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(Earh af utyattkfl. INGRAM. WILLIAM. The family of the late WILLIAM INGRAM wish to express the deep appreciation for the kindness shown to him during his illness and for the beautiful floral pieces and cards of sympathy at the time of his death. We thank you one and all. THE INGRAM FAMILY. • Dratltn. ADAMS. .TOSFPII R. On Thursday. March 1 1. in:;:. JOSEPH R. ADAMS, son of the late James and Margaret Adams of Palatka. Fla : husband of Mamie Adams, devoted brother of Harry R. Adams of 1 P st. n.w Robert and Mrs. Estelle Roririuues of New York City. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by S. P. Morrow ALLFN. CHARLES. On Wednesday. March 1» I!*;:, at 1706 Montello ave. n.e.. CHARLES ALLEN. He is survived by a d voted mother Rosa Allen; one broth er Everett Allen; one sister. Mrs. Edna Brown, and also other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at ♦he M i Ivan & Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. ( ARRINGTON, ARTHUR. On Wednesday. March 10 1 OR?. ARTHUR ARRING TON. the beloved father of Arthur L. Arrington. Funeral services at the W. \V Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home 51? 11th st. s.e. on Friday. March l‘.\ at :$ n.m Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BAILEY, ROSA. On Tuesday March 0. 1 Pit?. ROSA BAILEY of 1 Si*2 14th st. n.w devoted mother of Helen Bailey McM;Ilian. Mrs. Theresa Curtis and Ed ward Bailey. She also leaves four sis ters. Mrs Susie Johnson. Mrs. Emma D’ggs. Mrs. Catherine Wedse and Mrs. Louise Hernshaw: a devoted mother-in law Mr-. Mary Bailey, and many other relatives and friends Funeral Friday. March 1*.\ at !» am. from St. Au gustine's Church, loth st. between L and M sts. n.w Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by Ridgley & Hicks. BAKER. HENRY. On Wednesday. March 1". 1at Providence Hospital. HEN RY BAKER, ihe beloved husband of Lue Alfv Baker and father of Raymond R. Biker Funeral 'rom his late residence. 14th nl. li e., on Monday. March I V at 1 o::to a.m . tlmnce to the Church of the Good Shepherd. »ith and Eye sts. lie. where services will be held at 11 a.m Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. Serv ices bv the W. W. Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 14 BANHAM. SAMI EL S. On Tuesday. March !*. 1 !*;: 1. Ml h's residenee Ulii Kearney st. n e.. SAMUEL S BANHAM. beloved husband of Georgia Banham and father of Mrs. Lillian M Rankin Funeral from the W. W Chambers Co. funeral home 14 00 Chapin st. n.w.. on Fri day March 3 7 at ” p.m. Relatives end friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 11 BEALL. Annie R. On Wednesday. March lo 1 <♦:»,7 .it her residence. Forestville. Md ANNIE R BEALL, the beloved daughter of William T. and the late Minnie F Beall and sister of Mrs. Richard Stallings. Mrs. John A. Coale and Rufus G B all. Funeral from the residence of her sister. Mrs. John A. C'.ale Mellwood. Md.. on Friday. March 1 \* at 1" >0 a m., thence to the Forest Grove M E. Church, where services will be held at 1 1 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited Interment church cemetery Services by the W. W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home 11 BELL. JAMES T On Wednesday March in in::7 at Garfield Memorial Hospital. JAMES T BELL the beloved husband of Anna M Bril. Remains resting at the W. w. Chambers Co. funeral home. 14rh and Chamn sts. n.w. Funeral services will be held on Saturday. March i:t. at lo a.m.. from the above funeral home. Relatives and friends are invited to attend Interment in Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 1” BEDOV RI( HARD YOi?KE. On Wednes day March lo ]!»:*7 in Washington. D C RICH ALT') YORKE REDON, son of Elizabeth Y Bodon and the late Josiah Service: will be private. 1” BOONE. WILLIAM E. (“WIGGINS”). On Tuesday. March !* 1P.MT. at his home. Forestville. Md. WILLIAM E. BOONE, son of Mrs. Martha Boone and brother rt Mrs. Marion B. Barnes and Nelson B. Boone. Services at Epiphany Episcopal Church. Forestville. Md.. on Friday. March at 7 pm. Interment church cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. i i feOI'RNE. I. IN NIE M. On Thursday. March 1' at Atlantic City. N. J.. LINN IE M. BOURNE w idow of Thomas C Bourne, daughter of the late Samuel Harrington Young and ^he late Cath erine Virginia Young. Funeral services a: Joseph Gawler’s Sons ]7.">*» Pa. ave. n.w.. on Saturday. March U. at 11 a m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 12 BROOKE. ESTHER R. Suddenly on March 1<>, 10 J7 at the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs Georae W. Costin. ESTHER R., wife of the late Llovd B Brooke and mother of Lloyd A., Mrs. Cyrus T Bright and Mrs. George W. Costin. Funeral from her daughter's residence. 41N Far raeut st. n.w.. Friday. March 12. at 2 p.m. Interment at Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 11 Brown. ELIZA .i Departed this life on Wednesday March !«». 10J7. at 2: JO am., at Garfield Hospital. ELIZA J. BROWN widow' of the late Lloyd H Brown, beloved and devoted mothpr of Ella N. Montague A and Clifton D. Brown and Rosa V. Scott: devoted grandmother of Thelma and Herman Mitchell and mother-in-law of Cessie Brown She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services Saturdav. March !J. at 1:J0 p.m . at her la to residence. 1012 S st. n.w. RelaMves and friends invited. Interment Har mony Cemetery. 12 CHAMBERLAIN. MARGARET ANN. On Thursday. March 3 1. 19J7. at her home. 4101 Fessenden st. n.w.. MARGARET ANN CHAMBERLAIN beloved wife of the late Charles Jesse Chamberlain She is survived by two sons. James H and Leonard S Chamberlain, and a sister. Mrs. Jane Davis of Philadelphia. Pa. Notice of services later. CHRISMAN. CLARA v. On Tuesday. March 0 10:57. at 024 M st. s w.. in the '77th vear of her age CLARA V. CHRIS MAN widow of Robert L. Chrisman and beloved mother pf Mrs Maude Lambert. Mrs EthM Hit7. George C. Chrisman end Mrs Celeste Sanford Funeral from Fif h Baptist Church. E st. s.w. between and 7th. on Saturday March 19. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. Ar rangements by P A. Taltavull. 12 CHRISMAN. CLARA V. The members of Fidelity Council No. 4. Daughters of America, are requested to assemble at 0 :4 M st s w\. on Friday. March 12. 3997 at s;jn p.m to hold the funeral services for our late sister, CLARA V. CHRISMAN J. H. HOWELL. Secretary. CLARKE. CLIFFORD On Wednesday. March 1" 1937 at Mount Alto Hos ni'al. CLIFFORD CLARKE. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of fu neral later. 12 Fisher. BEVERLY. On Tuesday. March !• 1937. at Freedmen’s Hospital. BEV ERLY FISHER, the beloved husband of Mrs. Elizabeth II Fisher father of Mrs. Marie Scott Alim p. Fisher. Katie V. Waters. Marcellina S. Jackson. Lcnora L. Shinn. Charles W. Fisher and the late Annie M. Fisher end Ernest Fisher: brother of Jeff Fisher William Fisher Mrs Pricilla Randolph and Mrs. Matilda Jackson. He also is survived by seven Grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R I. ave. n.w. Funeral Saturday. March 13. at 1 n.m.. from St. George’s Chapel. 2nd and You sts. n.w. Interment Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery. Va. 12 FOSTER. JANE ADAMS. On Wednesday. March 1<». 1937. at 10 a m., at her apartmen* 203 Tilden Gardens. JANE ADAMS FOSTER, lovine aunt of Mrs. Maude F McCallum. Funeral from the Nevius funeral home. 924 New York ave. n.w c.n Friday. March 12. at 2 P.m Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. • Hammond. Elizabeth. Departed this life Thursday. March 4. 1937. at Cas ualty Hospital ELIZABETH HAMMOND of 20? M st. s.w. Funeral Friday. March 12. at 1 p.m.. from the Morris A Carter funeral home. 2nd and K sts. s.w. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. RARRIS. EDITH MAIDE. On Thursday. March 11 1937. a* her residence 001 ls‘h st. n.w., EDITH MAUDE HARRTS Body resting at Gawler’s chapel. 1750 Ba ave. n.w,. where services will be held on Saturday. March 13. at 2 p.m. In terment private 12 BIGOINSON. KATE. On March 5. mrs7. as HI7 Grove st.. Evanston. 111.. KATE HIGGINSON formerly of Kenilworth. 111., and Westnort Point. Mass., wife of the late Charles M. Higginson. mother of George M. Higginson of Hawrthorne. Calif., and the late Anne Higginson , oDicer. F moral services Friday. March 12. at. 3:30 pm., at, Christ Church Chapel. Winnetka. Ill Interment at Graceland Cemetery. Chicago. 111. HILL, GEORGE G. On Wednesday. March lo 1937. at his residence 529 Florida ai'pwn w~ GEORGE G. HILL, husband of Mrs. Emma J. Hill. He also is sur vived by two sons. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 11 HODGKINS. EDWARD MONTGOMERY. Suddenly Wednesday. March 10 1037. In Son Diego. Calif.. EDWARD MONT GOMERY HODGKINS, son of the late Samuel Hodgkins and brother of Arthur W. Hodgkins. Funeral Friday. March 12. at 4 n.m.. from the Benbough fu neral parlors. San Diego. Calif. • IIOF. MAJ. GEN. SAMUEL. On Wednes day. March 10. 1037. at Walter Reed General Hospital. Mai. Gen. SAMUEL HOF. beloved husband of Alice M. Hof and father of Mrs L. B Blinks of Palo Alto. Calif. Funeral services will be held on Friday. March 12. at 2:30 p.m. at the Chanel at Walter Reed General Hos pital followed bv interment at the United States Military Academy. West Point. N. Y. JOHNSON. JOSEPH A. Departed this life on Tuesday. March 0 1037. at 5:30 p.m . at his residence. IS E st. s.w.. JOSEPH A. JOHNSON. He is survived bv a devoted wife. Maud Johnson: seven sons, one daughter, seven brothers, three sisters and many other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed Fri day. March 12. after 11 a.m. until fu nera1 hour Saturday. March 13. at Wal ter £. Hunter’s funeral parlor. 2503 Nichols ave. s.e. Funeral Saturday. March 13. at 1 o.m. from thr Matthews Memorial Baptist Church. Nichols ave. a.e . Rev. J. L. Marshall officiating. In terment Rosemont Cemetery. JOHNSON. SARAH C. On Wednesday. March 10. 1937. at her residence. 024 Pickford pi. no. SARAH C. .IOHv=ON devoted daughter of Philip and Nancy E Johnson, sister of E F Johnson. She also leaves six uncles, two aunts and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Monday March 15. from the First Bap tist Church. Rcsslyn. Va.. Rev. J. D. Catlett officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 14 0-, Dratfffl. TONES. JESSIE. Departed this life. Tuesday, March 9. 1987, JESSIE JONES of 1248 Union at, < w. beloved aon of Julia Wil liams. He la also survived by four de voted brothers. Hugh. William. Adolphus Comer and Charles Williams: three lov ing slsters-ln-law. MnMsa and Mar gerlte Comer and Mr^Margerlte Wil liams; also other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the MBlvan & Schey funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral, private. Thursday. March 11. at 4 D.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. JONES. MAGGIE. Suddenly, on Monday. March 8. 1037. at her residence. 1523 Hth st. n.w.. MAGGIE JONES. She leaves one devoted daughter. Mrs. Mag gie Jackson; one sister, one brother, two grandchildren, six great-grandchil dren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at William T. & Ruth B. Tolbert's funeral home, 1308 0th st. n.w. Funer-.l Friday. March 12 at 1 D.m.. from the above-named funeral home. Rev C. T. Murray officiating. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. • KELLY, JOSEPH J. On Sunday. March 7. 1937. at St. Joseph's Hospital. Albu querque. N. Mex.. JOSEPH J. KELLY, beloved husband of the late Mary T. Kelly Cnee Herlihyi. The remains will arrive in Washington Thursday. March 11. Funeral from W. Warren Taltavull funeral home. 14th and Spring rd. n.w., on Friday. March 12, at 9 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Trinity church at 9:30 a m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. KILEY, LIEUT. TIMOTHY EDWARD. On Saturday March H. 1937. in San Diego. Calif.. Lieut. TIMOTHY EDWARD KILEY. U. S. N.. retired, beloved hus band of Lotta Brakhagen Kilev and father of Mrs Charlotte Kiley Neville, wife of Ensign Lawrence R Neville. Services at. Fort Myer Chapel. Va., Friday. March 12. at 10 a m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery 11 LONGO. CONCHETTINA. On Tuesday. March 9. 1937. at her residence. 218 F st. n.r CONCHETTINA LONGO. be loved wife of Antonio Longo. Funeral from her late residence on Friday. March 12. at 8:30 am: thence to Holy Rosary Church, where mass will be said at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary's Ceme tery. Arrangements by the Wm. H. Sardo Co. 11 MANOS. ALICE THIER. On Thursday. March 11. 1937. at her residence 002 A st. s.e. ALICE THIER MANOS. the beloved wife of Pete Manos and mother of John A. Elliott. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast fu neral home. 517 11th st. so on Friday. March 12 at 1:30 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. McMAHON. WILLIAM II. On Tuesday. March 9. 1937. WILLIAM H. Mc MAHON. beloved husband of the late Nora C. McMahon and father of James P. McMahon Marie Schultze. John and William McMahon Funeral from his late residence. 0502 Eastern avc. n w.. Takoma D. C.. on Friday morning. March 12. at 9:30 o’clock; thence to the Church of the Nativity, where requiem mass will be said at 10 o’clock. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 11 McMAHON, WILLIAM H Sovereigns of Aipna camp. no. i. wooamen of the World, will assemble at 1550!! Eastern ave . Takoma Park. D. C., Thursday evening. March 11. 8 p m., to hold W. O. W. services in memory I of our late sovereign. WIL LIAM H. McMAHON. WILLIAM SCHONtBEKULK. Consul Comdr. J. B. FREELAND, Secretary. • NOKES. ROYCE A. On Monday. March 8. 1937. at the residence of his nephew. Mr. Alton D Anderson, 1208 Madison st. n w.. ROYCE A. NOKES. beloved son of the late George W. and Mary J. Nokes. Funeral from the residence of his niece, Mrs. Gladys Sebastian. 732 Roxboro pi. n.w.. on Friday March 12. at 2:30 p.m Relatives and friends are invited. Interment at Congressional Cemetery. Arrangements by Wm. H. Sardo A Co. 11 TATTERSON. MATTIE. On Wednesday. March 10 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. MATTIE PATTERSON daughter of Ella Smith. She also is survived by several aunts and uncles, and a stepfather. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 12 PIPERONA. EDITH NICHOLSON. On Tuesday March 9. 1937. at 331 Mary land ave n.e EDITH NICHOL°ON PIPERONA beloved wif? of Ralph Pincrona. daughter of Mrs. Ernestine Mobley. Remains resting at Hilton's funeral home. Barnesville. Md.. until Friday. March 12. when services will he hpld at the Boyds Presbyterian Church. Bovds. Md. at 2 p.m. Inter ment in adjoining cemetery. 11 REEDER. LEHMAN H. Departed this life Tuesday March 9. 1937. after a short illness LEHMAN H. REEDER. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Mar garet Reeder; three sons, three daugh ters. two sisters. Maggie Wiggans and Cora Thomas: two brothers. Henson and Joseph Reeder, and other relatives and a host of friends Remains resting at Barnes & Matthews’ funeral home. 614 4th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. REID. SAMUEL E. On Thursday. March 11. 1937. SAMUEL E. REID, husband of Mammie Reid. He also is survived by six sons. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 lJth st. s.e. Notice of fu neral later. RICHARDSON. VERNON C. Suddenly on Wednesday. March 10. 1937. at 2:15 a m VERNON C RICHARDSON of 2811 Mrytle ave. n.e., beloved husband of Ethel M. Richardson and brother of Byron P. Richardson of Washington, D. C. and J. Hubert Richardson of Arkansas City, Kans. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home 2901 14th st. n.w,. on Friday, March 12. at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. ROBINSON. ROBERT H. On Tuesday. March 9 1937 at his home. Brandy wine. Md.. ROBERT H. beloved hus band of Amanda Baden Robinson. Services at Brandywune Episcopal Church on Friday. March 12. at 10:30 a m Interment St. Paul's Cemetery. Baden. Md. 11 WASHINGTON. GEORGE. Suddenly, on Tuesday. March 9. 1937. at his resi dence. 1812 Central ave. n.e . GEORGE WASHINGTON. beloved husband of Susie Washington, father of Lucv Lee and Rosetta Grimes brother of Maria Morris, grandfather of Elliott Grimes. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jar vis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. until 2 p m. Friday: thereafter at his late residence. Funeral Saturday. March 13 at 1 p.m.. from the Friend ship Baptist Church. Delaware ave. and H st. s.w.. Rev. B H. Whiting officiating. Body will lie in state in the church from 9 a m Saturday until 1 D.m. Inter ment Wellville. Va. 13 W ASHINGTON. GEORGE. All members of the Friendship Baptist Sunday School are reauested to meet at the church Saturday. March 13. 1937. at 12 o’clock noon to attend the funeral of the late school treasurer, Deacon GEORGE WASHINGTON. * WEBB. WILLIAM. Departed this . life Tuesday March 9. 1937. after a brief illness WILLIAM WEBB. He leaves to mourn their loss two devoted nieces. Della Williams and Irma Cooper, and a host of friends. Remains resting at Barnes Matthews’ funeral home. 614 4th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. WHITE. SAMUEL O. On Wednesday. March 10. 1937. at his residence. 206 12th st. s.e . SAMUEL O. WHITE, be loved husband of Gertrude Moreno White. Services at the above residence on Saturday. March 13. at 9 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 12 WHITEHEAD. WALTER P. On Thursday. March 11. 1937. at 12:45 a m., at his residence. 328 6th st. s.e.. WALTER P.. beloved husband of Sarah E Whitehead. Funeral from Nalley’s funeral home. 522 8th st. s.e.. Saturday at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 12* WILSON THEODORICK P. THEODORICK P. WILSON aged 45 years, examiner for Interstate Commerce Commission, the beloved son of Mrs. Fanny Campbell Wilson and the late Rev. G. A. Wilfcon and brother of Rev. G. A. Wilson, jr.. of Marion. Va.: Daniel A. Wilson of Florida. Mrs. James E. Bosworth of Brownsburg. Va.; Mrs. R. Lee Chambliss of Rawlings. Va.. and Miss Margaret Wilson of Lexington. Va. Funeral serv ices and interment in New Providence Church Cemetery. Brownsburg. Va. (near Staunton. Va.). on Friday. March 32. 1937. Services by the W. W. Chamber* Co. In fUmurtant. BURITY. JAMES R. Tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our beloved father, JAMES R. DURITY. who entered eternal rest one year ago today, March 11. 1936 Till memory fades and life departs. You’ll live forever in our hearts. Time takes away the edge of grief. But memory turns back every leaf. HIS DEVOTED SON. GEORGE H. DUR ITY, AND FAMILY. • STEWART. RACHEL T. J. A tribute of love to the memory of our devoted mother. RACHEL T. J. STEWART, who departed this life four years ago today. March 11. 1933. God saw that the road was getting rough. And the hills were hard to climb. He gentlv closed her loving eyes And whispered, "Peace be thine.” HER DEVOTED SONS. WILLIAM H. AND RICHARD V. STEWART. • TWINE. WILLIAM H. In sad but loving memory of mv husband. WILLIAM H. TWINE who departed this life six years aeo today, March 11. 1931. Some day we hone to meet him. Some day we know not when: We ll clasp his hands in a better land. Never to part again. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. IOIlA TWINE. • WILLIAMS. JAMES H.. JR. Sacred to the memory of our dear son and brother, who passed away three years ago today, March 11. 1934. We loved our son and brother. And miss him more each day: But God knew he was suffering. And took him gently away. THE FAMILY. » FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece* 1212 P 8t N W_NAtlonal 427B GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT fllOfl Open Evening _ .... _ - end Sundays COf. 14th & Eye CEMETERY LOTS. LARGE PLOT. CEDAR HILL: BEST BBC tlon: less than $1,000: to settle estate. Call Mr. STALEY. National 9460. week days. rf CAPITAL BUST DIES IN BALTIMORE Dr. William Harding Longley First to Take Undersea Color Pictures. By tht Associated Press. BALTIMORE. March 11.—Dr. Wil liam Harding Longley, director of the marine laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, chairman of the Goucher College Biology Depart ment, and a distinguished scientist, died in Johns Hopkins Hospital last night. Dr. Longley, who was 56, was credited with taking the first sub marine photographs in natural colors, and was regarded as an authority on tropical undersea life. He conducted field work in 12 foreign countries and on many tropical islands, and wrote extensively on biological subjects. He was bom in Paradise, Nova Scotia, and was graduated from Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, in 1901. Subsequently, he re ceived three degrees from Yale Uni versity and taught biology there for a year. Dr. Longley was a fellow of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, the American Society of Zoologists, the American Society of Naturalists, the Genetics So ciety of America, and the Biological Society of America. He was a mem ber of Phi Beta Kappa. In addition to his widow, Mrs. Hazel Fowler Baird Longley, Dr. Longley is survived by two sons. Dr. William H. Longley. jr„ of New York City, and James Baird Longley of Baltimore, and one daughter. Miss Elizabeth Fowler Baird Longley, also of Balti more. Since 1923, Dr. Longley had been executive officer of the Tortugas (Fla.) Marine Biological Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. He frequently made visits here to study fishes, particularly those of tropical waters, at the National Museum. He was a collaborator in marine invertebrates at the Museum. WAR VETERAN DIES Special Dispatch to The Star. TAKOMA PARK, Md., March 11. —James Thomas Bell, 87. drummer boy in the United States Marines during the Civil War, died yester day in Garfield Hospital. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. Interment will be in Arlington National Cemetery. A native of Alexandria, Va., he enlisted in September, 1864, and served four years. He has been a resident of Takoma Park most of his life since that time. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna M. Bell. (edea' Hill li'a^liuujtbiu mcSt BeautUiil (cmeteru Cemmunitj Mausoleum, Columbarium [ and Rccelvinr Vaults. Frazier's —service, quality and reverance In conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete In every detail. Undertakers for col. ored U. S. War Veterans, Also for the C. C. C. Camp, N. P. 11. Company 1360, Washington, D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. W. W. Chambers Here it the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT Chamber$ YOU HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE FUNERAL FOR f Q Others *95 1125. 5150. (165 Op. THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOT COMPLETE—Low «t For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famous Undertaker 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1400 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Phene Colombia 0432 517 ELEVENTH 8T 8.E. Phone ATIsntle 0700 018 CLEVELAND AVE.. R1VERDALE, MD. Near HrattsvIIlV. Md. Phone Greenwood 1221 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the euccessor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtlonaine2892 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium tth and Mass. Ave, N.E. Lincoln 8200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L HAYCOCK Manager) BiiBSisgff ¥8873034 M St. N.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. tt&STS&S: N*5 NAtional 2473 « Drama in a City Street Here lies the body of Frank Devino. stretched out in an ugly heap on a Bronx, N. Y., street. The truck in background ran over him and crushed away his life.—Copyright, A. P. Wirephato. EDWARD M. HODGKINS DIES IN CALIFORNIA Cerebral Hemorrhage Proves Fatal to Former D. C. Resident. Rites in San Diego. Edward Montgomery Hodgkins, for merly of this city, died yesterday in San Diego, Calif., the result of a cere bral hemorrhage suffered Sunday, ac cording to word received here. Mr. Hodgkins had been an auditor on the West Coast since 1916. His father, the late Samuel Hodgkins, for many years a resident here, was a Civil War veteran and artist. The parent also was a well-known art critic. Among survivors are a brother, Arthur W. Hodgkins, architect in the office of the quartermaster general, War Department, and a niece, Mrs. S. A. Dulanv Hunter of Kenwood, Md. Funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon in San Diego. In accordance with Dr. Hodgkins' wish, the body will be cremated. MRS. ESTHER BROOKE, NATIVE OF D. C., DIES Funeral Tomorrow for 81-Year Old Widow of Lloyd B. Brooke. Mr*. Esther R. Brooke, 81, widow of Lloyd B. Brooke, died yesterday of a cerebral hemorrhage at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George W. Coe tin, 418 Farragut street. A lifelong Washington resident, Mrs. Brooke was bom In the old first ward section of Georgetown, the daughter of the late Horatio N. Easby and the late Elizabeth B. Easby. Her husband, j who died in 1928, at one time was j chief of the st8el plate transfer sec tion, Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Besides Mrs. Costin, Mrs. Brooke leaves another daughter, Mrs. Cyrus T. Bright, and a son, Lloyd A. Brooke, both of this city, and five grand children. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Farragut street residence. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. WILLIAM DOHERTY DIES; EX-VIRGINIA LABOR HEAD Norfolk Resident Also Was Long Prominent Democrat—Serv ices Tomorrow. B» the Associated Press. NORFOLK, Va., March 11.—William Emmett Doherty, 68, former president of the Virginia Federation of Labor, long identified with organized labor here and for many years high in the councils of the local branch of the Democratic party, died yesterday. Doherty was stricken with a heart attack Tuesday at the Elks Club and was taken to his home where he died. Funeral services will be conducted at Sacred Heart Catholic Church to morrow morning at 10 o’clock. Burial will be in St. Mark's Cemetery. Doherty came to Norfolk in 1900 from Richmond, his native city. Sur viving are his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Butt j Doherty; one son, William Emmett Doherty, Jr., and one brother, James B. Doherty of Richmond. MOM ALWAYS SERVES CANADA DRY - SAYS SHE WANTS TO DC SURE WE OCT A GINOERALE THAT* PURE AMD WHOLESOME Canada Dry is made of real Jamaica ginger, fine cane sugar and other choice ingredients. Graduate chemists inspect it fourteen times to safeguard the matchless quality and purity. CANADA DRY ,r<Tbt Qjampagne of finger i_Ales” CANADA DRY’S SPARKLING WATER LEMON LIME RICKEY NEW LOW PRICES 5* MlvMint (tea 10* ta-*c >tza 15* «-»«,*• (All prices pirn krttU depotits) When You Get a Low-Priced Car GET THE CM THAT'S BUILT TO HIGH PRICE STANDARDS! THE ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR THAT GIVES YOU ALL 12 OF THESE HIGH PRICE FEATURES 1. SMOOTHER, QUIETER V-8 ENGINES. In 2 sizes—The Brilliant “85”. . The Thrifty “60.” 2. LUXURIOUS INTERIORS. Rich wood-grain finish on all inside trim. Smart new upholstery. 3a MODERN BEAUTY. New and more beautiful body designs. All models same wheelbase, same body size. Spacious luggage compartments. 4a NEW ECONOMY. Owners report 22 to 27 miles per gallon in the new Thrifty “60” . . . Greater mileage than ever in the Brilliant “85.” 5. IMPROVED CENTERPOISE RIDE for all pas sengers. Rear seat now 7 in. ahead of axle. 6. NEW ALL-STEEL SAFETY BODIES. Steel top, sides and floor reinforced with steel and welded into a single unit of tremendous strength. 7. NEW EASY-ACTION SAFETY BRAKES. Self energizing operation—found in no other car at the price—gives greater stopping power with easier, softer pedal action. 8. CLEAR VISION “V” WINDSHIELDS that open. 9. TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE. Found [in [no other car under $795. 10. FREE ACTION ON ALL 4 WHEELS. More flexible, self-lubricating, transverse springs. 11. BAKED ENAMEL FINISH gives finer appear ance and longer lasting lustre. 12. LOW CENTER OF GRAVITY. An important reason why Ford V-8’s hold the road so steadily on curves. In Performance, Beauty, Safety, Comfort and Economy . . . this year’s FORD V-8 gives you more fine car advantages than ever! No wonder Washington, as well as the rest of the country, calls this year’s Ford V-8 “The Quality Car in the Low-Price Field.” With new beauty, smoother, quieter opera tion, greater comfort and increased economy it sets standards of value that are entirely new among low cost cars, even for Ford! You have to look at cars costing lots more money to find such Ford advantages as V-8 engines, Center-Poise Ride, Easy-Actlon Safety Brakes and Torque-Tube Drive, to mention just a few. If you are going to get a low-priced car this year, why not get the car that keeps you in the “high price” class? Ask your Ford Dealer to let you drive the Brilliant “85” or the Thrifty “60” today! THE NEW F0RDV8 The Thriftiest Car In Foid History -FORD DEALERS OF WASHINGTON ANACOSTIA MOTOR CO. 1338 Good Hope Rd. TRIANGLE MOTOR CO. New York Are. and North Capitol NORTHWEST MOTOR CO. 6730 Wisconsin Are. Chevy Chaae, Md. 8340 Wleeoneln Ave. LOGAN MOTOR CO. 1111 18th St. N.W. *017 Vlrrlnla Are. N.W. CARTER MOTOR CO. 113 N. St. Asaph Alexandria, Va. PARKWAY MOTOR CO.. INC. 3010 M St. N.W. 4030 Wisconsin At*. CHERNEB MOTOR CO. 1781 Florida Are. N.W. Conn. Are. and Nebraska 1512 14th St. N.W. NORTHEAST MOTOR CO. 920 Bladenabnra Rd. N.E. ARLINGTON MOTOR CO., INC. Roaalra, Va. TAKOMA MOTOR CO., INC. 21 Carroll Are. Takoma Park, Md. 4th and Blair Rd. N.W. WALSH MOTOR CO. 8000 Ga. At*. Sliver Sprint. Md. BILLHIMER t PALMER 7 Spencer St. 4014 Rhode Island A to. Hyattsville, Md. WARFIELD MOTOR CO. 2525 Sherman Are. N.W. 1727 Connecticut Are. N.W. TRANK M. MCLAUGHLIN 3103 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. CAPITOL MOTORS. INC. 215 Pennsylvania Ave. 8. E. Oil Water St. S.W. HANDLEY MOTOR CO. 3730 Georgia Are. N.W. HILL * TIBBITTS 1114 Vermont Are. N.W. 1483 L St. N.W 1880 14th St. N.W. 8TEUART MOTOR CO. Sixth and New York Ate. N.W, 14th St. and R. I. Axe. N.l. < 3rd and H Sta. N.E.