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BOND PRICES HELD TO NARROW RANGE Minor Losses Predominate in Both Corporate and U. S.Issues. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util P’Kn Net change- Unc. —.1 +.1 Unc. Today, noon 96.0 103.5 100.2 72.5 Prev.'day-.. 96.0 103.6 100.1 72.5 Month ago— 97.5 104.0 101.7 74.5 Year ago— 92.3 102.1 102.0 70.0 1937 high-— 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 96.0 103.5 100.0 72.5 1936 high— 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low.— 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high— 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon -100.2 Prev. day. 110.2 Month ago 111.1 Year ago. Ill 3 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low. 110.2 1936 high. 113.5 1935 low. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low. 86 8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By tbs Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 15.—A slack ening of the trading pace today held bond prices to narrow ranges as minor losses predominated The absence of inclination either to buy or sell was demonstrated in all sections of the list, particularly in the domestic corporate quarter, where late in the morning bonds moved from plus to minus signs or vice versa on single, small transactions. Ameri can Telephone 3i4s opened higher but reversed its position on light volume. Other loans to move similarly were numerous. Great Northern 4s reacted more than 2 points, duplicating their trend of last week, while major fractions were pared from International Hydro Electric 6s, McKesson & Robbins 5»/2s and Western Union 5s. Frisco 4’ys also gave up nearly a point, Remington-Rand 4>4s broke about 512 points following activity of the Department of Labor in connection with the company's labor relations, one outgrowth of which was the re consideration of a Federal contract •warded the company. - United States Governments moved unevenly with losses prevailing. De clines ranged to 3-32 of a point and • few issues moved ahead 1-32 or 2-32. INVESTING COMPANIES *ZS& York (Noon Quotations.! Admin Fd 2nd Inc _ mum 22^iT' Am Business Shrs 1 35 j 4s Am Gen Eq Inc _ 118 I 32 Ins Stocks _ 6125 turn Bancamer Blair 12.00 13 00 Bank Group Shrs 2 04 11 20 Bankers Nat Inv Corp _ 4.00 4 025 Basic Industry _ 6 67 Broad St Inv 37 74 40 t« Bullock Fund 24' "5 ’5 8T5 Corporate Trust ~ 3 12 0 ° Corporate Trust A A 2 !»H Corp Tr A A mod . 3 88 CorD Tr Accum Ser 2 08 Corp Tr Acc Mod... 3KS Cumulative Tr Sh 6.92 Depos Bk Sh N Y "A" •> 80 Depos Ins Shrs "A" :t 8° Depos Ins Shrs 'B”__ 3 02 Diversified Tr C. ft 45 Dividend 8hrs _ 2 17 2 3° , Equity Corp S3 pf . _ 40.00 4.3 00 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 20.80 .32 10 First Boston Corp.. 38 0"5 40 »25 Fixed Trust Sh A j 4 20 Fixed Trust Sh B 11 <10 Found Tr Sh A . 5.25 5.55” Fund Investors Inc 20.25 27 72 Fund Tr Shrs A . _ 6.08 7.38 Fund Tr Shrs B 0.13 Oen Investors Tr . 7,40 s 12 group Sec Agriculture 2.03 2.19 roup Sec Automobile __ 1.58 1 72 Group Sec Buildin* 2 4.3 2 02 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.70 1.84 Oroun Sec Food 1 07 1 17 Group Sec Invest Shrs _ 1.93 2.09 GrouD Sec Merchandise l.OO 1 74 Group Sec Minin* 1.96 2.12 Group Sec Petroleum 1.67 1.70 Group Sec R R Equip 1,80 1 ,9n Group Sec Steel 2 .34 2 53 Group Sec Tobacco- 1.10 1 20 Huron Holdin* 88 1 °8 Incorp Investors _ 28 04 Insurance Group Shr$ . 1.78 1 92 Investors Fd C” Inc 17.14 18 19 Keyston Oust Fund B-3 23.32 26 57 Major Shrs Corp 3 375 Maryland Fund _ 10 72 11 72 Mass Invest Tr 30 80 32 08 Mutual Invest 18'M 19 93 Nation Wide Sec 4.90 5 00 Nation Wide Voting 2.33 2 49 N Y Bank Tr 8hrs 4.50 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 59.315 Nor Am Tr Shares 2.86 Nor Ant Tr Sh 1956. 3 78 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 . .3 71 Nor Am Tr 8h 1958. 3.59 Plymouth Fund Inc - 1.00 1 II Quarterly Income Sh. 19.44 21 30 Selected Am Sh 4.41 'Selected AM Sh Inc. ._ 16.27 17.90 Selected Cumul Sh _ 11.28 Selected Income Sh ft 82 Spencer Trask Fund - 23.05 2.3.76 Stand Am Tt Shrs 450 4 75 Stand Util Inc __ 1.03 1.11 Suner of Am Tr A 4 4.3 Super of Am Tr AA 2.99 SuDer of Am Tr B 4.03 Super of Am Tr BB_ 3 99 Super of Am Tr C 8 52 Super of Am Tr D 8.52 Supervised Shrs 15 82 17 19” Trustee Stand Inv C 3.28 Trustee Stand Inv D 3.22 Trusteed Am Bk B" 1.00 1.11 Trusteed Industry Shrs 1.04 1 82 Wellington Fund . 21.18 23.21 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. March 15—New York Se curity Dealers' Association: (Quotations as of 2 o clock.) . .... . , Bid. Asked. Bank of Manhattan (1 Va> - 30 :{K Bankers’ Trust (21 77 79 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4). . l:i(t 142 Chase National (1.40). 58V, on% Chem Bk & Tr (1.80) _ _ 76 77 Commercial (8) 217 223 Cont Bk & Tr (.80) 19% 21% Corn Ex Elk & T (3)__ 71 Va 72% Empire Tr (1) _ 35 30 First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 58% 00% First Natl (100)._ _24oO 249(1 Guaranty Tr (12) 300 '305 Irving Trust (.00) _ 18 -19 Manufacturers' Tr (2) 03 05 Manufacturers’ Tr pf (2) 54 50 National City (1) __ 56% 57% New York Trust (5)_ 148% 151% Public (1%) . 63% 55% Title G & T 10% 17% FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK, March 16 OP)—Federal Land Bank bonds: „, „ Bid. Asked. 4%s Nov., 1968-38_105% 105% 4%s May. 1957-37_109% lot 4s May, 1958-38_103% 104 4s Nov.. 1.957-37__ 102 102% 4s July, 1940-44_109% 110% 3%s May, 1955-45_102% 103% 3s July. 1955-45_101 % 101% 3s Jan., 1950-40___101% 101% 8s May. 1050-49_101 % 10l4* CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO, March 15 (4b.—Poultry, live. * ears, 14 trucks: easier, hens, over 6 Bounds, 18%; 5 pounds and less. 19%; Leghorn hens, 10%; colored fryers. 25; White Rock. 25%; Plymouth Rock. 27; colored broilers, 26: White Rock. 25: Ply mouth Rock. 20; barebacks, 19: roosters. 13; Leghorn roosters, 13; turkeys, hens, 81; young toms, 17: old. 10: No. 2 turkeys. 15; ducks. 4% pounds up. white and col ored, 20; small white and colored. 17 fees*, 14; capons. 7 pounds up, 24; less han 7 pounds. 23. Butter, 8.201; firm; creamery, specials (93 score). 35%a30; extras (92). 35 extra firsts (90-91). 34%a34%: firsts (88-89). 33a34: standards (90, central ized carlots), 34*4 Mgs. 16,091; steady: extra firsts, local, S3; cars, 23%; fresh gradad firsts, local. 23%; cars, 23%; current receipts. 21%; storage packed extras, 24%; storage packed firsts. 24%. Potatoes. 100. on track. 377; total XT. 8 shipments Saturday 952; Sunday 67; old stock dull, weak undertone; supplies liberal; demand slow: limited mostly to best quality; sacked, per hundredweight. Idaho Russett Burbanks. U. 8. No 1 O.lBaSO. according to size and quality; U. 8. No 2. 9.08S7O; Colorado Red Mc Clures. U. 8. No. 1, 2.76a3.00: Russet Burbanks partly graded, 2.9(1. Wisconsin round whites, XT. 8. No. 1. few sales. 2.26; XJ. S. commercial, 2.00; Michigan Russet Rurals. XT 8 No. 1, few sales. 2.30a40. /New stock about steady; supplies moder ate; demand slow: qarlot track sales, bushel crates. Florida Bliss Triumphs. IT. S. No. 1. few sales, 2.12%a20; U. fi No. 2. few Mies. 2.10 a crate Airport charges to civilian* In Britain will be standardised. * BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct le The Star. TREASU RY High. Low. 2:65. 2H* 1949-63_ 100.13 100.10 100.10 2 8 1946-47_ 108.28 103.28 108.28 2^8 1948-61_ 102.22 102.81 102.22 2<y48 195i-64_ 102.14 102.10 102.11 2 44 s 1956-59_ 102.14 102.10 102.10 27)b195d-60 _ 103.23 108,21 103.21 2 74 s 1955-60 reg_. 103.19 108.19 103.19 38 1946-48_ 106.21 106.20 106.21 3s 1951-66 _ 106.23 106.22 106.22 S7)s 1946-49_ 106.13 106.18 106.18 3 74b 1949-62_ 106,24 106.24 106.24 8)4 8 1941 _ 106.24 106.22 106.22 3 >48 1944-46 _ 106.24 106.88 106.28 3 44 s 1940-43 June 106.2 106.2 106.2 3748 1941-43 Mar 106.23 106.28 106.23 3 44 8 1 9 4 3 - 47_ 107.9 107.9 107.9 3448 1946-56_ 111,13 111.18 111.18 48 1944-64 _ 112.27 112.26 112.26 4 74 S-8 74 8 1943-45 106.23 106.23 106,23 4741 1947-62 _ 117.23 117.23 117.23 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE 2 44 8 1 9 4 2 - 47_ 102.24 102.24 102.24 3s 1947_ 108.81 108.31 102.81 3s 1949_ 103.28 103.28 108.28 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2748 1942-44_ 101 100.31 100.81 2448 1939-49_ 101.6 101.2 101.4 Jb 1952_ 103.11 108.7 108.7 FOREIGN RONDS. Hlth Low 8:55 Abltlbl PaiPw 6s '53. 92H 827* 337! Antloqula 1st 7i'67_ 18)1 13V) 13!a Antwerp 6s'58 _100J4 10071 10071 Argentine 4 74»’71_ 98 977) 3771 Argentine 6s 67 A ... 10174 1017)10171 Argentine 6s‘60 May 10271 1027) 1027) Argentine 6s '69 June 100)1 loot) 100N Argentine 6s'69 Oct . 1027) 1087) 10271 Argentine 6s’60 Sept. 1017) 1017) 10171 Argentine 6s'61 Febr. 101!) 101)) 101)* Australia 47)8‘66_ 100 V9)t 4U)1 Australia 6s'65_ 1047) 104)) 1047) Australia 6s'67_ 106 106 106 Belgium tis '56 _ 108)1 108!) 108)) Belgium 674s 49_ 1087) 10874 1087) Belgium 78 65 117 117 117 Berlin Elec 6 Tgs '51_ 20 30 20 Brazil 674s’26-'57_ 447) 447) 447) Brazil 6Hb’27-'57_ 43)) 48 48 Brazil 7s'62_ 437i )374 487) Brazil !s 41._ 60)4 607) 607) Brisbane 5s '57___101 101 101 Brisbane 6s'58_ 1007) 1007) 1007) Brisbane 6s'60_ 10371 102!) 1024 Buenos A C 6 74s'55— 1017) 1017) 101H Buenos Aires 4 4»-34■ "77 Pv_ 774 774 774 Buenos A 4Hs'76 Aug 7* 774 774 Buenos Aires 4%S-4Ss ’76 April.. 78 78 78 Bue Ai 4 4S-4V.S ’75_794 I94 T94 Bulgaria 7s 67 July coqpon oft_ *44 244 244 Bulgaria 74s '68 May coupon oft_ 284 234 *54 Canada 443’45_ 984 984 984 Canada 34s 61_ 984 984 9*4 Canada 4s’60___ 106 106 106 Canada 6s’62_1114 1U4 H14 Chile 6s’60_ 284 334 234 Chile 6s 61 Jan_ 23 4 23 4 234 Chile 6s '61 Febr_ 234 234 234 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 28 4 23 4 234 Chile 6s 62_ 234 234 234 Chile 6s 63_ 28 4 234 2 3 4 Chile 7s 42 _ 23 4 23 4 234 Chile iltg Bk 6s 62_ 194 194 194 Chile Mtg Bk 64s’57. 1»4 194 194 Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 354 864 354 Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 354 364 354 Copenhagen 5s'62_ 994 99*-* 914 Cordoba 7s 42 Prv_ 8* 98 98 Cuba 54s 45 664 56 4 564 Czechoslovakia 8s '51. 1044 1044 1044 Denmark 44s 82_ 994 994 994 Denmark 64s'55_ 101 1004 1004 Denmark 6s 42 _ 105 105 106 Dominic let 54s 40_ 81 81 81 Estonia 7s 67_ 99 99 99 Fiat deb 7s'46_ 96 96 96 Frameric In 74s'42._ 108 1074 108 French Gov 74s 41.. 1174 1174 U74 Ger C Bk A 6s '<50 July 324 324 324 Ger C Ag Bk 6s'6U Oct 324 324 324 Ger Gen Elec64s'40.. 32 32 32 Ger Gov 5 4s'65 at 244 244 244 Ger Gov 64s 65 un st- 1»4 194 193? Ger Rep 7s'49 stpd . 3i 304 ai Grt C El Jap 64s'50_ 90 90 90 Grt C El Jap 7s 44_ 934 934 934 Greek Gov 6s 68 _ 824 324 324 Hamburg St 6s'46_ 194 194 l»4 Italy 7s 51 _ 874 *74 874 Ital P U Crd 7s'62_ 764 7*4 7*4 Japan 64s'65__ 82 814 814 Japan 64s'54- 954 964 *54 Kreug&Toll os '59 erg. 46 46 46 Medelin 64* 54 134 134 1»4 Mex 4s 10- 45aastsm *>4 6 6 Mex 4s 54 asst .. 6 6 « Mex Ire 4 4* 43 asst.. 54 84 64 Milan 64s 62 _ 74 74 74 Montevideo 7s’52_ 654 654 654 New So Wales 6s ’67.. 10i4 1024 1024 New So Wales 5s ’68.. 102H 102 4 I024 Nord Ry 6 4s'50_ 104 104 104 Norway 'V*s 65- 1004 1004 1004 Norway 44s 5*-103 103 ll’S Norway 6s 44 - 1064 10«H 1064 Norw Mun Bk 5s '70... 1024 1024 1024 Norw Hy El 54s '67.. lull* 1014 1014 Oriental Dev 6Hs '68.. 74 74 74 Oriental Dev 6s'63_ 784 7*4 784 Oslo 44s 66 __ 100 9914 99*4 OsloG&E5s'68_101 101 101 Panama 54s'53- 10* 4 106 4 106 4 Panama 6s 63 stp as.. 704 70 4 704 Pernambuco 7s '47 Sept coupon off_ 28 28 28 Peru 6s'60 - 24 4 234 234 Peru 6s 61_ 24 24 24 Peru 7s 5»- 244 244 244 Poland 7s 47- 624 614 614 Poland 8s‘60_ 48 48 48 Prague Gtr 7 4s'52_ 994 394 994 Queensland 6s 47_112 112 11* Serbs 8s'l2 unmeo_ 114 114 *14 Silesia Prov 7s '68_ 414 414 414 Rio de Jan 6 4s '61 Aug coupon off_ 2»4 294 214 Rio de Jan 8e 46 April coupon off_ 81 88 18 Rio Gr do Sul «s ’61 June coupon off_ 28 28 >8 Rio Gr do Sul 8s ’41 April coupon off_ 834 *14 814 Rome 64s '62 - 764 7«4 7*4 Rumania 7» '49 Aus coupon oft_ 824 *24 3*4 Sao Paulo C6V4S ’57 May coupon off_ 284 *94 294 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ *5 95 95 Sao Paulo St 7s ’66 Sept coupon off- 814 314 *14 Sao Paulo 8t 8s ’60 July coupon off_ 864 S64 354 Serbs 7s '62 unm c o ... 2»4 294 294 Shln'su El P64s'52-_ 85 85 85 Silesian Bank 6s'47... 844 344 S44 Sydney 54s’55 _ 108 103 103 Toklo E L Ltd 6a '63_ 78 78 78 Uiigawa E P 7s 46 ... 884 814 8*4 U» St) Wk 6 Vis 47 A.. 24 24 24 Urugusy 6s 60 - 664 66 4 664 Warsaw 7s 58- 404 404 404 Yokohoma 6s 61_ 814 814 814 DOMESTIC IONDS Ala Grt South'n 4s 43 log log log Alb&Sus 8 Vis '46 gtd.. 102 102 102 Alleg Corp 6s '44 _ 99 99 gg Alien Corp 6s 49- 93*4 93*4 93*4 Allen Corp 6s’50_ 91 91 91 Allen Corp 6s '60 stp._ 66 66*4 66*4 Alleg Valley 4B 42 ... 109 108*4 109 Am & For Pw 68 2030, 80 80 80 Am Ice ct 6s '53 _ 95’4 96*4 96*4 Am 1 G Cb 6 *4s 49_ 108*4 108*4 108*4 Am Inti 6*48 '49 106*4 106*4 106*4 Am Tel A Tel 3 »As'61 98*4 98*4 98*4 Am Tel A Tel 3 *is'66 9864 98V4 98*4 Am T&T4*is39 -.- 106*4 106*4 106*4 Am T & T 6 *4 s 43 — 118*4 113*4 113*4 Am Wat Wks 6s '75 -. 10» 109 109 Am Writ Paper 6s 47 84 84 84 Am Writ Pa 6s 47 cfs 82*4 82*4 82*4 Anaconda deb 4*4s’50 106*4 106*4 106*4 Annlo-Chll Nit 7s'67 41*4 41*4 41*4 Armour & Co 4*4 s'39 103*4 103*4 10314 Armour!Pel 11 St 4s*55 98*4 98*4 98*< Armour A Co Del 4s 87 97 97 97 A TAS Fe 4s 05-'E5 „ 107 107 107 A TAS Fe gen 4s '95 109*4 109*4 109*4 A TAS Fe adj 4S 95 St 106*4 106*4 106*< A TAS Fe 4*f,s '48 108*4 108*4 108*4 A TAS F RMt dv4s'65. 106*4 106*4 106*4 Atla&Ch A L 4\4S’44. Ill 111 111 AtlaACh A L 6s'44 . 112*4 112*4 112*4 Atl Coast L 1st 4s ‘52. 101*4 101*4 161*4 Atl Coast Line 6s'45-. 106*4 105*4 105*4 Atl C L un 4*4s '64 . 96*4 66 96 Atlantic A D lst4s '4 8 66*4 66*4 66*4 Atl O A W 1 Bs ’69 76 76 76 Atl Refining deb Bs'37. 101 101 101(] Atl Coast L Clt 6s '45— 98 96 96 BAOlsttiS 48 _106*4 IU6J4 106*4 BA04H8 60 _ 8IJ4 81*4 81*4 B AO 1st 5s'48 - 11 *4 111*4 111*4 Balto A O ref Sa '95 A. 92*4 92)4 *2*4 B*OtS96r __ 91 91 (l B & O ref Es 2000 D,._ 91 91 (1 High. Low. 2:55. BAOref8s'95C_ 1024 1024 102)4 BAOPLE&VV VJs'41 1044 104 104 BAOSwn6s'60 _ 1064 1064 1064 B A O Toledo 4s'69._ 88 88 88 Bang A Aroos 4a ’61_109 109 109 Bell T of Pa 6a 48 B._ 117)4 117)4 117)4 Beth Steel 8 4 « ’66_ «6V4 96)4 96)4 Bath Steel 4 54 a ’80_ 104)4 104 104)4 Boa A Me 4 94 a '61 J_ 83)4 88)4 83)4 Bos A Me 6s’65_ 80 90 90 Boa A Me 6s’67 _ 89)4 89)4 89)4 BotCon M «)4«'S4_ 86 86 86 Bklvn C RR 6a’41_ 95 95 96 Bklvn Man T 4 54s’66 100 100 100 Bklvn Un Gas 6s '67 B 107*4 107)4 107)4 Brown Shoe 3 % s '50 . 106)4 106)4 105)4 BufT RAP con 4 4s'67. 90 90 90 Buffalo R A P 6a '37 ... 101 101 101 B C R A N 6s ’34 Ctfs.. 80 80 30 Bush Term con 6s ’56 69)4 694 69)4 Bush Term Bldg 6s'60 67 67 67 Bv-Pred Ck 6 54s '45... 103)4 1034 108)4 Camag 7s 42 ctfs . 28 28 28 Can'dlan N R 454s '66. 11154 111)4 111)5 Can'dian N R 44a '65. 1134 113)4 113)4 Can’dlan N R 4 54s'67. Ill 110)4 111 Can'dlan N 6s'69 July. 114)4 114)4 114)4 Can'dlan N 6s’69 Oct.. 116*4 116)4 116)4 Can'dlan N db 8 54s '46 121)4 121*4 121*4 Can'dian P db 4s perp 924 924 9254 Can dlan Pao 4 54s'46. 10854 108 108 Can'dlan Pac 6s'64 1074 107*4 107*4 Car A Gen 6s '60 ww__ 106)4 1 0 554 1 0 5 54 Can'dlan Pac 4)4s 60 . 104 104 104 Carth A Ad 4s 81 gtd.. 8»4 89*4 89*4 Cent of Ga con 6s'45 . 88)4 38)4 33)4 Cent of N J gen 6s'87 . 75 75 76 Cent of NJ gn 6s'87rg. 7S 73 78 Cent Pac 6s 60 .. 101)4 101)4 101)4 Cent RR B Ga 6s '37.,. 98)4 984 93)4 Cert'd deb 6 54s'48_ 924 92)4 9**9 Chesap Corp 6s'47 - 148 148 148 Ches A O S54S 96 D_ 96)4 96)4 95), Ches A O S54s 96 B_ 96*4 96)4 96)4 C A O con 6s '39_ 107), 107)4 107)4 Chi A E 111 6s'61 _ 44)4 44)4 44)4 Chi Grt West 4s '69 - 494 49 49 Chllnd A L gen 6s'66. 22)4 22)4 22)4 CMAStP gn 455S'89 C. 67)4 67)4 674 CMASt P 4 54»'89 E_«7H 67)4 67), CMAStPBs 75 .. 88)4 33)4 33)4 CMAStPAP adl 6s2000 12 12 12 Chi B A Q 111 dv 4s'49. 110 110 110 Chi l!A(j gen 4s '58 ... 10x54 10v4 109)4 Chi B A Q 454s '77 - 113)4 113)4 113)4 Chi R & Q ref $s '71 — 116)4 116)4 116)4 Chi A E 1115s'61 ctfs-- 44 44 44 Chi Ind A So 4s '56 -. 101)1 1014 101)4 Ch ANW gen SHs'87.. 424 42)4 42)4 Chi A NW gen 4s 87— 47 47 47 Chi A NW 4 54 s 2037 . 33 82)4 33 Chi A NW 4 4s 2037 C. 38 36 33 Ch1 A N W 4 4s 49 — 22H 22)4 22)4 Chi A NW gen 5s 87 — 60)4 6054 60)4 Chi A NW rf 6s 2037 - 34 284 34 CAN W Nr W 654s ’36 - 68*1 584 634 Ch1 R I&P rf 4S’34 .. 244 244 244 Chi R IAP rf 4s'34ctf_. 20 20 20 Chi R IAP gen 4s'88— 40 40 40 Chi R IAP 4 4»'62 . 224 224 224 Chi R IAP 4 54s'62 Ctf. 20 20 20 Chi R IAP 4 54 s 60 — 14 14 14 Chi T HAS 1st 5S'60— 9#4 9«4 964 Chi T H&S Inc 6s'60— 864 864 864 Chi Un Sta 34s'51 . 1044 1084 1084 Chi Un Sta 3),s 63 E. 1044 1044 1044 Chi Un Sta 4s 63 — 1084 1084 1084 Chi A W in con 4S'62. 102 102 102 Chi A W Ind 44s 62— 100 100 100 Childs A CO 6s '43 - 884 8854 884 Cln G A E 3 4 s '66 1004 100): 1004 Cln Un Ter 34* D gtd 1034 1084 1084 CCCASt L rf 4 4s'77 E 96 95 95 CCCASt L ref 6s '63 D 1024 1024 1024 CCCAStL StLdv 4s'90. 984 884 984 Clev Cliffs ir 4%s'50. 107 4 107 4 107 4 Clev El 111 84s 66 —. 10«4 IO64 1064 Clev Un Tel 44s'77 IPS 1024 1024 Clev Un Term 6a '73 B 1/174 1974 1074 Clev Un Ter 64s'72A 1104 1104 1104 Colo FuelAlron 6s'43. 1074 10754 1074 Colo Fuel A Ir 6s 70 — 92 4 92 4 924 Colo A 80 44s'80_ 715, 115, ll), Columbia G A E 5s m»v inait mat* male* Columbia G&E Ss'61- 1024 1024 1024 Colum Ry P&L 4s'65. 106 lot 105 Cornel Credit 3 >4 s'51_ *6'i 964 9*4 Cons Coal Del 5s 60 — 684 68 68 Cone Ed NY 8 4s 46 n 1064 10»4 10&4 Cons Ed NY 8 4s’56 n 103 103 103 Con* Gas NY 44*’51 1064 106 4 106 4 Consol 011 14» '51 . 106 105 106 C< nsum P un 34*'65- 1014 1014 1014 Cons Pwr 34» GO_ 1004 1004 1004 Crane Co 34 * 61 - 984 984 884 Crown C * S 4a '50_ 1064 1054 1064 Crown Will P 6s '61 — 1044 104 4 104 4 Cuba Northn 54*'4l_. 65 644 ** Cuba RR 1st 6* '62 ... 68 4 68 4 584 Del * Hud ref 4*'43 93 4 934 *34 Del & Hud 6 4*'37 ... 1004 1004 1004 Den * R G con 4S'36 — 854 364 *64 Den & R G W 6s 66 ._ 20 20 20 Den & RGW 8s'55asst_ 20 20 20 Den & R G ref 6s'78 _ 29 29 29 Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs- 11 11 11 Det Edison 34* 66 _ 1014 101*4 101*4 Det Edison 44*'61 D. 1124 1124 1124 Det Edison 6s '62 1074 1074 1074 Det River Tun 44*’61 114 114 114 Dugues Lt 44s ’57 B . 1034 1084 1034 E T V & Ga cn 5s '56— 1164 1164 116*4 Ed El 111 NY 5s '95 ... 1334 1334 1334 El Paso Nat G44*'51. 1044 1044 1044 Erie cv is'53 A_ 89 89 89 Erlecv4s’53B_ 89 89 89 Erie gen 4s 96_ 864 864 864 Erie ref 6s 67_ 864 864 864 Erie ref 6s '75 _ 86 4 86 4 864 Erie Gen Rlv 6s'57_1164 1164 1164 Fairbks Morse 4s 66.. Iu2 1*2 102 Fed E&Tr 6s '42 st ... 10* 108 log .Fed Et & Trac 68 42._ 1024 10*4 1024 Fed E&Tr 6s 64 B_ 108 4 108 4 108 4 Fla E C Hy 5s ’74 _ 184 184 I84 Fla E C Ry 6s'74 ctfs 18 18 18 Fond J & R 4s 82 filed 64 54 54 Fond J&G 2s-4s '82 ct. 44 44 44 Francisoo Bug 6s '66_ 78 774 78 Oen Am Inv 6s 62_ 1014 101 101 Gen Cable 6 4s 47_10«4 10«4 10«4 Oen Mot Aco 3s 46_1014 1014 1014 Oen Mot Ass 34 e 61— 100 894 100 Oen Pub Svo B4s'39_. 1024 1024 1024 Gen Stl Cast 6 4s'49— »34 *34 934 Goodrloh 4 4* ’66_ 894 *84 99 I Goodrich 6* 45 _ 1064 IO64 1054 Goodyear T&R 6s 'ST. 1034 1084 1034 Ooth Silk H 6s '46 tf 1044 1044 1044 Grt N Ry ref 44* '61 A 1114 1114 1114 Grt N R gen 4 4s'78 JD 10«4 1064 IO84 Grt N R gen 4 4*'77 E. 105 1044 105 Grt N R gen 6a ’73 C_ 1134 1134 1134 Grt N R 6 4* 52 B_117 117 117 Great N Ry 4* 46 G_ 1834 1824 1*24 Great N Ry 4* 46 H__. 110 10*4 10*4 Oreen Bay 5s'62 B_ 1*4 12 12 Gulf MAN 64* '60—. 1064 1064 IO64 Gulf 8ta Stl 64* 4 2 98 4 98 4 98 4 Gulf State* Ut 44*’46 104 104 104 t -nueirw isiinia ** ... Houston Oil 6%s'40.. 101V) 101V) 101V) Hudson Coal 6s 62 48 47V) 47V) Hud & Man lnc 6s '67.. 85 84V) 34*) Hud & Man ref 6s '57.. 80V) 80 80V) 111 Bell Tel 3 Vis '70.__ 103?) 133?) 103?) Ill Cent ool tr 4S'63_ 87V) 86V) 86V) U1 Cent ref 4s 65_ 91V) 91 91V) 111 Cent 4%s $8 _ 78V) 78V) 78V) 111 Cent St L 3s '51_ 91V) »1V) 91V) ICCAStL N 04V)s'63.. 85 85 36 ICCAStL N O 6s 63_ 90 89 90 111 Steel deb 4H» 40_ 107 107 107 Inland Stl 3?)s 61 ... 102?) 102V) 102*. Int K T 1st rf 6s 68_ 93?) 98V) 98V) Int H T 6s 82 _ 43 43 43 Int K T 6a 32 ctfs_ 41 41 41 lot R T 7s 32 _ 85V) 86V) 86V) Int R T 7s ‘32 ctfs_ 86 V, 85 85 lot Agr cl 6s 42 stp_101 101 101 Int Grt Nr 6s 66 B_ 39V) 39V) 39V) Int Grt Nr 6s 66 C__ 89V) 39V) 39V) Int Grt Nr 6s'62 A_ 39?) 39 39V) Int Grt Nr adl 6s’52 A. 16 16 U Int Hydro Elec 6s 44 81V) 80V) 81V) Int Mer Marine 6s "41. 84 83 84 Int Pap 1st 6s 47A_101 100V4 100V) Int Pap ref 6e 66 _ 99V) 99?) 991) Int Ry of C A 6s 41_ 402?) 102?) 102V) Int TAT cv 4V)s 39_ 82?) 81V) 81V) Int TAT 4 V)S ’68_ 69V) 69V) 69V) Int TAT 6s 66 _ 75 74V) 74V) Iowa Cent lstArf4s’51 7V) 7V) 7V) James F AC 4S 39 ... 96 96 96 Jones&L Stl 4V4s'61A. 106 103J) 102V) KansCFS&M 4a 36.. ei si gi Kans C So 1st 3s 60 .. 87V) 87V) 87V) Kans City So ref 6s '60 98 *8 93 Kan C Term 1st 4s '60. 107V) 107 107 Kinga Co El 4i ’49 ... 108V) 105V) 108V) Kreste Found 4s 46„. 106V) Ri6h 108V) Laclede Gas 6s 'S3_ 94 98V) 94 Laclede G 6 V)s'63 C_ 60V) 89V) 60 Laclede Gas 6s '42 A._ 58 67V) 68 Lake S&M So 3 Vis'97. 103 102V) 108 Laularo Nltr 6s 64 . 48V) 48 43 uautaro Nit 6s 64 cfs. 43V) 43V) 48V) Leh C&N 4V)s 64 A... 103 103 108 Leh C&N 4 Vis 64 C_101?) 101V) 101V) Leh Val Coal 6s '64__ 66 66 66 »*eh Val Coal 6s ’74_ 66 6i 66 Leh Val Coal 6s 38_99V) 99V) 99?) Leh Val Har6s'£)_106 lOAVy 104V) LV NY 4V)s 40 Ktd... 101V) 101V) 101V) Leh V P con 4S *003 .. 67H 67V) 67V) Leh V Peon 4V)s 2001 74V) 74?) 74V) Leh V RR oon 6s 2001. 81V) 8lV) 81V) Leh Vtl Terra Vs '41.. 108 108 108 Llg* & Myers 8s*11_122?) 122?) 122V) HlKh. Low. 2:66 I Loew's 3 4» '46_ 9»4 984 884 Long 1 si ref 4s'49 103*4 1034 1034 Long laid ref 4s'49 stp 1084 1024 1024 Lorlliard 7s 44 _ 1284 1284 1284 La & Ark 6s '69 .. 984 88 4 98 4 Lou & Jeff Bid 4s '46._ 1084 1084 1084 L & Nash 3 % s 2003 94 4 844 844 L&N lst4s 2003_ 100 100 100 L&N unit 4s 40_ 1074 1074 1074 L & N 44s 2003 C__ 106 106 105 L & N Atl K&C 4S '65-. 1124 1124 1124 MoKess&Rob 6Hs'60. 104 104 104 Manatl Sug 74s 42 __ 68 68 68 Man Slst 7 Hs’42 ctfs. 684 684 684 Marion St Shov 6s'47. 984 984 984 Market St Ry 7s'40 A. 1024 1024 1024 Me C RR gn 4 4s'60A. 844 84 84 Mead Co 6s ’46 .. ... 106 106 108 Met Ed 1st rf 44s '68. 1094 1094 1094 Mil K1 R&L 6s ‘61 _ 1084 1084 IO84 Mil & Nor con 4%8'39. 90 90 90 Mil Spa& N W 4s'47. 42 42 42 MStP&SSM on 4s 38 804 80 4 804 MStP&SSM rf 6s 46A. 234 23 4 284 Minn & S L rf 4s 49 ... 74 74 74 Minn & St L 6s’62 A *4 64 64 Minn & St L 6s'84 ctfa. 804 204 204 Mo 111 6s 69 _ _ 694 694 694 Mo K & T 1st 4S'90_ 90 90 90 Mo K & T 4b '62 B_ 744 744 744 MoK&T 44w *78_ 77 77 77 MoK&T6»'61 A_ 83 4 884 *84 MoK & T Adj 6a '67_ 764 764 164 Mo Pao 48 76 _ 224 22 4 224 Mo Pac 6* '77 F_ 444 *‘4 *44 Mo Pac 6s '77 F ctfs_ 48 48 48 Mo Pac 6a'78 0_ 444 444 «*4 Mo Pac 6s'80H_ 44 44 44 Mo Pac 6s'811_ 444 444 444 Mo Pac 64s 49 A_ 17 17 17 Mob & Ohio 4 Ha '77... 864 »»4 864 Mob & Ohio 6s 38_ 864 864 884 Monong Pub 8 «4e'60 1044 1044 1044 Mont Cent 6s'87 .1014 1014 1014 Mont Pwr rsf3 44 s '6 6 844 94 4 944 Mont Tfjjm 6s 41 . 1014 1014 1014 Mur&Rbsex 3 4s 2000 914 91 91 Morrls&Ksse* 4 4s '6 6 904 904 904 Morrig&Lssex 6s '66 . 101 101 101 naoauu i;,ieo 01 gia_ i Natl Dairy 3 4*s'51ww 1064 D)64 1064 Natl Dis PC 44s'46._ 1084 IO84 1084 Natl KM 4s'77 asst_ 44 44 44 Nat K M 4 4s'26 asst. 64 64 64 Natl Steal 4s 86 _ 1044 104 104 New Ebk UK 4a'46_ 704 704 7o4 New Jar PAD 44b 60. 10«4 1064 IO64 New Orl A N 44s 62.. 884 HS 884 New OfI P 8 6s 62 A._ 991* 89 4 994 New orl P 8 6s '65 B._ 994 *84 99 New Orl Ter 1st 4s '6S 96V* 954 9&4 New Orl TAM 6s '51 B_ 66 66 60 NOT&M 6 4a'64A cfs_. 64 64 64 NYCentralS4a 97_ 98 974 *8 NY Central 84s’46 1024 10?4 1024. NY Cent 4s 42_IO84 IO84 1084 NY Cent con 4s '98_ 994 994 994 NY Cent rf 4 4a 2018.. 98 93 93 NY C rf 44s 2013 n_ 984 98 934 NY Can* rf 6s 2018_ 1004 9*4 100 NY Cent cv 6s 44_I284 126 1284 N Y C D Stl 8 4s'88 _ 93 4 9*4 934 NYCASt D 1st 4s '37_1014 1014 1614 N Y Chi A StB 4s'46_ 1084 1084 1034 NYCASt D 44a'78_ 984 924 924 NYCASt D 64s '74 A— 1084 108 4 103 4 NY Chi A St D 6s'88 _ 9*4 994 994 NY Edison 8 4* 65 D. 100 100 100 N Y Edis ref 8 4s 66._ 100 100 100 NY G El HAP 4e 49... 116 115 115 NY A Green E 5s 46_ 100 994 99*j NY A Dong Br 4s '41_ 107 107 107 NY NH AH 48 66_ 464 46 464 NY NH A H 4 a '67_ 814 814 814 N Y NH A H cv 6e '48 ._ 644 63 63 NY NH & H Cons Rys 4e 64 - 41 41 41 N Y 04*IV ref 4a 92_ 32 4 324 324 N Y Rys Inc 6s 65 _ 624 614 614 NY Rys 6s 66 A atp._. 1064 1054 1054 NY Steam 5a 66 _IO64 IO64 10«4 NY SAW 2d 44s'37._. 854 84’* 854 N Y SAW 1st rf 6s S7_. 884 864 884 NY SAW Ken 6a’40_ 66 63 56 NY Tel Ken 4 4s'89_ 108 108 10* NY W A B 4 4 s 46 .. 194 194 1»4 NiaK Palls P *4s '«*.. 1024 1024 1024 Norf So 1st ref 6s 61.. 294 294 294 Norf A W lsi 4s '9S___ 116 us 116 North Am Co 6s 61... 1044 1044 1044 North Am Ed 5a 69 C. 101 1004 1004 North Am Ed 6Hs*6S. 1024 1024 1024 Nor n Pac Ken 3s 2047. T64 744 744 Nor'n Pao 4s’97_ 1054 1054 1054 Nor'n Pao 44s 2047_ 994 994 994 North Pac 6s 2047_111 111 111 Ohio Pub Svc 74*'46. 1124 1124 1124 Oreg W RR4s 61 .. 1054 1054 1054 Pac Gas A El 24s 66. 97 97 97 Pac G A E 31*s'61- 1024 lu24 1084 Pac G A E 4s 64 .. .. IO64 IO64 1054 Pan Am PC 6a 40 ctfs. 62 62 62 Para Broadway 3a'55. 76 76 75 Paramount Pic 6a'55.. 1004 1004 1004 Parh-Bx 6 4s 63 otia.. 494 49 4 494 Parmelae 6s 44_ 73 78 78 Penn Co 4s 63_1004 1004 1004 Penn PAD 4 4a '81_1064 1064 1054 Penna R R 34s 1094 I094 1094 Penn UR 34s 70 C.__ 994 994 9*4 Penn RR con 4s 48_ 1134 1134 U34 Penn RR 4 4s '81 D.__ 1064 105 105 Penn RR 44a'34_ 1064 1064 1054 Penn RR con 44s'60. 119 119 119 Penn RR an 4 4s 65.. 10*4 1084 IO84 Penn RR deb 4 4s '70_ 1024 1U2 1024 Penn KH gen 5s'68 ._ 1154 1164 1154 Peoria A E 1st 4s '40 . 94** 94** 94*4 Peoria Pekin U5 4 s’7 4 112 112 112 Pere Marq 1st 4a 66_ 974 974 974 Phila RAW 44s '77... 1164 116*4 1164 Phila BAVV Off) os'74_ 120 120 120 Phila Co 6s 67 _ 106 104*4 105 Phila Elec Co 4a '71_ 1024 1024 1024 Phila Eleo Co 4 4s’67.. I044 1044 1044 Phila A R CA1 6s'73_ *74 874 374 Phila A R CA1 6s 49_1«4 164 1«4 Philippine Ry 4a 37_ 27 26*4 27 PCCASt D 44s'77 C._ 1064 lo* 106 PCC&St D 5s ’70 A_116 115 116 PCC&St D 08 '76 B ..1I64U64U54 Pitts&W Va 44s'6S A. 95 96 96 Pitts&W Va 44s 60 C 924 92 92 Port G«n El 44» 60 .. 65 644 *44 Porto Rico A T 6s 42.. ** *3 83 Postal Tel A C 6s '62 864 *64 *64 Pressed Stl Car 6a 61. 974 974 974 Pure Oil 44a 60 ww_. 1284 1284 1234 Keadin* Jer C 4«'51_ 1004 1004 1004 Reading R 4 4*'97 A.. 10*4 1064 IO64 Rem-Rand 44a'6«ww. 1124 1124 1124 R G W 1st ex in 4a '39 . 784 76 4 764 Republic Stl 44s 60.. 2044 *02 202 Kepublio Stl *4s 6*.. 9* 974 98 Republic Stl 44a 61_. 974 974 974 Republic Stl 64s 64.. 125 126 125 Revere Cop 4 4a 56... 1044 1044 1044 Richfield Oil 6s 44_ 68 68 68 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfa.. 60 69 69 Rio G W col 48 49 A_ 48 4 48 4 484 R 1 AAD let 44a 34_ 26 25 25 Rutland Can 4a'49_ 274 274 274 Rutland RR 44a'41.. *1 si m waguenay pwi *a «8.. 100* 100* 100* St LIM&SR&S4s'38ot- 82 82 82 St U-S Fran 4s'60A 84* 84* 84* St Li-S Fran 4*s ’78... 8l* 8! 81 St U-S F 4*s’78 cf at.. 28 28 28 St D-8 Fran 6a'60 B 84 84 34 6t L 8 W an rf 6s '9*_. 61* 61* 51* St P & Duluth 4s’68 ... 108 108 108 St P K C8 L. 4 Via 41 . 24* 24* 24* San A & A Pass 4a 43. 101* 101* 101* Seabd A L 4s'60 _ 36* 86* 86* Seabd A L, ref 4s '69_ 18* 18* 18* SeabdADadjba 49_ 12 12 12 Seabd A L 6s 4b A_ 82* 22* 22* Seabd A L 8s 4B otfa_. 81* 21* 21* Seabd A-Fl Ss’3 6 A ct- 12* 12* 12* Shell Un deb **s '51_. 98 98 9;: Silesian Am 7»'41 _ 72 72 72 Hoconv Vao 3 * a '60 .. 104* 104* 104* Southn Cal Gas 4s 66. 108* 1U3* 103* Ho Colo Pwr 6s '47 A — 106* 106* 105* South Nat G 4*a'61_ #9* 99* 99* Bo Pac 3*8 46 _ 1*0* 100* 100* So Pac col 4a 49_ 96* 96* 96* 8o Pac ref 4a 66_ 106* 106 105 So Pac 4 * a 68- 94* 94* 94* So Pao 4*a ’69_ 94 98* 93* So Pac 4*0 31- 98* 98* 93* So Pao Dreg 4*a‘77 ._ 98 97* 98 So Pao S F Ter 4o'60.. 106* 106* 106* So Ry gan 4o'66 A_ 88* 88* 83* So Ry gen 6a '66- 108* 103* 103* So Ry 6*s '66 106 106 106 So Ry MAO 4a 38_ 94 94 94 So Ry St L, dlv 4o'61._ 98* 98* 98* Stand Oil N J 3a 61_ 97* 97* 97* Studebakerov 6a’46-. 147* 147* 147* Swift & Co 3*0 '60 __ 108 106 106 Srms G&G 6*o wt_ 182* 182* 182* Symgn GAG '66 x«_ 183 188 188 Tenn El Pw 6a '47 A_ 98* 98 98 Term AsSt L 48'68_ 108 108 108 Texarkana 6*e'60_ 106 106 106 i'exaa Corp 8*a'61... 108* 108* 102* Texaa&PaoBa 79 C__ 108* 103* 103* Third Av ref 4a 60_ 68* 68 * 68* Third A* lat 6 s'37_101 101 lot Third A ad In ex 6s*66. 39 89 89 Trl-Contl Corp 6s’63 .. 128* 122* 122* Un OH of Cal 8*3‘62. Ill 114 114 Union Pao 3*a 70_ 98* 96* 96* Un Pao 8*o'71_ 96* 98* 96* Un Pac l«t 4s '47_ 113* 118* 118* Un Pao 1st rf 4* 2008 107 107 107 United Drug 6a'63_ 102 102 102 U S Rubber 6a 47_106* i06* 10»* Utah L & T 6l 44 (A). 108ft. 108* 107* Utah P & L 6a '44_ 104* 104* 104* NET OF WESTERN ELECTIIUIPS $18,698,049 Profit Shown, Against $2,620,279 in Preceding Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15.—Consoli dated net earnings of Western Elec tric Co. and directly controlled sub sidiaries totaled $18,698,048 in 1936. the annual report of the company dis closed. This compared with $2,629, 279 the preceding year. Virtually all of the earnings accrued to American Telephone. & Telegraph Co., which owns more than 99 per cent of the capital stock. Sales for the year totaled $146,421, 000, an increase of 38.9 per cent over the $106,417,000 reported for 1935, the report said. It added that at the close of the year the company's plants were operating on a five-day, 40-hour week at about §3 per eent of capacity, compared with 27 per cent at the beginning of the year. The number of employes at the end of the year was 34,004, compared with 21,033 on January 1, 1936. Columbian Carbon. Columbian Carbon Corp. reported for 1936 net profit of $4,021,137, equal to $7 48 a share of capital stock, against $2 992,860, or $5,56 a share in 1935. The company has plants throughout the country. Anaconda Wire. Anaconda Wire & Cable Co., with plants throughout the country, re ported 1936 net profits of $2,239,471. equal to $5 41 a share of capital stock, against $1,029,401 in 1935, or $2 44 a share Company is controlled by Anaconda Copper Mining Co. Pennroad Corp. Pennroad Corp., an investing com pany with holdings mainly in rail road securities, reported for the year ended December 31 net income of $2,384,451, equal to 26 cents a share on the capital stock. In 1935 net profit was $1,713,277, or 19 cents a share. National Knamelinj. National Enameling & Stamping Co,, manufacturing kitchen and house hold utensils, reported for 1936 net profit of *342,231, equal to *2.99 a share on the capital stock, against *312,895, or *2 72 a spare, in 1935. Washington Produce. BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 39; H-oound prints. 4u. tub. 38; 90 score. 1 puund prints. 38; U-Pound prints, 39; tub. 37. Market strong. MEATS—Choice beef. 17: calves, 16: veal, 16. lamb. 21: pork loin. 23. fresh ham, 23; smoked hams. 26; sliced bacon. 33; siab bacon. 28, compound 14. lard. 15. STOCK—Pigs. Hab1-?: light hogs. p'aahV*; medium o^aUV heaytes. han1*; roii£ « ba*. calves. oa9'a. lamos. 6alu. Prices paid shippers net f o.b. Washing ton By the United States Bureau of Ag ricultural Economics EGGS—Market generally steady at un changed prices. Current receipts. 21a 21Va hennery whites. 2H*fc22. Govern ment graded and dated wmte egg* (net prices paid shippers f.o.b. Washington*: U. S. extras, large. 25 U. S extras, me diums. 21. U. S standards, large. 22’v LIVE POULTRY—Market steady, prices unchanged. Fowl: Colored. hea\>\ 15a 18; Leghorn*. 11*13. Chickens Rocks and Crosses, under 3 pounds. 30*32: over 3 pounds. 23. Guineas, young. V pounds and up, 4u »»ach. under 2 pound1*. 25*30 each; old guineas, 2<>a36 each Turkeys Young hens. 19a20; young toms, under 19 pounds, ldalT. so pounds and over. 15. No. 2s, 12; old hens. 14, old toms. 14. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales in large lots by original receivers up to 8 am. today APPLES-—Supplies moderate: demand light, market steady. Bushel baskets. U. S No. 1. Virginia. Yorks. 2‘4-inch mini mum. 1.25-1 35: 2’2-mch minimum. 1.50 l.tiu: mimmum, 1.6(*-l.<5; Gold en Delicious. 2‘4-inch minimum, 1.60 1.86. 2la-inch minimum. 2.00-2.25: 234 inch minimum. 2.25-2.60; Staymans. 2^4 inch minimum. 1,40-1.50; -Ha-inch mini mum, 1.60-1.75; 23«-inch minimum, 1.75 1 86: Delicious. 2M»-ineh minimum. 1.6ft 1.75; 2ya-inch minimum. 2.00-2.25 Wine saps, 2'4-inch minipium. 1.75-1.85; Cl inch minimum. 3.00-2.15; 34*-inch mini mum. 2.15-2.25 Black Twigs. 2V*-incn minimum. 1.26-1 35: 2* 2-inch minimum. I 5o-Lo5: 234-inch miaimum 1.75-1.86: Ben Davis 2l4-inch minimum. 90-1.00: 2V»-inch minimum. 1.25-1.35; ‘J^-inch minimum. L35. CABBAGE—Supplies light demand light, market steady. Domestic round type, Florida. Ha-bushel hampers freight receipts 1.35: truck receipt? packed lo cally 1.25; Texas half lettuce crates. 1.15; New York. 50-pound sacks. Danish type hu-70 CARROTS—Supplies moderate: demand light, market steady California. Western lettuce crates. 2.75-3.00: Texas, half let tuce crates. 1.25, bushel baskets. 1.50. CAULIFLOWER—Supplies moderate: demand light, market weak. California, crater 1 75-1.85 CELERY—Supplies moderate, demand light, market dull Florida. 10-inch crates. Individually washed and precooled. 3-10 dozen 3.2o-3.50: few 3 65. LETTUCE—Supplies moderate: demand light: market steady. California. Western crates. Iceberg type, ft dozen. 5 60-6.00: b dozen. 4.75-5 25 ONIONS—Supplies moderate: demand light: market steady; 60-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: Indiana. Michigan and New York, yellows. 1.26-1.35, Colorado. Val encias. 3 inches and larger. J.85-1.90. Potato Price* Steady POTATOES—Supplies moderate; de mand light; market steady, 100-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: Maine, Green Moun tains, 2.60-2.76: New York, round whites. 2.60: Pennsylvania russet rural*. 3.40 2.50: truck receipts, fair condition. *2.26; Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 4.00-4.25; Flor ida, bushel crates. Bliss Triumphs. U. 6. No. 1. 2,2ft. SPINACH—Supplies moderate; demand light: market steady Texas, bushel bas kets. 85-90. STRAWBERRIES—Supplies light: de mand slow: market weak Florida. 36-pint crates, ft.00-5.50 per crate SWEET POTATOES—Supplies light: de mand light: market steady North Caro lina. bushel baskets. Puerto Ricans, best. 1.25; poorer lower- Maryland, Anne Arun del County, bushel hampers. Jersey type. 1.16-1.25 LIMA BEANS—Supplies very light; de mand light; market steady. Florida, bush el hampers. 4.50-5.00. 8NAP BEANS—Supplies very light: de mand light: market steady. Florida, bush el hampers, green, flat type, fair condi tion, 3.00-3.50; round stringless, 3. <5- ; 4.25. EGGPLANT—Supplies insufficient to ; Quote. PEPPERS—Supplies very light; demand light: market steady Florida. 1 V*-bushel crates, green, fancy, fair quality, 3.00; 1 choice, fair quality 2.00a2.50. TOMATOES—Supplies light; demand light: market steady. Florida, lug boxes, green and turning wrapped, 6x6 and larger. 1 50a2.00- poorer. 1.00. SQUA8H—Supplies very light: demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped, fair quality, l.flna^.oo: yellow 3.50a4.00. KALE—Supplies light; demand light; market steady. Virginia, bushel baskets, ' 0&OLLARD9—Supplies light: demand light: market steady. Virginia, bushel baskets. 35a40 ORANGES—Florida boxes. No. 1, 3.50a 4.75: No. 2. 3 00a4.00. as to size. GRAPEFRUIT—Florida, boxes. No. 1, 2.26; No. 2. 2.00. Hluh Low 2:BB. Util PAL 6s'69 WW — 61H 6194 6191 UtllPiLHtl’U- 6294 *294 *294 Vanadium CV 6» 41- 107 107 107 Ver Sue 1st 7s"42 ctfs. *0 29*4 80 Va E A P let raf 4s’66. 10694 10894 10694 Va Rr 1st 3 94a’6B A-. 10894 108 108 Wabash 4*48’78_ 41 41 41 Wabash 1st 5s ‘39_ 102 102 »02 Wabash 5s’76 B_ 42*4 42*4 42*4 Wabash 5s 80 D_ 42*4 42*4 42*4 Wabash 5HS'76_ 44 44 44 Walker HAS 4’4s'45„ 106*4 108*4 106*4 Walworth 4s '66 - *694 S6»4 8594 Warner Bros cv 6s’S9. 96 96*4 96 Warren Br cv 6s'41 — «7 67 67 West Penn P3*4s'66.. 109*4 108*4 106*4 W Sh 1st 4S 2061 reg__ 91*4 *1*4 91*4 West'n Md 1st 4s'52.. 102 101*4 102 West’n Pao 6s'46 A_ 9*94 3894 3694 West'n Pac 5s 46 A as 88*4 88*4 38*4 West’n Un 4*4s 60 . 106*4 106*4 10**4 Westn Un cl tr 6s '38.. 102*4 102*4 102*4 West'n Un 6s'81_108*4 106*4 106*4 West'n Un 6s 60 _ 10694 10094 1 0091 Wheel Steel 4%s '63_100*4 10014 100*4 White Sew M 6s 40 ... 10494 10494 10494 W Sp Stl con 7s '35 ct 4494 44*4 44*4 Wilkes BAE 1st 5s’42. 41 41 41 Wilson A Co 48 65 100*4100 100 WlsCent 1st En 4s'49 29 29 29 WlsC SAD Trm4s'2«.. 2* 22 22 7'n>stnSAT S*4s'61_1#S*4 168 118 Y’nKStn SAT 4s'«l_1*1*4 101 101 _ NS Retail Group Also Finds Credit Sales Ahead of Year Ago. By the Associated press. ST 1X>UIS, March 15—The Na tional Retail Credit Association re ported average increases in collections and credit sales of 5 per cent and 7.8 per cent, respectively, in 54 cities dur ing February. The gains were ap proximately the same as those for the corresponding month last year, the association’s report showed. Increased employment and higher wages in many sections of the coun try were advanced as chief reasons for the February gains. Strikes in some localities retarded the upswing, however, the report said. Thirty-seven cities reported increases in collections, with Columbus, Nebr., where a 26 per cent gain was reported, heading the list. Ten cities reported decreases in collections, compared to February, 1936, while geven indicated | no chance. Credit sales increased in 44 cities. Six reported decreases and four no change. Youngstown, Ohio, had the greatest gain in credit sales, 37.8 per cent, the association’s report said. Pampa, Tex., reported the greatest decrease, 22 per cent. Collections and credit sales were uniformly good in Florida, due to "no unemployment” and steady business conditions, the report said. Several new industries at Charleston, S. C., were credited for substantial increases i In both collections and sales there. Increased prices for farm products in Kentucky and better employment i conditions In the lead and zinc mines at Joplin, Mo., were listed as causes for a marked upswing in those sec tions. DOLLAR GOES DOWN IN LONDON DEALINGS By the Associated Press. LONDON, March 15.—The foreign exchange market was inactive today. Declining 1-32 cent, the United States dollar dosed at 4.885» to the pound. Saturday's overnight New York rate was $4.88 9-16. French francs closed unchanged from Saturday at 106 44 to the pound. PARIS, March 15 UP}.—’Three per i cent rentes, 73 francs SO centimes; j 4‘/2 per cent rentes, 76.90. Exchange on London, 106.42. The dollar was quoted at 21.77'/a. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, March 15 (4>>.—Bar silver firm, h, higher than Friday, March 12, at 45 38. •___ money tor Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rate* FIRST DEED OF THLST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W, Nat’l 0350 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia— Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— j Homes Apartments Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randal] H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated MORTGAGE bOAN CORRESPONDENT Neu> York Lite Iniurance Co. 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 36M First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Terms Arranred on Easy Monthly Payment* BUILDING 1 LOAN atfOOATtON COUNCIL •fo.c. NATIONAL WILDING ASSOCIATION 1 UNDER SUPEftviftON | r u • TRtASURV *49 NINTH STREET,/CWT First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. MS 15th Street Netl. 2100 Lumber Shipments And Output Drop Slightly in Week By the Associated Press. The National I,umber Manufac turers’ Association said today lumber production and shipments receded slightly during the week ending March 6. Production in 527 mills was 205, 938,000 feet, or 2 per cent less than the 1937 record set in the previous week, and shipments dropped 9 per cent to 253,121,000 feet. New orders, totaling 211,784.000 feet, were 1 per cent below the previous week, but still 3 per cent above production. The week's production wab 59 per cent and shipments 74 per cent of the 1929 weekly averages. Production was 1 per cent above the corresponding week last year, shipments 22 per cent higher and new orders 3 per cent less. • - ■ ■ ■ - MANDEL PROFITS SOAR. CHICAGO, March 15 (/P).—Mandel Bros., Chicago department store, re ported the largest year’s profit since 1927 during the fiscal year ended January 31. Sales reached a six-year peak of $18,668,826, or 15 per cent gain over the previous record, and net profit was $407,630, or $1 33 per share, com pared with $30,113 in 1935, -• Babcock & Wilcox Co.—Company received a contract from the Navy Department for boilers and equipment involving $2,512,552. FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS Lowest Interest Rates Construction Loans 3 to 5 Year Straight Loans Long Term Amortized Loans • Consult Us We have scved money for others in solving the;r mortgage problems E. Quincy Smith, Inc. Arthur C. Houghton, President Mortrare Loan Correspondent THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. SM»n 18th St. N.W. Dl. 0087 ===== ■aaasr .. «a - ac land bank calls bonds. NEW YORK March 15 t/P).—-San Antonio Joint Stock Land Bank an nounced it was calling all its 5 per cent coupon and registered bonds due April 1, 1956, of which there are out standing $1,067,000. A refunding Issue of the same amount of seven-year 3 per cent bonds has been underwritten by R. K. Webster & Co. and is being offered at 101 %. OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desk* Steel Fi'es Table* Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Eye St. N.W. Phono NA. S1S4 FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rotes . . . 3-Yeor Con struction Loans . . . 5% BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO Loan Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Lite Ins. Co. 1417 K St. N.W. NA. 9300 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at 5% Monthly Payments if Preferred Our Real Estate Officers Invite You to Confer The WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Member FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSCRASCH CORP * Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on improved or to be improved real estate— at low as including interest and curtail . . . No commis sions . . . No renewal lees. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. ■m :> PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one of the leaders inthe entire United States. PERPETUAL has over 33,000 bor rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL'8 Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept are sup plemented by special C.P.A. audits ’ as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep- j utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year, totaling over $12,000 000 for the year. j PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 11th &E STREETS, N.W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Ur<j««t In Woshingrton — Aaiats 0»«r $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUSTIS EDWARD C. BAITZ Chairman of The Board President Secretary ACACIA ^REAL ESTATE^ / LOANS \ BEFORE you decide where to apply for a real estate loan for refinancing, buy ing or building a house, be sure to see ACACIA. Those who get loans from ACACIA continu ally tell their friends that they are getting the most economical proposition of any. ACACIA LOW COST PLANS $6.15 per Month per $1,000 $6.90 per Month per $1,000 $8.00 per Month per $1,000 Call—IVo Obligation—at Mortgage Loan Department ACACIA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 51 Louisiana Avenue (Juit Opposite ike United Stales Capitol) WASHINGTON, D. C. A