Newspaper Page Text
Dralhii. ALLISON. ARTHUR W. Oil Friday. March | ft. lD.'lT. m Ills rcsirici.ce. Aspen HillI . Md . ARTHUR W. ALLISON beloved husband ol Laura Jackson Allison and j brother of Mrs. Harold E. Doyle. Fu neral services at his late residence on Monday. March S. a‘ p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Washington. r> c. ANDERSON. ROSETTA. On Saturday. March ii. !!»:«:. at tel5 a'"b r residence HU*! *!<hh st n w.. ROSETTA ANDERSON beloved mother of Frank Nelson, Anna S Wallace and Perry Nelson. She also leaves a foster daugh ter. Irene Wi: .on. and a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. BECKER. MARTHA A On Friday. March *» 19;;". at her residence. 141 .> ,.(Mn st. n.w. MARTHA A BECKER daughter of th*» late Jacob and Elizabeth Becker. Services at Gawler s chapel. J i5o Pa. me. n.w . on Monday March K. at 1 am. Interment Baltimore. Md. i BENNETT. HELEN R On Friday. March ft 1 *>:1T at 1 lull Mount Clivet id. n e.. HELEN R BENNETT mee Luebkertl. be loved wife of .John M. Bennett and beloved daughter ol Timm A Liiehkert and Rosir.a A Luebkert inee Baker smith' Remains resting at Timothy Hanlon's funeral parlors. H41 H si n e. Notice of funeral laier. < BENTON. BERNARD Oil Friday. March ft. lll.TT. BERNARD BENTON beloved son of the late John H. and Alice Ren ton. Remains resting at tile W. W. Chambrrs Co funeral home 14tin Cha rm st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. CASE. SAMUEL L. On Thursday March 1 111.17. at Cedar Grove. Md . SAMUEL L CASE aced " t years, beloved son of 1 the late James M Case. Remains rest- ; me at C.artncr s funeral home. Gaithers- . burs Md. Funeral services Sunday. March 7. at 'J ::m om al the above funeral home. Interment Darnestown. CHANEY. PAI L On Thursday. March 4. j a; his residence. 1 Mth st , n w PAUL CHANEY, beloved husband of Clara G. Chaney, father of Clara P and Zelma Chaney, son of Mrs So phrom Chaney, uncle of Roger Chaney, nephew of William Chafln He also ] leaves other relatives and friends Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.1*! You st. n.w.. until Sunday. March 7. al 1 1 a m : thereafter at hi5 late residence, "itiii* IMih st. n w. Funeral Monday. March S. at 1 '.10 P m.. from the above residence. Rev J O. Bullock and Rev. J. E Ellintt offlciatlnc. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 7 COI.CORI) Cl.AKI M E »i. On Friday. March S. 1 !*:<7. a! the Washington San itarium CLARENCE O. COta'ORO the beloved husband of Flora Yirts Colcord and father of Rachaelanna Colcorri of Independence. Katts and sen o! Anna T. Colcorri and the late Williard Col- i cord. Funeral from the IV W. Cham bers Co funeral home MOO Chapin st n t>- on Sunday March 7. at n m. Relatives and friends are invited In terment Wa shtnp ton Memorial Ceme t#* rv COIXINS. MARIE HARRIS. On Friday. March 5. li».'G at her home Beltsville Md . MARIE HARRIS COLLINS, beloved wife of Or row P Collins. Funeral serv ices at Ft. John s P. E Church. Belts rille Md . Sunday afternoon at C O.m. Interment in adjoining cemetery. n t>E GOOSH. ARTHUR W On Friday. March 5. lO.'tT at Washington Sani tarium Hospital ARTHUR W. DE GOOSH of 171* I H st. n.w . Body rest- I ing at Warner E Pumphrey's funeral home. R4-M Georgia ave . Silver Spring. Md Notice of services later. ISTEP. OSCAR J. On Thursday. March 4 iu:t7. at his residence. t»4t* G st. n.e . OSCAR J ESTEP beloved husband of Angie R Estep. He is also survived by two daughters and four sons. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 Ilth st s.e . on Mon day. March s at ii am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 7 tXTON. AMELIA. On Tuesday March *!. If»:t7. at her residence. !*'2 Fen’on st. n e AMELIA EXTON devoted wuf“ of Howard C Exton. mother of James. Junius and Mary Exton grandmother of Frank and Charles. Remains rest ing at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral Church. I4.t: You m n.w. Funeral Monday March s at p m. from her late residence !»\! Fenton st. n e. Rela tives and friends invited. 7 GALLOWAY. FLORENCE. Departed this life Thursday. March 4. 1 !*-t7. at her resmence H.'.s l-’th st. nr FLOR ENCE GALLOWAY’, daughter of Florence Washington and fhe late Frank W’ash iner >n She also leaves to mourn their loss Three aunt* and three uncles. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home :tn H St n.e. Funeral Monday. March S. at *2 p m from the above fu nerai heme. Rev. Charles Fox officiating. , £ i GARTNER. EMMA J. Suddenly, on Sat-l urday. March ♦». lO.'lT, at her home, j Gaithersburg Md.. EMMA J. GARTNER \ aced S3 years beloved wife of the late Michael G Gartner Remains resting at the home of her son Ernest C Gartner. Gaithersburg. Md. Notice of funeral later. GAVIN. WILLIAM M. On Friday March 5 1937 at his residence 305 loth st. .* u WILLIAM M GAVIN, beloved hus band of Eva R Gavin Remains rest ing in the chapel of P A Taltavull. 43H Tth st s.w Holy Name Society serv ices will be held in the above-named chapel Sunday. March 7. at S n m. Relatives and iriends invited Inter ment Philadelphia. Pa. 7 GOLDBERG. ROSE. On Saturday March n. J 937. a: Providence Hospital ROSE GOLDBERG beloved wife of the late Morris Goldberg Funeral from the Sergeon Co. funeral home. 101! :th st. n w . on Sunday March 7 at *2 p m. i Relatives and friends are invrri to at tend. Interment .Adas Israel Cemetery. 7 GREEN. VIRGINIA M On Friday March 5. 1937. at her residence ill S Adams st . Arlington Va. VIRGINIA M. GREEN beloved wife of the late John . Franklin Green and mother of Frank C. Grepr. and Katn B Weirich. Re mains resting a: the Ives funeral home 2»47 Wilson blvd.. Arlington Va.. where funeral seivices will be held Mon day. March R. at *2 P m Interment Arlington National Cemetery BAZEL. CURTIS. On Wednesday. March 3. 193: CURTIS HAZEL devoted son of Ella Hazel, father of Curtis jr.: Eliza- i beth. Marearet. and Claudia Hazel: , brother of Jessie. Connie. Edward. Clem son Panzy and Lang Hazel. Julian Har ley Vanzula Branch and Mav Ella Hazel > Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n w Fu neral Tuesday March 9. at ‘2 D m . from the Third Bantist Church 5th and Q sts. n * Rev J O Bullock officiat ing Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 7 BILDFRBRAND OTIS R Suddenly on Frida v March 5 lo.UT OTIS R HIL DERBRAND. beloved husband of Lucy : Hilderbrand of I.V20 13th st. n.w : *on of Mrs. Mav E Hilderbrand and brother of l Newton. Walter P and Susan W. i Hilderbrand Rosroe J Hilderbrand of 1 Highland Ohio Mrs C c Tinslev of Richmond. Va.. and Mrs. Ruth Scott of Hopewell Va. Remains resting a* *he W W Chamber* Co funeral home 1 too Chapin st n.w. Notice of funeral later Horner. FIRMAN R. On Wpdnesdav. March ft 19.Tr. a* hi* residence 1*215 Monroe st nr. FIRMAN R HORNER, aeed 74 years, beloved fa’her of Charles B Horner and Mrs J. W Cotter He is also survived by two sisters. Funeral services Saturday March 0. at 1*215 Monroe st n.e at *2 p.m Relative* and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. HUGHES. LOUISE. On Thursday. March 4 1937 in Alexandria Hospital IOUISE HUGHES daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes. Funeral from Andrew Chanel March 7. ‘2 p.m. Interment Church Cemetery. 0 JAYNE. FRANK F On Friday. March 5. 1937. at Soldiers' Home Hospital. FRANK E. JAYNE Surviving are two daughters Amy G Hall and Isabelle Jayne. Funeral services at Soldiers’ Home Chapel Monday March s. at 10:30 a m. Interment Soldiers' Home Cemetery. 7 'JOHNSON. EIT.FNE. Drnartod this life on Friday. March 5. 1937. at his resi dence. 1‘222-A Half st s.w. EUGENE JOHNSON beloved brother of Emma Frazier. Hattie Johnson. Mabel Wil liams Robert. William and Arthur Johnson. He also leaves to mourn their loss a devoted friend Lizzie Shel ton. and several other relative* and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Cap 1»ol st. Notice of funeral later. 7 JONES. JESSE J. Suddenly, on Wednes day. March 3. 19.37 at Emergency Hos pital. JESSE J. JONES, beloved husband of Marie Jones Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday March S. at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invit ed. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. with military honors. 7 LANGE. PAUL G. On Friday. March 5. 1937, PAUL G. LANGE, the beloved hus band of Louise R. Lange Funeral serv ices at the W. W. Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 517 11th st s.e.. on Sunday. March 7. at 5 P m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Inter ment Du Quoin. 111. 7 tONGl.EY. MARJORIE JEAN. Suddrnlv. nn Thursdav, March 4. 10.17. MAR JORIE JEAN LONGLEY of fin? Quack enbos st. n.w beloved daughter of John I>. and Cecelia Longlev ‘nee Cozlin*. Services at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. Monday. March S. at 2 p.m. Relatives and __friends invited_ _7 _FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Seventh St N W M A*:nn_l 2471 Modern Chapel Tel national **»to V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. KAtl(mainegSS2 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium #th and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 5^00 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) Rhone West OonttonTA M Q» N W Established 1 «41 QUO** »■ 3L IN. YY. Chamber^ One of the Until Undertakers In the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 617 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 j Dratltfl. MATTHEWS. ROSE ANN. On Thursday. March 4 19.'17. at Providence Hospital. ROSE ANN MATTHEWS asse 69 years, widow of Edward Matthews. Funeral from her late residence 607 G st. s.e„ on Monday. March 8. * at 8:60 am.: thence to St. Peter's Church, -nd and C sts. s e.. where requiem mas* will be offered at 9 a m. for the repose of her .soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Ar rangements by P. A. Taltavull. • McKINNEY, RUTH ALBERTA. On Satur day March 6 1967. at her residence. 1607 Trinidad ave n.e.. RUTH AL BERTA McKINNEY. beloved daughter of John F and Elizabeth McKinney Re mains resting at Zurhorst's funeral par lors 601 East Capitol st. Interment Greenville S. C.. Monday. 7 MILES. GEORGE. On Saturday. March o 1967. at his residence, in Cedar Grove. Md . GEORGE MILES, beloved husband of Laura L Miles. Remains resting at the Beall’s funeral home. Damascus Md . until Monday. March 8. Services will be hpld at his late resi dence on Monday March X at 11 am Interment Baptist Cemetery. Cedar Grove. Md. • MOXLEY. MEDORA M On Saturday. March 6. 1967. at 5 15 a m . at F reed - men's Hospital. MEDORA M. MOXLEY of •*05.6 16th st n.w.. sister of Albert and Charlie Moxley and friend of Marie Madre Marshall. Notice of funeral hereafter. 7 NEAL. GEORGE A. Suddenly, on Friday. March 5 196' at Emergency Hospital. GEORGE A NEAL beloved husband of Emma Virtue Neal of 6516 64th st . Mount Rainier. Md. Services from ihe funeral home of Almus R. Speare. 6**Oil Rhode Island ave n e.. on Monday March 8 at 1:60 p.m Relatives end triends invited Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 7 OLDFIELD. LANIE E. On Saturday. March 6 1967. a' 1:05 am at her home. I’-L'US Wisconsin ave. Bethesda. Md LANIE E OLDFIELD aged 76 years, the beloved wife of the late*Lewis P. Oldfield. Funeral services at her late residence Monday. March 8. at *2 P m. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. Be thesda. Md. • PETTEPHER. I.l'flLI.E. On Thursday. March I. 1047. at Providence Hospital. LUCILLE PETTEPHER. beloved daugh ter of Catherine Pettepher (nee Mooney» and sister of Delores and Bruce Pette pher. Funeral from the W. W. Cham bers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 lltli st. s.e . on Monday. March S. at s::to a in : thence to St. Alovsius Cath olic Church, where mass will be offered at u a m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends are invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 7 PLEASANT. ETIILL DOROTHY. On Fii day March 5. 1047. at her residence. 1 *: i•: <»th st. south Arlington. Va . ETHEL DOROTHY PLEASANT, devoted daughter of Josephine Shorter and the late Thomas Pleasant: sister of Mrs. Martha Jones niece of James Ward. She also leaves other relatives and friends Funeral Sunday. March ", at •_ pin., from the Mount Zion Baptist Church. Arlington. Va.. Rev J. E. Green officiating. Intel iwnt Odd Fellows Cemetery. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. 7 PLEASANT ETHEL. Dorcas Temple. No. ■M:t. I B P. O. E of W will hold a session of sorrow on Satui day. March »; 1047. at 7 p.m.. at the Odd Fellows Hall. Arlington. Va . to arrange for the funeral of Dt. ETHEL PLEASANT on Sunday. March 7. at J pm. from Mount Zion Baptist Church Arlington. Va. CARRIE HARRIS. Dt. R MARGRET MINOR. Sec * ROBINSON. THADDII S. On Thursday. March 4. 11U7. at his residence. 45*2 FranKlin st. n w THADDIUS ROBIN SON husband ot Mrs. Sarah Robinson, father of Bernice Slayton, cousin of Mrs. A F King, dear friend of Mrs Gertrude Lloyd Remains resting at Stewart's tuneral home .10 H st n s. Funeral Tuesday. March 0. from Mount Airy Baptist Church L st between North Capitol and 1st sts . at 1 P ni.. Rev. Eari Tyler officiating ft ROSI.. JAMES F.. On Thursday. March 4 1 !*:t7 at Mount Alto Hospital. JAMES E RoSE. aced mo years, the beloved husband of Mary E Rose and father of William J aud Charles P Rose and Mrs. V B Calfee. Mrs. J. J Kennedy and Mrs. C P Engs from and grand father of Clarence E Rose Funeral services at the W W Chambers Co suburban funeral home 01M Cleveland ave . Riverdale. Md. on Monday March m at 1 :;n nm : thence to German Lu theran Church corner of Edmonston rd and Jpfferson ave . Riverdale. Md . at 2 p m Relatives and friends invited ft SANDERS. WILMS O. On Friday March 5. 10.47 WILLIS O. SANDERS beloved husband of the late He’en W. Sanders Funeral from his late residence. \!41ft Perry st n e on Monday. March H. at M .uo a m thence to St Francis rie Sales Church, where requiem mass will be offered at 0 am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 'Charles City. Iowa, papers Please copy/* 7 SCHWENV PAI L WILLIAM. On Thurs day. March 4 1937. PAUL WILLIAM SCHWENN Funeral services at the W. W Chambers Co Southeast funeral home on Monday. March x. at 9:30 a m. Relatives and friends invited Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 7 SCOTT. WINNIE. On Thursday March 4. 103. at 213 H st s.w . WINNIE SCOTT wife of the late Joshua Scott. She is also survived by a sister Rebecca Fruits four brothers. Joseph. Rev. Jesse. Joshua an< Alexander Anderson: many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Fra7ier's funeral home 389 R I ave n u Funeral Monday March 8. at \* pm from above-named funeral home Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. het A. P Cook officiating SILSBLE. ELLEN H. On Friday. March 5. 1937. at her residence the Broad moor Apartments ELLEN H SILSBEE. widow of Francis H Silsbee of Lawrence. Mass. Services at the S H Hines Co funeral home *2901 J4th st. n.w. on Mondav March s at 4 p m Relatives and friends invited. Interment private. SMITH. EMMA RICHARDSON. Suddenly, on Friday March 5 1937 at her resi dence. EMMA RICHARDSON SMITH, widow of Jay B Smith Funeral serv ices at her late residence. 800 Taylor st n w on Monday. March 8 at *2 p m. Relatives anc friends invited Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery SPAULDING. PATRICK H. On Saturday March ♦> 1937 at his residence 15*20 1st st. S.w PATRICK H SPAULDING, beloved husband of the late Mary A. Spaulding < nee Flaherty» and father of John Jeremiah. Patrick H . .ir Mrs M Burke Mrs J Blunt Mrs H. Lauer and Mrs C Lowe Funeral from his late residence on Monday. March * at 9 3o a m thence to St Peter's Churcn *’nd and C sts $ e where mass will he offered at lO a m fn*- the repose of his soul Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Service? bv William J. N*l lev 7 STROMAN RUBIN Suddenly on Th rs riav March 1. 1937 at Casualty Hos pital. RUBIN the beloved son of James and L»la Stroman of 5550 Jay st. n.e. He also leaves one sister, two brothers and other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Remains resting at Henry S Washington A: Sons' funeral home. 49*25 Deane ave n.e Funeral Sunday March 7. at 1 Dm. from Mount Olive Baptist Church 58th and Grant sts. n.e. Relative? and friends invited. • TEU-MAQUE. ALICE. Departed this life on Thursday evening. March 4 1937 at 4 ’30 o’clock at her home 637 K st. s w Mrs. ALICE TELEMAQUE Sur viving her are her loving mother,. Mrs. Fannie Adams: a loving sister. Martha Johnsor- three aunts four uncles one nephew and two cousins: also a host of friends Remains resting at J C Jani fer ? funeral home 114 1 *2‘2nd st n w. Funeral Monday at 1 o’clock from the chapel. Burial at Pavne’s Cemetery. 7* THORNTON. ISAAC. Departed this life op Wednesday March 3. 1937. at his residence 1.3-70 Morris rd. se ISAAC THORNTON He leaves to mourn their loss one son. George Thornton: two stepdaughter? Ella Cole? of Philadel phia Pa.- Maggie Holmes of Wash ington D C. and four grandchildren, othe. telatives and friends Remains at Campbell A- Harris’ funeral home. 4*23 4th st. s.w . until Saturday March H at 5 pm : thereafter at his late resi dence Funeral Sunday March 7 at 1 n m f*-nm Bethlehem Baptist Church, corner Nichols ave »nd How-ard rd s.e . Pev J c Banks officiating Interment Rosemont Cemetery. Relatives and fnendc invited VOWFTXS CLARA. DfDarted this life on Pridav. March 5 1017 at Gallincer Hnsnita1 after a brief illness. CLARA VCWEILS tiie beloved daughter of Mrs Annie Vowells. She leaves to mourn their loss one sister Edith McPherson: two brothers William and Bernard Vowells pnd a niece Edith Grayson: other relatives and friends Services at her 'ate residence Oil Westminster st. ” W. Sofnrdnv March 6 a* 8 o m Funeral Sunday. March 7. at 1 n m . In ■Tcffersnnton Va. Arrangements by L. E Murray & Son VOWFTXS. CLARA. Columbia Temple No 41" T. B P O E of W wi’l hold a session of sorrow Saturday March 6. 1017 af 7:10 p m . at the Elks’ Home to arrange fnr the fnneral of Daughter CLAP A VOWELLS Funeral on Sunday, March 7 at i run. from Rising Sun Church. Jeffersontnn Va PAULINE ROBINSON. D. R. NAOMI E WASHINOTON, Sec. WALLACE. I.ELI A. On Friday March R. 1017 at the Home for the Aged. LELTA WALLACE devoted friend Of Mrs, Susie Minor Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home 180 R. I ave. n.w. Fu neral Wednesday March 10 at 1 pm., from the Third Baptist Church. Inter ment Rsvne’s Cemetery. 0 WEBB. DEE. Departed this life on Sat urdey March 6 1017 at 17:10 a m.. DFE WEBB beloved husband of Callte Webh. He is also survived by three devoted children, a loving sister. Mrs. Dora FaShee: a brother Lindo Webb: also other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the Malvan * Schej funeral home. V. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later WILKINSON. SARAH VIRGINIA. Depart ed this life on Thursday March 4. 1017. at 4:45 pm., at her residence. 1751 You st. n.w. SARAH VIRGINIA WILKINSON wife of the late John Wil kinson and mother of Arthur Wilkinson and Edna Perry. She also leaves to tnourn their loss four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, two nephew! and other relatives and friends. Fu neral Monday March 8 at 11 a m., from the above address. Relatives and friends are invited WILLIAMS. JOHN W. On Friday. March 5 1017 at his residence. 1541 8th st n.w.. JOHN W the beloved husband oi the late Martha Williams father oi Emma Williams Other relatives and friends survive him. Remains resting tt Henry S Washington A- Sons’ funeral home. 467 N st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. • Retired U. S. Diplomat Had Been III Three Weeks of Heart Ailment. Benjamin Thaw, jr., 48, of 1327 Thirty-third street, brother-in-law of Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt and Lady Furness, died yesterday at the Mr. Thaw Medical denier, NewYorkCity. He had been ill three weeks of a heart ailment. His wife, the for mer C o n s u e 1 o Morgan, was at his bedside. Mr. Thaw re tired in 1935 from the d i p 1 o matic service, which he had served 18 years in Paris, Brussel?, Buenos Aires, London. Poland, Chile and inoi way. He nad lived there since his retirement. Born in Pittsburgh. Mr. Thaw was a son of Benjamin Thaw of the family widely known in that city. He was graduated from Yale and entered the United States diplomatic service in 1917. Besides his widow he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Lawrence Slade of Pitts burgh. A brother, William Thaw, head of the Lafayette Escadrille dur ing the World War, died three years ago. Blair Thaw, another brother, was killed in the World War. Funeral services will be held Mon day in Pittsburgh. MAN HANGS SELF HI Health Depressed Martinsburg Former Railroad Worker. MARTINSBURGH. W. Va . March 6 (Special). B. L. Kerns, 38, former railroad worker, hung himself in a closet in his home here yesterday morning, using a belt and a piece of wire. The county coroner held an inquest unnecessary after he and the prose cuting attorney had made an inquiry. Neighbors discovered the tragedy and took the body down. The family said the man had been in ill health and depressed. Surviving are the widow, several children and se\eral brothers and sisters. In iBrmnriam. B"h'VNm M- A tribute of love to RFI-bTs h yr devoted father. M BROWN, who departed this life ten years ago today March ti I'l-’T DEVOTED CHILDREN ~ • CI.AYTON. DANIEL. Sacred to the mem Pry,. of jjir, dearly beloved son and brother DANIEL CLAYTON who en tered into eterna! rest six years ago to day March H. 19,11. left behind broken hearts. _ That loved you ?o sincere That never did and never will Forget you Danny, dear FAMILY • D,M.LrrI c B,,o.!E Fifteen years today. March 6. is In loving remembrance °‘ Mrs R1CIE DUDLEY a devoted Cosev °hfr of Jerome and Clifton Tis hard ,n break the tender cord When love has bound the heart Tis hard so hard to speak the words. We must forever part HER SISTER DE PERINI. JAMES H In sad but loving remembrance of my dear bov JAMES H DE PERINf who left me so sudd*n!y one year ago today. March R UC1R. So sad so sudden was the call His sudden dea'h was a shock to all: But God in His wisdom knew what was best so He took my Jimmie home fo rest u.i. aJ.£!md,,ar soul rest in Peace HIS FATHER JOSEPH A DE PERINI • HOWARD. I.OSCF.OI.A A. AND MARY E. In memory of our dear sister. LOF CEOLA A. HOWARD who left us six years heo today March « 1 «•;<] Also our darling mother VARY F HOWARD whom we laid to rest one week ago to Idav. February V7. If*:i7. Sadlv missed HEEMAN W HOWARD GRACE B BUTLER AND JAMES F BUTLER • HOLMES JUSTICE OLIVER W In mem ory of Mr. Justice OLIVER W. HOLMES who departed this life two years ago todav March 6 nr~ | Clearness repos, and depth charac terized his intellect purity, impartiality love of justice and resnect for public and private rights were marked ele ments of his ereatness ARTHUR A THOMAS ‘Personal messen ger to Mr. Justice Holmes). HOI.TZSCHEITER. REIT.AH DORIS. In sad but ’.ovine remembrance of our dear daughter BEULAH DORIS HOLTZ SCHEITER who left us eight years ago March H. ]OVh. Oft on wings of fancy free We all can feel, it is true That while you are thinking of tie. We are thinking here of vou MCYTUPD A ktt-v rvrtiN * HOI.TZNCHFITFR. RFI'l.AH DORIS In remembrance of mv beloved sister BEULAH DORIS HOLTZSCHET rER who left us eieht years ago. March b 1929 INA. • JEFFERSON. ESTELLE. In loving re membrance of mv dear mother. Mrs. ESTELLE JEFFERSON, who departed this life three years aso today. March b 1934. Many are the tears that have flown. Since you have been gone: Sad and lonesome are the days Since you left me so all alone. YOUR ONLY CHILD. ETHEL JEFFER SON WILSON. JORDAN. ALFRED R. In loving memory of our dear, beloved son and brother. ALFRED B JORDAN who departed this life two years ago. March 6. 1935. Faithful and honest in all his ways. Devoted and true to the end of his days; He was loving, gentle, sweet and kind— What a beautiful memory he left behind. We think of you in silence No one can see us weep: Bur many a silent tear is shed When others are asleep. MOTHER CHATTIE JORDAN; SISTER. JUANITA JORDAN. • JORDAN. ALFRED B. In cherished re membrance of a devoted friend. ALFRED B JORDAN who left me two years ago today March 6. 1935. You went in answer to His call Two years ago today: I have missed you greatly dear. Since you were called away. God needed another angel. Your face on earth no more I see. But my love for you will linger Until I am united with thee. PAULINE. • KOSACK. EDWARD C. In memory of my dear father EDWARD C. K06ACK who died seventeen years ago today. March 6 1920. I often sit and think of you When I am alone. Por memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. You wore a crown of patience. Through years you struggled on: Those hands that rest forever Are the ones that made our home. Rest in Deace. HIS LOVING DAUGHTER. CAROLINE G. MORRIS. LEE. WYATT A. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear husband and father. WYATT A. LEE. who died sud denly one year ago today. Marcn o. 193b. Eternal rest grant unto him. O Ford. And let perpetual light shine upon hinr WIFE AND SON. * MINOR. MART M. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear wife ana mother MARY M. MINOR who passed away four years ago today. , _JAMES L. MINOR. RUTH M. FISHER. * (ede*.r Hill ‘Umliuuftmd M/atBeautiful (lemetery Community Mausoleum, Columbarium and Recelrin* Vaults. _ FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0100 SSR Cor. 14th & Eye IGUDE BROS. CO. Floral piccm 1 1210 r »t. N.w. NAtlonel 4270 RAFT TAKES ROLE Daring of Naval Officer to Be Portrayed on Cook’s Air Program. Story of Stephen Deca 1 tur,” a dramatization based I on the life of the naval A hero, will feature Joe Cook's show on WRC and other N. B. C. sta tions tonight at 9 o’clock. George Raft will play the leading role. The sketch deals with Decatur’s burning of the naval vessel Philadel phia, commandeered by pirates while aground on the coast of Tripoli in 1804. Other high lights of the broadcast will be provided by Susanne Fisher of the Metropolitan Opera Co., Nat Holman, famous basket ball coach; Eddie Rickenbacker, American World War ace and airline executive; Gypsy I Markoff, accordionist, and the piano team of Mel P*ahl and Harry Woodall. /^■AROLE LOMBARD, Hollywood star, will be the guest artist on “Your Hit Parade” on WJSV at 10. Mark Warnow will direct the orchestra. A/fITZI GREEN of movie fame will 1 1 Amtribute to the Saturday Night Party on WRC at 8 She will sing -It’s De-Lovely” in the Fanny Brice : style. ALL the hoaxes of radio sound effects will be exposed by George Hicks during the "ABC of N. B. C." program on WMAL at 7:45. All of the magical paraphernalia will be ex plained by Hicks. 'T'EAMS from Brooklyn, N. Y, and A Bayone, N. J.. will compete in the national spelling bee on WOL at 7. Dr. Harry Hagen will conduct the match. DELLE BAKER, singing star of stage, screen and radio, and Stephin Fetchit, colored character comedian, will be the guest artists on Floyd Gibbons' "Speedshow’’ over WJSV at 9 I^D WYNN will play host and ^ accompanist to Frederick Jagel, Metropolitan Opera tenor, during his program on WMAL at 8. Jagel will sing the celebrated "Prize Song" from ‘•Die Meistersinger.” JAMES A. WHITING. WAR HERO, EXPIRES Heart Ailment Is Fatal to Rain bow Division Veteran at Hospital Here. James A. Whiting. 40. 42d (Rainbow) Division World War hero, died of a | heart ailment yesterday in Mount Alto ' Hospital, where he had been a patient since February 17. Whiting, whose home was in Os sining. N. Y., was gassed and wounded while serving with Company B. 165th Infantry Regiment, formed from New York's old 69th (Fighting Irish) Di vision. He was a friend of the late Rev. Francis P Duffy. Rainbow Di vision chaplain, who frequently praised him in writings of the war record of j the division. After the war Whiting operated a cafe at Ossining and it is said, never denied a request for aid by a Rainbow ! Division veteran. Several years ago Whiting was one of a half-dozen men who organized the Westchester Chapter, Rainbow 1 Division Veterans. . Headed by their president. James H. Brundage, many delegates to the Tri State Rainbow reunion here on Feb | ruary 22 visited Whiting at the h06 I pital. The body was scheduled to be sent today to Ossining, where funeral ar rangements were to be completed. Last night the District Chapter. . Rainbow Division Veterans, sent tele grams to the Westchester County. ! (N. Y.) Chapter and the the Father Duffy Chapter, New York City, ex pressing regret over Whiting's death. He leaves several relatives in Ossining. Entertainment for Convicts. Convicts at Parkhurst Prison, in the Isle of Wight, will be permitted to play table tennis and bowls and will , be supplied newspapers and books. W. W. Chambers Here it the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING ‘TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT Ch mberj YOU HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE $7£. FUNERAL FOR # 3 Others *90 (120. *100. *100 0*. ( THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOT $AP COMPLETE—Low •* £|| For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famoua Undertaker 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1400 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Phans Colombia 0432 817 ELEVENTH ST. S.E. Phone ATtmntie 6700 •18 CLEVELAND A VE UVE ED ALE. MD Near Hyattarille. Mi. none Greenwood 1221 CAPITAL’S RADIO PROGRAMS TODAY’S PROGRAM MARCH 6, 1937. P.M.I WRC 950k 2:00 Your Host Is Buffalo 2:15 2:30 College Debate 2:45 _ 3:00 College Debate 3:15 3:30 Week-End Debate 3:45 4:00 Sundown Revue • 4:15 4:30 Spelling' Bee _4:45 “ _ 5:00 Spelling Bee 5:15 5:30 The Kindergarten 5:45 _ 6:00 Dinner Dance 6:15 6:30 6^45 " _ 7:00 Martinez Brothers 7:15 7:30 Question Bee 7:45 “ _ " 8:00 [Saturday Night Party 8:15 I 8:30 j 8:45 I 9:00 Snow Village Sketches 9:15 9:30 Joe Cook's Show 9:45 10:00 Joe Cook’s Show 10:15 I 10:30 ilrvin S. Cobb 10:45 ' “___ 11:00 News—Night Owl 11:15 ' Ink Spots 11:30 Midnite Frolics H:45_i •• _ 12:00 j Bob Crosby's Orch. 12:15 ; 12:30 Ben Bernie’s Orch. 12:45 1:00 Sign Off 1:15 1:30 I WMAL 630k Metropolitan Opera "La Traviata" «• M 44 44 Metropolitan Opera 44 H 44 44 M M Metropolitan Opera It M 44 44 I Evening Star Plashes Austin Wylie's Orch. *4 44 Sunday School Lesson i Southemaires_ Dinner Club 44 44 Home Symphony 44 44 Message of Israel 44 44 Evening Album A B C of N. B C. Ed Wynn 44 44 Meredith Willson's Orch 44 44 National Barn Dance 44 44 •4 44 44 44 Hildegarde Bill Strickland's Orch. Slumber Hour Rep. Martin of Colo. Night Watchman 44 44 Night Watchman (1 hr.) |_WOL 1,310k_| Wakeman’s Sports Page Dave Broudy's Orch. International House 44 «« I Wakeraan's Sports Page | Sammy Kaye's Orch. ] Widener Cup Race II s* Widener Cup Race 41 44 Wakeman’s Sport Page M 44 The Pied Piper ~ Freddie Barren’s Orch. Melody Canaries Cocktail Capers | Tony Wakeman • | Concert Favorites iSung by Crosby • Twilight Melodies Spelling Bee 11 4 4 44 44 ! Central Union Mission ii ii Benay Venuta •• ii Howard Orchestra Horace Heidt’s Orch. | Hawaiian Serenades .. .. : Harold Stokes’ Orch. Harold Stokes' Orch. Kay Kyser's Orch ; Freddy Martin’s Orch. Abe Lyman's Orch! " Clyde Lucas’ Orch. Sterling Young’s Orch. 44 44 Ted Fio Rito's Orch. WJSV 1,460k P.M. Rhythm and Romance 2:00 Indcor Tennis Matches 2:15 “ “ 2:30 _"_“_ 2:45 Indoor Tennis Matches 3:00 “ " 3:15 Commerce Department 3:30 iToursinTone • 3:45 'Charles Melvain 4:00 j Indoor Tennis Matches 4:15 “ “ 4:30 Secretary Wallace 4:45 Government News 5:00 Evening Rhythms 5:15 Robert Horton 5:30 Singing Waiters 5:45 Senator Burke of Nebr. 6:00 | Arch McDonald 6:15 Rep. Flannagan 6:30 Dinner Concert 6:45 I Swing Session 7:00 “ “ 7:15 | Glenn Carow 7:30 !sam Robbins' Orch. 7:45 Prof—Quiz _ 8:00 " “ 8 15 Johnnie Presents 8 30 j _ 8 45 I Speed Show 9:00 I " “ 9:15 Saturday Serenaders 9 30 I “ "_ 9:45 Hit Parade i 10:00 “ “ | 10:15 “ “ , 10:30 Labor News Review i 10:45 (News Bulletins 11:00 Benny Goodman's Orch. 11:15 George Olsen's Orch. 11:30 _[_“ _! 11:45 Ted Fio Rito's Oreh~ 12:45 i ■■ •• 12 oo Henry King's Orch. 12.15 i 12:30 Sign Off 1:00 1:15 I 1.30 -:-: Air Headliners Domestic. ( 2:00 p.m.—WMAL. La Travi ata." by Metropolitan Opera Co. 2:30 p.m.—WRC. Debate be tween American Uni versity and College of the Pacific 4:45 p.m.—WMAL. Evening Star Flashes. Evening Programs. 7:30 p.m.—WRC, Question Bee. 8:00 p.m.—WRC, Saturday Night Party; WMAL, Ed Wynn 9:00 p.m.—WRC. Snow Village Sketches: WMAL. Na tional Barn Dance: j WJSV. Speed Show 9:15 p.m.—WOL. Horace Heidt's Orchestra. 9:30 p.m.—WRC, Joe Cook’s Show. 10:00 p.m.—WJSV, Your Hit Parade 10:30 p.m.—WRC. Inin S Cobb. 11.00 p.m.—WMAL, Slumber Hour. Short-Wave Programs. 8:30 p.m—BERLIN. O These Women.” DJD, 25.4 m , 11.77 meg. 10:20 p.m.—LONPON. Royal Navy *s. Army. GSD, 25 5 m., 11.75 meg. 12:00 midnight —PITTSBURGH. Messages to the Far North. W8XK. 48 8 m,. 6 14 meg. P.-T. A. SESSION TO HEAR FOUR WASHINGTONIANS Four Washingtonians other than delegates from local parent-teacher associations will participate in the forty-first annual convention of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, to meet in Richmond, Va., May 3 to 7. dwardd C. Lindeman, director of recreation projects for the Works Progress Administration here, is sched uled to speak May 6 on "Modern Trends and Developments in Public Recreation." Dr. Thomas H. Parran, surgeon general of the United States Public Health Serivice. is to speak May 4 on “The Health of the Com munity." FUNERAL RITES HELD FOR FIRMAN R. HORNER ' -- District Bankers Represented at Funeral of Official of Finan cial Firm. Funeral services for Firman R. Horner, 74. vice president and director of the McLachlen Banking Corp., are being held today at his home, 1215 , Monroe street northeast, where he died Wednesday. Rev. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty, pastor of the Church of the United Brethren, is officiating. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Horner's nephews and grand children are active pallbearers, while members of the McLachlen board of directors are honorary pallbearers. Acting President Thomas J. Groom of the District Bankers' Association, yesterday appointed George O. Vass, vice president and cashier of Riggs National Bank: Charles H. Doing, first vice president of the Washington Loan <fc Trust Co., and Ord Preston, FLOWERS OUPOHT CIRClf W HO. 7000 Don’t Forget! Tomorrow at 1:30 P.M. Dial WMAL for the fifth in the series of interesting episodes— “Visiting With the Famous” Full holf-hour, from 1:30 to 2 F.M. tomorrow—thot is full of interest ing history and o fomous romance. Sunday at 1:30 p.m. WMAL president of the Union Trust Co., to represent the organization at the funeral Mr. Horner had been identified with the McLachlen firm over 46 years and pad been vice president since 1897. -• Emergency Lights. MIAMI iff).—Eighty-nine musicians lathered to play to an audience of 2.000, suddenly looked at black music stands as the lights went out. A rep resentative of the Theatrical and Stage Employes’ Union said W. P A (corkers, instead of union men, were peing used to put platforms on the stage. The stage manager struck. IV. P. A. workers supplied emergency illumination. BRADY STARTS HOME WITH RUNAWAY SON Ball Team Misses Farewell to Washington Boy Who Went to See Training. James T. Brady, solicitor of the Veterans' Administration, was headed back toward Washington from Or lando, Fla., today with his runaway son, Jimmy, 12, who went South last Monday to see the Washington base ball team in Spring training. The Bradys left the home of friends at Palatka, Fla, near Orlando, late yesterday and started for Washington without taking the boy to the National’s camp. Jimmy, enthuastic base ball fan and frequent Summer visitor to Griffith Stadium, had a talk with Clark Griffith and Cecil Travis at Orlando Tuesday, after he had been found there by American Legionaires and police. The father had promised to take his son to the Orlando base ball park, but it is believed today the visit was abandoned to avoid further publicity in connection with the lad's im promptu train ride to the South. Brady was accompanied by his wife and daughter Anne, 9. on a motor trip to Florida Tuesday to get the boy, who was taken care of by friends of the family in Palatka. 19:30 to 10:30 E. S. T. over WRC featuring GEORGE RAFT Film Star EDDIE RICKENBACKER War Ace SUSANNE FISHER Metropolitan Opera Star NAT HOLMAN Famous Basketball Coach PAHL AND WOODALL Piano team THE CAVALIERS QUARTET Novelty songs YOUR KELVINATOR DEALER PRESENTS A NEW KIND OF RADIO SHOW! Laugh. Learn. And Win Prizes... in two big con tests. Over a thousand chances to win. A Kelvin Home! Nash Automobiles! Kelvinator Refrigera tors! Hundreds of cash prizes! All given away Jree! Anyone can enter. Get your entry blank and details at any Kelvinator showroom or department. TUNE IN WJSV TONIGHT AT 8 1 ^ I You Can91 Afford NOT to Re novise the E her l y Way Brickwork Cabinetwork Carpentering Caulking Cement Work Electrical Work Excavating Fencing Floors Floors Refinished Furnace Repairs Gas Ranges Glazing Gutters & Spouts Heating Insulating Iron Work Kitchen Cabinets Latrobes W There’s Economy in Organization Whether it is one minor repair that is needed or an emergency trouble— or an elaborate renovizing and modernizing — hundreds of property owners in Washington have put the efficiency and economy of the Eberly Plan to the test and always with one verdict — entire satisfaction w ith what was done; the manner of doing it —and the charge for it. It isn’t a matter of competition. It IS a matter of SUPERIOR and COMPLETE ORGANIZATION. There’s nothing needed to be done about your home that the Eberly Plan hasn’t a past master in that craft on its staff to do it. For all this variety of service there’s only one overhead. Each individual job done shares in that economy—and in the earned discounts for materials used. That’s why we emphasize—there IS economy in the Eberly Plan. Your phone call will bring our sup ervisor for consultation and suggestions. A. Eberly’s Sons 1108 K N.W. Our 88th Year DI. 6557 HP Linoleum Mantels Masonry Metal Work Painting Papering Plastering Plumbing " Refrigerators Roof Repairs Sanitos Screens Steamfitting Stoves Stucco Work Tile Work Tinning Water Heaters Weather Stripping ffiif One Standard — One Responsibility — One Modest Profit : «