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BONDS UNCERTAIN Trading Centers in Cor porate List Where Railroad Issues Improve. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust. Util F’an Net change. Unc. —.1 —.1 Unc. Today, noon. 96.9 103.9 101.3 73.0 Prev day_ 96.9 104.0 101.4 73.0 Month ago. 97.8 104.0 102.2 73.6 Year ago... 93.9 103.3 102.3 72.0 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 96.9 103.8 101.3 72.8 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 ■ 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high—.101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _111.1 Prev. day. 111.1 Month ago 111.8 Year ago. 111.8 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 110.8 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Prass.) B7 the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 5.—Trading fell away to a shadow of its former self in the bond market today and prices Wriggled indecisively in narrow ranges. What trading there was centered in the domestic corporate section where railroad issues tended to improve a bit and utilities sagged a little. Baltimore & Ohio 4'2s, Great Northern 4s and Chesapeake Corp. 5s improved a point or so. while St. Paul 5s of 1975, Penn sylvania general 4s and Southern Rail way 4s gained fractionally. International Paper & Power 5s and American & Foreign Power 5s worked lower on light dealings. Abitibi 5s. however, jumped up more than l’j points. United States Government loans were traded at lower prices with set backs extending from 1/32 to 6 32 of ft point. — ■■ • DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK March 5.—Dividends de clared 'prepared by the standard Statis tics Corp 1: Extra. Pe- Stic, of Pay Rate riod. record, able. Mead Johnson & Co _75c 3-16 4-1 Reduced. Bepeekeo Sugar 16c M 3-10 3-15 Accumulated. Central States El (Iowat 7% pf A (825) .109375 __ 3-1 3-20 Do rey-pf ArsiOOl 43\c .. 3-1 3-20 Do ti% pfB<S25) .09375. 3-1 3-20 Do «<"„ pfB(8100) .37Va .. 3-1 3-20 Do 0% pfC($25) .09375 3-1 3-20 Do 6r-rpfC(*lO0> 37'ic 3-1 3-20 •pang Chalfant k Co 6", pf 51.50 3-17 4-1 Regular. Borg-Warner Corp 81 Q 3-16 4-1 City Auto Stamping 15c 3-15 4-1 Mead Johnson 75c Q 3-15 4-1 Moore Corn Ltd __ 40c Q 3-10 4-1 ' Moore Corp Ltd :rr A pf 81.75 Q 3-10 4-1 Do ?e* B pf 81.75 Q 3-10 4-1 Richardson 20c 3-ti 3-12 FAR Lazarus 25c 3-15 3-25 Natl Enam A Stamp 50c Q 3-19 3-31 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. March 5 "TV—Over-the eounter market bank and trust companies —opening bid and asked prices Bid. Asked. Bank of Manhattan (IV)— 38V 38V Chase il.4(D 58V tllv2 City ill 58 58 Commercial (St _221 227 First National 4100)_2485 2*35 Public (1V> ..._ 64 56 Bankers CD _ 77 V 79V Brooklyn Trust (4) 149 154 Central Hanover (4)_143V 14HV Chemical (1.80) .__ 77 79 Continental (.801 19V 20-v Corn Exchange (3)_ 71V 72V Empire (1) 35V 3«V Guaranty (12) _ _35k 363 Irving (.floi _ 1 sV 19V Lawyers' Trust (2.40)_ 53 56 Manufacturers c2> . _ 64'2 66V New York Trust (5) . 147V 150', Title Guaranty & Trust 1KV 17V FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. March 5 (JP>.—Federal Land Bank bonds: Bid. Asked. 4%s Nov 1958-38_105*4 106 4%s May 1957-37_100% 101% 4s May 1958-38 _103% 104 4s Nov 1957-37 _ 1 (»•,»% 102% 4s July 1940-44_111 1115* «%s May 1955-45 _ 104 104% 3s July 1055-45 _10L,3« 103 3s Jan 1950-46 _ 10M% 103 9s May 1956-46 _102% 103 -• CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. March 5 OP).—Poultry, live 20 trucks: hens easier, chickens firm; hens over 5 pounds. 17; 5 pounds and less. 19: Leghorn hens 16V: colored fryers. 24: White Rock. 24: Plymouth Rock 26; col ored broilers. 23: White Rock. 23: Plym outh Rock. 24: barebacks. 18: roosters. 13: Leghorn roosters. 12: turkeys, hens. 21: young toms. 17: old. 16: No. 2 turkeys, 15: ducks. 4V pounds up. white and col ored. 20: small, white and colored. 17: geese. 14: capons. 7 pounds up. 24: less than 7 pounds 23. Butter. 7.358: firm: creamery, specials (93 score'. 34V-35. extras <92> 34; extra firsts (90-91 >. 33V-V: firsts (88-89). 32 33: standards (On. centralized carlotsi. .'14. Ergs. 14.303; unsettled, prices un ehenged. Potatoes. 65: on '.rack. 282: total United Sates shipments. 752: old stock, supplies moderate, best russets firm, demand fairly good other stock steady demand light: sacked per hundredweight. Idaho Rus set Burbank' C S. No 1. 3.25-65. ac cording to size and quality: Colorado Red McClures. U. S No 1 few sales. 3.00-05: Wisconsin Round Whites, no U. S No 1 sales reported: U S. commercial car. 2.20: Wisconsin Cobblers. U S. No. 2. for seed ear. 2.25: new stock firm, supplies moder »te. demand moderate: track sales, car lots bushel crates. F'orida Bliss Triumphs. U. 8 No. 1. 2.17V a crate. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. March 5 OP).—Eggs. 11. *93. irregular. Mixed colors: standards (less than carlots). 24%-%: carlots. 25b; firsts. 23-23%; mediums, 22%-%; other mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 7.041; firmer; creamery, higher than extra. 35-35%: extra <92 score). 34%; firsts <88-91 scores). 32%-34%: sec onds (84-87 scores). 30%-32’/«: centralized 190 score). 34. Cheese 92.088: firm and unchanged. Live poultry, by freight, firm; chickens. Leghorn. 15. Fowl, colored. 21: Leghorn. 18. Turkeys. 18-26. Other freight prices unchanged. It—Bid. >■ >-> a U. S. TREASURY POSITION. Br the Associated Press. The position of the Tre^ury on March *■ Receipts S24.468.960.74: expenditures. *79.345.415.53: balance. *1.600.854. 192 20: customs receipts for the month. *6.652.070.07. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July I'. *2.778.880.507.63: expenditures. S4, *63.597.776.34. including *1.945.178. *03.16 of emergency expenditures; excess of expenditures. S2.084.717.268.71: gross debt. *34.697.702.644.40. an Increase of *53.488,182.25 over the previous day: fold assets. *11.442.909.506.15. including >211,710.408.73 of inactive gold. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. March 5 OPt.—Gilt-edged se curities declined as fresh selling orders came into the stock market, while trading In other sections was quiet. Trans-Atlantic shares rallied from their early lows while oil and mining stocks were active and firm German bonds sold higher, although Polish Issues were in large supply. Steel and avia tion issues were in fair demand. PARIS.—Railroad and electrical securi ties continued firm at higher prices, while the remainder of the list was mixed after early strength Rentes finished with net gains of 5 to 25 centimes, while Bank of France lost 75 francs. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. March 5 «p>.—Foreign ex • change easy: Great Britain, demand. 4.8711; cables. 4.8711: 60-day bills. t.H6!2; France, demand. 4.56: cablea. .56: Italy, demand. 5.26%: cablea. 5.26%. Demands: Belgium. 16.88: Germany, free. 40.22: registered. 20.00; travel 23.90; Holland. 54.72: Norway. 24.53; fweden. 25.18: Denmark. 21.81: Finland. .17; Switzerland. 22.82; 8paln. un quoted: Portugal. 4.45; Greece. .90: Po land. 18.96: Czechoslovakia. 3.49: Yuao alavia. 2.34: Austria. 18.73n: Hungary. 19.80; Rumania. .75: Argentina. 32.55n; Brazil. 8.80%n: Tokio. 28.49: Shanghai, 29.80; Hongkong. 30.44: Mexico city. 27.80: Montreal In New York. 100: New York in Montreal. 100. n—nominal. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY. High. Low. 2:55. 24s 1949-5S_ 101.10 101.7 101.7 2%a 1945-47_ 104.81 104.29 104.81 24s 1946-47 reg.. 104.27 104.27 104.27 24a 1948-51_ 103.24 103.24 108.24 24a 1961-64_ 108,11 103.8 108.8 24s 1956 59_ 103.11103.8 103.19 2**8 1950-60_ 104.22 104.18 104.21 3s 1946-48 _ 107. 107. 107. 3a 1951-65 _ 106.19 I Ob.17 106.19 »4s 1946-49_ 107.24 107.22 107.24 3 i*s 1949-52_ 107.22 107.22 107.22 314 s 1941 _ 107.16 107.13 107.13 3148 1944-46 i0?.30 107.80 I07.3U 34s 1 940-4.3.1une 106.25 106.23 106.23 34b 1941-43 Mar 107.24 107.V2 107.22 34s 1943-47 ... 108.18 108.18 108.18 348 1946-56 _ 112.19 112.19 112.19 4S 1944-64 .. 114.4 113.20 113.80 4 14 s-3 14 a 1943-45 107.30 107.27 107.30 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1947 _ 105. 104.81 104.81 3s 1949 _ 105.2 104.31 105. 34s 1964_ 108.23 103.23 103.28 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3148 1942-44_ 102.5 102.4 102.4 Z4s 1939-49_ 102.15 102.10 102.10 Ss 1952_ 104.15 104.14 104.14 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low. 2:55. Abltibl Pa&Pw 6a *63 . 93*4 93 834 Antloqula 7s 45 A- 164 164 16!* Antlonuta 7s 45 D_ 16 16 16 Argentine 44s’71_- 984 994 993* Argentina 1 4s 62- 101V? 1014 1014 Argentine 6s 57 A .. 102 4 102 102 Argentine 6s *68 B 101 101 101 Argentine 6s 59 June 101 101 101 Argentine 6s 59 Oct 102 1014 102 Argentine 6a’60 Sept I02‘, 102 4 10214 ircentlne 6s 60 Orl 102 102 102 Argentine 6s 61 Febr 1U14 1014 1014 Argentine 6s’61 May 1024 1024 1024 Australia 44s 66_ 1004 1004 1004 Australia 6s 55__1064 106 106*4 Australia 5s’67_ 1064 106 1064 Belgium 7s 65_1164 1164 1164 Berlin 6s 58 _ 24 24 24 Berlin Elec 6s’65_ 244 244 244 Berlin Elec 6 4s’51_ 254 254 254 Berlin Elec 64s'59—. 25 25 25 Brazil 64s'26-'67_ 454 44*4 444 Brazil 64s’27-*67_ 434 48 43 Brazil 7s’62_ 444 44!* <44 Brazil *s'41.. 614 504 504 Brisbane 5s'68_ 1004 1#04 1004 Bue A1 4 4»-4 4s '76— 814 814 814 Buenos Alrea 44»-34s’77Pv_ 794 794 794 Buenos Aires 4%S-4 4s'76 April 804 804 804 Buenos A 44s'76 Aug 79 4 79 4 79 4 Buenos A 6s'61 St Pv 86 86 86 Bulgaria 7s 67 July coupon off_ 244 244 244 Canada 34s 61_ 1004 tOu too Canada 4s 60_ 1074 1074 1074 Canada 5s'521114 1114 1114 Chile 6s'60 _ 244 234 234 Chile 6s 61 Jan_ 24 24 24 Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 244 234 234 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 234 284 234 Chile 6s 62 _ 2*4 234 284 Chile 6s 63 - 24 234 234 Chile 7a'42 _ 25 25 2b Chila Mtg Bk 6s '61— 21 21 21 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 .. 20*. 204 2«4 Chile Mtg Bk 64a'57. 21 21 21 Chile Mtg Bk 64s 61. 21 204 204 Chilean Mun E 7s SO.. 19 19 19 Cologne 6 4s'50 -- 26 4 26 4 264 Colombia 6s 61 Jan— 364 35V-- 354 Colombia 6s 61 Oct... 364 884 864 Copenhagen 5s '52 - 994 994 9»4 Cordoba 7s 42 Prv_ 974 974 974 Costa Rica 7 s A'51_- 36 354 36 Cuba 5s 14-'49. 1024 1024 10^4 Cuba 54s 45 684 6»4 684 Czechoslovakia 8s'52 1044 1044 1044 Denmark 4 4s 62 luOE 10< 4 1004 Dominic 1st 64s'40.. «04 804 8u4 Dominic 1st 64* 42 814 8IJ4 814 Dominic 2d 54s 40 81 81 81 Dominic 54s'61 ext HI Hi Hi Dominic 1st 54s'69ext 81 804 81 GerC Ag Bk 6s'60 Oct 3 J4 374 374 Ger Gen Elec 6s ’48 .. 34 884 34 Ger Gov 6 4s‘65 at — 254 24 4 244 Ger Rep 7a '49 atpd . 31 304 304 GrtCEl Jap 64s‘50.. *7 87 87 lt*l»7l 51 895* 8s 89 Japan 65*s '65_8034 8054 80*4 Japan 654s'54- 96 955§ 9654 Kreug&Toll Es'69 eta. 4674 4674 4574 Mex 4a l0-'46 aaat sm 674 <74 64* Mex Ira 4%a'43 asst— 774 774 774 Milan 654a 62 — 77 7674 7674 Minas Gers6 54s '5S Sept coupon off _ 38Tf 38H 38^ MinasGers 654s '69 Sept coupon on _ 8154 8154 8154 New So Wales 6s’57— 103'4 10874 10374 Norway '54S'65_ 10174 100*4 10054 Norway 4 54s'56_ i03‘* 1034* IC3V* Norway 5s '63 _ 9954 9954 9954 Norway 6s 43 —__106',. 10674 10674 Norway 6s 44 _... 10654 1 0654 1 06 74 Nuremberg 6s'52- 2374 2374 2374 Oriental Dev 6 54s'58 74 74 74 Oslo 454 1 65 . 10054 10054 10054 Paris Orl Ry 6 54 s 68. 101 101 101 Pernambuco 7a '47 Sept coupon off_ 28' 2874 2874 Peru 6s 60 _ 254* 2474 2674 Peru 6s 61 _ 2554 2574 2674 Poland Ss 40- 5174 6174 »1T4 Poland 7s 47-J_ 63 63 63 Poland 8s 60 _ 6274 5274 6274 Porto Alegre 7 54s ’66 July coupon off_ 2974 2974 2974 Prussia 654s 51_ 24 24 24 Rhine W El P 6s '63_ 2674 2674 2674 Rhine W El P 7s'60_ 26 26 26 Rio de Jan 654S '6I Aug coupon off_ 3174 61 81 Rio da Jan 8s 46 April coupon off_ 8274 3274 *274 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '66 May coupon off_ 80 29a 30 Rome 654s '52 _ 7 7 74 7 7 7i 7774 Rumania 7s ‘49 Aus coupon off_ 3454 8474 3454 Sao Paulo C654s '67 May coupon oft _ 2954 2954 2»*4 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 9674 96 96 Sao Paulo St 7s '56 Sept coupon off ... 3274 3274 3274 Serbs 8s 62 unm c o . 295* 2954 2854 Shln'su El P654s‘52. 85 85 85 Silesia Prov 7s'58 .. 435* 43 4354 Silesian Bank 68'47... 36 8b 36 Sydney 5 54s'55 .... 104 104 104 Taiwan Elec 5 54s’71— 744* 744* 7454 Toklo 6548 ’61 7674 7574 7574 Toklo E L Ltd 6a ’53_ 7954 7974 7974 Uruguay 6s '60_ 6874 6754 6874 Uruguay 6s'64_ 6774 6754 6774 Warsaw 7s'68_ 43 43 43 Westphal El Pw 6a '63 2674 2674 2674 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4S '47 106 105 106 Adams Express 4s '48 10574 105 10674 Ala Ort So con 6s'43 115 116 115 Alb Per W P 6s'48 ww 68 68 68 Alleg Corp 5s '44 10051 1004* 10054 Alleg Corp 6s 49 _ 9474 8454 944* Alleg Corp 6e'60 Btp.. 69 67 68 Alleg Valley 48 42 _ 10974 109 109 Allied Stores 4 54s '60 100 too TOO Allied Stores 4 54s’51. 100 100 100 Am & For Pw 6s 2030 8354 8374 8354 Am Ice cv 5s‘53 94 84 84 Am 1 OCh 6 548 49 10974 108*4 108*t Am Tel & Tel 3 54 a'61 too 99*4 9954 Am Tel & Tel 3 54 s 66 J00 99*4 995* Am T ft T 454s '39 10814 1085* 10854 AmT&T 6548 43 11374 11354 11354 Am T F 254S-5s’38-’60 181 181 181 Am Wat Wks 6s '75 ... 10974 109 109 Am Writ Paper 6s 47. 91 9o74 9074 Am Writ Pa 6a 47 efs. 907% 9074 9074 Anaconda deb 4 54 s'60 106 10574 106 Anglo-Chll Nit 7a *67. 8974 8874 *974 Armour & Co 4 54a'39 10374 10874 10874 Armour & Co Del 4s 57 9974 99 99 Armour! Del list 4s'56 9974 99 9974 A T&S FeadJ 4S'«6 st. 107 107 107 A T&S Fe gen 4a '95— 11174 11174 1154 A T&S Fe 4 54 s '48 10954 10954 10974 Atl Knox & Nor 6s 46. 1185* 11854 11854 Atl Coast L 1st 4s‘52. 104 1087* 194 Atl Coast Lclt5s 45.. 9656 96 9674 Atl C L un 454s '64 965* 3674 9674 Atlantic & D 1st4s '48 6(74 6674 66V4 Atlantic & D 2d 4s *48 . 60 60 60 Atl G & W I 6s *69_ 7954 7954 79*4 B & O 1st 48 48_ 10654 106*4 106*4 B&0 454S 60 - 81 80 8054 B & O 1st 6s '48 . 11354 11374 11S>4 Balto & O ref 5s '95 A. 935* 935* 9354 B & O 6s 96 F — 93 9254 93 B & O ref 5s 2000 D—- 9254 824* 9254 B & O ref 6s '95 C- 1027* 10274 10254 B & O Swn 6s 60 .. 106*4 1067* 10654 B & O PLE&W V 4s*(l 10474 1044* 10474 Bell Tof Pa Es 48 B- 11874 11844 11874 Beth Steel 3%a'66 — 975. 9774 9774 Beth Steel 4 74 a '60- 10454 10474 10474 Bos & Me 4%8 '61 J_ 847* 8474 8474 Boa & Me 6a ‘65_ 90 90 90 Bos & Me Ss ‘67. 8974 89 89 Boston N Y A L. 4a ’55. 3254 3254 8254 Bot Con M 6 Vie'84_ 4054 40 40 Hlth. Low. 2:55 Bot Con M 6%a’*4 ct. 40* 39* 39* Bklyn Ed con I14S66. 101* 100* 101* Bklyn Man T4H»'fi6. 101H 101* i01* Bklyn Queena C&S con 6s '41 stpd - 75 76 76 Bklvn Un El 6s'50 — - 112* 112* 112* Bklvn Un Gas 6s 50 105 106 105 Bklyn Un G ref 6s'47. 125 125 125 Brown Shoe 3*8'50 106* 106* 105* Buff RAP con 4*3 ’67 90* 90* 91* Bv-Prod Ck 5*s'45 103* 103* 103* Calif Packing 5s 40 104* 104* 104* Camag 7s 43 ctfs 80 80 SO Can dlan N R 4*s’51 111*111*111* Can dlan N R 4*s'66 112 112 112 Can'dian N R 4*s 67 111*111*111* Can'dian N R 4*a '65 118* 113* 118* Can NR 5s'60 July rs 114* 114* 114* Candian N db 6 %s 46 128* 123* 128* Can dian Pdb is perp 96* 96* 95* Candian Pac 4*s '46 103* 103* 103* Can dian Pac4*s 60 104* 104* 104* Can'dian Pac 5s'44 cfa 113 113 118 Can dian Pao 5s'54... 108* 107* 107* Caro Cl & 0 6s'38_ 104* 104* 104* Caro Cl AO 6s ’62 A 109 109 109 Central Fdry cv 6s '41 120 114 120 Central Fdry cv 6s '4 1 235 222 236 Cent of Os con 6s’46.. 65* 36* 85* Cent of Ga 5s'69 C .. 22* 21* 22 Cent of Ga rf 5*s '59. Z2 21* 22 Cent 111 EA0 6s’61 . 103* 103* 103* Cent of NJ gen 5s'87. 82* 82* 82* Cent Pao 1st rf 4s'49. 109* 108* 109* Cent Pac 6s'60 . 103 102* 103 Cent RR BGa5s'37— 96 94* 95 Cent Steel 8s '41_ 126 126 125 Cert'd deb 5*s'48 . 96* 96 36 Champ P& F 4*s '50. 107* 107* 107* Cnesap C cv 5s 44 ... 137 137 137 ChesapCorp6s 47_ 155* 165 155* Ches&03*8 96 D... 98* 98* 98* Ches & O 3*s 96 B... 98*. 98* 98* C & O gen 4 ’As 92_ 120 119*119* ( & Ocon 6s'39 _ 10H 108 108 Chi B & U 4*9 '77 .. 113*113*113* Chi B&UI div 3*s'49. 108* 108* 108* Chi A E 111 58 *51 - 46 45 46* Chi A K 1115s '51 ctfs.. 45 44* 45 Chi & Erie 1st 5s '82.. 120* 120* 120* Chi Grt West 4s'6»... 50* 60 6(1* Chi I & L gen 5s '66 . 24 24 24 Chi lnd & L ref 6s '47 41 41 41 Chi ind A L gen 6S '66. 24* 24 24* C M St P 4s '89 ... 63* 63* 63* CM&St P 4*s '89 E- 67* 67* 67* CM&St P6s 76 ... 84 83* 84 CMAStPAP adj 6s2000 12* 12* 12* Ch &NW gen 3*s '87_. 44* 4« 44* Chi A NW 4*8 2037 .. 86* 86 36 Chi A NW 4 *s 2037 C. 86* 36 86 Chi A NW 4*S 49 .. 24* 24 24* Chi A NW rf 6s 2037 ... 37 36* 37 j CANW Nr W 6*8*36- 59* 69* 69* Chi R l&P rf 4S'34 .. 26* 24* 25* Chi R l&P rf 4s'34ctf. 22 21* 22 Chi R l&P gen 48'88 ._ 42* 42 42 Chi R l&P 4*8 '52 214 23* 21* Chi R l&P 4*s'52 ctf 21* 21 21* Chi R l&P 4 *s 60 15* 14* 15 Cht T HAS 1st 6s'60_. 99 99 99 Chi Un Sta 3*3 '51 . 104* 104* 101* Chi UnSta 3*s 63 E 106* 106* 106* Chi Un Sta 4s 63 . 109 108* 108* Chi A W In con 4s'52. 104* 104* 101* Chi A W lnd 4 *s 62.. 102* 102* 102* Childs A Co 5s'43 .. 92* 92* 92* ChocO G con 5s'52.. 40* 40* 40* Cin G A E 3 *s '66 101* 100* lul* Cin Un Ter 3 *8 D gtd 106 106 106 Cin Un Ter Os 2020 B 107* 107* 107* CCCASt L, rf 4 *s 77 E 961, 9fi* 96* CCCASt L ref 5s '63 D 108* 103* 103* Clev Un Tel 4%a '77 104* 104* 104* Clev Un Term 5s '73 B 107* 107* 107* Colo Fuel&lron 5s '43. 107* 107* 107* Colo Fuel & lr 5s 70.. 96 94* 95 Colo A So 4*8’80_ 72 71* 72 Columbia G A E 5s 52 May _ 104* 101 104* Columbia G&E 5s'61 108* 103* 103* Colum Ry PAL 4s '65 105* 105* 105* Cornel Credit 3 *s ’51. 98* 98* 98* Com inv Tr 3*s '51 . 101* 101* 101* Conn R&L 4*s 51- 104* 104* 104* Cons Coal Del 6s 60 67* 67* 67* Cons Ed NY 3*s 16 n 105* 105* 106* Cons Ed NY 3*8 *56 n 102* 102' 102* Cons Gas NY 4*s*51 106* 106*. 106* Consol 011 3 *s ‘51 .. 104* 1O4* 104* Cons Pwr 3*s'70 102* 102* 102* Consum Pwr 3 * s'65 106 106 10b Crane Co S*s 51 .. 100 100 100 Crown C & S 4s '60 .. 106* 106* 106* Cuba Nortbn 5 *s '42. 58 57* 67* Dayton P&L 34s'60.. 1044 1041* 1044 Del & Hud ref 4s'43 . 944 94 944 Del & Hud 54s'37 .. 1004 1004 1004 Den & R G con 4#'36.. 664 36 364 Den & R G 4 4s '36 .. 874 964 374 Den & RGW 5s'55asst. 21 20 4 21 Den & R G ref 6« '7* . 824 814 324 Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs. 104 104 104 Detroit Ed 4s '65 P 108*4 108*4 1084 Det River Tun 4 4s’61 115 115 115 Duques Lt 4 4s '57 B 1054 1054 105*4 E T V & Ga cn 6s ’56 . 1154 1154 1164 El Paso Nat G44s'61. 105 1044 1044 Erie cons 4s'96_ 1024 1024 1024 Erie gen 4s 9#_ 884 88 88 Erie ref 6s 87_ *7 S6 87 Erie ref 6s 75 .. 87 864 864 Falrbks Morse 4s'66 . Iu3*« 1*34 1034 Fed L&Tr 6s 64 B .. 104 104 104 Fla EC Ry 44s '59 — 81 81 81 Fla E C Rv os '74 204 194 204 Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ctfs 20 19 194 Gen Cable 54a 47 .. IO64 1064 1064 Oen Mot Acc 3s 46 . 1024 1024 1024 Gen Mot Ass 3 Vis '61. 1014 1014 1014 Gen Stl Cast 54s'49.. 944 93^* 934 Goodrich 4 4s 56 _ 1014 101 1014 Goodrich 6s 45 . 1054 106 1064 Goodyear T&R 6s *57 1044 1044 1044 Goth Silk H 6s '46 ww 1044 1044 1044 Great N Ry 4s 46 G 136 133 136 Great N Ry 4s 46 H 111 110 1104 Grt N R gen 4%s'77 E 1054 1064 1064 Grt N R Ben 68'73 C— 114 114 114 Green Bay 6s *62 B_ 124 124 124 Gulf M&N6s'60.. 1024 1024 1024 Gulf States Util 4s '66 1024 1024 1024 Gulf Sta Stl 5%s 42_. 994 99 4 994 Hoe <R) 1st mts '44—. 96* 964 »64 Hudson Coal 6s'62 ... 484 474 484 Hud & Man Inc 6s '57.. 36 354 354 Hud & Man ref 5s '57 84 834 834 111 Bell Tel 3 4s'70 _. 1064 1364 1064 111 Cent col tr 4s'63_ 88 88 88 111 Cent ref 4s 65 _ 914 91 91 111 Cent 4%s 66 . 794 79 794 111 Cent Lou 3 4s'53 . 1014 1014 1014 ICC&StL N 04 4s'63 84 834 84 ICC&StL N O 6s 63 .. 904 90 904 III Steel deb 44s 40.. 1074 1074 1074 Inland Stl 34s 61 .. 1084 1034 1034 Int R T 1st rf 6s 66 96 96 96 I R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs 944 944 944 Int R T 6s 32 .. 494 494 494 Int Agr cl 6s 42 sip_101 101 101 Int Grt Nr 6s'66 B_ 384 374 384 Int Grt Nr 5s'56 C_ 884 374 384 Int Grt Nr 6s'62 A_ 404 884 404 Int Grt Nr adl 6s'52 A. 16 15 164 Int Hydro Elec 6s'44. 864 864 864 Int Mer Marina 6s *41. 79 784 784 Int Pap 1st 6s'47A... 1014 1014 1014 Int Pap ref 6s '65 _ 1004 994 1004 Int Ry of C A 6s 41... 1004 1004 1004 Int Ry of C A 64s'47 . 974 974 974 Int T&T cv 4 4s 39 — 884 88 884 Int T&T 4 4s '52_ 724 72 72 Int T&T 6s 66 .78 774 78 Iowa Cent lst&rf4s'51 74 74 74 JamesF&C4s 39 974 974 874 Jones&L Stl 4 4s'61A 104 104 104 Kans C So 1st 3s 60 *94 894 894 Kans City So ref 5s '60 974 974 974 Kings Co El 48 *49 ... 1064 IO64 IO64 Kresse Found 48'46... 1084 108 108 Laclede Gas 6s '39_ 97 97 97 Laclede G 6 4s'63 C— 66 66 66 Laclede G 64s'60 D._ 644 <44 644 Lautaro Nltr 6s '64 . 434 424 434 uautaro Nit 6s '64 cfs. 42*4 424 424 Leh C&N 44s 54 C_ 102 102 102 Leh Val Coal 6 s 64_ 684 67 684 ~eh Val Coal 6s '74_ 68 674 68 Leh Val Coal 6s ‘38_ 994 994 994 Leh Val Har 6s ’64_ 1054 1054 1064 LV NT 1st 4s '46 gtd— 93 98 93 LV NT 44»’40 gtd_ 103 103 108 Leh V Peon 4*2003 .. 704 694 704 Leh VP con 4 4s 2003 76 754 76 Leh V RR con 6s 20 0 3 84 84 8 4 Ugg & Myers 7s '44 181 181 131 Loew s 3 4a 46 994 994 994 Long Isld ref 4s’49 stp 104 104 104 Lorlllard7s 44 .. 130 129 130 La & Ark 6s '69 _ 9»4 994 994 L & Nash 3 4 s 2003_ 944 944 944 L&N unlf 4a 40 _ 1074 1074 1074 L&N 44s 2003 C _ 106 106 106 McKess&Rob 6 4s‘50. 1084 1034 1034 Me C RR clt 4s ’45 A _ 104 104 104 Manhat Rv 4s 90 . 60 60 60 Manila RR S 1 4s '39 . 844 844 844 Marion St Shov 6s 47 . 994 994 994 Mil E R & S L rf 6a‘71 1044 1044 1044 Mil No 1st 4%s ’ex ’39/ 99 984 99 Ml) Spa & N W 4s '47 . 424 424 424 Mlnn& S Lrf 4s 49 8 4 84 84 Minn & St L 58*34 ctfs 194 1»4 19*4 Minn & St L 6s ’62 A._ 84 84 84 MStP&SSM cn 4S '38— 32 82 32 MStP&SSM cn 5s '33 . 264 264 2<4 MStP&SSM 6s '38 gtd. 844 344 844 MStP&SSM S4s'49._. 24 24 24 . MStP&SSM rf 6s '4(A. 234 284 234 MoK&T4S’62B_ 744 744 744 High. Low. E:56. Mo K & T 1st 4s ‘90_ 984 98 98 Mo K & T 6s *62 A_ 8«4 864 864 MoK & T ad] 6a ’<7_ 7«H 7« 76*, Mo Pao 4s'76_ 28 224 22s; Mo Pao 6a '77 P_ 464 464 *64 Mo Pac 6a *78 G . _ 47 47 47 Mo Pao 6s *78 G ctfs_ 444 444 444 Mo Pac 6s 80 H_ 464 464 464 Mo Pac 6a'81 I_ 47 464 47 Mo Pac 64* ‘49 A_ 18 174 18 Mob & Ohio 6s’38 ... 88 88 88 Monona Pub 8 4 4a*60 1064 106 106 Monona Pub S 6s '66 1084 1084 1084 Monona Ry 1st 4s'60 1064 1064 1064 Mont Pwr ref3 %s'66 964 964 964 Mont Tram 6s 41 102 102 102 Mor&Essex 3 4s 2000 93 924 93 Morrls&Essex 44s 55 95 944 844 Morris&Essex 6s'56 1014 1014 101); Nashv C*st E 4s 7 8 97 4 971* 974 Nassau Eleo 4a'61 gtd 61 694 694 Natl Dairy 3 4 s'61ww 1064 Id64 1054 Natl Dls PC 4Hs'45 105 105 106 Nat Ry Mex 4 4s'57 as 44 44 44 Natl Steel 48 66 _ 1064 1064 105); New Eng RR 4s’45- 72 72 72 New Jer P&E 4 4s-60 10«4 10«4 10«4 New OrlGNR 6s *83 A. 98 98 98 New Orl P S 6s 62 A.. 102 101)4 1014 NewOrl PS 6# *56 B._ 101 1004 1004 New Orl Ter 1st 4s *6 3 97 4 97 4 974 New OrlT&M 4 4a ’66i 664 644 664 New Orl T&M 6s'61 B. 67 4 66 674 New Orl T&M 64s *64 604 »#4 604 NY Central 3 4a 97 .. 994 »»4 994 NY Cent 3 4a ’97 reg— 97 97 97 NY Central 34a'46... 1034 103); 1084 NY Cent con 4s 98 ... 1014 1014 1014 NY Cent rf 44a 2013— »44 944 944 NY C rf 44s 2013 n ... 9«4 944 »4H NY Cent rf 5s 2013_ 101 100U 1004 NY Cent cv 6s 44 ... 1224 1184 122 N Y C L Sh 3 4s *98_ 93*, 9S* 984 N Y Chi & StL 4s’46 . _ 1034 1084 1034 NYC&S1 E4H»78 96 94 4 94); N YC&St L 64a 74 A 1034 1034 103V; NY Chi & St E 6s '38 . 100 994 100 NY Dock Ds 38 .. 65 644 644 NY Edlsref 3V4s '66 . 101 1004 101 NY Edison 3 4s 65 D. 1004 100); 100); NYGE1H&P4S 49 .. 1164 H5 1164 NY & Green E 5s 46 .. 1004 994 994 NY & Harl 34s 2000.. 1064 1064 1064 NY E& W 1st 4s 73... 102 102 102 NY & Long Br 4s *41._ 108 108 108 NY N11&H 34s'54_ 434 44); 43); NY NH&H 34s '56... 42 42 42 NY NH & H 4S '55_ 454 45 464 NY NH & H 4s *66_ 454 444 «5!i NY NH&H 48'47_ 46V; 46 45 NY NH&H 4s '57_ 84); 84 4 844 NY NH & H 44s ‘67_ 624 62 62 NY NH & H cv 6s 48.. 674 67 674 NY O&W aen 4s 55... 27 27 27 NY O&W ref 4s 92_ 354 86 854 NY Rvs Inc 6s 65 _ 64 64 64 NY Steam 1st Cs '51_1064 1064 1064 NY Steam 5s 56 _IO64 IO64 1064 NY S&W 1st rf 5s'37.. 78 78 78 NY Tr Rk 6s '46 stp .. 94 93 4 94 NY W & R 44s '46 . 21 20); 20); Nlaa Falls P 34s'66. 104 104 104 Nlag Sh 64s'50 .. 103); 1034 1034 Norf So 1st ref 6s'61.. 81 80); SO*; Norf R 1st rf5s'Cl cfa. 30 294 294 Norf & W 1st 4s'96 .. 1164 1164 1164 North Am Co 5s 61 . 104*4 104*; 10«»; North Am Ed 5s '57 A 103’; 1034 103V; North Am Ed 5s'69 C. 103 1024 1024 North Am Ed 5 4s *63. 104 1084 1034 Nor n Pac aen 3s 2047. 77 76'; 77 Nor’n Pac 4s'97 _ 1064 1064 1064 North Pac 5s 2047 C_ 108 108 108 Norn Pac 6s 2047 D... 108 108 108 North Pac 6s 2047_1114 1114 111*4 Ohio Edison 4S '65_ 1044 1044 1044 Ogden EC 4a '48 _ 27'; 274 274 Ont Pwr Nlag 6s '43... 1124 1124 1124 Ores W RR 4s'61 1064 106 106 Pac Gas & El 3 Us'66 . 994 994 994 Pac G & E 3 4s 61 1034 1034 1034 Pac G & E 4s 64 1074 1064 106»; Pac T&T 3 4s'66 C .. 102 102 102 Pan Am PC 6s'40 ctfs 44 43*4 44 Paramount Ptc 6s'55 1004 1004 1004 Park-Ex 64s '53 ctfs 484 48s; 48*; Parmelee 6s 44 _ 76); 76 4 76 4 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 102 1014 lOU; Penn Dixie C 6s 41_ 101*; 1014 101*4 Penn P&I.P45 81 .. 106 1064 106 Penna R R 3i;s w.l... 107s, 106’; 1074 Penn RR 3s*s 70 C .. 984 99*; 99); Penn RR44s'81 D 1064 1064 106s; Penn R R 4>4s'84 . 1064 106 4 106*; Penn RRcon 4Hs'60 1204 1204 1204 Penn HR gn 4Ha 65 1094 1094 1094 Penn P.R deh 4Hs'70 1044 1034 1044 Penn RR gen 6s 68 1154 1164 116s; People GL&Crf6«'47. 114 114 114 Peoria & E inc 4s '90.. 254; 25 25*; Pere Marq 4HS *80 ... 100»; 1004 1004 Pere Marq 1st 5s'56.. 105 1044 105 Phila Co 5s 67 ... 1064 106>; 1064 Phila Elec Co 4s'71 .. 1024 1024 1024 Phila Elec Co 4Hs'67 . 1044 104); 1044 Phila & R C&l 5s '73 .. 38 4 38 384 Phila & R C&l 6s 49.. 17); 174 174 Philippine Ry 4s 37 .. 25 25 25 PCC&St E 4Hs'77 C._ 1064 1064 1064 Port Gen E! 4Hs 60 .. 67V; 664 ««4 Postal Tel & C 6s'53 .. 38 374 87*; Prov Sec deb 4s’57 ... 28 28 28 Pure Oil 4 4s 50 xw . 1044 >04 104 PureY5114>48 50 ww 125 122 125 Purity Bakina 5s '4* 100); 1004 1004 R-K-O 6s 41 .. 118 118 118 Reading Jer C 4S '51.. 1015* 1015* 1014* Readme R 4 4*8 '97 A 106‘* 106!* 106‘* Reading R *Hs 97 B 106 106 106 Rem-Rand 4 *4 s'56ww 11844 1184* 113H Republic Stl 4 44s 50 i78H 171 1764* Republic Stl 4V4S 56. 99 «874 98'* Republic Stl 444* 61.. 985* #8!« 98*4 Republic Stl 5 44 * 54 . 1174* 116 116*4 Richfield 011 6s 44 .. 57 664. 5644 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs 504*- 49 SO R G W 1st ex In 4s'39. 79 784* 79 Rio G W col 48 49 A_ 61 5054 61 R 1 A&L 1st 444s'34_ 2744 2 6 2744 Roch G&E 5s '62 E_ 1084* 10844 10844 Saguenay Pw4 44s"66 1034* 10254 10254 SlJoRy LT&P5s'37. 100J* 100 10054 St L P& NW 6s '48... 4544 45 45 St L-S Fran 4s'50A .. 864* 86 864* St L-S F 4S'50 A ctfs- 824* 314* 824* St L-S Fran 4 44 s'78 . 824* 82 32!* St L-S F 44**'78 cf si. 294* 29 294* St L-S Fran 5s '50 B . 85 344* 35 St L-S F 6s 50 B Ctfs 824* 8154 3 2 4* St L S \V ern rf 5s 9# Bit* 51H 615* St L S W 1st ter 5s’52 65'* 644* *54* St P M&M ext 6s '43 102*4 102!* 1021* St P Un Dep rf os '72 1165* 116*4 1164* San A & A Pass 4s 43 103‘* 103 103 Schulco 64*s’46 A stp 394* 894* 394* Seabd A L 4s'50 stp . 34!* 384* 83** Seabd A L ref 4s '59 2054 195* 205* Seabd A Lrf 4s'59cfs 20 19!i 19** Seabd A Ladj 6s'49.. 13 125* IS Seabd A L 6s 45 A — 235* 224* 284* Seabd A L 6s 45 ctfs.. 22*4 21!* 224* Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct 13J* 12*4 13 Seabd A-Fla 6s’35 Bet 1254 1254 1254 Sharon Stl cv 444s’51- 116 116A4 116 Shell Un deb 3%s '51.. 9944 994* 9944 Silesian Am 7s '41- 784* 734* 734* Skelly 011 4s'61 _ 1004* 1004* 1004* Socony Vao 344 s'50 106 44 1 054* 105 4* South Bell T&T 6s '41 1074* 107 107 Southn Cal Gas 4% '61 106*4 10544 10544 South Nat G 444S'51- 1004* 1004* 100>* So Pac 34*8 46_ 1005* 1004* 100»* So Pac col 4S '49_ 971* 96*4 97 So Pac ref 4s 55_ 10644 106 106 So Pac 4 44 s 68_ 971* 9644 96*4 So Pac 4 44S’69_ 96H 945* 95*4 So Pac 4 44 s 81 _ 954* 94*4 954* So Pac Oreg 444s'77 .. 99 98** 99 So Pac S F Ter 48 '50 1084* 1084* 1084* So Ry gen 4s‘56 A .. 84 83!* 84 So Rv 6s '94 _ 1091* 1094* 1095* So Ry gen 6s '66 . 104*4 1035* 1044* So Ry 6 44s'56 .. 107 107 107 So Ry Mem di v 5s’96. 105 105 105 S W Bell Tel 344® 64. *054* 105!* 105!* Soutnw’n G&E 4s '60. 102 102 102 Spokane Int 6s *65- 38 87** 88 Staley A E 4s ’46_ 106 10444 106 Stand Oil N J 3s '61— 98!* 984* 98!* Studebaker cv 6s'46__ 161 1604* 161 Swift & Co 3 ?* s ’60- 107 106!* 107 Tenn Cent 6s ’47 - 1064* 1065* 1055* TennC&l RR5s’61- 1205* 1205* 1205* Tenn C&C 6s 44 B — 104!* 104!* 104!* Tenn El Pw 6s '47 A„. 994* 994* 994* Texas Corp 344s'61— 103!* 103 103!* Texas & Pac 6s 77 B.. 106!* 105!* 105!* Texas & Pac 6s 79 C-. 1055* 1054* 1055* Texas & Pac 6s‘80 D106!* 106!* 106!* Tex & Pac 1st 6s 2000. 121 121 121 Third Av ref 4s 60 70!* 70!* 70!* Third A ad In ex 6s'68 40‘* 89!* 39!* Un Oil Calif 6s 42 A - 1191* 1194* 1191* Union Pac 344»'70 - 97!* 974* 97!* Un Par S44s '71 _ 97!* 97»4 97!* [Jn Pac ISt 48 47 - 1144* 114 1144* Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008 1074* 1074* 1074* Un Pac 1st rf 5s 2008 112 1115* 1115* Untied Drug 5s 53 102 102 102 United Rys St L 4s '34 86 344* 344* US Rubber 5s 47 1064*1064* 1064* Utah L* T 6s'44 <A). 105 1044* 1044* Utah P & L 6s ’** — 106 106!* 105!* Util P&L6S 69 tw— 61!* 61!* 61!* Util P&L 65*8’47- 62!* 62!* 62!* Vanadium cv 6S'41- 106 106 106 Ver Sug ISt 7s'42 ctfs. 30 80 SO Va E&Plstref 4S’56. 108 108 108 Va Ir C&C 1st 6s ’49_ 82 <15* 615* Va Ry 1st 3 !*■ '66 A-- 1045* 103!* 1085* Va S W con 6s ’68_ 1005* 99H «H FREIGHT LOADINGS AT 696,727 MARK Total Off 2.5 Per Cent From Week Ago, but 3.5 Above Year Ago. NEW YORK. March 6.—The Asso ciated Press seasonally adjusted week ly index ot freight carloadlngs. based on 11)29-3(1 as loo. declined today to 75.1. compared with 77.ti the previous week and 72.5 a year ago. Range of recent years; 1037. 1930. 1935. 1934. 1933. High 79.4 84.5 71.1 05.9 07.3 Low __ 72.0 00.7 68.0 69.5 47.7 BT the Associated Press. The Association of American Rail roads reported today 696.727 cars of revenue freight were loaded during the week ending last Saturday. This was a decrease of 18,167 cars, or 2.5 per cent, compared with the preceding week; an increase of 23,858, or 3.5 per cent, compared with a year ago, and an increase of 92,396, or 15.3 per cent, compared with two years ago. The report classified the loadings as follows: This Last Year week. week. ago. Miscellaneous ^ ^ freiaht . 288.326 — 1.779 4-41.643 Less- than* car-lot mer- „ „, chandise_ 153,131 —13.345 — 4.620 Coal .... 159.144 4- 2,510 —16.009 Grain and (train prod- __ ucts _ _ 27,772 — 2.080 — 8.885 Wes tern „ districts _ 16.833 — 1,566 — 5.319 Live stock - J 1.003 — 666 4- 430 Wcstcrndls- ? ^ ^ + F°urcu .P.r.°d: 34.679 - 2.437 + 4.813 Ore _ 10.683 — 238 4- 4.810 Coke _ 11.989 — 127 4- 1.676 . ... ■ l I BUTTER—97 score. 1 -pound prints. 38; v.-pound prints 39. tub 37: 90 score. 1-pound prints. 37; '.-pound prints. 38. tub. 3(1. Market strong. MEATS—Choice beef 15; calves lfl: veal. 19: lamb. 18: pork loin. 21: fresh ham. 23: smoked hams, 2fi: sliced bacon, 33; slab bacon. 28; compound, ld'.g; 'live'STOCK—Pigs 8'/«a8>.: light hogs 83,a9',.: medium hogs o'.an3.: heavy hogs baf'.: roughs, «a8; calves. 6alO: lambs 6al(>. . . _ Prices paid shippers net lo b. Washing ton By the United States Bi"au of Agricultural Economics: EGGS—Market to Va cent hu. .er on Government graded eggs others un changed. but full steady. Current receipt*. 21&21V*; hennery whites. •:il2a22. Gov ernment graded and dated white eggs <net prices paid shippers fob. Washington*: U. S extras, large. 24'.; V 8. extra*, mediums. 2d1.: U. S standards, large. 2-. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady at un changed prices. Fowl: Colored, heavy. 15al«; Leghorns. 11 a 1 3. Chickens: Rocks and Crosses, under 3 pounds. 2(>a22. over 3 pounds. 23. Guineas, young. 2 pounds and up. 10 each, under 2 pounds^ ~5a3<> each; old guineas. 20a25 each Turkeys, Young hens, 19a20; young toms, under 19 pounds. ical7. 20 pounds and over 15. No. 2s. 12; old hens. 14; old toms. 14. Fruit* and Vegetable*. Sales in large lots by original receivers up to H a m. today. APPLES—One Washington arrived: two unbroken cars on track Supplies moder ate; demand moderate; market slightly stronger. Bushel baskets U. S. No. 1. Virginia. Staymans. C*4-inch minimum. 1 40-1 50; 2'a-inch minimum. 1.66-1.5. •H.-mch minimum. 1.75-1.85; utility 1 Rrade some scalded stock l-OO-l oO. as to size and condition: Vorks. 2'.-Inch mlnl i mum 1.15-1.25 2'a-lnch minimum. 1.40 1.50. 234-inch minimum. 1.50-1.65; utility 1 grade, some scalded stock. 75-1.35. as to ! size and condition: Delicious. 4-inch 1 minimum. 1.60-1.75: ‘J'.-mch minimum. 1 «»n-2 04»: 24-inch minimum. 2 15-2.2;>; Golden Delicious. 24-inch minimum. 1 «<» 1 65; 2 4-inch minimum. 2.00-2.10: .4 lnch minimum. 2.25-2.35. Black Twigs. 24-inch minimum. 1.25-1..3a. 2 4-inch minimum. 1.50-1.60: 24-inch minimum. 3 65-1.75 Ben Davis. 24-inch minimum, 85-00: 24-Inch minimum. 1.15-1.25: 24 inch minimum 1.25-1.35; Starks. ~V«-incn minimum. 1.00: 24-inch minimum. 1.-5 1 35: 234-inch minimum. 1.35-1.50: Lim ber Twigs. 24-incU minimum 1.10-1.25: 24-inch minimum, 1.35-1.50: Lowrys, 2Va-inch minimum. 1.35; 24-inch mini mum. 1.50-1.65; 24-inch minimum. 1.65 1.75: Paragons. 24-inch minimum. 1.25 1.35; 24-inch minimum. 1.50-1.65; 24 inch minimum 1.65-1.75; 3-inch mini mum. 1.75-1.85: WinesaDS. 24-inch min imum. 2.00-2.15: 24-inch minimum. 2.25: 2 4-inch minimum. 1.75. utility grade. 1 35-1.75. as to size. Cartons—Maryland. Virginia. Pennsylvania and West Virginia, fancy as to size: Staymans. 1.65-2.25: Delicious; Golden Delicious. 1.85-2.35: Grimes Golden. 1.50-1.75: Boxes: Stavmans. combination extra fancy and fancy. 2.00-2.50: C grade. 1.75-2.00: Golden Delicious, combination extra fancy and fancy. 1.85-2.35; C grade, 1.60-1.85. Paragons, combination extra fancy and fanev. 1.75-2.00: C grade 1.60-1.75. CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals two broken cars on track Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market steady. Domes tic round type Florida 14-bushel hamp ers truck receipts, packed locally 85-00; Texas half lettuce crates. 1.00; New York 50-pound sacks. Danish type 60-70. CARROTS — No carlot arrivals, one broken car on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market steady. Texas, ! half lettuce crates 1.35. CAULIFLOWER—One California arrived. one broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate demand mod .rate: market steady. California, crates. CELERY—One Florida arrived three broken and three unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate; mar ket steady. Florida. 10-inch crates, indi vidually washed and precooled. 3-8 dozen. 3.25-3.50; few. 3.75. LETTUCE—0»ie California arrived, five broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate: market steady California. Western crates. Iceberg type 5 dozen. 6.25-5.50; fair con dition. 5.00: 6 dozen. 4.50-4.75. Onion Market Dull. ONIONS—Two New York arrived, one broken and two unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand light: market dull Fifty-pound sacks U. 8 No. 1 In diana Michigan and New York, yellows, medium to large size 1.35-1.40; small to medium size. 1.25: Colorado. Valencias. 3 inches and larger 2.00. PEAS—No carlot arrivals no cars on track. Practically no supplies on the market. . . POTATOES—Two Florida arrived, four broken and seven unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate, demand moderate: market steady 100-pound sacks. U S. No 1 Maine Green Mountains. 2.66-2.<5; New York round whites 2.60: truck re ceipts 2.50: Pennsylvania. Russet Rurtls. unclassified 2.40-2.50 Idaho Russet Bur banks. U. 8. No 1 4.00-4.25: few higher: Florida, bushel crates Bliss Triumphs. U. S. N°SPiNACH—No carlot arrivals; three bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate; market steady. Texas, bushel baskets. h’strawberries—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Truck receipts light; supplies light; demand good; market stronger Florida. 36-pint crates. 8 00 8.50: holdovers fair condition. 6.75-7.00 per crate. HUPP MEETING DELAYED. RICHMOND, Va., March 5 UP.—A special meeting of stockholders of Hupp Motor Car Corp. called for yes terday was postponed until March 22. The meeting was scheduled in con nection with proposed recapitalization of the company. -—— MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. March 5 i/P>.—Call money steady. 1 Der cent all day: prime com mercial Daper. V, per cent: time loans steady: HO days. H months IV* per cent offered: bankers- acceptances unchanged, rediscount rate. N. Y. Reserve Bank. 1 4 per cent. Sigh. Low. 3:55. Wabash 444s'78---— Wabash 4Hs’78 etfs- 8» »0 89 Wabash 1st 6s *89- 108H 10854 *0844 Wabash 6s'76 B- 48 4354 4* Wabash 5s >76 B ctfs~ 41 41 41 Whbasb 6s 80 D — *8 4254 48 Walker HAS 454«’45- 107 107 JOT Walworth 48 *55 -• 8^ 87 87 Warner Bros cv «s '19 9854 *844 9854 Warner-Quln 6s '89 - 6254 6254 6854 West Penn P 3 54s’66 105*4 106 106 W Pa P 1st 6s '63 E 11754 11754 11754 W Sh 1st 4S 2»61 gtd 9754 96H 9754 W Sh 1st 48 2061 reg-- 92 92 92 West'n M«1 1st 48‘52— »08 10244 10244 West’n Md 5 54s'77 - 10654 10654 10654 West’n Pac 6s 46 A 8954 *954 8954 West’n Psc 6s 46 A as 89 88 89 West'n Un 4 44 8 5 0 . 10754 t075* 10754 Westn Un cl tr 6s '38— 10154 10854 10854 West’n Un6s’61_ 10654 106V4 10654 West’n Un 6s 60 — 10754 >0754 >0755 Wheel Steel 454s ’5310154 10154 101J4 W 8p Stl 1st 7s '86 ct. «• 4644 4« W Sp Stl con 7s ’86 ct- 46 46 4644 Wts Cent 1st gn 4s’49. 8144 *1 81 Wts C 1st gn 4s "49 et_ 29 1754 **54 WIS C SAD Trail'S*- 2454 ** *4 T*ngstnS&T SV4>’51_. 18*5* 16* 161 Ytagstn SAT 4a 'll-10*54 101J4 10* Bliss & Laughlin Puts Common on $2 Annual Basis Br the Associated Press. CHICAGO. March 5—Bliss & Laughlin, Inc., directors have placed the common stock on a $2 annual basis, with the declaration of a quar terly dividend of 50 cents a share, compared with 3714 cents the previous quarter. They also voted 37 Vs cents quar terly on the preferred stock, both divi dends being payable March 31 to stock of record March 19. GENERALELECTRIC Forty-Cent Payment Voted. Orders Up 79 Per Cent in Two Months. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 5.—Announcing a dividend of 40 cents. General Elec tric Co. revealed today a 79 per cent gain in orders booked in first two months of the year. The dividend, payable April 26 to stock of record March 19. compares with recent quarterly payments of 25 cents and an extra of 50 cents in De cember. Profits for 1936 were $43,947,000. the company reported, equal to $1.52 a share on common stock, against $27, 843,772, or 97 cents a share in 1935. These were the best profits since 1930. Gerard Swope, president, said orders received in first two months totaled $64,000,000. Increase in income was due In part, Swope said, to a boost in returns from investments. United Carbon. United Carbon Co. directors declared a common dividend of $1 a share, pay able April 1 to stock of record March 15. A payment of 75 cents was made December 19 last. General Public Service. Directors of General Public Service i Corp. have declared dividends on accumulations of $15 on the $6 pre ferred and $13.75 on the $5.50 pre ferred stocks, both payable April 1 to 1 stock of record March 15. On De cember 24 last the company paid $10 and $9 16z3, respectively. Mead Johnson At Co. Mead Johnson & Co. directors have j declared an extra dividend of 75 cents and a regular quarterly of 75 cents, both payable April 1 to stock of record March 15. An extra of $1 was paid last December 26. Newport Industries. Directors of Newport Industries, Inc., have declared a dividend of 50 ! cents on the common stock, payable April 5 to stock of record March 20. ! On December 15 last an initial pay | ment of 60 cents was made. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. fReported by Chas D. Barney A Co.) Amer Tel & Tel 5%s, 1943 ®'?3% if" Auburn Au Co 4%s. 1939 81 83% Calif Pack Corp 5s 1940 103% 104% Caro Clinch A O 5s 19:i8 104% 105 Ches A O Rwy 5s 1939 1(18 108% Edison Elec 11 4s 19.09 _ 105 106 Gen Pub 8vc 5%s 1939 loll 103% Grand R A In 4%s 1941 loo% Houston Oil 5%s 1940 _ _ 102 102% Int Mer Mar 6s 194] T8% 80 Inter Tel & Tel 4%s 1939. 88% 88% Laclede Gas Lt 5s 1939 ... 97% Lehigh Cal Coal 6s 1938 ._ 99% 100 Lehlah Val T Ry 5s 1941 _ 108 108% Long Isl Gen 4s 1938 103% 104% Louis A Nash R R 4s 1940 107 107% Mich cent R R 4s 1940 105 105% Midi R R of N J os 1940 50 87% Mllw A North R R 4%s 1939 97 98% N Y C 4 SI L B'i Notes 1938 99% 100 New York Dock 5s 1938 65 66 N Y Susque Sc W 5s 1940 50 56 New York Tel Co 4%s 1930 lost. 108% Pac R R of Miss 4s 1938 101% 102 | Penn-Dix Cement 6s 1941 lo0% 101% ! Penna R R So 4s 1943 110% 112 Rio Or W 4s 1939 77% 78% South Bell T A T 5s 1941 107 loT% Ter R R Assn St. L 4%s 1939 107% 108 Vanadium Corp 5s 1941 104% 107% Vertlentes Sug Co 7s 1942 30% 32 Wabash Rwy Co 5s 1939 lu2% 103% Warner Bros 6s 1939 98% 98% Western N Y A Pa 4s 1943 110% 111 Western Union Tel 5s 19.38 m.)% 103% First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or REFINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Terms Arranged an Easy Monthly Payments MlMftC*, Building & L0A* ASSOCIATION COUNCIL •fo.c. AATIQflAL T^eviricment BUILDING ASSOCIATION UNDER SUPERVISION 1 | y^U.B. tMacury | 1 G4G NINTH STREET, /CRT | in LOANS BECAUSE real estate loans are available on very nearly the same terms throughout the city, you will find it particularly wise to consider thehusinesj relationship that you will enter into when you borrow. Will it be for your best interest in the long run? We are proud of the fact that our friendly relationship with our borrowing members, continuing in many instances through three generations of the same family, is largely the reason for more than $5,400,000now outstanding in real estate loans from this Association. Before you buy, build or remodel your home or business property, bring your financial problems to us. We’ll save you commissions andrenewalcharges, and you’ll find that our service makes a difference in loans. NORTHERN LIBERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION Sll SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Established 46 years BRISK ADVANCE Spring Buying Lifts Sales to New Years High During Week. BT the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 5 —Trade and business stepped ahead vigorously this week under the spur of more fa- j vorable developments on all Important I fronts, Dun & Bradstreet said today in the weekly review. ‘Customers started Spring buying in earnest,” the agency said, "sending sales to a new high for the year. The unexpected extent of last-minute or ders for Easter merchandise pushed many Wholesalers farther behind in their deliveries. Industries displayed greater freedom in formulating plans 1 for expansion during the second and third quarters.” The review placed retail distribu tion 6 to 10 per cent ahead of the preceding week and from 15 to 25 per cent ahead of the same period last year. Percentage gains in the major geographic regions over the 1936 com parative were; New England, 15 to 22; East, 14 to 30; Middle West, 16 to 25: Northwest, 15 to 20; South, 18 to 25; Southwest, 15 to 20, and Pacific Coast, 12 to 18 Consumers released the full force of their accumulated requirements In j nearly all departments, the review said. Women's and children's Easter apparel crowded In to the foreground, led by coats, suits, dresses, millinery and shoes. Sales of men's suits and topcoats increased despite markups, the review continued, adding that the upward surge carried with it groceries, dry goods, electrical appliances and nu merous other items. In wholesale markets, the agency said the momentum gathered in Feb ruary lost but little of its vigor. Good prices for farm products were reflected in heavier commitments of rural merchants, it said. -. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK March 5 —Crude rub ber lulures opened firm IS to 36 higher March 22.05b May, 22.30-33. July 22.40-48. b—Bid. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL March 5 —Silver fu tures opened irregular. 10 higher to 50 lower. March 45.10b. May. 45.60: July. 44 OOb. b—Bid. Douglas Aircraft Co.—Company an nounced an increase of 5 cents an hour in wages for all employes. First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia— Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— Homes Apartments 1 Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loons Randal) H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT New Tork Lite tnruranco Co. 1321 Conn. Ate. N.W DE. 36M ([questions that are asked about banking| 1 f 1 MOST bankers consider a loan good if it possesses the following qualifications: , i. A borrower who has a good business repu tation and credit standing. 1. A sound purpose for which the loan is to be used other than a fixed investment in a business, for this type of loan is not a proper field for a commercial bank, j. A reasonably short term until repayment for commercial loans; adequate security in the case of collateral or real estate loans. 4. Reasonable proof of dependable income for repaying the loan when due, or a definite schedule for repayment. This bank has many good loans on its books. We are making new ones constantly. In every loan our first consideration is to safeguard the deposits entrusted to our care. Mcl^achlen Banking Corporation Sine* 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. W. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Table* Steel Cabinets Chairs Safe* BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Ere St N.W Phone NA (184 Money for Construction Loans * and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FUST DEED OP TRUST ONLT GEORGE I.BORGER 643 Indiana Aee. N.W. Nat’l 0350 First Mortgage LOANS ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE At 5% Monthly Payments If Preferred Construction Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Md. and Virginia WM. J. FLATHER, Jr., Inc. 1503 H St. NA. 1753 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Capital City Life Insurance Company Of Washington, D. C.. on the 2nd day of January 10.17. as required under Section 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columb a. INCOME. Total premium Income — $65,731 33 Total interest and rents 12.462X1“ Other :ncome _ 5.534.74 Total income $63,728 45 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid xor lossea and matured endowments $22,540 6'i All other disbursements 48.036.4 I Total disbursements . $70.586 13 ASSETS Real estate $52 614 60 Mortgage loans on real estate 35.410 mi Bonds and stocks 77,478.75 Cash in office _ .. _ 4o4 33 Deposits In banks 2.317 23 Total Interest and rents due and accrued 825.83 Net amount of uncollected and deferred premiums _ 734 in All other assets _ 12.121 25 Gross assets .. 5181,056 20 : Deduct assets rot admitted_ 1.240 00 Total admitted assets $180,716.20 LIABILITIES i Net reser e. required by law . $77,536 on Total policy claims _ 635 00 Other liabilities _ 6 807 76 $64,080 *6 Capital paid up . ... 25.nno.oo Unassigned funds fsurplusl 70.736 44 Total ... _ $180,716 70 Amount of industrial business written in the District of Co lumbia during ihe year $48* 253 no ROSALIE WALKER. President ARTHUR B WALKER Secretary Subscribe- ane sworn to before me this 5th day oi February. 1037 'S'a! ' WIL LIAM W, ENGLAND. Notary Public. A Rainy Day Is Bound To Come To All And when it comes to deciding how and where to invest your spare dollars for the rainy day that may be scheduled for your life, why risk them on unknown or purely speculative proposi tions, when we make it so easy for you to Save with SAFETY! Of all the investments pos sible. the safest and soundest is unquestionably First Mort gages on Homes. This association, under the supervision of the United States Treasury, loans your money ONLY on First Mortgages tn Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. k incCrpqrated' Sy 913 i5tk%j!*ir Phone NAtionol 6088