Prime Issues Work Higher,
but Federal Section
Levels Off.
Bond Averages
20 JO 10 10
Ralls. Indust. Util. F'an
Net change., -f.l +.1 Unc. Unc.
Today, noon. 94.9 103.0 100.0 72.4
Previous day 94.8 102.9 100.0 72.4
Month ago.'. 97.1 103.9 101.3 73.5
Year ago_ 92.8 102.9 102.2 70.3
1937 high.. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7
1937 low... 94.3 102.9 99.8 72.1
1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0
1936 low... 86.9101.8 W9.3 67.6
1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2
1928 high— 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5
10 Low-Yield Bonds.
Noon_109.3 Prev. day. 109.1
Month ago 111.0 Year ago.. 111.6
1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.9
1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2
1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8
(Compiled by the Associated Press.)
US the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, March 25.—High
grade corporate loans worked higher
In the bond market today, but United
States Government obligations leyeled
off after a two-day advance.
Volume was light in the Federal list
and offerings, which appeared in the
over-the-counter market after yester
day's close, were not in quantity. Losses
were as much as 11/32 in some issues.
Among corporates demand was fairly
heavy. Advances of from wide frac
tions to a point or more appeared for
American Telephone 3 Vis, Hiram
. Walker 4V4s, Anaconda Copper 4V2s,
Remington Rand 4’4s and National
Dairy 3»is with warrants.
In the carrier division price changes
were generally upward. Higher were
Great Northern 4s "G,” Illinois Cen
tral 4 ai s, Erie 5s, New York Central
5s and Southern Railway 4s. New
Haven 6s dropped more than a point.
$3,250,000 Plane
Orders Received
By Aviation Corp.
• By the Associated Press
CHICAGO. March 25—L. B. Man
ning, president of Aviation Corp., said
today that orders for $3,250,000 worth
of Vultee attack bombers had been
placed by three foreign governments.
The identities of the nations were not
Manning said the orders included
a manufacturing license granting ‘‘a
. major power” rights to manufacture
Vultee fighters abroad. Forty planes,
he said, would be constructed at the
company’s plant at Downey, Calif., to
fill the orders.
Additional purchases of fighting
planes. Manning said, by at least two
other nations were expected.
NEW YORK. March 25.—Dividends de
clared 'prepared by the Standard Sta
tistics Co.).
* Initial.
8tock of
Pe- Rec- Pay
Rate. rlod. ord. able.
Marion-Res P $5 pf $1.25 Q 3-26 4-1
Investors Fund C _ 4c_3-31 4-15
Hernia r.
Disco Corn of N. Y. . $1.50 . 3-25 4-1
Oull Pw $0 of ..$1.50 Q 3-20 4-1
Hershey Ch $4 cv pf $1.00 Q 4-24 5-15
Lane Co _ $1.00 Q 3-27 4-1
fit, Croix Pap 50c Q 4-5 4-15
Union P S 7% pf A $1.75 Q 3-20 4-1
do 7% pf . ... $1.75 Q 3-20 4-1
do $0 Pf C _$1.50 Q 3-20 4-1
do $H pf D . __ $1.50 Q 3-20 4J.
TVis Tel 7% Pf __ $1.75 Q 4-20 4-30
Amer Home Prod .20 M 4-15 5-1
Calif Packing 37%c Q 4-30 5-15
Colgate-Palmolive __12%c Q 5-6 0-1
Lerner Stores _50c Q 4-5 4-15
1 Pacific Ltg - ...... 75c 4-20 5-15
- .■ - %
NEW YORK. March 25 (/Pi.—New York
Security Dealers' Asosciation:
(Quotations as of 2 o'clock.)
Bid. Asked.
Bk of Man (1%)_ 35 37
Bankers Tr (2) 75 77
Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_ 130 130
Chase Nat (1 40) _ 57% 50%
Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 72% 74%
Commercial (8) 21(i 210
Cont Bk A Tr (.80)_ 10% 21
Corn Ex Bk A T (3)_ 07% 68%
Empire Tr (1)__ 34% 35%
First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 50% 58%
First Natl (100)_2405 2505
Guaranty Tr 12)_ 300 374
Irvine Tr (.60) _ 17% 18%
Manufacturers Tr (2). .... 60% 62%
Manufacturers Tr pf (2)__ 52% 54%
Natl City (1) 5.3 55
N Y Trust (6)_145 148
Public (1%1 52 54
Title G & T_ 15% 16%
NEW YORK. March 25 OP).—Federal
Land Bank bonds:
4%s Nov.. 1958-38_104% 105%
4%s May. 1957-37_100% 100%
4s May. 1958-38 _103% 103%
4 s Nov.. 1957-37_1()1=4 102 Va
4s July. 1940-44_108 109
3%s May. 1955-45_101 101%
3s July. 1955-45_ 99% 99=4
Es Jan.. 1950-46_ 99% 99%
s May. 1956-46_ 99% 99%
CHICAGO. March 25 i'/P'i—Poultry. live,
1 car. 19 trucks; unsettled: hens, over 6
pounds. 20; 5 pounds and less. 20t2; Leg
horn hens, lfl',4; colored fryers. 27: White
Rock. 27: Plymouth Rock. 28: colored
broilers. 26; White Rock. 26Vi; Plymouth
Rock, 27: barebacks. 23: roosters. 13;
Leghorn roosters. 12; turkeys, hens. 25;
young toms. 20; old, 10; No. 2 turkeys.
3 5; ducks. 4 Vs pounds up white and col
ored. 22‘4: small, white and colored. 18:
Geese. 17: capons. 7 pounds up. 28; less
than 7 pounds. 27.
Butter. 4.2.33: firm, prices unchanged.
Eggs. 23.121: firm: extra firsts, local. 2314:
cars. 24: fresh graded firsts, local, 23;
cars. 2314: current receipts. 22L; storage
packed extras. 25%: storage packed
firsts. 25. No butter or egg market to
Potatoes 76: on track. 271; total D. 8.
shipments. 700; old stock, table stock,
slightly stronger: supplies moderate; Idaho
Russets, demand good: other stock mod
erate: seed stock, about steady: demand
fair: sacked, per cwt., Idaho Russet Bur
banks. U. S. No. 1. 2.85-3.15; Colorado
Red McClures, U. S. No. 1. 2.75-90: Maine
Green Mountains. U. S. No 1, 2.45. Wis
consin. round white. U. S. No. l. no early
sales reported: Minnesota Cobblers. TJ. 8.
'No. 1. and partly graded. 2.25-40; showing
decay, 2.15; Minnesota Early Ohlos. U. 8.
No. i and partly graded. 2.75; North Da
kota Cobblers, certified seed. 2.75-80. New
stock slightly stronger, supplies moderate,
demand good. Carlot track sales, bushel
crates. Florida Bliss Triumphs. U. 8. No.
1. 2.17V4-20 a crate.
PARIS. March 25 UP).—The Bank of
Prance statement for the week ended
March 19 (In millions of francs): Oold
reserve. 57.(158. unchanged: sight bal
ances abroad. 12. decrease 3: bills pur
chased abroad. 1.201. decrease 28: dis
counted commercial bills. France, 7.738.
decrease 287: temporary advances to state
(prior to June 18. 1930). 12.272. un
changed: temporary advances to state
(since June 18 1938). 7.800. unchanged:
advances against securities. 3.725. de
crease 139: circulation. 85,377. decrease
1.028: total credit to current accounts.
18.761. increase 54: 30-day advances
against government securities. 629. de
crease 679: rate of discount, 4 per cent.
By the Associated Presa.
The position of the Treasury on March
23. Receipts, $30,731,447.83: expendi
tures. $13,462,879.54: balance. $1,731,
861,918.82: customs receipts for the
month. $40,294,099.44.
Receipts for the fiscal year (since July
1). $3,025,283,395.88: expenditures, $5,
394.440.028.47 (including $2,080,440,
348.94 of emergency expenditures): excess
of expenditures. $1,709,103,232.59: gross
debt. $34,555,873,233.90, a decrease of
$15,888,411.20 under the previous day:
gold assets, $11.532.595.805 87. Including
^301,375,634.95 of Inactive gold. 7
By private wire direct to The Star.
High. Low. 2:56.
234s 1949-53__ 98.28 88.10 98.17
234s 1945-47_ 102.10 102.2 102.6
Z34S 1948-61_ 100.30 100.6 100.11
234s 1961-64_ 100,10 99.23 100.
2 34s 1966-59_ 100.2 99.20 99.80
2%s 1960-60_ 101.2 100.28 101.
38 1946-48_ 103.26 108.22 108.26
38 1961-65 _ 103.3 102.29 108.8
1348 1946-49_ 104.20 104.13 104.20
3348 1943-52_ 104.20 104.11 104.20
3 348 1941 _ 106.7 108.6 106.6
3348 1944-46_ i06.20 106.6 106.17
8 34s 1940-43June 106.26 105.26 106.26
834s 1941-43 Mar 106.6 106.6 106.6
3 34s 1943-47_ 106.2 106.30 106.2
8348 1946-56_ 109.4 109.2 109.4
48 1944-64 _ 111.3 110.28 110.80
*S 1944-54 reg_ 110.28 110.28 110.28
4 34 s-3 34a 1943-45 106.24 105.10 106.17
4348-3348 43-45rg 106.18 106.18 106.18
4348 1947-62 116.4 115. 116.
434s 1947-52 reg. 116. 116. 115.
88 1947_ 102.28 102.20 102.24
8a 1949_ 102.4 101.29 102.4
8 34s 1964_ 108. 103. 108.
234s 1942-44_ 100. 99.26 99.26
2 34B 1989-49_ 100.1 99.29 100.1
tal952_ 101.30 101.14 101.18
Kish Low. 2:55.
Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s '63. 964 964 964
Antloqula 7« '46 B_ 15 16 16
Antloqula 7s '46 C__ 16 16 16
Antloqula 7s 46 D_ 15 16 16
Antloqula 1st 7#'57_ 134 134 184
Antloqula Sd 7a'67_ 18 18 18
Antwerp 6s'68 _ 1004 1004 1004
Argentine 44a'71_ 99 984 984
Argentina C Ha 62_1014 1014 1014
Argentine 6s'67 A_1014 1014 1014
Argentine fis *68 B_ 1004 1004 1004
Argentine 6s'69 June. 1004 1004 1004
Argentine 6s'69 Oct . 1024 102 1024
Argentine 6s'60 May.. 102 102 102
Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 1014 1014 1014
Argentine 6s'60 Oct.. 102 102 102
Argentine 6s'61 Febr. 1014 1014 1014
Australia 4 H»'66- 1004 100 1004
Australia 6s'66_ 106 4 106 106
Australia 6s'67_ 1064 105 105
Belgium 6Hs '49-2.1104 110 1104
Belgium 7a 65 _ 1164 1164 U64
Berlin Elec 6s'65_ 194 194 194
Brazil 6HS '26-'67_ 424 424 424
Brazil 6Ha'27.'57_ 424 «24 424
Brazil 7a’62_ 42 42 42
Brazil 8s 41_ 604 60 60
Brisbane 6s'68_ 100 100 100
Budapest 6s '62
unmat coupon ov_ 294 294 294
Buenos A C 6s'61 Pv_. 101 101 101
Buenos Alraa
4H»-SHs'77Pv_ 78 4 774 78
Buenos A 4 Ha'7 6 Aug 784 78 784
Buenos Aires
4%s-4Hs '76 April-. 79 79 79
Bue A1 4 48-44s '76 .. 814 804 814
Buenos A 6s'61 st Pv. 84 84 84
caiidu* id 72» ■»u__ »oyg J»o 90 Vf
Canada 3 Vis'61_ #8 97*4 98
Canada 4s'60_105*4 105** 106*4
Canada 6s '52_112*4 112 112*4
Chile 6s’60 _ 22*4 22*4 22*4
Chile 6s '61 Jan_ 22*4 22 2**4
Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 221*, 22*4 22*4
Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 22*4 22 22*4
Chile 6s 63 _ 22*4 22 22*4
Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61_ 19 18*4 18*4
Chile Mtg Bk 6a 62.— 18*4 18*4 18*4
Chile Mtg Bk 6V4s'67. 19*4 18*4 19*4
Chile Mtg Bk 6*is'61. 19 19 19
Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 84 84 34
Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 3 4 83*4 34
Col Mtg Bk 7s *46_ 24 24 24
Cordoba 7s'42 Prv_ 97*4 97*4 97*4
Costa Rica 7s A ’51_ 34 33*4 34
Cuba 6*6S 45 _ 62*4 61*4 61*4
Czechoslovakia 8s'62. 103*4 103*4 108*4
Denmark 4 Vie'62_ 99*4 99*4 99*4
Denmark 6V4S'55_ 101*4 101*4 101*4
Denmark 6s’42 _ 106*4 106*4 106*4
Dominic 2d 6V4s'40 — 78 78 78
Dominic 5 Vis’61 ext.. 81 81 81
Ger C Bk A 6s 38 4744 47 4744
GerC Ag Bk 6s'60Oct. 3444 3444 3444
Ger C Bk A 7s 60 ... 46 46 46
Ger Gen Elec 6s'48... 3m 3m 8144
Ger Gov 6 44s 66 st 2344 2844 2344
Ger Gov 6 44» 65 un »t. 20 20 20
Gsr Rep 7s ‘49 stpd_ 80 2944 80
Ger Rep 7s'49 un st._. 2444 2844 24
Grt C El Jap 6 44s'50.. 9144 9144 9144
Grt C El Jap 7s 44_ 95 96 96
Hamburg St 6s,46_ 18 1744 18
Helsingfors 6 44»’50_ 10644 10644 10544
Italy 7s 51 . 84 84 84
Japan 6 44s‘54 ... 9444 9344 >444
Jugos Mtg Bk 7s '67
unmat coupon_ 40 8944 40
Lombard Elec 7s’52.. 74 74 74
Mex 4s’10-’45 asst Ige 7 7 7
Mex 4s 10-'45 asst sm 644 644 644
Minas Gers6 44» '58
Sent coupon off_ 27 2644 27
Montevideo 6s’59_ 6044 604* 6044
Norway ’ 44s'65_ 101 101 101
Norway 444s '66_ 102*4 10 2 44 1 0 2 44
Norway 6s 43_106*4 10644 1064-4
Norway 6s 44_ 10644 10644 10644
Oriental Dev 644s’58 . 73 7 244 73
Oriental Dev 6s'53_ 7844 7814 7844
Peru 6s'60_ 22H 2244 22>4
Peru 6s '61 _ 2244 22 2244
Poland 8s'60 . _ 50 60 60
Prague Gtr 7 44 s'52_ 9844 9844 9844
Prussia 644s'61_ 19'4 1944 1944
Queensland 7s *41_llt>44 11044 11044
Rio Gr do Sul 6s *68
June coupon off _ 2744 27 2744
Rio Gr do Sul 7s '68
May coupon oft__ 27 27 27
Rio de Jan 8s '46
April coupon oft__ 2044 8044 8014
Rome 6 44s'52_ 74J4 7444 7444
Rumania 7s ‘49
Auk coupon oft__ 84 8844 84
Sao Paulo St 7s‘40_ 9244 9244 , 9244
Sao Paulo St 6s '68
July coupon oft_ 2644 2644 2644
Sao Paulo St 7s ‘56
Sept coupon oft_ 29 29 29
Serbs 7s '62 unm c o... 2944 29 29
Serbs 8s‘62 unm c o... 81 31 81
Siemens & H 6%s ‘61.. 6844 6844 0844
Silesia Prov 7s '58_ 4244 4244 4244
Sydney 544s '55 .. 102 102 102
Taiwan Eleo 6Hs’71.. 7 4 44 7444 7444
Toklo 68 ’52_ 67 44 6 744 8 7 44
Toklo E L Ltd 6s’6*._ 7944 79 7944
Tyrol Hy El 744 s'65 ._ 99 99 99
Un Stl Wk 6%s’47 A.. 2444 2444 2444
Uruguay 6s 60_ 6644 6 6 44 6 6 44
Uruguay 6s'64 _ 6644 6644 6644
Vienna 6s‘52 May c o. 9744 9744 9744
Warsaw 7a '68..._ 43 44 4 844 4844
Westphal El Pw 6a ’63 19 19 19
Alb Per W P 6» *48 „ 70)4 70)4 70)4
AlbASus SHs'46 gtd.. 102*4 10244 102)4
Alleg Corp 6a‘44 __ 97)4 96)4 97
Alleg Corp 6s'49- 91)4 91)4 91)4
Alleg Corp 6s ‘60 stp_. 62 62 62
Allied Stores 4Hs‘61. 98)4 98)4 98)4
Am A For Pw Es 2030 . 80 79)4 80
Am Ice ct Es *68 _ 96*4 96 96
Am I Q Ch SHs '49_ 107)4 107)4 107)4
Am Inti EHs ‘49 ... 104)4 104)4 104)4
Am Tel A Tel 8Ha'61. 98)4 98 98)4
Am Tel A Tel 3 H s ‘66 97)4 97)4 97)4
Am TAT 6H* 43- 118)4112)4118)4
Am TAT 4Hs "39 106*4 106 106)4
Am T F 2He-5s*38-*60. 171 169 170
Am Wat Wks 6s‘76... 109)4 109)4 109)4
Am Writ Paper 6s'47. 81)4 81)4 81)4
Anaconda deb 4Hs’B0 106 104)4 105
Anglo-Chll Nit 7s‘67.. 89)4 »»« 89)4
Ark A M BAT 6s ’64_ 108)4 108)4 108)4
Armour A Co 4 Hs'89. 103 108 108
ArmourlDelllat 48*65 97 96)4 96)4
Armour A Co Del 4s 57 97)4 96)4 97)4
Armstrong Ck 4s *60- 108)4 108)4 108)4
A TAS Fe 4s ‘05-*EE .. 108 108 108
A TAS Fead) 48'96.. 104 104 104
A TAS Fe ad) 4a 96 at. 104H 104)4 104)4
A TAS Fe gen 4s '96.. 109)4 109)4 109)4
A TAS Fe 4Ha *48- 108)4 108)4 108)4
A TAS FeC A 4Hs*62 llth 111)4 111)4
A TAS Fe TSCL 4s 68 111 111 Hi
AtlaACh A L Es *44 . 111)4 111)4 111)4
Atl Coast L 1st 4s *61. 101)4 101H 191)4
Atl Coast Lelt 4s 68.. 96)4 96H 96)4
Atl C Lun4Hs 64 .. 94)4 93)4 94)4
Atl Coast Line 6s '45 . 103h I03h 108)4
Atlantic A D 2d 4s *48. 48)4 48)4 48)4
Atl G A W 1 5a '59 76 76 75
Atl Refining deb 5s'37 100)4 100)4 100)4
Auburn Auto 4 H s *39. 76 76 76
BA0 4H 8 6 0 .. 80)4 60 80)4
B A O 1st 6s ‘48 .. 110 110 HO
BAOrf 6s'96 A reg.. 90)4 »0)4 #0)4
B A O Ea 96 F _ 90 89)4 89)4
B A O ref 6s 2C00 D_ 89)4 89)4 89)4
B A O ref 6s '95 C_ 99)4 99)4 99)4
B A O PLEAW V 4s*41 103)4 108)4 106)4
B A O Swn 6s 60 _ 104)4 104)4 104)4
B A O Toledo 4S‘59_ 94 94 94
Bang A Aroos 4B *51... 106 106 106
Bang A Aroos 4s’51stp 110)4 110M 110)4
Beth Steel 3 %s‘66_ 96 94)4 96
High. Low. 2:55.1
Bath Steel 4 Ha ‘60-ton* 102* 103*
Boa A Me 4*a ’61 J_ 88* 88 88
Bos A Me 6a '65- 88* 87* 87*
Bos A Me 6a‘67_ 87* 87 87
Bot Con M 8 Ha '84- 86 85* 86*
Bklyn C RR 6a '41_ 96 #6 86
Bklyn Ed con 8*8*66-. 100 99* 100
Bklyn Man T 4*a 88- 99* 99* 99*
Bklyn Un El 6a‘60_ 108* U8* 108*
Bklyn Un Gas 6a ‘60. - 108* 108* 103*
Bklyn Un Gaa 5s ‘57 B 107* 101* 107*
Bklyn Un Gref 6a'47. 121 121 121
Brown Shce8*» '60 . 104* 104* 104*
Buff RAP con 4Hs *57 86 86* 86*
Bush Term Bldg 6s'60 85* 86* 66*
By-Prod Ck 5 Ha‘46 .. 108 103 106
Can'dlan N R 4Ha*51. Ill ill ill
Can'dlan N R 4*s‘65. 113*118*113*
Can’dlan N 6s‘69 July. 113* US* 118*
Can'dlan Ndb6Hs'46 122 122 122
Can'dlan P db 4s perp 92* 92 92*
Can’dlan Pao 6s'44 cfa. Ill 111 111
Can'dlan Pao 4Ha'<«- 103* 103* 103*
Can'dlan Pao4Hs'60. 101* 101* 101*
Can'dlan Pao 6s'54... 107* 107* 107*
Caro Cl AO 6s'88_ 104* 104* 104*
Caro Cl A O 6a '62 A... 108* 108* 108*
Central Fdry cv 6s'41. 113 118 113
Cent of Oacon 6a'45.. 82* 32 82
Cent of Ga 6s'59 C_ 20* 20 20
Cent 111 E A G 5s '61 103* 103 108*
Central 111 Lt 3Ha'66. 102 102 102
Cent of N J gen 6a'87. 72* 72 72*
Cent Pac let rf 4a '49.. 107* 107* 107*
Cent Pao 6a 60 .. 99* 99* 99*
Cent RR B Ga 6s '37__. 90 90 90
Cert'd deb 6Hs '48 ... 88 88 88
Champ PA F4*a'50. 106* 106* 106*
UiiestipL tv ua 160 ii-u leu
Cheaap Corp 6s 47..1854 1314 1314
Chea & O 3 4a 96 D_ 96 86 86
Ches & O 84a 96 E_ 964 964 964
C & O gen 44a '92_1184 118 1184
C & O con 6a ‘39_ 1074 107 107
Chi & Alt ref 3S '49- 654 66 4 66 4
ChlBAQgen 4s'6S._. 1094 1084 1084
Chl BAQIdlT34s’49_. 107 107 107
Chi B A Q 111 dv 4S '49. 109 109 109
Chi A E 111 6a *51 ... 42 414 414
Chi A Erie 1st 5a *82_118 118 118
Chi Grt Wast 4a '69 . _ 48 474 474
Chi Ind A L ref 6s '47- 864 86 86
C M St P 4a '89_ 614 614 «14
CMAStPBa 76_ 834 82 82
CMAStPAP adj 6s2000 114 114 114
Ch ANW gen 3 4s'87.. 414 414 «14
Chi ANW 44s 2037 .. 82 82 81
Chi A NW 44s 2037 C. 824 *14 814
Chi A NW 44a 49 .. 234 224 23
Chi A NW gen 5s '87_ 474 474 474
Chi R IAP rf 4a'84 ... 23 224 23
Chi R lAPrf 4s'34ctf_ 20 4 20 4 204
Chi R IAP gen 4a '88__ 39 4 89 4 894
Chl R IAP 44« 62_ 23 23 28
Chi R IAP 44s 60_ 134 134 134
Chl Un Sta 34s 63 E-. 1044 1044 1044
Chl A W In con 4a '62. 102 1014 102
Ch) A W Ind 44s'62— 1004 1004 1004
Childs A Co 6s '43 _ 864 864 864
Cln G A E 8 4s '66_ 100 994 994
Cln Un Ter 3 4a D gtd 103 103 103
Cln Un Ter Ea 2020 B 1074 107 4 1074
CCCASt Lrf 44s 77 E 944 94 944
CCCASt L ref Es '63 D 103 1024 103
CCCASt L ref 6a'41 C. 104 104 104
Clev Cliffs Ir 4 4s'50.. 1074 1074 1074
Clev El 111 34a 65 .. 1064 1064 1064
Clev Short L 44s'61.. 1094 1094 1094
Clev Un Tel 4 4b'77 . I014 101 1014
Clev Un Term 6s'73 B 107.4 1064 1074
Clev Un Ter 64s'72A. Ill 1104 111
Colo A So 44s'80_ 704 704 704
Columbia G A E 6s
62 May _ 1024 1024 1024
Columbia GAE 6a '61.. 1014 1004 1014
Colum Ry PAL 4s'65. 1024 1024 1024
Cornel Credit 3 4s'51. 964 964 *54
Com Inv Tr 24s '51— 1014 1014 1014
Conn A PRy 4s’43_ 104 4 104 4 104 4
Conn RAL44s 61_ 1024 1024 1024
Cons Coal Del 6s'60 ... 69 69 69
Cona Ed NT 3 4s 46 n. 1084 103 103
Cona Ed NT 341 *56 n 102 lo2 102
Cona Gas NT 4 4a'61. 1064 106 1064
Crnsura P un 34a'65. 101 101 101
Consol OH 3 4a'61_ 103 1024 1024
Crane Co 3 4a 61_ 984 984 984
Crown C A S 4a'60_ 1054 1064 1054
Crown Will P 6s '51_1044 1044 1044
Cuba RR 1st 6s'52_ 68 674 68
Cuba RR 6s'36_ 69 69 59
Cuba Northn&4s'42 . 644 544 644
Del A Hud ref 4s '48... 924 914 914
Del A Hud 64s'37_ 1004 1004 1004
Den G A E 6s '51_ 1074 1074 1074
Den A R G con 41 '36_ 8S4 334 834
Den A R G W 6s'66 .. 194 194 194
Den A RGW 6s‘65asat. 19 19 19
Dea MAFt D4a’36 cfs. 104 104 104
Detroit Ed 4s '66 F .. 1074 1074 1074
Det Edison 44a'61 O. 1124 1124 1124
Dul S S A At 6s '87_ 63 63 63
Duques Lt 44s’67 B_. 1034 1034 1084
Erlacv 4a '63 A_ 864 864 864
Erie cons 4a ’96-- 100 loo 100
Erie gen 4a '98™___ 864 864 864
Erie ref Sa‘67_ 834 83 83
Erie ref 6s‘76_ 834 88 834
trairbks Morse 4s‘66.. 1024 162 1024
Fla E C Ry 5s '74 __ 174 174 174
Fond J A R 4s'82 filed. 64 64 64
Gen Am Inv 6s '62_ 1014 1014 1014
Gen Cable 64s 47_1054 1054 1054
Gen Mot Acc 2s 46_ 1014 1014 1014
Gen Mot Ass 34s '61.. 1004 1004 1004
Gen Stl Cast 54s'49.. 924 924 924
Ga Caro & Nor 6s’34_ 40 40 40
Goodrich 4 48 56 _ 994 994 994
Goodrich 6s 45 _ 1064 los 106
Goodyear T&R 6s'57.. 104 1034 1034
Great N Ry 4s 46 G .. 1324 1304 1304
Great N Ry 4s 46 H 1094 109 109
Grt N Ry ref 4 *40’61 A 1114 1114 1114
Grt N R (ten 4 4s'77 E 1024 1024 1024
Grt N R gen 6s'73 C_111 111 111
Grt NR 64s'62 B_116 1144 1144
Green Bsy 6s *62 B_12 12 12
Gulf MAN 6s‘60_ 1004 994 100
Gulf M A N 648*60_ 106 105 105
Gulf Sta Stl 64s '42 __ 984 974 984
Gulf States Ut 44 * 46 103 108 103
Hoe (R) lstmtt'44_914 914 914
Hudson Coal 6s'62_ 47 47 47
Hud A Man lno 6s ’67„ 84 884 834
Hud A Man ref 6s *57_ 784 784 784
111 Bell Tel 24s'70..^ 1094 1884 1034
111 Cent col tr 48'63_ 844 844 844
111 Cent ref 4s'66_ 904 904 904
111 Cent 44s 66_ 774 77 774
111 Cent St L 34s’51.. 97H 974 974
ICCAStLN 044s’63— 804 804 804
ICCAStL N O 6s 62 ... 864 864 864
111 C St LAN O 6s '51— 110 110 110
Inland Stl 24s 61_ 103 1024 103
Int R T 1st rf 6s 66_ 924 92 924
Int RT 6a 32_ 434 484 434
Int RT 7s'32_ 85 84 4 844
Int R T 7s *22 ctfi_ 84 84 84
Interlaks 6s '61 _ 102 102 102
Int Agx cl 5s 42 stp 1014 1014 1014
Int Grt Nr 6s 66 B_ 874 374 374
Int Grt Nr 6s ‘62 A_ 89 384 39
int Grt Nr ad] 6s*62 A. 16 15 15
Int Hydro Elec 6a '44 - 814 804 804
Int Mer Marine 6s *41. 884 *34 834
Int Pan 1st 6s '47A-._. 1014 101 1014
Int Pap ref 8s '55_ 994 994 994
Int Ry of C A 6s '41_ 1024 1024 1024
Int TAT cv 4Hs ‘19_ 84 84 84
Int TAT 4Hs *62_ 694 «8 68
Int TAT 60'65 _ 744 734 784
tows Cent lstArf4s’61. 64 64 64
James FA C 4s *29_ 954 984 954
JonesALStl 4 4s’61A. 102 102 102
Kan* C F SAM 4s '*»__ 6154 6154 6154
Kans C So 1st Is SO_ 87 87 87
Kan C Term 1st 4s '60. 10654 > 0654 10654
Keith 6s ‘46 . _ 9754 9754 9754
Kings Co Bl 4S '49_ 10654 10654 10654
Kresss Found 4s’46... 107 107 107
Laclede Gas 6s ’89_ 92 92 92
Laclede G 654s '6* C_ 6154 6054 6154
LacledeG 654s 60 D__ 6154 <1 61
Lautaro Nit 6s ’64 efs. 42 4054 42
Lsb CAN 4Hs 64 A 100 99 |99
Leh CAN 454a’64 C_ 9854 9814 9854
Leh Vsl Coal 6s '64_ 6654 6654 6654
Leh Val Coal 6s'64_61 61 61
^eh Val Coal 6s *74._61 61 61
Leb Val Coal 6s‘28_ 9954 9954 9954
Leh V P oon 4s 2008_ 6654 6454 6654
Loser'sSHs‘46 9854 9854 9854
Long laid ref 48*49 stp 101 lot loi
Long Isl deb 5s ‘87_ 10054 10054 10054
Lorlllard 7s '44__ 12754 12754 18754
La A Ark 6a *69_ 9854 96 96
LA Nash 8 % s 2002_ 9254 9254 9254
LAN lst4a 2002_ 9954 9954 9954
LAN 454 s 2008 C_ 106 106 106
L A N 6a 2008 B_ 107 107 107
MeKessARob 654s’60„ 108 10254 108
MsC RR gn 4%s'60A. 8254 8854 8254
Man Slst 7 54s'42 otfs. 76 7654 7654
Manhat Ry 4s 90 _ 4754 4 754 475t
Manhat Ry 4s'90 Otfs. 44 44 44
Market St Ry 7s '40 A. 10254 10254 10254
Mead Co 6s ’46 _ 10654 >0654 50654
Mich Cent 354 s‘52_ 10654 1 0654 10654
Mich Cent 4s 40_ 10854 10854 10354
Mil Bl RAL 6s '61_ 10254 10254 10254
MStPASSM cn 4s ‘88 . 8854 2854 8854
MStPASSM 6s ’88 gtd. 1054 8054 >054
MStPASSM rf (S'46A_ 8654 8654 8654
Mo K A T 1st 4s '90_ 88 8654 88
Mo K AT 6s '61 A_ 8854 8854 8854
MoK A T adl 6S ’67_ 77 7654 7654
Mo Pac 4s *76_fl *054 tflfl
Mo Pao 6s *66 A_ 4854 4854 4854
Mo Pac 6s‘77 F_ 4854 4254 4254
High. Low. 2:55.
Mo Pao Es ’77 F ctfa_ 4144 41 4144
Mo Pao Es '78 O _ 43 48 48
Mo Pac 6 a'80 H ctfa_ 41 4044 41
Mo Pao 644s ’48 A_ 1744 17 17
Mohawk & M 4a '91_ 9144 9144 9144
Monong Pub S 4 44s'60. 102)4 10244 10244
Mont Cent 6s '37 __ .. 10144 10144 101)4
Montana Pwr 8%s '66. 9444 9444 9444
MorftEssex 8Ha 2000. 89 8844 89
Morrts&Eaeex 444 s’66 9244 92)4 »244
Morrts&Essex 6s '66.. 9944 99)4 9944
Nassau Elee 4a’5l gtd. 69 69 69
Natl Dairy 3%s‘61ww. 10444 104 10444
Natl Dls PC 4Ha*46._. 10444 10444 10444
Natl Steel 4a'66_ 104 10844 104
New E T&T 444 s ’61_ 11744 117 117)4
New ET&T 1st 6s’62. 11944 119 11944
New OrlGNR 6a ’88 A. 9644 9644 96)4
New Orl &N 444s’52„ 8844 7944 8844
New Orl P S Es 62 A.. 9944 9944 99)4
New Orl PS 6a '66 B— 98)4 9844 9844
New OrlT&M 444* ‘66. 62 62 62
New Orl T&M 6Ha ’64. 6744 67 67
NY Central 844s 97_ 9 7 44 9 6 44 9 6 44
NY Central 8 % a '46_ 10144 10144 10144
NY Cent con 4a ’98_ 9844 9744 9744
NY Cent rf 444S 2018-. 9244 82 92
NY Crf 444a 2013 n_ 9244 9144 9144
NY Cent rf 6s 2018_ 9944 #844 8944
NY Cent cv 6s 44_ 128)4 12644 126
NY CLSb 8 44s *98- 9144 9144 9144
N Y Chi & StL. 4s’46_ 10244 10244 10244
NYC&St It 444a '78_ 9244 9244 9244
NYC&St L 614 s '74 A„ 103 10244 108
NY Chi & St L. 6s ’38_ 100 9944 99441
NY Dock 6a’88_ 62 6144 6144
[NX iuaison o * s gnu.
NYEdisref S*s'66._ 99* 99* 99*
NY G El H&P 4s '49_110* 110* 110*
NY L& W 1st 4*'7*_ 99* 99* 99*
NY NH & H 3 * 8 '66_ 89* 39* 89*
NY NH & H 48 66_ 43* 48* 43*
NY NH & H 4s '67_ 81* 81* 81*
NY NH & H 4*s'67... 46* 46 46*
NY NH & H cl tr 6s’40. I 65* 66* 65*
NYNHftHov 6s'4».. 61 61 61
N O&W (ten 4s '65.__ 25 26 26
NY O&W ref 4s 92_ 81* 80* 81*
NY Putnam 4S *93_ 87* 87 87
NYQueens eonS**'65. 102* 102* 102*
NY Rys 6s 65 A StP—. 105* 106* 105*
NY Steam 6s 66_ 107 107 107
Nlag Sh 6*s'60_ 108* 103* 108*
Norf So 1st rsf 6s *61.. 27 26* 26*
Norf & W 1st 4s '98... 114* 118 114*
North Am Co 6s 61... 104* 104* 104*
North Am Ed 6s '69 C. 102 100* 100*
North Am Ed 5*s‘63. 108* 108 103*
Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047. 73* 78* 73*
Nor’n Pac 4S '97 __ 104* 104 104*
Nor'n Pao 4*s 2047... 99 99 99
Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 D._. 105 105 105
North Pac 6s 2047_111 110*110*
Ogden LC 4S ’48_ 27 27 27
Onio Edison 4s '65_ 102* 102* 102*
Ohio Pub Svc 7s'47... Ill 111 111
Ohio Pub Svc7*s'46_ 112* 112* 112*
Oreg Sh Line 5s 48 ._ 116* 11«* 116*
Oreg Sh L 6s '46 gtd... 119 119 119
Oreg W RR 4s 6l _ 106 104* 104*
Pac Gss & El 3*s’66. 97* 97* 97*
Pac G & E 3*s ’61 .. 100* 100* 100*
Pac G & E 4s 64 . 103* 103* 103*
Fao T&T rf 3*8 ’66 B. 100* 100 100
Pac T&T 8 *s'66 C 100 100 100
Pan Am PC 6s'40 ctfs. 49 48* 48*
Paramount Pic 6s'55.. 100 1 00 100
Penn Co 4s '63 _ 101 100* 100*
Penn Dixie C 6s'41_ 99* 99* 99*
Penn O & D 4*8'77_ 104* 104 104*
Penn P&L4*s 81_ 105* 105* 105*
Penna R R 3*s w.l._ 108* 108* 108*
Penn RR 3 * s 70C.__ 99* 99 99
Penn RR 4*s '81 D_1U5 104* 104*
Penn R R 4V4s'84_ 104* 104* 104*
Penn RR gn 4*s 65.. 108* 108* 108*
Penn RR deb 4*s'70. 101* 100* 101*
Penn RR gen 6s'68_115*116 116*
Pere Marq 1st 4s 66... 95 96 95
Pere Mara 4 *s'80 ... 98 97* 98
Pere Marq 1st 6s '56... 102* 102* 102*
Phlla Co 6s 67 _ 103* 102* 103
Phlla & R C&l 5s'7*._ 38* 37* 38*
Phlla & RC&l 6s 49._ 16* 16* 16*
Philippine Rv 4s 37_ 26* 26 26*
PCC&St L 4*s'63 I... 113 118 113
PCC&St L 6s'70 A_ 114* 114*114*
PCC&St L 5s'75 B . 116 115 116
Pltts&W Va 4*s'68 A. 92 92 92
Port Gen El 4*s 60 . 66* 66* 65*
Porto Rico A T 6s 42.. 80* 80 * 80*
Postal Tel & C 6s'S3 . 34* 84* 34*
Pressed Stl Car 6s '51. 95 96 96
Pure 011 4*8 60 ww_. 120* 119* 120*
Purity Raking 6s’48.. 100 99* 100
Reading R 4*8'97 A. 106 105* 106
Rem-Rand 4 *s'56ww. 108* 107* 108
Republic Stl 4 *S'60.. 204* 199* 200*
Republic Stl 4*s'66.. 97* 97 97*
Republic Stl 4*s'61_ 97 96* 96*
Republic Stl 6*s'54.. 124* 124 124*
Revere Cop 4*s'66_ 102 102 102
Richfield 011 6s'44_ 66* 66* 66*
Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs.. 66* 66 66
Rio G W Col 48'49 A_ 47 46* 46*
R 1 A&L 1st 4*s'34._ 22* 22* 22*
Rutland RR 4*s'41__ 80 30 80
Saguenay Pw4X*'66~ 1014* 1014* 1014*
St L-S Fran 4s '60A ... 83 82X 8244
St L-S F 4s ’60 A Ctfs~ 29X 29X 2944
St L-S Fran 444s '78.. SIX 31 3t
St L-S F 4 X*'78 cf SI. 27X 27X 27X
St L-S Fran 6s'60 B„ 32X 32X 32X
St L S 4V 1st 4s'89_ 9044 90 X 904*
St L S VV 2d 48 89 __ 70 70 70
St P MAM ext 5s '43 .. 102X !02X 102X
St P Un Dep rf 5s'72117 117 117
San AAA Pass 4s '43 . 1004* loox ioox
San An P Svc 6s '52 A 1094* 1094* 1094*
San Diego CGAE4s’65 106 106 108
Schulco 6 44s'46 A stp_ S7X Si,X 37X
Reabd A L ref 4s'69... 17 lg’x 17
SeahdAL6s 45 A . 204* 20 20X
Seabd A L 6s 45ctfs_. 194* 19X 19X
Seabd A-Fl 6s'36 A ct. 1244 124* 124*
Sharon Stl ct 4 44**51. 1154* 1154* 1154*
Shell Un deb 344s'61.. 974* 9644 97X
Skelly 011 4s‘61- 9»X 99X 99X
Soeony Vac 3 44 **50—. 10844 1084* 10344
South Bell TAT 6s *41. 10«X 10«X 10644
So Colo Pwr 6s '47 A_ 106 106 105
South Nat G 444 **51_98|* 98X 98X
So Pac 3 4*S'46- 99X 9844 98X
So Pao col 4s '49_ 95 96 96
So Pao ref 4s'66_ 1044* 104 104J*
So Pac 444s '68-1914* 1914* 9l|*
So Pao 444*'69- 92 91X 914*
So Pao 4 44 s 81- 92 91X 914*
So Pac Oreg 4 44**77.. 96 4* 96 X 96X
So Pac S F Ter 4* '60.. 1074* 1074* 1074*
So Ry gen 48*56 A_ 82X 82 82
So Ry 6s '94 -1C8X 108 108X
So Ry gen 6s'68- 102X 101X 1024*
So Ry 8 44s'66 -- 105X 106X 106X
So Ry MAO 4s '38- 94X 94X 94X
So Ry St Ldlv 4s '61._ 994* 994* 994*
S W Bell Tel 3 44*’64.. 1034* 1024* 1024*
Southw*n GAE 4s '80. 100 100 100
SUnd Oil N J 3s '61... 964* 96X 964*
Studebaker cv 6s ’45_ 145 143X 144
Swift A Co 3 % s *60... 101X 1034* 104
Symgn GAG'56 iw... 130 130 130
Tenn El Pw 6s '47 A_ 974* 974* 974*
Term AsSt L 48'63— 106 106 106
Texarkana 644s’60... 1064* 105X 1064*
t'exas Corp 3 44* '61— 10U* 1014* 1014*
Texas A Pac 5s'77 B_. 108X 103 108
Texas A Pac 6s'79 C— 108 103 108
Third At ref 4s 60 .. 69 684* 684*
Third A ad In ex 6s’66. 184* 88 88X
Tol A Ohio CSX*'60.. 102 101X 101X
Un El L A P 6s '67 - 106X 106X 106X
Un El L A P 6 44s'54.. 106 105 105
Un Oil of Cal 3 44*'62. 1124* 1124* 1124*
Un Oil Calif 6s 42 A.. 118 118 118*
Union Pac 3Xs'70 - 96X 96X 96X
UnPao 344s*71 - 95X 96X 96M
Un Pao lat 4s '47-Ui 1104* no4*
Un Pao 1st rf 4s 2008.. 106X 106X 105X
United Biscuit 5s'50.. 1064* 1064* 106X
United Drug 6s'63- 100X I00X I0OX
U 8 Rubber 6s'47- 106 106X 1064* !
Utah LAT6s'44 (A). 100X 100 10OX
Utah P A L 5s *44.101X101 101X
Util P AL 6s '69 wr_ six SIX 61X
UU1PAL6X.X7_ SIX «1X 614* '
Vanadium ov 6a 41— losx 10SX 108X
Ver Sug lat 7s-«2 ctfa. 29X 29X 29X
Va E A P lat ref «a’56. 106X 106X 105X i
Va Ir CAC lat 6a ’49_ 62 62 62
Va Ry lat 184 a’66 A__ 108 102X 108
Va S W con 5a *58- 99X 99X 29X i
Wabash 4Xs'78- 41X «1X 41X 1
Wabash 4Xa'78 ctfa.. 88 88 88
Wabash 1st 6a'It_ 100X 100X 100X 1
Wabash 6a 80 D- 42X 42X 42X
Wabash 6 Xa'76- 42 742 |42 i
Walker HAS 4Xa’46.. 107 108X 107
Walworth 4s’66 ... 85 83 83 ;
Warner Bros ot 6s *89. 98 94X 94X
Warner-Quln 6a '89_ 60X 49X 494* 1
Warren Br cv 6s'41_ 71 69 70 j
Wash W P 1st 6s‘39.. 106 105 106
West Penn P 3 Xs'66. 10SX 108X 103X '
W 8h 1st 4s 2061 gtd.. 98 92X 98 1
W Sh 1st 4a 2061 reg.. 88 88 88 ;
West’n Md 1st 4s '52 101X 101X 101X
West’n Pac 6s 46 A as 864* ISX 84X !
West’n Un 4X* 60_ 105 104X 106 1
West’n Un 6s ’60_ 105X 106 106.X
Wheel Steel 4 Xe'62— 100X 99X 100
W SpStl 1st 7e'l5ct. 48 48 48
W Sp Stl con 7s '16 ct. 48 42X 42X
White Sew M 6s '40— 104X 104X 104X .
Wilson A Co 4S 66 .. 99X 99X 994*
Win Sal S B lat 4S '60. 107X 106X 107X ,
Wla Cent 1st gn 4a '49. 2SX 27X 27X '
TngstnSAT IX»'8*— MIX UT 147 « I
T’ngstn SAT 4s *61- 100X 99X 100X ,
Spring Advance in Crude
Quotations Talked as
Output Climbs.
By the Associated Press.
TULSA, Okla., March 26.—The
spirits of oilmen brightened today over
a pick-up in the movement of motor
fuel which had developed into an
eighth of a cent a gallon advance in
the Midwestern tank car price.
Along with the more encouraging
picture of the refining end, talk of a
Spring advance in the price of crude
oil became louder.
The talk was persistent despite the
new high mark in production1 reg
istered for the week.
There was general approbation of
Texas’ decision to cut the April al
lowable better than 50,000 barrels
daily under the March figure.
Some concern remained over the
labor situation, with the C. I. O.
and the A. P. L. engaged in a cam
paign of organization in the in
dustry. Hints were heard that some
companies might be increasing their
refined stocks to aseure a reserve in
case of a shutdown.
The pick-up in gasoline consump
tion ied one authority to forecast a
9 per cent increase in consumption
this year as compared to last.
Oklahoma operators were excited
over the first major strike of the year
in the Langston field of Eastern
Logan County. There the Eason Oil
Co. et al. No. 1 Smith flowed 2,786
barrels in eight hours through casing.
In West Texas some wells consid
ered big even for that State of heavy
production were completed in Crane,
Ector, Ward and Winkler Counties.
The Permian Basin added 30 new wells
to the week's total completions com
puted by the Oil and Gas Journal at
524 for the Nation, 44 less than the
week before.
, —1 ■ " 1 i
Washington Produce
BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 40;
V4-pound prints. 41; tub. 39; 90 score. 1
pound prints. 39; *4-pound prints, 40;
tub. 38. Market strong.
MEATS—Choice beef 17; calves. 17;
veal 16; lamb. 24; pork loin. 23; fresh
ham. 23; smoked hams. 26; sliced bacon.
33: slab bacon. 28; compound. 13Vi; lard. 1
14 V*.
LIVE STOCK—Pigs. 8*/aa9; light hogs.
9a934; medium hogs. 934ftl«>: heavy hogs.
8V*a934; roughs. 6a8; calves. 6al0; lambs.
Cal 0*2.
Prices paid shippers—net f o b. Wash
ington. By the United States Bureau of j
Agricultural Economics.
EGGS—Market unsettled to weak. Gov
ernment graded eggs. IV4 lower .
extras, large, and Vi lower on United
States standards, large. Current receipts,
211* to 22; hennery white. 22V* to 23.
Government graded and dated white eggs
(net prices paid shippers, f. o. b. Washing
ton): United States extras, large. 25*4:
United States extras, mediums, 22%;
United States standards, large. 23 Vi.
LIVE POULTRY—Market weak and gen
erally lower. Fowl, colored, heavy. 17 to
18; Leghorns. 13 to 14 Chickens Rocks
and Crosses, all sizes. 21 to 23; Leghorns,
1*2 pounds and up. 2(» to 21. Guineas,
young. 2 pounds and up. 40 each; under
2 pounds. 25 to 30 each: old guineas. 20
to 25 each. Turkeys, young hens. 19 to
20; young toms. 15 to 17; No. 2s, 12; old
hens. 15 to 17.
Froiti and Vegetable!.
Sales In large lots by original receivers
up to 8 a m. today;
APPLES—Two Washington arrived, two
broken and one unbroken cars on track.
Supplies moderate: demand moderate;
market steady. Bushel baskets. U. 6. No.
1—Virginia. Staymans. 2‘,4-lnch mini
mum. 1.35-1.50; 2'4-inch minimum. 1.65
1.75: 2a»-inch minimum. 1.75-1.86; Yorks.
2‘u-lnch minimum. 1.60-1.65; 2*4-lnch
minimum. 1.65-1.75: Paragons. 2Vi-lnch
minimum. 1 40-1.50; 2a4-inch minimum.
1.60-1.76; 3-lnch minimum. 1.75-1.85:
Ganos. ‘iy^-inch minimum. 1.O0; 2Vk-inch
minimum. 1.35; 2k«-lnch minimum. 1.36
1.50; Lowrys. 2‘4-inch minimum. 1.50
1.65: 284-inch minimum. 1.65; few 1.75;
Winesaps. 2',4-lnch minimum. 1.75; 2'4
inch minimum. 1.85-2.00: 2a4-tnch mini
mum. 2.15-2.25: Black Twigs. 2t4-lnch
minimum. 1.50-1.65; 2%-lnch minimum.
1.05-1.76: 3-lnch minimum 1.75-1.85.
Boxes: Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia
end West Virginia: Fancy—Staymans.
1.85- 2.26: Delicious. 2.26-2.50; Romes,
1.85- 2.25; Paragons. 1.65-2.00. as to size.
C grade—Staymans. 1.65-1.85; Delicious.
1.90-2.25; Paragons. 1 50-1.75. as to size.
ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals: no
cars on track. Supplies very light: de
mand fair: market stronger South Caro
lina pyramid crates dozen bunches,
colossal. 4.50a5.00; fancy. 3.50-4.00;
choice 2.50-3.00.
CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals: one bro
ken and two unbroken cars on track. Sup
plies moderate: demand fair: market about
steady. Florida, 1'4-bushel hampers, do
mestic round type, mostly 1.15. few higher;
poor, low as l.oO. New York. 50-pound
sacks. Danish type. 70-75.
POTATOES—Three Maine arrived, four
broken and thirteen unbroken cars on
track. Supplies moderate: demand mod
erate; market steady. 100-pound sacks,
U. 8 No. 1: Maine. Green Mountains.
2.60a2.65. New York, round whiles, 2.50
2.60. Pennsylvania, round whites, 2.35
2.40. Idaho Russet Burbanks, mostly
4.00; few higher. Florida, bushel crates.
Bliss Triumphs, U. 8. No. 1, 2.00-2.25;
U. S. No. 2. 1.75-2.00.
CARROTS—No carlot arrivals; one bro
ken car on track. Supplies moderate;
demand moderate; market steady. Texas,
half-lettuce crates, 314 dozen. 1.40-1.60.
California, Western-lettuce crates, 6-dozen,
3.00-3.25: poorer. 2.75; half-lettuce crates.
314 dozen 1.50-1.60. New York 4-5 bushel
bags. 1.00.
CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals:
three broken cars on track. Supplies mod
erate; demand moderate; market steady.
California, crates. 1.65-1.75.
CELERY—One Florida arrived; four
broken cars on track. Supplies moderate;
demand fair; market steady. Florida. 10
inch crates. Individually washed and pre
cooled. 4-10 dozen, 3.25-8.50; few higher.
LETTUCE—No carlot arrivals; five bro
ken and one unbroken cars on track.
Supplies moderate: demand fair: market
slightly weaker. Arizona. Western-crates,
Iceberg type. 5-dozen. 6.00-6.50; 80s, 6.75
Onion Prices Down.
ONIONS—One Colorado arrived, two
broken and two unbroken cars on track.
Supplies moderate; demand fair; market
slightly weaker. 60-pound sacks, U. S.
No. 1: Michigan. New York and Ohio,
yellows. 1.15-1.25; poorer low as 1.05.
PEAS—No carlot arrivals; one broken
:ar on track. Supplies light, demand
noderate. market steady. Bushel hamp
ers. Telephones. Mexico. 5.25a5.50: Cali
fornia. 4.35a4.50. lew higher.
SPINACH—One Texas arrived: three
broken and two unbroken cars on track.
Supplies moderate, demand moderate, mai
ret steady. Texas, bushel baskets. S5a90.
STRAWBERRIES—No carlot arrivals,
jne broken car on track. Supplies light;
Jemand fair; market steady. Florida, 30
pint crates. 0.00-0.60; hold-overs, fair
luallty and condition. 5.50-0.00 per crate.
SWEET POTATOES—No carlot arrivals^
ro cars on track. Supplies light: demand
noderate- market stronger. North Caro
lna. bushel baskets. Porto Ricans. 1 25
I. 35: poorer. 1.15; Maryland, Anne Arun
lel County, bushel hampers. Jersey type.
J. 8. No. I. 1.36-1.50.
TOMATOES—No carlot arrivals, no cars
>n track. Supplies light; demand mod
irate; market about steady. Florida, lug
loxes. green, rlpes and turning, wrapped^
ixO and larger, best. 2.50-3.00: poorer
ow as 1.50; 0x7. 2.00: poorer lower; re
>acks. 10-pound cartons, 90-1.25
ine Texas arrived, three broken and two
inbroken cars on track.
LIMA BEANS—Supplies moderate; de
nand fair- market weaker. Florida, bushel
lampers. 4.00-4.50.
SNAP BEANS—Supplies moderate; de
nand moderate; market about steady.
Florida, bushel hampers, round and flat
ype. green. 3.00-3.60.
EGGPLANT—Supplies light: demand
noderate; market about steady. Florida,
Vb-bushel crates, choice, fair quality and
ondltlon, 1.60-2.00; bushel baskets,
..25-1.50. ,
PEPPERS—Supplies moderate; demand
noderate; market about steady. Florida,
Va-bushel crates, green, extra fancy, 3.50
1.75; fancy. 3.00-3.25; poorer, 2.75;
hoice. 2.00-2.75.
SQUASH—Supplies moderate: demand <
air: market steady. Florida, bushel
lampers, white, wrapped. 2.00-2.60; yellow .
Irooknecks. 3.00-3.50.
KALE—Virginia, bushel baskets, line
luallty and condition. 50.
ORANOES—No carlot arrivals, one un
iroken car on track. Florida, boxes. No. 1,
1.00-5.00: No. 2. 2.50-4.00. as to sise.
GRAPEFRUIT — One Florida arrived,
ne unbroken car on track. Florida, boxes, 1
lo. 1. 2.50-2.75: No. 2. 2.25-2.50, as to ‘
LEMONS—No carlot arrivals, no cars on
rack. California, boxes. No. 1, 0.50-7.00:
lo. 2. 5.75-0.00.
PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3 00-3.50.
TURNIPS—Oeorgla. crates. 1.75-2.00.
HONEYDEW8—Chile, crates. 2.00-2.50: !
oorer low as 1.50. _ _ . '
BEETS—Texas. '/4 crates. 1.25-1.85.
MUSHROOMS—Maryland, 3-pound car
ons. 40-85.
AVOCADOS—California, boxes. 10a to
11s. 3.00-3 75; 12s to 14s, 2 25-2.60. i
BROCCOLI—California, pony eratee, ,
air quality. 1.76-2.25. . 1
Wood Discounts
Fears of Drastic
Inflation in U. S.
BT the Associated Press.
CHICAGO. March 25.—Robert E.
Wood, president of Sears, Roebuck &
Co., said yesterday he has no fear of
drastic inflation in this country.
"A rise in prices is not important
as long as a balance is maintained
between prices and farm and urban
Incomes,” he said.
Wood’s statements were made in a
press conference at which he dis
closed the big mail order and retail
sales organization had the largest net
profit and gross sales in its history
in the fiscal year which ended Janu
ary 31., Wood said that with the in
creased purchasing power in the
United States, it is believed that sales
and profits will continue to rise in
He said he expected earnings of in
dustrial workers this year will in
crease more rapidly than farmers' in
come, reversing the recent trend.
February Loss Hits $241,
315 Mark, Compared With
$285,363 in 1936.
BT the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, March 25.—Western
Pacific Railroad Co. reported today
February net loss of $241,315, com
pared with $285,363 in February, 1936.
Net loss for the first two months to
taled $396,438, against $522,704 a year
International Printing Ink.
International Printing Ink Corp. re
ported for 1936 consolidated net in
come of $1,269,314, after undistributed
profits tax, equal, after preferred divi
dends, to $3.06 a share on 28 i,758 com
mon shares. This compares with $1,
080,757, or $2.74 a share on 275,513
common shares in 1935.
A. G. Spalding Sc Bros.
A. O. Spalding & Bros, reported
for the quarter ended January 31 con
solidated net loss of $258,958, compared
with a net loss of $298,905 in the like
quarter a year ago.
Island Creek Coal.
Island Creek Coal Co. reported for
1936 consolidated net income of $1,
238,421, equal, after preferred divi
dends, to $1.83 a common share, com
pared with $1,153,270, or $1.69 a
share, in 1935. The company has
properties in Logan and Mingo Coun
ties, West Virginia, and headquarters
at Holden, W. Va.
N'ovadel-Agene Corp.
Novadel-Agene Corp. reported for
1936 net income of $1,224,774 after
undistributed profits tax. compared
with $1,033,564 in 1935. This is
equivalent to $2.56 a share on 478,518
common shares, against $2.17 the
year before. The company makes a
product for maturing and bleaching
flour and other products. Headquar
ters are at Newark, N. J.
Good Friday to Be Observed at All
World Centers—Some Will
Reopen Saturday.
BT the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, March 25.—Important
financial markets throughout the
world began preparations today for
one to four days closings in connec
tion with Ea.stertide.
Both in the United States and
abroad Good Friday is to be a univer
sal holiday for leading exchanges and
commodity futures markets, including
those in New York. Chicago. New Or
leans, London, Liverpool, Paris and
the chief Canadian centers.
The New York Stock Exchange,
Curb Exchange, Produce Exchange
and the Chicago Board of Trade are
among those observing only a single
holiday, ^opening Saturday at usual.
Some of the American markets
which also will observe Saturday as a
holiday Include, at New York, the
Coffee and Sugar and the Cocoa Ex
European and Canadian suspension
of trading will generally last until
Tuesday morning, although the Win
nipeg grain market will open as usual
Saturday and Monday.
LONDON. March 25 UP!—Trading in
stocks was on a small scale due to the
approaching Easter holidays, although
prices held steady, '"'ll shares were Arm
and steel and nickel securities sold at
higher prices. Home rails and tobaccos
attracted attention and foreign bonds were
mixed. Other Industrials and the mining
section were dull.
PARIS.—The Bourse had a generally
Arm tone and rentes closed slightly higher.
Bank of Prance gained on francs and Suez
Canal also advanced. Railroad and coal
issues were mixed. Royal Dutch moved
up OR francs.
BERLIN. March 25 UP.—The Reichs
bank statement as of March 21 lin thou
sands of reichsmarks): Notes In circula
tion. 4.444,000. decrease 78: gold. R7.4SR.
Increase R9: foreign currency reserves. 5.
705. Increase 119: other bills of exchange
and checks. 4.405.058 decrease 56.630:
other daily maturing obligations. 834.547.
Increase 118.745: advances. 45.424. in
crease 2.913: Investments. 181.977. de
crease 14.180: ratio of gold and foreign
currencies to notes. 1.6 per cent: rate of
discount. 4 per cent.
LONDON. March 25 UP).—The Bank of
England statement for the week ended
March 24 (In thousands of pounds): Clr
:ulatlon, 470,526: Increase. 6.711.- Bui*
ion, 314.618; increase. 2. Reserves, 44,
982: decrease 6.719. Public deposits. 27,
908: increase 6 062. Private deposits.
119.55.3: decrease. 11,672. Government
lecuritles, 94.547: decrease. 307. Other
lecurltles. 27,106: increase. 409. The
jroportion of the bank's reserve to liabil
ity Is 29.90 per cent, compared with 32.90
ait week. Rate of discount, 2 per cent.
NEW YORK. March 25 OP).—Call money
iteady: 1 per cent all day: prime com
mercial paper. 1 per cent; time loans
iteady: 60 days. A months. 1V« per cent
iffered: bankers’ acceptances unchanged;
rediscount rete. New York Reserve Bank.
L>4 per cent.
NEW YORK. March 25 UP).—Crude rub
ier futures opened strong, 34 to 64 higher,
.larch unquoted; May. 26.00-08; July.
MONTREAL. March 25 UP).—Silver fu
ures opened steady, unchanged to 10
ower. March. 44.90b; May. ,44.80b; July.
14.75b. b—Bid.
March 25 UP).—Butter,
2V4: 92. 38-38'/4: 91,
Douglas Aircraft Co.—Company re
vived an order for five Douglas DC-2
lirplanes from BjfinifT Airways, Inc.
Gain Over Previous Year
Extended Despite Sag
From Week Ago.
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, March 25 —Although
bank clearings In the United States
declined from the high amount in the
preceding period, the aggregate was
extended further above that of a
year ago.
The total for 22 leading cities, as re
ported to Dun & Bradstreet, for the
week ended March 24, was *6,889,833,
000, against *5,372,442,000 in the cor
responding 1936 week, an increase of
28.2 per cent. This contrasted with
a percentage gain of 2.1 in a similar
comparison a week earlier.
New York City clearings at *4,475,
372,000 were 24.0 per cent in excess of
the *3,610,120,000 recorded last year.
At outside centers the total rose to
*2,414,461,000, or a percentage in
crease of 37.0, when compared with
the *1,762,322,000 in the comparative
1936 week.
Every city registered increases over
last year’s figures. At Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Portland,
Oreg., there were gains of over 50 per
cent. Part of the increase at Pitts
burgh was due to the fact that at this
time a year ago, flood conditions at
that city seriously handicapped busi
ness activity.
Clearings for the past week showed
a loss of *486,365,000, when compared
with the figures for the preceding pe
riod. Between the two similar weeks
of 1936 there was a reduction of
Figures at leading cities, together
with percentage gains compared with
those of 1936, follow; also, daily aver
age bank clearings for January, Feb
ruary and March to date:
(Totals In Thousands.)
Week Per
March 24, cent
1837. change.
Boston _ $268,428 -34 1
Philadelphia _ B12.000 +02-0
Buffalo _ 36.10(1 —27.1
Pittsburgh _ 143.231 —
Cleveland _ 85.010 -38.6
Cincinnati _ 66.800 —30.5
Baltimore _ 67.478 —58.4
Richmond _ 41,680 —33.8
Atlanta _ 82,60(1 +40.8
New Orleans_ 38.668 -35 1
Chicago . _. 327.800 -21.7
Detroit _ 128.046 -37.0'
St. Louis_ 87,800 -11.3
Louisville ___ 37.721 -37.1
Minneapolis _ 60,407 — 8,7
Kansas City_ 110,063 -37.9
Omaha _ 31,243
Dallas 65.904 -18.0
San Francisco _ 157.700 +18.7
Portland. Oreg. _ 43.104 —51 3
Seattle 41.297 -24.4
Total _$2,414,461 -37.0
New York_ 4.475.372 +24.0
Total all _56,889.833 -28.2
Average dally:
March to date _$1,131,110 - 0.8
February _ 1.078.075 —12.4
January _ 1,089,027 —12.1
NEW YORK. March 25 (£>).—Bar
silver steady and unchanged at 45.
NEW YORK. March 25 OPi.—Eggs. 27.
161; steady Mixed colors unchanged
Butter 11.607; firm. Creamery, higher
than extra. 3784a38!,2: extra (92 score*.
37Via371*a: firsts <88-91 scores). 35a3714:
seconds (84-87 scores). 3312a3412: central
ized <1*0 score). 36j2.
Cheese 98.336; steady and unchanged.'
Live poultry—By freight, steady; ducks.
14al5. other freight prices unchanged.
First Mortgage Loans
Interest 5V2%
Small Constriction Loans Considered
Wm. T. Ballard
1221 Ere Street N.W.
1886 1937
61st I>»r \/ of Procress
9I9E »T- - N • W
Real Estate Loans
5% • 5V2%
Business Property and Resi
dence . . . Construction or Re
financing Loans • • •
[Shannon & luchS]
Mortssre Loan Correspondents
1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345
PAYABLE $8 PER $1,000
No Commissions or Extras
816 14th St. Met. 3437
£> the Associated Press.
The Commerce Department reports
sales of new passenger automobiles
advanced substantially in February
Its index of these sales, based on
1929-31 as 100, stood at 143 last month,
compared with 129.5 in January and
89.5 in February last year. The Feb
ruary figure, however, was consider
ably below the 175 of December.
Scovill Manufacturing Co.—1936
common share eamings were $3.08,
against $1.21.
Desks Steel Fi'es
Tables Steel Cabinets
Chairs Safes
1*18 Ere at. N.W. Phone NA. 8184
Money for Construction Loans
Loans on Improved Properties
Prevailing Rates
643 Indiana Ave. N.W.
Nat’l 0350
Lowest Rates . . . 3-Year Con
struction Loans . . .
Loan Correspondent
John Hancock Mutual Life Ins Co
14J7 K St. N.W. NA. «300
Property Management
EFFICIENT monogement is
most satisfactory to both
owner and tenant
WE specialize in the man
agement of oil types of in
vestment properties and ore
now Managing Agents for
some of Washington's most
important buildings
WE would welcome the op
portunity of discussing
your management problems
with you.
Randall H. Hagner & Co.,
Real Estate
1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. OE. 3609
i , ,r 'ur'wrr- .•••• ...
for buying, building or
refinancing loans on
your home made under
Federal Housing Act, j
Title 2.
This bank has made :
over $2,000,000.00 of \
I these loans.
9th and G Sts. N.W.
1518 K Street N.W.
Member Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation.
If your present
is soon
COMB IN and let us ex
plain how our Mortgage
Refinancing Plan can lower
your interest costs and set
up your principal payments
on a more attractive basis.
As a property owner, you
should know the advantages
of the Weaver plan.
Mtrtgat* Lhm Cfrrugtndfnt
Mttrfftlitsn Lift Insurant Ctrr.fanj
Forty Years
First Mortgage
During all these more than forty
years our
have held first place on the list of
accepted investments — by both
large and small investors.
The reasons are obvious.
National 2100 925 15th St. N.W.