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SECURITY LOANS Fifth District Decrease Leaves Total Well Ahead of Year Ago. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Details from the Richmond Reserve Bank's February statement, just re ceived here, disclose that 41 member banks in 12 fifth d strict cities reported loans on stocks and bonds declined $313,000 between January 13 and Feb ruary 10, but rose $3,675,000 during the last year. All other loans, the report adds, showed an increase of $505,000 during the month and $26, 284.000 for the year. Total loans and di c unts increased * $192,00 and $29,959,000 during the month and year, respectively. Invest ments in securities in the 41 banks declined $7,582,000 between January 13 and February 10, but rose $14,324, 000 since February 12 a year ago. Re serve balances of the reporting banks at the Federal Reserve Bank declined $4,353,000 in the last month, but rose $20,679,000 during the yeai. Cash in vaults on February 10 9 showed a decline of $1,333,000 since January 13, but was highei by $2. 226.000 than on February 12. 1936. Demand deposits increased by $1,654. 000 since the middle of January, but rase by $59,021,000 since the middle of February a year ago. Time deposits on February 10 were higher than on either of the earlier dates, having in creased $1,343,000 durin= the month end $3,983,000 during the year. Debits Advance During Year. The Richmond Bank states that debits to individual accounts in 24 fifth district cities in January, 1937, averaged 8 0 per cent less than in December, 1936, but rose 20.7 per cent above debits in January, 1936. The moderate decline in comparison with debits for the preceding month was a seasonal development of about the usual size. Only *hree cities, Charles ton. S. C.; Raleigh and Wilmington, N C . reported higher figures for Jan uary than for December. The decline during January in Huntington was larger than would have occurred normally due to the flood which seriously retarded business for several days. In comparison with January. 1936. figure debits in Jan uary, 1937. increased in every city except Winston-Salem. Raleigh re ported the largest increase for the year, 81.9 per cent, due to an unusual •mount of State transactions in the 1937 month. The pressure of year-end settle ments usually causes commercial fail ures to increase sharply in January, and this year was no exception to the rule, the Richmond Bank says. The Insolvency record in the fifth district In January in comparison with De cember and January of last year was worse than the average for the United * States. The number of failures in the district last month was 165 per cent above the December number and 39 per cent above failures in January last year, while total failures in the United States were onty 17 per cent above those in December and were 25 per cent below insolvencies in Jan uary-. 1936. All trade barometers point to marked Improvement in employment during the past year. Textile mills are run ning on higher schedules than a year ago. tobacco manufacturers are ex ceeding last year's output, coal mines are digging more coal and construction work is under way in muc' larger volume. Miscellaneous industries are practically all doing better than at this time in 1936, and the volume of retail trade also requires additional •ales people. Some shortages of skilled men are reported in construction fields. In which unemployment was quite serious two or three years ago, the bank report says. Two Maryland Firms Purchased. Charles Delmar, president of Lin coln Service Corp., industrial bankers, announces the purchase by that cor poration of two Maryland companies, the Citizens’ Personal Finance Co. and Citizens’ Discount Corp. At a meeting of the board of direc tors yesterday the regular quarterly dividend of 1?4 per cent was declared on the 7 per cent preferred stock and * a 25-cent dividend distribution was declared on the company’s common stock, both payable March 29 to stockholders of record as of Febru ary 27. At the same meeting Fred M. Sup plee, president of J. Ramsay Barry & Co., general insurance agents, Balti more, a former director in the Citi sens’ Personal Finance Co. and Citi Bens’ Discount Corp., was elected a director. Air Express Income Soars. More than 2.023 Iona of air express were flown by the Railway Express Agency in the first full year of expanded service, beginning February 1, 1936. and ending January 31. 1937, a substantial portion of which was handled in and out of Washington, it was announced yesterday. Gross revenue from air express for the 12-month period increased 67!2 per cent over the gross revenue of the old and new contract airlines for the Corresponding period of 1935-6. The half-million mark was ap proached in the total number of ship ments. Most of the 487.299 consign ments for the year were carried by 600 regularly scheduled planes. There were, however, many occasions when the volume of business called for the dispatching of planes loaded to capac ity with express and carrying no passengers. Gleaned in Financial District. Mackubln, Legg Sc Co. report that directors of Fundamental Investors. Inc., have declared a dividend of 25 cents per share, payable April 1 to •tockholders of record March 17. This compares with a 20-cent dividend in the first quarter last year. George O. Vass. vice president and cashier of the Riggs National Bank; Charles H. Doing, first vice president of the Washington Loan Sc Trust Co., and Ord Preston, president of the Union Trust Co., were appointed by Acting President Thomas J. Groom to represent the District Bankers’ Association at the funeral of Firman R. Horner, vice president of the McLachlen Banking Corp. Bank clearings in Washington for the week ending Wednesday were 29 per cent higher than in the same week last year, 32 per cent higher in Balti more and 31 per cent better in Richmond. Production of electricity for public use in the United States during Janu ary amounted to 10,236,854,000 kilo watt hours as compared with 9,249, 000,000 in January, 1936, an Increase of 11 per cent, according to the Fed eral Power Commission. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW Yf)RK March fl tin —Crude rub ber future* cloned needy. 32 to 43 hither. Me*. ea.OT: July. 23 Id: October 23>fln. Bmoked ribbed, spot, 22.88n. n—Nominal. > /. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE B» Private wire Direct to Tne mar. Prev 1917 Stork and Salee— _ SW High Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close chte. 64* 68* Abbott Lab <tl.60)_.. 1 64* M* 64* +1 66 M Abr ft Strauee (b 1 >_ 10a 6* 69 69 +• 80* 68H Acme Steel (4) ... 4 80 79 60 20* 16 Adame Expr (a66c).. 65 tl* 21 21* +1* 26*4 24* Adams Millie (el *)- 1 26* 16* ff* 4* 8 Advene* Rumely ... • » 8* 8* 9* 80* 78* Air Reduction Itl)_ 86 77* 76* 77* +8 5* 4 Air-Way Elec Appli.. 1 4* 4* 4* IS* 14* Alaska Juneau(t60e) 14 16 14* 14* 6* 8* Alleghany Corp .... 18# 6* 6 6* + * 59* 48* AllegpfWwISO_ 6 67* 67* 87* 69 48* All»gpfww*40_ 1 67* 67* 57*-* 68* 43 Alleghany pf Iff..... 1 67 87 67 62* 41* Alles Corp pr pf ._ 5 61 60 61 +1 43 86* Allegheny Steel O40« 28 48* 48* 43* + * 860 286 Allied Chemical <6).. 61 264* 862* 868* +1* 38* 28* Allied Mills <b5UO) ._ 1 38* 28* 88* 21* 16* Allied Stores (b2Uc). 80 21* 21* 21* + * 84* 81 Allied Stores pf (6) 1 82* 82* 81* -I* 83* 71* Allis-Chalmers(bSOc) 18 76 71* T«H +1* 89* SO* Alpha Port CSrt’t (1) 2 87 87 87 +1 8^ 4H Amal Leather f 4* H 101*88 Am AgChem(Del)bl 17 101 99* 99* +2* 41* 82 Am Bank Note (tl) . 4 38* 82* 38* + * 80* 69 Am RrsksShos (tS) 4 76 76* 76* + * 160 139 Am Brake Sh pf(S*) lOOe 150 150 150 +3 111 106* Am Can 114) .. 6 109* 108 198 - * 174 161 Am Can pf (7) .... 1 160* 160* 160* - * 71 50 Am Car ft Foundry— 1 «9* *9* 69\ 104 * 93* Am Car & Fdry pf .. 1 98 98 98 -l 87* 72 Am Chain & Cable bl 8 89* 88* 89* +* 131*115 Am Chain ftCpf (5).x 1 181* 131* 181* + Hi 23* 13* Am Colortyp* . 6 82* 22* 22* + * 29* 26* Am Cornel Al <a50c). 2 27* 27. 27 83* 29* Am Crystal Sug (b2). 6 29* 29* 29* - * 13* 8* Am Encaustic .. 2 11* 11* 11* + * 13* 7* Am A Foreign Pwr .. 13 It* 12* 12* - * 58* 49 Am & For Pwr 36 pf.. 6 62* 52 62* + K 68* 58* Am & For Pwr 87 pf.. 6 62* 62* 62* - H 38* 20* Am & For Pwr 2d pf. 1 88* 83* 83* - * 9* 6* Am Hide ft Leather .. 11 7* 7* 7* 47* 31* Am Hlde&Lpf (3).. 1 41 41 41 - * 62* 47 Am Home Pr (t2.40). 1 60* 60* 60* + * 4* 2* Am Ice 1 4 4 4 +1 27* 17* Am Ice pf (2) .... 8 26* 25* 25* + * 16* 13* Am Internatl (a40c). 31 17* 16* 17* + * 68* 48 Am Locomotive 4 66* 56* 66* + * 125 114 Am Locomo Pf ia8) . 1 120* 120* 120* +1* 27* 22* Am MachAFdry (tl). 86 28* 27* 28* +1* 13* 11* Am MachftMet 1600 9 13 12* 12*-* 67* 60* Am Metal .. 19 68 67* 67* - * 75 64 Am News (N Y)(S).. 6l)e 69* 69* 69* 16* ll* Am Power ft Light ... 62 18* 13* 13* 72* 61* Am PtvrA Lt pf (5).. 8 68 60* 62 + * 87* 72 Am Pwr ft Lt pf ll).. 2 72* 72* 72*-* 29* 24* Am Radiator (t60c). 43 28 27* 27* 40* 83* Am Roll Mill (tl.20) 166 48 40* 42* +2* 86 32 Am Safty Raaor (tl) 4 33 S3 88 - * 29 23* Am Seating (aJ*) 4 26* 26* 26*-* 48* 41 Am Shipbuilding (2) I40e 49* 48 49* +1* 99* 88* Am Smalt ft Ref (3). 34 95* 95 95* + * 6 3* AW S A R rts Mar 31 1768s 5* 4* 4* - * 67* 63 Am Snuff (73) .. 1 63 63 63 -1 78* 59* Amer Steel F (b60c). 16 68* 67* (A* + * 26* 24* Am Stores (2)_ 2 24 * 84* 84* - * 56* 50 Am Sugar (2) 2 50* 50* 50* 187 174* Am Tel & Teleg (9)_ 17 179* 178* 178* + * 99 93 Am Tobacco (5) _ 1 93* 98*. 93* - * 99* 94* Am Tobacco B (5)... 6 95 94* 95 150* 142 Am Tobacco pf (6)_ 1 140* 140* 140* -2* 20* 16* Am Tvpe Founders 16 18* 17* 18* + * 29* 24* Am Water Wke (30c) 61 25* 26 25 n AIII » UUICIl -- ■ 79 64 Am Woolen pf <bl)_ 9 77*4 76 761* - 4 1»* 14 Am Writ Paper (d) — 1* 14 14 14+4 94 6*, Am Writ Pap pf (d). 12 74 74 74 + 4 *n 64 Am Zinc* Lead .. 32 17 1(4 16*, - 4 794 444 Am Zinc * L pr pf . 2 67 66 66 -1 67 524 Anaconda Copper(tl) *8 66 644 654 — 4 244 18 Anchor Cap < 80c)_ 4 22 214 214 + 4 374 304 Andes Copper — 2 32 32 32 46 41 Archer-Dan-M <t2) . 1 45 ' 45 45 1104 107*4 Armour (Del) pf (7). 2 111 111 111 +4 13*4 7 Armour (IU)(bl5c) . 102 134 124 124 126 96 Armour (111) pf (7) . 1 100 100 100 994 8i*j Armour!Ill)pr pf(6). 2 97 th>4 964 -14 70 594 Armstrong Cork (2). 6 70 694 70 +4 161, 14 Arnold Const b«2 4c. 7 164 154 1«4 + 4 174 14 Artloom Corp 18 16’* 161* 164 24** 194 Assoc Dry Goods *1 244 244 234 - M 101 98 Asso DG let pf (6)._ 5 101 100 101 +1 574 504 Assoc Invest (t2) — 1 544 544 544 + 4 84H 694 Atch To* S Fe <a2>. 71 864 864 86 +14 524 444 Atl Coast Line lal) . 23 534 52J, 534 +14 274 2» Atl Gulf & West Ind 1 254 254 254 - 4 354 304 Atlantic Refiningitl) )8 33** 334 334 + 4 184 16s, Atlas Corporation 80c 19 184 184 184 524 504 Atlas Corp pf (3) . 4 514 514 514 + 4 854 72)* Atlas Powder (b75c). . » •> 804 81 +14 184 154 Atlas Tack (1)_ 1 154 154 154 -4 36*» 30 Auburn Auto _ 4 324 314 314 + 4 94 74 Austin Nichols — 20 84 8)* 84 + J* 52 39)* Austin Nichols pf A 230» 50 48 49»* +24 9!* 6!, Aviation Corp (Del) 1* 84 84 84 — 4 lit* « Baldwin Loco (d) 128 10H 104 104 120 86*4 Baldwin Loco pf (d». 3 1134 113 113 +4 94 74 Baldwin Locoasd<d) 42 84 84 84 + 4 120 884 Baldwin L pf asd <d) 3 1134 1134 113s, +14 354 204 Baltimore & Ohio 201 664 354 364 +14 454 834 Baltimore & Ohio pf 67 474 46 474+14 45 41 BanEor&Aroos (2 4). 2 444 44 4 41’* + 4 424 354 Barher Co (a75c) 15 404 394 40 -t- 4 42 38 Barker Bros pf (2 4) 80s 394 394 S»4 + 4 364 *«4 Barnsdall Oil <1) - i» »0«t 304 304 + 4 204 174 Bayuk Cigars (t75c). 13 184 184 184 — 4 28»* 25 Beatrice Cream (tl). I 27 27 27 -4 111 105 Beech-Nut Pkg (74). I 10T4 107* 1074 + 4 154 13 Belding Hemin <lt... 1 1«4 144 1<4 304 25 Bendix Avia (b25e> . 12 27s* 274 274 - 4 23‘* 214 Beneficial Lo (b45c). T 214 214 *14 - 4 624 58 Best & Co (t2 4) 6 624 824 824 + 4 1044 73 Bethlehem Stl tal 4) 108 1054 1044 1044 +14 20 184 Beth Stl 5% Of (1) 5 194 194 194 + 4 1294 125 Beth Stl pf (7) . 2 1274 127 1274 + 4 694 *0 Bigelow-San (b50c) .. 2 61 61 61 38 38 Black & Decker b50c. 2 854 35 354 + 4 284 224 Blaw Knox U80C) .. 37 284 28 284 + 4 49** 83s, Boeing Airplane .. 28 484 674 <74 — 4 484 41 Bohn Alum & Br (3). I 464 *64 *64 93 88 Bon Ami (A)(4) 10a 88 88 88 454 42 Bon Ami(B)(b624c) 40* 44 44 44 +14 28 264 Borden Co (1.60c)... 16 264 264 26’* + 4 83 4 72', Borg-Warner (4) ... 1* 784 794 794 - 4 11 84 Boston* Maine . 2 114 U4 114 + 4 «4 34 Botany Mines A (d) 1 4 4 4 —4 234 16*4 Bridgep’t Brass (60c) 24 21s* 21 21 - 4 594 514 Briggs Mfg (72 ) 42 54 634 53H + H 584 47s, Briggs* Stratton(3) 2 48 48 48 +4 47 424 Bristol-Myers (t 2.40) 1 4*4 4*H 48*. + 4 63 46 Bklrn-Man Tr (4) 11 481, 4* 484 -4 524 454 Bklyn Union Gas (3). 4 454 «64 «»4 - 4 244 204 Brunswick-Balke__ 18 22 21*, 22 +4 254 20 Bucvrua-Erle _ 33 844 214 284 - 4 144 124 Budd (EG) Mfg _ 19 114 1*4 1*4-4 98 75 Budd (EG) Mfg pf— 1 8* 88 88 +4 13 94 Budd Wheel <a20c)— 23 11 104 104 - 4 45!* 34*4 Bullard Co (b25c)_ « 424 414 414 - 4 I 654 51 BUi>va W'atch .. 6 644 «4 64 - 4 354 314 Bi'/t Adding M (80c) s *64 85 *64 + 4 114 74 Bush Terminal (d) 11 94 9 9 464 244 Bush T Bldgs pf (d*. 40e $6H *«H 364 -4 184 1*4 Butler Bros (bl5c> . 10 174 174 174-4 36V* 294 Butler Bros pf (14). * *64 384 964 -4 9>* 54 Butte Cop & Z <a5c).. 21 84 8 8 33 27** Byers (AM) _ *» 324 81H 32 +4 91 83 Byers (A M) pf _ 300* 89 4 87 884 +14 314 27 Byron Jackeon (tl).. 6 304 304 304 48'. 42’. Calif Packing (2, — 10 42X 42!, 42!, - X 64, 27, Callahan Zinc-Lead . 12* 47J 4*4 47, — X 804, 16X Calumet A Hecla (1). 42 184, 17*, 177, “ X 37*, 32X Campbell Wv (tl) „ 2 S6X 86 8*X + X 824, 27X Canada Dry G Ale... 118 884, 824, 337, +1 17X 1447 Canadian Pacific 7* 174, 17X 177* + X 62', 50 Cap Admlapr (A)(2) 200« 5)H SIX 61X + 4, 84, 7 Carriers & Gen(a35c) 28 87, *X 2‘, + X 1764, 138 Case (J I) Co (4) 1 168 168 168 + H 100 85', Caterpillar Trac(t2) » 97X 96 977, + IX 367, 26», CelaneseCorp <al»,> *8 84X 31X 844, + X 1134, 1064, Cel Corp pr pf A (7) l 118 118 118 47*. 364, Celotex Corp . * 47*4 4TX 4TX + X SO'i 34 Centr Aguire (,144). I 34 *7 84 — 4, 12*, 87, Central Foundry Co. 241 11X 1IH 1IX + X 41*. 374, Central R R of N J .. 4 41 40V, 404,- 44 24*, 174. Central Vloleta Sug.. 8 17 17 17-4, 14V, 10H Century R M fblOc). * 1344 1344 1344 - X 844, 67X Cerrod* Paaco (4) .. 17 84 83 83 - X 23*, 18X Certain-teed Prod 1» 21X 20X 80X - 74 82 67X Certaln-taed Ppf (•) 60» 78 77 X 78 +1 52', 354, Champ Pap A F (1) . 1 48*/. 4«X 487* - X sow 85 Chesapeake Corp <S). 4 904, 69*, K»X — X 68t, 68X Ches A Ohio (+2 80) . 17 6844 «8X «8X 99 99 Ches A Ohio pf A (4). * *9 99 99 44, 2*, Chi A East 111 (d I » 4X 4X 4X - X 13H 6», Chi A East 111 pf (d). * 12X UX 12H + X 37, 2*4 Chi Grt West <d) . 12 274 27, 2X + X 17W 1**, Chl Grt West pf «!>.. 79 18>4 16X 17X +1 *74 2 Chl Mil St PAP Id) . I* 274 274 274 + X 7X 4** Chl M St PAPnf (d). 4» 7 6H 7 + X 6*4 3H Chl A N W(d) .. *S «X «X *X + X 19X 11X ChiA N W pf (d) .. t 12X 1874 I8*i - x 33 23 Chl Pneumatic Tool . 2 30X 297, 30X + X 70X 61X Chl Pneu T pf (a3X) * ®5X 65 65 3H 2X Chl R 1A Pae (d) .. 4 3X 3X 3X + X 8», 5»* Chl R1AP8* pf (d). ** 8X 8X 874 + 74 10X 6*, Chl R1AP7% pf (d). 4 9*/* 9X 9*4 + 74 22X 19 Chickaaha Cot Oil ... i 19X 19 19 - „ 15X 12X Childs Co I 16X 15 15 - X 71X 46X Chile Copper (1) .. 10* 71 71 71 - X 135X 1107, Chryaler Corp (bl X) *1 132X 130X 131 -IX 21X I8X City lea A Fuel (2 ) 6 2074 2074 2074 + X 92 85 City Ice A F pf (644) 20a 887, 88X 887, -IX 10*4 9 city Stores ... • 10X lOx 10X + X 384, 324, Clark Equip <tl.60).. 1 28 24 26 + X 40>, 35 Clev Graph Br (2) __ 4 40X 40 40H + X 98X 78 Cluett Peabody (2).. 1 9174 91H 91*4 - X 180X 126 Cluett Peabpf (7)_70s 180 120 ISO 2SH 19X Colgate P-P (t50o).. 161 14 MX 23H + H 62** 66 Collins A Aik (t2,... 6 S9X 59 69 - 74 112 HOT, Collins A Aik pf (B).. 210e lit lllN 112 SIX 44X Colo Fuel A Iron It 47X 47X 47X + X 27X *1 Colo A Southern 130* 27X 2«X *6X + X 30 24 Colo A Soutbn let pf 230* 29X *» «9X - X 20X 17 Columh G A E (a40c) 70 177* 1774 17)4 - X 108 1004, ColG&Epf (A)(6). a 101X 101*/* 1017* - 74 39X 347. Columb Pic vtc (tl). 6 367* 36 66X + 74 46X 42 Colu Pie CT pf (174 ) * 45 4 5 45 1244, 1174, Ool'blan Carb vtc(t4) t 117 116X USX + 74 69X 58 Cornel Credit (,4) . 21 6074 SOX 60X - X 80X 89 Cornel Inveat T (74). 14 S9X 89X 69X ■+ X 21X 18X Comcl SolV It SOC)- *3 20 19X 19X - )• s rrer. ,»OT NOH ug Hales- HR High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. OlOM. chse. 44 SH Comw A southern ... 48 8k 84 84 - k 78k *• Comw A sou pf (I).. 8 64 84 <4 18k 1»H Conde Nast Publish-. 1 16k 16k 18H - H 44H Mk Congoleum-Nairn (I) 18 48k 48 48k + 4 82 18k Conn RAL.pf_ ZOl 18k 18k 19k - H 18k 164 Consol Cigar _ 4 15k 16k 18k ~ k 94 88k ConCpr pf ww (6k) 30i 94 94 94 -ft 90k »0k ConSO.gpf 1« (6k). *01 91 92 92 49k 41k Consol Edla N Y (tj) 24 48 42k 48 4-4 184 16k Consol Film pf (a*).. 8 16k 16k ltk 4- H 174 16k Consol Oil I80c) 84 16k 164 l«k 10k 7k Consol R R Cuba pf.. 1 8k 8k 8k - H lk k Consol Textile (d) .. £4 lk 14 l'< - k 10 6k Cons Coal (Del) *to.. 64 114 *k 10k -Mk 404 88 Cons C (Del) pf vtC . 14006 45 89k 44 4< 824 fok container Corpil.20) 1» 304 2»k 29k - k 87*4 *9 Conti Baking (A)_ 9 88 82k 88 54 8 Conti Baking (B)_ 14 4k 4k 4k - H 88k 59H Cont’ICan (3) 12 61k «1 «1 -1 «8k 20k Conti Diamond F (I). 9 24k 24 24k + 4 424 89k COntl Insur <t 1.60)._ 8 40k 40H 40k + 4 8k tk Conti Motora .... 22 8k «k 8k 46k 404 Conti Oil of Del (tl). 46 41k 41k 41k -f k 85 26k Cont’l 3te«l (b50e) .. 11 85k 86 86k + k 77 63k Corn Ex Bk A Tr (3). 190s 73k 73 73k +1 T14 66H Corn Prod Ref <t*»_ 88 7ok «84 704 +14 8k « Coty Inc .12 7k 7k 7k + 4 66k 46 Crane Co . 35 54 k 64 64k + H 87 84k Cream of Wheat (tl) 1 84k 84k 84k - 4 28k 21k Crosley Radio talk) 10 26k 26 16k + 4 100k 744 Crown C'k A Seal (2). 9 86 84k 86 +lk 56k 61k Crown CAS pf ww2 4 1 61k 61k 61k 24k 17 Crown Zelierback vto 29 20 19 19k - k 81*4 «l Crucible Steel _ 22 814 80k 80k 14k 10 Cuban-Am Sugar.... * 10k 10H 10k 20*1 18 Curtis Publishing.... 10 18*4 164 1*4 “ H 8k 6k Curtis* Wright _ 94 8k 7k 7k - k 23k 19V* Curtiss W lAXaSOc) 81 234 28 k 23k 18k 16k Davega Stores d ) ._ 1 18 18 18 24 22V4 Davega St CV pf d 4 ) 1 234 234 234 -4 130 104k Deere A Co .. 10 130k 129 129 -1 314 2»k Deere A Co pf (1.40). 2 31k 314 814 - k 29 26 Dolsel-Wem-G (tl).. 1 26 26 26 +4 63k 42k Delaware A Hudson.. 109 66 63k 65k +*H 23k 17*s Dela Lack A West . 151 2< 23k 24 +k 10k 7H Den A RioG W pf(d) 3 104 10k 10*4 + 4 146k 187 Detroit Edison <t4) . 2 135k 136 135k + k 86k 81 Diam’d Match (b50c) 3 32k 81k 31k - k 28k 24k Distil Corp Seas Ltd. 6 26k 864 254 - 4 95 90 Distillers Corp pf (5). 6 95 94 96 + k 464 874 Doehler Die Cast <2). 2 424 42 4*4 - *4 51 45 Dome Mines <t2)_ 13 47k 454 47k+14 Ilk 10k Dominion Stores_ 11 114 114 114 + 4 77!, 62k Douglass Aircraft... 8 67k 67k 674 + 4 394 83 Dresser Mfg (B)(al) I 85k 35k 3&k + k 3k 84 Duluth S S ft Atl pf.. 1 84 *4 34 + k 180k 169 DuPontdeN <b76c). 8 176k 1784 174k -14 17 Ilk Eastern Roll Mills .. 36 17 16k 16k - 4 1764 167k Eastman Kodak 16).. 6 173 172 172 +1 37k 324 Eaton Mfg (T2) _ 4 86 86 35 -1 16k Ilk Eitlngton Schlld ._ 18 15 144 14k + k 29 244 El Paso Nat G (1.80). 1 264 264 264 -4 46k 884 Elec Auto Lite <t2.40 20 48k 42k 48 +k 16 12 Elec Boat («60c) 20 15 144 144 74 5k Elec&Mua Ind talSc) 12 6k 6 6k + k 26k 21k Elec Power ft bight.. 85 23k 28k 2*4 92 4 79 Elec P* & Lt 57 pf .. 6 84*< 83k 84H + H 44k 41k Elec storage Bat (2). 6 424 42 42 2 lk Elk Horn Coal (d) 23 14 14 14 8 5k Elk Horn Coal pf (d) 19 7k 74 74 + 4 174 13k Eng Public Service . 1 13k 18k 18k 784 70k Eng Pug S 15 pf b* 4. 1 74k 74k 74k 94 *k Equitable Office Bldg 8 8k 8k 8k — k ia.* Erie k k ill 19*» is*, 194* + ;* 34 26‘, Brie K K 1st pf_ 24 34 33V* 38', 264, 22 Erie R R Id pf _ 9 26** 284* 2614 + 4* 145, 124* Eureka Vac Cl (80c). 1 184* 134* 134* 34*4 28V» Evans Product (tl).. 12 82;* 324* 824*+ 4* 64* 6 Exchange Buffet_ 1 64, 64* 64* + 4* 28 21V* Fairbanks Co pf ... 80s 244* 28', 23*, -t 71V* 61'* Fairb'ks-Mors* (tl). 7 6S<* 63 «SH + 5* 70 53:, Fajardo Sug Co <bl). « 584s 58V* 684, + V* 294* 24!« Federal Lt & Tree_ 1 25 25 25 103 97 Fed Lt & Tr pf (6) . 10s 99 99 *9 + 4* 114* 84* Federal Mot Tr (40c) 3 104* 10'* 10'* + V* 11V* 6V» Fed Screw Works ... 4 lov* lov* io>* + V* - 6 *4* Fed Water Svc (A).. 3 6>* 6V| 5V* 434* 36V* Fed'd Dept Str (2) . 3 43V* 43 4* - V* 454* 42V, Fidel Phoe F In tl.60 3 43'* 43 434* 39V* 324, Firestone TAR (2) 16 38'* 8B>* 88'* + V* 1074* 105 Firestone pf (A)(6). 3 106'* 106>* 106V, - V* 52V* 484* First Natl Stra(t24*> * 50V* 50V* 504* + 4* 46V, 41 Flintkote Co (1) 15 45V* 444* 44V* - 4* 38 84 Florsheim Shoe A (2) 1 384* 38** 38»* + 4* 94, 64, Follansbe# Broa id). 46 94* 94* 9V* + '* 544* 47V* Food Machine cl) 8 51'* 614, 514* + V* 544* 43 Foster-Wheeler . 8 491, 484, 484, - V* 83 76 Franklin S pf (a5Vi). 10s 794* 79V* 79V* - V* 32'* 26»* Freeport Sul Co (1).. 20 29V* 29 29V* 48V* 40 Fuller Co 2d pf_ 10s 40 40 40 7V* 4»* Gabriel Co (A)_ 11 7V* 7 7i* + V* 33 26 Gamewell Co —_- 90s 29 29 29 106', 105 Gannett cv pf (6)_ 20s 1064* 1064* 1064* - 4* 194* 15H Gar Wood Ind (a55c) 6 18V* 18 18V* + V* 151* 124, Gen Am Inv (a75c)._ 4 154* 15 154* + *♦ 105', 103 Gen Am Inv pf (6) . 8 1084, 1034* 1034* -1»* 86V* 70V* Gen Am Trans't ta3). 6 *1 804* aov* — V* 19V* 16», Gen Baking <t60c>._. 9 171* 17 17 - V* 14 11 Gen Bronze _ 27 12 llV* 11'* - •* 32V* 25:* Gen Cable _ 13 31V* 314* 314, - 4* 65 54 Gen Cable (A)_ 2 634* 634* 634* -IV* 62'* 464* Gen Cigar (t4) 4 474, 474, 474, 64!* 524, Gen Electric (b40c) . 97 62V* 614* 62 44', 39V* Gen Foods (2) .. 5 431* 43', 43V* + H 3*t 2s* Gen Gas A Eleo (A).. 5 2?* 24, 65'* 60'* Gen Mills (3» I 64 64 64 124 118", Gen Mills pf<«) 20a 12o'i 120'* 120'* + V* 70V* 60V* Gen Motors I b25e)_ 70 68'* 674, 67V* 122s* U9V* Gen Motors pf (5)_ 1 1204* 1204* 1204* - V* 154, 12:* Gen Outdoors Adv . 3 U4* 144* 14V* + H 80 69 Gen Print Ink tb60c). 2 76 77V* 771* - V* 54* 4V* Gen Pub Service ... 85 54* 6,4* 6', + 4* 65V. 56», Gen Ry Signal (1)... 6 60V* 60 60V* - 4* 54* 4V* Gen Realty A Util 11 54* 5V* 54* 70V, 62H Gen Refractor (a3 Vi ) 3 671* 67 874* + 4* 88 78V* Gen Steel Casting pf 30, 83V* 83 834* +1V4 33*, 29'* Gen Theater E ta2).. 1 30'* 304* 301* 48V* 37 Gen Time Inv (tl) ... 1 40 40 40 20), 164* Gillette Saf Rsz (tl). 16 184* 184* 134* + 4* 294* 204* Gimbel Bros 18 28!* 284* 28H + 4* 90 834* Gimbel Bros pf (6)_ 1 90 90 90 514* 43s* Glidden Co (2)_ 5 484* 484* 484* - V* 67* 64* Gobel (Adolf) _ * 64* 64* 6'* 8S* 61* Goebel Brew (t!0c)-. 7 7‘* 7)* 74* - H 444* 31 Goodrich (B FXal).. 49 45 44*» 45 +1 87H 791* Goodrich (B F)pf(5) 6 87 864* 864* - 4* 42". 274* Ooody'r TAR (b50c) 105 424* 42 424* + H 1274* 100 Ooody'r TAR CU pf (5) 4 126** 126 128 + 7* 144 1144* GoodyrTA-U 2d pf47) 4 1444* 144 1444* +2 134* 114, Gotham Silk Holt .. 15 117* 114* lit* + 4* 4*, 3 Graham-Paige _ 19 44* 4 44* + V* 15 64* Granby Cona (new)_ 2 lit* 11** 114* 5>* S'* Grand Unton ctfs _ 8 4*, 4"» 4s, 274, 21V* Grand Un pf (b2ac>_ 2 24'* 244* 244* + 4* 481* 41V* Granite City Stl (1).. # 47)* 48!* 474* + •* 47*. 42 Grant (W T)(tl.40).. 1 47 4T 47 53V* 404* Grt Northern pf — 91 54Vi 53** 53>* + V* 26V* 19 Grt North'n Ore (1)- 143 87", 26V* 274, +14* 42!* 35V, Grt West Sug <t2.40) 8 *6!* 36 364* - V* 384* 34 Green (H L)(tl.60>. 26 87t* 87)* 87)* 167* 144* Greyhound ctgOc) 24 18'* 16 164* 11M 114* Greyhound Cppf 55c 8 114* 11!* 11!*-)* 44* 8 Guantanamo Sugar . 1 84* 3!* 34* + V* 59 40 Guantanamo Sug pf_. 10s 42 42 42 17)* 13 Gulf Mobile AN — 5 174* 17 174* + V* 69 51'* Gulf Mobile A N pf... 8 594* 684* 684* - i* 89V* 554* Gulf States Stfeel .. 16 92)* 89V* 92V* +3V* 34*4 33*t Hackensack W (1*4). 1 *3*. *»b 83*» + b 20*4 13b Hall I W K1 Printing 10 19»« 19** 19*i 81 27b Hamilton Watch 0250 1 *7b 27*4 27*4 10* 105b Hamilton W pf (6) 20. 107b 107b 107b - b 68b 50b Harb-Walker (72 ) 8 58b 58b 58b - H 17*» 16 Hat Cp of Am A b20c 2 167* 15’* 15b + b 8 5b Hayes Body — 12 7 6H ®!i 109b 101 Haael Atlas G1 < tB) — 1 109*4 109b 1094* + b 15b l*b Hecker Prod (60c> ._ 17 14b 14b 14b - H 89b 83b Hercules Motor • 71 >_ 5 86 85b *6b — H 185 160b Hercules Powder (6). 1171 171 171 -1 67*4 64 Hershey Choc «13) .. 8 6J *3 63 —1 52b 47 Holland Fur (al b )— ’ 48b 48 48b -f b 120b 108 Holland Fur pf 16) ... 10.110 110 110 29 21 Hollander* Son (1). 44 29b 29b 29b + b 43b 81b Holly Sugar (72).... 10 lib 81b 81*4 + b 415 365 Homestak. (712) . S60t S72 366 872 +2 *7b 22b Houd-Her iBK71b). & *5b 25b «6b + b 17b 12b Houston Oil vtc _ 26 15H 14H 14b — b 89b 62b Howe Sound (73)_ 1* 87H 88 6* 28b 18b Hudson MotorCar™ 34 21b 21 21 - b 2b 8H Hupp Motors _ 17 2b 2b 2b - b 34b lib Illinois Central _ 118 84b 88*4 84b + b 60 46 Illinois Cent nf (A).. 2 68 88 68 +1 72 65 ill Cent lee lines (4). 40. 69b «*b 69b + b 81b 1**4 Indian Retlnlng (al) 2 17 l«b IT -b 40b 3«b Indust Rayon (71.68) 19 37b 37b 37b - >4 144 130b Ingersoll Rand (72). 1 140 140 140 + b 128b H2b Inland Steal 14 1 . 16 131b 1*8 181b +lb 331. 22b Inspiration Copper 30 SOb *** 291* H 13b lib Interb RapTr vtc (d) 2 12b 12b 18b - b 10b 4b Intercontl Rubber_ 90 10b 9b 10b + H 25b t«b interlake Iron _ 207 26b 24b 26 +lb 8b 5 Inti Agricultural.™ 4 8 7b 8 + b 59b ** Inti Agricul nr pf- * 55 55 65 — b 189 176 Inti Bus Mach <t6)__ 1 182H 182b 182b -2b Ulb 108b Inti Harvester (2b). 10 109b 108b 10«b “lb lib *b Inti Hydro Elec i A1. 23 14b Hb »«b “ b 9b 6b Inti Mercantile Mart. 4 8 7b Tb +• H 18*4 16*4 Inti Mining (a90c> - 6 lib l«b 16b + b 72b «*H Inti Nickel «b50c) - 61 72 71b 72 - - b lib 16b Inti Paper & Pw (A). 16 l8* i8H 18« + b 14b 10b Inti Paper A Pw (B). 48 13b l*b 12 +lb 7b 5b Inti Paper ft Pw (C). 28 «b + b 108b 90b Inti Paper & Pw pf . 26 10«b lC6b 108b “ b 48b 41 Inti Print Ink (72) .. 4 4Tb 47b 47b “ H Ulb K»b Inti Print Ink pf (2). 100. 110b 110 110b 10 8 Inti Hy Cent Amer .. 10* 8b *b *b H 57b 48 Inti Ry C Am pf (A). 10. 65 65 65 + b 28H 26b Inti Salt (71b)- 1 27 27 27 41b lib Inti Silver _ 2 44 44 44 18b lib Inti Tel A Tal .. «6 l«b Hb 18b - b 36b 29b Interatat Dpt fct b2%. 10 26 15b **b + b *8b 19b IntertypeCorp (D... 2 23b 23b «*H - b 29 26b lalandCraek (2) - 2 29 29 29 166 114 Jobnt-ManvUle (73). 7 142 140 141b “lb 6b «H Johns-Man rta Mar 11 114 6b 5b ' 6b “ * 136 183 JonesAL 7% pf bib- 20. 112 122 128 46 42b KalamasooS (71) - 2 44b 44b 44b “ b 26b 20 Kans City Southern . 30 E5b 25 25 44b 42 Kans City So pf (al). 6 44b 44 44b - b 86 28b Kanfmann DS M.89 . 4 84 b 84b 84b + H 23b 19b Kelsav-H (A)talb). 10 10b 20 20b 19b 18b Kalaay-U (B)(alb). 8 17b 17 17 - b * < rrev 1837 stock and Male*— Net High. Low Dividend Rati. Add 00. Blgh. Low. ClOM. chga. 87* 68* Kennecbtt Cop(b50c) 62 68* 68* 86* - * »* IT* KeyatOneSAWfblBc) ** 20* 20 20* + * 1H 6* Kinney (G tt) Co ... 1 6* 6* 6*-* 70 47* Kinney (G R> pf(al). toe 43* 63* 63* +2 29* 27 Kresge(SS)Co(b80e) 11 87* 27 27* + * 24* 22 Kroger G ft B (tl.60) * 23* 23 23* + * 23* 18* Lambert Co (2) 66 24 28* 23* + * 27* 17 Lee Rub ft Tire (50c) 4 24* 26 26* + * 8* 2* Lehlgb Valley Coal.. 6 3 2* 4* 18* 18* Lehlgb Val Coal pf_ 7 14* 16* 16* + * 23* 17* Lehigh Valley R R_ 62 23* 28* 28 + * 135*118 Lehman Corp (t3)_ 1135 13& 135 -* 21* 18 Lehn & nnk (al*).. 4 it* is* i«* + * 68* 62 Lerner Stores (t2) .. 1 66 66 66 79 87* Llbbey-O-r-Gl (b75e) « 74* 78 78 -1 15* 9* Libby McN ft L tail. 8 14* 14* 14* + * 114 106* Llggft Myers B (+ 4)_ 8 111* 111* 111* 175 168* Llggft Myers pf (7).. 2 161 161 161 -2* 23 21* Lily Tulip Cup(tlH) 1 22* 82* 22* 83* 69 Lima Locomotive_ 7 79* 78* 78* *- * 81 84* Link Belt (ft) _ » 67 56* 67 63* 43* Liquid Carb (2.60)_ 1 52 52 52 + * 81* 64* Loew’a Inc (t2)_ 21 80* 80 80 - * 3* 2* LOft Inc ... 4 3* 3* 3* + * 73* 66 Lone Star Crnt b75e._ 18 74* 74 74* +1* 10* 6* Long Bell Lum (A)._ 16 3* 3* «* 28* 22* Lorillard <P)(tl.20) 4 28* 26* 26* - * 96 88* Loulsv ft Na*h(b2*) 2 96 96 96 + * 87* 29* Ludlum Steel (tl)_ 71 89* 88 39* +1* 86 32* McCall Corp (tl)_ 4 S3 32* 82* - * 24* 18* McCrory Stores_ 4 22 21* 21* - * 47* 40* MoGraw EleC € t2)_ 4 49 48* 49 +2 28* 23* MCGraw-H (bl2*c). 1 26 26 26 42* 88 McIntyre Porcu (2).. 4 40* 40* 40* + * 15* 12* McKesson ft Rob .. 100 15* 16 16* 47* 45 KcKeasft Rob pf (I). 1 48* 46* 46* + * 18 16* McLellan St fb75d . 12 18* 18* 18* - * 112*106* McLellan Strs pf (6). 20. 106* 105* 106* -1* 62 42* Mack Trucks (tl)... 7 61* 60* 61* +1* 67 60* Macy (R HHt2)_ 106 68 66* 67* +1* 62* 53 Magma Copper (2)_ 4 61* 61* 61* 7* 6* Manatl Sugar (d)_ 1 6* 6* 6* 18* 14 Mandell Bros (bl)__ 4 16 15* 16 16* IS* Man El md gtd (d) .. 1 18* 13* 18*-* 89 32 Manhat Kiev gtd (d). 20e 81* 31 31 -1* 29* 23* Manhat Shirt tl) .. 2 26* 26* 26* + * 6* 4* Maracaibo Oil E«p .. 27 6* 4 6* + * 14* 10* Marine Midl’d (t40c). 25 18* 18 13 - * 2* 2 Market St Ry _ 80. 2* 2* 2* + * 20 1* Market St Hy pf .. 60e 16* 16* 16* -l « 4* Market St R/ 2d pf... «0e 6 4* 4* - * 89 85 Market St Ry pr pf _. 60e 32 31* 81*-* 61* 47 Marlin Rock (t2) ... 4 50* 60 50 - * 29* II* Marshall Field ft Co.. 66 29* 29* 29*-* 11* » Martin-Parry Corp... 26 11* 11* 11* + * 74 60 Masonite Corp (tl)— 1 70* 70* 70*-* 41* 87* Mathieaon Aik (1*)_ 8 38* 37* 37*-* 64 * 59* May Dcptstr (t3)_ 14 65 * 64* 66* +1* 16* 14 Mavtag Co (a50c)_ 4 14 14 14 44 42* Maytag pf w w (1)__ 1 43 43 43 83* 25* Mead Corp 8 30* 29* 30 - * 101 96 Mead Corp pf (6)_ 10. 99* 99* 99* - * j 86* 77* Melville Shoe (t5)_ 1 77 77 77 -1 16* 11* Mengel Co .12 15 14* 14* - * Mengel Co<The)pf(5) 10O. 47* 47* 47* I 72* 69 Mesta Machlrte(blS) 8 71* 71* 71* 26* 16* Miami Copper . 21 23* 22* 23* + * < 83* 89* Mid-Cont Pet (al.15) 19 34 33* 34 +*; 48* 88* Midl'd Stl Prod (t3)-. 10 47* 47* 47* - * 122 117* Midl'd Stl 1st pf (8). 20. 120 120 120 111 102 Mlnn-Hon P.os (2) .. 6 112 111 112 +2 ! 16* 11 Minn Moline Power . 4 15* 15 15+ + * i 97 88* Minn Moline Pwr pf 2 98 97 98 +1 i O'* 0 M St i’«S 3 M IB line. 1001 » » + 6 f + 29», 26 | Mission Corp (a45c). 2* 31 2*4 304 +1 j * 64 Mo KansA Texas .. 41 » 8+ * + U | S3** 244 Mo Kane * Tex pf A. 32 33 4 334 334 + 4 5 a Missouri Pacific id).. 16 6 4?, 6 + 4| 114 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) _ *6 ill* 11+ 114 + H 40 + 804 Mohawk Corp it 1.20) I 37 364 364 + 4, 101 *04 Monsanto Chem (71). 7 924 *24 927* - \ I 684 5*4 Montgom Ward (72). 8* 684 68+ 684 664 <5 Morris*Essex (34) 60s 66+ 664 664 +14' 34 14 Mother Eode(al24c) 81 24 24 24 - 4 t 26 214 Motor Wheel (1.60) . * 24 234 24 864 81 Mullins Mfg BlaoOc) 10 834 324 334 +141 *« M Mullins Mil pf (7)... l«0i *3 »1»« *3 +114' 864 *74 Munsingwear (73)_ 4 314 804 304 — 4' 7*4 70 Murphy Q C (2.60)_ 2 79?* 79»i 794 + 4 204 17 Murray Corp lauUC).. 1* 194 184 1* +4 244 174 Nash Ivelvinator (1). 80 24 234 234 45 38 Nashv Chat & St E_ 50a 4&4 454 45+ + 4 234 1*4 Natl Acme (a75c)_ 12 224 21*+ 22 — 4 18*, 134 Natl Aviation (al)_ 2 17 17 17 334 304 Natl Biscuit (1.80)... 22 324 324 324 334 2*4 Natl Bond & Inv 1.44 . 6 304 304 30+ - 4* 384 2*4 Nati Cash Keg tal) 4* S?H 87 874 + 4 264 334 Nat l Dairy Prod 1.20 16 234 *34 234 10*4 1074 Natl Dairy P pf B (7) 10, 108 108 108 244 174 Natl Dept Stores - 17 24H *74 244 + 4 104 74 Natl Dept Stores pf . *0, 84 84 84 317, 274 Natl Distil Prod (+2) 38 304 30+ 304 + 4 374 337. Natl Lead <T50c) 10 86 + 357, 36 + 614 M Natl Mal'bleAStKa?) 4 554 554 5*4 + 4 14*4 114 Natl Pwr * Lt > 60c). 13 124 127. 124 - 4 I l 4 Natl fty Mex 2d pf... s 4 4 4 *4 4 70 Natl Steel (72H)_ 16 93 92 924 -4 714 *2 Natl Supply Co .. 29 734 704 734 +4 1274 1*14 Natl Supply Pf(a34) 3 1*3 123 123 -141 124 10 Natl Teal 60c) 16 104 104 104 + 41 134 114 Natomas ITSOc) _ 2 12?, 124 124 67+ 63 Neisner Bros 4 + 2>_ S 55+ 547, 554 63 544 NewberryiJJ 1(72.40) 2 634 63 634 + 4 10* 107 Newb'ry (J J) pf (5). 20, 107 1054 107 +2 414 844 Newport Ind (b.'.Oc) . 26 36*4 364 364 + 4 I 9*4 7*4 N Y Air Brake (b50c) 6 94 92 94 +2 I 49 40 N Y Central P. R ... 993 514 4*4 514 +24 654 41 N Y Chicago A St E-. 2 65*i 654 65*, +14 | 100 *8 N Y Chi & St L pf_ 1* 100 994 100 +1 254 194 N Y Dock pf _ 70, 204 20 204 - 4 ! 2 14 N Y Investors (d)_ 2 i»» 14 14 9,4 64 NY NH & H td) _ 20 94 * 94 + 4 £64 164 NY NH & H pf (d)_ 6 25 244 25 + 4i 64 5 N Y Ontario A West.. 7 54 54 54 54 44 N Y Rys pf td) _ 3 54 5 54 + 4! 167, 12 NY Shipbuilding_ 13 144 1*4 144 + 4 101 974 N Y Steam pf (6)_ 10, 98 98 98 +4 110 1084 N Y Steam 1st (7)... 50, 1094 109 1094 + 4 I 44 2 Norfolk Southern(d) 13 4 34 *4 114 109 Norfolk & Wn pf (4) 20,110 no no +4I 174 134 North Am Aviation . 44 16 154 154 - 4 84+ 294 North Am Co (b30c).. 47 30+ 294 304 + 4 674 554 North Am Co pf (3).. 3 55 55 55 -4 10441024 North Am Ed pf («) . 1 1014 1014 1014 - •» 105 99 Northern Central (4) 20, 101 101 101 +3 »5‘i 274 Northern Pacific 168 354 35 354 + ?*! 6;, 34 Norwalk Tire & Rub. 8 (P, 64 «4 + 4 40 284 Norwalk TAR of—. 40. 374 37 37 -1 194 17!* Ohio Oil (a60c) 25 184 1*4 1*4 -4 634 5*4 Oliver Farm Equip... 8 624 614 *14 - 4 264 184 Omnibus Corp vtc ... 2n 234 234 234 194 134 Oppenheim Collins .. 7 194 19 1*4 + V, 454 354 Otis Elevator ta75c). 4 434 424 424 + 4 224 16!* Otis steel .. 135 234 *8 234 + 4 12741124 Otis Steel pr pf (7) . 1 134 134 184 +64 944 75 Otis Steel cv pf (64) • 854 »« 954 +14 28 23 Outb’d M A M <b30c). 1 244 244 244 -4 175 150 OwenS-IU Glass (6)-. 2 177 176 177 +2 23 194 Pac Am Fish (tl)- 4 21 204 *04 + 4 15*6 114 Pacific Coast_ 170, 144 14 144 40 254 Pacific Coast 1st pf.. 150, 40 39 394 + 4 27>* 214 Pacific Coast 2d .. 20, 25 244 £5 + *4 8*7* 294 Pac Finance (tl.80).. 1 304 30 4 30+ + 4 38 324 Pac Gas A Elec (2)_ 16 334 334 384 + 4 684 48 Pac EiEhting (3) ._ 6 464 46 46 -4 444 874 Pacific Mills <b50C).. 10 384 3* 384 +1 149 1444 PacifleTATpf (6).. 20, 145 145 145 284 2*4 Pac west O (a65c) .. 9 28>< 28 284 -4 124 104 Packard Motoria46c> 70 11?, 114 114 44 *4 Tanhandle Pro* R_. 2 34 34 34 88 76 Paraffine Co (bl) _ 1 *6 86 86 2*4 **4 Paramount Pictures. 17* 264 254 264 + 7* 8004 166 Param Pic 1st pf (6). 6 185 181>4 185 +4 £64 *14 Paramount 2d pf 80c. 23 244 237* 244 + 4 844 294 Park A Tilford (2) 1 29»* 29*» 294 -4 H 4 park ft tu rts men 10 » ■» 4 4 - •. *4 44 Park Utah 45 #4 64 «4 - 4 44»« 414 Parke Davis (bl) - 6 414 414 414 *94 *44 Parker Rust P (tl 4) 4 *64 264 264 -4 74 * Parmelee Transport. 9 64 64 64 104 84 Pathe Film Corp .. 15 84 84 84 + 4 *04 144 Patino Mines (t60c) It 184 184 184 74 34 Peerless Corporation 6 64 64 64 - 4 1024 *7 Penney (J 0(4) ... 1 1024 10*4 1024 64 44 Penn Coal ft Coke — 6 54 54 64 124 74 Penn Dixie cement.. lo 104 104 104 + 4 764 «4 Penn Dixie C pf (A).. 1 71 71 71 294 *2 Penn G1 S (1 ctfs e50o * 284 284 284 + 4 45 394 Penn Railroad (a2).. 117 46 454 454 + 4 60 4»4 Peoples Drug (tl)... 1 60 60 60 +1 17 41* Peoria & Eastern »_ I 16 154 154 + 4 204 174 Petr Corp Am (a90c). 8 194 194 194-4 134 114 Pfeiffer Brew (1*0). 6 12 12 12 69 (2 Phelps Dodge (b35c). 4 564 554 554 — 4 64 4 62 Phila Co 6% pf (3) _. 2 684 53 534 -4 74 64 Phila Rap Tr (d) ._ 30e 64 64 64 14 12 Phila RapTrpf (4).. *o« 1*4 1*4 124 34 14 Phila & Head Cft 1 .. 18 *4 * 2 844 74 Philip Morris(b31i). 6 804 80 804 + 4 *0 134 Phlllipa Jonas . 1 15 15 IS -1 874 82 Phillips Jones pf (T). 80* 75 75 75 -7 674 494 Phillips Petrol (3) 14 554 55 554 744 584 Phoenix Hos Of (34) 30e 684 684 584 4 84 Pierce Petroleum .. 6 84 34 34 - 4 384 884 Pillsbury Flour 1.60.. 1 81 81 SI + 4 184 16 Pittsburgh Coel ._ 8 174 IT 17 + 4 764 «o Pittsburgh Coal pf .. 1 684 6«4 «64 +84 190 18* Pitts F W ftC pf (7). 40. 185 185 185 +8 184 184 Pitts Screw ta6340 15« 1*4 18 194+14 394 8<4 Pittsburgh Steel Co.. 10 424 40 424 +84 118 108 Pittsburgh Steel pf . !70s 1*0 116 120 +< 4 24 Pitts Terminal Coal- 8 84 BH 34 + 4 28 804 Pitta Term Coal pf... lOOe 224 224 2*4 + 4 84 84 Pitts United Corp ... 14 8 74 74 + 4 474 *14 Pittsburgh ft W V*__ 4*0. 47 454 47 3 24 Pittston Co - 1 *4 24 *4 + 4 274 24*/, Plymouth Oil (tl)— 18 *54 254 254 + 4 384 264 Poor ft Co (B) ... 9 81 804 81 + 4 114 84 PortoR AmTob (A).. 4 *4 » 9-4 84 24 Porto Rico Am X <B> 8 *4 *4 *4 16H 104 Postal Tel ft C pf <«> 8 184 18 18-4 314 264 Pressed Steel Car .. 82 804 804 304 86 67 Press Stl 2d pf '*4>- » *14 804 804 - H 654 654 Proctor ft Gamb (tJ). 6 6*4 6* «*4 + 4 614 44 Pub Svc N J (2.60)_ « 444 464 464 - H 1*84119 Pub Svc N J pf (8)— 11214 1214 1214+4 7*4 664 Pullman Inc (14) — *1 T04 6*4 704 + 4 244 194 Pure Oil - 1*1 2*4 224 2*4 + 4 *84 1*4 Purity Bakeries!«0e) 10 **4 2*4 **4 - 4 1*4 104 Radio Corp _ . 8*2 124 184 1*4 - 4 80 764 Radio Corp pf A(8 4) * T94 784 79 - 4 prtv. J»37 Biwt ino ■•its— nn High Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Lew. Close. chge. 94 74 Radio-Keith Or <d) . 25 9 «H *4 + 4 214 145* RR See 111 Central... 118. *>H 2‘ *14 + 4 46 414 Reading UR (2) _ 4 46 44 44 +14 134 104 Real Silk Hosiery_ 2 11 11 11+4 44 24 RelstRobt) .... 19 44 84 4 +4 *24 184 Reliable Stri (a60o).. t 204 204 204 + 4 28** 214 Rem-Rand <»40c> .. *1 284 274 284 + 4 *44 804 Rem-R pf WW («4)„ * *2 92 e* +i 94 5 Reo Motor Car _ 45 854 «H 8*4 + 4 395* 274 Republic Steel _ »oo 405* 394 404 +14 1204 109 Republic Stl pf (ai*) 2 1184 118 1184 + 4 108 99 Rep Stl pr pf A <«) — 2 1094 10*4 1094 +*4 474 384 Revere Copper 1 464 <«4 484 - 4 133 1284 Revere C&BpfiaSH) 1*0. 135 1344 136 +2 304 26 Reynolds Metal mi. * 265* 264 264+4 344 294 Reynolds Springltl) 1 29 29 »9 -1 58 644 Reynolds Tob B (1).. 1° 544 3*4 644 +4 86 72 Roan Antel (al.12)_ 2 86 86 86 1304117 RuberoidCo tl.80)_ 1131 131 181 +4 95* 74 Rutland R R of _ 19 9 9 46 414 Safeway Stores <t2>. 4 444 «I4 434 -4 1024 974 Safeway Stra pf (6).. 10a 103 103 103 +1 113 1095* Safeway Strs pf (6)„ 40t 111 1105* 1105* - 4 113 1104 Safeway Strs pf (T). 2004 1114 1114 IH4 - 4 605* 435* St Joseph Ld (b50c)_. 8 594 685* 584 -4 44 3 St E-San Fran (d) .. 22 44 4J/. 44+4 114 «4 St L-San Fran pf (d). 19 104 104 104 + 4 204 11 St ESouthw'n (d)... llOg 20 20 *0 274 144 Savage Arma <al) — 6 254 254 264 -4 60 424 Schenley Distil <t3»_ 19 484 48 48 -4 98 944 Schenley Dls pf (554) * 975* 975* 974 + 4 34 2 Schulte R Strs (d)_ 17 25* 24 24-4 234 17 Schulte R S pf (d)_ 2 204 204 204 454 38 seott Paper (1) 30« 42 415* 42 24 14 Seaboard Air I- (d)_ 73 2 IT* 14 - 4 84 6 Seaboard A E pf (d).. 5 8 74 74 - 4 47!* 404 Seaboard Oil (1)_ 18 444 434 444 +14 114 75* Seagrave Corp _ 3 94 94 94 — 4 93 81 Sears Roebuck (3)... 15 935* 924 924 -4 34 28 Servel Inc (tl) 44 334 325* 33*4+14 404 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20). 11 404 40 404 + 4 14 104 Sharpe & Dohme .. 4 125* 12 124 + 4 175* 1S4 ShattucklF G)(60c). 17 165* 16 16 -5* 345* 264 Shell Un 011 (8250— 14 335* 334 33*4 + 4 1654 124 Silver King <60c)_ 47 16>* 16 16 554 444 Simmons CO (a3)_ 16 53!* 625* 525* - I* 47 42 Skelly OH 52 48 4 <74 484 +14 162 86!* Sloss-Sheffleld Stl_ 790. 176 160 175 +16 544 47 Smith (AO) _ 7 505* 494 5051+15* 404 274 Smilh&Corona cfs(l) 5 374 374 374 + 4 295* 254 Snider Packing (154) * 2*5* 2*4 25** - *< 194 16'i Socony-V Oil <b*6o. 118 165* 184 194 + 4 64 45* So Am O ft P <aJ0c).. 38 64 64 64 -4 42 4 34 south Port sug 4 T2) _ 8 35»* 854 854 155 149 So Porto R S pf (8) . 10. 1495* 1494 1494 + 4 324 28 So Cal Edl.on * tl 4). 6 29 284 29 +4 615* 42 4 Southern Pacific _ 124 68 «15* 63 +24 36’i 24 Southern Railway_ 137 38 87 4 874 + 5* 6u 475* Southern Ry pf_ *8 604 694 694 + 4 105* 9 Spalding (A Q) _ 4 95* 94 94 94 75* Sparks-Withingt on.. 10 84 84 84 81 23 Spear ft Co (a50c) - l 284 2*4 284 -4 235* 204 Sperry Corp vtc (al). 35 324 2*4 224 - 4 285* 2254 Spiegel lno <b*5c) — 37 274 274 274 112 106 Spiegel Inc pf (64)-. 70. 110‘, 1104 1104 474 414 Square D <B) bloc . 6 4?4 464 474 +1 16!* 15!* Stand Brands (»80e) 81 16!* 154 184 - 4 1284 124'* Stand Brands pf (7). 30. 127 127 127 125* 104 Stand Com Tobacco.. 2 10‘* 104 104 -4 14'* 85* Stand Gas & El id) . 56 134 IS 184 + 4 314 254 Stand GfcB $4 pf id). 83 304 294 804 +1'* 65 54'* Stand GftE 16 pf <d). 9 634 604 634 +34 725* 60 Stand GftE 17 pf Id) 35 69;* 67 694 +3 1 274 Stand Inv Corp _ 14 3*» 8k 3k + H 50 43!* Stand Oil of Cal (Tl). 27 477* 477* 477* 50 467* Stand Oil of Ind (Tl > 14 48 47k 48 +7* 32 31 Stand Oil of Kan (al) 2 317* 317* 30* 75*4 677, stand Oil of N J «T 1) 44 75 74k 74k 48 347* StarrettiL SllTl.40). 2 471* 471* 471* - H 75 70 sterling Prod <T3 80) 5 701* 70 70 —1 21 171, Stewart-Warner tsoc 10 19 18'* 187* 171* 157* Stokelv Bros (b20c).. 3 16 157* 16 + k 33,’* 28!, Stone* Web <a25c>-. 16 297* 29k 29k - 7* 20 131, Studebaker Corp_ 71 18k l*k 18k + 7* 777* 71 Sun Oil Itl) 1 711* 71k 71k + k 61** 54 Superheater ItSOcl— 1 571, 571* 57k —Ik 77* «*» Superior Oil - 73 7)* 71* 71* + i* 45'* 37 Superior Steel. 11 44'* 44 44 89k 32k Sutherland Pap tl.60 1 8*k *«7* 36k + k 28 25k Swift* Co 111. 20) . 24 28k 27), 28k + k S2k 30k Swift lntl Ltd (2) - 1 31 31 31 + k 237, 18'i Sym'gton-G ww blOc 15 22 21k 21k — k 17** 1411 Sym’gton-G xw bide 2 16k l#k l*k + k 157, 13k Talcott (James) b30c 13 147* 14k 1«7* + 7* 87* 71* Telautograph (60c) 18 * * + 7* 15k Ilk Tenness&a Corp alac 8 157* 157* 15k 59k 50k Texn Corp «2> . 226 567* 557* 56', +l.k 27* 1% Tex Corp ris Mch 19- 1126 2*» *k 2k + 74 9k 71* Texas Gulf Pr <aoc). 10 87, 8V* 87* 43 38*, Texas Gulf Sul 1T2).. 15 40', 40!* 407* + 7* 63k 43k Texas & Pac K P. - 9 547* 54 54k + 1K 16k 137* Tex Pac CAO (blOc). 11 15 147. 15 + k 15k 117* Texas P LT (aide)— 12 14 137* 131* + ?* 48 377. Thatcher Mfg <T1)_ 3 437* 43 43 - ?* 937* «8k The Fair pf (7)_ 10* 89*. 89*i 89*, 137, 10k Thermold Co _ 7 Uk Ilk Ilk - k 87* *7, Third Avenue _ 1 S', 67, 6*» - 7* IS!, 12 Thompson J R (ToOO 4 147* 14k 14k - 74 28", 25 Thompson Pr (al ?*) 4 26 257, 26 — 7* 107, 6k Thompson Starrett 12 8k 8k 87* + k 21s, 20k Tide Wat As Oili 60c) 45 21 20*, 2o7» - k 108 1057* Tide Wat As O pf (6) 4 106s, !06>» 106s, 28’, 22 Timken Detroit (Tl). 70 28k 27k 27’. + ** 79 70 Timken Roller B (3) 7 73 72»* T2k + '* 17s, 15 Transamerica (T40c) 15 16** 16k 16k — k 22** 18s, TransAWest Alral5o « 21 207* 207* - k 277* 19*, Transue A W (T60c). 10 25k 247* 25k 117* 9 Tri-Conti ia50c) 42 Ilk 11 II + k 12 87* Truax-Tr Coal (blie) 3 Ilk Uk ltk + k 24k *1*1 Truscon 8teel - 4 247* S3*, 24k +1»* 38k A3*, 20th Cent Fox bade) . IS 36k 357* 367* + '* 477* 48»* 20th Cent FF pf (17*) 1 *s «® 45 + 7* 177* 137, Twin City RT ... 4 137, 13k 187, 6?* 47* Ulen* Co _ 3 474 4 7* 4k - 7* 76 68 Union Bag & Pap (2) 6 73k <3 73 -lk III 101k Union CarbAC (3.20) 11 110 109 110 + ** 38k 247* Union Oil Calif (1) . 37 267* 26k 26k + 7* 1867* 1267* Union Pacific (6) - 21 137 185 1367* +lk 31k 26k Union Tank Car 1.60 . 3 287, 287, 287* - k 35k 27k United Aircraft a50c. 55 347, 34k 34k “ k 24H 20k United Air L (a20c>„ 24 22 21k 21k - k 81k 25 United Am Bosch_ 2 287* 28k 28k -2 *1 79 United fkrbon (4) 3 867* 86 867* + •* 33k 29k Unit-Carr Fast It2).. 2 34k 34k 347, + »* sk **» United Corp (a20c) — 46 6;* 6'* 67* 46’* 42*i United Corp pf (3) — 9 437, 43k 43*, + *4 15k 14k United Drug (a75cl— 39 157* 15s, 15*, + k 25k 18k United Dyewood (1). 4 25 24k 247, - k 97* 7‘* United Elec Coal - 24 8', 87* 8s, — k 61k 46k United Eng&Fy <t2). 6 60k 597* 597* - k 85k 80k United Fruit (T3) — 6 85 84*, 85 + 7* 17 14** United Gas imp < 1 >_ 14 15 147* 147* + k 16>* 6k United Paperboard_ 15 15k 147* 147* — k 20k 157* l! 8 Distributing pf„ 40s 17k 17 177* + 7* U3k 17 U S& Fo+n secur_ 2 23 2274 23 - k 1007* 9674 US&For'n 1st (6)— 1 100 100 100 +1 347* 28k U S Freight (Tl)_ 8 287* 287, 287, - 7* 137 122 U S Gypsum (t2)_ 2 1«4** 1*4*, 124k 437, 37k U S Indus Alcohol— 14 39*, 88k 38k - 7* 9 67, U S Leather vtc — 1» 8k «k 8>* + 7* 177, 13?, U S Leather (A) vtc- 26 167* 16', 16** + 7* m* ss usLum prinoin- * 714 604 U S Pipe ft Fdry <3l- « 674 6*4 ««4 - 4 194 154 U S Realty & Imp_ 11 164 l«4 l«4 - 4 614 444 U S Rubber 110 «24 60 62 +14 118 924 U S Rubber 1st pf_ 20 1124 111 1124 +1*4 984 834 U S Smelting <t»2»__ 32 1004 984 991* +14 1254 75 US steel 250 1261, 1244 12« +14 84 74 U S Stl Yd <al2 4c> — 4 7*4 7!* 71* 84 6*j United Stores < AI — 10 74 74 74 88 79 Univ Leaf Tob <+*)__ 1 784 784 784 -1 164 158 llnir Leaf Tob pf (8 ) 50* 157 4 156 156 -2 «4 34 Util Pw & Lt <AHd). 3 3H »4 84 24 14 Vadsco Sales Corp— 7 24 24 2'* — 4 36 284 VTanadium Corp _ 189 374 364 374 +14 444 894 Van Raalte <b62He>- 7 43 42 4 424 - 4 94 74 Va-Car Chemical . 14 94 84 9 614 544 Va-Car Chem 6% pf- 2 58 574 58 +4 124 84 Va Iron Coal A Coke. 110. 12 114 114-4 87 264 Va Iron C A C of _ 70. 85 SS 88 -2 77 70 Vulcan Detin <aS)_ 20* 77 4 77 774 + 4 54 34 Wabash id) _ 37 54 54 54+4 144 9 Wabash pf (A)Id) -. 18 144 144 144+4 1*4 16 Waldorf Sys <ti.20)_ 28 18 174 174 -4 49 874 Walgreen Co <2) 2 47 47 47 +4 118 114 Walgreen Co pf (64) 60. 1144 1144 1144 484 454 Walker 1 H)<2) - » *7 47 47 +4 17 ll'j Walworth Co — 272 174 1*4 174 + 4 104 6*4 Ward Baking (B) 10 10 *4 10 +4 18 144 Warner Bros Picture 183 16 154 I* +4 694 63 Warner Bros Piet pf_ 1 64 6» 64 +1 14 14 Warner-Quinlan (d) - * 14 14 >4 1E'I 64 Warren Bros id) 18 *4 8** 9'4 + 4 854 24 War’n Bros cv pf (d) 2 26 26 26 -14 454 854 Warren Kdy A P (tl) 1 *44 444 4*4 + 41 884 85 Waukesha Motor (1). 2 354 354 354 — 4 »*» 74 Webster Elsenlohr 6 7H 7»* 7>* 5*4 46 Wesson O&S <t50c).. 12 534 52** 52!* + 4 109 1044 West Pa Elec pf (7).. 20* 107 107 107 +1 114 84 Western Maryland... 82 114 114 ll‘< + 4 28 174 Western Md 2d pf- IS 284 224 23 +4 *4 *4 Western Pacific — 7 84 34 84 -4 104 14 Western Pacific pf - 13 104 10 104 + 4 884 714 West'n Un Telib75c) 22 784 <74 774 + 4 564 484 Westlngh se A B <1>- 48 57!, 564 574 + 4 1674 145 Westlnah'ee El (bl).. 8 156 1554 1554 -14 27V4 234 WesttHCO Chlor (1).. * *54 *64 *54 +4 574 88 Wheeling Steel - 12 574 5*4 564 + 4 110 108 Wheeling Stl pf <bl). 2 1094 1094 1094 - 4 334 3*4 White Motor . 26 824 3* 324 + 4 1*4 164 White Rk MS (1.40). 1 ,7* 17,4 “ * 46 4 38 White Sew Mach Df . 2 *14 «14 «1J4 •4 44 Wiloox Oil ft Gae ._ 4 54 64 54 + 4 1*4 *4 Wilson A Co <500... *1 114 114 114 - H 664 544 Wool worth (1.40) ... ** **4 6* 88 - M 47 344 Worthington Pump _ 6 454 454 + 4 10* 81 Worth Pump pf (A). 140. 106 10*41054-4 964 774 worth Pump pf <B). 1 »* 95 95 —4 1874116 Wright Aero (al) —. 40* 18* 127 188 +t 7* 4*4 Wrigley W ir (t*)— 8 *84 684 684 - 4 874 204 Yellow Tr & Coech .. 47 8*4 M4 84 — 4 4«H 424 Young Spr & W <tl). 2 464 46 4 464 — 4 1014 764 Youngstown 8 ft T .. 78 1014 1004 1004 + 4 115 100 YgstnSftTpf (54)-. 4 1014 101 101 404 US Zenith Radio <b50c) 7 89 884 384 - 4 94 74 Zontte Products 83 74 74 74 Approximate gale* of Stocke on the N T g*«*fc Exchange. 11-00 A.M 830,0<V 12 0(1 Noon 1.770,000 * Unit of trading less than 100 *h»res_ not Including extra*, a Paid laat year. 6 *£*• /•*!• d Companies reported In rece.ver*hlp or being reorganized x Ex dividend. STEELS AND RAILS'* LEAD STOCK RISE Market Sweeps to New Highs, With Gains Up " to $2 or More. Stock Averages . no 15 IS AO ; „ . _ Indust Rails mil Silts Net change. A.2 A 9 A 2 A 4 Today, closcM01.5 *47.4 50.3 *75 0 Previous day 101.3 46 5 60.1 74 6 Month ago.. 99 2 41.2 52 0 72 8 Year ago... 82 3 38.1 49.1 62 9 ' 1937 high...101.3 46 5 54.0 746 1937 low- 94.1 37.8 50.0 69 1 1936 hlRh... 99 3 43.5 53 7 72 8 1936 low’_ 73 4 30.2 43 4 55 7 1932 low_ 17.5 8 7 23 9 16 9 " 1929 high...146 9 153.9 184 3 157.7 1927 low_ 51 6 95 3 61 8 61.8 •New highs. (Compiled Dr the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. * Associated Press Financial Writer. - NEW YORK, March 8.—Buying forces in today’s stock market hitched . their trailers to steels and rails and, rode into new high recovery territory , with gains up to 2 or more points. While leaders extended their ad vance in heavy dealings, week end profit selling kept many others In re-r stricted grooves and cut down an as- . sortment for moderate losses. Blocks of 1.000 to 25.000 shares changed hands at the opening and the ticker tape was behind during most of the proceedings. Transfers ' were around 1.800,000 shares. The French monetary situation as , well as continuance of labor contro versies received much attention In board rooms, but without any especial*' ly disturbing effect on speculative and Investment sentiment. Aiding steels was the forecast mill operations in the Youngstown diatria next week would reach 89 per cent of j capacity, a new post-depression peak Expanding shipments of heavy ln | dustry products put the carriers again in the limelight. i The French franc had another re lapse. but sterling about held its own Outstanding in the forward share movement were United States Steel, Bethlehem. Youngstown Sheet & Tube,. American Rolling Mill. Sloss-Sheffield Crucible. Vanadium, Santa Pe. New York Central. Pennsylvania, Southern Pacific. Baltimore «i Ohio. Delaware & Hudson. Southern Railway, Union Pacific. American Telephone. Radio. United States Smelting. Howe Sound, Homestake Mining. Texas Corp, ' American Can. Allied Chemical, Great Northern Ore. United States Rubber. Goodrich and Maey. NEW YORK PRODUCE. , NEW YORK. March rt UP. — Eggs. Srt - f>»;c. lrresula: Mixed colors: Stanaaro* | (less than cartels' 24>'4-'2 cartels un quoted: firsts. 22>4-2;i'«. mediums, g-cy-■ dime* No i. 22V». o her mixed comr* unchanged Live poultry: By freight. firm, prices unchanged: hr express, steady to firm, broilers. Reds. 18-20: other express prices uncharged * Dressed poultry s’eady to firm. All fresh and frozen prices unchanged Second Trust Notes We will bur monthly payment deterred purchase money %eennd tra»t note* •ecured ®n oh ner-orrupied dwelling* In D C and nearbv Md it Va. Union Finance Co. 91 fl Woodward Bide NAtl TP3A First Mortgage Loans Interest 5V2% Small Construction Loans Considered Hm. T. Ballard mi Eye Street Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rate* FUL81 DIED OF rRtST OUl» GEORGE i. BORGER 643 iodiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 Real Estate Loans * 5% • 5'/2% Business Property and Resi dence . . . Construction or Re financing Loans • • • [Shannon & luchS] Mortsasr Loan CorrupondrnM MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345 i Buy, Build or Refinance WITH F. H. A. LOANS If you have a loon or ore eonsid ering refinancing or if planning t build or buy, SEE US. Prompt Service Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. IS 19 K St. Dltt. 10 is First Mortgage LOANS ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE At 5% Monthly Payments If Preferred Construction Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Md. Joseph J. Crowley Insurance Natl. 1318