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FISH SEI LEA & PERRINS CAlirC the original JMUV.C WORCESTERSHIRE COUNSEL CIRCLE "CARLETTA" CircU. Daily, 2:30 A 7:30 P.M. Personal interviews lor spiritual help ana guidance may be arranged by a ▼islt to the Counsel Circle, or telephone Carletta. reader. Consultation. $1. 922 14th St. N.W. MEt. 4993 Poansylvoaio Railroad JEWELRY REPAIRED Brine It to » Arm rou can treat. Moderate prices. Skilled work manship. Easy credit terms. CASTELBERG’S J004 r St. N.W. check! PPP COLDS ODD ^ Headache, 30 LIQUID. TABLETS. w:_ut~ SALVE. NOSE DROPS__minura* Try ''Rub-My-Tism "-World ! Best Liniment ADVERTISEMENT. Don’t irritate Gas Bloating If you want to really GET RID OP GAS and terrible bloating don't expect to do it by just doctoring youi stomach with harsh, irritating | alkalies and ‘gas tablets. Most GAS is lodged in the stomach and upper intestines and is due to old. poisonous matter in the constipated bowels that are loaded with ill causing bacteria. If your constipation is of long standing enormous quantities of dangerous bacteria accumulate. Then your digestion is upset. GAS often presses heart and lungs, making life miserable. You can't eat or sleep. Your head aches. Your back aches. Your complexion is sallow and pim ply. Your breath is foul. You are a sick, grouchy, wretched, unhappy person YOUR SYSTEM IS POI CONED. Thousands of sufferers have found in Adlerika the quick, scientific way to rid their systems of harmful bacteria. Adlerika rids you of ga^ and cleans foul poisons out of BOTH upper and lower bowels. Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika Get rid of GAS. Adlerika does not gripe—is not habit forming. At all leading drug glsts. "** 2l *p®* «! t>l>T t%ss.*** I I I I I i V a V gH J FANATIC SOUGHT IN EXTORTION CASE Hollywood Psychiatrist Agrees to Handwriting Test to Aid Probe. 1 By the Associated Press. LOS ANGELES, March 25.—A handwriting test of a Hollywood psychiatrist was arranged today in the search for a fantastic extor tionist who threatened to mutilate Actress Anna May Wong and the two sons of Film Producer David O. Selznlck. The psychiatrist, detectives said, agreed to submit samples of his pen manship to aid the "process of elim ination” in the two-day probe. Federal agents also were investigat ing the handwriting of several other persons, it was learned. The homes of both Selznick and Miss Wong, who admitted "I’m hav ing the Jitters," were kept under guard following receipt of letters Tuesday threatening bodily harm unless $20, 000 was paid for filming a biblical scenario. Another note, mailed to Dr. A. M. Foote, retired Los Angeles chiroprac ter, notified him he had been se lected to act as intermediary and handle "a sum of ransom money” be cause a studio scout "has picked you out to play the part of Jesus." It was signed "the gang.” The other letters purported to carry Dr. Foote's own signature. Capt. Clyde Plummer of the dis trict attorney’s office said he was con vinced "the letters were written by some fanatic with the evident intent of embarrassing Dr. Foote.” Drinkwater (Continued From First Page.l when the automobile In which she and Drinkwater were driving to a party after her concert was in a col lision. Drinkwater had just completed hi* own motion picture for the coronation of King George VI, of which he was both author and producer. The film dealt with “the King and his people” from the time of Queen Victoria to the present. “He was very happy all day yester day,” Mrs. Drinkwater said. "His last words written in an article on the coronation were happy and glorious.' ” Drinkwater’s historical plays were widely known in the United States, particularly "Abraham Lincoln” and “Robert E. Lee.” Big-boned and picturesque in ap pearance, Drinkwater was an insur ance broker turned actor, and son of a schoolmaster w’ho turned actor. The young Drinkwater spent his youth touring the British provinces with his father’s company. Born in Leytonstone, Essex, his early education was gained at Oxford High School, where he wras a classmate and boyhood 1 friend of the youth who later be came famous as Lawrence of Arabia. He was fond of athletics, and the school broad jump record he set still stands. j Drinkwater was an indefatigable worker and exploited his success in all directions. He was particularly inter ested in the lecture platform where hi* good looks and superb platform man ner created a tremendous demand for his books. He covered the United States in a lecture tour in 1925 and was impressed by life there which he described as "vivid, immensely varied, full of achieving energy and sparkling with a natural wit that can hardly be found among any of the older and perhaps more tired peoples.” A versatile workman, he produced numerous articles and poems for news papers and magazines as well as his i many longer plays and poems. Some critics branded his work as "middle class” but he was intensely j popular in England, which loved the i idealism in his works and considered him typical of "the empire's finest.” His London residence was once the home of Samuel Pepys, a character of whom he was very fond. It was there the Drinkwater*’ only chilQ, Penel ope Ann, was born in 1930. His first appearance on the Lon- I Canada DRY b made of choke Jamaica ginger, g rami taxed cane sugar and ocher fine ingredients. It b inspected fourteen times to safeguard the matchless flavor and quality. Why not msxst on Canada Dry, the ginger ale yon Jmow is vrboiesome and crys tal pace. CANADA DRY *4fThe Champagne of Qmgensiles” CANADA DRY’S SPARKLING WATER % LEMON LIME RICKEY NEW LOW PRICES {AllpricxspJms h*tk deposits) Flies to Meet Father After flying alone from Pittsburgh to Washington to spend Easter with her father, Stanton Hertz, vice president of the Copperweld Steel Co., 9-year-old Lois Hertz is taken into the cockpit of the big Pennsylvania Airlines plane and permitted to listen to the radio and examine the mysterious flying instru ments. The pilot is James Oteg Urquart. —Underwood & Underwood Photo. don stage was at the Court Theater j in 1909 as Seanchan in “The King’s Threshold.” In addition to his manifold activ- ; ities in the theater and writing, I Drmkwater was keenly interested in international affairs and prospects of another war. He ohce suggested the League of Nations statesmen “emulate Abraham Lincoln by following a steadfast and perfectly strong course of action, yet keeping a perfectly open mind at all times to adapt themselves to new - situations.” Before Italy's conquest of Ethiopia he expressed hope a compromise would safeguard Italy's interests in Ethiopia without overthrowing Emperor Haile Selassie. In 1932. his adaptation of Premier Mussolini's play, “100 days,” was pre sented in London. The play, dealing with Napoleon’s brief return to power from Elba, was an argument for dic tatorships. THE Temple School Register how for beginners’ classes in STENOTYPY Mondoy, April 5, 5 P.M. and 7 P.M. ENGLISH Wednesday, April 7, 7 P.M. GREGG SHORTHAND Wednesday, April 7, 7:45 P.M. Registrations open in Day School Every Monday 1420 K Street N.W. NA. 3258 lUadtuHatom ‘fomUan 5a*dlOtSto>ie$ mURPUYS 3-Bloom LILIES Regular 1.00 Value I 79*1 We contracted for 1,000 of these beautiful plants—that's the rea son for the exceptionally low price! Every plant will be wrapped in colored matting of green, red or purple to suit your taste. “CORAL BELL” AZALEA PLANTS Delicate pink shade—beautiful full bloom Two Bloom Giant Size HYDRANGEAS Regular 1.00 Value • 79e They're the choice selection of g| the market—Lovely Giant Blooms fl —1wrapped in colored matting. 9 Full of Bud* I GARDENIA f£€}c 1 PLANTS I Hyancinths Tulips C bloom Every plant wrapped in colorful matting in choice of colon. GENISTA $1.19 PLANTS m Bere'e a beautiful new arrival with lead, ef eeler and eplen did foliate. ANNAPOLIS CLASSES WILL VISIT EUROPE Practice Cruise Will Take Pint and Third Groups to Por "Slgn Ports. The midshipmen's practice cruise of the first and third classes of the Naval Academy will be made this year to European ports, the Navy Department announced yesterday. Detailed ar rangements have not yet been com pleted, however. In addition, the department said, midshipmen of the second class will make three cruises to North Atlantic ports during the 8ummer. On each cruise, one-third of the Second Class will be sent, the remaining members taking the regular aviation training course for that class while their ship mates are at sea. Dahlgren, Va.; Newport, R. I.; New London, Conn., and New York City will be the ports visited by the Second Classmen. The department said the gunboat Brie and six destroyers—the Jacob Jones, Fairfax, Roper, Mar ley, Claxton and J. Fred Talbott—are scheduled to make these cruises. Tentative plans call for using the battleships New York, Wyoming and Arkansas on the European cruise. Thieves Enter Apartment. Thieves yesterday forced open the door of the apartment of George A. Payne, 644 Massachusetts avenue northeast, and stole $150 In cash and $250 worth 6f jewelry and clothing, according to police reports. Quick, incxpcnaire'way to help teprore hand* or«rniaht.kt<p then youni-looking.Try today. PAINTS • Barreled Sunlight • Billingr-Chapin • Du Pout • Gold Label • Sonneborn • Valentine OPEN WEEK DAYS 7:30 to 5:30 p.m. GLASS • Furnitnre Top* • Glazing—Bev eling—Polish es • Mirrors Made to Order • Modern Store Fronts • Vitrolite • Window Glass OPEN 5ATURDAYS 7:30 to 4:30 p.m. 50c Ipana Tooth Paste_27c 25c Phillips Tooth Paste_13c 50c Phillips Tooth Paste...29c 50c Pebeco Tooth Past*. ..26c 25c Pebeco Tooth Past*...)6c 50c Forhans Tooth Past*..24c 25c Dr. West Tooth Paste..7e 50c lodent Tooth Paste...26c 25c S. T. 37 Tooth Paste.-lk 50c Detoxol Tooth Paste..29c 40c Bost Tooth Paste_19c 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste .28c 50c Forhans Tooth Powder 27c 30c Calox Tooth Powder..17c 50c Calox Tooth Powder . 26c 25c Dr. Lyons_14c 50c Dr. Lyons_27c 35c Revelation _ 23c 35c Dr. Wernets_18c 60c Dr. Wernets_36c $1.00 Pyrozid*-57c 35c Corega _18c 60c Fosteeth _31c 50c Prophylactic _24c 35c Tooth Brushes _16c 50c Tek Tooth Brushes ...24c 50c Dr. West Tooth Brushes, 23c 25c Prophylactic Masso_lk 35c Dr. West Economy-Ik 25c Tooth Brushes_7c 35c Ponds Face Powder, jar, 18c 70c Ponds Foce Powder, jar, 37c 55c Houbigant Face Powder, 39c $1.10 Houbigant __77c 25e Woodbury Face Powder, 16c 55e April Showers _32c $1.10 Azurea Face Powder, 67c 55c Java Foce Powder . _ 34< 50c Woodbury Face Powder, 32c $1.10 Princess Pot-66c 85c April Showers-i..56c 85c Cappi Dusting Powder, 53c $1.10 Houbigant_73c $1.00 Mari) Both Powder. .51 c 65c D. oJTR. Creams--39c 35c Pondd'Oeoms-18c 55c Ponds Creams_...28c 50c Dioxogen Cream-29c $1.00 Dioxogen Cream-63c 50c Woodbury Creams-29c 55c Lady Esther Cream_29c SI.25 Lody Esther Creom.77c 50c Pompeian Massage 29c 50c Pacquins Hand Cream 31c $1.10 Hoppers Restorative 69c 50c Nadinola Cream _29c 35c Noxiemo Skin Cream -18c 55c Princess Pat-34e 83c Tangee Cream Rouge.54c 60c Angelus Rouge-37c $1.10 Tangee Lipstick-63c $1.10 Angelus Lipstick— 63c 39c Tangee Lipstick-21c 35c Non-Spi _29c 60c Non-Spi _49c 25c Hush _14c 35c Amolin Powder_21c 60c Amolin *Powder_34c 30c Amolin Cream-17c 50c Amolin Cream-29c 35c Mum Deodorant-19c 60c Mum Deodorant_34c 30c Spiro Powder_17c 50c Spiro Powder-29c 35c Odorono Liquid___19c 60c Odorono Liquid_34c 60c Wildroot Hair Tonic._-29c 75c Glovers Mange Medi cine _ 47c 50c Vitalis Hair Tonic_,28c $1.00 Vitalis Hair Tonic.-. 59e 75c Kreml Hair Tonic_45c $1.00 Fitch Hair Tonic-73e $1.00 Liquid Arvon _59c $1.00 Jens Hoir Tonic-49e 50c Lucky Tiger-29c $1.00 Lucky Tiger_51c $1.25 Herpicide-63c 75c Packers Scalptone_42c 50c Marchond Wash-29e 50c Watkins Mulsified-29c 50c Packers Shampoo-29c 15c Amami Shampoo, 2 for 13c 75e Fitch Shampoo-36c 60c Wildroot Shampoo_29c 25c Golden Glint Shampoo, 14c 60c Mar-O-Oil _39c 50c Conti Shampoo_29c $1.00 Admiracion-59c 50c Admirocion-29c $1.00 Blondex.63c 50c Hennafoam _29c 60c Drene Shampoo_43c $1.00 Drene Shampoo-79c $1.35 Farrs for Gray Hair.-93c $1.50 Kolor-Bak.-83e EVERYDAY PRICES! No Mail or Phone Orders—Right Reserved to Limit Quantities None Sold to Dealers 5c CIGARS Choice of Garcia Grande. Barak Phil , >le*. La Azora. Muriel. Roi Tan or Henrietta. 5 for 19c $1.89 Formerly 2 for 25e Hampton Arms or Abbey Kings CIGARS 5c tach 5f“a. $2.49 2 for 5c CIGARS ChtiM of Tiona Lon dres. George W. Child*. Lord Balti more. Blue Ribbon, Rocky Ford, or Kin* Edward. 10 'or 19C £V . 93c 10c CIGARS | ' Choice of El Product© ( Bouquet, Chancellor ) Liberty, or La Palina \ Senators. I I 2,or 15c srv. $3.71 3 tor 10c 15C ( CIGARS aL | ; S^lfwtS^ 1 Sc Package of 20 TOBACCOS Li sVSs CIGARETTES • as Ief AO «91*«jO ,.,,.) Choice of Raleifh, Camel, • Half and \ Pound Tobaccos Chesterfield, Lucky Strike, ° • Velvet Old Gold or Piedmont. 1 AC • Raleigh ah ) ! p,0"9*l.k- 1 2tor Carton $1.13 - . 2“*'^ 1Z 2JC of 200, 1 Pip. Cl,„„, ! mhmmBHHHHHBI Package J C j UNION LEADER Edgeworth Tobacco HALF AND HALF ' 14-Ounce 4 lc Pound A)r Pound 4Mz> r«n ^or-77n_Tin_©/' j 5c $1.09 PIPES Nurica Your Choice ' Sublime • Fronk Medico f, • • Dr. Grobow Cl*"» • Milono 2 for 5c 9 Ye,l°-Bole > $1.23 6* SHAVE CREAMS 50c Borbasol, tuba_27c 50c Burma Shave_29c 35c Burma Shave_21c 35c Ingrams_19c 35c Lifebuoy Shave Cream, 14c 50c Mennen Shave Cream, 29c 35e WilliamsShaveCream, 18c 50c WilliamsShoveCream,26c 50c Molle Shove Cream 29c RAZOR BLADES 25c Probak Blades, 5's_15c 50c Probak Blades, 10's..30c 15c Segol Blades, 5's-9c 75c Schick Injector, 20's..45: 25e Aato -Strop, 5's-15c 50c Durham Duplex, 5's..30c 35c Everaady or Gem, 5's, 21c 25c Gillette Blue, 5's —15e 50c Gillette Blue, 10's..-30c 15c Borbasol, 5's_7c 10c Probak Junior, 4's-3c 30c Enders_20c SOAPS 10c Lux Soap_5c 25c Packers Tor_17; 10c Woodbury Soap-6c 25c Cuticura Soap-17c 10c Lifebuoy Soap_5c 10c Saymans Soap!_6c 15c Stork Castile_Sc 25c Germicidal Soap, 1%, 13c Camay Soap-4c SKIN LOTIONS • _ 60c Italian Balm_37c $1.00 Italian Balm_67c 50c Jergens Lotion-31c 50c Frostilla Lotion_31c 50c Hinds Honey and Almond _32c 85c Fougere Royol-59c 50c Mennens Skin Broeer, 29c 50c Williams Aqua Velva, 26c TALCUMS 50c Azurea Talc-27c 25e Mavis Talcum-11c 50c Mavis Talcum-_29c 25c J. Or J. Talcum-13c 50c J. Or J. Talcum-31e 25c Mennen Borated-13c 28c April Showers_-17c 25c Cuticura Tolc-17c 28c Coppi Tolc _17c 25c Z. B. T. Talcum —-14c 25c Williams for Men-6e 25c Mercks Zinc Stearate _14c $1.50 Maltine with Cod Liver Oil, pint_ 85c $1.25 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, pint._ 69c 60c Father Johns Medi cine _3Sc 60c Rem for Coughs_43c 35c Groves Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets . 18c 30c Hills Cascara Quinine Tablets, tin of 20_14c 35c Hills Nose Drops_17c 15c Parke Davis Medicated Throat Disc, 60's_He 35c Piso Cough Syrup_24c 60c Scotts Emulsion_34c $1.20 Scotts Emulsion, Fortified _69c 25c Six-Six-SixColdTonic. 13c 65c Mistol Nose Drops...37c 30c Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Drops_14c 35c Vicks Vapo-Rub Salve 21c 98c Clinical Thermometers,59c Styptic Pencils _lc Paper Napkins, 60's_4c Baby Pants _7c Cord Safety Pins_3c Wash Cloths _3c 10c Haarlem Oil_4c AmcoSanitaryNapkins,12's 9c Atlas Paste Shoe Polish . 3c Lighthouse Cleanser_2c Waxed Paper, 30-ft. rolls, 3c 10c Dental Floss_ _5c Gum Camphor, Vi oz. 2 for 5c 50c Bicycle Playing Cards, 34c Sanette Cleansing Tissues, box of 500..-17c Ponds Tissues, 500's_21c Tooth Picks_3c 30c Energine Cleaner-14c 30c Wrights Silver Cream, 14c 10c Cocoa Butter-5c 15c Atlas Shoe Kits-8c 50c Fountain Syringes-23c 50c Floor Wax_19c 50c Hospital Cotton, lb...19c J. & J. Cotton, ounce-6c J. & J. Gauze, 1 yd. by 1 yd. 8c Salute Alarm Clocks-67c $2.25 Agfa Box Cameras, $1.69 Ironing Cord Set-11c I___I $1.00 Kurlash-57c 35e Cutex Preparations.-18c 20c Glaxo Preparations -lie 50c Manicare -29c 60c Neet Depilatory-34e 75c Moybelline _42c 10c Powder Puffs-4c 6Gc Murine for the Eyes, 34c U-10, 5cc-,-26c U-10, lOcc_46e U-20, 5cc.—.-43c U-20, lOcc...— 57c U-40, 5cc_-.59c U-40, lOcc_$1.03 U-80, lOcc...$2.01 LAXATIVES 39c Milk of Mognesio, pt. 11c 25c Espotobs Tablets_14c 35c Lapactic Pills_21c 60c Caldwells Syrup Pepsin - 34c 30c Fleets Phospho-Sodo 17c 60c Fleets Phospho-Sodo 34c 25c Ex-Lax Tablets _13c 50c Ex-Lax Toblets_27c 25c N. R. Toblets _12c 60c Condensed Jad Salts, 34c 30c Edwards Olive Tablets, 17c 60c Edwards Olive Tablets, 3*c 25c Carters Liver Pills 13c 70c Kruschen Salts ._37c 60e Alophen Pills, 100's..34c 25c Cascarets Tablets.-.14c 30c Sol Hepatica_17c Epsom Salt, pound_4c 5 Pounds Epsom Salt_12c $1.25 Soroka_71c 40c Pluto Wotar, large .28c $1.25 Verocolate Tablets, 71c 60c Eno Effervescent Salt, 34c 25c Seidlitz Powders_ 8c $1.00 Nujol Oil, pint_49c 25c Citrate of Magnesia. 8c 25c HinklesCascara, 100's, 10c 85c Jad Salts_48c 75c Regulin _43c 60c Sol Hepatica_31c 25c Black Drought_12c $1.25 Caroid and Bile Salts_73c Castor Oil, 4 ounces_7c Senna Leaves, 2 ounces...9c INDIGESTION 10c Turns _ 6c 25c BiSoDol Antacid_13c 65c BiSoDol Antacid_37c 75c Bell-ans Tablets_43c 50c Phillips Magnesia Tablets _29c 60c Papes Diapepsin .34c Soda Mint Tablets, 100's.9c SUPPOSITORIES $1.00 Norforms_56c 25c Glycerin Suppositories, 11c $1.50 Anusol, I2's_84c KODAK FILMS (8-Exposure Rolls) VI20 Veriehrome_19c VI16 Veriehrome_24c VJ27 Veriehrome_21c V620 Veriehrome_23c V616 Veriehrome_28c 35c Scholls Zino Pads... 19c 35c Scholls Foot Balm...21c 35c Freezone _21c 25c Blue Jay Plasters-14c 35c Noxocorn _23c 50c Dr. Scholls Solvex...33c 35c Scholls Corn Salve. 23c ^__ ___ _ ^ $1.00 Ironized Yeast 59c^ $2.00 Valentines Extract, $1.49 50c Yeastfoam Tablets.. 27c $1.00 Marmola Tablets. .59c $1.25 Occy-Crystine _71c . 10c Mercurochrome, 2°o_5c 10c Tincture Iodine _5c 25c Saccharin Toblets, V* or '/2 grain, 100's, lie 35c Alcorub, pint .. 17c 10c Peroxide, 4 ounces_4c 25c Peroxide, pint _ 9c 60c Angiers Emulsion_34c $1.25 Crcomulsion_73c 75c Ovaltine __ 47c Rubbing Alcohol, pint_7c Cod Liver Oil, pint _ 49c $3.00 Lilly Lextron _ $2.49 $1.50 Atophan Tablets . 89c Boric Acid Powder, 4 ounces, 7c Glycerin, 4 ounces . . _17c I 15c Spirit Camphor, ounce ..7c I 1 $1.25 Abbotts Haliver Oil with Viosterol Capsules, 25's 77c $1.25 Abbotts A, B, D Capsules, 25's 77e 75c Abbotts Haliver Oil, Plain, lOcc 43c $1.00 Abbotts Haliver Oil with Viosterol, 5cc 54c $1.25 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules, Fortified, 25‘s 69c $1.25 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules, 50's 69c $1.25 Meads Halibut Liver Oil with Viosterol Capsules, 25's_ 77c 75c Meads Cod Liver Oil, 8 ounce __ ___ 45c 75c Meads Viosterol, 5cc 43c $4 25 Meads Viosterol, 50cc $2.55 75c Meads Halibut Liver Oil, lOcc _ 43c $1.00 Meads Halibut Liver Oil with Viosterol, 5cc 54e 55c Parke-Davis Haliver Oil, lOcc 43e 1 $1 00 Parke-Davis Haliver Oil with Viosterol, 5cc 54c $1.00 White Cod Liver Oil Con centrate Tablets, 100's 59c 25c B. C. Powders _13c 30c Bromo Seltzer_17c 60c Bromo Seltzer _33c 30c Capudine Liquid_17c 60c Capudine Liquid_34c 15c Bayer Aspirin, 12's_6e 75c Bayer Aspirin, 100's_43s Aspirin Tablets, 12's_3c Aspirin Tablets, 100's_lie 20c Midol Tablets_12c 50c Midol Tablets_29c 75c Doans Pills _41c 75c Cystex Compound_41c 60c Swamp-Root_34c 35c Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules 21c 25c K. Y. Jelly ._. 13e 75c Bourne Ben-Goy _43c 25c Cuticurc Ointment_17c 50c lodex Ointment_34c 20c Boric Acid, tube _12c 60c Resmol ...._34c 50c Unguentine Ointment. 29c 25c Saymans Salve_14e 60c Pozo Pile, tin_36c 25c Zinc Ointment_9c $1.25 Absorbine Junior_71e 60c Jopanese Oil_35c $1.50 Grays Glycerine Tonic 86e $1.00 Wine of Cardui _57c $1.40 Pinkham Vegetable __84c‘ $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine..47e $1.25 Neuro-Phosphates_67$ $1.75 Neuro-Phosphates . .$1.14 $1.00 Irradol-A _59$ $1.25Tanlac Tonic_74$ $1.10 Millers Herb Juice.. 83c $2.00 McDades Prescription, 98$ 65c Glyco-Thymoline . 36<S 25c Lavoris Mouth Wosh. 14$ $1.00 Lavoris -57$ 50c Dr. Lyon Mouth Wosh . 31c 4 $1.00 S. T. 37.. 69$ 60c Zonite _ 34$ 60c Tyrees Powder_3Z$ 25c Mercks Sodium Perborate . _14c 50c Bo-Car-AI Powder_29$ Boric Acid Powder, pound.. 14$ V4 60c California Syrup of Figs, 34* 90c Lactogen Food-6f* ISc Hygeia Bottles, 8 ounce, 9c Merck Milk Sugar, pound. . 32c 15c Hygeio Nipples . . 50c Meads Pablum, pound.29c 25c Phillips Milk Magnesia. 13& Meads Dextri-Maltose, lb..52c Meads Cereal, pound_l7e Pyrex Nursing Bottles_IJc 5c Boby Nipples_2e 50c Mennen Boby Oil_29t 15c Lime Woter, pint_9c __ 1-inch by 1-yard-4% Vi-inch by 5-yards_Sc Vi-inch by 10-yards-13*; 1-inch by 5-yards_Ifc 1-inch by 10-yards_22* 1- inch by 10-yards_H 2- inch by 10-yords_fa 3- inch by 10-yards_tc