Newspaper Page Text
Dratlia. BENJAMIN. JOHN. Suddenly, on Thurs day. April !. 1,0.47. JOHN BENJAMIN of "HS Newport place n.w.. the beloved husband of Rosetta H. Beniamin and brother of Andrew H. Benjamin. Mrs. Mary Southerland and Mrs Ollie Stone cf Hampton. Va.. and James Beniamin, Mrs Mattie Jones and Mrs. Louise Hart of New York. He is also survived by other relatives and many friends. Re mains resting at his late residence after « P.m. Friday April Short services will he h'dd Saturday. April 4. at 4 r m., at his late home. Funeral in Hampton. Va . on Sunday, April 4. Relatives and friends invited. Arrangements by Mc Guire. o BLAND. GEORGE W. Departed this life on Friday. April 4. 1041 at 14:4.4 at his residence, Merrifield. Va . GEORGE \\ . BLAND, the devoted husband ot Sarah Bland. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife, one sister. Mrs. M B. Tur ner: one brother. Henry Blard. other relatives and friends Funeral service ai the First Baptist Church Merrifield. Va. April 4 at 4 o'clock p.m.. Rev. R. F Carter in charge. Friends are in vited. 3* BROOKS. ZOLLIE CARLTON. JR On Fridav. April 4. 1!»47. at the Gallinger Hospital ZOLLIE CARLTON BROOKS. Jr . devoted son of Mr. and Mrs. Zollie Brooks, rievo'ed husband of Lottie E. Lane Brook-, brother ot James Johnnie M Elsha R. William H and Robert Bernard Brooks. Remains resting at Frazier's tuneral home. 4Si» R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 4 BROWN. HYMAN. On Friday. April *2. 1 !»47. at Sinai Hospital, in Baltimore Md HYMAN BROWN, beloved husband of Bertha Rome Brown of Bladensburg. Md. Services at Jnck Lewis' home. *2 loo Futaw place Baltimore. Md.. on Sunday. April 4. at 1 pm. Interment Mikro Kodesh Herring Run Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 4 BROWN. MILDRED. On Thursday. April 1 HKG. at 4 p.m at her residence. 1440 4rd st n.w MILDRED BROWN, devoted mother of Lettie Catlett. Nel son and Frank Brown. She also leaves twelve grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren. other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. EmeM Jarvis funeral church 1444 You st. n.w.. until 14 noon Sunday. April 4 thereafter at her late residence. Fu neral Monday. April 4. at 1 p.m.. from Mount Bethel Baptist Chut eh. ‘2nd and V sts. n.w.. Rev K W Roy officiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. 4 CASSIDY. JOSEPH P. On Friday April 1047. at Mount Alto Hospital. JOSEPH P. CASSIDY, the beloved hus band ot the late Anna M. Cassidy and father of James Cassidy. Funeral from his late residence. 14ns I st. n.e.. on Tuesday. April at s.4u thence to Holy Name Catholic Church. 11th and K sts. n.e.. where requiem mass will be offered at !> a in. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Services by w. \V. Chambers Co. COBURN. JENNIE A. On Friday, April 4. I JENNIE A COBURN w idow oi the late Turley Coburn. Mass will be said at St Ann's Church. 44nn Wiscon sin ave. n.w . on Monday. April 4, at Id am followed by interment m Rock. Creek Cemetery. 4* DYSON. MARY C. On Wednesday. March 3J. 1937. at her residence. Seat Pleas ant. Md.. MARY C. DYSON, mother of Mary E. Ridgely. She also leaves a son-in-law, eleven grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 3<> H st. n.e. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at 1 p m., from Ridgley's chapel. Seat Pleas ant. Md. FLACK. ELIZABETH J. On Saturday. April 3. 1937. at 7 a m at her residence. 4*128 Watkins ave.. Bethesda. Md.. ELIZ ABETH J. FLACK, widow of the late Jos eph Flack. Remains resting at William Reuben Pumphrey's funeral parlors. 7oo5 Wis. ave.. Bethesda. Md. Notice of funeral later. 4 VTRK. ANNIE BELL. On Wednesday. March 31. 193.7. at Freed men's Hospital. ANNIE BELL FURR, beloved wife of Daniel Furr She aLo leaves one sister, eight brothers and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye s*s. s.w until 4 p.m. Friday April 2. and thereafter at the residence of Mrs. Mattie Thomas. Purcellville. Va Funeral at 1 pm. Sunday. April 4, from the Grace M. E Church Lincoln Va. In terment in church cemetery. 4 CATCHEL. THEODORE L. Suddenly on Thursday April 1. 193 7. THEODORE L. GATCHEL. husband of the late M. Louise Gatchel and father of Edna L. Gatchel and Theodore D. Gatchel. Funeral from his late residence. 2812 34th st. n.w.. on Saturday. April 3. at 3 pm. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 3 BARRls. JOHN MtCil'IRE. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. a; Gallinger Hospital. JOHN McGUIRE HARRIS, son of the late John and Margaret Harris, brother of Mrs. Florine Winters. Remains rest ing at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Monday. April 5. at 1 1 a.m . from the above-mentioned par lors. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 4 BEN SHAW. MARIE E. On Saturday. April 3. 1937. at Garfield Hospital. MARIE E. HENSHAW. widow of the late William P Henshaw and mother of Mrs. Mane McLean. Dawson and Mrs. Leslie Hen shaw Hinkel. She is also survived by three grandchildren. Mr. John H. Mc Lean. Marylin Tod Hinkel and John Porter Hinkel of Washington. D. C. Fu neral services at her late residence. 1408 4 1th st. li e.. Monday. April 5. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 4 HOLLAND. WILLIE. On Wednesday. March 31. J 937. a' the District Train ing School. WILLIE HOLLAND. He is survived by a devoted father and mother. Cornelius O. and Mary Holland, a sis ter. Ruth Holland: two brothers. Joseph and James Holland; also other relatives and friends. Funeral Saturday April 3. at 1 p.m.. from Mahan & Schey's funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Interment Lincoln Cemetery. JAHN. ALFRED. On Friday. April 2. 1937. at his residence. 3332 Glebe road. Arlington. Va.. ALFRED JAHN. husband of Margare* V Jahn and father of Agnes J. Conradi and Alfred Jahn. :r. Services a- the above address on Sun day April 4 at 3 p.m. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Brooklyn, N. Y„ on Monday. April 5. JEFFERSON. HENRIETTA. Departed this life on Monday. Maroh 29 1937. at ihe residence 1195 Que at. n.w.. HENRI ETTA JEFFERSON. She leaves to mourn their loss a host of friends. Remains resting at R. N Horton Co.. J234 4th st. n.w. Funeral Sunday. April 4 at 8 p.m., from the Mount Airy Baptist Church. Rev. E K. Tyler officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. BID WELL. MARY ELLEtN. Suddenly, on Friday. April 2. 1937. at her residence. 1 OH Madison st n.w.. MARY ELLEN KID WELL. beloved sister of Ida M.. Rosa L. and John T. Kid well. Services at the f> H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st rt w . Tuesday. April o at J p m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment (private) Fairfax. Va. Kindly omit flowers. 5 King, mary katherine. on April i. 1937. at her residence. Annapolis Junction Md MARY KATHERINE KING Funeral from the above address on April 4 at 9 a.m. Interment Rose Hill Cemetery. Hagerstown. Md. 3 KNIGHT. MARY LIZZY. On Thursday. April 1 1937. a' Garfield Hospital. MARY LIZZY KNIGHT of 224 Flor ida ave n.w.. beloved wife of Sam uel Knight, devoted mother of Lo renzo Knight. Remains resting at Fra zier s funeral home. 389 R I. ave. n.w, , Funeral Sunday. April 4. at I :3m p.m.. from the above-mentioned parlor. In terment Tennele. Ga. 3 lANSDALE. JAMES STRAIN. On Friday. April 2. 1937. at Montgomery County General Hospital. JAMES STRAIN, eldest *on of the late Thomas Franklin and Eliza Wimberly Lansdale. Body resting at Warner E. Pumphrey's funeral home, 8424 Georgia ave . Silver Spring. Md. Services at All Hallows’ Chapel. David fionville. Md . on Sunday. April 4. at 3;3o p.m. Interment church cemetery. 4 tALDERBOl GH. ELIZABETH M. On Fri day. April 2. 1937. at her residence. 3435 14th st. n.w.. ELIZABETH M. LAUDERBOUGH. beloved daughter of the late Christian ana Mary J. Lauder bough. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday April 3. a: 8 p.m. Interment Pittsburgh. Pa. (Pittsburgh papers please copy.) 3 LIVINGSTON. DOCTOR. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at Garfield Hospital, after a brief illness. DOCTOR LIVING STON. the beloved husband of Solime Livingston of 5538 Jay st. n.e. He also leaves seven daughters, three sons, lour brothers, five sisters and many other relatives and friends to mourn their ■* loss. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington & Sons’ funeral home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e. Funeral Sunday. April 4 at 1:30 p.m.. from Tabernacle Bap tist Church. Division ave. and Gay st. be. Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Monday. April 5. 3* g—— _FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK. Manager) Phone West nnhrt-inid M St N W Established 1841 tvl g• ” • Frank Geier’s Sons Co. i 113 Seventh St. N.W N Atinnal 2471 Modern Chapel Tel HnuOuM J V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W. E. Speare establishment. RAtlonalDe2892 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 5200 Chamber^ One of the Largest Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROi). CO. Floral Piecwa 1212 F St N W_NAtlonai 4276 GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0106 and Sundays Corp|4th Gr fye | LEWIS. MARY. On Friday. April 0. 1937. at her residence. 90 Fenton at. n.e.. MARY LEWIS. Remains resting at Fra zier’s funeral home. 989 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. •> MARCUS. CECIL F. On Thursday. April 1 1997. in Frederick County. Md.. CECIL F. MARCUS, beloved fon of the late Bertie Trenary and John C. Mar cus of Arlington. Va. Besides his father he is survived by four brothers. William M. Marcus of Beltsville. Md.: Jim Marcus of Ashburn Va.. Single ton Marcus, also of Beltsville. Md.. and John Marcus of Arlington. Va.. and five sisters. Mrs T C. Furr of Arlington, Va.: Mrs. R. C. Hindman of Purcell ville. Va.: Mrs. V. V. Jenkins of Taney town. Md.: Miss Dora and Miss Dorothy Marcus, both of Arlington, Va. Re mains resting at the Ives funeral home, s-47 Wilson blvd. Arlington. Va.. until 1*2:90 p.m Sunday April 4: thence to the Presbyterian Church at Ashburn. Va.. where funeral services will be held at ~ p.m. Interment church cemetery. 4 MoLEAN. MARIE HENSIIAW. On Thurs day April 1. 1937. at Sibley Hospital. MARIE HENSHAW McLEAN aged years, beloved daughter of Mrs. Marie McLean Dawson, granddaughter of Mrs. Marie E Henslmw and sister of John H. McLean Funeral services at her late residence 1408 44th st. n r., on Sat urday April 9. at p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery 3 MEYER. PHYLLIS R. On Saturday. April 3 1947. at Childrens Hospital. PHYL LIS R MEYER the beloved daughter of Richard and Phyllis Meyer Funeral services at the W. W Chambers Co.'s Southeast- funeral home. 517 11th st. se. on Monday April 5. at 10:90 am. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 4 MORAN. GEORGE W. On Friday. April *2. 1997. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. GEORGE W. MORAN, aued 93 years, the beloved son of Louis and the late Mollie Moran and father of Eleanor Moran. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. suburban funeral home. 918 Cleve land ave Riverdale. Md on Tuesday. April 0. at 10:90 a m. Relatives and friends invited. 5 NEWMAN. WILLIAM R. On Thursday, April L. 1997. at his home. 79*2 Whit tier st. n.w. WILLIAM B. husband of Sarah Ellison Newman. Body resting at Warner E. Pumphrey's funeral home. 84*24 Georgia ave. Silver Spring. Md. Notice of services later. 9 PEARSON. CATHERINE M. On Friday, April *.’. 1937. at Mount Essex Hospital. | Verona. N J. CATHERINE M. PEAR SON beloved sister of Frank Pearson of 701 Quincy st. n.w. Remains resting i at the S H Hines Co funeral home. *2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. PETERSON. MART ( KAIGHEAD. On Fri day. April 3. 19.5 7. at her residence, ILil Chapin st n.w. MARY CRMG HEAD PETERSON beloved mother of Blanche Radelfinger McKaw Funeral services (private) a'. the S. H Hines Co funeral home 3901 Mth st. n.w.. on j Monday April 5. at In am. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. 4 PORTER. MINNIE. Departed this life Thursday. April 1. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital MINNIE PORTER, beloved wife of James Porter and mother of Christine Hawkins. Amelia Smith Elinor Porter. James Davis. She also leaves to mourn their loss one sister. Virginia Waters, and several other relatives and friends. Remains resting ai Eugene Ford's fu neral home. 1300 South Capitol st . until 4 p.m. Sunday. April -4. then to her late residence 603 L st. s.e. Funeral 1 :3o p.m. Monday from Ebenezer Metho dist Church. 4th and D sts s e . Rev. F. F. King officiating. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. 4 PORTER, MINNIE The officers and mem bers of the District Grand Lodge No. 3. N G. U. O of Chaldeans, are hereby notified of the death of Sister MINNIE PORTER Call meeting Saturday April 3 1937. at N p.m Fishermans Temple. BRO WILLIAM BRENT D G Master. THELMA BARNES. G. F. Secretary. • PROC TOR. EMILY C ATHERINE. Sudden ly. on Fridav April 3. 1937 at her resi dence. 7 33 North Washington st.. Alex andria. Va.. EMILY CATHERINE PROC TOR 'nee Thompson), aged 66 years, widow of the late John L. Proctor: mother of Mrs. Frank Balleneer. Garner and George Proctor and Mrs Virginia Wooldridge. Funeral services at her late residence on Monday. April 5. at 3 p.m. Interment Bethel Cemetery. ROGERS. C ATHERINE. On Friday April 3. 19.: 7'. at Emergency Hospital. CATH ERINE ROGERS beloved wife of the late Arthur M. Rogers and mother of Arthur C. Rogers of Trenton N J . and Mrs. Katherine Estes of Washing ton. D C. and Henry J. Rogers of Baltimore Md Funeral from SafTell's funeral home. 475 H st. n.w. on Mon day. April 5. ar 9 a m Requiem mass at St. Patricks Church at 9:30 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 4 ! SFAHROOKS. KATIE G. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. KATIE G. SEABROOKS cousin of Harry. Robert. Nora. Charlie. Rosa. George and Milton Barns: the aunt of Roland Barns. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 3S9 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Mon day. April 5. at 9 30 a m.. from the above mentioned parlors: thence to St. Augus tine s Catholic Church where mass will be offered at 10 am for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. 4 SCHNEIDER. ANN SHELDON. On Fri day. April 3. 1937. at Children's Hos pital ANN SHELDON SCHNEIDER the beloved daughter of Clifford and Evelyn Schneider. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. suburban funeral home. 91 s Cleveland ave Riverdale. Md until 3 pm Sunday April 4. thence to Holy Trinity Church. Defense Highway. Md . where services will be held. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment in church cemetery. 4 SEELY. ROBERT ERNEST. On Thursday April 1. 193 7. ROBERT ERNEST SEELY of 135 Carroll ave. Takoina Park. Md. beloved husband of Carolyn Seely and beloved father of Grace E S**ely. Mrs Gladys Paulson and Mrs Maybelle Gar riss. Remains resting at the S. II Hines Co. funeral home 3901 Mth st. n.w.. until 13 noon Sunday Funeral services at Seventh-day Adventist Church. Car roll and Willow aves.. Takoma Park. Md.. on Sunday. April 4. at 3 pm. In terment Addison Chapel. Md. 3 SHEPHERD. WILLIAM FREDERICK. Sud denly on Thursday April 1. 1937. at his residence 1504 Southern ave. Brad bury Heights s e . WILLIAM FREDERICK, beloved husband of Ida Shepherd Fu neral from H. M Padgett's funeral home. 131 11th st s.e.. on Sunday. April 4. at 3 p m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Forestville. Md. 4 SHEPHERD. WILLIAM FREDERICK. Mem bers of Logan Tribe. No. 8. I. O R. M are requested to assemble at Red Men's Hall. 713 D st. n.w.. at 8 o'clock pm. Saturday April 3. 1937. to make ar rangements for the funeral of our late brother. WILLIAM FREDERICK SHEP HERD HERMAN LOWERY Sachem. WALTER A. JONES. Chief of Records. SMITH. MISSOURI SHANKLIN. On Thursday April J. 1937. at her resi dence. 501 Wilkes st.. Alexandria, Va.. MISSOURI SHANKLIN SMITH, the be loved wile of John Logan Smith She leaves other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Remains at the Lewis funeral home. Columbia and Wolfe sts., Alexandria Va. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at 1:30 pm., from Zion Baptist Church. Rev R. D. Botts officia*ing Interment Douglas Cemetery, 1:30 o'clock Monday. • STAFFORD. SUSANNA. Departed this life on Thursday April J. 193 7 at her resi dence. 1530 3rd st. n.w.. after a linger ing illness. Mrs. SUSANNA STAFFORD She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband Robert Lee Stafford of Car thage. N C : six sons, six daughters, four brothers. three sisters fifteen grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Smiths funeral home. 1135 39th st. n.w.. until Monday. April 5. at 3 pm.‘ thence to Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church. 2nd and S sts n.w.. where funeral services will be held. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. THOMAS. IDA. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at her residence. East. Woodford. Va.. IDA THOMAS, devoted mother of Emma Catherine and William Thomas and Amanda Johnson: devoted sister of Annie Brooks and Oden Allen, sr.; aunt ol Oden Allen, ir. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at 3 p.m.. from the New Bethel Baptist Church. 9th and S sts. n.w., Rev. William D. Jarvis officiating. In terment East Woodford. Va 3 TURNER. THELMA FAULK. On Wednes day. March .31. 1937. at 5 p.m., at her home. Kensington. Md., THELMA FAULK TURNER, beloved wife of Floyd L. Turner. Funeral services at Flower Hill Church. Redland Md.. on Sunday April 4. at 3 p m. Interment church cemetery. 3 WAGNER. ANNA. O.i Friday. April S 1017. ANNA WAGNER, the beloved wife of the late Christian Wagner. Funeral from her late residence 1105 Florida ave. li e., on Monday. April 5. at :i D m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 4 WALLACE. ESTHER. Departed this life March .'(L. J1I17. in Gallinger Hospital ESTHER WALLACE She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. Dallas Wallace: other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L E. Murray & Son. Funeral Monday. April 5. at 1 p m. from the Metropolitan Baptist Church. Interment in Payne's Cemetery. Rev. E. C. Smith officiating, n WATSON. NAPOLEON. On Thursday, April 1. 1017. at his residence. Joplin. Va.. NAPOLEON WATSON, aged H7 beloved husband of the late Anna Watson. Remains resting at Hall's funeral home. Occoquan. Va. Funeral services Sunday April 4. at 1 p.m at Bellhaven Baptist Church, near Joplin, Va.. conducted by Rev. J Murray Tavlor. Interment Jones’ Cemetery, near Inde pendent Hill. Va. 4 WIGFALL. LUCRE TIA. On Saturday, April 1. 1017. at her residence. i'JlS 1st st. S.W.. LUCRETIA WIGFALL devoted mother of Mrs. Bessie Malone Mrs. Suddie Hartley. Mrs. Inez Barnes. Mrs. Annie Edwards. Mrs. Julia Robinson Mamie Michael Andrews and John Wig fall. She also leaves one brother Mi chael Benjamine: other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines’ funeral chapel, Ird and Eye sts. s.w Notice of funeral later. 4 WILLIAMS. WILLIE. Columbia Lodge. No. 85. I. B P. O. E. of W.. are hereby notified of the funeral of Brother WIL LIE WILLIAMS, from Elks' Home. 101 R I. ave n.w , on Sunday. April 4. 1017. at " p.m. HARRISON C. SMITH. Exalted Ruler. LEE CAMPBELL. Secretary. WILLIAMS. WILLIE. Departed this life suddenly, on Wednesday, March 11 11*17 WILLIE WILLIAMS. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Estell Williams: brother. Frank Williams: sis ters Betty Wator and Lillie Seder: six nieces. Remains resting at Ruth Dab ney &• Co funeral home 451 O st. n.w. Funeral Sunday. ApJU 4. at 1 o'clock, from Elks' Home. 10EF I. ave.. Colum bia Lodge. No. 85. I. it. P. O. E. of W. 4 LABOR TO DISK VIRGINIA TROUBLES Federation Leaders Meet in Richmond Today. 12,000 Miners Out. By the Associated Press. Members of the. Executive Board of the Virginia Federation of Labor gathered in Richmond today to dis cuss pertinent labor questions in the State and consider proposed legisla tion to be placed before the 1938 ses sion of the General Assembly. In the mining districts about 12,000 miners stayed away Irom the shafts, unaffected by the agreement which ended the one-day shut-down in the soft coal industry. Negotiations in the Textile strike at the Covington plant of the Indus trial Rayon Corp. were stalemated. Judge John L. Connors, Federal con ciliator, said he did not expect ne gotiations to get under way for a week or 10 days. About 1.300 workers have been idle since the start of the strike five days ago. Activities of C. I. O. W. D. Anderson, legislative chair ! man of the Virginia Federation of i Labor, said among'other things, the I activities of the C. I. O. would be dis cussed at the board's meeting in Richmond today. The Virginia federation voted to co-operate with the C. I. O. at its an I nual convention in Covington nearly ! a year ago. Anderson recently requested Gov. George C. Peery to investigate activ ities of “special officers' in the coal 1 mining areas of Dickenson County. The Governor advised Anderson to direct his complaints to the courts which appointed the special officers. Anderson said the question would be discussed at today's meeting, as well as plans {or the State convention which will be held in Lynchburg next month. Shutdown to Continue. The mine shutdown, which began yesterday, will continue in Virginia, Southern Appalachian. Harlan County and Hazard, Ky.. districts, Philip Murray, United Mine Workers’ vice president, said following a meeting in New York yesterday. Spokesmen for Virginia and Hazard, : Ky.. said they had not signed the new ! contract because of competition be j tween their districts and the South | ern Applachian district in Tennessee. The “proper relation” between the Appalachian and Southern Appala chian scales appeared to be the crux of the situation in the Southwest Vir ginia and Eastern Kentucky coal fields. Officials of the local union were ex pected back from New York during ' the week end. However, observers at Norton expressed doubt an amicable i agreement could be reached and the I miners ordered back to the pits until j after Monday. -• MUSEUM CURATOR’S I FATHER SUCCUMBS Dr. Walter Chapin Was Inspector of Health in Springfield Schools 25 Years. Dr. Walter Chapin. 78. prominent re tired physician and father of Dr. Ed ward A. Chapin, curator of insects at the National Museum, died yesterday ' at his home in Springfield. Mass., ac J cording to word received here. He had | been ill about two months. Dr. Chapin, a graduate of Yale and i Columbia Universities, had practiced | many years in Springfield. For 25 j years, he was health inspector of j schools there and head of the medical j staff of the Springfield Hospital. Besides his son, who lives in East Falls Church, Va., his widow, Mrs. Lucy Chapin, and a daughter. Miss I Hazel H. Chapin of Northampton, ; Mass., also servive. Funeral services are to be held Mon day afternoon in Springfield. Messersmith Sails for TJ. S. VIENNA, April 3 OP).—The United States Minister to Austria, peorge S. i Messersmith, departed for America to ; day to visit his mother in Fleetwood, ; Pa . and to confer with the State De partment in Washington. In iHrmnriam. BARBOUR. CHARLES E. In memorv of my dear husband CHARLES E BAR BOUR. who passed away one year ago, March 24, 1936. May his soul rest In peace. HIS LOVING WIFE. MARY BARBOUR. • CANOLL. LUCY. In loving memory of our dear mother. LUCY CANOLL. who went to rest two years ago today. April 3. 3 035. Our hearts cannot tell how we miss you. Our lips do not know what to say; Only God knows how we miss you In our lonely home today. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. EVA AND LENA. • FOREMAN. KATE L. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our be loved wife and mother. KATE L. TORE MAN. who passed away one year ago today. April 3. 3 936. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear: Thoughts return to scenes long past. Time rolls on. but memory lasts. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND DAUGHTER. JOHN I FOREMAN AND MRS. ANITA F LE MON • HENDERSON. LYDIA. In remembrance of my devoted mother. LYDIA HENDER SON. whr parted this life five years ago today. April 3. 1932. * Gone never to be forgotten. HER DAUGHTER. MRS. ISABELLA YOUNG. JANEY. MARGARET SERENA. Sacred to the memory of our dear mother, grand mother and sister. MARGARET SERENA JANEY who departed this life four years ago today. April 8. 1938. A mother who gave the best of her life. Who cherished our secrets, sorrows and strife: Always with us. always with us. Words of cheer and words of love; Thus the risen Savior whispers From his dwelling place above. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTERS GRAND SON AND SISTERS. INEZ AND EDNA. EDMONIA. CLARA AND GEORGE. • JOHNSON. JENNIE V. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. JEN NIE V. JOHNSON, who passed away two years ago today. April 3. 1935. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. WINNIE AND QUEENIE. * SKINNER. CHAUNCEY EDGAR. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear son and brother. CHAUNCEY EDGAR SKIN NER. who departed this life three years ago today. April 3. 1934. Today recalls a memory Of a loved one laid to rest: And those who think of him today Are the ones who loved him best. HIS DEVOTED MOTHER. MARY E. SKIN- ! NER: SISTERS AND BROTHERS. * TALIAFERRO. LESLIE. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear husband and our brother. LESLIE TALIAFERRO, who departed this life two years ago today. April 3. 1935. Just when life was sweetest. And he could have lived his best. The sweet voice of Jesus called him To eternal rest. __ HIS WIFE. SISTTER AND BROTHERS. * (eda,r Hill ‘U’mliuujtbiu mat Bemtij^if (emetery Omiannlt. M>u>Anm. Columb»rini» ■ n4 R«Ml/Ar ViDltl. CAPITAL’S RADIO PROGRAMS TODAY’S PROGRAM April 3, 1937. P.M.I WRC 950k | WMAL 630k 1 WOL 1,310k | WJSV 1,460k P.M. 12:00 Chasin Music Series Call to Youth Salon Music H. B. Derr 12:00 12:15 “ “ Three Marshalls News—Music News Bulletins 12:15 12:30 Rex Battle’s Ensemble Farm and Home Hour Too Young to Die. George Hall’s Orch. 12:30 12:45 “ “ “ “ Howard Lanin's Orch. " “ 12:45 1:00 Whitney Ensemble Farm and Home Hour Howard Lanin’s Orch. Afternoon Rhythms 1:00 1:15 “ “ “ “ Severn’s Pet Club Your Home and Mine 1:15 1:30 Music Clubs Our Barn In thg Music Room Eddie Elkins’ Orch. 1:30 1:45 Metropolitan Opera “ “ “ “ " “ 1:45 *2:00 Metropolitan Opera Walter Blaufuss’ Orch. Wakeman's Sports Page A1 Sokolo’s Orch. 2:00 2:15 “ “ “ “ Dick Stabile’s Orch. .... 2:15 2:30 “ “ College Debate Wakeman's Sports Page Dancepators 2:30 2:45 “ “ • “ “ “ “ Clyde Barrie 2:45 3:00 Metropolitan Opera Bob Crosby’s Orch. John Murdock's Orch. Down by Hermans 3:00 3:15 “ “ “ “ Wakeman's Sports Page “ “ 3:15 3:30 “ “ Harry Kogen’s Orch. Sammy Kaye’s Orch. Commerce Department 3:30 3:45 “ “ “ “ “ " Tours in Tone 3:45 4:00 ! Metropolitan Opera Teddy Hill's Orch. Wakeman's Sports Page The Dictators 4:00 4:15 “ “ Under the Hammer “ “ “ “ 4:15 4:30 “ “ Sunday School Lesson Howard Lannin's Orch. Ann Leaf, organist 4:30 4:45 Logan’s Musicale Evening Star Flashes Wakeman’s Sports Page “ “ 4:45 *5:00 'Logan’s Musicale Charles Stenroos’ Orch. The Pied Piper iGovernment News 5:00 5:15 Sundown Revue Osteopathic Assn. Modern Melodies Evening Rhythms 5:15 5:30 The Kindergarten Bert Block’s Orch. Freddy Berren’s Orch. Robert Horton 5:30 5:45 *• - “ “ Organ Music Singing Waiters 5:45 6:00 .Dinner Dance Dinner Club Tony Wakeman Ben Field's Orch. 6:00 6:15 j “ “ “ “ Harold Turner, pianist Arch McDonald 6:15 6:30 | “ “ Home Symphony News—Music Walter Gross, pianist 6:30 6:45 “ “ “ “ Dance Rhythms Yesterday's Melodies 6:45 ~7:00~ Martinez Brotliers Message of Israel Spelling Bee Idol of Millions — 7:00 7:15 Hampton Singers " “ “ “ “ “ 7:15 7:30 Question Bee Evening Album “ “ Board of Trade 7:30 7:45 “ “ ABC of NBC “ “ Glenn Carow' 7:45 8:00 Saturday Night Party Ed Wynn Central Union Mission Prof. Quiz ~8:00 8:15 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 8:15 8:30 “ “ Treasure Chest Merry-Go-Round Johnnie Presents 8:30 8:45 “ “ Behind the News “ “ “ “ 8:45 ~9:00 Snow Village Sketches National Barn Dance Merry-Go-Round Grace Moore ~~ —9:00 9:15 “ “ “ “ Sweet Music “ “ 9:15 9:30 Joe Cook’s Show “ “ Hugo Mariani’s Orch. Saturday Serenade 9:30 9:45_ _“_“ “ “_ “ " “_9:45 10:00 Joe Cook's Show Hildegarde Hawaiian Serenaders Hit Parade loTiJO 10:15 ’’ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 10:15 10:30 Irvin S. Cobb Bill Stricklands Orch. Saturday Serenade “ “ 10:30 10:45 “ “ ” “ “ “ Labor News Review 10:45 11:00 News—Night Owl Slumber Hour George Hamilton's Orch. News Bulletins Tlloo 11:15 Ink Spots “ “ News—Music Benny Goodman’s OrchJ 11:15 11:30 Midnite Frolics The 40 and 8 Freddy Martin's Orch. Anson Weeks’ Orch. 11-30 1P45_ _“_”_“_“_“_“_11:45 12 00 B°b Crosby's Orch. The 40 and 8 Dick Stabile's Orch. Ted Fio Rito’s Orch. ”l2700 !2115 “ “ Night Watchman “ “ “ “ 12:15 12'30 Demarco’s Orchestra “ “ Clyde Lucas’ Orch. Harry Owens’ Orch. 12:30 12:45_“ “_“ “_“ “__ “ “_ 12:45 1:00 Sign Off Night Watchman (1 hr.) Sterling Young's Orch. Sign Off 1:00 1:15 “ “ 115 1:30 Ted Fio Rito's Orch. 1:30 Campaign Wasted. CHICAGO (A1).—There apparently was no limit to the campaign E. R. Black conducted for Matt Berg, a candidate for Mayor of suburban Berwyn. Black was fined for in toxication by Justice Martin McGrath of suburban Oak Park. Officers testi fied he was arrested while passing out Berg campaign literature in the wrong suburb. Air Headliners Domestic. 1:45 p.m.—WRC. "Das Rhein gold." by Metropolitan Opera Co. 2: JO p.m.—WMAL. Debate Be tween Columbia and California Universities. 4:45 p.m.—WMAL, Evening Star Flashes. Evening Programs. 7:30 p.m.—WRC, Question Bee 8:30 p.m.—WRC. Saturday Night Party WMAL, Ed Wynn. 9:00 p.m.—WRC. Snow Village Sketches; W'MAL, Na tional Barn Dance; WJSV. Grace Moore. 9:15 p.m.—WOL. Chicago Sym phony Orchestra. 9:30 p.m. -WRC, Joe Cook's Show. 10:00 p.m.—WJSV, Your Hit Parade. 10:30 p.m.—WRC, Irvin S. Cobb 11:00 p.m—WMAL, Slumber Hour. Short-Wave Programs. 8:45 p.m.—BERLIN. "The Ger mans and the Romans." DJD, 25.4 m„ 11.77 meg. 9:55 p.m.—LONDON, Old Time Music Hall. GSD, 25.5 m., 11.77 meg 12:00 midnight — PITTSBURGH. Messages to the Far North, W8XK, 48.8 m., 6.14 meg. 12:30 a.m.—LETHBRIDGE. The Sport Week. CJRO, 48 7 m., 6.15 meg. JUDGE W. B. NEWMAN TO BE BURIED MONDAY Retired Interior Appeals Board Member Was Specialist in Land Law. Funeral services for Judge William B. Newman, 70, former member of the Board of Appeals of the Interior De partment, who died Thursday at his home, 732 Whittier street, will be held at 11 a m. Monday in the Pumphrey funeral home, 8424 Georgia avenue, | Silver Spring, Md. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Judge Newman, a specialist in land ] law as a member of the Board of Ap peals, was retired in 1931 due to failing health. He entered Government serv ice in 1903 as an attorney in the Gen eral Land Office. FLOWERS rDUP0NT CIRCLE NO. 7000 'Visit with the Famous' Again Tomorrow Tune in at 1:30 on WMAL and listen to a new type of program that you will find intensely interesting— history interwoven with romance. 1:30 to 2 p.m. Sunday WMAL CAR INSPECTION FOUGHT Keystone Club Opposes Move for Periodic Mechanical Tests. Opposition to a proposal for the semi-annual compulsory mechanical inspection of automobiles as a means of reducing traffic accidents recently made to the House District Commit tee by the Commissioners was ex pressed yesterday by the Keystone Automobile Club through George E. Keneipp. manager. Keneipp pointed out that "an analysis of all traffic accidents here for the last eight years ended last June disclosed that of 67.433 auto mobiles involved only 1.617. or 2.4 per cent, were mechanically defective in any respect." 1 W. W. Chambers Here is the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT Chamber^ YOU HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING I THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE FUNERAL FOR Others S95. $125. S1S0. $105 Op. THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOTC||C COMPLETE—Low os 43 For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famous Undertaker 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1100 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Phone Columbia 0432 717 ELEVENTH ST. S.E. Phone ATIantic (5700 918 CLEVELAND AVE„ RIVERDALE. MD Near Hyaltaville. Mil. Phone GreenwooA 1221 ^ - Actress to Play in “Joan of Arc” Over WRC Tonight. A VARIETY show of music, com edy and drama, featuring Lil lian Gish of screen fame, Arthur Carron, Metropolitan Opera tenor, and Red McKenzie and his Mound City Blues Blowers will be presented by Joe Cook over WRC and other National Broadcasting Co. stations tonight at 9:30 o'clock. Miss Gish will play the leading role in a "Joan of Arc” dramatization. Carron will sing several numbers from his operatic repertoire. /'"'ONRAD NAGEL, veteran star of motion pictures, will make a guest appearance during the "Your Hit Parade and Sweepstakes" program on WJSV at 10. The orchestra, di rected by Mark Warnow. will play the seven mast popular tunes of the week. 'T'HE third annual broadcast of the Forty and Eight, with Rudy Val lee as master of ceremonies, will be broadcast by WMAL at 11:30. The program will include several brief dramatic sketches re-enacting the historical development of the or On W J s V Sunday 1:30 P.M. "The Ober-Ammergau of the Air" You are invited to listen to the first presentation of a Biblical Serial tomorrow, Sunday afternoon, WJSV at 1 :30. "Abraham and Isaac"—taken from Gen. 22-24 A new story presented eoch Sunday with the compliments of Tonight, ROYAL CROWN COLA brings you a blow by blow description of the world heavyweight fight between Jack Dempsey and Jess Willard, the battle that brought the Manassa cowhand to the top of the fighting world. In addition, DEMPSEY himself, as you would hear him in his New York Restaurant sZ*-!* You C an91 Affo r d lS O T to R e n ovizc t h e E her l v M a y %/ * Brickwork Cabinetwork Carpentering Caulking Cement Work Electrical Work Excavating Fencing Floors Floors Refinished Furnace Repairs Gas Ranges Glazing Gutters & Spouts Heating Insulating Iron Work Kitchen Cabinets Latrobes After the Winter Spring Renovizing Or perhaps you have had a thought for modernizing in mind. Don't try to figure it out by yourself. We will gladly send one of our supervisors to consult with you at no expense. Here are the lists of Eberly Plan services. He'll sit down and go over your problem with you, taking every angle into consideration— practicability, utility, efficiency, advisability and economy. He won't try to "sell you a theory," but give you frank judgment, based on wide experience. You'll be under no obligation—but you will know actual facts and figures, accompanied by the Eberly Plan's guarantee. A. Eberly’s Sons 1108 K N.W. Our 88th Year DI. 6557 A Linoleum Mantels Masonry Metal Work Painting Papering Plastering Plumbing Refrigerators Roof Repairs Sanitos Screens Steamfitting Stoves Stucco Work Tile Work Tinning Water Heaters. Weather Stripping One Standard — One Responsibility — One Modest Profit r, A (>___■' ganization anrl illustrating its chari table and humanitarian activities. QORNELIA OTIS SKINNER will be the guest of Jimmy Melton during the “Saturday Night Party” on WRC at 8. She will present one of her familiar monologues. rFHE Washington Board of Trade will begin a new series of broad casts on W'JSV at 7:30. The initial broadcast will consist of the presenta tion of 20 silver “Board of Trade dollars” to 20 prominent business men. 'J'HE Mills Brothers will be the guests of Ed Wynn during his broadcast on WMAL at 8. Graham McNamee, Harry Von Zell and Don Voorhees’ Orchestra also will con tribute to the program. — PRINTING? Call West 1816 Graphic Arts Press, Icn. 914 20th St. N.W. . RE-ROOF V/ith BIRD ROOFING No Money Down, 3 Yrs. to Pay Home Improvement and Insulation Company 21OC. Nichols Avc. S.F. ATIantic 31 A3