Newspaper Page Text
■ LIST TAKES About Half of Market Turns Down After Early Gains. •s the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 20—Although prices opened higher in the curb mar ket today, lowering influences de veloped to send roughly half of the list downward. General unevenness prevailed late In the short session, with swings ranging to several points in each di rection. Manufacturing and metal shares were lower, while utilities were mixed and merchandising stocks a little better. Off 1 to 2 points or so were General Tire & Rubber, Aluminum Co. of America, Lake Shore Mines and Nfw mont Mining. Nehi Corp. lost nearly 3. On the up side, with swings of 1 to 2 points, were Atlantic & Pacific, Great Northern Paper, Agfa Ansco and Bell Telephone of Canada. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Close. Ala Power -fas ’67_ 853. 85V. do3. Ala Power 5s '46 A .. - lo+'a 104'4 104V. Ala Power 6s 56 _HH'4 1041* 104V« Ala Power 5s '(IS_ 01 Va hi Hi Alum Oo 5s '53 . .. UiBV-a 105’a 105’a Alum Co Lid 5s 48- 1 <>51 a 105Va 106Va Am a & E 6s 3038 __ 100',4 106 106'4 Am PAL 6S 3016 H6>2 116Va <IH>2 Am Badiat 4'as 47 - 1(I4V2 104 104 Am Boll Mill 5s '46 103 1031a 103 APDal P 6s 3034 A 111 111 111 Ark P A L 5s '56_ 100 100 100 As El Ind 4*as 53 _ 50 58'2 50 As G A E 4',s '40 . _ 55 54s, 55 As G & E 5S '50. _ 564. 56 66sa As G A E 5s ’OS _ 54Va 54 54 ,As T A T 5l2S ’55 A 87 86 86 Bald L 6s '38 xw stp_ _ 203’a 300 200 Bell Te C 5s '55 A 11 3 Va 112 Va 113' a Bell Te C 5s '57 B __ ll.'Ga 113Va 113Va Birm El 4' as '68 03 02 03 Birming Gas 5s '59 75 75 75 Brood Bv P 5s ’54 A.. HO 06 06 Can No Pw 5s ’53 A. 103-la 103‘i 102Vs Cent UPS 5s ’50 E 103'a 102 102 Cen UPS 4 (2S 67 F 08‘a 07 08Va Cent 111 P S os HR G 100 00 100 Cen I PS 4‘as '81 H 96 96 06 Cen O LAP 5s '50 A 103 103 103 Cent Pw A Lt 5s '56 04 n.'l3a 04 Cent St El 6s '48 6-3 63 62 Cent St El 6'as 54 63'a 63'a 62V4 Cen St PAL 5'as '53 68 68 68 21 Ei,,4V45 ’7<> A 104'/, 104', 104V, Chi Pn T1 51 as '42- 102Vs 102Va 103',a Chi Rys 6s '27 cod 72 7** 711 Cm Str Ry Os '56 B 101 101 lifl Cities Svc os '50 72 To 70% Cities Svc os ’rtrt 73% 7,m2 ?«% Cities S Gas 5las 42 100%100%100% \>,-s !52 70 0034 «y% Cit S P&L o%s 40 __ 70*2 70% 70% Comw Ed .5s 54 B 110% 110% 110% Comw Ed 4s 81 F 100 103 103 Comw Ed 3%s 05 H 100% loo5* Km5* Comw Sb 5%s ’4o A 102% 102% 102% Comuty PAL 5s ‘57 M% .Si % 81% Cons Gas U; Os 4.: A st 87 87 87 Cont GAcE 5s '58 A OO5* 90% 90% Dei El Pw 5%s ’59 103% 10.7% in.3% De: C:t Gas 5s 50 E 105% 105% In5% Del Int Bdg 0%s '52 10% in in Del Int Bdg 0%s ’52 cd 9% 9.% 9% Det Int Beg 7s 52 3% 3% 3% East GAF 4s '50 A 87% 87 87% Ei Pow & Lt 5s 2030 87% 87 87% Emp Dls Ei 5s '52 99% 99% 99% Emp OAR 5%s 42 89% 88% 8}K . Fed Wat 6%s 54 81% 84% 84% Florida P&L 5s '54 90 514% 94% Gary E&G 5s 44 stp xw 98% 98 98% Gatineau Pow 5s '50 101% ini KU% Gen Pub U 0%s 50 A !»n 99 9n Georgia Pw ns 07 98 97% 98 Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 no% 80% 8n% Gobel Inc 4%s '51 A >4 84 84 Grand Tr We 4s 50 inn inn inn Hail (WFi Os 47 stp 100% 100% Km % Hotel W Ast 7s '54 ww 37 37 37 Hyerade Fd Os '49 A 81% si% Hp, II North Util ,5s '57 1 no% mo% Km>% III Pw A L Os 53 A 103 102% ]0°% 111 Pw A’ L 5%s 54 B 103 102% 103 111 Pw & L 5s 50 C 99% 99% 91*% Indiana Ser 5s 5<> 09% 09% 09% Indianap Gas ns ’52 70 70 70 Indnap PAL 5s 57 A 104% 11»4 % K»4% Inti Salt 5s 51 1 no 105 105 Inti Securities 5s '47 Jo.' jn2 1 o*» Interst Pw 5s '57 05% 05 05 Interst Pw Os '52 50 50 50 Iter^.' P S 5s 50 D 87% 87% 87% Interst P S 4%s 58 f 82*2 81% 8*>% law a Pub Sv 5s '57 101% loi34 lnl% Jer C PAL 4%s 01 C 104% 1 04** 104% Kan OAE (is 2022 A 119% 119% 119% Kan Pw Co 5s '47 A 100 100 100 Kentucky Ur 5s 01 _ 91% 9Pa 9112 Kentucky U 5s '09 I 91 % 91% 91% Lehigh P S Os 2020 A lu97* 1<>9% Km7* Lone Star G 5s '4 2 104 104 104 Long Is Lt (is '45 105% 105% ln5% La Pw A Lt 5s '57 105% 105% 105% Midlan V R R 5s '43 94 94 94 Miss Pow 5s '55 88% 88% 88% Mun SS 6%s '37 ww cod 11 10% 11 Nat PA L 5s 2030 B 88 80% 80% Nat Pb S 5s '78 cod 47% 47 47% Nebr Pw Os 2022 122 122 12° Nevada Cal El 5s 50 91 % 91 % 91 % flew Ams Gas ns 48 1 14% 1 14% 1 14% New E GAE 5s ’4 7 77 7 4% 77 New E OAE 5s 4« 77 74% 77 New E GAE 5s '5(1 77 74 77 New E Pw 5s '48 *17 on 97 New E Pw 5'is '54 97% 97% 97% N Y P A L 4%s 87 l"5% 1115% K'5' N Y S EAO t’.s mi 109% ion% loan Nor A L A P 5%s '50 94 94 94 No Ind P S 5s .10 C lop, 101 lop, No Ind P 8 t'.,s 7" E 100% 100 100 Norw Ei o 45 stpd 104’, 1044, 10444 Northw P .s 5s '57 A loo 99% 99% Ohm rub , , 'vi (■ 109% ins’, ins’ Okl« P A W 5s 48 A 90 90 90 Oki* N G 1 %S '51 A 98% 98’, Hs’i Par G A E n« 4 > p 1 1 0% 1 1 o'" 1 1 o', Par Inves ;,S 48 A 97% 97% 97>4 Pa7 Pa! is .-,5 8”, 8n% S"% Penn C P 4 %s 77 99% 99% 9914 Penn C 1 A L 5s ;o 105% 105% 105% Penn Si S '54 D 1110% 100% 100% Penp O L j C 4s '81 B 91% 91 91% Peep L A P i. 79 '.’4%*‘74% ''4% Phlla El P 517s 77 109% 109', 109% Phlla Ran T Os 87 911 95% 95% Portland G A C 5s '40 7 7% 77% 77% ?U8 I 5 P1 .{’* so 1,1 1 1 1 111 Pnh s N I 4%s 8" E lol % 101 joj g N I 4J-’S.'R1 F 101% U'1% 101% Pub S Okla 4s no A 1111 loo 100 Puc S PAL 5%s 49 A 88’, 88% 88V, Fue S PAL 5s '50 C SO so 80 Pug S PAL 4'is'50 D 81% 81 8131 San An PAS 5s '58 B 104 104 104 San Jo LAP Os '57 B 128% 178% i,78% Shw WAP 4'is '08 B 102 10° 10" Sherid Wyo os '47 71% 71’, 7]’, Sou Cal E 3%s no B 101 % 101 % 101 % Sou Caro 5s '57 90 90 90 Std GAE cv os '35 cod 89% 89 89 Std GAE Os '51 A 88 88 88 Std GAE 8s '80 B 88 87% 87% stand Pw A Lt Os '57 80% 81s 88 Super of 11 4'is '70 103’, 103% 103’, Texas Elec 5s '80 _ 102 102 10'7 Toledo Edis 5s '02 107% 107% 107% Twin C RT 5%s '52 A 83% 83 83 Ulen A Co Os '44 III st 53 52% 52% Unit El N J 4s '49_ 112 11 1 111 Unit Lt A Pow its '75 87 • 81’, 81% Unit Lt A Pow 8'is '74 85 84’4 84’,, Unit LARD 5’is '57 to: 85’, 80 Unit L A R M Os '52 A 87 82 8'7 Va Pub S 5!is '48 A 98% 98% 98% Wash Gas Lt 5s '58 . 108 108 108 Wash WAP 5s ’00 105% 10544 lOn’i West T Ut 5s ’57 A 98 95% 95% We U GAE 5Vis '55 A 104% 104’" 104% Wis PA-L 4s ’50 A 97% 97 11714 York Rwy Oo 5s .37 93Va 93% 93% FOREIGN BONDS. Cuban Te 7%s ’41 A 1 OOVa 100% 100% Danish Con 5%s '55 lOOV, 1011V, 100V, Ttal Su Pw Os '0.3 A _ OS’7, 83% 03% Medelin Col 7s '51 _ 1 ft % mV, 10% Mendoz P 4s '51 stp 95% 95 95% Parana Braz 7's '58 _ 28 28 28 Pied El O'is '00 A 73 73 73 Santiae Chil 7s '49 18% ]S 18 Santiae Chil 7s '81 18% 18 18 Sauda F Ltd 5s '55 A 109% 109Vi 109Vi ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st istp)—Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. GENERAL FOODS TO VOTE. NEW YORK. March 20 MP).—Stock holders of General Foods Corp. will vote April 14 on a proposed reduction in capitalization by $25,330,907, rep resenting intangible assets which would be transferred to paid-in or capital surplus. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas D. Barney & Co.) , Bid. Asked. Amer T & T 5%s 1943 _ 113% 113% Auburn Auto 4%s 1939 75 80 Calif Packing 5s 1940 103 104% Caro. Clinchfld & O 5s 1938 104% 105 Chesapeake & Ohio 5s 1939 100% 107% Edison Elec Illu 4s 1939 105 loo’, Gen Pub Svc 5%s 1030 102% Od Rapids & Ind 4%s 1941 109 Houston Oil 5%s 1940 101% 102 Inti Mercantile M tis 1941 82% 83 Inti Tel & Tel 4%s 1930 84 85 Laclede Gas Lignt 5s 1939 93% Lehigh Valley Goal Os 1938 99% 100 Lehigh Val Term Ry 6s 1941 99 107% Long Island Gen 4s 1038 104% Loulsv Sr Nash RR 4s 1940 105 100% Michigan Cent RR 4s 1940 103 103% Midland RR of N J 5s 1040 55 85 Milw & North RR 4%s 1939 90 99 N Y, Chi * St L 6% 1038 . 100 100% New York Dock 5s 1938 100 100% N Y. Sus A W 5s 1940 50 50 New York Tel 4%s 1930 _ 107% 107% Pacific RR of Mo 4s 1938 101% 101% Penn Dixie Cement fis 1941 99% 100% Penna RR Co 4s 1943 112 Rio Grande West 4s 1939 75 70 South Bell T&T 5s 1941 100% 107 Term RR A St L 4%s 1939 107% Vanadium Corp 5s 1941 105 107 Vertlentes Sugar 7s 1942 29% 31 Wabash Rwy Co 6s 1939 . 100% 100% Warner Bros Os 1939 94% 97 West N Y & Pa 4s 1043_ 100% 110 West Union Tel 5s 1938 102% 103% NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. Stock and Sales— Wvidend Bate. Add 00. High. Low. dost. Acme W vto (3)-- 100. 481* 481* 481* Agfa Ansco 1 21 21 21 Ainsw’th MCb25c 1 171* 17H 17X Ala Grt Sou (t31 100* 781* 76 76 Alurr/n Co of Am 100« 175 171 176 Aluminum Ltd... 1860sl40 1821* 140 Am Beverage _ 18 S 3 Am Box B'd t80c.. 4 201* 20 *0 Am CP&L ww2 - 2 891* 891* 891* Am CltPftL. B aliOc 16 6 6 Am Cynam B t60o 16 81 80 801* AmQABll.tO) 6 871* 871* 871* Am Gen C’p (a60c) 6 in* ill* ill* Am Gen C pf (2) 800* 841* 841* 841* Am Laun’y M 80o. 1 871* 871* 871* Am L4T (T 1.20)_ 8 211* 211* 211* Am Maracaibo_ 811 21* 2 2 Am Superpower_ 12 14 2 2 Anchor Poet F_ 4 41* 41* 41* Anjtoetura (t20o) 1 71* 71* 7J* Appalach E P pf 7 10e 1061* 1061* 1061* Aroturus Radio T 4 2 IX 11* Ark Nat Gas_ 2 101* 101* 101* Ark Nat Gas (A).. 28 101* 101* 101* Art Met W (80c)-. 2 141* 141* 141* Ashland O&K t40o 2 71* 71* 71* Asso G A E (A) — 9 31* 31* 81* Atl Coast Fisher.. 9 111* ll ill* Atl Coast La21*_. 80a 661* 66 66 Atlas Plyw’dUH3 271* 271* 271* Austin Silver _ 6 21* 2J* 21* Auto Products ... 4 81* 8 8 Auto Vot Mch 50c 7 11 101* 101* Ax-Flsher(320)A 20a 88 88 88 Rardstown Dist ... 4 4*4 4*4 4*4 Barium Stain Stl. 7 6* 6*4 6* Bellanca Aircraft 8 754 7*4 7*4 Bell Tel of Can(6) 70* 181*4 1*1*4 1*1*4 Berkey&Gay F Co 8 8 8 8 Berk&GF pur war 1 1*4 144 144 Blue Ridge C alOo 2 8* 3*4 8*4 Blumenthal S ... 2 8244 32*4 82*4 Bohack(HC)_ 226» 10 10 10 Bower Roll B (2). 2 29 28*4 29 Brill Corp (A) 1 15 15 18 Brit-Am O rg f80c 1 25 25 25 Brown Co pf 800. 68 67 67* Brown F&W bl6c. 2 18* 18* 18* Brown Forman ..2 9 9 9 Buckeye P L (4).. 50» 48* 48* 48* Burr N&E pf 1.60. 1 24* 24* 24* Bunker H & S(bl) 60* 133* 133* 133* Burma <a25 4-5c). 3 6* 6* 5* Cable El Prod vtc. 1 1* 1* 144 Can Indus Alco A. 1 6* 6* 6*4 Can Marconi _ 8 2* 2* 2* Carlb Syndicate.. 10 2* 2* 2* Carnegie Metals_ 6 2* 2* 2* Carrier Corp ... 6 42* 42 42 Catlln Corp (a40c) 2 9 8*4 9 Cent & S W Util... 8 4* 4* 4* Cent States Elec.. 6 1* 14; ji* Cent St El 6% pf ]00» 20 20 20 Oentrif Pipe t40c 3 5* 5* 51^ Cherry Burrell (3 200.82 82 82 Chi Flex Shaft 14)400. 68* 67* 67* Chi Rivet* Mach. 3 17* 17 17* Cities Service 86 4* 4* 4u C ties Service pf 2 50* 60*4 60* Cities Svcpf(BB) 10s 46 45 45 Cit Svc P&L 87 pf 26. 78* 73* 73* City Auto S(t60c) 1 13 13 13^ Claude Neon Lta.. 1 3* 34 3vt Colon Dev Ltd ... 4 7 6* Colo Fi,el*lr war 1 19* 19* ]94 CotsPFAh37*c 2 65* 65* 65* ColumO&Ga20c 4 9* 9 9 Comwlth Edls t4 s 120 119 119 Com with & S war 10 * * * Cons Aircraft 7 30* 30 SO Consol Biscuit 6O0 18 8 8 Consol Copper 15 9 8* 8«i Consol Gas Util... 1 3* 3* 3/ Cons Mln&Sm t2. 100.91* 9iu 91* Cons Royal (20c) 4 2* 2* 2* Consol Steel Corp 9 is* ifi* 164 Conti Oil (Mex) 1 1* 1* 1* Cont'l Roll & s Fy 2 22* 224 22* Cooper Bessemer 8 29 27* 28* Cooper Bess pr pf. 1 39 39 39 Cord Corp 5 4* 44 44 Coeden Oil Me (d) 8 2* 2* 2* Crampi W&Sons). 1 1* ji y. Creole Pe- (a5oc). 1 32 32 32* Crocker-WhalOc » 16* i6* ,6* Croft Brewing R3 1 'VI Crown Cent P afic 12 24 2* 2* Crown Dr (b20c) 3 4* 44 44 Curtis Mfg (b75c) 100.14* 14* 14* Cusi Met Minina 186 * * * Rarbv Petr (60c). 1 16* is* is* Dayton Rubber... 1 27* 27* 27* Dejay Stores tSOc 1 14* 14* 141, Derby Oil & Ref . 1 6* 6* 6* Dei Gas pf (1.20). 1 17 17 17 Det Gray Ir t20c .. 2 16* 16* 16* Dei Pap Prod t25o 8 8* 8 8 Det Stl Prod b25c. 2 55 55 55 Det (Mich) Stove. 1 7* 7* 7* Domin S&C (B) 6 24* 24* 24* Dubelter Condens 2 4*. 4* 4* Duke Power (3) 60. 70 70 70 Duro Test (blOc). 1 7* 7* 7* Eagle Pitcher blOc 8 23V* 23H 23U Estn G&F As pf 3 260. 50ts 60 60 East G&F p pf 4)4 25* 67 67 67 East ti Stales Pwr S 4)4 4>4 4*4 Easy W M(B)b25c 1 12 12 12 Elec Bond & Share 51 24)4 23)4 24 Elec B * S Df (6) 1 81 gi 31 El Pwr As(A)a25c 1 7J4 7)4 7)4 Emp G&F 6% Df 25§ 70 70 70 Emp G&F 8 % p*\ I50i 79*4 79 79 Eoulty Oorpta25C/ 21 2% 2)4 2)4 Eureka P L (4) ___ 100.40 40 40 Evans Wall Lead 38 2)4 2)4 2H Bxcello Air(b20c) 4 25)4 26!i 25H, Fairchild Av al5c 1 6)4 6)4 6’4 Fedders Mfgb25c_ 1 15J4 I6J4 1514 Ferro Knam rights 1 4 4 4 Ftdello Brewery 1 \ V \ First NS latpf 7. 20.113 113 113 Flak Rubber 4 17 16)4 17 Fisk Rub Of (6) 50. 89 89 89 Ford Ltd al8l-10c 2 7)4 7)4 7)4 Ford (Can) A (1). 23 26 25)4 26)4 Ford (France) _. 1 4)4 414 4)4 Fox (P) Brew 80c 2 9)4 9)4 9)4 Froedt G&M(20c) 2 13)4 13)4 13)4 Froedt't cv pf 1.20 50. 18)4 18)4 18)4 Gen Alloys 8 4)4 4)4 4)4 Gen Firepro f t40c 1 19*4 19*-* 19)4 Gen invest Corp 6 1)4 1)4 ji; Gen Tele C’p al.35 3 19)4 19 19 Gen Tire & Rub 9 36)4 36 36 Georgia Pw pf (6) 35. 83)4 83)4 83)4 Gilb’t(AC)a62 %c. 2 12)4 12 12)4 Godchaux Sug(B) 1 82)4 32)4 32*4 Goldfield Consol .8 \ Grand Natl Films 5 3 3 3 GrtA&PTnvte 50. 111)4 109)4 111)4 Great Nor Pap tl 160. 42 41*4 42 Greenfield T & D 7 14)4 14H 14)4 Groc Store Prod _ 16 5 5 Guardian Invest 5 *4 34 14 Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 2 56)4 6614 66)4 Hartman Tobacco 1 2)4 2)4 2)4 Harvard Brewery 6 3)4 3 SPj Hearn Dep S bl.65 2 16*4 18)4 16*4 Hearn DS6%pfS 6 51 61 61 Hecla Min 1 b20c) 13 20)4 19)4 20 Helena Rubenst’n 3 7)4 7)4 7*4 Heller pfwwl% 30. 24 24 24 Horn & Hardart t2 50. 39)4 39)4 39)4 Hudson BM&S tl) 7 86)4 36 36)4 Humble 011 (1)4). 1 80)4 80)4 80). Hygrade Sylv 43 >. 100. 60 48 48 111 P & L 6 % pf 100. 61 61 61 111 Pwr * Lt *6 pf 260. 61 60)4 80)4 Imp Oil Ltd t60c 4 23)4 23 28 Imp Oil reg (t60c) 2 23)4 23)4 23)4 Indiana PL <t40c) 8 14)4 14)4 14)4 Indiana Svc 6%pf 20. 23 23 23 Ins Co of No A 12 50. 66)4 66)4 66)4 inti Hy El S cv Df 2 32)4 32)4 32)4 Inti Metals Inc A. 26. 17)4 17)4 17)4 Inti Petr (1144 ) - 10 86*4 36)4 36)4 Inti Utli (B) 3 2)4 2 2)4 Inti Util war new 10 )4 )$ u Inti Vitamln(50c) 8 6)4 6)4 6)4 Interst PtDellpf 10. 17 17 17 Inv Royalty (t6c) H H % % Irving Air Ch (1) 2 14)4 14)4 14)4 Ital Ruperpwr(A) 2 1)4 114 ttal Sup’pw d rts. 10 )4 )4 14 Jacob.*! FLK'oi 1) 1 16)4 16)4 15*4 Jonas &: Nbg bl5c- 17 7 7 Jones&Laugh Stl 2 123 123 123 Ken RTAL A a76e 1 2*4 24 4 244 Kinston Prod 40c 35 6)g 6), 6*4 Kirby Petrol (20c) 2 6)4 6)4 6)4 Koppers pf <6) . 50« 108X 108 108 Kreuper Brew tl_ 1 17)4 17)4 11)4 Lake Sh M (T4) .. 1 66 58 66 Lakey Fy & Mach. 1 7)4 7)4 7)4 Leh Coal AN 30c.. 3 10)t 10)4 10)4 Leonard Oil _ 17 1)4 1)4 1)4 Lion Oil Ref (1).. 34 19)4 19)4 19)4 Locke Stl Ch 180c. 4 16)4 16)4 16)4 l.ockheed Aircraft 18 144 14 14 Lone Star Gas 80o 4 11)4 UX 11X Lons I Let Al7l 80s 90)4 90)4 90)4 Loudon Packing.. 2 44 44 44 La Land (40c) ... 2 124 12)4 12)4 Lynch Corp (t2).. 1 89)4 39)4 39)4 Me Williams D (tl 1 33 33 88 Marlon Steam Sh 1 20 20 20 Massey Harris 4 15)4 15)4 15)4 Master Elec (1) 6 25 24)4 25 Mead Johnson(t3) 26« 115 115 115 Merritt Chap war 1 1)4 1)4 1)4 Merritt C A 8 pf A 26« 62 62 62 Mesabl iron _28 14 m 14 Mich Bumper C 2 24 24 24 Mich Gas & Oil_ 19 9 9 Mich Suttar__ 3 1)4 14 154 Mid Sta Pet (A).. 1666 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hish. Low. Close. Mid St* Pat (B) . 2 14 14 14 Mld-W Abraa alOo 4 44 4 4 Midvale Co (b76c) 26s 894 894 824 Minins Co (Can).. 2 4 4 4 Mook Judaon <0o.. 1 144 144 144 Molybdenum Corp 6 94 94 94 Montr HLtAP 14 60s 82 S2 82 Moody’s pt pf (3). 60s 864 364 884 Moore Dlat (760c) 4 64 64 64 Mount Prod (#0c). 2 64 84 64 Nat Bella Haaa_ 10 24 24 24 Nat Contain *50o_ 1 114 114 114 Nat Fuel Oaa (1)_. 6 16H 164 164 Nat Gyps A *2 4 — 1 784 784 784 Nat Invest war_ 2 4 4 4 Nat Leather- 41 14 14 14 Nat P A Lt pf (6) 100s 854 *54 854 Nat Rub Mch *20o 6 144 144 144 Nat Service _ 1 4 4 4 Nat Union Radio.. 2 24 24 24 Nehl Corp 8 664 664 664 NeptuneM(A)a60o 1 154 154 154 N E P As 6%pf b2. 60s 814 814 814 Newmont Min b76i 8 1244 H* 12*4 NYPwALtpf(7) 10s 114 114 114 N Y Tel pf (6 4 ) 60s 118 118 118 Nias Hud Pwr new 8 144 144 144 Nias H P< A) war. 4 4 4 4 Niagara H B war. 1 24 24 24 Nlag Sh Md B a60e 10 144 144 144 Nlplsslng (60o) . 8 24 24 24 Noma Eleo (b40o) 2 74 74 74 North AmLAP 6 44 44 44 North AmLAP pf 100s 68 674 674 No Am Ray A b50o 8 46 444 44 4 North'n Europ oil 10 4 4 4 Ohio OH CU pf (6). 2 109H 109>4 109J4 Okla Nat GaaCo.. 6 1244 1244 1244 Okla Nat Gas pf.. 60a 2944 2944 2944 Overseas Sec 60o. S 10 10 10 Pantepeo OH . 69 644 6 6W Pender G (A)360a 4044 4044 4044 Pender Gr(B)a60o 1 1144 1144 Pennroad (a25c) 16 644 6 644 Pa Pw & Lt 6 % pf 30a 10744 107 1 0744 Phoenix Secur 3 1044 1044 1044 Pierce Gov <a60c) 1 28 28 28 Pitney BowmOc) 2 844 8 8 PlttsbRh Forging 2 2 4 44 2 4 44 2 4 44 Pleaa Vail W(b6c) 1 244 244 244 Plough lno (1.20). 1 1744 1744 1 744 Potrero Sutar . 8 344 344 344 Powdrell&Al t60o. 2 10’4 1044 1044 Premier Gold 1120 6 344 8v* 314 Producers Corp _. 11 44 \ \ Propper-McC (d) 8 4, «, Prudent’l Inv a50o 6 13*4 1344 I34j Pub Svo Ind pf 60s 36 3644 36 uua Sd P&L pf(6) 26a 8244 8244 6244 Pyrene Mfg a90c.. 1 12h 1244 1244 Rainbow Hum (B) 8 44 ^ Raym’d Cone (tl) 160a 4144 4 1 41 Raym’d Con pf(S) 100a 68 6244 62*4 Red Bank 1 1644 18v. Reeves (Dan) 6O0. 1 644 644 644 Relter-Foater ... 2 l»4 144 iu Reynolds Invest.. 1 2*4 244 2*4 Rice Stix DO bfiOo. 2 1 244 1244 1244 Richm'd Radiator. 2 644 644 644 Root Patrolm(l).. 8 944 944 954 Rustless IriStl... « 1544 1544 1644 Ryan Conaolld’d.. 1 444 444 41^ St Lawrence Corp 1 12 12 12 St Lawrence C pf. 126. 32 31 32 St Regis Paper 64 9k 8k 9 Schlflf (The)Co(t3) 1 40 >{ 40 U 4014 Segal Lock ft H .. 1 8t4 8u 8,i Selberllng Rubber 2 7)4 744 71* Selected Indus 6 344 344 31,4 Sel Ind all cfs 6 44 200« P9‘4 99 9914 ; Sel Ind pr pf <644 1100. 96 96 96 ! Sent Saf Control 1 44 44 «/ 1 Seton Leath a60o. 1 11)4 nu nu Seversky Aircraft 8 6V4 6k 8W ; Snattuck Den Min 10 2214 22 2? ! Shawm W & P 80o 1 80 so 30 Simmons Hd&P. 5 6k 6k 6k Smith (H) Paper. 26s *444 2 444 2 4*» Solar Mfg (a40c). 2 64* fi4* Sonotone c (aluc) 1 lk ii4 i, Soss Mfg (a25c)._ 2 7k 1 7" South'n P L b20c . 1 6k 6», 6k Southl’d Roy blOc. 1 8*. 84* 8» Spanish & Gen (R> 1 % V £ Square D pf A 2.20 60s 43 43 43 Stand Oil Ky (tl) 6 20k 20k 20k Stand Oil Ohio tl_ 9 44k 43U 4iu Stand Pwr ft Lt .. 10 6k 5k 6k Stand P& L(B) 1 rH 5£ Stand Prod (b25c) 1 1944 1944 iyx Stand Sll&Ld (40 4 •* . , Starrett Com vtc 7 8k 8W 81* Sterl Alum Pa 76c 3 lit* Ilk ilk Sterling, inc(20c) 8 6 6 6 Sunray oil (alOci 13 4k 4k zu Sunr’yOcupf 2 44 1 49 49 49 . Sunshine Min (I). 2 19k 19k 19k [ Taggart Corp — 4 14U 141* wr 1 Tampa El (2.24)._ 1 36k 36k 36k TastyeasuDeDA. 4 149 ik i»4 Tavlor Dlst (300. s 4k 44? 4, ; Technicolor »6Q*. 4 21k 21k 21L Texon Oil ft L 6O0 10 «k 6U 6k Tob Prod Exp 16c 4 3k 8k 8k I Tonopah Belmont 17 4, u p Tr-Lux DPS t20c. 3 444 4£ 4/ Tublze Chatllllon. 4 26k 26 26 * Tublze Ch A (bl). 1 70 70 70 1 ung-Sol Lamp n 1 7*9 7*9 7k Tung-Sol L pf 80c 1 10k 10k 10k Twin-Coach al.40 4 24k 24l9 24k Ulen & Co 7 k % pf 16 6 6 Unit Air war . 2 28 27k 27k United Corp war.. 16 ik jv* Unit Gaa C°rp .. 33 11k 11H uy Utd Gas war_ 5 3 s « 4 Unit Lt ft Pw (A) 24 8 719 8 Unit Lt & Pw pf 8 57k 55»4 67k Lnlt Milk Prod (2. 26i 30 3u 30 Unit Shoe il t2k 60s 87 86k f6U OS Poll (B)(1) . 4 16k 16k 16k UafiTS 1st pfbl% 1 90 90 90 U S Lines pf 8 3p -w . U S Rub Reclaim. 4 11 jo* 10k U S Stores _ 1 #9 t ’ * Unit Verde Ex (1) 7 4' 3k vl Unit Wall Paper 10 5 lu ? * Utilities Pft L (d) 16 1 t4 i Util P ft L B (d)_ 2 3k lit in Utility Equities 1 Utility Eq pf b4k 25» 80 80 80 ' Valspar vtc_ 18 8 8 Venezuela Msx O. 1 7k 7U 7U Venezuela Petrol. 11 2k 2k 2k Walker Mining . 3 4 3», „s Wayne Pump (6O0 80 46*4 44k 45k Wentw’h Mf tl.20 1 29 29* W V. Coal & Coke 9 6 "k 4k Westn A E (a26c) 1 11)4 WestnMdpf (a7) 60.111' ill n * Wll-low Cafe pf . i 6I9 L i, Wolverine Port C 2 64 6U Wolver Tube b20c 6 16k itu 16k Wright Harg »40c l *?£ ‘‘g Ygstn Stl Door(2) 2 78k 78k 78k Yukon Gold(al3c) 2 4 8J9 3U ®u“ui»‘f<l dividend. a Paid ‘ l\st b Paid this year d Companies reported a. h.inl ln bankruptcy or in receivership, er being reorganized under the banknSpeJi oanle.1 ®ecurltle® assumed by «ucb com TJ. S. TREASURY POSITION. , 0Tbl Position of the Treasury on March 18. Receipts. *100,853,760.38' exnendi 040'?,' *148.488,783.13; balance. *1.857. month,8*3i.954U076™f8. reCeiPU f°r the n ReceiDts for the hsGRj year (since July out 77 V1^ expenditures. 55. Srr 2a'if* 817 including J2.045.104 - Hno.HH of emergency expenditures- excess SLfXP*?^«- 51.801,300.700.08; gross M*'1 ^BC)4 under R th e * p re vd ouV'd ay* Hi^46t!!,;^^sr^d.lncludin,i STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF 1 he Charter Oak Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Connecticut ?" ylst day of December. 1036. as i «Q® A d5f. 8ectl0n 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. INCOME. Net premiums None ■n?aPllbterest ,nd rent*- *21.304.26 Other income 0,788.63 | Total Income *31.092.78 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount paid pollcyhold ^ losses _ None Ali other disbursements_ 3,358.41 Total disbursement*. *3.358.41 D , ASSETS. Real estate _ None Mortgage loans on real estate None Collateral loans ._ Nnnp Bonds and stocks_ «i ooo *’50 on Cash in company's office ill None ani bftnl“- 213,366.08 Agents balances _ None Interest and rents due cr accrued _ a ok All other assets- 17i750.00 Gross assets 51 24 5 721 86 Deduct asset* not admitted None Total admitted assets *1,245,721.86 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims_ . None Total unearned premiums_ None Other liabilities ..._ $1,164 52 Capita] paid up 500,000 00 Surplus over all liabilities: 744!557:34 Total __ *1,245,721.86 NeL ?r<T-lu?*i, frltten during the year. District of Columbia—None. EWING, Vice President. 5- LEAHY. Assistant Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to befora m« this ' ,3rd day of February. 1937. (Seal.) FRANK R. CHRISTIE. Notary Public. 1 BIG U. S. WHEAT EXPORTS EXPECTED Nation to Have World Mar ket Largely to Itself for Time. BY JOHN P. BOUGHAN, Associated Press Market Editor. CHICAGO, March 20.—Prospects of the United States having the world's wheat export market largely to itself July to September this year are now stirring grain trade optimism. Some Chicago wheat specialists say the period may be longer than July to September, inclusive, and are disposed to regard a 1937 big crop in the United States as almost a necessity. It is being pointed out that world imports of wheat so far this season have been averaging approximately 12,000,000 bushels a week, and if this rate is maintained until August 1 the ag gregate takings would be around 625, 000.000 bushels, an amount 60,000,000 bushels over and above recent au thoritative estimates of the season’s total. Pacing such an outlook, the wheat market this morning compared to a week ago was V4 to 3 cents a bushel higher, corn lti-1% advanced, oats 34 off to % up, and rye showing l>/4 2Vi bulge, and provisions unchanged to 25 cents dearer. Likelihood that the world’s available wheat supply at the end of the cur rent season may be curtailed to an almost irreducible minimum has tend ed of late to increase demand es pecially for deferred shipments. One result has been a rapid narrowing of the price difference between old and new crop wheat futures both in North America and in Liverpool. Meanwhile, the main oenter of wheat interest outside of the United States continues to be Argentina. That coun try has already shipped 87 000.000 bushels from an estimated surplus of 155,000.000 bushels, and has done it in about 11 weeks. A significant phase of the Argentine situation, Chicago trade experts say. is that Great Britain, Belgium and other heavy importers have still not covered their usual needs, a reason being extraordinary vigorous buying on the part of Italy "and Ger many. while Brazil alone is expected to obtain 30,000,000 bushels of wheat is yet left of Argentina's fast dis appearing supply. STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OP The Travelers Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Connecticut on the 31*t day ol December 1930. as required under Section 647 of the Code of Law lor the District of Columbia. INCOME. Net premiums __ $11,918,295.26 Total interest and rents 621.350 99 | Other income . __ 161.892.73 Total income _$12,701,547.98 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount paid policyhold ers for losses __ $3,765,010.49 All other disbursements 7.129.,53.44 Total disbursements $10,894,163.93 ! ASSETS. ; Real estate None ' Mortgage loans on real ; estate __ ... None I Collateral loans _. None Bonds and stocks • $18,962,717.01 Cash In company’s office None Deposits In banks 2,127.900 35 Agents’ balances 1,486.974 60 Interest and rents due or accrued 120.396.19 All other assets ... 1 146,862.03 Gross assets ... $23,843,960.08 Deduct assets not admitted 0,726.74 Total admitted assets $23,837,223.34 „ LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims S1.214 ”‘>1 On Total unearned premiums il,70fl’,Hl8 90 Special reserve _ 3,236,503 53 Other liabilities _ 654.406 21 Capital paid up. . 2,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 6.031.973 70 Total __ .. $23,837,223.34 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURINO THE YEAR. District of Total Columbia Firr **021.068 15 $84,207.89 Motor vehicles 2.270.825.7” 27.353 44 Earthquake 9.386.5; 10 00 Inland navi gation and t r anspor tion _ 961.84ti.oH 14.517.25 Tor nado. windstorm. cyclone and haiKexcept, 8 r o wing crops) 532.352.84 1 678.84 Hail (grow ing crops only) __ Nona Nona 8 p r i r k ler leakage 63,326.54 12.78 Riot, civil commotion and explo sion ___ 68.833.86 12.41 All other— Aircraft _ 56.00 None SI 1.91 8.296.26 *12 7.767.05 ESMOND EWING. Vice President. JOSEPH D LEAHY. Assistant Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of Februarv. 1937 (Seal.) FRANK R. CHRISTIE. _ _NotarvPublir STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION ' I OF THE Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Company of New York On the 31st day of December. 1936. as required under Section 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. INCOME. Net premiums $13.939,5545.78 Total interest and rents.. . 3.027,773.22 Other income__ 828,704.91 Total income __ $17,706,723.91 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount paid policy holders for losses _ $0,849,391.29 All other disbursements 9,530,171.23 Total disbursements $16,179,582.62 ASSETS. Real estate $1,854,888 43 Mortgage loans on real estate 0 Collateral loans_ . 0 Bonds and stocks .. 76.120.832.00 Cash in company's office 0 Deposits In bonks.. .3.710,763.70 Agents' balances 1,810.316.28 Interest and rents due or accrued _ 161,210.47 All other assets _ 0 Gross assets __ $83,448,610.88 Deduct assets not admitted 188,498.97 Total admitted assets $83,260,111.91 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims $2,531,396.78 Total unearned premiums 14.792.093.23 Other liabilities _ . 4,192.175.00 Capital paid up -_ 3,750,000.00 Surplus over liabilities... 57.994.447.90 Total __ $83,260,111.01 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR. District ot Total. Columbia. Eire ... $10,029,853.97 $37,001.53 i Ocean marine 685,660.96 271.07 Motor vehicles 1,268,875.07 4,019.13 1 Earthquake 16,910.43 8.25 Inland naviga t 1 o n and transportation 637,455.43 2,582.72 Tornado, wind storm and cyclone 642.89 Hall _ 176,960.82 0 Sprinkler leakage 39,067.20 98.06 Riot, civil com motion and explosion. 130.911.71 768.07 Aircraft _ 7,412.20 16.13 Flood _ 10,091.39 0 $13,939,245.78 $46,201.8* C. W. PIERCE. President. A. A, NELSON, Assistant Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February, 1937. (Seal.) W. A. WEBER. Notary Public. Notary public. Queens County. Clerk s No. 1731, Register's No. 4831. Certificate filed In New York County. Clerks No. 273. Register's No. 7-W-162. Commission expires March 29, 1937. LEGG, GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, INC. Insurance and Surety Bonds Hibbt Building National 1833 INTERNATIONAL PAPER BOOSTS BASE PRICE By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 20—R. J. Cullen, president of International Paper Co., disclosed yesterday the company is announcing to its custom ers a $50 base price for newsprint for the first six months of 1938, for de livery at Chicago, New York and other Atlantic and Gulf ports. "Although some foreign markets are already bidding higher,” said Cullen’s statement, “the company hopes that the domestic market will be stabilized at this level.’’ The present base price applying throughout 1937 Is $42.80 a ton. De mand is said to be running more than 10 per cent ahead of last year. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney & Co.) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Oiler. 8s Apr. 15. ’37-. 100 8-32 SV4s Sept. 15. '37.- 101 18-32 101 20-32 2“is Feb. 1, '83 . 101 20-32 10131-32 3s Mar. 15. '38 - 102 16-32 102 18-32 2’as June 15. '38 . 102 24-32 102 28-32 2V2s Sept. 15. '38 - 102 10-32 102 21-32 l'/jS Mar. 15. '30 100 24-32 100 28-32 8'»s June 15. '30.- 102 4-32 102 6-32 1 “4s Dec. 15. '80 . 100 6-32 100 7-32 1V»3 Mar. 15. '40 - 100 17-32 100 10-32 1 'is June 15, '40 _ 100 3-32 100 6-32 1 '5s Dec, 15. '40.- 1001-32 1003-32 Ilia Mar. 15. '41. _ 00 30-32 100 l3ks June 16, '41 00 14-32 00 16-32 l'4s Pec. 16 41 0009 2-32 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Empire State Insurance Company Of Watertown. N. Y, on the 31»t day of December. 1938. as required under Section 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. „ INCOME. Net premium* — *584.002 87 Total interest and rent* . 120.018.28 Other income _- _ 35,151.47 Tot»l income _ *740.072.62 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount paid policy holders for losses *208.147.10 All other disbursements_ 384,770.01 Total disbursements_ *570.917.11 ASSETS. Real estate_ - None Mortgage loans on real es tate - -_ None Collateral loans_ None Bonds and stocks *2.781.064.84 Cssh In company's office_ None Deposits In banks 225.354.11 Agents' balances 172.704.72 Interest and rents due or accrued __ _ 17,985.18 All other assets _ 313,604.31 Oross assets *3.511,702.86 Deduct assets not admitted. 47.882 25 Total admitted a»*ets $3,463,840.41 LIABILITIES Net unpaid claims *87,280 82 Total unearned premiums 621.988.98 Other liabilities . 40.870.66 Capital paid up l.OOO.OOO.OO Surplus over all liabilities.- 1,733.890.05 Total *3.463.840.41 NPT PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR. District of _ Total Columbia. Tire . $40o.30o.91 *1.205.43 Ocean marine_ None None Motor vehicles 63.863.62 283 70 Earthquake 473.87 None Inland navigation and transporta tion . . 575.01 None Tornado windstorm and cyclone 23,801.65 72 73 Hall ___ None None Sprinkler ieakage 1.758 86 .08 | Riot, civil commo tion and explo I ,,sion . 3.043.05 .83 | All other- None None $564 002 87 $1,832.77 E J DICKY. Vice President. G G. IGLEHART Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of February. 1037. iSeal.) P. E CONSAUL Notary Public. J E. DOUGLASS CO. Insure—in—Sure—In durance i _ 5130 Conn. Ave. Pbnne Em. ST ATEMENT OF THE CONDITION 'OF The Traveler* Indemnity Co. of Hartford, Connecticut on the 31st day of December 1P30. as required under Section 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. INCOME. Net premiums * Total interest and rent* 737,858.1* Other Income . 397.490.85 — Total income __ *11.421.360.26 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount paid policyhold ers for losses __ _ *3.030.370.83 All other disbursements 8.088.831.06 Total disbursements $11,119,201.89 ASSETS Real estate Non* Mortgage loans on real estate __ __ Non* Collateral loans _ None Bonds and stocks *22,832.216.12 Cash in company s office None Deposits in banks_ __ 1,457.775.00 Premiums in course of col lection .... 1,773.529.78 Interest and rents due or accrued __ 85,545.06 AH other assets . __ 712.572.88 Gross assets _*20,861.63943 Deduct assets not admitted 29.773.82 Total admitted assets *26.831.805.01 liabilities Total unpaid claims _*1,400,000.00 Total unearned premiums 6.423.491.45 Other liabilities. Including *7 904.624.70 special re serve 9.09V,407.96 Capital paid up__ _ 3.000.000 00 Surplus over all liabilities . 6.909.960.20 Total *26.831,8663)1 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR. District of Total. Columbia. Auto liability *292.861.95 None Liability other than auto__ 366.045.34 *880.69 Plate glass __ 688.352.40 6.902.90 Burglary and theft 2.309.798.05 17.823.47 . Steam Boiler 857.885.44 7,906.04 1 Machinery 207.558.88 88.80 Auto property i damage 4.022.507.10 46.983.44 Auto collision. 517,346.03 1.907.09 Property dam age and col lision other than auto 423,645.49 2.120.34 Totals SIO.'.’Kri.OOl .28 $83,668.43 J H. COBURN. Vic? President. P. 8. GARRISON. Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of January. 1037. (Seal.) FRANK R. CHRISTIE. Notary Public. STATEMENT OF THE-CONDITION CfF The Travelers Insurance Co. of Hartford, Connecticut on the 31st day of December. 1936. as required under Section 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. INCOME. New premiums - _$21 993,429 70 Renewal premiums .. 89.S74.431.16 Total premium In come -- $111,872,860,86 Total interest and rents.- 29,743,788.32 Income Casualty Department _ . 63.466.657.41 Other income _ 18,267,458.42 Total Income $223,349,686.01 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount raid for losses and matured endow ments $50,617,746.17 Other payments to policy holders . 18.734.789.16 Disbursements— Casualty Department 53.927,864.05 All other disbursements 30,324.608.22 Total disbursements $153,605,084.69 ASSETS. Real estate __ $61,129,863.80 Mortgage loans on real estate _. _ 68,335.379.48 Policy loans _ 117,802,455.28 Bonds and stocks _ 471.803.017.99 Deposits In banks__ 11.282,322.23 Total interest agd rents due and accrued 7.983,090.08 Net amount uncollected and deferred premiums 19.633.216.90 Gross assets— Casualty Department 112,923,365.86 All other assets _ 95.842.59 — Gross assets __ $860,989,045.07 Deduct assets not admitted (including $218,921.84 —Casualty Department) 617.88P.88 Total admitted as sets -- .. $860,471.365.24 LIABILITIES! Net reserve, required by law __ _ $679.538,.161.00 Other policy reserve*_ 35.114,964.00 Total policy claims__ 4.112,802.01 Liabilities— Casualty Department_ 78,233,451.82 Other liabilities_ 15.952,139.96 $812,946,708.79 Capital paid up_ . _ 20.000.000 00 Unassigned funds (surplus) 27,524,848.45 Total _ --$860.471,365,24 Amount of ordinary business written during the year $609,267,658 Amount of ordinary business written In the District of Columbia during the year 8,010.860 Amount of Industrial business written during the year Non* Amount of Industrial business written in the District of Columbia during the year None WILLIAM BROSMITH. Vice President. D. A. READ. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to befors me this 29th day of January, 1937. (Seal.; FRANK R. CHRISTIE. Notary Public. MEXICAN COPPER INDUSTRY BOOSTED Preient High Price* Expected to Bring Huge Increaie in 1937 Production. *» tbt Associated Praia. MEXICO, D. P., March 20.—Present high price* promised today to give new Impetus to Mexico’s lagging cop per industry. With the metal quoted for export to Europe at around 17 cents a pound, the department of national economy predicted an "extraordinary increase” in Mexican production. Pointing out the price of the metal had doubled in the last 15 months, the department of national economy said it was to be expected “world and na tional production would increase this year in extraordinary form.” A long-enduring strike in the mines of the American-owned Cananea Con solidated Copper Co. at Cananea, So nora, most Important Mexican copper producer, was one factor in reducing this country's 1936 output to 29,713 tons, the lowest in five years. The figures for Immediately preced Inf yean, In tons, were: 1935, 39,373; 1934, 44,268; 1933, 39,825, and 1932, 35,213. Value of the output by years was: 1936, $5,810,000; 1935, $6,410,000; 1934, $7,450,000; 1933, $5,660,000 and 1932, $3,950,000. -- --• FINANCING TO DECLINE. NEW YORK, March 20 (>P)._New financing by States and municipalities scheduled for next week totals $29, 310,425, compared with a revised total of $43,787,475 In the current week, the Bond Buyer said today. The two largest issues due are $15,000,000 ol New York State grade crossing elimina tion bonds and $5,500,000 of Allegheny County, Pa., Improvement bonds. FEDERAL LAND BANKS L,SWB.nYtTna,M‘rCh 20 *y««Nov. 1968-88- 104‘/2 105 4V«6 May. 1057-37_ 100% 100% 4* May. 195R-3*_ 10 SyJ {(fffi 1* ?°,v .— 10!* 102% 4* July. 1948-44_108% 109 3V«* May. 1965-45 - 108', 101% 3s July. 1956-45- 99'/i 99% •Is Jan. 1958-40 _ no'j 99% 3a May. 1956-48_ 99% 99% -a- ■■ RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK March 20 up,.—Crude rub ber futures closed steady 16 to 26 lower. March. 24 83n: May. 24 86n: July. 24.88 -0. Smoked ribbed spot. 24.63n. n—Nominal. STRENGTH SHOWN BY WOOL MARKET Buying of Piece Goods Gains. Foreign Quotations Take Firmer Course. BT the Aoocltted Preu. BOSTON, March 20.—The Com mercial Bulletin today says: “The wool market is a bit stronger agalh this week. There is better buy ing of piece goods reported from the New York market, especially in men s wear. "Foreign markets are a bit firmer, although the foreign manufacturer! follow wool up very reluctantly, “In the West scattered buying h reported at a bit firmer prices. The West Virginia pool was sold unshorn at sealed-bid sale Thursday at 48 81 cents for the merchantable quarter and three-eighths. “Mohair Is strong. A half-million pounds of Fall mohair has been con tracted unshorn at 57V2 cents for adult and 67% cents for kid." Many Diesel motor busses are being placed in operation In Argentina. statement of the condition OF The Connecticut Fire Insurance Company Of Hartford, conn, on the 31et dar of *•*_ required under °0<Je of L,w ,or the District of Columbia. „ INCOME Pr.e™lum* . *6,002.353.30 Tota! interest and rents 754,1(80.8.) Other income 180.W82.fi4 Total Income "*5.044 317.07 DISBURSEMENTS. Net amount paid pollcy holdera for losses . *1,800.470.10 All other disbursements 3.448.461.70 Total disbursements *6.254 040 05 _ , ASSETS Real estate 0 Mortgage loans on real “‘f1* , , *700.080 07 Collateral loans _ 0 Bonds and stocks 18.826.808.00 Cash in company's office 0 Deposits in banks 2.344,456.24 Agents balances 8;)8,325.07 Interest and rents due or accrued 124.078.57 All other assets _ 29.830.05 Gross asset, *22,874,114.90 Deduct assets not ad mitted 79.920.85 Total admitted as sets $22,794,194.05 „ 4 J LIABILITIES Net unpaid claims $644,089.53 Total unearned pre miums 4.981,952.93 Other liabilities 679,080.51 Capital paid up Surplus over all liabili ties 14,589.071.08 Total $22 794.194.65 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR District of _ Total. Columbia Tire $3,538,016.80 $10,543 17 Ocean marine 219,402.20 Motor vehicles 334.417 14 2.230.85 Earthauake 3.819 46 Inland navi gation and transporta tion 503,852 19 1.001.11 Tornado, wind storm and cyclone 288.847.86 1.133.19 Hail 23.146.46 _ Sprinkler leakage 15,875 19 _ Riot, civil com motion and explosion 62.968.98 69.31 All other— Aircraft _ 12.006.93 —1.62 $5,002,353.30 $15,066.11 HENRY P. WHITMORE Vice President. A C HOLMGREN Comptroller. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of February. 1937. (Seal I ANDREW E SCHUTTENHELM. Notary Public. STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OP The Commercial Union Fire Insurance Company Of New York, on the Slat day of December, 1936. aa required under Section 647 of the Code of Lew for the District of Columbia. INCOME Net premiums $882 780 76 Total Interest and rents 112 871 61 Other Income —8.152.45 Total Income *887.499 92 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policy holders for losses $334,341 38 All other disbursements 646.276 75 Total disbursements .$080,018 13 ABSET8. Real Estate 0 Mortgage loans on real estate 0 Collateral loans 0 Bonds and stocks ,*2.898.061.08 Cash in company s office 0 Deposits in banks 240.029.11 Agents’ balances __ 177.034 99 Interest and rents due or accrued 24.727.00 All other assets _ 7,290.68 Gross assets __ *3,347.138.86 Deduct assets not admitted 103,080.79 Total admitted assets $3,244,058.07 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims $76,071 on Total unearned premiums 910.628 5.', Other liabilities 78.582.(m 'apltal paid up 1.000.000.On .Surplus over all lia bilities . _ 1.178,270.5’.’ Total * NIT PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR Total District ot __ Columbia Eire $707,882 44 *1,226.74 Ocean marine 0 0 Motor vehicles., 88.238 41 710.14 Eaithqualce 1.153.52 .01 Inland naviga tion and trans portation 22 026 S3 84 21 Tornado, wind storm. and cy clone 58.487.08 52.4.'! Hall (1 0 Sprinkler leakage 2.120.72 5» Riot, civil com motion and explosion 1,624.33 ^.26 All o t h e r— Flood 337.03 .04 *882.780.78 *2.073 80 F W KOECKERT. President. A P GREER, Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of February. 1931 Sea! THOMAS F HEALY Notary Public Notary Public. Queens Co.. No .1,. Reg. No. 1882. Cert, filed in N Y, Co . No 684 Reg No 8-H-351 Com mission expires March 30. 1838. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE American Eagle Fire Insurance Company Of 80 Maiden Lane. New York. N Y.. on the .31st day of December 1830. as required under Section 047 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. INCOME Net premiums *2,804.855.42 Total Interest and rents 700.712.20 Other Income 146.734.01 Total income *3.718.301.72 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policy holders for losses *1,262 81036 All other disbursements 1 832.783 75 Total disbursements *3.085,504.11 ASSETS Real estate 0 Mortgage loans on real estate O Collateral loans _ 0 Bonds and stocks *14,662,427.00 Cash in company's office 0 Deposits in banks 054 601 42 Agents' balances 687 360.07 Interest and rents due or accrued 28,892 04 All other asseta_ 0 Gross assets _ *16.333.360.53 Deduct assets not ad mitted . 26.740.06 Total admitted as sets _$16,307,020.48 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims $734,678.18 Total unearned pre _ miums 3.062.561 92 Other liabilities 39o.o50.00 apital paid up l.UOO.UOO.OO Surplus over all liabili ties 11.120.330 38 Total $16 307,620 4* NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR District of „ Total Columbia Fire $2.201.oil.96 $13,479,02 Ocean marine 178.030 63 29.59 Motor vehicles 174,463.33 27U.70 Earthquake 3,910 41 0 Inland navi gation and transporta tion 103.014.11 502 87 Tornado, wind storm and cyclone 100.359.14 286 44 Hail_ _ 12.554.19 0 Sprinkler leakage 11 373 25 0 Riot, civil com motion and explosion 17,376.01 4*v8? All other 2.101.89 4.70 $2,804,855.42 $14,002.05 F E MAXSON Vice President. G F HAYDEN. Secretary Su'oscribea and sworn to before me this 10th day of February. 1937. Seal .V A WEBER Notary Public. Queens County Clerk s No 1731. Register s Nr *831 Certificates filed in New York County Clerk s No 273 Register's No 7-W-162 Commission expires March 30. 1937. Confer with us on Washington, D. C., and nearby Maryland risks for— Fire Casualty Automobile Inland Marine Compensation Windstorm Consult us about the Supplemental Contract for your dwelling, which is a rider attached to a fire policy, and for a small additional premium you are insured against loss by— Windstorm Hail Explosion Riot Aircraft Motor Vehicle Damage 738 15th St. N.W. Real E$tate AGENTS IHoMsJlsKwHir Renta DI». 6830 Loans STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Globe & Republic Insurance Company of America Of Philadelphia Pa., on the .lilt day of December. 1936. as required under Section 647 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia INCOME Net premiums $1,930.862 11 Total interest and rents 245.241.57 Other income 1,217.079.80 Total income $3,393,183.28 — DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policy holders for losses $943,898 34 AU ether disbursements 2.418.613.28 Total disbursements $3,362,211 62 ASSETS Real estate $374.896 10 Mortgage loans on real „ «tate 1.000.00 Collateral loans 0 Bonds and stocks 7.148.292 69 Cash In company's office 0 Deposits in banks 508.759.35 Agents’ balances 306,893.16 Interest and rents due or accrued _ 14.174.39 All other asseta _ 88.630.14 Dross assets $8,442 645.83 Deduct assets not ad mitted 145.574.96 Total admitted as sets _$8,297,070.87 LIABILITIES Net unpaid claims $233,532.47 Total unearned premi ums 2.400.810.10 Other liabilities 175.307.62 Voluntary resery* for contingencies 1.non,ooo.oo Capital paid up Surplus over all liabilities 3.487.420.68 Total _ $8,297,070.87 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE YEAR District Of _ Total Columbia Fire $1,698,559.85 83.847.46 Ocean marine 14.083.84 Motor vehicles 193.297.14 —2.07 Earthquake 2.114.47_ Inland naviga 11 o n and transporta „ tion *,780.23 128.21 Tornado, wind storm and cyclone 09.292.07 36.75 Hail 3.412.20_ Sprinkler leak age 0.417.43_ Riot, civil com motion and explosion 4.241 46 _ All other 30.713.42 7.60 $4,016.26 W. J. REYNOLDS. Vice President. S E. ADAMS. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of February. 1037. iSeal.) WILLIAM 8 NAOEL. Notary Public. Notary Public, Nassau County No. 906. Certificate filed In N. Y. Co. No 02. Reg. No. 8-N-35 Commission expires March 30. 1938. STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION t or THE National Casualty Company of Detroit, Mich., On the 31st darof December. 19.36. as required under Section H47 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. INCOME Net premiums . $2,721,941.32 Total interest and rents 113.943.70 Other Income 91.fl03.R4 Total Income $2,927,488.86 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policy holders for losses $1.150.O5fl.3R All other disbursement* 1.414.877.69 Total disbursements $2,504.933 97 ASSETS Real estate . $42,554.23 Mortgate loans on rest estate 60.732,62 Collateral loans . 0 Bonds and stocks 2.674.901.08 Cash In company's office 52 549.70 Deposits in banks 420.498.85 Premiums in course of collection 800.212.79 Interest and rants due or accrued 18.R50.fl3 All other assets 208.444 03 dross assets $4.088 543 91 Deduct assets not ad mitted _ _ 371.8fl4.82 Total admitted assets $3.fi9fl.fi79 09 LIABILITIES Total unpaid claims $000,102.77 Total unearned premiums 706.343.21 Other liabilities 881.143.11 Capital paid up $760,000,00 Surplua over all liabilities 760.000 00 Total _ $3.flP6.fl79.09 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURING THE TEAR. District Total. of Columbia. Accident and health $2,081,478.78 $49,288.89 Non callable accident and health O 0 Auto liability 238.484 38 4.808.11 L i a b 11 1 ty other than auto 78.828.12 1,888.28 W o r kmen’s Compensa tion 177.648.29 12.618,86 Fidelity 12.421.20 142.68 Surety 24.061.58 1.119.48 Plate glass 16.654.78 677.22 Burglary and theft 29.592.21 054.19 Steam boiler 0 n Machinery 0 0 Auto proper ty damage 76.285.55 2.470.49 Auto collision 2.604.21 91.02 Property damage and colli sion other thar auto 4.012.24 14.48 Totals *2.721,941 32 $73,989 50 W. O. CURTIS. President. f. A GRANT. Secretary, ubscrlbed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February, 1937. (Seal l M. E PHILLIPS Notary Public. My commission expires May 18. 1937. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Provident Fire Insurance Co. of New Hampshire. Executive Offices. Ill John St New York, on the 31st day of December 1936. as required under Section 64? of the Code of Law for the District oi Columbia. INCOME Net premiums $340,900 > Total Interest and rents 73.614 9" Other Income ... 28.647.7" Total income $443,189.42 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policy holders for losses^- 131.199 64 All other disbursements 269.278.38 Total disbursements $340 477.42 AS8ET8 Resl estate 0 Mortgage loans on real estate __ n Collateral loans 0 Bonds and stocks $2,209,402.31 Cash In company's office 6 Deposits in banks 105.492.6* Agents' balances 109.782.25 Interest and rents due or accrued 14.112.39 All other assets . 1.360.84 Gross assets _ 2.440,150 47 Deduct assets not admited 39.308.81 Total admitted assets $2,400,841.86 LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims $57 585.72 Total unearned premi ums 319.074.75 Other liabilities 22.612.91 Capital paid up l.noo ooo.oo Surplus over all liabilities 1.001.568 28 Total $2,400,841.66 NET PREMIUMS WRITTEN DURINO THE YEAR District of Total. Columbia Fire *319.383.66 il.9Pn.13 Ocean marine li 0 Motor vehicles n n Earthquake 662 61 U Inland naviga tion and tra nsporta tlon 0 0 Tornado. wind storm. and cyclone 18 671.03 63 08 Hail 0 0 Sprinkler leak age 717.81 .01 Riot civil com motion. and explosion __ 1,338.09 1.07 All other: Air craft 243.89 20 *340.906.78 $3,052.30 E W ELWELL. Vice President. JOHN KOENIG. Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of February. 1937. (Seal.) HARRY HALPIN. Notary Public. Notary Public. Kings County No. 391. New York County Clerk's No 168. New York Co. Register's No 7H89. Commission expires March 30, 1937. JULES C. RICKER, Inc. General Agents JULES C. RICKER, President EVAN A. SHOLL, Vice President IMOGENE B. McGARRAGHY, Sec.-Treasurer Investment Bldg. DIst. 5965 INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES