Newspaper Page Text
' CURB LIST RULES MIXED TO LOWER High-Priced Issues Down 1 to 3 or More Points in Brisk Trading. By th* Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15—Uneven lo lower prices traced the pattern of the Curb market today with the trad ing pace fairly brisk. High-priced shares stood off 1 to 3 or more points late in the session and the less costly stocks were down major fractions to a point or so. Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh . Plate Glass and Sherwin-Williams lost between 2 and 3 points. Newmont Mining and Cleveland Electric Illum inating each declined a point or so. Pacific Tin moved against the trend, gaining more than a point and frac lional improvement was shown by American Gas &Elect,ric, Columbia Oil * Gasoline, Lake Shore Mines and Nehi Corp. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, March 15.—Wheat climbed 3% cents a bushel late to day, owing largely to estimates 2,000 000 bushels of Canadian wheat had been bought for shipments overseas. Besides, all Liverpool wheat futures except March mounted today to new high price records for the season. New crop wheat futures in Chicago showed the strongest upward trend, indicating increased belief that United States wheat export prospects , were broadening. At the close wheat was 1*4-3% above Saturday's finish; May, 1.36%-%; July, 1.21%-%; corn varying from % decline to i% advance; May, 1.09% \; July, l.05Tg-1.06; oats at % to 1 cent gain, and provisions 5 cents off to 42 cents up. WHEAT—Open. High. 1.0 w Close. Mar -1.351. 1.36% 1.35 >4 1 .36*4-% ■'uly_. .1.1*1 ■ -4 1.21 >4 J.19% 1.21%-% e*Pt. - -1.16*i 1.19*4 1.16*4 1.19*8-*4 CORN - May, new..1.09*4 1.09% 1 09 1.00%-% old.. __ 1.06 ’ 4 July. new..1.06 1.00 1.05 1.05*4-06 old _ 1.03*2 Wept. . .99*4 1.00*4 99*4 1.00*4-% OATS - May . _ .41 *4 .47*4 .47 .47*4 •July - .48*4 .44*2 .43*4 .44**-% Sept. . .40*4 .41*. .40*4 .41*4-** SOY BEANS— May-1.55 1.65 -July . 1.51% 1.51*4 1.51*4 1.5114 RYE— May __ -1.08*4 1.09 1.08 1.08% July-1.02 1.02% 1.01*4 1.02% Sept. .95 .96*4 .94*4 .95*4 BARLEY — May __ _ _ _ .7912 IARD— March - . 12.70 May . --13.05 13.LO 12.87 13.87 July_13.30 13.35 13.10 13.10 Sept. 13.55 13.60 13.35 13.35 BELLIES May _17.00 17.15 17.00 17.15 July -17.60 17.60 17.42 17.42 Chicago cash Market. Cash wheat—No. 2 hard, 1.38 ; No. 1 mixed, 1.39%; No. 2 mixed, 1.38%. Corn—No. 3 mixed, 1.12%; No. 4 mixed, 1.11-12; No. 2 yellow, 1.16%; No. 3 yellow, 1.12%-14%; No. 4 yellow, 1.10-12%; No. 3 white, 1.16; No. 4 white, 1.13%. Oats—No. 2 white, 51%; No. 3 white, 51. No rye. Soy beans—No. 2 yellow, 1.56-56%. Barley—No. 3, 81; feed, 73-87 nom inal; malting, 1.00-35 nom. Timothy seed,' 4.75-5.50 hundredweight. Clover , seed, 30.00-36.00 per hundredweight. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE. March In '.V).—Wheat, No. 2, red Winter, garlicky, spot, do mestic, 1.47; March, 1.47. Winniper Prices. WINNIPEG. March lo (iPj.—Grain range today: WHEAT— Previous High. Low. Close. close. May _1.33 1.30% 1.32% 1.29%-% July _1.30% 1.28% 1.30% 1.26%-% Oct. ... .1.19% 1.18% 1.19% 1.16% OATS— May _.66% .56 .56% .65%-% CURB BUNDS DOMESTIC. High. Low. Noon. Ala Power 4%s ’67_ 86% 86% 86% Ala Power 6s '61_ 103 103 103 Ala Power 6s '56_ 99 99 99 Am Q & E 5s 2028— 100 105% 106% Am P & L 6s 2016 — 08 97% 97% Am Roi Mill 5s ’48„ 102% 102% 102y8 Appalach E P 5s '56— 105% 105% 105% Ark P & L 6s '56 — 100 100 100 As El Ind 4%s '63_ 69 69 69 As G & E 4%S ’49_ 66 65 65 As G A E 5s ’50_ 67 56 56V2 As G & E 6s ’68_56% 65 65% As GAE 6%s inv ct— 74 74 74 -.Bald Lo 6s ’38 ww_ 220 220 220 Bald L Rs ’38 ww stp_220 220 220 Bald L 6s ’38 xw stp __ 205 203 203 Belt Te C 5s ’55 A—113 113 113 Bell Te C 5s ’57 B— 114% 114% 114% Beth Steel 6s ’98— . 140 140 140 Birin El 4%s ’68. . 91% 91>/a 91% Can No Pw 5s ’53 A _ 302% 102% 102% Can Pac 6s ’42 110 110 110 Caro Pw&Lt 5s '66 — 103% 103% 10354 Cent n P S 5s ’56 E . 103% 103% 103% Cen II P S 4Vis '67 F . _ 98% 98% 98% cent 111 P S 5s ’68 G— 102% 102% 102% Central Pw 5s ’57 D— 89% 89% 89% Cent Pw & Lt 6s ’56 . 91 90% 90% Cent St El 6s ’48 . 63 62% 62% Cent St El 6%s ’64 . 64% 64% 64% Cen St P&L 6%s ’63 67 66% 67 Chi Pn T1 6%s 42 102 102 102 Chi Rys 6s ’27 cod . 73% 73% 73% Cities Svc 6s ’50 «. 73'% 73% 73% Ctt S P&L 6%s ’62— . 72 72 72 Comw Ed ns ’54 B. . 1 1.0% 1 ] 0% 110% Comw Ed 4s ’81 F 3 04% 104'% 104% Comw Ed 3%s ’65 H —_ 101% 101% 101% Comw Sb 6%s ’48 A— _ 102'% 102% 102% Comnts P&L 5s '57 83% 83% 83% Cons Gas Ut 6s '43 A st 92% 92% 92% Cont G & E 5s 68 A_ 90% 90% 90% Oel El Pw 6%s ’69_103% 103% 103% East Q & F 4s 66 A_ 893% 89% 89% Fed Wat 5%s ’54 _ 85 84 84 Firest Cot M 6s '48_104'% 304% 104% Firest Tire 6s ’42_104% 104% 104% Florida P&L 6s ’54 93 92% 92% Gary E&G 5s ’44 stp xw 97% 97% 97% Gatineau Pw 5s '56 — 101 lot 101 Gen Pb L 6%s 56 A 90 90 90 Gen W W & E 5s ’43 A 91 90 90 Georgia Pw 6 . '67 _ 96% 9(5% 96% Georgia PAL St ’18. . .6% 76% 76% Glen a'den Cl a ’65 . 80 79% 79% Gob*l In: 4 ’51 a.. 85 85 85 Hack Wat 6s ’38 _ 308% 308% 308% 111 PW & L ft ’63 A . 3 O’* % 3 04% 3IV> % ;m Pw & L 6Vi3 6^ B— 104 104. ] O’* IU Pw & L 6s '56 C_ 98 97 97% Indian E C 5s '51 C_ 94 94 94 Indiana Ser 5s '50_ 70% 70% 70% Indiana Ser 5s '03 A— 70% 70% 70% Indnap P&L 6s '57 A— 104% 104% 104% Inti Securities 6s ’47— 102% 102% 102% inttrst Pw 5s ’67- 65% 65 65% Interst Pw 6s 52 -_ 54 53 64 lowa-N L&P 5s ’57 A - 103% 103% 103% Jer C P&L 4%s ’61 C 104% 104% 104% Kentucky Ut 5s '61. 90 89% 89% p s es 2026 A 109% 109% 109% Libby McN & L 5s '42 103% 103% 103% Manitoba P 5%s ’51— 97% 97% 97% MfG? P * k 5s ’48 A— 103Vs 103% 103% 5*1’ G_& E 4%s ,’fi7_ri05 105 105 Minn P & L 4%s '78— 99% 99 99 Miss Pow 6s '65 87 87 87 Mont-Da P 5%s ’44_100 100 100 tjat P ii L 6s 2026 A._ 103% 102% 103% Nebr Pw 6s 2022 12*> 1»2 i<>2 Nevada Cal El 5s ’66_94% 941/. 0411 New E G & E 5s ’47.: 78 77% 77% New E G & E 5s ’50 — 7 6 75% 76 New E Pw 6%s '64 98% 983/« o«v, No Tad P S 5s '66 C__ 104% 104% 104% Norw E! 6s '4 5 slpdll 105 105* 106% Norths P S 5s 57 A._ 100 100 100 ae P & L 6s ’55 81% 81 81 - enn C L * P 4%s ’77 102 10'> ini Phila El P 6%s ’72..109% ion loo Phlla Ran T 6s ’62_99% 98% 98% Phil 8 G & E 4Vis ’57 106% 106'/, 105% Portland G ft C 5s ’40 81</a 81% 81% P«b Ser N J 6s ctfs. _ 130 136 136 Pbh S No 111 6s ’56—111% 111% 11”y. § 14 I 4%s ’80 E._ 102 102 102 Pub 8 Okla 4s ’66 A 102% 102 in5% Pu* g P*L 6Vis ’49 A. 89% 88%1 88% Pug 8 P&L 6s ’50 C 85% 86 85 Pug 8 P&L 4Vis ’50 D 81% 81 81 ® E P*L Os 2025 A- 3 04 % 103% 103% Sou Oal Ed 3%s '60_102% 10214 102% Sou Cal E 3%s ’60 B___ 102% 102>7 102% gnu Bid Ry 4s ’51. . 83% 83% 83% Std G&E cv 6s ’35 mat 91% 91 % 91% Std G&E 6s *51 A .91 90% 90V4 Std G&E 6s ’66 B ._ 90% 90% 90% Stand Pw & Lt 6s ’57_ 90 90 90^ Super of H 4Vis '68... 104 1 04 1 04 Syia Li Inc 5Vis ’54... 107% 107% 107% TexasElec 5s ’60 _ 103% 103% 103% Jw " c RT 6 Vis '52 A. 85 84% 84% Bu t Lt&Pw 6s ’75 .. 83% 83Vi 83Vi l**5 D 6%s ’62.. 86 85 85 Unit L&R M 6s ’52 A 114 114 114 Va Pub Ser 6s '46_ 96% 96% 96% Wash W&P 5s ’60... 105% 105% 105% .West T Ut 5s ’57 A „ 94% 94% 94% *Denm Mt B 5s ’72 lx 100 100 100 FOREIGN BONDS. Ger Con Mun 7s ’47 _ 19 19 19 Hanover City 7s ’39 17 17 17 Parana Braz 7 s ’58 31 31 3] Unit Indus Corp 63 ’45 22% 22% 22% V’am W P 5Vis '67 A . 102% 102% 102% K 1 NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. 2:30 Stock and Bales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hiah. Low. Close. Acme W vto (31)_60s 604 604 604 Aero Supply (B»_. 2 64 64 64 Air Invest cv pt_ 6 80 80 80 Ala Grt Sou < t3)_. 26s 75 75 75 Ala Pwr pf (6) . 10s 704 704 704 Aiabam Pw pf (7) 10s 804 79 79 Allen Indus (tl)_. 6 24 234 24 Alles Fisher_ 8 8 3 8 Alliance Invest-... l 64 54 64 Allied Prod(A)l(4 1 24 4 24 4 244 Alum'n Co of Am 400« 168 180 163 Alumn Goods b25c 1 174 174 174 Aluminum Ltd _ 1050sl27 124 1264 Aim Ltd c pf bl4. 2 128 1264 1274 Am Beverage 1 34 84 34 Am Box B’d t80c- 1 18 18 18 Am Capital (B) .. 2 14 14 14 Am Cap pr pf 6% _ 60s 894 894 894 Am CltP&L B aaOc 1 6 64 64 Am Cynam B t60o 10 824 814 824 Am & For Pw ww 4 34 34 34 Am Fork & H (tl) X 214 214 214 Am G&E (1.40)... 4 374 364 37 4 Am G&E pf 4 6)_60s 110 1094 1094 Am Gen C’p (a50c) 4 114 114 114 AmGenCpf(2) 160* 354 35 35 Am Laun’y M 80c. 4 364 85 854 Am L&T <tl.20)_ 8 214 214 214 Am Mfg Co (a3)_25» 414 414 414 Am Maracaibo 18 14 14 14 Am Seal Kap a30c 2 94 94 94 Am Superpower _ 25 24 24 24 Am Superpwr pf_ 1 43 43 43 Anchor ^st F_ 1 44 44 44 Anaostura (t20c). 2 74 74 74 Apex Electrlctal 1 2 874 37 37 Arcturus Radio T. 23 24 14 2 Ark Nat Gas_ 7 I14 104 104 Ark Nat G cu pf_ 7 94 94 94 Ark Nat Gas (A)_. 24 114 114 114 Art Met W (80c)_. 1 134 134 134 Ark P&Lpf (7 > - 100 n 914 9)4 914 Ashland O&R t40c 8 74 74 74 Asso Gas & Elec_ 1 14 14 14 Asso G & E (A)._. 60 <84 84 34 Asso G & E $5 pf_. 1 284 284 284 Asso Laundries_ 1 % % 4 Atl Coast La2 4„ 90s 64 4 64 4 644 Atlas Corp war _ 10 84 34 84 Atlas Plyw’d(14) 1 28 274 28 Austin Sllvtr_ 19 3 s 3 Auto Products_ * 84 84 34 Auto Vot Mch 50c 3 94 9 94 Ax-Flsh er( 3.20) A 20« 394 394 394 Babcox * Wil (4) 145s 1544 152 154 Baldw L bd rts(d > 140 4 34 34 Bardstown IHstlll 3 6 44 44 Barium Stain Sti 25 74 7 74 Barlow&S( A11.20 100o 184 184 184 Bell Aircraft_ 8 164 16 16 Bcrkey&Uay F Co 29 34 3 34 Berk&GF pur war 21 14 14 14 bilssCo(EW)- 2 225* 22J4 2254 Blue Ridge C alOo 2 354 365 354 Blue Ridge cv Df * 4 45 44'* 44‘i Blumenthal S ... 2 8654 35’4 3554 Bourjois (a76c)_ 16 755 754 754 Bowman-Blltmor* h 254 25* 2H Bowmn-Bilt 2d pf 1 654 655 6 54 Brazil TL&P 40c 2 2754 2755 2754 Bridgep’t G L (2). 26s 35 35 35 Brid’p’t Meh b25c. 2 1754 1 754 1 754 Brill Corp (A)_ l 1554 1554 1559 Brill Corp pf 60s 6854 6864 6854 Brillo Mfg (80c)._ 1 10!i 1064 1054 Brit Celan Ltd res 1 214 2‘4 2‘4 Brown Co pf _100s 665* 65 65 Brown Forman .29 h h Buff N&E pf 1.60. 1 2454 24*4 2454 Bunker H & S(bl) 100s 142 54 142 54 14 2 55 Burma (a25 4-6c). 1 654 654 65, Cable El Prod vtc. 1 P4 )!* J14 Cable & Wire(A)_. 1 15, 114 ji* Cable & WlreCB). 1 54 ■„ ya Can Hydr E 1st pf 76 s 76 75 76 Can Marconi_ J4 2 2 2 Carlb Syndicate 13 s’i 2'4 2*4 Carm’n&Co A b50c 1 24J4 24'4 2454 Carnegie Metals_ 4 8 2>, 3 Carrier Corp .. 7 4254 4 2 54 4 2 54 Carter (JW) 80c.. 1 1114 1144 uv* Catlln Corp (a40c) 7 964 91* 914 Cent&S W Util.. 7 454 41* 45, Cent States Elec 14 )5j )•* j»4 Cent St El 6% pf 100s 20'/, 20 20 Centrlf Pipe t40c. 3 514 554 554 Charts Corp(1 Vi). 4 1455 13 13 Chief Consol 10 154 15.4 \i/. Chi Flex Shaft (4) 60s 7J7l>* 7j Cities Service . 117 4J, 454 414 Cities Service pf.. 2 60 4954 4954 Cltv Auto S(t60c) 1 1314 131* 1314 Claude Neon Lts 19 3'* 3 318 Olaton&Lam bl5c. .1 854 855 854 Clev E11 ium(t2). 1 42 42 42 Clev Tractor _ 3 1154 n it Club Aluminum... 1222 Colon Dev Ltd_ 4 734 54 b^ Colo Fuel&Ir war. 6 21 2054 2254 Colts PFA b37%c. 2 60 6854 68*4 Colurn G&E pt < o 1 25s 8054 80*4 8014 Colum O & G a20c. 76 9*4 854 954 Co wlth Dlst alOc. 12 2 2 Comwlth Edls T4. 3 121 121 121 Com with &S war 14 % 54 *4 Com'u’ty P&L 1st. 60s 60 60 50 Cons Aircraft. 26 3154 29»4 ao'i Consol Biscuit 60c 8 85* 854 8J* Consol Copper 28 954 914 91 O GELt&P Bo 3.60 *■ Is 78 78 * < 'or.sol Gas 1;t: 1_ 4 si', 334 s' cons Gas Util war. .1 sjj 154 ?>, Cons Mln&Sm T3. 66s Si Si Si' Consol Retail Strs 8 9 854 9 Consol Steel Corp. 87 17 I654 t6li Confl Roll & S Fy 9 23 22 22 Cooper Bessemer. 2 30 30 so Cooper Bess pr pf. 2 4054 40 40 (Copper Range- 1 15 15 15 Cord Corp- 16 4*4 454 454 Corroon * Reyn... i 754 754 iy, Cor’n&R pf A(a4). 3 94 93 94 Coeden Oil Me (d ) 6 2»4 254 2V4 Cosden(Me)pf (d). 1 3754 375j 3754 Creole Pe: (aoOc). 3 3354 33 33 Crocker-Wh alOc. 4 17 16‘4 17 Croft Brewing_ 21 14 1 1 Crown Cent Pa6c. 6 254 254 Crown Drug blOc. 7 454 4y. iy. Cusi Mex Mining.. 80 54 4 y% Deyton Rubber... 6 27 2654 2654 Det Gray lr T20c . 1 1414 J44 w/ Det (Mich) Stove. 2 8*4 8(5 8>g DominS&C(B>- 9 2 654 2 5 2554 Dow Chem (2.40). 1151 151 151 Duro Test (blOc;. 1 754 7*4 7*4 wagie Pitcher blOc 12 26 24% 24% East’n G&F Asso l 7% 7% 7% Estn G&F As pf 3.460. 63 6t' hi East G&F p pi 4% 60. 7(1 70 70 Kast’n States Pwr 1 4% 4,j Easy W M(B)-|60o 3 11% 11% uy, Eisler Elec ta6c)_ 14 3% 3% 3% Eleo Bond & Share 47 23% 23 23% Klee B & S pf (6)_. 2 83 82% 82% Eleo B & S pf (5).. 1 76 75 7ft El Pwr AstA)a26o 1 7% 7% 7% Elec P&L opt war. 1 10% 10% 10% Elec Shareholding 2 6% 6% 6% Kmp G&F 7 % pf. _ 60. 76 76 76 Smsco Derrick tl. I 18% 18% is% Equity Corpta25c) 26 2% 2% 2% Europ’n El cd ris_ ft % i>4 u4 Evans Wall Lead r.o :« Excello A:rtb20c.». * 2,, , «g' Fa'ccs'ld Ay a ?5c. 3 7% 7% 7% Fgistalt £.ew ng-- ft ju% luv, jo , Fanny Farm 0(1). 2 23', 23% 23% Fedders Mfg a2%. 2 80% 80% 30% Ferro Enam b25c— 1 42 42 42 Fiat cts (a93%c)_. 2 18 18 18 Fldello Brewery.. 18 % % 1% Fire As(Phlla.)t2. 60. 78% 78 78 First N S lstpf 7. 10. 113% 118% 113% Fisk Rubber- )1 17% 16% 17% Fla P & L pf_ 260. 61% 61 61 Ford (Cam A (1). 7 26% 24% 26% Ford (France)- 1 4% 4% 4% Ford Ltd al81-10o 1 7% 7% 7% Fox (P) Brew 8O0. 1 9% 9% 9% Franklin Ray a60o 1 10% 10% 10% Froedt G&M(20c). 3 13% 13% 13% Gen Alloys_ 2 4% 4% 4% Gen Flrepr’f t40c- 2 21% 21 21 Gen invest Corp._ 9 1% i% ]% Gen Rayon Ltd A_ 1 2% 2% 2% Gen Tele C’p al.8b 3 20% 20% 20% Gen Tire & Rub .. 39 86 34% 34% Gen T&R pf A (6) 40. 106% 106% 106% Ueorgla Pw pf (6) 26. 85 85 85 Glen Aiden C (tl) 1 12% 12% 12% Goldfield Consol. .16 % % % Gorham Mfvtctl 1 25 24% 25 Urand Natl Films. 8 8 2% 2% Gr Rap Var(tSOc) l 16% 16% 16% Grt A&P T n v t6_ 68. 107 107 107 Great Nor Pap tl- 60. 4t 41 41 Greenfield T & D 8 14% 14% 14% Gulf Oil (Pa) b26o 16 68 66% 56% Hall Lamp tSOci.. 8 6% «% 6% Hartman Tobacco. 8 2% 2% 2% Hazeltine (b76c)_. 1 16% 16% 16% Hearn Dep S bl.65 6 16% 16% 16% Hecla Min (b20e). 31 23% 22% 22% Helena Rubenst’n. 2 7% 7% 7% Heller pf ww 1%. 60. 25% 26% 26% Hires (C E)A(2) 160. 40 40 40 HolUnger <t65c) 3 14% 14% 14% Holt(H) pt AblOc 19 9 9 Horn & Har pf (6) 10. 109 1 09 109 Hudson BM&S (1 ) 22 87 86% 36% Humble 011 (1%)- 4 83% 83 83 Huyler’s(DelKd) 3 1% )% j% Hvgrade Food 6ft 4% ft Hygrade SylV (*). 60. 63% 62% 62% fll PA L *% ot._. 100. 88 82% 63 111 Pwr A Ll |6 pr too. 64 63 63 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rat*. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Ilium Shares A 13 26s 604 604 604 Imp Oil Ltd tBUe 10 23 4 234 234 Ind'n Ter 111 O(B) 2 44 44 44 Indiana PL <t40c> 4 144 144 144 Indiana Svc 6%pf 10s 244 224 244 Ind Service 7 % pf 10s 28 28 28 Ind'n Ter 111 O(A) 1 44 44 44 Indus Fin vtc . 1 14 14 14 Ins Co of No A t2 160s 69 684 69 lntl Hy fill S cv pf 1 8S4 824 324 lntl Petr <tl4)_ 2 874 37 374 lntl Products_ 2 7 77 lntl Utli (B) 8 24 2 24 lntl Vitamin(60c) 2 64 64 64 Inv Royalty (f6c) 2 4 4 4 Ital Superpwr(A) 3 14 14 14 JacobstFL)Co( 1) 4 164 164 164 Jeanette Glssa60o 12 It 10 10 JerCen P&Lpf 64 76s 86 84 4 844 Jonas & Nbg bl5c_ 17 7 7 Jones&Laugh Stl 4 1224 1214 1214 Kans City P S vtc . 3 4 4 4 Kan City P S pf A 1 34 34 84 Ken KT&L A a76e 1 24 4 24 4 24 4 KingsCo Lt pf B 7 20s 86 85 85 Kingston Prod 40o 41 64 64 64 Kingston Prod rts 65 4 4 Kirby Petrol <20c) 14 64 64 6J.4 Kirkland L G (6c) 1 14 14 14 Kleinert Co(t40c) 1 12 12 12 Kreuger Brew tl_ 1 174 174 174 Lake Sh M (t4)... 2 66 654 66 Lakey Fy & Mach. 2 74 74 74 Lefcourt Realty .13 s 3 Lefcourt pf(a76c) 8 164 I84 164 Leh Coal &N 30c.. 21 94 M 9 Leonard Oil _20 l 'jj 14 14 Lion Oil Ref < 1»_6 174 174 174 Locke Stl Ch t80c. 4 164 16 16 Lockheed Aircraft 16 144 144 144 Lone Star Gas 80c l 124 124 124 Long island Ltg.. JO 64 fi 5 Loudon Packing_ 3 n 5 5 La Land (40c)_ 6 134 134 134 McCord Rad (B)_. 1 94 94 94 Me Williams D (t2 6 864 844 344 Maiestic Ra&Tel. 9 44 44 44 Mangel Stores ._ 2 84 84 84 Margay OH a50e,.. 1 31 31 31 Marlon Steam Sh _ 1 204 204 204 Mass Util Associa 5 34 84 34 Massey Harris 2 14 134 14 Master Elec (1) 1 224 224 224 Mead Johnson(t3) 60s 120 120 120 Mem Nat G(aoUc) 4 64 64 64 Merritt Chap & S. 3 8 74 74 Mesabl Iron _ 28 14 14 14 Mich Bumper C_ 6 24 24 24 Mex-OhioOll _ 1 84 34 34 Mich Gas & Oil_ 4 104 104 104 Mich Sugar_ 13 14 14 14 Mid Sta Pet (A)._ 4 t*» 64 64 MidStaPet(B) . 1 14 14 14 Mid-W AbraralOc 3 44 44 44 Midwest Oil Co . - 8 144 144 144 1 Mining Co (Cant.. I 44 44 44 Minn P&L pf (7).. 10s 98 98 98 Mock Judson 60c. l 164 164 154 Molybdenum Corp 7 94 9 » mom waru A ion 142*/i 14274 14274 Moore Dist (t50c) 8 6J4 6 6 Mount Prod (60c). 2 7 6(4 7 Nat Baking Co_ 5 1374 13 1374 Nat Bella Hess 15 274 21* 2*4 Nat Bd&Sh(a2oc) 100s 561* 561* 5674 Nat Contain a50c_ 2 11 *4 11*4 1114 Nat Investors_ 2 3!4 3 3 Nat Invest war_ 29 »t *4 1,4 Nat Inv pf (al0)_. 20s 103 1 03 103 Nat Leather 83 2 1*4 2 Nat Hub Mch a20c 5 HV4 14' * 1414 Nat Service _ 37 14 \ 74 Nat Service pf .. 2 5*a 71, Nat Sugar N .1 (2) 25 25’j 25>a 25*4 Nat Transit (75c). 2 it n n Nat Union Radio.. 3 3 2'4 2’4 Nebel (Oscar)_ 1 14 174 jjj Nehl Corn 7 56*4 55 56 NeptuneM(A)a60c 2 167* lb'* 16'* New Hav Cl (1 77 > 2 2 7 2674 2674 New Jer Zinc (t2) 600s 9414 9274 9374 Newmont Min b76t 3 13074 129>4 129*4 N Y Auction a25c. 2 474 4(4 44 N Y Merchandise. 2 1474 14I4 14*4 N Y Water Svc pf 10s 53 63 53 Niag Hud Pwr new 12 1474 1374 34 Niag Hud 1st (5) _ 60s 91 91 91 Niag HPiAl war 1 74 74 74 Niag Hud Pw B pf 176s 112 110 110 Niag Sh Md B a60e 1 1374 1374 1314 Nipissing i60c) 8 24 274 24 Noma Elec (b40c) 1 7Vj 774 71.5 NortnAmLAP 1 47j 47j 4’., North Am LAP nf 60s 60 60 60 No Am Ray A b50c 2 45 444 44J4 NoAmRayBbuOc 1 444 444 414 No Cen Tex O alac 1 6I4 54 574 North n Europ (Ml 19 4 »*, i' North Pipe L a75c 4 104 104 io>4 Ohio Pwr pf (6).. 60s 110*4 110*4 110*4 Okla Nat Gas Co . 3 1174 11’4 11’4 Okla Nat G pf(6). 26s 103 103 103 Oldetyme Distil 3 674 6JJ 574 Pac G&E 1st (174 ) 3 3074 3054 3074 Pac G&E pf 1.37 74 1 2774 277j 2774 Pac Tin spec ( T2) 400s 6374 61*4 61*4 Pan-Am Air (tl)_ 2 6774 6674 6674 Pgntepec Oil _ 70 6’i 6*4 674 Parker Pen (2)_260* 2674 26 26 Pennroad ia2oc> 24 ,,'a „ Penn GAB (A)1 2 14 j„ ,4 Penn Tralfti l oci. 1 ^ , % , ^ Peppere’l M4g 16-126« IS t iso 13 t Phoenix Secur . 2 1010;; 10*4 Pierce Oov (aoOc). 1 2874 2874 11874 Pioneer Gold blOc. 6 674 5*4 574 Pitney Bow(t40c) 2 874 875 874 Plttsbgh Forging 6 2374 23 2374 Pitts Plate G (bl) 1 140 140 140 Plough Inc (1.20). 1 18 18 18 Potrero Sugar . _ l 37{ 374 374 Powdrell&Al t60c. 6 1174 1174 1114 Pratt & Lamb (a2‘. 1 8874 38*4 3874 Premier Gold ti2o 2 8 374 3 74 314 Producers Corp ..2 74 ’4 74 Propper-McC (d). 11 74 *4 74 Prosperity B al 74 2 1774 18*4 1874 Pub Svc Ind pr pr 25s 6374 6374 6374 Pug Sd PAL *6 pf .lSOs 43 42’i 43 Pyrene Mfg a90e.. 1 1274 1274 1274 Quaker Oats (6)__ 10s 120 120 120 Rainbow bum (A) s 174 1*4 1*4 Raym’d Con pf(3) 100s 63 62 52 Raytheon Mfg vie 2 674 614 674 Reiter-Foster 18 174 1*4 ju Rel Ei&En C r25c. 1 27*/i 27*4 27*4 Reynolds invest . « 2*4 2*4 2*,4 Rice Stix DG b50c. I 12*4 12*4 12*4 Rlchm’d Radiator. 2 6*4 674 674 Root PetrolmU) 2 9?i 9*4 974 Foisseks F Av(tl) 3 1474 14 14 Rustless IrAStl 6 16 35*4 3574 Rverson & Haynee 2 7 614 574 St Anthony Gold.. 8 *$ i$ *$ St Regis Paper . 12 8*4 8'* r;4 St Regis Paper Df- 60s 115 115 115 Seeman Bros 121 49 49 49 Segal Dock * H _ 6 3!$ s!$ 31$ Seiberling Rubber 7 75$ 7>$ 74* Selected Indus _. 3 35$ 35$ 35$ Sent Saf Control_ 2 ’$ ’$ yt Seton Death a60c_. 2 12}$ 12 12 Seversky Aircraft 2t 55$ 55$ 5;$ Sbattuck Den Min R ”4;$ SR‘$ 2354 Shawin W & P 80c 1 29 29 24 Pherwin-Will (4 1 550s U4 7Hj . j y,;:,' Snerw Wil nf(5c)_ 80s IP',, 10 '.; 102$ Simmons Hd ft P. ?<) s 5 j s SonotoneC(alUc) 3 2 3/$ 2 Sosa Mfg (a25c)_. s y}$ vj$ 74$ South'n P D b20c„ 4 7}$ 75$ 7H Spanish&Gen rets. 1 }$ 5$ }$ Spen Chain St 60c. 2 9J$ 9 9}$ Stahl Myer Inc 14 4 4 Stand Brewing_ 2 *$*$»$ Stand Inv cum pf 60s 68}$ 68}$ 68}$ Stand OH Ky (tl). 9 19J$ 195$ 19J$ Stand Oil Ohio tl. 1 44 44 44 Stand Oil Oh pf 6. 7ns 104 104 104 Stand Pwr ft Dt 11 65$ 6»$ 5V, Stand Prod (b25c) 1 204$ 205$ 20»$ Stand Sll&Dd (4c) 47 H X H Stand Stl Sp a2% . 1 32 32 32 Std Whole Ph 1.20 60s 25 25 25 Sterl Alum Pa 76o. 2 115$ 115$ 115$ Sterl’g Brew a75c. 2 75$ 75$ 7}$ Sterling, Inc(20c) 2 55$ 6’$ 55$ Stroock ft Co a25$ 2 29’$ 29’$ 295$ Stutz Motor . 21 2 15$ 2 Sullivan Machine. 1 26 25}$ 25}$ Sunray Oil (alOc) 35 *5$ 45$ 45$ Sunshine Min (3). 11 20}$ 19‘$ 20}$ Taggart Corp ... 2 345* 14}$ 14}$ Tampa El (2.24)_ 2 37 S6’$ 36’$ Tastyeast(Del)A. 5 15$ 15$ iy, Taylor DIst (30c). IS 61$ 6 5 Technicolor a50e. 25 281$ 22}$ 23 Tech Hughes t40c 4 6»$ 5}$ 55$ TennEP 1st pf(7) 25* 67 67 67 Texon Oil ft D 6O0 2 65$ 65$ 65$ Thew Shovel a60c 176* 685$ 67}$ 685$ Tilo Roof Inc (1). 3 175$ 17 17 Todd Shipyd (f2). 60s 555$ 66}$ 55}$ Tonopab Belmont. 1 ii >,$ }$ Tr-Dux DPS t20c_ 7 45$ 45$ 45$ Trl-Conti C war... 3 25$ 25$ 25$ Tublz# Chatllllon. 7 26}$ 255$ 26 TublzeCh A (bl). 1 705$ 705$ 705$ I’ung-Sol Damp n. 2 7*$ 75$ 75$ Twin-Coach a 1.40 . 9 265$ 25 25 United Corp war.. 10 15$ 15$ 15$ Unit Gas Corp ... 7 12!$ 125$ 125$ Utd Gas war_ 3 3}$ 3 3 Unit Dt ft Pw (A). 17 85$ 8}$ 81$ Unit Dt & Pw pf.. 6 675$ 67}$ 67}$ Unit Shtoyds B .. 2 35$ 35$ 35$ Unit Shoe M t2}$ 126* 88 87}$ 87}$ Unit S Mch pf 1.50 120« 41 *05$ 40*$ U S Foil (B) (1).. 2 165$ 16}* 1«H V 1936 Total Equals $4.42 a Share, Against $2.16 a Share in 1936. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 15.—Skelly Oil Co. and subsidiaries reported for 1936 net profit of $4,850,314, equal to $4.42 a share, compared with $2,585,849, or $2.16 a share, in 1935. Producing properties are in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico and Arkansas. Cooper-Besaemer. Cooper-Bessemer Corp., maker of steam, gas and oil engines, with head quarters at Mount Vernon, Ohio, for 1936 reported net profit of $502,616, or $1.06 a common share, compared with $16,415, or 19 cents a share on series A preferred, in 1935. Steel Co. of Canada. The Steel Co. of Canada for 1936 showed net profit of $2,886,683, or $4.01 a share on the combined 7 per cent preference and ordinary stock, compared with $2,385,482, or $3.31 on the combined shares, in 1935. The company is the leading Canadian steel producer, with headquarters at Ham ilton, Ontario. Federal Mining. Federal Mining <fc Smelting Co., controlled by American Smelting & Refining Co., reported net profit for 1936 of $737,871. equal after annual re quirements on preferred dividends, in arrears, to $11.23 a share of common stock. This compares with $281,227, or $1.60 a share in 1935. The com pany has lead and zinc properties in Idaho. Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas. Standard of Kentucky. Standard Oil Co. of Kentucky re ported for the year ended December 31 net profit of $3,793,451, equal to $1.45 a share of capital stock, against $2,197,808, or 84 cents a share in 1§35. Washington Exchange SALES. Mergenthaler linotype—10 at 50. Woodward & Lothiop common—10 at 68. AFTER CALL. Anacostia & Potomac R, R. 5s—$1,000 at 77, $1,000 at 77, $1,000 at 77. Potomac Electric Power 5%% pfd.—10 at 114 Vi. Washington Rwv. & Elec, pfd —10 at 109%, 10 at 109%, 5 at 109%, 10 at 109%. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY , . „ Bid. Asked. Anacostia & Pot. 6s _ 77 77% Ana. & Pot. Guar, 6s 109 c, A P Tel. of Va 5s 103 Capital Traction R. R. 6s 9.7 95 City * Suburban 6s - 84 86% Georgetown Gas 1st 6s 115 Pot. Elec. Pow. 3%s _ 101 102% Wash. Gas ns 195K 105% 107 Wash. Gas 6s I960 - 173V* 125 Wash. Rwy. A Elec, 4s 105% MISCELLANEOUS Col. Country Club 5%s 105 W. M. Cold Storage 5s — 100 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer. Tel. A Tel. (9)_.*173% Capital Transit Co.. _ 15 is N. A W. Steamboat (6) _ 110 Pot Elec. Pow. 6% pfd. 15)- 113 Po. El. Po. 5%'T, pf. (5.50)_ 113 115 Wash. Gas Light Co. (3.60). 84 86 Wash. Ry A El. com (36). 775 Wash. Ry. A El. pfd. (5K__ 109% 110 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. A Trust Co. <e8) 295 305 Bank of Bethesda ih.7 5) 34 Capital (4) - 135 Commerce A Savings (10) _ 205 Liberty (4) _ ] 60 Lincoln (10.26) 200 Natl. Sav. A. Trust _- ._ 145 Pr. George Bk. A Tr. (.50). 18 71 Riggs (eR) _ 350 Riggs Pfd. (5> ..1C Vashbiston (6) - - _ 170 Vail. Loan A T,. (eR) . ‘.30 TIRE LlSLTANCJ. American Os)_ _ ) 00 Corcoran (o'. _ 10O hlieaitn's (l.bO). 78 National Union (.60)_ 16 _ TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30)_ 13 15% Real Estate (6)_160 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Camel Corn. (2 00) 22 SB Lanston Monotype (4) _ 196 Mergenthaler Linotyne (§) 50 52 <11.00) *57 69 Peoples Drug S. pf. (.650) 112 - . Real Est. M.AG. pf. (**.70) 5% 6% Security Storage (5) . . 120 125 Ter Ref. & Wh. Corp. (8) 00 . Wdwd. A Loth. com. ft] .60) 65 08 Wdwd. & Loth. pfd. IT) — 120 125 *Ex dividend. bBtooks closed. tPlus extras. 550c paid M»» 15. 1936; 60c oatd Aug. 15. 19.76; 50c paid Nov. 16. 1936. e—2% extra, f—1 %% per cent extra, h—75c extra. “*—25c paid June 30. 1936; *5e oaiti Dec. 22. 1936. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. March 15 (IPi. —Oopper firm, electrolytic soot and future, 10.25; export, 17.65-65. Tin easier, spot and nearby, 67.00-67.25, future, 65.87% 60.12%. Lead steady, spot New York. 7.75* 80; East St. Louis. 7.60. Zinc steady. East St. Louis spot and iuture, 7.50. Iron steady. No. 2. f.o.b. Eastern Pennsylvania, 25.00: Buffalo, 24.00; Alabama. 20.00. Aluminum. 20.00-21.00. Antimony, spot, 17.00. Quicksilver. 93.00-95.00. Platinum, 58.00. Wolframite. 18.50-19.00. FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. March 15 </P\.—Revenue freight carloadings for railroads reporting for the week, ending March 13. included: Prev. Year March 13. week. sro. Baltimore & Ohi0-_ 54.14 7 64.670 42.786 FREIGHT CaR TOTAL U* Yrte railroads on February 3 bad r,6.026 H5v; ucignt cats on orate, Lie largest number lor any corres ponding date since 1526. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Closg. D S & inti Secur 10 3 8 .< US&IS lstpf bl5* 1 92J4 925s 9254 U S Lines pf 28 <54 354 4 U S Play Cards tl 100a 82 32 32 U S Rub Reclaim.. 7 121* 12 125* 13 S Stores _ 1 5* 5* 54 Unit Verde Ex (1) 14 4 4 Unit Wall Paper_16 <54 <54 45* Utah Apex .21 6 654 6 UtP&Lpf b87%c- 76a 72 72 72 Utilities P& L (d) 15 154 1 1 Utility Eauttles 2 554 65* 65* Utilities Indust’l- 6 154 15* 15* Valspar vtc _ 2 85* 854 85* Valspar pf vtc_60s 64 64 64 Venezuela Mex O. 2 75* 754 75* Venezuela Petrol-. 8 254 254 254 Vogt Mfg (b20c)_. I 1454 14*4 1454 Waco Aircraft_ 7 854 8 8 Walker Mining 4 454 4 454 Wayne Knit Mills. 1 754 754 754 Wayne Pump (6U0 J» 4354 425* 4854 Well’t’n OH of Del 9 115* 114* n«£ W Va Coal & Coke 18 45* 454 454 Westn A E <a25c) 24 1254 11 1254 West Au Sup A t4 60s 88*4 685* 8854 West Groc <b30c). 1 20 20 20 Westn Md pf (a7) 20a 1105* 1105* 1105* Wil-low Cafeteria 11 1 1 Wil-low Cafe pf._. 4 6 6*5 65* Wilson Jon a254-- 2 66 65 66 Willson Prod (tl) s 14 14 14 Wolverine Port C- 7 65* t>5* 65* Vyolv Tube (t40c). 8 16*4 I654 1654 Wright Hare t40o 7 754 75* 75* Ygstn Stl Door(2) 2 775* 764* 765* Yukon Gold(al3c) E8 4‘* 45* 45* Dividend rates m dollars Based on last Quarterly or semi-annual Payment tAn nuai rate—not including extras (Ac cumulated dividends a Paid last year • Paid this year d Companies reported aa being in bankruptcy or in receivership, er being reorganized under the bsnkrppgty act. or securities assumed hy aucb com panies T Production of Coal by Leading States for Four Years Refined Copper Stoeks Slump to Lowest in Years By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15—Visible stocks of refined copper in refineries, on consignment and in commodity exchange warehouses in the United States declined 4,3*9 tons (luring Feb ruary to 138,025 tons, the lowest in years, figures made public by the Cop per Institute today disclosed. Production of refined metal for the month was placed at 71,233 tons. De liveries to domestic customers totaled 72,706 tons, while exports aggregated 2.876 tons, making total shipments 75,582 tons. In January production was 68 097 tons and total deliveries 86,791, with 80,812 tons going to domestic cus tomers and 5,979 tons exported. - •- ■ ■■ SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. IReoorted by Chas. D Barney At Co.) Bid Offer. Amer. Tel At Tel. 5%s. 1943 11.3% 11,3% Auburn Auto Co. 4%s. J9.39 75 84% Calif. Pack. Corp 6s. 1940 _ 104 105 Car, Clinch. At O 5s. 1938 104% 106 Ches, & Ohio Ry 5s. 19.39 _ ] 07% 107% Fdis. Elec. Ilium. 4s. 1939., 105 106% Gen. Pb. Svc. 6%S. 1939 ... 102% 103% Gr. Rap Ac Ind. 4%s. 1941.. 108% Hous. Oil 5%s 1940 _101 % 101% Int. Mer. Marine 6s. 1941_81 82 Int. Tel. Ac Tel. 4Vis. 19.39 _ 81% 85 Laclede Gas Lt. 5s. 1939 _ 90 94% Lehigh Val. Coal 6s, 19,38 _. 99% 100 Lehigh V. T. Ry. 5s. 1941._ 108 109 Long Island Gen, 4s. 19.38 104% Lou. A- Nash. R. R. 4s. 1940 107% 108 Mich. Cen. R. R 4s. 1940 104% 105 Mid'. R. R. of N. J. 5s. 194 0 5 0 84 s/, Milw. At Nor. R. R. 4%s. 1939 90 99 N. Y„ C. At St.L. 6% notes ’38 99 100 New York Dock 5s 1938 _ 62 62% N. Y.. Susd. At West 5s 1940 50 53 New York Tel. 4%s 1939... 108 108% Pacific R R. of Mo. 4s 1938. 101% 101s, Penn-Dixte Cement 6s 1941. 100% lot Penna. R. R Co 4s 1943 109% 110% Rio Grande Western 4s 1939 77 70% Sou. Bel! T. At T. 5s 1941 106% 107% Term.R.R. As. St .L. 4%s 1939 ] 07% Vanadium Corn. 6s 1941 108 110 Vertientes Sugar Co. 7s 1942 28% 30 Wabash Rwy. Co 6s 1939_ . 102% Warner Bros. Hs 1939 96 97 Western N. Y. At Pa. 4s 1943 110% 111 Western Union Tei. 5s 1938. 102% 103% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. March 15 OP).—Live poultry, fowls. P. R,. fancy. 21-22: mixed color*. 20-21; White Leghorns, fancy. 18; ordinary. 15-17: old roosters 14; capons fancy. 27-28: broilers, fancy P. R.. 22-23; otossbreds, 21-22: Spring chickens, fancy. 22-23; turkeys fancy young hens. 25-26: fancy young toms. 19-20: ducks. White Peklns. 17-18; mixed colors 15-16: Mus covy white. 17-18; colored. 15-16. Dressed poultry—Fowls, fresh-killed, in boxes. 17-23; old roosters, dry-picked. 14 17: caDons. Western. 23Vi-30: Spring ducks. 17: geese Western. 20-21: turkeys, fancy young, 23-26; old hens and toms. 21-22. -- . . a ! AIR C0XDIT102KIG GAIKS. '.the railroads ir>d the Prilman Co. low have *,078 air contuUouoa pi„ eenger cars in operation, an increase of more than 1,300 in the last nine months. RUBBER DEMAND MOUNTS SHARPLY February Consumption Up 3.2 Per Cent Over January and 36.8 Ahead of Year Ago. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, March 15.—Consump tion of crude rubber by manufacturers in the United States for the month of February is estimated to be 50,282 long tons, which compares with 48,744 long tons for January. February consumption shows an in crease of 3.2 per cent over January and Is 36.8 per cent above February a year ago, according to statistics released by the Rubber Manufacturers’ Associa tion today. Consumption for Febru ary, 1936, was 36,746 long tons. This organization reports imports of crude rubber for February to be 43,289 long tons, an increase of 31.9 per cent over the January figure of 32,820 long tons and 22.9 pier cent over the 35,219 long tons imported In February, 1936 This association estimates total do mestic stocks of crude rubber on hand February 28 at 193,864 long tons, which compares with January 31 stocks of 201.915 long tons and 282.902 long tons on hand February 29, 1936. -• INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. March IK :v\.—New York Security Dealers' Association: Bid Asked. Aetna Cas (2a) _ 10l 10S Aetna Ins (I SO)_ _ S2 64 Aetna Life (1) _ _ 31% 33% Am Eouit (l.fiO) _ 42 4S Am Ins Newark (%a> . 14 15% Am Reins (3) xd 100%. _ 46% 48% Am Reserve (la) _ 31% 33% Am Surety (2%a)_.. f.0 62 Automobile (la) . 33 35 Balt Amer (,20a).... 8% 9 Carolina (1.30) __ _ 28 29% City of N Y (1.20) 28% 30 Conn Gen Life (.80). - 40 42 Contln Cas (1.20)_ . 30 32 Fid & Deo (1«)_ . 131 % 135 Firemens Nwk _ 12% 14 Frank Fire (la) .... ,31 33 Gen Relnsur (2) xd. 46 48 Glen Falls (1.60) ... 4fi% 48% Globe & Ren (.80). 23 25 Globe * Rut ... . 75% 78% Great Amer (la).. . 28% 30% Hanover (1.80) __ .„ 38% 40% Harmonla (1.30).. 28 29% Hartford Fire (2)_ _ 72% 74'4 Home Fire Sec _ _ _ 6% 1% Home Ins (la)___ . 20 21% Lincoln Fire _ . . 4% 5% Mass Bond (3%)__ 67 70 Natl Fire (2) _ 65 67 Natl Liberty (,20a) _ _ S% 11 N Hampshire (1.60).. 45% 47% N Y Fire (,80a) ... . 24 26% Nor River (46g).. . 28% 29% Phoenix (2a > _ . 90% 94% Prov Wash (1) _ 39% 41% St Paul Fire (8) ... . 212 218 Springfield (4%a> .. _ 127 130 Sun Life (3%g) xd.. . 705 760 Travelers’ (16)_ . _ 499 509 U S Fire (2) ... . 68% 3«% West'hCctar (130a) _ 36 38 a MjO e.itif or f s, or said so )'•:■ this year. axXPOATS F0G2S. Japan is exporting a large percent age of foodstuffs. Committee Scans Bond Trends and Reserve Policies By the Associated Press. The Federal Reserve System's Open Market Committee is meeting today for its annual election of an executive committee. Officials said the meeting was called before heavy selling developed last Friday in the Government bond mar ket and forecast that no action look ing to the support of Government bonds would be taken. It was indicated, however, that the committee would survey bond market conditions. The open market group has charge of the Reserve Board activities in the purchase and sale of Government obli gations. Informed authorities have predicted it would buy Federal obli gations to check any sharp break in the market. U. S. TREASURY NOTES (Reported by Chas D. Barney & Co > Rate—Maturity. Bid. Oiler. 3 Apr. 15. ’37.. 100 6-32 3V* Sept. 16, ’37.. 10120-3’! 10122-33 3 Mar. 15, ’38 . 102 18-32 102 20-32 2% June 15. ’38 _ 102 25-32 102 27-32 2Mi Sept. 16, ’38 _ 102 20-32 102 22-32 IV2 Mar. 16, ’39 _ 100 25-32 100 27-32 2Va June 15. ’39 _ 102 7-32 102 9-32 Hi Dec. 16. ’39 _ 100 10-32 100 12-32 1H Mar. 35, ’40 _ 100 21-32 300 23-32 l‘A June 3 5. ’40.. 100 3-32 100 6-32 1V2 Dec. 3 6. ’40 __ 99 27-32 99 29-32 173 Mar. 16. ’41 .. 99 26-33 99 28-32 1% June 36. 41.. 99 31-32 99 13-22 l‘/« Dec. 16. 41 99 7-32 99 11-32 I I 1936 Net Totals $807,716, Against $686,918 in Pre vious Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15.—Diamond Shoe Corp., operating plants at Brock ton, Mass., and a retail chain In East ern States, reported 1936 consolidated net profit of $807,716, equal after di dends on preferred stocks, to $3.04 a share on common stock, against $686. 918, or $2.45 a common share, in 1935. McWilliams Dredging. McWilliams Dredging Co., Chicago, reported 1936 net profit of $578,228, equal to $3 a share of capital stock outstanding after 2-for-l split-up This compared with $873,743, or $4 53 a share, in 1935, on same basis. McQuay-Morris. McQuay-Morris Manufacturing Co., makers of machine parts, with plants at St. Louts, Indianapolis and Con nersville, Ind., and Toronto, Canada, reported 1936 consolidated net income Of $480,832, equal to $4 20 a share on capital stock, against $463 582, or $4.03 a share, in 1935. Wilson-Jones. Wilson-Jones Co., manufacturers of loose-leaf books and other products, with plants at Chicago and Elizabeth, N. J„ reported net income of $440,198 for six months ended February 28, equal to $3.22 a share on common stock. This compared with $266,451 for same period last year, or $1.95 a share. Philadelphia Transit. Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. re ported 1936 net loss $2,496,868. against reviled net loss of $1,525,154 in 1935. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO, March 15 UP) (U S Dcm Agr.).— Hoes, Si.ouo. including T.iion c, rect: market generally rteady with Fr.cav ?Xe5X*ei *'ea‘; *0 scad-: iuw-.-i: uw 10.30- bulk good and choice ino-320 lb 10.10-25; 150-180 ib„ W.50-10.0U; «cws mostly it.40-70. Cattle 14.000; calves 1.500; strictly gooct and choice fed steers and yearlings fully steady supply very small: common and medium grades slow mostly steady however with bulk such kinds unsold; top 14.60; odd lot choice to prime s?eer 16.00; numerous loads 1.’50-14 25- bulk’ 11 60 down to 8.50; stocker.^ and feeders fully steady, all other killing c a- es steady; most fed heifers, 7.50-0 50: cutter cows. 4.00-5 00: bee? cows 6.00-7.50 shippers and order buyers fairly broad operators in all killing classes weiehtv sausage bulls up to 6.60; selected vealers to 10.00: odd lots. 10.60 on shipper ac count. Sheen 8.000. Including 1.200 direct: fa* lamb supply around 60 per cent from Colorado; early trading very slow indi cations rtrong to unevenly higher or 12 75 up for strictly choice handvweight* fat sheep strong; bulk small supply native ewes, 6.50-7.25. HIGHER WOOL HELPS. From New Zealand come reports that higher wool prices are stimulat ing business. LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge fo) appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co operative /Building Association 913 F STREET N.W. _ Organized 1179_ The Banking Home of 70,0 0 0 People Ttt£ American Security serves a city within a city — on army of seventy fnou* sand men and women. These depositors bank here because they appreciate good service and they like the efficient, friendly way we look after their financial affairs. No account if toolaigefor our facilities ... no account is too small to merit ex acting attention. Whether you wish to set up a trust for your estate, or rent a safe deposit box, we are equipped to serve you—and glad of the opportunity. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY Largest Capital and Surplus of any Washington Trust Company Main Office: fifteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue CENTRAL BRANCH 7th and Massachusetts Avc., N. W. NORTHEAST BRANCH Eighth and H Streets, N. E. SOUTHWEST BRANCH Seventh and E Streets, S. W. NORTHWEST BRANCH 1140 Fifteenth Street, N. W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * Member Federal Reserve System