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(tarJi at uljanks. Adams, .iosfhi r wp dn Fruitfully appreciate and acknowledge each kind expression of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes sent by friend- and rela tives at the passing of our loved one. THE FAMILY. • Dratlnt. ATHERTON*. CLARENCE If On Friday. March ]'» 1!».{1 CLARENCE H ATHER TON. beloved husband of Olivia S Ath erton (nee Gartll) and lather of Rav N. Atherton of Orono Me Mrs. W. F , Best of Charleston. \Y. Va . Mrs. A L. ; King and Gertrude May of Washington Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral j home Mt> H st. n r . on Tuesday. March ' *’.T at 2:UO p.m. Relatives and friends Invited Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. -Orono. Me . papers please copy.) ATHERTON. CLARENCE If A special meeting of Syracusians Lodge No 10 Knights of Pythias will be held at K o'clock tonight -Monday March Ml. IDdT) in the Grand Lod.ce room. Pythian Temple, to make final arrangements for the funeral of our late brother. CLARENCE H. ATHERTON. All mem bers art urged to be nrcsent. GFORGF P. MAGILL. Chancellor Com- j manrier. BARKER. WILLIAM I On Sunday. March 2^ ID.t;, WILLIAM I DARKER the beloved husband ol Rose Barker <nee McKax and father ot Sophie Barker and William I Barker, ir -on of Roger F Barker and brother of Roger L. and Theodore Barker and Mr Virginia Dod son of Springfield. Va Funeral servicer at the W. W Chambers Co Southeast funeral home l 7 11th st. s o on Wednesday. March ‘11. at 2 Rela tives and frmnd-- invited. Interment . Cedar Hill Cemetery 2’,\ BFRKHFIMFR. M ARIF K On Saturday ! March 0<). 1: : T. nt Siblev Memorial; Hospital. MARIE K. BERKHE1MER <nee Farru beloved wife nf ’lie Ltr George Berkheimer of l ; !: mlin st r. e Funeral wilt Iv* held from the abo- e residence on Ttiesrnv Mawh "M. at '1 pm Interment Mount Olivet Come- ; tery. Relatives and friends invited. HIRNIE. DOT Cl AS PUTNAM. On Sun day. March *2 1 1 f':;" at l : home, l 1 Conn, axe r. xv m the M year of his age. DOUGLAS PUTNAM BTRNIF Fu- j neral from the Sixth Presbyterian Church, l'fh and Kenneth* ‘■is. n.w . on Tuesday Moron ‘1! ‘ at 1 .T* nm In i deference to D TTirnic's xv - h friends, are reouested not to smd fl we is. In terment in Springfield. Mass. *-•> Blackwell, nflut r Departed this! life on Saturdav. March 7" 1337. at 1 the residence o her sou i-. "•! • st. n w . NELLIE E BL'KCKWEl L. dauch- j ter of the late Jeremiah ;«ud Amanda ■ Turner, bein'cd wife of the la:« William H Blackwell. She leaves to mourn their lo- a devoted son F enc H Blackwell; three crandclvhTmi ore great-grandson. two ci luvhters-in-law and othr:- reirtivr- and friend' Re mains resiir.s at the Smith, funeral home. 1175 10th st. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. March 73 at *' v nv. from above fu neral horn-' Rev J 1. S Hhhman of flciat Interment Mount Zion Ce; .• cry. * BOWLES. GEORGE WLBSTI R O Sun day. March 21. It);;:, a: h.s residence Rices road. Hy* \ hie. Y gEORGF WEBSTER BOWLES br’.o1 ed husband} of Mane Bov b . father of Gr H and ( John Much Bow1'*'. F nc: •’ service^ at the W \V Chambers Co fun•*t.h home. 1400 ( March 7 \ at pm. Rr ' «'• nd friends are invited. Iverr. mv. Fro ''°ct Hill Cemeter:*. *-3 BRICE. SAMUEL TV Or. S ;.r! • M. 1 •'1 103* st. n.w SAMUEL B BRICE the belr.-.ed husband of Fy.ri M B’uc .r: brother . of Mrs B P Kenned* V Nohc T Brian of Grec ■ h> \ C. •; <: '■!r G W 5Weils o' K - N c Erma;r resting at the \V V Chamber- Co fu neral home. MOu Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. Butler. ALICE. Departed hi on Wednesday March l* 1 . a' B hie-1 vue HosDitrk N w Yo; C AITCE BUTLER She loss a devoid i • y Geor e ButL r a . sister Louise Butler; two brothers George Butler. . at Sylv< But It i four aunts and other relnt e- and friends. Family can bo seen • t .*■ resi dence of her aunt. Mrs R Dii 1 f 1 7 - A Half st i v F . T March 23 at 1 p.i Morris j A Carter funeral home 2nd and F s*> 8.w Rev B H Whitinr officiating In-j terment, Woodlawn Cemetery. CASSIDY. I ASF G. On Monday March j 27 1037. at Homeopathic Hospital JANE Ci. CASSIDY, b^lovr- diueh’pr of the Cassidy Notice of funeral later. CASTLE LOIS ANNE. On Fund ■ March 21 1037. at Chil rei H LOIS ANNE infant daughter o' \ L B »nd Margaret L. Cattle of Lm Maryland drive Brnokmr-w M-* Ser\;cr at Gao ler's chanej 175m P ave n.w on Tuesday March *.'3 a* in a in. CAVANAUGH. (JURI ES T Suddeniv on Friday M-rch !'•» 103* •’ in resi dence 537 2nd st. s e CHARLES J CAVANAUGH br’ov(?d husband of Gwen dolyn Cavanauch Funeral from his late residence on Tuesria> March 7' R:30 a.m • thence to S'. Peter's Church, where muss will offered at 0 a.m Interment Arlington National Cemetery. CHAPMAN. JACK On Sunday March 7b J037 a* Freedmen’s Hospital. JACK CHAPMAN devoted father of Joseph Chapman and Mrs. Henrietta Gray He also leaves a devoted sister Mrs Mattie L Davis of Atlanta. On and other rela tives and friend: Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 U st. nw Funeral Fridav, March 26. at 8 pm. from the above funeral church Intprmcr.: Harmony Cemetery j Saturday. March 2 7. 26 CHRISM AN. EM I- C l l\TON On Satur day. March 2u. 1*1.4;. at her re.-idence. , «2« ?ih s*. n r . ELLIS CLINTON CHRIS- j MAN Cnee Fleming1, beloved wife c.f ' Genre? H Chrisman. Service* a’ the above residence on Tuesday March 23. j at 2 nm Relative* and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 22 CLANCEV JANE. Suddenly on Saturday March 2<>. 1937 at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. Mrs JANE CLANCEY, wife of George Clancev arci sister of Mr A. Magruder MacDonald. Services held to day Monday. March 2". at the home of ; Dr and Mr* MacDonald. 1 02*' Maryland ave n r Bodv to b-' taken to Stuy- | vesant. N. Y Interment will be on Tues- I dav. Mrs Clancev ;* survived by her i husband, sis’er and daughter. Marcella. J and father, brother and s:-:er in Stuy vesant. CLARK. MARY ANN PERSEI.I . O Sun day. March 2 1. 1937, a- her residence !-*24 Independence ave. s.-.v . MARY ANN PURSELL CLARK, beloved wife of the late Harry Clark Services at the above residence on Wednesday. March 2’4. a*. 2 P m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Congressional Cc:r.c;e: . COOMRF. HENRY G. On Su . : v. March 21. 1937. HENRY G. COOMHE 0! the Masonic and F..;-tern Star Home Serv ices at the S H Hinp* Co funeral homp. 2001 14th st. nw on Timsdav. March 23. at 2 pm. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. COOMBE. HENRY C. Federal Lodi- No.! 1 F A A M. will hold a sp cial com- I mumcation Tuesdav. March at | 1 pm. Masonic Temple to the purpose 1 of civinE a Masonic buna1, ’o our late 1 brother. HENRY G COOMBE! Smned OSCAR F CARLTON. W. M. . W B FURR. Secretary. CFOGGON. LAI C\ I. On Su n y. March i 21 1937k a* Gallincrr Homi;- .1. LAURA J CROGGON. br'.ovcd wife of the late Frank B Croggon and mothr • of Mary Ellen Croggon. Funeral Wednesday. March 24. from the Perry Walsh funeral home, 29 II s‘. n.w . at s-.un am 1 thence to Si. Alovsius Church, where requiem mass will br* -aid at 9 a m. for the repc-e of h*>r soul. In terment, Glemvood Cemetery. Relatn cs and friends invited 23 DAVIS. EI.DRIDGE I.EROY On Sunday. March 21. 10:17. at 1:45 p.m.. at Provi dence Hospital after a brief illness ELDRIDGF. LEROY DAVIS the devoted son of Ida S. and the late William E. Davis. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife. Beatrice A. Davis: two children, Elaine and Eldridee, jr.: a sister. Mrs. Thelma Stewart, and many other rela tives and friends. Remains resting: at Frazier's funeral home. :ssit I? I ave. n w. Funeral Wednesday. March 24. at 1 pm., from (lie Tabernacle Baptist Church Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. Relatives and friends invited. 2.1 DF.SSAI ER. HERAT ANN. On Saturday March 20 1 fi.'II at Georsetoan Univer sity Hospital HERMANN DFSSAUER beloved husband of Elizabeth De Body resting a: Gawler's chapel I75fl F*. ave nw. until tt a.m Tuesday. Services at hi- late residence nsitt T st. nw. on Tuesdav. March 2'i a- )l am. Interment at Oak Hill CemeWv. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium ♦th and Mass, A ve, N.E. Lincoln K?00 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons _ iA L. HAYCOCK Manaaer) ^4,3034 M St. N.W. Chambm^ One of the t/otgra. Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 617 11th St. S.E._Atlantic 6700 Frank Geier’s Sons Co. taaraaa ra n Ationai 2473 Y. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment.. NAtiona?net:sni: 1009 H St. N.W. _FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER expressive floral tributes at MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT OlOfl Open Evenings _ . _ _ and Sundavs^Cor^l 4Ml & Eye GUDE BROSrCO: Floral Pieces j 1212 F St. N.W. NAtional 4276 Drains. PRI RY. WILLIAM J. On Monday. March 22. 11)37. at his residence. 2725 3tJth Pi n.w.. WILLIAM J. DRURY, aged H7 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Sarah B Drury and father of Mrs. John Swartzcll. Funeral services Wednesday, March 2 1. at •; p m., at Hysong’s par lors. 130(» N st. n.w. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 23 EDWARDS. CHARLES I On Sunday. March 21. 1«»3 7. CHARLES I. ED WARDS of l.'tol R. I. ave. n.w . ape 2b years, beloved husband of Mrs. Al.vce Edward; and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Edwards Funeral serv ices on Tuesday March 23. at 2 p.m. at Hysong's parlor. 1300 N st. n.w. EE IDLER. JAMES E. On Sunday, March 21. 1037 JAMES E. FEIDLER. the be loved father of William T. Feidler. Fu neral from the W. W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home 517 11th st. s e . oil Tuesday. March 23. at 0 30 a m. Relatives and fnends invited. Inter ment Annadale. Va. GRIGSBY. ANNIE E. On Sunday. March '-‘I 103*. at the residence of her daugh ter. ..13 Nicholson st. n.w.. ANNIE E. GRIGSBY, the beloved wife of the laic Milton T Grigsby and mother of Mrs. L H. Windsor. Mrs. Mabel Geyer of We t Point Va Mrs. B. L. Rhodes of Norfolk. Va and aunt of Miss Mary k Murray Remains resting at her late residence Remains to lie in state m the Fifth Baptist Church. E st . be tween Sixth and Seventh sts s.vv.. from 2 30 p.m. Wednesday. 5*arcn : t Funeral services to be held a: \ :o p m. Relatives and friends arc invited. Interment Congressional Cem etery. Services by W W. Chambers Co. 23 GRIGsBX. ANNIE E. Th.e officers of the Re be It ah Assembly. I. O O F will as sv-mble at the Filth Baptist Church E st near . th st. sw. at 2 p.nt. Wertnes dav March 21. 11137 to assist at the nineral service' of our late sister. AN NL;. E GRIGSBY, past president of the Rebekah As: °mbly oi the District of Columbia and past renresentativ* to the Association* of Rebekah Assemblies Signed CORAH H. KTNCER Pres. „ ;Vi0s? BEATRICE M LAMIE. Sec. 23 ( ora A. On Sunday March 21. ,1"r t'r'idence. 17 Seaton place n p • CORA A. HAYES, the beloved sister o* Mrs. Agnes C. Popkins and Luther B. Haves Funeral services at the W. w Chamber.' Co funeral home. lino Chapin st. n.w. on Tuesday. March 23. at 30 p m Relatives and friends arc invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. HOlKIKs. WIII.IAM M Suddenly, on Aiaich :<>. 1‘m,. at his residence. i*Mt» r'x «v<- s c WILLIAM M. HODGES, beloved husband of Anna Belle Hodcc: • nee Smith, and father of Mrs. hachael Shurbert and Mrs. Nellie Taylor. Funeral services at the W. W Chambers co Southeast funeral home. 5i; llth st £,r. on Tuesday. March at 11 a m. Krlames and friends are invited. In terment at Lincoln Cemetery. HORsAl \\. ROSALEE. On Sunday March M'-1-. at her residence 4<>M North HoiUvVVw Cherrydalr Va ROSA! EE nORFMAN. beloved wife of th* late Jos •;oli Hor man and mother of Rubv E. Horsman and Mrs. Edith L Cunningham. Remains restinc a* her late residence a:ter p.m. Mondaj. where iuneral services will be hold on Wednesday. March * I a’ lO in a m Interment Mount Hope Cpmetery, Waxpooi. Va. *J:; JA\KO\\>KI VU.IR1E. on Sunday, •oaicn .1. ltt.;, .a her residence. !»;;{»> •."*ld n w VALERIE JANKOWSKI or <n cd w ile of Constant ine Jankowski bc.evrd mot her of Henry F Jan w Funeral from the Geo. W Wise c » iu,i : a 1 home. m st. n.w. Tues a m. thence to He - Tnnttv Catholic Church ;ntth . n i o sts a: !> a.m.. where mass will o* said for th* repos* of her soul. !.V. . • friends invited. Inter, HoiV Rood Cemetery. JUm{I11:11 "i r' On Sunday March :}■ V ■" the Alexandria Hospital. Alexandria \.. fu:;' s < 'xr r-'i, 0 I'ved ;-o i of Charle- B and Bn ip .Jar’, fi V. •'•'•it, t'oi'lh Kenmnrc ft. Arlmx f ' i. Regains resting at the Ives ?„• ~Kj' Wilson hlvd . Arlins i* y«ere funeral services will he ; - : Tuesday. March 2:s at 2 p.m. in lern;. nt Oakxvood Cemetery. Falls Church, va. Kr\\-y PATRICK JOSEPH On Satur VP.l K-aJ55,x-'-"-u PATRICK JOS V..., ..K,;vrfV belo\ed son of Minnie Walsh ant! the late John K. K'.iny. beloved husband of Helen Wesch ;i r Kenny and father of Rita Marie Ken ; . Fin.oral from the residence of his a .i Mis. John O Sheehay. inns 1st at p. " on ruesdav March at stiinam : thence to 8:. Martin's Church wh-re 1 1 icm high mass will be oiTered at !> , Relat ive and iriends Invited. Inte.ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. K, v\Y PATRICK JOSEPH. On Satur x*arch I!':::. PATRICK JOSEPH ’ ‘°'P(i ■t'on of Minnie Kenpv Walsh and 1 .IT John J. K«nn-. Funeral from residence of his aunt. Mrs. Johi O Shorhy. lti.-i-, 1st s: n.w. on Tuesday, s':'-' *>■ *< R:30 am.: thence to S'. Church where requiem high ni • ■ will be sung a' !i c clock Rela ”vps and friends invited. Iiuerment Mount Olivet Cemetery. tlf 1 ' !' X,.'R V AIM A Suddenly, on Sat ui da March -ui iiu;, ai Emergency w?,ePe?V- MARY AI MA LYNCH, beloved it n thp laJc 'V|l!iam Lynch of Round (I- V 'a ,anrl n,ctP °r Mrs. Edward C. Walker of ILLS Allison st. n.w Fu neral services at Hysong’.s parlors, liioo n si. n.w. on Tursdav. March at r,:;' thence to St. Gabriels Church, where mass will be said for ,1'e,ri'p ,of. l-er soul. Interment Mount Olivrt Cemetery. THOMAS. On Saturday. March Georgetown University Ho^ P:ta, THOMAS MADDOX, beloved sm ?! '1P IatP Lp’r"'pi, W and Sarah F Maddox Funeral from the James T Rvan liineral home :;i; p* a\P. so on j-^Marrh at 1 phi. In ter mer, i Chicamuxen Methodist Church Cemetery. Chicamuxen. Md. Mdw?Ev< HKNRY FRANKLIN On Sun 2.a- Ma,ptl 1 ■ lb.:., at his residence °x.0d Hill. Md HENRY FRANKLIN MARDE.S^ Funeral from the chapel of I nomas E Murray A- Son. Nichols a c s.o. on Tuesday. March 23 at | oin'i, win' 'Tfjat St. Barnabas Church, Md aJ 1" a m. Relatives cemeterv,nC*S Interment church *_KONARr> E. Suddenly. on Sat Vnna‘\*^arcn at his residence. t Mtnp avuc ; Colmar Manor Md.. LEONARD E beloved husband ot Leola Hrli'w n He -1' survived by three chii dien Remains resting at the residence of his sifter. Mrs. Grace E Naylor. rSn.?? s? Service.' at the above ievidence on Tuesday. March 23 at •* ::o nm. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. -'FARFEEL. i.ehis p . Jr. Oil Saturday, .■larch ,ii. ifi.i,. pt Waller Rcco Hos PL'JJi LEWIS r MARTELL. Jr., ihe be loved son of Lewis P and Fannie Martell Mci Funeral services at , . cv W ■ Chambprs Co funeral home, i,inn Chapin st 11.W.. Oil Tuesday March a,;-"'-'-!., am.: thence to Holy Trinity Church, where mass will he offered at HI a m for the repose of his soul. Rela HVPS and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Ml EDWARD. Suddenly on Sunday. Marcn 21. 1037. at his residence. 312 £p . EDWARD MURRAY, be mved husband of Amelia - Murray. Re mains resting at the above residence until Tuesday. March 23. a' 1 :.3o p.m.; T/icncc to sr George s Syrian Orthodox Church, i oof* Mil st. n.w.. where serv lres wi,l bo held at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. NE-JnR1o“--°n Saturday March a ! ^;v JOHN \ beloved husband of Anna Mar:*’ Neurath. Funeral services o 1 1Si ^ home .">00 Edgevale road. Roland Park Baltimore. Md.. on Monday afternoon a' 2 o'clock. Interment Rock Crrc.< Cemetery. D. C . about. 4 p.m. NOR^iaN. CORA I„ Departed this life on Saturday. March 20. 1337. at loon a.m.. a* her residence. ?0»? Division ave. V;pAX.a‘fer a brief illness. CORA L NOR MAN. the beloved wife of the late Robert Norman. She leaves to mourn their loss one daughter. Mrs. Iola Moss: two sons. Robert S. and John W. P Norman: other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednes day. March 24. at 1 p.m.. from Metro politan Baptist Cliurch. Rev. E, C. Smith officiating. Interment in Payne's Cem etery. Arrangements by L. E. Murray & Son. 23 OI.DRROOK. CLERK. Suddenly, on Sun day. March 31 1037. at Emergency Hospital. CLERK OLDBROOK. beloved husband of Elsie Oldbrook. He also loaves other relatives and manv friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chanel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. OWENS. .TETTA D. On March 20. 1037. ; • her residence. 313 Laurel ave.. Laurel. >Id . JETTA D beloved wife of C. Edelen Owens. Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday. March 33 at 2 nm Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. Laurel. Md. 23 PARKS. ORANGE. On Wednesday. March 1 ' • lo-3“. at his residence. 747 5th st s.e. ORANGE PARKS, loving son of George and the late Elizabeth Parks op voted brother of Mrs. Sammie Walker. He also leaves other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T Rnines funeral chapel 3rd and Eye sts s.w.. where funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday March 23. Body will be shipped to Augusta. Ga. 23 PETTY. ANNA SACKETT. On Saturday. Merch ~n 1037. ANNA SACKETT PETTV. daughter of Maurice Sackett and the late Lillian C. Sackett and mother of Harry A Petty. Funeral from L F. Costello's funeral home. 1722 North Capitol st.. on Tuesday. March ‘-3. at 8:3*0 a m.; thence to St. Aloysius Church, where mass will be offered at 0 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Ql INN. THOMAS P. On Sunday. March 31. 1037. at Georgetown University Hos pital. THOMAS P. QUINN beloved hus band of Mary Agnes Quinn of 3505 30th st.. Mount Rainier. Md. Services from the funeral home of Almus R. Speare. 3200 R. I. ave. n.e.. on Tues day. March 23. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. James’ Catholic. Church, where mass will be said at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery RAGLAND DORIS. Departed this life Sunday, March 21. 1037. at 3:15 pm.. DORIS RAGLAND of 1028 Church st. n.v.\. beloved daughter of Anderson Boyd. She is also survived by a de voted husband. Hunter Ragland: a brother and several sisters. Also other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. REICHERT. ALFRED H. Suddenly on Monday. March 23. 1037. at his resi dence. 1330 McKinley rd.. Arlington. Va.. ALFRED H. REICHERT, beloved husband of Eleanora Tape Reichert. He is also survived by one son and two daughters. Remains resting at th» Ives’ funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va. Notice of funeral later. 23 A To Address Players' Club. Robert O'Connor, mediral student at, Georgetown University, will address the voice and diction class of the Players' Club, Central Community Center, at 8 p.m. tomorrow. He will discuss “The Physiological and Ana tomical Aspect of Voice Production.” j D ratlin. RICKS. BESSIE F. On Saturday. March 2o. 1927. at George Washington Uni versity Hospital. BESSIE E. RICKS, be loved wife of William C. Ricks and mother of Camille G. Ricks. Funeral services at^he W. W Chambers Co. fu neral home. Hoo Chapin st. n.w.. on Tuesday March 2.2, at |o:20 a m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment strictly private. 22 ROBINSON, OSCAR B. On Saturday. March 20 19.27. OSCAR B ROBINSON, beloved husband oi Katherine R Rob inson and father of Wilbur B. and May nard O. Robinson. Funeral from his late residence. 4822 Kansas ave. n.w . on Tuesday. March 22. at 10 a m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Adas Israel Cemetery. SCHEFFEL. ANNA. On Saturday. March 2o. 19.27. at the residence of her son, 2012 South 11th st.. Arlington. Va., ANNA SCHEFFEL. beloved wife of the late Jacob F. Scheffel. She is survived by six sons, Paul E Albert C. Arthur W. Walter W.. Carl E. and Charles L. Scheffel: one daughter Mrs. Emma S. Blackmer: one sister. Mrs. Fred Vogel sang. Remains resting at the residence of her daughter. 2701 11th st. south. Arlington. Va • where funeral services will be held Tuesday March 22. at 1 pm Tnterment Chestnut Grove Ceme tery. Herndon, Va. SIMMS. TALI IAN. On Sunday. March 21. 1027. at her residence 27 O st. s.w . LILLIAN SIMMS, devoted wife of Louis Simms, loving mother of Margaret Briscoe; she also leaves three brothers. George. Albert and William Frederick: two grandchildren. Wallace Jr. and Mildred Briscoe: two nephews and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapei. 2rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of lunerai later. SMITH. NORA. Departed this life on Saturday. March 20. 1927 at 7 a m m the Gallinger Hospital NORA SMITH, daughter of the late David and Jessie Bethea and wife of the late Oscar Smith She leaves to mourn her departure four daughters. Coline Flovd Elonia Brown. Lola Ford and Exer Lee Green: one uncle, one granddaughter, four sons-in law and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the funeral ; parlors of Alexander S. Pope 215 15th I si. s o., until Tuesday March 22; thence »o her late residence 4<i7 D st s e Fu nd al Wednesday. March 24. at 2' n m . from the St. John's Community Church •2 12 15th st. so Rev. Paul L. Moore officiating. Interment at Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. • SPEED. ANNIE B. Departed this life Saturday. March 2n. 1921. at 2’ 2o Pm at Gallinger Hospital ANNIE B SPIiED wife of William Speed She al>o leaves to mourn their loss two daugh ters. Velda and Maybelle Prue tour brothers. William. James. Clarence. Rudolph Pruc. and a host of other , relatives and friends Body can be | reviewed a* her late residence. 2d 49 Sheridan id s.e . alter 2 p in.. Turs- ! day. March 22. Funeral from Bethle hem Baptist Church. Nichols ave and : Howard id. se„ Wednesday. March 24. ! at l p.m, Rev. J. C. Banks officiating, interment Roscmont Cemetery. 2.2 STAFFORD ROSE. Departed this life on ' Friday. March 19. 1927. a- Ga Hospital ROSE STAFFORD beloved mother of Mrs Maryland Spear Glover. Edgar Sherman and Stephens Stafford. She also leaves one son-in-law. four daughters-in-law. seven grandchildren and a host of friends Remains resting 4- Dabney £• Co s funeral home. 4o.2 O st n.w. Funeral Tuesday. March .2. at 2 pm., from the above funeral home. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. STALLING s, NORM A V. On Sunday. March 21 193'.. at Children's Hospital. NORMA V. STALLINGS, beloved daugh ter of J Paul Stallings and Dorothv E Stallings. Remains resting a’ the W w- Chambers Co funeral home lino Chapin st. n.w. Funeral from the above funeral home. 14on Chapin st. n.w. on Tuesday March 23. at 3 p m. Rrla tives and friends invited Interment Richmond Va SWEENY. HENRY CLAY On Saturday. March 20 1937. «t his residence Frank lin Park East Falls Church Va HENRY CLA\ SWEENY, beloved husband of the late Bertie W Sweeny and father of Paul Lee. John Franklin and Hite \V Sweeny Remains resting at his lam residence. Funeral services will b* held on Tuesday March 23. at 11 a m ?t tlie Methodist Church Annandale. Va. Interment in church cemetery. SIMONDS. MARA' A On Saturday ^1", 1937. ar Takoma Park Sanitarium Takoma Park. '*d ' a ^ beloved wife of the late Arthur J. Sy mond' She i* survived by one son. Clarence M Svmonds. and one daughter Mrs. R T. Orrison. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home 2M7 Wilson blvd. Arlington Va.. where funeral serv ices will be held on Tuesday March "3 at 3:30 p.m Interment Columbia Gar dens Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. TAILOR. BERTHA M. On Sunday March ' 1. 193 7 at Georgetown University Hospital. EERTHA M TAYLOR beloved wife of the late George W. Taylor and mother of Mrs. Catherine Daly and George p Taylor Funeral from her ^ydence. 13in 24th s*. n.w. on Wednesday. March 24. at fi 30 a m : thence to Holy Trinity Church where nia^s will be said at ;» a m Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited 23 TAYLOR. FANNIE. Departed this life Saturday. March 20. 1037 in the Stod dard Baptist Home. after a brief illness FANNIE TAYLOR She was the de voted wife of the late John Tavlor Re mains resting with L. E Murray A: Son !2th and V sts. n.w. Funeral Tuesday March 23 at 1 pm. from Metropolitan . Baptist Church. Rev. E. C. Smith offi ciating. 22 THOMAS. ADELEE. Departed this life on Friday. March it* 1*137, ADELEE THOMAS of :>ol 24th ^t. n.e She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband Henry Thomas; one adopted daughter and a host of friends Re mains resting at the Georce B Clarke Co. funeral parlor. 14 in Fla ave nr Funeral Tuesday. March 23. at 1 o'clock p.m . from her la'e residence Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. • YAW TER• MAYME COLE. On Sunday h 2 1. 1931 MAYMF COLE VAW TER. beloved sister of Elizabeth Cole and Janie Cole Bradford Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Mc Guire. 23. WATKINS^ ANNIE. On Sunday March 21 193. pt the Homeopathic Hospital. ANNIE WATKINS sister of the late Joseph D Watkins Services af her late residence. 101R Dcratur st n.w on Tuesdav March 23. at 2 n.m. Inter ment Fairfax. Va. WATKINS.^ HELEN. On Saturday. March 20. 1937. at her residence 3003 Q st n w . HELEN WATKINS, daughter of the late Robert and Sarah Suter Watkins Funeral services at Oak Hill Chapel on Tuesday. March 23. at 2 p m. WILLIAMS, OLLIE. On Saturday. March 20. 1031. a' her residence. II20 Oth st. n.w OLLIE WILLIAMS, devoted wife of Walter Williams, mother of Ann Delores Williams and Novella Harris and Madeline Proctor. Sim also leaves 01m sister t wo aunts and other relatives and friends. Remain: resting a: the V Ernen Jarvis funeral church 1 1:i2 U st n.w. Funeral Wednesday. March 24, at. 2 p.m from the above funeral church. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 23 In fttcmurtom. BETTER. IDA M. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of my mother. IDA M. BETTER, who departed this life four years ago today. March 22. 1933. To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die. HER LOVING SON. ELMER T. BET TER. • DUNCAN. BILLY HUGH. A tribute of love to the beautiful memory of our darling son and brother BILLY HUGH DUN CAN. who left this world, but not our hearts, one year ago today March 22. 1930. Gone are the steps we loved so dpar. Silent the voice we used to hrtar Too far away for sight or speech. But not too far for thoughts to reach. Dear boy. in heaven. God bless you today. MAMMA. DADDY AND BOBBY. • KENNARD. ESTELLA M. In loving mem ory of my beloved wife. ESTELLA M. KENNARD. w'ho departed this life one year ago today. March 22. 193d. The blow' was hard, the shock severe. We never thought her death so near; Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. LOVING HUSBAND. JOHN Wr. KEN NARD. FLEISHMAN. ANNE T\ In sad and loving memory of my deariing wife and our beloved mother. ANNE P. FLEISHMAN, who passed away two years ago today, March 22. 1936. HER LOVING HUSBAND. DAUGHTER AND SONS GIBBETT. "PINKF.Y” LOUISE. In mem ory of our dear daughter and sister. “PINKEY” LOUISE GIBBETT. who de parted this life seven years ago today. March 22. 1930. LOVING FATHER. BROTHER AND SIS TER. GOODRICH. HARRY A. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear husband and our devoted father. HARRY A. GOOD RICH. who left us two years ago today. March 22 1935. Loved in life, remembered in death. WIFE AND DAUGHTERS. • HARRIS. ELLA. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear wife and sister. ELLA HARRIS, who departed this life two years ago. March 22. 1935. In our heart your memory lingers. Sweetly, tender loving and true; There is not a day. dear sister. That we do not think of you. HUSBAND AND SISTER. • JONES. CONSTANCE T. J. In loving re membrance of my darling daughter. CONSTANCE T. J. JONES, who departed this life eleven years ago today. March 22. 1920. You are not forgotten. Constance darling. Nor will you ever be; As long as life and memory last I will remember thee. HER DEVOTED MOTHER. MRS. ES TELLE JONES. * LEE. HATTIE E. In memory of my dene mother. HATTIE E LEE. who died two years ago today. March 22. 1935. SON. WILLIAM A. LEE. • t REV. DR. D. P. BIRNIE IS TAKEN BY DEATH Cerebral Hemorrhage Fatal to Former Minister in D. C. Churches. Rev. Dr. Douglas Putnam Birnie, 80, retired Presbyterian minister, who had acted as pastor at several Wash ington churches, died yesterday of a R«*v. Dr. Birnir. cerebral hemor rhage at his home, 1150 Con necticut avenue. Coming here after his retire ment as pastor of the Rye. N. Y„ Pre sbyterian Church, Dr. Bir nie, until about five years ago, served several W ashington churches during periods in which they were with out regular pas tors. Among these were First, Sixth, Gun ton Temple Memorial, Chevy Chase and Georgetown. First was consoli dated several years ago with the Church of the Covenant to form Cov enant-First Presbyterian Church. Graduate of Yale. A graduate of Yale in 1878, Dr. Bir nie also was graduated in theology j at Union Theological Seminary, New ! York. His first pastorate was at Caz- ! enovia, N. Y. He was called to Rye in 1899 and served there until 1913. He is survived by his wodow, for merly Lucia L. Meigs, and a daughter, I Mrs. James W. Farmer, this city. Funeral services will be held at 4.30 p.m. tomorrow in Sixth Presby terian Church. Sixteenth and Kennedy \ streets. Rev. J. Herbert Garner, pas- ! tor. will officiate, assisted by Rev. Dr. Alfred E. Barrows of I stern Presby terian Church. Burial will be at Springfield. Mass. Honorary pallbearers include clergy men and other prominent Washing tonians as follows: Rev. Dr. David SchafT. Rev. Dr. Albert J. McCartney. Dr. tharles R. Mann. Dr. Cloyd Heck Marvin, Rev. Di. Georgt S. Duncan. Rev. Dr. J. T. Marshall, Rev. Dr. J. H. Hollister. Rev. Dr. Bernard Braskamp. Rev. R. M. Skinner, Rev. George M Cumming, , Rev. Dr. Albert Evans. Allen B. Mc Daniels and Edward F. Colladay, this city, and Justus A. B. Cowles, Rye, n.'y. Had Wrong Farmyard. LAMBERTON. Minn. i/T>. — Fred Zieske, farmer, was awakened by the sound of voices and the hum of mo tors. He looked out and saw several darkened automobiles. Zieske ran downstairs, expecting to rout a band of cattle thieves. At the door he was met by an array of gun barrels and flashlights. "We're liquor investigators." announced a voice. Zieske returned to bed after convincing the visitors they had the wrong farmyard. FUNERAL SET TODAY FORR. MARBURY STAMP Funeral services for R. Marbury Stamp, 40, Washington realtor, are being held this afternoon in St. Mar garet’s Episcopal Church, Connecticut avenue and Bancroft place, with Rev. Dr. Herbert Scott Smith officiating. Burial will be in Cedar Kill Cemetery. Mr. Stamp died Saturday at his home, 2100 Massachusetts avenue. Active pallbearers are Charles C. Koones, James C. Wilkes. James E. Schwab, Frederick A. Hessick, Joseph J. Crowley and Barnum L. Colton. Mr. Stamp owned Bradley Farms, in nearby Montgomery County, and resided there until last Fall. Surviving are three children, R. Marbury, jr.; Jean and Joanne Stamp; a sister, Mrs. J. B. Edmonds, and step father, George L, Bunnell. ON NEUTRAL BILLS Senate and House Endeavor to Reconcile Provisions of Measures. By the Associated Press. The Senate and House will seek a compromise this week on neutrality legislation designed to prevent the United States from becoming em- j broiled in any future foreign conflict. The necessity for compromise arose 1 last week when the House passed a bill by Chairman McReynolds of its Foreign Affairs Committee. The Sen ate previously had adopted its own version of a permanent neutrality law. Appointment of committees to discuss compromise agreements on the pro visions in which the two bilis differ Is expected this week. The degree of discretionary power to be granied tile President in declar ing embargoes on American exports in wartime, and the time limit the pro posed “cash and carry” provisions may be in effect, are the major points of conflict. The House Military Committee has invited Gen. Hugh S. Johnson to testify today on the Sheppard-Hill bill designed to eliminate wai-timc 1 profiteering. Johnson, former N R. A. administrator, was an official of the War Industries Board of World War days. The bill would impose a 95 per cent tax on corporate earnings in excess of an average established before the outbreak of war. The Senate also planned to consider defense legislation, taking up consid eration of the annual appropriation bill for the Navy. (ede,r Hill ‘U (Lihinqtmi) mrSt Beautijii? (emetery Community Mausoleum. Columbarium and RfceiTinr Vaults. LEADER IN WORK OF REBEKAHS DIES Mrs. Annie E. Grigsby, 70, Long Member of First Baptist Choir. Mrs. Annie E. Grigsby, 70, for nearly 60 years a member of the choir of First Baptist Church and long active in Rebekah Odd Fellowship, died yes terday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lemuel H. Wind sor, 513 Nichol son street. Born in Prince William County, Va.. Mrs. Grigsby | came to Wash. | ington at an early age. She joined the church choir I when she was 12 and remained an active member until a year ago, when her health I Mrs. Annie E. Grigsby began to fail. She started her work ! in Rebekah Odd Fellowship in the District in 1900 and was instrumental in gaining the charter for Miriam Re bekah Lodge, No. 6 Known as the “mother of Rebekah Fellowship,” she became the first president of the Rebekah Assembly of the District in 1915 and was marshal of the Association of Rebekah Assem blies in Cincinnati in 1923. In 1916 Canton Washington, No. 1. of the Patriarchs Militant awarded her “the decoration of chivalry,” the highest honor a member of its Ladies' Auxiliary can receive. She was presi dent of the auxiliary in 1922. She had been secretary of the Home Board of the Odd Fellows' Home Association since 1918. She Is survived by two other daugh lers, Mrs. Mabel E. Geyer, West Point, Va., and Mrs. Emma Rhodes, Norfolk, Va.: a niece, Miss Mary E. Murry, Washington, and a granddaughter, Jo-Ann Geyer, West Point, Va. The body will lie in state in First Baptist Church from noon until 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Services at the church and burial in Congressional Cemetery will follow. DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY $3 any place ^ in the city Columbia 0432 One of the Largest Lndertakers in the World. TESTIMONY OPENS IN DAVISON CASE Alexandria Mayor Accused of Concealing Assets in Bankruptcy. By a Stan Correspondent or The Star. ALEXANDRIA, Va, March 22.— Testimony in the trial of Emmett C. ; Davison, Mayor of Alexandria, on a charge of concealing assets in bank ruptcy proceedings, was heard in United States District Court here this j afternoon, following the selection of a jury. Davison is on trial before Federal Judge Luther B Way on two indict ments returned by a grand jury here last June. The charges are based on testimony given by Davison after he filed a voluntary petition in bank- | ruptcy on Nevember 18, 1935. Davison is represented By William E. Leahy of Washington and Harry F Kennedy of Alexandria. District At ! torney Sterling Hutchison is prosecut ing the case. Davison last week last, a last-min ute effort to have the case continued when Judge Way denied a petition for a continuance on the gro id that Mrs. Davison is not able to undergo exami nation. Judge Way suggested that her deposition be taken for presentation to the jury. The charge on which he went to trial I today alleges he "fraudulently and feloniously concealed ’ '-om Joseph M. Pancoast, trustee for the estate in bankruptcy, the sums of $4,156, $600 and $387 61. and with having made "a false oath’’ before Clara M. Smith, no- j tarv public, when he filed his petition. I An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be a Government witness at the trial. Davison has been i under a $3,000 bond since his indict- j ment. Uranium, the element with the high est atomic weight, is radioactive, breaking down into other elements by the emission of rays and particles. FLOWERS % W NO. 7000 If Your Dentist Hurts You Try DR. FIELD PLATE EXPERT Double Suction TTI T auarantee a Ti«ht tit |n ,nT Mouth. Violet Ray Treatment tor Pvorrh^a. Extractions,_ *1 * *■-’ \Kn *?»*«» MO to f.o d Crowns - un r (Dinas - s I. un DR. FIELD 406 7th St. M.W. MEt. 9256 Over Wool worth 5 A 10c store r#COMMON^ .colds] Relieve the distressing ' symptoms by applying Mentholatum in nostrils \ and rubbing on chest- 1 ; Capudine ) Xclievei NEURALGIC PAIN quake t kceuuie iti liquid.. ALREADY DISSOLVED Quality and Price Joseph Gawler’s Sons has been engaged in provid ing funeral services of the finest character since 1850. Today these services are offered here at prices to suit every family’s means, as shown by these charges for 1,000 consecutive adult funeral services. Price Range Number of Services Less than $200 _ 110 $201 to $300_ 230 $301 to $400_ 252 $401 to $500.189 $501 to $600 . 102 $601 to $900 .... 71 More than $900 37 1.000 Joseph Gawler'* Son*. Inc. f uneral Directois Smct Chapel Cremations Alfred B Gawler Walter A Gawler William A. Gawler Joseph H. Gawler 1750-2-4-6-8 Penna, Ave. N.W. NAtional 5512 For Wholesome Smoking, Demand FRESH Cigarettes! LeSS “Crotchety"-.. They dubbed me “bad news” in the store; I was always so jittery. The change from a strong cigarette to bland and fresh Old Golds helped me a lot. Ida Mae Cone (salesgirl), Kansas City, Mo. I'm hot for a cool smoke .. I stoke a blast furnace seven hours a day and I like to cool off with a cool smoke. The freshness of Old Golds makes ’em cool. That weather-proof package is the berries. Raymond J. Stock (mill-worker), Pittsburgh, Pa. YOU CAN'T BUY A STALE OLD GOLD WHEN they’re stale, the finest tobaccos in the world neither taste good . . . nor are good for you. But that’s nothing to worry about! For the cigarettes that contain the world’s prize crop tobaccos are Double-Mellow Old Golds. And you can’t buy a stale Old Gold! That’s because there’s an EXTRA jacket of Cellophane on every package of Old Golds. Two jackets of finest moisture-proof Cello phane, instead of one, protect Old Golds from dampness, dryness, dust, and every other foe of cigarette enjoyment. Thus, Old Gold’s prize crop tobaccos are always in perfect smoking condition. Fresh and sweet-burning, they never develop those harsh, irritating qualities which characterize even slightly stale cigarettes. After a long smoking day, Double-Mellow Old Golds leave your tongue free from bite, your throat free from scratch, and yourself free from “nerves.” You'll never go stale on fresh Old Golds! P. LORILLARD COMPANY, Inc. (Established 1760) IT’S THE EXTRA JACKET! Every pack of Double-Mellow OLD GOLDS is wrap ped in TWO jackets—double Cellophane. That extra jacket keeps OLD GOLD in prime condition in any climate. You can’t buy a stale OLD GOLD. Eases high tension ... a newspaper woman often smokes a lot to ease the nervous tension. But it doesn't always work, if the tobacco isn't fresh. That's where your double Cellophane package helps; it keeps O. (is. fresh as today's headlines; gentle to the nerves. Metta Bettels (society reporter!, Bridgeport, Conn. OUTER JACKET OE “CmOPHANE" OPENS EROM THE BOTTOM INNER JACKET OF "CEllOPH ANI" OPENS FROM THE TOP iA Copyright. 1937, by r. Lori Hard co., Inc.