 This and That. Page A-10 Answers to Questions. Page A-10 Washington Observations. Page A-10 David Lawrence. Page A-1I Paul Mallon. PageA-11 Dorothy Thompson. PageA-11 Constantine Brown. PageA-11 Headline Folk. Page A-ll FINANCIAL. Corporate bonds improve (table). PageA-19 A. T. & T. profits rise. Page A-19 Stocks Irregular (table). PageA-20 Savings rates cut. PageA-20 Curb list narrow (table). PageA-21 SPORTS. Rookie Wasdell gets chance to win Kuhel's job. Page A-16 Star basket tourney pairings ready tonight. Page A-16 Oriole “600" tops Baltimore track pro gram. Page A-16 David Cup contenders each relies upon one star. Page A-16 Boxing game needs drastic reforms, says Dempsey. Page A-17 Rosemont shelved for month, but not retired. Page A-17 D. C. muny linksmen to battle for coast trip. Page A-16 MISCELLANY. Dorothy Dix. PageB-10 Betsy Caswell. Page B-16 City News in Brief. Page A-7 Young Washington. PageA-14 Crossword Puzzle. Page B-II Nature’s Children. Page B-9 Bedtime Story. Page B-12 Letter-Out. Page B-12 Winning Contract. 4 Page B-9 Vital Statistics. Pags B-l Vague Clues Followed as Alexandria Officials De cide to Hold Inquest. By « Staff Correspondent of The Star. ALEXANDRIA, Va„ March 1 — Vague clues in the mysterious death of 15-year-old Luther Cummins will be turned over to the coroner this week, it was revealed today as police clung to a theory of suicide or accident and the father stuck to his contention of foul play. Although the investigation appeared at a standstill, Commonwealth Attor ney Albert V. Bryan announced the search for definite evidence will con tinue until the case is laid before Act ing Coroner William B. Wilkins Friday. Should something conclusive de velop before then, however, the evi dence—if of a criminal nature—will be presented direct to the grand jury, also scheduled to convene Friday. Case Still Open. Determination to stage an inquest was reached by Bryan this afternoon after a lengthy conference with Police Chief John S. Arnold and De tective Lieut. Edgar Sims, at which all phases of the investigation were discussed but not formally disclosed. "The case is still open," Bryan said, "but at this time there is no indication the bov was murdered. “Nor do we have any motive why he should have ended his own life. The facts, as we know them, will be submitted to the coroner, and if ne decides death resulted from foul play the investigation will be pressed." Body Found in Woods. The body of the Cummins boy, re duced to a skeleton, was found Sat urday near his home at Hume Springs by his 12-year-old brother, Robert. The skeleton, discovered in a clump of trees in a lonely swamp approxi mately 100 yards from the Cummins house, was clad only in a pair of trousers and a shirt. . Police expressed the theory that the (See-CUMMINSrPage~A-5j PITTMAN WAGES — Senator, Opening Debate,1 Says Bill Will KeepU.S. Out of War. By the Associated Press. Foreign Relations Chairman Pitt man appealed to the Senate today for enactment of his permanent neutrality plan, forecasting it "will keep us out of the next great foreign war.” Opening Senate debate on the con troversial measure, the Nevada Demo crat reviewed at length the causes ot ! American entry into the World War. He warned that “such a war may come again: tn fact, the world today is pre paring for such a war.” "If it comes.” he added, “let us not be tn the position that we were in bt • fore we entered the last World War. "Let us not drift along through diplomatic correspondence, protesta tion with regard to neutral and belli gerent rights, while the destruction of the lives of our citizens goes on until eventually there is repeated the death and destruction and misery and grief that we experienced and the condition that we have suffered ever since the last great war.” Far-Reaching Legislation. Pittman told the Senate the bill goes beyond any legislation ever adopted in this or any other country. "And yet.” he added. “I contend that nothing in this proposed legisla tion prevents free commerce with the world, except as we have heretofore restricted it in existing law. or is dis criminatory. unlawful, or constitutes a surrender of the freedom of the seas." Senator Vandenberg, Republican, of Michigan, a leader of the old Muni tions Committee group that favors a ! mandatory law. said he would try to strike out the last major discretionary provision in the bill. He opposed the discretionary power the measure would vest in the Presi dent to determine what commodities could be shipped to belligerents on American ships. Too Late After Outbreak. “Any move after war has broken out," he said, "would invite an un neutral interpretation, no matter how neutral the President was trying to be. “You can't do anything after a crisis has arisen without being mis understood. The rules have got to be written ahead of time.” Senator Johnson. Republican, of California opposed the bill as a whole, on the theory that it would be more likely to involve the United States in a war than to keep it out. Senator Borah. Republican, of Idaho, wanted to eliminate the sec tion to which Vandenberg objected. He also wanted to cut out the "cash and carry” proposal which the Michi gan Senator supports. Both Borah and Johnson opposed what they contended was the bill's design to "surrender” America's tra ditional freedom of the seas policy. On the other hand, Senator Thomas. | Democrat, of Utah, had ready a sub stitute bill to give the President broad discretion. His measure more nearly would meet the views of the State Department. Provisions of Bill. Pittman's bill would make perma nent the present mandatory embargo on exports of arms to belligerents. Under the “cash and carry" provision, no goods could be shipped to bellig erents until Americans had divested themselves of any interest in them. Americans would be forbidden to travel on belligerents' ships, and i merchant vessels could not be armed. Probe of Police Extra Jobs” May Call Scores to Trial An investigation under way today within the ranks of the Police Depart ment to determine who was holding "extra jobs” threatened scores of offi cers with possible Trial Board action. Although officials refused to be “pinned down” on the ultimate aim of the check-up, the investigation is reported to have grown out of the case of William M. McGrath, police man-lawyer, who is scheduled to ap pear before the Trial Board next month. McGrath must defend himself on four charges, most of them involving his alleged private law practice. The wholesale investigation came to light when it was learned Police Supt. Ernest W. Brown has ordered inspec tors and precinct commanders to have all policemen file statements list ing additional cAnpensation. i The statemeA, required only of those officer? who have outside em ployment. requested the source of their "extra pay” without asking the amount of time devoted to the extra work. The statements are being submitted to Chief Clerk Howard E. Crawford, who said he had received “only a few” from scattered precincts up to noon today. He could not estimate how many replies he had received. The statements will be submitted to the District auditor, who, Crawford said, had requested them. Commis sioner Melvin C. Hazen. who is in charge of the Police Department, said he knew nothing of the investigation. It has been reported that a number of uniformed officers have been prac ticing law during their time off. while others have varied forms of “part-time employment." £ne policeman, it was (See POmCK, Page A-5.1 Burke Cites Speech Sched uled by Hopkins Tonight in Debate. ROBINSON DENOUNCER ‘UNTRUTHFUL’ LETTER Talk of Compromise Continues, With 7-to-2 Decision Law Held Likely Basis. Br the Associated Press. Charges of “unfair propaganda” both for and against President Roose velt's court plan sounded in the Sen ate today. Opponents of the plan cited a radio speech scheduled for tonight by Harry L. Hopkins, works progress adminis trator. Reference was made to Hopkir*' ad dress by Senator Burke, Democrat, of Nebraska, an opponent of the plan, after Senator Robinson, Democratic leader, read to the Senate what he called “an untruthful, unfair and de liberate” piece of propaganda. Shouting so that his words echoed down the Capitol corridors. Robinson challenged Senators to defend the let ter he read, asking that protests be sent to Representatives. Burke arose, and without immedi ately answering Robinson, denied he was influenced by such propaganda. Mentions Hopkins Talk. He asked If the Democratic leader considered the letter "any more dan gerous to a free expression of opinion than the announced radio address to night by Works Progress Administra tor Hopkins on the other side, appeal ing to thousands of W P A workers.” "What about that kind of propa ganda?" Burke asked. "I do not know what Mr Hopkins is going to say," Robinson replied, "and so I must ask to be execused from commenting. I think works progress administrator has a right to speak on the subject. Does the Sena tor think he doesn't?” "I think he does and I think the gentleman who wrote that letter had a perfect right to write it." Burke replied. Dictator Charge. Addressed to "Dear Christian friend.” the letter read by Robinson said Presi dent Roosevelt wished to become "an absolute dictator." "It sounds like one of the old ap peals of the Ku Klux Klan," Robinson shouted to the Senate. Meanwhile, fresh talk of com promise had sprung up. though few suggestions appeared likely to bring together the hostile factions. Congressional friends already had submitted to the President one compro mise proposal, the nature of which was not disclosed. They had received no word, however, as to its reception. Some on both sides held that a likely basis for compromise would be a bill requiring 7-to-2 decisions by the Supreme Court to invalidate acu of Congress. Other proposals most frequently discussed were to cut the proposed expansion if the court down to two new justices instead of a passible six. or to combine the court reorganization bill with a constitutional amendment. 7-2 Bill Passage Seen. Senate liberals said a compromise on a bill to require a 7-to-2 decision would pass the Senate. The President turned this down in early conversa tions with congressional leaders on the theory that it would require a consti tutional amendment. Some on both sides insisted the 7-to-2 rule could be enforced on the court by a simple act of Congress. Some of the liberal group most hos tile to the court reorganization were ready to accept it, including Senators Wheeler, Democrat, of Montana; Johnson, Republican, of California, and Nye. Republican, of North Dakota. A similar proposal, to require 8-to-l verdicts by the court to invalidate acts of Congress, has been proposed by Senator Gillette of Iowa, one of the Democratic opponents of court reorganization. Leading opponents of the President's program asserted they would not ac cept a proposal to increase the size of the court in any form. Nevertheless, some administration supporters hoped that a compromise (See JUDICIARY. Page A-3.) MRS. ROOSEVELT HOPES FOR BETTER D. C. RELIEF Declares Congressional Interest Here Has Been “Academic’’ Rather Than “Practical.” Describing the relief situation in the District as "very serious and com plicated," Mrs. Roosevelt today ex pressed hope that Congress will do something to meet the problems in the next budget. More active participation by Con gress at first-hand would be desirable, she said at her press conference. She characterized past interest as “aca demic” rather than "practical.” Robert Taylor’s Grandfather, Aid Client, 82, Dies By tha Associated Press. BEATRICE. Nebr., March 1.— Jacob A. Brugh. 82, grandfather of Screen Actor Robert Taylor, died at a son’s home near Beatrice last night of influenza and old age. Brugh, who until recently was a relief client at $16 a month, was moved to the home of Roy Brugh last week. County relief officers a month ago informed Taylor of the eged man's plight and Taylor promised ^Jo^sendj^l^^