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AT STEEL PLANTS Institute Finds Operations at 88.9 Per Cent of Capacity for Week. the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15—Opera tions in the steel industry for the cur rent week advanced 1.6 points to 88.9 per cent of capacity, to a peak since September, 1929, and compared with 87.3 per cent last week, the American Iron & Steel Institute estimated to day. A month ago operations averaged 81.6 per cent of capacity, while a year ago the rate was 60.0 per cent. Operations for the month of Sep tember, 1929, were at 90.44 per cent of capacity. Despite recent price increases new business is coming into mills and there is little unsold tonnage available for delivery before May 1, trade reports •aid. Steel men said there was un likely to be any material decrease in the near future as other lines are ex pected to take up whatever small de crease there may be in automobile re quirements. hTe magazine “Steel” said today some deliveries are being offered as far away as September, although sale for June and July shipment is the rule at present. TRADE WITH CANADA GAINS DURING MONTH By the Associated Press. The Commerce Department reported today substantial increases in trade with Canada and South America dur ing January. January exports to Canada totaled $31,297,000, compared with $26,982,000 in the same month a year ago, while shipments to South America were $19, 763.000 and $14,207,000, respectively. Imports from Canada aggregated $33,089,000 in January, compared with $22,934,000 in January, 1936. Im ports from South America were $32, 431.000 and $24,073,000 for the re spective months. VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. NEW YORK, March 15 (£>).—The Visible supply of American grain shows the following changes in bushels: Wheat decreased 1,373,000: corn in creased 104,000: oats decreased 1,694, 000; rye decreased 240,000; barley de creased 133,000. -• NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK March 15 UP).—Raw sugar Was quiet and unchanged early today at 8.45 for SDots. with no sales reported. Futures were irregular. No. 3 de clined under increased liquidation and commission selling promoted by the week end Washington advices in which Secre tary Wallace reiterated his opposition to anything less than a 34-cent excise tax. The No. 4 contract advanced on renewed commission house buying and covering encouraged by the favorable showing of the London market. May No. 4 declined to 2.40 and September to 2.50. or 4 points net lower, and was ruling at within a point of these levels at midday. The No. 4 contract advanced % to 2 points but toward midday reacted partially under realizing, with July easing from 1.33 to 1.32 and September from 1.33% to 1.32%. leaving the list from about % to 1 point net higher. Refined was unchanged at 4.80 for fine granulated, with active Withdrawals again reported. -- U. S, TREASURY POSITION. Bs the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on March 12: Receipts, $38,848,737.54: expendi tures, $28,952,024.80: balance, $1,682. 415,759.51. Customs receipts for the month. $22,928,236.44 Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1). *7:???:?S?,277 ^expenditures. $5,067, 722.150.91 (including $2,009,556,370.98 oi emergency expenditures): excess of ex S?"dilu,r^_S2,099.459.878.33. Gross debt, KJ’T?2-fSl,38f'-40' an increase of $5, 764,15,.50 over the previous day. Gold 11.490.133,884.72. including $258, $26,736.27 of Inactive gold. --• BOSTON WOOL MARKET, BOSTON. March 15 MP) (United States Department of Agriculture).—The Boston wool market showed some irregularity today despite the strong close of the London sales last week. Some houses adhered firmly to their recent asking prices on spot domestic *i, whl!t showtnk more in terest than two or three weeks ago. had few urgent immediate requirements. In considering purchases for future re quirements buyers were influenced largely by current prices and costs of recently Imported wools. w —-m MONEY MARKET. YORK- March 15 UP).—Call money steady, l per cent all day: prime com B‘val \ *er cent: time loans steady. GO days. 6 months. 1% ner cent ?nerri2vcbank7/s’ acceptances unchanged: 30 days. A-Vi: Go-.oo days %-»• 4 months A-%: 5-6 months. %-%. Redis count rate. New York Reserve Bank. 1% per cent. Rate for Federal funds was Increased to y4 per cent from %. MONTREAL SILVER, *ur^ONoTp?nEeAdL' st^ 'MVih^ £y95b46&dJUIy- 45 05b'' Grocery Concerns Face Prosecution Under Trade Act By the Associated Press. The Federal Trade Commission charged today the Procon Grocery Service Co. of New York had returned brokerage fees to Its 11 member grocery chains in violation of the Rob inson-Patman act. The complaint said the Procon com pany operated as a co-operative pur chasing agent for the cahin stores and had passed back to them fees, or commissions, ranging from 1 to 10 per cent of quoted sales prices on merchandise, after deducting cost of operations. The Robinson-Patman act prohibits the payment of such fees except for services. Members named in the complaint included the Kroger Grocery & Bak ing Co., American Stores Co., First National Stores, National Tea Co., Safeway Stores and others. The companies were given 20 days to file an answer. U. S. STEELREPORT SHOWS HUGE GAIN Gross Sales and Revenue Rise 43.5 Per Cent Over Totals for Previous Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15.—The vastly expanded demand for iron and steel products which accompanied the re covery upswing in 1936 was reflected in the pamphlet annual report of United States Steel Corp. and sub sidiaries, which showed gross sales and revenue of $1,089,229,007, an increase of 43.5 per cent over the $758,893,126 received in 1935. “This improved showing in 1936, in comparison with 1935,’’ the report said, “arose primarily from an increase of substantially 47 per cent in the aggre gate tonnage of rolled and finished products shipped and which permitted the better employment and function ing of the various associated produc tive facilities of the organization.” Total assets, the report showed, in creased to $1,863,976,518 from $1,822,. 401.741, while current assets were $485,166,358, compared with $453,183, 538 the preceding year. Current lia bilities totaled $103,557,708. against $69,531,148 in 1935, with increases noted in current accounts payable, accrued taxes and preferred dividends payable. TAPPAN STOCK OFFERED. NEW YORK, March 15 (#).—An issue of 46,000 shares of capital stock of the Tappan Stove Co., priced at $13 a share, was made today by a syndi cate headed by Mitchell, Herrick & Co. Proceeds will be used for plant extension and general corporate pur poses. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK, March 15 UP).—Eggs. 21,455; steady. Mixed Colors; Special packs. 26Vaa26V4; standards. 24t4a25; storage packed firsts. 24a24'4; firsts. 23a 23*4; mediums. 22Vaa23: dirties. No. 1. 22t4a2244; average checks. 21a21'/i. Butter, 9,687: firm. Creamery, higher than extra, 36a3644; extra (92 score), 3544; firsts (88-91 scores), 33V4a35V4; seconds (84-87) scores). 21V4a33; central ized (90 score). 3514. Cheese, 100,569; steady to firm; State whole-milk flats, fresh, fancy 1936, 22!ia23. Live poultry, by freight, about steady; chickens. Rocks. 10: Leghorn, 13; fowls, colored. 21a22; Leghorn, 17al8: roosters, 13; turkeys, 17a25; ducks. 15. -• FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. March 15 UP).—Stock prices closed weak today, the market becom ing unsettled by the pressure of offer ing Transatlantic issues finished frac tionally lower, while other sections. In cluding steels, tobaccos, oils and German bonds were weak. Tin shares were in good demand and rubber stocks moved higher following the advance In that commodity. Rails were neglected. PARIS.—Securities declined in a mixed market rentes dropping 50 to 75 centimes and Bank of Prance closing with a net loss of 85 francs. Royal Dutch also declined 30 francs and Canadian Pacific 5 francs. Electric issues were weak. CRUDE OIL PRICES. TULSA, Oklahoma. March 15 UP).—Base crude oil prices: Midcontinent area. Okla homa-Kansas. gravity scale, 98 to 1.30. North. North Central and West Central Texas, gravity scale, 96 to 1.20: East Texas. 1.27: West Texas (Permian Basin), gravity scale. 84 to 1.08. North Louisiana-Arkansas. gravity scale, 90 to 1.22. Rocky Mountain area. Salt Creek. Wyo.. gravity scale. 98 to 1.30. Eastern area. Pennsylvania -grade (Brad ford-Allegany), 2.67: same grade in South west Pennsylvania lines. 2.42: same grade in Eureka lines. 2.37: same grade in Buck eye lines. 2.22: Coming. 1.42. -•--— STEEL QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK. March 15 UP).—Steel prices per 100 pounds f.o.b. Pittsburgh: Blue annealed sheets, hot rolled, 2.426; gal vanized sheets. 3.826: black sheets, hot rolled. 3.175; steel bars. 2.476. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. March 16 UP).—Crude rub ber futures opened Irregular, 20 higher to 7 lower. March unquoted; May. 23.75-82; July, 23.88-90. ★ Let Your Face Lire Happily Ever After IHuHV No Interest—No Carrying Charge! ★ Never a nick when you use a Schick! No brush ... no lather ... no fuss! Instead, a clean, quick, comfortable shave every time! And you save money in the end! Jewelers & Opticians 1114 F ST. m » ■ _ . IT_ _ A _ ORIGINAL C n IOO Pound Bag M M When Packed ~ | mainTpotatoes j In 10 pound ^ paper bags_Jr THESE ARE BULK MAINE POTATOES. Good, firm U. S. No. 1 variety that cook white and fluffy. The price speaks for itself. Large families, restaurants, boarding houses, etc., can effect an even greater sav ings by buying the original 100-pound (when packed) bag. These potatoes will keep well if stored in a cool place. Be sure to get your supply early in the week. FRESH PEAS 2-29‘ FRESH LETTUCE F rom Calif or nia ^ ^lC HEAD_| YORK APPLES Basket C Variety £|| lb». | ....incus.. GRANULATED SUGAR 10"» 50' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE'S3 -25' CORN or TOMATOES ST 3 -* 25' APPLE SAUCE Mu“ ... 3 - 25' SAUERKRAUT lang-s ... 3 - 25' CUT GREEN BEANS * 3 a- 25' TOMATO JUICE gJ,S 4 25' JELL-0 DESSERTS .... r* 5c ROYAL DESSERTS...p* 5' JERSEY CORN FLAKES - - 10' NESTLE’S BREAKFAST COCOA waae Dy me ma<ers or the tamous Nestle's chocolate bar. This cocoa is the same dependable quality. Full J/2 pound can 5' The Choice of the Nation! LAND O’LAKES Sweet Cream BUTTER Per Pound 44< SANICO FRESH EGGS I uThey’re Government Graded” £ U. S. Large Grade B_^oz* -- Sealect Evap. Milk, tall can 3 foi 20c Carnation Evapor^^Miut taU can -- 3 ,or 22c Harvest Blossom Flour 12 it> *a<k 49c Golden Heart £2i Flou r_12 lb. sack 49c E Apple Butter l: ] 5C SANICO Except 24 „x -n Ec PRESERVES Strawberry jar Jmm w) Sanico Oats_ __48 oz. pkg. 17c Kellogg's Corn Flakes r0*«L - ^ 7c Quaker Puffed Wheat_ Pkft 8c Quaker Puffed R ice_pk*. 11 c HEINZ Except SOUPS Varieties Heinz Ketchup_ _14 oz. bot. 17c Sanico Long Grain Rice_i »>. bo, 7c Morton's Salt _bo, 7c Columbia Salt_3 boxes 10c SANICO PEANUT BUTTER Made from U. S. No. J 1 lb. Selected Peanuts jar Genuine Mazda Lamps ion''watt eat" 15c Type D Lamps Elect™ to. watt *ath 10c Safe Home Matches_2 boxes 9c i Our Special Brooms_ „ each 23c Humpty Dumpty SALMON Davie Frsym"d Codfish_» <«• ™ 10c Fresh Fig Bars in Bum_ib. 10c 5c Candies and Gums_3 10c 70-80 Size Bulk Prunes_4 »»>*. 25c Cam:Is PIPABCTTirQ Old Golds Luckies UlUHnC I I CO Chesterfields 2 ■>■»-• 25c1o,,:rk.tst.20 0. K. Laundry Soap_3 10c Palmolive or Camay m?V^'.-cake 6c SWIFT’S FROZEN WHILE FRESH CALVES’ LIVER “You'll enjoy it" PRICE PER POUND_ The demond will be big so come early and get yours while Stock lasts. It is liver that was frozen while fresh when the supply was plentiful and is brought out now at a price far under fresh liver. Satisfaction guaranteed. SWIFTS PREMIUM . SMOKED BEEF TONGUES Average weight 2 to 3 lbs. PRICE PER POUND_ HOW TO COOK IT. Place in large kettle, cover with warm water, bring to boiling point, then turn down fire and cook for four or five hours. When cool enough to handle, peel off skin, slice and serve hot or cold. ' AGAIN TUESDAY! COOKED BONELESS BOILED HAM One qw&rier Pound_ DELICIOUS?.YES Because these products are made of selected in gredients by BRIGGS under U. S. Government in spection and under the most sanitary conditions. DIFFERENT?.YES Because they offer a change from the every day breakfast routine. Something different to pre vent monotony. They make fine companion dishes when served together. ECONOMICAL?.YES Because there is no waste—you eat every ounce you pay for—no bones to throw away. A pound of either will serve the average size family, that's only 14c or 20c. BRIGGS SCRAPPLE 14c WHAT IS IT? Good, old fashioned corn meal mush with selected bits of meat—all tastily seasoned ready to fry ond serve. HOW TO COOK" IT. Cut into slices about Va" thick, dip into flour and tiy in either deep fat or hot skillet until it turns to a rich, golden brown. Then serve immediately while hot. BRIGGS PORK PUDDING - "> 20c WHAT IS IT? Selected cuts of pork and liver blended together and tastily seasoned. HOW TO COOK IT. Remove casing, place in hot oven until heated through—or slice and dip in flour and place in hot skillet until browned. “Your Taste Is the Best Judge of Quality” | Sanitary’s p»!LSausage Meat-">25* j Sanitary’s Pi"L^"' Sausage “> 25® ( Briggs Sms“.',d Sausage Meat «>• 25® Briggs 0. S. Graded Bologna 25® jj Sanitary’s U. S. Graded Franks »> 25® | Veal is still a big value! Note these low prices—You'll realize the value at once. Veal Cutlets-lb 39c Loin Veal Chops - -lb 35c Rib Veal Chops - -!b 31c Shldr. Veal Chopslb 23c Breast of Veal — lb 15c Shldr. Veal Roast -lb19c Select Pork Chops-lb 33c End Pork Chops-,b 27c Smoked Shoulders-,b 19c Sanico Smoked Hams - - lb 27c Hormel Sliced Bacon - - A lb 18c Sanico Sliced Bacon - - *,b- 18c [ FRESH SHAD chesapeakeEbay i 1 BUCK I lb_ s field Bend Fills! ef Haddeek_>**• j fAfcSfc fiuACl£S | Per Pound ?ULL&Gk HilLT* Frozen 10^ I Prices quoted are effective in Washington and,vicinity until noon Wednesday, March 17, 1937 *— I ill '■■■■ I * mL < I.