Newspaper Page Text
CURB LIS1 GOES TO LOWER LEVELS Drops Fractions to Several Points—Some Show Larger Losses. B.v thp Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 22.—Prices (rave way in the Curb market today, joining other security marts in a gen eral decline. Losses ranged from fractions to several points late in the day, with a few high-priced shares showing even wider reverses. Aluminum Co. of ..America was down about 5 and Sher win Williams lost 7 or so. Northern States Power "A" was off about 2 and declines of a point or so were meted out to McWilliams Dredging, Wayne Pump. Montgomery Ward "A" and Youngstown Steel Door. CHICAGO GRAIN ■> the Associatea Press. CHICAGO. March 22—Rains in Nebraska and forecasts of moisture j in Kansas and other important States ! led late today to sharp reactions from j feverish advances of wheat values. More than 2 cents setback from the day's top quotations in Chicago took place. The late downturns were in the face of a 1,503,000 bushels de crease of the United States wheat visible supply total announced today. At the close wheat was 7S-17, above Saturday's finish, May, 1.39 Ui - :,a; July, 1.1261 s-’i: corn, Sg-T's up, May, I l.lU’g-'.: July, 1.07; oats unchanged1 to lower, and provisions 2 cents to 12 cents down. WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close. May I In' , 1 U'j i ;;*( * I .in',- „ July i M-1 _ l ■> i l 7t>'»-', ef p 1 'J 4 ' 2 1."J")sh 1 ’ J •»’ 2 1. CORN - May, nru 1.1 i 12 J \".U 1 ll’« 1.1 Mav old 1 u:* 8 l.nj*5* l.n}i'4 1 OMU July, npvs l.<C l.nT’a 1 ."*>■’* Jills, >ld i 1.06 1 o.l'a 1.0434 SfP 1.»>1'» l.oi'a 1 01 '« OATS— May .4* is1.. HC* 47 July .44 * 2 4 4 * .4 4 b .4:i',-,,8 Sep r:' 2 .41*4 .411 * SOY BEANS— May l .60> a July J _ p YE_ May 111 1 ^ 1 r: 1 ni*’a 1 a July l.nd‘2 1 08 1 11H l.()i> 6fP .90 *a 1003* p*i, .0812 BARLEY— May TO .?d LARD— ■*Mar. 17.72 Maj r:.!IT 12 07 17 7 A 12.73-80 Julv t.M'MI 1.1.20 17.07 I2P2 6ep i;t.4o 1:1.20 1:1.20-23 BELLIES— May 1 0 s 7 July 17.10 ( hirago Cash Market. Cash wheat, No. 2 red darts hard, 1 45 4 ; No. 1 hard, 1.47-47 U; No. 2 hard. 1,46'^; No. 3 white. 1.43: No. 3 mixed. 1.42'j; corn, No. 2 yellow, 1.15 17: No. 4 yellow, 1.13-161 a. No. 3 w hite. 1.19 . -20: Oats. No. 1 white, *" 53-54; No. 2 white, 52; No. 3 white, 5112; rye, No 2. 1.18 barley feed, 73-87 nominal; malting, 1.00-35 nom inal; timothy seed. 4.75-5.50 hundred weight; clover seed, 30 00-36.00 hun dredweight. Baltnnoir Quotations. BALTIMORE. March <->' —Wheat, No. •; red Winter, earlick>. spot domestic, 1 4P14; March. l.lPU, CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. Hich. Low. Noon. Ala Power os ' to A 1U4>« 1U4>» HD's Ala Power 5s 5 t _ 101 101 V, 1111', Ala Power 5s '56 ..... no on yn Alum Co 5s 57 1'• 51 a 105*2 1**5 1 2 Alum Co Lid os '48 -- 1*15*2 105*2 loop Am G A E 5s 7078 10« 106 106 Am PaL 6s 7**16 no '04*2 04 *2 Am Roll Mil, 5s 48 lo.'t ini’, 103 Appalach Pw- 5s '41 106 lo»i 1**6 Appal P os 7074 A 111* 110 110 Ark PAL 5C 56 . .100', 100 100 As El Ind 412s 53 - 58', 58*, 58', As G A E 5s 50 56*2 56*2 56*2 Baldn Lo ns 718 ww 14*1 130 130 Baldn Lo 6s '.18 xw 775 115 715 Baldn L 6s it.s ww stp 738 738 138 Baldn L 6s .18 xw stp 717 71.7*2 114 Bell Tel C 5s '55 A 111 111 111 ,Birm El 4PS 68 917, f*l7, 1117, Caro Pw A Lt 5s '56 107*2 107*2 lol1,a Cen 11 PS os 56 E lol 101 101 Cen UPS 4*as *67 F ns3, !*8'4 ns3, Central Pw 5s 57 D 8*1*2 8*1*2 86*2 Cent Pw A Lt 5s 56 03*2 OIK 03 Cent St El 5s 4 8 67*2 67*2 67*2 Cent S' El 5'is 54 673, 673, 673, Cm Sir R ' . - 57 A nsp os'-a 1*8>2 Cities Sv .is 5o 11*2 1" 71*2 Cities S Gas 5*_..s !7 loo3, loo5, loo5, CP S PAT o'.s .57 1 0*2 7 0', 7***2 Comw ITc: os 50 A 110s, 110s, I!**5, Com* Ed os '5 B 1 1 O'2 1 1 0 * 2 11 o'2 Com” Ed t, '81 F 103', 103 * a 10.7', Cnmv Fn .73,s '65 H lot'3, 100*2 l*'"3, -Comw Sb 01 -• s 18 A 103 103 103 Cont G A E 5s 58 A 01', 00*2 Oll'i Cruc.b'e Si I os I" 1**3 103 lot Den oil C G Hs '4 7 A 10*1*, I057, 10o7i Det CO Gas 5s SOB 105 105 105 Dixie G G 6*2S '3? A 101 3, 101", HU3, East G A F Is '50 A 81 i, SO3, HU3, Imp nts El 5s '57 on3, on3, on3. Bmp OAR 5* s '47 SO3, SO 8!) Fiorina PAL 5s 54 01 * 04 nip Gary EAG 5s '44 stp xw 08', 08 08 Gatineau Pw 5« '56 1 m 1 011; 1 011; Gen Pb C 6'jS 50 A 80 SO 80 Gen W WAE 5s 43 A 07 07 111 Georpta Pw 5s '67 08 073, O?3, Glen Alden Cl 4s '65 811*, so so Grand Tr \V 4' 'in Inn 00 00 Gr No Pw 5s '50 stp lttOe, lint3, lot.3, Hall 1WF1 6s '47 sip lnn'.j inn1, lnn'a Hot) W Ast 7s '54 ww 30'. 30*2 36'2 Hou Gulf G Its '43 A 104*2 104*' 1o4*2 111 North Util n> 57 106*, 106*, 106', 111 Pw A T. Os '53 A lift3, in"3, m33, til Pw A L 5s '56 C I"" OO3, !I03, Indian E C 5s '51 C 03 03 03 Indiana Ser 5s '5o on3, 603, no3, Inters Pw R« '48 A - in', in’, 10', Inti Pw Sec 7* '57 E 78*, TS'j 7.8*2 Inti Securities 5s '47 jni 107 107 Inters! Pw 5s '57 . - 65 65 65 Inters! Pw 6S '57 _ 55*, 55 55 Inters! P S 5s '56 D _ 873, s?3, 87 34 Inters! P S 4*6 '58 F si3, 87 87 Iowa Pub Sv 5s ‘57 l"l3a lol3, lot3, .Jackson G 5s '47 stp 4 7 47 47 Jer C P A T, 4'-x '61 C 1**1', 104*1 li*4i. Kentucky Ut 5s '01 01*2 Sl'i Ol’i I>high P S Os 1076 A 1 OO3, 1 00* 2 1 00 * 2 Lex Util 5s ’57-. 1 oo*4 ion*, 1 oo*; La Pw- A: Lt 5s '57 105*, 105', 105’, Mirilan V R R 5s '43-_ 033, 033, 933, Mid S Pw 6* -2s '45 A -- 07 07 07 Miss Pw A L 5s '57 1*3*2 07', O.'i'i Miss River P 5s '51 1**7% 1073, 107 3, Nat P A L 6s 1076 A 100 100 1**0 Nat P A L 5s 7030 B 853-, 85 85 Nevad Cal El 5s '56 _ 01 01017, New- Amt Gas 5s '48 _ 11 4 *.i 114*-i 11 4 '4 New E G A E 5s '47 7 7 75*4 77 New E G A E 5s '48 - 76 76 76 New E G A E 5s *50 77*2 7? 77 New E Pw 5'as '54„_ 08 08 08 New Or P S 6s '40 A 87 81 87 . N y P A Lt 4 * is '67 1 05*i 105*2 105*4 *N Y 8 E & G 4* 4 s '80 100*2 ino', 100*2 Nnr A L A P 5'2S '56 03*2 03*2 93*4 Nn Ind P S 5s '60 D 101 s, 1 oi '2 11ll '2 Nnrw El Os 45 stpd 1 04'2 10412 104*2 Nnrthw P S 5s '57 A 00*2 00*2 99*4 OKden G Co 5s '45 1 08 44 1 0S'2 108*4 Ohio Pub S 5s '54 D 105*2 1**5 105*4 Okla P A W 5s 18 A Oo 00 00 Par P A L 5s '55 813, 8|3, 813, Penn Clap i'.s '?; ofi’a o;i*2 00*2 Penn El 4s 7 1 F 07', 07*, 971; Peon C. L A C 4s 'Si B 07*4 01 3, 9-7'4 Phila El P 5*as '77 1 00', 1 004, 1 00*4 Pitts Steel 6s '4 8 104 a, 104 K 1043, Potomac E 5s '56 E . 106 106 106 Pub 8 N T 4’as '81 F-- 101 !i 10! *i 101 'i Pub S Okla 4s '66 A 100 99*4 on34 PU8 8 PAL 5*4s '40 A 88s, SRi, 88', PUK 8 PAL 4 * 2S 50 D 8" R" 8" Quee OAE 5'4s '57 A 105 105 105 6t L GC Os '47 mat - 1744 174s 17*4 Sou Cal Ed 33,s '60 mi ini lol Sou Cal E 33,s -On B lm', ino3; ino3., 8ou Ind Ry 4 s '51 _ S3 83 83 Souw PAL 6s 2021 A 07 9R 96 Sid GAE cv Os '35 cod SS3; HR3, ss3, 8td GA-E 65 '51 A 87*4 87s, 87s, Stand Pw Lt Os '57 R6 S53, R53, Texas Elec 5s '00 101 102 lo-> Tex Pw A L 5s '56 - 105 105 105 Twin C RT 544s '51 A 83 83 83 #tn A C Rs '44 cod III st 533, 53s; 533; Ulen A- Co 6s '44 III st 524, 5"3, 5"3; Unit El N J 4s '49 - 111 111 in' Unit LAP Rs '75 _ 81*4 81 *4 81 it, Unit LAP 6'4s '74 84'4 84*2 84‘a Unit LAR D 5'aS '52 . 85'4 85‘4 85*4 Unit LAR M 6s '52 A 113*4 113*4 113V. Unit LAR M Rs '73 A 87 82 82 Valvol Oil ?s '37 99 99 99 Va Pb S 5*aS '46 A 98*4 98*4 98*4 Va Pb 8v 5s '50 B 95 95 95 West T Ut 5s '57 A . 95V, 95', 95*4 We UOAE 5'4s '55 A 1043,, 104s, 104*4 Wheeling El 5s '4! 106 106 106 Wts-Min LAP 5s '44 105*4 105*4 105*4 Wis PAL 4s '56 A 97 97 97 York Rwy Co 5s '37 93s, 9.3*4 9334 BONDS Itai SU Pw 6s '63 A 63 63 63 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New st (stp*—Stamped SNerotlability impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. Standard Oil Co. (of Nebraska)— 1936 net Income was *74.326. equal to 42 cents a common share against jUflclt of $20,920. NEW YORK CURB MARKET Bt private wire direct to the Star. 2:30 Stock and Sale.— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Acme W vto «Z)_ 250s 48 48 48 Aero So only (B1 ft 6*4 51* 51* Atnsw’lh M C b25c 2 171* 17 17 Ala Pwr pt (6) 20. 68 671* 671* Alabam Pw pf (7) 120. 79*4 77** 771* Allen Indus (tl) 2 231* 23 23 Alliance Invest 16 5 5 Alum'nCoof Am 1600.1761* 169 169 Alum Am pf all 6i 100s 118 117 117 Alumn Goods h25c 1 171* 171* IT!* Aluminum Ltd 800. 1391* 1341. 13414 Aim Ltd c pf hi A*. 1 130 130 130 Am Airlines Inc 1 27*4 271* 271* Am Beverace 1 3 3 3 Am Box B'dtSOc.. 2 20 191* 191* Am Capital (B) 1 1** 1** 1** Am Clt P&L (A) 8 2ft. 36 36 36 AmCP&Lwwjy, 1 3914 39'4 39'4 Am CltP&L R aJOc 3 ft*4 ft’* ft*. AmCvnam RHOc 14 30'* 29»* 29*. Am IMst T (N’J)4 2Rs 12ft 12ft 12ft Am A- For Pw ww 12 3*. 3'4 31 * Am Fork & H (tl) 1 22 22 22 Am G&E (1.401 16 37** 36'4 36'4 AmGtEpf 16) 100s 109L 109 109 Am Gen C’p (aftOc 5 11** 11!* 11'4 Am Gen C nf (21 50. 34** 34»* 34** Am Inv of 111 (2). I 37 37 37 Am Laun’y A1 80c 3 341* 33 33 Am LAT (tl 20). 2 211* 21 21 Am Mfg Co (a3) __ 12ft. 41 39'. 391* Am Maracaibo 106 24* 2 2 Am Meter (a2 A*) 1 46 46 46 Am Tot & Ch a2A4 100s 441* 431* 431* Am Superpower 41 21* 2 21* Am Superpw 1st 6 2 90 88 88 Am Superpwr pf._ 2 43 43 43 Anchor Post F 1 4 '. 4'4 41* Angostura (t20c) 8 8>* 71, 81* Apex Electrlc(al) 1 35 35 35 Appalach E P pf 7 50. 1061. 106 106 Aroturus Radio T 3 2 l’B 2 Ark Nat Gas .9 105. 9*. 9*. Ark NatGcu pf _ 11 91* 91. 91, Ark Nat Gas (A) 93 11 10'4 10'. Ashland O&R t40c ft 71* 71. 714 i AssoOasA: EIpc 3 2 2 2 I Asso G & E (A) ... 33 3*4 31* 31* Atl ('’oast Fisher 4 ll1, ml* 101* Atl Coast L all 14 100. 54 53 53 ; AtlasCorpwar 3 3>4. 3'. 3'. 1 Atlas Plyw'dd A* 1 5 27', 26*. 26*. Austin Silver __ 9 2;s 2>. 2», Auto Products 2 7’. 71, 71* Auto Vot Mch >0c 12 11*. 11 1| Ax-FIsher< 3 20) A 10. 37*. 37*. 37». Babcox & Wll 14) 125* 145 143 14'i Baldw I. M ris(d) 184 34 3 3 Bardstow n Dist 11 44 44 44 | Hanum Stain Stl 9 54 64 64 Bril Aircraft 3 154 154 154 Kellanca Aircraft 1 74 7 7 Berkey&Gay F Co 8 3 24 3 ! Berk&GF pur war 14 14 14 14 Bickfords Inc 120 1 15 is 15 I Bickfords pf (2 4) 25* 374 374 374 Bliss Co lE W) 11 214 207 * 204 Blue Ridge C alOc 1 34 34 34 Blue Ridge cv pf 3 1 434 434 434 RohackiHC) 60* 10 10 lo ; Po'any Cons id) 2 4 4 1, ! Bower Roll B (2). 6 2«4 284 284 j Bowman-Blltmore 13 24 2 24 Bowmn-Bilt 1st pf 60* 28 28 28 Bowmn-BUt 2d pf 1 64 64 64 Bra 7.\ I Tl.&l 411c 8 254 25 26', Brid p't Mch b25c 6 11 16 16 ; Brill Corp IA) ... 5 144 144 144 | Brill Corp (B)_ 1 54 54 54 I Brill fori) pf . 50 * 64 4 6)4 63', Brillo Mfg (SOc) . 1 114 114 114 Brown Copt 450* 574 564 5.4 Brown F&W bl5c 1 134 134 134 - Brown Forman 1 84 64 84 Buckeye P I. (4) 200* 484 484 484 BufT Niae&E 1st 5 100* 1024 102 1024 Bunker H & Si bl ) 150* 1334 129 129 Burco Inc <af>0c) _ 1 44 44 44 ' Burco Inc war .4 >„ 4 4 j Burma (a25 4-5c). 1 54 54 54 Burry Biscuit __ l 64 64 64 1 .able& VVireiB) 65 4 4 4 I Can Car&Fdr.v pf 5o* 284 2s1, 28’, Can Indus Alco A. 1 64 64 64 j Can Marconi __ 14 2 2 2 : Carib Syndicate _ 12 24 24 24 Carnation Co (1).. 1 314 314 314 Carnegie Metals.. 64 24 24 24 Carrier Corp . h 42 384 384 Carter (JW) 80c.. 4 11 104 104 Casco Prod b2 ?* __ 1 28 28 28 CaMil' C01 i- .a or) 1 9 8,4 »4 Celanase 1st pf t7 60* ill 1104 1104 ‘ Celluloid Corp 2 144 14 144 1 Celluloid Corp pf 25* 534 53 53 Cellul d Cist pf a8 10* 1034 1034 103 4 , Ceni&SWUtll 6 44 4 4 Cent States dec 36 14 14 14 : Cent St d 6% pf 100* 2o 20 2u ! Centrlf Pipe MOc 2 54 54 64 Chi Flex Shaft 14)200* 674 67 61 Chi Rivet & Mach. 1 167, 164 164 Cmei Consul 6 14 14 14 Childs Co pf_126* 884 87 87 Cities Service_ 117 44 4 44 Cities Service pf_. 5 60 474 474 ClUes Svc pf B ... 4 44 44 44 Clt Svc P&D 66 pf 50* 69 69 69 CitSvcP&BJIpf 76* 73 72 72 City Auto S(t60c) 1 13 124 124 Claude.Neon Lts 3u 34 2>* 24 : Claton&Lam bloc. 1 8s* 84 8-4 ! Citv 1 , aoloi 2 11 104 104 \ Club Aluminum 1 ]4 ]4 14 Cohn & Rosn a30c 7 84 84 84 Co.oi, Dev cto 29 7 64 64 Colon Dev 6% pf 3 44 44 44 Com Fuel&l 1 war 4 194 18 t I84 1 Colts PFA b374c 2 65 62 62 1 ii&C pi 1 «i 1 50* 811 8u 80 Colum O&Ga20c 34 84 64 »>, Coin with & s war 23 4 4 4 Community PS tl 60s 264 264 26 4 Community (VS . 2 14 i-,„ 1 8 ComSMstc vtotl- 2 164 154 I64 Cons Aircraft- 9 294 284 284 Consol Copper- 29 84 84 84 C GEGt&P Bo 3.60 3 794 784 784 j Consol Gas Util... 9 34 3 3 Cons Alln&Sm t2 250 * 904 894 804 Consol Retail Stra 4 94 84 94 Cons Royal (20c). 1 24 24 2,4 Consol Steel Corp. 46 I64 154 154 Com 1 Roil & S JFy 6 23 22,4 224 Cooper Bessemer- 3 284 28,4 284 Copper Range- 1 134 134 13,4 Cord Corp _ 6 44 44 44 Corroon & Reyn... 1 64 64 64 Coaden Oil Ale id) 16 24 24 24 Court'lds a35 2-5c. 2 124 124 124 Creole Pe. labuc). 9 314 804 3u4 Crocker-Wh alOc. 9 164 16 16 Croft Brewing_ 16 1 4 4 Crown Cent P a6c 14 24 24 24 Crown C HA)b50o 2 14 14 14 Crown Dr (b20c).. 16 44 44 44 Cusi Alex Alining 462 4 4 4 Darby Petr (50c). 1 16 15>* 167* Dayton Rubber 2 *67* *6 *6 Dayton Rub A(b2)100s 307* 307* 307* Derby UJI & Kel 3 67* 67, 67* Detroit Gasket tl- 4 167* 167* 167* Dei Gas pi 11.20)- 2 l?v3 177* 177* Det (Mich) Stove. 1 77* 77* 77* Det Pap Proa t2uo 1 7)* 7’* 7>* Det Stl Prod b25c_ 1 53 53 53 Distilled Diquors- 1 974 9}* 91* Dow Chem 12.40). 1 14b 146 146 Draper C (72.40)._ 20s 83 83 83 Dubeller Condens. 3 47* 47* 47* Duro Test (blOc). 3 77* 7 7;* Duval I ex s aooc 2 8}* 84* 8“, Eagle Pitcher blOc 17 237* 227* 227* East n G&r Asso 1 77* 77* 77* Estn G&F As pf 3 100s 50 497* 49j* East n Males t'wi 4 4** 47* 47* Easy W M(B)b25c 3 114* 11 117* Eisier Elec taac) 6 37s 37* 37* Elec Bond & Share 100 24 227* 22** Elec B & S pf (5). 2 74 74 74 lllec B & S pf (6) 6 81 807* 807* El Pwr AsiA)a25o 17 7 7 Elec P&D opt war 1 117* 117* 117* Eleo P&D 2d pf A 100» 68 67 67 Electrographio tl 2 147* 1*7* 147* Elgin Nat W boOc 100s 37 377* 3(7* EmpG&P 6% pi 25s 69 69 69 Kmp G&F 7 % pf 60s 75 75 75 Emp G&F 8% p*'.. 60s 787* 78 78 Emsco Derrick tl 1 177* 177* 177* Equity Corpia25c) 43 27* 27* 27* Europ'n El bd rts. 4 7* 8s 7* Evans Wall Dead 29 27* 27* 27* Evans Wall D pf 60s 357* 36 36 Excello Air(b20c) 8 25 237* 24 Falstaff Brewing 1 107* 107* 107* Fanny Farm C(l) 2 227* 227* 227* Kansteel Metal 1 15 15 15 Fedders Mfg b25c. 2 157* 15 15 Ferro Enam rights 11 4 37* 87* Fldeilo Brewery 8 \ 7* S Fire As(Phila.)t2 80s 747* 747* 747* Flak Rubber ... 25 167* 16 16 FlaPA Dpt_ 100, 617* 497* 507* Ford Dtd al81-10c 5 77* 77* 77* Ford (Can 1 A <1) 8 267* 251* 26V* Froedt G&M(20c). 1 137* 13 137* Gen Alloys 2 47* 47* 47* Gen El Dtd a56,>*c 1 217* 217* 217* Gen Fireprfg h25c 6 19J* 197* 197* Gen Invest Lorn 21 17* 17* 17* Gen Tele C’p al .85 3 197* 187* 187* Gen Tire & Rub 6 357* 34 34 Gen TAR pf A (6) 20, 1057* 1057* 1057* Georgia Pw pf (6) 176s 847* 837* 837* Glen Alden C (tl) 6 127* 127* 127* . Godchaux S A b2_. 150, 457* 44 45 3:30 Stock and Salas— Dividend Rate. Add 00. HlRh. Low. Close. Godcliaux Sug(B) 1 81*4 3014 3014 Goldfield Conaol_ 2 14 14 U Gorham (A ) _ 16 6 6 Gorham pf ww_ 60s 37'4 37J4 874 Grand Natl Films 9 3 2'4 3 Gr Rap VarltSOc) 1 16*4 1514 1514 Gray Tel PS(1) 4 16*4 16 16 Grt A&P T n v t6 10. 111 10714 10814 Great Nor Tap tl-350. 43*4 4214 4314 Greenfield T & D . 6 14*4 1414 14*4 Oroo Store Prod.. 12 6 4*4 414 Guardian Invest 5 *4 *4 84 Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 24 56 53*4 54*4 Hall Damp (80c) 1 S'4 6*4 614 Hartman Tobacco S 2*4 2*4 214 Harvard Brewery 25 3 21* 2*4 Hearn Dep S bl.65 3 1614 16t, 16*4 Hecla Min (b20c) 81 19*4 19 19 Helena Rub (A) 1 1 1014 1014 loti Heller (WK) t40c 18 8 8 Hires 1C E)A<2) 150. 42 41 41 Holllnger (*65c) 4 14*4 14 14 Holophane (b50c) 1 25V4 25*4 2514 Horn & Hardart t2 SO. 39*4 394 3914 Hudson BM&S (1 ) 16 36*4 35 35 Humble 011 (1 *4 ) 7 8014 79 79 Food 2 5 4*4 4*4 Hygrade Sylv (3) SO. 4914 4»l*j 491* lilP*L6%pf 100* 60 60 60 111 Pur* Ll J6 pf 150b f04 60 60 Imp oil Ltd *60c fi 23 224 224 Imp Tob Can t40c 11 14'* 144 144 1 T (It BK II iS I v.c 1 3fi4 364 36", Indiana P Li b30c) 3 14 134 134 Indus Kin 7% pt 26» 17 17 17 Ins Co of No A t2 20(4 67 4 664 674 Inti Hold&lnv Ltd 3 34 3 3 Inti Hv RI 9 cv pf 1 314 314 314 inti Metals Ino A Bin* 18 18 IS Inti Petr Ml 4)._ 22 36*„ 354 354 Inti Products_ 2 64 6’* fi4 Inti Util t A)_ 1 17 17 17 lntl Utl. (B) 6 24 2 2 Inti VitamintSOc) 1 64 64 64 Interst PtDelipf 25* 164 164 164 lnv P.oyalty (+6c) 1 4 "» "» Iron Kire vtc 1.20 200* 24 234 2.34 Irving Air Ch (1) 6 144 14 14 Ital Superpwr(A) 1 14 14 14 Jai obsi KLiCoi n 4 154 154 154 Jeanette Glss a60c 1 104 10>* 10'g JerCen P&Lpf 5 4 26* 8i 83 8! JerCerit P&L of 7 20* 99 99 99 Jonas & Nbg bl 5c. 17 7 7 lonesALauph St 1 14 123 120 1204 Kans city P 8 vtc i 4 4 4 Ken 11T85L A a7So 1 24 24 24 Kingston Prod 49c 41 64 64 64 Kirby Petrol (20c) 4 t‘» 64 6*, Kirkland L G (6c) 1 14 14 14 Konpers Df (6 ) 57* 103 107 107 Krcss(SH) pf 60c 2 11 >* ll*i 1!4 Kreuger Brew 11. 9 17 164 164 LaKeShM(T4) 6 56'* 564 664 l.akev Kv A- Maeh 5 74 64 6’* ' Lefcourt pf(a75c) 2 16 16 16 Leh Coal &N 30c :l 104 10 10 Leonard nil . 26 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref <11 31 IP4 18** 19 Lohlatv Gr( A) (1) 25s 23 23 23 Locke Stl Ch f80c 4 I64 154 154 Lockheed Aircraft 12 14 134 134 Lone Star Gas 80c 6 114 u 11 Lone Island Ltg 7 64 5 5 Long I L pf A17 ) 2( s 90 90 90 Loudon racking.. 1 44 44 44 La Land (40c) ... 11 124 124 124 Lynch Corp (t2).. 1 38** 38’* 384 McCord Rad (B> 1 94 94 94 McWilliams D (42 4 324 314 314 Matestlc Ra&T*l_ 2 44 4 4 Mangel Stores . 2 74 74 7*1 Margav Oil a50n__ 3 29'* 284 2H4 Marion Steam Sh 3 194 194 19** Mass Util Assocla 3 34 34 34 Massey Harris 10 154 14’* IS Master Klee (1) 2 23’* 234 234 Mead Johnson*t3) 60s 119 1)54 1154 Mem Nat GiaSuci 2 6** 64 64 Merritt '"hap & S 1 74 74 74 Merritt C & S pf A 25s 61 61 61 Mesabl Iron .. 7u 14 14 14 Mteh Bumper C_ 17 24 24 24 Mich Gas & OU_ 2 9 84 84 Mich Sugar _11 14 14 14 Mid Sta Pet (A).. 1 6** 5** 54 Mid Sta Pet (B) . 2 14 14 14 Mid-W Ahrasaioc 7 44 4 4 Midwest Oil (tl) . 2 134 134 134 M mtne 1 : ('a ii 1 1 4 4 4 MinnM&Mb40c 50s 37 37 37 Miss Rlv K pf (6) 100s 115 115 115 Mock .ludson 60c 2 144 144 144 Molybdenum Corp 6 94 9 y Montr HLt&P 14 1 314 314 314 Moore Dist lt50c) 2 5>* 54 5*, Mount Prod (60c). 6 6’j 64 64 Nat Baking Co_ 2 124 124 124 Nat Bella Hess _ 27 24 24 24 Nat Contain aoOc. 6 114 11 11 Nat Hue] Gas 'll. 1 16** 16»* 16** Nat Gyps A a24.. 1 774 714 774 Nat Investors _ 1 34 34 34 1 Nat Invest war_ 1 4 4 4 ' Nat Leather .. 21 14 1*4 14 Nat Oil Prod t60c 1 41** 41** 41*4 Nat Kub Mch a20c 2 14 13', 131* J Nat Service .3 4 4 4 Nat Service pf. __ 1 54 64 54! Nat Sugar N J (2) 3 254 254 254! Nat Transit (75c). 1 11 11 n Nat Union Radio.. 6 24 24 24 Nehl Corn 2 62 50 50 Nelsont H) (a45c) 1 15 15 15 Nestle-Le Mur 1 14 14 14 New Brad O alOc 1 64 54 54 | NEPAs6%pfb2 60s 80!* 7»' 7a | New Havt’l < 1 t 2 254 25 25 I New Jer Zinc ( + 2) *50» ’8k 874 874! New M&A Ldalc 1 34 34 34! Newmont Min b75i 1 125 125 125 New Process (t2) 1 27'g 27 4 274 N Y & Hon <b75c). 80s 30 30 30 N Y Merchandise 2 14 14 14 N Y Tel pi (64) 100s 118 1174 118 Niag Hud Pwr new 32 144 13>* 134 Niag H P(A> war 6 4 4 4 Niagara H B war. 1 24 24 24 Niag Hud 1st (5) 125s 92 92 92 Niag Sh Md B a60e 6 144 144 144 Nipissing (50c) 12 24 2** 24 Noma Elec (b40c) 5 74 71* 74 NoAmKayAbsOc 2 434 43'* 434 No Am Ray B b50c 1 43 43 43 North Am Ut Sec 1 34 34 34 North n Huron Oil 25 4 4 4 N I PS 69* pf 8 4 4 20s 894 884 89** North Pipe L a75c 2 104 104 104 North States P A 5 324 29 29 Northw Englal 4 2 32 4 31 31 OhioOil cu pf (6). 1 110 110 110 Okla Nat Gas Co 2 124 124 124 Ukla Nat Gas pf 100s 294 2»4 294 Oldetyms Distil 8 5 44 44 Pac G&E 1st (1 H ) 2 291* 29 294* Pao Public Servlet 1 65* «5* 65* Pan-Am Air (tl). 1 67 67 67 Pan tepee Ull 78 64* 64* 64* Pender Gr(B)a50c 1 11 11 11 Pennroat) <a25ci 27 64* 6 5 Pa Pw&Lt6% pf 20s 106'* 1064* 1064* Penna P&l, pf (7) 60s 1084* 108'* 1084* Penna Salt (bl 4* ) 60s 1724* 172 172 Penn IVat&PH) 1 844* 844* 844* Pepperell Mfg t6 50s 126 126 125 Phillips Pkg aoOc 1 13t* 13!* 131* Phoenix Secur 13 104* 10 104* Pierce Gov (a50c) 2 28'* 27'* 27'4 Pines Wlntfrt (n). 1 3 3 3 Pioneer Gold blOc. 8 64* 54* 64* Pitney Bow(t40c) 15 8 8 8 Plttsbgh P’orglng 6 241* 231* 23!* Pitts Plate G (bl) 6 1404* 138 138 Pleas Vali W (b5c) 4 2 2 2 Plough Inc ( 1.20). 1 174* 174* 17!* Potrero Sugar 1 34* 8'* 31* j Powdrell&Al t60c 13 105* 10*, lo>* ■ Premier Gold ti2o 48 34* 34* 3t* i Producers Corp 83 4* ** ?* Prosperity B a 1 4* 2 154* 155* 154* ProvGas(80c) 60s 10?* lo?* 10** Prudent’l Inv a50c 2 13 124* 125* Prudent inv pf(6) 100s 10244 1024* 1024* Pub Svc Ind pf 60s 36 354* 354* Pub Svr Ind nr pf 40s 624* 62 62 Puget Sd P&b pf 5 25s ROt* 804* 804* Pug Sd P&l *6 pf 60s 414* 41 41 Pyrene Mfg a90c 1 124* 124* 12t* Rainbow bum (A) 4 1»* 14* 1;* Itaym’d Cone (tl) 50s 41 41 41 Raytheon Mfg vtc 2 6 6 6 Red Bank 1 16 16 16 Reed R B new t80t 1 40 40 40 Reiter-Roster 2 14* 14* 14* Reynolds Invest . 4 24* 24* 24* Rice Stlx DG b60c 1 12 12 12 Rlchm d Radiator 7 64* 6 6 Root Petrolm(l) 10 94* 9 9 Russeks F Av 60c. 1 134* 134* 134* Rustless Ir&Stl 6 154* 16‘* 154* Ryan Consoltd’d 3 44* 44* 4!* Rverson & Haynes 1 64* 64* 64* Saf Car H&Lt bl% 60s 133 1S3 133 St Regis Paper 74 94* 84* 8** St Regis Paper pf. 25i 1104* 1104* 1104* Savoy 011 1 84* 8!* S1* Schlff(The)Co(t34 4 40 39!* 39'* Scoviil Mfg (b50c) 60s 61J* 614* 514* Scrant S B Wat pf 25s 59 69 59 Segal bock & H 8 84* 3 3 Selberllng Rubber 2 74* 65* 65* Selected Indus 5 3% 35* 34* Sel Ind all cfs 644 300s 994* 99 99 Sel Ind pr nf <5m25Us 96 964* 964* Selridge P S a20c- 2 2'* 24* 2V* Sem Saf Control 1 4* 4* H Seton beath a50c- 2 11 11 £11 Seversky Aircraft 8 64* 54* 64* Shattuck Dan Mia. 67 114* 20 20 A W. T. GRANT NETS 1936 Total Compares With $3,334,246 Recorded in Previous Year. B? the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 22—Annual report, of W. T. Grant Co., depart ment store chain, for year ended Jan uary 31 showed consolidated net earn ings of *4.594,379, equal to *3.84 a share on the capital stock. This compared with *3,334,246, or *2.78 a share in preceding fiscal year. Sales and earnings established new high records, the company stated. Sales amounted to $98,346,043. an in crease of $6,364,229. or 6.92 per cent over the previous year. Company op erates 477 stores in 38 States. American Airlines. American Airlines, Inc., reported 1936 net profit of $4,589, compared with a loss of $748,369 in 1935. C. R. Smith, president, said the company transported 255.324 paid passengers last year, an increase of 45 per cent, compared with 1935 traffic. Revenues totaled *8.334,091, compared with *5, 864,536 Of this, passenger revenue accounted for *5,552,817, compared with $3,611,299. Newmont Mining. Newmont Mining Corp. reported 1936 net income of *2,020.105, equal to $3 79 a share on the common stock. This compared with $1,272,267, or $2 39. Income for year included $976,528 profit realized on securities sold. Magma Copper. Magma Copper Co., with properties in Arizona, reported 1936 net profit of $1,297,989. before depletion, equal to $3.18 a share of capital stock For 1935 profit was $665,697. or $1.63 a share. Brunsw ick-Balke. The Brunswick-Balkc-Collender Co. reported ordinary operations in 1936 resulted in the first profit in seven years. Net profit, after $190,000 re serve, was $770,824, equivalent to $1 32 per share on the common stock after preferred dividends. This compared with $49,057 in 1935. Both net profit figures, however, in cluded net credits of $92,051 and $100,245, respectively. Profit from ordinary operations in 1935 was $6/8, I 773 against a loss of $51,188 in 1935. Wesson Oil & Snowdrift. Wesson Oil A: Snowdrift Co. and its j subsidiaries, makers of cottonseed oil | products, lor the six months ended j February 28 reported net profit of $2, ^ 646.455, equal to $3.51 a share on the j common stock, compared with $1,544. 572. or $1.63 a share, in the six months ended in February last year. The indicated net profit for the Fcb ; ruarj quarter was $1,324,754, or $1.76 a share, against $1,321,701, or $1.75 a share, in the preceding quarter, and > $632,939. or 58 rents a share, in the comparable period of the previous fis cal year. I __ 2:30 Stock and Saiea— Dividend Rate Add Of High. Dote Close Shatvin W & P 80c 3 t:f 4 294 294 Sherw in Will (4) 200a 144 140 140 Simmons Hd & P. 2 6 6 6 Singer Mfg itti) 20* 333 330 330 Solar Mfg (a40c)_ 2 61-4 64 64 Sonolone c taloc) 2 14 14 14 So Penn 011«*14) 1 444 444 444 Soss Mfg (a25c)_. 3 74 64 64' So Cal Ed of B 1 4 4 28‘4 27 4 274 , Southn Union Gas 2 44 4 4 Southl'd Roy blOc 4 84 84 8*4 1 Spanish&Gen (B) 9 V 4 4j Spen Chain St 6Uc 2 8;s 84 84! Square D pf A 2.20 50a 42 42 42 Stahl Mver Inc 14 4 4 Stand Oil PCy (tl) 18 20** 204 204 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 10 434 424 424 Stand Pwt & Et _. 19 54 64 54 Stand P & E <B). _ 2 5 44 44 Stand P&Lpf 50a 61 61 61 Stand Prod <b25c) 1 194 IS4 194 Stand SII&Ed (40 15 4 4 4 Stand Stl Sp a2 4 . 3 324 314 314 Starrett Corp vtc 14 84 74 8 Stercht Bros a30c 2 104 10 10 Sterchl Bros 1st 3 60» 394 394 39,4 Sterl Alum Pa 75c 4 114 11 11 Sterl'g Brew aToc 4 74 74 74 Sterling. Inci20c) 17 6 54 54 StetsomJBlboOC- 26a 234 234 234 | Sttnnest Hugo 1 d 2 34 34 34! Stroock & Co a 2 4 1 29 29 29 Sullivap Machine_ 1 24 24 24 Sunray Oil lalOc) 12 44 44 44 Sunr'y O cu pf 2 4 2 484 484 484 Sunshine Min (3) 15 194 134 19.T Swias-Am Elec cf 850« 110 110 110 Taggart Corp 11 144 144 144 Taetyeast(Del)A._ 1 14 14 14 Taylor Dlst (30c). 1 44 44 44 Technicolor »50e. 13 214 21 214 Tech Hughes t40c 2 54 54 64 Tex P&Lpf (7) 10a 108 108 108 Thew Shovel a50c 175» 654 *3 63 Tilo Roof Inc (1) . 4 164 184 I64 Tob Prod Exp 15c 6 34 8s* 34 Tob Sec(a59 4-5c). 1 17,4 174 17,4 Tobacco Sec def . 8 3 3 3 Tol Edls pf A (7). 20a 113 112 112 Tonopah M (afic). 3 14 14 14 Tr-Eux DPS t20c. 5 44 44 44 Trl-Contl C war _ 5 24 24 24 Tublze Chatllllon. 2 26 254 254 I’ung-Sol Damp n 3 74 74 74; Tung-Sol L pf 80c 2 104 104 104 I Twin-Coach al.40 13 244 234 234 Ulen & Co 6 % pf 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 Ulen & Co 7 14 % pf 1 5*4 6*4 6*4 Un G of Can a35c. 4 15 14 15 Unit Air war . 2 25*4 25*4 25*4 United Corp war.. 1 H4 1*4 1*4 Unit Gas Corp 124 11*, 11 11 Utd Gas war 15 2*4 284 2I4 United G C pf bl 54 1 116*4 116*4 115*4 Unit Bt A Pw (A) 27 8 7!4 74, Unit Bt A Pw pf 7 6714 66*, 55*4 Unit Prof Sh alOo 1 1*4 1*4 1*, Unit Shlpyds B 3 3»4 8*4 3*4 Unit Shoe M t2V4 400» 37*4 84*4 84*4 Unit S Mch pf 1.60 10s 39», 3i)»4 39*, U S Foil (B) (1) .. 10 16*4 16», iftv, USA inti Secur 3 2*4 2*, 2*4 USA1S 1st pf bl *4 2 90*4 VO 9o U S Bines pf * 8*4 8*4 3*4 U S Radiator _ 1 13*, 18*4 13*4 U 8 Rub Reclaim. 6 1014 10 10 Unit Stores vtc .21 1 1 Unit Verde Ex (1) 2 3*4 :i«4 3*4 Unit Wall Paner 22 5*4 5 5 Univ Cons Oil(al) 1 17*4 17*4 17*4 Univlnsur(l) 200» 19 18*4 18*4 Untv Pictures 1 ll 11 11 Univ Prod (b50c) 100« 28*4 28*4 28*4 Uta i’AB pf b87’so 50* 69 69 69 Utilities P A B ld> 6 1 “VI UtUPABpf (d). 100. 2014 201, 20*4 Utility Equities 6 5*4 6*4 5*4 Utility A Indus pf 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 Valspar vtc _ 2 8 7*4 7J4 Valspar pf vtc_ 60s 55 55 55 Venezuela Alex O. 1 7*4 7*4 7*4 Venezuela Petrol 5 2*4 21. 2*4 Va Pub Svc pf (7) 60s 97 96*4 97 VoRt Mfg (b20c). 1 15 15 15 Walker Allnlna 1 3*4 3*4 3*4 Wayne Knit Mills 17 7 7 Wayne Purnp (50o 25 46 44 44 Well’t'n Oil of Del 1 11*4 11*4 11*4 Wentw’h Mf tl.20 2 28*4 28 28 West Tex Ut pf (6) 10s 92*4 92*4 92*4 W Va Coal A Coke 5 5 4*4 4*4 Vvestn A E (a25c) 4 12 10*4 10*4 West Au Sup A 14 60s 86*4 86 86 Westn Aid pf (a7) 10s 111 111 ill Will Oil-O-M a5Co 2 9*4 9*4 9*4 Wll-low Cafeteria 11 1 1 Wilson Jon a2*4 . 2 53*4 63*4 63*4 Wol verlne Port C 3 6*4 6 6 Wolver Tube b20c 5 16*4 16 16 WriRht Hark t4Uo 6 7*4 7*4 7*4 YRStn Stl Door(2J 2 77*4 76*4 76*4 Yukon Gold(al3c) 13 3’, 8J« 3*4 Dividend rates in dollar* based on lut Quarterly or semi-annual D.yment »An nual rat#—not tncludini extras tAB £uJ7”?iat?d dividends a Paid last year p Paid this year d Companies reported aa being In bankruptcy or in receivership, at being reorganized under the benkroeey ect. or securities assumed by. eucb com panies. 1 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Further Increases Expected Despite Climb in Oper ating Costs. Special Dispatch lo The Star j NEW YORK, March 22.—111 spite I of rising labor and other operating | costs, further earnings gains for elec j trical equipment manufacturers are [ indicated for 1937, according to a new analysis appearing in Poor's Industry and Investment Surveys Orders booked by 78 manufacturers in 1936 totaled $763,431,009, a 41 per I cent gain over 1935. Sales and pro i duction of some household appliances, such as refrigerators, established new all-time records last year Sales and output of electrical construction ma ; terials and industrial equipment like j wise registered substantial gains but i fell short, however, of former peaks. "The recovery movement with its expanding consumer purchasing pow er and broadened industrial activity is responsible for the sharply ex panding ,ales of electrical household appliances and industrial equipment,'' continues the analysis. "In adition, increased electric light and fiower output, hovering at or near peak levels, has forced utilities to ex pand their purchases of new equip ment. Utility construction expendi j tures last year were $275,000,000, some 43 per cent greater than in 1935 and j more than double the 1933 low of $129,000,000. However, expenditures remain far below pre-depression levels, last year's outlay representing only about 30 per cent of the 1930 peak of $9:9.000 000 ‘Were it not for pending court de cisions and overhanging legislation adverse to utilities, electric light and power companies would be more free to undertake large-scale replacement and expension programs Neverthe less. new equipmeni necessitated bv expanding electric light and power production, combined with the in creasing replacement demand, sug gests that electrical equipment manu facturers should experience sharp gains in sales to utilities this year." BOSTON WOOL MARKET BOSTON March C*: r (United g-ae* Department of Agriculture —Moderate business was transacted :i the Bosto wool market today a* buyer encouraged bv the continued s’rength m Australian market- were covering immed.a'e need* i end an’icipanna to a certain extent their future requirement Purchase*- for current needs were made lareely from spot fine wools of fine and medium grades Willingness of m.lls and top makers to cover future needs stimu.a’ed interev’ m contracts for territory and Texas wools. United Engineering Sc Foundry Co — UnflUed orders at close of 1936 uei* i substantially in excels of those at ; beginning of that year. (Continued From Sixteenth Page ) 2:15 p.m. Prcv 1937 Stock and Sales-— Net High. Low. Dividend Rale Add On. High Low Close chge. 56 45 Wesson O&S (toOc) 3 52 51% 51%—% 102 97% West Penn El A (7). 20« 93 93 93 -4% 100% 92% West Penn El pf (6). 10» 91 91 91 -1% 109 103 West Penn El pf(7). 10s 104% 104% 104% + % 123% 119 West Pa Pwr pf (7). 20s 120(4 119% 120%+ % 11% 8% Western Maryland.. 13 10% 10% 10% — ■% 23% 17% Western Md 2d pf... 2 20% 20% 20% — % j 4% 2% Western Pacific 3 4% 4 4% — %j 11% 7% Western Pacific pf _. 14 10% 9% 9% — % 83% 71% Westn Un Tel (3) . . 19 73 71% 72 -3 | 57% 48% West ingh'se ABO) 18 51 49% 49% -1% 157% 139% Westlngh'se El (hi) 15 140% 135% 135%. —4% 170 151 Westhse 1st pf (bl) 10s 157 157 157 -fi i 37% 36% Weston Elec(A)(2J. 10s 37% 37% 37%+ %! 65 38 Wheeling Steel ... 10 58% 56% 56% -2% 110% 103 Wheel St 1 pf (hi). 1 109(, 109% 109% -1 33% 23% White Motor 50 30% 28 . 29% —1% 18% 15% White Ilk M S(1.40) 1 17% 17% 17% — % 6% 5% White Sewing Mach 103 6*. 6% 6% + % 46% 38 White Sew Mch pf 11 42% 40 40 + % 2:15 pm. Prev 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low Close, chirp 6*4 41a Wilcox Oil & Gas . 6 54 5Vi 54- 4 124 84 Wilson & Co (50c)_ 21 104 104 104 - 4 914 794 Wilson & Co pf (6)- 3 89 87 87 -24 65% 514 Woolworth (2.40) 32 524 514 514 — 4 47 344 Worthington Pump_ 10 394 374 38 —1 112 81 Worth Pump pf (A ) 100* 109 107V, 1074 —14 76 684 Wripley W jr (t3) _ 2 69 68% 684- 4 37% 204 Yellow Tr & Coach 130 324 304 304-2% 142 128 Yei Tr & C pf(bl% ) 10* 130 130 130 46% 414 Young Spr&W(t3). 4 414 40% 40% - 4 101% 75% Ygrstn S&T (b75c) 42 92 884 884 -34 404 33 Zenith Radio<b50c) 10 354 344 344 -1% 94 74 Zonite Products . 3 7% 74 74 — 4 Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 P.M. ... 510.000 12:00 Noon , 770.000 l:00p.M. . 950,000 2:00 P.M 1.360.000 Dividend rates as Riven in the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or half-yearly dec larations s Unit of trading less than 100 shares Annual ra'e— not including extras. a Paid last year. bPaid this year o Companies reported In receivership or being reorganized x Ex dividend LLOYD’S TO COMPLY WITH STATE LAWS New Company Formed at London to Help Meet Requirements for U. S. Operations. By the Associated Press. LONDON. March 22—A company has been registered called the ‘ Ad ditional Companies,’’ with a capital of £365,000 ($1,825,0001 to assist members of Lloyd’s underwriters in connection with foreign business. The chairman of the company will always be the chairman of Lloyd's, and the other directors comprise the Committee of Lloyd's Only members of the committee may be directors. It is understood, says the Financial Times, the company has been formed to overcome difficulties hitherto pre venting Iloyd's underwriters from com plying with the laws of certain coun tries. which require all foreign in surance companies to make deposits and to comply with formalities before being allowed to undertake insurance business in the country. This applies particularly to some of the States in Amerlra. where there is a large demand for insurance at Lloyd's, but where it has been impos sible for Lloyd's underwriters to com ply with State insurance laws. ALLIED KID VOLUME CLIMBS 10 PER CENT Special Dispatch to The Star NEW YORK, March 22— February business of Allied Kid Co. exceeded preliminary estimates, showing a gain 1 of 10 per cent in physical volume and an increase of 19 per cent in net dol lar sales over February of last year, it was announced today by Benjamin Simons, treasurer of the company. In January the gains over the samp 1936 month were 8 per cent in volume and 25 per cent in dollar sales. Thus far in March approximately the same rates of improvement pre vail as In February. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK March CC i£V—Raw sugar was quiet and unchanged early today *t ;> 4.% for spots with no sales reported Futures were steady for both contracts No 4 advanced on commission house buvina and covering encouraged by the better showing of the London market while No 3 hpld steady on trade covering and m sympathy with the steadiness of the spot market July No 4 sold Up to l.*26’a and Sentember to 1 n?'2 or 1-point net higher, i and were holding around these levels at midday No 3 contract at the same time was unchanged to 1 point higher with May and September at "J..VJ Refined was unchanged at 4 ^0 for fine granulated with continued active with drawals reported MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. March 22 —Cal! mnncy steady; i per cent all day prime com ; mercial paper 3< per cent: time loans | stead' no days-ti months l’« per cent ! offered: bankers' acceptances unchanged 30 days. 3«-li«. Ho days .’«-3w 00 days. 1 2-1V 4 months. H-tfc IS-fl months I rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank. 1*2 per cent. STEEL EXECUTIVE RESIGNS. PITTSBURGH. March 22 OP) — F. E. Fiegcr resigned today as vice president and director of the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., completing a 20-year as sociation with the corporation. I- — EXAMINER OF BANKS JOINS LOAN FIRM American Building Association Directors Name W. H Blanz Secretary of Company. Wilfred H Blanz. bank pxaminer. has been appointed secretary of the American Building Association. 300 ; Pennsylvania avenue southeast, to succeed C. H. Kindle, who re- | cently retired on j account of 'll j health. Mr. Blanz was, associated with the office of the controller of the currency for 15 years during which he devoted a large portion j of his time to the examining of ,, W ashington building and loan associations. In W. II. Slant. recent years he has been in charge of a subdistrict comprising banks in 1 Virginia. Maryland and West Virginia j , He will assume his new duties at ! ' once. The American is one of the larger building associations in the city. DOLLAR GOES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS LONDON. March 22—The United States dollar gained ’s cent in the j foreign exchange market today, clos ing at 4 88 , to the pound, compared j with a similar Saturday closing rate i in New York. French francs closed at 106 38 to ( the pound, compared with 106 40 Sat urday. PARIS. March 22 i/Pr—Three per cent rentes. 69 francs 50 centimes: 4'.. per cent rentes. 73 00. Exchange on London. 106 36. The dollar was quoted at 21.77';. SEMET-SOLVAY GETS ORDER FROM DETROIT Bs the Associates Press NEW YORK. March 22.—Semet Solvav Co. a subsidiary of Allied Chemical A- Dvp Corp. has received an order from Great Lakes Steel Corp. of Detroit for a 130-oven by-product i coke plant, it was announced today. | Contract calls’ for installation on Zug Island, on the Detroit River, of i two batteries of vertical flue combma | tion ovens. The plant will include ' a benzol refining unit. ELECTED TO COMMITTEE. NEW YORK. March 22 OP).— Stuart W. Webb of New York, a former president of Pathe Exchange, has been elected a member of the Chicago Rapid Transit Bondholders' Committee of which D. F. Kelly of Chicago is chairman. - ■■■ ' — ■ ■ ♦ Gilbert LA. C ) Co.—1936 common share earnings were 95 cents, against 27 rents. GARDNER-DENVER STOCK IS PLACED ON MARKET By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 22.—An offer ing at $60 a share of 17.615 shares of Gardner-Denver Co., no-par value, rommon stock, was announced today by an underwriting group headed by A G. Becker fz Co. The company's principal plants are at Quincy, 111 ; La Grange, Mo., and Denver. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. March T* <Ur. • ed Sta'es Department of Agriculture' —Hoe.*, r: - • ton including 4.<hm» direc?. markr un even 10-15 higher than Friday, average parking sous. 5-10 up. strictly choice hogs jx<» pounds down very scarce good and choice Uoo-:i*:n pound Jtop. 10.5o paid for several load averaging " ‘p-’Mii pounm most ]•*•»-1 »«• pounds. !>.S5-ln 4d packing sows mostly U »;n-K5. Cattle. 11.000; calve 1 50n fed steers and yearlings low. steady undertone weak on good to near choice kinds suitable for Ea tern sh.ppers. few load strictly choice and prime cattW gettins ome action com mon and medium grade- al*o selling, but others dull: prim*1 weight’- steers he'd above 15 5(1- best earlv ] 5 laigcly o 1 “2 on marke shortfed* predommat inc in crop; lockers and feeders •-farce, with meaty feeders in demand heifer', strong to 75 higher strictly good and choice row* strong on shipper account selling at T.Od up o’her' slow steady bulls Arm to shade higher at »i On down on sausage offerings: veaier* 50-1 no lou - er marke* opening 50 of? a* in.50 down, now bidding around in on on best shipper kinds. Sheep - 000. includin'* *!oo direct sup ply fat lambs around no per cent from Colorado three load* clipper- and one load California Springers, opening trade very slow earlv indications fa; lambs fully •t*ady or around rj.4n for be*: Kinds fa* sheer v.eak to lower, odd lots choice native ewes. 7.00-50 FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK March : v —Foreier exchange steady. Grea' Britain in dol lars other- In cents Great Britain dr mand. 4.8* < cables 4 Ho-dav bills l.*7J« France demand 4 591* cables l in1, Italy, demand. cables 5.‘:h'-2 Demands -Belgium. 16>4 1. Germany free _ 40 registered 20.00. travel 8"- Holland 54 7*: Norway m ;>4 Sweden *.‘5 18 Denmark 1 So Finland -17 Swi zerland. *2*2 7 7*.- Spain un Quoted Portugal 4 4i‘u Greece 0 90 Poland 18.oft. Czechoslovakia 40 Yu ^oslaviH 4 Austria is "on Hungarv 10 so p mania o 7i Argentina i l odn Hrazil. Tokio -.’s Shanghai ■ j * • Hongkong w».4*2 Mexico City "0 Montreal New York 100.09*“* New York in Montreal. 00 ?io*». n—Nominal. ★ For Safety of Principal 5^ \ / qj ★ For Assurance of Income f^P /Z/ "“1 FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES SELECTED properties and consersative appraisals combine to make these First Mortgage Notes on District of Columbia and ^ nearby Maryland homes one of the highest class offerings we have ever sponsored. ^ Denominations from $2.'0 Up 1505 H St. N.W. National 2545 Members of Washington Real Estate Board WE ARE MAKING MANY TYPES OF LOANS Large and Small With and Without Collateral The American Security has ample individuals and business men who funds available for loans and is al- have good reasons for borrowing . . . ways glad to talk with responsible Call at any American Security office. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY Largest Capital and Surplus of any Washington Trust Company Main Office: fifteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue CENTRAL BRANCH SOUTHWEST BRANCH 7th and Massachusetts Ave., N W. Seventh and E Streets, S. W. NORTHEAST BRANCH NORTHWETT BRANCH Eighth and H Streets, N. E. 1140 Fifteenth Street, N. W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System