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D. C. Total at $114,782,918 Against $86,358,879 in 1936 Month. BY EDWARD C. STONE. That business in the Capital in March was the best of any March since 1929 was indicated today by the Wash ington Clearing House Association’s monthly report on bank clearings. March clearings totaled $114,782, 918.50, against S86.358.879.19 in March of last year, and the highest figures since March, 1929, when clearings reached $131,795,928.93 Today’s figures brought the total for the first three months of this year up to $307,537,372.96, against $251,370, 950.44 in the first quarter of 1936, a gain of $56,166,422.52. Since 1929 Washington clearings have been through a big slump and then turned definitely upward. In 1930 March clearings totaled $114,113. 696.73, slightly under today's figure. In 1931 ciearings here amounted to $112,443,159.34. In 1932 they dropped to $89,616,463.59 and in March, 1933, tumbled to $32,644,947.37. In 1934 they turned upward to $62,209,874.10 and in March 1935 got up to $74,112, 669.72. Clearings in the first three months of 1937 compare as follows, with the corresponding months in 1936: January $100,562,083.88 $86,990,549.44 February _ 92,192,370.58 78.024,521.81 March ..-114.782,918.50 86,358,879.19 Holland Heads Committee. Appointment of T. Stanley Holland, trust officer, American Security & Trust Co., as chairman of the Trans T. Stanley Holland. poriauon i/iiin mittee for the coming conven tion of the Dis trict Bankers As sociation at White Sulphur Springs May 27-31, was announced today by Thomas J. Groom, acting president of the association. W. T. Van doren, former national bank ex aminer and now vice president and cashier of the Liberty National Bank, was named vice chairman. Other members of the committee announced today include; Clarence F. Burton, president. City Bank; J. Frank White president National Bank of Washington; James A. Soper, vice president and cashier Lincoln National Bank: William B. Willard, vice president National Sav ings & Trust Co.; C. F. Jacobsen, cashier National Metropolitan; Nelson B. O'Neal, assistant vice president Biggs National; Aubrey O. Dooley, assistant trust officer Hamilton Na tional. While it is too early to forecast the attendance, it is now believed that this year's convention will be much larger than last year. If last year's mark is exceeded, the convention will be the largest since the depression. It is expected that around 250 mem bers. Government officials and other guests will attend. Weather Cuts Gas Earnings. The monthly report of the Washing ton Gas Light Co. filed today with the Public Utilities Commission reflects the effect of the abnormally warm weather during February, this year. Operating revenues for this February were $748,311, compared with $842,517 for the same month last year, a de crease of $94,206. However, operating expenses de creased $28,386 and the result of the month's operation after all deductions was a net income of $138,909. a de crease of $69,432 from February of last year. The February earnings bring the net income of the first two months of the current year up to $264,948. compared with $363,585 a year ago. The company reports gas sales of 1,084 million cubic feet for February, 1937, compared with 1,226 million cubic feet last year. This diminution In volume clearly shows the effect of the 7-degree higher average tempera ture this February. At the end of the month the company had 145,244 meters in service in the District of Columbia, a gain of 7,511 meters over February last year. Maryland Building Soars. Building in Maryland cities outside of Baltimore increased more than 400 per cent in February over the mark set in the same month a year ago. an Associated Press dispatch states. The Federal Reserve Bank, in reporting the amount of building and its cost, said the number of building projects in creased from 12 last year to 44 in Feb ruary this year. The bank’s figures were taken from the number of building permits issued in Cumberland, Hagerstown, Frederick and Salisbury, the four Maryland cities covered by the report. The re port did not assign any reason for the increase, but observers pointed out that the weather in February, 1937, was much milder than in the same month the previous Winter. The warmer weather, they said, would permit more building to begin which otherwise would have been delayed until Spring. In Baltimore, more than twice as many permits were issued in Febru ary, 1937, as in the same month of the previous year, but the total cost Of the building was considerably lower. The gain in the number of per mits in smaller Maryland cities, of about 350 per cent, may be contrasted with a gain of only 45 per cent for the Federal Reserve district as a whole. This includes Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. For the whole dis trict. residential construction ac counted for 40.3 per cent of the total, as compared with 37.4 the previous year, the dispatch said. Heard in Financial District. The San-Nap-Pak Manufacturing Co., Inc., paid an initial dividend of 10 cents a share on its common stock today. The regular quarterly divi dend of 1714 cents on the preferred stock was also paid today. The numerous holders of this stock in Washington will be interested to know that the common has now gone on a dividend basis. The latest re ports of the company show a sub stantial increase in production and in earnings. American Security & Trust Co. stock sold in several small lots at 301 on the Washington Stock Ex change today. Woodward & Lothrop preferred was again in demand at 120. In the bond division Capital Trac tion 5s camd out at 92%, fractionally higher than the last previous sale. Two $1,000 bonds changed hands. The bid on Washington Railway & Electric common stock was advanced from 725 to 730 a share. A TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:15 D.m. Prev 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 80% 63% Acme Steel (4)_ 9 79% 78% 79% +1% 22% 15 Adams Exp <a55c>„ 37 21% 21% 21%-% 28% 24% Adams Millis (bl).. 2 26% 26 26% + % 36 31% Addressograph (1). 5 33% 32% 32% — % 4% 3 Advance Kumley ._ 2 3% 3% 3% 80% 72% Air Reduction ( + 1)_ 4 73% 73 73% + % 5% 3% Air-Way Electric__ 4 3% 3% 3% 15% 14% Alaska Jun <t60c).. 12 14% 14% 14% 5% 3% Alleghany Corp_ 36 4% 4% 4% — % 59% 43Vi Alleg pf ww $30_ 7 54% 54 54 +1 58 43 Alleg pf ww $40_ 5 53 53 53 —3 58% 43 Alleghany pf xw_ 1 53 53 53 +1 52% 41% Alleg Corp pr pf_ 2 46% 45 45 +1% 45% 36% Alleg Steel (b40c)._ 14 44% 43% 43%-% 258% 225 Allied Chem (6) 3 245 243% 245 +1 33% 26 Allied Mills (b50c). 2 26% 26% 26%—% 21% 16% Allied Stores (b20c) 19 19 18% 18%-% -85 81 Allied Strs pf (5) ... 1 82 82 82 +% 83% 63% Allis-Chalm (b50c). 15 69 68% 68%+% 39% 30% Alpha Port Crat (1). 2 36 35% 36 8% 4% Amal Leather _ 18 8 7% 7% + % 52% 34% Amal Leath pf (3).. 4 48 47 47 +2 114% 101 Amerada Corp (2)1 108 108 108 101% 83 Am Ag Chm Del bl.. 2 95 95 95 —1% 41% 28% Am Bank Note (tl). 2 29% 29% 29%+% 75% 61% Am Bk Note pf (3).. 10s 61 61 61 —1 80% 61% Am Brake Sh (t2).. 25 65 63 64% +1% 1% 1% Am Bra Sh rts Ap 15 191 1% 1% 1% + % 121 105% Am Can CT4) 20 109 108% 108% 71 56 Am Car & Foundry. 6 62% 62% 62%+ % 104% 92% Am Car & Fdry pf... 3 94% 94 94% +1 90% 72 Am Chain & Ca bl_ 6 83% 82% 83V* + % 105% 100 Am Chicle (14)_ 1 102 102 102 23% 13% Am Colortype _ 1 21 21 21 30% 26% Am Cornel A1 »50c._ 59 30% 29% 29% 33% 28 Am Crystal Sug b2.. 28 29% 28% 29%+% 13% 8% Am Encaustic .. 2 12% 12 12% + % 13% 7% Am & Foreign Pwr.. 70 11% 10% 10%+ % 58% 46% Am & For Pw $6 pf _. 2 47% 47 47% +1% 68% 54 Am & For Pw $7 pf _ 6 56% 55% 55% + % 38% 20% Am & For Pw 2d pf. 3 31 30% 30Vh + % is Am Hawaiian (l) _. 3 19% 19% 19% + % 11% 6% Am Hide & Leather. 76 11 10% 10% — % 65*i 37% Am Hide & L pf (3). 11 54% 53% 54% +2 52% 46% Am Home Pr t2.40__ 1 47% 47% 47% — % 4*i 2% Am Ice _ 15 4% 4% 4% + % 27% 17% Am Ice pf (2) _ 2 25 24% 24% — % 17*i 13% Am Interntl (a40c). 12 16% 16 16 + % 68% 43 Am Locomotive _ 8 54 53 53% + % 29% 22% Am Mach & F (tl).. 6 26% 26% 26% 13% 11% Am Mach & Met 60c. 1 11% 11% 11%+ % 68*i 50% Am Metals .. 89 65 63% 63% — % 16%. 11% Am Power & Light.. 30 12% 12% 12% 72% 55% Am Pw & Lt pf (5).. 5 57 56% 56%+% 87% 66 Am Pw & Lt pf < 6)_ 4 67 67 67 + % 29% 24% Am Radiator t60c _ 60 25% 25% 25% + % 45% 33% Am Roll Mill tl.20.. 107 42% 41% 41%+ % 36 31 Am Safty Raz (+ 2) _ 1 31% 31% 31%+ % 29 23% Am Seating <a2Vi). 3 25% 25% 25% — % 58 41 Am Shipbldg (2) . 60s 52% 52 52%+ % 105*i 88% Am Smelt & Ref(3). 132 99% 97% 98 +1% 107 105 Am Sm & Ref pf(6)_ 5 106% 106% 106%— % 154 143 Am Sm & Ref pf(7). 1 143 143 143 — % 67% 60 Am Snuff (t3) ... 2 61 60% 60% — % 73% 57% Am Steel F (b50c)_ 9 63% 62% 63 26% 21% Am Stores (2)_ 2 22% 22 22%+ % 56% 47% Am Sugar (2) _ 4 48% 48% 48%+ % 143% 130 Am Sugar pf (7)- 1 132% 132% 132% +2% 25% 21% Am Sum Tob (tl)_ 1 22% 22% 22%+ % 187 168%- Am Tel & Tel (3)_ 12 172 170% 171% + % 99 78%. Am Tobacco (5) ... 10 83 82% 82%+ % 99% 80% Am Tobacco B (5).. 21 85 84% 84%+ % 20% 16% Am Type Founders. 5 17% 17 17% — Vs 29% 22%. Am Water W (80c). 35 23% 22% 22% 14% 9% Am Woolen . 9 12% 12% 12%+ % 79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl). 0 74% 73 73 — % 1% 1 Am Writ Paper (d). 11 1% 1 1% 9*i 5% Am Writ Pap pf (d) 15 5% 5% 5% 20 6% Am Zinc & Lead 71 17% 16% 16% — % 79% 44% Am Zinc & L pr pf __ 4 66% 66 66V* +1% 69% 52% Anaconda Cop (tl). 207 67 65% 66 + % 25% 18 Anchor Cap (60c).. 5 22 22 22 — % 111 106 Anchor Cap pf 6%.. 130s 110 110 110 +1 37% 29 Andes Copper_ 3 34 34 34 +1% 10% 5%APWPaper .. _ 2 8% 8 8% + % 46 41 Archer-Dan-M(t2). 1 43% 43% 43% + % 13% 7 Armour(Ill) bl5c .. 55 12'+ 12% 12% — % 99% 81% Armour(Il))pr pf 6. 6 98 97% 97% — % 70% 59% Armstrong Cork(2). 7 67% 67 67 +1 16% 14 Arnold Cnst b62 %c. 34 14% 14 14% — % 24% 19% Assoc Dry Goods __ 16 21% 20% 20% — % 101 98 Asso D G 1st pf(6)_. 1 98 98 98 - % 57% 49% Asso Invest (+2)_ 1 51 51 51 +1 87-% 69% Atch T & S Fe(a2).. 30 83% 82'/* 82%-% 104 100% Atch T & S F pf(5). 3 101% 101 101% +1% 55% 44% Atl Coast Llne(al). 9 51% 50% 50% 29 25 Atl Gulf & Wst Ind. 2 24% 24% 24% +1 44 37 Atl G & W I pf(a3). 2 38 37% 38 37 30% Atl Refining (tl)_ 16 34% 34% 34%+ % 18% 16*, Atlas Corp (80c).._ 20 18 17% 17% 36*, 28% Auburn Auto _ 3 30% 29% 30% +1*, 9% 7% Austin Xichols_ 14 8% 8% 8'++ % 52% 39% Austin Xich pf (tl). 10s 50 48% 48% — % 9% 6% Aviation Corp Del_ 16 8% 8 8 11% 8 Baldwin Loco (d)_ 17 8% 8% 8% + % 9% 7% Baldwin asd (d)_ 14 7% 7% 7% + % 120 88% Baldwin pfasd(d).. 1 112% 112% 112% + % 40% 20% Baltimore & Ohio 106 39% 38'+ 38*,— % 47% 33% Baltimore & Oh pf_. 8 44% 43% 43% + % 45 41 Bangor <Sr Ar (2%)_ 3 43% 43 43% 110% 105 Bangor & A pf (5).. 110s 107% 107% 107% - % 43% 35% Barber Co (a75c> .. 41 41 39% 40'/* +1% 42 38 Barker Bros pf 2 ?*_. 20s 41 40V* 41 35% 26% Barnsdall (1) 73 33% 32% 3244 + % 20% 16% Bayuk Cigar t75c—. 6 16% 16% 16% - V* 28% 25 Beatrice Cream tl_ 1 25% 25% 25% 15*, 13 Belding Hemin (1). 1 13% 13% 13%+ Vi 30% 25 Bendix Avia(b25c). 10 25% 25V* 25V* + % 23*, 20% Beneficial L b45c.._ 10 21% 21 21% +1 62% 56 Best & Co (t2%) — 2 58% 57% 57%-% 105% 73 Bethlehem (al%)_ 78 101% 99 99 -2% 20 18% Beth 56* pf (1)_ 5 19% 19% 19%+ V, 129% 120% Bethlehem pf (7)_ 1 124 124 124 69% 57 Bigelow-San b50c_ 11 57% 56 56 -1% 38 30 Black & Deck b50c._ 1 34 34 34 + % 29% 22% Blaw Knox (b20c)._ 1 29 28% 28%+% 49% 33% Boeing Airplane __ 14 42% 41% 41% + % 48% 41 Bohn Alum & B(3)_. 2 44% 44 44%+% 28 26% Borden Co (1.60)_ 51 26% 26% 26% - V* 83% 72% Borg-Warner (4)_ 11 81% 80% 81% 15% 8% Boston & Maine_ 6 14% 13% 13%+ % 23% 16% Bridgept Brss(60c_. 22 20 19% 19%+% 59% 45V* Briggs Mfg (t2> _ 8 50% 49% 49%-% 53% 43% Briggs & Strat (3)_. 3 45 44 45 +1% 47 41% Bristol-Myrs t2.40_. 1 42 42 42 + % 53 40 Bklyn-Man Tr (4)_.x 5 43 42% 42%+% 8 6% Bklyn & Queens_ 21 6% 5% 6 — V* 38% 28% Bkn & Q T pf (3) ... 2 28% 28 28% 52% 391, Bklyn Un Gas (3)_ 5 40 39% 39%-% 24% 20% Brunswick-Balke_ 10 22% 22% 22V* 25V* 19% Bucyrus-Erie_ 7 21% 21 21% + % 14% 11% Budd (EG) Mfg_ 27 12 11% 11%-% 98 75 Budd (EG) pf _ 2 89% 88V* 89% +4% 13 9'i> Budd Wheel(&20c)_. 5 10% 10% 10% 45% 34% Bullard (b25e)_ 7 43 42% 42%+ % 65V* 51 Bulova Watch (t4)_ 2 54% 54% 54% — Vi 35% 31 Burr Add M (80c)_ 6 31% 31% 31%+ % 11% 7% Bush Terminal (d)_ 1 8% 8% 8% + % 39 27 Bush Term deb (d). 1 30 30 30 18% 13% Butler Bros (bl5c)_. 6 17 16% 16% — % 36V* 29% Butler pf (1 Vi) _ 3 34 34 34 9% 5% Butte Cop & Z(a5c)_ 19 7% 7% 7% + % 33% 27 Byers (A M) _ 5 29% 29V* 29% + % 34% 27 Byron Jackson (tl). 3 31% 31% 31% + % 48% 39% Calif Packing (1 Vi)- 7 40 40 40 +% 50% 50 Calif Pkg pf (2V4).. 1 50% 50% 50% + Vi 6% 2% Callahan Zinc-Lead. 94 5% 5% 5(4 — (4 20(4 15 Calumet&Hecla (1). 75 17% 17(4 17% + % 37% 30% Campbell Wy (tl)— 3 33% 33 33 38% 27% Canada Dry G Ale_ 24 34% 33% 33% — % 17% 14 Canadian Pacific __ 25 15% 15% 15% + % 61% 52% Cannon Mills(b50c) 1 53 53 53 + % 52V* 50 Cap Adm pf (A)(3). 100s 50% 50% 50% — % 8% 7 Carriers & Gen(boc) 5 8 8 8 + % 176% 138 Case(J I)Co (4)_ 2 158% 158 158 +3 100 85% Caterpillar Tr ( + 2)_ 2 94% 94 94 +% 36% 26% Celanese (b75c) ... 84 33% 33% 33% 113% 106% Celanese pr pf A(7). 1 108% 108% 108% —1 48% 36% Celotex Corp _ 6 42(4 41% 42 — % 39% 33% Cent Aguire (tl%). 9 36 34% 36 +1% 12% 8% Central Foundry_ 28 10% 10% 10% — % 41% 35 Central R R of N J„ 3 35% 34 34 -1% 24% 17 Cent Violeta Sug_, 9 19% 18% 18%+ % 86% 67% Cerrode Pasco (4).. 27 82% 81 81% +1% 2314 16V* Certain-teed Prd_ 16 18(4 18% 18% + % 82 67(4 Certain-teed pf (6). 60s 73 72% 73 58% 35% Champ Paper (1)_ 6 56% 56 56% — % 90% 78% Chesapeake Crp(3). 1 81 81 81 + % 68(4 57% Ches & Ohio t2.80 38 60% 59(4 59(4 — % 100 97 Ches & Oh pf A (4)_. 1 96 96 96 -1 4% 2% Chi & East 111 (d)... 2 4% 4% 4% 13% 6(4 Chi & Est 111 pf (d)_ 1 12 12 12 — % 4 2% Chi Grt West <d)_ 3 3% 3% 3% + % ‘18% 13% Chi Gt Wst pf (d)_ 5 16% 16 16 +% 3% 2 Chi Mil St P&P (d). 5 3 2% 2(4—% 7% 4% Chi M St P&P pf (d). 10 6% 6% 6% — % 6% 3% Chi & N W (d) 7 5% 5% 5% 33 23 Chi Pneumatic Tool 2 29% 29% 29% + % 3% 2% Chi R1 & Pac (d) . 3 3% 3% 3% - % 8% 5% Chi RI&P 6% pf(d). 2 7% 7% 7% - % 10(4 6% Chi RI&P 1 % pf (d). 1 8% 8% 8% + % 22(4 18% Chicasha Cot Oil_ 5 18% 18% 18% 15(4 12% Childs Co _ 13 13% 13% 13% 80 46% Chile Copper (1)_120s 72 72 72 -8 135% 110% Chrysler (bl%)_ 22 126% 124(4 124% -1(4 21% 18(4 City Ice & Fuel (2). 4 20 19(4 20 +% 92 85 City Ice & F pf 6%. 30s 89 89 89 10% 9 City Stores _ 6 9% 8% 8(4 - % 38(4 32% Clark Equip(tl.60). 6 35 34V* 35 +1% 113 105 Clev El Illu pf 4%._ 30s 108(4 108(4 108'4 + % 41% 35 Ciev Graph Br (2).. 1 38% 38% 38% 98% 78 Cluett Peabody (3). 2 90(4 90% 90(4+% 130(4 126 Cluett Peab pf (7)— 10s 129 119 129 +% 165% 122% Coca-Cola (+2)_ 9 167 165 165 57% 57 Coca-Cola A (3)_ 1 68 58 58 +% 25% 19(4 Colgate-P-P(t60c). 84 25% 24% 24%-% 104% 102% Colgate-P-P pf (6). 2 103 102% 103 +% 62% 54% Collins & Aik (t2)_ 2 66% 56 56% + % 112% 108% Collins & Aik pf (5). 40s 108% 108% 108% 37 26 Colonial Beacon_ 60s 36 35 36 +4 51(4 43 Col Fuel & Iron(bl) 6 45% 45 45% — % 20(4 15% Colum G & E a40c— 73 16 15% 15% 108 97% Col G & E pf A (6)— 2 98% 98 98 39% 32% Columbia Pic (tl)— 2 34 33% 34 +1% 46% 41(4 Col Pic cv pf (2%).. 3 42% 42% 42%+% 124% 112% Col Carb vtc < +4)_ 9 125% 123% 125 +2 69% 56(4 Cornel Credit (+4)_ 9 60% 60% 60%+ % 80V* 66% Cornel Inv T (T4) .. 8 68% 68% 68%-% 120 104 Cornel Inv T pf 4*4— 1 106% 106V* 106% + % 21% 18 Cornel Solv (t60c)._ 28 18% 18V* 18% 4% 3 Comw & Southern.. 60 8% 3 8 2:18 p.m. Prev 1837 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 75% 56 Corhw & Sou pf (3).. 3 68 66% 56%+% 19% 13% Conde Nast Pub .— 1 15% 15% 15% + % 45% 36% Congoleum-Nrn<2)_ 8 42 41% 42 + % 22 17% Conn R & L pf_ 10s 17 17 17 - % 18% 13% Consol Cigar _ 1 14% 14% 14% - % 87 80 Consol Cigar pf (7)_ 10s 85 85 85 +1% 49% 39% Cons Edis NY(t2)_. 45 41% 40% 40%+% 108 104% Cons Ed NYpf(B).. 1 105 105 105 +% 5% 4% Cons Film _ 2 4% 4% 4% 13% 9% Cons Laundries_ 2 11% 11 11%+% 17% 15% Cons Oil (80c) _ 88 17 16% 16%+% 1% % Cons Textile (d)_ 17 1% 1 1 12% 8% Cons Coal (Del) vtc. 6 12 11% 12 - % 51 33 Cons Coal Del vtc pf 300s 48 47 47% —1 32% 20% Container Corp 1.20. 108 32% 31% 32 +% 37% 27% Conti Baking (A)... 22 32% 31% 31%-% 5% 3 Conti Baking (B) ... 47 4% 4 4% + % 109% 102% Conti Baking pf (8). 1 103 103 103 69% 59% Conti Can (3) _ 19 60% 60 60 25% 20% Conti Diamond (2). 6 22% 22% 22%+% 42% 38% Conti lnsur (tl.60). 12 39V* 39 39 + % 3% 2% Conti Motors _ 5 3% 3 3 - % 45% 40% Conti Oil Del (tl)_ 40 44% 43% 44%+% 35% 26% Conti Steel (b50c)„ 3 33 32% 32%+% 77 63% Corn Ex Bank (3).. 20s 68% 68% 68%-% 71% 65% Corn Prod Ref (t3)_ 4 67% 67% 67%+% 171% 160 Corn Prod R pf (7). 1 160 160 160 10% 6 Coty Inc_ 23 9% 9% 9% — % 56% 46 Crane Co . _ 4 53% 53 63 37 31% Cream of Wheat(2). 1 30 30 30 -1% 28% 21% Crosley Radio al%_ 1 24 24 24 -% 100% 74% Crown Cork &S<2)_ 7 80% 78 78 -2% 24% 17 Crown Zellerhach 237 22% 21% 22 +1% 99% 99 Crow'll Zell cv pf (5). 17 101 99% 100% +1% 81% 51 Crucible Steel_ 6 79% 78% 78% — % 17% 12% Cuba R R pf _ 30s 13 13 13 +% 14% 10 Cuban-Am Sugar.— 23 12% 12 12 — % 127 110 Cuban-Am Sug pf_ 800s 116 116 116 +3% 43 39% Cudahy Pkg (2%)_ 2 40% 40% 40% — % 20% 17% Curtis Publishing— 6 17% 17% 17% 109% 100% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 4 100% 99% 100 - % 8% 6% Curtis Wright _ 34 7% 7 7 23% 19% Curtis W(A) a50c— 10 20% 20% 20% — % 86 80 Cushman S pf 3%_ 10s 82% 82% 82% +1% 62 49 Cushman Sons pf_ 20s 55 55 55 135% 104% Deere & Co _ 12 128% 125% 128% -2% 31% 29% Deere & Co pf 1.40.. 1 30 30 30 + % 29 22 Deisel-VVem-G(tl). 10 25% 24% 25% + % 58% 42% Delaware & Hudson 19 64 52% 52% —1 24% 17% Del Lack & West 22 22% 21% 21%—% 10% 7% Den & U G W pf(d). 1 9% 9% 9% + % 76% 61 Devoe & Rey A(t3). 1 73 73 73 +2% 36% 30% Diamond Mth(b50c) 2 31 Vi 30% 31% + % 40% 36% Diamond Mpf( + 1%) 1 37 37 37 +% 29 24% Distil Corp Seag -- 23 27% 26% 26% 96 90 Dist C S pf ww (5).. 2 92% 92% 92%—% 25 20% Dixie Vortex(l>%) . 1 22% 22% 22% + % 46% 37% Doehler Die Cast(2) 3 40% 40% 40%+% 51 45 Dome Mines ( + 2)_ 7 45% 45% 45%+ % 77% 60% Douglas Aircraft_ 6 62% 62 62 +1 8% 6Vi Dunhill Internatl-— 2 6% 6% 6% 180% 156 Du Pont (b75c)_ 17 160% 159% 159% 17 1 lVi Eastern Roll Mills.. 2 15% 15% 15%—% 175% 159 Eastman Kodaki6). 3 164 164 164 163 157 Eastman Kod pf<6)_ 20s 157 157 157 37% 32 EatonMfg( + 2) - 2 33% 33% 33% + % 16 11% Eitlngton-Schild- 20 15% 14% 15 + % 29 23% El Paso Nat G 1.60.. 5 24% 24% 24%+ % 45% 38% Elec Auto Lt t2.40_. 6 40% 40% 40%+% 16 12 Elec Boat (a60c) ._ 12 12% 12% 12% — % 7% 5% Elec&Mus I <al8c). 7 5% 5% 5% 26% 21% Elec Pow & Light .. 60 24 22% 22% — % 92% 75 Elec Pw & Lt J7 Pf 4 77% 77 77% +2% 44% 40% Elec Storage Bat (2) 6 41% 41 41 2 1% Elk Horn Coal (d)__ 3 1% 1% 1% + % 8 5% Elk Horn Cl pf (d).. 2 6% 6% 6% + % 17% 11 Eng Public Serv .. 1 11% 11% 11% — % 78% 64% Eng Pb S $5 pf b3*i. 2 63% 63 63% —2 9% 7% Equitable Office B_ 5 7% 7% 7% + % 23% 13% Erie RR. - 26 22% 22% 22% — % 35% 26% Erie R R 1st pf- 3 31% 31 31 — % 28% 22 Erie R R 2d pf_ 2 24% 23% 24% + % 14% 12% Eureka Vac (80c).3 12% 12% 12% + % 34% 28% Evans Prod (tl)- 4 31V 31 31% + % 6% 5 Exchange Buffet- 1 5% 5% 5% 5% 3% Fairbanks Co- 100* 4 4 4 28 21% Fairbanks Co pf- 40* 22% 22% 22% +1 71% 56 Fairb'ks-Morse (tl) 2 60% 60% 60% — Vi 210% 183 Fairbanks-M pf(6) 1 150 150 150 -35% 70 53% Fajardo Sug Co (bl) IS 59% 58% 58% t % 29% 22 Federal Lt & Trac _ 2 22% 22 22% - % 150 66% Fed Min & Smelter.. 1 150 150 150 +15 126% 105 Fed Min&Sm pf<7) .. 1 127% 127% 127% + % 11% 8% Federal MotorMOc). 4 9% 9% 9% + v* 11% 5% Fed Screw Works... 4 9% 9 9% + % 6 ’ 4% Fed Water Svc A — 2 5 5 5 — % 43% 36% Fed’d Dept Str(2) _. 3 38% 38% 38% — % 45% 40 Fidel Phoenix tl.60. 8 41 40% 41 + % 41% 32% Firestone T&R (2). 21 39% 39% 39%-*- % 107% 103% Firestone pf A (6) . 1 103% 103% 103% + % 52% 46% First Natl Strs t2% 1 47 47 47 + % 46% 40 Flintkote Co (1)- 14 42% 42% 42% — Vi 39% 34 Florsheim A (2) — 1 37 37 37 9% 6% Follansbee Bros(d). 1 8% 7%. 7% — % 54% 47% Food Machine (1) . - 3 57% 55 57% +3% 122 116% Food Mach pf(4%) 100* 126 125 126 +7 54% 43 Foster-Wheeler . 43 63% 51% 51% — Vi 135 118 Foster-Wheeler pf. 200s 133 129% 133 44 18% 12% Francisco Sugar ... 3 15% 15 15 32% 26% Freeport Sulph (1). 41 29% 29% 29% + % 7% 4% Gabriel Co (A)- 12 7% 7 7 + % 33 25% Gamewell Co -- 130* 27% 26 27 +1 19% 15% Gar Wood (a55c)— 3 17% 17 17% + % 15% 12V* Gen Am Inv(a75c).. 1 14% 14% 14%-*- % 86% 70% Gen Am Trans (a3)_ 5 73’* 73 73 +1 19% 15Vi Gen Baking (t60c).. 7 16V* 15% 16 — % 153 145 Gen Baking pf (8)— 80s 146 146 146 —2 14 10% Gen Bronze_ 8 11% 11 11 — % 32% 25% Gen Cable _ 18 30% 30% 30% — % 65 54 Gen Cable (A). - 24 61 60% 6L - % 126% 114% Gen Cable pf (a7)_— 8 126% 125 126% -*-l% 52% 44 Gen Cigar ( + 4) 2 45 44% 45 +1 64% 52% Gen Electric (b40c). 76 58% 58% 58% 44% 39% Gen Foods (2) - 10 42% 42V* 42% 3% 2% Gen Gas & Elec(A) 12 2% 2% 2% — % 64% 58 Gen G&E 6% cv pfA 10s 59 59 59 —7% 65% 60 Gen Mills (3) l 61 61 61 + % 124 117% Gen Mills pf (6) ... 30*119 119 119 +1 70% 60% Gen Motors(b25c)— 65 63'% 62% 62% — % 122% 116% Gen Motors pf (5)._. 8 117 116% 116% — % 15% 12% Gen Outdoor Adv .. 15‘ 13% 12% 12% — % 60% 50% Gen Outdoor Adv A. 3 50 49% 50 — % 19 17% Gen Print Ink new _ .1 17% 1<% li% 5% 4% Gen Pub Service_ 1 4% 4% 4% 65% 53 Gen Ry Signal (1) 6 54 53% 53% + % 117% 114 Gen Ry Signal pf (6) 40* 117 117 117 — % 5% 4% Gen Realty & Util - 32 4% 4% 4% — % 48% 39 Gen Realty & U pf - 1 42% 42% 42% 70% 60% Gen Refract (a3%). 3 65 64% 64% — % 88 73% Gen Steel Cast pf — 10* 75 75 75 — % 33% 28 Gen Thea Eq(b25c). 7 30% 30 30% + % 43% 37 Gen Time Inv(tl)-- 1 38 38 38 — % 20% 15% Gillette S Raz (tl)-. 13 17% 17% 17%—% 29% 20% Gimbel Bros — 21 25% 25% 25% 90% 83% Gimbel Bros pf (6)— 3 88 87 87 —1 51% 43% Glidden Co (2)- 10 47% 47 47%+ % 6% 5% Gobel (Adolf) - 14 6% 6 6 + % 8% 6% Goebel Brew(t20c). 4 7% 7 7 50% 31 Goodrich(BF) (al)_ 64 49 47% 48 — % 87% 79% Goodrich pf (5)- 3 85% 85% 85% 47% 27% Goodyear (b50c)- 153 45% 44% 45 — % 141 100 Goodyear cu pf (5)_. 14 136% 134% 136 +2 13% 10% Gotham Silk Hose— 14 11% 11 11%+ % 96 92 Gotham S H pf (7).. 10* 95 95 95 4% 3 Graham-Paige . — 25 3% 3% 3% — % 15 6% Granby Cons (new). 24 12% 11% 12% + % 5% 3% Grand Union ctfs — 1 4% 4% 4% + % 27% 21% Grand Union pf(bl) 1 24% 24% 24% — % 48% 38% Granite City Stl(l)_ 5 42 41% 41% — % 55% 40% Grt Northern pf- 18 52% 51% 51% — 1% 28% 19 Grt Northn Ore (1)- 34 27% 27 27 — % 42% 35 Grt West Sug t2.40. 16 37 36% 37 +1 145% 139 Grt Wst Sug pf (7).. 120» 140 139% 140 — % 39% 34 Green H L (tl.60).. 6 35% 35% 35% — % 16% 14% Greyhound (t80c).. 21 15 14% 14% — % 11% 11 Greyhound pf (55c). 1 11% 11% 11% — % 4% 3 Guantanamo Sug— 3 3% 3% 3% 59 40 ’Guantanamo pf 10s 53 53 53 17% 13 Gulf Mobile &N- 1 14% 14% 14% — % 108 55% Gulf States Steel— 4 107 106% 107 36 32% Hack W pf A (1%). 20s 34 34 34 20% 13% Hall W F Print 3 17% 17% 17% + % 31 27 Hamilton Wth b25c. 1 26% 26% 26% — % 108 105% Hamilton W pf (6). 10* 106 106 106 105 101% Hanna (MA) pf(5). 40* 103% 103% 103% 68% 50% Harb-Walker (12) _. 6 54% 54 54 106% 103% Hat pf ww (6% )- 60* 105 105 105 + % 8 5% Hayes Body - 1 6% 6% 6% — % 15% 13% Hecker Prod (60c)_. 33 13% 13% 13% 39% 31% Hercules Motor(tl) 1 32% 32 32% +1 67% 60 Hershey Choc (t3)_. 1 60% 60% 60% + % 111 102% Hershey Ch pf(t4)_. 5 106% 106 106% + % 52% 47 Holland Fur(al %)_ 6 48% 48 48 120% 106 Holland Fur pf (5) .. 20* 107 107 107 30% 21 Hollander & Son(l). 6 29% 29% 29% + % 43% 31% Holly Sugar (t2)... 8 34% 34% 34%+ % 431 355 Homestake (tl2) ... 180* 415 400 403 —15 41 37 Houd-Hersh A(2%) 1 37% 37% 37%+% 27% 22% Houd-Her B (tl%)- 3 23% 23% 23%—% 73 57% Household Fin (4)_. 1 62 62 62 —1 17% 12% Houston Oil vtc — 32 15% 16 15 90% 62% Howe Sound (t3)— 18 87% 85 87% +3% 5% 4 Hudson & Manhat— 2 4% 4% 4% + % 23% 18% Hudson Motor- 35 22 21% 21%—% 2% 2 Hupp Motors- 15 2 1% 2 38 22% Illinois Central_ 31 35% 34% 34% — % 72 65 111 Cent Is In (4)- 10* 66% 66% 66% 22% 12% Indian Refln (al)— 17 19% 18 18% +1% 40% 36% Indus Rayon (2) — 11 39% 39% 39% + % 144 130% Ingersoll Rand(t2). 3 136% 135% 135% + % 131% 112% Inland Steel (4) — 11 119% 118 119% + % 33% 22% Inspiration Cop .. 49 31 30 30% + % 6 5% Ins Sh Md ct (a20c). 10 5% 5% 5% — % 13% 10% Inter Kap Tr vtc(d) 1 10% 10% 10% 11% 4% Intercontl Rubber— 38 10% 10% 10% — % 28% 16% Interlake Iron _ 87 27% 26% 26% 8% 5 Inti Agricultural— 60 9 8% 8% — % 69% 42 Inti Agricul pr pf_ 6 68% 67% 67% — % 189 164 Inti Bus Mach (t6)_. 1 163 159% 169%-4% 111% 101 Inti Harvester(2%) 14 104% 103% 104% - % 16% 8% Inti Hydro El A — 65 14% 13% 14% + % 13% 6% Inti Mercantile M— 64 13% 12% 13% +1% 18% 14% Inti Mining (a90c)_. 21 16% 15 16 + % 73% 62% Inti Nickel (b50c)„ 77 70% 69% 69% -1% 22% 16% Inti Paper (A)_ 92 23% 22 23 +1 16% 10% Inti Paper (B)_ 40 17% 16% 17% + % 8 5% Inti Paper (C)- 146 8% 8 8 115% 90% Inti Paper pf - 92 117% 115% 117% +2% 53% 41 Inti Print Ink (t2)_ 1 63% 63% 63%+1 10 8 Inti Ry Cent Am_ 60* 7% 7% 7% -1% 2:16 p.m. Prev 1937 Stock and 8ales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 28% 26 Inti Salt (tl%)- 1 27 27 27 49% 45% Inti Shoe (+2)- 3 45% 45% 45% 62 31% Inti Silver_ 3 49 48 49 +2% 110 90 Inti Silver pf (a4)__ 60s 102 102 102 16% 11% Inti Tel & Tel_ 62 12% 12% 12%-% 36% 29% Interstat Dp St b2% 7 32% 31 31 -1% 26% 19% Intertype Corp (1).. 1 20 20 20 -% 29 25% Island Creek (2).-_. 2 28 27% 28 136 123 Jones&L 7% pf 1%- 10» 127 127 127 29 20 Kans-City South_ 11 27% 26% 26% 44% 40 KansClty Sopf(al) 1 41% 41% 41%-% 35 28% Kaufmann (tl.60)— 1 33 33 33 19% 15 Kelsey-H B (al%)_. 2 15% 15% 15%-% 69% 56% Kennecott (b50c)_ 147 67% 65% 65%+% 20% 17% Keystone S&W b30o 17 19% 18% 19 + % 46 39% Kimberly Clark(l)_ 14 43% 42% 42%+% 9% 6% Kinney (G R) Co_ 24 9% 8% 8% — % 71 47% Kinney pf (al)_ 730e 71 68 68%-2 29% 25% KresgeS S (b30c)__ 16 26% 25% 25% 47% 40% Kress S H (1.60)_ I 41 41 41 -% 24% 22 Kroger Groc (tl.60) 2 22% 22% 22% 27% 21 Laclede Gas (St L). 30* 22 21 21 -% 24 18% Lambert Co (2)_ 9 21% 21% 21% 27% 17 Lee Rubber (60c)_ 6 27 26% 26% + % 61% 38% Leh Port Cmt 1 %_ 1 46% 46% 46%+1% 18% 13% Lehigh Val Coal pf_ 1 14% 14% 14% + % 24% 17% Lehigh Valley R R_. 7 22% 21% 21% - % 137 118 Lehman Corp (t3)_ 1 128% 128% 128% +3% 21% 18 Lehn & Fink<al%)_ 2 19% 19 19 58% 49 Lerner Stores(t2)_ 1 50 50 50 + % 79 67% Libbey-O-F <b75c)_ 11 71 69% 70% +1 15% 9% Libby McN & L(al). 11 14% 14 14 - % 28% 25% Life Saver (tl.60)_ 2 26% 26% 26%+% 113% 100 Ligg&Myers (t4)_. 1 102% 102% 102% + V* 114 100% Llgg& Myers B t4„ 6 103 102% 102% +1 23 21% Lily Tulip (tl%)_ 4 22% 22% 22%+% 83% 59 Lima Locomoti ve„. 16 73% 71% 72% + % 61 52 Link Belt (t2)_ 2 56% 56% 56%+% 53% 43% Liquid Carb <2.60)_ 2 62 51% 52 +% 81% 64% Loew’slnc (12) .. 86 80 78% 79% +1 110 106% Loew's Inc pf (6% )_ 1 106% 106% 106% - % 3% 2% Loft Inc .. 20 3% 3% 3% - % 75% 56 Lone Star Cmt b75c. 4 69% 69 69% + % 10% 6% Long Bell Lum(A). 27 9% 9 9% + % 43% 37% Loose-Wiles (2) ... 6 37% 37% 37%-% 109% 107 Loose-Wiles pf(5)_. 10* 106 106 106 -1 28% 22% Lorillard P (tl.20). 13 24% 24% 24%-% 28% 19% Louis G&E pf A 1 21% 21% 21%+ % 99 88% Louis* Nash b2%- 3 91% 90% 90%-% 41% 29% Ludlum Steel (tl»-. 21 39% 38% 38%-% 36 33% MacAndrew&F(12). 1 33% 33% 33% +1 132% 131% MacAndrew pf 16) . 10* 130 130 130 36 30% McCall Corp (t2)_ 3 31% 31% 31%-% 24% 18% McCrory Stores_ 2 19% 19 19 — % 54% 40% McGraw Elec (12) __ 1 50 50 50 + % 28% 23% McGraw H P b27%c 4 24% 24 24 - •% 42% 38 McIntyre Porcu(2)_ 5 40 39% 40 + % 16% 12% McKesson & Rob . 30 15% 15% 15%—% 47% 45 McKess & Rb pf (3)_ 1 46% 46% 46%-% 19 16% McLellon St tb75c). 11 16% 16% 16%-% 62% 42% Mack Trucks (tl)-. 17 60 58% 59V* +1 58% 50% Macy (R H) <t2)-._ 10 64% 53% 54 -t 1 15% 11% Madison Sq G(80c)_ 9 13% 12% 13 +% 63 63 Magma Copper (2)_. 2 61% 61% 61%+1% 7% 5 Manati Sugar (d)_ 3 7% 7% 7% 30 20 Manati Sug pf (d)_ 70* 26% 25% 25% — % 16% 14 Mandel Bros (bl) _. 3 15% 15% 15%+ % 16% 11% Man El md gtd (d)_. 5 12V* 11% 12%+ •% 29% 2.3% Manhat Shirt (1) ._ 2 24% 24 24 -% 6% 4% Maracaibo Oil Exp_. 12 5% 5% 5% + % 14% 10% Marine Mid (t40c).. 10 12% 12% 12%—% 3% 2 Market St Ry . 140* 2% 2% 2% 6% 4% Market St Ry 2d pf. 40* 4% 4% 4% — % 39 30% Market St Ry pr pf. 100* 34 34 34 -1% 51% 46 Marlin Rock (72)—. 1 47 47 47 — % 30% 18% Marshall Field_ 27 29% 28% 28% — % 13% 9 Martin-Parry_ 3 11% 11 11 74 60 Masonite (tl). -- 3 63% 63 63% — V* 41% 36 Mathieson Alk(l%) 2 37% 37% 37V* 166 155 Mathieson pf A (7)_ 20* 157'* 157% 157% — % 15% 12 Maytag Co (a50c)_ 1 12% 12% 12% + % 33% 25% Mead Corp .. 16 28% 28 28 -% 86% 77 Melville Shoe (t5)_. 3 77% 77% 77% — V* 16% 11% Meneel Co — 10 14% 13% 13%+ % 47% 41% Mengel 5% pf(2%). 70s 44% 44 44'* -r % 41 36% Merch&Min (tl.60). 10* 38 38 38 72% 59 Mesta Mach (bl%). 2 67% 67% 67% * % 26% 16% Miami Copper _ .. 57 24 23 23% -rl% 35% 29% Mid-Cont Pet al.15. 27 34% 33% 34 + % 48% 38% Midld Stl Prod(t2). 2 45% 45% 45% - V* 122 116% Midld Stl 1st pf(8)_ 50*117 117 117 16% 11 Minn Moline Pow . _ 9 14% 14% 14% — % 33% 26% Mission Corp (a45c) 11 33 32% 33 + % 9% 6% Mo Kans & Texas 10 9% 8% 9 -r % 34% 24V* Mo Kans & Tex pf A 9 31% 30V* 30V* — % 6% 3 Mo Pacific (d). _ 3 6 6 6 — % 12% 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) — 5 11% 10% 10% — % 40V* 30% Mohawk Carpfl.20) 4 36% 36% 36% + % 101 89 Monsanto Chm (11) - 5 92% 91% 92% —2% 69 53% Montg Ward < 12) ... 28 63 62 62%+% 3% 1% Mother Lde al2 %c_. 43 2% 2% 2% — % 38% 31% Motor Prod (t2) .. 3 34% 33% 33%-% 26 21% Motor Wheel(1.60)_ 4 23% 23 23 -% 54 41V* Mueller Brass (tl)_. 3 48% 48 48 —1 39% 31 Mullins B (aiOc)_ 29 38% 36% 36% — % 99% 91% Mullins pf (7) 70* 98 97% 98 + % 90 70 Murphy G C (2.60).. 3 83% 82 82 -3 20% 15% Murray Corp(a50c). 16 17% 17 17 — % 71 58% Myers (FE) (bl)_ 1 67 66% 66% — % 24% 17% Nash Kelv (1) 40 22% 22 22% a. % 47% 38 Nashv Chat & St L.. 20* 44 43% 43% -IV* 24 18% Natl Acme (a75c)-_. 19 22% 22 22 — % 18% 13% Natl Aviation (al).. 18 16V* 16 16%% % 33% 29% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 31 30 29% 29%—% 38V* 29% Natl Cash Reg (1) . 12 35% 35 35%+ V. 26% 23% Natl Dairy Prd 1.20. 21 24% 24% 24% 109% 107 Natl Dairy pf B (7). 20* 108% 108% 108% 24% 17% Natl Dept Stores 13 22 21% 21% + % 10% 7% Natl Dept Strs pf .. 20* 8% 8 8% 35 27% Natl Distillers(t2). 176 34% 33% 34 — V* 38 30 Natl En & Stpg (2). 1 34’* 34% 34% 44 33% Natl Lead (t50c) .. 15 40% 39% 39% 61% 48% Natl Mall & S C boOc 1 52% 52V* 52% 14% 11% Natl Pw & Lt (60c). 9 11% 11% 11%-% 94% 70 Natl Steel (t2%)-__ 9 88 87% 87%+% 89% 62 Natl Supply Co- 19 93% 88% 91% -r2% 129% 121% Natl Supply pf a3 Vi 7 126 124% 126 -t-1 12% 9% Natl Tea (60c)_ 1 10 10 10 + % 13% 11% Natomas (t80c)_ 2 12% 12 12% + % 64% 54% Newberry JJ t2.40.. 1 59% 59% 59% — % 41*i 33V* Newport Ind(b50c)_ 8 34% 34% 34% + % 55% 40 NY Central _ 212 53 51** 51% — V* 72 41 N Y Chi & St L_ 3 72 71% 72 100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf... 9 93% 93 93% - % 31% 29V* N Y City Omnibus 5 30% 29% 29% — % 25% 18 N Y Dock pf _ 60s 19% 19 19 -1 9% 5% NY NH & H (d)_ 5 8% 8% 8% - % 26% 16% NYr NH & H pf (d).. 4, 22 21% 21%-% 6% 5 N Y Ontario & W_ 2 5% 5% 5% — % 15% 11% N Y Shipbuilding_ 3 12% 12% 12%+ % 101 95 N Y Steam pf (6)._. 30* 100 99 100 4% 2 Norfolk South (d)_ 1 3% 3% 3% + % 272 250 Norf & Wst (b2 Vi)-. 2 255 254 254 -2 17% 13% North Am Aviation. 13 14% 14% 14% 34% 26% North Am Co(b30c). 30 27% 26% 26% — % 57V* 54 North Am Co pf (3). 2 53% 53V* 53% — % 104% 97% North Am Ed pf (6) 1 100% 100% 100% 105 93 Northern Cent (4)— 10* 97 97 97 36% 27V* Northern Pacific ... 30 33% 32% 32% — % 67* 3V* Norwalk Tire & R_ 6 6% 6% 6% — % 40 28% Norwalk Tire pf- 30* 38 37 38 +1V* 22% 17% Ohio Oil (a60c) - 154 22% 22 22V* + % 65% 53% Oliver Farm Equip. 9 62% 62 62 +1 26% 18V* Omnibus Corp vtc . 9 20V* 19% 20 19% 13% Oppenheim Collins.. 3 16% 15% 15% 45% 35% Otis Elev (60c)- 18 38% 38 38 + % 24% 16% Otis Steel ... _ 21 22% 21% 21%—% 97 75 Otis Stl cv pf (5%). 2 94 93 93 +1 75 70 Outlet Co (3) 110* 68 68 68 —2 23 19% Pac Am Fish (tl.20) 22 21% 21 21 15% 11% Pacific Coast 50* 13 12% 12%+ % 32% 26% Pac Finance(tl.80). 1 26% 26% 26%+ % 38 31% Pac Gas & Elec (2). 11 32% 31% 31%+ % 53% 43% Pac Lighting (3)- 3 44% 44% 44%+ % 44% 34% Pac Mills (b50c)- 7 38 37 38% +1% 152 143% Pac Tel & Tel (8) ... 10* 143 142% 142V) —1% 29 22% Pac West Oil(a65c). 4 28 27% 27% + V* 12% 10% Packard Mot (bloc) 44 11 10V* 107*— % 4% 2% Panhandle P & R— 4 3% 3% 3% 90 76 Paraffine Co (bl)- 1 82% 82% 827* —1 28% 22% Paramount Pic — 232 25V* 22% 25% +2 200’% 161 Paramnt 1st pf (6). 3 174 165 174 +13 26% 20% Paramnt 2d pf 60c— 23 22% 20% 22% +2 8% 4% Park Utah .. _ 114 6% 6% 6% + % 44% 38 Parke Davis (Di>— i ao™ 01™- ™ 29% 24% Parker Rust <Tl%)- 1 26% 26% 26%+ % 7% 5% Parmelee Trans- 2 6 5% 5% — Vi 10% 8% Pathe Film Corp- 8 8% 8% 8% + % 23% 14% Patino Mines(t60c). 78 21 20 20%+ % 7% 3% Peerless Corp - . — 4 6% 6% 6% 64 65 Penick & Ford(t3)_. 1 52% 52% 52% —2% 103% 97 Penney J C) (4)- 5 99% 99% 99%+ % 29% 22 Penn G1 Sd ct aSOf — 2 26% 26 26 12% 7% Penn Dixie Cement- 14 10% 9% 10 + % 60% 39% Penn Railroad (a2)- 26 48% 47% 47%+ % 63 49% Peoples Drug Ctl)— 6 60% 59 69 65% 48% Peoples Gas Chi- 6 54 53% 53%+ % 48% 34 Pere Marquette- 1 47 47 47 +1 91 85 PereMarqpf_ 1 85 85 85 21% 17% Petr Corp Am a90c— 20 20% 19% 20%+ % 13% 11 Pfeiffer Brew(l.20). 4 11% 11 11 — % 59% 50% Phelps Dodge b35c_. 44 56% 54% 55% +1% 54% 52 Phila Co 6% pf (3). x 1 51 51 51 + % 7% 5% Phila Rap Tr (d)— 10» 6% 6% 6% 14 10% Phila Rap Tr pf(d). 40s 11 11 11 + % 3% 1% Phila & Read C & I- 3 1% 1% 1% — % 84% 71% Philip Morris(b3 %) 2 73% 73% 73% — % 58% 49% Phillips Petrol (2)-. 37 57 56% 57 + % 9% 6% Phoenix Hosiery- 2 7% 7 7% + % 20% 16% Pierce Oil pf - 25 20 19% 19% + % 33% 28% Pillsbury Flour 1.60 1 29% 29% 29% — % 66 50 Pirelli (A) (a3.13)-- 20s 53 52% 52%-2% 18% 14% Pittsburgh Coal 1 15 15 15 — % 20 13% Pitts Screw&B bl5c. 32 18% 18 18 43 24% Pitts Steel _ 3 39% 39 39% 122 103 Pitts Steel pf-140s 111 111 111 8% 3% Pitts United_ 22 7% 7 7 47% 31% Pitts & W Va-110s 42% 42 42 27% 24% Plymouth Oil <tl) — 108 28% 27 27%+1% 21 18% Pond Creek Poc (2). 1 20 20 20 33% 25% Poor & Co (B) - 4 28% 28% 28%—% 3% 2% Porto R Am Tob B— 1 2% 2% 2% 15% 10% Postal Tel&C pf(d). 2 11% 11% 11%—% 31% 25% Pressed Steel Car— 10 27% 27 27 — % 86 67 Press Stl 2d pf 2%— 2 71 71 71 + % 65% 56% Proctor&Gam(t2). 15 61 59% 60% +1% 118% 114% Proc & Gamb pf (5)- 20s 115% 114% 114%—1 52% 43 Pub Svc N J (2.60)_. 8 45% 45% 46%+ % 72% 61% Pullman Inc <1%)— 14 63 62% 62%+ % 24% 19% Pure Oil_- 57 21% 20% 21% + % 107 99 Pure Oil 6% pf_ 1 103 103 103 + % * h 2:15 p.m. Prev 1037 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 112% 108 Pure 011 8% pf_ 250« 110% 110% 110% 23% 18% Purity Bak <60c)—_ 11 20% 20% 20%+% 18% 16% Quaker State (80c)_ 1 16% 16% 16'%+ % 12% 10% Radio Corp _ 79 11% 11% 11% 80 76%'Radio pf A (3%) — 6 76% 76 76%+% 9% 7% Radio-Kelth-Or (d). 36 8% 8 8% + % 37% 31% Raybestos M (tl%) 2 32% 32% 32%+% 43% 41% Reading 2d pf (2),— 1 41% 41% 41% 13% 9% Real Silk Hosiery-.. 1 10% 10% 10%—% 22% 18% Reliable Str (a50c). 1 18% 18% 18%-% Reliance Mfg Co 10 35% 34% 35 — % 29% 21% Rem-Rand (t60c)__ 10 25'% 24% 24% - % 9% 5 Reo Motor Car_ 249 8% 7% 7% — % 47% 27% Republic Steel_ 247 46% 45% 45% - % 110% 99 Republic pr pf A(6) 1110 110 110 +% 48% 33% Revere Copper_ 34 48% 47% 47% — % 96 71 Revere Copper(A) — 4 97 96 97 +1 135% 128% Revere Cop pf bl%_ 60* 135 135 135 95% 93% Revere Cop pf 5%-- 30s 94 94 94 30% 25% Reynolds Met (tl)-. 2 27 27 27 +% 34% 24% Reynolds Spr (tl)— 5 27% 27 27% +1% 58 60% Reynolds Tob B (3). 5 52% 52% 52%-% 31% 24% Ritter Dental (tl)— 1 25% 25% 25%+% 86% 72 Roan Antel (al.l2)_ 2 79% 79% 79% +2 46 40 Safeway Stores(t2) 9 42% 41% 42% +1 113 109% Safeway Str pf (6)-- 20s 110 110 110 +% 113 110 Safeway Strs pf(7). 30s 110% 110% 110% -r % 65 43% St Joseph Ld(b50c). 22 60 59% 60 4% 3 St L-San Fran (d)_ 2 4% 4 4 -% 11% 6% St L-San Fr pf (d)_ 8 9% 9 9 - % 27% 14% Savage Arm (al) __ 2 26 25% 26 +1 51% 42% Schenley Dist(b75c) 23 49% 48% 48% — % 98% 94% Schenley pf (5 %) — 3 98 98 98 3% 2 Schulte R Strs (d)_. 3 2% 2% 2% + % 23% 17 Schulte R S pf (d)_. 2 21 £0% 21 +% 45% 38 Scott Paper (1)_ 10s 41% 4J% 41%+ Vi 2% 1% Seaboard Air L (d). 6 1% 1% 1% 8% 6 Seaboard A Lpf(d). 6 7% 7 7 -% 49% 40% Seaboard Oil (1)_ 128 50% 48% 49% +2% 11% 7% Seagrave Corp _ 1 8% 8% 8% — % 95% 81 Sears Roebuck (3).. 15 91% 91 91 - % 34 28 Servel Inc (tl) _ 15 31% 30% 31% +1% 42% 29 Sharon Stl (tl.20)__ 17 39V* 38% 38%-% 120 102 Sharon Stl pf (5) — 1111 111 111 -1 14 10% Sharpe & Dohme_ 3 11 Vi 11 11 — % 65 60 Sharp & Do pf (3 %)- 1 61 61 61 +1 17% 15% Shattuck F G (60c). 3 16 15% 15%-% 44 37% Sheaffer Pen(bl '4 )- 20« 41% 41% 41% +1% 34% 26% Shell Un Oil (a25c). 22 32% 31% 32'* + %• 105% 102 Shell Un Oil pf 5%.. 1 103% 103% 103% + % 17% 12% Silver King (b25c). 112 17V* 16 16% + % 58 44% Simmons Co (b50c)- 29 56 54% 55% +1 4% 3% Simms Petrol_ 1 3% 3% 3% 54% 42 Skelly Oil _ 28 55% 53%. 55% +2% 40% 27% Smith & Cor ctfs(l) 4 32 31% 31%-% 54% 40% Smith (AO) - 2 45 44% 45 +1V* 19% 16% Soconv-Vac (b25c) 116 19% 18% 19 6% 4% South Am G & P(30c 13 5% 5 5 -% 42% 34 South Port Sug(t2) 58 39% 38% 39 + % 155 141 So Porto R S pf<8)_. 20* 147 147 147 +6 32% 27 So Cal Edison tl % 10 27 26% 26%-% 65% 42% Southern Pacific_ 65 62% 61% 61% —1% 43% 24 Southern Ry _ 66 42% 40% 41% 60'% 47% Southern Ry pf_ 7 56% 55% 55V* — % 11% 9 Spalding (AG) _ 2 10% 10 10 104V,. 100 Spang Chal pf bl%- 20* 102 102 102 9% 7% Sparks-Withing 3 7% 7% 7% 31 23 Spear & Co (ajoc) __ 1 27V* 27% 27'* + % 36 31% Spencer Kell (1.60) _ 4 34 33% 33% -r % 23% 19% Sperry Corp vtc(al) 49 21% 20% 21%+ % 50 46%Spicerpf A (3) 30* 16% 46% 46% 28% 22% Spiegel Inc (b25c)— 21 25% 25'* 25%+ % 48% 41% Square D (B) b25c . 1 45% 45% 45%+ % 16% 14% Stand Brands(tSOc) 48 15 14% 15 128% 124 Stand Brands pf (7). 30* 125% 125% 125% 12% 8% Stand Com Tobac... 2 10% 10 10%+% 14% 8% Stand Gas & El (dU 21 11% 11% 11%-% 32% 25% Stand G&E $4 pf (d) 4 28% 27% 27%-% 65 54% Stand G&E $6 pf (d) 1 56 56 56 72% 60 Stand G&E $7 pf(d) 6 64% 63% 63%-% 50 43% Stand Oil Calif(tl). 55 48 46:, 47 50 44% Stand Oil Ind (tl)_ 40 47% 46% 47 +1'2 76 67% Stand Oil N J (tl)-- 62 73V* 72 72% + % 48 34% Starrett L S(tl.40)- 2 42% 42% 42% +1% 75 65 Sterling Prod t3.80- 3 67% 67% 67% — V* 21 17V* Stewart-VVarn t50c- 4 19% 19 19% + % 33% 25% Stone & VVeb(a25c)- 17 26% 25% 25% — % 20 13V* Studebaker Corp_ 44 18 17% 17% — % 77% 68 Sun Oil (tl) _ 3 71 71 71 -1% 61% 49 Superheater Co (1) - 4 52% 52 52% + V* 7% 4% Superior Oil _ 31 6% 6% 6% 47% 37 Superior Steel - _ 2 43% 43 43 — % 39% 32% Sutherland P tl.60— 4 37% 37 37% +1% 28% 25% Swift & Co (tl.20)_ 18 27% 26% 27 33 30% Swift Inti Ltd (2)„ 25 33% 33% 33%+% 23% 18% Symington ww blOc 13 21%. 20% 2D, + % 17% 14V* Symington iw blOc. 5 15% 15% 15% + V* 8% 7% Telautograph(60c)- 1 7% 7% 7% — % 15s* ID* Tenn Corp taloc)— 49 15% 14% 14% — % 60% 50% Texas Corp (2) — 234 62% 60% 61% +1% 9-% 7% Texas Gulf Pr a5c-- 84 9% 8% 9 + % 44 38% Texas Gulf Sul (t2) 33 44 42% 42% -1% 54% 43% Texas & Pac R R 2 50% 50% 50>* + % 16% 13% Tex Pac C&O blOc__ 45 15% 15% 15%+ % 15% 11% Texas P D T (alOc)- 21 13% 13% 13%-% 48 37% Thatcher Mfg (tl)_. 2 44 44 44 + % 13% 11% The Fair _ 2 IDs 11% 11%-% 13% 10 Thermoid Co_- 6 10% 10% 10% — % 8% 6 Third Avenue_ 2 6 6 6 15% 12 Thompson J R toOc- 2 12 11% 11% - Vi 28% 23 Thompson Prb40c- 4 25 24% 24% 10% 6% Thompson Starrett. 4 84 (■» <■* — V* 40% 294 Thompson Star pf _ 1 294 294 294 21% 194 Tide Wat A O (60c). 37 204 20 20 —4 108 1054 Tide-Wat A O pf (6) 4 106% 106-4 106% 284 22 Timken Detroit tl ~ 18 254 25% 254 — 4 79 654 Timken Holler B(3) 7 664 66 664 -4 17s, 154 Transamerica t40c. 26 154 154 154 — 4 22% 184 Trans Wst Air a2oc. 23 184 18% 184-4 11% 9 Tri-Conti (aoOc)_ 37 10% 10 104+ 4 12 84 Truax-Traer(b25c). 5 11% 114 114 26% 214 Truscon Steel _ 6 244 234 244 +1 404 334 20th Cent Fox b50c. 36 384 37% 384 + 4 50 42% 20th Cent F pf(14)- 6 48 464 474 +1% 174 12% Twin City R T ... 8 12% 124 124 94 78 TwinCRTpf ali.. 70s 78 78 78 26% 164 Twin Coach (al.40). 7 244 24% 24s, + % 64 44 Ulen & Co ........ 2 44 44 44 1004 85% Und-Ell-Fisher (3). 3 91 90 90 91Vs 63 Union Bag & P (2).. 13 914 884 90% T3 111 1014 Union Carb (3.20)_ 17 105 104 104 —4 284 244 Union Oil Calif (1). 22 264 254 26 +4 148% 1264 Union Pacific (6) 6 1464 1454 1454 -1 99% 93 Union Pacific pf(4). 2 93 93 93 -4 314 26% Union Tnk Car 1.60. 4 294 294 294 +4 354 27% Utd Aircraft(a50c). 28 31% 30% 31%+ % 24% 19% Utd Air Lines a20c.. 13 204 20 20%+% 30% 264 Utd Biscuit (1.60).. 3 27% 27% 274 -4 91 79 Utd Carbon (4) ... 4 83% 83V* 834 + % 35 294 Unit-Carr Fast(t2). 7 344 34 34 84 64 Utd Corp (a20c)_ 55 64 64 64 — % 46% 414 Utd Corp pf (3)_ 5 424 41% 41% - 4 16 144 Utd Drug (a75c)_ 9 15 14s, 14s, + 4 94 7% Utd Elec Coal 8 84 8% 48+% 63 464 Utd Eng & Fy <t2)_. 3 57% 564 57% +14 86% 804 Utd Fruit (t3)_ 4 86 83s, 85s, + % 17 14 Utd Gas Imp (1)_ 29 14% 14 14% + Vs 164 64 Utd Paperboard- 26 154 154 154 24% 17 U S & For'n Seeur_ 5 22%. 22% 224 + Vi 34% 25% U S Freight (tl)_ 6 26 25% 26 234 17 US Hoffman _ 4 22% 224 22% 43% 374 U S Indus Alcohol— 42 41% 404 40s, - % 154 6% U S Leather vtc 18 134 12% 12%-% 22s, 13% U S Leather(A)vtc. 18 22 21% 214 72% 604 U S Pipe & Fdry(3). 7 674 664 674 +14 19% 13% U S Realty & Imp—. 7 154 144 144 —4 71% 44% US Rubber —_ 78 72% 71 714—% 118 924 U S Rubber 1st pf... 21 108% 107% 107% -1% 106 83% U S Smelting (b4)_. 11 102% 100 100 - 4 1264 75 US Steel ... _ 200 1234 121% 121% -14 150 139% U S Steel pf (7)_ 4 1454 144% 1454 +1% 9Vi 7 Unit Stk Yds (50c). 3 74 7% 74+% 84 6% Utd Stores (A) .. 9 6% 6% 6% 164 152 UnivLeaf Tpf (*).. 20s 165 155 155 +3 4% 34 Util Pw&Lt (A) (d). 18 3% 3% 34 — 4 2% 1% Vadsco Sales Corp.. 9 24 2 2 —4 584 48 Vadsco Sales C pf... 10s 52 52 52 39% 28% Vanadium Corp _ 30 364 36 36 — % 44% 394 Van Raalte(b624c) 5 42% 42% 424 +1 124 7% Va-Car Chemical 79 12 114 114- % 684 544 Va-Car Chem 6% pf 26 68% 66% 66% -14 12% 8% Va Iron Coal&Coke. 190s 11% 10% 10%+% 37 264 Va Iron C & C pf_ 320s 33 30 314 +24 104 34 Wabash (d) .. ... 10 9% 8% 9% + % 18% 9 Wabash pf (A) (d).. 8 16% 16 16 -% 16 7% Wabash pf (B)(d) . 130s 13 124 12% - % 19% 154 Waldorf Sys(tl.20). 2 17 16% 17 +% 33 29 Walgreen Company. 4 304 304 304 + Vi 49% 45% Walker (H) (2)_ 6 47% 47 47%+% 18% 11% Walworth Co _ 107 18 174 17% + % 50% 42 Ward Baking (A)—. 2 46% 44 46% +4% 10% 6% Ward Baking (B)_ 57 9% 8% 9% + % 18 13% Warner Bros Piet. 104 154 14 15 + % 694 61 Warner Bros Pic pf. 1 62 62 62 +1 1% 1 Warner-Quinlan(d) 16 1 4 1 12% 6% Warren Bros (d)_ 92 10% 9% 10% +1 35% 24 War’n Brcv pf (d).. 7 294 28% 294 +2 46 354 Warren Fdy&P(tl) 2 43 424 43 38% 31 vvauKesna hoi u ) - iu j.v,j ji tii 56 46 Wesson O&S (t50c) 12 54% 53% 53% - Vi 109 103 West Penn El pf (7) 30« 105% 104% 105% +1 1144 8% Western Maryland- 2 10% 10% 10% — % 4% 2% Western Pacific - 5 4% 4% 4% 11% 7% Western Pacific pf— 7 10% 9% 9% — 44 83% 704« Westn Un Tel (3)— 11 74% 73 74%+2 5744 4844 Westingh’se A B(l) 17 51% 51 51 16744 136% Westingh’se El (bl) 3 14444 143% 143% —1% 3044 26 Weston El Inst a85c 1 26 26 26 34% 31% Westvaco 5%pf 1 %. 1 32 32 32 — % 65 38 Wheeling Steel- 10 63 62 62 3344 23% White Motor _ 16 31% 30% 31%+% 6% 4% Wilcox Oil & Gas.._ 3 5% 5% 5% + V4 12% 844 Wilson & Co (50c)— 12 10% 10% 1044 —% 654s 6144 Woolworth (2.40) . 18 55 54% 55 +1 47 . 34% Worthington Pump. 20 40% 39% 39% + % 112% 81 Worth Pump pf (A). 510* 112% 110 110% +1% 100 77% Worth Pump pf(B)- 7 95% 94% 95 —1 76 68% Wrigley W )r (t3) — 2 70% 70% 70%+ 44 62% 49% Yale&Towne(t60c)_ 1 53 53 53 3744 20% Yellow Tr & Coach— 46 32% 32% 32% — V4 4644 40 Young Spr&W(t3). 5 42 41% 42 +1 101% 75% Ygstn S&T (b75c)— 41 96% 94% 96%—% 40% 33 Zenith Radio (bl)._. 3 34% 34% 34% + 44 9% 744 Zonite Products- 3 7% 7% 7% Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. I. Stock Exchange. 11-00PM— 480,000 .12:00 Noon -. 870,000 1:00 P.M_1,100.000 2:00 P.M_1,300.000 s Unit of trading less than 100 shares. ♦Annual rat£ | not including extras. a Paid last rear. b Paid this year. d Companies reported In receivership or being reorganized. | x Ex dividend. V STOCKS IRREGULAR - AT END OF SESSION Metals and Oils Climb. Steels, Motors and Rails Are Backward. Stock Averages 30 15 15 «0 Indust. Rails. Util. Stks Net change. +.3 -t-.l +.4 +.3 Today, noon 97.9 47.8 47.6 72.7 Prev. day... 97.6 47.7 47.2 72.4 Month ago. 100.8 45.4 50.1 74.1 Year ago... 84.4 36.3 48 1 63 3 1937 high.. 101.6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low... 94.1 37.8 46.8 69.1 1936 high.. 99.3 43.5 53.7 72 8 1936 low... 73 4 30.2 43 4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high.. 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51,6 95.3 61.8 61.8 , (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK, Assoclateo Press Writer. ' NEW YORK, March 31— Metals | and oils rode rough-shod over profit selling in today's stock market, but many steels, motors and rails lacked sufficient vigor to extend the sharp rally started yesterday. Favored issues retained gains of fractions to 2 or more points at fte close, although there was a sizable as sortment of losers of as much in evidence. Postponement of the Chrysler labor peace negotiations until Friday was a mildly retarding influence, as was an other decline in United States Gov ernment securities. Commodities on the whole were reactionary. rne market enjoyed its mam activ ity in the morning. The pace slowed appreciably after noon. Transfers were around 1,700,000 shares. Strength of so-called commodity shares tended to give board room sen timent a slightly inflationary tmge, although there were still thoughts the administration may step in to halt any exceptional “boom.” Business and earnings statements inspired buy ing of individual stocks. Shares well ahead most of the day included Anaconda, Kennecott. Amer ican Smelting. Phelps Dodge, Cerro de Pasco. Standard Oils of New Jer sey, California and Indiana, Seaboard Oil, Texas Corp., Plymouth Oil. Ohio Oil, J. I Case, Deere. American Tele phone. Western Union. Consolidated Edison. Loew's, Paramount, Warner “ Bros., Douglas Aircraft. Oliver Farm, Foster Wheeler. Otis Elevator and In ternational Paper & Power preferred. In a restricted area were United States Rubber, Goodyear, Goodrich, North American, Electric Power <Ss Light, Sears-Roebuck. Woolworth, Genera! Electric and New oYrk Cen tral. Generally retreating were United States Steel, Bethlehem, Republic, General Motors, Chrysler, Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Great Northern, Southern Railway, Westinghouse and Texas Gulf Sulphur The "blue chip” Homestake Mining dropped several points after its recent ; ascension. -• NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 31.—Cotton was irregular today, with near months under pressure on hedge selling and j liquidation, but new crop positions ; held relatively steady on cold weather , reports from South Texas, where early cotton has been planted. July reacted from 14.56 to 14,38 and at midafternoon sold at 14.40, with prices 15 points net lower to I higher. Futures closed steady. 1 to 13 lower High Low Close May 14.80 14.50 14.50-52 July _ _ 14 50 14 37 14.30-4(1 'October . . 13.95 18.81 13.81-82 December _ 13.N5 13.74 13.77 (January _ _ 13.92 13.77 13.78 March 13.92 13.80 13.80 Spot quiet, middling. 15.10. Cottonseed Oil. | Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed steady. May, 11.18; July, 11.28; | September. 11.30-31: October, 11.14. Sales. 288 contracts, including 88 switches. New Orleans Prices. HEW ORLEANS March 31 F).—Cotton prices opened unchanged to 5 points lower today under profit taking following yester day's large advance. May opened at 14.59. July at 1143. October at 13.SS. December at 13>7, January at 13.88 and March at 13.91. Liverpool cables were higher and some foreign and local buying held realizing In check during the early trading Continued warnings to farmers by Gov ernment officials that increased acreage would result in much lower prices for their staple held the attention of traders. Most official warnings indicated that an increased acreage of 15 per cent might result but several private authorities said intentions to plant cotton would show a much smaller total. Cottonseed oil futures opened steady. May. 10.85b July. 10.78b: September, 10.78b: October 10.58b. b—Bid. Advertising Total Up 12.9 Per Cent Over 1936 Levels Special Dispatch to The Star. CHICAGO, March 31.—Advertising placed in newspapers by retailers in 77 leading cities this year through March 20, is 17.020,513 lines greater than during the corresponding period of 1936, Advertising Age, national ad vertising newspaper, reported today. In the reported period, retail news paper advertising in the measured cities totaled 217,131,524 lines, com pared with 200,111,011 lines in the comparable period of last year. This 8.5 per cent gain is the largest per cent of gain shown by the cumulative totals this year. For the week ended March 20, news papers in the reporting cities carried a total of 23,419,173 lines of retail advertising, compared with 20,751,967 lines in the corresponding week of last year. This is an increase of 2,667,206 lines, or 12.9 per cent. Foundation Credit Co. ytn<4■ l Preferred. $10 par Lima ^ Common. $3.50 par Price, $12.50 per unit Sold only on proMpectut, which may be obtained by requett from— Allied Underwriters, Inc. Shoreham Bldg., Washington, D. C. Natl. 1121 New England Fund Prospectus on Request A. S. Goitdev & Co., Inc. Woodward Bldg. NA. 2000 i - -:1