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U. S. MEDICAL UNITS WILL GO TO SPAIN State Department Changes Regulation to Permit Passports. Br the Associated Press. Medical and relief units will be permitted to go from the United States to Spain under a changed regulation announced by the State Department yesterday. The department had been refusing to grant passports to sufh units, de claring Its refusal was in line with the United States policy of imparti ality toward the warring forces in Spain. Reversal Unexplained. No explanation was given for re versal of regulations. "The Friends of Spanish Democracy,” an organi zation seeking to send medical relief to Loyalists, had protested the earlier policy as equivalent to discrimination against the Loyalists. The State Department also an nounced it will authorize American naval vessels to evacuate more than 100 Cuban refugees from Spain as soon as arrangements can be made for landing them in France. The Cuban government, which re quested such assistance, now is said to be seeking French permission for disembarking the refugees in Mar seille. Warships May Take Them Off. When this arrangement is perfected, the State Department said, orders would be issued to the American cruiser Raleigh or possibly two de stroyers in the American naval squad ron in European waters to take them off, probably at some port on the East Coast of Spain. The refugees are said to have been in the Cuban Embassy in besieged Madrid for some time. Their exact number was not known here. AID TO BE SPEEDED. Loyalists’ Friends in New York to Send Medical Unit. NEW YORK. March 13 Amer ican sympathizers with the Spanish Loyalist government prepared late to day to broaden their aid to that gov ernment as the State Department in Washington relaxed relief restrictions previously operating against them. The medical bureau of the American Friends of Spanish Democracy an nounced it would speed a second med ical unit to Spain aboard the liner Normandie, sailing March 17. At the same time it said it would collect money for raising and equip ping five other such contingents, thus providing seven. The first was sent across in January, shortly before the passage early in this session of Con gress of new neutrality legislation. Spain (Continued From First Page.) League of Nations, amounting to an undeclared war. It appealed to the League to communicate its accusa tions to all members. Italian officers and men captured in battle were the sources of the Spanish government's information, the note said. NET ABOUT SPAIN. Ships of Four Nations Begin Non Intervention Patrol. LONDON, March 14 (Sunday) C45). —Warships of four nations drew a net about war-torn Spain early today as the international sea patrol for su pervising traffic to her ports went into effect at midnight. Observers here emphasized that al though Great Brtain, France, Ger many and Italy now technically are Insuring that no more foreign volun 'teers or war materials enter Spam, the start of the naval patrol was but the first step in putting the com plicated non-intervention machinery Into action. They pointed out that closing the last loopholes may be impossible for some weeks as each country yet must pass legislation ordering its ships to comply with the patrol’s orders. Hours before midnight last night there was activity at the French base at Brest as the destroyer Fantasque sailed to take up its police duties along the Spanish coast. Six torpedo boats raised steam to follow. Berlin reported a flotilla of armed SLIGHTLY USED RCA VICTOR MODEL D-22 Radio-Phonograph $395 The list price is $600, so you con make a real saving on this fine 1937 model 22 tube all-wave set with an automatic record-changer, home recording device—all the best features—the finest set RCA-Victor makes. New set guarantee — very easy terms. Middle of the Block Nazis in U. S. Honor Der Fuehrer This exclusive picture shows exercises at a meeting in New York City’s midtown German section, known as Yorkville. The men belong to Verein der Saarlanders, one of New York’s organizations of Nazi sympathizers which holds occasional gatherings, where some members don brown shirts and the Nazi emblem is displayed. —Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. fishing trawlers was formed to as sist the German fleet to play its part In the supervision scheme. Three newly-appointed supervisors of the 27-nation scheme to keep the Spanish civil war isolated in Spain planned to meet here tomorrow to complete plans for the blockade. These included Admiral M. H. Van Dulm, former commander of the Netherlands East Indies fleet, director of the non-intervention program; Ad miral J. S. Oliver, former Dutch squadron, in charge of the naval pa trol, and Col. Christian Lunn of Denmark, in charge of the land fron tier guard. REBEL ATTACK REPULSED. Jarama Front Southeast of Capital Mired by Rains. MADRID, March 13 (A3).—Govern ment forces were reported tonight to have repulsed a new insurgent at tack on the Jarama front, southeast of Madrid. The insurgents launched a fierce onslaught in the valley below Madrid with cavalry and artillery, despite drenching rains. Government commanders said they believed the renewed activities in the Jarama sector were intended to de termine if Madrid’s defenses were weakened by the withdrawal of sea soned troops to bolster defensive posi tions in Guadalajara Province, to the northeast. Dispatches were received today say ing the government forces had ad vanced 3 miles Friday in a surge back from their retreat in the heavy fight ing in Guadalajara. Commanded personally by Gen. Jose Mlaja, commander of government troops in Central Spain, Madrid's army was reported to have driven in surgents from their most advanced positions in the Guadalajara offen sive under a hail of fire. Trijueque, 44 miles northeast of Ma drid, where Generalissimo Francisco Franco admittedly had pushed the vanguard of his insurgent army, was said to have been made untenable under the combined broadsides of gov ernment bombing planes and machine gunners. Twenty-three insurgent tanks were reported destroyed and a complete artillery battery seized. The government announced that besides 12 field pieces its forces cap tured a quantity of automatic rifles, two anti-aircraft guns, a large quan tity of hand grenades, gas masks and 60 machine guns. The announcement said 18 addi tional Italians fighting with the in surgents were captured. i Communiques to insurgent head quarters at Soria disclosed Madrid's militiamen had counter-attacked twice. But, the advices said, the effort HOT-WATER HEATING CAMEL OIL BURNERS Midwest's Largest Selling Burner. No interrup tion with present heat. Completely Installed. Am Low a§ This Coupon Worth 810.00 on Purchase of Any Burner. Any nationally advertised prod uct. Complete plant for 6-room house a* low aa No Money Down 1st Payment Sept, lit Without Additional Intereit Sac Ut About Your Hooting Problomt. FREE ESTIMATES— All Work Cuarantood. ECONOMY HEATING COMPANY 906 10th St. N.W. Met. 2132 bachelor I SPECIAL | i |Bfi,=Sgl 1 ?BS,aar-"::.^ I I Total Vatu®. ' 1 I n«aar<r> Pr,c 1 \ *1°° 1 Wien’s | Felt Hats «i»» ‘ «*"BB CLEANING and pressing ™ >_ gullsi coat*. ,*»j r«rtauw«“ivci**”^ wome®■ ^re, (Heavy coats< ^uT" «* pr«tp «■*»q*" THERE’S A HOWARD’S NEAR YOU nos 4th Street N.E. 5*2* Georgia At*. N.W. toot Georgia Ato. N.W. Montgomery Arena* and S20 Kennedy St. N.W. Frederick Road, Ml 1 Nichols At*. S.E. RoekTille. Md. S707 Nichols At*. S.E. 112* Vermont Are. N.W. SOS Carroll Stroet. 120 15th Street N.E. Takoma Park 1647 South Capitol St. 1020 North Capitol St. ISIS 14th Street N.W. 220 Upshur Street N.W. S91S 14th Street N.W. 62R Upshur street N.W. 5602 Connecticut Are. KOI 10th St. N.W. 622 7th Street S.W. 814 14th Street N.W. *429 Minn. Are. S.E. 1621 17th Street N.W. 1500 Wise. Are. N.W. 1416 Park Road N.W. 6S8 Fa. Are. S.E. 7708 Georgia Are. N.W. S211 Washington Bird. 420 H Street N.E. Clarendon, Va. 1751 Columbia Road 104 Maryland Are., 2500 Georgia Are. N.W. Hyattsrille. Md. Plant, 1343 S. Capitol St. to disrupt the insurgent advance down the Aragon-Madrid road was at heavy cost to the main body of government troops. (Motorized divisions of insurgent legionnaires were reported to have eradicated “pockets” of government forces behind the new front with oc cupation of several additional villages. One of these, Cogolludo, about 15 miles north of Trijueque, is on Gen. Franco's right flank, where govern ment troops had harassed his col umns.) Insurgent bombing squadrons were reported to have subjected the Barce lona region to heavy Are. Official re ports, however, said little damage was done. Eighty incendiary bombs were dropped near the electric plant at San Adrian de Besos, outside Barcelona, and inhabitants of the city scurried into basements, the dispatches report ed. Government pursuit planes were said to have chased the Insurgent bombers before they could attack Bar celona itself, however. The Madrid defense junta issued an order prohibiting the sale of bread and sandwiches in bars and cafes, de claring it was a public injustice to permit such sales when homes lacked some of the necessities. The order is I to become effective March 16. American Youth Killed. LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 13 f/P).— ! V/ord that his son, Joseph Seligman, j jr., 20, had lost his life fighting with ! the government forces in defense of Madrid, was received today by Joseph Seligman, sr., a Louisville attorney. The message, from Secretary Hull, said young Seligman died of head wounds in a Madrid engagement. WAR GAMES IN MEXICO Capital Is Objective of “Blue” Attacking Forces. MEXICO CITY. March 13 UP.— Playing at war, a "blue” army "fought,” its way toward Mexico City today de spite desperate resistance by the “red” defenders of the capital, who made a last stand at Barrientos, 9 miles aw^y. With 2,000 infantrymen, artillery men and members of the Signal Corps participating, along with 30 airplanes, the maneuvers started early in the morning. It w'as the first time in recent years that the air force had participated in the war games. I ... MAN Don't be a Wrong Wilbur! Don't pass up Falk's Clothes because of the low price on the tags—look at the VALUE! And what a differ ence a new spring suit mokes— be FIRST man in a smart plaid or check— 16.75, 19.75, 22.50 Folks MASTER HAND FITTING assures a perfect fit. YOU MAY CHARGE IT Falk's Way! FAL 928 F N.W. 609 7th N.W. POTOMAC POLLUTION WOLMAN’S SUBJECT Resources Committee Official to Speak Friday Under Board of Trade Auspices. Abel Wolman chairman of the water resources unit of the National Resources Committee, will deliver one of the principal addresses at the con ference on Potomac River pollution to be held Friday at the United States Chamber of Commerce Building, un der sponsorship of the Board of Trade. Wolman, who is chairman of the Maryland State Planning Board and an outstanding engineer, also will lead part of the discussion of the National Resources Committee's proposal, which calls for an expenditure of $15,000,000 for experimental work on the Potomae In this area. Members of Congress and city offi- - cials from Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania are ex pected to attend the conference. SUlpCcttf/ih “ CUSTOM TAILORED PLEATED AND ZIPPERS 2- Piece Set, 531-45 3- Piece Set, 538-95 (Choice of S.Sc Chevron Cloth, flenred - m dust tiaht & Printed t rash W iilra 'lfd FI. American Bldi. )flL9wdls \ DRAPERY 5H0P ^ Pi.32ii ~ 1317 F to Get The Ring at Castelberg’s Backed by their long rep utation tor reliability and honesty. Yon take no chances when you buy your rings from Castel berg. Jeanetta MacDonald and Nelson Eddy in “Maytime,” coming soon to Loewi Palace. A 8 DIAMOND Combination Sparkling, gorgeous dia monds set in white or yellow gold mountings of the newest designs. 1004 F St. Jewelers Since 1849 , THE GREATEST SALES IN HISTORY The new La Salle V-8 is selling at the fastest rate in La Salle history. And small wonder—for here, surely, is the greatest value the fine-car field has ever seen. Prices begin at only $1005 for a car designed and built entirely by Cadillac—and powered by a 125 horsepower V-8 Cadillac engine! And, remember, that is the DELIVERED PRICE AT DETROIT, and includes all standard accessories. Only transportation, state and local sales taxes need be added. The new La Salle V-8 is economical, too. It is unusually sparing of gasoline and oil, while service costs are surprisingly low. »■ i ■ ■ ■ In fact, many say their new La Salles cost less to drive than cars of even lower price. Before you buy a car at any price, we urge you to look at La Salle. The chances are your present car will make the down payment. AND UP ■ " ... » CAPITOL CADILLAC COMPANY 1222 22nd ST. N.W. W. L. KING MOTOR CO. Gaithersburg, Mi. F. D. AKERS, President AERO MOTOR CO., INC. 1101 King Street Alexandria, Vo. NATIONAL 3300 MANN MOTORS, INC. 8129 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md.