OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, March 15, 1937, Image 39

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1937-03-15/ed-1/seq-39/

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Thumbnail for B-19

FORlJ 1936 de luxe touring sedan, trunk,
etc ; like new; carefully driven; for Quick
.sale. *475. Pali Columbia 6186-M._
ford 1936 Tudor sedan, in black baked
enamel: all-steel bodv with clear vision
ventilation: splendid V-8 motor; upholstery
clean and unworn: all tires excellent; *304
?... P. Steuart. N.E. Branch. 141 12th st.
n e. Atlantic 6200.____
FORD 1936 Fordor sedan, honestly priced
at *390; in finest mechanical condition,
beautiful finish, spotless interior, five ex
cellent tires; pay *86 down and we will
arrange easy, honest (without packs;
terms on balance, with mo. pymts. to suit
you; it will pay you to see this car before
purchasing elsewhere. Owens Motor Co.,
6323 Ga. ave._______
FORD 1934 Fordor sedan: before buying
any Ford you are urged to see this one;
we aim to give you a better car and save
Purchasers at least *26: this car is in ex
cellent all-round condition; motor, top.
tires, finish, interior all A-l; Honestly
Priced at *300: pay only *86 down and
we will finance balance on an honest plan
• without packs! with mo, pymts. to suit
you. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave,
FORD 1936 coupe, with rumble seat, black
factory finish like new. upholstery clean
and shows no wear, smooth, economical
motor: 6 nearly new tires: trade your 1931
Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth as down pay
ment: easy terms, Including our Famous
Slue Ribbon guarantee and ;;il-day no
cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers. No. 2
24 V. ave. n.w._Natl, 3982. Porn evening*.
FORD 1936 Tudor sedan; low mileage b*
y-iginal owner; not lo bs distinguish from
iet,'; 6 e-cellent lires: $476; guaranteed.
4*euirt Motors. 1401 R. 1. ave. n.e. Doc.
FORD 1935 de luxe sedan with radio:
new-car appearance and mechanical order;
all excellent tires: privately owned; *469:
guaranteed. Steuart Motors. 1401 R. I.
ave. n.e. Decaturc 6300. _
FORD 1934 Tudor with radio; original
finish excellent; clean interior with slip
covers: faultless motor; 5 very good tires;
*299; guaranteed. Steuart Motors. 1401
R. I. ave, n.e. Decatur 0300._
FORD ’36 sedan. 4-dr„ *415 (used pri
vately): perfect condition. 34 Ford cabri
olets. *296. ’34 Ford 2-dr. sedans, *296.
All Fords guaranteed 30 days. "Your
terms." Howard & Kearney. 4201 Conn,
ave. Cleveland '2115. 15*
FORD 1933 Tudor; must be seen to be ap
preciated; only *199; terms as low as *6
down and *3.00 per week. 941 Water
at. s.w.
FORD 1932 dump; dual wheels; good tires;
four-cylinder motor. *295. Warfield Mo
tor Co.. 2626 Sherman ave. h.w. Adams
FORD 1936 convertible cabriolet de luxe;
black; rumble seat; radio; beautiful condi
tion. An R. & G. car with a written
money-back guarantee. *576. Warfield
Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. Adams
FORD 1934 de luxe Victoria; vineyard
green; broadcloth upholstery; built-in lug
gage compartment. An R. Ac G. car with
a written money-back guarantee. $295.
Warfield Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave.
n.w. Adams 8000._
FORD 1933 coupe, new maroon finish
with Vermillion wheels; practically new
car all around. An R. Ac G. car with a
written money-back guarantee. *246.
Warfield Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave.
aw. Adams 8000._
FORD 1935 coupe, tires finish, upholstery
• na general condition A-l; splendid me
chanically: *325. Toms Auto Service,
.1000 Bladensburg rd, n.e. Lincoln 9560. *
FORD 1936 Tudor sedan, attractive sand
finish, clean mohair upholstery, custom
adio eauipped. completely reconditioned
mechanically, excellent tires all wheels:
orlced low, with small down payment and
easy terms, including our Famous Blue
Ribbon guarantee and 30-day no-cost serv
'Ce. Triangle Ford Dealers. No. 2 N. Y.
ave n.w, Natl. 3982. Open evenings._
FORD 1935 de luxe Fordor sedan—Why
pay more? Only *299 *9 down, balance
easy. 941 Water st. s.w.
FORD 1936 Tudor sedan, gun-metal finish
without a scratch: driven very little by one
eareful owner: reflects new-car condition
m every detail, including the tires: trade
your 1931 Fora. Chevrolet or Plymouth as
down payment: easy terms, including our
Famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30-day
no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers.
17th and R. I ave. n.e. Natl. 3986. Open
FORD 1934 Fordor sedan in black baked
enamel; unusually clean and sound: pri
vately owned and carefully driven: tiptop
mechanically and has all good tires; priced
low. with small down payment and easy
terms, including our Famous Blue Ribbon
guarantee and 30-day no-cost service.
Triangle Ford Dealers. 17th and R. I.
n.*» Natl. 3986. Open evenings._
FORD 1934 de luxe tudor; this is a beauti
ful car in spotless condition, equipped
■with a pracncally new motor. See this
wonderful va'ue for only $2?6 Northeast;
Motor, 920 Bladensburg rd., n.e Atlantic
0200 _
FORD 1936 coupe in black, finish and in
ferior clean and show no wear, splendid
",r-8 motor, nearly new fires: trade your
1931 Ford, Chevrolet or Plymouth as down
payment: easy terms, including our Famous
Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30-day no-cost
service. Triangle Ford Dealers, 4th and
Fla, ave. n.e, Natl. 3985 Open evenings.
FORD 1935 Tudor sedan, de luxe equip
ment. including dual horns and tail-lamps,
Attractive gun-metai finish. 6 very good
tires: priced very low with small down
payment and easv terms, including our
Famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30-day
no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers,
4th and Fla. ave. n.e. Natl. 3985. Open
FORD 1936 Tudor sedan; original finish
like new; excellent mechanical condition:
very low mileage; only $399; trade arid
easy terms. 941 Water st. a.w._
FORD 1936 Tudor sedan in Washington
blue, custom radio, low mileage, spotlessly
clean and sound throughout, motor just
nicely broken in. tires show practically
no wear, trade vour 1931 Ford. Chevrolet
Plymouth tu oor n^oatmenf ;.ffesy term-,
nr j,., cun* env fr'amoU: .SIu** Fiooon a*;? -
* nice aiid SC-dc ’ uo-.a r sefv:*.s. 'JTi* ng.e
Fore D * . u end fia n t. C.e. jNilU.
A985 Owen fv?i ink*.
.VO-'D 19.'iJ !luoo;s and eo-ow:--. i»cwai*I.
*S199 eacn; 5>i aown. $16 per iuo. lot;2
F&. ave. s.e._
FORD 1936 de luxe touring sedan; beauti
ful maroon finish. Hadeez heater, de luxe
equipment throughout: practically new-car
condition; 90-day guarantee; $519. Coast
In. Inc. 1355 Conn, ave._Decatur 5260.
FORD 1934 Tudor; original green finish is
like new; powerful V-8 motor is A-l; clean
upholstery Rnd all good tires; $40 down.
$10.50 monthly. WARRINGTON MOTOR
oar, CO 2035 17th st, n.w. Potomac 0701.
FORD 1935 Tudor: original gun-metal fin
*sh is like new; mileage is low. uoholstery
hs clean; tires show no wear; $45 down
923 11 monthly WARRINGTON MOTOR
CAR CO 2035 17th st. n.w, Potomac 0701.
FORD 1934 Tudor, coupe or Fordor. $239
each; wholesale today only: $2 down. bal.
53 50 week. Act quickly. 1522 Pa. ave. a t.
FORD 1936 Tudor. Fordor and coupe.
.$299 each: $4 down. bal. $5.50 week. Act
fast, wholesale today only. 1522 Pa.
ave. s.e.
'FORD 1936 Tudor, trunk. $399; $99
down bal. $21 per mo. Act now! 1522
Pa, ave. s.e. (Car In tradej_
FORD model A: nearly all models; re
conditioned, repainted and ready to go;
priced low. Call or come in for a demon
Champlain st. at Kalorama rd. n.w. Col.
FORD 1936 coach. $475. 1936 sport
coupe: $350. 1934 coach; $296; terms,
guaranteed. Barnes Motor*. 1729 14th
at. n.w._Decatur 2390._
FORD 1937 de luxe Fordor touting, built
in trunk Washington blue; driven less
than 1.000 miles. Substantial saving.
Warfield Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave.
71 * Adams 800Q._________
¥*ORD 1931 convertible coupe; good run
ning condition; only $39. Hurry to 941
Water 8t._g.jv.____
FORD 1936 de luxe touring roraor seaan;
built-in trunk: low mileage, radio; re
conditioned and guaranteed. Reduced to
$899. Warfield Motor Co.. 2626 Sherman
ave Adams 8000.__
FORD 1987 club eoupe only 1,100 miles;
will sacrifice equity for $26. See Mr.
Barnes. 6013 Conn, a it.jn w._
FORD 1930 Tudor sedan; in gun metal:
driyen little by company official and Is
practically new; about 6,000 miles and in
faultless condition; save a lot of money.
Walsh Motor Co., 8000 Georgia are.
Shepherd 4400, _
FORD 1934 de luxe coupe equipped with
dual horns, windshield wipers, sun ylsors
and tail lamps, safety glass all windows;
appears and performs like new; $206.
Walsh Motors Co., 8000 Georgia ave.
Shepherd 4400._
FORD 1936 de luxe Fordor sedan, with
eustom Ford radio in dash (overhead
apeakerl; black body, cream wheel discs;
splendid mechanical order; all good rub
ber. $395 Walsh Motor Co., 8000 Georgia
ave Shepherd 4400._
Ford 1929 de luxe coupe: rumble seat;
high-speed transmission; only $89 cash.
Evans Palmer. N Y. and Fla, ares. n.e.
FORD 1936 de luxe sedan; dual equipment,
ailyer gun metal finish: inside like new;
only $379; terms. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and
Fla ^aves^ne._
FORD 1836 Tudor, looks new; very best
condition; If you want a bargain, let us
have $479; cash or terms. Evans Palmer,
4432 Conn ._ave. n.w._
FORD 1936 de luxe coupe, beautiful tan.
fnotor and rubber excellent, very clean
nteriar, low price for a quick sale. See It
today. $349. Mid City Auto Co., 1711 14th
at. n w, Decatur 5050._
FORD 1986 eonvertifcle-top sedan; blue;
perfect condition. Just like new; run 6.000
miles; bargain. 1801 frying «t. nw.
Adams 4328.____
FORD 1934 de luxe Fordor sedan; used
very little, carefully driven; for immediate
Bale, $266._Call North 6473-J._
FORD late 1936 Tudor sedan, built-in
trunk, radio, heater, etc.; like new. only
6.000 miles; original owner; can arrange
terms. Phone Adams 3989._
FRANKLINS—We specialise in late model
reconditioned Franklins and have en hand
at, the present several excellent models
from 1932 to 1934. Here is today's spe
cial A 1932 de luxe sedan, original finish
of beige. 6 wood wheels, metal tire covers,
heater, large luggage carrier and a motor
that has been just completely overhauled
by Franklin mechanics; priced at only
$346.00 NOTtRIS, INC., 2018 14th st.
n w. North 3949._
a HAM sedan, 1931; original paint is
. trunk, good tires ana it runs per
y; $100. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th
at. n w Dlst. 9141._
SRAKAM 1934 coupe with rumble seat;
ie 6-eylinder motor hydraulic brakes;
olean and sound throughout, black finish;
6 very good tire*; $349. t. P. Steuart.
N.E. Branch. 141 12th st. n.e., Atlantic
NU PM OB IDE sport sedan. 1932: a very
•ttractive car and your inspection will
•onvlnce you of the original owner's fine
•ire. Has two spare wheels In fender wells,
♦rank. fine tires, clean Inside and it drlyes
perfectly: a real value at only $216, Po
hanka Service, 1126 20th *t. n.w. Dlst.
EX7D60N 'i934 d-dooi' 12397 Furry!
wholesale todev only: $4 down, Pel. $16 1
. Per Mo. 1633 Ps. are. s <
, V
- -——T-» i ■ i I —-r r —■ m—m ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — ■ ■ ■ ■■ - - - _____ __ -
mi II il I » p aarj. < Tn
A ; l ■ • H.prr.ri tntj-Prn^lU*B« • ■
yuTKffj' rVVrimL_^KDfryj,*^2<u J
A murmur of approval greeted the argument for
Tarzan's death, but the witchdoctor rose to warn
of dire calamity If they harmed the prisoner, who,
he assured them, was a Kavuru. "Even If we kill
him in secret, the Kavuru have strange ways of
knowing all things 1”
Udalo decided to take a rote. Among the war
riors he passed two bowls, one filled* with pebbles,
the other with kernels of com. Then a gourd
began the rounds as Udalo explained: "Those
wish him to live, put in a kernel; a pebble Is *
vole for death 1”
Aa the gourd traveled the grim circle, tense sav
age eyes followed it back to Udalo'a hands. The
chief, a post-graduate In deviltry, was a poor
student of mathematics; he could not'count be
yond his fingers. So, he poured the queer ballots
on the ground.
With one hand he picked up a grain of com
while with the other he clutched a pebble, and
placed each in its proper bowl. Soon he ran
out of com, and there were many pebbles left.
Then he announced the result of the fateful
vote. "The stranger dies l”
HTJDSONS—Three 1030 model cars; used
very little by company officials only. Big
special discount. Hudson-Terraplan* Dis
trlbutors, 1707 14th st. n.w._
HUDSON 1034 sedan: original paint Ilk*
new; good tires, excellent mechanically.
One of the smoothest running and riding
cars you ever drove. Try this one. Gold
Seal Guaranteed and personally endorsed.
Think of it. only $305. FLEMING MO
TOR CORP.. Champlain st. at Xalorama
rd. n.w. Col. 1020._
HUDSON 1934 de luxe custom sedan;
famous “Silver Plash" motor; beautiful
condition; must sacrifice; only $387;
terms. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and Fla. aves.
n.e. ______
NASH 1933 4-door de luxe sedan; original
black factory finish reflects careful owner
ship; only $55 down. $24 month. PRY
MOTOR CAR CO.. Packard Dealers. 6019
Conn, aye._
NASH 1932 sedan- lias been through our
shop and is A-l all over; tires practically
new; $35 down, $18.03 monthly. WAR
st, n.w Potomac 0701._
NASH 1933 club cabriolet. 5-passenger
convertible; roomy and clean; new top;
excellent condition. Bargain at only $385.
Warfield Motor Co.. 3636 Sherman eve.
n w. Adams 8000.__
NASH sport sedan. 1931: new paint. 6
wheel equipment; runs fine: a bargain at
only $96; come In today, it won’t stay here
long at this price, Pohanka Service, 1130
30th st, n.w, Dist, 9141,
OLDSMOBILE 1933 4-door touring sedan
in tan with built-in trunk, white sidewall
tires, smooth, efficient. 8-cyl. motor: very
clean inside, unusually sound: $359; guar
anteed L. P. Steuart, N.E. Branch. 141
12th st. n.e, Atl. 6300._ _
OLDSMOBILE coach. 1931: original olive
green finish, fine tires, clean Inside and It
runs fine: has had only one owner fine
transportation for only $135. Pohanka
Service. 1126 30th st. n.w, Dist. 9141._
OLDSMOBILE “8” de luxe sedan, radio,
heater 6-wheel equipment, trunk rack,
two-tone finish, motor completely recondi
tioned, 6 fine tires: very attractive and a
real value at only $245. Pohanka Service,
1.126 30th st. n.w. Dist. 9141.
OLDSMOBILE 1937 demonstrator; liberal
discount: new-car guarantee. Pohanka
Service Olds sales, service since 1923.
1126 20th st. n.w. Pist. 9141._
OLDSMOBILE **8” 1934 5-pass. touring
coupe, original attractive green finish is
perfect, upholstery has been protected by
covers: 5 fine tires, large built-in trunk,
smooth, powerful motor: a real value at
only $345. Pohanka Service, 1126 20th
st. n.w. Pist. 9341._
OLD6M OBTLE sedan. 3 934; attractive
brown metallic finish, clean upholstery
that shows no wea* new 6-ply *Tes,
smooth, quiet motor: $345. Pohanka Serv
i126 20-h st. n.w. Pist. 9143.
OLDSMOBILE 1933 2-door touring sedan,
black finish excellent, clean upholstery,
economical 6-cyl. motor, all good rubbei
$339. guaranteed. L. P. Sieuart, N.E.
Branch. 14 j 12th st. n.e. Atl. 6200,
OLDSMOBILE 1937 6-cyl. de luxe 4-door
touring sedan; trunk, etc.; almost new;
driven 1,700 miles; $795. Call Col. 2075.
OLDSMOBILE 8 1936 2-door sedan; built
in trunk: 2.600 miles, perfect condition:
$725. Also '30 Pontiac convertible coupe,
radio and heater; 6.000 miles; $645. Mr.
Stringer. Adams 24 18,_3 5*
OLDSMOBILE 1936 sedan; Buckingham
gray finish; low mileage; new-car condi
tion. An R. Ac O. car with a written
money-back guarantee. $685. Warfield
Motor Co.. 2626 Sherman ave. n.w, Adams
OLDSMOBILE 1936 de luxe fi-cylinder
coupe, beautiful “harness tan finish”; like
new in every way; only $489; terms, only
$89 down. Evans Palmer. N. Y. and Fla.
aves. n.e.
OLDSMOBILE 1934 de luxe “aerotype”
2-door; very best condition; Roadmasiei’
?r»v. •• r r>r- Are. $329; ' irms.
obr.ji. PaJmsi, Ti. V. and i”a. *.
PACKARD 193. 4-ctoor ;o.irip« *?o9n.
oeu'ifcii *tc ’ill’’ en uy
hrm.us.ztr: $165 ooe-u. $24 ynonLi. T omi
Washington motors. Pacu*rd daalCiS.
8527 Georgia are._
PACKARD 1936 4-door touring sedan:
Mack finish; equipped with white side
wall tires, radio, etc . only 7.000 actual
miles; $145 down. $36 month. PRY MO
TOR CAR CTO., Packaid Dealer. 6019 Conn.
PACKARD 1930 roadster; a high-grade,
beautiful car at, a low price; runs and looks
excellent; all tires very »ood $35 down.
$14.58 monthly WARRINGTON MO
TOR CAR CO. 2036 17th st. n.w. Poto
mac 0701 _ _
PLYMOUTH 1936 2-door sedan: very low
mileage, paint, tires and general condition
like new $495 guaranteed. Tom's Auto
Service. 3 000 Bladensburg id. n.e. Lin
coln 9560. ___*
PLYMOUTH 1936 2-door de luxe sedan,
beautiful green lacquer finish, tiress hoW lit
tle wear due to low mileage, hot-water heat
Br. twin horns, twin tail-lights, twin sun
visors, twin wipers, cigar lighter: this car
Is in beautiful condition throughout: new
car guarantee: $586. See Ralph Miller.
Tom’s Auto Service. 637 N st. n.w. Po
tomac 2400._•
PLYMOUTH P C. sedan. 1933: an attrac
tive little car that will give some one many
miles of fine service; original paint, good
tires, spotless inside and it runs fine; $245.
Pohanka Service. 1 126 20th st. n.w. Dist.
PLYMOUTH 1934 coupe, special series; en
excellent buy; only $239. terms to suit you;
$8 down._941 Water st. a w.
PLYMOUTH 3 935 de luxe sport coupe
with rumole seat: low mileage by one
owner, safety steel body: floating-power
engine, hydraulic brakes; clean and sound
as new throughout. 5 excellent tires: $445.
L P. Sieuart. N.E. Branch, 341 12th st.
n.e. Atlantic 6200._
PLYMOUTH, brand-new. 1936; never sold
oever titled, never used; your chance to
save on new sedan; could give terms.
E v ans Pal m er. N. Y. an d Fla, a ves. n.e._
PLYMOUTH 1934 coupe and 4-door.
$226; work fast: $3 down, bal. $16 par
mo. 1622 Pa. ave. s.e.
PLYMOUTH 1933 2-do©r* (3). $199 each:
$2 down. bal. $14.07 per mo. 1522 Pa.
avc. a.e. _
PLYMOUTH 1935 business coupe. if It is
snap, appearance and economy you want. !
get all three in one; Gold Seal Guaranteed
and personally endorsed; $446. FLEMING
MOTOR COUP.. Champlain st. at Kalorama
rd. n.w. Col. 3 020._
PLYMOUTH 3 936 de luxe coupe- newly
reflnished. very clean; only $299; terms to
suit; bring $9. 941 Water st. s w.
PLYMOUTH 1932 P. B. phaeton; black
finish, clean wire wheels. A-1 condition;
$36 down. $16 month PRY MOTOR CAR
Bir 8 De Ijxi, mpIm 1*200. Like ait.
Radio. Cast aver 92.TOO
18 months »r«. New-ear £1
ruarantes _ #ljll9
Con., phaeton, radio, heater, deal
ratio. Coat ater *3.000. £ | Q yg
2018 14th St.
6s and 8s
All Body Stylet
Drastic Reductions
New-Car Guarantee
L. P. Steuart, Inc.
1440 P St. N.W.
DtMhir 4800
PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe coupe, rumble
seat, bullt-ln heater, low mileage; looks
and runs like new. $828; new-car terms
and guarantee. Barnes Motors. 1729 14th
st. n.w. Decatur 2390._
PLYMOUTH AND DODOE '35 sedan. 2-dr„
$395. Plymouth '38 4-dr. trunk de luxe.
1.750 miles. $050. Plymouth '37 4-dr. de
luxe (slightly used). $710. Plymouth '33
sedan. 4-dr„ $250. (All privately owned.)
Your terms. Howard A; Kearney. 4201
Connecticut ave. Cleveland 2115, 15*_
PLYMOUTH 1930 de luxe 4-door sedan,
$575; 1934 de luxe coach. $350; 1933 de
luxe P-D coach. $276; terms; guaranteed.
Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. Decatur
PLYMOUTH 1932 sedan, model P. B.; this
car has an exceptionally line motor, prac
tically new tires. Price oniy $149. North
east Motor Co.. 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e.
Atlantic 0200._
PLYMOUTH 1930 convertible coupe; orig
inal condition; like new; sacrifice for un
paid balance; only need $95 down and
par monthly notes. Evans Palmer. N. Y.
and Fla, aves. n.e_
PLYMOUTH 1935 de luxe coupe; almost
new condition; only $429; terms. Evans
Palmer. 4432 Connnectleut ave,_n.w._
PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe coach; black
finish: guaranteed; $299: $45 down. $23
month. PRY MOTOR CAR CO.. Packard
Dealers, 6019 Conn, ave._
PLYMOUTH 1930 de luxe coupe, rumble
seat, gun metal finish, motor and rubber
like new: any demonstration you wish, low
price at $575. Mid City Auto Co.. 1.11
14th at. n.w. Decatur 6050.__
PLYMOUTH 1933 4-door sedan, o.k. motor.
5 very good tires, clean throughout, well
worth $195. Mid City Auto Co., 1711
14th st. n.w. Decatur 5050._
PONTIAC 1937 blue 8 4-door touring se
dan with largest trunk, radio, heater; re
duced $110. Carefully driven 1 month.
4221 Conn, Cleveland 8401. __
PONTIAC 1935 2-door touring sedan:
built-in trunk and radio, black lacquer
finish like new; Fisher no-draft ventila
tion. knee action: tiptop mechanical order:
very clean: all good rubber; $539. L P.
Steuart. N.E. Branch, 141 12th st. n.e..
Atlantic 0200._ _
1935 Plymouth.
with ramble seat, rndm, banter
—nfl new fir»s. Original block
finish; “JO-doy guarantee
Lot 1355 Conn. Aye.
De. ft'160
We effer 10% mere ter rear
ear in trade.
1*36 Awkwrn 8w»ar- j# 1 An C
rlrtfl PVutu
3 *bS o* 1. AO^
r» fllTiojf H'*»; Bt
ASo5 fiuat l .'ASfttiiej | 1TFA
Da L. ftedcu_ ■ # ■ " ^
1930 Fir mow til Toanm
1 MS 'ierrapfane Broai- 4At
turn, trwnk_ '
JD35 Ford Tudor. 3 <C
Radio _
Jf>35 Ford Do !.*»** 44^
Tran* Sedan, radio ^
1F31 ***** 4* 43 C
La** *n#nre rtiof. F*if
Liberal Guarantee
Studebaker Dealers
2018 14th Street N.W.
North 3949
M ^ . Tear »M ••
’ IM+Htfkiff 4m*n »»f mtnt.
JHI IlHlir B» !.»«• Ce.ch. Vitfc
tafli-lt tr.ok. mI» »«* «•»*«. h
... mWT MBiHitt, ObW!1 f.(T WHl.
M 4»t «ra*»»at«. Ubacal
, Cbrrriw-H»».a*h ®»bf
Cm# Car $ta#ia»a
«m Kk«at« w**‘ ’**?
inn n. M«*r. »t. <»•••¥•> w** l*4»
1932 Ford V-8 Sedan; black fin
ish excellent ; very clean and
xtund: splendid motor; good
1933 Chevrolet Master Tour.
Sedan, with trunk; green; tip
top throughout; 5 very good
1934 Chevrolet Master De Luxe
Ooach; original clean finish and
interior; knee action; econom
ical motor; nearly new tire*.
1924 Pontiac Sedan, in black:
knee action; beautiful condition;
exceptionally sound; practically
new tires.
1935 Plymouth Sedan, Mack;
safety steel body; hydraulic
brakes, floating power; hot
water heater; A-l in every re
3307 M St. N.W.
24th and Pa. Ava.
Weat 1*4* Open Eves.
PONTIAC 1931 sport coupe. 6-cyIlnder;
new tires, unusual value; S129. 4221
Conn, Clev. 8401. _
PONTIAC 1930. Choice of 8 eight-cylin
der models; two 4-door touring sedans
with built-in trunks; one 2-door touring
sedan with built-in trunk; with radio
and heaters: all like brand-new; save sub
stantially: new-car guarantee with each.
L. P. Steuart. N.E. Branch. 141 12th st.
n.e. Atlantic 6200._
PONTIAC 1934 4-door touring sedan with
built-in trunk; original black finish with
out a scratch; nearly new tires; knee ac
tion. Fisher no-draft ventilation: Interior
clean and ahows no wear; splendid me
chanically; $399. L. P. Steuart. N E.
Branch. 141 12lh st. li e.. Atlantic 0200.
PONTIAC 1933 sedan: original tan finish
excellent: clean mohair Interior; smooth,
efficient straight-8 motor; Fisher no-draft
ventilation; 5 very good tires; $279 L. P.
Steuart. N.E. Branch. 141 12th st. n.e..
Atlantic 0200._
PONTIAC 1982 de luxe coach, attractive
green body. 0 wheels with 2 side mount
ings: exceptionally clean end sound, fine
mechanical order: 6 very good tires: $249.
Is P. Steuart. N.E. Branch. J41 12th st.
n.e. Atl. 6200.___
PONTIAC 1934 de luxe conv. coupe, white
sidewall tires. $425, 1933 de luxe icdan.
e wheels, trunk rack. $296 terms: guar
anteed. Barnes Motors. 1729 J4th st. n.w.
Decatur 3390._
PONTIAC 1930 coupe: 8-cyl.; radio
:quipped;one owneT; name on request' $95
lown. $28 month. NORTH WASHING
TON MOTOR& Paokard Dealers. 8527
Georgia aye.__
PONTIAC 1931 de luxe custom sedan; like
new: only $139; $39 down. Evans Palmer.
N. Y. and Fla, ayes, n.e. _
PONTIAC 1937 4-door touring sedan, dem
monstrator: driven a few hundred miles;
liberal discount: new-c»r guarantee and
terms. L. P. Steuart, N E. Branch. J41
12th st, n.e. Atlantic 6200._
PONTIAC 1931 2-door sedan, motor and
rubber excellent, very clean interior: thou
sands of miles of reliable transportation
for only $149. Mid City Auto Co., 1711
14th st. n.w. Decatur 6050._j
*935 Ru»ek 68 t-Beer VOdk'l
Sedan ... ... ^©efe"
! 3 930 Btt-ek 48 9-Doer
Sedan _ - ... d?©-1*©
3 085 Raiek Model 4 1
Trank Sedan... djHD^eF
3036 Barck “81*' 40 1 4k (k’Z.
Sedan—-Radio wl^UtJv
1035 Bniek 47 Sedan, ©HT'TCT
6 wheels_ o!^«8#0
Corine “_$745 i
3*34 Bniek 3-Door C/IT*t
Trunk Sednn_
1036 Dodre 4-Deer
Sedan _ ._
3036 Olds "8” Trank 4270^
Sedan _ _ ^ • •♦F
3 086 Ferd Del,. 9 0., D4Q-T
trank, like new.
?964 Chevrolet 9 o*o- 43<0ffr£;
"virak Seiin ^«3©e»
• 1*5 *•*«*<!<§ 4?/f%^
I«s Om '!■ if r|** »
iA»>6 Fer-uie S'
Seasn. d.O'&G aiuCj "F’OjweF
< 9R« Oldsmeolle €k/|€|"I
“6” lono« . *
3 038 Fly moat b 4*1 aw
J 033 Ferd 4- I Ckt
Coape 8 "•*
J 934 Itftdf e *4 d«*»r 4d%BO<tI
Seder* ^•»?Fe>
M*ny Other* —AH /?*r/>n
ditiened find Like New \
of These
For Nighesf Quality
Reconditioned Cars
Guaranteed OK
Chevrolet 4 -Door
Trank Sedan
Chevrolet M eater
Chevrolet Master
Pontlae Town
Sedan. Built-in
Trank, Radio
Chevrolet Meater
Chevrolet Std.
Town Sedan
Ford V-*
Chevrolet Sport
Ohcrrolet Muster
Chevrolet Master
1 935
Chevrolet Master
Cberrolet Std.
Easy Terms and Trade
Otto Building, Two Entraneaa
M23 18th ST. N.W.
1130 CONN. AVE.
Di.trUt 4200
Ttrl** in l*th St. Kntf.ftM
PONTIAC 1936 4-door de luxe sedan;
black: driven 8.000 miles. Belling to settle
an estate. Cash or terms. Adams 8710,
Apt. 109.
PONTIAC 1932 convertible de luxe coupe;
6-wheel equipment; $45 down; $19 a mo.
PRY MOTOR CAR CO.. 6019 Conn, ave.,
Packard dealers._
PONTIAC 1932 coach; excellent condition;
finish looks like new. all good tires; an ex
cellent value at $286. Warfield Motor Co.,
262 6_Sherman_a_ve._ n.w. A d a ms 8000.
PONTIAC 1936 4-door sedan, black factory
finish like new: driven very little by orig
inal owner; knee action. Fisher no-drait
ventilation, hydraulic brakes: tires show
practically no wear; $665 guaranteed. L.
P. Steuart. N.E. Branch. J41 12th st. n.a.
All. 6200.____
PONTIAC sedan. 1933; has had unusually
fine care by original owner; dark blue
finish, black wire wheels, fine tires, up
holstery clean and shows no wear, heater:
$315. Pohanka Service. J126 20th st. n.w.
Dlst. 914 K_
PONTIAC 1937 gray 8 4-door sedan with
largest trunk, radio, heater; used 500 miles
by Chevy Chase driver; reduced $110.
Flood Motor Co.. 4 221 Conn._Clev. 8401.
PONTIAC 1937 green 6 convertible coupe,
radio. he*Vei: driven 600 miles by promt
nent tax lawyer. Reduced $110. Flood
Motor Op., 4221 Conn, ave. Clev. 8401.
O'.dtmobile rontw*
USES MR ■ERfillllS
Prices Reduced
10% to 33%
9QC Pontiac 4-Door f r aa
VW Touring Sedan
’33 $279
’35 rrr $549
’35 4 °" $499
*35 asr $489
’35 5^rk" $489
’35 Sedan $389
’34 Sed»nb*k,r — $379
933 Plymouth 4-Door (299
’33 cZV* * ' $269
930 Pontiae *4-Door (269
’32 sizrbr A $199
932 ^TO,outh ^• Door (|09
931 Oldsmobile Tf-ftnor ( | ^[0
•st 'rr.r * * m?
*90r 1 'in it\ T ■ 9 m *
On# *\*|[/ #• I.Qt *er *9 *9y
_*the o»-d muabut
1325 14th St. N.W.
16th b R. I. Avc. N.E.
17th b Penn. Avc. S.E.
2511-15 Nichols Av«
PONTIAC 1930 2-door sedan; general con
dition very good; this car has a lot of good
transportation left in It: $100. Tom's
Auto Service, 1000 Bladensburg rd. n.a.
Lincoln 9500, __•
PONTIAC 1935 sedan. Looks and runs
like a million dollars Is absolutely flaw
less. Try this one and compare It to others
and you will buy It. Oold Seal Guaranteed
and personally endorsed; $495. FLEMING
MOTOR CORP.. Champlain »t. at Kalo
rama rd. n.w. Col. 1020.
STUDEBAKER 193* Dictator sedan. Like
new in every detail, any demonstration
you wish, see It today Spec!*! price at
$4*6. Mid City Auto Co.. 1711 11th bl.
n.w TVratnr 5050.
STUDEBAKER sedan. 1930. Only S55,
full price. Runs and looks o.k. Act quickly,
a bargain. Mid Oily Auto Co.. 1711 14th
at. n.w. Decatur 5050.__
STUDEBAKER 1935 Dictator 6 coupe;
Planer front-wheel suspension: runs and
looks like new. $425; terms; guaranteed.
Baines Moiors 1729 l4ih t. o w. _
3 980
Ford Coot.
Beautiful Wash
ington blue Has
factory radio.
Original blot
finish. like new.
Six cream wheels
i 93-5
Da Luia
Built-in radio
and heater. A real
buy at
Conr. Coupe
Above average in
every respect. See
before you buy.
Cbmler “IT
C lnHfOitlt
o:tud i-ee.'. I .na
car Is Avsj-wgd
Plus In every re
Touring Sedan
Black finish, like
new throughout,
substeutlel dis
count, fully guar
Black finish. Low
mileage. A real
Tonring Sedan
KxcepUonallv ion.
mileage This car
like new through
4 -Door
Touring Sedan
A beautiful black.
Rooties'* through
out N e w - c a r
8- P1 k5*o i ar
■ c.e : i , — 0:'d If.
t ..'oMooiies
Black finish. Lcuj
than 1 2 0 0 0
Liberal Trade & Term*
H. B. Leary, Jr., & Bros.
1321-23 14tH St. N.W.
rot. 4909
When you buy an R&G used car, nothing is left to
chance. You get a written statement guaranteeing the
car’s condition—a promise to give you your money back
if you don’t like the car for any reason! These R&G
values are offered by Ford Dealers only, and right
now’s an especially good time to see them. The fast
selling new Ford V-8 brings us large numbers of used
cars, and because we want fast action, we’ve priced
them low—with a high trade-in allowance for your
present ear. Drive in today, and drive away a better
oar, that’s fully guaranteed!
TERRAPLANES—Three new 1930 model
cars. Never been driven or sold. Big spe
cial discount. Act quickly. Hudson-Ter
raplane Distributors. 1707 14th st. n.w._
TERRAPLANE 1934 coupe, rumble seat.
In beautiful condition from stem to siern.
Paint, rubber and upholstery good and
mechanically it is perfect Low mileage
and priced right. Gold Seal guaranteed
and personally endorsed, only $335.
at Kalorama id. Col. 3 020.
TERRAPLANE 1934 convertible coupe;
equipped with radio and heater; a snappy
little car. in A-l condition inside and out;
tires nearly new: $50 down $?9 03 moT*
3 7th st. n.w. Potomac 0701.
Honestly Priced Used Cars
Financed Honestly
'36 Chevrolet Mst. Spt. Sedan. $580
'35 Chevrolet Master Coach_$445
'35 Chevrolet Mst. Tour Sedan..$450
'35 Chevrolet Stand. Coach_$365
'34 Chevrolet Master Sedan_$350
'34 Chevrolet Panel Delivery_$345
'33 Ford Sport Coupe _$245
'33 Chevrolet Master Coach_$265
'32 Rea Truck . $225
'31 Ford Sport Coupe ...$160
'31 Chevrolet Cobriolet.. ...$160
'31 Pontiac Cabriolet . $140
'31 Dodge oport Coupe .. ...$150
'31 Chevrolet Sedan_$155
'30 Ford Cabriolet__ ..$140
'30 Chevrolet Sport Coupe. .$100
'30 Chevrolet Sedan $110
'29 Pontiac Sedan _ $75
Owens Motor Co.
6323 Georgia Ave.
Georgia 0109
S75 or
Tonr Old Car
»« down pay
Conmciil d* l»»t* 4-paa*«i«r*r
**dan. Me'hanieaH* nerfe.rt. Look*
Mk« ntw. 90-dav guarantee.
1 sort Car Si»rtium
4ftoo k)VftPMn A?«. i«(W. WF«t iMf
“Famout for Quality”
far in excess of
Low Prices
| Every Car Guaranteed
for 30 Days
inspect and Compare
90C Chev. Master De CCCR
™ Ult Town E*rtan WwOO
9QC ^hev. Master riiC
vv Pc T u 1C godin T 9HH9
9QJ Chevrolet Master
I.me fof.nc 9999
9QQ Chevrolet Master COTK
” pa fxe gedtn „ 9m *9
jQ7 Chevrolet Master COftH
vv Pe jjie Cmh 9CQ9
9QO CbevreM Master COOK
M n» Jntf r-iifh vfcOaJ
§32 Chevrolet (oath J245
§q fl Chevrolet Coach CITC
^ ■_(new pelwM_ v I I M
'31 SI 80
’31 ST. . ._1215
§qi Bufck riport t9qn
V " Coupe_(r«dim. vfcwM
*32 3245
*33 olds De Luxe $335
134 5
90 1 Chevrolet Cabriolet C I "IC
^ ■ _fncw_ oaion_91 IV
*34 rord v 8 $295
r33 ™ $243
Di. 8300 Open Eves.
BIT. I4U. A 17
The only figure that counts
when You buy a Used Car
is the difference between
your Trade-in Allowance
and the Selling Price . . .
Don't let a ridiculously low price tool
you—Don't let an overboard allowance
mislead you. Before you invest check
up on the difference between the ol
lowonce you are offered AND THE
SALE PRICE. This FIGURE is oil thot
should interest you. INVESTIGATE!
All ear* of the same year and model
that are brought to RAG standards
are offered at one low price. No
leaders. No padded price*. You don't |
have to he an expert "horae trader ’
to aet oar best deal.
You Con't Poy More ot H. & T.
All duplicates ot these same prises
'3 5 Ford D. L. Tudor $375
'3 5 Ford D. L. Phooton ,..$375
'35 Ford Touriitf Fordor — $435
'34 Ford D. L. Fordor_$325
'34 Ford Tudor_$305
'33 Ford Tudor_$245 1
'33 Ford Coupo_$245
'32 Ford Tudor_$185
Means at H. & T.

Every ear that hears the
RAG label at Hill A Tib
bftts must meet the f.l
BODY — floor
1 MA TS -
Clean* in Good Condi
tion. GLASS — O. K.
and in Good Condition.
METAL — Free from
Dents. Breaks or Cracks.
PARTS—Bright. TOT -
In Good Conditioi,. No
Clean. No Unrepaired,
Torn Places. STRIPED.
DIXMIXCJ j|| N , Us.
Good Condition. FEND
ERS—Good Finish, No
Dents. FRAME, RA
Working Order. WHEELS
-—Bearings. Toe-in—O K.
—Charging at F roper
Rate LIGHTS — All
Burning. STARTER —
Good Working Order.
WIRING—O K. Through
out Car.
Clean and Properly Ad
—Correct in All Cylin
ders. This means that
Piston*, R 1 n t i, and
Valves are in Good
Working Order. FUEL
PIMP—Clean, in Good
Working Order. HOSE
Good Condition. IGNI
Properly Set and in
Good Condition. OIL—
Crankcase Full of Good,
Clean Oil. OH Pressure
— Clean, All O. K.
Properly Spaced.
. 100% Satisfaction or 100%ReTund at
HILL & T,nn,‘rTo
Washington’s Oidesi
1S20 14tk St. N.V

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