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. SWIM TRAINING URGED IN YOUTU Life-Saving Expert Backs Y. M. C. A. Drive to Teach Boys. The Importance of learning to swim while young was stressed today by Commodore W. E. Longfellow, assistant national director of first aid and life •avingofthe American Red Cro6s, in indors ing the learn-to •wim campaign of The Star and the Washington Y. M. C. A. The campaign, which begins March 29 and continues through April 3, Is open to boys between the ages < of 10 and 18 who I cannot swim at all. Boys In W. E. Longfellow. Washington ana ne&rDy Virginia ana Maryland are invited to participate. All that is necessary to enroll is to fill - out the attached coupon and mail or bring it to the “Y.” There is no charge for the course and all neces sary equipment is being furnished by the Y. M. C. A. Adding his indorsement to Jhose of other public officials who are support ing the campaign, Commodore Long fellow said: “I cannot stress too strongly the importance of teaching every boy to swim. It is an ability that every one should acquire as early in life as passible. Nothing is more tragic than a drowning attributable to the failure of some one to learn to swim. “The ability to swim is not only a safeguard against loss of life by drowning, but affords a means of healthful exercise as well. These courses sponsored by The Star and the Y. M. C. A. are given in a safe and sanitary pool under the direction of capable instructors. “With the modern group methods of instruc ion dozens can learn to swim^in the time it formerly took to teach a single individual. It is quite possible to leam to swim a passable crawl for 20 or 30 feet in five or six lessons. This free swimming course should prove a real worthwhile con tribution to water saiety in Wash ington.” ARGENTINA DEFERS REFUNDING OFFER Market Conditions Held Un favorable Despite Registry With S. E. C. Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 25—The Ar gentine government ha$ decided to defer offering of $42,000,000 in re funding bonds recently registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission because market condi tions at present do not appear favor able, Dr. C. Alonso Irigoyen. finan cial attache of the Argentine Embassy, announced yesterday. The refunding operation necessary to the retirement of two 6 per cent Issues by October 1 will be made from cash resources of the treasury, built up largely for the purpose of an issue of internal bonds, he said. "Operations in the (American) market in the near future will there fore be limited to the refunding of about $33,000,000 of $ per cent dollar bonds,” the announcement said. Cats Rule the Weather. ' It was an old North of England •uperstitlon that cats largely ruled the weather. The cats—or witches in the form of cats—used to cause storms, and then ride on them. Also, it was believed that the great gusts of wind Which whirled the rain about were caused by the breath of a dog be longing to Odin. It was these old Ideas that gave us the common phrase, ‘‘raining cats and dogs.” Tire Easily? That dragged-out feeling is fro quently the result of a consti pated condition of the bowels. Headaches, sleeplessness and skin trouble may also in many cases be traced to the same source. Constipation is dangerous for anybody. Nujol is safe for every body. It does not affect the stomach, and is not absorbed by the body. Medical authori ties approve Nujol because it is so safe, so gentle and so natural in its action. Nujol makes ep for a defi ciency of natural lubricant in the intestines. It softens the waste matter and thus permits thor ough and regular bowel move menu without griping. Just try Nejol regularly foe the next month and see if you don’t feel better than you ever suspected you could. Ask your druggist for Nujol and insist on the genuine. 311 7th St. N.W. TPecTaTs” 3146MSt N.W. &BEEF / ■ JBT,. iiier FRANKS lb. I sr ROAST \ w-w SHORTENING or Pure Lard-2 27c SIRLOIN OR CUBE STEAK * 25* SLICED BEEF LIVER * 16* SMOKED OR FRESH SHOULDERS SMOK.E.D BEEF TONGUES *18* I SMOKED or FBESH HAMS - »>• 24c| SMALL BACON SQUARES »18c SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS -17e PHILADEL PHIA STYLE Scrapple *10* BONED ROLLED Rib Roast -23c ICflRTON FRESH EGGS ROLL CREAMERY BUTTER -39* CHOICE VEAL CUTLET -35e FRYING OR STEWING Chickens »24c LINK PORK SAUSAGE “20* STORE-SLICED BACON --->»• 28* DRESSING - 23c SANDWICH SPREAD, 25c 2Sf*T Mayonnaise, 36c JUICY Oranges __ U. S. No. I Potatoes _ LARGE Bananas .. MMHHHMMBMOPIN TILL »JINI P.M. BATUKPATH^HMM I LEARN TO SWIM I FOR SPORT AND SAFETY Under Auspices •/ The Star and Boys’ Department of the Y. M. G. A. Boys 10 to 18 years old offered free lessons daily March 29—April 3 Send this application, not later than March 27, to the Y. M. C. A„ Boys' Building, 1732 Q Street. (Colored boys apply at Twelfth St. Y. M. C. A.) NAME. AGE. ADDRESS...PHONE NO-.. PARENT’S SIGNATURE. (Required) NEW HAZARDS PERIL TRUCE IN SHIPPING Employers Reiterate Threat of Lockout as Longshoremen Press Demands. BT the Associated Press. SAN PEDRO, Calif., March 24.— ! The shipping truce in Los Angeles Harbor was threatened today by new hazards. While the Water Front Employers’ Association reiterated a lockout pol icy if longshoremen fail to pass through union seamen’s pickets, the seamen renewed demands for replace ment of two "unfair” crews. A lock out declared by employers yesterday halted operations of 27 cargo ships for five hours until pickets were with drawn. Center of the dispute was the Ar gonaut Line freighter Lancaster, with unlicensed personnel signed at Bal timore from the International Sea men's Union. Today the Lancaster was to be joined here by the Pacific with a similar crew. The Sailors’ Union of the Pacific has asked that the "unfair" crews be replaced with West Coast men. In announcing resumption of cargo work yesterday, the employers said that ‘‘If another picket line is es tablished at the steamer Lancaster because of any union factional dispute and if longshoremen refuse to go through such picket line, relations with the International Longshore men's Association will be suspended.” FLEET WAR GAMES MOST SECRET VET Less Known About Tactics Next Month in Pacific Than Any Since War. Br the Associated Press. SAN PEDRO, Calif., March 25.— Greater secrecy than ever before shrouds the annual war games of the United States fleet, scheduled to start next month. For the past three years censor ship of fleet activities has been drawn tighter and tighter, and less informa tion about fleet exercises and train ing activities has been given out this year than any time since the World War. Information percolating from naval sources discloses that the scene of action will be in the area designated u the Eastern Pacific. It is 5,000,000 square miles of oceanic triangle, the points being Southern California, the Aleutian Islands in the Far North and the Aleutian Islands to the west. 50,000 Men to Participate. On April 16 the United States fleet is expected to put to sea from the San Diego-San Pedro area with all the realism and secrecy of an actual war-time operation. Units to par ticipate have not been announced, but indications are that perhaps 158 sur face and undersea craft, 526 air planes and more than 50,000 men will take part. The last week in May will find the fleet entering San Francisco Bay for ceremonies of opening the Golden Gate Bridge. The theater of war for the maneu vers will be within the boundaries of that famous scene of action in secret problem 16, two years ago. It is known as problem 18 this year. Admiral A. J. Hepburn, new com mander in chief of the fleet, was com mander of the scouting force two years ago. He took his command up the coast to the Aleutians and thence southerly to Midway Island, near which the climactic battle was staged between two fleets, Admiral Harris Lanlng commanding the battle fleet. Block and Tarrant Chiefs. This year Admiral C. C. Block commands the battle force and Vice Admiral W. T. Tarrant the scouting force. It is expected that the new de stroyer leaders, known as vest pocket cruisers, will function at least as a division, If not as two divisions. Fourteen battleships are ready for the maneuvers and at least as many heavy cruisers, including the newest member of the scouting force, the Quincy, due next month from the East Coast. Basic plans for the war games were reported to have been worked out a year ago by the Navy General Board. medicatut with throat-soothing ingredients of Vicks VapoRub. The Biggest Thrill of All for the Kiddies Rabbits... Ducklines... Canaries for EASTER Bunnies to match their Easter outfits—whites, browns, grays and mixtures; and waddling little white Pekin ducklings. Select yours now at the nearest Atherton store. Bunnies, 75c, 90c, $1.00 Ducklings, 25cea.,?r49c. P | Guorontoad Harts Mountain | ! Singing Canaries, i $5.75 I Cogoe, Stands, Foods, Etc. I l—....._._—_' ATHERTON’S PET SHOPS 619 F St. N.W. 1355 Wise. Ave. 5429 Georgia Ave. "=\ days Value Demonstration 1,1 .. Store Open TONIGHT FRIDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9:30 Hand Made limerspring Mattresses See these made right in the de partment, by mas ter craftsmen, see the high quality materials used, and you’ll agree with _ us that it’s the mattress sensation of the year! Each mattress carries the original price label, so you can see for yourself what a really remarkable chance you have to save on a luxurious hand made mattress. No Two Alike! Limited Quantities! FOUR GROUPS: • $19.75 Innerspring • $24.50 Innerspring • $29.50 Innerspring • $39.50 Innerspring Mattresses— $9.88 Mattresses—$14.88 Mattresses—$19.88 Mattresses—$24.88 MATTRESS rKOMKiAUl-StlU.^U r LUUR ■ A£4HIM m Here's a T/HJBnf Wife Saver! V Exit Drudgery ... Enter More Leisure Hours for Her Health’s I Sake ... You Can Make it Possible So Easily With This Amazing Combination Offer S42.50 Washer and ★ S29.95 Ironer Kenmore Wisher with porcelain tub, triple-vane aluminum gyrator, en closed machine cut gears and motor driven pump. Kenmore Preeser, presses everything from a tiny handkerchief to the heavi est of work clothes. Wubtn—Bueamt I Hurry! Just 3 Days 'Til Easter! I Broadcloth Shirts Fused collar, plain white, blue or fancies. Sizes 14 to 17 _ Spring Neckwear Silk crepes, rayons, etc. Handmade; resilient con struction _ Slacks and Socks Fancy rayons, slacks with lastex tops. Reinforced- prs. Black Calf Oxfords Soft, flexible; leather soles, rubber heels; blucher or baL Sizes 6 to 11_ Dress Shirts Percales and broadcloth, also deep tones. Sizes 8 to 141/2. Each_ Sport Socks % length, elastic ribbed, turn- ~fl /M C down cuffs. New patterns_ [ Easter Neckwear Smart new patterns and col- W ikC orings; bias cut linings, too.. J “Bucko” Sport Oxfords In brown, gray and white; crepe rubber soles and heels; sizes 1 to 5y2_ Rayon Taffeta Slips V neck, adjustable shoulder Hf AC straps; trimmed or tailored; m ■ JW 34 to 44. Each_ V Full-Fashioned Silk Nose Royal Purple! Sheer chiffon ^ C and service weights. All M shades and sizes_ m 3 pairs, $1.50 g New Slip-on Gloves Bengaline, in white, brown, M M C navy and silvertone. Sizes 6 to 8. Pair_ Smart Style Shoes Arch support style included: M M broad strap, oxfords, etc. Sizes ■ 4 to 8_ JL 79c Wash Suits Narrow wale pique, newest ? AC colors; sizes 2 to 6- |l?p Wee Tots’ Dresses Fast color cotton prints; v - some with panties; sizes 1 ^ 11* to «- fill Kiddies’ Sweaters All wool, some embroidered; ! erew neck or Peter Pan col lars _ Child’s Play Oxfords Patent, dull, brown and white; for dress or play. Sizes 8V2 to 2___ L\Ol jlUv . . . 1VUI sJ/O . . . iVOl JJl/ BUT, The Lowest Price in Sears History for a Siiwilcm . CONSOLE RADIO .J sj • 3 Timing Bands Last 3 Days J • 6 High-efficiency I c Tubes » • American and For eign Reception Guaranteed • And Old it • Automatic Volume Control Radio j Ballot—Basement and Second Floor • New Handibin Last * Days • Rotorite Unit • Famous Foodex • 105 Ice Cubes • Striking Streamlined Beauty • 10-Point Cold Control • Touch-a-Bar Door Opener ★ COLDSPOTS—BASEMENT. I • Bjl ■ *1 ||uB |111 ■ 1111 r| |V.l [ 11 H Pi I WEmaSEGEatlf*;' ALL ITEMS STARRED (★) THROUGHOUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE ALSO SOLD AT 3140 M STREET, N.W.«