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SERVICE ORDERS ARMY. Cloud, Maj. Howard H„ Quarter master Corps. Army Industrial Col lege, to Fort Mason, Calif., August 13. Moore, Maj. John I., Air Corps, Boll ing Field, Anacostia, to Hawaiian De partment, August 13. Wickliffe, Maj. Charles A., Judge Advocate General's Department, Fort Sam Houston, Tex., to office, judge advocate general, July 1. Brand, Maj. Clarence E., Judge Ad vocate General's Department, office judge advocate general, to Fort Sam Houston, Tex., July 1. Whitesides, Capt. Sterling E., jr., Chemical Warfare Service, Army In dustrial College, to Hawaiian Depart ment, August 4. Harrison, Capt. Edwin H., Ordnance Department, to Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., on completion of his present tour of foreign service. NAVY. White, Capt. Robert A., detached TT. S. S. Chaumont to Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Va. Barbey, Comdr. Daniel E., detached Destroyer Division 17, to Bureau of Navigation, June. Doyle, Comdr. Walter E., detached staff commander of battleships, Battle Force, to Naval Operations, June 5. Struble, Comdr. Arthur D., detached staff commander of cruisers, Scouting Force, to Naval Operations, June 7. Davis, Lieut. Comdr. James K., de tached U. S. S. Colorado, to Navy Yard, June 1. Davis, Lieut. Comdr. Ransom K., detached U. S. S. New Orleans, to office judge advocate general, June 1. Graham, Lieut. Comdr. Roy W. M., detached U. S. S. Nevada, to Naval Academy, June 1. Hudson, Lieut. Comdr. Roy C., de tached command U. S. S. Sands, to Naval Boiler Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., June. Krueger, Lieut. Comdr. Ernest H., detached U. S. S. New Orleans, to Naval Gun Factory, Navy Yard, June 19. Seligman, Lieut. Comdr. Morton T., detached Bureau of Aeronautics, to U. S. S. Ranger, June. Slocum, Lieut. Comdr. Harry B., de tached U. S. S. Tennessee to Naval Gun Factory. Navy Yard, JUne. Stevens, Lieut. Comdr. Leslie C., detached as assistant naval attache, American Embassy, London, England, to Bureau of Aeronautics, May 25. Davis, Lieut. Ernest J., detached TJ. 8. S. Beaver, to Naval Training Sta tion. Norfolk, Va.. May. Dole. Lieut. Richard M., detached Naval Academy to U. 8. 8. Brooklyn, May. Freiburghouse, Lieut. Leonard F., detached Bureau of Ordnance, to staff commander of Minecraft, Battle Force. Gordlnier, Lieut. Virgil F., detached TT. S. 8. Brooks, to Naval Academy, June 1. Graham. Lieut. William W, jr., de tached U. 8. 8. Arctic, to Naval Acad emy, June 1. Craighill, Lieut, (jgl Robert R., de tached U. 8. 8. J. Fred Talbot, to Naval Academy, June 21. Mother Contest Closes April 10. The rioting date for entries in the “American Mother of 1937” contest has been extended to April 10, the Golden Rule Foundation Mother’s Day Committee announced today. Yes terday originally was set as the entry deadline. The winner will be invited to visit New York and act as spokes man for the foundation’s Mother's day observance. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Dance, Internal Revenue, Mayflower Hotel, 8 p.m. Dance, Oklahoma State Society, Mayflower Hotel, 10 p.m. Dance. W. P. A., Broadmoor Hotel, 9:30 p.m. Dance, Friday Evening Dancing Club, Willard Hotel, 9 p.m. Dance, Friendship Chapter, O. I. S., 4511 Wisconsin avenue, 9 p.m. Dance, Procurement Division Lodge No. 86, American Federation of Gov ernment Employes, Joppa Hall, 4209 Ninth street, 9 p.m. TOMORROW. Meeting, Biological Society of Wash ington, Cosmos Club, 8 p.m. Dance, Social Security Board Union, Pythian Temple, 1012 Ninth street, 8 p.m. Dance, Thomas Marshall Club, Broadmoor Hotel, 10 p.m. Dance, Forty and Eight Club, Ward man Park Hotel, 10 p.m. Dance, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Wardman Park Hotel, 10 p.m. Dance, Credit Union, Mayflower Hotel, 9 p.m. Dinner, Kappa Phi Legal Sorority, Shoreham Hotel. 7 p.m. — Dinner, Johns Hopkins University Cotillion Board, Shoreham Hotel, 7:30 p.m. Marriage Licenses. John B. Lee. 27. 2034 O st.. and Ruth M Byington. 24. 3611 Davenport st.; Rev J w. Rustin. Foster E. Btlbaugh. 22. Hopwood. Pa., and Ireatha M. Linn. 18. 1308 Spring rd.: Rev. H. M. Hennlg. Herman M Jenkins. 31, 22B 3rd st., and Ethel E Bailey. 30. 1946 Calvert st.; Rev. N. E. Wicker. Jr. Emile E Mehl 25. 1423 Montague st.. and Ann G. Chlund. 27. 2622 Garfield it.; Rev. F. B. Harris. Mordecta B Adkins. 39. and Melvenlm Adkins. 36. both of Roxbury. Va.; Rev. J S Montgomery. Isadore Seigle 29. Richmond, and Tetta Kaminsky. 22, McKeesport. Pa.; Rev, S. H Metz. Paul A. Brookhart, 22 and Edith S. Thomas 21. both of Butler. Pa.; Rev. F. B Harris. Charles M. Dockendorff. 30. Spokane, Wash and Phyllis L. Smith. 29. Buck hannon. W. Va.; Rev. R. A. Cantmell. Royce L. Givens. 27. Smlthvllle. Tenn.. and Virginia L. Purl 28. Muskogee, Ok la.; Rev. 8 R. Allison. Llovd A. Falres 27. and Greta O. Lasenby. 32 both of Greensboro. N. C.; Rev. J. W. Rustin. Moses Taylor 23 422 Canal at., and Maude Neely, 23. 706 Euclid st.; Rev. K W. Roy. Alfred W. Hampton. 21. 467 Florida ave., and Thelma Mitchell 18. 903 44th »t. n.e : Rev. Charles Beck. RudolDh Ivery. 30. 1421 1st st., and Vir ginia Cooley, 22. 48 Hanover at.; Rev. R. T Epps Raymond S. Sifdol. 39. 3800 14th st.. and Ruth E Lee. 24. 316 Tennessee ave. n.e.: Rev. O. F. Blackwelder. Rudolph L. Johnson. 23. and Margaret Johnson. 26. both of 1808 Connecticut ave.: Rev P. J. Bohanan. Robert H. Smith. Jr.. 29 1416 Madlion st. and Hazel J. Bussa, 26. Bronx. N. Y.; Rev. A. L Healy. Oeias O. Adkins. 26. and Juliet O. Adkins. 19 both of Roxbury. Va.; Rev. J. S. Montgomery. Robert R. Davis, 23. 6023 Clay st. n.e.. and Teresa E. Smoot 21. 4611 Eads st. n.e.. Rev. H. L. Gaskins. William A Penwlck. 40. 921 6th st. I.e_ and Mary C. Mason. 37. 1102 R it.; Rev. R. M Williams. Joseph A. Young. 21. 1816 12th st.. and Lorraine R French, 18, 1121 Montello ave. n.e.; Rev. R. A. Fairley. Lucian Cave 22 and Ethel M. Graves. 19. both of Stanley. Va.; Rev. J. C. Ball. Harry Borensteln Jr.. 37. and Olga Hol lander. 23, both or Baltimore; Rev. J. Klavan. J. Marshall Hanna, 29. Oregon. Mo., and Mary P. Webber. 31, Arlington. N. J.; Rev. J. K. Cartwright. Santo Pavone. 21. and Pauline Till. 19, both of 1112 13th st.; Rev. M. P. German. Francis J. Flood 32. and Laura Hill. 27, both af Philadelphia; Judge R. E Mat tingly. George E. Murray. 28. 1020 9th >t., and Eva M. Byers. 31, 1623ft 14th it.; Rev. E. C. Smith. John Harrell. 32. 309 R at., and Edith Thomas. 18. 4918 4th st.; Rev. O. L. Davis. HERZOG’S . t« the store for menj must Hg known for their style, tailoring, fabrics and QUALITY The ' CLERMONT Spring’s Outstanding Man’s Suit For 31 years Herzog's has answered the demand for smart clothes at popular prices. This spring is no exception. We are now showing a brilliant array of new models that are correct in every fashion detail ... a wide range of 0 fabrics and uncommon col- *** orful patterns. Sizes for men and young men at • Charge Accounts Invited • 4 Ways to Pay 1k A Traffic Convictions SECOND-OFFENSE SPEEDING. William H. McDuffie, 725 Seventh street southeast, $10. George L. Collins, 418 U street, (10. Julian Buydam, 820 Ninth street northeast, $10. Harry H. McKnee, Jr., 1673 Park road, (5. FIRST-OFFENSE SPEEDING. Ralph R Winslow, Virginia. $10. Roderick Adams, Virginia, $5. Jack A. Maine, 1423 R street, $5. John G. Woodfield, Maryland, $5. Carey G. York, 1507 W street south east, $5. Walter R. Wood, New York, $5. Wilbur T. Smith, 5232 Illinois ave nue, $10. Tan Reed, 614 Florence street, $5. James W. Sheperd, 647 Lexington place northeast, (5. William J. Canella, 555 Fifteenth street southeast, $10. Homer W. Slpe, Capital Trust Co., $5. P. Paul Wessner, 1900 F street, $5. James D. Gainer, Maryland, $5. Henry E. Elserschmldt, Maryland, 510. Helen M. Treudley, 2401 Calvert street, $5. James Howard, 474 Clarks eourt southwest, $5. Thomas W. Reynolds, 620 Raleigh place, $5. Mary N, Talmadge. Maryland, $5. George T. Hunter, Maryland, $5. Edward D. Godfrey, Maryland, $10. Lorenzo Kerschbaum, 458 K street, 55. James M. McDonald, 3428 Oakwood terrace, $10. SUSPENDED PERMITS. Morton W. Hannel, 709 Longfellow street, revoked. Alble Hemllck, 1206 Hemlock street, revoked. John G. Loeffler, 1224 Water street southwest, revoked. Charles Minor, 1744 Seaton plaoe, revoked. Paul C. Murphy, 1445 Park road, revoked. Edward M. Gray, 811 Twenty-first street, suspended. R&fe&l H. Marti nee, 1507 Park road, suspended. James A. Palmer, 2533 D street, revoked. Katie W. Presgraves, 1215 Fourth street, revoked. Robert L. Welch, 419 V street, revoked. Roy O. Conner, 530 Somerset plaoe, 15 days. James Duncan, 1130 Fifth street, unreasonable, 30 days, seoond offense. Richard V. Flynt, 208 F street, un reasonable, 30 days. Oran H. Geedy, 2116 Fourth street northeast, 30 days. Emory A. Wheeler, 2615 Thirty-first street, unreasonable, 30 days. Births Reported. Simone and Rosa Barravecchia. boy. Bernard and Elizabeth Momingstar. girl. Charles and Dorothy Milbrook., boy. Irving and Ruth Dixon, boy. Rudolph and Bessie Becker, boy. Peter and Thelma Buonviri. boy, George and Norma Sterling, girl. William and Marie Clark, girl. Samuel and Anna Rosen, girl. John and Catherine Hipps. girl. Thomas and Louise Gannon, girl. James and Louise Donahue, girl. James and Helen Embrey. girl. Georgie and Elizabeth Hogge, jr.. boy. Wmilree and Esther Nelson, boy. Morris and Dorothy Shuken. boy. Harold and Agnes Davis, boy. Simon and Rita Chills, boy, Edward and Esther MpKnight. girl. Thaddeua and Laura Kuls. girl. Joseph and Bernice Offenbacker. girl. Thomas and Vivian Bryan, girl. Robert and Marlons Elcholti. girl. William and Myrtle Womeraley. girl. Horace and Oladya Bolts, boy. ftank and Helen Carter, boy. Alton and Elsie Jones, boy. Isaac and Matilda Smith, boy. Samuel and Etta Marshall, girl. Oeorge and Beatrice Brown, girl. Paul and Mary Townsend, boy. Leo and Zetherlne Jones, boy. Murdock and Marie Schofield, boy. Wilbur and Rue Robinson, boy. John and Maude Lancaster, girl. Norman and Cornelia Morris, girl. --- Deaths Reported. Charles E. Shoemaker. 84, St. Elisabeth’s Hospital. _ Benjamin F. McCaully. 81. Oallinger Hos pital. Mary 8. Rice. 77. 1448 Chapin at. Adam E. Nichols. 72. 1108 E gt. a.e. Martha B. Townsend. 72. 2310 Connecticut ave. Elizabeth F. Healey. 70. 1403 Varnum at. Elijah Ramey. <58. 807 8th at. s.w. Ellen McOahagan. 81. 8200 M at. a.e. Prank Haielmeyer. 68, Home lor Aged and Infirm. Harry J. Ayers. 62. ProTldenee Hospital. Oertrude P. Cordell. 62. Oeorio Washing ton Hospital Mary L. Balleneer. 60. 814 L at. a.e. Llbbie Oulstorl. 60. Oeorge Washington Hospital. Henry J. Conner. 48. 1732 Park rd. Margaret Carroll. 35. Emergency Hospital. Ethel B. FarraU. 30. Casualty Hospital. Jack Boone. 20. Emergency Hospital. Ester A. Jennings. 17. Emergency Hos pital. Hugh Lowerby. 4 Children'! Hoapltal. Emma Woodward. 70. 2805 Dumbarton ave. Josephine Lumpkins. 68. St. Elisabeth's Hospital. Terusha Harris. 62 311 C at. s.w. Betty Mays. 60. 2124 P at. Matthew M. Jackson. 65. Oalllnger Hos pital. The Tareyton'' prevents loose ends r NHiEir T\R mil \ CIGAttTTlS " yfterei) SOMETHING ahtmt them you’U Uhe" v < - >v, ^ ***!| VAMruv I FREE ) krA*ffl&/i r Play safe! Don’t start out on that week-end trip with old worn-out tires! Come to Sears tonight or tomorrow and buy a complete new set of ALL STATE tires before the advance in price. Allstate tires are built to Sears rigid specifications. Allstate tires are more than a first quality, first run tire, they’re the last word in tires. mil—lUnONT AND PAMINO LOT Guarantee: Any tire designated on this card Is guaranteed to wear for the full number of months punched at bot tom of card. This guarantee covers all read haiards or any damage that would render the tire unfit for further service. There are no exceptions. If the tire fails within the replacement period onr nearest store will, on presentation of this card, re place It with a new tire. Charging you a proportion ate part of the current price for each month you have had the tire. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 12 Months 18 Months 24 Months SPECIAL! Any Size Passenqer Car Crankcase Drained and Refilled With 100% Pure Pennsylvania Cross-Country Motor Oil 00g PASSING LOT—BIAS O T STOSS SALE! Beautiful Tailored Bayou Taffeta 1 Wash Suits 33c I !^32t0 6‘ Rayon Undi«* | I9cea. i TfgUlftl *&**• Main Umbrella* I 25 Ft. Hoie 1.25 I ComPl«te; 1 I*»sernent | B’Ball Cap* I 19c I S3r*2 ■ and eyeiets. Regularly $4JtO! • Blue • Gold • Green • Orchid • Rose • MUSI • Brown • Dubonnet • Royal Blue Smartest rayon taffeta tailored spreads im aginable! Uniformly woven, evenly dyed in rich colors. Will not crack. Eggshell inserts con trast vividly. Popular four-corded top and har monizing braid. Deep flounces carefully hemmed. Size 90x105 inches. KDWRAR—MAIM FLOOR. Completely Automatic KENMORE IHOXElt SATURDAY ONLY! t tywSnX ‘1062 Chase away ironing blues with a new Ken more! No need to stand for hours pushing around a heavy iron, when for so little you can have more leisure hours for yourself. Look at the important features of the Kenmore: • Black Porcelain Ironing Shoe, 400 lbs. pressure. e Dual Controls, linger or knee, e Separate Control for Pressing, e Steel-cut gears, sealed in for life, e Heavier than most ironers. e 1/6 H.P. Motor, mounted in rubber, e Quieter—vibrationless. WUHM—UHWNT Items Starred Ar 'n This Advertisement Are Also Sold at 3140 M Street, N.W.