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Small Flurry of Parties in the Capital as Spring Season Approaches JL._-_ — -- ■ Ml-- ■ W •91 - Mrs. Roper to Be Guest Of Honor at Luncheon Given by Mrs. Sheppard Other News of Social Activities of Members of Diplomatic and Official Circles in the Capital. Mrs. DANIEL C. ROPER, wife of the Secretary of Commerce, will be the guest in whose honor Mrs. Morris Sheppard, wife of Senator Sheppard, will entertain at luncheon Thursday, March 18. The Attorney General and Mrs. Homer S. Cummings had guests (lining informally with them last evening at Ruthven, their place on Tilden street. The Japanese Ambassador and Mme. Saito will entertain at dinner this evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Woodbrldge Bingham, who recently returned to this country from Japan. Dr. Bingham, who is a son of former Senator Hiram Bingham, has been at Kyoto, ' Japan, for some time studying Japanese history. He and Mrs. Bingham occupied an ancient temple in Kyoto. Dr. Bingham is en route to New Haven, where he will join the faculty at Yale University. Former Senator Bingham will be among the guests tonight, the company to include only Americans who have lived In Japan and the menu will be Japanese dishes. The new French Ambassador and Mme. Bonnet were guests in whose honor the former United States Ambassador to France and Mrs. Walter E. Edge entertained at dinner last evening. Yesterday afternoon the Ambassador and Mme. Bonnet had tea with Mrs. Cordell Hull in her apartment, at the Carlton, the Secretary of State joining the company for a short time late in the afternoon. The Minister of Czechoslovakia and Mme. Hurban are in New York, where a dinner was given last night in their honor by the American-Czechoslovakian Chamber of Commerce. While in New York, the Minister and Mme. Hurban are assisting in the celebra tions taking place in honor of the 87th birthday anniversary of the President-Liberator Masaryk. Mme. Fotitch, wife of the Yugoslav Minister, entertained at luncheon yesterday, when the ranking guest was Mme. Ertegun, wife of the Turkish Ambassador. The other guests were Mrs. Sol Bloom, Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr, Mrs. Malin Craig, Mrs. Louis Caldwell, Mrs. Allan Chantry, Miss Carolyn Chantry, Miss Mabel Boardman, Miss Mary Patten, Mrs. Walter R. Tuckerman. Mrs. Thomas Burke, Baroness von Below, Mrs. Carl Fisher. Mrs. Hamilton Wright, Mrs. Frank Simonds, Mile. Gaucheron, Mme. Perazic and Mile. Sibllla Skidelsky. Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York and Mrs. Copeland were the guests in whose honor Col. Jonathan M. Wainwright, com mandant at Fort Myer. and Mrs. Wainwright, entertained at luncheon yesterday in their residence at the Army post, preceding the weekly exhibition ride, at which members of the Military Sub committee of the Senate Appropriations Committee were the honor guests. Senator Copeland, chairman of the committee, was met by the commandant, Col. Wainwright, at the entrance gate to the garrison and received the salute for the committee. Following the luncheon he was escorted to the riding hall by a specially designated escort of honor from the Machine Gun Troop of the 10th Cavalry. Other guests at the puncheon included Senator and Mrs. John H. Overton, Senator H. Styles Bridges, Senator Richard B. Russell, jr.; Senator John G. Townsend and his daughter. Miss Townsend; Mrs. Duffy, wife of Senator F. Ryan Duffy, and Mrs. McAdoo, wife of Senator William Gibbs McAdoo. Representative Harry P. Beam of Chicago is now in his apart ment at the Wardman Park Hotel. Mrs. Fitzpatrick, wife of Representative James M. Fitzpatrick, will be hostess at a luncheon Thursday, March 18. The first secretary of the Dominican Legation, Senor Don Emilio Garcia Godoy, has been promoted to the rank of counselor of the Legation by the President of the Dominican Republic, Benor Trujillo. _ Mr. Leon Quinto. commissioner of public safety of the Philip pine Islands, entertained at dinner in the Pall Mall room of the Raleigh Hotel Thursday evening. Among his guests were Maj. A. Natividad, military aide to Pres ident Manuel Quezon of the Philippine Islands; Dr. and Mrs. Diosdada M. Yap, Miss Celia Costa, Miss Rose Palucha, Mr. Proferio Bevilla and Mr. Parla R. Johnson. Lieut. Comdr. Lawrence T. Haugen, C. C., U. S. N., and Mrs. Haugen, who have recently come to Washington from Boston for duty, have taken an apartment at the Westchester._ Pattcrson-Delano New York Wedding Of Interest Here r\F INTEREST in Washington is the wedding of Mias I^ila Delano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Delano of New York, to Mr. Arthur Willing Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart Patterson of Philadelphia and Southampton, Long Lsland, which took place yesterday afternoon In New York. The cere mony was performed In the Church of the Incarnation by the rector, the Rev. John B. Kellogg. A small recep tion followed at the residence of the bride's parents. The bride was given in marriage by her father and she wore a princess gown of white Satin, a tulle veil edged with duchess point lace and she car ried gardenias and lilies of the Valley. Miss Margaret Delano was maid of honor for her sister and the brides maids were Miss Jane W. Delano, another sister of the bride; Miss Beatrice W. Patterson, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Sylvie L. Redmond and Miss Kitty Wickes. The maid of honor wore a gown of peach-colored net, a hat to match and carried Sprink flowers and the bridesmaids wore ecru net trimmed with peach colored velvet ribbon, matching hats and carried Spring flowers. Mr. George Stuart Patterson, jr., was best man for his brother and the Ushers were Mr. Warren H. Delano, Mr. Frederic A. Delano, 2d. brothers of the bride; Mr. Joseph Wright Alsop, Jr.; Mr. William L. Rreese, Mr. Wil liam O. Gay. jr.; Mr. John W. Hallo well. Mr. William S. Patten, Mr. N. Penrose Hallowell, jr.; Mr. John M. Polk, Mr. Beekman Hoppln Pool, Mr. Alexander C. Forbes, Mr. Reginald Fincke, jr.; Mr. Thomas S. Gates, jr.; Mr. George R. Clark, Mr. G. Willing Pepper and Mr. John S. Ames, jr. The bride’s father, a first cousin of President Roosevelt, is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Warren Delano. Mr. Warren Delano was a brother of Mrs. Sara Delano Roose velt, mother of the President. His wife. Mrs. Jennie Walters Delano, was a sister of the late Henry Walters, financier and founder of the Walters Art Museum In Baltimore. Mr. Ly man Delano is executive vice president and chairman of the board of directors of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. and is interested in various other corporations. The bride attended the Brearley S'.vool, this city, and Miss Nixon’s in Florence, Italy. Through her mother, the former Miss Leila Bur nett, she Is the granddaughter of Mrs. Robert M. Burnett of Boston t. and the late Mr. Burnett. She is a grandniece of Mrs. Price Collier of Tuxedo Park. N. Y.: Mr. Frederic A. Delano of Washington and of the late Mrs. Annie Delano Hitch. Her aunts include Miss Laura Delano, Mrs. Roland L. Redmond and Mrs. Frederick B. Adams. Mr. Patterson attended St. Paul’s School. Concord, N. H., and was graduated from Harvard in 1932. He is a member of the Philadelphia Club and the Porcelain Club of Harvard and was connected with Drexel & Co. and later with the Morgan firm in its London and Paris offices. His grand parents are the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Stuart Patterson of Philadelphia. His father is a director of the Pennsyl vania Railroad and the Girard Trust Co. His mother, who was Miss Elea > nora Willing, is a sister of Lady Rlb blesdale, the former Mrs. John Jacob Astor He is a nephew of the late Mrs. John Morris of New York and a nephew of Dr. Francis D. Patterson, i Miss Eleanor Cuyler Patterson and a l cousin of Mr. Joseph Sims, Mrs. Fred erick Rosengarten, Mrs. Charles Platt, Mrs. Arthur Newlin and Mrs. Charles Borie of Philadelphia. -» - - —■— Mr. Austin Leaves Senator and Mrs. Warren R. Austin of Vermont have had their son, Mr, Warren R. Austin, jr„ of Burlington, as their guest at the Mayflower »foi the past three daya. He is returning today to New England. CONFER ON SUPERVISION OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES i _ A proposal that libraries In the pub lic schools be placed under direct supervision of the Public Library was discussed at a conference late yester day between Supt. of Schools Prank W. Ballou, Dr. George P. Bowerman, librarian of the Public Library, and Chairman Collins of the House Sub committee on Appropriations, in charge of the 1938 District supply bill. The conference was called by Col lins, who. said he got Dr. Ballou and Dr. Bowerman together In an effort to have them “agree on something." The result was not disclosed. Soviets Buy Less in Beich. In 1934 Russia bought 430 million rubles worth of German goods. Dur ing the first 11 months Of 1936, how ever. the Soviets spent only 270 million rubles for German-made articles. a Married Recently Diplomat's Daughter MISS MARY WRIGHT. Daughter of Mr. J. Butler Wright, United States Minister to Czechoslovakia. Miss Wright is in Washington at the present time, stopping at the Carlton. —Underwood & Underwood Photo. _1 MRS. SIDNEY W. RAWLINGS. Whose wedding took place February 27 at St. Alban's. Mrs. Rawlings is the former Miss Francis H. Rolfes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rolfes. —Harris-Ewing Photo. I.. . I Residential Social News Mrs. Lee Hostess at Dinner Last Night for Miss du Pont. MRS. ROBERT E. LEE. 3d, en tertained at a small dinner last evening in compliment I to her cousin. Miss Marianna j du Pont of Wilmington, who is her ! house guest. The dinner preceded : the Friday Evening Supper Club at i the Sulgrave Club. Miss du Pont is the twin sister of ! Miss Delphine du Pont, who visited Mrs. Lee earlier in the season and at tended the black and white ball. The Misses du Pont are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. du Pont. ] Mrs. Emory Sands has returned from ! a trip to Puerto Rico, where she spent some weeks. Mr. Oliver La Farge of New York is stopping at the Dodge while in the I Capital. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shirley have 1 closed their house on Faraday place I and have gone to San Antonio. Tex., to live. Mr. Shirley recently retired after 28 years of service in the Gov ernment. Miss Catherine McKane, Mr. and Mrs. George Nicholas Belicovitch and the latter's brother-in-law, Mr. Jack Stafford, are staying at the Barbizon Plaza in New York, where they mo tored to attend the opera ‘La Traviata.” Mrs. Albion W. Tuck has returned to her home on Eighteenth street from a visit of several weeks in Florida. Mias Lida Johnson of 1527 New Hampshire avenue has returned from an automobile trip to Florida with friends. She stopped at Savannah and other Southern eitics on her return trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Winger, who spent the Winter in Florida, are stop ping at the Dodge for a few days en route to their home in Toronto. Can. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M Kirbv of Nashville. Tenn.. are in Washington at the Raleigh Hotel for a week. Mrs. Kirby is the former Miss Marjorie Arnold of this city, daughter of Dean Arnold, formerly professor at George Washington University and instructor at the G-Man School. Mr and Mrs. Kirby will visit New York City before returning home. Mrs. A. C. Buckley and Miss Jean Buckley, who came to Washington to attend the Chevy Chase Frantics, are making a brief visit at the Shore ham before returning to their home in Summit, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson Bishop of Ottawa. 111., are spending a brief time at the Dodge. Mrs. Thomas J. Harte of Scarsdale, N. Y., is at the Shoreham while vis iting her daughter, Miss Muriel Harte, who is a student at the Chevy Chase School. Mr. and Mrs. R. E Garrett o' Phila delphia have come to the Capital for a brief visit and are at the Raleigh Hotel. Mrs. Frank J. Hoyle of Rye. N. Y, has arrived in towm and during her 6tay she is at the Wardman Park Hotel. Mrs. Winston Powers, also of Rye, is with her. State Societies Plan Functions For This Month 'T'HIS evening at the Army and Navy Club representatives of each of the 13 original States will gather for dinner to do honor to the Society of Cincinnati and its first president, Gen. George Washington. Admiral Hilary Pollard Jones will be the toastmaster, and the speakers Include Mr. John Collins Daves, presi dent general of the society; Senator Theodore Francis Green of Rhode Island, Senator John Holmes Overton of Louisiana and Mr. Charles Warren of Massachusetts* who will speak in place of Gen. Peyton Conway March, who is out of town. Dr. Richard Laurens de Saussure will give the report of the secretary'. _ The Oregon State 8ociety of Wash ington will hold its annual meeting, dinner and dance Friday evening at the Hotel Shoreham, with the presi dent. Mrs. Norman Murray Smith, presiding. A short program will In clude brief addresses by members of the Oregon congressional delegation. Senator Charles L. McNary, Senator Frederick Steiwer. Representatives Walter M. Pierce, James M. Mott and Nan Wood Honeyman. ' Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock and later there will be dancing and a floor show. All former Oregonians or visiting Oregonians will be welcome. Miss Vella Winner is secretary of the society. % Mrs. Billard Attends Starr-Lee Wedding Mr*. Frederic Billard has gone to New Haven for the wedding today of Mias Harriett Lee, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. Lee of Washington, and Dr. Richard Starr of New London. The ceremony will be performed this evening at 6 o’clock in St. James’ Church and will be fol lowed by a reception In the Light House Inn. Miss Lee has many friends in Washington, where she lived for some years before tht death oi her parents and was a student at Holton Arms. Mr. Gibbons in South. The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Stephen B. Gibbons, has gone to Miami, Fla., where he Joined Mr. W. E. Reynolds of the Treasury Department In charge of public buildings. They are staying at the Columbus. A Miss Harris Hostess. Miss Florence Harris will be at home tomorrow afternoon to a num ber of her friends, whom she has in vited for tea at her mother's apart ment at 1302 Eighteenth street. Miss Harris is the daugnter fif Mrs. Rus sell-Bennett. Maryland-Virginia News Miss Watkins Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Spence in New York. MISS BETSY WATKINS of Somerset, Md.. is spending the week end in New York as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Warren Spence. Mrs Spence was. before her marriage. Miss Emily Bruce Starratt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Starratt of Somerset. Dr. Daniel H. Kress, neurologist at the Washington Sanitarium, has returned after a vacation of two months In California, the guest of the I Glendale Sanitarium. In Glendale. He , also visited friends and spoke several times at the College of Medical Evan gelists and at nearby sanitariums. Dr. Kress wis the first medical director of the Washington Sanitarium. Dr. Kress and his wife. Dr. Lauretta Kress, spent a number of years in England and In Australia, where they helped to establish sanitariums. Mrs. George F. Buell entertained at a bridge supper Thursday evening in her home in Herndon, Va , having as guests Mrs. Allen H. Kirk. Mrs. T. Edgar Aud, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyde Buell. Dr. Ernest Clay Shull. Mr. and Mrs. Silas F. Hutchison. Mrs. Russell Allen Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. George Ramsey Bready and Mr. and Mrs. E. Barbour Hutchison. Mrs. H Fairfield Butt of Kensing ton. Md., is spending several weeks in Florida. Mrs. Leo Odom ha* returned to thi* country from Spain, where, with her husband, the Rev. Leo Odom, she has lived for the last six years. Mrs. Odom, before her marriage, which took place here in 1929. was Miss Martha Helen Montgomery, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Oliver Mont gomery. who are spending the Winter in Orlando, Fla. She is visiting them there. Mr. Odom, who is an evangel ist. is still in Spain. They were for merly located in Madrid, but Mr. Odom is now in Corrunna. Spain. Mrs. Odom is accompanied by her two sons, Robert Odom and John Odom. Mr. and Mrs. Granville C. Stagg of Leighton avenue, Silver Spring, Md., announce the birth of a daughter, Paula Louise, at the Washington Sani tarium in Takoma Park. Mr. Stagg is with the United Press. Miss Luclle Park and her brother, Mr Bill Park, daughter and son of Maj. and Mrs. C. C Park of Arling ton, Vi., entertained last Saturday evening at a dance at their home. The ---1 Young Washington Nancy May’s hobby is drawing and she has ample opportu nity to develop her talent in the 1-B class at the Truesdaie School. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. May, 622 Ingraham street. Monday: Carlyn Lockmane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Lockmane, at the Truesdaie School i —Star Staff Photo. > guests were Miss Mary Hue Mcweeiy. Miss Marie Parr, Mia* Grace Leater. Mias Edna Chewning, Mias Ruby Lee Parrott, Mlaa Shirley Wells, Mr. Tex Parmelee. Mr. John Agnew, Mr. Glenn Wells, Mr. Prank Shaw, Mr. Archie Anderson and Mr. Carter Kern*. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O. Ennis enter tained at contract bridge Wednesday evening in their home in Herndon, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thoma* of Takoma Park. Md.. had a* their house guests during this week. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Kahl and their young son, James Kahl of Johnstown. Pa., who have left for a vacation in Florida. Maj. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of Takoma Park. D. C., have with them Maj. Thompson's mother. Mrs. Thompson of St. Joseph, Mo. Former Gov. Winant Honored at Dinner An air of informality was the out itanding feature of the testimonial dinner given last night at'the Carl ton Hotel in honor of former Gov. John G. Winant, recently resigned as chairman of the Social Security Board, by member* of the board and the executive stafl. Sixty people were present in the flower-bedecked Carlton room to honor the former chairman of the board who was Governor of New Hamp shire for three terms. With the ex ception of the presentation of a gift from his former employes, no speeches were made. The guests were seated at small tables which were decorated with red tulips, Jonquils and iris. At the head table were Mr. and Mrs. Winant. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Altmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Latimer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bane. -• President Quezon Guest of Honor A colorful reception for Mr. Man uel Quezon, President of the Philip pine*!. was given yesterday afternoon m the dragon room at the Ward man Park Hotel by Mr. Qulntln Pare des, commissioner from the Philip pines. More than 300 guests including members of the diplomatic corps and officials of the Federal and local gov ernments were present. Music during the afternoon was fur nished by a Philippine orchestra from Philadelphia, which played from a bandstand decorated with the Ameri can flag, the flag of the Philippine Islands and the President’s flag. Huge bowls of yellow jonquils added bright notes of color on the seml-c'^cular table. Mr., Mrs. Lee Give Luncheon Tomorrow The Minister of the Union of South Africa and Mrs. Ralph William Close will be the guests in whose honor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sim Lee will enter tain at luncheon tomorrow In the pan-American room of the Mayflower. WHERE TO DINE. THE De Luxe Dining Room 507 Quincy St. N.W. SPECIAL A real haat-enM 9 Caine Roast Turkey Dinner, Family Style Served Saturday and Sunday OTHER CHOICES We wish to express our rexrets to those wo were unable te aeeommodato last week. The demand was creator than we anticipated, but can NOW assure every one that there will be ACCOMMODATIONS far ALL In the FUTURE. Phone Adame 015 Sunday Special “Cenntrr Style" STEWED CHICKEN and Dumplings Mr*. K’e •'Teetni Mede" Jell lee, BelUhee—Breed end Beatrice OTHER DINNERS: Steekt—Chepi— Chicken—Smlthfleld Hem Sunday Braakfaat Phana Shaphard 3500 OPEN EVERY DAY By the Way— ■ — Beth Blaine - FROM all we have heard from friends in New York lately, the Colony Restaurant is still a favorite spot for both luncheon and dinner and next week we hope to go to N. Y. C. ourselves for a few days so that we can confirm this • talk.” It seems as though there has not been the same exodus from New York, for Southern climes, as there has been from our own city of Washington, from a letter with news of the "doings" of our friends it sounded as if the city was teaming with people. Re the Colony, we quote: .. at a table in the corner we noticed Sir Michael Duff, Ina Claire, Princess Paley. Carroll Carstairs, Nancy Weldon and Rudolph Kommer. This table was oj particular interest, as all the women carried their hats, instead of wearing them, which seems to be the present vogue here, as several other women present were doing the same thing; at another table Charley Schivab and Mrs. Irene Dunne sampled crepe suzettes. Prince Ferdinand o) Liechtenstein lunched with a striking young man who turned out to be the well-known Italian artist Alberto Grecchi. Clad in broadtail and silver foxes, we noticed a smart threesome, Mrs. Julian Allen, the former Alice Harding; Mrs. Tiffany Saportas and Mrs Seton Porter. Princess Gaetani. wearing one of those new off-the-face hats with a veil, arrived with Mrs. Sigourney Thayer; Ralph Pulitzer was lunching with Allister McIntosh and several others. At still another table we saw Mrs. George Garrett’s sister, Mrs. Bobby Clarkson, in her usual good form with Mrs Harvey Gibson. Both were beautifully dressed and as attractive as ever. Afterward we strolled around the corner to the 7th Regiment Armory, where the indoor tennis cham pionship was being played. Via bus and taxi we returned, home to change for cocktails and headed for the Madison bar. and who should stroll in there to join us but Leslie Howard “Home for another change and off to the Metropolitan Opei to hear the immortal voice of Kirsten Flagstad in the role of Elsu von Brabant, the luckless heroine of Wagner’s ’Lohengrin.’ Be tween acts we adjourned upstairs to the bar. which was teemin' with people and each woman seemed more bejeweled and bedecked than her sister. After the opera the -Iridium Room’ at the St. Regis was on our schedule Consuming ‘chicken a la king, wo witnessed a hectic rhumba show, the master of ceremonies was th" young roller skater who officiated at Grover Whalen's dinner for the New York World Fair and astonished every one by his similarity to Robert Montgomery, the movie actor. There we tripped the light fantastic beneath the flattering beige-toned roof hung with mirrors. Later some one suggested going on to ’El Morocco and we were on the move once more. ... , That may be a day and night In New York, but upon enterin'’ the gay and friendly interior of the Sulgrave Club last night for the Friday supper club dance, we decided that the "old familiar things” are the best! Friends to the right and friends to the left, all smiling and in good form. Eugene O Dunn and Steve Spingarr. were in one corner of the room having their white ties expertiy retied by Mrs. Edward Townsend from Florida, who is none other than Jack Victor’s sister. Mrs. Andrew Hero, formerly Gertrude Faust in a blue taffeta, down from West Point for the week end. was being given a rush by old admirers of her debutante years. The Aldace Walkers made us envious with details of an immediate trip which will take them to Florida for 10 days or so. Kate Hyde Scully in white taffeta which made her Florida sunburn most exotic,’ was with Mary Cootes and her brother Merritt. "Peter" McHarg in green, just back from Mexico, sat on the steps witn Benjie Plunket and Philip Broad, while Jock McLean and Mary Lou Marsh Julie Dell Zimmerman and Jerry McDowell gathered on the sofa on the landing. Among those who gave dinners last night was Anne Perin, at whose table we ran into Gertrude Laughlin with Howard Chanler, the young Gale McLeans and the Walter Whites. Kitty Dubois also entertained at dinner as did Mrs. William Mann and the Morris Clarks. Mrs. Smith Honored At Lunch Yesterday Mrs. Earle Wilfley entertained yes- > terday at luncheon in honor of Mrs Ida B Wise Smith, president of the National Women's Christian Tem perance Union, in her home on Har vard street, Mrs Smith is here to arrange for the world convention of the W. C. T. U.. which will be held in Washington next Summer, when dele gates will come to Washington from all important countries. Other guests at the luncheon were Mrs. Ida W. Ramsey, president of the District of Columbia W. C. T. U : Mrs. Marie N. Brinley. Mrs. Gertrude Hoage, Mrs. Manuel Kline. Dr Lauretta Kress, Mrs. Sina M. Stanton, Mrs. H. S. Warner, Mrs. N. D. Guer rier, Mrs. J. L. Bixler, Mrs. Flora M i Hadley, Mrs. Harry I. Houston. Mrs. George A. Ross. Mrs. Belle Pickett. Mrs. Ethel H. Reed, Mrs. L. E. Brown and Mrs. M. K. Lewis. Ruttencutters Sail For Europe March 26 Col. and Mrs. Brady G. Ruttencut ter entertained at dinner last evening in their apartment in the Westchester in compliment to their house guest. Miss Ann Street Gill of Baltimore, who is spending a few days with them. This evening Col. and Mrs. Rutten cutter will be hosts at dinner in honor of Mrs. Guy Castle of Oxon Hill. Col. and Mrs. Ruttencutter will sail Friday, March 26, for Europe. They will attend the coronation In London and remain abroad until the Autumn. HELEN CORBIN HEIHL PIANISTS TEACHtr. Pupil of fdoard H*chow#ll.N#0(V»rk: Harold Dau#r.Pani;and IrrvsA D#rlin Phono North VIOO President Entertains At White House The President had as his guest overnight in the Executive Mansion the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. William Lyon MacKenzie King. The President was host to a small group at dinner last night. The Prime Minister will go today to the Canadian Legation, where he will be a guest of the Minister and Lady Marler until he starts for a holi day in the South. They will enter tain at an informal luncheon today in his honor. Regina Elena Lodge Annual Dance Plans The Regina Elena Lodge, an or ganization of Italian and American Ladies of Mutual Aid, will hold its annual dance Monday in Odd Fellow s' Hall, at 419 Seventh street northwest. Tickets may be purchased at the entrance to the hall the night of the dance. Refreshments will be served. RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. X. J. ATLANTICCTtY.N". J. World « Premier Health and Pleasure Resort Hotel acrom modatlons. Cottaitet and Apts ifurni«hrd or unfurnished) mt rery reasonably cost. TRAVEL. ... AT MIAMI BEACH HOTEL HAMPTON 938 Lincoln Road Th* Fifth A*rnu» of th« South Now receiving application* for reservation* for March, April and season of The Reason : A rood, comfortable hotel, well located in the renter of fashionable shopping and theater districts; near all churches, golf courses and within mm strolling diatanca of oesan bathing. Roof Sun-Deck. Average Weekly Rater S42 to S63 Reduced 50% on March 16 WILBUR T. MURRAY. M.n.t.r SUMMER CONNECTION! The Sam-O-Set, Rockland. Maine jflje Jkning £faf ADVERTISEMENTS — a a RECEIVED HEf\E Parker’s Pharmacy—No. Cap. & R. I. Ave. N.W. Is an Authorized Star Branch Office OMEWHERE there is somebody who con supply that want of yours—and that some one, somewhere within the Washington trading area, is almost sure to know about it if you advertise it in the Star Classified Section. The Star Classified Section is reod diligently and regularly—and that is why Star Classified Advertisements DO Bring Results! Throughout Washington and nearby suburbs are located authorized Star Branch Offices— where copy for the Star Classified Section may be left—and will appear in the first possible issue. A convenient service, rendered without fee; only regulor rates are charged. - - - ---tfMBiM<~in I .Ml—MII.IWI.Iijhwuwwuw* Authorized Star Branch Offices display the above sign. II