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U. S. BONDS STAGE Extension of Rally Exerts Favorable Influence on Corporates. Bond Averages 20 JO 10 10 Ralls. Indust. Util P'en Nef change. —.1 unc. —.1 unc. Today, close *93.8 102.9 99.9 71.3 Previous day 93.9 102.9 100.0 71.3 Month ago. 97.0 103.9 101.3 72.7 Year ago... 92.6 102.7 101.8 69.6 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 93.9 102.9 99.8 71.3 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Today_*108.6 Prev. day. 108.7 Month ago 111.0 Year ago. 111.6 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.7 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 •New 1937 lows. (Complied by the Associated Press.) BJ the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 3.—Pursuing the line of recovery in progress at the previous close, United States Govern ment issues today widened the margins separating them from Friday’s lows. Extension of the rally and the mod erately improved tone of the share list had a good effect on corporate liens, j some of which rebounded a point or more. In the second hour Governments showed advances ranging from 2 32ds to 14, 32ds of a point. The average j gain was around %. Support in the’ market was attributed to investment interest engendered by the more at tractive yields resulting from yester day’s early break. The best of the corporate list in cluded Chesapeake Corp. 5s, Great j Northern 4%s, Cuba Northern Rail-; way 5’is and Youngstown Sheet & Tube 3|/2s, up 1 to around 2. A few of the rails continued heavy, I but others made fractional progress. ! Minor gains appeared in loans of Southern Pacific, Texas Corp., Pure j Oil, Pacific Gas, Bethlehem Steel. St. ! Paul. Chicago & North Western, j Goodyear, International Hydro Elec tric and Consolidated Edison. Bonds of Missouri Pacific, M-K-T and Northern Pacific dipped. Most foreign obligations held to a 1 fractional swing. Those of Germany j and Canada were higher. Polish 7s 1 ilid off about a point. Washington Exchange SALES—AFTER CALL. Washington Gas 5s 1960—$1,000 at 118. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 93. Washington Railway & Electric pfd. —5 at 108%. American Security & Trust Co.—3 at 301%. Mergenthaler Linotype—10 at 46%; 10 at 46%; 10 at 46%; 10 at 46%; 10 at 46%; 2 at 46%. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. & Tel. 4,2s_3<i6 Anacostia & Pot. 5s ?*> 79 Anacostia A Pot Guar. 5s__ 108 _ C. & P. Tel. of Va. 5s_ . _ 3<i:J Capital Traction R. R. 5s 92*a 94’a City & Suburban os_ 82 84 GeorRetown Gas 1st 5s_lit 121 Pot. Elec. Pew. 914s_ 9912 1 <• 1 ’ a \Va*h. Gas 5s 1958_105J2 JOT Wash. Gas 5s I960 _117 _ __ Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4 s_105 Va _ MISCELLANEOUS. Sol. Country Club 5,2s - 3 05 _ 7&jsh. Mkt. Cold StoraRe 5s 100 - STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Capital Transit Oo_*13% 14% N. * W. Steamboat (6) .110 -... Pot. Elec. Pow. 6% pfd (6)_ 112% °o. El. Po. 5%G Pf. <5.50). 112 115 Wash. Gas Lt. Oo. <3.60>-_ 7!) S3 Wash. Ry. A- El. com. <36). 730 775 Wash. Ry. A El. pfd. (6) ... JOS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. A Tr. Co. ieS) .*290 805 3ank of Bethesda <h.75)___ 34 Capital <41 —-137 145 Com. A Savings <10)_ 205 Liberty <4) 150 160 Lincoln (16.25). 200 - Natl. Sav. & Trust .150 Er. Georges Bk. & Tr. (.50) 18 21 Riggs <eS) - __ *335 350 Riggs pfd (5) 101 - Washington (6) _130 Wash. Loan A Trust (e8)__ 290 800 EIRE INSURANCE. American (6)_100 - Corcoran (5) loo - Eiremene (1.60) 28 - National Union (.60)- 16 - TITLE INSURANCE. ©clumbla <.30) _ 15 16% Rea! Estate (6) .150 - MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) — 23 26 Lanston Monotype U41 - 98 106 Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) 46% 48 (11.00) 57 60 Peoples Drug S Pf. (6.60) _ 112 Real Est. M.A-G. pf. (**.70)- 5V« Security Storage (5) . — 12.3 Ter Ref. & Wh Corp. (3) 60 ■Wdwd. & Loth. com. (tl.50) 60 BR Wdwd. & Lothron pfd. (7)_ 112 120 •Ex dividend, tpius extras, a—2% extra, f—1%* extra. «25c Cpsid June 30. 1936; 45c paid Dec. 22. 1936. Earnings By the Associated Prsee. Great Northern. NEW YORK, April 3— In a report for 1936 Great Northern Railway Co. showed net income of $9,873,547, equal to $3.98 a share of capital stock. In previous year net was $7,147,281, or $2.98 a share. Increased income was due in part to reduction of $1,455,103 in fixed charges and a gain of $1,121,860 in non-operating income. Central of New Jersey. Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey reported for 1936 net loss of $2,983,240, against net loss of $2,346,737 in 1935. Total operating revenues were $31, 799.357, against $29,514,458. Freight revenues, from traffic other than coal, increased $1,917,080, or 8.26 per cent. Revenues from passenger transportation increased $291,690, or 6.76 per cent. American Power & Light. American Power & Light Co. and subsidiaries reported net income of $10,398,806 last year, equal to $5.87 a share on preferred stock. This com pared with $7,512,476, or $4.24 a share, on the preferred In 1935. GAIN SEEN IN PRICES OF WHOLESALE MEATS mr the Associated Press. CHICAGO, April 3 —Wholesale prices of most meat cuts, except veal, advanced moderately during March, the Institute of American Meat Pack ers said, but at the end of the month were well below peak levels reached in 1935 and 1936. Production of meat and lard was slightly greater than a year ago but about seven per centtless than the five-year average for £j|.rch. <1 BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE ! By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transaction* Today. U S Gov't Bonds_ 4,010.000 Forelen Bonds_650,000 Domestlo Bonds 3.760,000 TREASURY High Low. Close. ZV2a 1949-53_ 97.18 97.2 97.12 2 54 S 1945-47_ 101.U 101.4 101.4 2 54 s 194 8-51_ 100.8 99.80 99.80 2 *4 s 1951 -54_ 99.12 99.6 99.6 2*4S 1956-59_ 99.9 98.28 98.28 2%s 1950-60_ 100.8 99.25 99.25 38 1951-56_ 102. 101.26 101.26 114s 1946-49_ 103.14 103.8 108.8 314 s 1949-52_ 103.26 103.20 103.24 3^8 1941 _ 106.20 106.20 106.20 314s 1944-46 _ 104.16 104.12 104.16 3 5r9 1940-43June 105.12 104.81 104.31 3 *4 S 1941-43 Mar. 105.3 106. 105. 3 54 e 1946-56_ 108.6 108.4 108.6 4s 1944-64 --- 109.28 109.17 109.37 4 14 s-3 14 8 1943-46 104.19 104.16 104.16 414s 1947-52 _ 114.1 113.25 113.26 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2 54 3 1942-47 _ 99.28 99,26 99.28 3s 1947 _ 101.27 101.27 101.27 3s 1949 _ 101.10 100.26 101.8 314s 1964_ 102.8 102.8 102.8 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2148 1942-44_ 99.4 99.4 99.4 2*4* 1939-49 _ 99.24 99.14 99.18 38 1952_ 100.25 100.16 100.19 FOREIGN RONDS. Hisrh. low. uiose. Abltibi Pa&Pw 5s *G3_ 103 100% 103 Akershus 5s 63 -- 98% 98% 98% Antloquia 7s 45 B- 14% 14% 14% Antloquia 1st 7s'57- 13% 13% 13% Argentine 4 Vis’71_ 99% 99% 99% Argentine f %s 62- 101 101 101 Argentine 6s '57 A — 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s'59 June. 100% 100% 100% Argentine 6s’69 Oct - 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s *60 May. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s *60 Oct__ 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s ’61 May— 102 102 102 Australia 4%s'56- 100% 100 100 Australia 5s’55- 106% 106 105 Austra 11a 5s'57- 105 104% 105 Bavaria S 6%s ’45- 19 19 19 Berlin 6s 58 _ 19% 19% 19% Berlin 6%s'50 -- 19% 19% 19% Brazil 6%s*26-’57_ 40% 40 40 Brazil 6Vis’27-*57—- 41% 4L 41 Brazil 7s’52_ 41 41 41 Brazil 8s ‘41_ 48 48 48 Buenos Aires 4 %s-4 %s’76 April— 78 78 78 Bu« A1 4 Vis-4%s '75 - 81% 81% 81% Buenos A C 6s’60 Oct- 101% 101% 101% Buenos A C 6Vis’55— 101 101 101 Canada 3%s'61_ 97% 97% 97% Canada 4s'60_105% 105% 105% Canada 5s*52-111% 111% *11% Carlsbad Ss'54- 65 65 55 Chile 6s *60 _ 21% 21% 21% Chile 6s'62 _ 21% 21% 21% Chile Mtg Bk 6s'6119% 19% 19% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s'57- 19% 19% 19% Colombia 6s 61 Jan— 31% 81% 31% Colombia 6s 61 Oct -— 31% 31% 81%, Copenhagen 4%s'53— 96 95% 96 Cuba6Vis 45- -- 62% 62 62% Denmark 4%s’62- 99% 99% 99% Denmark 6s'42 — 105 104% 104% Dominic 1st 5 Vis'42— 81 81 81 Ger C Bk A 6s '60 July 35% 35% 35% Ger C Bk A 7s ‘50 4< 47 47 Ger Gen Elec 6s'48 — 31% 31% 31% Ger Gen Klec6 %s ’40— 31% 31% 31% Ger Gen Elec 7s 43- 31V* 31** 3IV* Ger Gov BH»'63 st- 24 23;* 24 Ger Rep 7s '49 stpd 29 29 29 Grt C El Jap 6%s'B0„ 911* 9H* 9H* Helsingfors 6’is’60— 106 1061* 106 Italy 7s’61 - _ 83** 831* 83V* Karstadt 6s '43 _ - 40 40 40 Karstadt 6s’43 ctfs— 27 27 27 Kreug&Toll 6s '59 cts_ 461* 461* 461* Medelln 6%s’54 13*4 131* 13** Met 4s '10-’45 asst lge. 6** 6** 6** ilex 4b'54 asst_ 6** 6** 6V* Milan 6Hs'52 . - 721* 721* 721* MinasGers 6Hs ’69 Sept coupon on_ 26** 26V* 26V* New So Wales 5s '57— 102** 102V* 102V* New So Wales 5s’58— 1021* 102T* 1021* Norway 'Vis'65_ 99?n 99V* 99V* Norway 4Hs’56_ 1021* 102 102 Norway 6s 4 3_ 106 105 105 Norway 6s 44_105H 105V* 106V* Oriental Dev 5Hs'58-. 72** 72V* 72V* Oriental Dev 6s ’53_ 781* 781? 781* Oslo 4 V*s '55_ 99'* 991* 991* Paris Orl RyBHs'68.. 100V* 100** 10nV* Peru 6s '60_ 221* 22 22 Peru 6s ’61 _ 22 22 22 Poland 7s'47- 641-* 641* 641* Porto Alegre 7H» '66 July coupon oft_ 26V* 26V* 26V* Queensland 6s 47,_110 110 110 Queensland 7s ’41_1121*112 1121* Rhein Rhur 6s'51_ 18V» 18V* 18V* Rhine W El P 6s ’52_ 201* 201* 201* Rio de Jan 6 H» '5* Aug coupon off _ 29 281* 281* Rio Gr do Sul 7s’66 May coupon oft_— 27V* 27 27 Rio de Jan 8s ’46 ADril coupon oft_ SO 29V* 29V* Rome 6H« ’52_ 731* 73 731* Rumania 7s '49 Aug coupon oft_ 35 35 35 Sao Paulo C6Hs '57 May coupon off_ 26 26 26 Sao Paulo St 6s 68 July coupon off_ 27 261* 261* Sao Paulo St 7s'40_ 921* 921* 921* Sao Paulo St 7s '56 Sept coupon off_ 281* 28 28 Sao Paulo St 8s ’36 July coupon oft_ 40 391* 391* Serbs 7s ’62 unm c O— 28** 28V* 28V* Serbs 8s’62 unm c o_ 291* 291* 291* Silesia Prov 7s’58 - 431* 431* 431* Taiwan Elec 5 He’7X-. 73?* 731* 73J* Toklo 6Hs'61_ 741* 741* 741* Toklo E L Ltd 6s ’53_ 78 78 78 Tyrol Hy El 7Hs’65._ 991* 991* 991* Uruguay 6s'60_ 641* 64 64 Warsaw 7s ’58_ 431* 431* 431* Yokohoma 6s ’61_ 811* 821* 821* DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 48'47. 100 100 100 AllegCorp 5»'44_ 97 964 964 Alleg Corp 6s '49_ 90 8 94 90 Alleg Corp Es '60 stp._ 664 624 65 Alleg & Westr. 4s'98_ 95 95 95 Allied Stores 44s ’61. 984 984 9854 Am & For Pw 6o 2030. 774 774 774 AmIcecvEs’53 _ 93 924 93 Am I G Ch 6 4 s '49_ 1054 1054 1064 Am Inti 64s’49 _ 104*4 1044 1044 Am Tel & Tel 3*4a'61. 974 974 974 Am Tel & Tel 3 4s’66 97 964 »64 Am T & T 64s 43 ... 113 1124 113 Am Wat Wks 6b’75-.. 109 109 109 Am Writ Paper 6S'47. 76 76 76 Am Writ Pa 6s'47 cfs. 754 76 4 764 Anaconda deb 44s’60 1044 1044 1044 Armour & Co 44s’39. 103 103 103 Armour(Del)lst 4s'55 964 964 9*4 Armour & Co Del 4s 57 964 964 964 A T&S Fe 4s '05-'65 .. 1074 1074 1074 A T&S Fe adj 4s’95— 103 103 103 A T&S Fe adj 4s '95 st 1034 1034 1034 A T&S Fe 44s’48 1084 1084 1084 A T&S F RMtdv4s’65. 106 106 106 A T&S Fe TSCL 4s 58. 1104 1104 1104 AG Coast List 4s’62. 100 100 1*0 AtlC L un 44s '64 ._ 914 91 91 Atl Coast Line 6s ‘45 — 1034 1084 1034 AtlanGc & D lst4s’48. 54 64 64 B & O 1st 4S 48_ 1064 106 1064 B&O44S60_ 794 794 794 B & O 1st Es ‘48_ 1104 1104 1104 Balto & O ref 6s ’95 A. 904 904 904 B & O 6s '96 F _ 884 874 88*4 B&Oref 6s 2000 D- 874 87 4 874 B&Oref 6s'95 C_ 100 994 100 B & O PLE&W V 4s’41 1024 1024 1024 B & O Swn 6s ’60. - 104 1034 104 B * O Toledo 4S ’69- 93 93 93 Bang & Aroos5s’43-111 111 111 Bell T of Pa 5s 48 B— 117 117 117 Beth Steel 3%s '66 - 984 934 934 Beth Steel 44*’60.— 102 1014 1014 Bos & Me 6s'67 - 844 844 844 Boston N Y A L 4s ’56 . 284 284 284 Bklyn Ed con 3 4**66_. 9* 99 99 Bklvn Man T 4 4»'66 . 994 »9 99 Buff R&P con 44s’67 . 864 864 86 Bush Term 1st 4s'62— 86 86 85 Bush Term con 6s'55 . 694 694 694 Bush Term Bldg 6s ’60 644 644 644 Can’dian N R 4%s’67. 1104 1104 1104 Can'dian N 6s’69 Oct— 1164 1164 1164 Can'dian P db 4s perp. 924 »24 924 Can'dian Pac 44s'46. 108 4 103 4 1084 Can’dian Pac 44s ’60. 1014 1014 1014 Caro Cent con 4s’49— 80 80 80 Caro Cl & O 6s ’38_ 1044 1044 1044 Central Fdry cv 6» ’41. 109 109 109 Cent of Ga con 6s'45.. 814 314 814 Cent of Ga rf 5 4s ’59. 21 21 21 Cent 111 E&G 5s ’61— lot 100 100 Cent N England 4s'61. 684 684 694 Cent of N J gen 5s '87. 68 674 68 Cent Pac 5s 60 _ 100 100 100 Cent Steel 8s '41_A, 1234 1234 123J* Champ F&F4%s’6<T_ 107 107 107 High. Low. oio». Chesap C cv 6s ‘44_121* 118* 121* Chesap Corp 6s'47_ 139* 134* 138* Ches& O 3 *s '96 D_ 96* 96 96* Ches&0 3*s96E- 96* 96* 96* Ch! A Alt ref 3s‘49- 66 65 65 Chi B & Q gen 4s ‘68_ 109* 109* 109* Chi B&Q ref 6s'71_115 114*116 Chi & E 111 6s *61. _ 39 89 89 Chi & E 1116s ‘61 ctf«„ S8 38 88 Chi Grt West 4s ‘69 - 46* 46* 46* CM&StP gn 3%s ‘89 B. 65 65 65 CM&StP 4%s'89- 69 69 69 CM&StP 6s 75_ 31* 80* 80* CM&StP&Padl 5s2000 11* 11 11* Ch&NW gen 3 *s ‘87- 41 41 41 Chi & NW gen 4s '87_ 46* 46* 45* Chi &NW4*s 2037_ 30* 80* SO* Chi & NW 4*S '49 - 20* 20* 20* Chi & NW gen 6s ’87__ 45* 45* 45* Chi & NW rf6s 2037_ 32 81 82 Chi R i&Prf 4s‘34_23 *2* 28 Chi R I&P4*s '60_ 13 12* 13 Chi Un Sts 3 *s '61- 102* 102* 102* Chi & W In con 4s '62. 101* 100* 101 Chi & W Ind 4*S‘62_ 100* 100 100* Childs & Co 6s ’43 ... 86* 86* 88* CCC&StL gen 4s'93-. 99* 99* 99* CCC&St L ref 6s '63 D 108 102* 102* CCC&StL StLdv 4s'90. 96 96 96 Clev Short L 4 *s '61-. 109* 109* 109* Clev Un Tel 4%o '77- 101* 101* 101* Clsv Un Term 5s '73 B 10* 106 106 Clev Un Ter 5*s'72A. 110* 110* 110* Colo Fuel & Ir 5s '70— 86* 86* 86* Colo & So 4*S '80_ 69* 69 69 Columbia G & E 6s '62 May _ 102* 102 102* Columbia G&E 6s'61-. 101* 100* 100* Colum Ry P&L 4s '65- 108* 108* 103* Cornel Credit 3*s'61- 94* 94* 94* Com Inv Tr 3%s '51_ 100* 100* 100* Cons Coal Del 6s'60.-. 67 66* 67 Cons Ed NY 3*8 46 n. 104 103* 108* Cons Ed NY 3*s'66 n 101*101*101* Cons Gas NY 4*s'51- 106* 106 106 Consol Oil 3*s'61 — 108* 102* 103* Crnsum P un 3 *s ’65_ 101* 101* 101* Cons Pwr 3*s'70 _ 99* 99* 99* Container deb 6s '43_ 102* 102* 102* Crane Co 3 *s'61_ 98 98 98 Crown C&S 4s'60_ 105 106 106 Cuba RR 1st 6s '52_ 67 57 67 Cuba RR 6s'36_ 66 66 66 Cuba Northn 6*s'42- 64* 64* 64* Del * Hud ref 4S'43_ 91 90* 90* Del & lltid 5*s '37_ 100* 100* 100* Den G & H 5s '61 _ 107* 107* 107* Den & R G 4 *s '36_ 32* 32* 32* Den & RGW 5s'56as*t. 18 17* 18 Den & R G ref 6s '78 27* 27* 27* Det River Tun 4 *s'61 112 112 112 Dul S S & At 5s '37_ 62 61 61 Duaues Lt 4*s*57 B-. 102* 102* 102* Elec Auto Lite 4s'52_310 109 109 Erie cons 4s’96_ 984 98V* 98V4 Erie ref 6s 67_ 82V* 815* hi** Erie ref 6s '75_ 82 81V$ 81V$ Falrbks Morse 4s '58_1011$ 1615$ 1015$ Fed Lt & Trac 6s'42_108V$ 103 103!$ Fed L&Tr 6s 64 B_ 100 100 100 Fla E C Ry 6s '74_ 17 17 17 Fla EC Rv 5s'74 ctfs. 16V* 164 16V* Fond J&G 2s-4s '82 ct_ 44 4V$ 4V$ Fond J & R 4s '82 filed. 4** 4V* 4V* Gen Cable 6 J,*s '47_105*$ 106*$ 105*$ Gen Mot Aco 3s 46_ 100 99’* 99V* Gen Mot Ass 3Vis’61_. 100 1 00 100 Gen Pub Svc 5V*s’39_. 101V$ 101V$ 101V$ Gen Stl Cast 6V*s *49.. 91V$ 91*,$ 915$ Goodrich 6s'4b_105V* 105V* 105V* Goodyear T&R 5s *57— 104V* 1035$ 104V* Great N Ry 4s 46 G... 129 129 129 Great N Ry 4s 46 H. 108 107V* 108 Grt N R gen 4V*s'7G D 1025* 1025* 1025* Grt N R gen 44s’77 E 102 101V*101V* Grt N R gen 5s'73 C-. 110V* 110V* 1104 Green Bay 6s *62 B_ 114 11V* 114 Gulf States Util 4s’6 6 994 994 994 Gulf States Ut 4V*s'46 103 103 103 Gulf Sta Stl 5V*S 42.. 97'* 975* 975* Hoe (R) 1st mts 44_ 91V$ 91 V$ 91V$ Houston 011 64s'40._ 1014 1014 1014 Hudson Coal 6s'62_ 48** 47'$ 48** Hud & Man Inc 6s "57.. 31** 314 31** Hud & Man ref 6s *57.. 78 77V* 78 111 Bell Tel 34s'70_ 1024 131*4 1024 111 Cent ref 4s'55_ 88V$ 88’* 88*$ 111 Cent 4 Vis '66_ 77 764 77 111 Cent ref 5s'55_ 965$ 96 4 964 ICC&StL N 044s*63_. 814 814 814 ICC&StL N O 6s «J_ 86 4 86 4 864 Inland Stl 3 54s'61_ 102 102 102 Ind & Loulsv 4s '56_ 86 86 36 Int R T 1st rf 6s 66... 914 904 91 1 R T 1st rf 5s ’66 ctfs. 904 894 894 Int RT 7s 32..._ 844 844 844 lnt R T 7s *32 ctfs_ 82 82 82 lnt Grt Nr 5s'56 B_ 35 4 3 5 4 3 6 4 lnt Grt Nr 6s'62 A_ 37'* 371$ 37V$ Int Hydro Elec 6s 'A4_ 815$ 81V$ 81V$ Int Mer Marine 6s '41. 88 86 88 Int Pap 1st 5s'47A_101 101 101 Int Pap ref 6s '55_ 99 99 99 Int Ry of C A 6s 41_102V$ 102V$ 102V$ Int T&T cv 44s'39_ 82 82 82 Int T&T 4 4» *52_ 674 67 674 Int T&T 6s 65_ 715* 714 71** Jonesi&L Stl 4Vis’61A 101V$ 101V$ 1015$ Kans City So ref 6s'50 925$ 924 924 Kan C Term 1st 4s'60. 1065$ 1065$ 106V$ Kans G &E4 4s '80_ 1034 103 103 Keith 6s'46_ 974 974 974 Laclede G 64s'63 C_ 61 604 61 LacledeG 64s 60 D._ 694 59 4 694 Lake S&M So 3 4s'97. 100 995$ 99*$ Lautaro Nitr 6s'54 .. 43 42 43 uautaro Nit 6s'64 cfs. 43 43 43 Leh C&N 44s 54 A . 99 99 99 Leh V RR con 5s 2003. 77 77 77 Loew's 3 4 s 46 974 975* 974 Long Isld ref 4s*49 stp 10H* 100'$ 1001$ La & Arlt 6s *69 _ 96 954 965$ L& Nash 35$s 2003_ 92 92 92 L&N lst4s 2003_ 99 99 99 McCrory Stores 5s'51. 1034 1034 1034 MeC RR gn 44s’60A. 805$ 805$ 80*$ Manhat Ry 4s'90_ 47 4 47 4 474 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfs. 42V$ 424 425$ Mead Co 6s *45 .. _ 1044 1044 1044 Mich Cent 44s ’79_ 1084 1034 1034 MU E R & S L rf 6a’71. 1044 103 1044 Minn & St L 5s’34 ctfs 16 16 16 Mo K & T 1st 4s'90_ 87 4 87 4 874 Mo K & T 6s ‘62 A_ 824 82 82 Mo Pac 4s'75_ 194 195* 195* Mo Pac 6s'65 A_ 405$ 405$ 40*$ Mo Pac 5s'77 F_ 41 404 41 Mo Pac 6s ’80 H_ 41 405$ 41 MO Pac 6s '81 I_ 405$ 404 405$ Mo Pac 6V*s'49 A_ 165$ 164 165$ Mohawk & M 4s’91_ 90 90 90 Monong Pub S 4 54s’60 102V* 102 102 MonongPub S 6s'65 104 4 1044 1044 Montana Pwr 3Vis’66. 93 93 93 Mor&Essex 3 54 s 2000 . 874 865$ 865$ Morris&Essex 454s’65 91V$ 904 904 Morris&Essex 5s ’55.. 99V$ 99 99 Nassau Elec 4S'5l gtd. 6754 6754 6754 Natl Dairy 34i»’51ww. 103 10254 10254 Natl Dls P C 4 54s’45_10454 10454 10454 Natl Steel 4s’66_ 103 54 1 0 3 54 103 54 New Jer P&L 4%s'60- 10654 10654 10554 New Orl & N 4%s'52_. 79 79 79 New Orl P S 6s '62 A_ 98 97*4 97*4 New Orl P S 6s'65 B_ 97 9654 97 New Orl Ter 1st 4S'53. 94 94 94 New OrlT&M 454«'66. 6454 5414 6454 NY Central 354s'97_96*4 9654 9654 NY Central 3 64 8*46_ 101 10154 10054 NY Cent con 4s’98_- 9614 96 9654 NY Cent rf 4548 2018— 9054 8*54 89*4 NY Crf 454s 2013 n_ 89*4 8954 89*4 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 96*4 9654 9654 NY Cent cv 6s 44_ 1*454 12254 124 NYCLSh 354s’98_ 8954 8954 9854 NYC&St L 454s "78_ 8854 88 8854 NYC&St L 6 54 s'74 A-. 10054 100 100 NY Chi & St L 6s'38._. 10054 10054 10054 NY Conn 1st 4 54s'53— 10754 10754 10754 NY Conn 6s'53 B_ 109 109 109 NY Dock 6s '38_ 69 58 68 NY Edison 8 54 s‘66 D_. 9854 9754 9854 NY Edls ref 3 54 ■ ‘66_ 9854 9854 9854 NY G El H&P 4s '49_ 10914 10954 109)4 NY L& W 1st 48 78_ 100 9954 100 NY NH & H 454s ’67_ 46 46 46 NY O&W ref 4s '92_ 31 8054 8054 NY Steam 1st 6s ’47_ 10854 10854 10854 NY Tel gen 454s '39— 10654 10654 10654 NY W & B 4 54s '46_ 1751 17 17 Nlag Falls PS54s'«8„ 10054 10054 100)4 Norf & W 1st 4s'98_113 112)4 113 North Am Co 6s'81_ 105 106 105 North Am Ed 6 54s *63- 101)4 101)4 101)4 Nor’n Pac 4s ’97_ 108 102)4 108 Ohio Edison 4s *85_ 10254 10254 10254 Oreg Sh L 5s'46 gtd_117 117 117 Oreg W RR 4s '61_ 104 108)4 10354 Pac Gas* El 354s'66. 9654 96)4 9654 PacG&E3%s’61_ 100)4 10054 10054 Pac G & £2 4s '64_ 10454 10454 10454 Pac T&T rf 8 54 s ’66 B. 9954 9954 9954 PacT&T*54«’68C_ 9954 9954 9954 Pan Am PC 6s 40_ 4854 4854 4854 Pan Am PC6s'40otfS. 4854 4854 4854 Paramount Plo 6s '56_ 10054 100 100 Penn Co 4s ’68_ 10054 10054 100)4 Penn Dixie C 6s'41_ 100 100 100 Penn O & D 454s '77_ 106 106 106 Penn P&L 4 54 s 81_ 106 10454 10454 Penna R R 3*4.s w.l_ 108)4 108)4 108)4 Penn RR 3\s 70 C- 9854 9854 9854 Penn RR cn 4s’48 stp. 114 118)4 113)4 Penn RR 4 54s'81 D_ 10454 10454 10454 Penn RR 454e'84- 104*4 10454 104*4 Penn KR gn 454s '65-- 108*4 10754 10754 Penn RR deb 4 54s '70. 10054 10e54 100)4 Penn RR gen 6s ’6&-_114 113)4 11354 1 PereMara 4 54a*8(|2._ 9654 865) 9554 men. low. cion. Pere Marq 1st 6s'E«__ 101% 101 101 Phlla B&W 4s ‘43_ 108 108 108 Phlla Co 6s 67_ 103% 102% 108% Phlla & Ft C&l 6b '78„ 38 87% 87% Phlla & R C&l 6a'49__ 17 16% 17 Philippine Ry 4b 37_26% 26 26% PCC&St L 4s'60 H_109 109 109 PCC&St L.4%a'77 C~ 106 106 106 PCC&St L Es '70 A 115% 116% 116% Pltts&W Va 4% S '69 B 89% 89% 89% Pltts&W Va 4%S'60 C 90 90 90 Port Oen El 4%s'60 _. 62% 62% 62% Porto Rico AT 68’42.. 80% 80% 80% Postal Tel &C 6b*53 32% 81% 82 Pure Oil 4%s'60 ww_ 121 120% 120% Purity Baking 6s '48„ 100% 99% 99% R-K-OOs «1_113% 118% 118% Readme JerC4s '61_ 99 99 99 Reading R 4%s‘97 A.. 106% 106% 106% Rem-Rand 4%s'ESww. 107 107 107 RepubllO Stl 4 %B 'SO — 198% 194% 197 Republic Stl 4%S'68 — 96% 96% 96% Republic Stl 4%B'61— 96% 96% 96% Republic Stl 6%s '64_ 122 122 122 Revere Cop 4%s'66_101% 101% 101% Richfield 011 6s 44_ 66% 66% 65% Richfield O 6s’44 ctfa.. 66% 66 56 RlA&L,lat4%S‘34-_ 22 21% 22 St Jos* Gr Isl Is*?.. 108 109 109 St Jo Ry L T&P Es '37. 100 100 100 StLP&NWts'l!_ 44 41 44 St L-S Fran 4s'60A ._ 81 81 81 St L-S F 48 '60 A ctfa_ 27 27 27 St L-S Fran 4*8 *78._ 29* 29* 29* St L-S F 4 **'78 cf SC_ 26* 26* 26* St L-S Fran 6s'60 B_ 29* 29* 29* St LS W 1st 4s'89_ 90* 90 90 St LS W 2d 4S 89_ 67* 67* 67* St L S W 1st ter 6s’52- 67* 57* 67* St P MAM ext 6s‘48_ 102* 102* 102* St P Un Deprf 6s'72.. 117 117 117 San A & A Pass 4s’43. 100* 100* 100* San Diego CG&E«s’65_ 106 106 106 Schulco 6*s’46 A stp. 36* 86* 36* Seabd A L 4s ’60_ 34* 84* 84* Seabd A L ref 4s’69 .. 17 17 17 Seabd A L rf 4s ’59 cfs. 16 16 16 Seabd A Lad] Es’49... It* 11* 11* Seabd A L 6s ’45 A_ 20 19* 20 Seabd A L 6s 46 ctfs.. 19 18* 18* Silesian Am 7s’41_ 72 72 72 SkellvOll 4a '61_ 98* 98* 98* Socony Vao 3*s’60_ 102 102 102 South Bell TAT 6s *41. 106* 106* 106* Southn Cal Gas 4s ’65 108* 102* 102* Southn Cal Gas 4* ’61 106* 106* 105* So Colo Pwr 6s’47 A_ 106 105 10* Soutn Nat G «%s'51_ 99 99 99 So Pac 3*s 46_ 97* 97* 87* So Pac col 4S’49_ 93* 93 98* So Pac ref 4s ’66_ 104 103* 103* So Pac 4*8’68_ 90* 89* 90* So Pac 4*s*69_ 89* 89 89* So Pac 4*s ’81_ 89* 88* 89* So Pac Oreg 4*s'77_ 95 94 96 So Pac S F Ter 4s '50.. 107* 107* 107* So Ry gen 4s’66 A_ 81 81 81 So Ry 6s’94_ 107* 107 107 SoRygen6s’56__ 101* 100* 100* So Ry 6 * s "66 _ 108 104 105 S W Bell Tel 3*s'64.. 102* 102* 102* Soutnw'n GAE 4s’60.. 99* 99* 99* Staley A E 4s‘46_ 102 102 102 Stand Oil N J 3s'61_ 96 95* 95* Swift & Co 3*s ‘60_ 103* 103* 103* Tenn C&C 6s’44 B_ 103* 103* 103* Texarkana 6*s'60_ 104* 104 104 Texas Corp 3*s'61__ 101* 101 101* Texas & Pac 5s 79 C._ 102* 102* 102* Third Av ref 4s 60 .. 66 65* 65* Third A ad In ex 6s'66. 16* 3b* 36* Truax T C 6*s'43 .. 103* 103* 103* Un Oil of Cal 3*s'52.. 112 112 112 Union Pac 3*8’70_ 94* 94* 84* Un Pao lat 4s ’47_110* 110* 110* Un Pac 1st rf 48 2008.. 104 104 104 Un Pac 1st rf 5s 2008.. 114 114 114 United Drug 6s 63_ 100* 100 100* U S Rubber 6s’47_105* J06* 106* Utah L & T 6s’44 (A). 99* 99* 99* Util P &L 5s ’69 ww_ 60* 60* 60* Util P A L 6*a '47_ 61* 61* 61* Vanadium cv 6a’41_ 109* 106* 109 Ver Sug 1st 7s'42 ctfs. 29* 29* 29* Va E A P 1st ref 4s’55. 107 106* 106* Va Ry 1st 3*s ’66 A_101* 101* 101* V\ abash 4 V4s'78__ 39 39 39 Wabash 1st 5s '39_ 99H 994 994 Walker HAS 4 Vis '45.. 1064 1064 10&4 Walworth 4s'65... ... 82 804 *04 Warner Bros cv 6»’29. 954 954 954 Warner-Quin 6»'39.._ 62 614 *14 West Penn P 3 Vis ’6«_. 103 103 103 W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd__ 934 93 934 West'n Md 1st 4s ’62__ 1014 100J< 1014 West'n Pac 6s 46 A as. 354 *6.4 364 West’n Un 4Vis 60_ 1054 1054 IO6.4 West'n Un 6s’61_. 104 104 104 Wheel Steel 4 Vi a'63_ 994 994 994 White Sew M 6s 40_ 1044 1044 1044 W Sp Stl con 7s'35 et. 414 41* 414 Wilkes BAE 1st 5a '42. 41 41 41 Wilson A Co 4a 66_ 994 99 an rnBStnSAT 3Via'51_. 1464 1464 1464 r’nestn SAT 4a'61 100 4 100 100 4 CHICAGO STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. April 3 <44—Following Is the complete official list of transactions m stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today. Actual STOCKS. 5l4le's- ... High. Low. Last, loo Abbott Lab _ 514 514 ol‘» 360 A & K Pet A_ 7 4 74 7 4 loti Adams Mfg_ 144 l;{>~ i.ii,, lot) Allied Lab _ l’3, 174 IT3, 200 Armour A Co _ 114 114 ip4 200 Asbestos Mfg. __ 34 :|% .14 50 Assoc Invest 5]’, 51’a 51% 5o Bar A Seehg A l?1/* 174 174 50 Binks Mfg 124 124 124 200 Bliss A Laughlin 304 30 4 30 4 loo Butler Bros... . Hi3. 16% HP, loo Castle A M . 384 384 38'/, 30 Ccn Cold Stor 164 104 104 70Cen 111 P Svc pf 71 704 704 loo Cen A S W Ut 4 4 4 lOCen A S W S7 pf 70 4 704 704 10 Chain Belt. 604 664 664 35o Chi Corn 54 54 54 50 Chi Flex Shaft 68 68 68 30 Chi Rivet A M n 174 IT 17 1050 Cities Serv 4 4 4 4 100 Comwlth Edis 122 121 121 300 Compressed Ind G 45 444 45 600 Con Biscuit 74 74 74 100 Consumers 4 4 4 10 Consumers 6% pf 0 4 0 4 0 4 2oo Cord Corp 4s. 4 4 44 100 Cunningham D St 22 22 22 150 Dayton Rubber 284 284 284 50 Dixie-Vortex .. 22 22 22 200 El Household 0 84 *4 200 Elgin Nat Watch . 36 36 36 050 Gen Finance . _ 44 44 44 1850 Gen Household _ 7 4 64 74 250 Gt Lakes Dredge. 23 4 23 23 4 250 Hamilton Mfg A. 144 134 14 00 Harnischfeger 17 17 17 45dHeileman (G) Br 04 04 04 lOHibb Spen A B.. 52 62 52 50 111 Brick _ 164 164 164 10 111 Nor Ut Pf . 108 108 108 200 Katz Drug ... 14 14 14 KIKy Ut 64 pf _ 70 70 70 20(1 Loath A Co _ 114 104 11 50 Lib-McN A L ... 14 14 14 200 Lion Oil Ref . _ 244 244 244 100 Marsh Field 27% 27'* 27V« 156 Merch A Mfrs AO 6 6 100 Mickelberry’s Fd. 34 34 34 1300 Mid West Corp 11V* 11 IP, 150 Mid W Corp war 5 5 5 loo Midland Unit .11 1 lo Midi Util 67, pf 6 6 6 10 Midi Util 7f» pf 34 34 34 150 Nat Gypsum A . 704 78 78 200 Nat Leath .. 14 14 14 100 Nat Pres Cooker. 164 164 164 100 Nat Union Radio. 24 24 24 150 Noblitt-Sparks _ 464 454 454 1100 Noblltt Spark rt_ 4 4 4 100 No West Eng __ 314 314 314 1200 Peabody Coal B . 14 14 14 850 Pictorial P Pack. 7 64 7 1400 Pines Winter _ 34 34 34 lOOPrima Co .... 2Vi 2>/« 2 V* 110 Quaker Oats .117 117 117 10 St L Nat Stk Tda 76 4 76 4 764 50 Sangamo El . 85 85 85 250 Serrick Corp B 144 14 14 SOSignode Steel _ 374 374 374 150 Std Dredg _. 4 4 4 4 44 350 Std Dredg pf .18 17% 18 50 Stein (A) A Co 20 30 20 200 Sunstrand M Tool 26 254 36 100 Swift A Co_ 26 4 26 4 36V, 250 Swift Xnt _ 32% 324 324 250 Utah Radio _... 34 34 34 SOUtil k Ind_ 14 14 I'/* 150 Walgren _ _ 304 30% 30% 50 Wieboldt Store*. 244 244 244 100 Wise Bankshrs _ O’, 9% 0% 350 Zenith Rad_ 34V* 34 34 Stock sales today. 25,000 shares. Bond sales today, none. COPPER CHIEF HOPEFUL. NEW YORK. April 3 (£>).—Adolph Lewisohn, president, told stockholders of Miami Copper Co. that In view of low stocks and increasing consump tion, the 1937 outlook of the industry, despite larger production, "appears at this time to be more favorable than for a number of years.” Miami is producing 13,500 tons of ore daily. BALTIMORE STOCKS Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, April 3.— Sales. STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 595 Arundel Corp — 22% 21% 22% 30 Atl Coast Line- .. 61 61 51 15 Baltimore Transit 2% 2% 2% 60 Balto Transit pf 5% 5% 5% 25 Eastern Sugar pf 43% 43% 43% 16 Fidelity & Dep-_136 136 136 348 Fidelity St Guar. 42 42 42 60 Merch Sc Miners- 37 37 37 276 New Amster Cas 18% 16% 18% lOOOwIngs Mills Dlst 1% 1% 1% 370 U 8 Fidel Sc Ouar 27 27 27 BONDS. 850 Blto Trn deb 4s A 35% 85% 35% -• Venezuela is aiding financially the eetablishm^fk of new industries. CURB LIST RISES FRACTIONS TO S3 Some Metals, Specialties and Oils Go Higher. Losses Persist. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 3 —Some metal, oil and specialty shares gained ground In the curb market today, with Im provement ranging from fractions to around 3 points. Newmont regained more than 2 points of its 4-point loss yesterday, and Colts Patent Arms was up about 4 on light volume. Others higher in cluded Apex Electric, McWilliams Dredging. Aluminum Co. of America, Gulf Oil, Pantepec, United Wall Paper, Electric Bond & Share and Creole Petroleum. Off fractionally were Niagara Hud son Power, Pennroad, Teck-Hughes and Columbia Oil & Gasoline. CURB BONDS STOCKS High. Low. Close. Ala Power 4 Vis '07 85 85 85 Ala Power 5s '51 101 101 101 Alum Co 5s '62_105'/« HIS*/, 305% Alum Co Ltd 6s '48—105% 105% !07% Ain G&E os 2028—- 100 100 100 Am P&L 0S 2010 05% 95% 05% Am Rol Mill 5s '48 __ 102% 102% 102% Am Seat 0s *36 stod,._ 104% 104% 104% Appalach E P 5s '58— 105% 105% 105"% Appalach Pw 5s '41 — 100% ion3* ] on3, Appal P 0s 2024 A — 110% 110% 110% Ark P&L 58 '56 --- 07% 07% 07% As El Ind 4%s '53 — 58% 58% 58% As G&E 4%s '40 .... 54% 53k. 54% As G&E 5s '50 _—50% 50 50% As Cr & E 5s '08 - 53% 53% 53% As G & E 5s '08 reg 52% 52% 52% i Bn Id Lo Hs '38 ww 200 200 2oo Bald L Os '38 xw stp 102% 102% 10 :% Bell Tel C 5s '55 A 111 % 111% 1 1 1 % Bel Tel C 6s '57 B 1 1 0% 1 10% 1 10% Bell Tel C 5s '00 C .1)7 117 117 Can Pac 0s '42 - MO 100 100 Caro Pw & Lt 5s '50 102 Ml3, lol% Cent 111 P S 5s '50 E 102% 102% 102% Cen II P 8 4%s '07 P 07% 00% 07% Cent 111 P 8 5s '08 G lol'. Ml lot Cen O L&P 5s '50A 00 00 00 Central Pw 5s '57 D . 87% 8, % 81% Cent Pw & Lt 5s '50 02 02 02 Cent St El 5%s '54 02% 02% 07% Chi Di El 4%s '70 A M3% 103', 10:1% Chi Rys 5s '40 cod- 72% 71% 71% Cities Svc 5s '50. —- 73 72)8 72% Cities S Gas 5%s '42—Ml % 300% M0% Clt S P&L 5%s '52- 70J, 70% 70% Clt S P&L 5'as '40- 71% 70% 11 Comw Edis 5s '53 A—., 3 Hi3, 110% 110% Comw Ed 4s '81 F_M33, 103% 10.3% Comw Ed 3%s '05 H_Ml3, Ml3, ]ul% Com Pb Sv 5s '00 A_ 07% 07% 97% Coinuty P&L 5s '57 _ 81 80% 01 Cons G Bal 4%s '54_ lls%110%118% Cont G&E 5s '58 A —- 08% 87% 8,-% Det Clt Gs 5s '50 B_104', M4 104% Det Int Be 7s *52- 3% 3% 3% East G&F 4s ’50 A_ 80% S03, 80% El P&L 5s 2030_ 80 8,-.% 85% El Pas El 5s ’50 A_M33, M3*. M3*. ! Emp O&R 5%s '42_ 80% ss% 80% Erie Light 5s '07_ 107 107 107 Florida P&L 5s '54 03% 03% 93% Gary E&G 5s '44 xw stp 99% 99% 99% Gatineau Pw 5s '50— lol Mo3, loo3, Gen Bronze Os ’40 — 01% 01% 01% Gen Pb U 0%s '56 A._ 89 09 so Georgia Pw 5s '07 07% 07 07 Glen Alden Cl 4s ’05 82% 02% 87% Or No Ptv 5s ’50 stp 100% loti3, MO3, Hall iW F) Os '47 stp 100% 100% 100% Hotl W Ast 7s '54 ww 34% 34% 34% Hygrade Fd 0s '49 A 78% 70% 78% 111 North Util 5s '57 100% 30ti% lu0% 111 Pw & L tis '53 A . M3 M23, M3 111 Pw & L 5s '56 C 07 90% 90% Indiana Ser 5s ’50 71 % 71V, 7 1V, Indiana Ser 5s '03 A 71 71 71 Indnap P&L 5s '57 A 105% 105% M5% Int! Salt os '51 100% 10ti 100 Inti Securities 5s 47— 107 107 M2 Interest Pw 5s '57 00% 50% 00% Interst Pw Os '52 47% 4 1 42 Inters! P St 4%s '58 F 70'a 70 70% Inwa-N L & P 5s '57 A 102% M2 Ml Iowa N L & P 5s '01 B 102% 102 102 Iowa Pub Sv 5s '57 103 103 103 Jer C P & L 4%s '01 C M41 a 104 % I 04% Jer C P & L os '47 B 103% 1 03% 103% Kan El P 3%s '00 A 05 05 95 Kentucky U 5s '09 I 00% 00 00% L S Dlst P 3 %s '00 A 04% 04 >, 04% Lehigh P S 0s 2026 A 107% 107% 107% Libby Me N&L 5s '42 104% 104% M4% Lone Star G 5s 42 .. lo4%M4%M4% Lone Is Lt tis '45 __ 105% 105 M5% La Pw & Lt 5s 57 M5 104% 104% McCord Rad 0s '43 _ 100% 100% M0% Mengel 4%s '47 . 112% 111 % 112% Metrop Edis 4s 71 E . - 103V. 10.3V, 103', Mil G&E 4%s '07 . - M4 104 101 Minn P&L 4%s '78. _ 08 01', 071« Minn P&L 5s '55 . . M2 M2 M7 Miss River P 5s '51 _ 108 108 308 Mont-Da P 5%s '44 . 07% 97% 01 % Muns SS 0%s 37 ww 0% 9 0% Nat Pb S 5s '78 cod 47% 47% 4 , % Nebr Pw tis 2022 118 118 118 Nevad Cal El 5s '5H — 00 00 Oil New Ams Gas 5s '48 _ 113 lit 313 New E GE 5s 47 — 70 70 70 New E G&E 5s '50 - 75 75 75 New E Pw 5s '40 - 00% 90% 00% New E Pw 5%s '54 . 98% 98% OS’, New Or PS 0s '40 A . . 87 87 87 N Y P & Lt 4%s 07 - 105% 105 Mo N Y S E&G 4 %s .00 _ M2 102 102 No Ind P S 5s '00 D M2% 102% 102% Northw P S 5s '57 A 08% 98% 98% Ohio Pwr 4%s '50 D 1114% M4% 1 04% Ohio Pub S 5s '54 D 1 04 12 104% 1 04 , Okla P&W 5s '48 A 01 90% 00% Pac G & E Us 41 B 110% 115’. 1 10 Pac P & L 5s '55 _ 82 82 82 Penn C L&P 4 %s 77 . 99% 99% 90% Penn O E tis '50 A M3% 103% MJ% Peop GL&C 4s 81 B . 92*. 02*, 92% Phila El P 5%s '72 M0% loot, 100% Phila Rap T 0s '02 . 04% ''4% 04% Portland G&C 5s '40 80 80 80 Pw Ser Corp 0s ‘40 loo3, 100% MO3, Pub S N I 4%s 81 F M1%1«1%M!% Pub S N I 4%s '00 I M3 M3 103 Pub S Okla 4s '00 A M0% 100% loo1'. Pug S P&I 5 %S '40 A 891, 80% 80% Pue S P&L 5s '50 C 80 85% 80 Quebec P C 5s '08 A 103% M3% 103% Quee G&E 5%s '52 A 103% 103% 103% St L G&C 0s '47 mat 16% 10% 10% Shw W&P 4%s '07 A 102% 102*. M'-’% Shw W&P 4%s '70 D 102% 102% 102% S E P&L 6s 2025 A 102% 102% 102% Sou Cal Ed 3%s '45 103% 10.3% 103% Soil Cal Ed 33,s '00 — 100 100 100 Sou Cal E 4s '00 .. — 105 105 105 Sou Ind Rv 4s '51 ... _ 82 82 82 Souw AS T 5s '01 A — 97% 97’. 07% Souw L&P 5s ’57 A Ml', 100=% 100% Souw P&L Hs 2022 A 90% 06% 9H% Std G&E 0s '35 mat 80% 80% Sti% Std O&E 6s '51 A _ 87% 87% 87% Std G&E tis '60 B . 87% 87% 87% Stand Pw & Lt 6s ‘57 - 85% 85% 85% Super of II 4%s '08 M3', M3% M.3V, Tenn El Pw 5s '5H . 00 00 00 Texas Elec 5s '00 — 101% 101 Ml Tex Pw & L 5s '50 _ KM3, 104'’, 104% Toledo Edis 5s '62 107% 1071, 1 07% Ulen & Co Hs '44 III st 50% 50% 50% Unit L&R M 6s '52 A 113% li t 113 Utah P&L 4%s '44_ 07 07 07 Utah P&L 6s 2022 A _ 00 06 06 Va Pub S 5%s '46 A. _ 00% 00% 99% Wash Gas Lt 5s '58, - 105% 105% 105% Wes* Pa 5s 2030 MO MO 100 West Pa Tr 5s '60 _ 108% 108% 108% West T Ut 5s '57 A 92% 01 ", 01V, We UG&E 5'is '55 A . 104% M4', 10*% Wis-Min L&P 5s '44 - 305% 105% 105% York Rwy Co 5s '37 05 05 05 FOREIGN BONDS. Fin R M B 5s 'HI st _ Ml', Ml', Ml V, Isarco Hyd El 7s '52 . _ 00% 00% 09% Lima City H%s '58 _ 23% 23% 23% Maranhao Br 7s '58 27 27 27 Russian 0%s '10 cod . 1% 1% 1% Saxon P W 6s '37 _ 22% 22% 22% ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st tstpt—Stamped. {Negotiability Impaired by maturity t Companies reported In receivership. -. G. E. OFFERS LOW BID. DANVILLE, Va., April 3 UP).—The City of Danville announced the Gen eral Electric Co. submitted the low bid of $165,850 for generative equip ment at the city’s proposed new Pat rick County power plant. FINANCING TO DECLINE. NEW YORK, April 3 (JP).—New State and municipal financing next week will total $9,464,034 compared with the revised total of $18,118,262 for this week, the Daily Bond Buyer reported. Issues of 1 State and 52 municipalities are involved. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. April 3 UP).—Foreign ex change Arm: Great Britain in dollars, others In cents. Great Britain, demand, 4.8911: cables, 4.891S: 60-day bills, 4.89%. Prance, demand. 4.60%; cables. 4,60%. Italy, demand, 5.28'A; cables. 6.26%. Demands—Belgium. 16.86; Germany, free. 40-22%; registered. 20.0; travel, 23.75; Holland, 54.76; Norway. 24.62; 8weden, 25.27; Denmark, 21,88; Finland, 2.16%; Switzerland. 22.80; Spain, un quoted; Portugal. 4.44%; Greece, .90; Poland. 18.98; Czechoslovakia, 3.49; Yugo slavia. 234; Austria, 18.73n; Hungary. 19.S; Rumania, .75: Argentina. 32.67n; Brazil. 8.80%: Tokio. 28.54; Shanghai. 29.9; Hongkong, 30.46; Mexico City, 27.80; Montreal in New York, 10.12%: New York in Montreal. 99.87’%. n—Nominal. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. April 3 (JP\.—Silver fu tures closed steady. 20 points higher. Sales. 1 contract. Sales. High. Low. Close. 1 April _ 45.80 46.80 45.70b b—Bid. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. April 3 UP).—Crude rub ber futures closed barely steady. 16 to 22 lower: sales, No. 1. standard. 170 con tracts. May. 26.29: July. 26.49a61; Sep tember. 28.48a54: October. 26.48n: De cember. 26.44n; January. 26.47. Smoked NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlah. Low. Close. Aero Supply (B).. 4 64 64 64 Air Inv Inc war... 11 1 1 Alabam Pw pf (7) 60s 77 76 76 Alum'n Co Of Am 100a 1684 1684 1684 Alum Am pf all H 100« 1174 1174 1174 Am Airlines. Ine. 8 27 264 264 Am BoxB’od (1).. 4 20 194 194 AmCltP&L Ba20e 1 64 64 *4 Am Cynam B t60o 4 22 31 82 Am & For Pw ww. 1 84 84 34 AmG&E (1.40)_ 2 864 354 864 Am GAE pf (6)_176a 109 1084 109 Am Gen C’p (a60o) 2 11 104 H Am Gen C pf < 2 )_60a 844 344 844 Am Hard Rub (al) 100a 24 234 284 Am Laun’y M 80c. 1 33 33 83 AmLAT(tl.IO). 8 21 204 204 Am MfgCo <a3)__ 26* 394 394 394 Am Maracaibo__ 17 24 2 24 Am Superpower... 21 24 2 24 Am Superpw 1st 6 6 96 934 *6 Anchor Post F . 4 44 44 *4 Angostura <t20e). 2 74 74 74 Angostura-W rts .91 4 1 Apex Electrlclal) 1 82 82 32 Arcturua Radio T. 2 2 14 14 Ark Nat Gas_ 2 104 104 104 Ark Nat Gas (A)-. 18 104 104 104 Ashland OAR t40o 4 74 7 7 AssoGAElA) » 34 34 34 Atl Cosjst FIs b35c 8 114 H4 H4 Atl Coast L *2 4 90* 61 61 61 Atlas Corp war_ 1 3,4 s4 *4 Atlas Plyw'd(l*45 2 264 26 264 Austin Rllvsr 12 84 34 84 Axton-Fisher (A). 20a 364 844 *°4 Bardstown Dist__ • 454 454 454 Barium Stain Stl_. * 654 *54 *54 Bellanca Aircraft. 3 74 7*« 74 Berkey&Gay F Co 4 3 254 254 Berk&GF pur war 4 1 54 1 54 1 54 BllesCo (E W)._. 4 1 954 3 9 54 1»4 Blue Ridge C aioo. 2*83 Bower Roll B (2). * 28*4 2354 2854 Bowman-Blltmore 1 154 1 54 154 Bowmn-BIlt let pflOO. 2454 2 3 54 2 8 54 Brazil Tl.&P 40c. 2 2654 25)4 2554 Brld'p’t Mrh b25c 1 1854 1854 1854 Brit Celan Ltd res 2 24 24 24 Brown Co pf 500 * 70 6654 70 Brown F&W bl5e 3 134 184 1354 Brown Forman ._ 1 8;, 85* 854 Cable El Prod vtc. 1 154 14 14 Can Marconi._ 12 2 2 i 'arlb Syndicate _ 1 2'4 254 254 Carnegie Metals— 1 2 2*4 2*4 24 Carrier Onrpv ... 2 4854 43 47 Carter (JW i 80c- 2 1154 11 54 114 Catlln Corp (s»oc) 10 854 854 84 Cent P & Lt 7 % pf (b3.06 5i) ... 80« 90 90 90 Cent & S W Util... 2 4 4 4 Cent States Elec— 7 154 1*4 1*4 Cent St El 6% pf.. 26. 184 I84 I84 Centrlf Pipe t40o. 4 654 64 654 Chief Coneol_ l 14 14 14 Cities Service_ 30 44 4 44 Cities Service pf— 1 504 604 604 Cities SvcpfB_ 1 4'4 4*4 4*4 Cltv Auto S(t60c) 6 12>4 124 12*4 Claude Neon Lts— 2 254 2 4 254 Clev Tractor_ 6 1154 10*4 114 Colon Dev Ltd_ 2 74 64 74 Colo Fuel&Tr war. 1 184 184 184 Celts PFA b374c. 5 7! 70 70 Colum O & G a20c. 17 9*4 9 9)4 Com'U'ty P&L 1st. 26« 46 46 46 Cons Aircraft . 1 29 29 29 Consol Biscuit 6O0 1 74 74 74 Consol Copper 42 104 10 104 Consol Retail Strs 19 9 9 Consol Steel Corp. 4 15*4 154 154 Cont’l Roll & S Fy 2 224 2154 224 Cooper Bessemer. 4 27 26 4 27 Cord Corp_ 5 44 44 44 Coeden Oil Me (d) 4 24 24 24 Cramp(W&Sons). 1 14 14 14 Creole Pe' <a50c)_ 16 304 3054 304 Crocker-Wh alOc. 2 164 164 164 Croft Brewing_ 5 1 $ \ Crown Cent P >6c. 6 24 24 24 Crown C I(A)b50o 1 134 134 134 Cuneo Press (2)._ 1 474 474 474 Cusl Mex Mlnlne.. 85 4 4 4 Darby Petr (60c). 6 164 164 164 Dayton Rubber 3 285* 284 2854 Dayton Rub A (b2)360. 32 4 32 32 4 Dennison 7% pf . 70. 72 714 72 Det Gray Ir 120c- 2 164 154 154 Det Pap Prod t25c 2 8 8 '8 Diamond Shoe(t2) 26. 2654 26*4 26*4 DominSAC(B) 6 254 2554 25*4 Driver Harris 14- 1 33 33 33 Dubeller Condena. 2 44 4 4 Duval Tex S a50c. 4 9 9 9 Eagle Pitcher blOe 6 224 224 22*4 East'n G&F Asso 6 7 64 7 East'n States Pwr 1 44 44 44 Eisler Elec (a5c)_ 1 34 34 34 Elec Bond & Share 40 21*4 214 214 Elec B & S Df (6) 1 724 724 724 El Pwr Aei A)a25o 2 7*4 7*4 7*4 Elec Shareholding 1 45, 44 454 El Shov C 1st of.. 60. 15 15 15 EmpG&F6% pf.. 50. 694 69*4 694 EmpG&F7% pf . 60. 755* 7554 75** Equity Corp(a25c) 6 24 24 2*4 Europ’n El bd rts. 1 *4 4 *4 Evans Wall Lead 28 24 2 24 Bxcello Alr(b20c). 17 26 4 255* 26 4 I Caistaff Brewing. 3 104 104 104 | Fedders Mfg b25c. 1 I64 154 154 Ferro Enam b25c. 3 874 374 37*4 Ferro Enam rights 8 34 34 34 Fldello Brewery 3 4 4 54 First NS lstpf 7. 10. 1134 113*4 113*4 Fisk Rubber_ 8 1754 174 174 Fla P & L pf_ 60. 47 47 47 Ford Ltd al81-10c 4 7*4 754 7 4 Ford M(Can)B(l) 100 . 30 29 4 30 Gen Alloys _ 1 44 44 44 Gen Invest Corp_ 1 1*4 154 1*4 Gen Inv Corp pf — 1 92 92 92 Gen Tire & Rub... 2 364 364 364 Glen Alden C <tl) 2 125, 125i 124 Godcbaux Sug(B) 1 31 31 31 Goldfield Consol . 7 4 4 4 Grt A&P T n v t6_ 10. 1084 1084 1084 Great Nor Pap tl. 60. 46 46 46 Greenfield T & D 3 14*4 144 14*4 Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 10 584 56*-* 58)4 Harvard Brewery. S 25i 2*4 2*4 Hazeltine C b75c - 1 1654 16*4 1654 Hecla Min (b20c). 6 20 19** 19** Hevden Ch * t2) 2 42 41*4 42 Hollinger (t65c).. 1 134 1354 1354 Hudson BM&S (1) 5 364 86)4 364 Humble 011 (1%). 1 82 4 82 4 824 Hygrade Food 3 44 44 44 111 Pwr* Lt $6 pf 100 . 814 61 614 Imp Oil Ltd t60c 10 234 23 234 Indiana PL(b30c) 1 1854 13*4 13*4 Ins Co of No A t2. 100. 67 6654 6«», Inti Cigar MTJ 1 264 254 254 inti Hy El S CV pf 7 36*4 86 36 Int H E Sep A war 1 154 14 154 Inti Petr (t 154)-- « 36*4 364 36*4 Inti Produets_ 12 74 7 74 Inti Dtli (B)_ 12 2 2 Inti Vitamln(50c) 8 6 6 8 Interst PfDel )pf 70. 15 14 14 Inv Royalty (t6c) 9 4 4 4 Jacobs(FL)Co(l) 1 164 164 164 JersCen P&L pf « 10. 87 87 87 Jer Cent P&L pf 7 10. 964 964 964 Jones&Laugh Stl 2 116 116 116 Julian & Ko (1%). 25. 27*4 274 274 Kingston Prod 40o 1 64 64 64 Kirby Petrol (20c) 7 '84 84 84 Kirkland LG (6c) 1 14 154 14 Kreuger Brew tl. 1 164 164 1654 Lakev Fy & Mach. 1 6*4 6*4 654 Leh Coal &N 30c- 6 94 94 94 Leonard Oil _ 1 14 14 14 Lion Oil Ref (1)— 6 244 234 244 Locke Stl Ch t80c. » 174 164 174 Lockheed Aircraft 8 184 184 134 Lone Star Gas 80c 2 11 11 11 Loudon Packing_ 1 44 44 44 La Land (40c) - 10 1254 .124 124 Lucky Tiger tl2c. 7 14 14 14 Lynch Corp (t2)_. 2 404 6° McWilliams D <72 7 84 32 33(4 Majestic Ra&Tel. * 4(4 4(4 4(4 Maas Util Assocla. 1 3(4 3)', 3(4 Massey Harris ... 4 14(4 14’4 14(4 Master Elec (1)_ 1 25(4 25*4 25(4 Merritt Chap *8 6 8(4 8(4 8(4 Merritt C & 8 pf A BO. 66(4 66 66(4 Mesabl Iron_ 16 1(4 K4 1(4 Mex-Ohio Oil_ 1 2(4 2(4 2(4 Mich Bumper C . 4 3 2(4 3 Mich SUTP b2Sc. 2 14(4 14(4 14(4 Mich Sugar _ 8 1(4 1(4 1(4 Mich Sugar pf_ 17 7 7 Mid Sta Pet (A)._ 4 6(4 5(4 5(4 Midwest Oil (tl)_. 2 12 12 12 Mock Judson 60c- 2 14(4 14(4 14(4 Molybdenum Corp 11 10(4 10 10(4 Monroe LS(A)32c 1 8(4 8(4 3(4 Mont Ward A (7). 60. 142(4 142(4 142(4 Moore Diet (t60c) 1 6(4 544 5(4 Mount Prod (60c). 7 6(4 6(4 6(4 Nat Bella Hess... 9 2(4 2(4 2(4 Nat Contain a60e. 1 12 12 12 Nat Fuel Gas (1). 1 16(4 16(4 16(4 Nat Gyps A a2(4_. 1 77 77 77 Nat Leather .. 8 1(4 1(4 1(4 Nat Mfg A Stores. 1 9(4 9(4 9(4 Nat Oil Prod t60o 1 40(4 40(4 40V, Nat Rub Mch a20o 12 18(4 18(4 18>4 Nat Service - 6 Ji \ (4 Nat Service pf- 16 6 6 Nat Suaar N J (2) 1 27(4 27(4 27(4 Nat Trffcslt (76c). 1 10(4 10(4 10(4 Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close. Nat Union Radio. 2 3 3 3 Navarro Oil Co __ 2 28 23 28 Nev-Cal El pf (7). 25. 85 85 85 N E Tel&Tel bl%. 30. 132 130 130 New Jer Zinc ( + 2) 400. 89 87 88 New M&A Ld ale 18 3 3 Newmont Min b75« 1 125 125 125 N Y Merch (80c) . 1 13!* 33'* 13!* Niag Hud Pwr naw 15 135* 13 13 Nlag Hud 1st (5) 125. 91 91 91 Niles Bm Pnd b50o 2 46** 45!* 465* Niplsslng (50c).. 1 2?* 25* 25* North AmUP pf 160. 58 58 58 No Am Ray A b50o 6 485* 485* 485* No Cen Tex O al5o 1 6V* 5'* 5'* North’n Europ 011 8 5* 5* 5* Northwest En b50c 3 32!* 31 81 Novadel Agene(2) 1 82H 82)* 32)* Ohio Brass B (tl) 12'« fO 60 60 Ohio Pwr pf (6)._. 10. 110)* 110!* 110)* Okla Nat GasCo_. 2 12 lit* lit* Oldetyme Distil— 7 6 4)* 6 PaoG&E 1st <15i> 3 2954 2954 2954 Pac Tin spec < 12). 60. 4'54 46*4 46*4 Pan-Am Air (tl)_ 4 6G 65'4 66 Pantenec 011 28 6*4 6*4 6*4 PeninsularTel 1.60 60« 8654 30*4 30*4 Pennroad <a2 6c> 7 474 454 474 Penn C RAP pf (0) 60a 6!.'*' 69)4 695-4 Penna PAR pf (7) 140. 108), 108*4 108*4 renna Salt (b 1 *4 ) 160a 170 167 169 Penn Wat & P (4). 1 81 81 81 Phoenix Secur 8 10 10 10 Pierce Gov (bl5c) 8 32 31*4 82 Pines Wlntr^un) 1 1 3*4 354 3*4 Pioneer Gold blOc. 1 654 66, 554 Plttsbgh Forging 14 26 26)4 2654 Pitts Plate G (bl) 1131 131 131 Plough Inc <1.20). 1 16*4 16*4 16*4 Potrcro Sugar . 1 354 354 354 Powdrell&Al t60c 7 11*4 11*4 1154 Premier Gold »12o 5 3*4 31* 3* 4 Producers Corp_ 12 .’4 7* 74 Pub Svc Ind pf .. 90i 36 85 35 Pug Sd PAL $6 pf. 25. 89*4 35*4 39*4 Quaker Oats pf (6) 10. 135 135 135 Ry A Lt Sec al.56. 26. 23 23 28 Reiter-Foster _ 3 154 154 1*4 Reynolds Invest_ 1 2'4 214 2'* Rlchm'd P.adlatnr. 2 654 65, 614 Root Petrolm(l)_. 13 8 77* 7*4 Rustless ir&Stl_ 2 1454 14'4 11*4 Ryan Consolld'd_ 8 654 6 6*4 St Anthony Gold.. 1 ’4 5-4 14 St Regis Faper_ 69 97e ! 74 ‘ Savov Oil__ 3 35-4 8 3 Schlff (The)Co* t3) 1 40'4 40i* 40>4 ScoviU Mfg (b50c) 60. 515, 611, 6H, Segal Rock A H ... 1 3'* 3’*-* 31* Selberling Rubber 10 91 ■ 8:i 9 Selected Indus 8 354 IH 254 Sel Ind all cfs 654 250. 102H 101*4 102'i Sel Ind pr pf (5 54)450. 99 98;i 99 Sent Saf Control.. 2 *4 ** ’* Seversky Aircraft 18 5:4 5'* 5** Shattuck Den Min 4 217, 21*, 21*4 Shawin WAP 80c 1 28 2H 28 j Singer Mfg (»6>.. 10. 310 310 310 Solar Mfg (a40c)_ 16 6 6 Sonotone C (aloe) 17 1*4 1*4 1!* 1 Soss Mfg <a25c). 1 75, 7', 754 So Cal Ed pf C 1 % 2 26:4 26:* 26-* Soulhn Union Gas 2 3’* .3** 3s* Spen Chain St 60o 2 10** 105, 1'■** Stand Dredging.. 8 47, 4'* 4** IStandDrcvpf . 60. 17*4 1774 l"'s Stand Oil Ky (tl) 7 20*4 20 20 1 Stand Oil Neb h25c 1 1-3*4 13*« 1354 Stand Pwr A Rt 3 5 474 5 Stand SIlARd i«c) 24 *4 54 54 : Stand Tube (B)__. 1 754 7 54 7 54 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes Business Apartments Properties Terms from 3 to 1 5 years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall h. Hagxer & Company INCORPORATED Mortgagf. Loan CoRHKsnoADrvT f/'/r t/wrus 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 Property Management Automobile Insurance \j>TW I c ntmri i -KnB.1 ' Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance APARTMENT AND HOUSE MANAGEMENT Our Property Management De partment has charge of some of the largest apartment houses in Washington, as well as those of smaller size—and also innumer able residential properties. Ask about our service. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE 925 15th St. N.W. McPher]Tsquare National 2100 Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on improved or to be improved real estate— as low as including interest and curtail. . ■ No commis sions . . No renewal fees. Let us help you solve youi problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION llth & E STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Largest In Washington—Assets Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A. CUSTIS EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman of The Board President Secretary * A PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one of the leaders in the entire United States. PERPETUAL has over 55,000 bor rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL'S Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup plemented by special C.P.A. audits as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year, totaling over $12,000 000 for the year. Slock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlah. Low Close. Sterl Alum Pa 76c 4 11)4 10)4 ll'i Sterl’g Brew a75c 6 7)4 7)4 7)4 Stetson(JB)b50c. 100i 23)4 231* 2314 Stutz Motor 611 ), "4 Sunray Gl! (alOc) 20 434 434 4'i Sunt’yOcupf 2V* 1 49 49 49 Sunshine Min (S) 2 19)4 19)4 19M< Swlss-Am illecDt 60« 113)4 117)4 11?)4 Taylor Dlst (30c). 1 434 4 34 4»4 Technicolor a50e. 6 21 20*4 20)4 Tech Hushes t40c 4 6)4 634 6's Texon Oil & L 60c 1 6)4 6)4 6)4 Thew Shovel a50c 175t 64 *3 64 Tob Prod Exd 15c 3 3)4 3)4 3’4 Todd Shlpyd (t2). 200« 64'4 64)* 64 * Tonopah M (a6c)_ 1 134 134 i'j Tr-Dux DPS t20o_ 1 434 434 4 , Transwest Oil Co.. 2 13)4 13)* 13* Tublze Chatllllon. 1 27)4 27)4 27 j Un G of Can a85c_ 8 UK 1414 14>< Unit Chemical_ 1 9K 9K UnltG&sCorp 21 11K 11H 11H United G C pf bl% 2 114K H4K 114G Unit Ut & Pw (A). 2 7K 7K V,\ IJnttLt&Pwpf_ 2 66 64 K 54'j Unit Shlpyds B.._ 1 SK SK 8"., U S Foil <B> (1) — 1 16K 16K l«'i U S Lines pf . 3 4K 4 4V, US Play Cards tl 66« W 29 29 U S Radiator_ 2 14 18K 13J, U S Rub Reclaim.. 1 10 10 10 U S Stores_ 1 K K 9 U S Stores 1st pf.. 80« 8 K 814 89 Unit Verde Er (1) * SK SK 39 Unit Wall Paper ST H 6 69 Utilities P & L <d) 7 % K "i Util P&L B (<J)_1 RK 3K 89 Utility Euulttes 1 5>H RK RV Utility Eq pf b4 K 26. 82 82 82 Utilities lndust'1. 1 IK IK 1’, Valspar vtc_ 1 7H 714 7V Venezuela Mex O. 1 6 6 6 Walt & Bond (B). 2 IK IK 1’ Wayne Purnp (50o 2 43K 43K 439 Wentworth Manuf 4 7K 7K 79 W Va Coal & Coke 26 6K 5H f Westn A E <a25c) 1 11 11 11 West Ao Sup A 44 3C» 49 88 89 Westn Md pf (a7) JCt 111 111 111 Will Oil-O-M af.Oo l «K 89 Wi!3on Jon a" 94 1 51 61 61 Wright Hare t40o 7 7K 7K 7' i'gstn Stl Door(2> 2 76K 75K 769 D.vldcnd rates In dollar.', based or !a> quarterly or .semi-annual payment. *An r.ual ...‘.’—not including extras {Ac. cumulated dividends a Paid last vear b Paid thi s vear d Companies reported ai being In bankruptcy or in receivership, ni being reorganized under the bankrupt am or securities assumed by such com panics. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK April :? P—New York S”* curity Dealers' Association: Bid. Asked Bank of Manhattan (l*/a) - «i5 Bankers’ Trust (2) _ 77 7i* On Han Bk & Tr «4>_1.15*2 1M* > Chase National <J.40> _ 5712 5f« ; Chem Bk A Tr (1.80) _. h8’2 7<> i Commercial (8) _214 Cont B.< <v Tr (.80) _ 19’.4 -,|li Corn Ex Bk A* T Ci) _ »*7 *’.* Empire Tr < 1) - -T.’ First Nat <Bos» (2) _ 5h>2 5*4 Farsi Natl Odd' _ 2455 24»5 Guaranty Tr (12) _ 3*;* ;17:; Irving Tr < .HO) _ 17 18 Manufacturers’ Tr (2* 57* 2 5!* j Manufacturers Tr pf (2) - 51>2 5.r } National City (1) _ 521 ^ 54 i Neu York Trust (5) 14 i'2 14h’j Public M12 • . 50*2 52,j Title GAT15’ 4 !*■ 5