Newspaper Page Text
REPAIRS & SERVICE. __(Continued.)_ JOHNS-MANVILLE Kew Super Home Insulation. Dlgt. 5857. PAINTING. Interior and exterior; first class work guaranteed reasonable free estimate. Charles Conley, Atlantic 0420-W and Lincoln 5465-J._ _ PAPERING—Rooms. $5 up; whole house. 530 up; trim painted. 53 up work *UB£« free estl. J. T Ford Greenwood 1334. 8* PAPERING. PAINTING-Deal direct with mechanic for better work at lowest prices. Call METZ. Columbia 0300. any time. PAPERING—PAINTING. P. M Co . 350.3 Ga Ave. Adams 1307. Paperhanging-Painting. Dependable Work at Very Reasonable Cost. HADENFELT COLUMBIA 1270._7^ PAPERING, PAINTING. (WASHABLE WALL PAPER AND PAINT CSEDl: floor finishing. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL. Special prices UP to March 15. Work guaranteed IDEAL DECORATING CO., 2444 18th St. N.W. Columbia 85S1. Shepherd 386«. Papering—five rooms and 2-story hall 540 and up Quick service White mechanics Call any time. Randolph 3445. PLASTERING REPAIRS; stucco resurfaced; cement, chimneys, waterproof basements, damp walls, leaky roofs; reas. Minnick. Lincoln 4457-W._ -— - P. M. CO. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CO. • Better Home Improvements." 3503 Ga Ave N.W. Adams 1307. ' RADIO SERVICE. CGc Service calls. 90 days' guar, on repairs Atlantic 1677._ REPAIRS—REMODELING. P. M. Co. 3503 Ga. Ave, Adams 1307. HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. ATTENTION HOME OWNERS 1 Roofing, siding, rock wool; Johns-Man 1 ville payment contractor; 3-year Plan. The American Rcrooflnc Co. Inc- dJio 14th n.w Columbia 4551_ RECREATION ROOMS Cheaply and beautifully done. Designs, estimates, consultation free. Mr. Kiapp. Wisconsin 44H1-W._ _ HOME IMPROVEMENTS. SPECIAL PRICES THIS MONTH, Painting Plaste-ing Carpentry. Papering Porch Inclosures Oil Burners Roofing _ _ .. Free Estimates. S3 00 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Call HOME MODERNIZING CO . 1000 9th St. Met. 0854. EVENINGS. CLEV. 5000. KHjMUUiiiLi ruun nuiviRi BEFORE SPRING SEASON. SAVE 207'. Deal with a financially responsible *nd Tellable organization. Take advantage of the low rate of Fed eral Housing interest which expires March 81 1937 . „ _ ,, Remodel From Attic to Cellar. Pavments as Low as $5.00 Monthly. Start Payments May 1st. Federal Contracting Co., Inc., 015 New York Ave N W Free Estimates—Day and Night Call National 7403-7416. Night. Adams 0033. 8* " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAUR AN TTwhisky) doing $100 daily; excellent ’ocation: price $ti.snii. terms Joseph Hollander. JOOs H_st. Met MANUFACTURER wants distributor for vending machines. Exclusive territory^ must have car and furnish references. SHOO Cash required Good proposition for right , man. Andress Box 70-H. Star office, i RESTAURANT for sale, with fi furnished rooms 2nd floor; good location. Columbia 10073. _ 9* SUBURBAN DRUG STORE in minutes to Washington: excellent business, long lease, lowrental. P O Box 4834. Arlington. Vo TO SETTLE ESTATE 20 shares Conti nental American Finance Co $19n Par stock Yields fi per cent Will sed for $1,500. Address Box 447-H. Star office. TAILOR SHOP fully equipped, old estab lished corner shop. Can be bought cheap because of illness. Call Mr. Mermann. Na tional 4493__ _ ESTABLISHED TOURIST BUSINESS on . Maryland highway near Washington- well furnished" good neT income exceptional bargain: garage: parking: rent $5.v Price $1,000 Keelver. Investment Building or Kensington 5-W. DRIVING TO T; Ilahassee and Korida West Coast points. Will investigate business propositions offered Room for two share expenses References given and required Address Box 401-H Star office. * EXCELLENT LOCATION Rhode Is'and ave. n e —Beaut'* shnn. ladies' apparel etc.: new store. 14'2X40 ft Cleveland 7787. BHOE-REP.4IR BUSINESS, established fi5 vears for sale. 1700 7th st. n.w . corner 7th and R_ ___9* ROOMING HOUSE (list at Conn.': 12 Tms. Rent. $85 Income $700. SI 000. Terms Miss McCown 1008 H st Met. 4$lfi. WANTED—Ffive good,' ethical money-m»K inc ideas What have you? Address Box 457-H Star office.___ __ BOOMING HOUSE for sale, lower 10th: best neighborhood: 11 rooms 0 baths Ga rage- fully rented: $1 hoo. Special price cash. Address Box 459-H._Star office 10* GROCERY STORE with meat market wanted at once Can nay $i .100 down. Write narticulars. Address Box 454-H. Star_offlce._ __ ROOMING HOUSE downtown: 10 rooms, bath: nicely furnished: enod income: $750 only $150 down. Met 7443 after 4 pm.* ROOMING AND APARTMENT _dow"town 1!» rooms 4 hath*: 'mnme. *'’51: ®rt.000' terms Mr* Reach Metropolitan 4K14_ EXCELLENT ROOMING HOTTS*’ tip**- lH*h and Co’ rd.- 11 ro^*^* .*< both*- in rone, $•»*»! ■ «S50* M**«? VTAorh M»f ONE OF OLDEST Birv^r v pmomrs i" city. Harry F. Seamark. HOI G st j^w 5—EST AB’ ISHED OROCFRY ANO MEAT market*, eood ”.w location doine «i.°oo weekly. Only $5,500 inelndinr *t/y*k *x tures. truck Mr Kraf* Met. 90$4: e^es Adam* •’•’iv 7. PARTNER IN rLAJKlol 5nur. some lani tal' live wire man or woman. adve or silent._Ad-r.-ss Box 471 -H Star office J7* CAFE. beer, wine: Conn, ave : best class trade: cood prices: price. 83.800: terms. Address Box Ofi-J Star office._ . GROCERY MEATS, etc: resid. section: eauipped and stocked: long estab : *rttn or without rooms: lease to suit. Price. $3,750. Ac’dress_Box 472-H Star office. • OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER: del. and light lunch: $300 wkly. bus : small cash bay merit. Mr. Purcell. Met. 4813.__ WANT TO BUY morning house business or will rent bldg with option purchasing later: no brokers. P. O Box 547. KORN SMAX MACHINE, excellent condi tion- sold for 8050 new: sale. $200: ideal for roadside or Summer resort. For infor mation apply McCrory's Dime Store. <tn and Eye sts. n.w._ **_ ROOMING HOUSE AND CAFETERIA. Downtown west of 14th st.: entire build ing with nice cafeteria and rooms, for *ale with furnishings and equipment For further particulars, contpet Mr. Helgle. 1417 L st. n.w.. National 8880._ GROCERY delicatessen and 1 room: rent. $30; large corner store well equipped well stocked: business $25 dailv leav ing town must sacrifice for $250. Rooming house. 14 rooms. 21 • baths: h.-wh : well located, just off Dupont Circle: rent, only $00: leaving town: inspect at once: sacrifice for $775, with 8375 cash balance in one year. R M CURTIS National 0140. m 400 Barrister Bldg 035 F St. N.W. * DINERS AND LOCATIONS. WRITE FOR CATALOG. JERRY O MAHONY. INC POO WEST GRAND ST.. ELIZABETH. N. J. ROOMING HOUSES WANTED. We can sell your rooming house business Ouickly. Buyers waiting. No listing charge. For satisfactory results call Natl. P054 S. WINFIELD, 908 10th N.W. Wash.*s Largest Rooming-House Broker. 5* ^ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO.—Sell, rent and repair. Some real bargains. Away from high rent district. Open evenings. 1431 East Capl.ol st. Lincoln 0082 ANTIQUES^-Largest collection in city; old Blass, china silver, books, furniture plc tures, frames Edelson's. 618 5th n.w._• BED ROOM living room suites: studio couch, radio, twin beds, kitchen cabinet, typewriter. Erielman 3303 Georgia ave. * BED ROOM SUITE bed. bureau, chiffonier, dressing table, all with beveled mirrors: exc file nr c on d 1 Mon • reas. Co 1.13 30-J. 7* BEDSPREAD, beautiful heavy, hand-cro cheted with genuine old Colonial yarn: popcorn star design double size: fringe, all ends interwoven: $75. Edna Hertzler College Park Md. third house below stu dentinflrmerv * BRICK LUMBER AND PLUMBING mate rial from many wrecking jobs: largest se lection at bargain prices. HECHINGER CO.. Used Material Dept loth & H Sts. N E fith & C Sts. S W 6025 Ga. Ave. N.W. 1005 Nichols S.E. CADILLAC AUTOMOBILE TRUNK, cost $150: practically new: sell very cheap. Phone Lincoln 0750 after 0 p.m, 6* CAMERAS—We Duy. sell trade used cam eras: Cline kodaks and protectors Bar gains daily Robbln's, 529 14th st n w CASH REGISTERS showcases, counters tables, chairs, shelving office partition 100 ft. walnut wail Daneling Iron safes, refrigerators scales, booths steam tables Breese traps. 2 Humphrey eas heaters, elec, mixer and storp fixtures of every description. 307 Oth st. n.w._ CRIB (full size! single bed (complete), vanity, studio couch, porcelain-lined ice box. Alexandria Q021-W._____ DINING SUITE new. it-pc. solid walnut. Duncan Phyfe: value. $175: sacrifice. $00. Apt. 33. 1001 Wyoming ave._6* ELECTRIC DRILL, 'i-inch. low speed. Call Mr Rose between !) and 10 a m.. Co lumbia 8440. 1750 Col, rd. n.w._ ELECTRIC RANGE. L. k Ho 3 burners, nearly new. true bargain. 100 Baltimore blvd.. Hyatts.. Md._Greenwood 1975. __ ENCYCLOPEDIA, new, Funk & Wagnalls, 25 vols.. $13.80: $1 mo. Write, will call, Mr. Rasnlck. Room 507. 018 F st. n w 0“ FRIGIDAIRES. bargains In nfw’lO.lH mod els. lust a few left. Also a used 7 cubic ft. Frigldaire. reconditioned, guaranteed. $85. Open until 0 p m. Arthur H. Todd. 3418 Rhode Island ave. n.e. Greenwood l601 BEN WEBSTER’S CAREER. _The News! —By EDWIN ALGER Weil,HETTY, YOU ) ( COULDU'T WEI? IT, \ <iURt ©AVt THAT V HAT bARUfcfc-Ht'* S PCA*HY AMU PLENTY] HERE HOOKtAA-lEKt — OP T\Wfc- r—W U*ED TbUY PROW H\*A U, ocC.A«i\OUALLY- i—' t£W’6 EEEU G0VM.MVM4' ■ '60UT OUR. 6TOCK O’ 00006 0\M\U\6WlU'( ElJT WE VWOW’T » WANft WO R.EA40W j—• |V-) 10 WOVJ- T-^ (clMT, by Jay Jtroma WlllUaa) f W\*FOUVJWO VJAfe THE MAU JL)« LEFT f^T *0EED THERE ) l^ERE? AUTTH\U6^^V [- THAT WAfc Hch-o HOOKEVA.THE \ TRAVEL^' 9ALE9MAU-AWO YOUR ^ VNORWPfc ARt OVER.fc&W, 'CAUfrt , \ l JE<iT 3TOCRED UP PROM HIM (j Tr* 11 i-nr MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. _(Continued.)__ FIXTURES, drug and confectionery, used’; A-l condition. Ruse & Co., mfgrs. 808 Low st. Baltimore. _*_ FURNISHING8 for 1-room, "kitchen and bath apt : $50 complete; or will sell sepa rately._Gann. Apt. 345. 2700 Quest._6* FURNITURE (modernei for one-room apt. Call at any time after 2 p.m. Saturday. West 2002. Apt. 1211._______ FURNITURE for two room ant.. Including piano, twin beds; almost new. 522. The Chastleton Hotel.___ FURNITURE—10-piece dining room set room size and scatter rugs, and other miscellaneous articles. Must sacrlnc. 18.11 Euclid n.w.. Apt. 110._5* FURNITURE. ETC.—New floor samples, used suites, desirable odd pieces. General Electric washing machine. Hoover cleaner, radios, rugs. General Electric and other elec refrigerators, etc. at Wesch'cr's Auc tion. 015 E st. n w., tomorrow. Saturday, March 8. !» a m. to 4 p.m._ GAS ENGINE 8-hp.: also 1-h.p. elec, meat grinder. 1 meat slicer. sausage mixer, potato slicer and equipment: all in good condition_Greenwood 2205;_8*_ GENERATORS exch.. $3.50 up; new guar antee; small install, charge; all cars. mo tors. fans repaired, exch. Carty. 1808 14th. HEALTH BUILDER i Battle Creek i. slightly used: cost $150: will sell for $50. Col. 3427-J. 1354 Monroe n.w.. No. 10. 7* HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT complete, including 22-inch boiler and 0 radiators, in good condition. $150. Air-Conditioning, West 0428. 1408 Wisconsin ave. n.w._ OFFICE FURNITURE new, used desks, chairs, filing cabinets Washington Salvage Co., new location. 800 E n.w. Natl 82t>(» OFFICE FURNITURE—A large assortment of used pieces at low prices H Baum * Son rtlfi Ejjt_n.w _ _ PHONOGRAPH RECORDS slightly used; largest selection in the city; 10c each. $1 dozen. Open until 10 p.m. E. O. Likens. PU4 5th st. n.w.___ __ PIANO—Smallest size baby grand. In food condition: special to close out only * * convenient terms. Natl. 4.30. Kltt ft, 1330 G st.__ PIANO upright, mahogany, perfect con dition $75 cash. Address Box 40o-H. Star office._;__ PIANO—Almost new apartment upright, one of the latest and most popular plain case styles, special, only $102.50: has a full keyboard and carries our usual new piano guarantee. Nat 3223. Arthur Jordan Piano Co_. 1238 O at., corner 13th. ' PIANO Kranich & Bach. 8-ft. grand ma hogany finish, like new. 1428 Irving st. n.e. PIANOS for rent: S3 per month and up: all rental paid applies on purchase price If you decide to buy later. Natl. 4*.JO. Kitt s. 1.TJ0 G st. _ _ PIANO—If you are desirous of obtaining the smallest and most popular instrument of modern times, examine the famous Minnepiano. somethin* entirely new in tne piano world. Hugo Worch. 1110 G. sole agent. Hardman and other leading in ! sfruments. PIANOS—Special sale Ipr $25: excellent values. Smith’s Storage Co.. 1313 You st^n.w._North 3343, _ PIANO—See the newest in pianos—the Winter spinet console, a lovely, very small, full keyboard model that we are offering snecial at onlv $219 on very easv terms: priced much less than any full keyboard new stvle niam on the tn-’^v. Arthur Jordan Piano Co. 1239 G st.. cor. 13th.___ PIANO—Here's a babv grand value that Is really unusual- We have a new model. ;ust repossessed used loss than 4 months that can be purchased bv ir>°relv continu , ing the $S monthly payments The down payment was substantial so the trial , amount of the balance is only $-88. Natl. 3223. Arthur Jordan Piano Co.. 1-39 G st . cor 13th. __ _ _ _ POOL TABLES i5> like new: reasonable 1*55 7th st. n.w . second floor. Phone Columbia 7293.___ POOL TABLE and Governor Winthrop sec retary. in very good condition; very rea sonable Call Cleveland 4234_ RADIOS Zenith 1937 model repossessions, up to 50G off; Philco 1937 floor sample, reg. $54.95. for $32.50. Apex Elec. Co., 7oo 9th st. n.w., at O.__ RADIOS. $3.95 comp, and up: Philco, $H.95 comp.; O-tube. with short wave. $14.95. Apex Elec. Co.. 709^ 9th st. n.w. RADIO. Philco X model, perfect condi tion. $39.95: easy terms; your old radio in trade. Apex Elec. Co., 709 9th 8t. n.w. REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator. 4,2 ft.. 1 year old: perfect condition^ very cheap. Ph^ne Georgia 1042_ after 7 p.m. *_ REFRIGERATORS'— Electric ira5e‘!?w* perfect condition. $25 ud. P. O. Smith. I 413 H st n.e. Lincoln 0050._ REFRIGERATOR <G E.) and Westing i house sewing machine: exceptional value. Car. be seen till 9 p m. Myers & Fournoy. ; 514 H st n.e _ __ SEWING MACHINES—Singer drophead $5 and up: 1 portable ofT-make $15: other j machines greatly reduced. 3337 Connec I ticnr ave _ , TRAILERS—Distributors for the famous • Sliver Dome.'' largest and most complete stocks of trailers in Washington. All models on display Prices from $495 f.o b Detroit. Visit Steuart's Trailer City, open eve . L. P. Steuart. Inc.. 1440 P st. n.w TRAILER, demonstrator: substantial re duction: 19 ft. long: toilet brakes, fully equipped for 4. L. P. Steuart. Inc.. 1440 P st, n.w.___ TYPEWRITERS—current model Corona* and L. C Smiths for rent Bargains in re built and reconditioned machines. The u. C. Smith and Corona Typewriters. Inc.. 1018 lflth st n w Phone National 0411 TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE Georgia 1883 5716 16th n w Underwoods, $2 mo.: 4 mos in adv.. $6 No deliveries. $1 deposit TYPEWRITERS $7.50 3 months' rent. $3 1 month: machines like new: rental credit allowed on purchase: free delivery. Office Machines Co., 1321 N. Y. ave. n.w, _ TYPEWRITERS—Underwood. $25: L. C. Smith. $17 50: new portables SI per week: many others, very reasonable; rentals. mo. Capitol Typewriter Co.. 8223 13th st. n w National 4858,___ VACUUM CLEANERS—Eureka. $5.75: Electrolux or Premier. $9.75: Hoover or Air-Way $12.75: like new: guar 1 y.ear. Open to io p.m. We deliver Decatur 6n64. Standard Brands 1333 14th st. n.w. 9* VACUUM CLEANERS. Electrolux late mod el. like new: complete. $25. Open to 10 p.m . also Sun. Standard. 1333 14th^st. vacuum" cleaners—clearance 6ale NEW AND FACTORY REBUILT. $6. in up Hoover Electrolux Premier. Eureka. Apex. Royal and many others at bargainprices. Buv now and save BE8T BRANDS CO.. 803 11th st. n.w. National 1159._ VACUUM CLEANER. Apex. apartment size. $8.95 comp.; reg. $14.50 value; also $39.95 model. $22.60. Apex Elec. Co.. 709 9th st. n.w.. at G.__ WASHING MACHINE, repossessed Apex: 4(>'> offl: latest model. Floor sample Ironer. $42 50. Apex Elec. Co.. 709 9th st. n.w.. at G.___ WEDDING RING, platinum and diamond (40 diamonds); must sacrifice. $60. Call West 0705,___ F. A. North Co. Rialto Theater Bldg. Steinway (used) Upright_$135 Apartment Grand (used)_$145 Other Bargains EASY TERMS We are showing a comprehensive stock of new Grands and Uprights, in all finishes and different woods, which are priced reasonably, and can be pur chased on accommodating terms. Ver tivrands. in upright form, in various makes and flntshea. Minnepianos. In White. Bine and Maple woods. HUGO WORCH 1110 G St. N.W. Pianos in 5. ftli and fl octaves for rent. Home at the celebrated Hard man Pianos. . A MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE^ FURNITURE BARGAINS. Living rm suite, chairs, tables, radio, beds, etc. Blit. 4015-A. Georgia ave._6^ A RARE BARGAIN. One new varl-typer. one hundred dollars ($100.00) less than cost. North 8840, Dls trlct 1137._• _ RUGS—FINAL CLEARANCE Entire Winter stock to be disposed of to make room for Summer rugs; room sizes from $1* 1*5. CAPITOL RUG COMPANY. 2821 14th ST. N.W. (at Harvard). Open Evenings._ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. CASH for rags, papers, magailnes, scrap iron and metals of all descriptions. Amer ican Salvage Co.. Metropolitan <1005._ CLuThlNG—Highest prices paid lor men's used c'othlng Berman's, 1122 7th gt. nw Phone Metropolitan 3707 Will call_ FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ell kinds: highest ca'h prices- don't 'ell until you call JMorth 6040. Prompt service. FURNITURE—Would like to purchase some good used household goods, also baby grand piano_Metropolitan 2780._0*_ FURNITURE, bric-a-brac china, glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings: highest cash prices paid. Call Murray. Adams 61H3. 5* FURNITURE rugs, stoves household goods, etc : positively highest cash prices. For best results call any time. Lincoln 10364. PIANO—Responsible refined married cou ple want piano to use for few months or until you need it again: will care for It as if our own: references. Phone Adams 1021*6. ___ SHALLOW-WELL PUMP and tank. Arthur I Shaffer, Newington, Va. Phone Lorton II -P-5._* WILL PAY highest cash prices for any thing in old gold, regardless condition. A. Esten. 122 D st. s.e.. Atlantic 4086. Will call at_your convenience;_8* I PAY HIGHEST PRICES for old lewelry. I cameras field glasses, firearms Max 1 Zweig, 037 D st. n.w Metropolitan 9115 1 GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD. SIL VER. PLATINUM TEETH DISCARDEr JEWELRY WF PAY CASH A KAHN j INC 44 YEARS AT 935_F_ CASH >OR OLD GOLD. Silver watches diamonds and old dl* carded lewelry Full cash value paid SELINOERS. 818 F St, N.W OLD GOLD silver platinum purchased !0’ manufacturing use maximum once paid BURN8TINES 931 G 8T N W _ _Since I860 _ GOLD—DIAMONDS. Highes1 Cash PTices Paid. A. MARKEL. Room 211. 918 F N.W. WE are lr the market for metals, rags ! paper, books: 30 yrs. honest serv : Federal Junk Co.. 1125 1st st n.w. Dist. 9594. COAL, WOOD, FUEL OIL. CORDWOOD. oak and pine, cut any length $8.50; prompt delivery Call Line. 3809. __ H • ARLINGTON COAL CO. 2.240 Lbs to the Ton. Bagged and Carried to Bin Free. Virginia Hard Pea — $8.50 Virginia Hard Special Furnace- $9.50 Virginia Hard Chestnut _$10.50 Virginia Hard Stove _$10.,5 Kindling Wood per cord_ $s no 50v, Run of Mine _ $8 75 751* Run of Mine $7 50 All Grades of Pocahontas Coal Washington Telephone Jackson 1880 DOGS. PETS, ETC. SPRINGER SPANIELS—Healthy 9-month old pups. Prices: Males $15. females $10. $20 pair Phone Falls Church 283-W-l. j DOBERMAN PINSCHERS, registered stock Cleveland 015:1._ 1 SCOTTIES-^Exceptional puppies, regls I tered; also imp champion at stud. Groom ! well. 1022 North Quincy st., Claren don Va._ RABBITS—White end red New Zealanris and Flemish Giants. 3704 Campbell st., Brentwood. Md. Phone Greenwood 21H7-J. **• IRISH TERRIER" PUPPIES. 3 months old. fine pedigree, well boned healthy, good coat wormed, first distemper shot. 8409 31st pi. n.w._ BOATS. FAST 38-FT. HACKER CRAFT, twin screw commuter. $4.5C0 or best offer. Boat in A-l condition Speed 50 miles hour. Can be seen at the Washington Motorbcat Sales and Service. Water and I N sts. s w.__ ROOMS FURNISHED. ! DUPONT CIRCLE. 2124 P st n.w Apt 21 —Large, front, bright bed-living rm.; reas.: 1 ladies. North 5348-J.___ 1834 COLUMBIA RD.—$3 50 wk.; single! rms. double.. $5: clean warm outside; * b . c h w 2 car lines, gentlemen Ad. 10213 1821 BELMONT RD. N.W—Single room, also large room for one or two. Adams 4574_. __11 .V 922 M ST. N.W.—Clean, comfortable, sleeping room, c.h.w.; $8 single. $3.25 each double. __ 2818 13th ST. N.W.—'Two rooms, base ment. water, raniee. toilet, phone; $8.50 wk.; near cars, stores._8* 220 2nd ST. S.E.—1 single and 2 furn. rooms: suitable for apt, or l.h.k. _ 6* 1101 18th 8T. N.W.—Well-furnished single rm. numerous baths: walking distance downtown; clean; well heated; reas. 2710 ONTARIO ROAD N.W.—Near Co lumbia rd.; nice single room. 1 lovely double room; all conveniences._ 1887 MINTWOOD PL. N.W.—Large clean double room, nicely furnished, next bath, unlimited phone. $25; close to cars and bus. Col. 54*6. ___ __ 1383 EUCLID ST. N W.—Newly furnished single and double, next bath, inner-spring mattresses, cont. h. w. 1754 COL. RD N.W.—Attractive room In owner's home, all conveniences; single. $18 month: double. $25 month.__ 7* 1323 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Really com fortable rooms, twin beds $35 mo.; single. $25. Adams 10311.__ THE WESTMINSTER. 1807 17th st. n.w.— Desirable, newiy decorated, nicely furn rooms: single $5 and $8: double. $7: with bath. $12- showers, elevator._ DUPONT CIRCLE. 1773 Church st. n.w.— Nicely furnished room, semi-private bath. $5. Decatur 3466.___ rooms, new furniture: walking distance: good heat: reasonable. _ _ 3133 CONN. AVE.—Attractively furnished room with hall oath, in exclusive apt. Young man or soung lady preferred. Ref erences: available Immediately. Pbone Adams 7317._ _ __ 1814 KALORAMA RD. — Well-furnished double room: owner’s home: between 2 car lines: bath with shower: automatic heat; breakfast optional; also single room. Col. 0112._ _ PORTLAND HOTEL. Vermont Thom as Circle—$7.5o wk.; hotel service; fresh towe1' dally- ycur mall and phone calls at tended to; shower baths; walk to work. 0* 2327 PA. AVE. N.W. (at Wash. Circle)— Light housekeeping and sleeping rooms: phone: $5. $<s and $7 week. _ 9 ! COLUMBIA HOTEL. 2125 O st. n w.— Single rooms from $0 weekly, double from I $7; all with running water. __ 6* NEAR MONASTERY—Attractive room with porch, newly furnished; near bus: all con veniences. Reasonable North 0581. 1345 L ST. N.W.—Lovely front, double room, equipped for l.h.k . $6.50; also coxy single room. $3.50. _ I 1010 14th N.W.—Large, front. 2nd floor: , centrally locateu; double or single; $5. ; Sultable_three Natl 7530. 2010 13th' ST. N.W —Bright, two-room apartment- completely furnished, elec, re frigeratlon; rent reasonable. Col 0867. 2 RMS., double or single beds: gentlemen only: $2 wk per person. Best ref. Call 6 p.m,. North 5122. 1731 K ST. N.W.—Furnished room for men only; rent. $25. Percy H. Russell Co.. 1731 K st. n.w. _ 1216 CONN. AVE. N.W—Second-floor. bachelor studio, furn. room, next bath: suitable for office or living quarters: with in walking distance downtown; rent rea sonable; 1 or 2. men only. Mrs. Jack Hayes, real estate. National 7174._ 6615 7th ST. N.W.—Large’ front room, e.h.w.. near bath: private home; gentle men: unlimited phone._ 1628 21st ST. N.W.—Highly desirable room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with private bath: excellent location. Potomac 4044. 1113 11th ST. N.W.—Nicely furn. l.h.k. rooms, running water. $6 and $7: also single room. $3._ 1346 JEFFERSON ST. N.W—Attractive room, owner’s detached home: near cars and bus: reasonable._Georgia 700L _ 1407 OAK ST N.W.—Large double rm.. clean, private home; reasonable. Adams 4910-J_" ,_ 5405 4th AT. N.W.—For gentleman, next to bath, in new home with family of three; $15 month. Call after 6 p.m. Phone Georgia 0400_5 1440 W ST. N.W.—Desirable single room. $18 month: quiet lady; semi-private bath. Apply Apt 42._«!__ 1456 MONROE BT N.W —Two large dou ble rooms: reasonable; convenient to cars and busses._5— 122 7th ST. 8.E.—Large front M«ht house keeping room, next to bath: nice location, unlimited phone. Phone Atlantic: 6478. 4 ROOMS FURNISHED. __(Continued.)__ 1831 EUCLID ST. N.W.. Apt. 400—Newly furnished room. 2 young men. Evenings. Adams 8741.____ 1814 6 N.W.. Apt. B—Gentleman share room with another, near Govt, depts. and G. W U District 9071._8\ PRACTICALLY every vacant room down town listed with us; descriptions of thou sands; no charge City Rental Agency,. Room 303. 142(1 New York ave. District 2083._Open evenings and Sundays. 10* 1805 O ST. N.W’—Clean, modern sleeping or l.h.k. rooms._*_ 3020 MACOMB 8T. N.W.—Well-furnished single room, detached private homr: busl ncss woman: $5 week^ Cleveland 5247. 4001 WARREN ST N W.—Corner front room, new private home- no other roomers; very reas : for sober, middle-aged gentle man. Call after 7. evenings or Sunday. Cleveland 3757 _ 151!) 20th ST. NW—Nicely furnished room, next bath: private family. North 8345. WOODRIDGE—For refined adults', beauti ful made room: close bus. car: oil heat. 2302 Monroe st n e. NEAR WARDMAN and new Shoreham Hotels—LarRe, comfortable room in quiet, refined home: gentlemen. Columbia 4532. 1333 QUINCY"ST. N.W—Nicely furnished, large front room southern exposure, seml prtvate bath. Columbia 3980-W 1704 M ST N W —Studio-bed room large first floor, front: newly furnished; $(! week. Single room. $3._ * 1700 LANIER PL N W—Newly furnished front room, oil heat; conv. transp ; quiet: also basemen t_room: gentlemen^ ORALYN Jr.. 1700 N st. n.w—Single or double rooms private bath, southern ex posure: available now._ CATHEDRAL AVE —Refined famlfy desires couple to share apartment: luxurious fur nishings. overlooking Rock Creek Park. Call after ti._Adams 0407._ __ CLEVELAND PARK—Single room for 1 gert’eman $20 month. Cleveland 8709. .3023 Newark st n.w._ 1227 N ST. N.W—2 front rooms for housekeeping also single rm: elec .h.-w h 2458 39th PL. N.W.—Lovely room for 1 or 2: real home every convenience; breakfast optional Emerson 8353. 3401 111th ST NW. Apt. 22—Tastefully furnished room. $25 month. Adams 2438 1823 ONTARIO PL N W (2 "blks '8th ard Col rd *—Ws'n quiet room semi-private bath: c h i : $4 week: front rm $20 mu. • CATHEDRAL MANSIONS S. Apt. 132— Attractive, newly decorated room ndj bath 1 or 2 persons;Jmmedlate possession. 1430 MONROE ST N.W.—Large room, newly furnished end decorated semi-pri vate bath' owner's home: reasonable. 3323 MT PLEASANT ST N W. half block car—Large front room 2nd fl south exp . twin beds all conv : reas Adams 7209 1008 MONROE ST N W.—Two lhk rooms 2nd floor, front. $8: 2 back rooms. $7 week: running water, gas, phone. * 5813 3rd PL N.W.—New home: large front bed rm.. twin beds, priv bath: suitable 2: reasonable near bus care._ 442 BUCHANAN ST N W — Comfortable double bed room, twin beds: near cars and busses' $25 per month._ DOWNTOWN. 927 O st n w —Single room double room, twin beds sitting room ad joining' suitable for two men._ PRINCE KARL 19(il K st n.w.—Attrac tive. newly furnished rooms: reasonable rates- hotel service. 2852 ONTARIO RD . Apt. 1—Outside room, suitable 2 girls with breakfast. $18 month. Phone Adams 4059._ 1731 PARK RD N.W.—Front room next to bath in owner's detached home, refined Reotlemen.____ 8U1 A ST S E —One large room and kitch en with sink: completely furnished. Lin coln 7180. NEAR CAPITOL — Nicely furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 305 Maryland ave n.e. Lincoln 2181._ 1523 M ST. N.W.—L.h.k. if desired next bath: south exposure, good heat; So and ST weekly.___6*_ FURNISHED ROOM and kitchen aemi prlvate bath: right on car line: near stores and theaters. 3003 Georgia ave. n w. 1488 MERIDIAN PL N.W—Attractive. 2nd-floor room. 4 windows, modern: near cars: adults: reasonable._Col. 0243. NEARBY VIRGINIA—One fare. Bright, double front room grille Driv.. or board; priced right. Walnut 7827. _ 724 TAYLOR ST N.W—Large bed-living rm.. or twin beds, semi-oriv. bath. cont. h w.: adult priv. family: privileges of a good home: board optional; reasonable Near bus and car._Col. 7170 1338 COLUMBIA RD.—Attractive second floor room. ie<t bath private home, meals if desired. Adams 7103-J. 1730 20th ST N.W—Large second-floor front twin beds Lh.k.. 1115 8th N.W . Apt. 41—Large, clean room quiet coUDle or gentleman. L.h.k. if preferred. After 4 p.m.__7* 1431 FAIRMONT N.W —Desirable l.h.k . with kitchenette. $7. $5: front basement. $5. 1430 Columbia rd.. SO. *7. 1440 GIRARD ST. N.W.—Large front rm.. 3 windows twin beds, next bath. $0 week: garage. $3 month.__ ALABAMA. No. 205. 1015 N st. n.w — One large front room, twin beds, kitchen. h.k , Frigidaire. adjoining bath. _ _ N.E—New attrac. basement rm 3 win dows. private entrance: lav. $25 each; without board. $12: near bus. North 0183. 1438 FAIRMONT N.W.—Clean, well-kept room with board; c.h.w.; good home cook lng: reasonable. Adams 8730._ 1318 PARK RD. N.W.—Newly decorated, well-furnished studio rooms and bed rooms; reasonable, Columbia 2307._ 730 21st 8T. N W—Large, bright front room: clean, comfortable home. West 1090. 1010 14th N.W.—I*rge front. 2nd floor; centrally located: double or single; $5: suitable three. National 7530._ LINCOLN PARK. 108 Tennessee ave. n.e.. Fairfax. Apt. 12—First-floor front single room $4 week.___ NICELY FURN. ROOM, private family: gentlemen preferred: with or without ga rage^ Cleveland 5203.___ 4808 18th ST. N.W.—Jewish gentleman: new home, private family: comfortable room, shower bath: use of phone: rent. $20 month Phone Adams 3080 DUPONT CIRCLE VICINITY. 1810 R st. n.w—Attractive front room, single or double: also single rooms Reasonable 605 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Front room, com pletely furnished: privilege of unlimited phone: hot water. _ ALABAMA. Apt. 205, 1015 N st. n.w —One large front room, adjoining bath, twin beds, kitchen-^ l.h.k.; Frigidaire. _ WOODRIDGE—Furnished room with pri vate bath, in new house. Meals optional. Phone North 8402-J. ROOMS FURNISHED. 415 2nd ST, N.E.—Lovely, clean single roonr_next bath: near Union Station.__ WOODRIDGE 2075 R. I. ave. n e.—Nicely furnished front room, next bath;; garage if desired.__ GEORGETOWN. 3039 Que It. n.w.. Apt. 1 —Large, attractively furnished room, ad joining bath, twin beds; on bus line. North 6553-J.___ _ 173' EYE ST. N.W.. The Diplomat—Lovely basement double room and kitchenette, $34._Also singlejioom. $15 month. 1327 L ST. N.W.—Large, redecorated room with running water, $0.50: also first floor single room. $3.50. 1833 M ST N.W. one block from Conn, ave —Beautiful front double room, twin beds, suitable two gentlemen; also gentle man share room with anothej. Reasonable. 132.3 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—Front double room, south exposure. In English basement with range: $5.50 wkly. 1223 12th ST. N.W.. Apt. 4—Large, at tractive front room, walking distance. To employed $34._ 728 21st ST N.W.—Small, attractive stu dio room, second floor, front; telephone service; $10 month. CENTRAL. 1020 17th—Lurge warm, well- I furn. l.h.k. mis., firepl . radio, piano, phone; c.h w.;_sprv. avail. Gentile adults.: refs. 7* j THE GORDON HOTEL. 010 1 »lth ST N.W Comfortable double rooms, twin beds, with bath $15 per week: with running water $11 and $12 per week: 24-hour elevator and switchboard service._ THE VIVIAN. 1723 G st n w —Just opened; 100 large, weil-heated ideal guest rooms, near shower : baths: nlenty hot water: choice of all new. modern or maple furniture, with double [ or twin beds mner-coil-sprmg mattresses. Venetial blinds, double rooms. $0. $10, $11 weekly.___ HOTEL STRATFORD, 25 E ST N.W ROOM AND PRIVATE BATH. $42.50 to $52.50 per mo. Full hotel service. ROOMS FUR. b UNFUR. 925 VA AVE 8.W.—One large front room, private home. • ROOMS UNFURNISHED. LIGHT APT large room, shower tele phone. In new home; corner 1st and Long lellow sts n.e Randolph 4118 1118 7th ST N.E.—Large corner house 2 rooms, semi-priv. bath; light housekeep ing reasonable: adults__ SUBURBAN ROOMS. 1809 N. FILLMORE i Lyon Village». Arling ton. Va.—Attractive rm.. mod. home: near tri-.nsp : reas : transp consld. Clar. 372 • WOOD6IDE. MD.. 8918 1st ave—Double or single room, overlooking large lawn, i board._Block to bus SheP. 3894._ 1535 N. lhth ST.. Arlington. Va.—Apt. 3 rooms and bath; heat, light, gas and Frigid aire included _ WANTED—Couple to room and board in private family, reasonable. Cali Alexan dria 588-J. CHEVY CHASE MD . half block bus- one or two bright, attractively furnished rooms with connecting private bath detached house private adult fairly, good neigh borhood Wisconsin 4941. _• ROOMS WANTED. YOUNG MAN. Christian, wants room in new pr.vate home or in modern apartment private bath best references: $25. Address Box 43ii-H. Star office 5* EMPLOYED LADY and daughter desire unfurn 1 room and kitchen privileges in convenient location; reasonable. North 0314. * _ROOMS WITH BOARD. _ 1210 VERMONT AVE —Central select basement 2 rms shower: best foods; suit able 4 $fi.5(l weekly each Met. 7204._ TERRACE HALL 1445 MASSACHUSETTS AVE N.W. i Comfortable single room, also desirable ! double room running water; delicious food 1 spacious dining room Reasonable rates 5* FALKLAND'SANOR. overlooking ltlht and Rock Creek Park; 20 minutes downtown: 2 attractive rooms, private bath fireplaces; supervised meals Shep. 1053._ 5437 CONN. AVE—Elegant master bed room pnv. Path: choice double single. triple: excellent food: phone: $35._5*_ 1844 MINTWOOD PL. N W -Attractive : room in lovely refined home, twin beds; ! excellent meals^ Columbia 8119._ 9* GUEST HOME FOR GIRLS. 1830 Eve st. n.w —Newly decorated rms . spacious liv ing rm.; excellent meals Ifet. 3924._ YOUNG "MAN to share laree. comfortable room, residence club near Scott Circle Dritflte ertranc^ North l50. Braich 29 DUPONT CIRCLE. 1744 P st.—Large, dou ble room, twin oeds. Also slr.^.e rooms. balanced meals: gentiles only. .">• 1492 NEWTON ST. N.W.—Double and sin gle room: $8 week, lunches packed. Adams 4073.^__ __| 1432 GIRARD ST. N.W.—Attractively fur nished single and double rooms, unlimited phone c.h.w.: all outside rooms; excellent meals: S32.50 to 845.__| 1327 16th ST. N.W,—Single room. $35 a month; vacancy for young lady in large j room^privatebath._5* FOR GIRLS—One room for two. and one | very large room for four; beautiful build- ( i ing and grounds; tennis and swimming. ; Columbia 892.T__j ! 1606-08 N. H. AVE. N.W.. 18th and Que— Beautifully furnished, near baths; large closets, single beds: best food $36. 1820 LAMONT ST. N.W.—Attractive, large, double, southern exposure: 2nd floor: twin beds; excellent table; reasonable. Adams i 1521._I 2519 CONN AVE.—Large double room, second floor, twin beds, private bath. Ideal location._ Exceptional meals. 1401 16th N.W —3 girls, large rm.. priv bath: also double: vacancy for gentleman: all outside rooms' new. modern furniture, j selected menus.__ 5is loth ST. N.W.. Lincoln Oafe—Down town location; excellent Italian-American ; meals._ _ I 2139 R 8T. N.W.—Exclusive establishment ! in convenient location; large double room, beautifully furnished with private bath, open fireplace; excellent meals. Apply Mrs. Randall. _7* THE LITTLE INN. 1823 lfith st. n.w.—Beautiful double front room, private bath, good food, use of phone: reasonable; other vacancies._ THE SOUTHERN CLUB, 1400 New Hampshire ave., at Dupont Circle; family hotel with mansion at mosphere; all outside rooms; private baths. BRIDGE —By WEBSTER I SOCK hearts! 1 J SMACK Two HCARTS.1 | CRACK 'Two hearts! I I(sj oThCR WORDS Tie ^ -KwO HffAftT SlD IS J ooueLeo! r I "TWO HEARTS . mmrnjvrr NO CHANCES CVM.eeiN& U^f BFi u ^**3? i MlSU^PCKSTOOP—_[ 4 ROOMS WITH BOARD. __J Continued.)__ THE CASA LOMA, 2460 lHth st n.w.—Residential hotel: beautifully furn.: all outside rooms: pri vate semi-private baths; for guests of dis criminating taste. _ THE HILLCREST, *2800 Kith ST N W Beautiful double rooms, private baths, excellent table large grounds: convenient transportation.___ _ WALBRIDGE HOUSE, (AND ANNEXES). 1750 R HT. N.W SINGLES DOUBLES. PRIVATE BATHS: PHONES IN ALL ROOMS ELEVATOR: INNER-SPRING MATTRESSES: IMMACU LATELY CLEAN: WIDELY SELECTIVE MENU: GYMNASIUM PERSONAL LAUN DRY AND DRY-CLEANING SERVICE: KITCHEN OPEN TO INSPECTION COUN TRY CLUB PRIVILEGES -GOLF TENNIS. RATES. $40 TO $55 PER MONTH_ APARTMENTS FURNISHED. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY APT HOTEL. 20th and F sts n w.—1 room. kit. bath, com pletely film : linens, silver. Frigidaire: day. ween, month. National 5425. ATTRACTIVE. SUNNY NEWLY FUR nished: living room, bed room, sun porch, kitchen, dinette and bath: modern apart mentbullding SANDOZ Decatur_4n!0._ MADISON APTS . 17.3(1 EYE ST. N.W — ONE ROOM DRESSING CLOSET AND BATH: >4<h_ _5* PARK LEE 163(1 PARK RD.—EXCELLENT location: 1 and 2 attractive rooms, dress ing room dinette, kitchen, bath shower. Fngldaire; >55 and >7 2.50. Adams 3382. !»• _ 1850 PARK' RD ~N W~MT~PLE AS ANT— Bed-living room, dinette-kitchen; gas. elec., phone; $42.50. 1025 K ST. N W —ENGLISH BASEMENT, newly decorated 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. >45.00. lncl. light, gas.__ _ UNTIL OCT. 1—LARGE PORCH. OVER looking Taft Bridge; »s rooms. 2 baths; reasonably priced. Phone after 8 pm. Potomac 4521. ___ 1.111, IRVING ST. N W.—1 ROOM. KITCH en. private bath: completely furnished: suitable couple: reasonable __ 3613 13th" ST N.W — 2nd-FLOOR FRONT bed-living room and kitchen, semi-private bath, unlimited phone; heat, gas. elec. included reasonable.__ _ SCHUYLER ARMS. 1054 COL RD —ONE room cross ventilation, foyer kit. and bath; large closet space Available March 15 or 20. Call Cleveland 8327._5* _ 412 H N.W 2nd FLOOR REAR. 3 RMS . next bath, porch, c.h.w.. >7 week: other front rooms >5 week Till 4th n.w.. 411'2 G n.w. basement. $b week; hot water, sink and toilet. _ 5* 1241 POTOMAC AVE. S.E—CORNER APT.. 3 rooms and bath, all modern improve ments: adults only.__ 2 LAROE ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH: NEW Fngldaire nicely furnished, very clean: private entrance. 165 Ridge rd. s.e. At lantic 0425. ___ 1.320 HARVARD ST. N W —TWO FRONT rooms semi-private bath. >!( weekly: hous*keeping: nicely furnished. See janitor 1801 loth NW.—YOUNG LADY WILL share attractive, sunny 3-room apt. with 2 other_ladies North 0576. Apt. 400. • DOWNTOWN NEAR GOV’T BUREAUS nice room and kitchen, next bath, >3u month 1704 M st. n.w. __•_ >11.50 VVK— 3 RMS.. KIT.. PRIV BATH, gas, elec, plenty heat, c.h.w : quiet: near cars 3605 Georgia ave Adams 6840._ ANACOSTiA 2264 HIGH ST S E—TWO attractive, well-furn. rms, heat. gas. elec, and phone private home. Lincoln 3852-J. THE CHASTLETON — AITRACTIVELY lurnisnfd 2 outside rooms, kitchenette and bath, Summer porch. North loono. Ex I 6i i. l ■ FOR TWO GENTLEMEN >4.50 A WEEK each. Meals cooked by maid. Frigidaire: back porch. 5181 Conduit rd. n.w. Call after 6 p m. * .370' 13th ST. NW'.—WANT TWO CON gemal girls to -hare apt , Govt, employes preferred. After 5:30 or any time Sunday call Adams 303H-J. 2623 NEWTON ST NT—NEW. QUIET home: liv.-bed rm.. dressing rm.. kit . pri vate bath, south exposure: empl adults. * THE CONCCRD. APT 55—BEAUTIFULLY, completely furnished studio-living room with fireplace, bed room bath -Frigidaire; bachelor apt ; reasonable. New Hampshire and Oregon aves. n.w. Phone North 2272. • 226 3rd ST. N.W-TWO-ROOM APT . next to bath. $8 per week, including gas lights, dishes and linens Hot and cold water In each room Adults. • 1317 KENYON ST N W —DESIRABLE 2-rm. ant,, kitchenette, private bath. elec, refrigeration, heat, electricity, gas; Janitor. • HUHlvuv .in ;j.i' u ni is.vy — room kitchenette and semi-private bath cor-pie-eh furnished mi:d sc-vire: *i"5" and *11.50 w eek Rooms *5 50 and up nil ]3th ST N.F ATTTNCOLN PARK—3 apts, at *•;. *10 and *11 per week' gas. electricity and heat: newly decorated • FOR RENT. COMPT.ETFLV FURNISHED, air-cooled housekeeping apartment at The Kenn“dy-\Varren. consistin'- of larv» bed room, large living room kitchen and din ette Phone Columbia ROOT WILL SUBLET MARCH 1st LOVELY BED living-bath apartment: General Elec . elec, grill Phone North *11131 -W. ..1 GARFIELD ST N W . NEAR WARD man Hotel—Completely furnished liv rm . bed rm. dinette, kit., hall, bath piano. Electrolux, phone, gas. light, silver, dishes. linens.______ '130 E ST N.W—FIRST FLOOR FRONT, g bed rooms, dining room, kitchen: also g-room apartment:_reasonable._7* WIDOW IV GOVT SERVICE WISHES TO share with another lady or couple well furnished duplex apt. in lovely district on Potomac; a. h„ radio: good car line. Wise. 5455.____ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, large fireplace: conven-»nt lo cation. 1314 ISth st. n.w Call Decatur 2311. between 0 a m. and 0 p.m._ SUBLET: 1144 MASS. AVE N.E.. STANTON Manor. Apt. 27. 1 rm. kitchenette, dressing rm. and bath, completely furn : immediate possession. Will sell furniture reasonablv if_ desired. Lincoln_OOtT-W. 1.331 KENYON ST. N W —NICELY FUR nished studio apt.. 1 room and kitchen. employed adults: *S week._ 13i'.-> KENYON ST N.W —LOVELY 3-RM. apt., bed-living room studio couch, large kitchen, sink completely furnished: *40 month: cont. hot water: adults_ CENTRAL—CHOICE 1st FI.. 2 R K . B large closet. !i wind., laun. tubs. elec, re frigeration: Gentile adults: refs. 1626 17th. 3708 ONTARIO RD —BED-LIVING RM . kit. with sink, c.h w„ nicely furnished. Columbia 4817.___ 2142 P ST. N.W—CLEAN. WELL FUR nished: large kitchen, sunny bed room. screened porch: adults: reasonable._ 14S 11th ST. SE —1 ROOM. KITCHEN ette. bath, private: sink: suitable two; adults only._ GEORGETOWN —BASEMENT NICELY furn.. dry; 2 rooms.; Frigidaire; ST.50 wk. 1411 30th st. n.w. __ 1515 16th ST N.W.—ATTRACTIVE, com pletely furnished 2-room apartment: Gen tiles only._ 1917 N ST. N.W (SOUTH OF DUPONT Circle)—Two rooms, kitchen, bath: to set tled couple: references_ 1380 K ST. S.E —2 WELL-FURN L H.K rooms, screened-in porch and Frigidaire: transportation at door: $9 week._ TK. PR —ENTIRE 3rd FLOOR. 3 RMS., bath: employed adults: elec, refrigeration: central: $41) Georgia 0737._ 1318 PARK RD. N.W.—SUNNY 3-ROOM apt . first floor: porch, garden, everything included: $45. Columbia 2307._ LINCOLN PARK. 1. 2 and 3 rm. apts.. 1st and 2nd floors, nicely furn.: adults.__11 on E. Capitol at. DOWNTOWN—OFF CONN AVE. AT M. 1-rm and bath apt.. $38.50 (1 person only). _MAISON D-ART._I741_R._I. AVE. _* APARTMENTS—FURN.. UNFURN Free Car Service—Best Locations. 1010 Vermont Ave. Room 217. Natl. 3384. .*)* NEW-DE LUXE^APARTMENT ' 2917 Penna ave. s.e.—Three rooms, kitch en. dinette and bath: electric refrigeration, heat and hot water furnished; $5, 50. Possession at once PHILLIPS A CANBY 1012 15th St. N.W._National 4600;_ BED ROOM AND LIVING ROOM. ADULTS ONLY. _1201 HAMILTON ST. N.W._ BEAUTIFUL FRONT APARTMENT consisting of living room, bed room 'with twin beds), bath with tub and shower and dinette-kitchen. Completely fur nished. Rent with full hotel service. $150 per month Or unfurnished including light ana refrigeration. $100 per month. i <_ 4 Residvitial Hotel of Orsfindn* 2100 MASSACHUSETTS AVfc D. E. STEPHAN. Manarer 3-6-7-37 APARTMENTS FURNISHED. _(Continued.)_ 1832 EYE ST N.W—STXJDIO APT ONE large room bath and shower nicely fur nished: walking distance downtown. Ap ply doctor'* office_ FURN—APARTMENTS—UNFURN. Free Car and Guide Furnished. National 82nti. Evenings Atlantic (1156. _008 loth St. N.W._ft*_ FULL HOTEL SERVICE. One Double Room. Bath. Kitchen. Five Rooms, Bath. Kitchen. «175. (Three cr Four Persons ' Two Rooms. Bath. Kitchen. $1.*!5. NO LEASE REQUIRED. 10'; Off These Rates for Twelve Months’ Occupancy. BURLINGTON HOTEL. APARTMENTS FUR. OR UNFUR. STUDIO APT . I ROOM KITCHENETTE partly furnished. 835. 2612 Woodley pi Adams 2400.__ 2434 FRANKLIN ST. NE—WHOLE 2nd floor, h 4 r bath porch. 2 sides: Has. water, elec.: $8 wk. Whole 4th fl h. :t r.. toilet, water, eas._e!ec. 84 wk Ouen. 8*_ DOWNTOWN APTS. 1 Rm., K„ $40—2 R.. K., $60. Convenient, freproof bids : ‘14-hour ele vator switchboard serv : refrigeration on house current. Furn. at small extra charge. 16.JU R st. n w. Potomac 15(00. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. $40.50 MONTH—STREET FRONT LIVING rm bed rm.. k . b. and porch Buchanan ADts.. 4520 13th st. n.w Georela 1**3 4.15 INGRAHAM ST.—! RMS SCREENED porch, private bath: Frigidaire. gas. light. c.h.w.: adults.___ 5014 3rd ST. N W.—1 RM . COMPLETE kitchen, pnv. shower and bath: on car line: >37.50. Randolph 4035 tor detailjs. TAKOMA PK MD 7 31 ERIE AVE — $42.5o: ultra-modern: 2 rms.. elec kit.. tile_bath_shower: open Sun. Shep. 1330. HIGH. HEALTHFUL. WITH A BEAUTIFUL outlook, just off of Conn, ave.: cool In Summer, warm in Winter: 3 bed rooms. 2 ba'hs. living room, sun parlor, dining room and kitchen" rent $140.00. PERCY H RUSSELL CO 1731 K St. N.W. ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR. 2 ROOMS KITCH en porch private bath: private home. adults: $4$ mo_Col. 4375-J._ 25420 PORTER ST NW—7-ROOM APT.. kitchen, bath: newly decorated: screened porch *55 Resident manager _ _ MADISON APTS 17351 EYE ST NW — one room, dressing closet and bath $38,_____5*_ 1 ROOM KITCHEN GAS. HEAT, ELEC refrigeration included: adults only. 1201 Hamilton st n.w._ 1717 OOL RD N W—IMMEDIATE pos session: large 1-room and bath apt., elec tric^ grill. Frigidaire._Apply manager. THE CRESCENT. 10*5 CRESCENT PL n.w.—Two rooms, dinette and bath. $45: one room dinette and bath. $35. R O. BELT. Union Trust Bldg. __ 0* fill! RHODE ISLAND AVE N.E. APT 2. Two large rooms, kit., bath. $40 month. Apply 1'1»" R. I. ave. Decatur 1*77 _ THE FORD APT 524 13th ST NE — Two rooms, dinette, kitchen bath rent, $55.50: gas included. New bldg. See evenings. NO 3220 WISCONSIN AVE N W —APTS, of one or two rooms, kitchen ana bath, $35-$4 7 .50. NEW BLDG.—2 RMS KIT DINETTE bath: $45 and $50, 1525 loth st s.e WASHINGTON REALTY CO GEO. *300 1 ROOM KITCHEN. DRESSING CLOSET with roll-away bed elec, refrigeration on house current: completely redecorated: ready now: *4o. THE MARDAVE APTS *15 Maryland ave n.e. 2 ROOMS KITCHEN FOYER AND BATH elec, refrigeration on house current: avail able now; $47.50. THE MARDAVE APTS *15 Maryland ave n.e. 312 A ST. N.E.—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN ette semi-private bath; *35. 3.3 CONCORD AVE NW.—BEAUTIFUL new corner apartments: available March 15 and April 1. Adults. See janitor or call Lincoln 77314.____ 240* 1 *th ST. N.W.—NEWLY DECO rated throughout: 3 rooms, bath, kitchen ette: front: $47.50, including electricity. Potomac 51132. 2211 PA. AVE S E.—4 ROOMS AND BATH h.-w.h . gas, electricity, back porch, lront balcoay. 2 ROOMS; KITCHEN BATH WITH shower, large screened porch front apt., southern exposure, cornu.eteiy redecorated modern elevator building. Rem includes gas and elec See resident manager. 3*00 N. H. ave. n.w N AT 17th—TWO LARGE ROOMS Din ing room. kit. and bath fireplace. 3 ex posures; high class and unusual Call »» to 7 pm. no ch. 1232 17tii n.w. 1741 WLE ST—BEAUTIFUL ENTIRE third-floor apur menu heat, electricity, gas included. *5.». $52 50 A MONTH-LIVING ROOM. TWO bea rooms Kitchen, full tiled oath shower screened porch, individua. gas heat lur nished by tenant: three exposures Apt. 4 4iu>3 1st st. n.w. tout New Hampshire ave. to Emerson'. Cali HUGH WARREN. National 1*452, eve. and Sunday. Wisconsin 3159. _ 1113 FLOWER AVE.. TAKOMA PARK. MD. —See tins new. lovely. airy apt., neve: oc cupied. Two nice bed rooms, large living room, separate dinette, kitchen ana bath with shower, garage, heat included: a,l outside rooms; storage space ana laundry room. Call MRS. HEIGLE. Natl. »«HU. Branch HI. FOUR LARGE ROOMS RECEPTION HALL. kit bath. $05 and $H7.5(> per month. 2Hl$ joth st. n.w. Res mgr. Col. Ho Hi. TWO ROOMS KITCHEN BATH. S4H ■Will sell furniture. l$o$ Conn, ave., Apt. lti;i. call Saturday. Sunday or evenings. WOODRIDGE mini CHANNING ST N.E. —0 loveiv rooms, kitchen. living room bed room garage; heat, light, gas. phone furn.; $4t> mo : aaul's. Business couple preferred. HIT f ST N.W —LARGE. FRONT. TWO rooir apt . gas. elec, and heat included. Rent reduced Apply in store BEAUTIFUL 2-RM KIT BATH APT., private entrance: heat, hot water turn., overlooking golf course and river; reas. I4uti i.sth pi. se„ Anacostia. Phone At lantic »*42>-W. _ 3477 HOLMEAD PL N W.—3 ROOMS, kitchen, bath, garage: heat furnished, newly remodeled Adams 185!*-J. 2300 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N E —THREE room, bath and kitchenette apt inclosed sleeping porch: heat and light furnished, newly decorated; electric refrigeration; hardwood floors. Daily. $ a m. to T p.m., Sunday. 12 to 6 p.m.. North 14i:i. 2!>fH PORTER ST N.W.—BEAUTIFUL 2 room. Kitchen, bath apt. screened porch; newly decorated- $55: resident manager. ADMIRABLY LOCATED TWO-ROOM AND bath sun-bright apt 10 to 15 minutes^ drive from Washington governmental and office centers, in one of the best residential sections of Alexandria; convenient to churches, busses stores, etc $.15 to desir able tenant. Call Alexandria 2401. i 2501 17th ST N.W.—2nd I LOOK FRONT, private home: 2 rooms kit., bath: heat, gas. light, c.h.w.: refrigeration. Adults 7* lOtlO PA AVE N.W —5 LARGE OUTSIDE rooms, kitchen, bath, porch: completely re decorated: Frigidaire. Reasonable rentaj to reliableparty_ _" MT RAINIER. MD OSOO'.'tilth ST—TWO rooms, private entrance, first floor; new home, bus one block; one fare; $05. 2513% 24 th ST. N.E.—ONE ROOM; kitchenette private bath: light and gas included: $00 Per month. Inquire 201 o Douglas st n e. PETWORTH. 404 EMERSON ST —ENTIRE °nd floor pvt home. 2 rooms, kitchen, pvt. bath inclosed bacK porch, insulated roof; gas light heat hot water. G E. refriger ation incl; references required._ APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. _ (Continued.) ALEXANDRIA—2 LARGE ROOMS. BATff kitchenette: a.m l .; 3rd floor, all ouuitit) rooms refeiences; adults only. Alexan dria HR. 2219 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W.. THE 8T. Regis—Attractive apt , 5 rooms, kitchen, bath, porch, large storage closet; complete ly renovated: elec, relrlgerator. Desirable residential section: $L15 a_month._ 1323 KITTEN HOUSE ST. N W.. FIRST floor—3 rms.. kit., bath, all private; gas. elec, refrigeration Included. Gentiles 7* PETWORTH. 4V4I4 3rd ST. N.W—ONE room kitchen, porch, semi-private bath; to Gentile eounle. Telephone Adams 2777. 7* ENTIRE SECOND FI/TOR. PRIVATE bath, heat, electricity, gas. Phone Atlantic litlh-j. ii;4i Benning rd. n e._ '• ONE. TWO AND THREE ROOMS. KITCH en bath available. Very reasonable. Adults only. Emerson 2574. $52.50—CONVENIENT SUBURBAN 3EC tioi. lew minutes Irom Capitol Hill Brand new, large rooms, heat furnished Call MR. CROXTON Natl. 14.39. Geo. 5849. ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR. 2 RMS KIT porch, semi-bath: private home; heat light pa- *40: references. OMM-W DESIRABLE DOWNTOWN APARTMENT Entire second floor conrtrtinr of seven rooms and bath: heat electricity and gns Included; $57.50. Apply office. 1240 Bth st. n w_ THE ARGONNE IR IO COL RD N.W. _9_ R.. Kit R and Reception Jlalh THE IRVING-HOLMES, 3020 Dent PI N W. _Three Rooms. Kitchen Bath. 1831 BELMONT RD. N.W. Six rooms kitchen and bath: porch: electric refrigeration: rent. 8100. See Janitor, or F ELIOT MIDDLETON. Met. 2827. 2ii3 Investment Bldg. THE SUSQUEHANNA, 1430 VV ST. N.W. 3 Rmr.. Kit and Bath. uninmu ku N.W. Three room.s. kitchen end bath; electric refrigeration: rent. $-.7 50 See lanttor or F ELIOT MIDDLETON', Me:. 2877. 205 Investment Bldg 1817 NORTH CAPITOL “ST. 5 big rooms and bath, porch: very easy walk to business section of city: conven ient to busses, cars, churches and theaters. Rent *57 5(> HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP _1418 H St. N.W District 7877. DONALD 3775 17th St NE. 7 r k b . $57.50 to $55.50. KENNEDY COURTS. 103 Kennedy St. N W, 7 r. k.. b.. $54.50. EVELYN, 103 Concord Ave. N.W. 7 r . k. $57.50 BEDFORD 1833 California St N.W. 4 r. k . b Suit. 1537 Kenilworth Ave. NE 3 r k . b . gas heat. $43.50. E P SCHWARTZ INC _1014 Vt Ave N W_District 0710._ 101 WILLARD AVE — $55. At Wisconsin Ave and District Lin*. 5 Rooms and Bath. Porch. Garage Soace NATIONAL MORTGAGE A: INV CORP.. 1317 N. Y Ave N.W. National 5833. 3217 CONN. AVE. 2 r.. b k dinette: ?55. incl. all current. NEAR SOLDIERS’ HOME." Large Apartment. 431 Kenyon S: N.W.. 2nd Floor. Living room, two bed rooms. Inclosed porch kitchen and bath: electric refrigera tion. hea* furnished _1404 K. CAFRITZ Dist H080 _ THE COLTON, 4«» EVE ST N W. One room, kitchen and bath: conven iently located near Government Printing Office and Union S’aMon «.*I7 r»o Apply resident manager. Metropolitan UH THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., National K080. . NEW DUPLEX APTS! Raleigh St at Nichols Ave. SK. 2 rm: dinette, kit b porch ?51 Heat and hot water furnished SHANNON A LUCHS CO _1.>M5 H St N W._National 2.'145. 1440 CHAPIN ST. N.W. ‘ New Apt. Bldg.. With Elevator. 7 RMS. KIT. BATH—AVAILABLE NOW. _ See Resident Manager_ ___ 1300 HARVARD ST. N.W. Living room 2 bed rooms, dining room, kitchen paiury and bath. WALTER K. BACHRACH, _Agent. Res. Mgr . Columbia T47P._ SPECIAL APT. VALUE. 2514 QUE ST N.W. Modern bldg : liv. rm.. kit dinette, large dressing rm hath recep hall, light and reiriceration included *45: with porch. $57.5o. Available March 15. Phone Na tional 5437_ __ LARGE APARTMENT—$46‘50. 17o:t Capitol ave. n.e Apt 4—Rec. hall, living room. 2 bed rooms dinette, kitchen, bath, screened rear porch: equipped with Bryan* gas heater _I4o| K CAFRITZ_ Dist 0080._ 2517 MOZART PL. N.W. THE REGENT NEW MODERN BUILDING. Gas and electricity included in rent: :i rooms, kitchen and bath. *S2.50; conven ient location Resident manager. H L RUST CO _1001 15tb St NW. National_^_100. 1832 BILTMORE ST." N.W. Three rooms kitchen, bath. Frlgldaire: EXCELLENT VALUE—$49.50. No 1. 7410 Georgia Ave. N.W, Living room, bed room, dinette, kitchen, tile bath with shower, automatic refrig eration. heat and h. w. furnished. Avail able March 15. 1 1404 K CAFRITZ_Dist. 9080._ THE KENNEDY-WARREN. Attractive apartment overlooking Klingle Valley. Living room dressing room. Mur phy bed large bath room dining alcove and kitchen. Unusually large amount of closet space Phone Adams iiOOu. NEW APARTMENTS. CONCORD GARDENS, 59<X> block 13th st n w—2 rooms, ktt., dinette and bath. Venetian blinds: cross vent in bed room1 large living room, re frigeration. amp> closet space, spacious dinette- convenient to shopping center: golf course, express bus line, schools, churches practical y at door step. Resident manager Ap* ion Randolph 335H. NEAR GOVT. DEPTS. PARK CENTRAL, 1900 F ST N.W. Right Downtown—Near Everything. Save Car Fare—Walk to Work. Frigidaire Current Free. $62.50—Living room with portable din ette table and chairs, dressing room with Murphy bed: sun room kitchen, tile bath, built-in tub and shower. Bellboy Elevator Switchboard Servlet. See Manager. MeL 0540. j _1404 K._CAFRITZ._Pist. POSO.^ 5-RM., PORCH APT., $75. Bright apt modern bldg - tile bath: near 10th and Park rd. Adams 9028. EDWIN M. WILLIS. APARTMENTS. 2504 10th ST. N.E. 1 and 2 room apts.. ranging in price from $41.50 to $5b.00. See resident manager. 4425 14th ST N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. 560. 8ee resident manager. 410 15th ST. NE. j 2 rooms, kitchen _and bath. $43,50. 5002-5006 1st ST. N.W. Living room, bed room, kitchen and bath. Heat, hot water and gas for cooking 1 included. Rent. $46.50 and $40. 5327 4th ST. N.W. Living room 2 bed rooms, kitchenette, dinette and bath. Heat, hot water includ ed. Rent. $00. Bradley, Beall & Howard. Inc., Na’ional 0271._232 Southern_Bldg._ NEAR 18th AND COLUMBIA RD., i stici Clydesdale pi. n w.—Frigidaire: convenient to stores theaters car lines. $47.50—Front apt., rec. hall., living room with Murphy bed. dinette, kitchen and tile bath with shower. Available Ap*55.00—Rec. hall, living room with i Murphv bed. bed room, dinette, kitchen, tile bath with shower. Available March 15. | _14114 K._CAFRITZ._Dist. 9080._ j AT CONN. AVE. BRIDGE, 3221 CONN. AVE. ! Two rooms foyer, kitchen and bath. $53,50 and $50.50. Elec, refrigeration house current, elevator _ HIGBIE. RICHARDSON & FRANKLIN. INC., 1514 K St. N.W, National 2076. SILVER SPRING. NEW APARTMENTS. $52.50 Per Month. Large living room, bed room, kitchen, dinette screened sleeping porch 10x14. Near grade school and 150-acre Ooverp 1 ment park Call MR. FUNDERBURK. Shepherd 2401. NEW APARTMENTS 2656 15th St. N.W. Corner 15th and Fuller Sts. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette ond both; featuring the latest in apartment convenience ond design, including custom-built kitchen cobmets, fully insulated gos range with heat control; refrigeration, built-in electric ventilating fans, Venetian blinds, pointed stippled walls, mirrored doors in bed room, sound proofing and insulation, etc. Large, airy rooms, cross ventilation, ample closets Rents include gas and electricity. Open and lighted evenings 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays 12 to 7 p.m. Representative on Premises 1^^ (Continued on Ntxt Pile.) i