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(£arft nf aljmtkij. BARRETT. CHARLES RUSSELL. The fam ily of CHARLES RUSSET.I BARRETT wim to express their appreciation lor the kindness and beautiful floral trib utes from neighbors and friends at his recent illness and death MOTHER AND THREE SISTERS. 21 Qratlja. ATHERTON. CLARENCE H On Friday. March IK 1‘ihT. CLARENCE H ATH ERTON peloved husband of Olivia S. Atherton (nee Garth) and father of Roy N. Atherton of Or mo Me.; Mrs. W. F. Bess of Charleston, W. Va.: Mrs. A. L. Kmc and Gertrude Mav of Washington Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home 81 d H st. ?5.e. Notice of time hereafter. ATHEY. SARAH VIRGINIA. On Saturday March 20. J. at Georgetown Univer sity Hospital. SARAH VIRGINIA ATHEY of 1220 hist st. n.w.. beloved wife of John Thomas Athey She is e.lso .sur vived by two sons. Frank and William: and two daughters. Dorothy Athey and Minnie Stephenson. Remains resting at Birchs funeral home. h0h4 M st. n.w Notice of services later. BARNSLEY CHARLES WILLARD Sud denly on Friday. March 11*. ly.V at the home of his niece. Mrs. Arthur D Cashell. near Olney Md . CHARLES WILLARD BARNSLEY, the beloved hus band of the late Carnelia Mnrsheil Barnsley Remains resting at .he Colonia: funeral home of William Reu ben Humphrey. Rockville. Md Funeral services at Emory M E Church Oak dale Md.. Sunday March 21. at 2 pm. Interment Sr. John's Cemetery. Olney, Md. 21 BIEN. THERESA «ESSIE) On Thursday. March IN 11 *;t ? THERESA »ESSIE) BIEN daughtei of the late Samuel and Delia Bien. Funeral Sunday. March 21. at 2 p m from the uhapel of Bernard Danzansky ;t5<»l 14th st. n.w 20* Bl CHAN AN. JOSEPH Departed this life on Thursday March is at Gal lingei Hospital JOSEPH BUCHANAN, devoted hu.-band of Catherine Bu rhanan brother of Maude George John. Raleigh and Albert Buchanan He also leaves to mourn their loss spveral other j natives and friends Remains resting 1 nr Eugene Ford's funeral home. Eton South Capitol st. where funeral serv- ; Ices will be he’d on Sundav March 21. fit 0 pm Body will be taken to Caro line County Va for interment Monday. March 22 10 a m 21 Bl RKF IGNATIUS. On Thursday March ) s. 1 !»:<T at his residence. .Jon: i!11li s South Arlington. Va IGNATIUS BURKE husband of the late Marv F. Burk*- father of the late Lottie Burke and the late Josephine Ward grand father of Josephine Broun and the inte Harmonia Raker. father-in-law of Charles C Ward and James Edmund Brown Remains resting at the W Er nest Jarvis funeral church 14JM You *' n u until Saturday March MO. at 12 noon: thereafter at his late residence. l.'ith st. South. Arlington Va. Fu neral Sunday March Ml. at 1 pm from S' Mary's Episcopal Church MJrd st. between G and H sts. n w Rev E A. Christian officiating Interment Har mony Cemetery Ml Bl RKF II.NATH s. Officers and members of Meridian Lodge. No F A. A M . are requestcd to assemble at. the Scot tish Rite Temple lti.J.J 11th st n.w.. Sunday March Ml 1:»:tM. at in am., to attend the funeral of Brother IG NATIUS BURKE from St Mary's Church MJrd st. between G and H sts. n.w . at 1 pm HENRY FERGUSON W. M. Attest. C H ANDERSON, Secretary BlRKF. KlNATll S. Officers and Sir Knights of Simon Commandery No i. K T are hereby ordered to assemble i at St Mary's P E Church MJrd st be- I tween G and H sts. n.w . Sunday. March Ml 1M.J7 1M Jo p.m.. for purpose of at tending funeral of Sir IGNATIUS BURKE, t SIR SOLOMON FOSQUE Eminent Commander SIR THOMAS PATRICK Recorder • Bl RKF IGNATIUS Officers and members of Naomi Chapter No M O E S are requested to attend the funeral nf our . sentinel. Brother IGNATIUS BURKE i Sunday March Ml IWJ7 a’ 1 pm from : St Mary's Episcopal Church. MJrd st. between G and H sts. n.w LAURA THORN LEY W M. F \\ ALSTON W P Attest: B R TAYLOR Bl RKF.. MARA LOUISE. On Thursday March is. 1!»J1. at her residence 4«>4 P st n w MARY LOUISE BURKE sister of Albert Fleming and Susie Smith i Site is also survived by an aunt. Mar- : tha Thompson of Richmond. Va.. and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. 1SM«» Oth st. n w. Notice of funeral 1 later. M" BURN. SAMUEL I ALE Suddenly on Friday. March 1!» l!»J7. at his resi dence. Chesapeake Beach Md SAMUEL LYLE BURN the beloved father of Mrs. Pearl Frances Whittaker of Cabin John. Md and brother of James D Burn and Mrs. Minnie Schultz of Washington. D. C Remains resting at the W W Cham bers Co. funeral home ]400 Chapin st. n w Notice of funeral later BUTLER. ALICE!. Departed this life on Wednesday March 17 11*37. at B< lle vur Hospital New York City. ALICE BUTLER She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted father George Butler: a , sister Louise Butler: two brothers. George Butler ir . and Sylvester Butler: four aunts and other relatives end friends Family can be seen at the resi dence of her aunt. Mrs. Rose Dines. : 14 1M-A Half st s.w Remains resting at the Morris A Carter funeral home Mnd and F sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. , CAVANAUGH. CHARLES J. Suddenly, on Friday Murch 13 1337 at hi* resi- . rienrr 537 2nd st. s.e CHARLES J. CAVANAUGH beloved husband of Gwen dolyn Cavanaugh Funeral from hi* ' late residence on Tuesday March 23. at 6:30 a m.: thence to St. Peter's Church where mass will be offered at 3 a m Interment Arlington National Cemetery. CHANEY. EMMA. On Friday. March 10 1037. at Fort Bennine. Ga. Mrs. EMMA CHANEY, wife of the late Dr Thomas M Chaney of Chaney Calvert County, Md She is survived by daughters. Mrs. E G Balch. Misses Lilian. Josephine and Martha Chaney of Chaney Md : sons Mai. Thomas M Chaney Fort Bennine Ga. Brig. Gen J. E. Chaney. Randolph Field. Tex and Dr William Calvert Chaney. Memphis. Tenn : broth er. Dr Eugene Chaney and sister. Mrs. Rose Courtnev Funeral services at Smithville Church. Maryland at 2 pm.. March 22. 21 CHRISM AN. ELLIS C LINTON. On Satur day March 20. 1037. ai her residence 028 7th st. n.e ELLIS CLINTON CHRIS MAN (nee Fleming’, beloved wife of George H. Chrisman. Services at the above residence on Tuesday March 23. ' at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 22 COOKE. CHARLES LEE. On Thursday. March IS 1037. at United States Navy Hospital CHARLES LEE COOKE son of the late L. M. E and Mary M Cooke. Funeral from the Calvary Baptist Church. Mh and H sts. n.w. on Saturday. March 20. at 2 p in Interjnent ‘private* Lou don Park Cemetery. Baltimore Md. ‘Frederick and Haeerstown. Md.. papers please copy.) DAVIS. MARION L. On Tuesday. March I'* 1037. at her residence. 47 D st s.e.. MARION L DAVIS, devoted wile of Mor ton Davis, mother of AntioneUe Davis, loving daughter o! Mrs. Annie McKii1 r,ey She also leaves two uncles, three aunts and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Frnest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You st. n.w Funeral Saturday. March 2o. at 8 p m. from the above funeral church. Interment Remington. Va Sunday. 20 DEMENT. ACHRA E. On Friday. March It*. 1337. at her home, at Waldorf. Md.. ACHRA E DEMENT beloved wife of John F Dement. Funeral services will be at Church of God. Marbury. Md.. Mon day. March 22. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. • EDWARDS. ISAM. On Friday. March 10. 1337 ISAH EDWARDS, aged *7 years, of 1720 loth st. n.w. She leaves to mourn their loss six daughters three sons, four sons-in-law. two daughters in-law several grandchildi en and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains to be viewed at R C. Richardson’s fu neral chapel after 6 p.m. Saturday. In terment Sharpsbure. N. C.. Sunday March 21. GRAEF. EMILY C. On Friday. March 10 1337. EMILY C GRAEF Mrs. Graef is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Ballard Moore of Chicago 111. and a grandson. Ballard Mooie jr Private services at her late residence. 1525 35th st nw on Sunday. March 21. at 3 p m 21 GUNDLING. MARY ELIZABETH. Sud denly. on Friday March 13. 1337 at her residence. Lanham Md.. MARY E GUNDLING aeed 73 years, beloved wife of the late Frederick Gundling Re mains resting at Gasch's Sons’ funeral home. 46 Maryland ave . Hyattsvilie. Md. Services at the above funeral home on Monday. March 22. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment at WhUefleld Cemetery. Lanham. Md. 21 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium Oh and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 5S200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) i84?3034 M St. N.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Seventh St N.W W A 9d7** Modern Chapel Tel. ^ /%UOnai / O V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtlomajnC2892 1009 H St. N.W. Chamber^ One of the utrgea. Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 _FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER ,.BX££essive FLORAL tributes at MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 01 Of! Open Evening _ . .., r _ »nd Sundays Cor. 14tn & Eye GUDE BROS CO. Floral Pieces | 1212 P St. N.W. NAtlonal 4276 r.... " Dratfjfl. 1 HARPER. HOI LY. Departed this life sud denly. Tuesday. March Id. 1937. HOLLY HARPER, devoted son of Mrs. Rosie Buckner lovlna father of Mildred Harper, half-brother of Mary Graham. He also leaves one uncle Prank Payne: a devoted friend Mary Campbell, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chanel. 3rd and Eye sts. s w.. where fu neral services will be held on Monday. March 22. at 1:30 pm Interment In Arlington National Cemetery. 21 HEATH. GEORGE W. On Friday. March 10. 1937. GEORGE W. HEATH of 1235 Simms place n.e.. beloved father of Leon P. Albert G and John B Heath. Re mains resting at Lee’s funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. until Monday. March 22. at S:30 a m ; thence to Holy Name Church, where mass will be offered, at 9 a.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 21 HOFFMAN, CHARLES FRANKLIN. On Friday. March >:>. 1937. CHARLES FRANKLIN HOFFMAN aged ?4 years, beloved husband of Anna Hoffman and f. ■ her of Charles Hoffman. Elizabeth Fowler. Mane Lucas. Frances Luxen: he also leaves one sister. Jennie Bentley. Funeral services Monday. March 22. at 2 p.m . at HysonR's parlors. 1390 N st. n.w. Interment Glen wood Ceme 21 HOWARD. BIRRFLL. On Wednesday. March 17. 1937. at Freedmen’s Hos pital. BURRELL HOWARD, son of the late Fountin and Fhyllis Howard, de voted husband ol Mrs. Josephine Howard. He also leaves to mourn their loss four brothers and three sisters and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Saturday. March 20 at 0 p.m.. from Morrow s funeral home. 1326 V st n.w. Interment March 21. Charlottesville. Va. 20 JACKSON. SAM CHARLES. On Thurs day March is. 1937. at Georgetown Uni versity Hospital. SAM CHARLES JACK SON. devoted husband of Pauline Jack son. father of Minnie Elizabeth Jackson, son of Arthur and Minnie Jackson, brother of Albert. Walter. Ralph. Marie. Mabel Glariva Faith and Gloria Jack son Emma Lloyd and Moselle Yancy. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeial church. 1432 You st n.w. Fu neral Sunday. March 21 at 2 p.m . from Waterford M E Churcn. Waterford Va. Relatives and friends invited. 21 JOHNSON. DAVID. On Sunday March 11 david Johnson beloved hus band of Margaret Johnson, son of the late Amanda Johnson ot Charlotte. N. C . brother of John and Frank Johnson. Ho also leaves other relatives and triend?. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w Funeral Monday. March 22. at 2 p.m. fwrm the above funeral church. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 20 LACEY. EMERY VV On Friday March 10. 103 7. EMERY W. LACEY, beloved hus band of Edith H Lacey, father of Wil liam E and Nancy Lee Lacey brother of Charles. Quinton and Ellis Lacey and Mrs. Myrtle Speakes Mrs. Ruby Montgomery and Mrs. Julia Edmonds of Washington. D C. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 14no Chapin st. n.w.. on Sunday. March 21. at 2’ p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Leesburg Va. 21 LINNEY. KATHERINE B. (NEE HI'HON). On Friday. March 10. 1037. in Balti more Md KATHERINE B LINNEY <nee Hutton), beloved wife of the late John J. Linney and sister of Harry S Hutton and aunt of Mrs. Madge Smith of Wash ington. D. C Funeral from the parlors of Harry H Witzke Hollins and Gil more st> . altimore on Monday. March 22. at J) a m Reauiem high mass at St. Martin s Church at 0:3o a.m In terment in Congressional Cemetery. . Washington. D. C.. at 11:45 a.m. 21 LONG. Al'Gl’STA. On Wednesday March 1 17 1037. at S’. Elizabeth's Hospital, i AUGUSTA LONG devoted mother of J Carrie Woodward and Mary Manley. She leaves six grandchildren, one niece, other relatives and friends Remains resting a: the W Ernes; Jarvis funeral church, j 1 432 You st. n.w- Notice of funeral J later. 20 MATTINGLY. DOLORES I.. On Thursday I March is. 11*37. at Children's Hospital.1, DOLORES L MATTINGLY, agect »> years, i of \2 Bates st. n.w beloved daughter of Charles and Margaret L. Leonberger Mattingly Funeral from the residence of her aunt. Mrs Rose Carroll. 025 Vir ginia ave. s.w on Monday March 22. at 2’ D.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Arrangements bv P A Taltavull. 21 MILLER. ALFARETTA. On Friday. March 10 1037 at Presbyterian Home. ALFARETTA MILLER beloved aunt of Thomas K Miller and Elbert Miller of Delaware. Remains resting at the S H. Hmes Co funeral parlors. 2001 14tn st n.w until lo a.m. Sunday. March 21. Funeral services at the Presby terian Home IMS Newton st. n.w. on Monday March 22. at 2:30 D.m. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery 21 MOFFATT. MARION A. Suddenly, on Fri day March 10 1037 MARION A. MOF FATT the beloved wife of the late Cyrus ; L Moffatt and mother of John R and j Thomas L Moffatt Funeral from her ! late residence. 221 2nd st. s e on Mon- j day March 22. at 8:30 a m thence to I Sr Peter's Church where mass will be offered at o a.m. Interment Mount 1 Olivet Cemetery. 21 MURRAY. JOHN D On Thursday March lx. 1037 at his residence. 0703 5th st. n.w. JOHN D MURRAY beloved hus- ! band of Margaret M Murray. Funeral from his late residence on Monday. March 22. at 0 a m thence to the Church of the Nativity, where requiem mass will be said at 0:30 a.m Relatives and friends invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 21 MURRAY. JOHN I). Members of Spalding , f. Council. Knights of Columbus, are ! notified of the death of Brother fe^JOHN D MURRAY and are re Quested to assemble at his late ; residence. 6703 5th st. n.w . on ^ v Saturday evening March 20. 1037, at S p.m . for recitation of the Rosary. T F CARLIN. G K JOHN M TABLER F. S 20 MYERS. MARTHA LEE. On Friday. March 10. 1037. at her residence 2507 Rhode Island ave n.e MARTHA LEE MYERS, beloved wife of the lare Charles F. Myers. Funeral services and interment at New Market. Va.. on Saturday. March 20. at 2:30 D m NOWLIN. IDA s. On Friday. March 10. 1037 at her residence. 2245 Nichols ave. s e IDA S NOWLIN, widow of Peyton R Nowlin. Services at the chapel of Thomas F Murray & Sons 2007 Nichols ave. s.e on Monday March 22. at 10 a.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Lorraine Park Cemetery. Bal timore. Md. 21 PRESTON. LOUISE. Departed this life on Friday. March 10. 1037. LOUISE PRES TON of 5312 Bell place n.e She leaves to mourn their loss four children. Charles. Alice Oletha and Raymond Preston father, Henry Tyler: three brothers. Claude. Keith and Henry Ty ler. four sisters. Mrs. Grace Tyler Mrs. ! Virgie Holden Mrs Francis Webb and i Mrs. Lillian Whitting, and other rela- ; tives and friends. Remains resting at j the Malvan Schey funeral home. N. j J ave and R st. n.w Funeral Monday. March 22. at 1 p.m.. from the above parlors. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 21 SIMMONS. ERNFLL C. On Thursday. March 18. 1937. at Casualty Hospital. , ERNELL C. SIMMONS devoted son of George Washington Simmons, brother of Foster. Orlando. Vail Jeter. Ewart and Otis Simmons. He also leaves other relanves and friends. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. and may be viewed from 4 to r» Sunday. March 21. Inter ment Dudley. N C. 21 SLATER. THEODORE. On Friday. March 19. 193 « at Gallinger Hospital. THEO DORE SLATER, brother of Mrs. Mar garet Carter and Herman Slater. He is also survived by a dear friend. Mrs. Mattie Jackson, and a host of other rel atives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w Notice of funeral later. 21 SMITH. BESSIE MAY. On Friday. March 1!*. 1937. at her residence. 1424 K st. n.w BESSIE MAY SMITH, beloved mother of Mrs. Ada R. Curran and Mrs. Virginia R. de Ruiz, and grandmother of Robert Page Curran and Betty Sis son Services at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Monday. March 22. at 3 o.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 21 SMITH. LAURA STUART. On Friday March 19 1937. at 2332 Wisconsin ave. n.w . LAURA STUART SMITH, beloved daughter of Cornelia L. and the late Allen Smith of King George County. Va. Funeral services at the Emanuel Church, at Port Conway. King George County. Va. on Sunday. March 21 at 2 p.m. Interment Port Conway. Relatives and friends invited. STEWART. CHARLES. Members of St. Augustine’s Commandery. No. 8. Knights of St John are reauested to assemble at Church of the Incarnation. Monday. March 22. 1937. 9 a.m., to attend the funeral of our late brother. CHARLES STEWART Remains resting at 706 Southern ave. n.e. , DANIEL SPRIGGS. Pres. J HOWARD OUANDER. Secty. • TAJLO!K PERCY H - JR Cm Friday. J937. at Freedmen's Hospital. PERCY H. TAYLOR. Jr., son of Percy H.. sr. and Maude E. Taylor of 1339 Corcoran st n.w.: husband of Missouri Taylor, brother of John. James and Winifred Taylor. Funerai from his late residence. 1339 Corcoran st. n.w.. on Monday. March 22. at 1:30 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. THOMAS, ADELEE. Departed this life Ma/ch 19■ 1937. ADELEE THOMAS of 551 24th st. n.e. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. Henry Thomas: one adopted daughter and a host of friends. Re mains resting at the Geo. B. Clarke Co. funeral parlor. 1410 Fla. ave. n.e. No tice of funeral later. • WHITE. JAMES. Departed this life on Friday. March ID. 10.17. at Alexandria Hospital. JAMES WHITE. He leaves one son Earl A. White: one sister-in law. Mrs. Bell Williams; six nieces three nephews and a host of other relatives and friends Funeral Monday, March 22. at 1:10 p.m.. from Third Baptist Church. Alexandria Va. Interment Bethel Cemetery. Alexandria. Va. WHITTINGTON. VERNON E. On Thurs day. March 18. 1937. at Gallinger Hos pital. VERNON E. WHITTINGTON of 1320 G st. n.e.. beloved husband of Queen Whittington and son of John and Elizabeth Whittington. He also leaves four brothers and five slsi^rs. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Brief services at above funeral home Saturday. March 20. at fi p.m. Funeral Sunday. March 21. at 1 p.m., from Cooper's Chapel. Calvert County, Md. 20 WILKINSON. WILLIAM F On Thurs day. March 18. 1937. at Mount Alto Hospital. WILLIAM F WILKINSON, be loved husband of Isabelle Wilkinson and father of William F Wilkinson. 1r. Fu neral services at the W. W. Chamber! Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. March 22. at 1:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Arlington National cemetery. 21 Any Old Port in a Storm This dramatic chance photo by an amateur photographer was taken in Kansas City today as J. B. Aldrich, loan company manager, clung to a column on a narrow ledge just outside his second story ivindou) while inside Glenn B Williams, patrolman was shotting it out with Leon B. Miller. Miller, an ex-wrestler from Mansfield, Ohio, was taken by surprise during an armed hold-up and surrendered after suffering critical wounds. Three stenographers cowered behind desks during the fusilade of shots. __ —Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. ‘‘Missing Link*’ i Continued From First Page 1 a new tlype of two-legged creature, probably subhuman. But, Broom s^id. the. scientists of Europe declared it could only be a young chimpanzee. He said they did not look at it and its classification remained unsettled. Since the new discovery, he said, there is no longer any doubt that both creatures are different than chim panzees. The first one lived 750,000 years ago, or about half a million j years earlier than last year’s find. I Prof. Dart thought there were indica-j tions in the shape of the creature's i skull that it had learned to talk. Dart also believed that the parents I of the “baby” had learned to use sticks as (dubs to kill game and stones i to dig for food. This belief was based on the discovery of skeletons of ex tinct animals in the baby’s cave. The near-human creatures have been named austrolapithecus afri-, canus. “In my opinion,” Broom said,, "there can hardly be doubt that both australopit&ici are closely allied to the* ancestors of man. They are prob-j -¥ Beattys. WILKINSON. WILLIAM F. A special , communication of Hope Lodge No 20. 1 F A A M is hereby called for the 1 purpose cf attending the funeral of our 1 late brother WILLIAM F WILKINS-ON . on Monday. March 22 1937 at 1*5-36 p m RICHiARD L MERRICK. Master Attest PAUL B ELCAN. Secretary 21 WILKINSON. WIII.IAM f. comrade* ot Richard J Harden Camn. No 2 Unfted Spanish War Veterans, will assemble at Chambers' fu neral hom* 140n Chapin st. i n.w. for the funeral of ouir late i comrade. WILLIAM F WIL KINSON. at 1:15 Dm Mon day. March 22. 1937 Intermerit Ar lington National Cemetery H M. MANNING. Commander. H. L. LESLIE. Adjutant. 21 In fSemortam. ANDREWS. HERBERT EDMUND. In loving memory of HERBERT EDMUWD AN- ; DREW’S who entered into rest «n March 20. 1933. HIS PARBNTS * ' BEALL. VIOLA F. In loving memory of VIOLA F. BEALL, who went to re«t one 1 year ago March 20 1936. The world may change from yean to year, j Our lives from day to day: But loving memories of you Will linger until we meet again. H. N. BBALL BROWNLEY. WALTER. In remem- ' brance of my husband. WALTER BROW’NLEY who departed this lii'e seven years ago today. March 20. 1030 Love and remembrance last always. HIS DEVOTED WIFE, EMMA BROWN LEY CORNICK. LUELLA PRYMUS. A tribute of love to the memory otf nr dear mother LUELLA PRYMUS Cf-RNICK. who departed this life one year ago to day Friday. March 20. 19316. The world may change from year to year Our lives from day to dfi!y; But love and memory of you. Mother dear, shall nev«r pass away. YOUR LOVING DAUGHTER. ELIZA BETH. • DENT. WARREN G. In sad but losing re membrance of our dear husband and loving father WARREN <3. DENT who departed this life one year ago today. March 20. 1036 DEVOTED WIFE. DAUGHTERS AND SONS. GRISSAM. WILLIAM J. In memory of my dear husband and our loving father. WILLIAM J GRISSAM. U. S. Park Po lioe. who was killed five Tears ago today. March 20. 1932. His memory will ever be with us. WIFE LULU AND DAUOVHTERS. HELEN AND MARJORIE. • HARRISON. JOHN H. Im loving remem brance of my husband JOHN H. HAR RISON. who departed tbiis life two years aeo today. March 20 19 35. Loved in life, remembered in death. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. DORA E. HAR- ! RTSON. • HENDERSON. CECELIA. Sacred and dear to me is the memory of my mother. CECELIA HENDERSON, who departed this life one year ago today. March 20. 1936. The years may wipe out^inany things. But this they will wiifF out never. The memory of those hsrppy days When we were all together. I miss you. mother, from your place. I miss your gentle, smiting face: The lonely home, the vateant chair— I miss you. mother, everywhere. HER LOVING SON. EA/RL EASTON. • MILLER. CLARA E. A tribute of love snd devotion to the memofrw of our darling daughter, sister. nii*oe and cousin. CLARA E. MILLER. w>o departed this life five years ago Today. March 20. 1D32. t Beyond the sunset shk- has gone. To rest a little while: Leaving the memories of loving words And the sweetness of her smile. HER LOVING FAMILY. • MINOR. AUDREY SYLVIA. Sacred to the memory of my beloved! daughter. AUD REY SYLVIA who died ten years ago today. March 20. 1927w She left us all at call of Him Who notes the sparrow's fall: Lord, keep her safe till all obey Thy universal call, DEVOTtaD MOTHER. * REYNOLDS. HENRY HOOD. A tribute of undying love to the merriorr of my be loved son. HENRY HOOp REYNOLDS, who passed away sudrteiilv seven years aeo today March 20 lffSo. In my heart your memory lineers Sweetly, tender, and true: There is never a day dear Hood. That I do not thus: of you. HIS LOVTNCI MOTHER. • SCHWARTZ. SARA FRANK. In loving memory of our dear mother. SARA FRANK SCHWARTZ, wfho died fifteen years aeo today, March i’o. 1922 HER' CHILDREN. • SMITH. MATILDA. In loarlitg memory of our dear mother. Mb’s. MATILDA SMITH, who passed awaiy one year ago today. March 20. 1938. Loved, remcmherecl. thou*Iht of always. LOVING DAUGHTERS. RUTH AND EL LEN • SULLIVAN, JOHN FRANCIS. In memory of our dear father. JOHnT FRANCIS SULLIVAN who passed awaywthree years ago today. March 20. 1934,, We miss you, daddy, our hearts are sore As time goes Dy we miss j|ou more. Your loving smile, your geujtle face— No one. daddy, can take yo ar place. THE CHILDREN. • ( ably members of the group from I which man descended. They form a j good link between man and the type of anthrapoid ape known to have ; lived 15,000,000 years ago.” Father Teilhard de Chardin. Jesuit scholar, one of the most eminent geologists in the world, yesterday pre sented the international gathering of scientists with evidence which he said showed that man must be considered as descending from ffpes. "But,” he said, "in these discoveries theie need be no difficulty for Chris tianity. As a scientist I must admit the evidence that man was bom from the animal kingdom. But he was not an animal. The great, the tremendous, the significant fact about man is the coming of thought with and through him." Father De Chardin brought to this country for the first time the exhibits, photographs and studies of the dis covery near Peiping of Sinanthropus, a primitive man who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. Sinanthropus, he said, is the "third stage” found in tracing backward man's prehistory. The first, he ex plained, is modem man. The second stage is the Neanderthal type, a man whose skull and stature were different. THE WEATHER _ District of Columbia—Showers to night, probably clearing tomorrow \ morning; slightly warmer with lowest : temperature about 50 degrees tonight; i colder tomorrow- and tomorrow night; j moderate south and southeast winds, shifting to west or northw-est tomorrow ! morning. Maryland—Showers this afternoon and tonight, probably clearing tomor row morning in east and central por tions; light rams, changing to snow flurries in extreme west portion to morrow; warmer tonight, colder to morrow and tomorrow- night. Virginia—Showers this afternoon and tonight, probably clearing tomor row morning, except light rains, changing to snow flurries in extreme ; j northwest portion tomorrow; warmer in east and colder in extreme west portions tonight, colder tomorrow and tomorrow night. West Virginia—Light rains and colder tonight; tomorrow generally fair and colder except probably light rains in northeast portions, changing to snow flurries. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers clear today. Report for Last 21 Hours Yesterday— Today Temp Baro. Temp. Baro. Deg. Ins Deg. Ins. 4 p.m SO 29.88 4 a.m. 4.2 29.99 Is p.m. . 52 29.92 8 a.m._48 29.94 Midnight 48 29.98 Noon. 58 29.82 Record for Last 21 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today,) Highest. 58, at noon today. Lowest, 48. at 4 a.m. today. Record Temperatures This Year. Highest. 78. on January 9 Lowest. 19. on February 28. Tide Tables. I (Furnished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today. Tomorrow. j High _ 2:11a.m. 3:18 a.m. Low ___ 8:56 a.m. 10:03 a.m. 'High 2:30 p.m. 3:43 pm. Low ___ 0:36 p.m. 10:08 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Rises. Sets. Sun. today _ 6:13 6:10 Shin. tomorrow . 6:11 6:20 Moon, today 12:11pm. 2:11a.m. Automobile lights must be turned on one half hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in inches In the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1037. Average. Record. January _ 7.83 3.55 7.83 '37 February_ 3.33 3.27 6.84 ’84 March _ - 1.40 3.75 8.84 '91 April _ 3.27 9.13 ’89 May _ 3.70 10.60 '89 June _ 4.13 10.94 *00 July_ 4.71 10.63 ’86 August _ 4.01 14.41 ’28 September _-_ 3.24 17.45 ’34 October_ 2.84 8.57 ’85 November_ 2.37 8.69 ’89 December _ 3.32 7.56 ’OJ Weather in Various Cities. Temp. Raln Sations. Baro. H'h.Low.fall. Weath'r Abilene. Tex. _ 30.08 74 42 Clear Albany. N. Y. _ 30.04 46 34 Clear Atlanta. Ga. 29.80 74 58 0.98 Rain Atlantic City 30.04 58 38 Cloudy Baltimore. Md 29.98 56 40 Cloudy Birmingham 29.76 72 60 1.66 Cloudy Bismarck. N. D. 30.08 32 24 Cloudy Boston. Mass 30.02 50 34 Clear Buffalo N. Y. 29.90 36 30 0.01 Snow Charleston. S. C. 29.96 78 60 0.48 Cloudy Chicago. 111. 25).64 36 34 0.01 Cloudy Cincinnati 29.56 56 50 Cloudy Cleveland. Ohio 29.66 40 36 0.32 Cloudy Columbia. S C. 29.88 70 58 0.72 Rain Denver. Colo 30.10 36 20 0.12 Clear Detroit. Mich 29.76 42 30 0.16 Rain El Paso. Tex - 30.06 62 36 Clear Galveston. TeX- 29.94 70 62 0.02 Cloudy Helena. Mont 30.02 38 28 _ Cloudy Huron. S. Dak. 30.08 40 24 Cloudy Indianapolis 29.56 54 42 0.38 Cloudy Jacksonville.Fla. 30.00 82 64 Cloudy Kansas City . 29.80 64 36 0.06 Cloudy Los Angeles __ 30.06 64 48 _ Clear Louisville. Ky__ 29.50 62 54 ___ Clear Miami. Fla_ 30.02 78 72 _Clear Minneapolis _ 29.94 38 22 Clear New Orleans 29.88 78 70 0.08 Cloudy New York. N. Y. 30.06 48 36 Cloudy Oklahoma City 30.02 70 36 Clear Omaha. Nebr- 29.94 40 28 0.38 Cloudy Philadelphia _ 30.06 50 36 _ Cloudy Phoenix. Ariz - 30.00 66 42 Clear Pittsburgh. Pa._ 29.72 48 38 0.08 Rain Portland. Me 30.00 46 32 0.02 Clear Portland. Oreg 29.80 46 40 0.12 Cloudy Raleigh. N. C. 29.92 66 54 Rain Salt Lake City 29.96 40 32 . Cloudy San Antonio 29.98 86 58 _Clear San Diego. Cal. 30.06 62 46 Cloudy San Francisco- 30.08 54 48 1.16 Cloudy St. Louis. Mo. 29.52 54 50 0.04 Cloudy Seattle Wash. 29.78 52 42 0.10 Rain Spokane. Wash. 25).84 42 32 _Cloudy Tampa. Fla - 30.02 80 62 _Clear WASH., D. C.__ 29.96 57 43 ___ Cloudy New Commissioner to Philip pines and Gov. Graves on Largest Caller List. BY J. RUSSELL YOUNG, Stall Correspondent ot The Star. WARM SPRINGS, Ga„ March 20 - President Roosevelt today faced the largest number of visitors he has had any day since coming here a week ago yesterday. Most important among these engagements were those with former Gov. Paul V. McNi^t of In diana, whom he recently appointed high commissioner of the Philippines, and Gov. Bibb Graves of Alabama. Mr. Roosevelt slept much later this morning because he did not return to his little frame home until long after midnight, after spending the afternoon and evening at the luxurious planta tion home of Cason Callaway, near Lagrange, Ga , about 25 miles south of here. Mr. Callaw'ay, who Is an old friend of the President, is the largest cotton spinner in the South. In addi tion, he has a cotton textile manufac turing plant, and operates a 20,000 acre cotton plantation. Five Miles off Main Road. The Callaway plantation home, known as Blue Springs, is attractively situated in a remote section about 5 miles from the main highway. In order for Mr. Roosevelt and those in his visiting party to reach that paved highway last night in a downpour of rain, it was necessary for the little caravan of automobiles to travel a dangerously slippery, winding, wet clay road. In addition bo the torrential rain, there was a heavy mist, which made visibility difficult. The cars moved slowly and cautiously until the paved road was reached. Mr. Roose velt was well bundled up and seemed to enjoy the ride. The President remained later than he would have done, had not he and others of his party lingered on, think ing and hoping the storm would sub side With the President on this visit were Betsy, his daughter-in-law, who is act. ing as his hostess while at Warm Springs; Secretary Marvin McIntyre, Dr. Ross T Mclntire, White House physician; Basil O'Connor of New York, former law partner of the Presi dent, who is staying with him for the week end. Former Gov. McNutt has been in Washington holding a series of con ferences with the War Department j authorities preparatory to sailing J shortly for Manila. I^*s talk with the j President today was primarily for the j purpose of receiving final instructions. Honorary Member of Society. Others on the President's list were Edward Lowery of Washington, maga zine writer, who is understood to be preparing a series of articles on tenant farming; S. S Brown, president of the Merriwether Building & Loan Asso ciation of Manchester, about five miles from here, and a delegation of officers of the Phi Kappa Literary Society of the University of Georgia, who took this occasion to confer upon the President an honorary membership. Six former Presidents were members of this society, among them being the President's great American hero. An drew Jackson. Peculiarly enough. Old Hickory was black-balled when he came up for membership before he became President, but later, when he was an occupant of the White House, he was made an honorary member. James Roosevelt, the President's eldest son. who is now one of his secre taries. joined his father and his wife here today. "Jimmy,” as he is affec tionately known, delivered an address last night at a victory banquet in Athens, Ga„ about 160 miles from here. It is thought likely that he will remain here to return to Wash ington with the President the latter part of next week. • — . • -■■■■ - ■ ■ - ARLINGTON RITES TODAY FOR DEAD ARMY AIRMAN Lieut. Carlyle W. Phillips, Army Air Corps, killed in an Army transport airplane crash Tuesday, near Green ville, Ala., was to be buried with full military honors today in Arlington National Cemetery. Chaplain Ora J. Cohee was to offi ciate and a formation of Air Corps planes from Bolling Field was to fly the traditional "blank flle” formation over the grave. Honorary pallbearers are Majs. Arthur E. Easterbrook, George S. Warren and Lowell H. Smith and Capts. James C. Cluck, Donald F. i Stace and James W. Spry, all of the Air Corps. Seven soldiers flying with Lieut. Phillips from Valparaiso, Fla., to their home base at Scott Field. 111., scaped by resorting to their parachutes. Lieut. Phillips was carried to his death when his parachute fouled the tail of the airplane as he jumped. Marriage Licenses. Robert M. Moyer. 27. 1462 Clifton st.. and Marian E. Goodno. 22. 1416 Perry pi.; Rev. Bernard Braskamp. Clarence N Scott. 23. 3141 N st. and Clarabelle S. Singleton. 19. 1362 Emer son st. n.e.: Rev. I. W. Ketchum. Bristow F. Johnson. 47. 1312 Florida ave.. and Jennie E. Garkins. 33. Baltimore. Rev H. H. Thompson. George D Ashbey. 37. 308 10th st. s.e.. and Kathleen L. Moyer. 31. 633 C st. n.e.; Rev. J. C. Ball. Robert Shivers. 30. and Daisy Holmes. 30. both of 1222 12th st., Rev. Augustus Lewis. Jerry Diggs. 58. 710 13th at. n.e.. and Amy Morris. 38. 306 M st.; Rev. A. C. Forster. Orville H. Pollard. 21. and Annie M Har grove. 21. both of Arlington. Va.; Rev. C. H. Veney. Louis Goldman. 24 and Helen Polansky. 20. both of Baltimore; Rev. Abram Simon. John F. Merryman. 31. and Pauline K. Funk. 21. both of Alexandria. Va.; Rev. C S. Biggs. Harry G. Bennett, jr.. 27. Richmond Hill. N. Y.. and Dorothea V. Thomas. 22. Bellaire. N. Y ; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Lance Moore, 31. Naval Air Station, and Beulah M. Gibson. 21. 1610 Gales st. n.e.; Rev. J. E. Briggs. Berry T. Wright. 32. 128 Carroll st. s.e.. and Catherine R. Wright. 29. 3009 Otis st. n.e.; Rev. M. P. German. Wade H. Martin. 28. and Alma L Pemfrey. 20. both of Richmond; Rev. J. C. Ball. Many Near Starvation. The submerged classes in the less industrialized countries of Europe, too weak to win for themselves any re dress, live in a condition nose to the border line of starvation. Naturally, they will turn to whoever promises them food and shelter, Communist or extreme Fascist, It doesn’t matter which, just as long as they can get something to eat. (edexr Hill ‘M'Mliuujtim modBmdfyd (emeteru Community Mausoleum, Columbarium and Receivinc Vault*, Young Washington Francis Krahling, student of the Anacostia High School, dis playing some of the curios collected by his classmates. Francis, 13, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Krahling, 3363 Brothers place southeast. Monday—William A. Sweeney, jr„ son of Mr. ana Mrs. William A. Sweeney, at the Anacostia High School.. —Star Staff Photo. Spain iContinued Fr^jn First Page.) government attack in the University City sector yesterday. Franco's men, including Spanish | Falangistas from Morocco, charged 1 from their trenches around the clinic j hospital when the advancing lines of J the government attack broke under I their fire. The insurgents started a fierce pur- j I suit, driving their foes into buildings i east of University City and within i Madrid's boundaries, it was said. FYom this foothold the insurgents i j were said to have spread out. occupy I ing a large area of Madrid and mak- j i mg the most decisive change in the i siege lines in months. The official insurgent communique i | last night said only that the govem 1 ment attack had been repulsed, but the j eye-witnesses declared Franco's men had firmly established new, strategic | positions. The capital has been under j siege four months. j Officers explained that official notice of the move would not be included in a communique until the fresh positions were consolidated and reinforced. One of the "Falangistas" who fought in the counter attack said, "We were almost as surprised as the reds." "It was not a planned attack.” he went on. "W'e simply followed up the j reds when their attack failed and found ourselves on the other side of the ravine separating the city from University City, with the reds still re treating. "Apparently they were at that mo ment unprepared to defend the sector ; so we pushed on into the city itself." I Through the night other soldiers, munitions and supplies were rushed j into the newly gained territory, it was ! said. LOYALISTS CLAIM VICTORY. Franco’s Guadalajara Rear Guard Bombed Heavily. MADRID. March 20 (.Py—Govern ment airmen lashed at Gen. Francisco Franco's Guadalaajara rear guard to day with bombs and machine guns, striving to complete what Gen. Jose j Miaja already termed the "implacable defeat" of that Madridward offensive. Officers said the insurgent forces, whom they described as Italian peas antry. broke in wild confusion under the sudden strafing. Bi-motored bombers and fast pur suit ships waged the onslaught to facilitate a two-headed push by gov ernment troops into the Guadalajara province territory they lost in the nearly two-week insurgent offensive. The government high command at Madrid yesterday published what it declared was a telegram from Premier Benito Mussolini to an Italian general FLOWERS DUPONT CIRCLE Gj# NO. 7000 - - . _. - W. W. Chambers Here is the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT Chamber% YOU HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE FUNERAL FOR Others (95. *135. *150. S1R5 Up. THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOTCQC COMPLETE—Low os For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famous Undertaker 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1400 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Phone Columbia 0433 T17 ELEVENTH ST. S.E. Phone ATlantic 6700 918 CLEVELAND AVE., RIVFRDALE. MD. Near Hyattsville. Md. Phone Greenwood 1221 in Spain saying H Duce was watching personally over the operations of Italian forces in the Spanish war Government officials said the mes sage had been sent from the cruiser Pola last week while Premier Musso lini was on his way to Libya. They declared it was found among docu ments seized at Bnhuega when that town on the Guadalajara front was taken by government troops Thurs day. CARGO LEAVES NORFOLK. NORFOLK. Va„ March 20 UP).— The British steamer Lmaria cleared Hampton Roads yesterday for Seville, Spain, with 4.892 tons of nitrate of soda which her master, Capt. Joseph Robinson, said in the manifest was intended for “agricultural use." Robinson made the statement under oath to customs officials in compliance with neutrality laws of the United States, which prohibit exportation of war materials to nations engaged in war. Seven members of the Linaria’s crew quit at Boston because they charged the nitrates would be trans ported to Spain for use by the in surgents in manufacturing munitions. Sailing was delayed while other sea men could be signed. She loaded the nitrate cargo at Hopewell, Va. MAN, 75, WOMAN HELDMURDERED Son Says He Threw Gun Out Window After Find ing Bodies. By the Associated Press NEW ALBANY, Ind., March 20 - Police Chief Edward Meyers today labeled as "double murder * * * defi nitely" the deaths of Albert E. Miller, 75, and his former housekeeper, Mrs, Alta Amy, 48, Kenneth E. Miller, 34. said he found his father dead and Mrs. Amy dying in the family dining room early yes terday. The elder Miller wore only his underwear and Mrs. Amy was shoeless. A bed in the next room was rumpled. Chief Meyers called on John I. Messmer, chief of the Louisville crime laboratory, to make paraffin tests of Kenneth Miller’s hands. The results were kept secret. The test is designed to show whether the hand had lately fired a gun. Meyers, Messmer and three other Louisville detectives questioned Ken neth Miller two hours. They said he admitted telling his brother Earl, 37. to hide a shotgun he hrew out the window when he found the bodies. Kenneth explained he wanted nobody to think his father killed himself. Coroner Prank Tyler of Flody Coun ty declared he thought it impossible for either victim to have fired the shots. Kenneth Miller said he found the bodies when he came home from the Club Greyhound, where he is floor manager. Psychic Message Council non Twelfth st s w Corner of 12th and *XM Circle* Daily, 2:30 & 7:30 P.M Grace Gray DeLonr Reader Personal interviews for spiritual neip and guidance may be arranged by a visit to the Council House or Telephone Mccruwolitan 6234 Consultation ?1 > On Diamond*. Watche*. Jewelry. Gun*. Cameras. Musical Instruments, etc. lowest Inredeemed Rate* Pledge* Possitle For Sal* Take Any Du* Leaving i 11b and Pa Are. HORNING’S The True Story OF THE WEYERHAEUSER KIDNAPING Revealing accurately how the Mahan Gang, headed by William Dainard, bet ter known as Bill Mahan, the "MAD KIDNAPER," one-time Public Enemy Number 1, "snatched" little George Weyerhaeuser for $200,000 RANSOM and how THE G-MEN TRACKED DOWN THE KIDNAPERS . . . An Authentic Account From the Files of the F. B. I. BEGINS MONDAY In the Pictorial Strip “WAR ON CRIME” By Rex Collier in Jtjenina plat* order your copies now