Newspaper Page Text
CURB LIST RULES Some Shares Up Point or So, but Pace Is Slower Than on Big Board. Bv the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 5.—Most prices In the Curb market stood even or higher today, with trading fairly ac tive. A number of shares climbed a point or so, but the tenor of the market late In the session was less highly pitched than that of the "big board." Schiff Co. common whipped up nearly 3 points following the man agement’s announcement a 50 per cent stock dividend would be paid. Chi cago Flexible shaft, Newmont Mining * and Atlantic & Pacific scored gains of 1 to 2 points. Reactionary were Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Northern States Power “A,” Aluminum Co. of America and Bab cock & Wilcox each of which lost a major fraction or more. I """ 1 'I CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Noon. Ala Power 4%s '07_ 88% 88% 88% Ala Power 5s ’46 A_106 106 106 Alum Co 5s o'i _105% 105% 105% Am G & E 5s *J028 . . 107 10ti7a 10? Am P & L OS 2016 — 100% 100’a 100% Am Roll Mill 5s '48 1(13% 103% 103% Appalach E P 5s '56— 105% 105% 105% Ark P & L 5s '56_ 163 103% 102% As El Ind 4%s '53_ HI Hi 61 As G & E 5s '50_ 59% 59 59% Bald Lo 6s '38 ww_200 206 206 Bald Lo 6s 38 xw _ 185 183% 185 Bald L 6s '38 XW stp 185 182 1844, Birming Gas 5s '59_ 864, 864, 86% Can Pac Hs '42- — 112% 112% 118% Caro PwALt 5s '56 164% 164% 104% Cent UPS 5s '56 E _ 163% 1634, 103% Cen I1PS 4%s '67 F__ 161V, 101 % 101% Central Pw 5s '57 D 91% 91V# 91 Vs Cent Pw A Lt 5s '56 95 05 95 Cent St El 5S '48 ._ K7 67 67 Cent St El 5%S '54 — 67% 67 67% Cen St PAL 5%s '53— 714. 714# 71% Chi Di El 4%s '70 A . 164V, 104V, 104% Chi Rys 6s '27 cod - 73V, 73V, 73% Clues Svc 5s 50. _ 75% 754, 754, Cities Svc 5s '66- _ 75% 75% 754, Cities S Gas 5%s '42._ loiv, 1004* 100% Clt S PAL 5%s '49— 76 76 76 Comw Ed 5s '54 B_111 111 111 Comw Ed 4s '81 P — 1054k 1054* 105% Com* Sb 5%s '48 A..103 103 103 Cent GAE 5s '58 A— 94% 94% 94% Detroit C G 65 '47 A— 1054, 105% 1054, DetAIn B 6%s '52 cd ._ 10% 10% 10% Dixie G G 6%s '37 A__ 101% 101% 161% East G A F 4s '56 A— 90% 90% 90V, El Pw A Lt 5s 2030__ 91 90% 90% Emp OAR 5%s '42_ 89% 89% 89% Fed Wat 5‘as '54 _ 90V, 90V, 90V, Ftrest Tire 5S 42 104% 104% 104% Florida PAL 5s '54 98 98 98 Gary EAG os '44 xw stD 99 98% 99 Gatineau Pw 5s '56 - 1024, 162% lt)2‘/a Gen Pb U 6%s '56 A 94% 94% 94% Georgia Pw 5s 67_106V, 160 100 Glen Alden Cl 4s '65— 85 84% 84% 111 Cent R R 6s '37_160% 1004, 100% 111 Pw A L 6s '53 A— 105% 105% 1654, , 111 Pw A Lt 5%s '57.. 98% 984, 98% Indian E C 5s '51 C— 96 96 96 Indiana Ser 5s '56_ 73 73 73 Indianap Gs 5s '52_ 77 77 77 Interc Pw tis '48 A_ 12% 12% 12% Inti Securities os '47_ 102 102 102 Interest Pw 5s '57_ 68% 68 68% Interst P S 4%s '58 F_. 82 82 82 Iowa-N LAP 5s '57 A-. 104% 164% 104% Iowa Pub Sv 5s '57_104% 104V, 104V, Jackson G 5s 42 stp_52% 52% 52% Kan GAE 6s 2022 A.. 120 120 120 Kan Pw Co 6s '47 A— 101% 1614k 101% Kentucky Ut 5s '61_ 94 94 94 Kentucky U 5s '69 I_ 93 93 93 Lehigh P S 6s 2026 A.. 110% 110% 116% Lex Util 5s '52_105 1044, 105 Libby McN&L 5s ’42— 104% 1044, 104% , Long Is Lt bs '45 105 105 105 * La Pw A Lt 5s '57- 106% 106V, 106V, Manitoba P 5%s '51— 99% 99% 99% Mem P A L 5s '48 A— 103% 103% 103V, Midlan VRR 5s '43_ 97 96’, 97 Miss Pow 5s '55_ 89 89 89 Miss River P os '51_ 167 167 167 Nat P A L os 2036 B._ 92% 92% 924, Nevad Cal El 5s '56— 90% 96% 90% New E GAE 5s '50_ 80% 80V, 80% New E Pw 5s '48_ 98 98 98 New E Pw u'as '54_ 166 99s, 997, N Y P A Lt 4%s '67— 166% 166% 166% N Y S EAG 4‘as '80.. 163% 103% 1634, N Y A W Lt 4s 2064_ 102 162 102 No Ind P S 5s '69 D _ 164% 194% 164% Northw P S 5s '57 A 166% 100% 106% Ogden G Co os '45— 109% 109% 109% Ohio Pwr 4%s '56 D_. 103% 103% 103% Ohio Pub 8 os '54 D-. 103'/, 103'/, 103% Okla P A W 5s '48 A . 94 V, 94% 94 V, Oswego Falls 6s '41.. 102 102 102 Pac P A L 5s '55 854, 85% 854, Penn CLAP 4%s '77 103 163 103 Penn O E 5%s 59 B 105 1044, 105 Penn P Svc 6s '47 C 106% 1064k 1064k Peoo G LAC 4s '81 B 96 96 96 £&!*., EJ. ®V*s ’7~ --UO 110 110 Phil S GAE 4%s '57— 105% 1054, 165% Pitts Steel 6s 48 .. 105 105 105 Pw CD C 4%s 59 B— 104 103% 103'% Pw Ser Corp 6s '49— 102 102 102 Pub § No 111 5s '56. 111% 111% 111% Pug S PAL .->%s '49 A 91 904, 804,. Pug S PAL 5s '50 C 89% 89 89 Pug S PAL 4%s '50 D__ 84% 84% 84'/, |H Wa 4‘as '79- 1064, 1064, 166% oar Ar P&S .»s o8 B lOSVa IO0V2 10552 fad J°_L * p 6s '52 B 131 131 131 Schul R E hs .’Jo xw 4’Z 4^ 4** Bcripps oVas ’4:i HV-i3, Hn»3* nr]3* 8 E PAL tis 2026 A 106% 106% 106% Sou Ca Ed 34,s '6(1 103 103 103 Sou Cal E 34-iS '60 B 103', 103V, 163V, Sou Ind Ry 4s '51 84% 84% 84% Souw P A L Hs 2022 A 99% 99% 99% gpuwPb 8vc 6s '45 A 106 106 166 o. 9*E cv i>s '35 mat 96 96 on Stand Pw A Lt 6s '57 _ 88 87 87 o' £ 4%s :«8 165% 165% 105% Tenn El Pw us '56 91 91 91 Texas Elec 5s '60 _ 105% 165", 10544 Twin CRT 5%s '52 A 864k 86% 86% * CO 6s '44 III st 55 55 55 unit Lt A Pw 6s ,o_ 88 88 88 Jf0,11 fA:R D 5'as '52_ 93 93 93 v'alvol Oii ,s '37 .. 99 V, 99% 99 V, u 40 A - 1011/4 101’4 1,11 % 1011/4 1"1% 101% Too ? Of. ’60 - 106'/, 106V, 106% 6s 57 A .. 98V, 98 98 \5r t25‘stE.r> 4lo55 A - 165% 105% 105V, yis PAiL 4s 56 A _ 98% 98% 98% York Rvy Co 5s '37 95 95 95 _ „ FOREIGN BONDS Bad Con M 7s '82 24 °4 °4 Ger Con Men 7s '47 __ 234k 234, 2344 Isarco Hyd El 7s '52 . 77% 77% 77% Lima City 6%s 58 29% 29 "9% Mendoz P 4s '51 stp 95 94 95 Parana Braz 7s '58 .. 31 31 31 ij'ad El t>'as '60 A —. 75V, 75'/, 75'/, Un El Svc 7s 56 A 74% 74% 74% ww- -with warrants xw—Without war *ants. n—New st (stpi—Stamped (Negotiability impaired by maturity TCompanies reported in receivership ' INVESTING COMPANIES nTv iiif;-"" York Admin Fd 2nd Inc_2(r74' ^ol?' Am Business Shrs_ Txh Am Gen Ea Inc_ 1 if j'-n Am Ins Stocks-3 5J2ft fl’oo Bancamer Blair _ Bank Group Shrs •> <h; *»’oo Bankers Nat Inv Corp.III i!oo 4.7*$5 Basic Industry _ 5 HO Broad St Inv_37*3:* ;*q Q't Bullock Fund _ _ _H4.00 **5 Vk Continental Sh pf_23 Oo ‘>4 ob Corporate Trust _ 314 u Corporate Trust A A_I •>'»!* - Corp Tr A A mod _ 3 87 Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2 Ofl Corp Tr Acc Mod _ 3!«7 Cumulative Tr Sh _ fl.88 - Depos Bk Sh N Y “A”_ 2.82 - Depos Ins Shrs "A”_ 3 81 Depos Ins Shrs B”_ 3 60 Diversified Tr C___ 5.45 Dividend Shrs _ 2 15 0 30* SSifK c°rp S3 pf_..4lino 44'0(1 Fidelity Fund Inc_29 71 32 00 First Boston Corp_ 42 2ft 43 75 Fixed Trust Sh A _14.40 ' Fixed Trust Sh B_11.98 Found Tr Sh A - 5.30 5.60 Fund Investors Inc_ 20 22 27 68 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 6.71 7'5o Fund Tr Shrs B_ 6.15 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.45 8 10 Group Sec Agriculture_ 2.01 2 18 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.59 1 73 Group Sec Building_ 2.40 2 69 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.69 1.83 Group Sec Food _ 1.06 1 16 Group Sec Invest Shrs... 1.91 2.07 Group Sec Merchandise.. 1.61 1.75 Group Sec Mining _ 1.94 2 10 Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.55 1.62 Group Sec B R Equip_ 1.85 2.02 Group 8ec Steel _ 2.35 2.54 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.18 1.29 Huron Holding _ .88 1 28 In corp Investors _ 28.00 30.11 Insurance Group Shrs_ 1.77 1.91 Investors Fd “C Inc __ 17.03 17.38 ICeyston Cust Fund B-3._ 23.86 26.17 Major Shrs Corp_ 3.376 Maryland Fund _10.64 11.83 Mass Invest Tr_ 30.71 32.68 Mutual Invest_ 18.35 20.06 Nation Wide See_ 4.05 5.05 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.32 2.48 N Y Bk Tr Shrs _ 4.375 . North Am Bond Tr etf»_ 69.876 _ Nor Am Tr Shares_ 2.92 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ 3.82 _ No, Am Tr Sh 1956 _ 3.75 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1058_ 3.54 _ Plymouth Fund Inc _ .90 1.10 Quarterly Income Sh_ 19.38 21.23 Selected Am Sh _ 4.43 Selected Am Sh Inc_10.28 17.53 Selected Cumul Sh_11.40 Selected Income Sh_ 5.97 Soencer Trask Fund_ 22.86 23.58 ftand Am Tr Shrs_ 4.50 4.76 land Util Inc _ l.lo 1.19 Super of Am Tr A _ 4.52 _ Surer of Am TT AA_ 3.03 _ Super of Am Tr B _ 4.72 _ Super of Am Tr BB_ 3.03 _ Super of Am Tr C_ 8.63 _ Super of Am Tr D_ 8.63 _ Supervised Shrs _15.6(1 16.95 Trustee Stand Inv O_ 3.33 __ Trustee Stand Inv D_ 3.28 _ _ Trusted Am Bk "B” 1.02 1.13 Trusteed Industry Shrs_ 1.64 1.82 Wellington Fund _ 21.60 23.55 • Aero Supply Mfg. Co.—1936 elui B chare earnings were 7 cents. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. 8:30 Stock end 8»les— Dividend Rate. Add 00 Hlkh. Low. Close. Acme ff vtc II).. 60s 614 604 604 aero Supply (B».. 8 64 64 34 Ainsworthian.. 8 184 184 **H Air Investors Inc 1 44 44 *4 Ala Gri Sou (43) 26s 70 79 79 Alabam Pw pf (7) 10s 84 84 84 Allen Indus <tl > 3 24 234 234 Alliance invest 1 64 54 54 Alum'n Co of Am 200s 164 162 1624 Alum Am pf all 4 50s 1194 1194 1194 Alum Good sa90c 2 174 174 174 Aluminum Ltd 460s 119 1174 1174 Aim Ltd C pf bl4. 2 125 125 126 Am Airlines Inc 6 30 294 294 Am Beverage ... 1 34 34 34 Am BookCo (4).. 10s 72 72 72 Am Box B’d t80c. 1 194 194 194 Am Capital IB) .. 1 14 14 14 AmCapprpf54_ 60s 86 86 86 Am CltPAL B a20c 12 64 64 64 Am CPAL ww24 1 42 42 42 Am Cynam B V6UC 26 894 324 834 Am Eqlt (a224c). 2 44 44 44 Am A For Pw ww 2 34 34 84 Am GAE (1.40 ) 27 40 394 394 Am Gen C’p taSOe) 4 114 114 H4 Am Gen C pf (2) 50s 344 344 344 Am Hard Rub(al) 150s 274 274 274 Am L A T < 11.20) 10 22 214 22 Am MfgCo (a3).. 25s 394 394 394 Am Maracaibo .. 12 14 14 14 Am Meter ia24). 3 51 50 604 Am Pneu Service 1 14 14 14 Am Pot & Ch a2 4 150s 44 494 44 Am Superpower 27 24 24 24 Am Thread pf 2 So. 1 44 44 44 Anchor Post F 2 44 44 44 Angostura It20c). 8 8 74 74 Apex Electrlc(al) 6 41 404 404 Arcturus Radio T 7 24 24 24 Ark Nat Gas ... 14 104 104 104 Ark Nat G cu pf._ 5 94 94 94 Ark Nat Gas (A). 29 104 104 104, Art Met W (80c)-. 2 144 144 144 Ashland OAK HOC 6 8 74 8 Asso Gas A Elec t 2 2 2 Asso 0 A E (A) .. 16 34 34 34 Asso G A E $5 pf.. 2 284 28 4 284 All Coast Fisher.. 2 114 11 11 Atlas Corp war . 11 34 34 34 Atlas Plyw’d(141 8 274 274 274 Austin Stiver 26 34 3 3 Auto Products 4 84 74 84 Auto Vot Mch 50c 6 94 94 94 AX-FIsher (3.20) A 10s 88 88 38 Babcox A WU (4). 60s 147 146 146 Baldw L bd rta(d) |8o 44 34 44 Barium Stain Sti 20 64 64 64 BarlowASl A)l.20 200s 184 18 18 Bell Aircraft_ 9 174 17 17 Belianca Aircraft. 4 74 74 74 BerkeyAGay F Co 20 34 34 34 BerkAGF pur war 6 14 14 14 Bickfords pf(24) 100s 37 364 364 Bliss Co lE ff) . 11 234 224 224 Blue Ridge C alOo 6 84 34 34 Bohack HC 1st pf. 60s 60 60 60 Bourjois (a76c)... 1 64 54 64 Bower Roll B (2). 2 324 32 324 Brazil TLAP 40c.. 2 294 294 294 Bndgep t Mcb al. 1 184 184 184 Brill Corp (A)_ 76 164 15 16 Brill Corp (B)_ 28 64 « 64 Brill Corp pf . 360s 704 69 69 Brillo Mfg (80c)-_ 1 114 114 114 Brow n Co pi 60s 564 664 664 Brown F&W bl5c. 2 144 144 144 Brown Forman_ 2 94 94 »4 Bruce(E L) Co.— 2 304 30 304 Buckeye P L (4). 200s 60 49 49 Bunker H&Slbl}400s 129 128 129 Burco cv pf (3)... 26s 38 38 38 Burma (a25 4-60. 5 54 54 54 Cable & Wire (A).. 2 14 14 14 Cable&W pf a20c. 1 64 54 64 Cal&mba Su( T1.60 1 32 82 32 Can Indus Alco A. 1 7 7 7 Can Marconi .. 16 24 24 24 Capital City P 6O0 2 22 22 22 Carlb Syndicate.. 1 24 24 24 Carman A Co B... 1 64 64 64 Carnegie Metals.. 6 34 3,4 34 Carrier Corp .. 2 464 46 46 Carter (JW) 80c— 2 114 114 114 Casco Prod b2 4.. 1 81 Si 31 Castle A MACo T3 60s 714 714 714 j Catlln ('on. ia4i>c> 14 104 10 10 | Celanese 1st pf t7.226s 113 113 113 | Celluloid Corp pi 150s 52 50 62 j Cen Hud G&E Stic 3 17 17 17 ; Cent Ohio S b25c . 2 19s, 19H 194 Cen P&L pf 3.06 4 25s 83«* 83** 89** Cent States Elec 13 14 14 14 Cent St El 6% pf 75s 204 20 204 Cent & S W Util 2 6 44 44 Centrlf Pipe t40c 8 54 54 54 Chi Flex Shaft (4 ) 500s 764 75 764 Chi Rivet AM (2) 2 354 35 35 Chief Consol_ 81 14 14 14 Childs Co pf_25b 92 91 91 Cities Service_ 97 44 44 44 Cities Service pf 4 514 51 51 Clt Svc P&L $6 pf 26s 724 724 724 Clt Svc PAL *7 pf 100s 754 754 764 City AUtO S(t60c) 9 144 14 14 Claude Neon Lts 27 84 34 34 Clev EII Ium(t2). 2 44 44 44 Clev Tractor . 8 114 114 114 Club Aluminum . 1 1** 14 14 Colon Dev Ltd .. 23 74 64 74 : Colon Dev Ltd A . 24 44 44 44 I Colo FuelAIr war 6 214 21!-« 214 j Colts P F A b37>,ic 2 61 604 604 i Colum O A G a20c. 81 94 94 94 Co with Dist alOc 2 24 24 24 Com with AS war 44 *» 4 4 Comu’ty P&L 1st 60s 544 544 544 Community W S 2 24 24 24 Cons Aircraft 49 284 274 284 Consol Biscuit 60c 1 84 84 84 Consol Copper 89 94 94 94 C GELt&P Bo 3.60 1 81 8O4 804 Cons Mln&Sm t2 700s 884 88 884 Consol Retail Strs 1 84 84 84 Cons R S 8% pf b2 10s 1184 1174 H84 Consol Steel Corp 34 134 134 134 Cont i Roll A S Fy 7 25 244 344 Cooper Bessemer 7 32 3184 31)4 Cooper B pf AaaOc 1 SI 61 61 Cord Corp .. 15 48* 484 Corroon A Reyn 3 784 654 784 Cosden Oil Me (d) 15 3 28* 284 Cosden(Me)pf (d) 5 3984 3884 3884 Cramp(WftSons). 1 154 154 154 Creole Pe'. i*5Uc). 7 3384 3284 3354 Crocker-Wh alOc 13 18 1784 1784 Croft Brewing .. 62 !84 84 % Crowley Milner... 1 11 11 11 Crown Cent P a6e 20 284 284 284 Crown C I(A)b50c 1 15 15 15 Crown Drug blOc 4 484 454 484 Crown Drug pf 14* 76* 23!* 2384 28'4 Cuneo Press (2).. 1 49 49 49 Cuban Tob etc_ 1 12 12 12 Cusl Met Mining 543 5s 84 84 Dayton Rubber... 2 2584 25 25 Dennison 7% pf.. 10» 71 71 71 Derby Oil ft Ref . 1 684 684 Det Gas pf (1.20). 1 I854 1884 1884 Det (Mich) Stove. 19 9# Det Pap Prod t25c 19 9 9 Det Stl Prod b25c. 1 61 61 61 Diamond Shoe(t2)160> 27 2684 27 Distill Ltd b27c... 2 26 26 26 Distilled Liquors. 1 984 984 984 Domln SftC (B)... 87 245* 2354 2484 DowChem (2.40). 2 16084 14984 160 Driver Harris 154 1 38 38 38 Dubsller Condens 2 454 45* 454 Duke Power (3) 50s 78 78 73 Duro Test C(t40c) 4 754 754 784 Duval Tex 8s50c 1 884 884 884 Eagle Pitcher blOc 26 268* 2554 26 Kast’n O&K Asso 6 784 754 754 Estn G&F As pf 3.100* 5154 6184 5184 Cast n States Pwr 6 484 484 *H East'n St Pw (A) 2 73 73 78 Easy W M(B)t50c 1 1154 11J4 II84 Eisler Eleo (a5c> 5 38* 384 354 Elec Bond ft Share 159 2584 2454 2454 Elec B ft S Of (5). 1 7684 768* 7«5* Elec B&S Of (6). 2 84 8284 8284 Eleo P&L 2d pf A 30* 6884 6784 6784 Elec Shareholding 3 684 554 654 Elgin Nat W b50c 100* 3984 3984 3984 El Shov C 1st pf 150* 2084 2084 2084 Emp G&F 6% pf 26* 7184 7184 7184 Emp G&F 7% pf. 100* 7684 7684 7684 Emp G&F»% p# . 60* 7954 7954 79?4 Emp Pwr pt si.SO. 60* 3054 3054 3054 Emsco Derrick tl 2 1754 1784 1784 Equity Corp(a25c) 100 284 284 254 Europ'n El bd rta. 1 54 54 84 Evans Wall Load 20 384 284 284 Evans Wall L pf 200* 4154 4184 4184 Bxctllo Air(b20c). 6 26 2484 2484 Fairchild Avtlic 1 754 754 754 Fanny Farm C(l). 6 24 2384 24 Fansteel Metal 3 1684 1654 1684 F E D Corporation 1 54 54 54 Ferro EnamtaS) 6 46 46 46 Fldello Brawery.. 23 1 54 54 Fisk Rubbsr 19 1 654 16 1654 Flak Rub pf (3) 126* 9084 90 9084 Fla P ft L pf 100* 6654 6654 6654 Ford Ltd al81-10c 21 6 784 7 84 Ford (Cam A (1) 10 2684 2684 2684 Ford (Francs) .. 3 454 48* 48* Franklin Rav a60o 2 1154 1154 1154 Frosdt GftM(20c) 3 1284 1254 1284 Froedt't cv of 1.20 100* 1854 1854 185* Gamewell pf_... 20* 98 — 97 98~ Gen Alloys .... 8 584 6 6 Gen Ftrepr'f ♦40e. 18 2184 21 2184 Oan (nvsst Corp.. T 154 154 184 Oen Inv Corp pf— t 9384 9884 9384 G«nPub8pf al6. 460* 96 90 85 2:30 Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00 High. Low. Close. Jen Rayon Ltd A 8 24 24 24 Oen TeleC'pal.JS 6 21 204 21 (Jan Tire A Rub 2 294 Georgia Pw pf (6) 80. 96 9« 9* Gllb’t(AC>a624c 10 16 144 144 Gilbert! AClpf 3 4 60. 434 484 434 Glen Alden C (tl) 4 134 134 134 Godchaux S A b2.. 60* 49 49 49 Undchaux SugtB) 2 36 364 86 Goldfield Conaol— 16 4 4, 4 Gorham (A) - 8 6 6 6 Gorham Mf vte tl 1 26 26 26 Grand Natl Films 24 34 34 34 Grav Tel PStl) 1 184 184 184 Gr Kap Var(teoc) 2 164 164 164 OrtA&PTnvtS 70*118 1114 H3 Greenfield TAD 2 14 134 134 Groo Store Prod 2 54 64 54 Gulf Oil (Pa) b26e 18 60 69 694 Hall Lamp (80c) 2 64 64 64 Hartman Tobacco 8 24 2 24 Harvard Brewery. 1 84 84 84 HatCorp (b20c)_. 1 184 184 184 Hazeltlne (b75c).. 4 164 16 16 Hearn Dep S bl.66 4 16 164 1694 Hearn D S 6%pf 3 1 60 60 60 Hecla Min tb20c) 47 224 214 284 Helena Rubenet’n. 2 7 7 7 Helena Rub (A) 1. 2 10 10 10 Hevden Cb 112) . 2 414 414 414 Holllnger (t65c). 1 144 144 144 Hudson BMAS <1) <6 884 874 374 Humble Oil (1H)- 6 884 884 834 Hygrade Food 3 64 64 64 111 P A L 6% pf .. 60* 664 «64 664 111 Pwr A Lt 86 pf 1860* 67 644 664 Imp Ch Ind(a29c) 1 94 94 94 ImpOtl reg (tSOc) 2 24 24 24 Imp Oil Ltd t60c 18 24 234 24 Ind n Ter 111 O(A) 1 84 84 84 Indiana PL (t40c) 6 124 124 124 Indiana Svc 6%pf 10* 284 284 284 Indus Fin vtc 1 14 14 14 Indus Fin 7 % pf 76* 18 18 18 ins Co of No A t2 700. 704 70 4 704 Inti Clear M 4 28 274 274 Inti Hold&Jnv Ltd 2 34 34 34 Int H E Sep A war 1 14 14 14 inti Hv El S rv of 2 88 864 38 Inti Metals Inc A 100s 164 164 164 Inti Petr it I 4).. 3 384 384 384 Inti Products _ 27 74 74 74 Inti Utli (B) 2 24 24 24 Inti Vltamin(50c) 12 74 7 74 Interst H M t2 4 _ 1 41 40 42 Invest Royalty 6c. 14 4 4 Irving Air Cb (1). 1 164 164 164 Ital Superpwr(A). 2 14 14 14 Jacobs! FL)Co(l) 6 17 164 164 JerCen PALpf 5 4 26* 854 854 864 JersCen PAL pf 6 10s 91 90 90 Jonas A Naum blS 1 74 74 74 Jones&Laugb Stl 8 122 1194 120 Kan City P S pf A 2 84 34 84 KansG&Epf (7) 20s 1144 H44 1144 Ken RT&L A e7bc 1 26*, 264 254 Klnkston Prod *ne 22 64 64 64 Kingston Prod rts 13 4 4 4 Kirby Petrol (20c) 1 64 64 64 Klein (DEHtl) . 1 204 204 204 Konners pf (6) . 25* 1104 1104 1104 Kreuger Brew tl. 1 184 184 184 Laxe Sb M (t4) 2 584 684 584 Lakey Fv A Mach. 6 84 74 84 Lefcourt Realty .13 3 3 Leh Coal AN 30c.. 10 104 109* 104 Leonard oil _20 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (1).. 9 174 174 174 Lit Brothers . 1 64 69, 64 Locke Stl Ch t80c. 4 17 1*4 17 Lockheed Aircraft 23 16 144 16 Lone Star Gas 80c 2 124 124 124 Lung island Lt* 23 64 5 54 Long I L pf A(7). 10* 924 924 924 La Land (40c)_ 29 134 124 13 McCord Rad (B)_. 7 10 94 10 McWilliams D (t> 2 884 374 374 Majestic RaATel. 2 44 44 44 Mangel Stores ..19 9 9 Margay Oil a60n.. 3 294 294 294 I Marlon Steam Sh. 2 174 174 174 Maes (Jtll Assocla 2 34 34 34 j Massey Harris 20 144 14 144 1 Master Elec (1) I 22 22 22 I Mead Johnson(t3)175* 1204 119*, 1204 Mem Nat Uiaboci 2 6*4 64 64 Metal Texilei40c) 1 44 44 44 Merch&Mf A a30c 1 69* 64 «4 Merc Stores <b3). 2 504 50 50 Merritt Chap A S 2 9 87, H'i Mesabl Iron ... 91 14 14 14 Mich Bumper C_ 11 24 24 24 .Mich Gas A OU_ 7 11 104 H j Mich Sugar — 5 14 14 14 I Mid Sta Pet (B) . 1 i», 14 14 Mid-W AhrasalOc 8 491 44 44 Midvale Co (b75c) 25* 87 4 87 87 Mining Co (Can) 2 44 44 44 Molybdenum Corp 10 94 9 9 Mont Ward A <7 > 10* 1614 151 151 Moore Dist (t50c> 4 64 6*i 694 Mount Prod (60c) 5 74 7 7 Mueller Praia tl 8 53 62 63 Murray Mfg al.40. 1 27 27 27 Nat Aut Fib b50c. 3 33* 39 39* Nat Baking Co ... 1 11* u* jj* Nat Bella Hese 16 2* 2* 2* Nat Bd&Sh<a25c) 100s 56 56 56 Nat Contain a50c. 2 13* 12* 13 Nat Fuel Gas 11)_ 3 17* 17* 17* Nat Gyps A a2*„ 6 82* 81* 82 Nat Investors .. 5 3* 3* 3* Nat invest war 6 * * * Nat Inv pf (alO)_. 40« 103* 103* 103* Nat i.eatbei 5 1* 1* ju Nat Oil Prod t60c 1 43* 43* 43* Nat PA-Lt Of (6) 150s 87* 86* 86* Nat Refining 1 11* n* njj Nat Hub Jlch a20c 3 14* 14* 14* Nat Service ..5 * * * Net Service pf .. 2 4* 4* 4* Nat Sugar N J (2) 1 26* 25* 25* Nat Tea pf (55c) . 26s 9* 9* 9* Nat Transit (75c) 1 11 11 n Nat Union Radio 17 2* 2* 2* Nehl Corn 8 47* 46* 47* N'eptuneM(A)a60c 2 17* 17* 17* New HavCKUi) 1 27 27 27 N J Zinc (tl) 700s 92 90* 91 Newmont Min b75< 5 134* 133 133 N Y & Hondur (tl) 60s 33 33 S3 N Y Merchandise. 2 15 14* 14* N Y Steam _ 1 18* 17* 17* N Y Tel nf ((*) 26s 119* 119* 119* N Y Transit t30c 15 6 5 N Y Water Svc pf 10g 57* 67* 67* Niag Hud Pwr new 17 15 14* 14* Ntac H l’>Ai Ah 1 3 * * * Niagara H B war 4 2* 2* 2* Niag Hud 1st (5) 160s 96 * 96* 96* Niag Sh Md B a60e . 8 15 14* 14* Niles Bm Pnd b50c 3 46* 46* 46* Nipisslng 1600 1 8* 3* 3* Noma Elec (b40c) 2 8* 8* 8* Norm Am LAP 3 6* 6* 5* N A Rayon A tl * 1 46* 46* 46* No Am Ray B tl* 2 46* 46* 46* No Cen Tex O a 16c 2 5* 6* 6* North’n Europ 011 19 * * ^ North Pipe L a75c 1 9* 9* 9* North States PA 2 35* 85* 36* North w Eng(al* 15 36* 34* 36 Novadel Agene(2) 1 33 33 S3 Ohio Brass B (tl) 10s 64 64 64 Ohio Pwr pf (6) 10s 110* 110* 110* Ohio P S pf A (7). 90s 111 111 111 Okla Nat Gas Co.. 1 12* 12 12 Okla Nat Gas pf.. 50s 80* 30* 80* Oldetvme Distil .15 5 5 Overseas Sec 60c. 1 10 10 10 Pac G&E 1st (1*) 9 81* 31 81 Pacific Ltg pf (C) 25s 106* 106* 106* Pac Tin spec (t2) 60. 45* 45 46 PantepecOll 47 7* 7 7* Pender Gr(B)a50c 6 12* 12 12* Peunroad ia26c> 128 5* 4* 6* Penna Salt (bl * ) 60s 172 172 172 Phila Co (1) 3 16* 16* 16* Phillips Pkg a60c 4 14* 14* 14* Phoenix Secur 22 11* 11 11* Phoenix S pf A(3) 1 40 40 40 Pierce Gov (a&Oe) 2 38* 82* 83* Pioneer Gold blOc. 4 6* 5* 5* Pitney Bow(t40c) 1 8* 8* 8* Plttsbgh Forging 3 24* 24* 24* Pitts ALEbSli 180s 109* 107 108* Pitts Plate Gl(s«) 2 148* 148* 143* Pleas Vail W(b6c) 1 1* 1* 1* Plough Ino (1.30) 2 17* 17* 17* PowdrellAAl tIOo. 1 11* 11* 11* Potrero Sugar 1 8* 3* 8* Premier Gold ti2o 6 3* 8* 8* Pressed Met (t2). 2 83* 88 88* Producers Corp.— 1 * * * Propper-McC (d). 1 X X * Prosperity B al* 9 17* 18* 17* ProvGas (800... 100s 11* 11* 11* Pub Svc Ind pf 180s 89* 89 89* Pub 8vc Ind or pf 80s 66* 64* 64* Pub Svc N 111 pf6 100s 119* 119* 119* “u* Sd PAL pf(6) 60s 78 77* 77* Pug Sd PAL l< Pf 300s 46* 46* 45* Pyrene Mfg a90e. 4 18* 18* IS* Quaker Oats (5).. 10s 121 121 121 Ry A Lt Sec al.65. 76s 24* M* 24* Rainbow bum (A) 3 1* 1* 1* Rainbow bum (B) 1 * * * Raym'dCono 'tl) 1150, 46* 48 45* Raym’d Con pf(3) 60s 68* 68* 68* Raytheon Mfg vto 17 7 7 Red Bank • • 15* 16* 16* Reed R B new tl* 8 46* 46 46 Reiter-Foster .. 12 1* 1* 1* Reynolds Invaat.. 11 2* 2* 2* Rice Stir DO M0o. 2 11* 11* 11* Rlcbm’d Radiator. 8 7* 7* 7* Roch GAE pf DI. Me 101 101 101 SHARP HIT SEEN $790,000,000 Total‘Frozen’ Under Increase in Requirements. By the Associated Press. The Federal Reserve Board reported that $790,000,000 of idle bank funds were "frozen” under the Increase in deposit reserve requirements effective on March 1 The 16% per cent increase will be followed by a similar raise effective May 1. The higher requirements were ordered to head off a possibly injuri ous credit expansion. In its weekly condition statement, the board said member bank excess reserves stood at $1,310,000,000 on March 3, compared with $3,100,000,000 in the previous week. The further requirement Increase May 1 is expected to effect a similar reduction. Thus, on the basis of the present excess re serves, only about $500,000,000 of idle money will remain. After May 1, the board expects to exercise flexible control ov^r the supply of loanable funds through the pur chase or sale of Government securities. The condition statement today showed a $35,000,000 increase in money in circulation during the week ended March 3 to $6,407,000,000, a new high for this year and $559,000,000 over the same week a year ago. This outflow of funds into circula tion had some effect in reducing excess reserves, exclusive of the reduction caused by the raise in reserve require ments. The board's statement said: "During the week ended March 3 member bank reserve balances de creased $45,000,000. Reductions in member bank reserves arose from a decrease of $3,000,000 in reserve bank credit and Increases of $35,000,000 in money in circulation, $18,000,000 in Treasury cash and $36,000,000 in Treasury deposits with Federal Reserve banks, offset in part by increases of $18,000,000 in gold stock and $3,000,000 in Treasury currency and a decrease of $24,000,000 in non-member deposits and other Federal Reserve accounts.” 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close. Roosevelt Field 13 3 8 Root Petrolm(l). 13 10 94 94 Root Pcvpf 1 20 2 1« 16 16 Russeks F Av(tl) 17 804 30 80 Rustless IrftStl 48 174 164 174 Rran Consolld’d 2 44 44 44 Rverson ft Haynes 2 74 74 74 Saf CarHALtblH 26s 136 165 136 St Anthony Gold 66 4 % % St Regis Paper 28 84 84 84 St Reds Paper pf 100s 116 116 115 SchHT(The)Co( t3) 2 414 40 414 Scovill Mfg (b50c) 60s 64 634 64 Seeman Bros t2 4 2 49 49 49 Segal Lock ft H 8 84 84 34 Selbarling Rubber 2 64 64 64 Selected Indus 32 34 84 84 Sel Ind *11 cfa 54 260s 1014 1014 1014 Sel Ind Inc cv *2.. 1 28 28 28 Seton Leath a50e. 1 10 10 10 Sent Saf Control 2 4 4 4 Seversky Aircraft 4 8 6 6 Shattuck Den Min 24 264 234 264 Sherwtn- Will <4> 200s 1514 149 1514 Shawln W ft P 80c 1 80 SO 30 Simmons Hd A P. 10 64 6 64 Singer Mfk l «6).. 20s 345 844 346 Sinker Mfg Ltd rets (a28 4-5c). 16 6 6 SonotonaC lalOc) 2 2 2 2 Soss Mfg !a25c) __ 3 8 74 74 SoCal Ed pt pf 1 4 20s 39 39 39 So Cal Ed of B 1 4 1 284 284 284 So Cal Ed pf C 1 H 1 27*4 274 274 South’n Colo PA. 1 74 74 74 South'n PL b20c.. 1 64 64 64 Southn Union Gas 7 44 44 44 Southl'd Roy blOc 1 94 94 94 SpanlshftGen rcta 14 4 4 Spen Chain St 60c 1 94 94 94 Square D pf A 2.20200s 46 464 46 Stahl Mver Inc ..14 4 4 Stand Dredetnk 7 5 44 5 Stand Inv cum pf 100s 574 574 574 Stand Oil Ky (tl) 5 194 194 194! Stand OH Ohio tl. 2 434 43 434 Stand Pwr A Lt 9 6 54 54 . Stand Prod <b25e) 6 22 214 214 Stand SllftLd (40 44 4 4 4 Starrett Corp vfr 2 9 84 84 Sterl Alum Pa 76c 6 114 114 114 Sterl'k Brew a75c. 13 74 74 74 Sterling. Inci20c) 5 64 6 64 Stetson! JB)b50c 60s 264 25 254 Stlnnes(Hugo) d 3 44 44 44 Stroock 4 Co *24 10 324 >2 82 Stuts Motor . 7 2 2 2 Sullivan Machine. 1 27 27 27 Sun Ray Dr tSOe.. 1 17 16 164 Sunray Oil (alOo) 11 44 44 44 Sunahln* Min (I). 46 214 21 214 Taggart Corp — 2 144 144 164 Tampa El (2.24).. 8 884 83 38 Tasty east (Dal) A. 8 14 14 14 Tavlor Diet (300 . 3 6 4 4 44 Technicolor a50a 2 204 194 20 Thew Shoval a60c 200* 684 674 68 Tllo Roof (t50c* 2 164 16 164 Tob Prod Exp 16c 2 84 84 *4 Todd Shlpyd (t2) 200. 664 664 664 Tonooah Balmont 9444 Tonopab M (a6e). 6 2 14 14 Tr-Lux DPS *20e. 8 5 44 6 Trl-Contl C war 15 24 24 24 Tublze ChsGlllon 8 284 274 274 Tune-Sol Lamp n 8 84 84 84 Tune-Sol L of 80c 1 114 114 114 Twin-Coach al 40 12 264 254 254 Ulen ft Co 6% pf 1 54 64 54 Ulen ft Co 74% pt 2 64 64 64 Unit Air war 6 30 294 SO Unit Chemical . 1 114 114 114 United Corp war.. 12 14 14 14 Unit Gas Corp 32 134 124 13 Utd Gas war 12 34 84 34 United GCpfblfc 3 1194 119 119 Unit Lt* Pw (A) 27 9 84 9 Unit Lt A Pw pf 1 614 614 614 Unit Molass bll4 2 74 74 74 Unit Shloyds B 4 4 34 84 Unit Shoe M t2H 26e 91 894 8»4 U 8 Foil (B) tl) 10 174 17)i 174 USAIS latpf bl4 « 924 *24 >24 U S Lines pf 1 24 24 24 U S Rub Reclaim 19 104 94 104 Unit Storaa vtc .. 2 14 14 14 Unit Verde Ex (1) 8 44 4 4 Unit Wall Paper 81 54 6 6 Unlv Cons OlUal) 1 16 16 16 Utah Apex 12 64 64 64 Ut PftLpf b87HC- 25s 75 75 75 Utah Radio Prod 18 8 8 Utilities P& L (d) 28 14 1 14 Util PA LB (d) . 3 8 8 8 UtilP&Lpf <d>- 60s 28 224 tSH Utility Baulties 6 64 54 64 Utility Eq pfb4 4 26s 864 864 654 Utility A Indus pf 1 6 44 44 Valspsr vtc _ 6 94 94 94 Valspar pf vtc_ 60s 704 704 704 Venezuela Max O. 8 74 74 74 Venezuela Patrol. 6 24 24 24 Waco Aircraft . 1 84 84 84 Wagner Bak b40c. 1 22 22 22 Walker Minin* 1 44 4 44 Wayne Knit Mills. 2 8 8 8 Wayne Pump (600 8 424 42 424 Well’Vn Oil of Del 12 104 104 104 Wentw-h Mf tl.20. 27 80 284 SO WTexUtpfa3% 60s 964 96 964 W Va Coal A Coke 27 44 44 44 Westn A E (a36c) 1 94 94 94 West Au Sup A ♦« 800s 864 864 864 Westn Md pf <a7) 60s 116 110 116 win ou-o-M a&oe 1 10 10 10 Wll-iow Cafe pf - 1 74 74 74 Wilson Jon *24 . 1 674 66 66 Willson Prod Itl) 2 144 14 14 Wolverine Port C. 1 *4 <4 <4 Wolv Tube (ttlic) 7 18 174 174 Woodlev Pat ’40c 1 94 94 94 Wool FW Ltd b41e 1 194 194 194 Wrikhi Hark »40o 19 74 74 74 Ygttn Stl Door(2) a 7*4 724 784 Yukon Gold (alia) 2 84 84 84 Dividend rates a dollars eased on last quarterly or semi-annual naymsnt. tAn nual rata—not including, extras tAa cumulated dividends a Paid last year, b Paid this year d Companies reported ee being in bankruptcy orln receivership, er being reorganised under the bankrsntey act. or securities assumed by such eom ■anise NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued From Page A-18 ) 2:16 p.m. Prev 1937 Stock and Salee— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Bleb. Low. Clou, chi* 71* <0* ns PlpeAFdry (I).. 21 «7* 66* 67 +1* 19* IB* U S Realty A Imp- 7 It* 16* 16* - * 81* 44* US Rubber _ 79 60* 68* 80* +1* 118 92* U S Rubber let pf_ 29 110* 108 110* +1* 96* 88* U S Smelting (b2) .. 27 98* 96 97* +8* 76* 69 U S Smelting pf (3*) 1 70* 70* 70* +1* 124* 76 US steel.. 363 125* 122* 124*44* 150 189* US steel pf (7) 5 147* 146* 146* - * 169 167 U S Tobacco pf (7)_ 10» 166 166 165 -2 9* 7* USStl Yd (al2*C)_. 4 7* 7* 7*-* 8* 6* United Stores (A) . 8 7* 7* 7* 108 100 Unlv Pictures 1st pf. 10« 100* 100* 100* 4 * 6* 8* UUIPwALt (A)(d). 9 8* 8* 8*-* 2* 1* Vadsco Sales Corp . 7 2* 2* 2* 4 * b8* 48 Vadsco 8ales Corp pf 20s 67 66* 66* 4 * 34* 28* Vanadium Corp .. 116 86 88 86* 48 44* 89* Van Raalte (b62*c) 7 42* 41* 42* 41* 114*113* Van Raalte 1st pf (7) 20* 115 116 116 41 46* 42* Vick Chemical <t2)_ 8 46* 46* 46* 4 * 9* 7* Va-Car Chemical .. 46 9* 9 9 61* 64* Va-Car Chem 8% pf. 8 68* 67* 67* 4 * 12* 8* Va Iron Coal A Coke. 460* 12 11* 18 4 * 87 26* Va Iron C A C pf_ 90* 86 38 86 42 6* 8* Wabash id) _ 10 6* 4* 6 14* » Wabash pf (A)(d) — 84 14* 14 14*4* 19* 16 Waldorf Sys (tl.20). 8 18* 18 18*-* 49 87* Walgreen Co (2)_ 1 46* 46* 48*-* 48* 46* Walker (H)(2)_ 6 46* 46* 48*-* 17 11* Walworth Co_ 64 16* 16* 16* 4 * 10* 6* Ward Baking (B)_ 18 10 9* 9*-* 18 14* Warner Bros Picture. 41 16* 16* 16* — * 1* 1* Warner-Quinlan (d). 6 1* 1* l* 12* 6* Warren Broa (d)_ 6 9 8* 8* - * 46* 86* Warren FdyAP (tl) 8 44* 44* 44*-* 9* 7* Webster Elsenlohr_ 2 7* 7* 7* — * 2* 1* Wells Fargo .... 470. 2* 2 2 - * 62* 46 Wesson OAS (t60c).. 15 62* 62* 62* 4 * 84* 81 Wesson OAS pf (4). 2 83 83 88 -1 102 88 West Penn Elec A (7) 20. 101* 100 100 100* 96 West Ps Elec pf (6). 20. 96 96 96 109 104* West Pa Elec pf (7). 90. 106 106 106 9:16 p.m. Prev 1037 Stock end Bale*— Net Huh. Law Dividend Rate. Add 00. Htib. Law. Close, ehtt. 116411*4 W«it PaPwrpf («). 20.115 1144 115 +4 11 84 Wastern Maryland_ 150 114 104 114 + 4 224 174 Weatern Md 2d pf_ 19 23 214 224 +24 *4 *4 Waatern Pacific _ 29 84 84 84 +4 10 74 Waatern Pacific pf... 80 104 94 94 + 4 8*4 714 Weat'n On Tel(b75c) 24 79 77 774 -14 664 684 Westlngh'ae A B 11). 67 664 64 664 +24 1674146 Weatlntb'se El (bl). 1* 1(64 166 1664 + 4 170 161 Wecthse 1st pf (bl) 20. 168 167 167 334 26 Weston El Inet(agSc) < 274 264 274 +1 274 2*4 WestvacoChlor (1). 2 264 25 254 + 4 344 88 Westvaco 5%pf(lV4) 3 344 844 344 120 114 Wheel A L E pf (5 4 ) • 20. 1184 118 118 -2 664 88 Wheeling Steel. 28 674 664 6* +14 834 284 Whit* Motor _ 60 324 814 32 +4 184 164 Whit* Rk M S <1.40). 7 184 18 18 +4 64 64 White Sewing Mach.. 3 64 64 64 4*4 88 White Sew Mach pf._ 1 414 414 414 + 4 64 44 Wilcox Oil A Gas .. 8 6 64 64 124 84 Wilson A Co (5UC)_ 22 I14 114 114+4 914 794 Wilson A Co pf (6)_ 1 91 91 91-4 664 644 Wool worth (2.40).... 19 67 664 664 + 4 47 844 Worthington Pump.. 6 464 444 46 +4 1044 81 Worth Pump pf «A>. 980. 106 1024 106 +44 W4 774 Worth Pump pf (B). 1 964 94 964 +24 1274116 Wright Aero (al)_ 110. 127 124 126 +2 76 69 Wrlgley W Jr (tl)— 6 69 684 6«H - 4 624 494 Yale A Town. (tIOc). 2 66 66 66 874 204 YallowTr A Coach... 96 844 84 844 + 4 142 128 Yall Tr A C pf bl %_ 20. 188 188 188 464 424 YoungSprA W (t8). 8 464 4*4 4*4 + 4 994 764 Youngstown 8 A T... 160 1014 9*4 1004 +24 116 100 YgstnSATpf (64).. 4 101 101 101 404 88 Zenith Radio (b50c). 20 894 884 884 94 74 Zonlt# Product*- 80 74 74 74-4 Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Z. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M- 720.000 12:00 Noon. . .. 1 280 000 1:00 P.M_1.760,000 2:00 P.M.2.120.000 Dividend rate, ss given In the above table are the annual ea.h payment. bated on the late.t quarterly or half-yearly dec uratlom « Unit of trading Jess than 100 shares. (Annual rate— not Including extras, a Paid last year, b Paid this year. xExm<Jnd*nd repcrt*d ln «e«:7ewhln or betnt reorganised. NEW YORK COTTON B7 the AModttrd Press. NEW YORK, March 5.—Renewed active buying developed in cotton to day to carry prices to further new high ground following early reactions. Weakness of the franc brought in foreign demand while Wall Street and Western buying waa attracted on the advance. May, which had eased from 13.22 to 13.14 in early trading, rallied to 13.45 and was holding at the best in midafternoon, when prices were 19 to 29 points net higher. New Orleans Prleei. NEW ORLEANS. March 5 (/Pi.—Small net losses were marked up against cotton futures at the opening today May opened at 13.15. July at 12 89. October at 12.43 bid and December at 12.45. In the first half hour options fluctuated narrowly around these levels. Selling was light at the first call, but buying Interest was not as settve as It has been the past week. The President's mrsssge last night was actively discussed. The ring however, did not consider It offered anything that should change the present course of prices. Cottonseed oil futures opened steady. March. 10.45b May. jo 53b; July. 10.50; September. 10 54b. October. 10.35b. b—Bid. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s— *1,000 at 96 Potomac Electric Power %% pfd.—10 at 114, 10 at 114, 10 at 114. Potomac Electric Power pfd.—5 at 1144. 2 at 11214. Washington Rwy. & Elec pfd.—10 at llOVi. AFTER CALL. Security Storage Co—1 at 118 Mergenthaler Linotype—8 at 51. Riggs Bank common—3 at 356 Capital Traction 5s—*500 at 95 Washington Gas Light—5 at 88. Bid and Aaked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked. Amer. Tel. A Tel. 44s. ... I or 4 Anacostia A Pot 6s _ 76 78 Ana. A Pot Guar. 5s _1104 _ C. A P Tel. of Va. 6s ... 10* Capital Traction R R 6s 854 87 City A Suburban 5s _ R5 864 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_120 Pot Elec Pow :<1«s_102'a 104 Wash. Gat 6s 1958 _ 1054 Wash. Gas 5s I960 _123 125 Wash. Rwy. A Elec. 4s .. 106 _ MISCELLANEOUS Col. Country Club 64s_105 _ W. M. Cold Storage 5s_100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer. Tel. A Tel. <9)_ 1784 _ Capital Transit Co. _ bl54 154 N A W Steamboat Ig6> . 110 _ Pot. Elec Pow. 8«i dM. (6). 1124 _ Po. El. Po. 54 Df. (5.50). 112 Wash. Gas Lt. Co (3 60) . 86 89 Wash. Ry. A El. com. >36) 725 Wash. Ry. A El. Dfd. (5) 1094 110% BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer. Sec A Tr. Co. (e8> 295 315 Bank ol Bethesda <h.75> _. 34 - Capital 14) 135 - Com. A Savings <a8>_ 205 - Liberty (4) - _ 140 - Lincoln (16.25) 200 - Natl. Savings A Trust - 1*5 __ Pr. Georges Bk. A Tr. (.60) 18 SI Riggs <e8) 345 - Riggs Dfd. (5) . 101 - Washington (6) _ - 130 - Wash. Loan A Trust (e8) 2>o - FIRE INSURANCE American (6) 100 - Corcoran (5> 100 - Firemen's (1.60) . _ 28 - National Union (.60)_ 18. - TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia f.30)_ 13 16% Real Estate (6)..180 - MISCELLANEOUS Camel Coro (2.00) % 22 26 Laniton Monotyne (4) +100 Mergenthaler Llnotyt* (I) *51 524 Peonies Drug S. com. (tl.OO) *58 61 Peonies Drug 8 of. <6.5o> *1114 Real Est. M AG. Df. <**.70) 54 64 Security Storage <5> 120 1-5 Ter Ref A Wh Com. (3) 80 Wdwd. A Loth. com. (tl 50) 68 78 Wdwd. A Loth Dfd. (7) 120 125 ■Bx dividend bBookg closed. IBOc'pald1 May 15. 1936: SOc Dald Aug. 15. 1936; 53c Dald Nov 16. 1936. a—4% extra e—2ft extra, f—l4«r„ extra h—75c extra e—1 rt extra Dald Def 16- 1936 • •—25c pale* June 30. 1936; 4oe Paid Dec. 22. 1936. _. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. March 5 (4b.—New York Security Dealers' Association: Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (2a)-103 fOJ Aetna Ins (1.60)-- 52% o4% Aetna .Life (.80a)- 33 35 Am Boult (1.60) • - - 42% 45% Am Ins Newark (%a) xdr — 14% 13% , Am Reins (3) .. »4% 98% Am Reserve (la)- 32 34 Am Surety (2%)- «<• g* Automobile (la).--- 34 3« Balt Amer (,20a)- g% 9% Carolina (1.30) 28 29 % City of N Y (1.20)- 28% 30% Conn Oen Llf (.80)- 42 44 Contln Cas (1) 31 33 Fid & Dep (1«)-127% 130% Firemen’s Nwk -- 13% 14% {Yank Fire lie) - 31% 33% Gen Reinsur (2)- 45 4. Glen Falls (1.60)_ 48% 48% Globe A Rep (.80)- 22% 25% Globe £ Rut - 73% 7ft Great Amer (la)-- 28% 30 Hanover (1.60) 37% 39% Harmonla (1.30) - 28% 30% Hartford Fire (2)- 71% 73% SSS*. ^ ffi):::::::::: M gk Homestead (1) •- 20 21% Lincoln Fir© __ 45V5 Mass Bond (.3*/*)- lift Natl Fire (2) „- «6% 68% BNatl Liberty ( 20a)- 9% 11% N Hampshire (1.60)—-- 46 4. % if § Mh’da):::::::- 39% 41^ fire (8) _213% 218% sld (4%a)_-_128 131 e (3%s)-740 790 S (16)_611 621 e (2) 57 59 iter (1a) --- 36 38 a—Also extra or extras, t—Declared or paid so far this year. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. March 5 (4b (O. S. Depart ment of Aerleulture).—Some woolen manu facturers covered Immediate needs In orielnal bae lines for fine Western arown wools today. The volume wai not larae but Included a number of lines. Short French combine lenath fine terri tory wools In orielnal baas brouaht around 81. scoured basis. Averaee ,to eood French combine lenath fine territory and Texas wools In . orielnal baas were Sl.03-05. scoured basis, when boueht by mlils with ursent needs. Others were not attracted by prices In these ranees. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. March 5 (P).—Live poultry, broilers, erois-breda. 11-23. Dressed poultry uaehanaed. Woolworth Sales Up 3.9 Per Cent From 1936 Level Bv the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 5 —February sales of F. W. Woolworth Co. were $19,758,264. against $19,014,284 in February, 1936, an increase of 3.9 per cent, it was announced. January sales showed an increase of 9.8 per cent over January, 1936. SPENDING BOOSTED BY CITIES SERVICE — Expenditure of 42 Millions in 1937 Will Compare With 129,600,000 in 1936. Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 5 —Cities Serv ice Co., holding company with con cerns in the oil and utility business, announced it was stepping up 1937 ex penditures for construction and im provements to $42,000,000 from $29, 600,000 last year. Bulk of the funds. $24,000,000, will go into its oil properties. Some $16, 000,000 is to be spent for production, pipe-line and storage facilities, includ ing drilling, development work, rentals and lease purchases. Construction of new gasoline plants, refinery improve ments and retail outlet expansion will absorb $8,000,000. Extension of rural electrification, more power generating facilities and routine urban expansion and replace ments will absorb most of the *11, 000,000 devoted to the company’* power and light division. Natural gas properties will take up $7,000,000 In purchase of additional leases, drilling, pipe lines and under* ground storage facilities. DEPOSITS RECORD SET IN VIRGINIA 1216,475,431 Total December 31 Represents All-Time Peak, Com missioner Reports. BT the Associated Press. RICHMOND, Va., March 5—De posits of Virginia State banks have reached an all-time high point. M. E. Bristow, commissioner of in surance and banking of the State Corporation Commission, reported to day that the figures as of December 31. just compiled, showed a total of S218.475.451.57 on deposit. The pre vious record total of $206,339,000 was reached on December 31, 1928. There were 191 institutions oper ating during 1936, compared to 195 in 1935 and 315 in 1928. Total assets reached $265,193,065.39. TALC0TT VOLUME UP SHARPLY OVER 1936 Special DUpstcb to The Star. NEW YORK, March 5.—James Tal cott, Inc., textile and general factors, report a business volume of $16,058. 971 for the first two months of 1937, as compared with $12,088,632 for the corresponding period of 1936, an in crease of 33 per cent. Volume for Feb ruary was $8,019,497. compared with $5,870,601 for February, 1936, an in crease of 36 per cent. -m — -- OFFERS LAND BANK ISSUE. NEW YORK. March 5 (/P).—Public offering was made today of $3,000,000 Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank 3 per cent farm loan bonds due in 1944. The issue offered by Lee Higginaon Corp. was priced at 101 and accrued interest and is not redeemable before April 1, 1939. B. & 0. TO RECEIVE BIDS. NEW YORK, March 5 OP).—Balti more & Ohio Railroad Co. will re ceive bids on March 23 for $7,500,000 Series “I” 2t» per cent equipment trust certificates, due March 1,1938, to March 1, 1947. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Ches. Rate—Maturity. 3 Apr. IS, ’37.. 3y« Sept. 15. 37.. 2H Neb.. 1. ‘38 3 March. 15. 38 2% June 15. 38 2(4 Sept. 15. 38 1 Mi March 16. '38 2 Vs June 15. '38 1% Dec. 15. '39 . 1H March 16. '40 lVj June 15. '40 l's Dec. 15. '40 . 1J4 March 15. 41 1H June 15 ’41.. lVi Dec. 15. ’41.. STOCK SEAT HIGHER. NEW YORK, March 5 (jP).—Ar rangements were made to sell a mem bership in the New York Stock Ex change today for $125,000, an advance of $6,060 over the $119,000 for which a seat last changed hands, Febru ary 13., METAL MARKET. NEW YORK March 6 OR —Copper Arm: electrolytic, spot and future. 15.00: ex port. 16.57V4. Tin firm; apot and nearby. 58.00a58.12Vi: future, 57.87V2S58 00. Lead steady: spot. New York 7.00a7.05. East St. Louis. 6,85. Zinc steady: East St. Louis, spot and future. 7.00. Iron, aluminum, antimony quicksilver, platinum and CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. March 5.—A rapidly ad vancing trend that developed most strongly during late dealings hoisted wheat here 2»4 cents a bushel maxi mum today. Unusual strength shown in foreign markets, with a decidedly better com mercial demand for wheat, did much to spur price upturns in Chicago. Houses with Eastern connections were conspicuous as buyers. At the close, wheat was l?ia2*£ above yesterday’s finish; May 1.35*4 a'i, July 1.17al.l7*4; Com ’gal** up, May 1.07’»al.08, July 1.027*al.03; oats *4a?4 advanced and provisions show ing 2 to 20 cents gain. WHEAT— Open High low Close. May 1.34 1.35’2 1,33’. 1.35'/«-U J-ly ... 1.15*4 1.17V* 1.1S>« 1.17-1714 ®*CORN— * 1 14 112'4 1 13**-’* May new 1.07 1.08 1.0614 1 071.-08 May old_ _ 1 05*4 July, new 1.02*4 1.03 1.02*4 1 02’.-03 July, old . sill», MflVg .903, 95V, .90».->4 OATS— May .4644 .46*4 .46*4 .402,-1 i July ... .42*4 42*4 ,42V. 42'a-S, 8ep 40 40*4 .3014 40*.-y« 80Y BEANS— May 1.53*4 1.53*2 1 53 1.53*2 July -1.50*4 _. 1.50*4 BYE May _1.06 1.07*4 1 05*. 1.06*. July _ .99*4 100*4 .OS*, loo*. Sep .901a .91*2 .90V4 .91'« BARLEY— May .... _ . .82 l+RD— M»r._ 12 60 12.65 12 60 12 65 May _ 12 05 13.02 12 85 13 02 July . .. 13.10 13.25 13 10 13 25 Sep 13.35 13.50 13.35 13 50 BELLIEB— May .. . .... 16 45 July ... 10.75 16.75 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat. No. 1 hard. 1.41: No. 3 hard. 1.38’*; com. No. 4 mixed. 1.09*4: No. 3 yellow. 1.11-12; No. 4 yellow, 1.08*4-10*2: oats. No. 1 white, 51V4; No. 3 white, 48*2; sample grade. 47*4-48: no rye; barley feed. 73-87 nominal: malting. 1.00-38 nominal; timothy seed. 5.50-75 hundred weigh*: new, 5.25-50 hundredweight: clover need, 28 00-35.00 hundredweight. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE March R (P —Wheat No 2. red Winter garlicky. spot domestic. 1.45*4: March 1.45'4. Winnipeg Price*. WINNIPEG. March 5 OPi.—Grain range today Prer. WHEAT— High. Low. Close Close. May_1.29 1.27*, 1.28% 1.27 July_1.24'a 1.23% 1.24% 1.22% October_1.12% 1.11% 1.12% 1.11% OATS— May_- .55% .65% .55% .55% CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. March 5 0P>.—(United States Department of Agriculture.'—Hogs, Including 5.000 direct: market generally slow but steady with Thursday's average: bulk good and choice 180-320 pounds 10.20-36: top. 10.40: medium to good 150 180 pounds. 0 00-10 00 pigs, largely 7 00 8.00: choice kinds un to o 00 and better; most packing sows. 9.50-75. Cattle. 1.50o: calves. 500: generally steady trade on all slaughter classes ex cepting slight weakness on common and modtum steers scaling downward from 1.000 pounds- load 1.201 pounds 13.75: sprinkling 9.50-11.00: others mostly com mon and medium lightweights downward from 8.50 she stock fully steady few heifers. 7.76-8 50. but mostly 8.50-7.50 market: beef cows and cutter grades fully steady: vealers strong: bulk 7 00-6 50: few shipping weights. 9.00: bulls uuotably steady Sheep. 7.000: Including 500 direct- fat lambs opening slow: early bids steady at around 11.50 for best kinds: asking un evenly higher: fat sheep strong. LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication tor braying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge fa appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organiacd 1879 _ home loans I To Purchase «1\ I or 11 Low as III 1 Refi»ancc 1 5% H I 11 cosy Monthly Pay- l \ K U men« *» “ \ \ k 1 1 #1.50 per »1-000 j 1 I Your Savins* ^ ^sToOO * HARVESTER NET 1936 Total Is All-Time Rec ord, With Exception of 1929 Mark. BT the Associated Press. CHICAGO, March 5 —The Interna tional Harvester Co.'s 1936 net profit totaled $29,760,000, largest lor any year In the company's history except 1929, 8ydney G. McAllister, president, reported. The 1935 profit was $19, 618,000 and 1929 earnings totaled $36,779,998. Figures lor 1936 covered a fiscal pe riod ending October 31. Heretolore the company’s annual report has been based on a fiscal year ending December 31, but Including no sales alter No vember 30. So lar as income is con cerned, therefore, today's report re flected operations ol 12 months In the major part ol the Southern Hemi sphere, as heretofore, and 11 months in all other places, the missing month being November. The 1936 fiscal period net was equivalent to approximately $5.66 per share on the common stock alter pro vision for prelerred stock dividends for the lull year, compared with $3 28 per share the previous year. Harvester’s proceeds from sales to taled $254,934,000, a gain of 17 per cent compared with the previous year but 24 per cent less than the 1929 peak. Net operating Income In 1936 was $27,018,548, compared with $11,878,049 in 1935. In addition interest on re ceivables, time sales and investments and miscellaneous earnings, less taxes, totaled $4,741,823, provision for surtax on undistributed profits was $2,000,000. Total transferred to surplus afteT divi dends was $13,479,804. Transcontinental A Western. Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., Kansas City, reported 1936 net income of $205,125, compared with $19,404 in 1935. This was equivalent to approximately 32 cents a share on the capital stock outstanding. Northern States Power. The Northern States Power Co and subsidiaries reported preliminary net income of $5,190,816, compared with $4,933,765 in 1935. Borg-Warner Corp. Borg-Wamer Corp. and subsidiaries reported 1936 consolidated net income of $8,326,865, a new record for the company. This was equivalent to $7.13 a share on the common stock, and compared with $6,982,732, or $5.39 a share in 1935. Link-Belt Co. Link-Belt Co. and subsidiaries re ported 1936 net profit of $2,221,376, compared with $1,092,360 in 1935 This was equivalent to $2.83 per share ! on the outstanding common stock after preferred stock dividend require ments, compared with $1.24 the previ ous year. Hershey Chocolate. NEW YORK. March 5 OP).—Hershey Chocolate Co., with plant at Hershey. Pa reported 1936 net income of $3. , 729.919. equal after allowing for par ticipating provisions of convertible preference stock to $3.50 a share of common stock, against $5,051,220. or S5.39 a comon share, in 1935. Burroughs Adding. Burroughs Adding Machine Co.. De troit, reported 1936 net profit of $6. 944,442, equal to $139 a share of capital stock, against $5,113,528, or $1.02 a share, in 1935. Waukesha Motor Co.—Common share earnings, six months ended January 31, were 85 cents, against $8 cents, Real Estate Loans 1st Trust 5% ] nterest On Improved Property Prompt Service Loan Correspondent Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. 1519 K St. Diet. 1015