Newspaper Page Text
TO HIGHER LEVELS Oils, Utilities, Specialties and Metals Prominent in Market Upturn. ■» III* Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 31.—Demand for oils, metals, utilities and indus trial specialties enabled the Curb share market to push higher today Strength of domestic copper stimu lated Interest in Nevmont and Shat Miek-Denn and both had substantial gains. Oulf Oil rose more than 3. then receded a bit Advances ranged from fractions to 1'2 in Aluminum Co. of America. American Light & Traction, Electric Bond & Share. McWilliams Dredging. United Gas and Wayne Pump. Pittsburgh Plate Glass drifted oft shout 2 and Montgomery Ward "A" gave up 1. CHICAGO GRAIN the Associated Press. CHICAGO. March 31.—Notwith standing that, wheat and corn both to day attained record peak prices, late reactions more than wiped out gains, as a rule The chief reason for late setbacks was that Buenos Aires wheat futures, after opening about 3 cents higher, plunged down about 5 cents from this fop. Furthermore, European demand for wheat today appeared to be at a minimum. At the close wheat was l*4-2'2 cents under yesterdays finish: May. 1 4212-04: July. 1.27V'*: corn vary ing from *2 cent lower to an advance of 2*4 cents: May. 1.21 W July, 1.15 VV oais unchanged to >2 off. and provisions unchanged to 10 cents derline. WHEAT— Open. High. Low Close. May 1 tov l 4 I ‘; lit Ilf July 1 -‘I* 1 « IfIff-' BfP'i 1 fl', 1 f3. CORN — Mav npw If 4 1 34 1 •;iiv 1 *.’l,.-sa May. old l is'« l I. I s', 1.1 s', July, new 1 10 J.lOf 1.1434 l.I.Vr's July old 1 I -*l 1.11 Pep 1.10 I.I1P4 I os f 1 oo1 OATS— M»v Vo , :>o'j lo , io'a-v July I: If, If id*.-', Ber it*. is 4 1V IP, SOY BEANS Mav J oo I oi, 4 loo l 'UP, July 1 00', pj ye_ May IIS 1 10’, 1 I If lio July I ou j or lot . | o;', Bpp 1 .111 12 1 ofj .119% 1 oo!4 BARLEY Ma.v SO LARD— Mar 1 : so Mav ]"!•? If': !fo:’ i:o:’ July Kio-: no: r: o- i :o: Sen IS no IS.SO IS 0,1 n :'o Of' BELLIES May 10 so July loss 10.OS Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat. No. 1 hard. 1.49 * -50; ♦Jo. 2 hard, 1.49:*: corn, No. 3 yellow. 1.27*2-28':; No. 4 yellow. 1.24 V27V; No. 3 white,' 1 32'2-33 f : No. 4 white, 1.26-30: oats. No. 1 white. 54 , -5512: No. 2 white, 54*4 -*2: No. 3 white. 63V rye, sample grade. 1.15':: soy beans. No. 2 yellow. 1.66*4 . No. 3 yel low. I.fi5',3- *4: barley feed, 70-73. nom inal: malting. 1.00-25, nominal; tim othy seed, 4.75-5.50 hundredweight; tlover seed, 30.00-36.00 hundredweight. Baltimore Quotation**. BALTIMORE March ::i *p Whpa\ rn *2 red Wmtpr. garlicky, spot domes! le ft] >a; March. 1.51 - CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS High. Low. Noon. Ala Power 4'2s '67 so so so Ala Power 5s ’40 A Ini '« 1<M3§ 1H4-* Am G A E 5s 7n2K ]dii;4 Jnor4 ]m;'4 Am P A L Os 2010 PI 1 2 P 7 > 2 97 H! Am Seat 6s '30 -pd ln.V2 l".v , m.V Ark P A: L 5s '50 PP'4 PP*4 !*P1« As El Ind 4*2p 53 597. 597* 597* As G A E 4 1 ?S ' 4 P 55 55 As G A F 5s os 55 55 55 As T A* T 512s '55 A Ss ss Ms j Bald Lo 6s ".8 xw IP"* 2 IPs1.- 198'3 ! Bald L Os 3s xw sip 19934 j 1« ipp*4 i Bell Te C 5s 55 A 1 1 I ' 2 1 11 '1 1 1 1 a Bell Te C 5s 57 B 1 1 OH 110% 1 1 6* a Can Par Os 12 H*p*4 inp*4 lno*4 Caro Pw&Lt 5s '50 K»7 K»2 102 Cent I1PS 5s 50 E Jn2 102 jo2 Cen II P 8 412s ’07 F PP PP PP Cent 111 P S 5fc ’os g Ini1* 1“1 * loi;» i Central Pw 5s '57 D 88 *4 ss’4 ss>4 Cent Pw a* L: 5s 50 P33h 93** P33« Cent St fl 5s '4 8 03'4 0.3*4 63 *4 Cent St El 5'2s 54 64*2 04 64 *2 Civ Di El -Pas 70 A 3"4 104 104 Chi Rys 5s "27 cod 7 1 7« 7 1 7« 7 17*! Cities Svc 5s ‘50 74** 74>4 "43* Cities S Os P os 43 1 03*4 in:: ]o3'.4 ! Cit S PAL 5'2s '52 7 214 72 7 2 Cit S PAL 5'2s '49 72 7 2 72 Comw Ed 5s '51 B 1 Iii-’h 1 in „ 1 1 n "■ R j Comw Ed 4s 8! F 1 o 4 3 » 1 n 1 *r 1 o 1 1 2 , Comw Ed 334s 05 H Jo-.,7h 1 <>• 1 4 l" ’l4 Con* G A E 5s '58 A »0»a PO PO Detroit C G 6s '47 A 1 i»#i *« 1no*R 1 •»«,»4 Pet. Cit Gs 5s 50 B 104 1 j 104 1 2 1 nl1 2 East G A F 4* '50 A 8S\ 88>4 88'4 II Pw & L’ 5s 2030 87 5« 87 »r 87sg Imp Dis El 5s '57 loo P934 1 00 imp OAR 51 as 42 89'2 Kp*2 89 *2 Irie Light 5s 67 Jo634 loo34 inn34 fed Wat 5'a.s .54 85 8ft 85 *Mrest Cot M 5s ’48 M3*2 103'2 M3* • f*lorida PAL 5s 54 94'2 P4f* 94'« Gatineau Pw 5s ’56 1 o 1 3B loi*4 ]oi3r Gen W WAE 5s 4 3 A _ 037r P37* P37r jeorgia Pw 5s '67 __ 97*2 P 7 'a P7 •/* Glen Alden Cl 4s '65 84 > 8 84 84'« lall 'WFi 6s '47 sip loo>2 10o38 loo'a lygrade Fd 6s 49 B _ 7 7 77 77 daho Pw Co 6f '47 . 1 07 »,4 107 >4 1 07 14 11 Cent R R 6s 37. loo 100 100 1 Pw A L 6s 53 A- 1 04 1 2 103»-a 1 04 1 2 11 Pw AL 5*28 ’54 B _ 102 107 102 11 Pw A L 5s '50 C PP P834 ftp 11 Pw & Lt 5«28 5795 »4 95 95 ndian El C 6s 47 A 103'4 11*3*4 103*4 ! ndiana Ser 5s 50. 7 l7* 7 17« 71 7* I ndnap PAL 5s ’57 A 1 Oft*,4 1 0.6 lo.5'4 I ntl Securities 5s '47.. 107 107 107 nterst Pw 5a 57_ 63'$ 627b 027« nterst Pw 6g 52 __ 517* 50 50 owa Pub Sv 5s '5' 1 0312 103'2 1 03' \ Jar C PAL 4'2s 01 c__ In434 10434 10434 „eh4gh P 6 6s 2026 A _ los'3 ins*2 108*2 dengel Co 4'2S 47. . 115 115 115 detrop Edis 4s '71 E 103*4 103 10.3 Jinn PAL 4'2s '78.. PP pp 99 ili»s Pw A L 5s '57_ 93 *4 P3'4 P3'4 Nevada Cal El 5s '50 07 97 07 dew E Pw 5* '4 8 . 07 07 97 •dew E Pw 5*2s '54 . PP 09 99 dew Or PS Os '49 A 82* 2 82 ’2 8212 d Y P A Lt 4'2S 07 105'2 105'2 1o5'2 d Y S EJrG 4'2s *sn__ 10.3'8 103 103 do Tnd P 8 4*2S ’70 E OP OP 00 Ohio Pwr 5s '57 B 106*2 1nn*2 106*2 Ohio Pub S 5s '54 D 105 105 105 Ok la PAW 5s '18 A !*'.’* 2 97'2 92* a F8C P A* L 5s '55 83 S734 8234 Penn C L A P 4*2s ’77 9934 993/4 90*4 I enn El 4s '71 F 06 96 06 enn O E 5>'2s ’59 B 1 On inn 100 enn O E 6s *50 A 104 * * I n4 1* 1 n4 * 8 eop GLAC 1s '8 1 B 93 P3 03 hlla Rap T 6s '62 E 90'2 96*2 96*/® its Steel 6s ’48 lo3»2 10.3'2 lo3'2 ub Ser N J 6s ctfs 130 130 130 ub S No 111 5s '66 C 104 104 104 * ub S N I 412s 81 F . 102 107 107 ub S Okla 4 s *66 A 100'2 1 oo* 1 loo*, Uf S PAL 5* 3s '4 0 A 80 34 80 *r 80 Vn Uf S PAL 5s 50 C 86*2 86'a 86*2 Uf S PAL 4'2s '50 D 81 *2 81»2 8H2 Ban An PAS 5s '58 B 103 34 1 03 34 10334 Bcripps 5* 2s '43 107*2 102*2 102 * 2 B E PA*L 6s 7075 A 10334 103' . 103'2 Sou Cal Ed 334s '60 101 *8 101101 *8 Sou Cal E 334s '60 B 1 01 *4 101 V* ]01 *8 Bouw PA'L 6s 7027 A 07 34 073l» 073 » Bid GAE cv 6s ’35 cod 00* 2 00*.» 00'2 Stand Pw A Lt 6» '57 86 8534 853. Super of II 4* >s ’68 103*2 103'2 103*2 j fuper of 11 4''as ’70 103* 2 103*'2 103'2 Pias Elec 5s ’60 1077r 10778 10*’7* ei Pw A L 5s ’56 104T* 1047r ] 047, Twin CR T 5*zs ’57 A 87 8634 87 Unit Lt A Pow fis '75 8i*4 8i*2 81 *i Unit LARD ft'is '52 88 88 88 Unit L A R M 6s 52 A 1 1 3'4 1 1 3 * 4 1 1 3 * 4 ya Pub Ser 6s '4 6 05 05 05 Va Pub 8 5'as '46 A 100 PO7. loo v’est. News U 6s '44 66'4 66 66 B'est T ut 5s '57 A 04'r 04 * i 04 *r DO AE 5'2 s 55 A 105*4 105'4 105*4 Wi* P A L 4s '56 A 07*2 07*4 07 *4 FOREIGN Pent Bank G '52 A 20‘/4 20 20>'4 Ger Con Mun 6s '4 7 IP3* 1P3R lp38 Unit El gvc 7s '56 A HP'r 6P*r 69*« mw—With warrants, xw—Without war rtnts. n—New. st ntP)—Stamped fNffotiability impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. - ■ ■ • NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. March 11 bp).—Eggs, 47.1S9: steady; mixed colors, storage racked firsts. S4,ia24*<: dirties No 1. 2»221'4: other mixed colors unchanged. Butter K.S2S; steady: prices unchanged. Cheese, 241.16]; steady to firm, and un changed. Live poultry, by freight, weak: chickens. Nockg, 17: fowls, colored. 1T a 1 hi; Leg horn 14alS: roosters. 12: ducks. 14. Other freight prices unchanged. Th* Irish Pre* Stale experts a record , humbw ot touriata thla yew. th 1 NEW YORK CURB MARKET i By private wire direct to the Star. 2::t0 Stock and Salaa— Dividend Rata Add on. Hish Low. Close. ArmiWvto 111 I5» 4«4 484 Aero Supply A 14 1 *4 24 24 Aero Supply <B) 8 54 84 54 Acfa Ansco 1 24 24 24 Alnsw’th M C b25c 8 18 18 18 A la Ptvr pf (6) 110* 69 684 69 Alabam Pw Of ( i) 20a 77 77 77 Allen indue <♦ ! > 1 24 24 34 Alum'n Co of Am 360e 172 170 170 Aluminum Ltd 600* 185 132 133 Aim Ltd c pf bl 4 2 1274 1274 1274 Am Airlines. Ine 6 294 284 284 Am Book Co (4 ) 100* 63 88 88 Am Box B 0d(l) . Ml 194 J94 194 Am Capital cB) 2 1*» 14 14 Am CPAL ww23i 2 384 384 3*4 Am Clt P&L ( At 3 100a 35 35 35 Am CltP&L B a50c 3 54 54 n»4 AmCsnam BtfiOo 18 33 324 324 Am & P'or Pw ww 2 34 34 34 Am GAB (1.40) 1 36 36 36 Am Oen C’p <tr.0o) 3 114 11 114 Am Laun’y M 10c 1 33 4 334 334 Am L4T Itl 20) 5 21 204 21 Am Maracaibo 59 24 24 24 Am Superpower 17 *4 2 24 Am Superpw 1st 6 1 98 93 93 Am Superpwr pf 2 444 434 434 Anchor Post O' 4 4*4 44 44 ftfiensi lira l I , Ansostura-W rts & H 4, 'V Apex Electrtctal) 1 34 34 34 Appalach B P pf 7 SO, 107', 106'* 1074* Areturus Radio T 7 24i 2 2 Ark Nat Gas -- 2 10*4 10'* 104* Ark Nat G cu pf . 2 94* 94* 94* Ark Nat Gas (Al 17 114* 104* 11 Ashland O&R T40o 4 7'* 74* 74* AssoGasA Elec 6 2 2 2 AssoG&ElA) „ 8 3>* 3‘* :‘*4 Aaso G & E *6 of.. 1 274* 274* 274* All Coast Fisher.. 3 11 10!* 104* A ties Corp war... A 34t 84* 84* Auatln Silver ... 119 34* 3 34* Auto Products 8 74* 74* 74* Auto Vnt Mch 40c 2 104* 104* 104* Axton-FIsher (A) 20» 85 35 85 Babcox & W11 ( 4 ) 150* 140 138 138 Baldw L, hd rtstd) 20 31* 8>* 3!l Bardstown Dist .. 2 4’4 4'* 4'4 Barium Stain Stl 13 67* 64* 64* Barlow&Si A 11.20 200* 174* 17', 1?'4 Rellanca Aircraft 4 8 T>* 77* Benson & H pf a2 100* 19 JH 19 Berkcy&Gay F Co 20 a 24* 2T« Berk&GF pur war 11 1** 14* 14* Bliss Co 1E VV) 7 207* 194* 19>4 Blue Rldce C alOc 8 3', 34* 34* Blument hal H 1 33 3:1 33 Bnhack HC 1st pf 20« 4.V4 44 44 Bouriols (a75c) 1 6*» 64, 6’, Bower Roll B 18) 2 29’, 2&4* 2SP, Bowman Btltmor* 2 24, 2 2 Brld'p't Mch b25c 2 19'* 18>4 18", Brill Corp (Al 3 14*, 14'* 14'» Brill Corp (B)... 2 6 5'4 5'4 Brill Corp pf_200* 67 66 67 Brown Co pf 1500* 63 59 63 Bunker H & S(bl) 50* 134 134 134 Rurco Inc war 1 *, 4* ** Burma Ltd bl6'sc 1 54* 54? 54* Cable El Prod vtc 5 1»* 14* l»t able A VVirei B) 7 4* ** «* Can Marconi 28 2 l7, 2 arlh Syndicate 6 24, 2'4 24* Carnation Co (1). 3 S14v 31 314* Carnepie Metals . 5 2’, 2'4 2’* 'l ■ tel Corn 10 44"4 43’, 44 Carter (J\V I 80e 1 10»4 1(U4 10>4 Casco Prod tit \ 7 32 31 32 C a1 ■ ‘■ i ■ a ci 6 9 9 9 Celauese 1st pf t7 300* 113 113 113 Ctm A c v\ I ill 6 4 34* 34, Cent States Elec 6 2 l7* 14* Cent St El cv pf n 25* 19 19 19 Cent St El 7% pt 60* 39 39 89 Centrif Pipe t4uc 80 7 6‘4 «!, Chest broueb < T4) iso, 114 113', 114 Chi Flex Shaft <4 i200« 71 704* 7! Ch! Rivet & Mach 1 17 17 17 Chiet Consul 1 )',» 1** Is* Cities Service 6,; 444 4'« 4'4 Cities Service pf 9 514* 504* 504* Cities Svc pfr BB) 20* 41 44 44 Clt Svc P&l. fS pt 60* 72 72 72 Clt Svc PA1. J7 pf 2d, 754* 754* 754* Cltv Auto S( T6Uc 1 8 13'4 124* 124* ‘'lands Neon I.ts 2 3 3 3 Clayt'n& bl5c l 94* 94* 94* Ciov rracior 2 104* 104? 104* Cllnchlield Coal .. 2 7*4 74* 7>4 Club Aluminum. . ! I U* Hi, Colon I lev Lia .. 86 7<* '1 74* Colon Dev 6% pf 11 4*» 4 44 4 4* Coin I- ..el* It war 2 19*» 19V* 194, Celts PFA h37>*c 11 78‘* 7P, 72»4 Colum O 6c G a20c 1 8‘* 8*4 87* Com with Evil* T4 1 1214* 12P* 1214* Com with A- S war 7 ‘4 4* Community W S 1 1*4 1*4 1*4 Cons Aircraft 3 307, 30 301 * Consol Biscuit 60c 2 77« 7T, 74, Consol Copper 29o 11*» 11 114* CQEU&PBO 3 60 6 764* 764* 754*, Cons Mln&Sm T2 760, 92'4 92>4 931, ' Consul ltd; HI Sirs 16 10 9‘, 9',. Cons R S 8 % pf b4 1U, 133 133 133 j Consol Steel Corp 14 164* i« is Coni I Roll & S Fy 6 234* 234* 231* Cook 1 & 4 ar T60c 2 19 19 19 Cooper Bessemer 8 2M% 2i Z8y% Copper Range_ 4 161% lot. 151« Cord Corp 2 4*% 4% 4*% Cosden Oil Me Id) » 271 2h 2H Cosdeni Me) pf (d) 3 361% 36 361% Creole Pe: (aaOc) 34 311% 31 31 Crocker-Wh alOc 16 Is 177% 177% Croft Brewing 14 1 “s'4. Crown Cent P aSc 6 21% 2*% 2?% Crown Dr (b20c) 5 4'g 4 4 Curtia Mfg (b76c) 100. 131% 131» 131% Cusi alex .ilinili- 88 *> ** 1% Darby l'etr ’60c) 2 16 15'g 15;% Dayton Rubber 21 28!% 2< 28 Dayton Rub A(b2)300. 32 Sl!» 32 Dennison l % pi 10. 71J% 711% 711% Derby Oil A Kel 2 61% bj% 61% Detroit Gasket tl- 2 17 17 17 Det Gray Ir t2Uc . 11* IS 1* Det (Mich) Stove. 1 71% 71% 71% Det Pap Prod t26c * *1% *1% *1% Domln SAC (B) 6 251% 251% 257% Dow Chem (2.40). 6 1461% 144 1461% Driver Harris 17%. 1 *4 34 34 Dubellei Condens 1 41% 41% 41% Duro Test (blOc). 1 71% 71% 71% Duval Tex S aaUe 4 9?% 9 97% Eagle Pitcher blOr 9 247% 241% 241% Earn G&F Aa pf 3 150. 47 467. 47 East n Stales Pwr 1 41% 41% 4l% Eaafn St I’w iA) 1 70 70 70 Easy W M(B)b2oc 1 111% 111% 111% Dialer Dlec taac) 1 31% 31% 31% Elec Bond & Share 69 22h 211% 217% Elec B A S pf (6) 1 72 72 72 Elec B & S pf (6 1 11 827% 811% 82 El Pwr Assoc a25c 6 8 77% 7J% El Pwr Ae<A)a26o 4 71% 77% 77% Elec Shaienolding 15 6 6 Klectrol Inc v.t.c. 2 5 6 6 Emp G&F 6% pt 60. 897% 69*% 69?% Emu G&F 7 % pf 510. 76 75J% 76 Emp Pwr pt al.80 100. 31 31 31 Enisco Derrick Tl 4 171% lbj% 171% Equity Corpia25e) 14 21% 27% 2)% Europ n El bd rts 1 7% 7% 7% Evans Wall Dead 12 2*% 27% 2?% Evans Wall D pf 50. 38 38 86 Bxcello Air(b20c) 28 26 25 267% Falrcbild Av ilbc 4 6k S'* 6*4 ^a I start Brewing 2 10** lo‘* 10*4 Fanny Farm C(l) 2 22k 22k 22k F E D Corporation 1 h k k Fedders Mfg b2oc. 1 16k 15k 15k Ferro Enam b25c 12 37 3bk 37 Ferro Enam rights 7 3)4 8k 8k Fldelio Brewery 6 k k V FlreAslPhtla it2 10s 74 74 74 First NS lstpf7. 20s 113k 112k 112k Fisa Rubber 84 18k 17k 17k Fla P A L pf 100s 49 48k 48k Ford Ltd al81-10o 1 7k 7k 7k Ford (Can 1 All) 7 26k 26k 26k Franklin Ray a60c 2 Ilk Ilk Ilk Froedt G&M(20c) 5 13k 13k 13k Garaewell pf_ 10s 84 84 94 Uen Alloys _ 2 4k 4k 4k Gen Invest Corp . 1 lk lk 1*4 Geo Rayon Ltd A 1 2k 2k 2k Gen Tele Cp al l* 5 19k 19k 19k Uan Tire A Rub 7 38 37k *7k Gen TAR pf A (6) 40s 106 106 105 Georgia Pw pr (6) 60s 92!* 82k 82k Glen Alden C < 11 > 2 12k 12k 12k Godchaux SuelRl 2 82k 82k 82k GodchauxBpf(7) 20» 100 100 100 Goldfield Consol 8 k k k Gorham (A) 16 8 8 Gorham Mf vtc 11 1 24k 24k 14k Grand Natl Film* 7 8k 8 8 Or Rap VsrlHOc) 2 18 18 18 Gray Tel P 8 (1J 2 17k 17 17 Grt A&PTnvti 80s 109 109 108 Great Nor Pap tl 200s 44k 48 44k Greenfield T a D 2 14k 14 14k Groc Store Prod £ 5k 5k 5k Gulf Oil (Pa) b26o 20 59k 57k 58k Hell Lamp 18OO 2 5k 5k 5k Hartman Tobacco 3 2k 2k 2k Harvard Brewery 10 2*4 2j* lk Hat Corp (B) 80c 1 13 18 18 Hearn Dep S bl 65 16 17 16*4 I8I4 Hearn D S 6 % pf 3 4 50»k 60k 60k Heels Min (b20c> 47 22 21 21k Helena Rubenst’n 1 7k 7k 7k Hevden Ch (t2) 8 41k 41H 41*4 Hudson RMA8 (1) £0 89k 17k 8Jk 2:30 Slock and •alee— Dividend Rale. Add On Hlch. Low Close. Humble Oil (1 Vi ) 6 834 «24 88 Hvgrgd* Food 1 44 45, 44 Hygrade Sylv <3) 60, 495* 49H 495* 111 Hwr A Lt |6 pf 1201), 66 63 8341 Imp Oil Ltd »»0c 10 28 *251 224 Ind'n Ter 111 Ol A) 1 4 4 4 Indiana P L(b30c) 1 144 144 144 Ind ap PAL pt 64 26, 9*4 S84 984 Ins Co of No A *2 60, 6*4 864 664 Int HE Sep A war f 14 14 14 inti Hy K1 8 cv pf a 364 84 86 Inti Petr It l H ' 7 37 364 37 Inti Products 5 74 74 74 Int Trod 8% pf b3 100, 103 103 103 Inti Vitannni 60c) 2 64 64 64 lnterst U M 12 4 2 3»4 395, *95, Inlerst Pi Dellpf 140, 164 15 15 Inv Royalty <t6c) 3 5l 4 Iron Fire vtc 1.20 150, 24** 244 244 Irvine Air t'h 1 I) 4 164 16 164 llal Buperpwr(A) 3 14 14 14 Jacobs! FLICol 1 ) 2 16 J64 16 !er Cent PAL Pf 7 40, 99 98 98 Jonas & Nbg bl6e 11 74 74 74 lon.-cvLaui-b Stl 2 1*25, 122 1224 Kingsbury Brew Z 24 24 *4 Kingston Prod 40c 26 64 64 t4 Kings Co Lt pfD u 10, 60 60 60 Kirby Petrol (2uc) 34 84 ,4 84 Kirkland LO (6c I 1 14 It, 15$ Kleinert C<j( 14UC1 1 12 12 1* Kreueer Brew tl_ 2 174 1654 165* Lari# Sh M 1MI 3 66 66 66 l.akev Fv lb Mach 2 6’g *,*, 6*, Leh Coal &N 30c 13 #’» 94* 96, Leonard oil . 14 Ik, lkg lkg Lion Oil Ref (1 > . 13 24kg 23*4 244* Locke St) Ch t80c 6 16*g 1 H‘* 164, Lockheed Aircraft 10 14kg 14k* 14kg Lone Island Ltg 6 6 4kg 4 , Lone I L (if A (7 l 20• kokg VO 90 London Packing - 1 4i4 4*4 4*4 La Land i40el 4 124* 12*, 124* Lucky Tiger tl2o. l lkg lkg lkg McWilliams D ' ’2 2 82kg 82kg 32kg Maiestlc Ha&Tel 1 4kg 4kg 4k, Maned Stores 1 fit* 8tg 81* Mangel St (if (5).. 10» 66 65 65 Marlun Siram Sh 1 lk*» 111*4 lk’,*' Maseev Harris 8 16*4 16kg 154* Master Elec ( 1 ) . 3 264g 25), g5kg Mem Nat UiaSOc) 10 h'4 6 6'4 Merritt Chan * S 3 74g 74* 7*g j Mesabl Iron .. M I!, U, lkg I Mich Bumper C 81 3k, h 3 Mich Gas * 011 3 9 k 9 Mich Stl T P b2oc 2 16 15 16 Mich Sugar . 2 144 l'g igg Mich Sugar pf __ 2 7 7 7 Mid Sta Pst IA)._ 1 6", 5*4 5*4 Mid Sia Pet IB) 2 lkg lkg lkg Mld-W AGrasalOo 6 4 4 4 Midwest Oil (tl) 3 12 , 12’, 12*, M id vale Co < b75c) 26, ko »n kO M mine Co (Can 1 6 4k, gig 4>* Mock .ludson 6UC 1 14kg 14kg 14kg Molybdenum Corp 23 : 4* k'4 9*g Mont Ward A (7 ) 20, 14* 143 14* Montr HLHkP lkg 60* 8H4 8H4 81kg Moore C. Ltd b40r 50, 41 44 4* Moore Dial it.uti 8 5** 6kg 5kg Moore i>T A 7 10, 182 162 182 ilnurii I’ion ' ii1 'i 1 2 64* 6’* 6*4 Murray (Ohio)b30c 1 24 24 24 Nat Aut Fib bouc I 36'4 85'4 36!, Nat Bell* Hess 30 2kg 2*, Jig Nat Contain a50o 6 12'g 11'* 1; Nat Gyps A a2 kg 4 79'* 78kg 78kg Nat Leather 12 1*4 lkg l'g ! Nat P&Lt of 16) 100, 81 *4 aikg *i*4 | Nat Rub Mch a20c 66 18*g 174* 18 Nat Service 4 *g 4, ** | Nat Service pf 1 5'* 6’g S', , Nat Suear N J (2) 2 26*, 26kg 26kg Nat Union Radio 6 3 2', 2’, 1 [\miCOrp 4 nt> 544 544 I Neianer Hr pf (7 ) 25, 1H4 11*4 11*4 Nelson < H) <a45e) 3 154 15 15 Nestle-1,e Mur 3 14 1*4 i*j NEngPwrAsso 50, 33*4 Si*. Sg>, New Hav (71 114) 1 255, 26*, 254 New Jer Zinc (72) 700. 90‘4 90 904' .New M&A l.d ale 1 * 3 3 Newmont Min b15> 5 129 127 129 N V Pw&Lt of (71 30. 1154 1144 114*4 N Y Steam 2 174 174 17 i Niag llud Pwr ni* 9 14 13*■ 134 Nine K Pi A 1 war 11 4 4 4 Niag Sh Mri B afillf 13 154 15 15 Niles Bm Pnd hide 1 45 45 45 Nipisslne loiici 3 24 2'4 2*» Noma-Elec (b40c> 2 74 74 74 North Am L*P 11 44 4*3 4t, N'nrrh AmL*Ppf 350, 62 Rn *2 No Am Ray A b50c 16 504 494 494 No Am Rav B b50c 3 to 494 6n N'irih r Mirnr 1 ill 49 \ 4 4 Northern P L 75e 1 10 10 10 North Stales P A 2 *0 29*1 294 Nor Tex El 6% pf 1 34 34 3*. , Novatiel Agenet 2) 1 334 S3‘i *34 Ohio Brass B (71) 26, 55 55 65 llldetvme Distil 7 6 44 5 Overseas Sec 60c 1 104 10*4 104 Pac O&E lat ( 1 4) 2 29*.4 29*4 29*4 Pacific Ltg pf (6 > 26, 105 105 105 | Par Tin spec I 72) 400. 60 49 49 Pan-Am Air (tl) 1 67 4 674 674 j PantepecOII 28 6*4 6*4 64] Pennrnad taL’Rc' 9 .5 41, 4;, I Penna r&f, pf (7) in. 1084 1084 10*4 Pepnerell Mfr rR .50, 130 130 130 PhilaEPpf(5) 100, 34 34 34 °bo. "I. Scent 7 10*4 1044 104 Pierce Gov (bloc) 4 32 *04 32 Pioneer Gold blOc 2 64 64 54 Pitney Bowl t4(lc) 5 84 8 8 Plrtsbgh Forcing 3 244 244 244 I Pitts*LEh24 20.110 110 110 I Pitts PlateG (bl) 2 134 4 134*1 1344 Pleas Vail W (boc' 4 14 14 14 Porrern Sugar 2 34 *'4 3'4 | Powdrell&Al 760c 11 114 114 114 1 Premier Gold 712c 10 34 34 314 : Producers Corp 2 T» \ \ Propper-McC id) 2 4 4 Prosnerltv Ft a 1 4 4 154 >34 154 Prudent’l Inv aoOc 4 14 13*. 14 PuhSvcIndpf 10, *54 364 354 Pub Svc lnd pr Dt 26, f24 62 4 62 4 Pub Sv Okla pi(6) 20, #7 »7 97 PuaSdP&l 16 pf 175. 414 40 414 Quaker Data (6) - 60, 1 IT 117 117 Quabac Power 11) 25, 204 204 204 Rainbow Lum (A) 2 14 114 114 Rainbow Lutn (B) 1 \ % % Raym’d Cone (tl) 60, 41 41 41 Red Rank 1 16*; isy 10.4 Reed R B new t*0< 1 424 <2*4 42*4 Reiter-Foster 4 H4 14 114 Reynolds Invest 1 214 24 2'1 Rice Stt* HG bfide 1 114 114 114 Rlchm’d Radiator 2 64 54 84 Root Petrolm (1) . 8 9 84 9 Rossis Inti Corn 6 4 % S Russeke F Av S0e 1 14 14 14 Rustless Ir8-Stl 2 164 164 154 Rvan Consolld'd 2 44 44 44 Rverson * Havnee 4 64 «4 64 St Anthonv Gold 1 H 14 H St Lawrence C pf 78* 3814 37 87 St Reels Paner 8 9H 9*4 9*4 St Regis Paner nf 26* 112*4 112*4 112*4 Sanford Mills (4) 10* *8 6« 68 SavovOII 1 314 314 3*4 SchimTheirot*3> 2 4014 40 4014 Scovill Mfg fb50c)25O« 52 5U4 6114 Seeur Corn Gen 1 *14 314 314 Segal Lock ft H 11 3*4 3*4 3*4 Selberllng Rubber 87 9'4 1*4 9 Selected Indue 6 3*4 *14 3*4 Sel Tnd all cfa 5*ft 250* 10214 1 02 10214 Set fnd nr of '5*4 )800» 99 98 99 Set fridge a 19*sc _ 1 214 214 214 Seton Leath a60c 1 12 12 12 Seversky Aircraft 4 514 614 6)4 ShattHCk Hen Mtn 24 24*4 °3l4 24 Sherw’in Will C41 800* 139 139 139 Sherw in W pf (5). 10» 108 108 108 Simmons Hd ft P 2 514 574 8*4 Singer Mfg It*) ]0> 316 316 *16 Solar Mfg (a40c). 1 6I4 6I4 *14 Sonotons C i»10c) 1 1*4 114 1*4 Soss Mfg <a25c).. 1 714 714 714 So Penn Oil I tm> 2 44>4 44 44 SoCal Ed nt pf 1 >4 20s 3814 3814 3814 So Cal Ed pf C184 1 2814 2614 26(4 Southwest P L(2) 60s 34 34 34 Span1sh&Gan rctg 9 \ 94 \ Snen Chain 8» 80e 4 9*4 914 914 Snuare D nf A * 20200* 45*4 44(4 46 Stand Inv cum pf 100* 5414 54 64 Stand Oil Kr <♦!! 7 20U 2014 2014 Stand Oil Neb b25c 1 13(4 !3‘4 13>4 Stand Oil Ohio tl 8 43 43 43 Stand Pwr ft Lt 6 514 5(4 614 Stand PftLIBl 2 5 5 5 Stand Prod (bJ5e) 4 1914 19(4 1914 Stand SllftLd He) 12 % 14 14 Stand Tube CB) 2 8 8 8 Starrett Corn vtc 4 814 8 8 Stercht Broaa*0e 8 10(4 10(4 1014 Sterch! Bros 1st t 28* 39>4 3914 39*4 Stsr) Alum Pa 76e 8 11*4 1114 11*4 Sterling InclZOc) 12 6 6*4 514 Stroock ACoaJH 4 29(4 29 29*4 Stutz Motor 23 1*4 1H 1*4 Bunray Oil lalOc) 21 414 4*4 4*4 Sunshine Min r*l 6 181* 19)4 1914 Superior Port C B 50* 1814 18 18 Swlss-Am Elec nf 10*112 112 112 Taggart Corp 2 I5H 16 1514 Tastveast 1 Del >A 1 1*4 114 114 Tavlor Dlst l»0e) 2 474 414 4l4 Technicolor a50« 6 22'4 2114 22>4 Tech Hughes t4 0o 3 6*4 8*4 514 TennEP 1st pf IT) 26s 67 67 *7 Texbn Oil ft L <0e 8 *14 614 *14 Tile Roof Ine (I). 9 ITH 1714 1314 f\ WH31 EARNED BY EASTERN GAS Profits for 1936 Compare With $2,873,974 in Pre ceding Period. By the Asbocisted Press. NEW YORK, March 31.—Eastern Oas St Fuel Associates and subsidiaries reported 1936 net income of $2,877,031, after $5,200 provision for surtax on undistributed profits of subsidisries, equal to $4.72 a share on the 6 per cent cumulative preferred stock. This compared with *2,873,074, or $5.37 on the 8 per cent cumulative preferred in 1935. The company and subsidiaries pro duce bituminous coal, coke and other products and operate utilities. National Department. National Department Stores Corp. reported for the year ended January 31, net. income of $1,149,591. This was the first complete annual report for the company, successor to National Department Stores, Inc., and no com parative earnings w'ere available. Sales for the year were $45,258 - 226, an increase of 10 8 per cent over the preceding fiscal year despite the fact four of the company's stores were closed at times during the floods of March, 1936 Roo Motor Car Co. Reo Motor Car Co. and subsidiaries reported 1936 net loss of $1,399,124, compared with net loss of *219.860 in 1935. The company has plants at Lansing, Mich. Associated Dry Goods. Associated Dry Goods Corp, In cluding all wholly-owned subsidiaries and Lord & Taylor, majority of whose stock is owned, for the fiscal year ended January 31. reported net profit of $1,701,433. equal to 84 cents a com mon share. This compared with *1. 234,770. or 5 cents a ahare in the preceding year. Oliver Farm Equipment. Oliver Farm Equipment Co., Chi cago. reported net profit for 1936 of *1.153,640, equal to *4 24 a share on capital stock, compared with a net loss in 1935 of *482.008 G. R. Kinney Co. G R. Kinnev Co.. Inc. and sub sidiaries, reported net income of *127 - 941. equal to $2.03 per share of $8 preferred, rompared wuth *23 139 or 48 cents a preferred sharp in 1935. The companv operates retail shoe stores throughout the country. Big Gain Forecast In \Y inter Wheat Harvest for By the Associated Press. CHICAGO March 31,—Mrs E H Miller, one of five widely recognized Chicago crcy authorities, released a forecast today that United States Winter wheat production would total 616.332.000 bushels , This rompared with a 1936 crop of 519.013.000 bushels and the 192M932 average of 622.252.000. Areas sown to Winter wheat this year, estimated at 57,000 000 aeres, were the largest on record A month ago the average of the five private estimates of 1937 Winter crop production was 629,000,000 bushels. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. itaiy. demand vjn'g. cables. •=» *'i»»4 Demands Belgium. | »> <?4 German*, free, in registered. Jravel. .V Holland. .">4 7*. Norwav. 7 Sweden Denmark. 7 1 > t Finland Switzerland is'. Spain, unouoted Portugal. 4 Hh Grerre. !*n Poland 1S ;»K; rzechoslo\ ak’a. ;« -1 n: Yugoslavia. ‘*'14 Austria. IK 7'tn Hungary. ’ n mi Rumania. ?."> Argentina. nn Brazil. KKn'gn Tokio- ■.’Kni! Shanghai 71 s; Hongkong :«> 4.'t Mexico Citv -’rfin Montreal in New York. 100.Oh1,, New York in Montreal. on 00 n—Nominal. -———• BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. March .’11 upi (United States Department of Agriculture>.—A little busi ness was tranacted today on graded me dium fleece wool for delivery when the new crop becomes available Graded combing threp-eights blood and Ohio fleeces sold at 4 7 and 4K cents in the grease, while combing quarter blood were sold at I»>al7 for future delivery. Quotations for future delivery were the sarpp as recently quoted on similar spot wools by Boston houses Prices realized on Ohio wools were re ceived also on Michigan and New York wools of comparable grades, lengths and shrinkage. -• NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. March 31 (^i —Bar silver steady and unchanged at 45'4. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hi*h Low. Close. Tob Prod Exp 16c 2 34 34 34 Todd Shtpyd <t2) 60« 69 67 69 Tonopah Belmont 1 H H H Tonopah M <a6c). 1 14 14 14 Tr-Lux DPS t20c. 7 44 44 44 Transwest Oil Co 4 134 134 134 Triplex S G(new). 2 164 164 164 L'ublze t 'huUlllon 6 26 274 274 runa-Sol Lamp n * 84 *4 84 Tunr-sol L pf 80o 7 124 12 124 Ulen ft Co 7 4 % pf l 54 64 54 Unexcelled Mre 2 24 24 24 Un G of Can a35c. 1 144 144 144 United Corp war. S9 14 14 14 UnltGaaCorp 86 114 114 114 Utd Gaa war l 24 24 24 United G C pf bl 4 2 115 1144 1144 Unit Lt & Pw 1A) 24 8 74 74 Unit Lt A Pw pf 5 564 544 544 Unit Milk Prod (2, 26e 32 32 32 Unit Molaaa bll4 8 74 74 74 Unit Shlnyda B 11 34 34 3*4 Unit Shoe Mt24 75» 89 88 88 U S Poll (B)(1).. 8 1«4 1« 16 U S * inti Secur.. 1 24 24 24 U S Line* pf . 23 44 4 4 U 3 Rub Reclaim 8 114 10 10 U S Stores . 1 4 4 4 Unit Stores vtc .. 11 1 1 Unit Verde Ex (1) 6 4 34 34 Untt Wall Paper .. 13 54 64 54 Univ Pictures . 2 1:4 10 114 Utica G&E pf (7) 10s 1004 1004 1004 Utilities P& L (d) 13 4 4 \ UtUP&Lpftd) 150s 20 19 20 Utility Eaultles 2 54 54 54 Utilities Indust'l. 1 14 1,4 1.4 Valspar vtc . _ 6 84 84 84 Venezuela Mex 0.17 7 7 Venezuela Petrol 3 24 24 24 Wagner Bak b40c 7 214 204 21 Waitt&B d A a60c 4 10 in ]o Walker Minins 8 4 34 4 Wayne Knit Mills 4 74 74 74 Wayns Pump 16U0 16 454 444 45 Wsll fnOil of Del 16 124 114 124 Wentworth Manuf 34 74 74 74 West Tex Ut pf(6) 10* 914 914 914 Vv estn A E <a26c) 2 114 114 114 West Au Sup A 14 60s 81 874 89 Westn Md pf U7) 10.114 114 114 will 011-0 M *50o 1 94 94 94 Wol ver Tub* P20c 1 16 1* 16 Woodley Pet t40e. 1 104 104 104 Wright Hera »40o 19 74 74 74 Ygstn Stl Door(2) 2 79 784 79 Yukon Gold(slSc) 4 84 84 34 Dividend rates In dollars based on last Quarterly or semi-annual payment. tAn nual rate—not Including extras tAc cumulateri dividends. a Paid last year, b Paid this year d Companies reported aa beins In bankruptcy or In receivership, oe bams rsorssnised under ths bankruptcy set. or securities assumed by such com panies. «, Number of Passports Issued Last ! Year Was Largest Since Dollar _ Was Devalued_ Textile Activity At All-Time Peak In Sixth District US tfie Associated Press. ATLANTA, Marcn 31.—Tf'Xlilf *<" : tivity in the sixth Federal Reserve dis ; triet in February reached the highest level on record, the monthly review of 1 the Reserve Board stated. Both retail and wholesale trade con tinued at relatively high levels, and department store sales increased 8 6 j per cent in dollar volume from Janu I ary to February. Wholesale trade declined 1 5 per cent in February, but was 27.2 per cent greater than in February. 1936 The district comprises Alabama, l Florida, Georgia. Louisiana, Missis I sippi and Tennessee. ! The board reported the value of | building permits m February increased | 15 2 per rent over January, but value of contracts awarded declined 49 5 per i rent. Residential contracts. However, j increased 15 8 per cent over January and were 17 9 per cent larger than a year ago. PENNSY EARNINGS OFFSET BY LOSSES Profit on Main Ea$tern Shore Line Wiped Out by Deficit* of Other Route*. Kv thp Associated Press. SALISBURY, Md , March 31.—The I Pennsylvania Railroad * balance 1 sheet, just published, showed that Its ! main Eastern Shore line earned a | profit of *300.000, but that losses on i iwo subsidiary transportation routes wiped out the profit. ! The main line of the New York. : Philadelphia Norfolk Railroad, owned by the Pennsylvania since 1908. runs from Cape Charles. Va . to Wil mington, Dei. Its gross income was $444,050 last year. The line is con sidered one of the most prosperous short lines in the country. Its con struction started in 1885. The balance sheet showed a deficit of $206,679 on the Baltimore & East J ern Line, owned by the Pennsylvania, j which runs from Love Point to Queen Anne. The revenue was $310,230 and i the expenses were $519 166 The serv ! ice on this line has been gradually curtailed for a number of years. The ferry service operated by a Pennsylvania subsidiary across from Cape Charles to Cape Henry showed another loss, the railroad said In come was reported aa $228,923 and expenses as $337,619. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. March 01 <4*. 'United States Department of Agriculture».—Hoes. 16 oun including A 500 direct, market now verv slow general trade steady to 10 lower than Tuesday's average, spots off more on mediums to low good grades, hulk, good and choice. 200-020 pounds i Hi 10-01) top. 10.05 most 150-100 • pounds 9.50-10.20: most packing »nws, 9 50-0.To few strongweight slaughter pits. 9.00- 25. Cattle. 10.000: calves. 1.500: rank and ftie fed steers and yearlings weak to 25 lower: only choice and prime mediumweights and weighty steers hold ing up: these steady to strong, but scarce 16.25 paid new high top for 1.697 pounds averages: several loads. 3 4.50 15.50 light steers and yearlings, kinds scaling 1.100 pounds downward, predom i mating in run bulk unsold fed heifers and bulk cutter grade and beef cows steady: strictly good and choice weighty cows strong: bulls weak at 6.75 down on sausage offering' vealers strong at P.fio lo.Oo; few 10.50 on shipper and small killer account: light kinds mostly 8 25 9.00. Sheep 4 ooo. including 500 direct: fat lamb supply around 50 per cent from Colorado: practically no early trading bidding around steady with Tuesday ask ing unevenly higher: fat sheep scarce steady few choice lightweight ewe*. 7.00- 25. -• CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. March 61 (/Pi.—Poultry, live, 1 car. 26 trucks; unsettled: hens, over 5 pounds. J 812; 5 pounds and less. 20: Leg horn hens, 16*2: colored fryers. 26: White Rock. 26; Plymouth Rock, 26* 2: colored broiler*. 26. White Rock. 26: Plymouth Rock. 26*2: barebacks. 21: roosters. 16: Leghorn roosters, 12: turkeys, hens. 21; toms. L7: No. 2 turkeys, 15; ducks. 4*2 pounds up, white and colored, 22*2: small white and colored. 18: eeese. 17: capons. 7 pounds up. 28; less than 7 pounds. 27 Blitter 7.029: steady: prices unchanged. cg?s. 25.526; steady: prices unchanged. Potatoes. 79. on track. 278: total U. S shipments 697. Old stock weak: supplies moderate, demand very slow Sacked, pet hundredweight. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U S. No. 1. 2.45a75. according to size and quality: U. S No. 2. 2.loa20: Colorado Red McClures. U S. No. 1. 2.80: Maine Green Mountain*. U. 8. No. 1. fair quality and condition 2.2215: Wisconsin round whites U. S. No. 1. 2.10: Wisconsin Snaulding Rose. U. S No. J. small. 1.90; Michigan Russet Rural*. U. S. No. 1. 2.00al5; North Dakota Early Ohios. U 6. No. I. and partly graded. 2,00. New stock about steady; suppiie* moderate: de mand light: carlot track sales, bushel crates Florida Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1 few sales. 2.15; Texas. 50-pound sacks. Bliss Triumphs U. S. No. j, few sales. 1 95a2.05 a sack. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. March 31 HP).—Raw sugar wax quiet early today and. although no sales were reported, the undertone wn easier and there were offerings in nearby positions at the last-paid price of 3.55. Futures were more active, but price movements were irregular. The No 4 contract was decidedly firmer on renewed buying for domestic and European ac count encouraged by the continued firm ness at London. No. .'{ contract, after a fairly steady opening, eased under liqui dation promoted by the increased offerings in the spot market and fears the sugar tax measure may be passed earlier than anticipated. May No. 3 declined from 2.60 to 2.58 and September from 2.56 to 2.54 and were at the bottom around midday or 1 point net lower. No. 4 May advanced from ' 1.30V2 to 1.32 and September from 1.35 ! to 1.36. or 3 to 3V2 points net higher. Refined was unchanged at 4.80 for fine granulated, with continued active with drawals reported. JOINS TRACTOR BOARD. NEW YORK. March 31 OP).—Cater pillar Tractor Co. reported A. T. Brown, vice president, wee elected • director euceeedlng H. P, Mee, re signed. j. UNION CARBIDE VOTE ' ON PENSIONS PLANNED B> tfte Ai»ociated Pre»s. NEW YORK. March 31— A plan to supplement social security act an nuities with company retirement annuities will be submitted to stock holders of Union Carbide Ac Carbon Corp. at their annual meeting April 20. it was disclosed in a letter to ; shareholders today. The plan provides for retirement | benefits for ail employes of the com pany and its subsidiaries. The cast was estimated at approxi mately $1,500,000 in the first year. Washington Exchange SALES. American Security k Trust Co.—$ at 301**, 5 at 301 :v, 10 at 101'i. Woodward k Lothrop pfd—10 at 120. 10 at 120. AFTER CALL. Capital Traction Ss—11.000 at 92:V $1,000 at 92-V Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked Anacostia A Potomac 5s 7 734 AnacoMia A Pot Guar 6s 108 C A P Tel of Va. As J 03 Capital Traction R R. 6s 02 94’2 City A Suburban 6a *3 85 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 11 • 121 Pot Elec Pr.u 314 s ion 102 Wash Gas 6» 1968 H»5 , 107 Wash. Gas 5s 1900 __ 118 Wash. Ry. A Elec. 4s 1 <*512 MISCELLANEOUS Co! Country Club 5'*s in:, Wash Mkt. Cola Storage 5s n»o STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer Tel. K Tel (Si __-1T! Capital Transit Co 133a 15 N A W Steamboat f8i 11 o Pot Eire Pow H*# pfd O' 11?'a Po E. Po 5'pf 15 50i li:’2 116 1 Wash Gas Lt Co *3 8n ‘8 81 Wash Ry. A Ei. com. < >0) 7 30 Wash Ry. A El. pfd (5) 108 109 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer. S«r A Tr. Co e8» *205 306 Bank of Beihesda <h.75) _ 34 capital '4* _ 135 145 Corn A Savings (8) __ 205 Liberty «:i ♦ 15o 170 Lincoln GO 25» 2on Nat! 6a1. A Trust 150 P: Georges Bk. A Tr. (.50 18 Riggs ie8 *34(» 3HO Riga- pfd (5) 101 Wa«hincton <8> 130 Wash. Loan A Trust <e*) -'no 3<>0 FIRE INSURANCE American ‘8» inn Corcoran (51 Jn.6 j Firemen s < 1 80 > 78 , National Union ( 80) 10 j TITLE INSURANCE Columbia '.30» 15 18*4 Real Estate (6) lot) MISCELLANEOUS Camel Corp (2 00) 7! 70 Lanston MonoTypp <4' *1"" 115 Mergent haler Lino <7 On* 48 50 . Peoples Drug 8. com. ftl.OO) *5:' 81 Peoples Drug S pf f G .*>(» • 117 Real EM. MAG pf (••.70) ft14 ,5’a Security StoraRe i5» 123 1-5 Ter. Ref A Wh. Corp »3> 80 Wdwd. A Loth com <*1 50) 80 88 Wdwd. A Loth pf (7)-- 115 120 *Ex dividend. ♦Plus extras e—7 extra f—1' jrr extra, h—75c extra ••:5r paid June 30. 1938 45c Daid Dec. 22. 193(1. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK M«rrh 31 »4v—New York Security Dealers Association Bid A.skPd , Aetna Cas »2a' - - 19si3 19*1* Aetna Ins ' l.H(i) 46*4 f>',34 Aetna Life (80a) _ . 31 33 1 Am Equit (1.60) . 42% 45% Am Ins Newark t %a) 13 14% Am Reins ----- 44% 46% Am Reserve da)--- 31 33 Am Surety (2%) _ - 59 Jj] Automobile da> _- 32 34 Balt Amer < .20a) _ 7% 8% Carolina <1 30) - 26 70% City of N Y ‘1.20) _ 27% 20% Conn Cen Life ‘80) 36% 4«)% Contin Cas (J.20) . _ 20% .51% Fid Ac Dep Ug> 137 1 44 % Firemens Nwk _ 12% 14% Frank Fire 'la' 30% 37% Gen Reinsur <2) _ 47% *0% Glen Falls (1.00) _ 44 46 Globe Rep (.80) . . _- 27 74% Globe & Rut _ 7012 73% Great Amer <la). 27 78% Hanover (1 60i __ 30% 38% Hartford Fire (2) __ 70% 72*4 Home Fire 8ec __ 0% 7% Home Ins (la» _ 38 40 Homestead (1) _ 19% 20% Maryland Cas _ 6% 7% Lincoln Fire 4*4 5% Mass Bond (3%). _ 61% 64 Natl Fire (2) ___ 64 oo Natl Liberty (.20a) -_ 9% 11 N Hampshire (1.60) 43% 44*; N Y Fire <80a> .. 77% 75% Nor River ( 46a) . 27% 79 Phoenix (7a) ... 90 % 04% Prov Wash (1) __ 38 40 8t Paul Fire <0) _ 200 711 Springfield «4%a) 173% 170% Sun Life (3%g> _ . 705 755 Travelers (10) . 487 407 V S Fire (2> 541i 50’', Westchester (1 20a> 34% 36% a—Also extra or extris e—Declared or paid so far this year SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. ‘Reported by Chas. D. Barney A Co.) Bid. Offer 1 Am Tel & Tel 5%s ’43_112% 113 Auburn Auto Co 4%s ‘39 __ 50 80 Calif Packing Corp 3s '40 _ 103% 104 Caro Clinch A- Ohio 5s ’38 104% 104% C & O Rwy 5s ’39 106% 107% Ed Elec Illuminating 4s ’39 105 106% 1 Gen Pub Service 5%s ’39__ 101% 102 Grand Rap k Ind 4%s ’41 __ 109 Houston Oil 5%g 40_ 101% 102 Int Merc Marine 6s ’41_ 87% 84 Int Tel A Tel 4%s ’39 ___ 84 84% Laclede Gas Light 5s ’39__ __ 90% Lehigh Valley Coal 6s ’38 _ 99% 99% Lehigh Val Term Rwy 5s ’41 106% 107 Long Island Gen 4s ’38 __ 107 104% Louis A- Nash R R 4s *40 _ 106% 106% Mich Cent R R 4s ’40_. . 103% 105% Midland R R of N J 5s ’40 70 78 Milw A North R R 4%s '39 90 95% i N Y Chi k St L 6% Notes ’38 100% loo% New York Dock 6s *38_ 60% 62 N Y Susq A Western Bs '40 . So 50 New York Tel Co 4>3s SB.. 10**, 107 Pacific R R of Mo 4s SR - lOP-a 101*, Penn-Dtxie Cement Hs '4I__ 00*, 101 Penns R R Co 4s '43 .. .. ins1, 1 1C Rio G Western 4s ’39 fii'j 7414 South Bell T A T 5s '41- lOO*, 1 OH Term R R As of SI L 4'js ’30 100 107. Vanadium Corp 5s ‘41 __ . 1054, 107*4 Vertientes Sugar Co 7s '42 27*» C0'4 Wabash Rwy Co 5s '39._ 100'a 101 Warner Bros 8s .39- 95 OH Western N Y 4 Pi 4s '43.. 1 OR** 11114 Western Union Tel 6s ’38__ IOC*,a 103 ———-• — freight loadings. NEW YORK March 81 0PV—Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting for the week ended March C7 included: Previous Year March C7. week ago. Chesa Ate Ohio 40.SIH7 39.03S 25.32S Gulf Coast _ 8.OHO 5.8H7 4.51 H Illinois Central 35.9R!> 3H.34H 28.220 Inti Grt Northn 4,483 4,918 4.190 Missouri Pacific 28.879 2H.39K 22.13H N Y. C Si 8t L 1H.4R0 17.400 16.145 N Y Central 03.854 08.408 73.RRI Pennsylvania 121.200 120.445 8?-549 Par* Marquette 13.740 (4.082 [0 86H St L San Fran 14.510 14.804 1- 3*9 Norf. it Western 31 843 30.246 22.311 Sears Sales Rise 18.3 Per Cent Over Levels Year Ago try the Associated Press. CHICAOO. March 31 —Sears. Roe buck & Co. reported today gross sales for the second period. February 27 to March 26. totaled $40,175,309, an in crease of 18.3 per cent compared with a year ago It was a new all-time record for the period Sales for the first two periods of the current fiscal year, which began Jan uary 30. totaled $70,900,732. an in- i crease of 19.1 per cent compared with a year ago. -. — PRICES ARE ADVANCED ON PAPER CONTAINERS Bs the Associated Press CHICAGO. March 31 —Prices of paper board containers were adcanted 15 to 35 per cent by Container Corp. of America and major competitors. The increase was announced as ef- i feetive April 1. STEEL INGOT RATE HITS 91PER CENT Activity Almost Equals Rec ord-Breaking Month of May, 1929. Bs the Associates Press. NEW YORK, March 31—The steel industry enters the second quarter ol the year with production almost equal to that of the record-breaking month of May, 1929. and with backlogs in some products that extend well into the third quarter, Iron Age said today in its weekly review oi steel. "Outputs of ingots is estimated at 91 per cent of the industry's capacity, or about 1.191.882 tons for the week the trade journal said, "which com pares with the all-time peak of 1.192. 284 tons a week in May. 1929. when operations exceded 100 per cent ol the then rated capacity. "Bookings of sheets extend through August. On other pioducts mills hav backlogs sufficient lot varying period of from one to thiee months Tlv most backward items are structural steel and pipe, which are affected In the failure of building construction to snow its usual seasonal expansion, al though mills have fairly substantial specifications for piojects closed dur ing the past few months Next to sheets, the product in heaviest de mand is tin plate "The volume of steel business m March was extremely heavy. Mot: companies booked more tonnaer than in either December or January, the two most recent peak months. "The real test of the steel markr* will not come before June, as very few mills need any additional tonnage fc. April and May, and it is expected th normal flow of orders will soon fill up any June schedules that are oner. The present problem of the mills i not to sell steel, but to avoid loatiu up their own order books to unwielt: proportions, moreover, man compunp have adopted a system that virtual’,' amounts to the rationing of stei among regular customers in proportio. to their normal requirements. The scrap market is higher at Cl: cago, but elsewhere has leveled off i the absence of important consum buying. Scrap brokers, however, la for a further jpwaro move in view t, the heavy consumption. The Iron A: scrap composite has advanced to a new high for 14 years of $21 92." A Note-Worthy Investment 2 ”| FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES RECOMMEND this msestment it ahn\e the average—both in respect to inenme gained an; security maintained. The principal is protected b\ new homes in the District of Columbia and nearb* Maryland—an area of steadily increasing value* In Denominations From S25() Up Shannon & luchS Member* of the Washington Real Estate Board 1.505 H St. N.W. Realtors NAtional 234.5 LOANS ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your ap plication for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans payable monthly. No charge to appraisal ij loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Cooperative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organized 1879 |[ QUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED ABOUT BANKING J orders for deposit in your account. Entries will be made in your account the same as if you brought them in person and wc will mail a notice that your deposit has been received. Checks or money orders tor deposit should be properly endorsed with your signature. Currency should he sent by registered mail. Banking by mail is a service developed for our depositors to be used when it is incon venient for them to come to the bank in person. However, wc like the personal con tact with our customers and prefer to see them whenever possible, rather than trans act their business through the mails. We invite you to use this convenience of banking by mail. McL,achlen Banking Corporation Sine. 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. V. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation IMooklett covering tbti tenet mev be bed upon