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VITAL TRADE AID Ayres Points to Special Rea son for Rapid Recovery Progress. &V TOWARD C. STONE, lu his monthly review, out today, Leonard F. Ayres, Cleveland economist, declares that artificial stimulation is combining with the natural forces of recovery to produce exceptionally vig orous business activity both abroad and here. In this country the produc tion of automobiles in this month of March will be one of the largest monthly outputs on record, but it will be so largely because the greatest pro ducer is extending every possible effort to make up for long weeks of inactivity caused by the strikes of its employes. .The iron and steel industry is making mew high records of production abroad, and approaching them here, but the special stimulus is in war materials, i The demand for coal is so great that there is threat of a shortage of sufficient cars to provide for its trans-v iportation, but the special urgency for (prompt delivery is caused by the fear :that labor difficulties may shut down (the mines next month and so consum ers are piling up reserve stocks as a (precaution. Wage increases and short ened hours in many industries are be ing announced daily, but they are not the result of exceptional profits being earned by the business concerns in (volved. They are being granted in the hope that they may forestall de mands, and so avoid strikes, the econ omist says. Retail trade is brisk and almost booming, but its special vigor is being contributed by increased consumer •purchasing power provided by Govern ment subsidies flowing from unbal anced budgets. Almost all important (nations are spending beyond their in comes, and business everywhere is Stimulated by their expenditures. Our security markets are strong, Sand the authorities at Washington sure worried because foreigners are in vesting here, and gold keeps on flowing •in from abroad. Recovery would be (finder way even if these stimulants (Were not at w’ork. It would be less dramatic than it is now, but it would jEhave a solider foundation, Col. Ayers asserts. The District of Columbia Bankers’ jAssociation has announced through its feting president, Thomas J. Groom, ^executive vice president of the Bank |of Commerce & Savings, that it will sponsor an essay contest this year on the subject “How Can Employes Con tribute to a Better Public Understand ing of Banking,” open to all members of Washington Chapter, American Institute of Banking, except bank officers and members who have been •winners in any two previous contests. Writers of the three best compositions are to be awarded a trip to the asso ciation’s convention at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., May 27 through 31. The subject for this year's contest is <oi such general interest that it is be lieved a larger number of members (■will participate than usual. Bankers throughout the country are convinced that much of the criticism of banking fcy the general public is due to a mis conception of the functions and princi ples of this public service. The Ameri can Bankers’ Association has stressed the importance cf meeting the situa tion and suggests no better way of doing so than by interesting employes in learning more about their institu tions to enable them to better interpret their methods and policies. George O. Vass, vice president and cashier, Riggs National Bank, is chair man of the Essay Contest Committee for the association. Lanier P. Mc Lachlen, president of the McLachlen Banking Corp., and F. P. H. Siddons, secretary, American Security & Trust Co , are other members of the com mittee. League Lists Loan Groups. Seven associations in Washington are listed in the group between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 by the United States Building and Loan League. They are the American Building Association, ranking thirty-fourth among the league's members; the Washington Permanent Building As sociation, ranking fortieth; National Permanent Building Association, fifty eighth; Equitable Co-Operative Build ing Association, sixty-third; Oriental Building and Loan Association, eighty fifth; Metropolis Building Association, tninety-seventh, and Northern Liberty Building Association, one hundred and first in the list. There are 4,200 thrift and home financing institutions of this type in the United States League, only 79 are m the group between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 and 33 above $10,000,000. The announcement received here from league officials gave their rank as of December 31, 1936, and expressed optimism as to the state of these in stitutions in general in view of a survey of year-end financial state ments. rvorment financial header. The death of Clarence F. Norment, #ged 80 years, removes a man who for many years, about four decades, was one of the most prominent and able financial leaders in the Capital. Four years of illness and his advanced r - had recently kept him in the back ground, but he left an impress on the city’s economic life that will not soon be forgotten. His service as director, president *nd later chairman of the board of " he National Bank of Washington covered a long period of years. He tendered even more valued service to the Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. His connection with the Ameri can Security & Trust Co. was most helpful to the bank. In 1906 he was president of the District of Columbia Bankers’ Association, and over a long period did everything in his power to advance the banking interests of the Capital. Years ago he was president of the Washington Railway & Electric Co., at the same time helping to guide many other corporations. His help to church and charitable organizations was equally beneficial. In just a few months he would have been 81 years old, and in *nly a few days would have been married 58 years. For 50 years he was a trustee of Western Maryland College. In other ways he also rounded out a life of remarkable reeords. Heard in Financial District, Robert C. Jones, head of the in vestment firm bearing his name, is enjoying his annual Winter vacation visit to Florida. More than 100 members and guests of Washington Chapter, Chartered Life Underwriters, will attend the dinner celebrating the tenth anni versary of the founding of the Na tional College of Life Underwriters, next Monday night at the Shoreham Hotel. A TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private wire Direct to The Star. 2:16 p.m. Prsv. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. L°w Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chgc. 6ft 634 Abbott Lab (tl.60)...* 1 63 63 63 +4 224 15 Adams Expr <a66c)-_ 9 214 214 214 + 4 284 24J, Adams Mlllls (al 4). 1 26 26 26 +14 36 814 Addressograph (1).. 1 824 824 824 - 4 44 3 Advance Rumely_ 8 84 84 84 + 4 804 724 Air Reduction (tl)_ 6 76 75 75 -14 64 4 Air-Way Elec Appli_. 8 44 4 4 —4 164 144 Alaska Juneau(t60c) 6 16 16 16 64 34 Alleghany Corp_ 9 6 44 44 694 434 Alleg pf ww $30 .... 3 654 65 664 + 4 444 364 Allegheny Steel b40c. 62 464 434 454 + 4 2634 225 Allied Chemical («)_. 3 246 4 243 4 245 4 -34 334 264 Allied Mills <b60c>... 4 28 274 274 -4 214 164 Allied Stores (b20c)_ 22 204 20 204 + 4 85 81 Allied Stores pf (6).. 1 83 83 83 -14 834 «74 Allis-Chalmers(b50c) 86 684 «74 674 - 4 894 304 Alpha Port Cem’t (1) 3 37 864 364 + 4 84 44 Amal Leather . 112 84 84 84 - 4 62 344 Amal Leather pf (3). 15 524 60 60 -1 1144101 Amerada Corp (2) 3 113 1114 1114-24 1014 83 Am Ag Chem(Del)bl. 4 98 94 94 -1 414 804 Am Bank Note (tl) . 6 304 304 304 -4 764 614 Am Bank Note pf (3) 30s 614 614 614 - 4 804 69 Am Brake Shoe (t2)_ 2 734 724 724 -1 160 139 Am Brake Sh pf(5%) 150s 146 1454 1464 -44 121 1054 Am Can (14) _ 11 111 109 1094 - 4 174 156 Am Can pf (7)_x 2 1534 1534 1634 - 4 71 66 Am Car & Foundry8 664 654 664 —14 904 72 Am Chain & Cable bl. 4 89 88 88 -2 234 134 Am Colortype __ 2 214 21 21 -4 294 264 Am Cornel A1 (a60c). 3 28 27 4 274 - 4 334 284 Am Crystal Sug (b2). 8 294 284 284 + 4 994 964 Am Crys S 1st pf (6). 10s 98 98 98 134 84 Am Encaustic _ 7 124 124 124 + 4 17 13 Am European Sec_ 1 15 16 15 — 4 134 74 Am & Foreign Pwr_ 14 124 12 12 684 49 Am & For Pwr $6 pf.. 3 604 494 504 -14 684 58 Am & For Pwr $7 pf.. 2 59 68 4 584 - 4 384 204 Am & For Pwr 2d pf_ 8 324 314 324 -14 21 18 Am Hawaiian(l) .. 8 194 19 194 -4 114 64 Am Hide & Leather.. 180 104 104 104 -4 654 374 Am Hide& L pf <3)__ 12 644 62 54 -4 624 47 Am Home Pr (t2.40). 1 484 484 484 +4 44 24 Am Ice _ 100 44 4 44 + 4 274 174 Am Ice pf (2)_ 38 274 264 274 +14 174 134 Am Internatl (a40c). 12 17 164 17 +4 584 43 Am Locomotive _ 14 64 4 64 544 — M 126 114 Am Locomopf (x3).. 2 1164 1164 1164 - 4 294 224 Am Mach&Fdry (tl). 3 274 274 274 -4 134 114 Am Mach&Met (60c). 8 114 114 114 + 4 684 504 Am Metal . ... 8 654 634 644 -14 75 62 Am News (N Y)(3)-_ 20s 64 634 64 -1 164 114 Am Power & Light_ 100 124 124 124 -4 724 564 Am Pwr & Lt pf (5).. 6 69 674 674 + 4 874 664 Am Pwr & Lt pf (6).. 7 694 684 684 + 4 294 244 Am Radiator (t60c)_. 47 27 264 264 - 4 170 161 Am Radiator pf (7).. 40s 1644 164 1644 +24 454 334 Am Roll Mill (tl.20). 115 424 414 424 -4 36 314 Am Safty Razor (t2 ) 4 32 314 32 +4 29 234 Am Seating (a2 %) . 3 264 26 4 264 -14 654 41 Am Shipbuilding (2) 1220s 564 64 4 65 +4 1054 884 Am Smelt & Ref (3)_. 42 1034 1014 102 - 4 74 34 Am S & R i ts Mar 31. 181 64 64 64 -4 107 105 Am Sra & Ref pf (6).. 4 1064 1064 1064 734 694 Amer Steel F (b50c). 7 65 644 66 +4 264 244 Am Stores (2)_x 1 24 24 24 664 494 Am Sugar (2)_ 5 494 484 484 —1 187 1724 Am Tel & Teleg (9)__ 23 1754 1724 1754 +14 99 784 Am Tobacco (5)_ 4 824 82 82 +4 994 804 Am Tobacco B (5)_ 14 944 834 834 -4 1504 134 Am Tobacco pf (6)_ 2 133 133 133 -1 204 164 Am Type Founders.. 12 18 174 174 -4 294 234 Am Wrater Wks (80c) 10 244 24 244 - 4 107 102 Am W^at Wks 1st (6). 2 1024 1014 1014 144 94 Am Woolen .. _ 11 124 124 124 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl)_ 6 724 724 724 -4 14 14 Am Writ Paper (d)._ 9 14 14 14 94 64 Am W rit Pap pf <d)_. 6 64 64 64-4 20 64 Am Zinc & Lead_ 55 184 174 174 - 4 694 624 Anaconda Copper(tl) 112 674 654 664 — 4 97 84 Anaconda Wire (12) _ 4 94 93 934 — 4 244 18 Anchor Cap (60c) ... 2 21 204 21 +4 111 106 Anchor Cap pf (6%). 10s 110 110 110 104 64 A P W Paper ... ... 1 84 84 84 - 4 46 41 Archer-Dan-M (t2)_ 4 454 46 45-4 111 1074 Armour (Del) pf (7). 1 H04 1104 1104 134 7 Armour (Ill)(bl5c) . 153 124 124 124 + 4 994 814 Armour(111)pr pf (6). 8 99 984 884 704 694 Armstrong Cork (2). 9 704 70 704 — 4 174 14 Artloom Corp _ 3 15 16 16—4 244 194 Assoc Dry Goods_ 4 224 224 224 + 4 101 98 Asso D G 1st pf <6)._ 1 99 99 99 -1 874 694 Atch To & S Fe (a2).. 16 84 824 83 -1 104 1004 Atch T & S Fe pf (5). 1 101 101 101 -1 544 444 Atl Coast Line (al).. 1 5 524 614 624 + 4 29 25 Atl Gulf & West Ind. 2 284 284 284 -4 37 304 Atlantic Refinlng(tl) 13 364 344 344 -4 1164 112 Atlantic Ref pf (4).. 3 111 111 111 -24 I84 164 Atlas Corporation 80c 23 184 184 184 624 604 Atlas Corp pf (3) .. 3 614 614 614 - 4 94 724 Atlas Powder (b75c). 1 884 884 884-14 133 1264 Atlas Powder pf (5). 20b 126 126 126 -14 184 144 Atlas Tack (1)_ 2 144 44 144-4 364 294 Auburn Auto_ 1 30 30 30 —4 94 74 Austin Nichols_ 2 84 84 84 — 4 94 64 Aviation Corp (Del). 43 84 84 84 + 4 1114 8 Baldwin Loco (d) 6 9*4 9)4 9)4 120 86*4 Baldwin Loco pf (d). 4 118)4 116)4 118)4 +214 914 7)4 Baldwin Loco asd(d) 6 8 754 714 — 14 120 8814 Baldwin L pfasd (d) 4 11814 11614 11714 -1 38 20*4 Baltimore & Ohio 60 36J4 8554 3514 - 14 4754 33*4 Baltimore & Ohio pf_ 7 45 4414 44*4 — 14 45 41 Bangor&Aroos (2%). 1 4314 4314 4314 11014105 Bangor&Aroos pf (5) 10s 109 109 109 43H 3514 Barber Co (a75c)_ 13 4114 4054 4054 -54 32 2554 Barker Brothers_ 2 2914 29 2914 + 14 42 38 Barker Bros pf (2 54 > 140s 4154 4054 4 054 - 14 3514 2614 Barnsdail Oil (1) __ 15 32*4 3154 32 ~H 2014 1714 Bayuk Cigars (t75c). 6 1754 1714 1714 — 14 2854 25 Beatrice Cream (tl)- 1 2654 2 654 2654 10554 1 0154 Beatrice C pf ww (5). 1 102)4 10214 10214 1654 13 Belding Hemin (1>__. 4 1 354 1354 1 354 3014 25 Bendix Avia (b25c)_ 7 2654 2614 2654 — 54 23*4 21 Beneficial Lo (b45c)- 8 21 21 21 - H 105H 73 Bethlehem Stl (al54 ) 70 10154 9914 9954 -1)4 20 1854 Beth Stl 5% pf (1)_ 3 19H 19)4 1914 129)4 125 Beth Stl pf (7) _ 2 12314 12314 123)4 -254 38 33 Black & Decker b50c- 6 33H 32 3314 + 14 2954 2254 Blaw Knox (b20c) 16 29H 28)4 29)4 — 54 32)4 28 Bloomingdale(b47%) 20« 3014 30 8014 + 14 49*4 3354 Boeing Airplane 26 4754 4514 4754 +214 4814 41 Bohn Alum & Br (3). 2 445» 44)4 44)4 — 14 93 88 Bon Ami (A)(4) ... 20« 8854 87 87 -1 4554 4 1 54 Bon Ami (B) (b62%c) 110s 42 41)4 42 28 2614 Borden Co (1.60)_ 17 2714 27 27 - 14 835* 72>4 Borg-Warner (4)_x 10 81)4 8054 8D4 + 54 1154 8I4 Boston & Maine _ 3 1054 1054 1054 + 14 414 3M Botany Mines A (d)_. 1 354 354 354 — 14 23*4 16*4 Bridgep’t Brass (60c) 16 2154 21 2154 5954 49*4 Briggs Mfg (t2) _ 24 5054 4954 49*4 — 54 6314 4414 Briggs & Stratton(3) 2 4554 45)4 465* +1 47 42H Bristol-Myers(t2.40) 8 4314 4814 43)4 63 40 Bklyn-Man Tr (4)_ 16 43)4 4214 4314 8 654 Bklyn & Queens__ 4 6)4 6I4 6)4 24)4 2014 Brunswick-Balke___ 6 2154 2114 2114 — H 2514 20 Bucyrus-Erie _ 8 2254 2214 2214 — 14 1454 1214 Budd (EG) Mfg.__ 18 12)4 1214 12)4 — 14 13 9)4 Budd Wheel <a20c)__ 8 1054 1054 10*4 — 54 46J4 3454 Bullard Co (b25c)_ 6 40 39 3954 — 14 6514 61 Bulova Watch (t4)—. 8 6914 6854 69)4 + 54 3654 3154 Buit Adding M (80c) 4 3354 3314 3354 + 14 11*4 7)4 Bush Terminal (d) S 9)4 9 9 — )4 46)4 2414 Bush T Bldgs pf (d). 20g 37 37 37 -1 I8I4 1314 Butler Bros (blSc)_ 45 1814 17)4 18 +54 3614 2914 Butler Bros pf (1)4). 17 36 3454 3554 +154 9>4 654 Butte Cop & Z (a5c)_. 6 7 54 714 754 - 14 33*4 2754 Byers (AM) _ 9 8154 3054 3114 + )4 91 83 Byers (AM) pf_ 20b 84)4 84 84 —2 3454 27 Byron Jackson (tl)_. 16 3314 3254 3254 — *4 4814 40H Calif Packing (2)_ 2 41 41 41 — 54 654 254 Callahan Zinc-Lead.. 22 6 4»4 454 205* 1654 Calumet & Hecla (1). 12 1 8 1754 1754 - 54 3754 3254 Campbell Wy (tl)_ 1 3354 3354 3354 - 54 3654 2754 Canada Dry G Ale_ 101 3654 3454 3554 + £ 1754 1454 Canadian Paciflc_ 60 1654 1654 16 1854 15 Cap Admin (A)(al)_. 3 1754 1754 1754 - H 854 7 Carriers & Gen (a35c) 9 854 854 854 17654 138 Case (J I) Co (4) ._ • 1 166 166 166 -2 12954 12354 Case (J I) Co pf (7).. 90s 12354 12354 12354 - 54 100 8654 Caterpillar Tractt2)_ 4 9654 96 9654 — 54 3654 2654 Celanese Corp(b75c)_> 20 3454 38 33 — 54 4854 3654 Celotex Corp _ 2 4654 4 6 54 4 6 54 — 54 1254 8*4 Central Foundry Co_. 21 12 1154 1154 — 54 10754 103 Cent 111 Lt pf (4%)— 100s 10354 10354 10354 4154 3754 Central R R of N J __ 4 38 3754 3754 —2 3 454 10lA Century R M (bl0c)_. 7 1354 1354 1354 + 5a 8654 6754 Cerro de Pasco (4)_ 12 8154 7954 8054 —1 2354 1 654 Certain-teed Prod_ 4 2054 1954 1954 82 6754 Certain-teed P pf (6). 60s 76 76 76 6254 3554 Champ Pap & F (1)_. 16 60 4854 4954 +154 9054 8454 Chesapeake Corp (3). 2 85 84 84 - 54 6854 6354 Ches & Ohio (t2.80)_. 13 6454 6354 6354 -1 454 254 Chi & East 111 (d) ... 1 4 4 4 1354 654 Chi & East 111 pf (d)_ 2 1154 1154 1154 4 254 Chi Grt West (d) ._ 6 354 854 354 1854 1354 Chi Grt West pf (d)_. 6 1654 1654 1654 - 54 1154 854 Chi Ind & Lou pf (d). 10s 954 954 954 32 3054 Chi Mall Order!tl 54) * 1 8054 8054 3054 8 2 Chi Mil St P&P (d)._ 26 254 254 254 754 414 Chi M St P&P pf <d)_ 6 654 654 654 — 54 654 354 Chi & N W(d) _ « 654 654 654 - 54 1954 1154 Chl& N W pf (d)_ 2 1754 1654 1654 —1 33 23 Chi Pneumatic Tool.. 6 2954 29 2954 7054 6154 Chi Pneu Tl pf b87%c 1 6554 6654 6654 — 54 354 254 Chi R 1 & Pac <d) .. 8 354 854 854 + 54 1054 654 Chi RI&P 7% pf (d)_ 2 9 854 854-54 2754 23 Chi Yellow Cab (2)._ 1 24 24 24 - 54 2254 1854 Chickasha Cot Oil_ 1 1854 1854 1 854 1654 1254 Childs Co _ 4 1354 1354 1354 + 54 80 4654 Chile Copper (1)_ 20s 77 77 77 13254 11654 Chrysler Corp <bl%) 68 12854 12654 12754 - 54 2154 1854 City Ice & Fuel (2)_ 4 2054 20 2054 + 54 92 86 City Ice & F pf (654)- 40s 89 8854 89 -54 1054 9 City Stores.. _ 8 954 954 954 + 54 3854 3254 Clark Equip (tl.60)._ 10 3454 8354 3354 - 54 118 10654 Clev El Illu pf (454). 10s 107 107 107 + 54 4154 36 Clev Graph Br (2)_ 4 4054 40 41 9854 78 Cluett Peabody (3)_ 1 93 93 93 — 54 164 12254 Coca-Cola < 12) 1 163 153 163 + 54 24 1954 Colgate P-P (t50c)_ 82 2254 2254 2254 6254 6554 Collins & Aik (tSD_ 8 67 6654 67 +1 1125411054 Collins* Aik pf (6)_. 80s 11154 11144 11154 37 26 Colonial Beacon _ 10s 84J4 3454 3454 — 54 6154 4454 Col Fuel & Iron (bl)_ 7 4754 4654 4754 + 54 2754 21 Colo & Southern ... 100s 2354 2354 2354 - 54 80 24 Colo & Southn 1st pf. 80s 2754 2754 2754 -1 2054 1654 Columb G & E (a40c) 45 1654 1654 1654 - 54 101 9054 Colum G&E pf (6)_ 60s 9154 91)4 9154 8954 8454 Columbia flc (fl)_ 1 8454 8454 8454 - H' _ 2:15 p.m. Prev. 1037 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge 464 42 Colu Pic cv pf (2?i) 1 434 434 434 + 4 12441124 Col’bian Carb vtc(t4) 6 1164 115 1164 +34 694 68 Cornel Credit <t4) .. 10 604 604 6056-56 114 1014 Cornel Credit pf (4 4) 2 100 100 100 -34 804 68 Cornel Invest T (t4). 12 704 694 694 -14 214 184 Cornel Solv <t60c)___ 27 194 184 19 + 56 44 8 Comw & Southern_ 230 8 4 3 S 764 69 Comw & Sou pf (3)_ 2 60 4 60 60 - 4 194 134 Conde Nast Publish.. 1 164 154 154 454 364 Congoleum-Nalrn (2) 11 444 444 444 184 154 Consol Cigar __ 4 16 15 15 —Vi 95 884 Con C prpf ww (6%) 20s 91 904 91 -8 87 80 Consol Cigar pf (7) 40s 86 86 86 +1 494 40 Consol Edis N Y (t2) 21 404 40 404 108 1054 Consol Ed N Y pf (5). 1 10ft 106 106 - 4 64 44 Consol Film. . _ 2 44 44 44 1854 1654 Consol Film pf (a2)_. 2 164 164 164 -4 134 94 Consol Laundries_ 6 124 124 124 + 4 174 154 Consol Oil (80c) 72 174 17 17 - 4 104 74 Consol R R Cuba pf.. 2 74 74 74-4 14 4 Consol Textile (d) ... 80 14 14 14-4 114 84 Cons Coal (Del) vtc . 4 104 104 1056 - 4 324 204 Container Corp(l.20 ) 26 294 284 29 - 4 374 274 Conti Baking (A)_ 63 824 82 • 824 -14 64 3 Conti Baking (B)_ 23 4 4 4 4 45(1 - 4 694 694 Cont’l Can (3) 20 614 604 614 - 4 254 204 Conti Diamond F (2). 3 23 4 2256 23 — 4 424 894 Conti Insur (11.60)_ 2 40 4 404 404 + 4 34 24 Conti Motors _ 24 34 34 34 — 4 454 404 Conti Oil of Del (tl)_ 24 444 434 434 — 4 854 264 Cont'l Steel (b50c) .. 6 34 324 33 —1 77 634 Corn Ex Bk & Tr (3). 20s 72 72 72 714 654 Corn Prod Ref (t3)._ 6 684 684 684+4 AA A Cotylnc- 227 94 94 94 + 4 664 46 Crane Co - 28 64 4 52*4 634 + 4 ol, o4, Cream°f Wheat (2). 1 344 344 344 - 4 284 2156 Crosley Radio (al 4 ) 1 24 24 24 +4 1004 744 Crown C'k & Seal (2) 7 814 804 804 -1 24+ 17 Crown Zellerback vtc 61 204 20 204 - 4 814 61 Crucible Steel .. 14 78 764 764 -4 135 1204 Crucible Stl pf bl4..x 1 131 131 131 -14 3 24 Cuba Co 9 2H 24 24 145-6 10 Cuban-Am Sugar_ 28 1154 11*4 115k + 4 127 110 Cuban-Am Sug pf_150s 112*4 1124 1124 +154 2056 18 Curtis Publishing_ 6 184 184 184 IO9410I4 Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 1 102 102 102 + % 856 64 Curtiss Wright _ 6! 74 74 74 +4 235i 194 Curtiss W <A)(a50e) 26 22 4 21*4 225* + 4 90)6 82 Cutler-Hammer b50o 1 87 87 87 —14 24 224 Davega St cv pf (1 56 ) 2 22 4 22 22 — 5* 109 104 Dayton P&L pf (4%) 10s 104 104 104 13541044 Deere & Co 2 130 180 130 —1 29 25 Deisel-Wem-G < + 1)_ 8 264 254 254 674 424 Delaware & Hudson.. 8 65 54 £44 244 174 Dela Lack & West_ 25 234 224 2256 — 4 1464 128 Detroit Edison (t4)_. 1 127 127 127 —1 36 4 31 Diam’d Match (b50c) 4 314 314 314 + 4 285+ 244 Distil Corp Seag Ltd. 19 2 7 4 2 65+ 27 4 4656 374 Doehler Die Cast (2). 1 404 404 40*4 + 56 61 45 Dome Mines <+2)_ 6 47*4 474 414 124 104 Dominion Stores_ 1 11 11 11 _ 4 7754 624 Douglass Aircraft. _ 21 66 644 654 + 4 57 504 Dresser Mfg (A) (a3) 1 49 49 49 -14 34 24 Duluth S S & Atl pf_ 1 24 25-6 256 — 4 84 64 Dunhill Internatl_ 2 64 64 64 — 4 174 154 Duplan Silk (1) _ 1 154 154 154+4 1804 169 Du Pont de N (b75c)_ 4 169 1684 168*/* - 4 17 114 Eastern Roll Mills_ 6 15*6 154 154 1754 I664 Eastman Kodak (6).. 2 1664 166 16S - 4 374 32*6 Eaton Mfg (t2) _ 6 34)6 34 34 —4 1556 11)6 Eitington-Schild ... 8 144 144 144 - u 29 245* El Paso Nat G (1.60). 3 254 25 254 + 5* 454 385* Elec Auto Lite (+ 2.40 18 4256 42 42*6 + 4 114 111 Elec Auto Lt pf (7).. 430s 11156 1114 1114 16 12 Elec Boat <a60c) 21 144 13*4 14 +5* 74 54 Elec&Mus Ind <al8c) 8 55-* 54 656 264 21*+ Elec Bower & Light.. 66 234 224 23 -4 87 754 Elec Pw & Lt $6 pf_ 2 76 4 76 76 -4 924 79 Elec Pw & Lt $7 pf ... 2 794 794 794 _ y 444 404 Elec Storage Bat (2). 1 404 404 4054 — 54 2 14 Elk Horn Coal (d) _ 1 14 14 15-6 8 54 Elk Horn Coal pf (d). 4 656 656 556 — 4 60 564 Endicott-Johnson(3). 1 68 58 58 + 4 9*4 8 Equitable Office Bldg. 2 84 84 854 - 54 2156 134 Erie HR 63 21 2056 21 - U 34'6 26*6 Erie RR 1st pf- 6 3256 324 324-5; 2656 22 Erie R R 2d pf _ 6 2616 26 264 — >4 I'Y* 124 Eureka Vac Cl (80c)_ 1 134 1S4 1356 + 4 8456 284 Evans Product (tl)_. 2 3156 314 31*6 + l; 656 6 Exchange Buffet_ 1 6 6 6 +4 6*+ 34 Fairbanks Co _ 910s 456 4'4 456 - 56 28 214 Fairbanks Co pf_310s 264 24 26*4 + *4 714 61 Fairb'ks-Mors* (tl)_ 7 6156 604 6056 - 56 70 63'6 Fajardo Sug Co (bl). 4 664 66 5656 294 234 Federal Lt & Trac_ 1 2356 2356 2356 — 56 103 97 Fed Lt & Tr pf (6)_ 10s 97 97 97 —2 150 664 Fed Min & Smelter... 1 147 147 147 +1 11H 8+ Federal Mot Tr (40c) 3 10 9+ 9)4 _ 54 11H 5+ Fed Screw Works__ ’ 13 9+ 8(4 8(4 — *4 « 4*4 Fed Water Svc (A)._ 5 6*4 6+ 5*4+14 43*4 36)4 Fed'd Dept Str (2)... 5 43 41*4 41*4 - + 108(4 102)4 Fed'd DScu pf (4*4) 1 107)4 107(4 107'+ - + 45*4 42)4 Fidel Phoe F In tl.60 3 43 43 43 + 14 41*4 32+ Firestone T&R (2) 15 40 39*4 39)4-*+ 62)4 48H First Natl Strs(t2 + ) 2 50)4 60)4 60*+ 46)4 41 Flintkote Co (1)_ 8 41(4 41)4 41*4 + + 54*+ 47)4 Food Machine (1)_ 1 61 + 6R4 51)4+ )4 64)4 43 Foster-Wheeler_ 15 44)4 43 44—1+ 18) 4 12)4 Francisco Sugar_ 8 15 14'+ 14+ _ u 32)4 26'+ Freeport Sul Co (1).. 6 28)4 28*+ 2S+ - + 73 60 Fuller Co pr pf_ 20s 62*4 62)4 62*+ — )4 7)4 4)4 Gabriel Co (A)_ 3 7)4 7 7)4 + 1+ S3 26 Gamewell Co__110s 28*4 2714 27+ —1 19) 4 15)4 Gar Wood Ind (a55c) 4 17+ 17»+ 17*4 — + 15)4 12)4 Gen Am Inv <a75c) . 8 14)4 14(4 14+ — + 86)4 70)4 Gen Am Trans't (a3). 1 74+ 73+ 73*4 -1+ 19)4 16 Gen Baking <t60c)_ 1 16’+ 16*4 16*4 + '+ 14 10*4 Gen Bronze_ 7 11)4 11 11*4 + *+ 32)4 25)4 Gen Cable - 7 31)4 30 30)4 - *4 65 54 Gen Cable (A) 1 61 61 61 — + 126)4 114)4 Gen Cable pf (aT)_ 2 125)4 125 125)4 + '4 62+ 46)4 Gen Cigar (t4) 1 46)4 46*+ 46*+ -1+ 64'+ 62'+ Gen Electric (b40e)— 71 59+ 58*4 58*+ — + 44+ 39)4 Gen Foods (2) ... 12 42)4 42)4 42)4 3+ 2*+ Gen Gas & Elec (A)_. 9 2*+ 2»+ 2*4 65(4 60+ Gen Mills (3) ..._ 1 61 + 61 + 61)4 124 118+ Gen Mills pf (6)_ 60s 120 120 120 — )4 70)4 60)4 Gen Motors <b25c)_ 162 66 65+ 65+ — + 122+119+ Gen Motors pf (5)_ 2 120 120 120 — 14 15+ 12+ Gen Outdoors Adv _ 5 13+ 13+ 13+ — + 110 107+ Gen Print Ink pf (6). 20s 109+ 109+ 109+ — + 65+ 63 Gen Ry Signal < 1)- 4 53+ 53 53++ + 5+ 4+ Gen Realty & Util_ 42 5+ 4+ 4'+ - 14 48+ 40+ Gen Realty & U pf_ 1 42 42 42 + + 70+ 62'+ Gen Refractor (a3 + ) 4 66+ 66 66+ — + 33»+ 28 Gen Thea Eq (b25c) .. 7 31+ 30+ 30+ — + 20+ 16+ Gillette Saf R»z (tl). 8 18 17*+ 18 88+ 84+ Gillette S R pf (5)_ 1 86+ 86+ 86++ + 29+ 20+ Gimbel Bros _ 20 27+ 26+ 26+ — + 61+ 43+ GllddenCo(2) _ 2 47+ 47+ 47++ + 58+ 54+ Glidden cv pf 12 + )_ 1 56 66 56 — + 6+ 6+ Gobel (Adolf) _ 12 6 5+ 5+ 8+ 6+ Goebel Brew (t20c)_ 9 7+ 7+ 7+ 60+ 31 Goodrich (B F) (al)_. 36 48+ 47+ 47+ -1+ 87+ 79+ Goodrich (B F)pf(B) 1 86+ 86+ 86+ 47+ 27+ Goody’r T&R (b50c) 96 46+ 44+ 45+ - + 141 100 Goody'r T&R cu pf (5) 10 136+ 135+ 136 —1 + 13+ 11+ Gotham Silk Hose_ 6 11+ 11+ 11 + 4+ 3 Graham-Palge _ 35 3+ 3+ 3+ 15 6% Granby Cons (new)_ 4 11% 11% u% 6% 3% Grand Union ctfs _ 7 4% 4% 4% 27% 21% Grand Union pf (bl). 8 24% 24% 24% — % 48% 41% Granite City Stl (1).. 8 44 43 43 —1 47% 42 Grant (W T)(tl.40) . 1 45 44 44 -1% 65% 40% Grt Northern pf _ 30 62% 62 62% — % 28% 19 Grt North'n Ore (1)__ 9 26% 26 26%-% 42% 35% Grt West Sug (t2.40) 6 36% 35 36 — % 146% 139 Grt West Sug pf (7). 10s 142% 142% 142% -1 39% 34 Green (H L)(tl.60). 18 38 36% 37% — 1% 16% 14% Greyhound <+80e) 17 16% 15% 15% — % 11% 11 Greyhound C’p pf 65c 8 11% 11 11% 4% 3 Guantanamo Sugar . 17 3% 3% 3% + % 69 40 Guantanamo Sug pf_. 10s 42 42 42 — % 17% 13 Gulf Mobile &N ._ 2 14% 14% 14%-% 59% 61% Gulf Mobile & N pf_ 1 57 67 67 108 65% Gulf States Steel _ 4 103% 101 101% —2% 20% 13% Hall (W F) Printing. 6 18% 17% 17% - % 108 105% Hamilton W pf (6) 10s 107% 107% 107% 105 101% Hanna (M A) pf (6)_. 70s 104 104 104 68% 50% Harb-Walker (t2)_ 4 64% 64 64 —1 8 6% Hayes Body 1 6% 6% 6% + % 109% 101 Hazel Atlas G1 (t5)._ 1 107 107 107 -2% 16% 18% Hecker Prod (60c)_ 27 14% 14% 14% — % 39% 33% Hercules Motor (tl)_ 1 34 34 34 67% 60 Hershey Choc (+ 3)_ 1 61 61 61 +1 62% 47 Holland Fur (al %)_. 8 49% 48% 49% +1% 120% 106% Holland Fur pf (5) 100s 110 108 110 +3% 80% 21 Hollander & Son (1). 7 28% 28% 28%-% 43% 31% Holly Sugar (+2)_ 4 83% 83% 83% — % \ 415 865 Homestake (tl2) _180s 401 899 400 —2 27% 23% Houd-Her <BMtl%). 14 24% 24 24%-% 73 65% Household Fin (4)_ 1 65 63% 63% —2% 17% 12% Houston Oil vtc_ 18 16% 15% 16% — % 90% 62% Howe Sound (t3)_ 8 84 83 83% — % 6% 4 Hudson & Manhat_ 1 4% 4% 4% _ % 28% 18% Hudson Motor Car_ 15 21 20% 20% + % 2% 2 Hupp Motors _ 10 2% 2% 2% 86% 22% Illinois Central_ 53 85% 34% 36% — % 72 65 111 Cent lse lines (4)_. 60s 67% 66% 66% —1 22% 12% Indian Refining (al). 1 18 18 18 — % 40% 36% Indus Rayon (2)_ 12 38% 37% 38 + % 137 185 Ingersoll R pf (6)_ 10s 136% 136% 186% - % 131% 112% Inland Steel (4) ... 6 122% 122% 122% -7 33% 22% Inspiration Copper... 23 31 29% 30% — % 6 6% Ins Sh Md ctfs(a20c) 6 6% 6% 5% 13% 10% Interb Rap Tr vtc (d) 9 10% 10% 10% 10% 4% Intercontl Rubber_ 2 9% 9% 9% _ % 28% 16% Interlake Iron _ 74 27% 26% 26% — % 8% 5 Inti Agricultural_ 73 8% 8 8% + % 69% 42 Inti Agricul pr pf__ 4 66 65% 66 +1 189 176 Inti Bus Mach (t6)_ 1 177 177 177 -2% 111% 102% Inti Harvester (2%). 4 107 106 106% — % 162 148 Inti Harvester pf (7) 1 149% 149% 149% +1% 16% 8% Inti Hydro Elec (A). 18 14% 13% 14 — % 13% 6% Inti Mercantile Marl. 28 11% 11 11% — % 18% 15% Inti Mining (a90c)_ 4 16% 16% 16% + % 73% 62% Inti Nickel (b50c) __ 84 71% 70% 71% + % 21% 16% Inti Paper & Pw (A). 26 18% 17% 17% — % 14% 10% IntlPaper&Pw (B). 25 13% 12% 12% — % 7% 6% Inti Paper & Pw (C)_ 55 6% 6% 6% - % 109% 90% Inti Paper & Pw pf_ 88 104% 101 102 -1% 10 8 inti Ry Cent Amer_ 10s 9 9 9 + % 28% 26 Inti Salt (tl%)_ 1 26 26 26 49% 47% Inti Shoe f+2)_ 1 48% 48 48 62 31% Inti Silver _ 6 60% 49% 49% —1% 110 90 Inti Silver pf (a4)_80s 104% 104% 104% -1% 15% 11% Inti Tel & Tel .. 44 14 18% 13% - % 36% 29% Interstat Dpt St b2%. 1 34% 34% 34% — % 106 108% Inter Dept Strs pf (7) 10s 105 105 105 -1 29 26% Island Creek (2)_T- 1 27% 27% 27% 2:16 p.m. Prev. 1037 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 165 134 Johns-Manvllle (t3)_ 2 145 144 144 —1 136 123 Jones&L 7% Df bl5i- 20» 181*4 13154 13154 - 54 46 4154 Kalamazoo S (tl)_ 1 42 4154 4154 — % 26 20 Kans City Southern.. 22 26 2454 26 +54 4454 42 Kans City So pf (al). 1 43 43 43 35 2854 Kaufmann D S tl.60_. 1 84 84 34 2754 2454 Kayser J & Co (2)_ 1 26 25 25 2354 1 854 Kelsey-H (A)(al5A)_ 6 20 20 20 + 54 1954 1654 Kelsey-H (B)(al54). 2 17 16J4 1654 6954 6654 Kennecott Cop(b50c) 65 6654 65 6654 —154 20 54 1 754 KeystoneS&W (blue) 8 1954 18!4 18*4 — 54 8(4 655 Kinney (G R) Co_ 54 854 8 85a + 5. V0 4754 Kinney (G R) pf(al). 470s 6854 6654 0654 - 54 2954 2654 Kresge(SS)Co(b30c) 4 2654 2654 2654 2454 22 Kroger Groc & B 1.60. 8 23 2254 23 r 2754 21 Laclede Gas (St L)__ 10. 22 22 22 -1 24 1854 Lambert Co (2)_ 12 22 2154 2154 - 54 17*4 15 Lane Bryant_ 1 1654 1654 1 654 — 54 2754 17 Lee Rub & Tire (60c) 14 2654 2654 2654 -1 6154 3854 Leh Port Cmt (154 ).. 1 47 4 7 47 + 54 354 254 Lehigh Valley Coal_ 6 254 254 254 1854 1 354 Lehigh Val Coal pf_ 2 1454 1454 1454 + 'A 2354 1 754 Lehigh Valley R R_ 16 24 22 22 - 54 137 118 Lehman Corp (t3)_ 1 134 134 134 — 54 2154 18 Lehn & Fink (al%>— 2 1 854 1 854 1 854 + 54 6854 6 1 54 Lerner Stores (t2)... 8 6054 49 4954 -1*4 79 6754 Llbbey-O-F-Gl(b75c) 8 7054 7054 70*4 - 54 1654 9*4 Libby McN & L (al)_ 18 1 454 1454 1454 + 54 2854 2654 Life Saver (tl.60)_ 1 2654 2654 2654 - 54 113(4 101 Ligg & Myers <t4) ... 1 102 102 102 + 54 114 10054 Ligg & Myers B (t4). 9 10254 10154 10254 + 154 8354 69 Lima Locomotive_ 4 7654 7554 76 54 + 54 61 6454 Link Belt (t2) 1 6754 6754 6754 + 54 6354 4354 Liquid Carb (2.60)_x 4 62 6154 62 +154 8154 6454 Loew’s Inc (t2)_ 9 7854 7754 7754 — 54 354 2 54 Loft Inc. 29 354 3 354 + 54 7554 66 Lone Star Cmt b75c_ 10 7 2 54 7 1 7254 — 54 1054 654 Long Bell Lum (A)_ 4 954 9 954 4354 3854 Loose-Wiles (2) ... 2 3954 8954 3954 + 54 2854 22*4 Lorillard (F)(tl.20)_ 18 2454 2454 2454 97 8854 Louisv & Nash(b2%) 1 9654 9654 9654 4154 2954 Ludlurn Steel (tl)_ 23 40 3854 3954 — 54 36 3154 McCall Corp (t2)_ 5 3154 31 8154 2454 1854 McCrory Stores _ 11 20 1954 20 — 54 64 54 4054 McGraw Elec (12)_ 2 62 5154 62 +1 4254 38 McIntyre Porcu (2).. 9 4054 40 40 — 54 9254 82*4 McKeesport TP (14) _ 1 84 84 84 1554 125. McKesson & Rob _ 81 1554 1454 1554 4754 45 Me Kess & Rob pf (3) 2 46'4 4554 <654 — Vi 19 1654 McLellan St (b76c) . 3 17*4 17 17 11254 10514 McLellan Strs pf (6). 70s 107 107 107 6214 42*4 Mack Trucks (tl)_ 9 6954 5854 6854 - 54 6854 6054 Macy (R H)(t2)_ 6 65 6454 66 -1 63 63 Magma Copper (2)_ 1 62 62 62 754 6 Manatl Sugar (d)_ 5 654 554 654 +1 SO 20 Manatl Sug pf (d)_ 490s 2554 22 25 +354 1654 1< Mandell Bros (bl)_ 2 16 16 16 1654 1 254 Man El md gtd (d)... 3 12*4 1254 1254 - 54 654 4 54 Maracaibo Oil Exp_ 35 554 6 5 — 54 1454 1054 Marine Midl'd (t40c). 10 1254 1254 1254 + 54 254 2 Market St Ry .. _ 200. 254 254 254 20 1454 Market St Ry pf_ 30« 15 15 15+54 6 454 Market St Ry 2d pf_ 100 * 454 454 4 54 39 3054 Market St Ry pr pf__. 20 . 30*4 3054 8 054 3054 185. Marshall Field & Co_. 33 2954 2854 2954 1354 9 Martin-Parry Corp_ 4 1254 1254 12(4 — Vi 74 60 Masonite Corp (tl)_ 1 68 68 68 —1 4154 3714 Mathieson Aik (1 *4)_ 9 3954 3854 3854 —1 6614 6954 May Dept Str (13)_ 6 66 6554 6554 155j 1354 Maytag Co (a50c)_ 2 13*4 1354 13*4 8654 77 Melville Shoe (to)_ 1 7954 7954 7954 +154 1654 1154 Mengel Co 7 1454 1454 1 454 — 54 47*4 4454 Msngel 5% pf (2%) 170 . 4554 4 554 4554 +154 7254 69 Mesta Machine (bl 54 ) x 2 6954 6 854 6 8 54 -154 2614 16*4 Miami Copper _ 10 2354 23 2354 — 54 35*4 2954 Mid-Cont Pet (al.15). 7 3454 34 34 - 54 4 8 54 3854 Midl'd Stl Prod (12) _. 4 46 4514 4554 - 54 122 11754 Midl'd Stl 1st pf (8).. 130. 11954 118 119 - 54 11854 102 Mlnn-Hon Ros (2)_ 2 11854 118 118 1654 11 Minn Moline Power_ 4 1 554 1 4*4 1454 — 54 101 8854 Minn Moline Pwr pf_. 1 98 98 98 —3 33 2654 Mission Corn (a45c)_ 13 3 2 54 3054 3 2 54 +154 954 6 54 Mo Kans & Texas _ 13 9 864 85. — 54 3454 2454 Mo Kans & Tex pf A_. 6 32 8154 32 5(4 3 Missouri Pacific <d)_. 6 5 454 4*4 1154 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) 4 1054 1054 1054 + Vi 40J4 3054 Mohawk Corp (1.20).. 2 87 37 37 101 9054 MonsantoChem (tl). 6 93 92 S3 69 6354 Montgom Ward < 12) _ 38 675* 6654 6654 — 54 46 4254 Morrell J & Co (2.40) 2 43 43 43 — 54 354 154 Mother Lode<al254c) 41 2*4 254 2*4 - 54 26 2154 Motor Wheel (1 60).. 7 23 2254 23 54 4154 Mueller Brass (tl>_ 7 51 4954 50 -54 3654 81 Mullins Mfg B(a50c) 2 3354 33 33 98 9154 Mullins Mfg pf (7)... 60. 93 9154 9154 36 54 27*4 Munsingwear (3) ... 1 3 1 54 3 1 54 3 1 54 - 54 90 70 Murphy G C (2.60)... 2 90 90 90 2054 17 Murray Corp (a50c). 6 1754 17*4 1754-54 71 68*4 Myers(FE)&Bro (bl) 1 66 66 66 2454 1754 Nash Kelvtnator (1). 88 2254 2254 2254 24 1854 Natl Acme (a7oc)_ 6 2254 22 22 - 54 1854 1 354 Natl Aviation (al)_ 3 1654 16 16 - 54 33H 30*4 Natl Biscuit (1.60)_ 10 31*4 31 31*4 + H 167 167*4 Natl Biscuit pf (7)_ 1 160 160 160 +2*4 33*4 28*4 Natl Bond & Inv 1.44. 4 28*4 28 28*4 - *4 103*4 99*4 Nat B'd &Inv pf A (5) 1 100 1 00 100 38*4 29*4 Natl Cash Keg (al) . 20 37*4 36*4 37 - *4 26*4 23*4 Nat'l Dairy Prod 1.20 43 25*4 24*4 24*4 - *4 109*4 107 Natl Dairy P pf B (7) 10s 107*4 107*4 107*4 + *4 24*4 17*4 Natl Dept Stores __ 4 22*4 22*4 22*4 + *4 10*4 7*4 Natl Dept Stores pf.. 70s 8*4 8*4 8*4 + *4 33*4 27*4 Natl Distil Prod ( + 2> 41 33*4 32*4 33*4 + *4 44 33*4 Natl Lead (t50c)_ 28 42*4 41*4 42*4 - *4 61*4 48*4 Natl Mal'hle&Stl(a2) 2 51*4 50*4 61*4+1*4 1454 11*4 Natl Pwr & Lt (60c). 18 11*4 11*4 11*4 - *4 1 *4 Natl Ry Mex 2d pf_ *6 *4 *4 *4 94*4 70 Natl Steel (+2 *4)_ 35 87 85*4 86*4 - »4 85*4 62 Natl Supply Co_ 30 87 81*4 86*4 +5*4 128*4 121*4 Natl Supply pf(a3V4) 2 128 127** 128 + *4 12*4 10 Natl Tea <60c)_x 3 10*4 10*4 10*4 + *4 13*4 11*4 Natomas <t80c)_ 3 12*4 12*4 12*4 + *4 57*4 63 Neisner Bros < 12>_ 1 52*4 62*4 62*4 — *4 41*4 34*4 Newport Ind (b50c)_. 9 37H 36*4 37 — *4 98*4 78*4 N Y Air Brake (b50c) 4 88 87 87 -4 64 40 NY Central P.R ... 300 62*4 50*4 51*4 - *4 66*4 41 N Y Chicago & St L_ 9 67 65*4 66*4+1*4 100 83 NY Chi & St L pf_ 2 95 94 94 -1*4 12*4 9*4 N Y Dock _ 50s 10*4 10*4 10*4 + *4 25*4 18 N Y Dock pf_170s 19*4 18*4 18*4-1 135 129*4 N Y & Harlem (5)_ 10s 132 132 132 2 1*4 N Y Investor^ (d)_ 6 1*4 1*4 1*4 9*4 5*4 NY NH & H (d) _ 4 8*4 8*4 8*4 26*4 16*4 NY NH & H Df (d)_ 5 24*4 23*4 23*4 - *4 6*4 6 NY Ontario & West.. 8 6*4 6*4 6*4 + *4 5*4 4*4 N Y Rys pf (d>- 4 6*4 6*4 6*4 + *4 15*4 12 NY Shipbuilding 1 13*4 13*4 13*4 76*4 70 NY Shipbuilding pf_. 10s 72 72 72 — *4 110 108*4 N Y Steam 1st (7) _ 60s 108*4 108 108*4 - *4 4*4 2 Norfolk Southern(d). 9 3*4 3*4 3*4 — *4 272 250 Norfolk&W'n (b2*4). 2 255 251 255 +5 114 109 Norfolk* W’n pf (4) 20s 109*4 109*4 109*4 + *4 17*4 13*4 North Am Aviation _ 70 15*4 14*4 15*4 + *4 34*4 27*4 North Am Co (b30c)_. 23 28 27*4 27*4 ~ *4 67*4 54 North Am Co pf (3).. 3 55*4 65 65*4 +1*4 105 98 Northern Central (4) 10s 97*4 97*4 97*4 — *4 86*4 27*4 Northern Pacific_ 44 34*4 33*4 33*4 — *4 53*4 51*4 Northwest Tel (3)_ 50s 53 62*4 52*4 — *4 6*4 3*4 Norwalk Tire & Rub. 6 6*4 6*4 6*4 + *4 22*4 17*4 Ohio Oil (a60c) 107 22*4 21*4 21*4 - *4 65*4 53*4 Oliver Farm Equip_ 2 64*4 64 64 26)4 18*4 Omnibus Corp vtc__ 6 22*4 22*4 22*4 — *4 19*4 13*4 Oppenheim Colling_ 1 17 17 17 + *4 45*4 35*4 Otis Elevator (60c)_ 3 42 41*4 41*4 — *4 24*4 16*4 Otis Steel __ 45 23*4 22*4 22*4 — *4 97 75 Otis Steel cv pf (5%) 1 93*4 93*4 93*4 -1*4 28 23 Outb’d M & M (b30c). 1 23*4 23*4 23*4 — *4 200 150 Owens-Ill Glass (6).. 2 188 185*4 185*4 -2*4 23 19*4 Pac Am Fish (tl)_ 8 20*4 20 20*4 + 54 15*4 11*4 Pacific Coast_ 130s 13*4 12*4 12*4 - *4 40 25*4 Pacific Coast 1st pf_10s 38 38 38 27*4 21*4 Pacific Coast 2d 70s 22*4 22*4 22*4 — *4 32*4 28 Pac Finance <tl.80)_. 2 28*4 28*4 28*4 + *4 38 32*4 Pac Gas & Elec (2)— 85 33*4 32*4 32*4 - *4 53*4 45 Pac Lighting (3)_ 4 45*4 45*4 45*4 + *4 44*4 36*4 Pacific Mills (b50c)_. 1 36 36 36 — *4 152 147 Pacific Tel&Teleg (8) 20s 148 148 148 — *4 29 22*4 Pac West O (a65c) 9 28*4 27*4 27*4 — *4 12*4 10*4 Packard Motor(blSc) 110 11*4 11 11—14 17*4 14*4 Pan Am Petrol(a60c) 1 14*4 14*4 14*4 — *4 4*4 2*4 Panhandle Pro & R _. 3 3*4 3*4 3*4 88*4 60 Panhandle P & R pf._ 20s 75 72 72 90 76 Paraffine Co (bl) ... 1 86 86 86 +2*4 28*4 23*4 Paramount Pictures. 117 24*4 24 24*4 — *4 26*4 21*4 Paramount 2d pf 60c. 11 22*4 21*4 21*4 -1*4 34*4 28*4 Park & Tilford (2)__.x 1 29 29 29 + *4 8*4 4*4 Park Utah _ 30 6*4 6*4 6*4 — *4 44*4 88 Parke Davis (bl)_ 8 39*4 89 39 +1 >/» o Farmelee Transport. 4 6)3 6 6)4 + X 10)4 8*4 Path© Film Corp__ 7 8)4 8)4 854 — 14 23J4 1414 Patino Mines (t60c). 64 2254 2154 22)4— 14 754 354 Peerless Corporation. 3 6)4 6)4 6)4 — 14 64 68 Penlck & Ford (+3)_ 1 69)4 6914 6914 10354 97 Penney (J 0(4) __.x 3 10154 10114 10114 - 54 1214 754 Penn Dixie Cement_ 6 *54 9)4 — X 76)4 64 Penn Dixie C pf (A).. 1 66)4 66)4 66)4 - *4 2954 22 Penn G1 S'd ctfs a50o. 8 2814 2754 2814 + 54 4854 3 954 Penn Railroad <a2)_ 43 4814 4*54 4754 -1 63 4954 Peoples Drug (tl)_ 1 6854 6854 6854 - 54 6614 4814 Peoples Gas Chicago. 1 6714 67)4 67)4 - X 2154 1714 Petr Corp Am (a90c). 33 20)4 2014 20)4 — 14 1314 1114 Pfeiffer Brew (1.20). 6 12 1154 12 6954 62 Phelps Dodge (b35c). 3 1 6654 6554 6654 — 54 64)4 62 Phila Co 6% pf (3)_ 1 63 63 63 + 14 7)4 654 Phila Rap Tr (d) _ 370» 7 654 7 + X 14 11 Phila Rap Tr pf (d).. 120* 12)4 1214 1214+1)4 314 1)4 Phila & Read C& 1.8 2 154 154 8414 74 Philip Morrls(b3 %).. 6 75 7414 74)4 + X 20 13)4 Phillips Jones_ 1 16*4 1614 1514 6814 4914 Phillips Petrol (2)_ SO 5754 66)4 67)4+54 2054 1654 Pierce Oil pf _ 8 20*4 1954 1954 + X 414 54 Pierce Petroleum_ 1666 1)4 1)4 1)4 + 14 3354 28)4 Pillsbury Flour 1.60. 1 31 81 31 +1)4 18)4 15 Pittsburgh Coal _ 1 16 16 16+54 20 13)4 Pitts Screw <a62%c). 89 1954 18*4 19 - X 43 2454 Pittsburgh Steel Co.. 2 3714 36)4 37)4 -154 122 103 Pittsburgh Steel pf__ 120. 114 118 11854 - 14 854 3*4 Pitts United Corp_ 16 654 654 654 + 14 4714 31)4 Pittsburgh & W Va__ 80. 44*4 4214 42)4 -2 3 214 Plttston Co _ 6 254 2*4 2)4 + 14 2754 2454 Plymouth Oil (tl)_ 23 2654 26X 2614 - X 21 1854 Pond Creek Poo (2)__ 1 2014 2014 20X 3314 25)4 Poor & Co (B) 1 2854 2854 2854 - X 1154 8 PortoR Am Tob (A)_. 4 814 814 8*4 354 2)4 Porto Rico Am T (B). 1 254 2)4 254 + X 16)4 10*4 Postal Tel & C pf <d). 8 1154 lft* 1154 3154 2554 Pressed Steel Car .. 16 2854 2754 2754 - X 31 25)4 Press Stl 1st pf (25c). 1 2914 2914 2914 - 54 86 67 Press Stl 2d pf '2%)- 2 77 7614 76)4 -1 166H 5514^, Proctor & Gamb (12). 7 6054 60 60 - X 6254 43 . Pub Svc N J (2.60)_ 21 43)4 43)* 481* 2:15 p.m. Frev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chge 140H 138 PubSvcN J pf (7)_ 2 137’/* 137*4 1374 +14 724 664 Pullman Inc (1%)_ 16 67 66 4 664 - 4 244 194 Pure Oil 40 214 214 21*4 - 4 1124 108 Pure Oil 8% pf_170s 110 110 110 - 4 23*4 184 Purity Baker1es(60c) 24 214 204 214 — 4 184 17 Quaker State R (80c) 1 174 174 174 +4 124 104 Radio Corp _ 142 114 114 114 - 4 80 764 Radio Corp pf A(3%) 4 774 774 774 -4 94 74 Radio-Keith Or (d)._ 19 84 8»/, 84 134 94 Real Silk Hosiery_ 8 104 10 10 44 24 Reis (Robt) _ < 34 34 34 30 23 Reis (Robt) lit pf_ 1 264 264 264 -1 224 184 Reliable Strs (a60c)_ 2 194 194 194 294 214 Rem-Rand (t60c)_ 87 264 254 264 - 4 94 6 Reo Motor Car_ 79 8 4 8 4 84 474 274 Republic Steel_ 850 454 434 45 - 4 1104 99 Rep Stl pr pf A (6)_ 2 1094 1094 1094 — 4 474 834 Revere Copper _ 9 454 434 434 -2 304 26 Reynolds Metal (tl). 2 26 264 254 - % 68 604 Reynolds Tob B (3)„ 22 62 614 62 +4 14 14 Rhine Westphalia_ 1 134 134 134 — 4 136 117 Ruberoid Co (1.80)_ 1 136 136 136 + 4 94 74 Rutland R R pf _ l 84 84 84-4 46 414 Safeway Stores (+2)_ 9 414 41 414 — 4 103 974 Safeway Strs pf (5).. 60« 1014 1014 1014 — 4 65 434 St Joseph Ld (b50c)„ 7 63 624 624 -14 44 3 St Xj-San Fran (d)_ 1 44 44 44 114 64 St L-San Fran pf (d). 4 94 94 94 274 144 iSavageArms (al)_ 1 244 244 244 60 424 Schenley Distil <t3) .. 9 484 484 484 - 4 98 944 Schenley Dls pf(5%) 1 984 984 984 + 4 34 2 Schulte R Strs (d)_ 8 24 24 24 + 4 464 38 Scott Paper (1 > ... 90a 42 42 42 +4 scoit rap rts, Mar 31.45110s 4 4 % 24 14 Seaboard Air L (d)_ ll 14 14 14-4 84 6 Seaboard A L pf (d)_. 1 74 74 74 + 4 48 4 404 Seaboard Oil (1)_ 6 47 46 4 464 — 4 114 74 SeagraveCorp_ 1 10 10 10 954 81 Sears Roebuck (3)_ 23 944 93 93 —14 34 28 Servel Inc (11) 7 324 314 324 + 4 42 4 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20). 2 394 394 894 14 104 Sharpe & Dohme ... 6 114 114 114 65 60 Sharp & Do pf (3 4). 1 624 «24 624 - 4 174 154 Shattuck(F G) (60c)_ 12 164 154 16 44 374 Sheaffer Pen (bl'4).. 90s 404 40 404 +24 344 264 Shell Un Oil (a25c) . 6 334 324 324 - 4 1054 1024 Shell Un Oil pf (64) 4 1034 1034 1034 + 4 174 124 Silver King Coal b25cx 34 164 164 164 - 4 564 444 Simmons Co (a3)_ 68 67 544 564 +24 44 34 Simms Petrol_ 3 34 34 34 + 4 524 42 Skelly Oil . _ 4 504 494 494 -14 1024 99 Skelly Oil pf (6)_ 1 1014 1014 1014 + 4 197 854 Sloss-Sheflield Stl __ 170s 184 1774 184 +6 120 120 Sloss Shef Stl pf (6). 60s 120 120 120 404 274 Smith&Corona cfs(l) 1 344 344 344 -14 64 4 47 Smith (AO) .1 47 47 47 294 254 Snider Packing (14) 5 254 254 254 -4 194 164 Socony-V Oil <b25e). 82 19 184 184 - 4 64, 44 So Am G & P (a30c)_. 13 64 54 54 424 34 South Port Sug < + 2)_ 4 354 354 354 + 4 324 274 SoCal Edison (tl4). 17 274 274 274 - 4 654 424 Southern Pacific_ 86 624 614 614 — 4 404 24 Southern Railway_ 34 394 384 384 — 4 604 474 Southern P-y pf_ 5 67 564 57 + 4 104 9 Spalding (AG)_ 42 114 104 114 + 4 77 684 Spalding (A G) 1st pf 140s 774 754 77 +1 1044 101 Spang Chalf pf(bl4) 20s 102 102 102 94 74 Sparks-Withington _ 9 84 74 8 234 204 Sperry Corp vtc (al). 36 224 214 214 4- 4 334 284 Spicer Mfg (a3) 1 314 314 314 — 4 284 224 Spiegel Inc (b25e)._ 53 26 244 244 -14 112 106 Spiegel Inc pf (64). 660s 11*4 1114 1114+ 4 484 414 Square D (B) b25c _ 4 454 434 434 -24 164 15H Stand Brands (t80c). 32 154 154 154 -4 124 10 Stand Com Tobacco.. 4 11 104 104 — 4 144 84 Stand Gas&El (d)._. 13 124 12 124 + 4 324 254 Stand G&E $4 pf id). 14 294 284 284 -1 65 544 Stand G&E $6 pf (d). 1 69 59 59 , 4 724 60 Stand G&E $7 pf (d). 1 68 68 68-4 4 24 Stand Inv Corp _ 1 34 34 34 50 434 Stand Oil of Cal (tl). 21 484 474 474 -1 50 464 Stand Oil of Ind (tl) 18 484 474 474 - 4 32 31 Stand Oil of Kan (al) 1 32 32 32 76 674 stand Oil of N J (tl). 54 734 724 73 -4 75 674 Sterling Prod (t3.80) 8 (54 65 65 —24 21 174 Stewart-Warner t50c 17 204 194 194 — 4 334 284 Stone & Web <a25c)_.' 17 29 28 4 284 — 4 20 134 Studebaker Corp_ 41 184 184 184 — 4 774 71 SunOil(tl)- _ 5 73 72 72 -14 614 53 Superheater (toOc)_ 1 564 564 564 - 4 74 44 Superior Oil _ 111 74 7 7 474 37 Superior Steel_ 8 444 43 44 -1 394 324 Sutherland Pap tl.60 14 394 38 4 384 - 4 284 254 Swift & Co (tl.20)... 6 284 274 284 + 4 324 304 Swift Inti Ltd (2)... 3 314 314 314 - 4 234 184 Sym'gton-G ww blOc. 26 224 22 224 + 4 174 144 Sym'gton-G xw blOc 17 164 154 1614 + 4 154 134 Taicott (James) b30c 2 134 134 134 — 4 84 74 Telautograph (60c) . 1 74 74 74 + 4 164 114 Tennessee Corp al5c. 33 144 144 44 — 4 60 604 Texas Corp (2) . .. 112 674 664 664 -14 34 194 Tex Corp rts Mch 19 . 338 2 4 24 24 — 4 94 74 Texas Gulf Pr <a5c). 208 94 94 94 + 4 43 384 Texas Gulf Sul (t2)_ 6 394 394 894 - 4 164 134 Tex Pac C&O (blOc). 17 154 154 154 +4 154 114 Texas P L T (alOc)_ 14 134 13 134 — 4 48 374 Thatcher Mfg (tl)... 3 464 464 464 + 4 134 104 Thermoid Co . _ 66 114 104 114 + 4 284 26 Thompson Prod b40c. 6 254 25 254 — 4 104 64 Thompson Starrett.. 10 84 84 84 + 4 404 314 Thompson Star pf_ 5 33 324 33 +4 214 204 Tide Wat As Oil(60c) 12 214 204 204 — 4 284 22 Timken Detroit (tl). 13 264 26 4 264 - 4 T9 684 Timken Roller B (S). 8 69 68 69 +4 174 16 Transamerica <t40c) 11 164 164 164 224 184 Trans&West Air a25c 6 204 194 204 + 4 274 194 Transue&W (t60c). 2 224 224 224 - 4 114 9 Tri-Conti (a50c) 23 104 104 104 — 4 12 84 Truax-TrCoal (b2oc) 10 114 114 114 + 4 264 214 Truscon Steel _. 2 244 244 244 + 4 404 334 20th Cent Fox b50c).. 50 404 394 394 — 4 50 424 20th Cent FF pf(14) 2 494 49 49 -1 174 134 Twin City RT .. 2 134 134 134 — 4 94 83 Twin C R T pf (al4). 40* 83 83 83 64 44 Uien & Co ... 3 44 44 44-4 1004 91 Und-EU-Fisher (3)... 3 91 89 89 -34 75 63 Union Bag & Pap (2). 15 78 75 77 +24 111 1014 Union Carb&C (3.20). 6 1074 1064 1064 -14 284 244 Union Oil Calif (1)... 15 264 264 264 1474 1264 Union Pacific (6)_ 13 145 143 144 - 4 994 944 Union Pacific pf (4)„. 2 944 944 944 354 274 United Aircraft a50c. 38 334 324 334 + 4 244 204 United Air L (a20c).. 27 214 204 21 304 28 United Biscuit (1.60) 1 274 274 274 - 4 91 79 United Carbon (4)_ 1 80 80 80 — 4 344 294 Unit-Carr Fast <t2)_. 3 344 344 344 84 64 United Corp (a20c)_ 61 64 64 64 464 424 United Corp pf (3)_ 1 424 424 424 + 4 16 144 United Drug <a75c)__ 60 164 15H 154 94 74 United Elec Coal ... 10 84 74 84 + 4 63 464 United Eng&Fy (t2). 2 60 694 60 -14 854 804 United Fruit < + 3) _ 8 83 4 83 834 + 4 17 144 United Gas Imp (1)_ 28 144 144 H4 164 64 United Paperboard... 3 144 144 144 34 24 U S Distributing _ 1 24 24 24 + 4 204 154 U S Distributing pf_60s 154 154 164 — 4 344 284 U S Freight (tl)_ 3 28H 284 284 — 4 137 122 U S Gypsum (t2)_ 2 125 122 125 + 14 224 17 US Hoffman _ 27 224 214 214 - 4 434 374 U S Indus Alcohol_ 6 394 384 39 — 4 154 64 U S Leather vtc ... 43 144 134 134 214 134 U S Leather (A) vtc_. 22 21 20 20 —1 106 89 U S Leath pr pf bl%. 2 105 105 105 -1 724 604 U S Pipe & Fdry (3).. 2 664 664 664-14 194 154 U S Realty & Imp_ 6 164 16 16 — 4 684 444 U S Rubber _ 16 664 644 65 —1 118 924 U S Rubber 1st pf_ 6 1094 107 4 108 —14 105 834 U S Smelting (b2)_ 9 994 98 99 — 4 1264 75 U S steel _ 215 1224 1204 121 -14 150 1394 U S Steel pf (7)_ 3 1474 147 147 — 4 84 64 United Stores (A)_ 9 64 64 64 108 95 Univ Pictures 1st pf. 20s 94 93 93 —2 44 34 Util Pw & Lt (AXd). 19 34 34 34 24 14 Vadsco Sales Corp_ 7 24 2 2 394 284 Vanadium Corp ... 33 374 36 4 364 —1 444 894 Van Raalte (b624c). 6 42 414 414 — 4 464 424 Vick Chemical (t2)_ 2 44 434 44 +1 94 74 Va-Car Chemical_ 169 104 94 94 + 4 624 644 Va-Car Chem 6% pf.. 27 62 4 60 4 604 37 264 Va Iron C & C pf _ 10s 304 304 304 + 4 98 70 Vulcan Detin (a8)_ 60s 94 92 92 -1 74 34 Wabash (d) 61 84 8 84 +14 16 9 Wabash pf (A) (d)_ 40 164 164 164 + 4 124 74 Wabash pf (B) (d)_170s 144 134 14 +2 194 16 Waldorf Sys (tl.20). 9 174 17 17 —4 33 S04 Walgreen Co (new) . 25 33 324 324 — 4 118 114 Walgreen Co pf (6%) 400s 1154 11*4 1144 + 4 *84 454 Walker (H)(2)_ 3 *74 474 474 184 114 Walworth Co _ 68 184 174 18 + 4 104 64 Ward Baking (B)_ 7 94 9 9 —4 18 144 Warner Bros Picture. 34 154 15 15 — 4 14 14 Warner-Quinlan (d). 11 14 14 14 124 64 Warren Bros (d) .. 4 84 84 84 46 354 Warren Fdy & P (tl) 3 44 43 4 44 - 4 634 46 Wesson O&S (t50c).. 10 514 61 514 1004 94 West Pa Elec pf (6).. 40s 944 944 944 -4 109 1044 West Pa Elec pf (7).. 60s 1044 104 1044 - 4 1154 1134 West Pa Pwr pf (6).. 10s 1144 1144 1144 - 4 1234119 West Pa Pwr pf (7).. 30b 121 1204 1204 - 4 114 84 Western Maryland_ 7 104 104 104 — 4 104 74 Western Pacific pf_ 3 94 94 94 834 714 Westn Un Tel (3)_ 15 764 74 75 674 484 Westingh’se A B (1). 4 534 524 634-4 1674 145 Westingh’se El (bl) 11 1464 1454 146 -14 304 26 Weston El inst(a85c) 1 27 27 27 —4 274 234 Westvaco Chlor (1).. 7 244 244 244 + 4 65 38 Wheeling Steel .. 20 64 4 624 624 -1 110 103 Wheeling Stl pf (bl). 1110 110 110 334 234 White Motor . 36 314 304 314 + 4 184 154 White Rk M S (1.40). 2 174 174 174 + 4 64 54 White Sewing Mach.. 17 64 64 64 464 38 White Sew Mach pf._ 1 414 414 414 64 44 Wilcox OH & Gas_ 3 64 54 54 124 84 Wilson & Co (50c)_ 60 114 114 114 914 794 Wilson & Co pf (6)_ 2 904 904 904 -4 654 634 Wool worth (2.40) _ 27 64 63 4 54 +4 47 344 Worthington Pump.. 2 434 43 434 + 4 111 81 Worth Pump pf (A). 280s 110 1074 1094 +3 128 116 Wright Aero (al)_ 60s 1194 117 1194 +2 76 684 Wrigley W 1r <t3)_ 6 70 694 694 - 4 874 204 Yellow Tr & Coach _. 177 36 4 344 344 - 4 142 128 YellTr&CpfblVs 80s 135 1344 1344 464 424 Young Spr & W (t3)_ 2 44 434 434 -4 1014 754 Ygstn S & T <b75c)._. 14 97 954 954 - 4 115 100 Ygstn S&T pf (64).. 9 100 100 100 404 33 Zenith Radio (b50c). 4 364 364 864 — 4 94 74 Zonite Products 2 74 74 74 — 4 • Unit of trading less than 100 shares tAnnual rate— not Including extras a Paid last rear. b Paid this year, d Companies reported In receivership or belns reorganized r Kx dividend. Rally From Early Drop Is Halted—Volume at Low Levels. Stock Averages _ 30 15 15 60 „ Indust. Rail3. Util. Stks Net change- —.3 —.5 —.1 —.7 Today, noon 99.0 47.2 48.1 73.2 Prev. day... 99.9 47.7 48.2 73 9 Month ago.. 99.8 41.6 51.7 73.0 Year ago-.. 80.5 35.5 47.8 61.1 1937 high—.101.6 48.6 54.0 75.3 1937 low- 94.1 37.8 48.2 69.1 1936 high— 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low- 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low- 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high— 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low- 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Comniled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK, March 15.—Leading stocks suffered an early relapse in to day’s market, later found sufficient support to reduce or cancel extreme losses of fractions to 2 or more points in many instances and then turned down again in the final lap. Labor controversies tended to temper buying sentiment, although buslne: news generally was interpreted as con structive. Dealings were unusually quiet during the greater part of the session. Transfers were around 1,900. 000 shares. Motor issues, stiffened momentarily when the Michigan court enjoined the Chrysler sit-down strikers. Board room customers, however, were in clined to await enforcement of the injunction. Steels backed away notwithstand ing the official estimate placing this week's mill operation at 88.9 per cent of capacity, up 1.6 points from last week at a new high since Septem ber, 1929. In the drooping division most of the time were United States Steel, Bethlehem. Republic, Gulf States Steel, Inland Steel, Chrysler, General Motors, Goodyear,. Goodrich, Safeway Store, International Harvester, North American, Anaconda, Kennecott, Standard Oils of New Jersey and California, Amerada, Texas Corp.„ American Can, General Electric, Du Pont, Westinghouse, Allied Chemical, Briggs Manufacturing, Santa Fe. New York Central, Great Northern, Chesa peake & Ohio, Baltimore & Ohio, American Hide & Leather preferred. Remington Rand, Paramount, Spiege!, Inc., H. L. Green Co., Ohio Oil, Para mount and Gimbcl. Crucible Steel was up for a while, following announcement the company had raised wages. Resistant were American Telephone, McKesson & Robbins, Canada Dry, Simmons Co., United States Leather, Crane Co., American Ice and Pierce Petroleum Boeing and Douglas Aircraft bucked the trend. NEW YORK COTTON Es the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15.—Active foreign and Wall Street buying car-' rftd cotton briskly higher today. A belief that cotton was still under valued in relation to other commodi ties and a favorable view of the con sumption outlook were said to be factors in the advance that carried May up from 14.10 to 14.24. Partial reactions followed under realizing and in midafternoon it was selling at 14.18, with prices generally 14 to 24 points net higher. Futures closed very steady. 22 to 31 higher High. Low. Close. March _14.81* 14.48 14.6!* May _ 14 14!" 14- -28 July _ 14.00 13.89 13.9!* October _13.4s 13.31 13 4.-4S December _13 4o 13 27 13.37 January 13,39 13.32 13 37 Spot steady: middling. 14.85. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed steady. May. 11.21b; July, 11.30-31: September. 11.33-34; Octo ber, 11.10b. Sales. 106 contracts, in cluding four switches, b—Bid. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS March 15 UP).—Heavv foreign and domestic buying in the tc' ton market at the opening today lifted prices 13 to 23 points. The advance carried options into new high levels for the past seven yes'" March was emoted at 14.38 bid. the’ Ma position reached 14 cents even, and Jul at 13.88: October at 13.40 and Decembe at 13.40 were up more than a dollar a bale Liverpool reported an active demand from the continent and Bombay Reports of a good movement of loan cotton, a peak level of business in cotton cloths and improved export demand aided prices here. Cottonseed oil futures opened steadv March. 10.70b: May. 10.75b; July. lO.SSb; September, 10.88b; October. 10.68b. b—Bid. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS DROP AGAIN IN WEEK Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. March 15.—The cur rent downward movement in the New York City bank stock market continued during the last week, according to rec ords compiled by Holt, Rose & Troster. The aggregate market value of 16 leading issues on March 12 amounted to $2,335,544,000, compared with $2, 374,950,000 at the close of the previous week, a decrease of $39,406,000, or 1.66 per cent. The current average yield of the 16 issues of 2.82 per cent, compares with a yield of 2.77 per cent on March 6. The current market value Is now 1.70 times the known book value. -• FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK, March 15 OPt.—Foreign ex change steady; Great Britain In dollars, others in cents. Great Britain, demand, 4.88%; cables. 4.88%: ,60-day bills, 4.88,'.. France, cables. 4.59%. Italy, demand, 6.2b1/,: cables. 5.26%. Demands—Belgium, 16.85; Germany, free,_ 40.2.3; registered. 20.15; travel. 24.05; Holland. 54.65; Norway, 24.55; Sweden, 25.20; Denmark, 21.82; Finland, 2.17; Switzerland, 22,78%; Spain, un quoted; Portugal, 4.45%; Greece. 00; Poland. 18.98; Czechoslovakia. 3.49- Yugo slavia. 234: Austria, 18.73n; Hungary, 19.8(1; Rumania, .75; Argentina, 32,T>6n; Brasil. S/OVjn; Toklo, 28.52; Shanghai, 29.9o; Hongkong. 30.42; Mexico City, 27.80; Montreal in New York, 100 06% New York In Montreal. 09.93%. n—Nominal. Western Electric Co., Inc.—Company Increased wages of 12,000 hourly work ers at Hawthorne plant in Cicero, 111., by an average of 10 per cent, totaling about $1,800,000 a year. Fidelity Fund, Inc. of Boston Prospectus on Request William W. Mackall, Jr I Investment Securities 1002 Woodward Bldg. District 8431 1= *