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Cathedral Sermon by Dr. Yerkes Bishop Freeman Will Preach at People’s Evensong Service. TAR. ROYDEN K. YERKES, pro ^ fessor of systematic theology in the University of the South, will de liver the sermon at a celebration of the holy communion at 11 a m. to morrow at Washington Cathedral. He Is in residence at the College of Preachers on Mount Saint Alban to conduct one of the laymen's confer ences arranged for week ends during the Lenten season. Bishop James E. Freeman will be the preacher at the people’s evensong service at 4 o’clock. The first service for the day will be celebration of the holy communion in the chapel of St. Mary at 7:30 a m. Group pilgrimages will be held im mediately following the 11 a m. and 4 p.m. services beginning in the Great Choir and ending in the curator's of fice at the west end of the Cathedral foundations. The public portion of the Bishop's Garden will be open from 12 noon to 2 p.m. as an accommodation to out-of-town worshipers. Rev. J. Gillespie Armstrong, 3d, rector of Christ Church in George town, will deliver special Lenten ad dresses on "Types of Prayer" follow ing the evensong service in the Chapel of St. Mary, from Tuesday to Friday, inclusive. The boys in the Cathedral Choir sing at these services which be gin at 4 o'clock, include the address et 4 :25 and end by 5 o'clock. Rev. H. Fairfield Butt, 3d, rector of Christ Church in Kensington, Md., will deliver four addresses beginning March 14, on "Four Word Pictures of Jesus.” The members of Miss Alice Hutchins Drake’s class in art appreciation at the Young Women's Christian Asso ciation will make their annual pil grimage to the Cathedra! tomorrow at 2 30 remaining thereafter for the evensong service. DR. J. W. BEHNKEN LUTHERAN SPEAKER Dr. J. W. Behnken. president of the Missouri Synod, will deliver the sermon in the service at 11 a.m. to morrow in Trinity Lutheran Church. Holy communion will be celebrated in the same service, preparatory service beginning at 10:45 a.m. A mass meeting will be held at 8 p.m. at Christ Church in which Dr. Behnken will address the as sembly. The Junior Walther League will meet at 7 p.m. The Senior division Will meet at 8 p.m. Congregational meeting Monday, 8 p.m. Lenten services, Wednesday, 8 p.m., German: Thursday, 8 p.m., English. -• SUBJECT CHOSEN Rev. c. B. Austin, pastor of the West Washington Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. Com munion meditation, “She Hath Done What She Could.” 8 p.m.. devotional service, led by the B. Y. P. U. Sermon. •‘What Does Religion Mean to You?” The pastor will speak Thursday eve ping on “Wisdom in Soul Winning." The church will observe North Caro lina day March 14 at 11 a.m. All North Carolinians in the District, nearby Virginia and Maryland are in vited. -• McKendree Methodist. “The Obstacle to Religion” is the minister's fourth morning Lenten sermon on "Meditations on Religion.” Service at 11 a.m. Young People’s League, 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ward will conduct the informal serv ice at 8 p.m. Rev. Samuel E. Rose will speak on “The Reckless Multi tude,” which is the fourth Lenten sermon in the evening series on "They Saw Calvary.” “Chiseling Chislers” is a comedy the young people will give in the lecture room Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. Lenten service and meditation on the first chapter of St. John by Mr. Rose, Thursday at 8 p.m. -§ Bahai Group Meeting. The Baha'i young people's group of Washington will hold a public sym posium on “Religion—A Way of Civi lization” tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at the Baha’i center, 501-2 Albee Building. Members of the Washington and Bal timore groups will participate, giving Short talks on the topics "Science and Religion,” “The Meaning of World Order” and “Humanity’s Coming of Age.” Pay Only 50c a Week Solid gold cross set with genuine diamond and con nected with solid gold chain. An appropriate Lenten or Easter Gift. Other beautiful solid gold crosses . . . plain or engraved $2.00 to $12.95 Jewelen Since 1840 FOURTH VIRTUE TO BE RECOUNTED The sermon In the 11 o’clock serv ice at Christ Lutheran Church will be based on "Justice,” the fourth in the series on the cardinal virtues. It will be delivered by Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel, pastor. There will be a mass service of Lutherans at 3 p.m. under the aus pices of the Synodical Conference. The address will be delivered by Dr. J. W. Behnken, president of the synod. At 5 p.m. the Junior League will meet with refreshments. There will be a meeting of the voters Wednesday evening. The subject of the Lenten medita tion Thursday evening will be "Love and Deception,” a further study of our Saviour’s love in the Garden of Gethsemane. 4th of Series To Be Heard At. St. Paul’s “A Discovery” Morn ing Topic—Guest to Talk at Night. IN. THE fourth of his series of Len ten sermons Dr. Henry W. Snyder will preach at St. Paul's Lutheran Church tomorrow morning on “A Dis covery.” At the evening service the address will be delivered by Dr. Henry Einspruch of the Salem Hebrew Mis sion of Baltimore. Dr. Einspruch will also speak in this church at 4 p.m. to the combined Luther Leagues of the District of Columbia. The Monday evening union Luth eran services will be held at this church and will be addressed by Dr. Walter E. Schuette of Pittsburgh. The Men's Club will attend in a body. The Sunday School Association, Lindley G. Schmidt presiding, will hold its quarterly meeting Tuesday. The Church Council will meet Wednesday evening. The Chevy Chase community serv ice Thursday evening will be ad dressed by Dr. Archer B. Bass of Portsmouth, Va„ and will be held at Wesley M. E. Church. CATHOLICS TO HOLD YOUTH CONFERENCE A Catholic Youth Conference will be held at St. Paul's Church on Twenty-third street near Washington circle, Sunday at 7 p.m. The leader will be Rev. Harley Smith of Mil waukee, Wis., who will bring first hand information as to what the move ment is accomplishing in England. Rev. Robert C. Kell will tell as to what is being done in Baltimore. The conference will be followed by a serv ice of solemn evensong and benedic tion. The Litany will be sung in procession Sunday at 11 o’clock and the sermon will be preached by the Rev. Arlington A McCallum. The subject of the ser mon is “Twice Born Men.” Each Wednesday evening in the par ish hall a forum is held. The subject next week is "Commissioned Men in the Church.” This is followed by a service of compline in the church. -• BUILDING BANQUET A building banquet of the Har Zion Voliner Anshey Sfard Congregation and Talmud Torah will be held at the Odd Fellows Hall, 419 Seventh street, tomorrow at 6 o'clock. Judge Joseph From berg will act as toastmaster. Rabbi M. H. Levinson of the congre gation, Rabbi Solomon Metz of Adas Israel Congregation and Rabbi Wil liam Margolis of New York will speak. Julius Goode is chairman of the banquet and Mrs. Ida Edelman, co chairman. -• Yogoda Society.' Brahmachari Jotin of Calcutta, India, will speak on "Self Purification” tomorrow evening in the chapel, 1758 Columbia road. The class in the study of the Bhagavad Cita will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. iCutljrrati T~» Seventh and Dahlia Sts. N.W. 1 akoma Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer. Pastor. 11:00 a m—Sermon. "Hunary Souls." Wednesday Lenten Service, 8 P.M._ INCARNATION GALLtATlN!SN.W (Maryland Synod. United Lutheran Church) Worship 11; School 9:30; Y P L 7:1ft Lenten Vespers. Wednesdays. 8:00 P.M. _VISITORS ABC WELCOME. _ CHRIST LUTHERAN BETHESDA-CHEVY CHASE STATE THEATER. BETHESDA. HD. REV. HENRY J. WHITING. Pastor. 9:45 a.m.—Church 8chool 11:00 a m.—‘‘Deliver Us From Evil."_ ST. MARK’S LUTHERAN Independence Ave. and 8th St. S W. Rev. J. Luther Frantz. Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—“A Personal Testimony.” _Wednesday. 8 p.m.—Lenten Service. (Br&tt Tnftffn I6*«l Ymw StYY cnuM s. lawn, 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Classes for all 11:00 a.m.—“The Place of Jesus." Ser mon by The Pastor. 7:00 p.m.—Instruction for Conflrmands and New Members. Wed. March 10. 8 p.m.—Lenten Services We Welcome Visitors and Strangers. i - ..= ■> Atonement , N. Copitol jg St | Lutheran Rhode Island Ave. k OU* OBJECTIVE Howard E. Snyder, Pastor Sunday School_9:40 a.m. Morning Service_11:00 a.m. Vespers_ 8:00 p.m. Keller Memorial Maryland Arenac and Ninth St. NX. S. T. Nicholas, D. D., Pastor Bible School-..._9:30 ajn. Morning Worship_11:00 am. “Enough for 5,000” Evening Worship _7:45 p.m. “God’s Men” Young People's Societies. 6:45 pm THE HOMELIKE CHURCH Bible Class Topic To Be Family Altar Dr. Bowen to Speak at Rock Creek Parish. r\R W. SINCLAIR BOWEN will be guest speaker at the Bohanan Bible Class tomorrow at 9:30 am. at Rock Creek parish. His topic will be "The Importance of the Family Altar and Why It Has Been Neglected by so Many " Rev. James Madison, assistant min ister of St. John’s Church, will be the guest preacher at the Wednesday eve ning Lenten service. Rev. Dr. Bohanan conducts a class of boys and girls each Sunday morning for instruction for confirmation and also holds a class for adults at the rectory each Thursday night. Allen T. Herd of the Carnegie Peace Foundation will address the Young People's Fellowship on "The Bible as International Law and Peace" at 6:30 p.m. The Girls' Friendly Society will have a supper in the parish house Monday at 6 p.m. A meeting of the Rock Creek Players will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mathews March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickens will jointly entertain the club. Services will be: At 8:30 am., holy communion, celebrant. Rev. Dr. F. J. Bohanan, and morning service at 11 o'clock. Young People's Fellowship at 6:30 and informal evening service at 8 pm Services at Holy Comforter will be: At 7:30 a.m.. holy communion; morn ing service at 11 o'clock and informal address at 8 p.m.. Rev. William L. Mayo, minister in charge. “GLORY OF CROSS” IS SERMON THEME At St. Paul M. E. Church South tomorrow at 11 a m. the pastor. Rev. William F Locke, will preach on “The Glory of the Cross.” The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be admin istered. At 5:45 p.m. the young people’s divi sion will serve a buffet supper to which all young people are invited. This will be followed at 7:15 pm. by a meeting at which Miss Virginia Henry of the Washington District Young People's Union will speak. At 8 p.m. the pastor will preach on "A Letter From God to Young People.” The young people will assist in the service. A special preaching mission will be gin March 14 and contin-e through Easter Sunday. March 28. There will be services each evening, except Sat urday. at 7:45 o'clock. The pastor will preach. -• CONFIRMATION RITE Bishop James E. Freeman will be the speaker at the 11 o'clock service tomorrow in All Saints' Episcopal Church. He will confirm a large class of adults and children. The young people will have a service at 7:30 p m , with Jack McLaughlin and Richard Northrop as leaders. Supper will pre cede the meeting. The rector. Rev. Henry Teller Cocke, will preside at special Lenten services each Mondav. Wednesday and Friday afternoon at 4:30. Thursday members will attend the Chevy Chase com munity Lenten service, held in Wesley M E Church, when Dr. Archer B. Bass of First Baptist Church. Ports mouth, Va„ will be the speaker. Marvin Methodist. At 11 a m. Rev. Ralph Sharpe will preach on “Looking Ahead With Christ.” At 8 p.m. there will be a special program presented on Chris tian education. Mount Bethel Baptist. Rev. K. W. Roy will preach Sunday at 11 a.m. on “The Forsaken Christ.” 3 p.m., communion and the hand of fellowship to new members. 8 p.m., sermon by Rev. John Childs, pastor of Mount Olivet Baptist Church. tCuthrran SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH 109 fib Street N.W Service 3:a«» pm Sermon by_Rev._G E. Lenski._ Worship in the Charming Little Church CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. REV. J. FREDERICK WENCHEL. Pastor. Mr. C. Dohrman. Assistant. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 am—Sermon on “Justice.’* 3:00 p m—Lutheran Rally Service Ad dress by Dr. J. W Behnken. president of the Synod 5:00 p.m.—Junior League Meeting __ Lenten Service. Thursday. 8 P.M. TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENN1G Rev. C. Stuebe, Assistant 8 :0 a m.—No German Service 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—English Service Sermon by Dr. J. W. Behnken ST. PAUL’S Conn. Ave. and Everett St. REV. HENRY W. SNYDER. D. D. Pastor 9 30 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 am.—Sermon: "A Discovery.” 8:00 pm.—Sermon by Dr. Henry Ein spruch of Baltimore. Church of the Reformation Opposite Folier-Shsknpurt Library 212 East Capitol Street Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder. Pastor. Dr. John Weidley. Pastor Emeritus 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon. "What Is the Divorce Problem?" 7:00 p.m.—Luther League. 8:00 n.m —Sermon. "Pictures Raphael Could Not Paint." Dr. Blackwelder will preach. WEDNESDAY. 8:1 A P M. Lenten Musical Concert by the Gettys burg Seminary Male Chorus. The public Is cordially Invited. LUTHER PLACE Memorial Church At Thomas Circle Reverend Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen. Pastor. Reverend Edgar D. Ziegler. Assistant Pastor. XI O'clock 8ervlce: "THE SELF-VINDICATION OF THE CHURCH." Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 6:00p.m.—Intermediate Luther League. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor So ciety. 7:50p.m.—Thursday. Midweek Service. “The Dis cipline of the Servant of the Lord.'t the Rev. Mr. Ziegler. s^a——— RUSSIAN TO TELL OF PERSECUTIONS Paul Voronaeff, Russian evangelist, who spent 13 years In Soviet Russia, will 8peak at the Fourth Presbyterian Church Tuesday at 8 p.m. He will tell how his missionary father and mother and thousands of other Chris tians are kept prisoners in exile today, suffering persecution in Siberian con centration camps. Startling photo stereopticon pictures smuggled from Soviet Russia, showing the actual con ditions there will be shown. Rev. James H. Miers, pastor, will give a 15-minute message on "Commu nism and World Conditions in the Light of Prophecy” following the lec ture. Lenten Rite Is Scheduled For Monday Pennsylvania Cleric to Preach at Service at St. Paul’s. "'T'HE Lenten Light” will be the sub * ject of the sermon by Dr. Walter E. Schuette, Sewickley, Pa., at the fourth Lenten service being held under the auspices of the Lutheran Ministerial Association of Washington Monday evening in the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. The Lutheran women of Washing ton will hold a Lenten prayer service in the interest of missions at the Lutheran Church of the Atonement Friday at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. H. E. Beatty of the Georgetown Lutheran Church will deliver an address. The speaker on the Lenten series March 15 will be Dr. Harry F. Baugh man of Philadelphia in the Luther Place Memorial Church. A conclud ing service will be held in the Luth eran Church of the Reformation on Good Friday from 12 to 3 p.m. in j which various Lutheran pastors of the ! city will deliver meditations on Christ's last words from the cross. RACIAL STAND TO BE WEIGHED — i At the 11 o'clock communion serv ice tomorrow at the Ninth Street Christian Church, the pastor, Rev. Clifford H. Jope. will preach on “In terracial Aspects of the Gospel.” The Junior Church will meet at : the same time in the church house under the leadership of Mrs. Davita Thompson for its worship and com munion. At 7:45 p.m. the pastor will preach on "Can the Church Unite?” The midweek devotional service Thursday will be conducted by the Junior Church, with Mrs. Davita Thompson as leader. A model Junior Church program will be demonstrated ‘MAJESTY OF GOD’ DR. JONES’ TOPIC Dr. Edward H. Jones, minister of the Presbyterian Church of State Col lege, Pa., will be the guest speaker at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church tomorrow. His topic in the , morning will be “The Majesty of God.” At 8 p.n,. he will speak ot. "Christ’s Compelling Challenge." The midweek prayer service will be observed on Thursday evening. Dr. Albert Evans will continue his series of discussions of the Lenten season. His topic this week will be “Our Vic tory Over Temptation.” -- —• Lutheran Reformation Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder will preach tomorrow morning on "What Is the Divorce Problem?” and at 8 p.m. on "Pictures Raphael Could Not Paint.” Unitarian ) ALL SOULS' . CHURCH I6*and Harvard * Minister (Jiyssts C B Pitre* nn 9.45 a m.—Church School 11:0(J a m.—Morning Worship Rev. Louis C. Cornish, D. D. President of the American Unitarian Association Will Preach. 5:00 p m.—Program of Liszt Music. 5 30 Dm—Book Chat. "Nine Old Men." Hon Albert Levitt. 7.30 p m —Motion Picture Hour. "THINGS TO COME." $r?6bgtmatt CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN Southern General Assembly 16th and Inring Sts. N.W. REV. JAMES H. TAYLOR, D. D., Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 5:00 p.m.—Westminster League. 8:00 p.m —Sermon by Dr. Taylor. Church of the Pilgrims On the Parkway at •■i'ind and P Sts. N.W. Gift of the Presbyterian* of the Sooth to the Nation's Caoltal. Res Andrew R. Bird. D. D.. Minister Oleine Worship. 11 a.m. and 7:45 P.m. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN WALLACE MEMORIAL New Hampshire Ave. and Randolph St. N.W. C. E. Hawthorne, D. D., Minister 11:00 a m.—"They First Gave Them selves." 8:00 p.m.—"The Disciple Whom Jesas Loved.” Presbyterian Church of America Knox Presbyterian 1316 Vermont Ave. N.W. REV. LESLIE W. SLOAT, MINISTER 11 a.m.—"The Persererance ef the Salntl." 8 p m —"The Temptatien et Jean.' FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN 1 CHURCH 13th and Fairmont Sts. N.W. f James H. Mien, Minister 11:00 am.—“Berominr in Christ.** (Broadcast over WOL at 11:30) 8:00 o.m.—“Cryini la tha Teai ale.** Dr. Clinchy’s Topic Moral Foundations Sermon at Mt. Pleas ant Congregational Fourth in Series. THERE ARE MORAL FOUNDA 1 TIONS TO LIFT!,” the fourth sermon in the Lenten series ‘ Christian Affirmations." is the subject of Dr. Russell J. Cllnchy. minister of Mount Pleasant Congregational Church, to morrow morning. In the Adult Forum at 10 a m , Miss Mary Anderson, director of the Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor, will speak on “Women Workers.” The Young People's FV>rum is hav ing as its speaker at 6 o’clock. Miss Mary H. Richardson, group adviser. The Discussion Group at 6 o'clock will consider the question “What Should the Purpose of Religion Be v ’ Julian Griggs will lead the discussion. There will be a social get-together of the two groups at the home if Richard Carter. 1336 Kennedy street, following the evening's meetings. The Tuesday evening group dis cussion will be at the home of Mrs. William P. Ellenberger, 1359 Park wood place. Dr. Clinchy will lead the discussion problems of religion based on questions raised by the group. The Thursday evening program will begin at 5:30. The church supper follows at 6:15. Canon Anson Phelcs Stokes of Washington Cathedral will speak on “Jesus in the Church Life of Today.” -• THEME SELECTED. At Memorial United Brethren Church tomorrow morning “The Peni tent Malefactor” will be the subject of Rev. S. B. Daugherty. Catechetical classes are at 10 o'clock. Junior Church and C. E. at 11 o'clock. The youth groups meet separately at 7 o’clock and at 7:30 assemble in the chapel for a fireside service. Miss Grace Lovell will lead the meeting and Rev. Claude Brubaker will speak. Lenten service will be held Thursday night. LOYALTY DAY At Memorial United Brethren to morrow will be loyalty day in all services. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty will preach at 11 a m. on "The Peni tent Malefactor.” Special recognition will be given to the older members of the church and to the only surviving charter member. A loyalty offering will be presented to support a medicil missionary from this church, Miss Anna Schafer. At the fireside service at 7:30 Miss Grace Lovell will be the leader and Rev. Claude Brubaker will bring the closing message. A social with re freshments will follow. Decision day will also be observed in the Sunday School at 9:40 a m. and in all other services. The junior church will meet at 11 a.m. -• Truth Center Service. A series of talks on "The Science of Living the Radiant Life,” will be given next week by Dr Amelia Randall of Minneapolis. On Monday, Wednes day and Friday Dr. Randall will speak at 2 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 5, and Tuesday and Thurs day at 8. All of these talks will be given at the center, 945 Pennsylvania avenue. QUjrtatafcrlphtatt THE-WASHINGTON ECCLES1A 3 S 10:mi am Services. 11:00 am ■T»0! M St. N.W. Public Invited._* iSrlhodis! £ptaropal |_j^outh_ .'xv-"- ' vx'y % Mount Vernon Place {SOUTHERN METHODISM’S f REPRESENTATIVE CHURCH | Massachusetts Aee. at Ninth 8t. N.W. | £ DR. JOHN W Rl'STIN. Minlater. f 0 30 a m—Sunday School H:00am.—"Backaround t« Mod ern Preachin*.” 8:00 p m—"Doe* II Pay to Be Re liciouM?” DR. JOHN W. Rl’STIN. ',/■ 7:30 pm—Organ Recital by Deane Shure REV. G. L. GRASER TO GIVE SERMON At Emmanuel Episcopal Church the rector. Rev. Gordon L. Graser, will preach at the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist tomorrow at 11 a m. There will also be a Celebration of the Eucharist at 7 a m. At the service of evening prayer at 8 p.m., he will preach on "The Symbolism of Vest ments.” There will be Lenten services Wed nesday, Holy Eucharist at 6:45 and 9:30 a.m., with a meditation by the rector following the latter service. At 8 p.m. there will be the service of litany and sermon, the special preacher being Rev. Richard Cart mell, assistant of Epiphany Church. Dr. Williams To Be Guest At Hamline Asbury M. E. Bible Class to Call on Brotherhood. r\R. G. ELLIS WILLIAMS, superin tendent of the Washington Dis trict of the M. E. Church, will be the guest preacher at Hamline M. E. Church tomorrow morning. The min ister, Dr. H. W. Burgan, will give the fourth address of the special Lenten series at 8 p.m. on “Jacob.” The Prettyman Bible Class of the Asbury M. E. Church South will visit the Brotherhood Bible Class of Ham line Church tomorrow at 9:45. a m The teacher for the joint meeting will be Edwin A. Swingle. His subject will be “The Last Judgment.” At 6 pm. the Junior High League will meet. Frank Mervme will speak on "Finding God Through Music." The Epworth League, from 6 to 8 p.m., will hold a devotional and fellowship period at the home of Miss Laura V. Corbly, 4708 Fifteenth street north west. The Official Board will meet Tues day night in the chapel. At 6 p.m. the Homemaker's Class will hold its annual dinner. The Lenten prayer service will be held Thursday night. Dr. Burgan will give the second of the series of addresses on "Famous Hymns of the World." The subject will be "Rock 1 of Ages.” -• SERMON ON DOVE At Dumbarton Avenue M. E Church tomorrow at 11 am Rev. W. P. Atkinson will administer holy com munion and also receive new mem bers. The minister will continue the junior sermons. The topic for this service will be "The Dove," the symbol in the fourth church window. At 7 p.m. Epworth League and at ] 8 p.m. the minister will preach on { "Angelic Instruction." Beginning at 1 7:30 Thursday prayer service after which a meeting of the Sunday School Board will be held. Instruction classes for new members ' coming into the church at Easter are being held: Adults Saturday at 7 p.m. at the parsonage, children at the close I of the Sunday morning service. llntupnitiltH! 1 UNIVERSALIST NATIONAL MEMORIAL CHURCH, Cor. 16th and S Streets N.W Rev. Frederic W. Perkins. D l> 10:15—Church School Adult Forum 11:00—Service of Worship "The Spirit of Forgiveness" National Capital Choir Albert W. Harned. Mus. Dor. (Catltnlir HTJCwaiaiaciaacimaciiay mw St. Mary’s Fifth St. N.W. B-t. G & H Sis. Sunday Masses 7, 8. 9. 10:30 and 11:30 Novena Devotiona in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal are held every Monday at IO A.M. (Mass*: at 1*2:10 Noon: at I. » •5:15. 6*30. 7:30. 8:30. 9:1.5 P M. ffirgfibgtmatt_ ffrfBbgtrrtan_ COVENANT- ! FIRST Conn. Ave. at 18th * N Sts. N.W. Dr. Albert Joseph McCartney Rev. Samuel R. Allison Ministers SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION. 11 A.M. “The Sacred Souvenir of the Saviour” Dr. McCartney in charge. Sunday School for All Grades. Sunday Evening Young People, 6 to 8. Midweek Worship Service, 5 o’clock. EASTERN Maryland Ave, and Sixth St. N.E. ALFRED E. BARROWS D. D. Pastor. 11:00am—"Eternal Life." 0:30 a.m.—Bible School. 7:45 p.m—"Seeinr Jesus.” VESTED CHORUS. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Kalorama near Columbia Rd. REV. JOHN C. PALMER, D. D, Minister 0 45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m—“Forward With Christ." SERVICE FRANCAIS (New York Avenue Church) New York Ave., 13th and H Sta. Andre Frank Ulotard. Pasteur de la Conareaation Franealae. Dimanehe a 4 h„ "Le Sena da Devoir." PECK MEMORIAL CHAPEL 0:45 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m—Sermon. "He Knew Him aelf.” 7:00 p.m.—Youna People. 7:45 p.m.—Helen L. Lyon. Orient Pic tures. QIYTU Sixteenth end kJIA 1II Kennedy Su. N W. 1. HERBERT GARNER. MlnUter 11 a.m. “The Cause of the Cross” 7:45 P.M. “Dimensions of Stewardship” 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 7 pm.—C. S. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W REV. J. HARVEY DUNHAM, D. D Minister. 9:30—Sunday School 11:00—"The Man Who Redeemed Him self." 8:00—Wednesday. Church Party to the Congregation. given by the Board of Deacons. WESTMINSTER 7th Near E S.W. REV. HARRY V. PORTER. Pastor 10:00 a m—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "Christ-Like Companions.” 8:00 pm.—Evening Worship, conducted by the Intermediate C. E. CHEVY CHASE Chew Chase Circle Dr. J. Hillman Hollister. Minister. 9:30 a m to Hi 30 a m and 12 noon— Church School 0:45 a m —The Clyde Kelly Bible Class 11:00 am.—Morning Worship. Subject: "If God Did." 5:00 p.m—Musical Vespers Service. 7:30 p.m.—Young People’s Meetings. GEORGETOWN (Founded 1780) P Street near 31st Street N.W. REV. ROBERT M. SKINNER. Minister 0:45 a m.—Church School 11:00 a m —Morning Worship "The Visible Church." 8:30 p m—Intermediate C. E. 8:45 p.m —Senior C E 7:00 p.m.-—Fireside Groups. NEW YORK AVENUE CHURCH 13th and H and N. Y. Ave. Minuter in Charge DR. ALBERT EVANS 9:30 a.m.—Church Bible 8chool. 11:00 a.m.—"The Majesty of God." Dr. Edward H. Jones. 8:45 p.m.—Christian Endeavor 8ociety. 8:00 p.m.—"Christ's Compelling Chal lenge." Dr Edward H Jones. Gun ton-Temple selMf. Rev Bernard Braskamp D O Minister 0:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a m—Sermon by Dr. Braskamp. “The Glory of Patience” 8:45 p.m.—Young People's Meetma. Thura.. 8 p.m.—Annual Meeting. Dr. Rustin Talks Twice Tomorrow ‘Background to Mod ern Preaching’ Morn ing Subject. 'THE pastor of Mount Vernon Place 1 M. E. Church South, Dr. John W. Rustin, will preach tomorrow morning on "Background to Modern Preaching.” The evening service at 8 o'clock will be in charge of the young people. Dr. Rustin will preach on "Does it Pay to Be Religious?" Walter A. Graham will preside and ray Firth and Kelley Rodgers will have part in the program of the service. The senior department will have as guest speaker at 7 p.m. Dave Mc Calmont, former editor in chief of the Yale Law Journal. The annual dinner of the District of Columbia Sunday School Associa tion will be held in this church Mon day at 6:30 p.m., Dr. Charles E. Res ser. president of the association, pre siding. Dr. Rustin will speak on ! “The Church School of Tomorrow." The quarterly meeting of the Church j School Workers’ Council will follow at 8:30 p.m. \ The pastor will speak on "Forgive ness of Sins" at the prayer meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. GEORGETOWNCHURCH "Our Lord and Our Bread" will be the subject tomorrow, 11 a m., in Georgetown Lutheran Church, by Rev. Harold E. Beatty, pastor. J. Frank Butts and Mrs. Lloyd Mc Cord will have charge of the adult classes at 9:30 am. to study "Life Here and Hereafter Through Christ.” Helen Beatty will be the leader of the young people's meeting at 7 p.m. lenten service Thursday, 8 p.m., conducted by the pastor. -• — Douglas Memorial M. E. The Joash Chest will be presented at the morning service for the offer mg. At the evening service holy communion, _ Eumtgrliral auM&rfnrmri) CONCORDIA Lutheran Evangelical aotb and G Sts. N.W REV. CHARI.ES ENDERS. Pastor C45am Bible School | PREACHING SERVICES. 10:00 a.m—German. I 11:15 a.m.—English S.OOpm —Cantata "The Passion, j According to St. John." First Half Sung by Con I cordia Choir j GOOD Ml SIC ; EVERl'BODl WELCOME. GRACE REFORMED HENRV H RANCH. D. D Pastor 11 00 a.m —"Temper—Good and Bad'* 9 40 a m.—Sunday School ti Of' p m — young People s Society. ^nfiittup (Christianity National Church of Positive Christianity Dr. G. F. Fraser. Pastor. 1726 H N.W. | Sunday, March 7. 1937. 11am—“The Mystery of Peter the Rock." 8 p m—"Give Vs This Day Our Daily Bread” Wednesday. March 10. 1937. Spm—"The Sibylline Oracle.” Free Classes Mon. and Thurs.. 7:30 p.m. This Church Is in no Way Connected With the Publication of the National Bulletin. • REV. SCHEARRER SELECTS SUBJECTS “A Sermon No One Wants to Hear” Will Be Theme in Morning. "A Sermon No One Wants to Hear” will be the topic at 11 o'clock tomor row in the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church by Rev. R. Paul Schearrer At 8 p.m. he will speak on ' Why I Am a Presbyterian.” Madelyn Montgomery. Nancy Greg ory and George Allen will be in charge of the young people's group at 7 o'clock. W. H. McClenon will ad dress the Brotherhood Bible Class on "The Attitude of the General As sembly to Child Labor.” Mr. Shear - rer will meet with his communicants' class at 10 o'clock. The board of trustees will meet Tuesday evening in the church office. A congregational dinner, prepara tory to the annual every-member can vass. will be held Thursday. The Little Theater of Takoma Park ( will present "The Private Secretary" in the Presbyterian Church hall on Thursday and Friday evenings. -• WAUGH M. E. CHURCH “Why Christ Attracts” Is Subject Tomorrow. At the Waugh M E. Church to morrow. Rev. Allen F. Poore will ad minister holy communion at 11 a m. and preach on "Why Christ Attracts. Six p.m., Intermediate League; 7 p.m. Epworth League; 8 p.m.. sermon by the minister. "Going Before.” The fourth quarterly conference will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Dr. G. Ellis Williams, district superin tendent presiding. Probationers Class for all over 14 Thursday 7 p.m. Probationers Class. Sunday 11 a m. for all under 14, in charge of Miss Carl, deaconess. "IVORY PALACES" ■ ■ X P.M. LI A revival every Sundae night. VTV The challenging Gospel tcmov phere appeals ■ *M "IN PRAISE OF FOLLY" f-AJ II A.M. WOL Broodcast. 2 PM. ITI Bible School 10 A M. Young People 7 P.M. | g | rues, and Fri. Meetings. H P.M. KM SOIL-SATISFYING SF.FVICF.S UkS A STRANGER BL'T ONCE IfS Da. Clark Forcey, Minister Iw Piney Br Do. dt Georgia Avc.N.W| ;>§ Cuangpliatir (Epnlpr The Full Gospel TABERNACLE North Capitol and K Sta. Sunday School. H.30 a in. 11 am. Morning Wor- A shiD m 7 do pm Evangelistic ■ Tuesday 7 45 Yount^ i People i '.Vednesday 7:45 Preach Fndav 7:45 Bible Study and Prayer Public Cordially Invited B. E. MAHAN, Pastor. fflrthniitBt tpisrupai Jfounirp 1610 St. Near P St. FREDERICK BROWS HARU1S. D. D Minister. 11:00—"I Believe " 8:00—"How to Handle Life.'* Wednesday March 10. 8 00—Lenten Service Guest Preacher. Rev Edward H Pruden. D. D . of the First Baptist Church. Epiaropal Cptarapal - - . W ashing tonCatbedral Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues and Woodley Road Holy Communion 7:;iOa.m. Holy Communion and Sermon 11 :«»0 a m. Preacher the Rev Dr Royden K YerKes of Sewanee. Tenn People's Evensong and Sermon 4:i'Opm. Preacher. The Bishop of Washington St. Thomas’ Church 18th St. Bet. P and Q Near Dupont Circle Rev Howard S. Wilkinson. D. D.. Rector 8:nn a m —Holy Communion. a m.—Churci School 11:00 am—Holy Communion and Ser mon by the Rector Week-Dav Services: Tues.. 5pm: Wed bam. Thur.. 10 am: Fri.. 8 p m &amt Jflarfe’ss Third and A Streets Southeast REV. WILLIAM R. MOODY. Rector 7::iU a.m.—Holy Communion !t:.-(o a.m.—Church School. 11:00 *.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon by the Rector 6:00 pm—Youna People s Meeting 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer. Sermon oy the Rector 8:00 pm—Wednesday Litany and Ser mon by the Rev Chas T. Warner D D Daily Prayer Services. 1" noon and 7:tl0 pm Except Saturday 11:00 a.m.—Thursda- Holy Communion 7:00 pm.—Friday Children's Service ROCK CREEK PARISH REV. F. J. BOHANAN D. D. The Country Church in the City. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Rock Creek Church Rd. and Webster 81. Services. 8:30 and 11:00 a m. HOLY COMFORTER CHAPEL Georgia Ave and Madison St. 7:30. 11:30. 11 am. 8 p.m All Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn Aves VtV REV. H. H. D. STERRETT. Reetor 0:45 a m—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Holy Communion and Ser mon 8:00 p.m.—Young People's Service. MONDAY 4:30 pm.—Children's Service WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m.—Bible Class and Service. FRIDAY 4:30 pm.—Evening Prayer "SIT JOHN’S CHURCH 16th and H Sta. 8:no a m.—Holy Communion. 9:30a.m.,Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr. Hart. 11:00 am—Holy Communion and Ser mon by Dr Hart. 7 45 pm.—Organ Music by Arthur Howes _ _ 8:00 pm.—Evening Prayer and Ser mon by Mr. White. Monday. March 8. 8:30 pm.. Organ Recital by Arthur Howes First of three Monday evening recitals under the aus pices of the American Guild of Organists ST. JOHN’S, GEORGETOWN 3210 O ST N.W. REV. F. BLAND TUCKER. Rector. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 03O am.—Church 8chool 11:00 a m—Holy Communion and Ser mon 7:30 p m —Evening Prayer and Sermon Wednesday 8 p.m fbursday 10 a m : Friday 3:30 p.m. THE NATIVITY Wed 4 7:30; Thurs. 10:30. Conf Class. Mon.. 3:30; Tues.. 7:30. Resurrection Church School. 9:15. ST. MARGARET’S Conn. Aye. and Bancroft Place. REV HERBERT SCOTT SMITH. D. D.. RECTOR REV. G. BERKELEY GRIFFITH 7:30 a m.—Holy Communion. »n m—Church School 11 011 am—Holy Communion and Ser 7 30 pm—Lecture to Young Peoplt_a Society by Rev Stewart P. Keeling D D Subject. •Mohammedanism.’ LENTEN SERVICES Tuesday Wednesday and Friday at 4.30. CHURCHOFST.STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Streets N.W. The REV. PAIL D. WILBl’H. S. T. B.. Rector. The REV. GEORGE F. Ol'DLEY. D. D-. Rector Emeritua Holy Communion-X:52 MU' Church School - ?'n2 •-*** Holy Communion-11 "2S! Choral Evensong -- 8:00 p.m. WEEK DAYS. Tueaday. Holv Communion 10:00 t m. Meditations and Intercessions for the Sick 8:00 pm. Wednesday. Litany and Sermon snnpra The Rev Edward Gabler. Preacher. Thursday. Holy Communion _ 7.30 am. Epiphany 1317 G Street N.W. RLV. Z. B. PHILLIPS. D. D.. LL. D. REV. RICHARD A. CARTMELL. B. D. REV. D. WADE SAFFORD. A. B. 800 am.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a m.—Church School lino am—Holy Communion and Ser mon by Dr Phillips O hOpm—Young People s Fellowship. 7:30 p.m.—Organ Resitel. s on pm—Evensong and Sermon by the Rev Mr. Cartmell. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 23rd St. near Washington Circle 7:30—Holy Communion. Don—Litany in Procession: Eucharist and Sermon 8 00 p m.—Solemn evenson* and Bene diction —ST AGNES’— 46 Que Street N.W. <F!a. Ave or North Capitol St Car.! REV. V. O. ANDERSON. RECTOR Sunday! 7:00 a m—Low Mass »:30 a m.—Sunday School D *00 a m.—Sun* Mass and Sermon 8:00 p m.—Evenson* Benediction Week Davy 7:00 a.m.—Low Mass every day. 8:00 p m.—Litany and Stations of the Cross. Wednesdays. !' .'{<> a m.—Low Mass Thursdays. 8:00 p.m —Intercessions Friday. ST. JAMES’CHURCH a23 8th St. N.E.—Tel. Atl. 1746 THE REV. A. Q. PLANK Sunday Masses—7:30 and II a m. Evenson*. Benediction. 7:30 p.m. Dally Mass 7 a m Holv Hour. Thuri. 8 P.m ST. ANDREWS Hampshire REV. ALFRED J. WILDER. Rector. Services 8 and 11 a m. Children's Church Service fl:30 a*. Wednesday 8 p.m. Canon 8tokoo