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Eratlffl. ALLEN'. IDA MAE. On Friday. AprH 5. Ift:i7. at Gallinaer Hospital. IDA MAE ALLEN, beloved wife of Jerry Allen. She also leaves to mourn one beloved daugh ter. Louise Reed: mother. Mattie Bell; father. Sam Bell: five sisters, Sarah. Janie Bell Ashmoor. Catherine. Gladys and Mae Emma Reed: three brothers. Eulas. Elijah and Calvin Reed. Re mains resting at -the Eugene Ford lu." neral home. 1300 South Capitol Notice of funeral later. BENJAMIN. JOHN. Suddenly, on Thurs day. April 1. 1937, JOHN BENJAMIN of 2148 Newport plftce n.w.. the beloved husband of Rosetta H. Beniamin ahd brother of Andrew H. Benjamin Mrs. Mary Southerland and Mrs. Ollie Store cf Hampton. Va.. and ‘James Beniamin. Mrs. Mattie Jones and Mrs. Louise Hart of New York. He is also survived by other relatives and many friends. Ke mains resting at his late residence alter 6 p.m Friday. April 2. Short services will be h°ld Saturday. April 3. at 2 p m., at his late home. Funeral in Hampton. Va on Sunday, April 4. Relatives and friends invited. Arrangements by Mc Guir^. 3 BLAND. GEORGE W. Departed this life on Friday. April 2. 1937. at l*}?**™# his residence, Merrifield. Va.. GEORGE W. BLAND, the devoted husband of Sarah Bland. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife, one sister. Mrs M B. Tur ner; one brother. Henry Blard; other relatives and friends. Funeral service at the First Baptist Church. Merrifield. Va.. April 4 at 2 o'clock p.m.. Rev. R. F. Carter in charge. Friends are in vited. 3 BRADY. JOSEPH D. On Wednesday March 31. 11*37. at his residence. 5402 Kansas ave. n.w.. JOSEPH D. BRADY, beloved husband of Mary M. ®rady (nee Lee*. Funeral will be held from the above residence on Saturday April 3. at S;30 a m. Requiem mass at Nativity Church at 1* a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Ceme tery. . •* BROWN. MILDRED. On Thursday April 1 1037. at 2 P.m . at her residence. 1530 3rd st. n.w.. MILDRED BROWN, devoted mother of Lettie Catlett Nel son and Frank Brown. She also leaves twelve grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Finest Jarvis funeral church 143*. You st nw until 12 noon Sunday April 4. thereafter at her late residence. Fu neral Monday. April 5. at 1 p.m. from Mount Bethel Baptist Church. 2nd and V sts. n.w.. Rev K. W. Roy officiating. Interment Payne’s Cemetery. 4 CARTER. HARRY. Departed this life sud denly. Wednesday March 31. 1037. at his residence 030 Rhoae Island ave n.w.. HARRY CARTER, the beloved son of the late Emma and Frederick Carter. He leaves to mourn their loss one brother. Raymond Carter, and a cousin. Mrs. Hattie Smith: other relatives and friencs Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son 12th and V sts. n.w. Funeral Sat urday. April 3. at 2 p m. Interment in Harmony Cemetery. CHRISTIAN. ANDREW. Departed this life on Thursday. April 1. 15*37. after a long illness. ANDREW CHRISTIAN He leaves to mourn their loss a loving mother. Nannie Christian: two sisters. Louise Christian and Margaret Womley: one brother. Robert Christian, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting fit Barnes A Matthews’ funeral home. 614 4th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. COOK. JULIA. Suddenlv. on Wednesday, March 31 1037. at Oallinger Hospital. JULIA COOK beloved mother of Be atrice Cook, sister of Thomas Butler and cousin of Viola 'Williams. She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at William T. and Ruth B. Tolbert's funeral home. 130S 6th st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. April 3. at 0 a m . from above funeral home. Relatives and friends are Invit ed to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 9 • COSTLEY. MARTHA N. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at her residence. 1627 Corcoran st. n.w.. MARTHA N COST LEY. wife of the late Louis Costley and daughter of the late Amanda Neal. She leaves to mourn their loss three cousins, other relatives and a host of friends. Remains resting at Morrow’s funeral home 1326 V st. n.w. Funeral Satur day. April 3. at 1 p.m . from the above named funeral home. Rev. J. E Elliott officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cem etery. CULLINANE. MARY A. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at her residence. 4010 Mass, ave n.w . MARY A. CULLINANE <neo Reiay*. beloved wife of Jeremiah Cullinane and beloved mother of Ann. Leo. Joseph. John and Michael Cullinane and Margaret C. Rosetta. Funeral will be held from the above residence on Sat urday. April 3. at 9 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Ann's Church at 9:30 a.m. Rela tives and friends are invited. Inter ment in Mount Olivet Cemetery. 2 DOMMITT CONSTANT WILLIAM. Sud denly. on Thursday. April 1. 1937 at his residence. 514 D st. s.e.. CONSTANT WILLIAM DOMMITT. beloved son of Annie M. Dommitt and brother of Mrs. Carev Satterwhite. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast fu neral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Satur day April 3. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congres sional Cemetery, 2 ELUM. EDWARD. Departed this life on Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at Freed men's Hospital. EDWARD ELUM. infant of Evelyn and Robert Elum, brother of Robert Elum. jr. Remains resting at Eugene Ford’s funeral home. 1300 South CaPitol st.. until Friday. April 2. at 4 p.m.: thence to his late residence. 2~H Eye st. s.w.. where funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday. April 3. Inter ment Rosemont Cemetery. FENWICK. HAMPTON. On Tuesday, March 30. 3 937 at Gallinger Hospital, HAMPTON FENWICK, devoted husband of Gertrude Fenwick, loving stepfather of Mary Blackwell. He also leaves five sisters. Mrs Mary Thomas. Mrs. Ida Adams. Mrs. Willie Dyer. Mrs. Irene Gray and Mrs. Katherine Wright: one brother Francis Fenwick, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until noon Friday. April 2; thereafter at his late residence. 1305 3rd st. s.w. Funeral at 9 a.m. Saturday April 3. from St Vincent de Paul's Church South Capitol and M sts. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. FORRESTER. RICHARD. On Wednes day. March 31. 1937. RICHARD FOR RESTER. father of Oliver Forrester. He Is also survived by a sister and two faithful friends. Martha A. Banks and James H. Banks of 1126 48th st. n.e.; a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R I. ave. n.w. Funeral Saturday. April 3. at 2 p.m.. from above-men tioned parlors. Interment Payne's Cem etery. Relatives and friends are in- I vi ted. FURR. ANNIE BELL. On Wednesday. March 31. 3 937. at Freedmen’s Hospital, ANNIE BELL FURR, beloved wife of Daniel Furr. She also leaves one sister, eight brothers and other relatives and friends. Rrmains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until 4 p.m. Friday. April 2. and thereafter at the residence of Mrs. Mattie Thomas. Purcellville. Va. Funeral at 1 pm. Sunday. April 4. from the Grace M E. Church Lincoln Va. In- ! terment in church cemetery. 4 GARDNER. ELIZABETH V. On Thursday. Anril 1. 1937. at 6:15 p.m.. ELIZABETH V. GARDNER of 1105 Park road n.w., beloved friend of Mrs. Lawrence L. Beebe. Funeral Saturday, April 3. at 2 p.m., from the funeral home of George W. Wise Co.. 2900 M st. n.w. Friends in vited Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. GATCHEL. THEODORE L. Suddenly, on Thursday. April 1. 1937. THEODORE L. GATCHEL. husband of the lateM. Louise Gatchel and father of Edna L. Gatchel and Theodore D, Gatchel. Funeral from his late residence. 2812 34th st. n.w., on Saturday. April 3. at 3 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 3 HARRIS. JOHN McGUIRF. On Thursday, April 1. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. JOHN McGUIRE HARRIS, son of the late John and Margaret Harris, brother of Mrs. Florine Winters. Remains rest ing at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Monday. April 5. at 11 a.m.. from the above-mentioned par lors. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 4 HARRIS. LUVENIA MILLER. Departed this life Wednesday. March 31. 1937, at her residence. 8]S 13th st. n.e.. LUVENIA MILLER HARRIS. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. ■Woodford Harris; three daughters. Mary Johnson Martha Jackson. Luedeal Ed dington- two sons. Rev. John S. Miller and Paul Miller; six grandchildren, sev eral other relatives and friends Re mains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. until 4 p.m . on Friday. April 2; thence to the residence of her son. Rev. John S Miller. 136 D st. s.e. Funeral on Saturday. April 3. at 1 p.m from Mount Moriah Baptist Church. 3rd and L sts. s.w.. Rev. J. H. Randolph officiating. 2 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A. L. HAYCOCK. Manager) Phone West 0090 0074 M N W Established 1841 1V1 tA.YV. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Seventh St. N.W.UAd.n.| 2477 Modern Chanel. Tel.n rtIlonal J V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAt!onaine2892 ^009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium tth and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 5200 Chamber^ One of the Largest Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieeaa 1218 P St. N.W_National 4276 GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. OlOfl S3 S3? Cor. 14th & Eye f SratlfH. HAYNE. MARCUS W. On Thursday. April 1 19.37, at 2:50 p.m., at Emergency Hospital MARCUS W HAYNE. be oved husband of Sepple C. Hayne and beloved son of Mrs. Lena Whitaker Hayne and the late S. C. Hayne of Unlonville. N. Y. Remains resting at the funeral home'of George W. Wise Co.. 2900 M st. n.w., after 7 p.m Friday. Friends Invited. Interment Unlonville. N. Y. HURTT. ANN EDGARINA'. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. at the residence of her sister. Mrs. A. F. Dinsmore. 1401 Girard st. n.w.. ANN EDGARINA HURTT. be loved daughter of the late Dr. Edgar D. and Marie Eugenia Young Hurtt. Serv ices will be held at the above residence cn Saturday. April 3. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Mary's Church. Piscata way. Md . where mass will be said at 10 a m. for the repose of her soul. In terment in church cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. 2 HUTCHINSON. HENRIETTA. Suddenly, on Thursday. April 1. 1937, at 1:15 a m., at her residence. 347 22nd st. n.w . HENRIETTA HUTCHINSON. No tice of funeral later. JOHNSON JAMES GRANT ULYSSES. On Saturday. March 27. 1937. JAMES ORA.rr ULYSSES JOHNSON, devoted husbana of Elisabeth Johnson. He also leaves a host of friends. Remains rest ing at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Friday. April 2. at 8 p.m.. from the above funeral church. Rev. George O. Rullrvrk nffiriatinp KING. MARY KATHERINE. On April 1, 1037. at her residence. Annapolis Junction Md MARY KATHERINE KING Funeral from the above address on April 4 at 0 a m. Interment Rose Hill Cemetery. Hagerstown. Md 3 KNIGHT. MA*RY LIZZY. On Thursday. April 1 1037. at Garfield Hospital. MARY LIZZY KNIGHT of 2tl4 Flor ida ave nw.. beloved wife of Sam uel Knight, devoted mother of Lo renzo Knight. Remains resting at Fra zier's funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at 1:30 p.m.. from the above-mentioned parlor. In terment Tennele. Ga. * .3 LAI DERBOUGH. ELIZABETH M. On Fri day. April 2. 1937. at her residence. 3435 14th st. n.w.. ELIZABETH M. LAUDERBOUGH. beloved daughter of the late Christian and Mary J Lauder bough. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. April 3. at 8 p.m. Interment Pittsburgh Pa. (Pittsburgh papers please copy.) 3 LEWIS. MARY. On Friday. April 2. 1937. at her residence. 90 Fenton st. n.e.. MARY LEWIS. Remains resting at Fra zier's funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 3 LIVINGSTON. DOCTOR. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937, at Garfield Hospital, after a brief illness. DOCTOR LIVING STON. the beloved husband of Solime Livingston of 5538 Jay st. n.e. He also leaves seven daughters, three sons, four brothers, five sisters and many other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington A Sons’ funeral home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at 1:30 p.m . from Tabernacle Bap tist Church. Division ave. and Gay st. n.e. Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Monday. April 5. 3* LOWRY. HENRY. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. HENRY LOWRY, beloved husband of the late Grace M LowTy and father of Grace L. Ricketts. George C. Harry M . Calvert and Robert H Lowry. Fu neral will be held from his late resi dence. 512 7th st. n.e.. on Saturday. April 3. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Ceme tery. 2 MARCUS. CECIL F. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. in Frederick County. Md.. CECIL F. MARCUS, beloved son of the late Bertie Trenary and John C. Mar cus of Arlington. Va. Besides his father he is survived by four brothers, William M. Marcus of Beltsville Md.; Jim Marcus of Ashburn. Va.: Single ton Marcus, also of Beltsville. Md.. and John Marcus of Arlington. Va.. and five sisters. Mrs T C. Furr of Arlington. Va.: Mrs. R. C. Hindman of Purcell ville. Va. Mrs. V. V Jenkins of Taney town. Md.: Miss Dora and Miss Dorothy Marcus, both of Arlington. Va. Re mains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. until 12:30 p.m. Sunday. April 4; thence to the Presbyterian Church at Ashburn. Va.. where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Interment church cemetery. 4 .ii/iKih ncnsnAn. un murs day. April 1. 1937. at Sibley Hospital. MARIE HENSHAW McLEAN aged 22 years, beloved daughter of Mrs. Marie McLean Dawson, granddaughter of Mrs. Marie E. Henshaw and sister of John H. McLean Funeral services at her late residence. 1408 44th st. n e . on Sat urday. April 3. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. 3 McTERNAN, JAMES J. On Thursday. April 1. 1037. at Bristol. R. I. JAMES J. McTERNAN beloved brother of Mrs. Alice F Martin Remains arriving in Washington Saturday morning. Funeral from the chapel of P. A. Taltavull. 436 7th st. s.w on Saturday. April 3. at 8:30 a m Reauiem mass at St. Thomas the Apostle’s Church at 9 a m. Rela tives and friends are invited Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery, with military honors MELLIS. JESSIE A. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. at her residence 616 Maryland ave. n.e.. JESSIE A. MELLIS. daughter of the late John and Ellen Mellis and sister of Miss Margaret M. Mellis. Mrs. Charles E. Myers and Mrs. Hugo Eisen beiss. Funeral from her late residence on Saturday. April 3. at. 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 2 NEWMAN. WILLIAM B. On Thursday, April 1. 1937. at his home. 732 Whit tier st. n.w.. WILLIAM B. husband of Sarah Ellison Newman. Body resting at Warner E. Pumphrey’s funeral home. 8424 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md. Notice of services later. 3 POLLARD. JOHN E. The Association of Oldest Inhabitants (Colored* will attend funeral of JOHN E. POLLARD Satur day. April 3. 1937 at 1 p.m.. from Florida Avenue Baptist Church. SAMUEL W. WATSON. President. G. L. WALTON. Secretary. POLLARD. JOHN E. Widow’s Son Lodge. No. 7. F. A. A. M.. will hold a special communication Saturday, April 3. 1937. 12:30 p.m.. to attend the funeral of Brother JOHN E POLLARD. Services at Florida Avenue Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. H. C. TODD. Worshipful Master. J. S. GEORGE. Secretary. • POLLARD. JOHN E. Members of the Young Men’s Immediate Relief Associa tion. are reauested to attend the funeral of JOHN E. POLLARD on Saturday. April 3. 1937. from the Florida Avenue Baptist Church. THOMAS HOLLAND. President. E. M. SMITH. Secretary. POLLARD, JOHN E. The Sir Knights of Henderson Commandery are requested to meet at the Florida Avenue Baptist Church. Saturday, April 3. 1937. at I o’clock p.m.. full Templar uniform, to attend the funeral of Sir Knight JOHN E. POLLARD. All Sir Knights invited. WILLIAM THORNLY. E. C. W. F. SCOTT. Recorder. • POLLARD. JOHN E. Nobles of Mecca Temple. No. 10. A. E. A. O N. M. S.. are advised of the death of Noble JOHN E. POLLARD. Funeral Saturday April 3. 1937. at 1:30 p.m.. from Florida Avenue Baptist Church. Florida ave. and Bohrer st. n.w. HERBERT W. SWIRE. 32°. Illustrious Potentate. Attest: L. M. LEAKE. 33°. Recorder. • POLLARD. JOHN E. The Peers and Sub lime Princes of Jonathan Davis Con sistory. No. 1, 32°. Scottish Rite Ma.wns. will assemble at Grice's funeral home. 12th and R sts. n.w.. at 11:30 o’clock Friday night. April 2. 1P37, to conduct a Kadosh service over our late Illustrious Peer JOHN E. POLLARD. 33°. By order oi HARTWELL T. WILLIS. 33°. Illustrious Oommander-in-Chiei. Attest: CICERO A. LEE. 33°. Keeper of Seals and Archives. CHAS. H. ANDERSON. 33° Assistant. POLLARD. JOHN. Columbia Lodge. No. 85. I. B. P. O. E. of W.. is hereby notified of the funeral of Brother JOHN POLLARD from Florida Avenue Baptist Church Saturday. April 3. 1937 at 1:30 P.m. Session of sorrow at Elks Home. 391 R. I. ave. n.w. Friday, April 2. at 7:30 p.m. All Elks are invited. HARRISON C. SMITH. E. R. T.FF CAMPRF.T.T. fipcrctarv POOLER. EDNA SMITH. On Tuesday March 30. 1037. EDNA SMITH POOLER, devoted mother of Ethel Smith, devoted niece of Mrs. Ida Jones and James Wil liams. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. April 3. at 1 n.m.. from the above funeral church. Rev. D. E. Wiseman officiating. Rela tives and friends invited. 2 PORTER. MINNIE. Departed this life Thursday. Aoril 1. 1037. at Gallinger Hospital. MINNIE PORTER, beloved wife of James Porter and mother of Christine Hawkins. Amelia Smith. Elinor Porter.. James Davis She also leaves to mourn their loss one sister. Virginia Waters, and several other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's fu neral home. 1300 South Capitol st. No tice of funeral later. SEABROOKS. KATIE D. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital, KATIE D. SEABROOKS cousin of Harry, Nora, Charlie. Rosa. George and Milton Barns: the aunt of Roland Barns. Re mains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 3H9 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Monday. April 5. at 9:30 am., from the above mentioned parlors; thnce to St. Augus tine's Catholic Church, where mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. 2 SEELY. ROBERT ERNEST. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. ROBERT ERNEST SEELY of 125 Carroll ave.. Takoma Park. Md. tieloved husband of Carolyn Seely and beloved father of Grace E. Seely. Mrs. Gladys Paulson and Mrs. Maybelle Gar riss. Remains resting at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. until 12 noon Sunday Funeral services at Seventh-day Adventist Church. Car roll and Willow aves.. Takoma Park. Md.. on Sunday. April 4. at 2 p.m. In terment Addison Chapel. Md. 3 SHULL. ADDIE V. On Friday, April 2. 1937 at her residence. 207 Raymond st.. Chevy Chase. Md.. ADDIE V. SHULL, wife of J. Marion Shull. Please omit flowers. SHEPHERD. WILLIAM FREDERICK. Sud denly. on Thursday. April 1. 1937. at his residence. 1504 Southern ave .Brad bury Heights s.e.. WILLIAM FREDERICK, beloved husband of Ida Shepherd Fu neral from H. M, Padgett’s funeral home. 131 11th st. s.e.. on Sunday. April 4, at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Forestville. Md. 4 SHRY. HOWARD A. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. HOWARD A. SHRY, beloved son of Mary C. Myers Shry and the late Franklin A. Shry. Funeral from the chapel of Thomas F. Murray & Son. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Saturday, April 3. at 10:30 atm. Services at Mount Pleasant Church. Taylorstown. Va.. at 1 p.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment church cemetery. F.F. SHEDD, EDITOR,: DIES IN SOUTH Deceased Headed Philadel phia Evening Bulletin Since 1921. By the Associated Press. PINEHURST, N. C., April 2.—Fred Fuller Shedd, 66, editor In chief of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin since 1921, died early today 'at the Moore County Hospital here of a heart attack after an operation last Wednes day. He entered the hospital March 28. His wife, Frances Martha Hogdon Shedd, whom he married in 1891, was at his bedside. His three sons left at once for here. They are Harold Hogdon Shedd, Haverhill, Mass.; Clifford Ernest Shedd, Upper Darby, Pa., and Dr. Karl Eastman Shedd, professor at Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Va. Two sisters, Mary and Ethel of Haverhill, and a brother also survive. Editor in Boston. Shedd had been affiliated with the Evening Bulletin since 1911. He came to Philadelphia as am editorial writer from the Boston Herald, where he had been editor. He succeeded William Peprine as editor of the Evening Bulletin. In 1930 Shedd was elected president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors. He served three one-year terms. President Hoover appointed him in 1933 to the Board of Visitors which annually inspects the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. He was a member of the Pennsyl vania Committee on Public Assistance and Relief, headed by Dr. Herbert F. Goodrich of the University of Penn sylvania Law School, which recom mended the unifying of relief activi ties and abolition of poor boards. Drafted Journalism Course. In 1930, at the request of the Penn sylvania Newspaper Publishers’ As sociation, he drafted a four-year course in journalism for the Pennsyl vania State College. He was born in New Boston, N. H. His first newspaper experiences were gained as a newsboy, delivering the Lowell (Mass.) Times in the morn ing and Lowell Courier in the evening in his home community. When he was 12, he worked in the office of the Courier during a vacation from school. China's Products Rise. China estimates that the market value of its agricultural products in 1936 was abou $900,000,000 more than in 1935. Deaths. SMITH. MARGARET C. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. at the Homeopathic Hos pital. MARGARET C SMITH, beloved wife of Gary H. Smith and mother of Lacy H.. J. Onsbv. Delma. Elbert L. and Wilma Ann Smith. Remains resting at her late residence. 1049 Flower ave. Silver Spring. Md. Funeral services at the residence on Saturday. April 3. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Washington Memorial Park. SYLVESTER. MARY. On Tuesday. March 30. 1937. at the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. Ella Dudley. Montgomery rd.. Sliver Spring. Md.. MARY SYLVESTER of Burke. Va.. aged 62 years, the be loved wife of Edwin B. Sylvester and mother of Mrs. Mary Powell and Edwin F. Sylvester, both of Washington. D. C., and sister of Mrs. Rose Klose of Detroit. Mich. Funeral from the W. W. Cham bers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Friday. April 2. at 3:30 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. THOMAS. IDA. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at her residence. East. Woodford. Va.. IDA THOMAS, devoted mother of Emma Catherine and William Thomas and Amanda Johnson: devoted sister of Annie Brooks and Oden Allen, sr.; aunt of Oden Allen. 1r. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at 2 p.m.. from the New- Bethel Baptist Church. 9th and S sts. n.w.. Rev. William D. Jarvis officiating. In terment East Woodford. Va 3 TURMAN. BENJAMIN D. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. BENJAMIN D TUB MAN, beloved husband of Mary B. Tub man. Funeral services and interment Cedar Hill Cemetery on Friday April 2. at 2 D.m. Relatives and friends are in vited. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. 2 TURNER. THELMA FAULK. On Wednes day, March 31, 1937. at 5 p.m., at her home. Kensington. Md.. THELMA FAULK TURNER, beloved wife of Floyd L. Turner. Funeral services at Flower Hill Church. Redland. Md.. on Sunday April 4, at 3 p.m. Interment church cemetery. 3 WALLACE. ESTHER. Departed this life March 31. 1937. in Gallinger Hospital. ESTHER WALLACE. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. Dallas Wallace; other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. Funeral Monday. April 5. at 1 p.m.. from the Metropolitan Baptist Church. Interment in Payne's Cemetery. Rev. E. C. Smith officiating. 3 WILLIAMS. JAMES E. (Better known as 'M ANNIE’ WILLIAMS.) Departed this life in the full triumph of faith, at his residence. 701 12th st. n.e. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving and devoted wife. Mrs. Annie O. Williams; two daughters. Mrs. Marie W. White and Mrs. Maude Jones: six grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Funpral Saturday. April 3. at 2 p.m.. from Jan ifer’s funeral home. 1141 22nd st. n.w.. Rev. F. W. Alstalk officiating. Inter ment Mount Zion Cemetery. George town. D. C. • In fttrmoriant. BROWN. ELIZA. In sad but loving re membrance of my dear mother. ELIZA BROWN, who passed away sixteen years ago today. April 2. 1921. Upright and lust in all her ways. A lover of God to the end of her days. Always gentle, patient and kind. To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER. ROSA GORDON. • COATES. CHARLIE. A tribute of love to the memory of our father. CHARLIE COATES, who entered Into eternal rest one year ago today, April 2. 19.36. THE FAMILY. • COLEMAN. JOHN W. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our be loved husband and father JOHN W. COLEMAN, who passed to the great be yond three years ago today, April 2. 19.34. A bitter cup. a shock severe. To part with one we loved so dear: Our loss Is great, we’ll not complain, But trust in God to meet again. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. • ENOS. LAWRENCE A. In sad and loving remembrance of our son. LAWRENCE A. ENOS who died one year ago today, April 2. 1936. We shall meet, but we shall miss him. There will be one vacant chair: We can linger to caress him As we breathe our evening prayer. FATHER AND MOTHER. FOLUN. MARY ANN. In loving femem brance of my dear mother. MARY ANN FOLLIN. who departed this life two years ago today. April 2. 1936. Nothing but memories as we journey on. Longing for smiles of a loved one gone. No one knows the depth of our regret, But we remember when others forget. We miss you. mother, our hearts are sore. As time goes on we miss you more Your loving smile, your gentle face— No other one can ever take your place. YOUR LOVING DAUGHTER AND SON IN-LAW. AGNES AND EUGENE BAKER. * GRAFF. JOHN J.i KUHN. MARY MAG DALENE. A tribute of love to the mem ory of my dear husband. JOHN J. GRAFF who departed this life five years ago today April 2. 19.32. and my dear mother. MARY MAGDALENE KUHN, fifteen years ago. April 13, 1922. Gone, but never will be forgotten. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. KATHERINE GRAFF. AND FAMILY. • HENNIGE. FRITZ W. In loving remem brance of our dear husband and father. FRITZ W. HENNIGE. who died four years ago today. April 2. 19,33. Four years have passed since that sad day The one we loved was called away: God took him home. It was His will. But In our hearts he liveth still. HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. * 1 TARTER. JULIA BROOKS. A tribute of love to the memory of our_darling mother, JULIA BROOKS TARTER, who left us suddenly April 2. 1936. Our hearts still ache with sadness. Our eyes shed many a tear; God only knows how we miss you At the end of two sad years._ DEVOTED CHILDREN. EDWARD. LOT TIE AND MAE. ^ • tl QUEZON LOOKS AT SITES FOR FILIPINO EMBASSY by the Associated Press. Looking to fulfillment of his hopes for early independence for the islands, Manuel Quezon, Filipino president, ar ranged today to survey soon several sites for a future Philippine Embassy. One site under consideration is on Massachusetts avenue between the British and Japanese Embassies, but a spokesman for Quezon emphasized no final choice had been made and no funds appropriated by the insular National Assembly to purchase a site. Resident Commissioner Qulntln Paredes, who has been working on the plan for more than a year, said if a Philippine building were erected prior to actual independence, it would be used in the meantime for the resi dent commissioner and to house other Philippine activities here. THEODORE GATCHEL, U. S. ENGINEER, DIES Was Employed by Navy 39 Years. Funeral Is Set for Tomorrow. Theodore L. Gatchel, 61, of 2812 Thirty-fourth street, a senior engineer at the Navy Bureau of Engineering, died yesterday of a heart attack at a physician’s office where he had gone for treatment. Mr. Gatchel had been employed at the Navy Department for 39 years. He was born in Baltimore, but came to Washington with his parents when a child. He was a member of the famous old Morton Cadets and active in the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Lebanon Lodge, F. A. A. M., and Mount Vernon Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Surviving are a son, Theodore D. Gatchel. principal of Emerson Insti tute; a daughter, Miss Edna L. Gatchel, this city, and two brothers, Maurice H. Gatchel, Bronxville, N. Y., and Joshua L. Gatchel, Elizabeth, N. J. His wife, before her marriage, Miss M. Louise Dodge, died four years ago. She was a lifelong resident of this city. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the residence. Burial will be in Congressional Cemetery. AIDE OF CUMMINGS WILL FLY PACIFIC Miss Violet Sweet Haven to Make Trip to Philippines for Magazine Series. Miss Violet Sweet Haven of At torney General Cummings’ public relations staff will leave tomorrow for an extended aerial junket to the Philippine Islands, r.bout which she will write a series of maeazme , articles. It will be Miss I Haven's sixth crossing of the Pacific, but her first by air. She will fly to Los Angeles by Amer i c a n Airlines’ Southern route and will take off by clipper for Manila on April 7. She is due to arrive in the Philippines o n April 14, after stops at Hono Misa Haven. lulu. Midway. Wake Island and Guam. Miss Haven plans to remain in the Orient a fortnight. She will return by China Clipper and expects to re turn to Washington about June 1. No stranger to the F East, Miss Haven lived in Hawaii several years and later became society editor of the Japan Times in Tokio. following a world cruise several years ago, she obtained a master’s degree at Columbia University. Since then she has been in the press section at the Department of Justice. She is an active member of the Women’s National Press Club. HEART ATTACK FATAL TO REV. E. P. TIVNAN — Rev. Edward P. Tivnan, S. J, 55, president of Fordham University from 1919 to 1924, died of a heart attack Wednesday afternoon in New York in front of the Cenacle of St. Regis, where he had been directing retreats for several days. After receiving degrees elsewhere, Father Tivnan was graduated in 1917 with a doctor of philosophy degree from Georgetown University. He was treasurer of the Society of Jesus of New England and was that organiza tion’s director of retreats, periods of retirement for meditation, prayer and penance for laymen. At the time of his death he was superior of the Bel larmine House of Retreats, at Oo hasset, Mass. At his final commencement at Ford ham, Father Tivnan was able to an nounce tiie largest graduating class in the history of the university. There were 787 graduates that year. From 1924 to 1931 he was superior of the Fairview House of Studies, at Weston, Mass. Since then he has been at the Bellarmlne House. JUDGE NEWMAN FIRES AT HOME Formerly Was Member of Appeals Board of Interior Department. Judge William B. Newman, 70, former member of the Board of Ap yeals of the Interior Department, died yesterday at his home, 732 Whittier street. Judge Newman was retired in 1931 due to failing health. Death was Judre Newman. oeuevea uuc 10 a heart attack. As a member of the Board of Appeals he was a specialist in land law. Born in Grove Hill, Ala., Judge Newman was graduated in law from Wash ington and Lee University and then practiced in Tall edega, Ala. He entered Gov ernment service in 1903 as an at torney in the General Land Office. He was descended from a prominent early Virginia family and had written many articles on genealogy. He was a member of Sigma Chi Fraternity. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Sarah E. Newman; a son, Capt. J. B. New man, Engineer Corps, U. S. A.; a daughter, Mrs. S. M. Corbett of Pan ama, Canal Zone; a stepson. Dr. Clif ford E. Waller, assistant surgeon gen eral, United States Public Health Service; a brother, Judge J. B. New man, Nashville, Tenn., and three grandchildren. HOUSE TO VOTE NAZI QUIZ, DICKSTEIN SAYS New Yorker Pushes Investigation of Claim Troops Are Drill ing in U. S. b: the Associated Press. Representative Dickstein, Democrat, of New York predicted today that the House would vote next week to inves tigate charges that Nazi agents %re drilling troops in the United States and attempting to establish a Fascist state. Dickstein’s resolution for an inquiry received the approval of the House Rules Committee yesterday. "There won't be 10 votes against it when it reaches the floor," Dickstein said. "We are going to clean house in this country." FLOWERS 4/0UP0NT CIRCLE NO. 7000 I Milbum T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North Sldo of Stanton Park. “gdeo-liM” ‘MJaAhiiUjtcm matBmulllid (emetery CtBBoaltj MiuioInb, OloBbarfnn _»n< Htctitlnr Vaalta. DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY $D any place 3 in the city Columbia 0432 One of the Lorrest rndertokero in the World For Reference ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR $75 No Extras! For a Regular $150 Funeral WASHINGTON’S LOWEST PRICES $75 to $200 and up DEAL Funeral Home Phone Li. 8200-8201 t The highest type of service within the means of all Is T> ECAUSE our service is recognized as ij JD being one of the finest available in nr Washington is no reason why it 1 should be within the means of just a few. To all who come to us will be given the same complete, capable, sincerely helpful service regardless of the price that’s paid. Remember to call Ryan Service. Ryan De Luxe Ambulance Service the Last Word in Ambulance Service. Phone Atlantic 1700. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ate. S.E. 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