February New Business Shows 31 Per Cent Gain Over 1936 Month. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Distact of Columbia life insurance agents hung up a brilliant record in February, writing 31 pier cent more new business than in February, 1936, at the same time beating the mark set by every State in the Union but Flor ida, which did 33 per cent more busi ness than a year ago. Virginia did almost as well as Wash ington, reporting a gain of 27 per cent in new insurance, according to the monthly survey of the Life Insurance Sales Research Bureau, Hartford, Conn. New insurance in West Vir ginia was 15 per cent better than a year ago. South Carolina boosted business 12 per cent and Maryland wrote 1 per cent more policies than last year in the same month The national average was up 6 per cent. North Carolina dropped 2 per cent. In the national figures the South Atlantic States made a particularly good showing with an aggregate gain of 15 per cent. New England also did well. During February Washing ton agents wrote $5,875,000 in new business, Maryland reported a total of $6,794,000, Virginia. $6,047,000; West Virginia, $4,169,000; North Carolina, $5,703,000. and South Carolina, $2, 633,000. Including Delaware. Geor gia and Florida, the total for the group was $44,038,000. In the Capital 85 per cent of the Old Line offices did more business than in February, 1936. Business in Washington during the first two months of this year w»as up 7 per cent. Virginia’s was 14 per cent higher and Maryland 6 per cent. This city's February gain was far ahead of Boston, New York, Philadel phia. Chicago and all the other big cities in the country, the report re- j veals. Store Payments Show Gains. Payments on open-credit accounts receivable of department stores were made at a slightly higher rate during January. 1937, than during January, 1936. and December, 1936, according to an announcement today by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce. The installment collection rate was lower in January. 1937. than in both January and December, 1936. The in stallment collection percentages were 16.4 for January this year and 16.7 ! for January and 17.3 for December j last. year. Six of the Federal Reserve districts i reported higher collection perc -itages on open accounts for January, 1937, as compared with January, 1935. with the Philadelphia district registering the greatest relative increase. On in stallment accounts, the Boston, Rich mond and Chicago districts showed in- j creases, while the other nine districts j •howed decreases. Cochran Author of Tax Book. Howe P. Cochran, an attorney and accountant, who is a member of the District of Columbia bar, has just written a most exhaustive book on "Scientific Tax Reduction,” pub lished by Funk & Wagnalls, New York. This Washington man, whose home is in Chevy' Chase, has gone into the intricacies of the Federal tax laws at great length, his aim being to give a comprehensive treat ment of Federal income, gift and estate taxes, dealing with both ' gal and accounting tax problems. The author is enrolled to practice before the Treasury Department, Board of Tax Appeals and other courts, including the Supreme Court, and has had large tax experience. In his new book he includes many short schedules by which may be determined the gain or loss on any property sale. His book is certain to be widely read by large taxpayers, tax rractitioners and accountants, as one of the most comprehensive tax guides yet written. Market Interest Maintained. Boardrooms in Washington broker- ] age houses have been unusually j crowded during the past week. On j the outlook for the stock market there ] are as rnapy different opinions as ; customers. T5he action of United j States bonds .t^jfeljp'es in stocks, the Supreme CmiH&sit-down strikes and a host of 9 107 106)4 106)4 - 94 71 66 Am Car & Foundry... 8 6414 64 64 90*4 72 Am Chain & Cable bl. 2 83)4 8314 83)4 23*4 13*4 Am Colortype ... 3 20 19*4 19*4 - 14 2994 2694 Am Cornel A1 (a60c). 1 2794 2794 2794 13)4 8)4 Am Encaustic ... 25 1294 1214 1294 + 14 13*4 7)4 Am & Foreign Pwr_ 9 12 1194 11)4 + H 68)4 49 Am & For Pwr 86 pf.. 1 6014 60)4 60)4 + 14 68)4 58 Am & For Pwr 87 pf_. 2 60 6914 60 +1 21 18 Am Hawaiian! 1) .._ 1 1994 1 994 1 994 + 94 11)4 6)4 Am Hide & Leather.. 11 10)4 9)4 10 669* 87)4 Am Hide & L pf (3).. 2 61 60)4 60)4 - )4 4*4 2H Am Ice 1 414 4)4 4)4 + 94 17*4 13*4 Am Internatl (a40c). 4 1694 1694 1694 + 94 68)4 43 Am Locomotive _ 6 62)4 52 62 — 14 125 114 Am Locomo pf (a3).. 1115 116 115 + 94 2994 22*4 Am Mach&Fdry (tl). 6 26*4 26 2694 + 94 1394 11*4 Am Mach&Met (60c). 1 12 12 12+94 68*4 50)4 Am Metal 7 61)4 61 61)4 -1)4 129)4 124 Am Metals pf (6)_ 1 124 124 124 -194 75 62 Am News (N Y)(3)_60s 65 66 66 —1 16)4 11)4 Am Power & Light_ 13 13)4 13H 13)4 + 14 72)4 66)4 AmPwr&Lt pf (6).. 2 58)4 68)4 68I4 29** 24)4 Am Radiator (t60c).. 23 25)4 25)4 26)4 - 94 45)4 3314 Am Roll Mill ( + 1.20). 38 89)4 3894 3914 + 94 29 23)4 Am Seating (a2%)... 1 2694 269-4 2594-94 68 41 Am Shipbuilding (2). 210» 5794 6614 66)4-194 10694 88)4 Am Smelt & Ref (3).. 29 9714 96)4 97 -1 7) 4 3H Am S & R rts Mar 31. 115 5)4 5)4 694 - 14 6714 60 Am Snuff (|3) 1 61 61 61 + Vi 7814 6914 Amer Steel F (b50c). 2 61 61 61 -1 115 110)4 Am Steel Fdv pf (7).. 80s 110 110 110 — 14 187 171)4 Am Tel & Teleg (9).. 7 17114 171)4 171)4 - 94 99 78Vj Am Tobacco (5) _ 3 79)4 79)4 7 9)4 - h 99)4 80*4 Am Tobacco B (5)_ 4 81)4 81)4 8H4 - Vi 160)4 12814 Am Tobacco pf (6)_ 1 129 129 129 + 14 201* 16)4 Am Type Founders.. 1 1714 17)4 1714-14 2914 23*4 Am Water Wks (80c) 25 24)4 2394 2394 U*4 994 Am Woolen ... 1 12)4 12 12-14 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl).. 3 729* 7294 7294 - % 194 Us Am Writ Paper (d)_ 18 1)4 1 1—94 9** 6 Am Writ Pap pf (d).. 6 6)4 6)4 6(4-14 20 6*4 Am Zinc & Lead .. 22 16)4 16)4 1614 - 94 6914 62)4 Anaconda Copper(tl) 88 63)4 62)4 6314 -94 97 84 Anaconda Wire (t2)_ 2 90 90 90 -514 24*4 18 Anchor Cap (60c)_ 10 22)4 2114 22 ‘+14 10(4 6I4 A P W Paper _ 2 8 8 8-94 111 10794 Armour (Del) pf (7). 1 109** 10994 109** 13*4 7 Armour (111) (bl6c)... 33 1214 12(4 1214 + 14 99)4 8194 Armour(Ill)pr pf (6). 2 97)4 97 97 -1 70)4 59)4 Armstrong Cork (2). 9 68I4 68 68 — 94 1794 14 Artloom Corp _ 3 14 14 14—14 24*4 19)4 Assoc Dry Goods ._ 6 21(4 21 2114 + !4 8794 6914 Atch To & S F« (a2)_. 17 84 8314 839* + 94 55)4 44)4 Atl Coast Line (al).. 9 51)4 60)4 61 — 94 37 30)4 Atlantic Reflning(tl) 30 3394 32*4 3394 — 14 116)4112 Atlantic Ref pf (4) 1 11214 11214 11214 18)4 16*1 Atlas Corporation 80c 86 1814 18 18)4 62*4 50)4 Atlas Corp pf (3)_ 2 61)4 61)4 51)4 -'94 36*1 28)4 Auburn Auto _ 4 28)* 28)4 28)* — 9* 9) 4 7H Austin Nichols_ 2 8)4 894 8(4 99* 6*4 Aviation Corn (Del). 8 894 8)4 8)4 114 x Baldwin Loco (d) 16 9 9 8 -4 94 74 Baldwin Loco asd(d) 2 74 74 74 - 4 404 204 Baltimore & Ohio . 71 384 874 374 + 4 47?j 334 Baltimore & Ohio pf. 9 44 434 44 — 4 45 41 BangorfcAroos (24). 2 434 43 434 +1 434 354 Barber Co (a76c)_ 4 394 394 394 -4 32 254 Barker Brothers _ 1 274 274 274 42 38 Barker Bros pf (2 4) 60s 414 414 414 +4 354 264 Barnsdall Oil (1) 8 314 31 31 -4 204 174 Bayuk Cigars (t75c). 2 174 174 174 154 13 Belding Hemin (1»._. 1 134 134 134 + 4 304 25 Bendix Avia (b25c). 13 254 254 254 -4 105 4 73 Bethlehem Stl (al4) 71 954 93 4 95 +14 20 184 Beth St! 6% pf (1) 2 194 194 194 - 4 294 224 Blaw Knox (b20c) ... 9 284 274 274 - 4 944 914 Blumenthal pf (a21). 10s 92 92 92 -4 494 334 Boeing Airplane_ 8 46 464 454 — 4 93 87 Bon Ami (A)(4) 10s 87 87 87 +4 454 414 Bon Ami(B)(b624c) 30s 44 44 44 +14 28 264 Borden Co (1.60)_ 11 274 274 274 834 724 Bor*-Warner (4)_ 4 804 80 804 +1 124 84 Boston* Maine_ 14 14 134 14 +1 234 164 Brldgep't Brass (60c) 20 194 19 194 694 477, Briggs Mfg (t2) 14 484 474 484 -4 634 44 Briggs* Stratton(3) 1 454 454 454 + 4 47 42 Bristol-Myers(t2.40 ) 2 424 42 42 -1 63 40 Bklyn-Man Tr (4)_ 7 43 4 43 43 8 64 Bklvn & Queens_ 1 64 64 64 624 41 Bklyn Union Gas (3). 2 414 414 414 + 4 244 204 Brunswick-Balke_ 2 214 21 214 + 4 254 20 Bucyrus-Erle _ 11 204 204 204 - 4 144 12 Budd (EG) Mfg _ 27 124 12 124 98 75 Budd (E G) Mfg pf._ 1 84 84 84 -4 13 94 Budd Wheel (a20c)._ 6 104 104 104 + 4 654 51 Bulova Watch (+ 4)_ 5 564 56 664 - 4 35»s 314 Burr Adding M (80c) 9 33 4 32 32 - 4 114 74 Bush Terminal f (d). 8 94 94 94 -4 154 124 Childs Co — 3 134 134 134 - 4 1354 1104 Chrysler Corp (bl 4) 43 127 1234 127 +34 214 184 City Ice & Fuel (2) .. 2 194 194 194 - 4 92 85 City Ice&F pf (64). 80. 894 894 894 104 9 City Stores _ 16 94 94 94 + 4 384 324 Clark Equip (tl.60)_. 1 334 334 334 414 35 Clev Graph Br (2)_ 2 40 394 394 984 78 Cluett Peabody (3)_ 1 92 92 92 1634 1224 Coca-Cola «+ 2) 9 160 169 1594 - 4 264 194 Colgate P-P ._ 85 25 244 25 +4 274 21 Colo & Southern _ 10. 25 26 25 —4 29 25 Colo & Southn 2d pf.. 10. 274 274 274 -4 204 164 ColumbG* E (a40c) 17 164 164 164 + 4 394 324 Columbia Pic (tl)_ 2 34 34 34 464 42 Colu Pic CV pf (2%).. 1 42 42 42 1244 1124 Col'bian Carb vtc(t4) 1 120 120 120 694 68 Cornel Credit (t4) ._. 6 694 69 69 —1 804 68 • Cornel Invest T (t4)_ 2 68 68 68-4 214 184 Cornel Solv (t60c)_ 9 19 184 184 -4 44 3 Comw & Southern_ 69 3 4 3 8 76?, 69 Comw & Sou pf (S)_ 1 61 61 61+4 194 134 Conde Nast Publish.. 1 164 154 154 + 4 45 4 364 Congoleum-Nairn (2 ) 8 43 424 424 — 4 184 134 Consol Cigar ... 2 144 134 144 + 4 87 80 Consol Cigar pf (7).. 10. 834 834 834 -24 494 40 Consol Edis N Y (+2) 26 414 404 404 - 4 108 1054 Consol Ed N Y pf (6). 6 1064 1064 1054 - 4 184 154 Consol Film pf 14 66 66 —2 70 63)4 Fajardo Sug Co (bl). 2 68*4 6814 6814 - 54 29*4 2254 Federal Lt & Trac .. 1 2254 2254 225» - 14 1154 814 Federal Mot Tr (40c) 3 954 9)4 954 + 54 1154 6I4 Fed Screw Works ... 1 914 9)t 9)4 + 54 6 4 54 Fed Water Svc (A) _ 15 5 5 45*4 42)4 Fidel Phoe F In tl.60 2 4254 4254 4254 - 54 4154 32*4 Firestone T&R (2) .. 4 38)4 88)4 38)4 - 54 62)4 4 854 First Natl Strs(t2%) 1 4914 4914 4914 - 14 4614 41 Flintkote Co (1) .. 1 4114 4114 4114 + 54 954 6*4 Follansbee Bros (d)_. 1 814 8)4 8I4 — 54 6454 4714 Food Machine (1)_ 1 64 64 64 +2 64)4 43 Foster-Wheeler._ 4 46)4 46 46 + 14 135 120 Foster-Wheeler pf_ 10a 120 120 120 —3 1854 1254 Francisco Sugar _ 1 1414 1414 1414 —1 32)4 26*4 Freeport Sul Co (1).. 18 27*4 27)4 2714 - *4 7)4 4*4 Gabriel Co (A)_ 1 654 654 6 54 + 54 33 26 Gamewell Co ... 110» 2914 29 29 - 14 1»4 164 Gar Wood Ind (a56c) 7 17 16*4 164 - 4 154 124 Gen Am Inv (a76c) 4 144 14 144 — 4 864 704 Gen Am Trans’t (a3)_ 1 73 73 73 — 4 194 154 Gen Baking (t60c)_ 29 164 154 154 -4 14 104 Gen Bronze_ 2 114 114 114 — 4 324 254 Gen Cable _ 2 294 29*/* 294 - 4 66 54 Gen Cable (A)_ 1 60 60 60 —1 524 464 Gen Cigar < + 4) 4 47 464 464 — 4 644 52** Gen Electric (b40c)— 70 564 654 56 -4 444 394 Gen Foods (2) ... 14 414 414 414 34 24 Gen Gas & Elec (A).. 6 24 24 24 664 604 Gen Mills (3) 2 614 61 61 - 4 704 604 Gen Motors (b25c)._. 106 624 624 624 + 4 164 124 Gen Outdoors Adv __ 1 134 134 134 — 4 80 69 Gen Trint Ink (b60c). 1 92 92 92 64 44 Gen Pub Service _ 2 44 44 44 654 63 Gen By Signal (1)_ 4 65 64 4 64 4 - 4 64 44 Gen Realty & Util_ 8 44 4*4 44 484 404 Gen Realty & U pf_ 1 404 404 404 — 4 704 624 Gen Refractor (a3 4) 3 634 634 634 + 4 88 734 Gen Steel Casting pf. 10« 764 764 764 +14 334 28 Gen Thea Eq (b25c).. 6 304 304 304 +14 204 154 Gillette Saf Raz (tl). 13 18 174 18 194 204 Gimbel Bros _ 3 264 26V* 264 - 4 614 434 Glidden Co (2) 5 454 454 454-’* 684 644 Glidden cv pf (2 *4 )_ 1 55 65 55 -4 64 54 Gobel (Adolf) __ $ 6 54 6 84 64 Goebel Brew (t20c)— 5 74 7 74 +4 604 31 Goodrich (B F)(al)_. 31 464 464 464 - 4 874 794 Goodrich (B F)pf(5). 1 854 85 4 864 -4 474 274 Goody'r T & R (bDOc) 47 434 42 4 434 + 4 141 100 Goody'r T&R cu pf (5) 4 128 128 128 -2 134 11 Gotham Silk Hose... 1 114 114 114 96 92 Goth Silk H pf (7)... 20s 944 94 4 944 + 4 44 3 Graham-Paige _ 19 34 3** 34 + 4 15 64 Granby Cons (new)_. 4 104 104 104 64 34 Grand Union ctfs _ 2 44 44 44 — 4 48 4 4n Granite Cltv Stl (1).. 3 404 40 40-4 47*4 42 Grant (W T)(T1.40) .. 1 43 4 43 4 43 4 -4 554 404 Grt Northern pf ... 7 624 614 514 — 4 28 4 19 Grt North'n Ore (1).. 5 254 26 25 - 4 424 85 Grt West Sug (t2.40) 2 86 35** 3S4 -4 394 34 Green (H LHtl.60). 3 35*4 354 S5»* + 4 164 14*4 Greyhound (t80c) .. 9 154 154 154 - 4 4** 3 Guantanamo Sugar _ 5 34 34 34 — 4 69 40 Guantanamo Sug pf. 10* 51 51 51 694 614 Gulf Mobile & N pf.. 1 55 55 55 108 654 Guif States Steel .. 7 100 98 4 100 + 24 204 134 Hall (W F) Printing 6 17** 17 17 -4 31 27 Hamilton Watch h25e 1 27** 274 274 + 4 684 604 Harb-Walker (t2)_ 1 534 634 534 -4 8 54 Haves Bodv ... 2 64 64 64 - 4 109*4 101 Hazel Atlas G1 ( + 5)_ 1 105*4 105*4 105*4 - 4 154 134 Hecker Prod (60c)_ 1 14 14 14 126 112 Helme (G H)(t5)_ 11114 1114 1114-64 39*4 82*4 Hercules Motor (tl). 1 38 33** 33** - 4 1354 129*4 Hercules Pdr pf (6) 30s 131 130 130 -3 111 1024 Hershev Choc pf *14) 2 104*4 104** 1044 +14 1204 1064 Holland Fur pf (5) 20s 1074 1074 1074 - 4 30*4 21 Hollander & Son (1). 6 294 294 294 + 4 434 814 Holly Sugar (t2)_ 2 344 344 344 -4 415 355 Homestake (tl2) 50s 393 390 390 -8 41 87 Houd-Hersh (A) (2 4) 2 374 37 4 374 274 22*4 Houd-Her (BH + 14). 4 234 224 224 - 4 73 62 Household Fin (4)... 3 61 61 61 -1 174 124 Houston Oil vtc_ IS 144 144 144 - 4 904 624 Howe Sound «+ 3>_ 12 834 83 83 - 4 54 4 Hudson & Manhat__ 1 4*4 44 4*4 — 4 23*4 184 Hudson Motor Car_ 6 2074 204 204 2*4 2 Hupp Motors _ 11 24 2 2-4 38 22 4 Illinois Central _ 32 36 35 354 + 74 224 12*4 Indian Refining (al). 4 174 17 17 -*4 404 3674 Indus Rayon (2) 7 39 38 4 384 - 4 144 1304 Ingersoll Rand (t2)_. 1 135 136 135 -1 13174 1124 Inland Steel <4> 3 117*4 1174 H74 -24 334 224 Inspiration Copper 6 2874 28 4 284 — 4 13*4 10>4 Interb Rap Tr vtc (d) 3 107* 104 107* + 4 114 474 Intercontl Rubber_ 14 107* 974 1074 + 4 284 16*4 Interlake iron _ 47 254 244 24** 874 5 inti Agricultural _ 7 74 774 774 — 4 189 170 Inti Bus Mach ( + 6)._ 1 169 169 169 -1 1114 1024 Inti Harvester (24). 12 104 10874 104 + 4 164 874 Inti Hvdro Elec (A). 24 134 13 134 + 4 1374 64 Inti Mercantile Mari- 10 1174 1 074 1 174 + 74 18*4 15*4 Inti Mining (a90c)._. 4 154 154 154 - 4 734 624 Inti Nickel (b50c) 42 6974 68*4 68** -4 214 164 Inti Paper & Pw (A). 68 1974 18*4 194 +1*4 144 104 Inti Paper & Pw (B). 74 144 1374 144+174 74 5*4 Inti Paper & Pw (C). 130 74 7 774 + 4 10974 904 Inti Paper * Pw pr 63 1074 1C6 106 +2 524 41 Inti Print Ink (t2)_ 1 50'4 604 504 + 74 494 464 Inti Shoe 4 +2)_ 1 46*4 46*» 46** + 74 52 31*4 Inti Silver _ 1 47*4 47*4 47*4 -1 110 90 Inti Silver pf (a4).__ 10» 1024 1024 1024 154 1174 Inti Tel & Tel .. 45 134 134 134 - 4 364 294 Interstat Dpt St b2*4. 1 334 334 334 - 4 155 134 Johns-Manvllle (t3)_ 6 144 4 142 142 -14 136 123 Jones&L 7% pf blA*. 90s 130 127 130 +274 29 20 Kans City Southern.. 11 27 27 27 234 1874 Kelsev-H (AMal4)- 3 19 184 1» -74 194 164 Kelsev-H (B)(al74). 2 164 164 164 - 74 694 6674 Kennecott Cop(b50c) 27 63 62 4 63 +4 204 174 KeystoneS&W(bl5c) 1 184 1874 184 - 4 46 394 Kimberly Clark (1) . 1 404 404 404 + 7* 70 4774 Klnnev (GRI pf(al) 10s 64 64 64 +4 2974 25*4 Kresge(SS)Co(b30c) 6 254 25*4 2574 + 4 474 414 Kress (S H)(l.60) . 2 414 40*4 40*4 -1*4 244 22 Kroger Groc (+ 1.60)_. 2 2274 22 4 22*4 274 21 Laclede Gas (St L) - 10s 22 22 22 414 32 Laclede Gas St L pf„ 10s 33 33 33 +4 24 184 Lambert Co (2) .. 3 214 214 2174 - 4 274 17 Lee Rub & Tire (50c) 2 26 25*4 25*4 - 4 61 4 3874 Leh Port Cmt (174 )_ 2 464 46 4 464 874 24 Lehigh Valley Coal— 2 24 24 24 24*4 174 Lehigh Valley R R_ 11 23 22*4 2274 -4 21*4 18 Lehn & Fink (al4)_ 3 19 19 19 +74 6874 <9 Lerner Stores 4 + 2) ... 4 60*4 604 504 - 4 79 674 Libbey-0-F-Gl(b75c) 1 68*4 68*4 68** - 4 154 9*4 Libby McN & L (al). 4 137* 13*4 1374 -4 284 254 Life Saver (tl.60) _ 1 26 4 264 2674 + 4 114 1004 Ligg & Myers B (t4). 5 1014 1014 1014 23 214 Lily Tulip Cupftl4) 1 224 224 224 - X 834 69 Lima Locomotive ... 4 73 72 72 —17* 534 434 Liquid Carb (2.60)_ 1 52 52 62 + 4 814 644 Loew’s Inc (+2)_ 6 774 774 7774 + 4 34 24 Loft Inc — 47 34 34 34 -4 764 66 Lone Star Cmt b75o— 3 72 714 72 104 64 Long Bell Lum (A) — 6 9 9 9 +4 434 384 Loose-Wiles (2) 1 384 384 384 + 4 1094 107 Loose-Wiles pf (6)_ 20s 107 107 107 284 224 Lorillard (P)(tl.20)_ 4 24 23 4 234 414 294 Ludlum Steel (tl)_ 11 374 37 37 4 - 4 36 304 McCall Corp (t2)_ 3 314 31 31 -4 244 184 McCrory Stores_ 4 194 194 194 + 4 544 404 McGraw Elec (t2)... 1 61 51 51 -1 284 234 McGraw-Hill b27%c. 1 24 24 24-4 414 404 McKeesport TP (t4). 1 414 414 414 + 4 164 124 McKesson & Rob _ 30 154 154 154 19 164 McLellan St (b75c)__ 1 164 164 164 + 4 624 424 Mack Trucks (tl)_ 3 564 564 564 + 4 684 504 Macy (R H) (12)_ 1 54 54 64 63 53 Magma Copper (2)_ 1 60 60 60 +14 164 12 Man El md gtd ._ 26 47)4 47)4 47)4 — X 65)4 48)4 Peoples Gas Chicago. 4 665a 56 66—54 48*4 34 Pere Marquette .. 3 46 46 46 2154 17)4 Petr Corp Am (a90c). 1 19*4 1954 19*4 — )4 13*4 U Pfeiffer Brew (1.20).. 7 11)4 11 11)4 69)4 62 Phelps Dodge (b35c) 4 54)4 54*4 54*4 — >4 7)4 654 Phila Rap Tr (d) 140s 6), 6)4 6*4 -1- 54 14 11 Phila Rap Tr pf (d).. 60s 11)4 11*4 1154 + 5* 3*4 154 Phila & Read C & I .. 8 1)8 1)4 l), 84*4 72 Philip Morris! b3 \).. 3 72 72 72 68H 49)4 Phillips Petrol (2)... 11 55 54*4 55 9*4 7 Phoenix Hosiery 1 6*4 6)4 6)4 — 54 74)4 58 Phoenix Hos pf (3 54) 20s 59)4 59 69 +1 2054 1654 Pierce Oil pf .. 5 19)4 18)4 18)4 18', 15 Pittsburgh Coal _ 1 16 16 16 20 13*4 Pitts Screw&B bl5c . 7 1854 18 18)4 - H 8*4 3*4 Pitts United Corp .. 2 6)4 6)4 6)4 — '4 ! 47)4 31)4 Pittsburgh & W 10s 42 42 42 -1 3 254 Pittston Co 1 2)4 2)4 2)4 27?» 244 Plymouth Oil (t 1)... 12 25 24*4 25 33H 26*4 Poor & Co (B) ... 6 284 284 284 114 8 PortoR Am Tob (A).. 3 84 8 8 34 24 Porto Rico Am T (B). 2 24 24 24 154 104 Postal Tel & C pf (d) 1 12 12 12 - 4 j 314 254 Pressed Steel Car 17 274 26** 26** - 4 i 31 254 Press Stl 1st pf(25c). 1 264 264 264 - 4 ! 86 67 Press Stl 2d pf '24). 5 74 74 74 654 654 Proctor & Gamb (t2) 15 584 57** 574 - 4! 1184117 Proc & Gamb pf (5).. 10s 117 117 117 62*.* 43 Pub Svc N J (2.60)... 2 444 44>* 444 1284119 Pub SvcNJpf (6)... 1 1204 1204 1204 724 64*1 Pullman inc (14)_ 15 64 4 64 64 244 194 Pure Oil _ 36 204 204 204 1124 108 PureOil8%pf __ 130s 1104 1104 1104 234 184 Purity Bakeries(60c) 8 204 20 204 ~ 4 184 17 Quaker State R (80c) 1 164 164 16’, — 4] 124 104 Radio Corp 64 114 114 114 80 764 Radio Corp pf A(3 4 ) 3 77** 774 77’* + 4 I 9*j 74 Radio-Keith Or (d)22 8;* 81* 84 254 144 R R Sec 111 Central . 370s 244 234 244 + 4 374 32 Raybestos M (tl4)_ 1 314 314 314 -4 134 94 Real Silk Hosiery_ 1 10 10 10 294 214 Rem-Rand (t60c>_ 23 254 254 254 + H 944 804 Rem-R pf ww (44).. 1 86 86 86 94 5 Reo Motor Car _ 23 8*4 84 84 474 274 Republic Steel 135 434 424 434 1204 109 Republic Stl pf (bl 4) 1 115** 115** 115** 1104 99 Rep Stl pr pf A (6)... 1 108 108 108 474 334 Revere Copper _ 4 43 4 434 434 67 62 Reynolds Tob (3) ... 1 62 62 62 58 50*4 Reynolds Tob B (3).. 19 514 61 5U* 140 117 RuberoidCo (1.80)_ 2 139 139 139 -1 103 974 Safeway Strs pf (5).. 60s 102 102 102 — 4 113 110 Safeway Strs pf (7).. 10s 1104 1104 1104 + 4 65 4351 St Joseph Ld (b50c). 10 68 57s, 58 - >-, 454 3 St L-San Fran (d) - 4 44 44 44 - 4 114 64 St L-San Fran pf (d). 2 9*s 94 95* — 4 374 284 St L Southw pf (d)-- 10s 37 4 37 4 374 274 144 Savage Arms (al)_ 7 26 4 25 4 254 — H 514 424 Schenley Dist(b75c)_ 7 504 50 504 34 2 Schulte R Strs (d i_ 14 3 24 3 + 4 234 17 Schulte R S pf (d)_ 3 224 224 224 454 38 Scott Paper <1) 60s 42s, 425-* 42*4 +14 4 4 Scott Tap rts. Mar 31.1910s 4 4V 24 14 Seaboard Air L (d)_ 17 14 14 14 + 4 34 6 Seaboard A L pf (d)_. 3 74 7 7 — 4 484 404 Seaboard 011 (1)_ 7 474 47 474 + »; 954 81 Sears Roebuck (3)_ 16 90*, 894 90 —14 34 28 Servel Inc (tl) _ 16 294 294 294 — 4 14 104 Sharpe & Dohme_ 4 114 114 11H + 4 174 154 Shattuck(F G)(60c)_ 1 164 164 164 34’, 265* Shell Un Oil (a25c) ._ 3 31»* 314 314-4 1054 1024 Shell Un Oil pf (54)- 1 102 102 102 -4 174 124 Silver King Coal b25o 15 164 16 164 + *4 58 444 Simmons Co (a3)_ 9 554 64 4 544 — 34 52*4 42 Skelly Oil 6 49', 494 494 - 4 197 854 Sloss-Sheffield Stl_ 60s 1804 176 178 -4 404 274 Smith&Corona cfs(l) 1 334 334 334 Prev. 19:17 Stock and Bales— Net High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 194 164 Socony-V Oil (b25c)- 95 184 184 184 + 4 1134H0 Holvay Am pf (54)— 11114 1114 1114+14 64 44 So Am G & P (a30c)_. 14 54 5 5 42 4 34 South Port Sub _ 8 39% 39% 39% 54% 43% Texas & Pac K R 2 48% 48% 48% +1% 16% 13% Tex Pac C&O * United Aircraft a50c. 19 325* 315* 81!-* — H 245* 204 United Air L (a20c>.. 9 22 214 214 -4 35 294 Unit-Carr Fast < 12>_ 1 35 35 35 84 64 United Corp (a20c)._ 86 64 64 65* + 4 464 415* United Corp pf (31... 2 42'* 41*4 415*-!* 16 144 United Orug t Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M. 300,000 12:00 Noon , 710,000 Dividend rates as given In the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest auarterlv or half-yearly dec larations , , s,trading less than 100 shares tAnnual rate_ not inc.uding extras a Paid last rear. b Paid this year x Ex^-FJendreDcrted tn recelTershlD or being reorganized INCREASE IS REVEALED IN GOLD CERTIFICATES By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 20— An in crease of more than $115,000,000 in holdings of gold certificates was re corded in the weekly condition figures of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Since the New York bank acts as fiscal agent for the Treasury, there was conjecture among observers as to whether the jump indicated the Treas ury had allowed gold imports to enter banking reserves, instead of "steriliz ing” metal acquisitions by paying for them with borrowed funds in lieu of issuing certificates to the reserve banks. The New York bank's total holdings of United States Government securi ties were unchanged at $652,260,000. Treasury deposits at the bank rose nearly $52,000,000 with the inflow of income taxes. The detailed report follows: Gold certificates on hand and from United States Treasury $3,478,730,000 Total "serves 3.550.8*4.000 Bills discounted: Secured by United States Government obliga tions _ 1.572,000 Total bills discounted 2,254,000 Bills bought in open mar ket _ 1.090.000 Industrial advances 5.811 000 Total United States Gov ernment securities 652.260,000 Total bills and securities. 661.415.000 Uncollected items 196.151.000 Federal Reserves notes in actual circulation 891.540.000 Deposits: Member bank—reserve account _ 3.020.904.000 Total deposits 3.231.724.000 Ratio of total reserves to deposit and Federal Reserve note liabilities combined. 86.3 per cent. NEW YORK PRODUCE. .NEW YORK. March 20 (jp\.—Butter. 7.380; firmer: creamery, higher than extra. 3034a37Va; extra (92 score). 30V2: firsts 88-P ] scores). 34a3014: seconds (84-87 scores). 32,/2a331.^; centralised (PO score). 35Vaa353/4. Cheese. 24.874: firm and unchanged. Live poultry—By freight nominal; no quotations. By express, sterdy. prices un changed Dressed poultry steady to firm: fresh ducks, 10al8: frozen ducks. 18. Other fresh and frozen prices unchanged. Eggs. 33,050; barely steady; mixed col ors. standards. 25a25V'2. Other mixed prices unchanged. --• A judge in Louisville, Ky., recently sentenced a man to a jail term for driving a bicycle while under the in fluence of liquor. NORFOLK BUILDING ASSOCIATION CLOSED By the Associated Press. RICHMOND, Va.. March 20.—The Definite Contract Building and Loan Association of Norfolk had been di rected to close today by the State Corporation Commission. The asso ciation was instructed to file applica tion for receivership under section 17 of the building and loan association law. Commissioner Thomas W. Ozlin said several large shareholders had changed their status to that of cred itors. which threatened to jeopardize the association’s assets. NEW BUILDING OPENED FOR TORONTO EXCHANGE By the Associated Press. TORONTO, Ontario, March 20.— More than 600 persons prominent in stock market and financial circles in the United States and Canada today attended the formal opening of the new building which will house the Toronto Stock Exchange. Trading and regular operations are expected to be started on March 30. It will mark the first time the local exchange will have its operations under one roof since the Toronto Ex change was consolidated, in 1934, with the Standard Stock and Mining Ex change. Since consolidation the mining sec tion has been housed several blocks away from the securities division, in the old building of the Toronto Stock Exchange. TRUSTEE FILES ANSWER INM.-K. PIPE LINE CASE By the Associated Press. WILMINGTON, Del., March 20.— Robert V. White, Nev York attorney and one of three Claas B stock voting trustees of the Missouri-Kansas Pipe Line Co., yesterday filed answer in Chancery Court to a bill seeking to have the trustees enjoined from voting the stock in the election of directors and to have the trust voided. The hearing was continued until March 31. SHARP DROP REVEALED IN TREASURY DEPOSITS B* the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 20.—Treasury deposits with Federal Reserve banks dropped almost to the vanishing point during the week ended March 17. The latest total was 92 per cent under the figure a year ago. Financial circles pointed out there was a heavy maturity of notes at the midmonth and expressed the opinion early income tax collections were in sufficient to bridge the gap. This would mean tax receipts to date were less than had been officially expected. Federal deposits with Reserve banks, as reported by the weekly credit state ment, compared as follows: Week ended March 17.. $87,000,000 Previous week..__ 186.000.000 Same period last year.. 1.067,000,000 DOLLAR GOES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS By the Associated Press LONDON. March 20.—The United States dollar gained Vb cent in the for eign exchange market today, closing at 4.88 Va to the pound, compared with a similar overnight New York rate. French francs improved to 106.40 to the pound, compared with yesterday's closing quotation of 106.45. -• 75 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK, March 20 UP).—'The St. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 75 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines were sold yesterday at $6.85 per hundred pounds St. Louis. BALTIMORE STOCKS Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. March 20.— Sales. STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 150 Arundel Corp 21 21 21 00 Balto Transit pf 5% 5** 55* 00 Consol Gas 79V* 79Vi 79Va 50 Consol Textile Cp 05 05 05 120 Houst Oil pf vtc 2o5/* 2o5* 2058 100 Mar Tex Oil Co OVa OVa Ola 70 Mt Ver W Mis pf 75 75 75 05 New Amster Cas 10V| 10*4 IOV4 lOOOwings Mills Dist I1/* 1V8 1V8 300 U 8 Fidel & Guar 2ti3,4 2U‘/a 28Va BONDS. 9000 Bit Trns deb 46 A 34V4 88Vb 84 STOCKS ARE QUIET IN NAM RANGE Prices Make Little or No Progress Except for Few Steels, Rails. Slock Averages 30 15 15 60 Indust. Rails Util. Sties Net change. —.2 -i-,2 Unc. —1. Today, close 96 4 47 6 48 0 72.0 Prev. day— 96.6 47 5 48 0 72.1 Month ago.. 99.5 43.2 51.0 73.2 Year ago... 82.4 35.6 47.3 61 9 1937 high...101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low .. 94.1 37.8 48 0 69 1 1936 high— 99.3 43.5 53.7 72 8 1936 low... 73 4 30.2 43 4 55 7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high.. 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 ^Compiled by the Associates Press.) RY VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. March 20.—Stocks shifted from one foot to the other in today's market and, except for a few steels, rails and specialties, made lit tle or no progress. In addition to nervousness over the labor outlook, another break in United States Government securities tended to keep many traders in the safetv zones. Dealings were slow from the start Transfers for the two-hour proceed ings were around 600.000 shares. Helpful to the steels were estimates mill activities in the Pittsburgh district next week will start at 93 per cent of capacity, up 3 points at a new post depression peak. Bethlehem ran up more than 2 points at the best notwithstanding j plans of the Lewis unions to start an I organization drive in its plants. United i States Steel, Crucible, and Republic, while far from buoyant, were a oit ahead most of the time The automotive division was quiet as Federal and State mediators strove to bring about an armistice in the Chrysler strike. "K" rallied at. the close. An early drop in mail order issues reflected further thoughts regarding a possible recession in profits for these organizations in 1937 because of in creasing operating expenses. Tilting forward during the greater part of the sesison were’ Santa Fe, New York Central. Great Notthern, Baltimore & Ohio, Illinois Central, Internationa! Paper. Remington Rand, Seaboard Oil, Texas Corp.. Western Union, Consolidated Edison. Electric Power & Light. Kennecott. W’oolworth, United States Rubber and Boeing, i Backward were J. I. Case. Deere, International Harvester, Dougias Air j craft. American Telephone. Anaconda, : St. Joseph Lead. Standard Oil of 1 New Jersey, Westinghouse. General Electric. Du Pont. Allied Chemical, Southern Railway and Southern Pa cific. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 20.—Cotton fu tures opened steady, unchanged to 5 ! lower. Influence of lower Liverpool cables was partially offset by trad# buying and covering. May, 13.85; July, j 13.79; October. 13.18; December. 13.09; | January, 1310; March. 13.10b. b-Bid. With the technical position lm | proved following declines of about I 'g cent a pound from the recent highs, some replacement buying and | week end covering developed, i The trade was an active buyer of j old crops, but price fixing also ex | tended into new crop deliveries. This demand absorbed further liquidation | and foreign selling from Europe and I the Far East and prices recovered a i few points. July sold up from 13.76 to 13 80 and the market generally at the end of the first half hour ranged from 2 points higher to 5 net lower. Liverpool declined under general i speculative realizing and Bombay sell j ing. which met new buying andtra-g ! calling. j Futures closed steady 1 to 8 hieher. 1 .. Hlah. Lou- Last May 14.on in. 85 13.PS-P7 ! July . _ in.*8 13.7H 13.80.8" October . . 1 : ; 1 13 15 13.30- 1 December in 71 1:07 13 1« ! January 13.77 13.OP I3.18n March __ 13.18n Soot steady; middling. 14.55. — Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures I closed easy. May. 11.23: July, 11.26a j 11.28: September, 11 29: October, 11.09 j Sales. 72 contracts. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. March 2o • !’• (United State, Department of Agriculture).—Hors 7.oik I including 7.0oo direct, few sales 210-M'1' pounds. | o.oo-l 0.25: weak to shade lower than Friday s close or weak to lo cent; lower than early, quotable top 10. MS compared with week ago most good and choice hogs, moo pounds up stead'-, me dium kind all weights. 25-35 higher: weights under 200 pounds steady to lo higher, packing sow-. 10-15 higher; pic:-. 10-25 higher. Cattle Receipts. Moo. calves, loo: com pared Friday last week Light steers and yearlings, excepting common kind.- M5-“.o higher, mostly 5o up; comparable medium weights and heavies steady to M5 hickt r after losing bit parr of week s advance or. unevenly lower close: common steers steady. Stockers and feeders, strong to 25 higher, meaty kinds up mos? heifers and medium to choice beef cows 25-50 higher: common and medium heifers up least; cutter grades and common beef cows, weak to 25 lower only very thin light cutters showing full decline: bulls steady and vealers. 50-1.00 up: largely shortfeds in both steer and heifer run: bur prime 1.408-pound steers reached 15.50 new high since May. 1035: best light steers 15.25: best yearlings. 14.85: heifer year i lings. 12.00: bulk steers. 0.25-13.00: meatv | feeders to 0.40. Sheep Receipts. 3 ooo all direct. For | week ending Friday. 4.Moo directs. Com I pared Friday last week Fat lambs around 25 lower, late top. 12.40, against a practical top of 1M.M5 early in the week, the highest locally in March since 1020: fat lamb supply around 75 per cent from Colorado and Nebraska, few loads clippers and seasonal scarcity of fat sheep, latter selling around 50 higher: top shorn lambs for week. 10.75. closing lo.25: late bulk wooled lambs. 12.25-12 4o; sorting from fed bands very light, outs mostly lo 75 upward late: most small lots natives clos ing 11.75 upward, best fat ewes. 8.00; bulk far natives. 7.00a7.75; no shearing lambs offered. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. March 20 (/P)—Poultry, live, 4 trucks; firm: hens, over 5 pounds. 201 j, 5 pounds and less. JO1*: Leghorn hens. HHa*. colored fryers. 2♦ *»12; Plymouth and White Rock. 27' 2; colored broilprs, 25’2. Plymouth and White Rock. 2*'»12: bare backs. 20; roosters. 13; Leghorn roosters. 12; turkeys, hens. 24 young toms. 1*: old. 10. No. 2 turkeys. 15 ducks. 4'2 pounds up whitp and colored, 20. small white and colored. 17; geese. 15; capons, 7 pounds up. 2H less than 7 pounds. 27. Butter. 8.331 firm: creamery, specials (03 score). 30,2a3 7; extras (02). 30; extra firsts ( On-Ol >. 3.V2a3r>s4: firsts (KK-K3 '. 3414a35'4; standards (Oo, centralized car lots 1. 35 3 4 Eggs. 10,SKI: steady prices unchanged. Potatoes, 02: on track. 307: total U S. shipments 730; old stock weak; supplies liberal: demand slightly better for best quality large size russets: other stock de mand slow, sacked per hundredweight. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No 1. 2 75 a3.10. according to size and quality. U S. No 2. mostly 2.15; Maine Green Moun tains. U. S. No. 1. 2 40a50; Wisconsin round whites U. S. No. 1. few sales, fine quality, large size 2 3()a35: U. S com mercial. l.K.V Minnesota and North Da kota Cobblers U. S No. 1 and partly 1 graded few sales. 2. *'»(>: North Dakra 1 Bliss Triumphs, ordinary quality. 2.25; j new stock about steady for best stock: I supplies liberal demand fair: carlot track I sales bushel crates Florida Bliss Tr1 umphs. U S. No 1. 2.1()al7la; fair con dition. 2.00 a crate.