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Pageant To Be Given On Easter Ninth Street Christian Group to Repeat “Dawning.” U'T'HE DAWNING,” a pageant of the resurrection, which was presented last Easter by the Ninth Street Christian Church, will be re peated this year Easter Sunday at •unrise, 5:51 a.m., at the Masonic Temple Auditorium, Thirteenth street •nd New York avenue. A cast of 65 people is necessary and the costuming Is especially impressive. Tickets are necessary for admission, but they are free to any one as long m the supply lasts at the Ninth Street Chrisian Church office, Ninth and D atreets northeast; at Pursell’s Book Store. 819 G street, or the American Automobile Association, Seventeenth •treet and Pennsylvania avenue. The pageant requires two and a half hours and is featured by exce llent music. In the cast are Mar guerite Hayes, Charles Brooks, Herbert Cooper. Lawrence Smallwood, Hub bard Quantrille, Joseph A. Scott, Cal vin Martin, Jack Bean, Cecil Redd, Earl Palsgrove, Melvin Hoover, Joseph O Harrison, Robert Madison. Donald Eorney, Arnold Gladwin. Jack Bean, M. H. Black. Ernest Payne, Melvin Hoover. Kenneth Laws. Elmer Whit ney, William Smith, Walter McCurdy, Marvel Smallwood, Helen Harvey, Von Zelle McCurdy, Mildred Cooper, Mary Clarke. Julia Draper, Claire Colsten, Bertha Jabin, Janelle Jones, Esther Blouch. Wyant Scott. Eliza beth Burke, Prances McDaniel, Ethel Talhelm, Queen Brinton. Ruth Brashears. Ada Leek and Jane Lane. VESPERS REPLACE EVENING SERVICE --— R«v. R. Paul Schearrer, pastor of the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, will preach at the 11 o'clock service on “Enduring Enthusiasm.” In place of the regular 8 o'clock serv ice. a vesper service will be held at 4 o'clock. Dr. D. N. Shoemaker will give the Brotherhood Bible Class the first address in a short series on “Isaiah.” Joan Schearrer and Patricia Pierce will be in charge of the young people’s meetings tomorrow evening. The Senior Group will omit its meeting to attend a special service at the Takoma Park Disciples of Christ Church. The annual meeting of the Church School will be held Tuesday evening. Brief addresses will be made by Miss Olwen Evans and Mr. Schearrer. The annual meeting of the Takterian Players will be Thursday evening. A candlelight communion service will be held Good Friday evening. The members of the pastor's com municants’ class will be received into membership. All other meetings scheduled regularly for Friday will be omitted. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH WILL BLESS PALMS The blessing and distribution of the ipalms Is a feature of the service at St. Paul’s Church on Twenty-third street near Washington Circle tomor row. The procession of palms, with the choir and clergy and attending acolytes, leads into the ervice of the holy eucharist, with a sermon by Rev. Arlington A. McCallum on “What Shall We Do With Him.” At » o.m. evensong and benediction Rev. Calvert E. Buck will continue his series of sermon* on "Some Human Aspects of Our Lord’s Life.” The Good Friday services include ♦he singing of the reproaches by the choir and the congregation. Wednesday evening a service of preparation for Easter communion and on Maundy Thursday a watch will be kept before the blessed sacrament in which members of the parish will take •hort periods of time. -•---■ — DECISION SERVICE Group to Meet at 10:30 at Calvary M. E. South. At Calvary M. E South Rev. W t>. Keene will preach tomorrow at 11 o'clock on “Our Master.” At 10:30 there will be a decision service in the assembly room of the church school. The young people will meet at 7:15. At 8 p.m. the pastor will preach on “A Study of Judas Iscariot." Special services will be held by the pastor Monday evening, "The Con cern of the Master”: Tuesday evening, ; •'Suffering With the Master”; Wednes- ; day evening, “The Master's Joy”; ] Thursday evening, “The Christian Passover ” The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered. Friday evening, "Why They Crucified Him.” PLAN MEETING Parish Women Will Hold Evening of Recollection. Women of St. Francis Xavier parish, under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Overend, will have an evening of recollection at the Washington Re treat House. 4000 Harewood road northeast, Monday. Mrs. Overend has the following lieutenants. Ladies of the Sodality, to assist her: Miss Marie Beaumont. Mrs. Frank Money, Miso Mildred O’Connor. Mrs. John T. Robey, Mrs. Clements Poiesz, Mrs. Raymond O'Donnell and Miss Eliza beth McGraw. Those desiring transportation from the church will meet at the rectory, 2800 Pennsylvania avenue southeast, at 5:15 p.m. Dinner, under the super viaion of the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, will be served at 6. Rev. Charles O'Hara, pastor of Holy Comforter Church, will be the retreat master. SERIES CONTINUES Dr. Taylor Will Discuss “Belief in Incarnation” Dr. James H. Taylor will continue the series at Central Presbyterian Church on "Why I Believe, ’ and will preach tomorrow morning on “Why I Believe in the Incarnation.” At night he will speak on “Trustees of the Gos pel.” The Westminster League will hold •lection of officers at 5 p.m. The Young People’s Friday Night Class will continue the study on “The Last Week of the Life of Christ.” The class will meet for dinner at 6 o’clock. Guest Preacher DR. PRESTON A. CAVE. THIRD CHRISTIAN TO HEAR DR. CAVE Former Pastor Is Known as Leading Speaker in Denomination. "The Hour Has Come” will be the subject of Dr. Preston A. Cave's ser mon tomorrow at the 11 o'clock serv ice at the Third Christian Church. Dr. Cave was formerly pastor of the congregation, and is known as one of the most distinguished speakers of the Disciples of Christ denomination. The Lord's supper will be observed at the morning service, with the pastor of the church, Rev. C. N. Williams, presiding. During Holy week services will be held Thursday and Friday evenings. The service Thursday will be by can dlelight and communion will be ob served. Friday evening will be devoted to prayer and praise. DR. BALL LISTS SERMON TOPICS i At the Metropolitan Baptist Church I the observance of Palm Sunday will feature every service. Dr. John Comp ton Ball, pastor, will speak in the morning on "Under the Palms With Jesus,” and in the evening on “Sitting Down and Watching the World's Greatest Tragedy.” The Woman's Bible Class will con duct religious services at the Home for Aged Ladies, 1255 Wisconsin avenue, 1 at 3 o'clock. The Through the Bible Class meets Tuesday at ” o’clock. Mrs. William ! Hasker is teaching. The Alpha Sigma Kappa will hold their annual banquet Tuesday at 7 o'clock. The annual pre : Easter communion service will be held Thursday evening, led by Dr. Ball and assisted by Miss Zoe Miller. Miss Pearl Hildergoss, Ernest Cole, Wilbur Koons, Walter Smith, Alfred Merkel and Ar thur Morrisette. dr. McDowell TO SPEAK HERE Dr. John McDowell, associate gen eral director of the Board of Christ ian Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, will speak at the New York Avenue Pres byterian Church tomorrow morning on "The Foundation of Christianity,” and at 8 pm. on "The World’s Only Hope.” The annual Easter communion service will be observed Thursday evening. It is the custom each year to partake of this sacrament on the night on which it was instituted. At 12:15 Friday a Good Friday service of meditation will be observed In the Lincoln Chapel. ‘REVEALING CHRIST’ IS SERMON THEME The triumphal entry of Jesus Into the city of Jerusalem will be observed at the Rhode Island Avenue M. P. Church, Rev. Raymond W. White, pas tor, Sunday morning. The pastor’s subject will be. “The Repealing Christ.” The evening aervioe will be in charge of the young people and will be Young People’s night. Oscar Berry, general superintendent of the Sunday school, will preside. The pastor's sub ject will be, “Christ and Modern Youth.” The Men’s Class will be taugh by Rev. Elmer Hassell, assistant pastor. He will discuss the subject, "John’s Picture of the Trial and Crucifixion.” The institution of the Lord’s Supper will be observed Thursday night. Candidates for reception into church membership on Easter will attend this service. Decision day in the Sunday school will be Sunday. The pastor will make brief talks. SPECIAL SERVICE Christ Lutheran Church to Observe Palm Sunday. The special service on Palm Sunday at Christ Lutheran Church will be combined with the rite of confirma tion. Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel will give an address on "Building Life on a Divine Foundation.” At 8 p.m. there will be a reunion and roll-call service. On Maundy Thursday there will be a solemn celebration of the sacrament of the altar at 8 o’clock. Rev. William Schiebell will assist the pastor in this service. On Good Friday evening the closing Lenten service will be held. The subject of the address will be "Love and Self-Sacrifice.” On Easter Sunday there will be communion service at 10 o’clock, with the festival service at 11 o’clock. The Sunday school Easter program will be given at 7 p.m. -• --- SERMON TOPICS Services in West Wash ington Baptist Church. Rev. C. B. Austin, pastor of the West Washington Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on "The Glory of the King,” and at 8 p.m. on “The lord Hath Need of You.” He will speak at the midweek service Thursday evening on "The Savior's Seven Sayings." This church will Join with others in the union Good Friday service at 8 p.m. in the Dumbarton Avenue M. S. Church. Dr. H. A. Kester will be the speaker. Topic, "Joseph of Arimathaea Besought Pilate That He Might Take Away the Body of Jesus.” F oundry Plans for Week Told Dr. Harris to Preach at Two Services Tomorrow. AT FOUNDRY M. E. CHURCH tomorrow morning Dr. Frederick Brown Harris will preach on “Who Follows in His Train” and at 8 p.m., “Jesus in the Capital.” There will be music. At the Epworth League at 7 p.m. Rev. Eddy L. Ford, director of reli gious education, will speak on “The Meaning of the Resurrection.” Holy Week services include a dra matic production, “The Rock,” Wednesday at 8 p.m. by John Allen, Margaret Ellison, Martin Haven, Harry Horton, Francis Le Sourd, Don Marrs, Helen Duey Neville, Charles Parker, Hazel Purdy and Barbara Smith. Thursday, at 8 p.m., the pastor will conduct the devotional service concluding with the admin istration of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The annual “Service for the Three Hours" will be held on Good Friday, from noon to 3 o’clock, as arranged by the District superintendent, Dr. G. Ellis Williams. The addresses on the "Seven Words From the Cross” will be given by the following ministers: Dr. William S. Abemethy of Calvary Baptist Church, Dr. Russell J. Clinchy of Mount Pleasant Congregational Church, Rev. J. Luther Neff of Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church, Dr. Jacob S. Payton, editor of the National Methodist Press; Rev. Reno S. Harp, jr., of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church; Dr. John W. Rustin of Mount Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church South, and Dr. Frank Steelman of Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church. Other ministers will participate in the service. ST. THOMAS RITES Rector to Conduct 3-Hour Service Friday. There will be services Good Friday at St. Thomas' Church, Eighteenth and Church streets, at 8 a.m.—litany and ante-communion. The three hour service of the cross will be con ducted by the rector, Dr. Howard S. Wilkinson, from 12 to 3 o’clock. At 8 p.m. music by the choir and brief address by Dr. Miller will be heard. Dr. Briggs To Speak Tomorrow “A Need Supplied” Topic — Group to Present Play. JN KEEPING with the observance of Palm Sunday, Dr. John E. Briggs, pastor of the Fifth Baptist Church, will preach on "A Need Supplied” at the 11 a.m. service. There will be a baptismal service at 7:30 p.m. Representative Jed Johnson will teach the Darlington Berea Class at 9:30 a m. and George Bell the Mooney Baraca Class. Thursday from 6 until 9 p.m. will be observed as the day of prayer for home missions. At 8 p.m. a play, written by one of the members of the church. Miss Anne Darlington, will be presented in the Sunday school audi torium. The play is entitled "Begin ning of Jerusalem” and will be pre sented by Miss Anne Darlington, Mrs. John E. Briggs, Miss Mary Embrey, Mrs. Rlllie Bryant, Mrs. Marshall Perkins, Mrs. J. W. Piercey, Mrs. Robert Owens and Miss Bradley Thompson During the service the offering for home missions will be received. FRANCIS ASBURY M. E. “I Thirst” and “It Is Fin ished” to Be Themes. The pastor of Francis Asbury M. E. Church, South, Rev. Albert P. Shir key, will speak tomorrow morning on "I Thirst” and in the evening, "It la Finished.” The young people’s meet ing, 6:45. Mr. Shirkey’s subject Thursday at 8 p.m. will be, "The Doctrine of the j Cross.” “A Decision” Is Topic for Rev. E. Goetz Sermon at Zion One of Series on “Look ing to Jesus.” AT THE 11 a.m. servioe tomorrow at Zion Lutheran Church Rev. Edward G. Goetz will continue his series on “Looking Unto Jesus," speaking on “A Decision.” The sub ject of the children’s sermon will be "Bearing Our Burdens.” The class to be confirmed at this service includes George W. Bartlett, Jr.; George W. Bean, Jr.; Prank J. E. Hermann, Jean E. Holzbeierleln, Katherine Krautwurst, Hilda E. Laue, Dorothy K. Niedomanskl and Frank W. Redinger. The Intermediate Luther League will meet at 6 o’clock. Lois Lettner will be the leader. Topic, “Listening to the Movies.” The Senior Luther League will meet at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Virginia Major will be the leader. Topic, "Christ Crucified.” Holy communion will be adminis tered Holy Thursday at 8 p.m. The pastor will conclude his series, "So Great Salvation.” speaking on “Its Postlude.” Good Friday service at 8 p.m. Dr. Snyder Ends Series On‘Hosanna’ St. Paul’s Lutheran Pastor to Receive New Class. „ AT THE Palm Sunday service at | St. Paul’s Lutheran Church to morrow morning Dr. Henry W. Snyder will deliver the final sermon of his Lenten series on the theme "Ho sanna.” A class of conflrmants will be received and there will be recep tion of other members by transfer. Special music. At the evening service, which will be devoted to young people, the sermon topic will be "Sin, Its First Cost and Upkeep.” There will be evening services dur ing Holy Week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The address on Tuesday will be on “Silver or Savior.” On Wednesday the topic will be "Marred But Re-made” and there will be a preparatory service. Holy communion will be celebrated on Thursday and Friday evenings, with a sermon Friday on "Let the Water and the Blood.” St. Paul’s will participate with other Lutheran churches in a union service at the Church of the Reformation on Good Friday from 12 to 3 p.m. The Sunday school will present a pageant on Eastern Sunday night en titled "The Resurrection Truth,” writ ten by Dr. Snyder. Emory Methodist. Dr. Horace E. Cromer announces “The Set of His Face” and "Christ Speaks From Calvary" as the special sermons. The last of the series of fellowship hours will be held after the evening service. Services will be held each night dur ing Holy Week. Activities in Local Churches Congress Street M. P. The Harrison Bible class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 am. Chief S. T. 1 Porter, second vice president, will pre ! side. LJeut. W. H. Thomas will have I charge of the lessons. Dr. Hirl A. I Kester, the pastor, will give a short ' talk. Representative Braswell Deen I of Georgia will be the guest speaker. I The lesson theme is "John's Picture of the Trial and Crucifixion.’’ Dr. Kester will preach at 11 a m. on “Palm Sunday's Sacrifice,” and at 8 p.m. on "Our Tyrst With Him.” Holy communion, Thursday, 8 p.m. Church Federation. : The Washington Federation of Churches will hold its annual meeting April 14, in Hamline Methodist Church. Dinner will be served at 6 o’clock, the business session following when the new board of directors will be elected. "Phe speaker will be Dr. Albert E. Day of Baltimore. Entertainment. Tickets will be available soon through the office, room 610, McLachlen Building. Eckington Presbyterian. Rev. Henry B. Wooding will speak at the 11 o’clock service from the text "Called Unto His Kingdom and Glory” and at 8 p.m. on "Satan Hath Desired to Have You.” The fellow ship of silence will be observed at the morning service. Good Friday evening the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed. Bethany Baptist. Rev. M. P. German will speak in the morning on ‘‘King for a Day" and at 8 p.m. on “The Emotional Christ." The Stevenson Bible Class will hear Senator M. M. Logan of Kentucky. The subject for discussion is “Christ's Cross and Mine.” A candlelight communion service will be held Thurs day evening. Grace Episcopal. Palms will be distributed tomorrow at 11 a.m. Monday and Tuesday services at 8 p.m. Rev. Ralph E. Sharpe, pastor of Marvin M. E. Church, will preach Wednesday night. Rev. Meade Bolton MacBryde, rec tor, will conduct holy communion Maundy Thursday at 8 p.m. At the three hours’ devotion, Thurs day, 12 to 3 o’clock, Rev. Harry V. Porter, Rev. L. F. Stevens, Rev. Karl G. Newall, Rev. C. N. Williams, Rev. Edwin A. Ross and Rev. R. E. Sharpe will speak. St. Luke’s Episcopal. Daily observance of Holy Week will start tomorrow with the pastor con ducting the services. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. a sacred drama will be presented by the young people. Maundy Thursday a service commemorating the Last Supper will be celebrated with holy communion at 7:45 p.m. On Good Friday the three-hour devotional serv ice from 12 to 3 and at 7:45 p.m. Grace Reformed. The rite of confirmation will be ad ministered by Dr. Ranck at the morn ing service. He will preach on “The Meaning of Confirmation.” Holy Week services, Tuesday, Thurs day and Friday evenings. Annual meeting of the Consistory Tuesday evening. The Good Friday service is preparatory to holy communion on Easter Sunday. Billy Blummenauer will lead the young peoples meeting at 6:30 to morrow. “The Way of the Cross” will be presented in pictures. Marvin Methodist. At 11 a.m. Re”. Ralph Sharpe will preach on “Praising and Living for Christ.” Members will be received at this service. At 8 p.m. lecture and pictures on the Passion Play of Oberammergau will be given. Serv ices each evening during Holy Week. Sliver Spring Baptist. Palm Sunday will be opened with four services. For the children at 9:45 a.m., followed by a sermon by Rev. J. Wesley Loftls; at 11 o’clock on "The White Battalion;” another service will be conducted by the young people at 7 o’clock, followed by the evening service when the pastor will speak and illustrate the Christ-like life of “A Blind Singer.” St Mark’s Lutheran. "The King of Glory" will be the theme of Rev. J. Luther Frantz at the 11 a.m. service. Special music. Miss Jane Moberly will be the leader of the Luther League and will discuss the topic, "Christ Crucified.” Holy Week aervioes will be held Wednesday, preparatory service; Thursday, holy communion, and Fri day at 8 pm. Open-Door Church. “Mountains of the Bible” will be the • theme Sunday morning and “The Cross of Christ in Galatians” Sunday night, both by the pastor. Service of the young people at 7 p.m. Westminster Memorial. The pastor will preach tomorrow morning on “Hosannas and Palm Branches.” In the evening at 8 o’clock, “The Passion of Our Lord” will be presented in colored slides. Presbyterian Ministers. The Presbyterian Ministers' Associa tion of Washington and vicinity will meet in the New York Avenue Pres byterian Church Monday at 11 o’clock. Clinton N. Howard, general superin tendent of the International Reform Federation will speak on “Three Calls to Service.” Ryland Methodist. ‘‘Jesus, Lord of Human Life” is Rev. Newell's subject at the Palm Sunday service at 11 am. At 7:30 p.m. he will speak on "Who Is Your King?” This will be followed by a fellowship featuring "The Palm Sun day Alphabet.” The Epworth and Intermediate Leagues will meet at 7 p.m. Junion League, Thursday, 3:15, and at 8 p.m. the Lord's Supper will be served. Church of Two Worlds. "Spiritual Gifts" will be the subject of the address by Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs at the Palm Sunday service at the Hotel Continental at 8 p.m. At the service Wednesday at 8 p.m. the minister will give a lecture. Cleveland Park Community. "His Last Days on Earth” is the topic tomorrow morning by Rev. J. S. Loughran. The young people meet at 7 p.m. Fellowship dinner Thurs day at 6:30, followed by holy com munion. Kenilworth Presbyterian. The theme for the morning service will be “The Paths of Glory bead but to the Grave.” The Fidelis Class will give a pageant, "The Easter Vision,” at 8 p.m. Ruth Shaw and Ruth Win nie will lead the young people’s service at 6:45 p.m. Prayer meeting will be a communion service held at the church on Thursday evening at 8 p.m. The annual congregational meeting will be held March 30. Seat Pleasant Methodist. Rev. Paul Bohi will speak at 11 a m. oi "The Difference Jesus Makes To day” and at 8 p.m. “Are We Becom ing Jellyfish?” Sacred music Tues day night, holy communion Thursday night. Kno:. Presbyterian. Services will be held in the Bible Institute Building, 1316 Vermont ave nue, tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. In the morning Rev. Leslie W. Sloat will preach on “The Coming of the King” and in the evening on “Cleans ing the Temple.” A special pre-Easter communion service will be held Thurs day evening. Wisconsin Avenue Baptist. Rev. Clarence Ray Ferguson will preach tomorrow morning on “What Doest Thou Here” At 8 p i. the Senior B. Y. P. U. will present a pro gram on “Stewardship.” Followed by a short message by the pastor. "An Adventure in Tithing” will be presented by the Woman’s Missionary Society Thursday evening. Bible Prophecy. "Will the United States be Under a Dictatorship by 1938?” will be the subject of the 3 o’clock prophetic dis cussion tomorrow by Evangelist Dale Crowley at 311 East Capitol street. "The Seven Judgments” will be the subject at 8 p.m. The public is in vited. Rehoboih Baptist. , Sunday will be observed as Palm Sunday with special music. New of ficers will be appointed for the church school. The adult forum will be ad dressed by Deacon William George. The topic of the pastor’s morning sermon will be “With Christ in the Nation’s Capital,” and in the evening, "Jesus and Pilate—Pilate and Jesus.” Preaching Thursday and Friday, 8 p.m. Highlands Baptist. Palm Sunday will be observed with a sermon on "Our Triumph.” In the evening the sermon will be from the current lesson of the church school, "A Misunderstood Cross.” The women will meet with Mrs. Simmonds, 1324 Gallatin street, Wednesday, A gen erous package of bedding and cloth ing has been sent to the flood sufferers. St. Columbia's Episcopal. Holy communion will be celebrated tomorrow at 7:30 a m. and again on Maundy Thursday at 7 and at 10 ajn. Tomorrow at 11 o'clock, the rector has taken as his topic, "The King Enters Jerusalem." Services will be held Tuesday and Thursday at 8 p.m. Three-hour serv ices on Friday are from 12 to 3 and at 8 there will be devotion of sta tions of the cross. Jones Memorial M. E. Women's Day will be observed to morrow. At 11 a m., address by Mrs. Julia West Hamilton; 3:30 p.m., ad dress by Mrs. Lula Brown Miner. Dr. Julius S. Carroll, minister. Distribu tion of palms at each sendee. McKinley Memorial Baptist. Dr. S. Geriah Lamkins will preach at 11 a.m. on "Watchman What of the Night." Rev,. F. C. Bundy and others will conduct the celebration of holy communion at 3:30 p.m. Short sermon and evangelistic services at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting Tuesday, 8 p.m. j Healing Services. The service of Christian healing J at the church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation will be held Tuesday eve ning. Rev. Paul Wilbur, rector of the parish, will have charge. Transfiguration Episcopal. Palms will be distributed at the 11 o'clock service. Dr. Thomas D. Win diate will officiate at the 7:30 service and preach at the 11 o'clock service. Special music. At 7:30 on Sunday evening con firmation classes will be held at the rectory. Hyattsville Baptist. The pastor will lead his congrega tion Sunday at 11 a.m. in meditation on "The Cry of the Human Heart for a Spiritual Revival,” and at 8 p.m. he will give an exposition of Acts xlii.48. Miles Memorial M. E. At the 11 o'clock service Rev. L. Q. Brown will discuss “The Triumphant Ride Into Jerusalem." Special music. Epworth League, 6:30 p.m.; prayer service, Wednesday. 8 p.m. Trinity Methodist. Dr. Dan L. Ennis will administer holy baptism and speak on "Hail to : the Conqueror” at 11 am. Special j music at 8 pm. Herbert H. McMurray will address ! the Bible classes at 9:45. The Ep- ! worth League will have a stereopticon | lecture at 7 p.m. Holy Week services ■ will be held Wednesday, 8 p.m. "The First Three Words from the Cross,” Thursday, 8 p.m.; holy communion, Friday, 8 p.m.; "The Last Three Words from the Cross”; Wednesday, 4 p.m., children’s story. Bethesda Presbyterian. "His March Into the City” will be the subject of Rev. John L. Parkes’ sermon Palm Sunday morning. In the evening he will preach on "Anointed With the Oil of Gladness.” The Pioneers and young people meet at 7 pm. There will be a special Easter serv ice for children at 10 a.m. Friday. Rev. Parkes is offering three special Easter week services on the themes "His Thirst.” "His Travail” and “His Trust.” These services will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 8. For the children and young people who are interested in becoming church members classes are being held this and next Sunday at 10 o'clock. St. Mary’s Episcopal. Holy communion will be celebrated 7:30 a.m.; choral service, sermon and distribution of palms, 11 a.m. The rector will preach on "Modem Pagan ism and the New Social Order.” John Wesley A. M. E. Z. At 11 a.m. tomorrow blessing and distribution of the palms. Sermon, "The Irony of the Palms,” by Rev. Stephen GUI Spottswood. At 8 p.m. the minister will speak on "The Meaning of Communion.” Services each night. Communion, Thursday night. Good Friday night the Excelsior Dramatic Club will pre sent "Follow Thou Me,” by Mary Hitchcock, under the direction of Mrs. V. A. Charleston. McKendree Mjthodist. Palm service at 11 a.m., with mes sage by Rev. S. E. Rose on “Palm Sun day Plan.” Young People’s League, 7 p.m. He speaks at 8 p.m. on “The Roman Centurion,” the sixth Lenten message on "They Saw Calvary.” On Holy Thursday at 8 p.m. holy communion will be administered. I Concord-Cabin John M. E. "Acclaiming the King” will be the \ subject of Rev Prank Edwards Sutch. 1 At Concord, River road above Wil- J son, lane, Sunday school at 2:15 p.m.; church service at 3 p.m. At Cabin John, Sunday school at 10:15 am.; church service at 8 p.m. French Services. At the French service at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church to morrow at 4 p.m., Rev. Andre Frank Liotard, pastor of the French congre gation, will speak on the subject, "Les Larmes de Jesus." On Good Friday at 4:45 pi t. Mr. ; Liotard will conduct a special liturgic service with appropriate scripture readings and hymns. Israel C. M. E. The C. M. E. Churches of Washing ton will present Dr. W. Y. Bell of How- I ard University in a series of Holy Week sermons at the church. He will preach 1 at the 11 o’clock service. Special mu sic. At 3 p.m. Mrs. W. W. Ma thews, wife of Bishop Matthews, will deliver an address to the Missionary Society on her missionary work in Africa. A sacred drama, '‘The Challenge of the Cross," will be rendered at the eve ning service. St. Andrew's Episcopal. Palm Sunday services are: Holy communion. 8 a.m.; service and ser mon, 11 a.m. Children's church serv ice, 9:30 a.m. I^v. A. J. Wilder will preach. Holy communion, Monday. Tues day and Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.; i Maundy Thursday, commemoration service of the institution of the Lord's Supper. 8 pm.; Good Friday, prayer and meditative service, 2 to 3 p.m. St. Paul M. E. Church, South. Tomorrow at 11 am. Rev. William F. Locke will preach on ‘ The Tri umphal Entry" and at 8 p.m. on "Why a Clean Heart.” The meeting of the young people’s division at 7:15 p.m. will be led by Miss Evelyn Fletcher. Evangelistic services will be held each evening of Passion Week, ex cept Saturday, at 7:45 p.m. The pas tor will preach. Douglas Memorial M. E. At the morning service Rev. Clar ence H. Corkran will have as his theme, "The Leader." Baptism will be administered. The Woman's For eign Missionary Society will have charge of the evening service. Mrs. E. Pearce Hayes of China will be the guest speaker. Special music. Holy Week services at 8 p.m. Monday; Love Feast, Tuesday; Dr. A. B. To trof of the American University, Wednesday; Dr. Chesteen Smith, Thursday, holy communion. Potomac Heights Community. Palm Sunday will be observed with services appropriate to the conclusion of the financial campaign for the erec tion of a new church. Rev. O. J. Ran dall will preach at 11 o’clock on "The Triumphal Entry,” and at 8 pm., “After the Parade Was Over—What?” The Executive Committee will meet Wednesday evening. Peck Memorial Chapel. Palm Sunday will be observed. Rev. Irving W. Ketchum will have for his topic, "Every Man's King.” Palm branches will be distributed. The Young People’s Society at 7 p.m. will be led by Miss Mary King. The pastor will conduct a children’s service Friday at 3 p.m., with pictures. A Good Friday service will be observed at 8 p.m., when scenes from the "Pas sion Play” at Oberammergau will be shown. Metropolitan Presbyterian. Dr. Freeley Rohrer dll preach Sun day morning on "A Triumphal Entry.” At the vesper service at 6 o’clock a group of young people will give a tab leau of the Bethany Feast. It will be in charge of Mrs. J. C. Spivey. Earl C. King will interpret the scene. Western Presbyterian. A special Palm Sunday service will be held. Dr. Dunham will preach on “The Challenge of the Colt.” The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated Thursday evening. New members will be received. Capital View Baptist. Rev. Clarke Griffin will preach at 11 a.m. on “Take All the World, but Give Me Jesus.” At 3:30 * the Women’s Club will have a program. Rev. Gibson, pastor of the Glendale Baptist Church, will be the guest speaker.- Prayer service Tuesday, • to 9 p.m. (See ACTIVITIES, Page B-7.) Returned REV. G. E. SCHNABEL. LUTHERANS PLAN TAKOMA SERVICES Rev. Mr. Pfeiffer to Speak on ‘Undivided Allegiance’ Tomorrow. "Undivided Allegiance’’ will be the title of the Palm Sunday sermon by Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer, pastor of the Takoma Lutheran Church, tomorrow morning. Holy baptism will be cele brated. In the evening the members of this congregation will worship with the Trinity Episcopal Church In a community service. Holy week services will be held Good Friday night with the pastor speaking on Jesus’ last word from the cross, "Father, Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit." Holy communion will feature this service. -# DR. Z. T. PHILLIPS WILL BE SPEAKER Dr, Ze Barney T. Phillips, rector of the Church of the Epiphany, will be the special noonday preacher next week from Monday through Thursday. On Good Friday he will conduct the Three Hours service from 12 to 3 p.m. Other services during Holy Week will ' be the 8 p.m. communion service on Maundy Thursday in commemora tion of the institution of the Lord's Supper. A service of litany and ad dress by Rev. Cartmell at 10 a.m. on Friday; evensong and sermon by Rev. Harris at 4:45 on Friday, and at 8 p.m. Good Friday evening there will be a rendition of the cantata, “The Message From the Cross." There will be a festival service to morrow, Palm Sunday, at 11 am. Dr. Phillips will preach at 8 p.m. There will be a brief address and special music. ■ ■ ■ • ■— PRE-EASTER SERVICE PLANS At Ninth Street Christian Church Rev. Clifford H. Jope will preach to morrow at 11 o’clock on "Welcoming the King.” The junior church, under the leadership of Mrs. Howard Thompson, will meet in the church house at the same time. Mr. Jope wall preach at 7:45 p m. on "The King dom Not of This World. ’ Services leading up to Easter will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day as follows: Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., music and brief message by the pastor, “The Glory of the Cross.” Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., illustrated service; sermon. “What Jesus Saw From the Cross,” Thursday, 7:45 p.m., communion service only. CATHOLIC *RADIO HOUR TOMORROW The Washington Catholic Radio Hour will hold its broadcast service tomorrow at 5 p.m. over WOL direct from the Church of the Immaculate Conception Dr. John K. Cartwright will preside and Rev. Joseph E Gedra will be the celebrant of benediction and impart the individual blessing with the relic of St. Bernadette Soubrious at the close of the service. The sermon, the last of the series on “The Church of the Living,” will be given on the special topic, “The Church of the Saints," by Rev. Spear Strahan. The tenebrae service of Holy Week will be sung Wednesday, Holy Thurs day and Good Friday at 7:45 pm. by the Friars of the Atonement. The sermon Wednesday evening will be given by Rev. L. Sheehan of St. Patrick's. The sermon on Holy Thurs day will be given by Rev. Robert White of Catholic University. The sermon Good Friday will be given by Dr. Cart WTight. Palms will be blessed before the high mass and distributed during the mass and again at the 5 o'clock serv ice tomorrow. AT ALL SAINTS’ “Palm Sunday Thoughts” Is Rev. Cocke’s Topic. ‘Palm Sunday Thoughts” Is the subject of Rev. Henry Teller Cocke tomorrow at 11 o'clock in All Saints' Episcopal Church. Holy communion, 7:30 p.m. The young people will meet at 6 o'clock for supper, followed by a service, with Fred Spann and Edward White participating. The women will have their annual service of ingathering and thank of fering at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, followed by holy communion. The rector has arranged Holy Week services as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m.; Thurs day, holy communion at 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m., and on Good Friday a service at 10 a.m., followed by the three-hour service beginning at noon. Trinity Lutheran. A class of 10 catechumens will be received into communicant member ship by the rite of confirmation to morrow, 11 a m. They are Heinz Bernhards, John Dietz, Walter Franlte, Ilse Goldberg, Henry Heine, Emma Lou Heine, Caroline Jeblick, Ernest Krausmann, Franklin Sonnabend, Elfrieda Trebus. The German service will be dropped. Maundy Thursday communion serv ice, 8 p.m. Good Friday, German service with holy communion, 10 a m. Noonday service, 12:30 p.m. Rev. W. C. Klahold, Baltimore, Md., will de liver the sermon. English service, 8 p.m. Pastor Back At Albright Twelfth Year Rev. G. E. Schnabel Returned to Evan gelical Church. AT THE session of the Central Penn sylvania Conference of the Evan gelical Church at Lewis town. Pa Rev. George E. Schnabel was returned her# to Albright Memorial Church for the twelfth year. This Is the longest pas torate In the history of the Evangelical Church. He organized the Albright congregation in 1926 and has con tinued as pastor ever since. Palm Sunday will usher in Holy Week. The pastor will preach each night. The Adult and Girls’ Choir* will assist at each service. Thursday night the sacrament of holy com munion will be observed and Friday night the congregation will gather at the foot of the Old Rugged Cross, this being a part of the Albright tra dition. At 6:45 o’clock there will be a serv ice for young people. Church service 1s at 7:45 p.m. ' PALM SERMON AT EPWORTH M. E. The Palm Sunday sermon in Ep worth M. E. Church South will b« preached by Rev. John H. Blakemore, jr., assistant minister, on “The Tri umphant Entry." Dr. Harry M. Can ter, pastor, will speak at 8 p.m. A service will be held on Wednesday evening which will correspond to the usual midweek prayer meeting. Thursday evening both pastors will hold service and sacrament of th« Lord's Supper will be held in the church proper. During the period from 2 to 3 o’clock on Friday the church will be open for meditation and worship. The evening service Friday will be one in which a class for church membership will be held, conducted by Dr. Canter and Mr. Blakemore. The custom of memoralizing friends and relatives will be held Easter Sun day, by placing on the altar of the church a lily for each person so me morahzed. This service is in charge of Miss Grace Bush and Marvin Hummer. A business meeting of the Minot Bible Class will be held in the social rooms Tuesday evening. ------ ‘SUFFERING’ TOPIC OF DR. CLINCHY Suffering Can Be Transformed Into Power," the sixth sermon in the Lenten series "Christian Affirma tions,'' will be the subject of Dr. Rus sell J. Clinchy, minister of the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church, to morrow morning. In the adult forum at 10 o'clock Dr. Julius Lips, profesor of anthropology at Howard University, will speak on , "White Man, Whither Bound?" The discussion group has as its topic at 6 o'clock, “How to Divide Our Time So As to Lead to a Balanced I Life of Work and Play." Miss Ruth Kizer will direct the discussion. Tlie Maundy Thursday communion service wil be held at 8 o'clock. The church night supper will be omitted. “PALMS AND CROSS” WILL BE SUBJECT At Fifteenth Street Christian Church Palm Sunday service and holy communion at 11 a.m. Sermon by Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on "Palms and a Cross.’’ Question box hour will be observed at 8 p.m. Mr. Bowers will answer the | following questions: 1—Does Lent i really help Christians or is it just a | season in the church calendar to be observed because of custom and tradi tion? 2—Doe, Hitler strengthen his leadership by harassing the church and the Jews" 3—Should both par ties contemplating marriage, reveal their past secrets to each other? 4— Should one refuse to become a follower of Christ because he cannot under stand the atonement? 5—Should the church be expected to keep the homes and families of the ‘‘unemployed em ployables" together after al other agencies have cut them from their rolls? SUNDAY SERVICES AT MOUNT RAINIER Rev. E. Pieplow will deliver the con j firmation service at Mount Rainier j Lutheran tomorrow, speaking on "An Unbroken Pledge With a Heavenly Re ward," and will confirm the following: Robert Behneman, Anna Grace Figard, Betty Figard. Werner Pauls, j Anita Purschwdtz, Joseph Wentz, Mar j guerite Wentz. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wentz, sr„ and Mrs. Noah Bradford. All the conflrmands of Trinity Lu theran Church will join in a ban quet Sunday afternoon. The speakers will include Representative William Boehne of Indiana, Paul Hofmaster, Carlton Heyser, Lawrence Schwiesow and Miss Esther Zeckser. At 8 p.m. the annual reunion service will be held with the sermon on "An swering Youth's Challenge in a Re union Service.” The church council meets Monday, j 8 p.m. Services during holy week in clude communion services Maunday Thursday, 8 p.m, and Good Friday services, 8 p.m. -- NATIONAL BAPTIST MEMORIAL RITES Dr. Gove G. Johnson, pastor of the National Baptist Memorial, will speak tomorrow morning on ‘‘Thy King Cometh!” In the evening, spe cial music. The board of deaconesses meets in the Pinkham class room at 7 p.m. Thursday, and at 7:10 the Pastor’s Class for Boys and girls meets in the church parlor, and at 8 p.m. the mid week service of the church will be held, the subject being "The I^st Night.” PLAN UNION SERVICE Members of the various churches in Takoma Park have been invited to a service in the new church of the Trinity Episcopal parish. The preacher will be Dr. G. Ellis Williams, district superintendent of the Wash* ington district of the M. E. Church. In the morning there will be holy communion at 8 o'clock and morning prayer and sermon at II o'clock. Rev Reno 8. Harp, Jr., has as his subject "The Sin of Stupidity.”