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BONDS ARE QUIET Low and Medium Priced Rails Move Higher at Week’s Close. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust Util F’an Net change. A.l Unc. Unc. D.4 Today, close 97.0 103.9 101.3 *72.7 Previous day 96.9 103.9 101.3 73.1 Month ago.. 97 8 104.1 102.1 73.6 Year ago... 93.6 103.3 102.3 71.9 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 96.9 103.8 101.3 72.8 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99 3 67.6 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high— .101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_111.0 Prev. day. 111.0 Month ago 111.8 Year ago. 111.8 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 110.8 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110 2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86 8 •New low. (Compiled by the Associated Press ! Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 6 — Bonds Idled In light dealings today as prices edged fractionally higher or lower, with gains predominating. Railroad issues, particularly those i selling at discounts, curved upward, j while low-yield carriers tended to slip j a little below the previous closing po- i ■itions. In the low and medium priced section, gains of V* point or better | were scored by Rock Island General 4s, Erie 5s and Southern Railway 4s. i New York Central 5s of 2013 also worked higher as did Alleghany 5s of 1949 and Baltimore & Ohio 4'2s. Gains of moderate to major frac- j tions were added by some of the Utility liens, notably Abitibi 5s, In ternational Hydro-Electric 6s and American & Foreign Power 5s. West ern Union 5s stood about even al though the company reported in creased 1936 earnings. The comparatively few industrials to show activity found support at un changed to slightly higher levels. Steel bonds and issues of companies identified with the automotive in dustry were buoyant. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Transit Co.—6 at 15>4. Mergenthaler Linotype—7 at 51'4. AFTER CALL. Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 94'2>! $500 at 94'2. Real Estate Mtge. & Guar. pfd.—60 at 5!4. Potomac Electric Power 6% pfd.—1 at 113. Potomac Electric Power 5>2% pfd.—2 at 112*4, 5 at 112*i. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bd Asked. Amer Tel. & Tel. 4%s. .1(16% Anacostia A Pot. 5s .. 77 79 Ana. A Pot. Guar. 5s _110% C. A P. Tel. ol Va. 5s _104 Capital Traction R R. 5s 94% 96 City A Suburban 5s 65 69 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s. . 11k Pot. Elec Pow. ::%s 102% 103% Wash. Gas 5s 1956 _ 105% Wash. Gas 5s I960 12'.' 175 Wash. Rwy. A Elec 4s 106 _ MISCELLANEOUS Col. Country Cluo 5%s 105 _ W. M. Cold Storage 5s 100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Ctnital Transit Co. bl.V£ lrt N <fc W. Steamboat fgfi) 110 Pot Elec Pow. Hrr pfd. 112 Po. El. Po. 5*2r'r Df <5.50). 112 Wash. Gas Lt. Co. CtHin 80*4 88 Wash. Ry. El. com. Ctfi). 725 Wash Ry. & El. Dfd. <5> 10!t'2 110«, BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec & Tr. Co. <e8). 295 315 Bank of Bethesda ih 75) 34 _ Capital i4) 1.75 _ fom A Savings (aSi_ 205 _ iberty 14 > _ 150 _ Lincoln (16.25) 2on _ Natl. Savings A Trust _ 145 . Pr Georges Bk. A Tr. (.50). 16 21 Riggs (e8) 350 _ Riggs pfd. (5) _101 _ Washington 16) .. 130 _ Wash. Loan A Trust (e8) 290 _ FIRE INSURANCE. American (6i .. .. 100 _ Corcoran i5) loo _ Firemen's (1.60) _ 28 _ National Union (.60) 16 - TITLE INSURANCE Columbia f.30i 13 16% Real Estate (6) 160 . .. MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Coro, (7.00) 77 26 Lanston Monotype (4) + 100 Mergenthaier Linotype (5) *5o% 52 Peoples Drug S com. ( + 1.00) *56 61 Peoples Drug S pf. <6.501 *111% Real Est. M AG. pf (“.TO) 5'. 6% Security Storage '5' 170 175 Ter Ref. A Wh. Corp. (.71 60 Wdwd. A Loth. com. ( + 1.50) «R 78 Wdwd. A Loth old. _120 125 •Ex dividend. bBooks closed. ♦Plus extras. 550c paid Mav 1.4 1936: 50c paid Aug. 15. 10.36: 50c paid Nov. 16. 19.36. a—4% extra, e—2*7 extra. f—Vk% extra h—75c extra. _ _ g—1% extra paid Dec 15. 1936. ••—25c paid June 3U. 1636, 45c Paid Dec. 22. 1936. NEW YORK COTTON BT the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 6.—Cotton fu tures opened steady, up 13 to 24 points on active general buying in response to sharp advances abroad. Heavy sales of cotton textiles were reported here. March, 14.02; May. 13.55; July, 33.36: October. 1297: December, 12.95: January, 12.99. Fourteen-cent cotton appeared on the board for the first time since Au gust, 1934, as March climbed to 14.07 while all new crop positions for the first time this season rallied above the 13-cent level in the most active trading of the year. Further weakness of the franc •timulated foreign and other specu lative buying while heavy price fixing reflected renewed activity in the cot ton goods market, where sales for the week were considerably more than double the current rate of production. Increased profit-taking sales and hedging appeared above the 13',2-cent level for May and reactions from about 8 to 18 points from the best followed. May eased from 13.56 to 13.47, but shortly after the first half hour recovered to 13.51 on continued good demand. The general market was ruling about 5 to 17 points net higher. Advances of Egyptian cotton at Alex andria carried prices there about 50 to 100 Egyptian points higher. Strength at Liverpool reflected some speculative buying influenced by weakness of the French franc. Futures closed very steady. 16-23 higher. High. Low. Last. March_14.07 13.00 14.02 May _ 13.60 13.47 13.58-60 July _ 13 44 13.34 13.42-44 October _ 13.05 12.04 13.03-05 December_ 13.00 12.00 12.07 January _13.00 12.01 13.00 Spot steady: middling. 14.18. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed firm. March. 11.15b; May, 11.24b; July, 11.33; September, 11.30a 11.31; October, 11.10b. Sales, 140 contracts, including two ■witches. b—Bid. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bond*_. 210.000 Foreign Bonds .-_c 160,000 Domestic Bonds.-..- 9.760.000 TREASURY High Low. Close. 2%s 1949-63_ 101.8 101.8 101.6 2%s 1945-47_ 104.29 104.28 104.38 2%tB 1948-51_ 103.24 103.24 108.24 2 44 s 1961 -64_ 103.8 108.6 103.8 2 44 8 1956-69_ 108.9 103.9 108.9 276s 1950-60_ 104.20 104.17 104.19 38 1946 46_ 106.28 106.28 106.28 38 1961-56 _ 106.17 106.16 106.16 IHiS 1946-49_ 107.18 107.18 107.18 3 <48 1941 107.13 107.13 107.18 314 s 1944-46 107.26 107.24 107.25 3*48 1940-43june 106.24 106.24 106.24 3*48 1941-43 Mar 107.21 107.21 107.21 48 1944-64 113.28 113.27 113.27 4 14 s-3 >4 a 1943-46 107.27 107.26 107.26 4148 1947-62 119.6 11P.6 tlP.t FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1949 104.29 104.29 104.29 HOME OWNERS' LOAN 2*»8 1939-43_ 102.8 102.8 102.8 38 1952 ... _ 164.13 104.18 104.13 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low Close Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s'55. 94 934 #3*4 Akershus 6s 63 _ 994 994 #94 Antioquia 7s 45 A- 164 164 164 Antioquia 7s 45 D- 16 16 16 Antioquia 1st 7s'57_ 144 144 144 Antwerp 5s '58 _10o4 1004 1004 Argentine 44s'71_ 994 994 991$ Argentine: 4s 62_ 1014 1014 1014 Argentine 6s 67 A 102 102 102 Argentine 6s 59 June 101 101 101 Argentine 6s 59 Oct 102 102 102 Argentine 6s'60 May 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s '60 Sept 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s 60 Oct 102 102 102 Argentine 6s 61 Febr. 101*. 1014 1014 Argentine 6s '61 May. 1024 1024 1024 Australia 4 4s'66_ 10e4 1004 1004 Australia 5s '65_ 106 106 10b Australia 6s'57_ 106 106 106 Belgium 6s '55 _ 1074 1074 1074 Belgium 64s'49_ 109 1084 1084 Berlin Klee 6s 55 _ 24 4 244 244 Berlin Elec 64*'59 _. 25 244 25 Berlin El Ry 64s’56.. 244 244 244 Brazil 64s-26-'67_ 464 46 454 Brazil 6 4e'27-’57_ 444 4»4 414 Brazil 7s'52_ 434 434 «34 Brazil 8s 41 ... #(»4 6114 60*. Breda Ernesto 7s '54.. 79 79 79 Brisbane 5s 57 1004. 1004 1004 Buenos Aires 4%s-44s'76 April.. 804 804 *04 Buenos Aires 44a-34s '77 Py .. 794 79 794 Buenos A 6s '61 st Pv. 864 864 *54 Bulgaria 7s 67 July coupon off_ 26 26 26 Bulgaria 74s '6* May coupon off_ 26 26 26 Canada I4s’45__ 9$4 991$ 994 Canada 3 4s 61_loo 99*. 99*. Canada 4s'60_ 1074 1071. 1074 Canada 6s'52_1114* Ut** Ul«» Chile 6s '60 24 24 24 Chile 6s 61 Jan_ 24 4 24 24 Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 2* 24 24 Chile 6s 61 Sept__ 24 24 24 Chile 6s 62.. 2<4 244 244 Chile 6s 63 _ 24 24 24 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61 .. 214 214 214 Chile Mtg Bk 6**s 61. 20*. 204 204 Chilean Mun L 7s 60.. 194 194 194 Colombia 6s 61 Jan .. 36 4 36 4 364 Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 364 364 864 Copenhagen 5s '62_ 100 1 00 10c Cordoba 7s 42 Prv__ 97 97 97 Costa Rica is A '51_ 35*. 354 35*7 Cuba 64s 45 .. 584 674 574 Czechoslovakia 8s'51. 1044 104 4 1044 Denmark 4Hs'62_ 1004 1004 1004 Denmark 5*$s'55_10i4 1014 *014 Denmark 6s 42 _ 1064 106 4 1064 Dominic 1st 54s'42.. 814 814 81V* Frankfort 6Vjs'53_ 23!* 2314 23*4 French Gov 7s’49 122*4 128'4 122(4 French Gv 7s'49 un st 119*4 119'* 119*4 Ger Gen Elec 6s'48 . 33 33 33 tier Gov 5Vis'65 st 24V» 24Vi 24*4 GerGov5Vis 65 un st 22 22 22 Uer Rep 7s'49 stpd __ 30*4 30*4 3014 Ger Rep 7s 49 un st_ 26 26 26 Greek Gov 6s 68 32*6 82*6 32*4 Helsingfors 6>4s’60._ 106(4 10614 10614 Italy 7s 61 _ 90 8“ 90 Ital P U Crd 7s’52_ 77*4 7714 7714 Japan 5Vis'65 _ 81 81 81 Jugos Mtg Bk 7s '57 unmat coupon 40V6 40 40*4 Mex 4s’10-'45 asst Ige 6*4 614 6I4 Milan 6Vis'52 7614 76*4 7614 MtnasGers 6Vis ‘59 Sept coupon on 81*4 81*4 31*4 New So Wales 5s'58.. 103 103 103 Norway 'Vis'65 _ 10114 10H4 101*4 Norway '66_ 103*, 103*4 1C3*4 Norway 6s 43 IO6V3 106*4 106*4 Oriental Dev 5Vis'58. 73*4 78*4 78*4 Oriental Dev 6s'63_ 79 79 79 Oslo 4 Vis 55 _ 100*4 100*4 100*4 OsloG&E5s’68_101 101 101 Peru 6s 60_ 25*4 26*4 25*4 Peru 6s 61- 25*4 26*4 26*4 Peru 7s 59- 25*4 25*4 25*4 Poland 6s'40_4 50 60 60 Poland 7s 47_ 63*4 62 62 Poland 8s 50 _ . 62*4 62*4 52*4 Porto Alegre 7 Vis ’68 July coupon off_ 29*4 29*4 29*^ Rima Steel 7s’55 _ 66*4 55*4 55*4 Rio de Jan 6*4* 51 Aug coupon off- 81*4 31*4 *1*4 Rio de Jan 8s 46 April coupon off_ 33*4 38 33 Rio Gr do Sul (s '68 June coupon off _ 29*4 29*4 29*4 Rio Gr do Sul 7s ’66 May coupon off ... 29*4 29*< 29*4 Rio Gr do Sul 8s ‘48 April coupon off_ 34 14 84 Rome 6*4s '52 __ 77*4 76*4 76*4 Rumania 7s '49 Aus coupon off_ 83*4 38*4 33*4 Sao Paulo St 6s '68 July coupon off_ 80*4 80 80 Sao Paulo St 7s '40_ 96*4 96*4 96*4 Serbs 7s’62 unm c o._. 28*4 28*4 28*4 Serbs 8s'62 unm co .. 29*» 29*4 29*4 Shln’su El P 6*4* '52.. 85 85 85 Silesian Bank $s '47... 39 89 89 Taiwan Elec 5Vis'71.. 74*4 74*4 74*4 TokloSViS 61 _ 76 75 75 Toklo E L Ltd 6s '63.. 80 79J4 80 UnStl Wk6%s 47 A.. 30*4 80*4 30*4 Uruguay 6s 60 _ 66J4 66*4 66*4 Warsaw 7s SS _ 42 40*4 40*4 Westpnal El Pw 6S'53 26 26 25 Fokohoms 6s 61 82 82 82 DOMESTIC IOND&. Allea Corp 5s '44 .. 100*4 10054 10014 All eg Corp 6s 49_ 84*4 945* 8454 Alle* Corp 6s'50- 915* 915* 915* AllOK Corp 6a 50 atp . 685* 685* 685* Allied Stores 4**s '61. 100?4 100?* 1004* Am & For Pw 6s 2030 84 83V* 83*i Am i GCh frVfes 49 108H 108J* 108H Am Tel & Tal 3 54 a'61 100 99?* 100 Am Tel & Tel 3 54 a 66 100 99?4 995* Am T & T 45*8 '39 ... 108?* 1085* 1085* Am T & T 6 5*8 43 ... 113*4 1185* U3?4 Am Wat Wks 6a '75... 109 109 109 Am Writ Paper 6a 47. 895* 895* 895* Am Writ Pa 6s 47 cfs 895* 895* 895* Anaconda deb 4 5* a'60 106 105*4 106 Anglo-Cbll Nit 7a '67 895* 3954 895* Armour & Co 45*a'89. 10854 10854 10354 Armour! Del list 4s'56 995* 99 9954 Armour & Co Del 4a 67 995* 995* 9954 A I’&S Fe 4s 09- 55 1075* 1075* 1075* A T&S Fa adj 48 96 at 1075* 10754 10754 A T&S Fe gen 4s '95 . 1115*111 11 A T&S Fe 4?*s'48 . 109 109 109 Atl Coast L 1st 4s '63. 104 1085* 194 Atl Coast L clt 4a '53 . 965* 965* 965* Atl C L un 4 5*s '64 .. 97 965* 97 Atl Coast Line 5a '45 10554 10654 10654 Atlantic & D lst4s '48 67 67 67 B&Ol8t4s 48_ 10654 10654 10654 B & O 4?*S 60_ 815* 81 815* B & O 1st 6s '48 .. 113 118 118 Balto & O ref 5s '95 A. 935* 93 935* B&0 6S 96 F ... 93 925* 92?* B & O ref 6a 2000 D_ 92*4 92*4 9<!»4 B & O ref 6a 96 C 10254 102 102 B & O PLE&W V 4s'41 1045* 1045* 10454 B & O Swn 5a 60 . 106?4 10654 106?4 Bell T of Pa 6a 48 B._ 118 118 118 Beth Steel 3 \ a '66_ 975* 97 9754 Betb Steel 4* a '60_104*4 1045* 1045* Boe & Me 6s 6b _ 90?* 905* 90?* Bos & Me 5s 67 895 895* 895* Boston N Y A L 4s'66 325* 3254 *254 Bot con M «5*s 34 895* 38 38 Bklyn Man T 4 5*a 66 1015* 1015* 1015* Bklvn Queens C & S con 6s 41 stpd ... 785* 785* 765* Brown Shoe 3 ?4 a '50 . 1065* 1065* 1065* Buff RAP con 4**8 '67 91 905* 915* BCR&Nrl 5s '34 .. 80 80 80 BC R & N 6s 34 Ctfa.. 81 31 31 Calif G &E rf 6s '37... 1025 1025* 1025* j Camae 7a 42 ctfs 8054 295* 80 I Canada So 5s 62 ▲_118 118 118 1 Can dlan N R 4 5*a ’61. 1115*1115*1115* Blah. Low. Close. Can dlan N R 44a'56 112 112 112 Can’dlan N R 4 4 a '67 1114 111 111 Can dlan N R 44a*66 1184 1184 1134 Can'dlan N 5s’69 July 1154 1154 1164 Can'dian N 5a’69 Oct 1164 1164 1164 Can dian P db 4s perp 964 96 95 Candlan Pao 44s'46 1034 1034 1084 Can'dlan Pao 4 4s'60 1044 1044 1044 Can'dian Pac 5s’44 cfs 118 119 113 Caro Cl & O 6s'38 — 1044 104 4 104 4 Caro Cl &0 6a'62 A 1094 1094 1094 Central Fdry cv 6s'41 123 1194 1224 Central Fdry cv 6s '41 2404 240 2404 Cent of G* con 6a '45.. 864 364 864 Cent of Ga 6s '59 C 23 224 23 Cent of Garf 6 4s'69 224 224 224 Cent 111 E&O 6s'51 104 104 104 Central 111 Lt 34s'66 1054 1064 1064 Cent of N J pen 6s '8 7 824 *24 *24 Cent Pac 6s 60 .. 103 1024 103 Cert'd deb 64a'48 - 944 944 94' Champ P&F 4 4» '50- ,1074 1074 R’74 Chesap Corp 5S 47 __ 165 166 166 Chea & O 84s 96 D „ 98V* 98 98 Ches*G34s 96 E — 98 98 98 C & O gen « 4* '92_ 120 1194 1194 C & O con 6s '39 _ 108 108 108 rht jS Alt ref 3 s '49 __ 67«; 674 674 Chi B & Q gen 4s 58... 1114 1114 1114 ChlR&Q44a'77-118V, 118H U3H Chi B & Q ref 6s’71 .. 117 1164 1164 Chi B&Q1 dlv 3Vis'49 108*4 10»’i 108', Chi B&Q 111 dv 48 49 110V, 110*4 U.»4 Chi & Kill 6a *51 - 46 46V* 46»* Chi & E 1116s‘51 ctfa. 46V* 46'* 45V, <-ht & Erie 1st 5a ’82 . 1204 1204 120», Chi Grt West 4s '51* 51 6oVi 60** Chi Ind & L gen 6a '66 284 '23', 23'1 CM&StP *n 3 V, a '89 B 67*4 67*4 57*4 C M St P 4s ’89 .. 64*, 64 «4*» CM&StP gn 4 4a'89 C 68'* 68*4 68*4 CM&StP 6a 75 .. 34** 34 84*4 CM&StP&P adl 6*2000 12', 12V, 12** Chi & NW gen 4s 87 .. 48 48 48 Chi & NW 4 V,a 2037 361, 35J* 36V, Chi & NW 4V4S 2037 C 36*4 36 36*4 Chi & NW 4 \ S 49 .. 24*4 24 24** Chi & NW rf 5s 2037.. 36*, 86V, 36V, Chi R l&P rf 48 '34 .. 26*4 26V, 26 Chi R l&P rf 4s'34ctf. 22V, 22*4 22*4 Chi R l&Pgen 4s'88__ 43 42V, 427, Chi R l&P 44a 62 . 26V* 24V* 244 Cht K l&P 4*,S'52 ctf 22V, 21** 224 Chi R l&P 4 4s 60 .. 164 164 15’, Chi T H&S 1st 5a 60.. 99** 99 99 Chi T H&S Inc 6s 60.. 89 89 89 Chi Un Sta 3V,S 61 . 106 106 105 Chi & W In con 4a '52. 1044 1044 1014 Chi & W Ind 454a 62_ 1024 1024 1024 Childs & Co 6s'43 ... 92 4 92 4 924 ChocO G con 5s •52.. 404 40V, 40*, Cin Un Ter 3>,s D gtd 106** 106V* 105*. CCC&St L gen 4s '93 1034 1034 1034 CCC&St LrMV,s'17E 964 96»* 96** CCC&St L ref 6s '63 D 1034 1034 103V, CCC&StLCW&M 4S'91 984 984 984 Clev El 111 3V*a 65 - 1094 109** 1094 Clev Short L 44s 61.. 113 113 113 Clev Un Tel 44a 77 106 104** 104** Clev Un Ter 54s-72A 111V. 1114 1H4 Colo Fuel & lr 5a '70.. 954 95 95** Colo & So 448 "80 — 72 4 724 724 Columbia G&E deb 6s'52 April _ 104 103V* 1034 Columbia G&E 5s'61.. 1044 104 104 Cornel Credit 3 4s‘51. 98 98 98 Com Inv Tr 34s-61 .. 1014 101*4 101*4 Cons Coal Del 5s 60 .. 674 67 67 Cons Ed NY 3 V*a 46 n 106 1064 1054 Cons Ed NY 3 4s '56 n 10S 102* 1024 ConsGas NY 44s'61. 1074 1074 1074 I Consol Oil 3 4s'51 .. 1044 *04 104 Conaum Pwr .. 4s 66_ 1004 100** 1004 Cons Pwr 34a "70_ 1024 102** 1024 Container 6s '46_ 1044 1044 1044 Crane Co 3 4s 61 .. 100 994 994 Cuba RR 7 4s'36 rtfs. 644 *44 644 Dayton P&L 34s'60.. 1044 104** 104*, Del & Hud ref 4s 43 . 94 94 94 Del I' & I, 4 4s '69_ 1061, 1064 106*, ! Den G&E 5s '51. -- 108 108 I08 Den & R G con 4S'36.. 36*, 35*, 35** Den & R G W 6a '55 . 22 21 4 22 Den & RG W Ss‘55asst 214 214 21*, Den & R G ref 6a 78 324 32 32 Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs. 104 104 104 Duaues Lt 4 4s ’67 B 105** 105** 105** Ed El 111 NY 5s '95_ 135 135 135 Erie cons 4s '96_101% 101% 101% Erie gen 4s gg_ 88% 87% 88% Erie ref 5s 67_ 88 86% 88 Erie ref 6s 75 .. 87 86% 87 .Fed Lt & Trac 6s '42.. 103% 102s, 102% Fla E C Rv 6s '74 ._ 20% 20 20 Fla E C Ry 5s '74 ctfs. 19% 19% 19% Gen Cable 6%■ 47_ 106% 106% 106% Gen Mot Acc 3a 46 ... 1J2% 102% 102+4 Gen Mot Aas 3%s 'SI.. 100% loo% 100% Goodrich 4% a 66 __ 101% 101 101% Goodyear T&R 5s '57.. 104% 103% 103% Great N Ry 4s 46 G... 136% 135% 136 Great N Ry 4a 46 H 111% |ii% m% Grt N Ry ref 4 %s ’61 A ll4% 114% 114% Grt N R gen 4%a'76 D 108% 108 108% Grt N R gen 4%s'77 E 105% 105% 105% Grt N R 6%s 62 B ... 118 118 118 Green Bay 6s’62 B ... 12% 12% 12% Gulf Sta Stl 5%e 42 99% 99% 99% Gulf States Ut 4%s'46 105 105 105 Houston Oil 5%s'40 101% 101% 101% Hudson Coal 5s '52 .. 48% 48 48% Hud & Man Inc 5s'57.. 36!. 35% 35% j Hud & Man ref 5s ’57.. 83 82% 82% 111 Bell Tel 3%s '70_ 105 105 105 111 Cent col tr 4s'52_ 92 92 92 ill Cent col tr 4a'53_ 88 88 88 111 Cent 4%8 66 _ 79% 79 79% 111 Cent ref 6s '65 .. 102 102 102 111 Cent Lou 3 %s'53.. 101*4 101% 101% ICC&StLN 04%S'63„ 84% 84% 84% ICC&StL N O 6s 63_ 90% 90% 90% Inland Stl 3%s 61 _103% 103% 103% Int R T 1st rf 6s'66 96 96 96 1 R T 1st cf 6s'66 Ctfs 95 95 96 Int R T 6s 32 _ 49 49 49 Int R T 7s'32 ctfs_ 84% 84% 84% Int Grt Nr 5s 66 B_ 38% 38% 38% Int Grt Nr 5s '56 C_ 38!, 38% 38% Int Grt Nr 6s'62 A ... 41 40 40% Int Grt Nr adl 6s'52 A 16% 16% 16% Int Hydro Elec 6s'44. 85% 84% 84% Int Pap 1st 6s 47A . 102 102 102 Int Pap ref 6s'55 . 100% 100 100% Int Ry of C A 6%s'47. 97% 97% 97% Int T&T cv 4%s 39_ 89 88% 88s. Int T&T 4%s '52_ 72% 71% 72% Int T&T 5s 65 . ... 78% 77% 77% Iowa Cent lat&rf4s'51 7% 7% 7% James F&C 4s'39 ... 97% 97% 97% Jones&L Stl 4%s'61A. 103% 103% t0S% Kans C F S&M 48'36 64 63% 64 Kan CFS&M rf4s'36ct 60% 60% 60% Kans C So 1st 3a 50 89% 89% 89% Kans City So ref 5a '50 97 #7 97 Kan C Term 1st 4s '60 107 106% 106% Keith 6e'46 _ 98% 98% 98% Ky Cent Ry 4s'87 ... 109% 109% 109% Kresae Found 4s 45... 107% 107% 107% Laclede Gas 5s‘39_ 97 96% 96% Laclede G 5 %s '63 C._ 65 65 65 Laclede Gas 6s 42 B . 6S'i 65'.' 65% Lautaro Nit 6s '64 cfs 43% 48% 43% Leh C&N 4%s 54 A ... 101% 1044+ 104% Leh Val Coal 6s 38_ 99% 99% 99% Leh Val Har 5s 64 ... 105% 105% 106% Leh V Peon 4s 2003 71% VI 71% Leh V Peon 4%s 2003 76 76 76 Leh V RR con 5s 2003 85% 84’% 85% Ltgg & Myera 5a '51... 123 122% 122% Llgg & Mvers 7s '44_183 131% 183 Loew s 3%s 46 ... 99% 99% 99% Long I si ref 4a'49 106 105 105 Long Isld ref 4s’49 stp 103% 103% 103% La & Ark 6 s *69 994 994 994 L& Nash 34s 2003— 944 944 944 L&N lst4s 20TI3_ 1004 1004 1004 L&N unlf 4s 40_ 1074 107*, 1074 L & N 6s 2003 B_1084 1084 1084 L&NPM4s‘46 —110 110 110 L&N Atl K&C 4S '55. 113 113 113 Louv & N K&S 5s ’37 1014 1014 1014 L & N So Mon 1t 4s '52 99 98 4 99 McKess&Kob 5 4 s'50 1034 1034 1034 MeC RR cn 44»'R0A- 86 86 86 Manila RR S I 48’39._ 83 83 88 Manila RRSL 4s’59-. 784 78 784 Mead Co 6»’46 _ 1064 1064 1064 Mich Cent 44s’79_ 1064 1054 1064 Mil El R&L 5s ’61 _ 1034 1034 1084 Minn&S Lrf 4s 49 .. 84 8 8 Minn & St L 6s'34 ctfs 194 194 194 MStP&SSM cn 4s 38.. 31 81 31 MStP&SSM cn 6a'38.. 26 4 26 264 MStP&SSM 64a 49 24 24 24 MStP&SSM rf 6s 46A 23*4 234 234 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90 — 984 93 93 Mo K & T 4S '62 B- 75 4 76 75 4 Mo K * T 6s ’62 A- 864 86 864 MoK & T adl 6a 67 - 764 764 764 Mo Pac 4s 76 _ 234 224 234 Mo Pac 68 ’65 A_ 464 464 464 Mo Pac 6a 77 F - 47 46 4 47 Mo Pae 6a 77 F ctfs_ 46 46 46 Mo Pac 6a '78 Q ... 464 464 464 Mo Pac 6s '78 G ctfs— 444 444 444 Mo Pac 6s 80 H _ 464 464 464 Mo Pac 6s '81 1 _ 47 464 464 Mo Pac 6s 81 I ctfs— 444 444 444 Mo Pac 64* 49 A- 18 174 18 Mob & Ohio Ss '38 ... 38 874 874 Monona Pub 8 4 4 8*60 106 106 106 Mont Cent 5s’37 1014 1014 1014 Mont Pwr ref3 4 a ’66 964 964 964 Mor&Essex 34» 2000 924 924 924 Morrts&Esaex 44» "66 95 944 944 Namm&SonsCs 43 98 98 98 Natl Dairy 34s’61ww 1064 1064 1054 Natl Stesi 4s <6 - 1064 1064 *064 New E T&T 1st 6s ‘52 1214 1214 1214 New Orl PS 6a 63 A-- 1014 1014 1014 High. Low Close New Orl P 8 6a '66 B 101 1004* 100?* New OrlT&M 4>/*a'66. 65V* 65V* 561* New Orl T&M 6s '61 B 67?* 66?* 66?* New Orl T&M 6?*a'64 60?* 60 60?* NY Central 3 %e 97 99 99 99 NY Cent 3 Ha'97 reg__ 97?* 97?* 97?* NY Central 34*8 '46_108?* 108?* t«»3V* NY Cent 4a '42_108?* 108?* 108!* NY Cent con 4a'98_102 101?* 101?* NY Cent rf 4H« 2018.. 96 94** 94H NY Crf 44*8 2013 n- 95 94H 96 NY Cent rf 6a 2013_101 100?* 100*4 NY Cent cv 6a 44_128?* 123 128?* NYCLSh 3Hs’9» — 96 98?* N Y Chi & StL 4a'46... *04?* 104 104?* NYC&St L 4>*a'78 ... 94?i 94'* 94?* NYCht&St 1,6s'38 _ 100 100 100 NY Conn 1st 4'63-. 107?* 107?* 107?* NY Dock 1st 4a'61 .. 66», 661* 66?* NY Dock fie 38 . 64"4 64 64 NY Kfllson 3 H * '66 D- 101 100?* 1004* NY NH * II 3Ha 47.. 43 43 43 NY NH & H 3?*a'56— 43 43 43 NY NH & H 4» '67 _ 84H 34?* 34?* NT N1UH4H«'«7... 62 61?* 62 NY NH * H CV 6a 48 . 67 67 67 NY NH * H Cona Rya A 1 41 41 NY O&W gen 4s '65_ 261 26*4 264 NY O&W ref 4s 92_ 36 34*4 88 NY Steam 5s'56 _106V, 106V 1064$ NY W & M 4 Is '46_ 2144 20*4 2144 NI*k Sh 61* '60 ... 1034 1034 1034 Norf So 1st ref f>s'61.. 814 »IH »1H Norf & W 1st 4s'96 1174., 116111644 North Am Co 5s 61 . 104*4 104*4 104*4 North Am Fd 5s 67 A 1034, 10144 10344 North Am Fa! r.s '69 C 102*4 102*4 102*4 North Am Kd61s‘6S. 108*4 1031 1031 Nor’n Pac con 3s 2047. 761 761 761 Nor'n Pac 4a ‘97 __ 107 107 107 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 D_106*1 1064 106*1 North Pac 6s 2047__ 1114, 111 *» 11141 Ohio Kdlsrm 4s‘65 . 105 104*1 104*1 Ohio Pub Svc 7'l..s‘46 113 113 113 Ont Pwr Nine 6s'43 . 113 113 113 OrcK nit & N 48 -46 ... 113 112*1 113 Pac Coast 5s'46 _ 78 77*4 78 Pac Gas & K1 3 'is '66 99'4 99 99 Pac G & K 3 *4a '61 .. 1081 103 10344 PacG* 10 4s 64 . 1071 106*4 1071 Pae TA T rf 31s'66 B. 102 101*4 101*4 Pac T&T s*4«'66 C-— 102 102 102 Pan Am PC 6s'40 . R2U 621 6244 Pan Am PC 6s 40ctfs. 46Q 451 46 Paramount Plo 6a‘65. 101 100*4 100*4 Penn Co 4s'63 _101*4 1011 101*4 Penn Dixie C 6s'41.. 102 101*4 102 Penn O & D 41s'77... 1051 105 105 Perm P&I. 4 1s 81 ... 106 105*4 105*4 Penna R R 108*4 1071 108*1 Penn HR 3A»a '70 C_- 9**4 99*4 991 Perm RR con 4s 48 ... 1141 1144J 11444 Penn Kit 4 Is‘81 D... 1071 106*4 106', Penn H R 4 1 s *84 _ 107 106*4 107 Penn RH ku 41« '65 . 109*4 109*, 109*4 Perm RR deb 41*'70. 1031 103'4 1031 Penn Hit Ken 5s'68 116 116 116 People OUC rf 5a'47. 114 114 114 Peoria & E 1st 48'40._ 96 96 9fi Peoria & E tnc 4s '90.. 25 25 25 Pere Mara 41s‘80 ... 10044 1001 1001 Pere Mara 1st 5s *56... 104', 1041 104', Phila B&VV 4Is'77... 118 lis 118 Phila Co 6s 67 _ 1061 106 1061 Phila Klee Co 4s '71 1021 1021 1021 Phila RiecCo 4'is‘67. 104*, 104*4 1041 Phila & R C&l 5s '73._ 38 1 381 281 Phila A- R C&l 6s 49.. 17*. 171 171 Philippine Rv 4s 37 2844 2 5 1 28U PCCASt I. 4'-js 63 I... 1181 11811181 PCC&St L4ls‘77C - 1061 106 106 Pltts&W Va 4ls'5R A 961 961 961 Pltts&W Va 41s'69 B 93 93 93 Pitts* W Va 41s'60 C 9.3*4 931 9.3*4 r*ort Gen K1 4'is 60 . 66 V 6b 66 Porto Rico A T 68'42. 84*4 841 841 Postal Tel & C 5s *R3_. 39*, 38*4 39*, Pure Oil 4 1s 50 I* .. 10.31 103’, 1031 Pure 011 4 '4s '50 ww 1251 124*, 1251 Purity P.aklnK 5s ’48 lot tool 1001 R-K-0 6S41 . 1I74H74 1174 Reading Jer C 48 '51 .. 102 1014 102 Reading R 44s ’97 A- 1064 1064 1064 Reading R 44s 97 B.. 106 106 106 Republic Stl 4 4s'50.. 1814 1784 1804 Republic Stl 44s'56.. 994 984 984 Republic Stl 44s 61.. 984 98 98 Republic Stl 54s'54.. 1184 1174 U84 Richfield 011 6s 44 .. 614 604 61 Richfield O Ks'44 ctfs 53 4 514 53 Richfield 011 6s '44 stp 52 62 62 R 1 A&l. 1st 44s'34 274 274 274 Rutland Can 4s'49_ 284 284 284 Saguenay Pw4 4 s’66 . 1024 1024 1024 1 St L [MAS R&G 4S'33_ 874 874 874 ! St LIM&SR&S4s'33ct. 85', 85'4 854 St L-S Fran 4s '60A . 874 37 37 St L-S F 4s '50 A Ctfs . 334 33 334 St L-S Fran 44s'78 . 33>4 33 334 St L-S F 4 4s'78 cf st. 30 29 4 294 St L-S Fran 5s'50 B _ 36 354 154 St L-S F 5s '50 B ctfs. *24 324 324 St L S W 1st 4s '89 .. 96 96 96 St L S W gn rf 5s '90.. 624 514 524 St P K C S L 44 * 41.. 264 264 264 St P M&M ext 5s'43 . 102*4 1024 102*1 St P Un Dep rf 5s'72.. 117 117 117 Seabd A L 4s '50 stp . 354 344 854 Seabd A L ref 4s '59 20*. 20 20>« Seabd A L rf 4s'59 cfs 194 19*1 194 Seabd A L adj 5s '49_ 134 13 IS Seabd A L 6s 45 A .. 23'4 234 23*4 Seabd A L 6s 45 ctfs . 224 224 224 Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct 134 134 13*4 Seabd A-Fla 6s'35 B ct 124 12T* 124 Sharon Stl cv 44s'51. 116 116 116 Shell Un deb 34s'51.. 944 994 994 Silesian Am 7s'41_ 734 734 734 Skellv Oil 4s '51 ... 1004 100 1004 Soconv Vac 34s'50 106 1054 106 South Bell T&T 5s '41 107 107 107 Southn Cal Gas 4s'65 105 105 105 Southn Cal Gas 4 4 '61 1054 1054 1054 So Pac 3 4s 46 _ 101 1004 101 So Pac col 4s'49_ 964 9614 964 ; So Pac ref 4s '55_ 1064 1054 106U I So Pac 44s'68_ 974 97 974 So Pac 4 4* ’69 ._ 954 954 95*4 So Pac Orec 44*’77 .. 99 98*4 99 So Pac S F Ter 4s '50.. IO84 1084 1084 So Ry gen 4s'56 A_ 8*4 85 854 So Ry 5s '94 _ 110 1094 1094 So Ry gen 6s'56_ 105 104 104 So Ry 6 4s'56 _ 1084 107 108 So Ry M & O 4s'38_ 944 9«4 94*4 So Ry St L dlv 4s '51._ 100*4 100»4 100*4 S W Bell Tel 34s'64.. 1054 1054 1054 Southw'n G&E 4S’60-. 1024 1024 1024 Spokane Int 5s’55_ 384 384 384 Stand Oil N J 3s'61_ 984 984 984 Studebaker cv 6s'45_151 151 151 Swift & Co 3%s '50... 1064 1064 1064 Tenn Cent 6s 47 _ 1054 1054 1054 Tenn El Pw 6s'47 A 994 9*4 994 Term As St L 44s ’39. 1084 1084 108 v i'exas Corn 34s'51 _ 1034 103 103 Texas & Pac 5s'77 B.. 106 106 106 Texas & Pac 5s 79 C~ 106 1054 105*4 Third A v ref 4s 60_ 704 704 704 Third Av 1st 5s’37 1014 1014 1014 Third A ad 1n ex 5s*66 39!^ 39 39 tin Oil of Cal 3 4s'52 1134 1134 1134 Union P«c 3 4s 70_ 974 97 97 Un Pac 34s '71 _ 974 974 974 Un Pac 1st 4s'47 .. 114U 114 1144 Un Pac 1st rf 4S 2008 . 1074 1074 1074 United Biscuit 5s'50.. 107*4 1074 1074 United Drug 5s'53_ 102 102 102 U S Rubber 6s '47_ IO64 i0«4 1064 Utah P & L 5s ’44_ 1054 1054 1054 CJtll P &L 5s 59 ww_ 62 614 614 Util P& L 64s’47 63 624 63 V Cz&Plst 4 4s'34 ast 4H 44 44 Ver Sug 1st 7s'42 ctfs. SO 80 30 Va E & P 1st ref 4s'55. 1074 1074 1074 Va Ir C&C 1st 6s '49... 64 64 64 Va Ry 1st 34a '66 A-_ 1034 1034 1034 Wabash 4V4s’78 _. 434 434 434 Wabash 44s'78 ctfa.. 894 394 394 Wabash 1st 5s'39_ 1024 1024 1024 Wabash 2d 6s 39_ 964 964 964 Wabash 5s’76 B_ 434 43 434 Wabash 5s 80 D__ 434 434 48’i Wabash 64a’76 .._ 444 444 444 Wabash 64s'75 ctfs.. 414 414 414 Walker H&S 4Vis'45.. 1074 1074 1074 Walworth 4s 65_ 88 87 874 Walworth 6s ’55 n_ 97 ' 96 4 964 Warner-Quin 6s '39... 514 514 514 Warren Br cv 6s'41 694 694 694 Warren RR 3 4s 2000. 784 784 784 West Penn P 34s'66 1044 1044 10«4 W Pa P lat 6s '63 E .. 1174 1174 1174 W Sh 1st 4s 2U61 gtd-. 974 974 974 West'n Md 1st 4s’52.. 1034 103 1034 West'n Md 64s’77 1064 1064 1064 West'n Pac 6s 46 A as 384 884 384 Westn Un cl tr 6s'38.. 1034 1034 1034 West’n Un 6s'61_ 10* 105 106 West'n Un 6s '60 .. 1U74 1074 1074 Wheel Steel 4 4s'53 . 1014 1014 1014 W Sp Stl 1st 7s '36 ct. 47 464 464 W Sp Stl cop 7s‘35 Ct. 464 464 464 Wilson & Co 48 65 102 1014 1014 WisCent 1st gn 4s'49 304 804 804 Y’ngstnS&T 84s '61_1624 161 162 Y'ngstn S&T 4a '61_ 102 1014 1014 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. March 6 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4>'«a Nov.. 1058-38_105V. 100 4 V.s May. 1057-37_1004 101V, 4s May. 1058-38_1034 104 4s Nov., 1057-37_102V. 102‘a 4s July. 1040-44...Ill 1114 3V.s May. 1055-45_ 104 1044 3s July. 1065-45_1024 103 3a Jan.. 1950-46_1024 103 3s May. 1956-46_ 1024 103 INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. March 6 New York Security Dealers’ Association: Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_20.»» 22.33 Am Business Shrs_ 1.35 1.48 Am Gen Eq Inc_ 1.10 132 Am Ins Stocks _ 5.125 0.00 Bancamer Blair _ 12.60 13.60 Bank Group Shrs _ 2.OK 2.24 Bankers Nat Inv Corp_ 4.0*1 4.026 Basic Industry _ 5.72 Broad St Inv _ 37.011 40.31 Bullock Fund _ 24.25 20.00 Corporate Trust _ 3.10 - Corporate Trust AA_ 3.01 - Corp Tr A A mod _ 3.02 -- Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 3.01 - Corp Tr'Acc mod _ 3.02 - Cumulative Tr Sh _ 0.05 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y A_ 2.85 - Depos Ins 8hn» A _ 3.83 - Depos Ins Shrs B _ 3.02 _ Diversified Tr C _ 5.50 Dividend Shrs __ 2.IT 2.32 Equity Corp $3 pf _ 4*1.75 43.15 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 30.03 32.35 First Boston Corp ._ 42.25 43.75 Fixed Trust 8h A _ 14 72 Fixed Trust SJi B_12.20 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.35 5.05 Fund Investors Inc _ 20.40 27.87 Fund Tr Shr* A _ 0.78 7.60 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 0.21 Gen Investors Tr 7.53 8.1ft Group Sec Agriculture_ 2.03 2.2*» Group 8ec Automobile_ 1.00 1.14 Group Sec Building _ 2.41 2 0*1 Group Sec Chemical _ 1 71 1.85 Group Sec Food _ 1.07 1.17 Group Sec Invest Shrs _ 1.04 2.10 Group Sec Merchandise __ 1.01 1.75 Group Sec Mining 1.03 2.00 Oroup Sec Petroleum _ 1.55 1.08 Group Sec R R Equip_ I s? 2.03 Group Sec Steel _ 2.37 2 50 Group Sec Tobacco __ 1 IK 1.20 Huron Holding km 1.28 Incorp Investors 28 11 Insurance Group Shrs 1.77 1 .ft 1 Investors Fd C Inc 17.21 17.60 Keystone Cust Fund B-3 23.78 20 *t7 Major Shrs Corp 3.375 Maryland Fund_ _ 10 74 11.74 Mass Invest Tr __ 31.00 32.80 Mutual Invest . _ 18.60 20.22 Nation Wide Sec 4 oh 5 08 Nation Wide Voting 2.35 2.51 N Y Bk Tr Shrs 4.316 No»-th Am Bond Tr ctfs 60 815 - Nor Am Tr Shares 2.04 ___ _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1055 ... 3.85 Nor Am Tr Sh 105*1 ___ 3.78 Nor Am Tr Sh 1058 3.57 Plymouth Fund Inc I *»I 1.12 Quarterly Income Sh JO.on 21.47 Selected Am Sh __ 4 44 Selected Am Sh Inc 1»»2K 17.14 Selected Cumul Sh 11 .43 Selected Income Sh . . . 5.00 Spencer Trask Fund 23.24 23 00 Stand Am Tr Shrs __ _ 4.50 4 75 Stand Uttl Inc _ 1.00 1.18 Super of Am Tr A _ . 4.51 Super of Am Tr AA 3 O0 Super of Am Tr B _ 4.17 __ Super of Am Tr BB 3.n0 _ Super of Am Tr C __ 8.71 .. . _ Super of Am Tr D 8 71 Supervised Shrs 15.17 17.14 Trustee Stand Inv C 3 35 Trustee Stand Inv D *_ 3 28 Trusteed .Am Bk “B" 1.02 1 13 Trusteed Industry Shrs 1 0#* 1 *4 Wellington Fund 21.00 23.00 SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. 'Reported by Chas. D Barnev a Co » Bid. Offer. Am. Tel. A Tel. V_s 1044 IBP* 1 1 » Auburn Auto Co. 4J<s 1049 *1 x:i34 I California Fucking 5.- 1 !#4«» HHi'i lot’* 1 Caro.. Clinfd. A G. 5s 1 S#HH 104’a Jo5 Ches. A Ohio Ry. 5s 1049 lox 11 1» I Edison E). Ilium. 4' 1940 105 lnd Gen Pub Service 51 jS 1049 in;: In;:’* j Gr Rapids a lnd. 4'jS 1941 loo3* i Houston Cl! 5*.>s J94n Jo: Jo*:3* i Inti. Merc Marine On 1 !*4 1 7x « x*i 1 Inti. Tel A Tel. 4 1 !!»:«!* xx>4 ex-* I Laclede Gas Light 5s 1 :•.'{!• 977« Lelngh Valley Coal Os 104s 993* loo Lehigh Vai. Ter. R.v. 5s 104 1 lox lnx*4 Long Island Gen 4s ]94x lo.’j* lot’s Louisville A Nash 1910 ln7 1o7*2 Michigan Central 4s 194n ]o5 Jo5>4 Midland R. R N J 5s 1!*40 5o xl7* Milw. A N R R 411040 07 Ox*. NYC A Sr L or n 1048 JO*7* Jon New Yotk Dock 5s 104x 05 *;«; N Y Stisq A West. 5s U*40 5n 50 1 New York Tel Co. 4 1 11*::!* lox>* lox7* Pac. R R of Mo 4s 104X in]'.- 1 n*» Penn-Dixie Cement Os 104 1 l»n»7* ini7, Penn a R R Co Is I'.M.'I Jlo>„ lie Rio Gr Western 4s 1040 7 7 j >’2 Sou. Bell TAT os 1041 107 107’* Ter R As St L 4 1 !*7Jf* 1 «»7 * * 1*'" Vanadium Corp 5s 194! J«»41 < Jf»73* Vert lentes Sugar Co 7s 104*2 .lo1^ 4C Wabash Ruy Co 5s 1949 InC7* ln4’« Warner Bros »>.- 1949 OX1 _• 9K*4 Western N Y A Pa 4s 1040 Ho'* in Western Union Tel. 5s 11*08 10414 j« ^ • U. S. TREASURY POSITION. B? the Associated Tress. The position of the Treasury on March 4 Receipts m:o.451 n54 49. expenditures. S4C 454.4 15.1C balance >l.5xx>7o *41 4 7 customs receipts for the month. $x 5 :4 5o:i os Receipts for the fiscal year 'since July 1 > $C xo\’ 91 5.7CO.oo expenditures $4. 00*2.100 1*01.14. including S1.055.C14. Chd C4 if emergency expenditures, excess of expenditures. $C.099.C44 .171 .ox: gross debt $44 094.CS4 744 On. a decrease of I $.4.418 800.50 under the previous day. Gold assets. *11 444.144.857 7x mclud i me SC 1 1 o:t4 500.75 of inactive gold STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Atlantic Mutual Fire Insur ance Company Of Savannah. Ga . on the list day of De cember. 1 !♦;«*;. as required under Section 64; of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia INCOME. Net premiums _ $443 24 8 9.3 Total interest and rents _ 42 38.5 42 Other income 120.244 02 Total income $005,878.3? DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyhold ers for losses $11 4 327 32 All other disbursements.- 4<t5.927.93 Total disbursements _ $520,255.25 ASSETS. Real estate $89,041 90 Mortgage loans on real estate i65.055 40 Caliateral loans 90.00 Bonds and stocks 511.623.77 Cash In company's office 8.164.01 DepoMts in banks - 69.345.50 Agents' balances ... loo.663.00 Interest and rents due or accrued 8.029.75 All other assets .. 108.488 60 Gross assets $1,060,501 99 Deduct assets not admitted 9.20.3 89 Total admitted assets $1,051,298.10 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims «23.non on Total unearned premiums 329.943.41 Other liabilities __ _ 4o.n42.14 Capital paid un 2oo.oon.on Surplus over all liabilities 456.312 55 Total $1,051 298 10 NET PREMIUMS# WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR. District _ Total, of Columbia. Fire _ 5416.448 47 $447.53 Motor vehicles 20.986.94 700.*'» Tornado windstorm ^ and cyclone 3 923 74 3 54 Plate glass __ 1.889.78 $443 248 93 $115136 C H KONEMANN President. FRED WESSELS. Secretary , Subscribed and sworn to before me this dav. of February. 1937 <Seal > DOROTHY GERKEN Notary Public. THE ROBERT BURNS INSURANCE AGENCY. 927 15th St. NAY. _ _ District^ 0365. _ STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE County Fire Insurance Company Of Pennsylvania on the the 31st dav of Dprember. 1936 as required under Section of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia . INCOME Ne* premiums __ $404 639 57 Total interest and rents_ 116,596 63 Other income_ 25.436.89 Total income $546,664.09 „ DISBURSEMENTS Net amount naid policy holders for losses _ $163,228.33 All other disbursements_ 361.415.94 Total disbursements _ $524,644.27 _ , ASSETS. Heal estate _ . _ $30.708 38 Mortgage loans on real estate 4.000 00 Collateral loans _ 0 Bonds and stocks 2.449.663.36 Cash in company’s ofBce o Deposits in banks_ 118 597 30 Agent’s balances__ 44.600.09 Interest and rents due or accrued _ 19.017.00 All other assets _ 33.855 96 Gross assets_$2,690,942.09 Deduct assets not, admitted 84.676.70 Total admitted assets •$2,615,265 39 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims _ $44.477 00 Total unearned premiums_ 496.892.15 Other liabilities _ 55.500.00 Capital paid un _ Surplus over all liabilities--*] .018 306.24 Total . „ _ _ $2,615,265.39 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR. District of Total. Columbia. Eire _ $335,930.92 $1.473 99 Ocean marine_ n n Motor vehicles_ 21.242.11 173.01 Earthquake _ 962.96 .13 Inland navigation and transporta tibn _ 12.626.39 127.34 Tornado, wind storm and cy clone _ 23.277.22 60 58 Hall _ 5.578.06 0 Sprinkler leakage 1,458.86 .01 Riot civil com motion and ex plosion _ 3.278.23 8.86 All other aircraft 585.94 .72 Perpetual __ —310.12 0 $404,630.57 $1,798.64 D. N. ACKERMAN. Vice president. J. G. N1EDERLITZ Ass't. secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of February. 1037. (Seal.) J. KELLER BELT. Notary Public. Kings County No. 86. Certificate filed in New York County No. 210. •On the basis of December 31. 1936. market quotations for all bonds and stocks owned, this company's total ad mitted assets would be Increased to $7,750 713.39. and surplus to $1,153. 844 21. _ BRODIE A COLBERT. INC.. 1707 I St. N.W. Natl. 8873. Washington Produce. BUTTER—93 scors, 1-pound print*. 38; '/'.-pound print*. 30; tub. 37: 00 score. 1-pound prints. 37: V.-pound prints, 3tt; tub 3«>. Market stron* MEATS—Choice beef. 15: calves lfl: veal. 10: lamb, 18: pork loin. 31: fresh ham. "13: smoked hams. 26; sliced bacon. 33: slab bacon. 38; compound. l.iVa: lard. 15. LIVE STOCK—PIrs. RV'-iaR3;: light hogs. R^aOVa: medium hogs. OVfcaO3*: heavy hogs roughs. da8: calves, 5al0; lambs. fiaio. „ , . Prices paid shippers, net f o b Wash ington. By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS—Market steady to firm at un changed prices Current receipts. 21a 211/2: hennery whites 21,/aa‘42. Govern ment graded and dated white eggs (net prices paid shippers, fob. Washington*: U 8 extras, large. t!41 ^: U 8 extras me diums. 20Va: U. 6 standards, large. 22. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady at unchanged prices. Fowl: Colored heavy. 15a 1H: Leghorns llal3. Chickens: Rocks and Crosses, under 3 pounds. 20*22: over 3 pounds. 2.3 Guineas, young. *! pounds and up 40 each: under 2 pounds 25a30 each: old guineas 20*25 each Turkeys: Young hens I!»a20: young toms, under 10 pounds. I»5al7. 20 pounds and over. 15; No. 2*s. 12; old hens. 14; old toms. 14. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK March R t/Pt.—New York Security Dealers’ Association: , . Bid. Asked. Aetna Oas Ola) _» Jh.'i 107,, Aetna Ins < I HO) _ n.’i'/s RS’A Aetna Life (1) _ S3 §5 Am Equit <1 HOI _ 4:!V, 4.V4 Am Ins Newark «%a) -- 14% )6% Am Reins <3) _ 03[a 0‘% Am Reserve Mb) __ 3!14 34 V* Am Surety 12%) _ «0 0~ I Automobile Mat _ .34 30 Balt Amf f 20a) _ *% Carolina O 30) _ 2* 20% City of N Y M 30)_ 2*% 30% Conn Gen Life • so)_ 42 44 Contln Cas M .20) _ 31 33 Fid A> Den Mg> _ 22* 231 Firemens Nwk _ 13% 14% Frank Fire * 1 a> _ 31% 33% Gen Reinsur <2> _ 45 4- % Glen Falls il.rtm _ _ 4«% 4*% Globe A Rep CKO) _ 23% 2.»% Globe A Rut _ 73% > 0 Great Amer Ma> - 2*% 30 Hanover <1.00) _ 37*4 3.*% Harmoma M 30* _ 2*34 3n% Hartford Fire (2) _ 72% 74% Home Fire Sec 5% 7 Home Ins Mat _ 3*% 40% Homestead M) _ 20 21% T.inroln Fire _ 4% 0% Mass Bond C3%)_ 0*% 71% Natl Fire «2> _ OH% «*% Natl Liberty ( 20a)_ 0% 11% N Hampshire M 00)_ 40 47% N Y Fire • *')«» - - - 24% 2. Nor River < 45g) __ _ 2*% 20% Phoenix <2a> - - 02 00 Prov Wash Ma> _ 40 42 St Paul Fire («) 213% 21*% Sprin afield <1%a) 127% 13»»% Sun Life <3%g) . . _ . 735 7*5 (Travelers MO) _ 511 621 it s 1 •* 1 57 50 Westchester *1 30a) 36 38 a—Also extra or extras »—Declared or paid so far this year. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE American Central Insurance Company Of St Louis Mo., on the 31st day of De cember 1936 as required under Section 64 7 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia INCOME. Net premiums $3,376.493 07 Total interest, and rents 25o.7o7.73 Other income —139.834 02 To*al income *2.387.376.78 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amour.' paid policyhold ers for losses *862 112.38 All other disbursements 1,515.851.75 Total disbursements $2,377 964.13 ASSETS Real estate O Mortgage loans on real estate «• Collateral loans o Bonds and stocks $6,851,601 26 Cash in company's office o _ Deposits in banks. 412.8.0.61 Agents balances 319 605*3 Interest and rents due or ac crued 60.991 OO All other assets 73.7*29.3. Gross assets $7,718,798.07 Deduct assets not admitted 211.4*5 27 Total admitted assets $7,507,312.80 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims *195.2,9 00 Total unearned premiums 2.34n>* 2 46 Other liabilities 178.32o.on Capita! paid up - 1 OOO OOO JO Surplus over all liabilities 3. ,92.936.34 Total *7.507.312 80 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR District of Total Columbia. Fire $1.823 482.21 $3.1**5 19 Ocean marine _<» «n Motor vehicles 22 •■>.*$. 36 Earthquake 2.919.84 .0, Inland navigation and transporta- , Uon 66.078.72 2o-60 Tornado, w i n d - storm and CF- .. -i clone 146.f»45..IP Hail O " Sprinkler leakage 5.H68 08 1.50 Riot civil commo rlon and explo- ... sion 3.858.45 —« All other ho.t.l- _ li 4P:t.07 S5.28P.0P F W KOECKERT. Manager. A T GREER Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me. tnis .’gth day of February 100. ■ ’ THOMAS F. HALY. Notary Public. Queens Oo. No. 717 Reg. No tof.. Cfrt. filed in y Co No 6<»4. Rck. No h-H-ool. Commission expires March 30. 1038. K M LIVINGSTONE A CO.. INC. Insurance. Surely and Fidelity Bonds 923 15th St. SM. n Telephone District «.t>0 Agents STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The Prudential Insurance Company of America Of Newark New Jersey, on the rt 1st dav of December. 1 !»:u». as required under Section c,47 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. WCOME. New nremiums. .. ordinary - 9.0.844.63..B. Rf,nnrHTn»rD.remlUm,‘ .... 269.396.109.19 Industrial premiums- 289.383.907.34 Total premium Income 9621.024.730.16 Total interest dividends Rfi and rents - alAil 96 Other income__4Kl.-t.8M 90 Total Income .. - *820,423.352... DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount paid for losses and matured o-r 53 endowments SI. 1.195.9 - * .so Other payments to policy o«4,840.746.38 All'other disbursements 193.119. .714 (U Total disbursements 9590.942.88, 94 Real estate ASSETS' *269.826 564 41 M«tatee l0*nS °n ? 803.919.14297 Collateral loans 0 P°rruum* P"' 310 512.998 26 Bonds and stocks « bonds have been valued on -nn fiQ, the amortization basis* 1.1*0.500.691.75 Cash In office and in transit 4i.««*.o» Deposits in banks ana isn iu trust companies l8R.lBU.1nd.1w Total interest and rents , „.2a5 due and accrued Net amount of uncollect *d, "nd deferred PF*' 79.713.837.88 All other assets- 2.210.04102 Gross assets _ S3.424.zxo.tno.22 Deduct assets not ad mitted 66.44-.<8..<•« Total admitted assets $3.367,? LIABILITIES. Net reserve, required b*J304flsv3<,73.On Other policy reserves -- 7H.fi26.5ni.0U Total policy claims- sSS'SZrSnnStl Other liabilities- 138.. io.300...l $3,201,127,602.12 •Capital paid up Dnp8lus?nf<1- _1Und*--*Ur' 74.646.081.37 Total _$3,367.773.683 40 Amount of ordinary busi ness written, revived and Increased during group yPar ‘nClUdinS»1.333.012.458 00 Amount of ordinary busi ness written, revived and Increased in the District of Columbia during the year, in- nn eluding group 7.-21.143.00 Amount of industrial business written, re vived and increased ..... during the year 1.332.332.138.00 Amount of industrial business written re vived and increased in the District of Colum- ....„ .... bia during the year 6.819.433 00 EDWARD D. DUFFIELD. President. WILLIAM W VAN NALTS. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of February 1037 , (Seal ) HARRY VERNET. Notary Public of New Jersey. •SI.070.762.00 par value of capital atoefc of the company purchased pursuant to the provisions of Chapter P9 of the Laws of New Jersey for the year 101.! and Is now held by Vivian M. Lewis and Arthur J Sinnott. trustees for the policyholders of the company. SAMUEL G. KEERY. Superintendent Suite 417. Standard Oil Bldg.. ‘261 Constitution Avenue, Washington D. C. RUSSELL r. FREEMAN. Mmnmger Suite 700 Bowen Building. 813 Fifteenth 8t. N.W.. Washington. D. C. J. HOWARD BRINE. Superintendent Denrike Building. 1010 Vermont Are.. Washington. D. C. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. March Dividends de clared (prepared by the Standard Statis tics Corp ): Regular. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate.riod record, able. Aluminum Man ."><ic Q 3-15 :i-:il Do. . fine Q *1-15 *1-30 Do. 50c Q 9-15 9-30 Do. _ 50c Q 12-15 12-31 Do 7% pf ___ $1.75 Q 3-15 3-31 Do. 7% pf SI.75 Q H-15 H-30 | Do. 7*S pf *1,75 Q 9-15 9-30 ; Do 7'J. pf $1 75 O 12-15 12-31 Burd Piston Ring 35c Q 2-15 3-1 Cambria Iron SI S 3-15 4-1 Carnation 5'7 o? $) .25 Cl 3-30 4-1 Co! Ice Co $7 Df $1.75 Q 3-20 4-1 I Do SO Pf B *1.50 Q 3-70 4-1 i East St Pr 7'1 pr pf $] 75 C5 3-15 4-! j Franklin Process Co 50c Q 3-29 4-1 1 Group No 1 Oil Corp S5H 3-1 o 3-31 Joliet A Chi R R $1 75 O 3-34 4-5 1 McClanahan Oil Co i1 aC Q 3-10 3-22 i ——- - FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. March fi r/pi.—Foreign ex- < change mixed: Great Britain in dollars, others in cents Great Britain demand. 4.87%: cables. 4.877«: 00-day bills. 4 87*4. France, demand. 4.52- cables 4.52; Ita:y demand. 5.201 • rabies. 5.20*2. Demands—Belgium. 10.88* a: Germany, free. 40.20: registered. 22.00: travel. 22 75. Holland. 54.70: Norway. 21 52: Sweden. 25.10; Denmark. 21.70 Finland. 2.17: Switzerland. 22.81: Spam. unauoud. Portugal. 4.44: Greece. .1*0: Poland. IK.00; Czechoslovakia. UAH: Yugoslavia. 2 21 Austria. 12.72n: Hungary. 10.80: Ru mania. .75: Argentina. 22 55n: Brazil. 8 801«n: Tokio. 28.48: Shanghai. 20.8*:: Hongkong. .20 40: Mexico City. 25 so Montreal in New York. 100.00: New York In Montreal. 100.00. n—Nominal. -• Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co.—1936 preferred share earnings before surtax were $12 45, against i $7.86. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The American Fire Insur ance Company Of the District of Columbia on the 31 st dav of December 1936. as required undpr Section 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia INCOME. Net premium* $11012 37 To»al interest and rents ij.Vohx jn Other income ‘2.641 40 Total income $81.772 47 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders tor losses $10.86o 98 All othpr disbursement* ‘in cluding $] stock divi- _ dend > 16*. 1 >6 30 Total disbursement* $173,0*2*2.‘28 ASSETS Real estate - $80.00^.84 Mortgage loans on reai ps’ate oi'.'oi. ••• Ca -h in company s office 1 4 Mi 10 Deposits in banks 8 .oo i4 Avents' balance* In’erest and rents due or ac crued 7 21° .4 All other assets l.«**\o Gross asset* $618,134.38 Deduct assets not admitted 11 *-•» Total admitted as-ets $018 1*23 13 LIABILITIES Net unpaid claim* > 1 1 8» Total unearned premiums , Other liabilities *'-• Is' 4 Capita! paid up .0".ooo oo Surplus over all liabilities 3ln. Total $618.123.13 NET PREMIUM? WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR District of Total Columbia pire_ $44,042 97 M4 042.97 M1 i»42 97 M4 042 97 CHAS SCHAFER President. GEORGE M EMMERICH Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me n»s 4th dav of March 1937 S'*. ' JlLiUo A MAEDEL. Notary Public. D C OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE MIO Err SI N.W Phone NA 2181 REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and V/0% SMALL BUSINESS / £, /U PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT IOlO VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 9392 J)% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applicationi Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. NAIL 1403 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LO ANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl 2100 ■ - '' 1 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes Business Apartments Properties Terms from 3 to 1 5 years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H.Hagxer & company incorporated Mortoaok Loan CoRKENnoNimrvr us fifcrfi l//c ^/im saner U cm finny 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 Property Management Automobile Insurance Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance APARTMENT AND HOUSE MANAGEMENT Det us detail the efficient service our Property Management Depart ment is equipped to render owners of apartment houses and resi dential properties—telling how nominal the fee—and all about it. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE 925 15th St. N.W. McPJrZn°s'ucr' National 2100 Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on improved or to be improved real estate— as low as including interest and curtail. . . No commis sions ... No renewal lees. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one of the lead ers in the entire United States. PERPETUAL has over 55,000 bor rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL'S Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup plemented by special C.P.A. audits as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year, totaling over $12,000 000 for the year. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION llth&E STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Largest In Washington—Assets Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUSTIS EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman ot The Board President Secretary