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SUPPORT APPEARS IN FEDERAL BONDS Government Issues Stage Comeback After Early Downward Trend Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 i Rails Indust. Util P’gn Net change- —.2 —.1 —.1 —.3 Today, noon. 94.0 102.9 100.0 71.5 Previous day 94.2 103.0 100.0 71.8 Month ago-. 96.9 103.9 101.3 73.1 Year ago_ 92.6 102.7 101.8 69.6 1937 high_ 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low— 94.2 102.9 99.8 71.8 1936 high-. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_ 109 0 Prev. day. 109.1 Month ago 111.0 Year ago. 111.5 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.9 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) B3 the Associated Press. NEW YORK. April 2.—Conflicting sentiment prevailed in the bond mar ket today, although forces for the decline held the whip hand. United States Governments, the market's recent focal point., were re actionary early in the session but marshaled some support in the fore noon. These bonds, off small frac tions to nearly half a point in the initial hour, narrowed their losses later in the morning. Elsewhere in the list modestly lower prices held sway. Setbacks were frac tional for the most part. Rails ap peared to be the most actively offered group, with utilities also in supply. Industrial liens showed little inclina tion to move either way. Of the carriers. Southern Railway 4s were down more than a point and Southern Pacific 4’2s lost about a point. Declines of a half point or so were recorded by Missouri Pacific 5s ‘ F," New York Central 5s, Baltimore & Ohio 4’-s and Rock Island Gen eral 4s. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. April 2.—Dividends de clared (prepared by the Standard Statistics Corp. >: Increased. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. riod. record able. Air Acco $7 vc pf SI.75 Q 4-1 4-1 Benef Industrial Loan 50c 4-15 4-30 Canadian Bronze 37‘/2C Q 4-20 5-1 Initial. N. Y. Merchandise 20c Q 4-20 5-1 Extra. Hollmeer Cons Gold 5c 4-8 4-22 Birtman Elec 25c 4-15 5-1 Regular. Beneficial Industrial Loan *3.50 pf A 87*2c Q 4-15 4-30 Broadway Department Sm 7v 1st nf $1.75 Q 5-1 Can Bronze 5/> pf $1.25 Q 4-20 5-1 Chapman Valve Mfg 50c 3-24 4-1 Fort St Union Depot $2.75 S 3-31 4-1 Frk Tel 212' ^ gtd stk $1.25 S 4-15 5-1 Great Sou Life Insur 50c Q 4-1 4-10 Holly Sue pf SI.75 Q 4-15 5-1 Jantzen Knit Mills 25c Q 4-15 5-1 Knott (A. J.) Tool & Mfg 77c Pf. $1.75 Q 3-31 4-1 Morris A Essex Ext RR $2 S 4.23 5-1 Phila & Trenton RR $2.50 Q 4-1 4-10 Sharp A- Dohme $3.50 Pf A 87’ 2C Q 4-10 5-1 Warren Fndry & Pipe 25c Q 4-15 5-1 Washington Gas Lieht 00c Q 4-15 5-1 Woolson Spice 25c Q 3-20 3-31 Woolson Spice 6'' nf $1.50 Q 3-20 3-31 Hollineer Cons Gold 5c M 4-8 4-22 Birtman Elec 25c Q 4-15 5-1 Holly Sugar pf $1.75 Q 4-15 5-1 Tenn Elec Po 5r» pf $1.25 Q 0-15 7-L Tenn El Po HG pf $1.50 Q 0-15 7-1 Tenn El Po 7r> pf $1.75 Q 0-15 7-1 Tenn El Po 7.27C Pf $1.80 Q 0-15 7-1 Tenn El Po O', pf 5<*c M 4-15 5-1 Tenn El Po O', nf 60c M 5-15 0-1 Tenn El Po O', pf 5oc M 0-15 7-1 Tenn El Po 7.2' pf 00c M 4-15 5-1 Tenn El Po 7.2', pf. 00c M 5-15 0-1 Tenn El Po 7.2', pf 00c M 0-15 7-1 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK April 3 */P).—New York Security Dealers’ Association: • Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Man (l12) _ 3ft 37 Bankers Tr (2) _ 77 79 Cen Han Bk A: Tr (4)_ 136 139 Chase Nat (1.4(M __ 57% 59% Chcm Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 70% 72% Commercial (8) 205 215 Cont Bk A Tr '.80) _ 19% 20% Corn Ex Bk A T (3) _ 66% 67% Empire Tr (1) _ 32 33 First Nat 'Bos) (2)_* 57 59 First Natl (100) _2460 2500 Guaranty Tr (12) _ 367 372 Irving Tr (.60) 17 18 Manufacturers' Tr (2) _ 57% 59% Manufacturers’Tr pf (2)_ 52 54 Nail City (1)_ 52% 54% N Y Trust (5)_143% 146% Public (1%) _ 51 53 Title GAT _ 16% 16% FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. April 2 (/Pi.—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4%s Nov., 1958-38 _ 104*2 105% 4>4S May. 1957-37_1(91% 100% 4s May. 1958-38_ 103% 103% 4s Nov. 1057-37 _ 101% 102% 4s July. 1940-44 _ 107 107% 3%s May. 1955-45 _lOo loo% 3s July. 1955-45 _ 98% 99*4 3s Jan.. 195(5-40_ 98% 99% 3s May. 1950-46 _ 98% 99% -•— FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. April 2 (48.—Foreign ex change steady. Great Britain in dollars, others -in cents: Great Britain, demand. 4 89%; cables, 4.89%: 00-day bills. 4.89; France, demand. 4.00', 4; cables. 4.60%; Italy, demand, 5.20%: cables. 5.2(5% Demands—Belgium, iti.84%. Germany, free. 40.23; registered. 70.00: travel. 23.80; Holland. 54,70: Norway. 24.01; Sweden. 25.26: Denmark. 71.80; Finland 2.10: Switzerland. 22.79%- Spain un quoted: Portugal. 4.44%: Greece, .90: Poland. 18 98; Czechoslovakia. 3.49: Yugo slovakia 2.34: Austria. 18.73n: Hungary. 19.80- Rumania. ,75: Argentina 32 65n: Brazil. 8 80%n: Tokio. 78.52: Shanghai 29 87: Hongkong 30.40: Mexico *Citv' 2, SO; Montreal in New York. 100 09a,; New York in Montreal. 99.90% n—Noml nal. U. S TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on March 31: Receipts. $112,706,868.27: expendi •f>*W-72: balance. $1,825. /~8.30l,,: customs receipts for the month. $52,502,628.08. *, r°r the fiscal year (since July 28.440.453.16: expenditures. $5. 620.0V’. 140.33. including $2,134,074,534 - 50 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $1,702,532,687.17: gross an increase of $.->3 80.>.448.20 over the previous day: |?ld assets $n.573.731.221.47. including S342.o01.b01.81 of inactive gold. REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN. April 2 OP).—The Reichsbank •tatement as ol April 1 (In thousands of Reichsmarks): Notes in circulation 4.918.000 +494.000 Geld - 67,640 +164 Foreign currency re serves _ 6,676 —28 Other bills of ex change and checks 6.110.746 +705,688 Other dally matur ing obligations ... 970.001 +135.456 Advances _ 50,887 +5,463 Investments _ 166.593 —16.384 Ratio of gold and foreign currencies to notes. 1.5 per cent. Rate of discount, 4 per cent. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. April 2 UP).—Butter, 7.891. weaker. Creamery, higher than extra. 34to-35l4: extra (92 score). 34-:)4'.: firsts (88-91 scores). :)2to-34: seconds (84-87 scores). ol‘/4-32t4: centralized i!)0 •core) 31'.a-to. Cheese 112.792. steady to firm. Prices unchanged Eggs. 17.107. steady Mixed colors, ftorage packed, firsts. 2414-s.4: other mixed colors unchanged. Live poultry, by freight, nominal: no •uotations. MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. April 2 (£>>.—Gall money uteady; 1 per cent all day. Prime commer cial paper. I per cent. Time loans steady; tfO days-4* months. 1*4 per cent offered. Bankers' acceptances unchanged. Redis count rate. New York Reserve Bank. lVa per cent. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. April 2 OP).—Silver fu tures opened steady, unchanged to five higher. May. 45.40b: July. 45.30b; Sep tember. 45.20b. b—Bid. fr 4 BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct re The Star. TREASURY Hlih. Low. 2:45. 2*8 1949-53_ 9«.24 9fc.« 9b.i4 2*s 1945-47_ 101.2 100.20 101.2 2*8 1948-51_ 99.1* 99.4 99.14 2*8 1951-64_ 98.80 98.4 98.30 7*8 1956 69_ 96.24 98. 98.24 2*a 196o-60 ... 9H.i8 99. 99.23 2*8 1955-60 re*T- 99.18 99.14 99.14 3s 1946-48 _ 109.20 102.10 102.19 38 1961-65 _ 101.20 101. 101.19 1*9 1946-49_ 102.30 102.20 102.26 3 *8 1949-52_ 108. 102.24 103.24 3*8 1941 _ 105. 104.24 105. 3 *8 1944-46 104.9 104.1 104.9 3*8 1940-43June 104.20 104.20 104.20 3*8 1941-43 Mar 104.26 104.26 104.26 3*8 1943-47 ... 105.6 105.6 106.6 3*8 1946-56 . 107.24 107.12 107.24 3 * s 1946-56 rep. 107.20 107.20 107.20 . 4a 1944-64 109.17 109.17 109.17 4*8-3*8 1943-45 104.10 104.2 104.9 4*8 1947-52 113.24 113.16 413.22 4*8 1947-52 reg. 113.12 118.12 113.12 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2*8 1942-47_ 99.20 #9.20 99.20 38 1947_ 101.20 101.10 101.19 18 1949 _ 100.24 100.11 100.24 S*e 1964_ 101.12 101.12 101.12 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2*8 1942-44_ 99.3 98.1b 99. 2*8 1939-49_ 99.10 9*28 99.10 88 1952_ 100.11 99.21 100.11 FOREIGN BONDS High. Low. 2:45. Abitlbl Pa&Pw 5s '63 10044 9944 9344 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s ’48 April coupon on. 25*6 25 25 Akerslius 5s 63 _ 9854 9844 9844 Antloqula 7s 45 D_ 1454 1444 1444 Antloqula 1st 7s’57_ 1454 1354 1344 Antloqula 3d 7s'57_ 14*4 14 14 Antwerp 6s ’58 _ 10054 10044 10054 Argentine 4 44s'71_ 9944 9944 9944 Argentine £ 44s 62_101 101 101 Argentine 6s '67 A_ 10144 1 0154 1 0 154 Argentine 6s'58 B ... 101 10054 101 Argentine 6s '59 June. 10054 10054 10054 Argentine 6s'69 Oct . 102 101*4 102 Argentine 6s '60 May. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s'60 Sept. 10154 10154 10154 Argentine 6s'60 Oct.. 102 1 0 1 54 1 0 154 Australia 4 Hs'66_ 10 044 1 0044 1 0044 Australia 6s'65_ 106 44 1 05 54 105 54 Australia 5s '67_ 10544 106 10544 Belgium 6s'55_ 10854 10844 108*4 Berlin 644s 50_ 1954 1944 1 944 Brazil 644s’26-’57_ 4044 3 9 44 3 9 44 Brazil 6 44s'27-'67_ 4144 4044 4 0 44 Brazil 7s’52- 41 4044 <044 Brazil 8s 41_ 4 8 44 4 8 48 Brisbane 5s'57_ 100 100 100 Buenos Aires 4848-454s '76 April.. 78 78 78 Buenos A ires 4V4s-3*4s '77 Pv ... 7 7 44 7 7 7 7 Buenos A 4 44s'7 6 Aug 7 7 44 7 754 7754 But A! 4 44B-484S '76 . 8144 8051 80*4 Buenos A C 6s '60 Oct. 10154 10154 10154 Buenos A C 644s'65 .. 101 101 101 Buenos A 6s'61 st Pv 83 83 83 Buenos A C 6 44s’61 Pv 83 44 8 3 44 8 3 44 Bulgaria 7s 67 July coupon oft_ 2444 2444 2444 Canada 2%s'45_ 9 7 44 9 7 44 9 7 44 Canada 3Us'61_ 9754 97 9754 Canada 4s'60 _ 10554 IO654 10544 Canada 6s'52_112 112 112 Carlsbad 8s'54_ 67 65 66 Chile 6s'60 _ 22 2144 2144 Chile 6s '61 Jan_ 22 2154 2154 Cnile 6s'61 Fehr_ 2144 214n 2144 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 22 215* 2154 Chile 6s 63 _ 22 2144 21*4 Chile 7s 42 . _ 22 22 22 Chile Mtg Bk 6s '61.__ 1944 1944 1944 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 .. 1944 19 19 Chile Mtg Bk 65«s 61 1944 1944 1944 Chilean Mun L 7s 80.. 1854 1844 18*4 Colombia fis 61 Jan .. 3254 3144 3144 Colombia 6s 61 Oct_ 324y 3144 »!4i Couenhagen 154s'53.. 9544 95 95 Copenhagen 6s'62 _ 9844 98U 9844 Copenhagen T 5s'54_ 100 100 100 Costa Rlea is A '51_ 3344 33 38 Cuba 654s 46 _ 6844 6 1 54 6 1 54 Denmark 4 44S'62__ 9944 99 9944 Denmark 5 54s'55_10~ 10154 10154 Denmark 6s'42 _ 10644 10644 10544 Dominic 1st 654s '42 81 81 81 Dominic 554s'61 ext_81 81 81 French Gov 754s 41.. 117»4 11754 11754 Ger C Bk A 6s '38 ... 4654 4644 4654 Ger C Ag Bk 6s’60 Oct. 3454 3 454 3454 Ger Gen Elec 6s '48_ 3144 314» 8144 Ger Gov 6 54s'65 el 24 24 24 Ger Gov 554s 65 un st. 2044 2044 2044 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ag 654s'58 ... 24 44 2 4 44 2 4 44 Ger Rep 7s '49 stpd_ 234y 29 29 Grt C El Jap 7s'44_ 97 97 97 Greek Go\ 6s 68 3 1 44 3154 3 1 44 Hung L M 7 54s'61 B.. 27 27 27 Italy 7a 51 _ 84 83 84 Ital P U Crd 7s’52_ 734 784 734 Japan 64s'65_ 804 804 804 Japan 6 4s 54_ 934 984 934 KxeuK&Toll 6s *59 cts. 46 46 46 Medelln 64s’64 134 134 134 Mex 4s'10-45 asst_ 64 64 64 Mex 4s ’64 asst _ 64 64 64 Mex Ire 4 4s'43 asst.. 54 64 64 Milan 64s 62 _ 7* 724 724 Minas Gers6 4s '58 Sept coupon off _ 264 264 264 MlnasGsrs 64s'59 Sept coupon on_ 26 4 264 264 Montevideo 7s'52_ 68 68 68 New So Wales 5s'58_. 1024 1024 1024 NordRy6 4s'50_ 1074 107 107 Norway ‘4s '65- 1004 1004 1004 Norway 44S'66_ 1024 1024 1024 Oriental Dev 64s’68.. 724 724 724 Oriental Dev 6s'63_ 784 784 784 Oslo 4 4a 55 - 994 934 994 Peru 6s '60 —__ 224 22 224 Peru 6s 61_ 224 22 224 Poland 6s 40_____ 61 61 51 Poland 8s 60_ 494 49 49 Porto Alegre 8s '81 June coupon off_... 28 28 28 Prussia 64s'61_ 194 194 l»4 Rio de Jan 64s'68 Aur coupon off_ 284 274 284 Rio de Jan 8s 46 ADril coupon off_ *04 30 30 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’68 June coupon oft_ 264 264 264 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '6* May coupon off__ 264 8*4 264 Rio Gr do Sul 8s ’4* April coupon off_ 81 80 80 Rome 64s'62_ 784 724 78 Rumania 7s '49 Aug coupon off_ 844 *44 S«4 Sao Paulo St 6s ’88 July coupon off__ 27 87 27 Sao Paulo St 7s'40_ 93 92 4 924 Serbs 7s ’62 unm c o__ 29 284 284 Serbs 8s'62 unm c o._. *1 81 31 Siemens & H 64s '51_. 66 66 t6 Silesia Prov 7s'68_ 434 424 424 Toklo 54s '61_ 744 744 744 Toklo E L Ltd 6s'53_ 78 78 78 Tyrol Hy El 74s‘66._ 994 994 994 UruKuay 6s 60_ 644 644 644 Uruguay 6s 64_ 65 66 65 Warsaw 7s '68 - 43 4 484 434 Westphal El Pw 6s'53 19 19 19 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4* '47. 100H 100)4 100)4 Alb&Sus 3Hs '46 gtd.. 102)4 102)4 102)4 Alleg Corp 6s‘44_ 9654 k«H a«H Alles Corp 6s 49- 90)4 90)4 90)4 Alias Corp 6a '60 atp._ 62)4 62)4 »2H Allied Stores 4H»'60.. 99)4 99)4 99)4 Allied Stores 4Ha'61_ 98)4 98)4 98)4 Alleg Valley 4s 42_107H 107)4 10764 Am * For Pw 6s 2020 _ 77 77 77 Am Ice ct 6s'63_ 93H 98)4 98)4 Am IGCh6Hs’4>_10664 10664 10564 Am Inti 664s "49_ 106)4 106)4 105)4 Am Tel * Tel 1)4s'll. 9764 *764 976a Am Tel & Tel 3)4a‘61 97)4 97)4 97)4 Am T* T 4H»‘39- 106)4 106)4 106)4 Am T & T 6 H 8 43_ 113 11264 11264 Am Wat Wks 6s‘76— 10* 109 109 Anaconda deb 4H*'SO 10464 10464 10464 Anglo-Chil Nit 7s'87.. 3964 8964 8964 Armour & Co 4 H*’39. 108 108 103 Armour! Del list 4s’65 9664 96)4 96)4 Armour & Co Del 4s 67 96)4 96 ye A T&S Fe 4s 05-'65___ 107*4 10764 10754 A T&S Fe 4s 09-‘65._. 107 107 107 A T&S Fe gen 4s 96 . 109 109 109 A T&S Feadj 4s'96._ 10864 10364 10364 A T&S Fe ad] 4S 96 St 10364 1 03)4 103)4 A T&S Fe 4 Ha 48 10864 10864 10864 Atlanta & Blrm 4a’3S. 8264 8264 8254 Atl Coaat L 1st 4s ‘62. 100)4 100)4 160)4 Atl Coaat LClt 4s'62.. 94 94 t94 Atl C L un 4)48 ‘64_ 91)4 » 91)4 Atl Coast Line 6a'46 . 104 104 104 Atlantia & D lst4s ‘48. 63)4 68)4 68)4 Atlantic & D 2d 4S '48. 46 46 46 B * O 1st 48 48_ 106)4 106 106 B & O 4)4s 60_ 80 79)4 79)4 B & O 1st 6s '48 :_111 IIO64 11064 Balto A O ref 6s‘96 A. si 90)4 90)4 B&0 6S96F _. 88)4 88)4 88)4 B & O ref 6s 2000 D_ 89 8864 8864 B & O ref 6a 95 C_ 100)4 100 100 B&OSwn6s 60_ 104 104 Kfc I i High. Low. 2:45. 8*0 Toledo 4«’69 93 93 93 Bang* Arooscv 4a'51. 1104 1104 1104 Bell T of Pa 6a 48 B._ 1174 1174 1174 Bali T of Pa 6a’60 C_ 128 122 122 Beth Steal 3 44 a '66- 944 944 944 Beth Steal 4 '*0-1014 1014 1014 Boa* Ma 4%a '61 J_ 82 82 32 Boa & Me 6a'66 _ 86 86 86 Bos& Me 6s '67 _ 864 854 854 Bot Con M 4 4a '34 .. 344 344 34'* Bklvn Ed con J4«’«6.. 984 984 984 Bklvn Man T 44a 66 994 994 994 Bklvn Un Gas 6a 45 . 1144 1144 1144 Bklvn Un Gaa 5a 60 10.14 1034 1034 Bklvn Un Gas Rs '57 B 1074 1074 1074 Buff GE 44a 81 B . _ 1084 1034 1084 Buff RAP con 4 4«'67 86>* 864 86!* Buff R&P cn4 4s’57 rg 86 86 86 Bush Term 1st 4S'52 . 864 864 864 Bv-Prod Ck 6 4s 45 1034 1034 1034 Bush Term Bldg 6s ’60 66 65 65 Calif G &E rf 6s’37_ 102 102 102 Calif Packing 5s 40.. 1034 1034 1034 camag 7a 42 ctfs 804 304 304 Can dlan N R 4 4s '66. 110j* 1104 1104 Can'dlan P db 4s perp 924 92 92 Can dlan Pac 44s '46 1034 1034 1034 Can’dlan Pac 6a'44 cfa 1114 1104 1114 Can'dlan Pac 6s '64 . 108 108 108 Can'dlan Pac 4 4s 60. 1014 101 1014 Car & Gen 6s ‘60 ww_ 105 105 105 Caro Cl & O 6s '38_ 1044 1044 1044 Cent Br UP 4a 48_ 324 82 4 324 Central Fdry cv 6s‘41 1084 108 108 Cent of Ga con 6s'45 . 82 32 32 Cent of Ga 5s '59 C . 21 21 21 Cent Hud G&E 6s'57.. 1024 1024 1024 Cent m e&G 6s 51 ini 101 101 Cent N England 4s '61 684 684 694 Cent of N .1 gen 6s '87 67 66 67 Cent Pac 1st rT 4s'49 108 1074 107'* fpnt Pan fin im 10UL4 IIIQL^ Cent Steel 8s '41_124 121 124 CliesapCcv6s 44_119 117*4 118 Chesap Corp 6a 47_13444 133*4 134 Chea & O 3 V. a 9B D... its 95*4 9614 Ches A O 3 54s 96 E.._ 9644 9554 954« CA O gen 4i,4a '92_ 119 11844 1 18*4 C A O con 5s '39 10654 105*4 10654 C A O Big Sandy 4s’44. 107 107 107 Chi A Alt ref 3s 49 ... 6644 65 65 Chi B A Q gen 4s '68... 108*4 10844 108*4 Ch1 B A Q ref 5s'71 ._ 11454 11444 11454 Chi BAQ1 dlv 3 54s'49.. 105 44 1 05 44 1 0 5 44 Cht A E 111 6s'51 ... 40 3944 89*4 Chi A Erie 1st 5s'82_118 118 118 Chi Grt West 4s'59 ... 4754 4 6 44 4 654 Chi I A L gen 6s'66 _ 2044 2044 2044 Chi Ind A L ref 6s'47. 36 36 36 Chi Ind A L gen 6s'66. 2144 2144 2144 CMASt P 4%s'89 E .. 6544 65*4 6544 CMAStPEs 75 . 3 1 54 3 1 44 8 15i OMAStPAP adl Es20no II 10*4 1054 Ch ANW gen 354s'87_. 41 40*4 4054 Chi A MW gen 4s 87 ... 4544 46 45 Chi A NW 4 54 s 2037 31 80*4 805s Chi A NW 4 54 s 2037 C. 3054 30*4 3054 Chi ANW 4 Sit 49_ 21 20*4 2044 Chi R IAP rf 4s‘34 .. 2254 2254 22*4 Chi R IAP rf 4s'34ctf. 2044 2044 2044 Chi R IAP 454» '62 . 21 21 21 Chi R IAP 454s'62 ctf. 20 20 20 Chi R IAP gen 4s'88.. 3744 3 7 44 3 7 54 Chi R IAP 454s 60 ... 1254 1244 12*4 Chi T HAS 1st Ea '60_91 91 91 Chi T HAS Inc 5s'60.. 83 82 82 Chi Un Sta 354s'51 ... 10S54 10354 10354 Ch) Un Sta 3Sis '63 E_. 103 44 1 0 3 44 IO344 Chi Un Sta 4s'63 _ 106 105 105 Chi A W In con 48'62. 101 10054 10054 Chi A W Ind 454* '62.. 10044 1005* 100 Childs A Co 5s’43 _ 8754 8644 8644 Cin G A E 3 44 s'66 ... 9 854 9 744 98 Cin Un Ter 3 54 s D gtd 102 10144102 CCCASt L, C div 4s'39 10354 10154 10354 CCCASt L rf 4 44s 77 E 9354 93 93 CCCASt L ref 6s'63 D 103 44 1 03 1 03*4 CCCASt L ref 6s 41 C 103*4 1 0 3 44 io3V> Clev Cliffs Ir 45«s'50 107 107 107 Clev Un Tel 4 54s'77 10154 101 1014* Clev Un Term 6s '73 B 105 |054* 106 Clev Un Ter 5 54s'72A 11054 1105. 110*4 Colo Fuel A Ir 5s 70 . 8654 8644 864* Colo A So 4*4»'80 .. 6954 6954 6954 Columbia G A E deb 5s '52 April _ 103 102 102 Columbia G A E 6s '52 May - 10244 1 02 44 1 02 44 Columbia GAE 6s '61 .. 102 54 1 0 144 1 0 1 44 Colum Ry PAL, 4s '65. 103 54 1 03 44 1 03 44 Cornel Credit 3 *4s'51. 96 44 9444 9444 Com Inv Tr 354s'61... 10 0 44 1 00 1 00 44 Conn R A L, 4 54 s 51_ 102 102 102 Cons Coal Del 6s'60 .. 6654 66 65 Cons Ed NY 3 Via 46 n. 10354 10344 10354 Cons Ed NY 3 54a'56 n 10254 1 02*4 1 02*4 Cons Gas NY 4 54 s’61. 10654 1 0654 106*4 Consol OH 3 54s’61 .. 108 102 10254 Conaum Pwr 4 54s 66_ 9744 97 9744 Cons Pwr 3 54s’70 .. 9944 99 9944 Consum Pwr 3%s’65_. 10 644 1 05 44 1 0 5 44 Crane Co 3 54s’61 _ 97*4 97 97 Crown C A S 4s '60_ 106*4 106 105 Crown Will P6s'51_ 10254 102*4 102* Cuba RR 1st 6s 52_ 67 67 57 Cuba RR 6s'36 _ 57 57 57Q Cuba RR 7 54 s 36 etfs. 64*4 64*4 6444 Cuba Northn 5 54 S 42. 65 64*4 54*4 Dayton P&L 34*s'60.. 102!* 102!* 102!* Del ft Hud ref 4s '48 .. 91 90!* 90!* Del ft Hud 5 !*s 'S7 100!* 100!* 100!* Den ft R G con 48'38.. 32!* 32 82!* Den ft R G 4 !*s ’36 S3!* 33!* 33!* Den ft R G W 6s'66 ... 18!* 17!* 17!* Den 4 RGW 6s'65asst. 18!* 18 ]8 Det Edison 3%s 66_101 101 101 Detroit Ed 4s '65 F .. 106!* 105!* 108 Det Edison 4%s'61 D- 112 112 112 Det River Tun 4 4*s’61 111 111 111 Dul & Ir Rg 5s'37_101!* 101!* 101!* Dul S S ft At 6s'37_ 62!* 62!* 62!* Duaues Lt 4HS'57 B.. 1024* 102!* 102!* Ed El HI NT 5s'95 .. 131 133 133 Elec Auto Lite 4s ’52.. 10*6* 1084* 109 Erie cv 4s ’63 A_ 86!* 86!* 86!* Erie cv 4 s ’53 B_ 85 85 85 Erie cons 4s '96..._98!* 98!< 98)* Erie gen 4s 9#_ 84!* 84!* 84!* Brie ref 6> '67_ 82 82 82 Erie ref Ss '75 ... 82!* 82!* 82!* Erie & Jersev 6s'55 . 114!* 111!* 114!* Erie & Pitts 34*s'40 B. 103!* 103!* 103!* Falrbks Morse 4s 56 _ lut!* tel!* lol!* Fed L&Tr 6s 54 B ... 100 100 100 Fla EC Rv 6s'74 .. 17!* 17!* 17!* Fla E C Rv Es '74 etfs. 16!* 16** 16** Fond J&G 4s'62 filed.. 9 9 9 Oen Cable 6!*a 47 ... 105!* 105!* 105!* Gen Mot Acc 3a 46_ 99!* 98!* 99!* Gen Mot Ass 3 !* s '61.. 994* 99!* 99'* Gen Pub Svc 5**s ’39.. 101!* 101!* 101!* Gen Stl Cast 5 *As '49_91!* 91 91 Goodrich 4 !* a '68_ 984* 97** 97!* Goodrich «s 46_ 106 108 106 Goodyear T&R 6s '57.. 103!* 1034* 103!* Grand Rap I 4 !* s ’ 41_109!* 109!* 109!* Great N Ry 4a 46 G_ISO 127!* 128 Great N Ry 4s 46 H._ 108!* 107!* 107!* Grt N Ry ref 444s '61 A 111!* Ill 111!* Grt N R gen 44*s’76 D 103 103 103 GrtN R gen 44*s’77 E. 102!* 101 101!* Grt N R 64*s '62 B ... 116** 1164* 1154* Green Bay 5s *62 B 114* 114* 114* Gulf States Ut 44*s'46 108 102** 1024* Gulf Sta Stl 6!*a 42.. 974* 97 974* Hoe (R) 1st mti'44_ 91!* 91!* 91!* Hous B&T 1st Es'37... 1004* 1004* 1004* Houston 011 64*8 40.. 1014*1014* 1014* Hudson Coal 6s'52 .. 47!* 47!* 47H Hud ft Man lno 6s ’67.. 32 304* 82 Hud ft Man ref 6s'57.. 77!< 77 77!* til Bell Tel 3 !*s'70_ 1024* 102!* 102!* Ill Cent col tr 4a 'E3_ 83 83 83 111 Cent ref 4s 66_ 89 89 89 III Cent 44*s <«_ 77!* 764* 76!* Ill Cent ref Es '66__ 97 964* 96V* 111 Steel deb 44*a'40._ 1074* 107 107 ICC&StL N 044*S’63.. 81!* 81!* 81!* ICCAStL N O 6a 83 . 86!* 86!* 86!* lnd’polls U R 3 4*8 '86. 984* 984* 984* Inland Stl 3 4*s 61 .. 101!* 101!* lom Int R T lat rf 6a ’«• .. 924* 92!* 924* 1 R T 1st rf 6s’66 ctfs. 91!* 91 91 Int RT *a 32_ 48 424* 424* lilt K I 7S 32_84 84 84 Int R T 7» '32 ctfs_ 82 82 82 Interlake 6s '61-1024 1024 1024 Int Grt Nr 6s 66 B- 864 864 364 Int Grt Nr 6s'66 C_ 86 864 354 Int Grt Nr 6s'62 A_ 874 874 874 Int Grt Nr ad! 6s’63 A. 144 144 144 Int Hydro Elec 6s 44 814 794 804 Int Mer Marine 6s ‘41. 84 884 84 Int Pan 1st 6s 47A_1014 1014 1014 Int Pan ref 6s 65 _ 99 984 984 Int Ry of C A 6s'72_ 90 90 90 Int TAT CT 4 4s '39_ 824 82 82 Int TAT 4 4s *62_ 674 674 674 Int TAT 6s 66 .. 72 714 714 Iowa Cent l8tArf4s*61 64 64 64 James FAC 4s 39 ... 944 94 94 KansC So 1st 3s 60 884 684 884 Kane City So ref 6s '60 934 924 924 Kan C Term 1st 4s'60. 1064 1064 1064 KansG AE4 4s'80_ 1034 1084 1084 Keith 6a '46 _ 984 984 984 Kreace Found 4s '46_ 1084 108 108 Laclede Gas 6s’39_ 904 904 904 Laclede G 64s'61 C^. 614 61 61 LacledeG 64s 60 D_ 60 69 69 Lautaro Nltr 6s '64__ 48 48 43 Leb CAN 44s 64 A_ 994 994 994 Leh CAN 4Hs 64 C_ 984 984 984 Leh ANERR4s’65__ 101 101 101 LV NY 44s 40 gtd_102 1014 1014 Leh V P con 4S 2003 .. 62 62 62 Leh V RR con 6s 2002 . 774 76 76 Leh Val Term is'41_ 1064 1064 1064 Lilts A Myers 6s '61 121 1204 121 Lire A Myers 7s ‘44 1294 1294 1394 k High. Low. 2:45. Loser's * Vis’46._ 98 97H 97M Long III ref 4a'49_1001* 100K 100H Loflllard 7a 44__ 127H 12714 12714 La A Ark 6a •«»_ 96*4 96H 96W LA Nash 8Its 2002_9214 9214 *214 LAN lat4a 2003_ 99 99 99 LANunlf 4s 40 _ 10*14 10814 10614 L A N Atl KAC 4a'65_. 11214 11214 11214 L A N So Mon It 4s ’61 96 96 96 McCrory Stores 6a '61. 10814 108*4 10314 McKessAKobblts'60. 10814 10314 10314 Me C RR clt 4s ’46 A . 101 101 10’ Manhat Ry 4s 9»ctfs 43 4214 43 Marlon St Shoe 6s'47. 98 9714 98 Market St Ry 7s 40 A. 101 101 101 Mead Co 6s '46 104 104 104 Met Ed 1st rf 111* ’68. 10614 10614 10614 Met W S El Cr 4s'38 14 14 14 Mex int R 4S’77 asst.. 414 414 414 MU El KAL6a 61 ..10814 103 103 Mil E R A S L rf Es’71. 10314 10314 10314 Minn A S L rf 4s 49 .6 6 6 Minn & St L 6s'34 ctfa 17 1614 1614 MStP&SSM cn 4s 38 . 2714 2714 2714 MStPASSM Es ’38 Rtd. 31 8014 81 MStPASSM 6Ha’78_ 86H 8614 8614 Mo K A T 1st 4s '90_ 88 87 87 MoKAT4s’62B_8914 *9« 6914 Mo K A T 6s '62 A_8314 «81f *314 MoK A T ad] 6a ’67_ 70 69*4 70 Mo Pac 4a ’76 _ 1914 1814 1814 Mo Pac 6a '66 A __ 4014 4014 4014 Mo Pac es^A etfa_ 40 40 40 Mo Pac 6s'77 F_ 4014 4014 4014 Mo Pac 6s ’78 0_ 40 40 40 Mo Pac 6s’80 H_ 4014 4014 4014 Mo Pac 6s’811 _ 4014 4014 4014 Mo Pac 5s'81 I ctfs._’_ 38 38 38 ■'IV » nv ion .... 1U?4 I'lT^ i V/ ^7 Moh & Ohio 5s 38 . 344 34 34 Monong PubS4 4s'60 102*4 100 I0i4 Monong Pub S 6s '65 105 105 105 Monong Ry 1st 4s’60 1064 105*1 105*1 Montana Pwr 3Y*s ’66. 934 924 914 Mont Tram 4’is'55 _ 80 80 80 Mor&Essex 3 4s 2000 884 87 874 Morrls&Essex 4 4s'65 914 ®1 »l MorrisAEssex 6s '65 _ 994 994 994 Natl Dairy S^ia'Blww. 1084 1024 1024 Natl Dls P C 44a’45 ... 104*1 1044 1044 Natl Steel 4a 65 _ 1034 1034 1034 New ET&T 1st 6s'62. 119 118*4 119 New Jer P&L 44s 60. 1054 1054 105*4 New Orl P S 6s’52 A._ 98 97*1 974 New Orl PS 5a'55 B._ 96*4 96*4 96*1 New Orl T&M 6s '61 B. 69 4 67 67 New Orl Ter 1st 4s '63 . 934 934 934 New OrlT&M 44a’66. 564 644 544 New OrlT&M 1nc5s'35 . 50 50 50 New Orl T&M 5 48'54. 61 61 61 NY Central 34a 97 ._ 95*4 95*4 ®6*4 NY Cent 3 4s'97 reg._ 92 4 92 4 924 NY Central 34a'46_ 100*1 99*1 1004 NY Cent 4s 42 _ 1064 1064 1064 NY Cent con 4s'98 964 95 964 NY Cent rf 4 4s 2013.. 904 *0 90 NY C rf 44s 2013 n___ 894 894 *94 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 974 »6 96 NY Cent cv 6s 44 . 124 1204 121*1 NY* gent cv 6s'44 reg. 1204 1204 1204 N Y Chl&StL4s'46._ 1024 101*1 102 NYC&St L 1st 4s '37_ 1014 1014 1014 NYC&St L 4 48 '78_84 884 884 NYC&St L 6 4a '74 A.. 1004 9®4 1004 NY Chi & St L 6a '3S._ 1004 1004 1004 NY Dock lat 4a 'El .. 644 684 64 NY Edison 3 4s'65 D. 98 97 974 NY Edlsref 34a '66._ 984 #«4 ®84 NY L& W 1st 4s 73 100 994 100 NY L & W 44s ’73_ 1054 1064 1054 NY NH & H 4s '55_ 41 41 41 NY NH & H 4s '56_ 414 414 414 NY NH & H 4s '67_ 274 27 4 274 N Y NH & H 4 4s '67_ 464 46 46 NY NH & H cv 6s 48.. 484 484 484 NY O&W gen 4s 55_ 23 22 4 224 NY O&W ref 4a 92_ 314 804 31 NY Steam 1st 6s'51... 108 108 108 NY W & B 4 4 s 46 .. 17*1 174 174 Niag Falls P 34*'66. 1004 100 1004 Nlag Sh 5 4s '60 .. 103 1024 1024 Norf So 1st ref 6s 61_. 28 27U 274 Norf & W 1st 4S '96 .. 113 1124 1124 North Am Co 5s 61 .. 1054 1044 1014 North Am Ed 6s 69 C 101 4 IO14 I0I4 North Am Ed 64s'63. 102 102 102 Nofn Pac gen 3s 2047. 734 73 73 Noi"n Pac 48 '97 _ 1034 103 108 Nor’n Pac 4 4s 2047_ 994 984 984 North Pac 6s 2047__ 1104 1104 110)4 Oreg RR & N 4s '46- 107 4 107 4 107 4 onto Edison 48'66__ 1024 1014 102 Oreg Sh Line 5s 4*.__ 1174 117 117 Oreg Sh L 6a ’46 gtd_117** 117 117 Oreg W RR 4s 61 .. 1044 104 1044 Pac Gas & El 34s'66. 964 954 964 PacG&E34s'61- 1004 100 100 Pac G * E 4a 64 .. 104 103*4 104 Pac RR Mo 1st 4s '38.. 1014 1014 1014 Pac T&T S *4* ’66 C .. 99 4 99 99 Para Broadway 3a'65 . 72 4 72 4 72 4 Paramount Plo 6a '65 . 100 99 4 994 Park-Lx 64s'53 ctfa. 494 494 494 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 100 4 100 1004 Tenn Dixie C 6a 41_ 1004 99*< 99*-, Penn P&L 44s 81_1054 104 4 1044 Penna R R 34s w.l_ 1084 1074 108 Penn HR 3 4s 70 C_ 98 4 98 98 Penn RR con 4s 48_ 114 1135* 114 Penn RR4 4*s'81 D_10454 10454 10454 Penn R R 4>*s 84_ 10454 10354 10454 Penn HR gn 4 54s 65_ 108 108 108 Penn RR deb 444s'70. 10054 99*4 100 Penn RR gen 6s '68_ 114 11354 114 Peoria & E 1st 4s '40._ 9454 *454 9454 Peoria & E Inc 4s'90_2154 21 21 Pere Mara 1st 48 66 94 54 *454 9 4 54 Psre Mara 444s'80 96 54 9 554 9554 Pere Mara 1st 6s '56_10154 101 101 Phila Co 6s 67 - 10354 10254 103 Phlla Elec Co 4s‘71_ 10254 10254 10254 Phlla & R C&l 6s '7*_ 8854 3754 3754 Phlla & R C&l 6s 49_ 1854 1 654 1*54 Philippine Ry 4s 37_ 2754 26 26 PCC&St Li 444s '40 A_. 108 108 108 PCC&St L 444s'42 B . 11054 11054 11054 Pltts&W Va 444s'58 A. 92 9154 9154 Pttts&W Va 4 44s'59 B 90 90 90 Porto Rico A T 6s 42— 8054 805J 8054 Port Gen El 4 44s 60_ 64 68 6854 Postal Tel & C 5« *53 . 82*4 3154 32 Potomac El P 3 4*8'66 100 100 100 Pure 011 4 1*8 60 ww . 120 119 119 Pure Oil 4 5*8 50 gw 1015* 10314 10354 Purity Raking 5s-48._ 100 99*4 9954 R-K-O 6r 41- 114 113 114 Heading Jer C 48'619954 9954 9954 Reading R 444s '97 A. 10554 105 54 1 05 54 Reading R 4 44 s 97 B_. 10554 10554 1055* Rem-Hand 454s'66ww 10754 1 0651 10754 Republic Stl 44*8 '60— 198 19054 19854 Republic Stl 444S 66.. 96*4 96 96 Republic Stl 444 * 61.. 96 96 9654 Republic Stl 6 44s *54__ 128 1205* 122 Revere Cop 4 5*s'66_103 101 101 Richfield 011 6s '44__ 665* 655* 665* R 1 A&L 1st 444S'34_ 21J4 215* 2LJ4 Rio G W col 4s 49 A_ 4654 4654 4554 Rutland RR 4 44s'«1._ 2854 2854 2854 Saguenay Pw4 4* s*66 . 10154 101 10154 St Jo Ry L T&P 5s'37. 100 *95* 100 St L 1M&S R&G 4s'33. 8154 81 81 St L P & NTV 5s '48_ 46 46 46 St L-S Fran 4s'60A ... 29 54 2 9 54 2 9 54 St L-S F 4s '50 A ctfs. 26 26 26 St L-S Fran 4 44 s'78 .. 295* 2854 29>* St L-S F 4 448’78 cf SC. 25 245i 245* St L-S Fran 6s'50 B._ 2954 2954 2954 St L S W 2d 4s 89 ... 69 68 t-8 StLS Wen rf 6« 9» . 46 48 46 St L S W 1st ter 6s’62_ 6754 5754 6754 St P K C S L 4 44 S 41.. 22% 22*4 2254 St P M&M ext 6s '43 . 10254 1025* 1025* San A * A Pass 4s 43 10054 100 100 San An P Svc 6s'52 A. 109 109 109 Schulco 6 44 s‘46 A stp. 8654 85 36 Seabd A L 4s "60 stp... 32 32 82 Seabd A L ref 4s '69_ 1654 1« 165* Seabd A L adj 6s 49_ 115* 115* 115* Seabd A L 6s 46 A ... 205* 1954 20 Seabd A L 6s 45 ctfs.. 1954 19 19 Seabd A-Fl 6s*35 A ct. 1154 1154 1154 Sharon Stl cy 4 44 8 *51. 11854 113 118 Shell On deb 3 44s '61.. 965* 965* 955* Silesian Am 7S'41_ 72 72 72 Skelly Oil 4s -61_ 9864 98 98 Socony Vac 364*'SO_ 102 10164 10164 South Bell T*T6s’41. 10*64 10*64 10664 Southn Cal Gas 4s ‘65. 10*64 10264 10264 Southn Cal Gaa 464 ‘61 10664 10*64 10664 South NatG 464*'61_ 9864 9864 9864 So Psc 3 64s 46- 976* 97 9751 So Pao col 4a'49._____ 94 94 94 So Pac ref 4s 65_ 104 1036* 10864 SO Pac 46*8 '68- 90 8964 8954 So Pac 4 64*’69_ 89 8864 8864 So Pac 4 64s 81_ 89 88 8864 So Pac OreR 46*s‘77._ 9464 9264 9*6* So Pac S F Ter 4a '60.. 10764 107 107 So Ry get) 4a’6B A_ 8064 80 80 So Ry Ren 6s'66_ 102 10014 10014 So Ry 66*s ’66 _ 1066* 106 105 So Ry MAO 4s '33_ 936* 98 98 SO Ry St L div 4s '61._ 9914 99 99 S W Bell Tel 86*8 64.. 10264 10214 >02(4 SoutnWn G*E 4a 60.. 100 100 100 Spokane Int 6s ’55_ 8864 3814 3814 Staley A E 4s '46_ 102 102 102 Stand OH N J 3s '61_ 9664 9664 9564 Studebakercv 6a‘45_ 138 138 138 Swift A Co 3 64 a '60_ 10864 103 10864 Tenn CAC 6a 44 B_ 10864 10864 10364 Tann El Pw *a ’47 A_ 0864 9064 9864 Texas Corp 364a ’61_ 10164 10064 10064 Texas A Pao 6a ‘77 B._ 10364 10264 10*64 Texas A Pac 5s ‘79 C._ 10364 108 108 Texas A Pao 6s ‘80 D.. 10864 10864 10864 Third Av ref 4a 60 6664 *6 *6 Third A ad In ex be***. 36 6*64 8664 Tol & Ohio C 314*'60_ 102 102 102 Truax T'C 664* '48.-.. 10864 10864 10364 A FREIGHT LOADINGS AT 761.109 MARK Moderate Increase Sends Week’s Total 28 Per Cent Above 1936. NEW YORK. April 2 —The Asso ciated Press seasonally adjusted weekly index of freight carloadings. based on 1029-30 as 100. advanced today to 81.5. compared with 80.0 the previous week and 04.1 a year ago. Range of recent years: High_ Low By the Associated Press. The Association of American Rail roads reported today 761,109 cars of revenue freight were loaded during the week ended last Saturday. This was an Increase of 1,840 cars, or .2 per cent, compared with the pre ceding week; an increase of 166,320, or 28 per cent, compared with a year ago, and an increase of 144,589, or 23.5 per cent, compared with -two years ago. The report classified the loadings as fol lows: Tills Last Year w»»k week. ago. Miscellaneous -t-318.490 -.4,448 58.231 Lass than Car lot - _ —170.218 4-1.141 13.983 Coal —171.814 402 77.8911 Grain and products — 28,245 —1.238 1.321 West'n districts— 18.779 — 795 872 Live stock — 10.821 — 981 1.3.>6 West'n districts — 8.048 — (>83 1.245 Forest products -4- 38.173 -- 788 8.331 Ore 4- 12.014 4-1.089 7.311 Coke — 11.338 4- 723 6.248 Washington Produce BUTTER—01 score. 1-ponnd prints. 40: 14-pound prints. 41; tub. 30; 00 score. 1 pound prints. 30; 14-Pound prints, 40; tub, 38. MEATS—Choice beef. 17: calves. 16; veal JO; lamb. 11: pork loin. 14: fresh ham. 13; smoked ham. 16; sliced bacon, 33. slab bacon, 18. compound, 13'a. lard. 14*. a. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. 8a834: light hogs, Oao'a: medium hogs. !)3'4: heavies. 8a0'a: roughs. baS. calves, baio lambs. BalO. Prices paid shiDpers, net f o. b Wash ington By the U. S. Bureau of Agricul tural Economics: EGGS—Market about steady at un changed prices. Current receipts. 11a IP a: hennery whites. Hall1 a a few at 13: Government graded and dated white eggs <net prices paid shippers, f. o. b. Washington). U S. extras large. 1434: U. S. extras, mediums. 12Va; U. S. stand ards. large 23. LIVE POULTRY—Market generally steady at unchanged prices. Fowl, col ored heavy. I7al9; Leghorns. 13a 14. Chickens. Rocks and crosses, all sizes, mostly 21a13; a few at 134; Leghorns 134 to I14 pounds and up 10*21. Old guineas. 15a3<) each. Turkeys, old hens, Ibal8, old toms. 15. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales in large lots by original receiver* up to H a m. today. APPLES—No carlot arrivals; two broken cars on track Supplies moderate demand moderate; market steady Bushel baskets, U S. No 1 Staymans, I14-inch minimum. 1.40*1.50; I'a-inch minimum, l.H5al.7o: 134-inch minimum. 1.75*1.85: Yorks. 2'/4 inch minimum. 1.40*1.50: 1 '/a-inch mini mum. 1.Coal.75: 13;«-inch minimum. l.<5* 1.85. WinesapL 1-inch minimum. 1.35a 1.50 I'Vinch minimum 1.75aJ.85: IV2 inch minimum. 1 0Ua1.25: 1 s*-inch mini mum. 1.15*1.50; Paragons. It^-incn minimum. ].40*1.50: I'a-inch minimum. l.boal.05: 1^4-inch minimum. l.boal.<5: 3-inch minimum 1.85*2.00: Lowrys. 1'4 inch minimum 1.15*1.35; 1'2-inch mini mum. 1.50*1.65: 1a4-inch minimum, 1.06* 1.75: Ganos. 1'/4-inch minimum. 1.00* 1 15: I'a-inch minimum l.35al.40 1/4 inch minimum. 1.40*1.50: Black Twigs. l'4-inch minimum. l.35al.40; IVa-incn minimum l.boal.65: l^-inch minimum, 1.05a 1 76; Romes, I'Wnch minimum, 1.35a 1.40: I'a-inch minimum 1.60*1.65: 134-inch minimum. 1.75: Delicious. 2V* inch minimum. 1.05a 1.75: I'a-inch mini mum 1.15*1.35; 13/4-inch minimum. 1 3o *1.50: Golden Delicious. 1*4-inch mini mum. 1.05 I'a-inch minimum. 1.90*2.00: 1a4-inch minimum. 2.25. Boxes, Mary land Pennsylvania and Virginia, combi nation extra fancy and fancy, as to size: Staymans. 1.75*2.25; Delicious, 1.25a~.76; Paragons. 1.66*1.00*. Romes. 2.00*2.50; C grade, as to size: Staymans. 1.50*1. #5; Delicious 1.85a1O0: Paragons, 1.50*1. <5: Romes. 1.75*1.85. Cartons. Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, fancy: Staymans. 1.75*1.25: Delicious, 2.25*2.50; Lowrys. 1 60*2.00; Golden Delicious. 2.00* 2.35. ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals*, no cars on track Supplies moderate: de mand moderate: market stronger Pyra mid crates, dozen bunches—South Caro lina. Colossal 3.50*4.00; fancy. 2.50* 3.50: choice. 1.00*1.75. CABBAGE—One South Carolina ar rived. five broken cars on track Omit Thursday's arrival one Florida Supplies moderate: demand moderate: market slightly weaker l'a-bushel hampers— Florida, domestic round type 1.00: South Carolina oointed type 90*1.00. CARROTS—No carlot arrivals: one car diverted; no cars on track Thursday's one Texas should have read one California. Supplies moderate; demand moderate; market steady. California. Western-let tuce crates 6-dozen, mostly 3.15. poorer lower, half-lettuce crates. 3vfe-dozen. 1.35 *1.50: Texas half-lettuce crates. 3'? dozen. 1.25*1.40: bushel baskets topped, washed 1.40al .60. CAULIFLOWER—One California ar rived two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate market steady. California, pony crates. 1.50*1.65. CELERY—No carlot arrivals: three broken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market about steady. Florida. 10-inch crates. individually washed and pre-cooled. 3-4 dozen. 3.00a 3.15: few 3.50: b-8 dozen, 2.50*2.75; xx's. 2.75*3.00. _ . LETTUCE—One Arizona, one California arrived: seven broken and one unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate; demand moderate, market weak. Arizona. West ern crates. Iceberg type. 5-dozen. 5.00a 5.50: poorer lower. PEAS—No carlot arrivals: two broken cars on track. Supplies moderate, de mand fair, market steady. Calif ora i*. bushel hampers. Telephones. 3.25*3.50, --• FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. April 2 (/Pi —The stock mar ket dosed steady after early weakness, when general selling caused oil and mining issues to sag. .Tobacco and rubber issues were also weak and home rails and trans Atlantic stocks sold lower. Foreign bonds remained quiet, but cable and wireless shares were under pressure on the capital adjustment program announced by that company Prices rallied in ‘be late deal ings. closing above the lows of the day. PARIS —The industrial group finished firm in the Bourse today and Bank or France stock also gained 110 trical Issues were mixed, while rentes closed slightly lower. Royal Dutch lo“ in francs and Sues Canal reacted 70 francs. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. Rate. Maturity , ®id‘ k & i‘; mm T Mar 15. ’38 - .102 5-32 102 8-32 ..7. june ift '38— 102 12-32 102 15-32 3,* 1ft. ’HR - 102 8-32 102 11-32 Mar 16. ;3{* - 3 a? i ioi ir’t’ 0 i/ lain#* 15 ’39 _ 101 lr>-3J 191 *H 1 at Dec 15 '30 I- 99 22-32 99 25-32 Tv So ,5 '40 99.31-32 100 1-32 l1. .Time 15 '40 99 14-32 99 17-32 1 ? Dec 16 '40 “ 99 12-32 99 15-32 S"' 15 '41 99 9-32 99 12-32 1 MAT- - no oo.qo on l3g June 15. 41- . -• 14-3° l*/4 Dec. 15. 41 — 98 11-aJ-< 9® High. Low. 2:45. UnE)L&P6s'67 106 106 ll)« Un OH of Cal 3 44a ‘52- H2 “>J4 Union PaoSHa 70- »<>54 *45* »6 UnPadHa’Tl - 95 ** UnPaeia?4a*47.. 1UM U054 tlOH Un Pao lat rf 4a 200*.. 10654 1045* 10454 Un Pac lat rf 5a 200*.. 11354 11*54 11*54 United Drug 6a '6* - 1005* 100 100 United Rya St L 4a ‘34 82 *2 St U S Rubber Ba'47- 106 1065* 10654 Utah P A L, 6a'44_1015* 10154 10154 Util PAL 6a'69 ww_ 6154 *054 *054 Util P A L 6Ha ’47- 6154 6154 *154 Vanadium cv 6a 41— 10754 10654 1065* Vor Sug 1st 7s*42 ctfe. 8154 80 30 Va EA P lat ref 48*65 1065* 10654 106J* Va IrCAC lat 6a *49., 60'4 6054 6054 Va Ry 1st 354a '66 A . 1015* 101 101 Wabaab lat 6a*89 .. 100 995* 9954 Walker HAS 1 Ha'45. 105% 10454 10454 Walworth 4a 66 82>* 815* 815* Warner Broa cv 6a *89 96 9654 *65* Warner-Quln 6s *39— 6154 605* 61 Warren Br cv 6s 41— 71 71 71 Wash Cent 4s*48_1015* 10154 10154 West Penn P 3Ha *66.. 10854 10254 1085* W Sh 1st 4S *061 gtd.. 9854 9*54 925* Weat'n Md lat 4a*62.. 10154 10054 10054 Weat'n Md 6H*’T7 - 1065* 10654 1065* Westn NTAP gn 48*43 1085* 10*54 10*5* Weat'n Pao 6a 46Aaa 8654 **54 8654 Weat’n Un 4Hs'60_ 10654 > 06 10654 Weat’n Un 6a'61_ 1045* 104 104 Weat’n Un6a*60_ 10454 104 104 Wheel Steel 4Ha'6*-_ 9954 9*54 *95* White Sew M «a 40- 10454 10454 1045* W Sp 80 con 7a 'S6 et. 4* • 6* 4* Wilson A Co 4a '66 .. *954 *954 9954 Wise SADTrm4a*36.. 1954 1954 1954 VngatnSAT SHa'Sl.. 149 146 146 T’ngatn SAT 4a’ll_ 100 9954 9*54 Steel Production Records Broken At Youngstown Mills B» the Associated Press. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, April 2.— Steel production records were smashed here In March, the Youngstown Sheet Si Tube Co. reported. A world record for 79-lnch mills was established by the company’s hot-strip mill with about 85,000 net tons of hot strip produced. The previous local high mark was 76,000 tons in January. An all-time monthly production record was made by Camegie-Illlnols Steel Co.’s Ohio works open-hearth plant, with 106,000 gross tons of ingots. The previous record was 99,000 tons in October, 1928. Republic Steel Corp.’s Youngstown Warren district broke all monthly records in steel ingot production, roll ing mill production and total ship ments. Sharon Steel Corp. broke strip mill production records and came near breaking ingot production mark. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. April 2 f/P).—New York Se curity Dealers' Association: (Noon quotations.) Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_19.81 21.07 i Am Business rs_ 1.30 1.43 Am Gen Eq Inc_ 1.10 1.30 Am Ins Stocks _5.25 O.UU Bancamer Biair _ - 11.125 12.125 Bank Group Shrs 2.02 2.18 Bankers' Nat Inv Corp_. 3.876 4.50 Basic Industry _ __ 5.30 Broad St Inv _ 30.88 39.44 Bullock Fund _ 23.50 25.25 Corporate Trust 3.00 _ Corporate Trust A A_ 2.91 _ Corp Tr A A mod _ 3.77 _ Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2.91 _ Corp Tr Acc Mod_ 3.77 _ Cumulative Tr Sh 0.07 _ Depos Bk Tr Sh N Y "A” 2.78 _ Depos Ins Shrs A'\_ 3.00 _ Depos Ins Shrs “B ’_ 3.41 _ Diversified Tr C _ 6.30 Dividend 8hrs _ 2.11 2.20 Equity Corp S3 pf_ 39.75 42.75 Fidelity Fund Inc_ 28.90 31.19 First Boston Corp_38.5o 40.00 Fixed Trust Sh A_ 13.78 Fixed Trust Sh B_11.52 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.19 5.40 Fund Investors Inc_ 26.14 20.56 Fund Tr fcfhrs A __ 8.48 7.25 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 5.95 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.23 7.80 Group Sec Agriculture . 1.93 2.09 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.53 1.00 Group Sec Building _ 2.31 2.50 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.03 1.77 Group Sec Food _ 1.05 1.15 Group Sec Invest Shrs_ 1.80 2.01 Group Sec Merchandise _ 1.51 1.04 Group Sec Mining _ 1.88 2.94 Group Sec Petroleum __ 1.54 1.07 Group £Jec R R Equip_ 1.09 1.83 Group Sec Steel _ 2.20 2 44 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.10 1.20 Huron Holding _ .85 1.25 Ineorp Investors 20.89 Insurance Group Shri. _ _ 1.08 1.81 Investors Fd “C” Inc 10.48 17.49 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 _ 22.89 75.08 Major Shrs Corp_ 3.25 Maryland Fund___10.30 11.35 Mass Invest Tr_ 29.79 31.81 Mutual Invest _17.45 19.07 Nation Wide Sec _ 4.79 4.89 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.20 2.30 N Y Bk Tr Shrs __ 4.375 North Am Bond Tr ctl* _ 59.Oh 63.25 Nor Am Tr Shares _ 2.82 Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 _ 3.05 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ 3 58 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1958_ 3.38 . . _ Plymouth Fund Inc_ .97 1.08 Quarterly Income Sh_ 18.89 20.70 Selected Am Sh 4.25 Selected Am Sh Inc_15.62 17.24 Selected Cumul 8h _10.67 _ Selected Income Sh_ 5.63 Spencer Trask Fund_ 22.41 23.10 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4 35 4 60 Stand Util Inc _ .95 1.03 Super of Am Tr A_ 4.24 _ Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.85 _ Super of Am Tr B _ 4.41 _ Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.85 _ Super of Am Tr C__ 8.24 _ Super of Am Tr D _ 8.24 Supervised Shrs _ 15.28 16.61 Trusteed Am Bk ‘'B” __ 99 1 09 Trusteed Industry Shrs._ 1.59 1.76 Wellington Fund _ _ 20.73 22.72 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Terms Arranged on Easy Monthly Payments "ACMat* aoiLOtM* 4 LOAl atfOCiATiON council •/“©.«. AATIONAL T^eirmcment BUILDING ASSOCIATION I under tuottvistoa I rut t*»asurv | 949 NINTH STRUT. NW BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE or refinance your home or business property LOOK Into our plan that offers you a loan, repayable by convenientmonthly pay* menu, which. In addition to saving you commissions and renewal charges, also gives you a share in the profiu of this Association. NORTHERN LIBERTY IIIILOINC ASSOCIATION Sll SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Established 46 years MEMBER Or FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE U. S. BUILDMC AND LOAN LEAGUE IN RETAIL TRADE Post-Holiday Slackening Is Avoided as Shopping Hits Faster Pace. Hi the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 2.—Spring shop ping swept on through the pre-Easter period into the present week with widening stride, Dun & Bradstreet said today, and retail, wholesale and Industrial activities expanded. The after-holiday lull was lacking in the country’s stores, the weekly review said. “Many retail stores were better patronized than in the week pre ceding,” the survey stated. "While men's clothing, hats and furnishings moved rapidly into the foreground, the women’s wear division maintained its dominating position." "Dressmakers’ cape costumes, three piece suits, untrimmed coats, dresses and accessories’’ were among the best selling items. Sandal-type shoes were in demand. Sales at retail ran 2 to 5 per cent j ahead of the preceding week on the I average for the country as a whole, but the gain over the same period last year was shortened, due to the rising tide before Easter, the survey showed. In the Middle West, affected by strikes, the advantage over a year ago was 8 to 16 per cent; in the Northwest the improvement was 12 to 18 per cent. In the South the spread over a year ago was lessened, but was still 15 to 22 per cent. Gains in the Southwest narrowed to 6 to 12 per cent, also under the influence of labor strife. On the West Coast the addition to last year’s volume was 8 to 15 per cent. After a two-week slackening the survey showed renewed liveliness in wholesale marts. Reordering was on a rising scale and, with Easter out First Mortgage LOANS ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE At 5% Monthly Payments If Preferred Construction Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Md. and Virginia WM. J. FLATHER, Jr., Inc. 1508 H St. NA. 1753 of the way, many merchant* went wholesale buying. “The combined total of order* lifted the estimated wholesale volume sub stantially for the week, but the gain was narrowed to 10 to 18 per cent over 1938, a* comparison was made with mounting Easter buying of a year ago,” the review said. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. April 2 <<P>.—Buttei 10 40 weak: creamery specials '01! score. ; ; •■13; extras i»2). 32-334/4 extra firsts .'■• , Oil .11 Vj-Ai; firsts (88-80). ; {i»i ,. . standards <90 centralized carlots. Eggs. 27.B81. unsettled: extra firsts lorn 23 Vi: cars, 231,; fresh graded firsts lot a ' 22Vi: cars. 23: current recelnts 22- stor age packed, extras. 24Va: storage packed firsts. *14 14. Poultry live. 10 trucks, steady prices unchanged. Potatoes. 30, on track. 22C: total D S shipments. <190: old stock, table stock' barely steady, demand slow, seed stock about steady, demand fairly good ap plies moderate, sacked per cwt Idaho Russet Burbanks U. 8 No. 1 2.35-05; V. 8. No. 2. 2.30: Wisconsin round whites U. 3 No. 1 few sales 2.10-20: U. 8 com mercial and unclassified. 1.85-00. Min nesota Oobblers U 8. No. 1 and partly eraded. 2.15-25: Early Ohio* U S No 1. and partly graded 2.40-45: North Da kota Bliss Triumphs. U S. No 1. and partly graded 2.45; New stock, about steady, supplies moderate, demand fair: carlot track sales Texas 50-pound sacks Bliss Triumphs. U. 8 No 1. l7i-lnch minimum. 1.95: lVi-inch minimum. ISO: less than carlots. bushel crate*. Florida Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, few sales. 2.10-15. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA April 2 UP\ —Liv poultry, fowls, broilers, fancy Plymcutv Rocks 22a23; crossbreds 21a22; turkeys fancy youne hens 27a20. Dressed poultry unchanged. -•-— RUBBER FUTURES. NEW' YORK April 2 OPu—Crude rub ber futures opened easy 6.5 to 86 lower May 26.10; July. 26 35a40; September. 26.38a41. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 Amortized Loans for buying, building or refinancing loans on your home made under Federal Housing Act, Title 2. This bank has made over $2,000,000.00 of these loans. SECURITY SAVINGS AND COMMERCIAL BANK 9th and G Sts. N.W. 1518 K Street N.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE ADMISSION TO MEMBERSHIP IN OUR FIRM OF JAMES C. ELGIN J. CARL PERRY and PAUL P. RODLER WHO HAVE FOR MANY YEARS PAST BEEN IN OUR EMPLOY W. B. HIBBS & COMPANY MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EX CHANCE NEW YORK.CURB EXCHANGE BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE HIBBS BUILDING * WASHINGTON, D. C Telephone • National 0540 APRIL I, 1937 ([questions that are asked about BANKING| T'T TE arc glad to have loan applications from VV non-depositors. Naturally, our first consideration is to take care of the credit requirements of our own customers. We feel that we owe them this consideration and they, of course, through their dealings with us, have usually established credit standing. But a non-depositor need not feel himself barred. If his reputation for integrity and honesty is established, if his credit standing is such to justify a loan of the amount which he needs, this bank will be glad to consider the application. Whether or not you are a depositor in this bank, if you wish to borrow, we suggest that you come in and discuss the matter with us. We welcome the opportunity to employ our loanable funds for sound purposes. McLfichlen Banking Corporation Sine* 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. W. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation tBooklets coverino this series mag be had upon request. 1