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Sharp Losses Have Little Influence on Corporate and Foreign Lists. Bond Averages sn 10 10 10 Ralls Indust. Util. F'gn Net change. •—.2 -t-.l —.2 +.1 Todaj. noon 94.8 103.2 100.0 72.0 Prev. day — 95.0 103.1 100.2 71.9 Month ago- 96.9 103.9 101.4 72.8 Year ago... 92.3 102.6 101.8 69.7 1937 high-— 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 lew -- 94.3 102.9 99.8 71.9 1936 high— 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low— 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high— 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _109.5 Prev. day. 109.6 Month ago 111.2 Year ago. 111.5 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.9 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low— 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 31—Sharp re actions in the United States Govern ment list had little influence on cor porate and foreign bonds in the market today. Federal issues fell back on moderate volume and, late in the morning, stood 1 32 to 22 32 of a point lower with, the majority off more than 10 32. More than a third of the group fell to new low prices for 1937. with some below par. Despite this general move ment about a half dozen issues failed to open. Elsewhere m the market prices fol lowed slightly mixed trends. Light dealing sent Baltimore & Ohio 4!-s, 6t. Paul 5s of 1975, Illinois Central 4\s and Southern Railways 4s to modestly higher levels. North Western 434s, Erie 5s Missouri Pacific 5s "F” and Pennsylvania General 4’^s all declined a little. Small gains in the utility and in dustrial sections were recorded by American Water Works 6c. Goodyear ,5s. Hiram Walker 414s and Columbia Gas & Electric 5s. Issues moving the other direction including American Telephone 3'4s, Bethlehem Steel 334s " and Pennsylvania Dixie Cement 6s. Abitibi Power 5s made a spectacular Upswing of nearly 2 points. -• DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED. NEW YORK March Ml.—Dividends de clared (prepared by the Standard Statistics Corp. *: Increased. Pr- Stock of Pay Rale riod. record, able Arlington Mills 75c 4-3 4-15 Regular. Allis Chalmers Mfg 5uc M-15 M-Ml Amerada Corp 5‘*c Q 4-15 4-MO American Can $1 Q 4-23 5-15 Case <J I) 7o pf SI.75 Q 3-12 4-1 Columbia Mills 81 M-Ml 4-1 Conn Riv Pw 0% pf ,81.50 Q 5-15 0-1 Fall River El Lt M-2T 4-L ilorder s Inc 25c Q 4-20 5-1 Horn A Hard -NY) 5oc <3 4-10 5-1 LehiRh Pow Sec 2oc 2-23 M-l Mass Investor* Trust 22c M-Ml 4-20 Monroe Calculating Ma chine 7cr Pf SI 75 Q 3-24 M-Ml Quarterly Income Sh MOc Q 4-15 5-1 Roos Br SO.5(i pf S1.H2,2 Q 4-15 5-1 k B-eeJ of Canada ord 4M34c Q 4-7 5-1 Gray Tel Pay Sta 25c <3 4-1 4-15 Great Amer Ins _ 25c <3 4-2 4-15 P.vron Jackson 25c Q 5-1 5-15 Cm a Sandusky pf $1.50 SA 4-15 5-1 Cons Cigar 7'< r*f $1.75 Q 5-1* 5-1 Cons Cig Df $1.021 * Q 4-15 5-1 Cunea Press 50c Q 4-20 5-1 General Mills 75c Q 4-10 5-1 Ban-Amer Airways_25c Q 4-20 5-1 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. March Ml —New York Security Dealers’ Association. (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Man (1%) M7 MO Bankers Tr (2) so X2 Cen Han Bk A: Tr (4) __ IMS 14 1 Chase Nat (1.40) 59 Hi Chem Bk & Tr (1.80) ...» 74 TO Commercial <H) 212 218 Cont Bk A: Tr (.80) _ 19*2 21 Corn Ex Bk A: Tr (3) . Os'4 09*4 Empire Tr < 1 > 32% MM34 First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 50 58 First Natl (100) 2510 2550 Guaranty Tr (12) — 383 388 Irving Tr (.00) 18 19 Manufacturers Tr (2) 01 6M Manufacturers Tr pf (2) - 52 12 5412 Natl City (1» __ _ 54 V2 56Va N Y Trust (5) _ .117 150 Public < 112) _ 5212 5412 Title G & T 15% 16% FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK March 31 MV^-Federal Land Bank bonds. *'48 Nov., 1958-38 _ 104 >2 105% 1%s May, J957-37_ 1003a 100% s May. 3 958-38 _ __ __ 103'4 10.3% 4s Nov., 1957-37 __ ___ 10134 102% 4s July. 1940-44 _108% 109 $'48 May. 1955-45 .. 101 101 V4 Ss July. 1955-45 _ 99% 9934 5s Jan.. 1950-40 _ 99% 99% 3s May 1950-40 _ 99% 99% ■ ■ — U. S. TREASURY POSITION. •> the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on March £9 Receipts $94,348,504.18: expendi tures $94,598,980.27; balance. $1,770, 9118.990.35: customs receipts lor the month $49,330,429.20, Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 3>. $3,704,905,089.03: expenditures. $5. 491,982.520.09. including $2,119,402. 127.85 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $1.787 077.431.00: gross debt. $34,007,738,858.73. an increase of $02.104.582.33 over the previous day: gold assets. $11.552.811.483.09. including £321.585.218.45 of Inactive gold. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON March 31 (/Pi.—Stock prices held steady with trading continuing on a small scale, but a better demand for lead ing issues was in evidence. Transatlantic shares eased fractionally from their early highs with U S. Steel and International Nickel especially firm. The oil and mining troups were in demand, while industrials and home rails remained quiet. Foreign bonds sold lower. PARIS.—The Bourse closed with a firm tone. French rentes finishing 85 to 115 centimes net higher and Bank of France shares scoring an advance of 115 francs. jR-oyal Dutch lost 4 francs. -• PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. March 31 M>).—Fowl: Mixed colors, 19-20: White Leghorns, fancy. 17-18: old roosters. 14-15: capons, fancy. 27-28: broilers, fancy Plymouth Rocks. 23-24: cross-breds. 22-23; fancy Leghorns. 19-21; turkeys, fancy young hens, 24-27: ducks. White Pekin, young. 20: old. 18: mixed. 16-17; Muscovy, white. 18-29 colored. 17-18. Dressed poultry unchanged. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney Sc Co A Rate Maturity. Bid. Offer. 3 Apr. 15. 1937__ 100 2-32 3% Sept. 15, 1937 101 12-32 101 15-32 2% Feb. 1. 1938 101 22-32 101 24-32 3 Mar. 16. 1938 102 11-32 102 13-32 2% June 15. 1938 .102 18-32 102 20-32 2% Sept. 15. 1938 .102 15-32 102 17-32 1% Mar. 15. 1939 100 13-32 100 10-32 2% June 15. 1939 101 27-32 101 30-32 3% Dec. 15. 1939 99 31-32 100 2-32 1% Mar. 15. 1940 -100 7-32 100 10-32 3% June 15. 1940 99 25-32 99 28-32 3% Dec. 15. 1940 99 24-32 99 27-32 3% Mar. 15. 1941 - 99 21-32 99 24-32 1% June 15. 1941 99 7-32 99 10-35 1% Dec. 15. 1941 98 23-32 98 27-32 MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. March 31 (/Pi.—Call monei »te*dy: 1 per cent aJl day: prime commer rial paper. 1 per cent Time loans steady 60 days-6 months, 1 >/< per cent offered bankers' acceptances unchanged: redis count rate, New York Reserve bank, IV. per cent. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. March 31 m.—Silver ftp tures opened firmer. 20 higher. May 45:30b: July, 45.20b: September. 45.10b b—Bid. -• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. March 31 (/Pi.—Cruii rubber futurea opened steady. 7 to M higher May. 77.15: July. 2,.28a3ff jeptember. 2T.25&28. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct te The Star. TREASURY Hlrh. Low. 2:RB. 2 Vis 1949-58_ 98.4 97.28 97.2* 2%s 1945-47_ 101.30 101.23 101.28 2*ls 1948-61_ 100.2 98.81 99.31 2*ia 1951-64_ 99.22 99.1* 99.18 2 *18 1958-59_ 99.22 99.7 99.7 2 *4 s 1950-60__ 100.23 100.8 100.8 38 1946-48_ 103.20 103.14 108.14 3s 1951-65 _ 102.24 102.4 102.8 11.4 a 1946-49_ 103.30 108.26 108.26 3*4,8 1949-52_ 104. 103.24 103.24 3 Vi B 1941 _ 106.8 106.26 106.26 8 Via 1944-46 _ 106.10 106.1 106.1 S*sB 1 940-43June 106.20 106.16 106.20 3 *4s 1941-43 Mar 106.2 106.28 105.28 3*48 1943-47 _ 106. 101.28 106.28 3 ** s 1946-56 _ 108.24 108.*4 108.24 49 1944-64 _ 110.24 110.16 110.24 4 Vis-3 Vi a 1943-45 105.11 105.4 105.4 4 Vi 8 1947-62 ... 115. 112.26 114.30 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE 2*is 1942-47_ 100.24 100.24 100.24 38 1947_ 102.14 102.14 102.14 3s 1949_ 101.28 101.18 101.18 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3'i» 1942-44_ 99.28 99.20 99.21 2*is 1939-49_ 99.28 99.24 99.24 3a 1952_ 101.8 100.28 100.29 FOREIGN BONDS. Hlrh. Low. 2:55. Abltibl Pa&Pw6s’63. 101*4 100*4 lOlli Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s ’47 Febr coupon on [25 25 25 Akershus6s 63 _ 98*4 98*4 98V4 Antioqula 7s 45 A_ 15*4 15*4 15*4 Antioouia 7s'45 B_ 15 16 15 Antioqula 1st 7s'57 _ 14 1.3*4 14 Antioqula 2d 7s’57 new 14 13 14 Antioquia 3d 7s'57_ 14 13*4 1* Argentine 4 Vis '71_ 99 98*4 98*4 Argentine 6s'67 A_ 101*4 101*i 101*4 Argentine 6s ’5S B __ 100*4 100‘n 100*4 Argentine 6s '69 June 100*4 100*4 100*4 Argentine 6s’60 May . 102*4 102 102 Argentine 6s ’60 Sept, 10l*4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s '60 Oct 10l7* 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s'61 Febr_ 101*4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s '61 May. 102*4 102*4 102*4 Australia 4 Vis'56_ 100 100 100 Australia 6s'65 _ 106*4 105'4 106*4 Belgium 7s 65 117 117 117 Berlin El Ry 6 Vis ’56_. 20 20 20 Brazil 6Vis’26-'57_ 22*4 42 42 Brazil 6Vis'27-’57_ 42 41*4 41*4 Brazil 7s’52_ 41*4 41*4 41*4 Brazil 8s 41 _ 49*4 48*4 4874 Brisbane 5s'511_ 99*4 99*4 99*4 Buenos Aires 4*48-3*48 ’77 Pv_ 77*4 77 77*4 Buenos Aires 4*fcs-4*6s’76 April 78 78 78 j L'uinwc i-t -f ~z a ■ " dUk • I 14 * I Buo AC6(4s’61stPv 84 83(» 84 Buenos AC 6(4s'65 101 101 101 Canada 2(4a '45_ 98 98 98 Canada 3 V4 a '61_ 98 97(4 98 Canada 4s'6U _ 106»a 105H 105*4 Canada 6s'62_ 113 112(4 112*4 Chile 6s’60 22*4 22 22*4 Cb le fis 61 Jan _ 22 22 2. Chile 6s '61 Febr_ 22 22 22 Chile 6s 61 SeDt_ 22 22 22 Chile 6s 63 22 22 22 Chile 7s 42 _ 22 21*4 22 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 .. 18*4 18(4 18(4 Chile Mtg Bk 6(4s 61. 18(4 18(4 18(4 1 Chilean Mun L 7s 60.. 18(4 18 18*4 Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 23 83 33 Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 38(4 83(4 88(4 Copenhagen 4(is ’53_ 96 96 96 Copenhagen 5s '62_ 98 98 98 Costa Rica is A '61.__ 34 33(4 33(4 Cuba 5(4S 45 64 62(4 64 j Czechoslovakia 8s '51. 104 104 104 j Denmark 4 (4» 62_ 99*4 99*4 99(4 ! Denmark 6(is'55_ 101(4 101 101 Denmark 6s 42 105*4 IU6 106 French Gov 7s '49 . 123(4 123(4 125(4 French Gv 7s '49 un st 121(4 121(4 121(4 1 Ger C Bk A 6s 38 48(4 48(t 48(4 Ger C Ag Bk 6s’60 Oct 36(4 8b*4 36(4 Ger Gov 5(is'65 st 24 28*4 24 GerGov5(is 65 un st 20 20 20 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ag 6 (i8 '58 .. 24*2 24*4 24(4 Ger Rep 7s '49 stpd . 30 SO 30 Grt C El Jap 6(is'60.. 92 91(4 92 Hung Con M 7s'46_ 30(4 80(4 80(4 Hungary 7 (is '44 Febr coupon on_ 60(4 60(4 60(4 Italy 7s 61 _ 81 80*4 81 Ital P U Crd 7s'52_ 73 71(4 71(4 Japan 6(is‘65_ 80(4 80*4 80(4 Japan 6(is'64_ 94*4 94(4 94(4 Kreug&Toll 5s'59 cts 46*4 46*4 46(4 Met Wat 5 (is'60 101 *4 101 >4 101(4 Mex 4s 10-’45 asst lge b*4 6*4 6*4 ■ Mex 5s '45 asst lge_ 7(4 7(4 7(4 ! Milan 6(4s 52 _ 71 70(4 71 : Montevideo 7s ’52_ 67(4 67ia 67(4 Nord Ry 6(is '50_ 106(i 106(t 106(4 Norway ’(is'65_ 100*, 100(4 100(4 Norway 4(is'56 . 102(4 102*. 102(4 Panama 5s 63 stp as 70 69 70 Paris Orl Ry 6(is'68 101 101 101 Pernambuco 7s '47 Sept coupon off_ 24 24 24 Peru 6s'60_ 22(4 22(4 22(4 Peru 6s '61 _ 22(4 22(4 22(4 Poland 6s '40_ 51 61 51 Poland 7s 47_ 64(4 64(4 64(4 Poland 8s 60_ 49(4 49 49(4 Prussia 6s'62_ 19 19 19 Rhein Rhur 6s '51_ 18(4 18(4 18(4 Rhein Main 7s’50_ 23(4 23(4 23(4 Rhine W El P 6s'53... 21 19(4 21 Rio de Jan 6 (is 51 Aug coupon off_ 27(4 27(4 27(4 Rio de Jan 8s 46 April coupon off_|S1(4 30(4 31(4 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’68 June coupon off ... 26(4 26(4 26(4 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '66 May coupon off ... 26(4 26(4 26(4 Rio Gr do Sul 8s '4* April coupon off_ 31(4 *1(4 31(4 Rome 6(is '62 _ 73 72(4 72(4 Rumania 7s ’49 Auk coupon off_ 84(4 *4 84 Sao Paulo St 6a '68 July coupon off_ 26(4 t6(4 26(4 Sao Paulo gt 7s'40_ 92(4 92(4 92(4 Sao Paulo St 7s ’66 Sept coupon off _ 80 28(4 28(4 Sao Paulo St 8s '36 July coupon off_ 40 40 40 Sao Paulo St 8s ’50 July coupon off_ 82 82 82 Ran Paulo C 8s ’52 coupon off _ 80(4 30(4 30(4 Serbs 7s’62 unm c o_ 21(4 28(4 28(4 Serbs 8s'62 unm c o_ 81 31 31 Silesian Bank 6s'47_ 36(4 36(4 36(4 Sydnev 5(is’55 ... 101*4 101(4 101(4 Taiwan Elec 5V,a ’71.. 74(4 74(4 74(4 Toklo E L Ltd 6s ’58 .. 78*4 78(4 78(4 Tyrol Hv El 7(is'65 99 99 99 Un Stl Wks 6(is'61 A 25 26 25 Uruguay 6s 60_ 65(4 66(4 65(4 Uruguay 6s 64_ 65H 66(4 65(4 Warsaw 7s'5*_ 43(4 43(4 43(4 Yokohoma 6a'61_ 81(4 82 82 DOMESTIC BONDV Alleg Corp 6a '44_ 98(4 98V4 98(4 Alleg Corp 6s'49- 91(4 90(4 91(4 Alleg Corp 6s "60 stp._ 62H 62 62(4 Alleg Valley 4S 42 .. 107(4 107(4 107(4 Allied Stores 4(4s'60 99(4 99(4 99(4 Allied Stores 4(4s'51. 98(4 98(4 98(4 Am & For Pw 6o 2030 78 77(4 77(4 Am Ice cy 6s '63 _ 96 96(4 96(4 Am I O Ch 6 (4s '49_ 107(4 108(4 I0«(4 Am Inti 6(4s'49 . 104(4 104(4 104(4 Am Tel* Tel I (4s '61 98(4 98(4 98(4 Am Tel & Tel 3 Hs'66 98 97(4 97(4 Am T4T5(4s 43 .. 113 112(4 112(4 Am Wat VVlcs 6s '75-- 109 109 109 Am Writ Paper 6s 47. 78(4 77(4 78(4 Anaconda deb 4(4s'60 105 104(4 106 Armour & Co 4(4s '89 108 1 03 108 Armour (Del list 4s'65 97(4 97 97 Armour & Co Del 4s 57 93(4 97 97(4 Armstrong Ck 4s '60 104(4 103(4 108(4 A T&S Fe 48’05-'65 .. 108 108 108 A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 110(4 109(4 109(4 A T&S Fe sn 4s '95 rg. 107(4 107(4 107(4 A T&S Fe ad] 4S 96 st 104(4 108(4 103(4 A T&S Fe 4(4#'48 108(4 I08H 108(4 A T&S F RMt dv4s’65 106(4 106(4 106(4 Atl Coast L 1st 4s '62 101*4 101(4 191(4 Atl Coast L clt 4s 61 96(4 96(4 96(4 Atl C L un 4 (4 s '64 .. 98 92(4 92(4 Atl Coast Lins 6s ‘46 . 104(4 104(4 104(4 Atlantic & Dlst4s '48 64H 64(4 64(4 Atlantic &D 2d 4a >48. 46(4 46(4 46(4 B & O lat 4a 48_ 106(4 106 106 B & O 4 (4 s 60 _ 80(4 80 80(4 B & O 1st 6s '48 _111(4 111 111 B & O rf 6s'95 A reg— 91(4 91 91 B & O 6S 96 F _ 89(4 89(4 89(4 B & O ref 6s 2000 D_ 89(4 89(4 89(4 B A O ref 6a '96 C_ 100(4 100 100(4 B & O PLE&W V 48*41 103*4 108(4 103(4 B & O Swn 6s 60 _ 104*4 104(4 104(j B & O Toledo 4S '59 — 94(4 94(4 94(4 Bell T Of Pa 6s 48 B__ 117(4 117(4 117(4 Bell T of Pa 5s ’60 C— 122 122 122 Betb Steel 3(4 8'66 ... 96(4 96(4 »&M Betb Steel 4(49'60- 103(4 108(4 108(1 , Bos & Me 4(4 s'61 J_ 82(4 82(4 82(j * Bos & Me &S 65-£87(4 83(4 &7fc High Low. 2:5B. Bot Con M B*s '14- 34* 34* 34* Bot Con M 6*8 '(4 Ct.. 86 86 85 Bklyn C RR 6a '41- 96* 96 95* Bklyn Ed con I**** 100* 99* 99* Bklvn Man T 4*8 6* 100 99* 100 Bklyn Un El 6»'60 ... 109 lov 109 Bklyn Un Gas 6a '46 . 115 116 116 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 67 B 107*107*107* Brown Shos 8*s '50 104 103* 103* Buff RAP con 4*s '67. 87- 86* 87 BCR AN cl 6s'84 ... 27* 26* 86* B C R A N 6s'34 Ctfs.. 26* 26* 26* Bush Term Bldg 6s '60 66* 66* 66* By-Prod Ck 6*s '46... 103* 103* ICS* Calif Packing 6s 40... 103* 103* 103* Camag 7s 42 ctfa 80* 29* 80* Can dtan N R 4*s’51. Ill 111 111 Can dlan N R 4*s'56. 111*111 111 Can'dian N R 4*s '66. 113* 113*113* Can dtan P db 4s perp 92* 92* 92* Can'dlan N db 6*s 46 121*121*121* Can dlan Pac 4*8'46 104 103* 103* Can dlan Pac 4*s 6ft 102* 102 102* Can’dlan Pac 5a'44 cfa 111*111 111 Can dlan Pac 6s ‘64 .. 108* 108* 108* Caro Cl & O 6s 62 A 109* 109* 109* Central Fdry cv 6s "41 110 110 110 Cent of Ga 6s'69 C .. 21* 21 21* Cent of Ga rf 6*s '69. 21* 21* 21* Cent 111 E A G 6s '51 103 102* 103* Cent N England 4s '61. 69 69 69 Cent of N J gen 6b'87 72 69* 70 Cent of NJ gn 6s'87rg_ 66* 64 64 Cent Pac 1st 4s '49 rg_ 108* 108’* 108* Cent Pac 6s 60 99* 99* 99* Cent Steel 8s '41_ 124* 124* 124* Cert'd deb 6*a'48_ 88* 88* 88* Chesap Corp 6s'47_ 137 136 136* C & O gen 4 *s '92_118* 118* 118* Ches & O 8*1 96 D.__ 96* 96* 9b* Ches A O 8 * s 96 E — 96* 96* 96* C AO con 6s'39 107* 107* 107* C A O Big Sandy 4s’44. 107 107 107 Chi A Alt ref 3s 49 66* 66* 65* Chi B&QI dlv 3*s’49.. 107 107 107 Chi & E ill 6a '61 _. 42 41* 41* Chi & E 1115s '51 ctfs.. 40* 40* 40* Chi Grt West 4s '69... 48 47* 47* Chi I A L gen 6s 66 . 21 20* 20* Chi lnd & L gen 6s '66. 21* 21* 21* CMStPIS'89 . 61* 61 61 CAlAStP gn 4*s'89 C. 65* 66* 66 CM&St P 4*s '89 E ._ 66* 66* 66* CM&St P 6s 75 .. 32* 31* 81* CM&StP&P adl 682000 11* 11* 11* Chi & NW gen 4s 87 .. 46 46 46 Chi & NW 4*8 2037 31 31 SI Chi & NW 4*s 2037 c. 31 31 31 Chi & N W 4*8 49 ._ 22* 21* 21* Chi & NW rf 6s 2037.. 32 32 32 Chi R l&P rf 4a '34 .. 22* 12 22* Chf R I&P rf 4s'34ctf. 20* 20* 20* Chi R I&P gen 4s'88 . 38* 38 38* Cul R l&P 4*8 '62 . 22* 22 22 Chi R l&P 4*9 '62 ctf 20* 20* 20* Chi R l&P 4*s 60 .. 13 12* 12* Chi T H&S 1st 5s'60._ 93* 92* 92* Chi T H&S Inc 6s'60.. 85* 85* 86* Chi Un Sta 3*s'61 . 108* 103* 103* Chi Un Sta 3*s 63 E. 104* 104K 104* Chi & W In con 4s 52 101*101*101* Chi & W lnd 4 *8 62.. 100* 100* 100* Childs & Co 5s'43 ... 87* 87* 87* CinGAE3*s'66 .. 99* 99* 99* CCC&St L gen 4s 93 . 99* 99* 99* CCCASt L rf 4*s '77 E 96* 95 96* CCCASt L ref 6s '63 D 103* 103* 103* CCC St L lVh Wat Valley 4s '40 ... 102* 102* 102* Clev El 111 3*s'65 .. 107* 107* 107* Clev Un Tel 4*8 '77 103* 102* 103* Clev Un Term 6s 73 B 106* lft6 106 Clev Un Ter 5*s'72A 111 110*110* Colo Fuel & Ir 5s'70 . 93* 93* 93* Colo A So 4*»'80 _ 70 69* 69* Columbia G & E 5s 62 May .. 103 102* 102* Columbia G&E 6s'61 . 103* 103* 108* Colum Ry P&L 4s '65 103* 103* 103* Cornel Credit 3*8'51. 96* 96* 95* Com Inv Tr 3*S’51._. 101*101* 101* Conn R & L 4*s 61... 103 103 103 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 69* 69* 69* Cons Ed NY 3*s’66 n 102* 102 102 Cons Gas NY 4*s '61 106* 106*106* Consol 011 3 *s'51 .. 103* 103* 103* Consum Pwr j *s 66 . 98 98 98 Ce isum P un 3*s '65 101* 100* 100* Cons Pwr 3*8'70 100* 100* 10(1* Consum Pwr3*s'65. 105* 105* 105* Container deb 6s 43... 101* 101* 101* Container 6s '46 _ 102* 102* 102* Crane Co 3*s 61_ 98* 98* 98* Crown C& S 4s'60_ 105* 106* 105* Crown Will P 6a '61_ 104* 104* 104* Cuba RR 1st 6s'62 .. 67* 67* 57* Cuba RR 7*8 36 Ctfs. 64* 64* 64* Cuba Northn 6*5 42. 65 54* 64* Dayton PAL 3 54s '60— 10254 10254 102(4 Del A Hud ref 48 ’43 4254 COM. 4054 Del A Had 654s‘37 ... 10054 10054 100V4 Den A R G con 41 ’36— 83H 3354 3354 Den A R G W 6s ’65 — Is54 19 19 Den A ROW 6s’55asst. 19 19 19 Den A R G ref 6a ’7» . 28 28 28 Det Edison 354» 66-— 103 103 103 Detroit Ed 4s 66 F —. 10754 10754 10754 Det Edison 6s'62 10754 10754 107(4 Det River Tun 4 54 s’61 112 112 112 Dul S S A At 6s’37 .. 62 62 62 Duaues Lt 4 54s ’67 B 10454 103J4 10354 Elec Auto Lite 4s’52- 11054 HO 110 Erie cons 4s'96_ 100 100 160 Erie gen 4s 96_ 86'4 8554 8554 Erie ref 6s'67_ *354 83 83 Erie ref 6s '75 _ 83(4 8254 8254 Erie Gen RIv 6s'57_ 11754 11754 11754 Fed Lt A Trac 5s'42.. 103 103 103 Fed Lt A Trac 6s'42 — 103 10254 103 Fed LATr 6s 64 B ... 10054 10054 10054 Fla E C Ry 6s ’74 .. 1854 18 >8 Fla E C Ry 6s'74 Ctfs. 18 1754 18 Francisco Sug 6s'66 . 79 78 79 Gen Cable 6 54S 47 ... 106*4 10654 10554 Gen Mot ACC 3a 46 .. 10154 10154 10154 Gen Mot Ass ? >4 s'51. 10154 101 101 Gen Pub Svc 6 54s’39.. 10154 10K4 10154 Gen Stl Cast 6 54s’49.. 42 9154 92 Goodrich 6s'45 10654 lu*(4 106(4 Goodrich 4 54 a'66 .. 99(4 99H 99(4 Goodyear TAR 6s’57 .. 10454 10354 103*4 Goth Silk H 6s'46 ww. 100 9954 100 Great N Ry 4s 46 G .. 132 131 131 Great N Ry 4s 46 H 10854 10854 10854 Grt N R gen 4 54s’76 D 10854 103*4 10354 Grt N R gen 454s’77 E 10254 102 102 Grt N R gen 6s'73 C— 111 11054 110*4 Grt N R 654s 62 B_116 116 116 Gulf M AN 6s '60.. ... 100 100 100 Gulf Sta Stl 6 54s '42 97*4 9754 *754 Gulf States Util 4s ’66 101'4 101 101 Hock Val 4 54s'99_ 11554 11654 11554 Hoe (R) 1st mtt 44 — 9254 9154 9 1 54 Houston 011 654s '40_101*4 10154 10154 H'satonlc Con 5s’37_ 8054 8054 8054 Hudson Coal 6s‘62 .. 4754 47 4754 Hud A Man Inc 6s'67.. 83 83 33 Hud A Man ref 6s ’57 . 78 7 7 54 7 754 111 Bell Tel 3 54a'70 10354 138 103 111 Cent 1st ex 3 54s’51. 10454 10454 104(4 111 Cant col tr 4a 52—. 84 8354 8354 111 Cent ref 4a'66_ 9054 9054 9054 111 Cent 454a CS _ 7 754 7754 7 7 54 111 Cent ref 6a'56 ... 9954 9954 9954 111 Cent St L 354 a 51.. 96(4 96u 9654 ICCAStL N 0454a’6S„ 8 1 54 8154 8 154 ICCAStL N O 6s *63 .. 8654 8654 8654 111 Steel deb 4 54 a 40.. 10754 10754 10754 Inland Stl 3*4a 61 .. 103 10254 10254 Int R T 1st rf 6s'66 .. 9354 9854 93k 1 R T lat rf 5s '66 ctfs 9254 9254 9254 Int RT 61 32 _ 4254 4154 42 Int R T 6s 32 ctfl_ 4054 4054 4054 Int R T 7a 32 _ 8J 8454 8 454 Int R T 7a ’82 ctfs ... 88 S*3 83 im ngr cl »ip_ 1UI 1U1 1U1 Interlake 6s '61 _102k 102k 102k Int Grt Nr 6s'62 A ... 39 38k 38k Int Grt Nr adl 6s’62 A. 16 16 16 Int Hydro Elec <s '44. 81k 79k 80k Int Mer Marine 6s '41. 84k 84 84k Int Pap 1st 6s 47A_101k lom 101k Int Pap ref 6s '65 99k 99k 99k Int Ry of C A 6s 41_102k 102k 102k Int TAT cr 4Hs 39_ 8»k 83k 83k Int TAT 4Hs ’62_ 68k 68 68k Int TAT 6s 66 _ 78 72k 73 lows Cent lstArfls’Bl 6k 6k 6k James F A C 4s'29 .. 95 94k 94k JonesAL Stl 4Hs'61A. 102k 102k 102k Kans C So 1st Is 60 89 88k 89 Kans City So ref 6s '60 94k 94 94 Keith 6s ’46 _ 98k 98k 98k Laclede Gas 6s'69_ 91 90k 90k Laclede G6ks'62 C._ 61k 60k 61k Laclede G 6He 60 D.. 61 60k 60k Lake EAW 2d 6s 41_106k 106k 106k Lautaro Nltr 6s '64 . 43 42k 42k Lautaro Nit 6s '64 cfs. 43 43 43 Leb CAN 4Hs 64 A... 100 100 100 Leh CAN 4H» 64 C — 100 100 100 Leh A N E RR 4s ’66— 101 100k 101 Leh Vsl Coal 6s 64_ 61 61 61 Lsh Val Har 6a '64_104k 104k 104k LV NY 4 He '40 gtd_102k 102k 102k Leh V P con 4S 2003 .. 66k 64 64 Leh V RR con 6s 2003. 78k 78 78k Llgg A Myers 6s ‘51... 122k 122k 122k Loews 2 Hs 46 _ 98k 98k 98k Lons Isl ref 4s '49 101k 101k 10ik Long Isld ref 4s*49 stp 101k 100k 100k La A Ark 6s'69 .. 97 96k 96k L A Nash 2%s 2001— 91 92k 93 LAN anlf 4a 40 .. 10«k 106k 106k LAN unlf 4a '40 feg.. 106k 106k 106k LA N 6a 2003 B . 107k 107k 107k Mccrory Stores 6a'61. 108k 108*4 10**4 McKasaARob 6H*’&0. 104k 103k 103k Me C RR clt 4B '45 A— 101k Wk *°‘k \ High. Low. 2:56. Me C RR gn 414s'80 A 8iH «1H *114 Man Slat 7Hs'42 ctfs. 75 76 76 Marlon St Shoy *s‘47. 97 97 97 Market St Ry 7s‘40 A. 10214 10214 1021i Mead Co 6S *46_ 10614 1 06 106 Mich Cent 4 H s '79_ 10414 10414 10414 Mil El H4L 6s '(1_10844 10814 10814 Mil E R & S D rf 6s'7l. 10»H 10814 10114 Mil Spa 6N W is *47. , 40 40 40 Minn &SL.rf 43 -49... 614 414 614 Minn * St L 68-84 ctfs. 17 14H 17 MStP&SSM cn 4s'88_ 28 28 28 MStP&SSM cn6s'88.. 2614 2614 2614 MStP&SSM 6s ‘38 ltd. SO 2914 2914 MStP&SSM 614s‘49_ 2214 2214 2214 MStP&SSM 614s '78 — 8714 8814 8714 MStP&SSM rf 6s‘4<A. 28 [2614 2614 Mo K & T 1st 4s'90_ 89 1 8814 8814 Mo K & T 4s '62 B_ 70 6914 70 Mo K A T ills *78_74H 7414 7414 Mo K A T 6s ‘62 A_ 8314 83 8814 MoK A T adj 6a ‘67_I 7414 78 78 Mo Pac 4s‘76_ 21 2014 2014 Mo Pac 5s ‘66 A_ 42 42 42 Mo Pac 6s'77 F_ 4214 4114 4114 Mo Pac 6s ‘78 Q_ 4214 4214 4214 Mo Pao Es '81 1_ 4214 42 4214 Mo Pac Es'81 I ctfs_89J4 89J4 Mo Pac 514s'49 A_1714 17 1714 Mob & Ohio Es'38_ 86 16 86 Mohawk A M 4s *91_ 9114 9114 9114 Monong Pub 8 4%s’80- 10214 10214 102H Monong Ry 1st 4s '60 . 10614 106J4 10614 Montana Pwr 314s‘66. 9414 9414 94*4 Mor&Essex 314 s 2000. 90 90 90 Morrls&Essez 6s'66 . . 9914 9914 9914 Nassau Eleo 48*61 ctd. 68| (68 68 Natl Dairy S\s’61ww. 104H 104 104 Natl Dis PC 414s'45 106 1j5 106 Natl Steel 4s'65_104H 104 104 New ET&T 4 14 s '61— 118H118 118 New ET&T 1st 5s '62. 119H 11914 119H New JerP&L4%a 60. 10514 10614 10514 New Or) PS 6s 52 A._ 98W 9714 9814 New Or) P 8 6s'56 B . 98H 9814 9814 New Orl Ter 1st 4a '63. 94 94 94 New OrlT&M 4 14 s '56. 6614 65 5514 New OrlT&M lnc5s'35. 6114 6014 6114 New Orl T&M 6s '61 B. 6914 6714 6914 New Orl T&M 6s'66 C. 69 671* 69 New Orl T&M 614S'64. 6214 6814 «2!4 NOT&M 614s'64A cfs.. 65 56 65 NY Central 314s 97 .. 9714 »7 »T NY Cent 314s '97 reg— 92 92 92 NY Central i14s'46.— 102 101*4 101*4 NY Cent 48 42 _107H 10714 10714 NY Cent con 4s '98_ 9714 9714 9714 NY Cent rf 414# 2013— 92D 9214 9214 NY C rf 4 14s 2013 n_ 92*4 92 92 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 9914 9914 9914 NY Cent cv 6s 44 . 13014 128 128 NY Cent cv 6s ’44 reg... 129H 129*4 12914 N Y C L Sh 3148'98 _ 92 9114 9114 NYC Mich C 314*'98.. 91 89 91 NYC&St L 1st 4s '37_10114 10114 10U4 N Y Chi & StD 4s'4$— 10314 102*4 102*4 NYC&St L 414s'78 ... 9U4 89D 8914 NYC&St L 6148'74 A- 103 102*4 102'i NY Chi & St L 6s ’38 . 10014 10014 10014 NY Conn 1 st 4 14s ’63_ 10614 10614 10614 NY Dock 1st 4S 61_ 64 64 64 NY Dock 5s 38 _ 6014 6014 6OI4 NY Edison 3 <4* 66 D. 9914 99^ 99*4 NY Edls ref 3 14 s 66 . 100 »9*» 99*4 NYGE1H&P4S 49 .. lllH HH4 11H4 NY & Harl 314s 2000.. 102 102 102 NY D & W 1st 4s 73_100H, 100 1U014 NY NH & H 314s '66... 40 40 40 NY NH & H 4s '55 .. 4214 4114 4114 NY NH & H cl tr 6s'40. 63 63 63 N Y NH & H 4s '57 .. 80*4 8014 8014 NY NH & H cv 6s'48 . 49h 49^4 49H NY NH & H Cons Rys 48 54 . ... 87 87 37 NY O&W gen 4s’65... 24 28*4 23*4 NY O&W ref 48 92 81 30*4 31 N'T Queens con 3 *4 •'65. 102*4 102*4 102*4 NY & Rich G 6s '51 ... 106*4 106*4 1 06*4 NY S&W Ter 6s 43 ... 101 101 101 NY Tel gen 4 84« 39... 107 106*4 106*4 NY Tr Rk 6s'46 stp... 92*4 92*4 92'4 NY W 4 B i*4s 46_ 18H 18*4 1*84 Norf So 1st 6s Ml _ 80*4 80*4 80*4 Norf * W 1st 4s'96 .. 114 114 114 Norf So 1st ref 6s 61 .. 27 27 27 Norf S 1st rf5s’61 cfs. 26 25 26 North Am Bid 6s 69 C 102 101*4 102 North Am Ed 6 84s ’63 10384 102*4 102*4 Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047 76*» 75 75 Nor'n Pac 41’97 .. 104*4 108*4 108*4 Nor'n Pac 4 84 s 2047 ... 99H 99*4 99*4 North Pac 5s 2047 C—. 104*4 104 104*4 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 D_ 105 106 105 North Pao 6s 2047_110*4 110*4 110*4 Dgden LC4i '4* _ 278* 27*4 27*4 Dhlo Edison 4s '66_ 104 103 108 Dreg Sh Line 6s 46 117*4 117*4 117*4 Dreg Sh L 6s '46 gtd... 120 120 120 Dreg W RR 4s 61 .. 105 104*4 104*4 Pac Gas* El 3%s '66. 97*4 97 97 Pac G & E 344s '61_ 101*4 100*4 1 00*4 Pac G * E 4s 64 . 104*4 1 0484 1 04*4 Pac T&T rf 3>4s’66 B. 100 100 100 Pac T&T 3 84 • '66 C .. 100*4 100 100 Pan Am PC6s'40ctfs. 48*4 48** 48*4 Para Broadway 3s'55. 73*4 73*4 73*1 Paramount Pic 6s ’65. 100*4 100 100*4 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 100*4 100*4 100*4 Penn Dixie C 6s '41 ... 100*4 100*4 100*4 Penn O & D 484s'77_ 105 104** 105 Penn P&L 4 84S 81 ... 105*4 105*4 105*4 Penna R R 3 84 s w.l. 109*4 109 109*4 Penn RR3%sM4Dasst. 104 104 104 Penn KR 39is 70 C — 99*4 98*4 98*4 Penn RR con 4s 48.__ 113*4 113*4 113*4 PennRR4(4s'81D_ 105 104*4 105 Penn R R 4 84s'84_104*4 104*4 104*4 Penn RR gn 484»'65_. 109*4 108*4 109 Penn RR deb 484s'70. 101*4 101 101*4 Penn HR gen 6s'68... 114*4 114*4 114*4 Penn Glass & S '60_ 104*4 104*4 104*4 People OL&Crf6a'47. 113*4 112*4 112*4 People GL&C 6s '43... 119*4 119*4 119*4 Peoria & E inc 4s'90_ 22 21 22 Pere Marq 4 84 s’80 ... 98*4 98*4 98*4 Pere Marq 1st 6s'E6.. 103*y 103*4 103*4 Phila Co 6s 67 . 104*4 104 104*4 Phila Elec Co 4 84s’67. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Pflila & R C&i 6s '7*._ 38 38 38 Phila & R C&l 6s 49.. 16*4 16 16*4 Philippine Ry 4s 37 .. 28*4 27*4 28*4 Pillsbury FI M 6s '43.. 107 107 107 PCC&St L 4 84s'40 A.. 108 108 108 PCC&St L 4s’57 G_ 109 109 109 PCC&St L 4 84s'77 C._ 105*4 105*4 105*4 PCC&St L 6s’70 A_115 116 115 PCC&St L 6»'75 B_115 115 116 Port Gen El 484s 60 . 66*4 66 65*4 Part GElst6s’35-50ex. 106 106 106 Porto Rico A T 6s 42_. 80*4 80*1 8084 Postal Tel & C 6s ’53 .. 38 32h 82*4 Pure Oil 4 84 s 60 xw.. 103*4 103*4 103*4 Purity RakinK 5s ’48 __ 100*4 100*4 100*4 Pure 011 4 >4B 60 »w.. 122 121 122 R-K-O 6r «1_ 118 112*4 113 Keadlna Jer C 4a "61_ 100*4 99*4 100 Reading R 484s '97 A. 106*4 105*4 105*4 Reading R 4 84s'97 B.. 105*4 106*4 105*4 Rem-Rand 4 84S'56ww 108*4 108 108 Republic Stl 4 84 s 60.. 209*4 206 206 Republic Stl 484s '66.. 97*4 97*4 97*4 Republic Stl 484 s 61.. 96*4 96*4 »6*4 Republic Stl 6 84s'64- 125*4 125 126*4 Revere Cop 4 84 s 66 .. 102V, 102*4 102*4 Richfield O 6s’44 ctfs 67 66*4 66*4 R G W 1st ex In 4s '39. 7384 78*4 73*4 Saguenay Pw«4s'66 . 101 >4 1014 1014 St L 1M&S R&G 4a'33_ 82 814 814 St L-S Fran 4s '60A .. 314 81 814 St L-S F 4S ’60 A Ctf S. 28 4 27 4 274 St L^S Fran 44#'78 .. 29 4 294 294 St L<-S F 44**78 cf at. 264 26 4 264 St Lf-S Fran 6s '60 B .. 314 814 814 St L. S W 1st ter 6s’62- 684 684 684 St P K C S L 44# 41_. 284 284 2SVj St P M&M ex 4s '37 -_ 1004 1004 1004 St P M&M ext 6s‘43_ 1024 1024 1024 Schulco 64s'46 A_ 86 86 86 Schulco 64s’46 A stp 364 864 864 Schulco 64s 46 B stp. 874 *74 *74 Seabd A L, ref 4s '69_ 17 17 17 Seabd A L adj 6s 49_ 114 114 114 Seabd A L, 6s 45 A_ 21 204 204 Seabd A L 6a 46 ctf#.. 194 194 194 Seabd A-Fl 6s’36 A ct. 12 12 12 Shell Gn deb 3 4s'61.. 974 964 974 Silesian Am 7s '41_ 72 72 72 Rkelly Oil 4a ‘61 _ 994 994 *94 Socony Vac 34s'60... 1024 1024 1024 South Bell T&T 6s ’41. 1074 »074 1074 Southn Cal Gas 4s '66 104 104 104 Southn Cal Gas 4 4'61 106 106 106 So Colo Pwr 6s '47 A.. 106 106 106 South Nat G44a’51_ 984 984 984 So Pac 34s 46 _ 994 984 984 So Pac col 4s '49_ 964 *54 *64 So Pac ref 4s'66_ 1044 1084 1044 So Pac 44s '88_ 924 924 924 So Pac 44s *69_ 914 914 914 So Pao 44* *1_ *14 904 904 So PacOreg 44s'77._ 964 964 964 So Pao SF Ter 4s '60.. 1084 1084 1084 So Ry gen 4s‘66 A_ 824 *14 *14 So Ry 6s '94_ 1084 1084 1084 So Ry gen 6s '66_ 1024 1024 1024 So Ry 64s ‘66 __ 1064 106 106 So Ry 51 & O 4s ‘28_ 964 96 96 S W Bell Tel 34s ‘64.. 1084 1034 1084 Soutnw'n G&E 4s '60.. 1004 1004 1004 Stand Oil N J 3s'61_ 964 96 964 Studebaker ex 6s '46.. 1424 1404 1404 Swift & Co 34s '60_ 1044 1034 1034 Symgn G&G '56 xw_ 127 127 127 Tenn C&C Is 44 B_ 1084 1084 1084 Tann El Pw 6s '47 A._. 984 *84 »*4 Term As8t L. 4a '63— 1074 1074 1074 Texarkana 64s '60— 1064 1064 1064 1'exas Corn 34s ‘61— 1024 1024 1024 Texas & Pac 6s 77 B.. 1034 1034 1034 Texas A Pac 6a 79 C - 1084 108 1084 Tex A Pac 1st 6s 2000. 1194 119 1194 Tex A P MPT 64a '64. 108*^ 1084 1084 Rise Follows New Boost in Spot Quotations to 17 Cent Level. Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 31.—Copper future* opened in the New York Com modity Exchange higher by from 0.31 of a cent to 0.34 of a cent today following the advance of % of a cent in the price of the metal for immediate delivery an nounced by leading producers late yesterday and today. The new spot price of 17 cent* a pound 1* the highest since March, 1930. Lack of domestic supplies for quick delivery was the reason most generally given for the rise. Other commodities continued to ad vance in early dealings today. Cotton futures, which rose sensationally yes terday, opened from 15 cents a bale lower to 55 cents higher for the more distant options. Rubber futures were 0.7 of a cent to 0.14 of a cent a pound higher. In both cases foreign, trade and Wall Street buying was in widence. Rub ber, cotton, w'heat and non-ferrous metal futures were up in the English markets today. The rise in domestic spot copper yesterday, announced after the close of the commodity exchange by one pro ducer, came as a surprise to the trade, where lower prices were thought likely in the face of sharply increasing out put and a recent lag in foreign buying. The advance was followed later in the day by two other producers and by this morning all had raised their quotations. Copper fabricators also repriced to meet the higher new mate rial cost. Washington Produce. BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints 40; 14-pound prints 41; tub. 30; 00 score. 1 pound prints. 39; '/♦-pound prints. 40. tub. MEATS—Choice beef, IT. calves. 10: veal. Id; lamb. 21: pork Join. 24. fresh ham. 23; smoked ham 2*». sliced bacon 33. slab bacon. 28; compound. 13*2 lard 14Va. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. saO: light hogs. pv4 a 03♦; medium hogs. 10; heavy hogs. 8>?a O3^: roughs. 0a8, calves. dalO; lambs, da 10. Prices paid shippers, net f o. b Wash ington. B.v the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS—Market nervous and unsettled. U S. Government graded extras large "2 cent lower. Nearby ungraded eggs mostly ‘2 cent lower. Current receipts. 21a*’l‘ hennery whites. 22a22*2: a few at 23. Government graded and dated white eggs 'net prices paid shippers f o. b. Washing ton!. U. S. extras, large. 25 cents. U. S. extras, mediums. 22*2. U S. standards, large 23*2. LIVE POULTRY—Market generally steady. Fowl, colored heavy. I7al9; Leg horns 13a 14 Chickens. Rocks and crosses, all sizes, mostly 21a23: a few at ~31 : Leghorns, lJ4 to 214 pounds and up. 70r21. old guineas. 25a3o each Tur keys. old hens. Idal8: old toms. 15. r run* ana tecrianif*. Sales In large lots by original receivers < up to H a m today ; APPLES—No carlot arrivals; one un- r broken car on track. Supplies moderate; - demand moderate: market stronger. Bushel ' baskets. U. S No. 1 Staymans. 2’4-lnch minimum. 1.40*1.50: 2‘a-inch minimum. 1 .65*1.75; 234-inch minimum, 1.75al.85: Yorks. 2’4-inch minimum. 1.40&1.50: 2’2-inch minimum. 1.65*1.75: 23-4-inch minimum. 1.75*1.85; Wmesaps, 2-inch minimum. 1.35*1.50: 2'4-inch minimum. 1.75al.85: 2’a-inch minimum. 2.00*2.25: 23<-incb minimum. 2.25*2.50; Paragons. 2’4-inch minimum. 1.40*1.50; 2’^-inch minimum. 1.60*1.65: 234-inch minimum. 1.65*1.75: 3-inch minimum. 1.85*2.00: Lowrys, 2’4-inch minimum. 1.25*1.35: 2’^-inch minimum. 1.50*1.65: 23-4-inch minimum, 1.65*1.75; Ganos. 2’4-inch minimum. l.OOal.15: 2V*-inch minimum, 1.35*1.40: 2^4-inch minimum. 1.40*1.50; Black Twigs. 2%-inch minimum. 1.35* 1.40; 2Va-inch minimum. 1.60*1.65: 2*4 inoh minimum. 1.65*1.75; Romes. 2V4-lnch minimum. 1 35al.40; 2’a-inch minimum. 1.60*1.65: 2*/4-inch minimum. 1.75: De licious. 2’4-inch minimum. 1.65*1.75; 2’2-inch minimum. 2.25a2.35; 23i-inch minimum. 2.35*2.50: Golden Delicious. 2’4-inch minimum. 3.65: 2’2-inch mini mum. 1.90*2.00: 234-inch minimum. 2.25. Boxes: Maryland. Pennsylvania and Vir ginia. combination extra fancy and fancy, as to size—Staymans. 1.75a2.25: Delicious. 2.25*2.75: Paragons. 1.65*2,00: Romes. 2.00*2.50. C grade, as to size—Staymans. 1.50*1.75: Delicious. 1.85*2.00; Paragons. 1.50*1.75; Romes. 1.75*1.85, Cartons: Maryland. Pennsylvania and West Vir ginia—Fancy. Staymans. 1.75*2.25: De licious. 2.25*2.50: Lowrys. 1.60*2.00: Golden Delicious. 2.00*2.35. ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand light: market steady. South Carolina, pyramid crates, dozen bunches Colossal. 3.00-3.50; fancy. 2.50-3.00; choice, 2.00 2.25. CABBAGE—One South Carolina ar rived. two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand lilght; market slightly weaker. 1 Vi-bushel hampers, domestic round type. Florida, 1.00. South Carolina. 3’^-bushel ham pers pointed type. 90-1.00: few higher. New York. 60-pound sacks Danish type, 85-90. RAILROADS EARN $76,795,318 PROFIT Two-Month Total Compares With $69,290,873 for Same 1936 Period. By the Associated Press. The Association of American Rail roads reported today class 1 carriers had a net operating Income of $76. 795.318 in the first two months of 1937. equivalent to an annual return of 2.56 per cent on property invest ments. This figure compared with a net of $69,290,873, or 2.31 per cent, In the comparable period of 1936. Gross operating revenues for the first two months this year totaled $653,611,402, compared with $599,488, 651 for 1936, an increase of 9 per cent. Operating expenses for the same period amounted to $497,810,612, com pared with $467,616,505, an increase of 0 5 per cent. Hifih Low. 2:55 Third Aw ref 4s'60 67*4 *74 674 Third A ad In ex 6e’*6 **4 87Vi Tol A Ohio C 34s ’6° 103 101 108 On Oil of Cal 3H*’52- H» 1124 M*H Un Oil Calif 6a 42 A - 118 H8 H* Union Pao 3H*’70- »«4 8« 8® UnPao*H»'71- 954 8®^ 8®*9 Un Pac lst4s‘47- 1U4 1104 1104 Un Pao 1st rf 4a 2008- 1064 106 106 United Drug Be‘53- 1004 1004 1004 U S Rubber 6a ’47_ 1054 *064 1064 Utah LA T 6a’44 (A)- 1004 1004 1004 Utah PAL61 *44_ 1024 1014 1024 Util P AL 61'69 ww_ 614 614 614 Util PAL 6H* *47- 62 614 ** Vanadium cw 6a 41_ 1064 106 1064 V CzAPlst 4H« ‘34 ast 44 44 44 Ver Sug let 7s'42 ctfa. 804 294 ' *94 VaEAPlstref 4S'65_ 1074 1074 1074 Va Ry 1st 3H* ’66 A— 1024 1024 1024 Wabash 2d 6a'39- 94 94 04 Wabaab 6s SOD. - 414 414 414 Wabash 6s '80 D Ctfs— 40 40 40 Wabaab 6Hs '76 --— 424 424 424 ■Walker HAS 4HS-46- 1064 1064 1064 Walworth 4s "66__ 884 *84 884 Walworth 6a *66 n- 964 964 964 Warner Bros cw 6s'89. 964 964 964 Warner-Quin 6a'89... 614 604 614 Warren Brew 6s'41._ 72 704 72 West Penn PI Hs’66. 1044 1084 1044 W 8b let 4B 2061 gtd.. 984 934 984 Wast'n Md 1st 4a '62.. 1024 1014 102 Weafn Md 6H* ’77 ... 107 107 107 Wast'n Pao 6s '46 A- 87 4 87 87 Wast'n Pac 6s 46 A as 864 864 864 Wast'n Un 4Hs 60 .. 106 1044 106 Westn Un cl tr 6a *88.. 1024 1024 1024 Weat’n Un 6s'61_ 106 1044 1044 Wast'n Un 6s'60_ 106 106 106 Wheel Steel 4Hs'68 - 1004 100 1004 W 8p Btl 1st 7s '86 Ct. 484 434 4*4 W Sp Stl con 7a '86 ct. 484 434 484 Wilson A Co 4s'66 . #94 994 »94 WlaCent 1st gn 4a'4l. 274 *74 *74 T’ngetnSATSHa'Bl— 16.84 1»* »»*H T’ngatn SAT 4s '61_— 1*>4 1004 1004 Baltimore Phone Revenues Above 1936 in February tty the Associated Press. BALTIMORE, March 31.—The Ches apeake & Potomac Telephone Co. re ported to the Public Service Commis sion today that its operating revenues in February totaled $1,180,109. This was a $72,087 increase over the same month in 1936. The operating expenses during last month amounted to $756,336 and taxes to $167,290. The total operating ex penses of $923,632, Including taxes, were $57,184 more than in February last year. Net Income for the month was $256,477. The number of telephones in op eration on February 28 was 234,028, an increase of 19,180 over that of February 19, 1936. Telephone users made approximately 27,750,000 calls, an increase of 3.3 per cent over the year before. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. March 31 OP).—New York Security Dealers' Association: (Noon quotations.) Bid Asked. Admin Fd 2d Inc_20.26 21.55 Am Business Shrs__ 1.31 1.44 Am Gen Eq Inc__ 117 1.30 Am Ins Stocks_ 5.125 6.00 Bancamer Blair _11.50 12.50 Bank Group Shrs _ 2.01 2.17 Bankers Nat Inv Corp 3.875 4.50 Basic Industry _ 5.41 Broad St Inv _ 37.10 39.68 Bullock Fund _ 23.625 25.375 Corporate Trust _ _ 3.00 _ Corporate Trust AA_ 2.91 _ Corp Tr AA mod_ 3.80 Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2.91 _ Corp Tr Acc Mod_ 3.80 _ Cumulative Tr Sh _ 6.65 _1 Depos Bk Sh N Y A"___ 2.77 _ Depos Ins 8hrs “A"_ 3.62 _ Depos Ins Stirs "B”_ 3.42 _ Diversified Tr C _ 5.30 Dividend Shrs _ 2.13 2.28 Equity Corp $3 pf_ 39 75 42.75 Fidelity Fund Inc._ __ 29.21 31.46 First Boston Corp_ 38.25 39.75 Fixed Trust Sh A_ 13.91 __ Fixed Trust 6h B_11.66 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.10 5.10 Fund Investors Inc_ 25.33 26,76 Fund Tr Shrs A._ 6.53 7.25 Fund Tr Shr.s B _ 6.99 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.30 7.94 Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.94 2.10 Group Sec Automobile __ 1.56 1.69 Group Sec Buildinc_ 2.31 2.60 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.64 1.78 Group Sec Food _ 1.06 1.16 Group Sec Invest Shrs __ 1.84 1.99 Group Sec Merchandise-- 1.52 1.05 Group Sec Mining __ 1.91 2.07 Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.54 1.67 Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.70 1.84 Group Sec Steel _ 2.32 2.51 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.10 1.20 Huron Holding _ .85 1.25 Incorp Investors -27.39 Insurance Group Shrs_ 1.72 1 *«■ Investors Fd C Inc_10.78 1 7.81 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 _ 22.98 25 19 Major Shrs Corp_ 3.25 Maryland Fund_10.47 11.44 Mass Invest Tr 30.01 31.84 j Mutual Invest -17.82 19.48 Nation Wide Sec _ 4.81 4 91 Nation Wide Voting- 2.22 2.38 i N Y Bk Tr Shrs __ 4 37 5 North Am Bond Tr ctfs~_ 69.125 63.8 76 Nor Am Tr Shares. _ _2.80 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 - 3 65 - Nor Ar Tr Sh 1956_ 3.58 - Nor Am Tr 8h 1958_ 3.38 . Plymouth Fund Inc - 97 1 08 Quarterly Income Sh- 18.99 20 81 Selected Am Sh _ 4.36 Selected Am Sh Inc-16.07 17.41 Selected Cumul Sh-11.12 Selected Income Sh- 5.78 .. Spencer Trask Fund- 22.61 23.-51 Stand Am Tr Shrs- 4.35 4.00 Stand Util Inc . 1.00 1.08 Super of Am Tr A- 4.27 - Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.8. - Super of Am Tr B - 4 44 - Super of Am Tr BB- 2.87 - Super of Am Tr C- 8 29 - Super cf Am Tr D- 8.29 ---- Supervised Shrs . --15.42 16.76 Trusteed Am Bk “B 1.00 1.10 Trusteed Industry Shrs__ 1.62 1<9 Wellington Fund - 20.83 22.83 OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Ere St. N.W. Phone NA. SI 84 Office Space For Rent 1,300 square feet of exception ally desirable front space in modern elevator building in heart of business and financial district. Apply ! Wm. J. Flather, Jr. ! 1508 H St. N.W. Na. 1753 If You Need \ INSURANCE We are in a position to handle all of your insurance matters In a careful, economical and personal manner. No matter what kind of protection you are seeking, we will be glad to sene you. Only, may we suggest the folly of delaying action? J. Blaise de Sibour and Company INSURANCE BROKERS 1700 Eye St. N.W. NAtl. 4673 jj% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applications Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. NAtl. 1403 BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE or refinance your home or business property LOOK into our plan that offers you a loan, repayable by convenient monthly pay merits, which, in addition to saving you commissions and renewal charges, also gives you a share in the profits of this Association^ NORTHERN LIBERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION 511 SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Established 46 yean j MEMBER OF FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE U. S. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE 1 UNION BAG NETS PROFIT OF $301 1936 Total Compares With $223,458 Recorded in Previous Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 31.—Union Bag & Paper Corp. in Its report lor 1936 showed net profits of $387,391, equal to $1.48 a share of capital stock. Alexander Calder, president, in a supplementary statement said the cor poration’s profit position improved so sharply in the last half of the year that the annual statement did not give an accurate picture of current earnings. For 1935 the corporation reported net profits of $223,458, equal to $1.14 a share of capital stock. Electric Power Si Light. Electric Power & Light Corp., affili ate of Electric Bond & Share Co., with operating subsidiaries chiefly in the South, reported for 1936 income from subsidiaries totaling $1,792,042, com pared with $1,687,453 in 1935. After interest and other deductions there was a loss of $3,126, against a deficit of $195,787 the preceding year. Net equity in the income of sub sidiaries was recorded at $9,544,081, compared with $2,792,766 in 1935. The company noted, however, that more than 72 per cent of the equity represents accruals from United Gas Corp. and its operating units, no part of which was actually received. Most of these earnings, it was pointed out. were needed for development of United Gas units. United Gas Corp. United Gas, which has been active in Louisiana fields, reported income from subsidiaries totaling $6,015,186. against $o,020,345 in 1935. The bal ance, after expenses and Interest, was $3,284,308, against $1,962,340 the pre vious year. Net equity of United Gas in income of subsidiaries rose to $13, 653,284 from $7,998,953. Pan-American Petroleum. Pan-American Petroleum & Trans port Co. reported for 1936 net profit of $2,463,259, equal to 52 cents a share on capital stock, compared with $490,549, or 10 cents a share, in 1935. FIRST TRUST LOANS Reasonable Rates end Commissions Tyler Cr Rutherford, Inc. 1512 L Street NW Nations! 0175 Loan Correspondent Mutual Benefit Life Insurance C«. PRINTING . . . Letterpress Offset Rapid, efficient serv ice that is fully guaranteed from one of the largest print ing plants in the East. National Capital Press 3rd ft N N.E. Lin. B060 Amortized j Loans for buying, building or j refinancing loans on | your home made under j Federal Housing Act, l Title 2. ; This bank has made | I over $2,000,000.00 of ' I these loans. 5 SECURITY SAVINGS AND COMMERCIAL BANK 9th and G Sts. N.W. 1518 K Street N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. I ! First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 __ *.A Weekly Volume Remains 18.1 Per Cent Larger Than Year Ago. By the Associated Press NEW YORK, March 31—The Edison Electric Institute today reported elec tric power production in the week ended March 27 was 2.200,143,000 kilo- , watt hours, a decline of 0.5 of 1 per cent '» from output of 2,211,052,000 kilowatt * I hours in the preceding week, but a I gain of 18.1 per cent over production • j of 1,862,387,000 kilowatt hours in the • ! same week last year. The decline from the preceding week was less than seasonably expected. The , Associated Press index of power pro duction for the same week advanced ^ to a new 1937 high at 119.5 from 118.7 . in the preceding week. A year ago, the index, which is adjusted for seasonal and long-term trend, stood at 102 6. ( The range for recent years follows: » 1937 1036 i 935 1934 1933 « High_119.5 119.8 105.5 97.4 91.9 Low_llti.6 103.0 94.1 91.9 80.3 '* The institute report showed most all s major geographic regions of the coun- * try turned in a substantial gain over a ' year ago. Percentage increases follow * New England, 18.9: Middle Atlantic. 13.2; Central Industrial, 24.4; West Central, 11.4 Southern States, 18 3 Rocky Mountain, 31.5, and Pacifi - Coast, 3.8. Enroll tot Classes Starting April 1 FRENCH Famous Conversational Berlitz Method THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGt’AGES J 1 I."> Conn. Ave. NAtfonal O’^IO _Ais:> l" Weeks "Travelers Course' INVESTOR Can show you 23% net return on $18,.”>00 equity in l.Vunit apartment house, just off lfjth street statement •n request. Call, write, or see s Stanton T. Kolb J. Leo Kolb, Inc. 12.37 Wisconsin Ave. West 0002 Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLT GEORGE 1. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 Real Estate Loans 1st Trust I Interest On Improved Property Prompt Service Loan Correspondent Provident Mutual Life insurance Co. Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. 1519 K St. Diet. 1015 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia— Nearby Maryland— | and Virginia— Homes Apartments Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randal) H. Hagner & Co. ij Incorporated I -— - MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT j New York Lite insurance Co. 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W DE. 3600 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS Lowest Interest Rates Construction Loans 3 to 5 Years Straight Loans Long Term Amortized Loans • Consult Us We have saved money for others in solving their mortgage problems. E. Quincy Smith, Inc. Arthur C. Houghton, President Mortgage Loan Correspondent THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 909 15th St. N.W. DI. 9057 Real Estate Loans on Improved Property Monthly Payments or Straight 3 year Loans AT 5% INTEREST Consult Real Estate Department AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY Mam Office FIFTEENTH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Branch Offices 7th and Mass. Avc., N. W. Eighth and H Sts., N. E. Seventh and h st., s. w. 1140 Fifteenth St., N. W. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANUi cun*-. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM