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Sratlja. •ADEN. WILLIAM P. On Thursday. March 4. 1!»37. at Garfield Hospital WILLIAM P. BADEN of 1422 Clifton st. n.w.. be loved husband of Ella Bean Baden. Re mains resting at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2f01 14th st. ilw. Fu neral services at St Paul's Episcopal Church. Baden. Md.. on Saturday. March ti. at 11 am. Friends and relatives invited. Interment church cemetery. BISSELBERG. WALTER F. On Friday. March 5 1!I37. at Garfield Hospital. WALTER F BISSELBERG. beloved hus band of llga Bisselberg. son of John F Bisselberg. He Is also survived by one brother and two sisters. Remains rest lne at the V W Chambers Co. funeral home. 140.1 Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BRAZEROL. C HRISTIAN D. On Tuesday. March 2. 1937. at Providence Hospital CHRISTIAN D. BRAZEROL. aged 71 years, beloved husband of Mary C. Brazerol (nee Schanbtrger) He is also survived by eight sons. John. Edward. Christian, jr.: Frank. Ambrose William. Charles and Clarence: one daughter. Mrs. H. W. Fireh of Bismarck. N. D ; also two brothers and one sisier. John. Frank and Mary Brazerol. Funeral from his late residence. 1214 V st s.e.. on Friday. March f> at 9 a m.; thence to St. Theresa’s Church. 13th and V • sts. s.e.. where high requiem mass will be sung at 9:30 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. (Bal timore papers please copy.) o BROCKINGTON. DANIEL. Departed this life Tuesday. March 2. 1937. at Emer gency Hospital. DANIEL BROCKING TON of 44 1 N st n.w He is survived by a devoted wife. Ida Brockington; two daughters. Frances and Margaret Brockington: one son. Daniel Brocking ton. ji.. two brokers, four sisters, and many other relatives and friends. Re mains may be viewed at the Malvan Schey funeral home. N. J. ave and R st. n w Funeral on Saturday March at 12:30 p ni Relatives and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. BROWN. WILLIAM II. On Wednesday March 3 1937. at his residence. 1308 T st. n.w WILLIAM H BROWN de voted husband of Mery E. Brown, father of Artie L Brown, grandfather of Way man Lottie. Priscilla and Adrian Brown, He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. , Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You st. n.w. until 12 noon Friday, there after at his late res’dence Funeral Saturday March ♦ » at 2 p m from tha Metropolitan Baptist Church R st be tween 12th and 13th sts n.w Rev E C. Smith officiating Relatives and friends invited Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery A BROWN. WILLIAM H The Sir Knights of Henderson Commandery. K T No. 2. are requested to meet at Metropolitan Baptist Church R st between 12th and 3 3th ts. n.w.. Saturday. March H. 1937. at 1 30 n.m.. full Templar uniform, to attend funeral ot Sir Knight WILLIAM H. BROWN All Sir Knights invited. WILLIAM THORNLY. E. C W F SCOTT. Recorder. • BROWN. WILLIAM II. All members of William A. Freeman Lodee. No. 20!MI, G U O of O F . are requested to at tend the reaular meeting this (Friday. March 5. evenins at s o clock. when arranaements will be made to at tend the funeral of our deceased brother. WILLIAM H BROWN. Funeral Satur day. March it. at M p in. WILLIAM B MINOR. N. O. SAMUEL W, WATSON. P. S BROWN. WII.LIAM II. John Marshall Harlan Relief Association announces the death ol WILLIAM H. BROWN Wed nesday. March H. I It 17. at his resi dence. l.iiis P st. n.w. Funeral Sat urday. March t‘. at '1 pm., from Met ropolitan Baptist Church. R st. between 12th and i:uh sts. n.w. GEORGE W COLE President. JAMES W. ROBINSON. Fill. Sec. Brown. WILLIAM H. Special commui\i cation of Hiram Lodge No. 4. F. A. A. JM.. is called for Saturday. March ♦>. I 1937, at 1 p.m . at Scottish Rite Hall, j 3#11th st. n.w.. for the purpose of attending the funeral of Brother WIL LIAM H. BROWN Bv order ol ERNEST DOUGLAS Worshipful Master. HENRY B. GEE. Secretary. CHANEY. PAUL. On Thursday. March 4. 1937. at his residence. 2009 12th st n.w . PAUL CHANEY, beloved husband of Clara G Chaney father of Clara 1 P and Zeln.a Chaney, son of Mrs So phroni Chaney, uncle of Roger Chaney, nephew of William Chafin He also leaves other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.22 You st. n w.. until Sunday. March 7. at 1 1 a m : thereafter at his late residence. 2009 12th st. n w. Funeral Monday. March N. at 1:30 p.m. from the above residence. Rev J O. Bullock and Rev J. E Elliott officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 7 COLLINS. MARIE HARRIS. On Friday. March 5. 1937. at her home Beltsville. Md MARIE HARRIS COLLINS, beloved wife of Orrow P Collins. Funeral serv ices at St. John's P E. Church Belts Ville. Md.. Sunday afternoon at 2 o m. Interment in adjoining cemetery. H CRANDALL, DELLA L. On Thursday March 4. 1937. at the residence of her daughter. Glenn Dale. Md.. DELLA L. CRANDALL beloved wife of the late Oeoree W. Crandall and mother of Mrs. George A Lescallett. Mrs Richard W. Stine and Perry B Crandall. Private funeral services Saturday. March O. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 6 DAILY. ELIZA. On Wednesday. March 3. j 1937 ELIZA DAILY of Nil 23rd st n.w ; She leaves to mourn their loss a de voted friend. Mrs Annie Branch, and I many other friends Remains may be | seen at the George B Clarke Co. fu neral parlor. 14 in Florida ave. n.e.. after 1 p m Friday. March 5. Funeral Sunday. March 7. at 1 pm. from Lib erty Baptist Church 23rd st. be tween H and I sts. n.w Rev. H T. Gaskins, pastor Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 5* Engel. Josephine b. on Wednesday. March 3. 1937 at Washington Sani tarium. Takoma Park. Md. JOSEPHINE B ENGEL, beloved mother ol William B. Engel Remains resting a* the Lee fu neral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Saturday. ; March 0. at 3 p.m. Relatives and * friends invited. Interment private, 5 Raster. OWEN HENRY. On Thursday. March 4 1937. OWEN HENRY FEA- I STER the beloved husband of Fffie F Feaster and father of Mrs. Viola M. Fadeett and Perry O. Feaster. Funeral services at his late residence. 1353 E st. s.e.. on Saturday March •». at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast fu neral home 5 Calloway. Florence. Departed this life Thursday. March 4. 1937. at her residence. •*." s 12th st. n.e.. FLOR ENCE GALLOWAY, daughter of Florence Washington and the late Frank Wash ingtm. She also leaves to mourn their loss three aunts and three uncles. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home 30 H st. n.e. Funeral Monday, March #. at 2 p.m . from the above fu neral home. Rev. Charles Fox officiating. 0 GRAHAM. EDWIN KERSEY. On Thurs day. March 4. 1937. at bis residence 1308*2 Potomac ave. s.e. EDWIN KER SEY GRAHAM the beloved father of , Mrs Mina V Reamy and Mrs. Roberta A. Reamy of Stevensville. Md. and Harry L. Graham of Baltimore. Md F'uneral services at the W W Chamber': Co. k Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. ♦ s.e on Saturday. March 0 at in a m : thence to Methodist Protestant Church. , Stevensville Md.. where services will be • held at 2 D.m. Relatives and friends 4 invited. Interment church cemetery o Hammond. Elizabeth. Denarted this ! life on Thursday. March 4 1937 at Casualty Hospital ELIZABETH HAM MOND of 207 M st. s.w. Remains j resting at the Morris A. Carter funeral home. 2nd and F sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. HARDY. ARY E. The members of Fidelity Council. No. 4. Daughters of America, are requested to take notice that the D of A. services will be held Friday. March 5. 1937. H p.m.. 323 Commerce st.. Alexandria. Va. J. H. HOWELL Sec y. 5 BAZEL. CURTIS. On Wednesday. March 3. 1937 CURTIS HAZEL, devoted son of Ella Hazel, father of Curtis jr.: Eliza beth. Margaret and Claudia Hazel; brother of Jessie. Connie. Edward. Clem aor.. Panzy and Lang Hazel. Julian Har ley. Vanzula Branch and May Ella Hazel. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w Fu neral Tuesday. March 9. at 2 pm., from the Third Bantist Church. 5th and Q sts. n.w.. Rev J O. Bullock officiat ing Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 7 HERCUS. ALICE T. Suddenly on Thurs day. March 4 1937. at the residence of her cousin. Edward M. Hall ALICE T. HERCUS. beloved daughter of the late George C. and Hannah P Hercus Re mains resting at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. until noon Saturday. Funeral service at the Sixth Presbyterian Church, loth and Kennedy sts. n.w . on Saturday. March R. at 3 D.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Reck Creek Cemeterv. Remains may be viewed at church from 2 until 3 p.m. Saturday. HIPKINS. JENNIE E. On Wednesday March 3. J937. at the Home of Incur ables. Washington. D C.. JENNIE E. HTPKINS. aged S3 years daughter of the late Margaret and Louis Htpkins Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va. . where funeral services will be held Sat urday. March 6. at 10:30 a m. Friends invited. Interment Presbyterian Ceme tery Alexandria Va. 5 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. ' aaraagf ^NAtional2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtioPnha»ne2SRC 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORF. Crematorium tth and Mass. Ave, N.E._Ll icoln 5C00 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCCManager) Phone west cnn,, iniA M St N W Established 1M1 m 11 • One of the Ur|«gt Undertaken In the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 •17 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 0*atlrii. HUGHES. LOUISE. On Thursday. March 4. in Alexandria Hospital. LOUISTC HUGHES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes. Funeral from Andrew Chapel March 7. - p.m. Interment Church Cemetery. R JONES. JESSE J. Suddenly, on Wednes day March 1!»:»7. at Emergency Hos pital. JESSE J JONES beloved husband of Marie Jones. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 14(H) Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. March H. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invit ed. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. with military honors. < LANGE. PAUL G. On Friday. March 5. J 037. PAUL G LANGE thebeloved hus band of Louise R. Lange. Funeral serv ices at the W. W. Chambers Co. South east funeral home 617 11th at. s.e. I Notice of time later. LEE. ANNIE. Departed this life on Tues day. March 2. 1037. ANNIE LEE. be loved mother of Lillian Pauls. She also is survived by one sister, three brothers, two nieces two nephews, one cousin, one son-in-law and four grandchildren. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home 30 H st. n.e. Funeral Saturday, March ♦>. at 1 p.m.. from the above fu neral home. Interment Harmony Ceme tery. 5 LEE. CHARLES. On Wednesday. March 3. 1037. at Gallineer Hospital. CHARLES LEE. brother of Mrs. Lottie Keenan. Mrs. Julia Dyson and Frank Lee. Fu neral from the McGuire funeral home. 1820 Oth st. n.w,. Saturday March H. at 8:30 a.m.? thence to St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, where mass will be celebrated at i* o'clock. Friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. LEE. CHARLES H. Members of the Knights of St. Augustine. Commandery No. 2. are hereby notified to assemble at St. Augustine’s Church Saturday, March C». 1937. at 9 am. to attend the funeral of our late brother. CHARLES H. LEE. Remains resting at McGuire’s funeral parlors. 1840 9th st. n.w. DANIEL SPRIGG. President. FRANK GARNER. Secretary. • LEE. CHARLES. John Marshall Harlan Relief Association announce! the death of CHARLES LEE on Wednesday. March 3 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. Fu neral Saturday March H. at 2 p.m.. from McGuire funeral home 1820 Oth st n.w GEORGE W COLE Pres. JAMES W. ROBINSON. Fin. Sec LEE. CHARLES. St. Augustine's Holy Name Society will please meet at Mc Guire's funeral home 1820 Oth st. n.w.. this evening Friday. March 5. 1937. at 7:15 o’clock to recite the Rosary and prayers lor our late brother. CHARLES LEE EDGAR L. KENNEY. President. BERNARD L. GREENFIELD Sec y. • LONGLEY. MARJORIE JEAN. Suddenly, on Thursday. March 4. 1937. MAR JORIE JEAN LONGLEY of Ht 17 Quack enbos st. n.w.. beioved daughter of John D. and Cecelia Longley (nee Cozlin>. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home 2001 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. MANNARINO. GABRIELE. On Thursday March 4. 19.’17. at his residence. 321 E st. n.e. GABRIELE MANNARINO. be loved father of Frank Mannarino. Burial from the Perry A Walsh funeral home. 29 H st. n.w.. Saturday. March H. at 8:3o a.m.: thence to Holy Rosary Church, where reauiem mass will be said at 0 a m. for the repose of his soul. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. MARSH. WILLIAM THOMAS. Departed this life on Tuesday March ff. 1037. at his residence tHUl Water st. s.w . WIL LIAM THOMAS MARSH He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife Mollie Marsh seven children. Bessie Scott. Mary Scott Dora Hill. Louise V. Lucas. Edward. William and Vincent Marsh, and other relatives and friends. Re mains at Campbell's funeral home 4tin 4th st. s.w . until Friday. March 5 at 5 D m. thereafter a’ his late residence where his remains can be viewed. Fu neral Saturday. March H at 0 ft m.. from St. Vincent De Paul’s Church South Capitol and M sts. Relatives and friends invited. 5* MATTHEWS. ROSE ANN. On Thursday. March 4. 1037 at Providence Hospital. ROSE ANN MATTHEWS age 60 years, widow of Edward Matthews. Funeral from her late residence HOT G st. s.e.. cn Monday. March 8. at 8:30 am: thence to St. Peter's Church. *2nd and C sts. s.e., where requiem mass will be offered at 0 a m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Ar raneements by P. A. Taltavuli. 7 MILLS. HELEN F. Suddenly on Thursday. March 4. 1!*37. at her residence. 1401 Newton st. n.e.. HELEN E MILLS. The beloved wife of Charles E. Mills and sister of Maybelle Douglas. Ellsworth Sweet of Elkton. Md. and Paul and Vincent Sweet of North East. Md. Re mains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co Suburban funeral home. 018 Cleve land ave . Riverdale. Md. Notice of funeral later. MILLS. IRENE G. On Wednesday March 3 1037. at her residence. 443H Alabama ave s.e . IRENE G. MILLS tnee Miodle dor?>. beloved wife of Charles P Mills and mother uf Annie B. Mills anc sister of Freo H and Charles O Middledorf and Mrs. Bertha Myers and Mrs Pauline Murphy Funeral from the above resi dence on Saturday. March H. at 8:30 a in : thence to St. Aloysius Church, whert mass will be offered at 0 a m. for the repose of her soul Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery Services bv the W W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 6 NEAL GEORGE A. Suddenly, on Friday March 5. 1937, at Casualty Hospital GEORGE A NEAL beloved husband of Emma Virtue Neal of 3510 34th st.. Mount Rainier, Md. Services from the funeral home of Almus R. Speare. 3200 Rhode Island ave n.e.. on Monday March 8. at 1 30 pin Relatives end friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 7 O'KEEFE. JOHN. On Wednesday. March •'!. 1937. af Sibley Hospital. JOHN O'KEEFE, beloved husband of Bertha A. O'Keefe and brother of Margaret Long. Funera' from hts late residence. 4842 Kansas ave n.w. Saturday. March 0. at n am.: thence to St. Gabriel's Church, where mass will be offered at. 9:39 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 5 PETTEPHER. LUCILLE. On Thursday. March 4. 1937. at Providence Hospital, LUCILLE PETTEPHER. beloved daugh ter of Catherine Pettepher t nee Mooney) and sister of Delores and Bruce Pette pher. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home, 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of time later. ROBINSON. THADDIUS. On Thursday. March 4. 1937. at his residence. 452 Franklin st. n.w. THADDIUS ROBIN SON. husband of Mrs Sarah Robinson, father of Bernice Slayton, cousin of Mrs. A E, King, dear friend of Mrs Gertrude Lloyd Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 6 ROSE .JAMES E. On Thursday March 4 1937 at Mount Alto Hospital. JAMES E RUSE, aeed 80 years, the beloved husband of Mary E Rose and father of William J and Charles P, Rose and Mrs V B Calfee Mrs J. J Kennedy and Mrs. C. P. Engstrom and grand father of Clarence E Rose Funeral services at the W W Chambers Co suburban funeral home. 918 Cleveland ave , Riverdale. Md on Monday. March 8 a* 1 :.'to n m : thence to German Lu theran Church, corner of Edmonston rd. and Jefferson ave, Riverdale Md.. at 2 p m Relatives and friends invited 6 SCHNEIDER. MARGARET C. On Friday. March 5 1937. at Emergency Hospital. MARGARET C wife of James D F. Schneider Private services will be held on Saturday afternoon. March 0. SCOTT. WINNIE. On Thursday March 4. 19.3, at 213 H st. s.w.. WINNIE SCOTT, wife of the late Joshua Scott She is also survived by a sister. Rebecca Fruits: four brothers. Joseph. Rev. Jesse. Joshua an, Alexander Anderson: many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R I. ave n.w Funeral Monday. March 8. at 2 pm from above-named funeral home Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Rev A P Cook officiating. 7 SMITH. EMMA RICHARDSON. Suddenly, on Friday March 5 1937 at her resi dence. EMMA RICHARDSON SMITH, widow of Jay B Smith. Funeral serv ices at her late residence. 890 Taylor st. nw on Monday March « at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. 7 SMITH. KATF. Departed this life Wed nesday March 3. 1937 at her residence. 217 Eve st s.w. wATE S'Gth beloved mother of Ruth Rozier Willena Blair. Helen Mahonev and Henrv Mahon«v: grandmother of Vircle and Ruth Ma honey. She also leaves to mourn a de voted friend. Robert Hunter and sev eral other relatives and friends Re mains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home 1300 South Capitol st. Body may be seen at her late residence after 4 pm Friday. Funeral Saturday. March 0 at 2 D.m. from Mount Morah Baptist Church 3rd and L sts. s.w. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 5 STEWART. RALPH W. On Thursday March 4 1937 at Mount Alto Hospital. RALPH W STEWART beloved husband of Emily Stewart. Funeral from the W W Chambers Co funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. on Saturday March 0. at 10 a m. Interment Wa'h .ington Memorial Park. 5 SYVERSON. JOHN WADE. On Wednes day March 3, 1937. JOHN WADE SY VERSON. the beloved son of Theodore S. and Marie J. Svverson and father of Theodore Edward Syverson. aged 24 years. Funeral from the W. W. Cham bers Co. funeral home 1400 Chapin at. n.w.. on Saturday March 6. at 2:30 p ;n. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. TAYLOR EMMET! OVERTON. Departed this life on Tuesday March 2 1937. at his residence 191.3 south Langley st.. Arlington Va EMMETT OVERTON TAYLOR, beloved hushano at Nora Tay lor father of Alfred Ernest and Willtem Taylor Mrs Dorothy Heflman and Mrs. Verne Deane: brother of Rev. Carter L.. William and Minor Tay’or. Mrs Odess Shively Mrs Annie V'hite and Mrs. Olivia Holiday. He also leaves to mourn their loss ten grandchildren, two sons ln-law two daughters-in law and a host of other relatives and fr.ends Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You st n.w.. intll 4 Friday: thereafter at his lat* residence. Funeral Saturday March 0. ° o.m., from the Macedonia Baptist Chuich. Rev. F W. Phillips officiating. Inter ment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. 5 _FUNERAL DESIGNS._ GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PRONE NAT. 0106 Open Evenings _ . . . - - •“A Sundays Cor. 14th & EyC GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece* lsia r at. n.w. nationai *278 PUPPET SHOW DATED FOR COUNTRY CLUB Fernand Brossard to Give Exhibi tion at Congressional Sun day Afternoon. Fernand Brossard, master of the French puppet show known as the Guignol, will stage a special exhibi tion of his art in the Congressional F. Brassard. Country Club Sunday at 4 p.m. Guest of J. E. Berry, general agent of the French Line, M. Brossard has made his dolls act on ships crossing the At lantic Ocean for many years, a travel coverage close to 500,000 miles. He began as an ocean-go ing Guignoliste when the French Line steamer Paris was put in service, later went to the lie de France and is now the major performer on the Nor mandie, French Line flagship. Old and young of all nations have enjoyed the performances of M. Bros sard's marionettes on the high seas, but this marks the first time the show was ever braught to Washington. Many children will be invited to at tend the performances at the Con gressional Country Club Sunday. The following day the puppet show will be taken to the Children’s Hospital, where a private performance will be given in honor of Miss Mattie Gibson, superintendent of the hospital. Brossard. a stocky little Frenchman in his 50th year, has been making dolls dance and talk since he was a boy of 5—the son of a hotel keeper in Tours. He has staged his shows after the fashion of those in the Grand Guignol, that internationally known little theater in the Rue Chap tal, Montmartre, Paris. With this one exception: While many of the plays in the Montmortre are tragic, most of the Brossard plays are comic—espe cially those for children. TOVKS, ELIZA. Wednesday. March 3 MM, at Caldwell. N. J , ELTZA TONKS. cherished sister of Ann. Jane and Prank Service at the Colonial Home. 13'f South Harrison st.. East Orange. N J Fu neral from Brick Church Station on Saturday morning. March «. at 1(1 o'clock. TROREY. AGNES MILLER. On Wednes day March 3. 11137. in St. Francis Hos pital. Miami Beach Fla. AGNES MIL LER TROREY. wife of George E. Trorev sister of Mr. W C. Miller. A N. Miller. Mrs- J? ,?■ Btffey of Washington and Mrs. B. W. Brockett of Cleveland Ohio. Funeral at Miami Beach. Fla Satur day. March ti. Interment Florida. VOWELLS. CLARA. Deoarted this life on Friday March 5, 1H37. at Gallinger Hospital after a brief illness CLARA VOWELLS, the beloved daughter of Mrs. Annie Vowells. She leaves to mourn their loss one sister Edith McPherson: two brothers. William and Bernard Vowells. ana a niece. Edith Grayson: other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L E. Murray & Son. No tice of funeral later. WALLACE. LELIA. On Friday March 5. 1937 at the Home for the Aged. LELIA WALLACE Remains resting at Fra ziers funeral home. 389 R. I. aye. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 6 WARREN ROBERT. Members of W Bruce Evans Lodge. Na. 380. I B P. O E. of W.. are hereby teauested to be present at a session of sorrow for our iate brother. ROBERT WARREN on Friday. March 6. 1937. at 8 p.m . and to attend the funeral services to be held at Glen arden. Md.. on Sunday. March 7. at 3 p.m . at First Baptist Churcn. ROBERT H PALMER Exalted Ruler. GEORGE WINEBERG. Secretary. WILDING. GEORGE W. On Wednesday. March 3. 1937 GEORGE W WILDING late residence. 508 Quackenbos st. n.w.. the beloved husband of Jane E. Wilding inee Goddard! and beloved father of Julia Sampson William George and Albert B Wilding Margaret Kraus. John F Wilding Louis A Wilding. Jane Knowles. Anna Tomlinson and the late Elia Kraus. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. March ti. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 6 WILKINSON. LLCILLE WARFIELD. On Sunday. February 21. 19.37, LUCILLE WARFIELD WILKINSON, beloved daugh ter of the late A. George and Lou.B. Wilkinson and sister of Mrs. Howard L. Hodgkins and George L Wilkinson. Services at the First Baptist Church. Kith and O sts n.w.. Saturday. March fi. at 3 pm Interment at Congres sional Cemetery. Please omit flowers. • WILKINSON. SARAH VIRGINIA. Depart ed this life on Thursday March 4. 1937. at 4:45 pm. at her residence. 1753 You st. n.w . SARAH VIRGINIA WILKINSON wife of the late John Wil kinson and mother of Arthur Wilkinson. Edna Perry and the late Hattie O. Dyson Jeanette and Harry Wilkinson. Funeral Monday. March 8. at 11 am., from the above address. Relatives and friends are invited. 6-7 WILLIAMS. EDGAR. Departed this life Monday. March 1. 1937. EDGAR WIL LIAMS of 14ti(i Church st. n.w. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wile Perry Williams; three children a mother one sister and many other rela tive.-, and friends. Remains resting at Malvan * Schey's funeral home. New Jersey ave and R st. n.w Funeral Saturday March ti. at 3 pm. from above parlors Relatives and friends tn vitea Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. WORK. JENNIE S. On Thursday. March 4. 1937. JENNIE S. WORK, beloved aunt of Theodore D. Martin. Funeral from the W. W Chambers Co. funeral home. 14on CTiapin st. n.w.. on Saturday. March H at 1:30 P.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Jtt iflemnrtam. ANGELL. ELIZABETH M. Sacred to the memory of our dearly beloved wife and mother. ELIZABETH M. ANGELL (nee Snappi. who entered into peaceful rest fourteen years ago today. March 5. 1923. At home on the beautiful hills of God. By the valley of rest so fair: Some day. some time, when our task is o'er. With joy we will meet you there. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND, JESS. AND SON. BUSTER. • BROWN. HELEN C. In memory of my dear mother. HELEN C. BROWN, who passed away from me ten years ago to day. March 5. 1927. HER DAUGHTER. DOROTHY. • BROWN. SARAH. In sad but loving re membrance of my darling grandmother Mrs SARAH BROWN who left me seventeen years ago today. March 5. 1920. She's gone, but the treasure she left me Is truly of value untold. A life filled with deeds of kindness And beauty of heart and soul. Thy will be done, dear Lord. I do not dare complain: And In my heart I have the hop* That my loss was Thy gain. _ HER LONFL" ORA" 'naTTOHTEP SARAH SKIPWTTH PETERSON of Arlington. Va • CEPHAS. JAMES W. A tribute of love to the memory of my brother JAMES W. CEPHAS, who left me eight years ago today March S. 1929. Oh. why should the spirit of mortal be Droud? Like a swift-flying meteor, a fast-flying Cloud: Like a flash of lightning—* break of the wave— Man passes from life to rest In his grave HIS SISTER 8UE. * CLEMENTS. BARBARA C. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our dear daughter and sister. BARBARA C. CLEMENTS, who .massed away ten years ago today, March 5 1927. Loving and kind In all her ways. Upright and just to the end of her days. Sincere and kind In heart and mind. What a beautiful memory she left be hind. THE FAMILY. • LEWIS WILLIAM F. In sad but loving remembri nee of my dear husband and our father. WILLIAM F. LEWIS who departed his life one year ago today. March R <936 HIS LOVINC WIFE ANNIE *.: SON. WILLIAM 7. AND DAUGHTER-IN LAW THELMA LEWIS. QUISENBURY. AI DIE. A tribute to the memorv of my dear mother ADDIE QUI6ENBURY who left me five years aao today March 5. 1932. It la not the tears at the time that are shed That tell the heart la broken: But the silent tears In after years And remembrance silently spoken. HEP DAUGHTFR. MARGUERITE HON ESTY. • TURNER. ARELLIA. In memory of my mother. ARELLIA TURNER, who died six yeara ago today. March 5. 1931. Qone. but not forgotten. HER DAUGHTER. MRS. E. JOSEPH. • WURDEMAN. LOUIS D. In aad but lov ing remembrance of our dear husband and father. LOUIS D. WURDEMAN who departed this life one rear ago today. March 5. 1936. JOSEPHINE WURDEMAN AND CHIL DREN. • WILLIAM P. BADEN, 81, EXPIRES AFTER ILLNESS Former Traction Company Em ploye—Funeral Service* to Be Tomorrow. William P. Baden, 81, of 1422 Clif ton street, former employe of the old Capital Traction Oo., diet yesterday after a short illness in Garfield Hos pital. Mr. Baden, retired about eight years ago, had been conductor; later worked in the office, where he received money collected on the street car runs, and last held a position in the Capital Traction Co. paint shop. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ella Bean Baden; a son, William G. Baden: two sisters. Miss Emma Baden and Miss Ella Baden, and a brother, John Baden, all of this city. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Baden, Md. Burial will be in’the church cemetery. LAST RITES TOMORROW FOR CAPT. H.D. HINCKLEY Former Coast Guard Academy Superintendent to Be Buried in Arlington. Funeral services for Capt. Harold D. Hinckley, 59. former superintendent of the Coast Guard Academy, New Lon don. Conn., who died last Sunday in Seattle. Wash., will be held at IX a.m. tomorrow in Arlington National Cem etery. Capt. Hinckley was superintendent of the academy from 1923 to 1928 and, several years ago. served for some time at Coast Guard headquarters here in Washington. Born at Hyannis, Mass., he was ap pointed to the Coast Guard Academy in 1897, receiving his commission two years later. He was promoted several times, reaching the rank of captain in 1929. He retired in 1934. Capt. Hinckley's service during the World War included command of sev eral Coast Guard ships in foreign wa ters. He was awarded the Navy Cross and the Victory Medal. Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Mabelle C. Hinckley of Seattle. 0de.r Hill ‘WaAlutujtim imdBeautijjul (emeteru Community Mausoleum, Columbarium and Rrceivinr Vaults. FIRMAN R. HORNER’S FUNERAL TOMORROW i * - Bank Official’s Nephews and Grandchildren to Act as Pallbearers. Funeral services for Firman R. Hor ner, 74, vice president and director of the McLachlen Banking Corp., will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at his late residence, 1215 Monroe street northeast, where he died Wednesday. Rev. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty, pastor of the Church of the United Brethren, will officiate. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Horner's nephews and grand children will be active pallbearers. They are Edward, Louis and Warren Mr. Horner. Horner, nephews, and Charles B. Horner, jr.; P. R. Cotter and J. W. Cotter, Jr., grand children. Mem bers of the board of directors of the McLachlen Bank ing Corp. will be honorary pall bearers. Mr. Horner’s son, Charles B. Horner, Los An geles, Calif., is ex pected to arrive here tomorrow morning. Identified with the McLachlen Bank ing Corp. more than 46 years, Mr. Horner had been vice president since 1897. He was a member of the Wash ington Board of Trade. Besides his banking connections, he was director of companies operating apartment houses here, the Brookland Building Association and the Washington In vestment Co. ~~ DOCTORS ~~ RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY Chamberi $2 any place » in the city Columbia 0432 One of the Urrnt Undertaker* f in the World. WILLIAM H. HUMISTON FUNERAL IS CONDUCTED Burial in Rock Creek Cemetery for Man Associated With Shoe Firm 42 Tears. Funeral services for William H. Humiston, 76, for 42 years associated with the Arthur Burt Shoe Co., were being held today at his late residence. Mr. Humiston. 3206 Nineteenth I street, where he died Wednesday. Rev. Dr. Albert Evans of New York Avenue! Presbyter ian Church and Rev. Dr. Ze Barney T. Phillips, rector of the E p i s c o pal Church of the Epiphany, are of ficiating. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Humiston came here from New Haven, Conn. He had been ac tive at the store until his final illness. Previously he had served as secretary and buyer for the firm. He was a member of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. -9 — ■ Egypt will give bonuses to travel agencies to favor It in their itineraries, j ! For Reference ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR $75 No Extras! For a Regular $150 Funeral WASHINGTON’S LOWEST PRICES $75 to $200 and up DEAL Funeral Home Phone Li. 8200-8201 BODY OF LEO J. FLYNN BURIED IN DUBUQUE Interstate Commerce Examiner, Who Died Wednesday, 25 Years in Service. Funeral services were held in Du buque, Iowa, today for Leo J. Flynn, i an Interstate Commerce Commission i examiner for a quarter of a century, who died Wednesday. Flynn, a native of Dubuque, had been ill some time, the condition of his health forcing his resignation from the commission in October. He was widely known in the trans portation field, an investigation he j conducted more than five years ago laying the foundation for the motor ; carrier act, regulating interstate bus and truck operation. Theater Has “Crying Room.” OSCEOLA, Nebr. 04>). — Infants taken to F. E. Kline's theater some times disturbed audiences by squalling. Now Kline urges parents to bring them and use his specially constructed "crying room.” PIERCE MILL TO OPEN DURING WEEK ENDS P. W. Hoover, general manager of the Welfare and Recreational Associ ation of Public Buildings and Grounds, Inc., today announced that Pierce Mill, in Rock Creek Park, will be in opera tion and open to visitors on Saturday afternoon from 1 to 4:30 and on Sun day from 1 to 5 o'clock. Hitherto the mill has been closed over the week end. Under the new program, it will be closed all day Mon day. C. Marshall Finnan, superintendent of National Capital parks, has ar ranged to have guides on hand to ex plain the operation of the mill to the public. Robert Little, the miller in charge, will also assist in receiving the public. Milburn T. Z1RKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS j Ambulance Service s 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 1 North Side of Stanton Park. rr . The highest type^jk of service zvithi/i A the means of all ‘nj BECAUSE our service is recognized as being one of the finest available in • Washington is no reason why it should be within the means of just a i few. To all who come to us will be given the same complete, capable, sincerely helpful service regardless of the price that’s paid. Remember to call Ryan Service. Ryan De Luxe Ambulance Service the Last H’ord in Ambulance Service. Phone Atlantic 1700. James T. Ryan Funeral Director U7 Pa. Ar*. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 -DRUG STORE In the new, beautiful Bethesda-Chevy Chase Shopping Center Wisconsin Avenue at Leland St. Tomorrow — Saturday — March 6th, we open our doors to the public to participate in the GRAND OPENING SALE FREE! FLOWERS FOR THE LADIES Special! Lord Baltimore Coral Finish Box Paper and Rocker Desk Blotter. Both for _ -49c f r%* ' Smofcu FREE! smokes FOR THE MEN Special! With each purchase of Sym phony Double Deck Bridge Cards at 69c 2 bridge score pads FREE. __ FREE! BALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES Special! 10c can $50,000.00 Chocolate Syrup FREE with each pur chase of one pint of Breyer’s Ice Cream._ FREE! Gift Boxes For Adults Only Special! 49c MI 31 Antiseptic Solution, 35c Klenzo Tooth Brush. Both for -49c | Agents f or-COTY-YARDLEY-HOUBIGANT-LENTHERIC-Carol Randolph-H. H. Ayers—4711—WOODBURY-BOURJOIS $3.00 Shari Triple Compact-—$100 75c Lorie Toilet Soap, 6 in box-39c 50c Woodbury’* Cream* - 39c Jergens Lavender Oatmeal Soap, 12 in box-98c 50c Jergent Lotion- 36c 39c Martell’* Bay Rum (12 ox.)-23c 50c Kolyno* Tooth Parte -35c 50c Hind* Honey*Almond Cream -39c 35c Ingram Shaving Cream-29c 60c Phillip* Face Cream* -53c 40c Bort Tooth Parte or Powder-32c Queen Anne Lotion — -35c and 65c Purest Zinc Stearate Powder- 21c 25c J. & J. Baby Talc__19c—50c size, 39c 50c Woodbury’s Lilac Vegetal-29c 50c Williams Shaving Cream-39c 55c Ponds Face Cream* .-39c $1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic-75c 50c Lyon’s Tooth Powder-d2c 35c Lifebuoy Shaving Cream-25c 50c Woodbury’* Liquid Castil* Shampoo......29c Tyra Facial Tissues, 500 in box-10t Roxbury Hot Water Bottle-49c Roxbury Fountain Syringe-49c 39c Rubbing Alcohol (16 oz.)-19c 45c Witch Hazel (16 oz.) -29c Venida Sanitary Napkins, 12 in box-17c 1,000 %'grain Sacharin Tablets- 79c 50c Pepsodent Antiseptic -39c, 2 for 40c Master’s Cod Liver Oil (16 oz.)- 49c 100 5-grain Cascara Tablets-21c 1-lb. Price’s Epsom Salts - ®c 100 5-grain Hobart’s Aspirin Tablets-29c 4 ozs. Fluid Extra Cascara-23c 25c Glycerin Suppositories'-16c 4 ozs. Glycerin and Rosewater..-,-17c HaskeU’s Milk of Magnesia (pint) .-29c Grayson’s Russian Mineral Oil (pint)-39c Lampson’s American Mineral Oil (pint)-39c 3 ozs. Senna Leaves... -13* Chilton’s Soda Bicarb. (Ib.)-9* 8 ozs. Sterle Solution Boric Acid-12c Soda Mint Tablets, 100 in bottle.13c 4 ozs. Camphorated Oil 60c Alka Seltzer-49c $1.00 Ovoferrin- °9c 75c Bayer’s Aspirin (100 5-gr.)-59c 50c S. T. Antiseptic-45c > 50c Vicks Nose Drops-39c 75c Vince Antiseptic -05c 60c California Syrup Figs-49c 50c Squibbs Cod Liver Oil-43c $1.25 Eskays Neurophosphates-95c 60c Father John’s Medicine -45c 75c Squibbs Mineral Oil (pint) -59c $1.00 Puretest Halibut Oil Caps (50 s)-79c Bisma Rex Antiacid Powder -50c 75c Anacin Tablets, bottle of 50-69c 75c Listerine -59c 30c K. Y. Jelly, tube_23c 60c Rem_ ___51c 35c Puretest Peroxide of Hydrogen (pint)-19c 40c Fletcher’s Castoria-28c 25c Feenamint —19c 35c Squibbs Milk of Magnesia-29c ^