Newspaper Page Text
II. S. BONOS EASE AFTER IMPROVING Lose as Much as % of Point After Scoring Small Gains Earlier. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F'gn Net change. —.1 —.2 —.1 —.1 Today, noon 94 6 103.0 100.0 72.3 Prev. day.— 94.7 103.2 100.1 72.4 Month ago.. 97.5 103.9 101.9 74.1 Year ago_ 92.7 102.7 102.4 70.3 1937 high... 99.0 104 4 102 8 74,7 1937 low... 94.7 103.1 100.0 72.3 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 400 64.6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_109.1 Prev. day. 109 2 Month ago 111.2 Year ago. 111.7 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 109.2 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 22.—United States Government bonds rallied mildly today, but later support was lacking, and they drifted lower in a Quiet market. A few issues managed to withstand the trend, but in others losses were as much as 38 of a point. Dealers said investors again appeared to have joined the sideline group to await something more concrete in the way of money market prospects. Corresponding quietude settled over other divisions of the market, but with somewhat different results. High grade corporate^ declined as a group, while the more speculatively-tinged issues followed mixed courses. Rails recoiled a bit, with Rock Island general 4s, “Katy” 5s, Pennsylvania general 41 _.s and Alleghany stamped 5s declining to more than a point. Lehigh Valley Coal Co. 5s of 1964 broke more than 5 points and the 5s of 1974 nearly 5 to provide two of the outstanding swings in the corporate ^section. Hiram Walker 4t,s declined a point of so and International Paper 6s lost nearly that much. Washington Exchange SALES—AFTER CALL. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 94. $500 at 94. $500 at 94. .Potomac Electric Power 3’4s—$1,000 at 10114. $1,000 at, 10114. Potomac Electric 6rt pfd.—2 at 113 Potomac Electric 5*-2% pld—10 at 113. Capital Transit Co.—10 at 14. 10 at 14. Washington Rwy. & Elec. com.—10 at 725. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Bid.<~ri. Anacostla & Pot 5s ?r. 78 Ana. & Pot. Guar. 5s _ 108 C A* P Trl. ot Va. 5s 103 Capital Traction R R. 5s 03*2 04 City Suburban 5s s: t12 S7 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 113 L.’l Tot. Elec Pov. 31 4s In l l n:i\2 Wash. Gas 5s 1058 1n.V2 100 Washington Gas 5s 1060. llh!2 1~1 Wash. Rwy. & Eire. Is 1051 ^ _ MISCELLANEOUS Col. Country Club 5'2s 105 _ W. M. Cold Storage 5s 100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer Tel. A Tel. (9< MGOU Capital Transit Co. 14 15Va N. & W Steamboat. (6) I in Pot. El. Pew pfd. (6) n2‘i Po. El. Po. Pf. «.').r»n) ir: 113 Wash. Gas L; Co. (3.60» SO X5 Wash. Ry. A El. com. (36) 700 Wash Ry. & Elec. pf. (5) inf) 110 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. A Tr Co. (e*> 300 305 Bank of Bethesda (h.75). 34 Capital (4) 135 Com. A Savings (10) _ •205 I_ Liberty (4) J5n Lincoln (f6.25) _ 2oo _ Natl. Sav A Tru^t 150 Pr Georges Bk. A Tr. (.50) is 21 Rigcs (e*> 34o _ Riggs pfd. (5) lui Washington (6) _ 130 _ Wash. Loan A Tr. <eS) 200 _ FIRE INSURANCE. American <H) _ 100 _ Corcoran (5) ion _ " Foremen’s (1.00) __ 28 _ National Union (.60) 10 _ TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (30) 15 lG** Real Estate (6) IGo MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp. (2.00) 22 26 La ns ton Monotype (4) Mon 120 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) 50 52 Peoples Drug S. com. ( + 1.00) *51 fix People Drug S. pfd. (0.50) *111 il l Real Est. M.AG. pf. i**.70) .V4 ;>34 Security Storage (5) 120 125 Ter. Ref. & Wh. Corp. (3) GO Wdwd. A Loth com. ( + 1.50) *60 70 Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. (7) *120 3 22 •Ex dividend. tPlus extras, e—2r'r extra f—1 extra, h—75c extra. ^ *•—25c paid June 30. 1936: 45c paid Dec. 22. 1936. -• NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. March 20 </P>.—Over-the counter market, bank and trust com* pa nes: _ Bid. Asked. Bk of Mahattan (1%)_ 35 37 Chase ( 1.40) _ 5s oo City < 1» _ 54 50 Commercial (8) 2lo 210 First National (100)_ 2475 2515 Public (Ha) 52‘a 54 Va Bankers (2) 70 7S Bklyn Trust (4) 14s 153 Central Hanover (4)_ 108% 14!‘a Chemical (1.80) _ 74 75 Continental (.80) _ 1!)% 20% Corn Exchange (3)_ 00V2 70V2 Empire <1) 34% 35% Guaranty (12). 305 37o Irvine (.60) 17% 18% Lawyers Trust (2.4 0)_ 50 53 Mfrs (2) 02 04 N Y Trust (5) 148% 15Pa Title Guaranty <fc Trust 10 17 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK March 22 m.—Federal Land Bank bonds. ., (Noon quotations.) 4 14s Nov.. 11158-08 105,2 }‘«c May. 1957-37_1 100»» J oil's 4s May. 1953-33 m31. ki:i3. 4s Nov.. 1957-37_ Kil3,. Kit:■ 8 it wUly' 1919-14 _ HIS ]|I9 8'»s May. 19iio-45 Jill1* Ini3. 8s July. 1955-45-."::: 99>“ 997“ 3s Jan., 1959-49 _ 99 v, 997. 8s May, 1958-43 _ < 1912 997s FOREIGN MARKETS. By the Associated Press. LONDON. March ‘hi.—Nearness of the Easter holiday restricted business in the may^t today and prices closed weak. Continental selling depressed interna tional and trans-Atlantic issues, while the industrial and mining groups were quiet, tobacco shares selling lower and shipping issues firm. Home rails strengthened, gilt-edged securities declined slightly and » foreign bonds were mixed. . PARTS.—Prices were generally lower in the Bourse and rentes closed with losses of 05 to 180 centimes. Royal Dutch lost 120 francs per share and rails and bank ing issues were also lower. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. March 22 I/P).—Live poultry—Fowls: Plymouth Rocks, fancy. 22; mixed colors. 20a21; White Leghorns, fancy. 18al9; ordinary. 15al7; old roost ers. 15; capons, fancy. 20a:i0: broilers, fancy, Plymouth Rocks. 2.'ia2f: Cross Breds. 22a23; Spring chickens, fancy. 22a 23; turkeys, fancy young hens. 27a28; lancy young toms. 2(>a21: ducks. White Pekin, Iiia20; mixed. Ida 17: Muscovy, white. 18ali); colored. l dial 7. Dressed poultry—Fowls, fresh killed, in boxes. 17'Iall; old roosters, dry picked, 14Vaal7>/i; Spring ducks, Long Island. 17. ■ 1 —■ • FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. March 22 MP>.—Revenue freight. carloadines for railroads reporting for the week ended March 20 included . fWeek of Previous Lasl < , March 20. week, yea! i^altimore A Ohio 55.014 54.147 31.088 BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY. High. Low. 2:55. I 2%s 1949-53_ 98.31 98.10 98.10 2-Ha 1 945-47_ 102.12 101.26 101.29 2&is 1948-51_ 100.23 100.2 100.2 2 e 1961-54_ 100.4 99.18 99.20 2 44 3 1956 59_ 100.2 99.17 99.20 2tis 195b-60_ 101.23 100.28 100.28 3s 1946-48_ 103.28 103.12 103.14 3s 1961-66 _ 103.16 102.19 102.19 J'4s 1946-49 _ 104.18 104.4 104.4 3 14s 194 6-49 reg-. 103.27 103.27 103.27 3V4S 1949-52_ 104.16 104.4 104.4 3 *4 8 1941 _ 106.5 106.5 106.5 3 Vis 1944-46 . 105.80 105.8 105.12 3»is 1940-43June 105.26 105.24 105.24 3 «is 1941-43 Mar. 106.12 106.8 106.8 3 44s 1943-47_ 106.1b 106.2 106.2 344s 1946-56._ 109.8 109.3 109.3 4s 1944-64 _ 111.7 110.28 110.-8 4V4S-3V4B 1943-45 105.24 105.23 106.15 4 Vi s-3 Vi s 43-45rg 105.19 105.12 105.12 414s 1947-52 115.24 1 15.4 115.4 4 Vis 1947-52 reS- 116.18 115.18 116.18 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1947_ 102.30 102.21 102.22 3s 1949 _ 102.20 102.2 102.2 3 Vi s 1964_ 102.16 102,16 102.16 HOME OWNERS’ LOAN. 2Vis 1942-44_ 99.30 99.26 99.27 2448 1939-49_ 100.4 y9.28 99.29 3s 1952_ 102.4 101.16 101.18 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:55. Abitibi Pa&Pw 6s'63 . 97 964 954 Agr Mtg Bk Col bs '47 Febr coupon on.. 264 264 264 Akershus fis 63 ... 984 984 984 Alpine Mont S 7s'55— 99 99 99 | Antioqula 7s 45 A_ 154 154 154 ! Antioaula 7s 45 D_ 144 144 HH j Antwerp 5s’58 _ 1004 1004 100*4 Argentine 44s‘71_ 984 98 4 984 j Argentine f 4s 62_1014 1014 1014 j Argentine 6s '57 A _10F. 101*. 1014 I Argentine 6s'59 June 1004 1004 100s* Argentine 6s'60 May . 1014 1014 1014 Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 1014 1014 1014 j Argentine 6s 61 Febr. 1014 1014 1014 Argentine 6s'61 May. 1014 1014 1014 Australia 4 4s "56_ 100 994 100 Australia 5s'65_1054 1054 106‘j Australia 6s'57_ 105 104*. 104*. Austrian7s'57_ 100 100 100 Belgium 7s 55_1164 116*. ilt>4 Berlin 6s 58 _ 184 184 I84 Berlin 6 4s'60. __ 184 184 184 Berlin Elec 64s'59_ 21 194 21 Brazil 64s’26-'57_ 434 43 434 Brazil 64s’27-’57_ 434 444 *24 Brazil 7s’52_ 43 42*. 43 Brazil 8s 41 _ 604 604 604 Buenos A C 6s'60 Oct. lol*. 101*. 101*. Buenos A C 3s’84_ 66 66 56 Buenos Aires 44»-3Hs'77Pv 764 76 764 I Buenos A 44s '7 6 Aug 7t>4 764 764 ! Bue A1 1 4s-4?is'75._ 78*4 78*. 78*. ! Bulgaria 7s 67 J uly coupon olt_ 244 244 244 I Bulgaria 7 4s '68 May coupon off_ 26 26 26 Canada 2 4s 45_ 97*. 971. 974 Canada 3a‘61_ 87 Jg 9?4 974 Canada 4s 60_ loo!* 1044 1044 Canada 5s'52_111*. 1114 ill*,. Chile 6s'60 _ 224 22 22 Chile 6a 61 Jan_ 224 214 214 | Chile 6s "61 Febr_ 224 21*. 214 1 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 224 21*. 21*. I Chile 6s '62_ 22 22 22 | Chile 6s 63 _ 224 21*. 21*. Chile 7s'42 _ 234 234 234 | Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 ._ 184 18 18 Chile Mtg Bk 6 4s'57- 18!* 184 184 Chilean Mun L. 7s <0.. 1 18 18 ! Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 36 35 36 i Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 25 34*. 34*. Col Mtg Bk 7s'46 _ 24'., 24*j 244 Copenhagen 4%s’63— 974 97 »7 Copenhagen 6s 52_ 994 994 994 Costa Klea <3 A '51_ 344 344 '44 Cuba 64s 45 . 604 5' 594 Czechoslovakia Ss'52. 104 104 104 Denmark 4 *£s'62_ 99'* 98** 98*1 Denmark 6*4s '55_101 101 loi Denmark 6s 42 _1051* 105 105 Dominic 1st 51is '42_ 8lb 61 81 Dominic 2d 6%s 40 ... 80 80 8o French Gov 7s’49 123** 128*1 123** French Gv 7s'40 un st 121** 12IH 121H French Gov 7*t>s 41 US'* 11811 11811 GerCBkA6s 28 46 46 46 Ger C Bk A 6s'60 July 11411 34l* 34)1 GerOBkA7s 50 _ 46 46 46 Ger Gen Flee 6s’48_ 31 31 31 Ger Gov 5*43'65 st_ 24H 24 24 Uar Reo 7s '49 stpd_ 29s* 29’* 29** Ger Rep 7s 49 un st... 24 24 24 Grt C FI Jap 6 *4s '50_91*4 9114 91H Grt O FI Jap 7s 44_ 94'» 94** 94*4 Greek Gov 6s '68 _ 3114 31b 3114 Hung Con *M 7s '46 ._ 3011 30'* 3011 Hung Con M 7!is '45 unmat coupon on 3011 30'* 3011 Hung F M 71js '61 A_ 3011 301* 30b Italy 7s 51 - 87 86b 8654 Japan 5%s’65- 80*4 80*4 8011 Japan 6*4s’54 - 98«* 93*4 93*4 Karstadt 6s ’43 ctfs ._ 30 30 30 Kreug&Toll 6s '69 cts_ 461* 46 4611 Lombard Elec 7s’52__. 75 75 75 Medelin 6*4s'54 . 13b 13*4 i3H Mex 4s 10- 45 asst sm 6SS 6*4 6I4 Mex 48 ’54 asst_ 61s 6*4 6?s Milan 6*4s 52 - 73b 73b 73b MinasGars 6*4s ’59 Sept coupon on_ 27 27 27 Norway ’Vis’65_101b 101 101 Norway 4bs'56_ 103b 102b 1C2J4 Oriental Dev 5%s’58_. 72 72 72 Oriental Dev 6s'53_ 78V* 78V* 78V* Oslo 4 Vv» 55 _ S8«j 98 98 Oslo G & E 5s '63-101$* 101V* 101V* Paris Orl Ry 6$*s'68.. 100$* 100V* 100V* Peru 6s'60- 22H 21$i 21«* Peru 6s '61- 22$* 22 22 Poland 8s'50_ 52V* 61V* 62V* Porto Alegre 8s '61 June coupon off_ 31V* 31V* 31V* Rhine VV El p 6s’53... 20V* 19V* 19»* Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’6* June coupon off_ 27J* 27V* 27V* Riode Jan 6V*» '53 Aug coupon off _ 28 27V* 27V* Rio Gr do Sul 7s '66 May coupon off _ 28>* 27$* 28V* Rio Gr do Sul 7s '67 June coupon off_ 27«* 27$* 27«* Rome 6$*s '52 _ 74V* 74 74 Rotterdam 6s’64- 100$* 100$* 100$* Sen Paulo St 6s 68 July coupon off_ 27 26$* 27 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 93V* 93V* 93V6 Sao Paulo St 7s '56 Sept coupon oft_ 29V* 29V* 29V* Serbs 7s'62 unm c o_ 29J* 29V* 29V* Serbs 8s'62 unm c o ... 31V* 31V* 31V* Shin’su El P 6V*s "52_ 85 85 86 Silesian Bank 6s'47.34$* 34‘* 34$* Taiwan Elec 6%s'71.. 745* 74V* 745* Tokio 5s'52- 65V* 65V* 65V* Tokio 6$*8 61- 75 76 75 Tokio E E Ltd 6s '53 78V* 78V4 78V* Un Stl Wks 6$*s'51 A. 24V* 24V* 24V<. Uruguay 6s 60- 65V* 65 65 ' Uruguay Bs 64- 65V* 65V* 6SV* Uruguay 8s 46- 66V* 66V* 66V* Warsaw 7s 58_ 44 44 44 Yokohoma 6s 61_ 82V* 82 82V* DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s ’48 1044* 104$ 10444 Alb Per W P 6s'48 ww 66 6h 66 Allear Corp 6s '44 - 98 974$ 974$ Allen: Corp 6s 49_ 92 92 92 Alleg Corp 6s'60 stp_ 644$ 63 63 Allied Stores 4$s’50_. 99$ 994$ 994$ Allied Stores 4$s '51. 984$ 98$ 984$ Am & For Pw 60 2030. 804$ 79$ 79$ Am Ice cv 6s'53_ 97 96 #s Am 1 Q Ch 6%s 49_ 1084$ 107$ 107$ Am Inti 5%s '49_ 105 104*$ 104$ Am Tel&Tsl 3$s ’61. 98$ 98 98 Am Tel & Tel 3$s'66. 98$ 97$ 975$ AmT&T4%s'39_ 1064$ 1064$ 1064$ AmT&T6$s43_ 1134$ 113 113 Am T F 2 $S-5s’38-’50. 1704$ 169 169 Am Wat Wks 6s ‘75... 107$ 107$ 107$ Am Writ Paper 6s '47. 81 80$ 80$ Am Writ Pa 6s 47 cfs. 81$ 80 80 Anaconda deb 4$s'60. 106$ 106$ 106$ Anttlo-Chil Nit 7s'67.. 89$ 39$ 39$ Ann A 1st ex In 4s '95. 71 70$ 70$ Ark & M B&T 6s ’64... 103$ 103$ 103$ Armour & Co 4 $3'39. 103$ 103$ 103$ ArmourlDeDlst 4s'55 96 95$ 95$ Armour & Co Del 4s 57 95$ 95$ 96$ Armstrong Ck 4s '50.. 106 105 105 A T&S Fe 4s ■05-,55_107$ 107$ 107$ A T&S Fe 4s '09-’55.._ 106$ 106$ 106$ A T&S Fe een 4s 95 108$ 107$ 108$ A T&S Fe C A 4$s’62 111$ 111$ 111$ A t la&Ch A L 4 $ s ’4 4 _ 110 110 110 Atla&Ch A L 5s’44 . 111$ 111$ 111$ Atl Coast L 1st 4s '52_ 101$ 101 l»l Atl Coast L clt 4s'52.. 95$ 96 95$ Atl C L un 4 $s '64 .. 94 93 93 Atl Coast Line 5s'45 . 104$ 104 104 Atlantic & D lst4s'48. 66 65$ 66 Baldwin Loco 5s '40 ... 106$ 106$ 106$ .Baldwin Lo 5s'40 asst 106 106 106 B & O 1st 4S 4S_106$ 105$ 106$ Hieh. Low. 2:65. B&O4V4s'60_ 79(4 7»V4 78(4 B&O 1st 6s'48_116(4 110(4 110(4 Balto & O ref 6s’96 A- 91(4 90 90(4 B A O 6s 96 F . _ 90 89 89 B & O ref 6b 2000 D... 90 89'4 90 B&O ref 6s '95 C ... 101(4 100(4100(4 B&O PLE&VV V 4s'41 103»* 103(4 103*4 B&O Swn 5s 60 _ 103 102(4 102(4 B & O Toledo 48’59 .... 9".(4 92(4 92(4 Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B.. 118>i 118'4 118(4 Bell T of Pa 6s'60 C_ 123 123 123 Beth Steel 3(is'66_ 9474 94(4 94*4 Beth Steel 4 Vis '60_ 103(4 102(4 102(4 Bos & Me 6s’65_ 86(4 86 86 Bos & Me 6s '67. _ . .. 86(4 86 86(4 Boston N V A L 4s '55. 28(4 28>4 28(4 Rot Con M 6 V2s'34 .. 34 33 33 Bot Con M 6V4s '34 ct.. S3 33 S3 Bklvn Ed con 3 Vi s'BG.. 9»H 99(4 99(4 Bklvn Man T 4V4s 66. 99 98(4 99 Bklvn Queens C & S con5s'41stpd _ 73 73 73 Bklyn Un El 5s '60 ... 108(4 108(4 108Q Bklyn Un Gas 5s '45_ll&H 116(4 116(4 Bklyn Un Gas 6s'50 106(4 I051* 105(4 Bklyn Un Gas 6s '57 B 107*4 10)** 107** Brown Shoe 3 (is'60 __ 105 104(4 104(4 BCR&Ncl6s'34_ 28 28 28 Bush Term con 5s'55 71(i 71(4 71(4 Bush Term Bldf? 5s'60 66 66 66 Camas 7s 42 ctfs _. 304 294 294 Can'dlan N 6s'69 Oct . 1144 114s* 114s* Can'dlan N R 4tis '65. 1134 1134 1134 Can'dlan N 6s'69 July. 1134 1131*1134 Can'dlan N R 41*8 ’51. 1104 1101* 1104 Can'dlan N R41*s'56. 1104 1104 1104 Can'dlan N R 41*s'67. 110 1094 1091* Can’dian N R5s'70_ 114*1 1144 114s, Can dian P db 4s perp 904 894 90 Can dian Pac 41*s'4 6. 1034 1024 1021* Can'dlan Pac 41*s '60 1024 1024 1024 Can'dlan Pac 5s'44 cfs 1101* 1104 1104 Can'dlan Pac 6s'54 _. 1074 1074 1074 Caro Cl & O 6s 52 A_108s, 1084 1084 Cent Br U P 4s 48 ... 351* 354 251* Central Fdry cv 6s'41. 114 1151*1154 Cent of Ga 6s'59 C ._ 22 22 22 I Cent Hud G&E 6s '57.. 1031* 103 103 Cent 111 E & G 5s '51 1024 1027* 1027* I Cent of N J gen 5s'87. 734 73 73 | Pent Pac 1st rf 4s 49.. 107 1067* 107 Cent Pac 6s 60 _100 luu 100 Cert'd deb 6!*s '48 ._ 87 87 87 Champ P & F 4%s '50. 105s, 105>, io5», Chesap Corp 5s 47 ... 138 136 136 Ches & O 8 4s 96 D_ 95", 95'* 954 |Ches& 0 31*8 96 E_ 951, 954 954 j C & O sen 4 4s 92- 1174 1174 1174 | C & O con 6s '39 ... 106s, 106s* 106s, C&O R&A 1st 4s '89.. 1134 1134 1134 I Chi & Alt ref 3s 49 ... 561* 65 65 Chi B & Q gen 4s '68 ... 1084 108V* 1084 Chi B & Q ref 6s'71 .. 116 1154 116 Chi B&yl div 3 7*s'49.. 107', 107* 1071* Chi & Kill 6s'51 ... 41 414, 40s, Chi & E 1115s '51 ctfs.41 41 4) Chi Grt West 4s '69_ 48 474 474 j I Chi I & L gen 6s 66 . 224 22 22 1 Chi ind & L sen 6s '66. 224 221* 221* C 51 St P 4s 89 61s, bl fli CM&St P 44s '89 E- 661* 66 4 664 CM&St P 5s 75 . 82s, 314 314 CM&StP&P ad1 5s2000 114 10s, 114 Ch &NW gen 34s '87. 42 42 4 Chi & NW gen 4s 87.. 4« 4 46s* 41,4 Chi & NW 44s 2037 _. 824 821* 324 Chi & NW 41*8 2037 C. 337* 32 32 1 Chi & NW 44s 49 ._ 22 2H* 211* Chi & NW rf 6s 2037 . 334 32s, 32s, C&NW Nr W 648 '36_. 65 65 65 Ch! R l&p rf 4s '34 23 4 23 23 ! Chi R l&p rf 4s'34ctf.. 20', 20 20 Chi R l&P gen 4s 88 .. 39 39 39 Ciil R l&P 44s'52 224 22 224 Chi R l&P 4 4s '52 ctf 20 20 20 Chi R l&P 41*s 60 .. 137* 124 pit: Chi St L&N Me 4s'51. 94 94 m j Chi T ll&S Inc 5s '60.. 85 94 34 I Chi Un Sta 34s'51 .. 103 103 lu3 Chi Un Sta 3a. 3 63 E. 101 1034 103s, Ch!iIlvt|a4S 44 - 1051'« I04‘s ln'Us chi & W in con 4s'52. 1017, loll* M14 ! Su W0 4nd 4I*8 fi2-- I0l,H 99s, 100 Childs & Co 5s'43 _ 67 854 35*, Cm G & E 3V*s'66 _ 100 991., <19: Ter 5s 2020 B 107s* 107s, 107s* CCCASt L rf 44s '77 E 94 931, 94 Cevn'inn53,’63 ° ‘02H ,02^ ln2l4 C .^ 6,°.106H 165s* 1 06s, Clev [ n Tel 44s ,7 lol 100 100 C ev Un Term 5s'73 B 106s, 105 105 Clev Un Ter 64s'72A 111 lit m Colo Fuel & Ir 5s '70— 914 914 914 Colo & So 4 4 s '80 _ 71 70s* 70s Columbia G&E deb * Columbia (3 & E 5s ^ lWt 102,4 Cohfmbla G&E 5s '61TI Jof 8 loo4 loo* CoJumRy P&L4.S'65. 1034 1084 1034 Cornel Credit 34s'51. 95 947* 9.4 Com In v Tr 3 4 s 'J 1_ 99s* 99s* 99/ Conn R & L 44s 51— 103ss 103s* 103s* Cons Coal Del 5s'60 _. 71 704 71 Cons Ed NY 34s 46 n. I034 103'* 1034 Cons Ed NY 34s'56 n 1027* lu2'* 1027, ^.ons Gas NY 44s’51. lose* 1054 1054 Consol Oil 34s "51 1034 102s* 102s* Contum Pwr 2 4s 66 . 98 98 9g Cf nsum P un 3 4s ’65. 101*4 1017* 1017* Cons Pwr 34s'70- 1007, 1004 ioo7* Container 6s *46 - 1027* 1027* 1024 Crane Co 34s 51_ 98 9g p21,p!s48’50— 106!^ iobh 1054 Cuba RR 1st 5s a2 _. 5772 571* 57,; rnh* 7^s 36 rtfs- 63H *!H 634 Cuba Northn 54s 42.. 644 54 54 L*ytonp&E3%s'60_. 102 10* 10* I Dei* Budrer4S-43 - 91 904 30U Den SfiO con 4s ’3S_. 34*4 33^ 33u Den&RG4Vi8'36 35* 34 * 34 U I Den & R G ref 6s '7g 29 *si - oS1/ Den & ROW 5s'Gf»asst. 19V$ i9*i jqu Des M&Ft D 4s'35 cfs. in** 10*4 io«t Det Edison 3%s 66 .. 1024 10F* 10P, ®eI'2“Ed 48 65 F 107^ 107*4 107*4 Det Edison 4%»’61 D. Ill** 111 >* Del Edison 5s-52 ... 107*‘ 107*4 07*‘ Duiss* At 68-37 .. 6214 62W 62H Duques Et 4^s’e7 B.. 103>* 103 1014 El Paso Nat G4%s'51_ 10214 10214 10314 Erie cons 4s-96- 98*4 98*4 98*4 Erie gen 4s 9$- 8514 8614 8514 Erie ref 6s 67_ 8414 8314 x-u* Erie ref 6s-75-1 «J* £* Pairbks Morse 4s'56_102 1*2 in? Fed E&Tr 6s 64 B_103 101 101 Era EC By 4%s ’59.... 81 go gn Fla EC Rv6s-74 .. ig “ Fond J&R 43-82 filed. 614 t>H 6U Francisco Sug 6s '56__ 78J4 7814 7gu Galv H&H 5Hs '38-- 98 9gu 9gu Gen Am Inv 5s 62-1014 1014 1014 Oen Cable 6%s 47-1054 1054 1054 Gen Mot Acc 3s 46 lul 1004 1004 Gen Mot Ass 34s'61_. 1004 100 100 Gen Stl Cast 64s’49__ 92 92 92 Goodrich 4V*s'56- 994 984 984 Goodrich 6s 45 -IO64 log 1064 104* ,03* 1°34 « 46 ww 1014 1014 1014 Great N Ry 4s 46 G .... 1304 127 127 Great NRy 48 46 H . 1094 109 1094 S’? M Sy ref 4149 '61 * 1114 1114 1114 GrtNReen 448-76 D 104 104 104 <jrt N R gen 6s ‘73 C._ 11114 llVA 111U CrtNR6HS62B ~ 116‘4 11514 116^ Gulf M /mV^'77E- 102‘4 102,4 10214 LrUlr M & N 6s 60 _ 99*4 uqi,/- qai/ Gulf M&N54s’50_;: ,99'‘ 1099 Gu f Sta Stl 5%s 42 . 98V< 964 964 Gu f States Util 48-66 1004 100 1004 Gulf States Ut 44s'46 1034 1034 1034 Har Ry PC 1st 4S-54. 94 91 94 Hock Val 4%s '99 _116 115 115 Hoe (R 1 1st mtg'44_ 93 93 93 Hous B&T 1st 5s '37— 1004 1004 1004 Houston OH 54s'40_ 102 102 102 Hudson Coal Es'62 464 464 464 Hud & Man Inc 5s '57_. 35 344 344 Hud & Man ref 5s "57_. 784 784 784 Ill Bell Tel 3 Mis'70_102*4 102*4 302*4 111 Cent col tr 4s’62_ 88 88 88 til Cent col tr 4s’63_ 88*4 8**4 84*4 111 Cent ref 4s'65_ 89*4 89 *9 111 Cent 4*is 66 _ 75*4 75 76*4 111 Cent ref 6s'65_ 100*4 100*4 100*4 111 Cent St L 3y2s '51._ 98*4 98*4 98*4 ICC&StL. N 04 *4s‘63_81*4 81 81*4 ICC&StL, N O 6s 63 ... 87*4 86*4 87*4 111 Steel deb 4% s 40_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 Ind & Louisv 4s ’56_ 37*4 37*4 37*4 Inland Stl 3*is 61_102*4 101*4 101*4 lnt R T 1st rf 6s 66_ 92*4 92*4 92*4 Int R T 6s 32 ctfs_ 40*4 40*4 40*4 Int RT 7s 32 _ 84*4 84 84 Int R T 7s "32 ctfs_ 84*4 84 84 Interlake 6s'61 102 102 102 Int Agr cl 5s 42 stp_101*4 101*4 101*4 lnt Grt Nr 6s'52 A__ 38 37*4 37*4 Int Grt Nr 5s’66 B_ 37*4 37*4 37*4 Int Grt Nr adl 6s'62 A. 15*4 14*4 14*4 Int Hydro Eleo 6s'44_ 79*4 78*4 78*4 Int Mer Marine 6s '41_ 82*4 82*4 82*4 Int Pap 1st 6s'47A_ 100 100 100 Int Pap ref 6s'55_ 99*4 99 99 Int Ry of C A 6*is'47_ 98*4 98*4 98*4 Int T&T cv 4*4s 39_ 83*4 83*4 83*4 lnt T&T 4%s ’52_ 68 67*4 67*4 Int T&T 6s 56 _ 73 j 72 72 Iowa Cent lst&rf4s'61. 7 6*4 6*4 James F & C 4s '39 ... 96 96 96 Jones&L Stl 4 *A s'61 A. 101*4 101*4 101*4 Ivan CFS&M rf4s'36ct. 69 69 69 Kails C So 1st 3s 50 87*4 87*4 87*4 Kans City So ref 6s'60 96*4 95*i 96*4 Kan C Term 1st 4s'60. 107*4 107*4 107*4 Kans G &E4Hs'80_ 104 104 104 Keith 6s’46_ 98 98 98 Kresge Found 4s 'AS_106*4 A0654 1 06*4 High. Low. 2:55. Laclede G 6(£s'63 C_ 6U4 60 60 Laclede G 5 (4a 60 D _ 61 fco 60 Lake S&M So 3Hs'97. 98 98 9* Lautaro Nltr 6s '64 _. 414 414 414 catitaro Nit 6s '64 cfs. 414 414 «14 Leh C&N 4(4s 64 A_1014 101 101 Leh Val Coal 6s'64_ 60 60 60 ~eh Val Coal 5s'74_ 60 (0 60 LV NY 1st 4s'45 gtd__ 904 90(4 »0(4 LV NY 4((s'40 gtd 101*4 1014 1014 Leh V Peon 4s 2003 64 64 64 Leh V P con 4 (4 s 2003. 70 70 70 Llgg & Myers &•'61_ 1224 1224 1224 Like & Myers 7s'44_ 130 180 180 Loew"s 3 (4 s 46 _ 984 97(4 97*4 Long Isl unit 4s '49_ 106 105 106 La & Ark 6s *69 _ 954 944 944 L & Nash 3%s 2003_ 98 924 924 L & N unlf 4s 40_1064 106(4 1064 L& N 4(4s 2003 C_ 1044 1044 1044 L & N 6s 2003 B _ 107 107 107 L&N Atl K&C4S'55.. 1124 1124 1124 McCrory Stores 5s '61. 104 104 104 McKess&Kob 6(4s'50_. 1084 108 103 Me C HR gn 4(4b’«0A_. 81 81 81 Manatl Sue 7(4s'42 .. 77 4 77 4 774 Man Slst 7(4s'42 ctfs. 764 754 764 Manhat Ry 4s'90 _ 474 474 474 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfs. 43 43 43 Marlon St Shov 6s'47. 98 98 98 Mead Co 6s'45 _1054 1054 1064 Mil El R&L 6s "61_103 1 1024 103 Mil E R & S L rf Es’71_ 1044 104 104 Mil Spa & N W 4s '47 . 414 41 41 Minn & S L rf 4s 49... 7 64 64 Minn & St L Es '62 A .666 Minn & St L 6s’34 ctfs. 18 18 18 MStP&SSM cn 4s '38._ 29 284 284 MStP&SSM cn 6s '38 __ 27 264 27 MStP&SSM 6s'38 gtd. 814 314 314 MStP&SSM 5%s'49 .. 234 234 284 MStP&SSM rf 6s'46A. 25*4 254 264 Mo 111 5s '69_ _ 68 68 68 Mo K & T 1st 4s'90_ 8S4 86 86 Mo K & T 6s ‘62 A_ 82 82 82 MoK & T ad1 6s '67_ 77 744 754 Mo Pac 4s '76 _ 204 204 204 MoPacEs'77F_ 424 42 42 Mo Pac 6s'78 G_ 414 414 414 Mo Pac 6s '81 I _ 42 41*4 41*4 Mo Pac 5s'81 I ctfs_ 4ii 40 40 .Mo Pac 54s'49 A _ 18 16*4 17 Mob & Ohio 4(4s'77._. 85(4 364 864 Moha wk & M 4s'91_ 914 914 914 Monong Pub S 4%s'60 102 1014 102 Monong Pub S 6s'65 106** 1064 1064 Montana Pwr 3(is'66 . 94 4 934 934 Mor&Essex 3(4s 2000 874 8'<4 874 Morris&Essex 4 4s'55 91 »04 904 Morris&Essex 6s '55 984 98 98 Nassau Elec 4s'51 Ktd. 60 60 60 Nat Acme 6s'42 - lOi fi 100*4 1004 •Natl Dairy 3%s'51ww. 104 M31* 103', Natl Dis P C 4 to s’45 103!? 1034 1034 Natl RM 1st 4s’51 asst 4t? 44 4’? Nat Ry Mex 4*?s’57 as 44 44 44 Natl Steel 4s'65 . 103** 1034 1034 New E T&T 1st Gs'52- 120 120 120 New OrlGNR 6s'83 A, 964 95 95 New Orl P S 6s 52 A _ 984 98 98 New Or! P S 6s '55 B 98V? 98 4 984 New Or! Ter 1st 4s'53 94 94 94 NY Central 3V?s 97_ 97 954 97 NY Central 3 ** s ’46_102 101 101 NY Cent con 4s'98 _ 974 97 974 NY Cent rf 4 4s 2013_91k, 904 90s? NY C rf 4%s 2013 n_ 914 914 91V? NY Cent rf 5s 2013_ 984 974 88 NY Cent cv 6s 44 _ 126 120V? 1214 N Y Chi & StL 4s’46_ 1034 1034 103V? NYC&St L 4 *?s'78 924 914 914 NYC&St L 64s '74 A102V? 1024 1024 NY Chi & St L 6s '38-.- 1004 100 1004 NY Dock 1st 4s'51_ 65 65 65 NY Dock 5s'38 _ 61 604 60s* NY Edison 3 *4 s '65 D. 994 99 99 NY Edts ref 3 4s'66_ 99’? 99 99 NY L & W 1st 4s '73_ 99 4 99 4 994 NY R & W 4 4 s '73_ 107 107 107 NY NH & H 4s'55_ 404 404 404 NY NH & 11 4s'56_ 43 43 43 NY' NH & H 4s '57 _ 31'* 31 31 NY N’H & 11 4 4s'67 ... 474 47V? 474 NY NH & H cv 6s 48_ 62 52 62 NY O&YV tren 4s'55_ 244 24 24 NY O&W ref 4s '92_ 31 304 30« NY T utnam 4S'93 _ 87'* 874 874 NY S&W gen 5s '40_ 534 624 524 NY’ Tel een 4 V?s ’3D__ 107s? 107 . 1074 NY W & B 4 V?s '46 19 I84 18V? Niatr Falls P 3 *?s '66.. 1014 101'*' 1014 Niac Sh 5’->s '50 103s? 103s, 103s, Norf & W 1st 4s'96_112V? 1124 1124 North Am Co 5s '61 104 10341034 North Am Ed 5s'69 C. 1004 100 100 North Am Ed 6 v?s’63- 103s? 103s? 103*? NoFn Pac tren 3s 2047, 72 7H? 72 Norm Pac 4s *97 _103 102s, 102s* Nor'n Pac 4t?s 2047_ 994 99 99 North Pac 6s 2047_1104 104s, 1091? Ogden LC4s'45_ 27 264 264 Ohio Edison 4s’65_1034 102 m2 Ohio Pub Sve 7s '47_1104 1104 1104 Ont Pwr Niae 5s '43_1124 1124 1124 Oreg Sh Line 5s 46_._ 1164 1164 1164 Oreg YV HP. 4s'61 ... 1014 1044 1014 Pac Gas & El 34s '66. 974 964 961* I’ac G & E 3 4 s '61-100** loo 100 Pac G & E 4s ‘64 .. 104** 1034 1034 Pac RR Mo 2d 5s ’38. . 1014 1014 1014 Pac T&T rf 3 V4 s '66 B 100 994 994 Pac T&T 3 *4s'66 C _ 1004 994 994 Tara Broadway 3*'55. 744 744 7414 Paramount Pic 6s '55_. 1004 1004 1004 Parmeleefia 44 _ 731^ 72 73 Penn Co 3 s '44 D_ 104 4 1044 1044 Penn Go 4s 63 _ 1004 100 ion Penn Dixie C 6s'41_ 1004 100 100 Penn P&T, 4 4s'81_,054 10s 105 Penna R R 34s w.l._ 109 108 1084 Penn RR 3 4s'70 C 974 974 974 Penn RR cn 4s'4S stp. 113 1124 112*1 Penn RR 44s'R1 D .. 1044 103*1 103»* Penn R R 4*4s '84 104 1034 104 Penn RR con 4 4s'60. 116 1154 11.5*1 Penn RRgn44s'65 _ 107*1 107 107 Penn RR deb 44s'70. 100 994 994 Penn RR gen 5s '68 . 114411441144 People GL&C rf 6s'47_ 112*1 1124 112*1 People G L&C 6s'43_1194 119*1 1194 Peoria & E 1st 4s ’40._ 94*1 »4 94 Peoria & E Inc 4s‘90_21*1 20*1 214 Pere Mara 44s ’80 ... 96 96 96 Pere Mara 1 st 5s’56_101 101 101 Phila Co 6s 67 _ 1044 104 1044 Phlla Elec Co 4s '71_ 1024 1024 1024 Phlla & R C&I 5s'73_38 S7'l 38 Phlla & R C&I 6s'49_164 16 16 Philippine Rv 4s'37_ 25 25 26 PCC&St L 4 4s '77 c_1054 1054 106»4 PCC&St L 5s'70 A_114 114 114 PCC&St L 5s’75 B . 113*1 1134 113*1 Pltts&V* Va 44s '60 C 91 91 91 Port Gen El 4 4s '60 . 66 654 654 Porto R1co A T 6s'42.. 804 804 804 Postal Tel & C 5s >53 . 344 344 344 Pressed Stl Car 6s '51. 964 964 964 Pure 011 4 4 s '50 ww _. 119 118 HR Purity Baking 5s *48.. 100 100 100 R-K-O 6s «1 - 113 1124 1124 Reading Jer C 4s '51994 99 99 Reading R 44s'97 A. 106 4 106 106 4 Rem-Rand 4 4s’56ww. 107 1054 1054 Republic Stl 44s'50.. 191 187 187 Republic Stl 44s'56.. 974 964 96*1 Republic Stl 44s '61_. 97 964 964 Republic Stl 64s '54.. 1194 118 118 Revere Cop 4 4 s '56 .. 1024 1024 1024 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs.. 55 55 55 Roch G&E 5s '62 E ... 1084 1084 IO84 R I A&L 1st 44s'34._ 234 23 23 Saguenay Pw4 *4 s"66__ 100*4 100*4 100*4 St L TM&S R&G 4s'33. 82 82 82 St L R M & P 5s '55_ 82*4 82*4 82*4 St L-S Pran 4s 'SOA_33*4 33*4 33*4 St L-S P 4s ’50 A ctfs. SO 30 30 St L-S Pran 4*4s'78_ 30*4 29*4 29*4 St L-S P 4*4S'78 cf St- 26*4 25*4 26 St L-S Pran 5s '50 B 32 32 32 St L-S P 5s'60 B ctfs.. 29*4 29*4 29*4 St L S W 1st 4s '89_ 91 90*4 90*4 St L S W 2d 4s '89_ 71*4 71*4 71*4 StLSWtnrfEs'99.. 49*4 49*4 49S4 St PKCSLltJs 41.. 23*4 23 23 St P M&M ex 4s '37_101*4 101*4 101*4 St P MfeM Pit Es'43 .. 102*4 !02'4 102*4 San A ft A Pass 4s '4 3. 100*4 100*4 100*4 San Diego CG*E4s'65. 107 106*4 106*4 Seabd A L rpf 4s'69... 17 17 17 Seabd A L adj 6s '49_ 11*4 11*4 11*4 Seabd A L 6s'45 A 20*4 19*4 19*4 Seahd A L 6s 45 ctfs.. 19*4 18*4 19' Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct. 11*4 11*4 1114 Sharon Stl cv 4%s’51. 115 115 115 Shell Un deb 3*4s '51.. 97 96 96 Skelly 011 4s'51 _ 98 97*4 97*4 Spoony Vac 3*4s'60... 103 102*4 103 South Bell T&T 5s'41. 108*4 106*4 106*4 Southn Cal Gas 4s'65 103*4 103*4 103*4 Southn Cal Gas 4% '61 105*4 106*4 105*4 So Colo Pwr 6s'47 A._ 106*4 105*4 105*4 SoPac3*is’46_ 99 98*6 98*4 So Pao ref 4s'65_ 104*4 103*4 104 So Pac 4%s '68_ 92*4 82*4 92*4 So Pac 4*4* ’69_91*4 »i*4 91*4 SoPac4%s'81_ 92 91*4 91*4 So Pac Oreg 4Hs'77_96*4 96*4 96*4 So Ry gen 4s'56 A_ 82 81*4 81*4 So Ry 5s '94 _1C8 107*4 108 So Ry gen 6s '56_ 102*4 102 102 So Ry 6*4s'66 - 105*4 104*4 104*4 So Ry M & O 4s '38_ 93*4 93*4 93*4 S W Bell Tel 3 *4s'64.. 103*4 103 103 Soutnw’n G&E 4s '60„ 99*4 99*4 99*4 Stand Oil N J 3s'61_ 96*4 96*4 96*4 Studebaker cv 6s 45_ 140 135*4 135*4 Tenn C&l RR5s'61.__ 120H 120*4 120*4 Tenn El Pw 6s'47 A—'. 98 98 98 Term AsSt L 4» '53- 106 106*4 106*4 Texas Corp 3 % ■ '61-101'^ 100*4 101 Texas & Pac 5s '77 B__ lot 104 104 UTILITY EXPENSES Upward Trend of Costs May Have Less Effect Than Expected. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, March 22.—The up ward trend of costs is being overrated as a utility company bugaboo, accord ing to figures compiled by the Finan cial World and published in its cur rent issue. Investors who look with disfavor upon public utility issues have recently been pointing to the effect upon utility earnings of rising costs of operation, the publication points out. Those figures, taken from a utility company that may be regarded as typical, show a breakdown of costs on the basis of $1 of revenue and then on the basis of an assumed 10 per cent Increase in revenues accompanied by a 25 per cent increases in costs, as follows: Revenue _ $1.00 $1.10 Labor _ .If, .1725 fa) Fuel .on .0825 <b) Pineht for fuel_ . .of. .0550 it) Other supplies _ .10 .1250 Operatine reserves .. _ .04 .0440 Taxes - ... _ .12 .1200(d) Total costs. .$0.52 $0.0050 Available for Interest. etc. 0 48 0.4050 'a) A 15 per cent rise is assumed be cause increased Volume does not require a corresponding increase in working force. (bi Reltects 10 per cent increase in quan tity. as well as a 25 per cent, rise In cost, ic» Reflects increased amount of fuel 'di Assuming a 25 per cent increase in income taxes, which represent 20 per cent of all taxes. Thus it is seen that, even looking on the gloomy side of things, an increase in operating costs of as much as 25 per cent would fall far short of spelling disaster for the utility industry, despite rigidity of rates charged for a great part of tiieir business. Washington Produce. BUTTEK—93 score. 1-pound prints. 39; *4-pound prints. }<>, tub ■ •v :*<* .'-core, l pound prints. 3S, >4-pound prints, 39, tub, 37. Market strong. MEATS—Choice bed. ]7. calves, 17; veal. Hi. lamb 24. pork loin. 33, fresh ham, 23. smoked hams, 3*; sliced bacon. 33. slab bacon, 2>. compound, 13’a. lard. 14* a. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. S;.a9; light hogs. Oaom. medium hogs P'zalu, heavy hogs. Xa9*2% roughs. daS; calves, dalO; lambs, 5a 10. Prices Paid shippers net f o b. Wash ington By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics; EGGS- Market quiet. Tone steady. United States Government i laded extras, mediums, ’4 higher. Current receipt*. 3 I 1 _ to 23’; hennery white , 3212 to 23. Government graded and dated white eges • net pr:c» paid shippers, fob. Wash ington'. United States extras large. 37'2: United Slates extra*, mediums. 23,2; United States standards large. 24 LIVE POULTRY—Market full, .steady to firm. Heavy fowl improved Fowl — Colored, heavy. 19 to 3" Leghorns. 13 to 1 1 Chickens—Rock- and Crosses, under 3 pound*. 23 to 23‘_> over 3 pound*. 33; a few at 23to 3 4. Guineas, young 3 pound and up. to each under 2 pounds. 3.5 to 3ti each; old guinea 3*» to 35 each Turkey- Young hens !'.* to 3t>: young toms, under 19 pounds 16 to 17 30 pounds and over 15 No. 2s, 13; old hens. 14. Old toms. 14. Fruits and Vegetables. Rales in large lots bv original receivers up to k a m today APPLES—-No carlot arrivals; no cars on track Supplies moderate demand mod erate . market steady Bushel baskets. U. S No 1 Virginia Black Twigs 3*4-inch minimum 1 35-1.35: 3,z-inch minimum. 1.5o-l 65 334-inch minimum. 1.65-1 75; 3-inch minimum. 1.75-1 s;, u R Utility 1.06-1.50. as to size scalded stock, all sizes. 90-1.25; Winesaps. 3-inch minimum. 1 35-1 35. 3’’4-inch minimum 1.65-1.7 5. 31 -inch minimum. 3 00-2.35: 2*-4-inch minimum. 3 35-3 35; U. S. Utility. 1.00 1 7 5. as to size; B^n Davis 2’4-inch mini mum. 1 00-1.15 3’z-mch minimum 1 35 l 35: 234-inch minimum. 1.35-1.40. U. R. Utilitv 90-1 10. as to size; Staymans. Cl inch minimum, 1 35-1 5o Hz-inch mini mum. 1.65-1 75: 234-inch minimum, 1.60 1.H5: scalded stock. 1.00-1.50. ail sizes; Yorks. 3'4-mch minimum. 1 35-1.35: 2’z inch minimum 1.40-1 5o: 3',4-inch mini mum. 1.50-1 *.5 scalded stock, all sizes. S5-1.35: Delicious. 214-inch minimum. 1 65-1 75: H .-inch minimum, 2.00-2.15; few 2.25: 234-inch minimum 3 35-3.35; few 3 5o; Paragons. 214-inch minimum. 1 35-1 4o 2,2-inch minimum 1.40-1.50; 334-inch minimum 1.5o-i.65. 3-inch mini mum. 1 75-1 .H5 Lowrys. 3M4-mch mini mum. 1 35: 3l2-inch minimum. 1 50: 234 inch minimum 1.50-1.05: Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, boxes, combination extra fancy and fancy. Stavmans. 1 75-2.25 Delicious, 2.25-2.50; Golden Delicious. 2.25-2.50: Paragons. 1.65-2.00; C grade. Staymans. 3.50-1 75 Delicious. 1.75-2.00; Golden Delicious. 1.75-3 00 Paragons 1 5* '-1.75; cartons, fancy. Staymans. 1 7 5-3.35. Delicious. 3.00-2.50 Lowrys, i.t>5-2.0u; Golden De licious. 2.00-2.50. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO, March 22 h? —Poultry, live 1 car. 22 trucks, steady to firm I hens, over 5 pounds. 21 5 pounds and less IP1. . Leghorn hens. 1 •>1 a. colored j fryers, 2*: Plymouth Rock. 2'1.: white ! Rock. 28 colored broilers. 25‘Plym outh and While Rock. 2h*2: barebacks. 22; roosters. 12 Leghorn roosters. 12; turkevs. hens. 25: young toms. IP; old. Iti. No. 2 turkeys. 15: ducks. 4'^ pounds up white and colored. 20*2 small white and colored. IT1-: geese. 1 0; capons. J pounds up 28; less than 7 pounds. 27. Butter. 7P527. steady creamery spe cials <P2 scoreh 2f»12-27: extras <P2>. 2d: extra firsts <00-01> .35* 2-34 firsts (SS-SP ». 2414-2514: standards (00 cen tralised carlots) 2534. Eggs. 24 458. easy; extra firsts local. 22,4: cars. 2234: fresh graded firsts, local. 2 23 4: cars, 2.3*4: current receipts. ,.’2,4 storage packed extras. 2434: storage packed firsts 24 y2. Potatoes 171: on track 417: total U S shipments Saturday. 828; Sunday. •’1. Old stock, dull and weak: supplies liberal, demand light: sacked per hun dredweight— Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No 1. few sales. 2.t>5a2.05. according to quality and size: U. S. No. 2. 2.10al5: Colorado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1 few sales best C.HOaOO: Wisconsin round whites. U. S No 1 2 10a25: U. S com mercial l.75as.5: Michigan Russet Rurals. U S No. 1. few sales. 2.20. New stock steady on best stock: supnlies liberal de mand fair: carlot track sales, bushel crate. Florida Bliss Triumphs U. S No 1. 2.12*2al712: showing heated, some decay. 1.80 a crate. HiEli Low. 2:55. Texas & Pac Es'79 C-- 1041$ 104 104 Third Av ref 4s'60_ 681$ 681$ 68V$ ] Third Av 1st 6s’37 ... 1001$ 1001$ 1001$ Third A ad In ex 6s'66. 38>$ 37!$ 38 | Un El Chicago 5s'45.. 20 20 20 Un El L. & P 5s '57 . 105*$ 1051$ 1051$ Un OH of Cal 3 Vi s '52. 113t$ 113 113 Un Oil Calif 6s 42 A— 1181$ 1181$ 1181$ Union Pac 3'70_ 951$ 951$ 961$ Un Pac 3 l$s '71 _ 951$ 961$ 951$ Un Pao 1st 48'47_ 1101$ 110 1101$ Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008. 1051$ 105 105 Un Pac 1st rf 5s 2008.. 1121$ 1121$ 1121$ United Biscuit 5s'50 _. 1051$ 105*$ 1051$ United Drug 6s'53_ 1001$ 1001$ 1001$ US Rubber 5s 47 ... 106*$ 1061$ 1061$ Utah L& T 6s'44 (A). 1001$ 100 100 Utah P & L 5s ’44 _102 101!$ 102 Util P &L, 5s 69 ww_ 6H$ 611$ 611$ UUlP&L,6Hs’47_ 6l!$ 611$ 61!$ Vanadium cv 6s'41_1061$ 1061$ 1061$ Ver Sug 1st 7s'42 ctfs. 301$ 281$ 28*$ Va E & P 1st ref 4S'55. 1051$ 105 105 Va Ry 1st 31$s'66 A.. 102 1011$ 101 J$ Wabash 41$s'78_ 401$ 401$ 401$ Wabash 1st 5s '39_1011$ 101 id Wabash 2d 6s'39_ 95*$ 95!$ 95!$ Wabash 6s'76 B__ 4PJ$ 40!$ 40!$ Wabash 5s 80 D_ 411$ 41 41 Wabash 514s'75_ 42t$ 41!$ 41!$ Wabash 614s'75 ctfs.. 411$ 411$ 411$ Walker H&S 41$s '45.. 106!$ 105!$ 105!$ Walworth 4s'55_ 811$ 80 80 Walworth 6s’55 n_ 93 95 »5 Warner Bros cv 6S '39. 95.1$ 95 95 Warner-Quin 6s ’39_ 61 601$ 601$ Warren Br cv 6s'41__ 701$ 68 68 West Penn P 314s'66_. 1031$ 1031$ 1081$ W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd._ 911$ 911$ 911$ West'n Md 1st 4s '62_ 100 99)$ 99J$ West'n Md 614s'77 ... 1061$ 106 106 Westn NY&P gn 4S'43 1091$ 109)$ 1091$ West'n Pac 6s '46 A_ 881$ 88 88 West’n Pac 6s 46 A as 36!$ *61$ 361$ West’n Un 4 14s 60 ... 1061$ 104H 1061$ Westn Un cl tr 6s'38.. 102!$ 102!$ 102!$ West’n Un6s 'El_1051$ 1051$ 1051$ West'n Un 6s 60_1061$ 1061$ 1051$ Wheel Steel 414 s '63_ 100 991$ 100 White Sew M 6s 40 ._ 104!$ 104!$ 104!$ W Sp Stl con 7s ’36 ct. 41!$ 41!$ 4l!$ Wilkes B&E 1st 5s ’42. 441$ 44 44 Wilson & Co 48 66 . 100 991$ 991$ Wis Cent 1st gn 4s'49. 271$ 271$ 271$ Wis C 1st gn 4s 49 ct.. 26 26!$ 26 Wis C S&D Trm4s'36— 20*$ 201$ 20>$ Y'ngstnS&T 314s'61„ 1471$ 145 145 Y’ngstn S&T 4a '61_J^00 99 991$ INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK March 22 (JPi.—New York Security Dealers’ Association: (Noon quotations.! Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_20.08 21 36 Am Business Shrs_ 1.30 1.43 Am Gen Eq Inc _ 1.17 1.30 Am Ins Stocks _ 6.125 6.00 Bancamer Blair _11.25 12.25 Bank Group Shrs _ 2.03 2.10 Bankers Nat Inv Corp_ 3 87 5 4 50 Basic Industry _ 5.38 Broad St Tnv _ 30.70 30.35 Bullock Fund __ _ 23.60 25 25 Corporate Trust _ 3.05 _ _ Corporate Trust A A_ 2.HO _ Corp Tr AA mod _ 3.76 _ Corp Tr Accum Ser - 2.89 _ ... Corp Tr Acc mod _ 3.76 _ Cumulative Tr 8hr _ 6 67 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y A _ 2.80 _ Depos Ins Shrs A _ 3.71 _ Depos Ins Shrs B _ 3.51 _ Diversified Tr C __ 5.30 Dividend Shrs _ 2.11 2.26 Entity Corp $3 pf _ 39 50 42.50 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 28.89 31.12 First Boston Corn_3H.50 40.(>0 Fixed Trust Sh A_ 13.83 Fixed Trust Sh B . 3 1 62 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.10 5 40 I Fund Investors Inc 25 33 26.76 Fund Tr Shrs A . .. 6.49 3 5 Fund Tr Shrs B 5.06 Gen Investors Tr .... 7.21 7 R1 Group Sec Agriculture..- 1.00 2 07 Group Sec Automobile.. 1.51 1 64 Group Sec Building _ . 2.34 2 53 Group Sec Chemical 1.63 1.77 Group Sec Food _ _ 1.06 1 16 Group Sec Invest Shrs 1.85 2.00 Group Sec Merchandise.. 1 52 1.65 Group 8ec Mining 1.86 2.01 Group Sec Petroleum 1.45> 1.62 Group Sec R R Equip_1.68 1 >4 Group Sec Steel 2 20 2 38 Group 8ec Tobacco.. _ _ 1.08 l 18 Huron Holding .. .no l 30 Incorp Investors 27.30 Insurance Group Shrs 177 l 01 Investors Fd C‘ Inc 16.74 17 77 Ke.vston Cust Fund B-3 23.14 25 36 Major Shrs Corp 3 25 Maryland Fund__10.41 11 38 Mass Invest Tr __ 30.03 31 68 Mutual Invest 17.70 10.44 Nation Wide Sec .. 4 80 4 00 Nation Wide Voting __ 2.21 2 37 N Y Bk Tr Shrs 4.37 5 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 58.75 Nor Am Tr Shares __ 2.7 8 Nor Am Tr Sh 1055_ 3 65 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 __ 3.58 Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 _ 3 Plymouth Fund Inc .07 1.08 Quarterly Income Sh 18 82 20 62 Selected Am Sh _ 4 20 Selected Am Sh Inc 15.40 17 32 Selected Cumul Sh __ in.85 Selected Income Sh 5.58 Spencer Trask Fund-. -- 22.46 "3 15 Stand Am Tr Shrs __ 4 40 r4 05 Stand Util Ine __ ] .05 ] j Super of Am Tr A 4 27 Super of Am Tr A A .. 2.88 Super of Am Tr B 443 Super of Am Tr B B 2 8 8 Super of Am Tr C __ 8 53 Super of Am Tr D 8.32 Supervised Shrs 15 4 1 16 78 Trusteed Am Bk 1 on 1 n Trusteed Industry Shr.*_. l,*;o 1 77 Wellington Fund 20.84 22.84 DIVIDENDS ORDERED. YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio March 22 UP).—General Fireproofing Go. di rectors today declared $1.75 a share regular preferred dividend and a dividend of 25 cents a share on the common stock. Both dividends are | payable April 1 to stock on record j March 20. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Terms Arranged on Easy Monthly Payments MIMBCR. BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION COUNCIL •fO C. /NATIONAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1 UNDER. SUPERVISION | r U S.TMAIUEV 1 949 NINTH STREET, j LOANS for BUILDING Lour Interest R»P*y Monthly Our Mortgage Loanp,an :ts ii easier f°r **» * utJd easier to carry your Property .nd meet ^ Payments. We have .mpI. funds available for large or •mallprojects. Getthefacts. WEAVER BROS mc realtors Lllm c Uf.hwaKaL”'t"' WASH'"OTon building 0,*T«ICr 9486 25-Cent Dividend Voted by General Fireproofing Co. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 22.—Directors of General Fireproofing Co., Youngs town, Ohio, maker of steel office fur niture, today declared a quarterly dividend of 25 cents a share on com mon stock, payable April 1 to holders of record March 20. In the previous quarter the company paid 10 cents a share plus an extra of 30 cents. TJ. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chat. D Barney & Co.) Rate Maturity Bid Oder •'! Apr 15. '37 100 5-32 O'7* Sent. J5, 37 . 101 18-32 101 20-32 2 • Feb. 1 .|8 mi 28-32 101 30-32 3 Ma., 15. '38 102 10-32 102 18-32 27« June 15. '3.8 102 2.3-32 102 2.5-32 2'j Sept. 15. '38 102 10-32 102 21-32 l'j Mar 15. ’30 100 21-32 loo 24-3" 21 a June 15, '30 102 3-32 102 0-32 1 '• Dec. 15. '30 100 3-32 10(10-3" 15« Mar. 15. '-10 _ 100 14-32 100 18-3" l‘a June 15. '40 . 100 100 4-32 1 12 Dec. 15. 40 00 30-32 100 2-32 I'a Mar 15. ’ll 00 20-32 00 30-32 I 'd June 15 41 00 12-32 00 10-32 l1/* Dec 15. 41 08 26-32 08 20-32 - —... » NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, March 22 (/Pi.—Bar silver steady and unchanged from Friday, March 19, at 45U. First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— Homes Apartments Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT1 New York Life Insurance Co. 1321 Conn. Ave. N.VV DE. 360® RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. March 22 ItPi—Crude rub brr futures opened strong 24 to r.f] J^her March unquoted; May, 24.00; OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Fi'es Tables Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE nil) Eye St. N.W. Phone NA. 2184 FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rates . . . 3-Year Con struction Loans . . . 5% BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Lite Ins. Co. IJI7 K St. N.W. NA. U300 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at 5% Monthly Payments if Preferred Our Reel Estate Officers Invite You to Confer The WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Member FEDERAL RESERVE 6Y8TEM FEDERAL DFP08IT INSURANCE CORP’N Q4)luds ketone oj'ike RENT MONEY } our Government hos mode it possible for you to bttv, build or refinance your home uith a small down payment (cash or lot). We are co-operating with the Administration and we solicit your application for a loan to build or Purchase the home which you will e'*entua.iy own, instead ol pay ing rent. Our entire Interest is in securing good loans, we do not sell or build homes, a booklet will be sent without cost or obliga'ion showing suggested types of homes, floor plan* and the latest equipment. Write, phone or call for this FREE BOOKLET which is yours for the asking. F. W. BERENS HFURICH BUILDING ,, 1R27 K Street N.W Phone? NAtional 8280-8281 Mortgage Loan Correspondent for four insurance companies. LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication for baying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge fo< appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organized 1879 Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on improved or to be improved real estate— as low as including interest and curtail. . . No commis sions . . . No renewal fees. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one of the leaders in the entire United States. PERPETUAL has over 55,000 bor rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL'S Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup plemented by special C.P.A. audits as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year, totaling over $12.000.000 for the year. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION llth&E STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Largest In Washington—Assets Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUSTIS EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman at Tha Board President Secretary