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ALLEN INDORSES Commissioner Says Star “Y” Lessons Contribute to Health Safety. District Commissioner George E. Allen said today that the "Learn-to Swis" campaign arranged by The Star and the Young Men's Christian Association is a valuable contri bution to the *'h ealth and safety” of every boy in Washing ton. This opport u nity to learn the art of swimming without cost is open to any boy in Washington between the ages of 10 and 18 who cannot swim at Commissioner Allen. all. Instruction will be given every clay from March 29 through April 3 tinder the direction of a corps of ex pert swimming teachers. In his comment on the learn-to swim campaign. Commissioner Allen said: "I am glad to give my hearty en dorsement to this effort on the part of The Star and the Y. M. C. A. to Instruct the boys of Washington in the art of swimming. "Many thousands of lives have been last in this country that might have been saved had the victims of brown ings mastered the easily-learned rudi ments of swimming. I cannot stress too strongly the desirability of learning to swim under the direction of compe tent instructors in safe surroundings. In addition to the healthful benefits, it, is an accomplishment that may at any time enable one to save his own life or that of some one else." Any boy desiring to enroll should clip the attached coupon and present it at the registration desk in the Central Y. M. C. A. Building. 1736 G street. Colored applicants should present their coupons at the Twelfth street "Y," 1816 Twelfth street. LAKE SHRINKS TO POND Body of Water in California at Maximum in 1884. SACRAMENTO. Calif. ,/T>—State officials wonder whether there will long remain a drop of water in what once was a 184-square-mile lake. The body of water—Tule Lake, at n 4,140-foot elevation near the Oregon border—was reported at its maximum size in 1884. A survey in 1924 showed it had shrunk to 92 square miles, and in 1930 it had become a small, shal low pond. Geologists believe the water is Seeping out through an underground fracture. -• — UNDERTAKERS GALORE One in Hospital Finds Bed Be tween Two Others. SARGENT. Nebr. liP'. — Robert Spooner, undertaker, can't even get nway from business by going to a hospital. When he awoke following an operation in a Sioux City. Iowa, hospital he found N. C. Gray. Blencoe, Iowa, undertaker, and Henry Fitz patrick. Danbury. Iowa, undertaker, In rooms on either side of him. • _._ CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY Meeting Beta Chapter. Zeta Beta Chi Sorority, Willard Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting Massachusetts Society, Wardman Park Hotel, 8:15 p.m Dinner. Jewish War Veterans, Lafay ette Hotel. 8:30 p.m. Meeting. Executive Council, No. 261, N F. F. E., 710 Fourteenth street, 8 p.m. Meeting. Bar Association. Mayflower Hotel. 8 p.m. Meeting, Daughters of the Nile, Mayflower Hotel, 8 pm. TOMORROW Luncheon, Civitan Club, Mayflower Hotel. 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Optimist Club, May flower Hotel. 12:30 p.m. Breakfast. Early Birds, Willard Ho tel. 8 p.m. Luncheon, Kappa Beta Pi Legal So rority, Willard Hotel, 12:15 p.m. Luncheon, Women's National Press Club, Willard Hotel. 1 p.m. Dance. Pennsylvania State Society, Willard Hotel, 9 p.m. Meeting. St. Charles Lay Alumni, Willard Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Women's Trade Union League, Y. W. C. A . 8 p.m. Meeting, Adjutant General's Office Local, No. 372. N. F. F. E., 710 Four teenth street, 8 p.m. ICuticura relieves burning, itching of pimples, rashes, eczema and other skin irritations of external origin—helps soothe, heal, bring astonishing comfort. A world wide success. Buy now I Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. All druggists. i .1 I_ TIRED ALL THE TIME SHE TOLO HIM WHAT TO DO f EELS LIKE NEW! THANKS TO CLEVER WIFE.. HE wasn’t himself. Had too many restless nights, too many tired days. Seemed to loee his ambition. But his clever wife was too smart to let this go on. She insisted that he try Nature’s Remedy (NR Tablets) and he found out what a surprising difference it made to use a laxative of entirely vegetable origin. Hcdidn t mind taking NRs at all. they were so gentle, and non habit forming. They simply made tira feel like new man. Get fil; fc ^ a 25c box at A ^ an^drugstore Swim Coupon Can You Swim? No? Here’s Your Chance to Learn, March 29-April 3, inclusive, under auspices of The Star and Y. M. C. A. Limited to boys between 10 and 18. Clip This Coupon and Present at Registration Desk in Lobby Central Y. M. C. A. Building, 1736 G Street N.W. Colored Applications re ceived at 12th street branch, 1816 12th Street N.W. CLIPPER FLIGHT DELAYED FOR TEST -- Radio Direction Finder to Get Tryout in Prepara tion for Hop. BY EDWIN C. Ml SICK. B ,• Rad o to Tne Star. HONOLULU. March 22 (N.A.N.A.t. —Departure of the Pan-American Clipper for Kingman Reef, the next stop on our survey route to New Zea land. has been delayed until tomorrow 1 ; to permit tests of our radio direction finder. The tests of the duplicate direction finder installed at this station, by j which the clipper will experiment with | long range ocean navigation in the far Southern sector of our survey route, had been planned for yesterday, ! but were postponed to permit the , closest possible approximation to ac ! tual transport conditions. The North Wind, our station ship at Kingman Reef, was shifted to per manent moorings yesterday and we will engage in a radio test with her in our flight today over the Southern approaches to the Hawaiian Islands. Upon completion of our tests, the way will be cleared for a continuation of j our schedule. (Copyright, 19G i. by the North American Newspaper Alliance. Inc.) rHSA'U'BfiSSr C ONTRACTORS & ENGINEERS E. J. FEBREY Cr CO. \ \ Est. 1808 I HELP' HELP' / l When your furnace need> at- (I \ Tention phone us. Here's \| I Grade-A service. \ j CALL NATIONAL 8680 A h U. S. INVESTIGATES EARHART CRASH1 — Findings of Commerce De partment to Be Sent Here. Flyer Sails for Home. BACKGROUND— To test human endurance and learn effect of fatigue on human body. Amelia Earhart, famous woman flyer, began last Thursday a round-the-world flight. Taking off from Oakland. Calif., she out distanced two giant Clipper planes to Honolulu. Her time was 15 hours and 5l’f minutes, or 1 hour and 6'j minutes better than the Clippers. Saturday she set as the date for her departure from Wheeler Field, Hawaii. In the take-off a wheel of her plane skidded after a blowout, throwing the plane to the ground and damaging it badly. The flyer announced she would return to the United States by boat, and attempt the 27.000-mile flight later. By Uie Associated Press. HONOLULU, March 22.—A Com merce Department investigation into the crash of Amelia Earhart's $80,000 "flying laboratory" was under way to day as the aviatrix and her colleagues sailed toward Los Angeles to plan an other globe-circling attempt. Inspector Emil Williams said he was studying the take-off crash which halted Miss Earhart’s projected trip and ior a brief moment endangered the lives of the famed aviatrix and her navigators. Findings will be sent to Washington, where any announce ments will be made. Miss Earhart. had completed a speed-smashing 2,400-mile jump from Oakland, Calif. to Haw’aii, and was taking off at dawn Saturday when the undercarriage of her plane gave way as the ship sped down the run way at 50 miles an hour. Army of ficers and civilians praised her for her coolness in cutting the ignition switches and avoiding possible fire. Most aviation experts believed the right tire burst. Damage to the plane was estimated at several thousand dollars. Pan-American Airways officials said the new Pan-American Clipper would make a two-hour test flight today. If successful, the giant flying boat prob ably will leave tomorrow for Kingman Reef, 1.067 miles south, on the second leg of a 6,820-mile exploratory trip to Auckland, New Zealand. Sheriff Seriously Wounded. LUBBOCK. Trx., March 22 UP).— Sheriff P. A. Loyd, paralyzed from the neck down when shot by a colored ' man he was attempting to arrest Sat | urday, was near death today. BONDEX Waterproof “The Perfect Stucco Finish” Sixteen beautiful tints and a good white to select from Imports color, waterproof, and preserves In one operation Readily mixed with cold water. For use on unpointed Stucco, Concrete. Cinder Block, Building Tile, Brick, Stone, Hollow Tile and other masonry wall surfaces. Pho ne your order—it will be delivered by our “Speed-E" Service Butler^Flynn PAINTS—CLASS SINCE 1845 609 C St. N.W. Si*, ME. 0150 FUNERAL RITES TODAY FOR MRS. E. V. CHANEY By the Associated Press. PRINCE FREDERICK, Md„ March 22.—Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Virginia Chaney, 84, member of a prominent Southern Maryland family, will be held at 2 p.m. today at Smith ville Methodist Episcopal Church at Dunkirk, Calvert County. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Rev. O. C. Mitchell will conduct the services. Mrs. Chaney, widow of Dr. Thomas M. Chaney, died Friday at the home of her son, Maj. Thomas Morris Chaney, United States Army, at Fort Benning, Ga. She divided her time with her chil dren and at her estate. Cherry Hill, near Owings, Calvert County. Surviving are four daughters and three sons. The daughters are Mrs. Grace Balch of Arlington, Va., and the Misses Lillian, Josephine and Martha Chaney, Washington, and the sons are Brig. Gen. James Eugene Chaney, U. S. A., of Randolph Field, Tex.; Maj. Chaney and Dr. William Calvert Chaney of Memphis, Tenn. Psychic Message Council 1 IOO Twelfth St N.W Corner of 12th And "V Circlet Daily, 2:30 & 7:30 P.M. Grace Grar DeLont Reader Personal interviews for spiritual nelp and guidance may be arranged by a visit to the Council House or Telephone Met*w^oUtan 6234 Consultation SJ Two Days Only! 200 (WM, ENSEMBLES TUES., MAR. 231 WED., MAR. 24 A Savoy “25” SUIT or TOPCOAT (your choice) A Campus Hall HAT, and Pedwin SHOES All 3 for complete! Choose Your Special, Spring Ensemble from the Season's Smartest Styles, Pat terns, Colors . . . Sizes to Fit Every Man . . . at a Saving You Can’t Afford to Ignore! HERB LEWIS {above, left), spark-plug of the Detroit Red Wings, a split-second before he scored! After the game {above, right}, between bites of a big ham burger, Herb said: "You bet I enjoy eating. And I'll give Camels credit for helping me enjoy my food. Smoking Camels with my meals and afterward eases tension. I’ll second the motion—’for digestion's sake—smoke Camels.’ I enjoy Camels steadily through the training season.” Experience shows that Camel smokers enjoy smoking to the full. It’s to Camels they turn for an invigorating "lift” in energy. At mealtimes, it’s Camels again "for di gestion’s sake.” Thanks to Camel’s gentle aid, the flow of digestive fluids—alkaline digestive fluids —speeds up. A sense of well-being follows. So make it Camels —the live-long day. And Camels don’t get on your nerves or irritate sensitive throats. Camels are mild! Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS... Turkish and Domestic... than any other popular brand. (Signed) R. I. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C. CAPT. S. THERIAULT goes for days without hot, well-cooked food while his fishing schoon er claws through a hur ricane. "Hard tack or a big steak,” says he, "me for Camels when food comes around. When I smoke Camels it’s smooth sailing so far as my digestion is con cerned.” °AKIE’S COLLEGE" ■ full-how °,hiies Col/'ge" BeVn^^ /act com'2?" B*nd ' H median* and ■ K"'°°d Special college S’0*10* ‘tars' eve'T xs'cek ,gT*ri**ieur ‘‘lent Pm E.S.T «.T“esd»w--9To PST^^T^aW® "-•‘'cia.a Copyright. 1f>TT. R. J. Reynold* Tohsoro Company. W'naton-^aTem. North Carolina “OPERATING THIS 30-TON crane is no job fora man unless his nerves and digestion are O. K.,” Peter Gillen says. 'T like to settle back after a man-size meal and enjoy my Camels. That’s living! I smoke Camels all the time. They set me right.” THE DARING glider record-holder. Dorothy Holdermatt, says: "Guiding a sailplane is nerve shattering and exhausting at times. Tired and wrought-up as I may feel afterwards, a few Camels keep my digestion running smoothly.'’ STEER-WRANGLING and bronc-busting are Hardy Murphy’s job. "Camels are aces-up with me,’’ Hardy says. "I smoke ’em from sun-up to sun down. As a cowhand I take what chuck I get and count on Camels to help my digestion.”