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QJarft of elianka. JOHNSTON. WILLIAM H. The widow of WILLIAM H JOHNSTON wishes to thank the many friends who so kindly ex pressed their sympathy and condolences aurina her recent bereavement MRS. WILLIAM H. JOHNSTON. • Dratltii. ALB AN. WILLARD J AMES, JR. On Fri day. March 1P57 at 7:50 p.m.. at Georgetown University Hospital. WIL LARD JAMES ALBAN Jr beloved son of Willard and Nathalie Alban of Glen Echo. Md. Remains resting at the fu neral home of Win. Reuben Pumphrev. 7005 Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Md. Funeral services ai the Chanel of the Redeemer. Glen Echo. Md . Monday. •Apnl 5 at *2 p.m. Interment Cedar Mitt" Cemetery JBaRBFF. VIRGINIA A. On Saturday, B April 5. 1!»:>7. at her residence. 1-441 1 Girard st. n w VIRGINIA A BARBEE 2 wife of the late George T. Barbee and ■ mother of Mary L Longfellow of San ( 2 Francisco. Calif.: Miss Fannie B Meade I and Mrs. Effie B Robertson of this city. » Services at the s. H. Hines Co. funeral home, *’j»oi. 14th st. nw. on Monday Annl 5 at 5 p m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery BARNES. WILLIAM D Departed this life on Saturday. April 5. at Gallmger Hospital. WILLIAM D. BARNES, devoted husband of Louise Barnes, loving lather of James. Annie and Margaret Barnes, brother of Wheeler H Barnes. Hattie jM Bates and While P. Barnes. He also leaves a hosi of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Barbour Bros ’ funeral home 4S K st. n e until Sunday. April 4 at 5 p.m.: thereafter at his late residence. 51 L st. n.w. Fu neral Monday. April 5. at l‘!:5o p.m., from Galbraith Church, nth st. between L and M sis. n.w Interment Arlington National Cemetery. BARNES, william d Columbia Lodge. No. S5. I B P O E. of W.. is hereby notified of the funeral ot Bi other WIL LIAM D BARNES, on Monday. April 5, 1057 at 1 p.m. from Galbraith A. M. E Zion Church. Session of sorrow at Elks Home :>ni R I. ave. n.w.. Sunday. April 4. at l p m HARRISON C. SMITH. Exalted Ruler. LEE CAMPBELL. Secretary. BOTTS. RAdlKI. E. Departed this life April in.;; a’ her home. Layhill Md . RACHEL E BOTTS. She leaves to mourn their !#ss a devoted husband. Uriah Bolts; three daughters. Mrs. Mary Henderson. Emma R Burnett and Ber tha Adams: three sons. Howard E. Hood. Remus Hood and Willie Bolts: two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Moon At Son s funeral home. i.t:\! You st. n.w. Funeral services Tuesday. Anril 1 H at *2 o'clock, at Norbeck. Md.. Rev. , Hodges officiating. • Brooks, zollif cari.ton. jr on Friday. Annl 1:♦.:7 . a; the Gallinger Hospital ZOLLIE CARLTON BROOKS Jr devoted son of Mr. and Mrs. ZiOllle Brook.-, devo'ed husband of Lottie E Lane Brooks, brother of James Johnnie M Elsha R. William H and Robert Bernard Brooks. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 5Si» R. 1. ave. n.w Notice of funeral later. 4 BROWN. HYMAN. On Friday. April T 1 057. at Sinai Hospital, in Baltimore. Md HYMAN BROWN, beloved husband ot Bertha Rome Brown of Bladensburg. Md Services at Jack Lewis' home. \’l(Mi Eutaw place Baltimore. Md.. on Sunday. April 4 at 1 pm. Interment Mikro Kodesh Herring Run Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 4 BROWN. MILDRED. On Thursday April 1 11)57. at :l p.m. at her residence. 1550 5rd st. n.w MILDRED BROWN, devoted mother of Lettie Catlett. Nel son and Frank Brown. She also leaves twelve grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren. other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.'hi You st. n w.. until 1 noon Sunday April 4. thereafter at her iate residence. Fu neral Monday. April 5. at 1 p.m.. from Mount Bethel Baptist Church. *’nd and j V sts. n.w.. Rev K W. Roy officiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. 4 Bl ns. CHARM s. On Saturday. April :i. H».'i7 at Casualty Hospital. CHARLES BUTTS beloved husband of Anna Butts. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 llth st. se. on Monday April .'». at 1 pm. Relatives and friends are invited.. In terment Washington Memorial Park Cemetery. CASSIDY. JOSEPH P. On Friday. April 2. 1!U7 a' Mount Alto Hospital. JOS EPH P. CASSIDY, son of the late ! Charles I. and Alicia C#ssidy. beloved | husband of the late Anna M. Cassidy and father of James Cassidy. Funerai from his late residence Plus Eye st. re., on Tuesday. April h. at s:;jn a.m : thence to Holy Name Catholic Church. ' llth and K sts. ne where requiem j ma.s will be offered at 1» a.m. for the; repose of his soul Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 5 COBURN. JENNIE A On Friday April *7 11»:>7. JENNIE A COBURN, widow of the late Turley Coburn. Mass will be 1 said at St Ann's Church. 4400 Wiscon sin ave. n.w on Monday. April 5, at in a.m.. followed by interment 111 Rock Creek Cemetery. 4* DAVIS. DONALD WAITER. On Friday. April 2. 1 i*:>7. at his residence llofi 7th st. sc.. DONALD WALTER DAVIS, be loved son of Julia Willis Davis, dpvoted brother of Mrs. Edna Smith Mrs. Myrtle pvson. Virginia and Charles Davis. He 1 also leaves other relatives and many friends. Funeral Tuesday. April »*>. at 2 n.m., from Mount Jezreel Baptist Church. 5th and E sts. s.e . Rev. L. T. Hughes officiating. Interment in Har mony Cemetery. Arrangements by John T Rhines. o DUCKETT. JOHN. Departed this life on Thursday April 1. it*.57. after a short illness. JOHN DUCKETT. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Sad:e Ducgert: two daughters. Edith Holston and Inez Johnson; one son. Joseph Duckett; two grandchildren and a host of friends. Remains resting at Barnes & Matthews luneral home, till -4 th si. s.w . until in a.m. Sunday. April -4: then at his late residence. 7 14 2nd st. s w. Funeral Monday. April 5. at 11 a m . from St Vincent De Paul's Church. South Capitol and M sts. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. vi m tv. m i/aoi im j. un Saturday. April 3 1237. at 7 a.m.. at her home. 4»;\> Watkins ave . Bethesda. Md.. ELIZABETH J. FLACK, widow of the late Joseph Flack. Remains resting at the . funeral home of Win. Reuben Humphrey, 7 no.'* Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Md.. until 5 pm. Sunday. Funeral services at Our Lady ol Lourdes Church Mon day. April 5. where requiem mass will be said at 2 a.m. Interment St. Marys Cemetery. Rockville. Md. 4 Fl RR. ANNIE BELL. On Wednesday. March 31. 1237. at Freedmen s Hospital. ANNIE BELL FURR beloved wife of Daniel Furr. She also leaves one sister, right brothers and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts s.u. until 4 pm. Friday. April 2. and thereafter at the residence of Mrs. Mattie Thomas. Purcellville. Va Funeral 1 P m. Sunday April 4 from the Grace M. E Church Lincoln Va. In terment in church cemetery. 4 CRIFR. JOSFPH. Departed this life Fri day. April 2 1237. in Boston, Mass.. JOSFPH GRIER Remains resting at Moon <fc Son s funeral home. 1322 You at. n.w. Notice of funeral later. * i Harlow. MAMIE E. On Saturday April 3 1237. at Sibley Hospital. MAMIE E. the beloved wife of Robert L. Harlow. Funeral from H. M. Padgett's funeral home. 3 31 11th st. s.e., on Monday. April 5. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme * tery. Harris, JOHN McGLTRE. on Thursday, April 1. 1237. at Gallinger Hospital. JOHN MCGUIRE HARRIS, son of the late John and Margaret Harris, brother of Mrs, Florine Winters. Remains rest ing at Frazier's funeral home. :;.x!i r i ave. n.w. Funeral Monday. April 5. at 11 a.m.. from the above-mentioned par lors. Interment Arlington National Cem efery. 4 HENSHAW. MARIE r. On Saturday April 3. 123:. at Garfield Hospital. MARIE E. HENSHAW. widow of the late William P Henshaw and mother of Mrs. Marie McLean. Dawson and Mrs. Leslie Hen shaw Hinkel she is also survived by three grandchildren. Mr. John H. Mc Lean. Marylin Tod Hinkel and John Porter Hinkel of Washington. D. C. Fu neral services at her late residence 3 4os 44th st. n.e.. Monday. April 5. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 4 HOPKINS. MARIETTA M. On Saturday. April 3. 1237. at Emergency Hospital. MARIETTA M. HOPKINS, fhe beloved mother of Mrs. Mattie L. Burton. Fu neral services at the W. W. Chambers Co Southeast funeral home. 517 3 1th st. s.e . on Tuesday. April f». at 2 p m. Relatives and friends are invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 5 HUTCHINSON. HENRIETTA. Suddenly, on Thursday. April J. 3 237. at 1:15 a.m.. at her residence. 347 22nd st. n.w. HENRIETTA HUTCHINSON be loved wife of the late Tobias Hutchinson. She leaves to mourn their loss one brother. John F Coquire of St. Paul. Minn.: a son. George T. Hutchinson: one daughter. Mrs. Ruth F. Montague; seven grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Fir.,eral Tuesday. April H. from St. /.ugi tine's Catholic Church, where a mass will be offered at in a m. for the repose o. her soul. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. • _FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ” X. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL directors Crematorium id Mass. Ave, N.E. Lincoln 5200 oseph F. Birch’s Sons (A. L. HAYCOCK. Manager) * ££ ?84i 3034 M St. N.W. ILLIAM H. SCOTT P 8th St. S.E._Lincoln 0530 *rank Geier’s Sons Co. ^i.NAtional 2473 V.L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W. R Speare establishment. NAtlona<ine2S92 ^009 H St. N.W. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. (110B Open Evenings _ . - r and Sundays LOT. l4tn QT Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral PiecM 121* P Bt. N.W. NAtlonal *278 1 SratljH. KID WELL. MARY ELLEN. Suddenly on Friday. April *2. Itt37. at her residence. JOi> Madison st. n.w.. MARY ELLEN KID WELL. beloved sister of Ida M.. Rosa L. and John T. Kidwell. Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. *2001 14th st n.w.. Tuesday. April >5 at J P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment i private) Fairfax. Va. Kindly omit flowers. & LANSDALE. JAMES STRAIN. On Friday. April *2 1!*;17. at Montgomery County General Hospital. JAMES STRAIN, eldest son of the late Thomas Franklin and Eliza Wimberly Lansdale. Body resting at Warner E. Ptimphrey’s funeral home. *4*21 Georgia ave . Silver Spring. Md. Services ai All Hallows' Chapel. David sonville. Md.. on Sunday. April 4. at Y3o p.m. Interment church cemetery. LEWIS. MARY. On Thursday. April 1. at her residence. Ho Fenton st. n.e., MARY LEWIS, sister of Carrie Hill. She is also survived by her neice and many other relatives and friends. Funeral Monday at 2 p.m. from Frazier's funeral home. .'IS!) R. I. ave. n.w.. Rev. E. K. Tyler officiating. Inter ment Payne Cemetery. LINGER. WILLIAM H. On Saturday. April 3. I 037. WILLIAM H LINGER, beloved husband of the late Emma Linger tnee Sibley >. Services at the chapel of Thos. F. Murray Son. 2007 Nichols ave. s e. on Monday. April .Y at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. MALONF. JOHN H. On Saturday. April Y 10.27. JOHN H. MALONE, beloved husband of Ethlyn Malone. Funeral services at his late residence. 2(»0.'» .'huh st. n.e. on Monday. April 5. at 0:30 a m : thence to St. Francis De Sales’ Church. 20th st. and R. I. ave. n.e.. where mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and lnends are invited. Interment in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Services by tlie W. W. Chambers Co. MARCT'S. CECIL F. On Thursday. April 1. 1YJ7. in Frederick County. Md . CECIL F MARCUS, beloved son of the late Bertie Trenary and John C. Mar cus of Arlington. Va. Besides his father he is survived by four brothers. William M. Marcus of Beltsville. Md.; Jim Marcus of Ashburn. Va.: Single toil Marcus, also of Beltsville. Md.. und John Marcus of Arlington. Va . and five sisters. Mrs T C. Furr of Arlington. Va.; Mrs. R C Hindman of Purcell vilie. Va.: Mrs. V. V Jenkins of Tane.v town. Md.: Miss Dora and Miss Dorothy Marcus, both of Arlington. Va. Re mains resting at the Ives funeial home. 2*4'; Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va.. until 12:30 p ni. Sunday. April 4: thence to the Presbyterian Church at Ashburn. Va.. where funeral services will be held at 2 P ni. Interment church cemetery. 4 nm.i n . on Saturday. April 3 l!*:;; at Children’s Hospital. PHYL LIS R MEYER, the beloved daughter of Richard and Phyllis Meyer Funeral services at the W. W Chambers Co.'s Southeast funeral home, 517 11th st. se. on Monday April 5. at 10:30 a in. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 4 MORAN, GEORGE W. On Friday. April 1937 at Sibley Memorial Hospital, GEORGE W. MORAN, aged 33 years, the beloved son of IjOuis and the late Mollte Moran and father of Eleanor Moran. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. suburban funeral home 91S Cleve land ave.. Riverdale. Md on Tuesdav. April at 22:30 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 5 NEWMAN. WILLIAM B. On Thursday. April 1. 1937. at his home. 73*2 Whit tier st n w.. WILLIAM B husband of Sarah Ellison Newman. Body resting at Warner E. Pumphreys funeral home. NP.M Georgia a\e . Silver Spring Md. Services at the above funerul home on Monday April 5. at l I a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. OBER. ALBERT N. On Sunday. March 1937. at St Petersburg. Fla AL BERT N. OBER. beloved husband of Helen F. Ober mee FraseH and faiher of Mrs. Edith Armstrong and Mrs. Jeanette Hutchins. F'uneral from Wm. J Nalleys funeral home. 5*2*2 Mh st. s.e.. on Tuesday. April »>. at *2:3o pm. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. 5 PARKER. FRANCES C. On Friday April ’2. 193 7. .it New (.# leans. La. FRANCES U PARKER beloved wife of the late Judge James I. Parker. Funeral serv ices at the National City Christian Church. Hth st and Mass. ave. n.w.. on Sunday. April 4*. at 3 p m. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. PEARSON. CATHERINE M. On Friday. April *2. 1937. at Mount Essex Hospital. Verona N. J . CATHERINE M. PF't R SON. beloved sister of Frank Pearson of 7 (»l Quincy st. n.w Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. *2901 Hth st. n.w . on Wednesday April 7. at 9 am., thence to St Gabriels Catholic Church, where mass will be offered at 9 3o a m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. tj PETERSON. MARY CRAIGHEAD. On Fri day. April *2. 193 7. at her residence. H31 Chapin st n.w.. MARY CRAIG HEAD PETERSON beloved mother of Blanche Radelflnger McKav. F'uneral services (private' af. the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. *2901 Hth st. n.w.. on Monday. April 5. at lo a m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. 4 PORTER. MINNIE. Departed this life Thursday. April l. 193 7, at Gallinger Hospital. MINNIE PORTER, beloved wife of James Porter and mother of Christine Hawkins. Amelia Smith. Elinor Porter. James Davis. She also leaves to mourn their lo.s.s one sister. Virginia Waters, and everal other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene F’ord's fu neral home. i3(»o South Capitol st.. until 4 p.m. Sunday April a. then to her late residence. 003 L st. s.e. Funeral 1 3(i p.m. Monday from Ebenezer Metho dist Church. 4th and D sts. s.e.. Rev. F. F' King officiating. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. 4 ROGERS. CATHERINE. On Friday April *2. 1937. it Emergency Hospital. CATH ERINE ROGERS, beloved wife ot the late Arthur M. Rogers and mother of Arthur C. Rogers of Trenton. N J.. and Mrs. Katherine Estes of Washing ton. D C.. and Henry J. Rogers of Baltimore. Md. Funeral from Saffell's funeral home. 475 II st. n.w. on Mon day. April 5. at 9 a m Requiem mass at St. Patrick's Church at 9:30 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 4 Rl'SSELL. LEROY. On Saturday. April 3, 1937. at his residence. 309 E st. s w.. LEROY, beloved husband of Victoria Russell fnee Kojack) and son of Her man and Ada Russell. Funeral from his la*e residence on Tuesday. April 0, at *2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Arrange ments by P. A. Taltavull. 5 SE.ABROOKS. KATIE G. On Wednesday. March 31. 1937. at Galhnger Hospital. KATIE G. SEABROOKS. cousin of Harry. Robert. Nora. Charlie Rosa. Georgp and Milton Barns: the aunt of Roland Barns. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 339 R I. ave. n.w. Funeral Mon day. April 5. at 9:30 am. from the above mentioned parlors: thence to St. Augus tine's Catholic Church where mass will be offered at lo a m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Moimt Olivet. Cem etery 4 Schneider, ann sheldon. on Fri day. April 22. 1 957. at Children s Hos pital. ANN SHELDON SCHNEIDER the beloved daughter of Clifford and Evelyn Schneider. Remains resting at the W. W Chambers Co. suburban funeral home. 91S Cleveland ave. Riverdale. Md.. until .3 pm. Sunday. April 4: thence to Holy Trinity Church. Defense Highway. Md.. where services will be held. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment in church cemetery. 4 SHEPHERD. WILLIAM FREDERICK. Sud denly. on Thursday. April 1. 1937. at his residence. 1504 Southern ave.. Brad bury Heights s.e . WILLIAM FREDERICK, beloved husband of Ida Shepherd Fu neral from H. M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 11th st. s.e.. on Sunday. April 4. at 22 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Forestville. Md. 4 SHLOSS. MARY McKEF.. Suddenly, on Saturday. April 3. 1937. MARY Mc KEE SHLOSS. beloved mother of Leon W. Shloss. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. *2901 14th st. n.w.. on Monday. April 5. at 1*2:30 pm. In terment National Memorial Park Ceme tery. invMAK. Alin, k. on Saturday. April 3. 1937 at Gallinger Hospital ALICE E. THOMAS. She is survived by one sis ter. Laura Green; three brothers. James. Harry and William Thomas. Remains resting at Ruth Dabney & Co.’s funeral home. 4o3 O st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. THOMPSON, IVORY. On Tuesday March 30. 1937. at Casualty Hospital. IVORY THOMPSON of 4fll N st. n.w.. loving daughter of Sallie Tobias of Shelton. N C. She also leaves a devoted son. Edward Thompson: three sisters, three brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Tuesday. April O. at ‘2 p m., from the J. L. Lowe fu neral home. 913 Florida ave. n.w. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Remains can be viewed any time after 4 p.m. Monday. April 5. 5 THRASHER, JOHN P. On Saturday. April 3, J 937, at Mount Alto Hospital. JOHN P. THRASHER, the beloved husband of Marv J. Thrasher. Funeral from his late residence. 214 2nd st. s.e.. on Tuesday, April 6. at 8:30 am.: thence to St. Peter’s Church, where mass of requiem will be offered at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 5 TIMBY. THEODORE RUGGLES. On Tuesday. March 30. 1937. at Chicago, 111.. THEODORE RUGGLES TIMBY. be loved son of Millard Fillmore and Flor ence Edna Timby of Chipley. Fla., and brother of Ralph MacKenzie Timby of Washington D. C. Funeral from the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 I4th st. n.w.. on Monday. April 5. at 9 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. VEIKOS. DOROTHY J. On Saturday. April 3. 1937. at her home. 3329 T st. n.w. DOROTHY J. VEIKOS. beloved daughter Of James and Feronike Veikos and sister of Alice Veikos. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co fu neral home. 1400 Chanin st. n.w.. until 10 a m. Monday. April 5; thereafter at her late residence. Funeral from the above residence on Monday. April 5. at 2 p.m.: thence to St. Constance and Helen Greek Church. Oth and C sts. s.w., where services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Glenwood Cemetery. WAGNER. ANNA. On Friday. April ?. 1937. ANNA WAGNER, the beloved wife of the late Christian Wagner. Funeral from her late residence. 1105 Florida ave. n.e.. on Monday. April 5. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 4 WALKER. MARY GRIFFIN. On Friday. April 2 1937. in Boston. MARY GRIF FIN WALKER widow of Edward Chandler Walker. Burial at Walker - vllle. Ontario. Canada. * VOLIVA TO ERECT Blames Fire on Enemies Seeking to Block His Passion Play. By the Associated Press. ZION, 111., April 3—Wilbur Glenn Voliva turned from the ashes of his Shiloh Tabernacle today to the busi ness of rearing a new house of wor ship for his religious flock. The stern overseer of the Christian Apostolic Church, who has earned wide notice by proclaiming the earth is flat and by predicting the world presently would come to a cataclysmic end, drafted plans for a temple to re place the 35-year-old landmark leveled by a $600,000 fire. Voliva, 67, and gray now, said the new church probably would be 200 by i 120 feet, seat 1.600 persons and cost between $75,000 and $100,000. While the structure is being built, he will conduct services in the gym nasium of his school and produce his passion play on the stage there a week from next Sunday. He termed yesterday'* blaze incen diary and offered to support his charges with affidavits. iJpathu. WATSON. NAPOLEON. On Thursday, April 1. IH.tT. at his residence. Joplin, Va . NAPOLEON WATSON, aged HT. beloved husband of the late Anna Watson. Remains resting at Hall’s funeral home. Occocruan. Va Funeral services Sunday April 4. at 8 p.m.. at Bellhaven Baptist Church, near Joplin. Va.. conducted by Rev. J Murray Taylor. Interment Jones’ Cemetery, near Inde pendent Hill. Va. 4 WATT. JAMES. Suddenly, on Friday. April rt. llhtT. at his residence. Bessemer Branch. Greensboro. N. C\. JAMES WATT, beloved husband of Virgil Walt and son of the late William and EliJto beth Watt. Funeral Sunday. April 4. at •’{ Dm. from his late residence. .* WIG FALL. LUCRETIA. On Saturday. April :j. ]n:i;, at her residence. Til'S 1st st s.w.. LUCRETIA WIG FALL, devoted mother of Mrs. Bessie Malone Mrs. Suddie Hartley. Mrs. Inez Barnes. Mrs. Annie Edwards. Mrs. Julia Robinson. Mamie Michael Andrews and John Wig fall She also leaves one brother. Mi chael Benjamine; other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine*’ funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. a.w Notice of funeral later. 4 WILLIAMS. WILLIE. Departed this life suddenly, on Wednesday. March 31 1 WILLIE WILLIAMS. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife Esteil Williams brother. Frank Williams, sis ters. Betty Wator and Lillie Seder: six nieces. Remains resting at Ruth Dab- j nev & Co funeral home 4.VI O st. n.w. j Funeral Sunday. April 4. at 1 o'clock, from Elks Home. 301 R I. ave Colum bia Lodge. No. I. B. P. O E. of W. 4 in fHnmiriam. ANDERSON. LENA STI'ART NELSON. A tribute of love and devotion to the J memory ol our beloved wife and mother. I LENA STUART NELSON ANDERSON. \ who departed this life two years ago. I Aoril -4. 1935. If ever a love existed If ever a swept flower grew. If ever a soul filled its mission on earth. Darling mother, it was you. Upright and lust in all your wavs. A lover of God to the end of your days: Always gentle, patient and kind What a beautiful memory you have left behind HER DEVOTED HUSBAND THOMAS G ANDERSON SONS. ROBERT N AND J NELSON ANDERSON. AND DAUGHTERS MARY STEWART CARDEN AND RUTH A. EAVES • BELLE. HAROLD W. In sad but loving remembrance of our darling son and brother HAROLD W. BELIE who ; passed away two years ago. April 1. 1935. Gone dear son. forever. How we miss your smiling face. But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place. LOVING MOTHER. FATHER AND SISTER. BOSTIC. JOHN CANFIELD. In .loving memory of our brother and uncle. 1 JOHN CANFIELD BOSTIC who de- ! parted this life one year ago today. April 4 193H. SISTER NEPHEW AND NIECE • ' BOSTIC. JOHN CANFIELD A tribute of love to the memory of my dear hits- ! band. JOHN CANFIELD BOSTIC who , departed this life one year ago today. ; April 4. 1 93(5. Gone from this life of care Into the great beyond. I often think of the many things we used to do Think of the things we planned to do, Of the beautiful yesterday The unselfish spirit, willingly doing for me; You never complained no never. When death was creeping new Your pains must ha\e been hard to bear; Sickness had robbed you of your sight. You would reach out your hand for mine and say. "I am all right.” Yes. always all right. Peaceful be thy rest. YOUR DEVOTED WIFE. EFFIE. • CAMPBELL. ARMIXTA. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our dear wife and mother. ARMINTA CAMPBELL who departed this life eight years ago to day. April 4. 1939. Gone, dear mother, forever. How we miss your smiling face. But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND AND CHIL DREN. CARTER. DOROTHY D. In loving remem brance of my dear daughter. DOROTHY D CARTER who died fourteen years ago today. April *4 1933. Thou art gone, but not forgotten. Fresh my love will ever be. For as long as there is memory We will always think of thee. LOVING MOTHER. LILLIAN CARTER. AND BROTHER. DICK. • I CARTER. DOROTHY D. A loving tribute to the fond memory of my friend. DOR OTHY D. CARTER, who died r fourteen years ago tuday. April 4. 1933. EDNA TANNER OWENS • COLE. FRANCIS F.. JR. In loving re membrance ol our dear son and brother, FRANCIS F. COLE, who departed this life eight years ago today. April 4. 1939. HIS DEVOTED MOTHER AND SISTER. • FRIZZELL. RICHARD. SR. In loving memory of my dear father. RICHARD FRIZZELL. SR., who passed away three years ago today, April 4. 1934. ’ I do not know the pain he bore, I did not see him die. I only know he passed away And never said good-by. HIS SON, RICHARD. • FRIZZELL. RICHARD V. In memory of my dear husband. RICHARD V. FRIZZELL. Four years have passed, dear Richard. since you have gone away. Sweet is the memory that never shall fade. laid. Part of my life Is buried deep Under the sod where Richard sleeps. There is one who misses you badly And finds the day long since you went, The one who longs for you daily. But tries to be brave and content. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. • MEREDITH. LOUIS F. Sacred to the memory of our beloved and devoted son and stepson, LOUIS F. MERE DITH who passed peacefully away two years ago today, April 4, 1935. May you carry on in Heaven As you did on earth. A sweet and sainted son. an Angel from your birth. Revered by all who knew you And beloved by us below. You’ve earned your place in Heaven And you're resting there,*we know. May his soul rest in peace. HIS LONELY MOTHER AND STEP FATHER. ETHEL MEREDITH LEE AND WILLIAM T. LEE. MEREDITH. LOUIS F. Sacred to the memory of my devoted husband, LOUIS F. MEREDITH, who passed away two years ago today. April 4, 1935. Gone, dear Louis, gone forever. How I miss your smiling face. But you left me to remember None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still. But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. Sadly missed by his wife. BEULAH HARRIS MEREDITH. • PETITE ELENOR. In memory of my mother. ELENOR PETITE, who de parted this life four years ago. March 4. 1933. SON. • TARTER. JULIA BROOKS. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. JULIA BROOKS TARTER, who departed this life two years ago. April 2, 1935. The moon still sends its mellow light Through the purple blackness of the night: The morning star is palely bright be fore the dawn. * The sun still shines just as before: The rose still grows beside my door, but you have gone. The sky Is blue and robin sings: The butterflies dance on rainbow wings, though I am sad. In all the earth no joy can be: Happiness comes no more to me since you have gone. BY HER DAUGHTERS AND DEVOTED SON-IN-LAW. WILLIAM. LOTTDC AND MABi 5 Poisoned SLOWLY BEING PARALYZED BY MYSTERY POTION. HAMER C WILES, The 21-year-old Indianap olis youth, is slowly becoming paralyzed after receiving threatening letters saying "you are on the spot, and you are No. 13 on the list." Traces of a slow poison were fotmd in hair clipped from his hands, doc tors said. He is shown in a xcheelchair at a hospital. —Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Meeting, Bartenders’ Union, Ol Local No. 75, 720 Fifth street, 3 p.n Meeting. Irish History Study Clul 1500 Newton street northeast, 8 p.m. Concert. Chadwick Orchestra. Horn for Aged. Blue Plains, D. C, 7:30 p.n Meeting. Town Hall, speaker. Wil liam Lyon Phelps, Shoreham Hote 8 p.m. TOMORROW. Meeting, Commerce Departmen branch. Local No. 2. N. F. F. E , Com merce Building, 4 p m. Dinner-meeting. Five Hundred Clul Hamilton Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Dinner-dance. Seventy-fourth Con gress Club. Shoreham Hotel. 7 30 p.n Meeting. Stephen P. McGroart Post, No. 27, American Legion, Ra leigh Hotel, 8 p m. Dance. Delaware State Society. Ra leigh Hotel, 9:30 p.m. Ma mage Licenses. Richard C Adams, '.'t. 1J77 Newton st and Doi.- K Woodworth, •:*». S:!i e Spi-mii. Md Rex. Lawrence J Wrnipe William Berne, -.’ll. in in Hith st an Elrauore Kyle, is, Staunton. Va . R,m S R. Allison. George R. Howard. 27. *1 5 1 sth st . an Catnryn M. Sanders. 25. Cleburne. Tex Re\. J H Dunham Harry S Fanner. 38. 117 1 Irving at and Mary E. Irizany. dd. 4!*** 7 Massa chu setts ave Judge R E Mattingly Frank Morris. J'*. 1**1 1 T st.. and Giae WorihXv..Vr’- 10(l" ° st R<-v. Small wood Williams. R. Grafton Johnson. 40. and Lottie Rich ardson. do. both of Baltimore; Rev J D. Fair Charles M. Davis. 21 and Helen O. Gib son 21. both or 77 N st. sw.; Re\ Smallwood V.'illiams. William R O'Neal. .v.\ Miami. Fla . am Olive W. Black. 4 5. Columbia. S. C Rev. J. H. Dunham. Paul D. Miller, do. Luzerne. Pa . am Agnes M. Lawn!’. \*u. Wilkes-Barre Pa.; Judge R E. Mattingly. John A Wells. 2d. 1»• Rhode Island ave and Jean D Goodrick. I s. Arlington Va ; Rev S B. D ugherty. Charles O Green, dd. 302 s Jdth st n.e and Catherine A. Judge. 32. 1221 Quine st. n.e.: Rev. T. F Sweenev. Clarence G. Crum. di». and Mary A. Jugc both ot Baltimore Ke\ C S Bi -g5 Herbert C. Woolley. Spring City p* and Henrietta C. Beinan. dl. r:; C si n e : Re\ W R Moody William Hill, 44. 0d7 O st.. and Barbar Clark. 4o, 1 407 Belmont st Rev G. C Bullock. Francis B Kaeslin. .'5 4. Media. Pa. an Bernice E Noden, 32. Chester. Pa Re\ C. T. Warner Arthur W Herlihy. 32. dio Maryland a\e n.e . and Elizabeth A James. .: l, Hah cock. Mich ; Rev W. R Moody Charles H. Bland. 23. and Estelle M Cum berland. 18. both of Cherry Hill. Va. Rev A F Poore. Charles H McDonough. 24. and Lizzie L Yates, i 8, both of Richmond; Rev J. C Ball. John H. Wilkins. 27. 1110 A st. n.e. am Elizabeth A Woodruff. 4u, 22o P st Rev E. C Smith. Donald E Newman. 25. 202 50th st. n e and Emma F. Diggs. 2d. Roanoke. Va Rev J. B. Reid Delmus T. Stewart. 28. and Edith R Reid. 20. both of 11*24 17th st.. Rev Robert Anderson Francis Gaskins. 25. 1430 S st., am Bernice Harrison, 20. 7 25 J2th st., Re\ T. J. Evans. Ray C. Bas. 20. 832 D st. s e . and Caro lyn B Sinclair, J 8. 304 V st. n.e : Rev J. C. Ball. Robert K. Kelley, dl. and Florence L Tomlin. 35. both of Richmond; Rev. J C. Ball. Deaths. Slizabeth V. Gardner. !tn. St. Elizabeth' Hospital. John A Lana. M'J. United Stales Soldiers Home. Deorge Patterson 70. Garfield Hospital. Jenny M. Thomas. 70. 1300 4 4th pi. Mary E Clarke. 7 0 1015 N st. Beniamin D. Tubman 7'.’. Eastern Branch Benjamin F. Hamilton. 03. St. Elizabeth' Hospital Theodore L Gatchei. 01. 1332 Mass. ave. Elizabeth M. Luaderbough. 58. 34*55 14th si Marcus Hayne 52. Emergency Hospital. William F. Babbitt. 43. Sibley Hospital. Charles C. Hardy. 30. Gallinger Hospital, infant Marguerite Matthews. Sibley Hos pital Lorraine S Europe 78. 1008 S st. Henrietta Hutchinson. 7 2 34 7 22nd st. Eliza Chase. OS. Gallinger Hospital Esther Wallace. 05. Gallinger Hospital. James E. Williams. 04. 70 1 12th st. n.e. Martha M Cost ley 03. 1027 Corcoran st. Sarah Hicks. 03. Freed men s Hospital. Minnie Porter. 54 Gallinger Hospital. Barry Carter. 52. 93!) R. I ave. Bamilton Fenwick 4s Gallinger Hospital Julia Cook 40. Gallinger Hospital Mary Knight. 30 Garfield Hospital. Mary Dawkins. 22. Gallinger Hospital, infant Johnnie E. Fortune. 232!* 17 th st. |i W. WARREN TALTAVULL j'j The Finest FUNERAL SERVICE Regardless of the amount you can afford to spend you get the best }i in every W. WARREN TALTAVULL Funeral Service. Years of expert- ' ence have taught us how to provide i, comfort and convenience and to do so in a courteous understandin* l| manner that fulfills every need. ,| J Under personal management of Francis J. Collins. W. WARREN TALTAVULL FUNERAL HOME 3619 14th St. N.W. Frazier's —service, quality and reverance in conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete in every detail. Undertakers for col. ored U. S. War Veterans, Also for the C. C. C. Camp. N. P. 11. Company 1360, Washington, D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. ; HAUPTMANN CASE Bill for $25,000 Is Near Passage and Hoffman Promises to Sign. Ey the Associated Press. TRENTON, N. J., April 3 —The first anniversary today of the electrocution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the Lindbergh baby kldnap-murder found New Jersey Senate leaders prepared to act on the long-posted $25,000 reward. A bill to appropriate the reward offered In 1932 by A. Harry Moore, then Governor and now United States Senator, is In Senate committee after being approved by the Assembly. "The bill will come out of committee Monday night,” Senate President Frank Durand said. "We probably will move it for a vote next week.’’ Gov. Harold G. Hoffman, who once reprieved Hauptmann becuuse he said his execution would not solve the crime, said he would sign it. Three men have claimed the re ward—Walter V. Lyle, gas station manager, who marked Hauptmann's license number on a $10 gold note; John Lyons, his assistant, and Wil liam R. S mg, New' York bank teller, who identified the note as part of the ransom money. If the appropriation is approved, the Governor must decide to whom the reward will be paid. ASHES STILL AT CREMATORY. j No One Visits Hauptmann Crypt Ex cept His Widow. | NEW YORK. April 3 (/P).—In the ' niche rented a year ago by Mrs. Anna Hauptmann, the urn containing the e ashes of her husband, Bruno Richard L Hauptmann, remain today, a year after his execution for the murder - of the Lindbergh baby. An official of the Fresh Pond Cre matory in Maspeth, who wished her name undisclosed, said that aside from occasional visits of Mrs. Haupt t mann. no one ever visited the Haupt - mann crypt. -•--. AID FOR CHILDREN - Spanish War Medical Unit Or ganized Here. ^ Organization of a Committee for ■ Medical Aid to the Children of Spanish Democracy was announced yesterday by its chairman. Mrs. Gardner Jack son. Funds for relief of the child victims of the civil war in Spain will ! be raised through a .series of enter I tainments, including niu.sicales, a lec I ture and a dance. • The money, Mrs. Jackson said, will be used to equip an ambulance unit 1 and provide doctors, nurses, serum, vaccines and other medical supplies to protect the health of Spanish children ! and prevent the spread among them of ! contagious wartime diseases. It will be turned over to a national committee in New York for expenditure under the supervision of a committee of medical experts. --• Chinese Massacre. HONOLULU (/Pi —Calmly, Federal authorities executed Tong Shon I Chang's 10 Chinese entertainers as I “undesirable aliens.” Now Tong is ] searching for equally intelligent Amer i ican performers. His loss, he says, i affects him less than the necessity of | training a new troupe for his pro ' jected tour of the United States, j Tong's entertainers are fleas. i 1 —.— Italy has sharply boosted its gaso ! line sales tax. Milburn T. ZIRKLF. Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North Side of Stanton Park 2urlun*iit 1 I Funeral Director 1 (C. S. ZURHORST. JR.) g 3 ESTAB 1157 3 IV 301 East Capitol St. I Lin. 0468 Lin. 0371 gj W. W. Chambers Here is the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT ; Chamber^% YOU' HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE FUNERAL FOR Others *95. $125. $150. $165 dp. THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOT CAT COMPLETE—Low as | For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famou* Undertaker 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1100 CHAPIN 8T. N.W. | Phone Columbia 0432 i ‘>17 ELEVENTH ST. 8.E. Phone ATlantic 6700 i 918 CLEVELAND AVE RIVERDALE. MO. | Near Hrattsviile. M$. m Phone Greenweed 1221 B I—■ III I \ Traffic Convictions SECOND-OFFENSE SPEEDING. Alexander Pratt, 483 L street, $5. Thomas W. Harrison, Maryland, $10. Truman D. Lewis, Jr., 4200 Twenty second street northeast, $5. Alphonzo H. Lyons, 55 Quincy place, $5. FIRST-OFFENSE SPEEDING. Harold A. Smith, Virginia, $5. Melvin E. Mayer, 1218 Twelfth street, $5. Henry J. Trilling, 1817 Forty-sev enth place, $5. Henry L. Thomas, 2422 Seventeenth street, $10. Howard I. Nichols, Maryland. $5. Carl E. White, 2040 Higdon place northeast, $5. Frank J. Eisinger, 1112 Raum street northeast, $5. Henry C. Louis, 4527 Warren street, $5. Gilbert J. Tobin, Virginia, $5. Virginia L. Jones, 4801 Indian lane, $5. Charles W. Carter, Maryland, $5. Luther S. Jackson, 1910 Rosedale street northeast, *5. Alver Purks, 1315 Union street ! southwest, $5. Charles E. Tebbe, 3220 Alabama avenue southeast, $5. Ray E. Looper, 1516 Fifth street, ' $5. j Edward G Ritter. Maryland. $5. Art Van Wyngarden, Maryland. $5. ! John P. Gartner, 2034 North Cap itol street, $5. Edward H. Evans, Jr., 1300 Irving street northeast, $5. Paul W. Bryan, 2118 Pennsylvania avenue, $5. Samuel S. Meeks, 2025 Thirteenth street, $5. Francis L. Kendrick, 4935 Forty seventh street. *5. Myron L. Shorter, 1318 Vermont avenue, $5. -• Births Reported. Samuel and Ethel Lank. boy. Henry and Helen Latimer, girl. Stewart and Rachel Culp. boy. (ieorge and Maud Daymude. boy. Edmund and Helen Cole boy. Edgar ami Kathleen Merkle boy. James and Velma Atwood, boy. Carter aud Pauline Hail, boy Layton and Stella Clatterbuck boy. Nathan and Gussie Eichner. boy. Wray alid Elsie Edwards boy. Abraham and Jean Rosenblatt, boy. John and Ethel Farrell, boy. William and Marion Scott, boy, Anthony and Frances Figliozzi. boy Sherman ano Martha Chant laud, boy Orley and Frances Lane. boy. Herbert and Mary Weias. mil. Paul and Veiona Allen girl. Michael au.d Cele Sweeney, girl. Robert and Mamie Herrell. girl. Alexander and Caroline Hagner. girl. Wilson and Minnie Padgett boy. Clyde aud Virginia Abell, boy. Guy and Katherine Dickens, boy Graham and Frances Fountain, boy. Walter ana Margaret Nairn, boy. Vivian and Elinor Walker, boy. , Daniel and Julia Mahoney boy. I Stuart ami Frances Morrissftte boy. I William ana Catherine Beall boy. | Thomas and Mary Hartley bov. Samuel and Eleanor Bubsin. boy. ! Hyman ana F.-ielle Lipov boy ‘ Herbert and Katherine Wooten, boy. John and Mary Rohtback boy. ; Raymond and Viola Doolittle boy. j Emery ana Elizabeth Jones girl. I Clyde and Esther Suegs girl i John and Louise Dcadmon. girl. ! Eugene and Mary Butt girl. I Guerrv and Sallv Smith, girl ! George and Sarah Jones, boy. ; Robert and Id • Cook bov Clarence and Florence Warren, boy Ernes: and Frances Sally, boy. Evrrett a.:id Ruth Jone* boy William and Mamie Matthews girl Alonzo and Beatrice Washington. g:r! Frederick and Elizabeth Barbour, gtri. Ravmond and Ruth Taylor girl. George and Margaret Morgan girl. Menerdv and Queen Miller girl. George and Edith Chew girl. James and Inez Makei. boy FLOWERS 'DUPONT CIRCLE M. NO 7000 SINCE 1881 8 Thos. S. Sergeon Co. ggf (Willson K. Huntemann, M successor; Dignify Wifhouf Expense U COMPLETE FUNERALS $100 and up I FUNERAL DIRECTORS II 1011 7fh St. N.W. NA. 1090 I Come out and enjoy nature in its new spring dress . . . enjoy the beauty of the bud ding flowers and trees, artis tic rock gardens, picturesque lakes and winding streams . . . they are all yours. Then, too, you can drive or walk over miles of roads in this sacred garden spot of Wash ington. Lending Nature a gorgeous background are the many man-made reproduc tions from other lands. Spend at least a part of your day at Cedar Hill . . . here are scenes never to be for gotten. Drive out Pennsylvania Ave nue S.E. direct to Cedar Hill. * V/t in rite you to eniov "Brautv in Worda and Muite" on WJSV at t SO p.m. averp Sundav. See this reproduction in concrete steel of a piant tree stump. Sculp tured by Mexico't Dionlcio Rodri- __ _ ^ Cedar Hill WASHINGTON’S MOST BEAUTIFUL CEMETERY VrT D. A. V. OBSERVES ARRAS ANNIVERSARY Service to Be Held at Canadian Cross in Arlington Friday Afternoon. The National Chapter of Disabled American Veterans will hold a serv- ! ice at the Canadian Cross in Ar lington Cemetery Friday at 5 p.m. in commemoration ol the twentieth anniversary of the World War Battle of Arras, fought along a 20-mile front that included famous Vimy , Ridge. William B. Covert, chapter com- 1 mander, will be in charge of the services, including the laying of a wreath at the cross erected by the Canadian government to honor Amer ioans who lost their lives in the serv ice of the Canadian Army. The D. A. V. delegation will be led by Covert, De Witt Harry, John A. Mai gret and Sam Goldberg, all veterans of the American and either the , Canadian or British Armies. Maigret ; served in the American, Canadian and also the French forces. The Canadian Legation has been invited to send a representative to the services. •'Taps” will be sounded by Staff Sergt. Frank Witchey, 3d Cavalry, U. S. A. CONSUL WILL DIG WELL IN ROW OVER SEWERAGE Belgian Diplomat in Mobile Will Become “Independent" of Water Service. By the Associated Press. MOBILE, Ala., April 3.—Pepper/ little A. J. Tellier, Belgian Consul, whose water service was discontinued by the city in a disagreement over sewerage taxes, prepared to stand siege indefinitely yesterday by digging a well in his yard. "Yes, sir,” said Tellier, who has been supplying His home with water by carrying it in jugs from the resi dences of neighbors. "I may become independent of the city's water service by building my own well. “I'll spend plenty of money on the well rather than pay this outrageous tax.” The sewerage tax, which many Mo bile residents are protesting, is sched uled to come before the Alabama Su preme Court April 6 Telller's battle with city officials reached a climax when officers ar rested him on disorderly conduct charges after he physically opposed efforts of the city employes to cut off water service to his home in enforce ment of the sewerage tax law. You Name the Price What is the price of a funerol? That is a question which the members of each family answer for THEMSELVES, because we offer high-grade merchandise and skillful conscientious service in ANY price range. In our display room will be found a wide variety of beautiful, well-made caskets, suitable to the needs and purses of every one and any one. The Price Is Your Choice WM. H. SARDO FUNERAL DIRECTORS 412 H St. N.E. Lincoln 0524 For iv formation that is honest. Reference that is real— Just ask your neighbor about The Fu neral Home or Deal. Once Upon a Time . . . Years Ago Beautiful funerals were expensive, although they did not include i the many facilities and refinements now employed. Deal revolu- i. tlomzea tftis situation in wasn ington 26 years ago. From that sj tim»«n ... a Deal funeral has be(*orne the standard of perfec- |' tion. even though its cost is th« j;, lowest in Washington. j: j jjj J : The DEAL price for a $150 Funeral — FtNtRAL Phone Lincoln 8200 — * ^ ^^ ^ ‘ . !|j Complete Funerals From S<5 to S500 and Up